#royal fantasy
chaotic-orphan · 2 months
A Benignant Mischief (5)
Part one here
Continued from here
Back to my favourite Kingdom~
Cosimo managed to walk at a respectable pace with Henrik’s arm around him, supporting him as they followed the King’s trail through the palace. It felt nice to have freedom of movement in his arms, the iron cuffs were a welcome weight off his wrists.
This part of the palace looked less… formal. Less imposingly grand as the trial court had been. There were also less people, less humans, so maybe that had something to do with Cosimo’s sudden easement.
They turned a corner which opened up into a large room. Not as tall or grand as the court, but clean. Clinical. The walls were the same bone white, but three beds made up the back wall with cabinets full of bottles scattered around everywhere else, filling the space.
Nikolas was there, smiling and charming off the other grumpy human that could only be Artzet. He was taller than Nikolas, and where Nikolas was fair Artzet was dark. He had long dark, raven hair pushed back off his face, that stopped just above his shoulders. He had a wide face and a strong jaw, lined with dark stubble. His eyes were blue, when he turned his head to Cosimo and Henrik, like ice.
“Ah, there he is now,” said Nikolas with a smile, walking over to Cosimo and Henrik to stand beside them. “The man of the hour. He had a rather unfortunate arrival and I was hoping you could bandage his wrists from the cuffs.”
Artzet cocked an eyebrow at Cosimo, silent as the grave. He had a strange aura about him, unapproachable and stormy. His eyes flicked to Cosimo’s ears and Cosimo felt the shame rise in his face as he looked down.
“The boy’s an elf,” Artzet said, his voice like gravel, with a strange accent. Not unlike Henrik and Nikolas but certainly different. Foreign, like Cosimo.
“Yes,” said Nikolas brightly. “He’s a boy. His name is Cosimo, and he was mistreated in my name, Artzet.”
Artzet’s eyes were hard when they cut to Nikolas. “Don’t you usually execute elves?”
There wasn’t a malice in his words, nor anything else really. It was more… matter of fact, as if trying to glean understanding. Cosimo was dizzy with the range that humans came in. Evil, kind, happy, grumpy— and then Artzet who just… confused Cosimo.
Maybe he was going mad.
“Yes,” Nikolas replied in the same matter-of-fact tone. “Adult elves with intentions to kill me first. This boy is a child, Artzet. He doesn’t even know of our tumultuous history with elves.”
Artzet looked at Cosimo again with those icy eyes, calculating, searching Cosimo’s face for what Cosimo didn’t know. Then his face broke into a smile and it made him look a couple years younger.
“An innocent elf,” Artzet said with a bark of laughter and a shrug. “Well. It’s not everyday I get to treat an elf, please put him on the bed.”
Nikolas grinned in return, flashing his smile down at Cosimo and then patting Henrik on the back. “Marvellous!”
Henrik helped Cosimo over to the bed while Artzet milled around the room, humming a tune to himself. “You okay, kid?” Henrik whispered as he lifted Cosimo onto the bed.
“Yeah,” Cosimo replied, the room swirling slightly. “Yeah I’m fine.” Henrik smiled and grabbed Cosimo’s legs, helping him to stretch out on the comfortable bed and it felt so good. So nice and soft and warm. So unlike the cell’s cot.
Nikolas smiled at Cosimo from the entrance of the room. “I have to go and see to some arrangements about fixing you a room, Cosimo.”
Cosimo frowned. “A room?”
“Yes,” Nikolas said, smiling kindly.
“You’re not letting me go?”
The humans stilled in the room. Cosimo looked between Nikolas and Henrik, Artzet’s humming stopped. His heart was beating hard in his chest.
They weren’t going to let him go? What about? He had to save the boy and the fox he had to return to them, he had to—
Darkness encroached on the edges of his vision, Cosimo’s breath getting away from him and thrumming his chest in a staccato rhythm.
“I have to— I have to— my brother, I have to—” Cosimo wheezed, clutching his chest but it was no use. His thoughts were against him, his mind turning in on him and shattering. He couldn’t breathe. He had to—
Henrik was beside him, hand on his and squeezing. “Hey. Cosimo! Hey! Look at me, it’s okay! We’re not keeping you here. Cosimo!”
Cosimo’s eyes darted around the room searching for escape, everyone, everything was too close to him, the mattress too soft so he would struggle to run and could he even run?! In his state?
Icy eyes appeared in front of him and then smaller golden eyes. Cosimo stared, stunned at the furry creature that Artzet held in front of his face. Tears flowed in steady streams down his face but even then he couldn’t understand what was happening.
A cat?
It was a cat… Artzet… was holding a cat up to Cosimo? To take it?
“There we go. See? Everyone loves Myshka. Eh? Pet her if you like,” said Artzet with an encouraging nod. Cosimo lifted his hand and stroked the cat’s head. The cat purred under him, grey fur so soft and fluffy. “She is my nurse, helps me with all my patients. Isn’t that right Myshka?”
Myshka purred in reply. Cosimo let out a small happy laugh at her, as the grey cat curled up on his lap, content. Cosimo raised his head to see Henrik and Nikolas sharing a look of bewilderment. Cosimo swallowed, embarrassed at all the fuss he had caused.
“Mmm,” Artzet hummed in response to Myshka. “I agree. He is a lovely boy. Too tall for his age, but that means he will grow strong.”
Cosimo looked up to Nikolas, who was frowning his brows forming a furrow at the top of his nose. His green eyes met Cosimo’s, with something heavy in them.
“You said…” Nikolas began then stopped, worrying his lip between his teeth. “You said you had a brother?”
Cosimo’s chest swelled again. He looked to Henrik who stared at him with the same tentative look that was on Nikolas’s face. So he must have said it. Cosimo didn’t remember saying it…
“You didn’t run away on your own,” said Henrik softly. Cosimo glanced down at the cat, fearing if he looked at anyone else he would start crying again. “Did you?”
Cosimo swallowed the lump in his throat.
Artzet spoke first. “Cosimo, if you wouldn’t mind stretching your arm here so I can clean it.”
Cosimo was happy for the distraction. His tongue had turned to sand in his mouth, too dry and thick and much. What would they do to the boy? To the fox? Would they kill them? Sure, Henrik liked Cosimo but that didn’t mean they liked elves. Would they put him in irons too? Force him to be in a cell? To stand trial, and then bandage him up again with an apology and an offer to stay and live with them.
“Cosimo,” it was Henrik this time. His eyes soft and trusting. “You can tell us, okay? We just want what’s best for you. And for your brother.”
Cosimo felt tears building behind his eyes. He couldn’t tell them, could he? He remembered during the trial, how Henrik had just stood back as he was tied down to an iron pole and it flared something angry in his chest. He couldn’t just tell them.
“If I tell you,” Cosimo said, tone guarded, shielding himself from the answer. He raised his head and stared straight at Nikolas. He had to hear it from the King. “Will you subject him to the same thing you did to me?”
The question seemed to suck all air out of the room. Henrik straightened, turning his body a little away from Cosimo, to look at Nikolas. Nikolas’s green eyes didn’t leave Cosimo’s. He walked closer to Cosimo’s bed and stopped at the end of it. Nikolas lifted his right hand, tucking his left behind his back and formed a fist over his chest.
His eyes solemn as he stared at Cosimo.
“I promise you, Cosimo. That your brother will not come to any harm in my care. I will treat you both as if you were my subjects. If you wish you can pass through my territory if you would prefer to keep running from where you’re from. I will provide the King’s escort so you can pass safely through.” Nikolas’s gaze softened then. A small flush fell over his cheeks, and Cosimo realised with a start that the King was… embarrassed.
“Or, if you prefer, you can have a room here in the palace. In my court. You would be treated with the utmost respect and kindness, as well as I would treat any other human. More so, because I know what pain you have been caused under my care. This, I give you, my vow as King. No harm will come to you.”
Cosimo stared without words. It felt as if his breath was taken from his chest. The only thought running through his head was that: Nikolas really did look like a King. The kind of Kings from stories Cosimo grew up with; good Kings, kind Kings, brave as knights and chosen by Gods. His golden brown hair like a crown, standing like a soldier in front of Cosimo, offering him a salute.
A King saluting Cosimo.
A human saluting an elf.
His enemy.
Maybe he was like everything Henrik had said. Maybe he was too good to be a King.
Cosimo broke down into another round of sobs. Nikolas blanked, like he had done something wrong immediately looking to Henrik who shared his look of confusion.
Artzet was bandaging Cosimo’s wrist, movement unbroken as if there was no life changing exchanges happening behind him. Myshka purred on Cosimo’s lap happily.
“Cosimo, I—” Nikolas began but Cosimo cut him off.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for causing all this trouble, I’m sorry for forcing you to be kind. I’m sorry—” Cosimo blubbered, looking up at Nikolas with watery eyes, as wide as saucers. “I’m sorry… that I’m not strong enough to say no. I— I ran with my brother, we— I didn’t have a plan, we have nowhere else to—”
Henrik engulfed Cosimo in a hug, stopping him mid sentence. He was so strong he could take the weight of them both as sobs wracked through Cosimo like a storm. Blubbering up and broiling over in waves.
“We’ll find your brother,” Nikolas said, and he was so certain. “As soon as you’re rested and—”
Cosimo’s eyes flew open, panicked. “No. Please, we have to find him now.”
Nikolas softened. “Of course. As soon as Artzet has looked you over we will set out to find him, Cosimo.”
“How wonderful,” Artzet said happily, returning Cosimo’s bandaged wrist to his lap. “I am already halfway through! Henrik, please. Let us swap sides.”
Cosimo flushed at Artzet’s manner of speaking. He spoke from the back of his throat, pausing as if for effect after every couple of words. His voice happy and upbeat, his face still the same imposing sternness that had initially scared Cosimo.
Henrik pulled back from Cosimo, and Cosimo offered him a smile. It was all he could do. Henrik returned one and walked around the bed to where Artzet was before, sitting on the edge of the blanket.
“How far away was your brother from where we were camped?” Henrik asked.
“Not too far,” Cosimo replied. “I’ll know when we get there. I left him in an elfbow. It should protect him from humans.”
“And from elves?”
Cosimo looked at Nikolas who had an unreadable expression on his face. Cosimo frowned, he didn’t even think of that.
“No,” said Cosimo softly. “No it wouldn’t.”
“No trouble,” said Artzet with a smile. “I will just work faster.”
Nikolas nodded at Artzet. “Thank you, Doctor. Henrik will stay with you Cosimo, while I send word to the stables to prepare the horses so we can leave as soon as you’re finished here.”
“Okay,” said Cosimo. “Thank you.”
Nikolas nodded and then he was gone.
“Oh no,” said Artzet not a second later. Turning Cosimo’s and Henrik’s head to him.
“What?” Henrik asked, his eyes flickering to Cosimo’s wrist.
Artzet grinned. “I think the King likes you, Cosimo.”
Henrik rolled his eyes and let out a soft laugh. Cosimo didn’t know how to react to that statement, but it did make something warm around his heart. It was good if the King liked him, that meant he would survive. The boy would survive. They would be okay, that Cosimo didn’t actually doom them. That he saved them both.
That all this had meant something.
Artzet smiled when he was finished and straightened. “Now, Cosimo. You are good as new! Well, not new, but better.”
Artzet spoke at Henrik next: “make sure he doesn’t ride his own horse in case the pulling of the reins aggravates his wrists.”
“It’s okay,” said Henrik, getting to his feet. “Cosimo will be riding with me anyway.”
“Marvellous. Now, Myshka,” said Artzet with a sigh. He leaned down and hooked his hands under the cats belly to her mewl of protest. “I know, I know. Terrible. Cosimo has a brother to rescue, Myshka, don’t be selfish.”
Cosimo got to his feet, his head only slightly dizzying now. The stress seeming to have left his body with Artzet and Myshka.
“Thank you,” Cosimo said to Artzet who was cuddling Myshka to his chest.
“Anytime, Cosimo. Now go, save your brother. I will see you again.”
Cosimo walked beside Henrik out of Artzet’s room and turned a different corner than the one that led back to the court room with the throne and the iron pole.
“Cosimo, are you sure you’re okay to ride?” Henrik asked, the skepticism evident in his voice. Cosimo for his part was doing his best to stay focused and upright.
“Yes,” said Cosimo. He did feel better, much better than before. He was a little woozy but he just attributed that to the blood loss. His hands looked a little funny with the white bandages wrapped firmly around them. Soft, yet strong. “We need to find him.”
He could feel Henrik’s eyes on him as they walked down the steps they had come up from the stables. They were so close to being safe, Cosimo could rest when he saw the boy, didn’t Henrik understand that? He could relax and let Henrik fuss over him then, but not until he saw the boy.
If the elves had got to him…
No, Cosimo couldn’t think like that. He wouldn’t. They would find the boy and everything would be fine.
They emerged from the side door of the palace to find Nikolas and some soldiers preparing horses outside the stables. Ebony was already geared up, tied off beside a white horse that Cosimo could only presume belonged to Nikolas.
He seemed like the type of man to have a white horse. It made him look more like a Hero. Henrik walked them around to where the gathering of the soldiers were to see Nikolas in the middle, sitting on a bale of hay and laughing at something with the stable boys.
He perked up when he saw Cosimo and Henrik, smiling and standing. He clapped one of the stable boys on the shoulder and then he was in front of Cosimo and Henrik.
“You’re all patched up,” said Nikolas.
“Yes, Artzet worked quickly.”
“Good. Then let’s not waste anymore time, hmm?”
They didn’t. Henrik helped Cosimo onto Ebony again and then climbed up behind him, while Nikolas mounted the white horse beside them. Henrik offered something to Cosimo and he took it, realising it was the hood and cloak Henrik had given him before to hide his ears from the other humans.
Cosimo frowned at the green material. Did he still have to hide? Was he not free by the king’s decree?
“People won’t know that you’re pardoned yet, Cosimo,” said Henrik behind him as he walked Ebony towards the palace gates. “They will still have reason to fear you if they see your ears. People have the tendency to think the worst. It will just cause panic.”
Cosimo swallowed his pride. He didn’t really have any grounds to fight Henrik who had only been kind with him. Henrik was doing this for Cosimo too, so he wouldn’t have to see the fear and hatred in the people’s eyes.
With a few orders from Nikolas they were out the palace gates and walking through the city to the border. Cosimo was awed with the reception Nikolas got from his people.
“Your majesty!”
“Your highness!”
“Three cheers for King Nikolas!”
A street band from the upper city followed the precession with lively music as they walked through the streets. Nikolas, Cosimo observed, smiled and waved and nodded when he needed to. He had no crown and yet everyone knew he was the King. He was adored by his city.
When they got into the outer parts, the poorer parts Cosimo expected some of the love to dwindle but if anything it just got louder.
“King Niko! Where’re’ya off ta?”
“Your highness! We named our son after you,” a woman cried, holding a baby up to him. Nikolas laughed and stopped his horse beside the woman to gaze down at the sleeping child in her arms.
“Mmm, he’s going to be a handsome one, Sierra. Look at that, he’s got his father’s strong nose.” Nikolas looked up at her and smiled, what Cosimo could only assume was his charming kingly smile. “I wish you three all the happiness in the world.”
Then they continued on.
More music.
Flowers thrown at his horses feet. It’s like a festival.
Cosimo can’t help but feel a stab on envy. He can only watch as the humans fawn and fuss over their King, and with good reason, because he’s wearing a cloak right now to cover his features. His ears, his skin, his eyes. All too strange to humans, all hateful. That’s why they were greeted with flowers instead of curses and words of praise rather than hatred.
He shrunk a little into himself, pulling the cloak tighter around himself. It didn’t matter. None of it mattered. Not until they rescued the boy, that’s why they were leaving Oskana at all. If the humans knew why… well, they wouldn’t be cheering as much.
Or maybe, some tiny voice said at the back of Cosimo’s mind, maybe they would cheer even louder.
It was just a thought, fleeting, and yet somehow heavier than anything Cosimo had thought in the past day. He ignored it. The voice could be right, but Cosimo couldn’t be sure until he saw the boy again.
Until he saved him.
Cosimo raised his head as they reached the city gates, staring out into the Kingswood, as one of the soldiers in his trial had called it.
I’m coming back with help, Cosimo promised. Please, be safe.
Orphanage roll-call (lmk if you wanna be tagged or removed): @annablogsposts
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I’m going down a Royal Fantasy rabbithole on Sims 3. Feel free to join me:
(MTS) - Castle of the Stars: Chateau d'Etoile
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(MTS) - A rather Royal Residence
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(MTS) Academy of the Supernatural
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(MTS) Fairytale Fortress - Pancake101
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(MTS) The forest castle - NileRiver
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Clothes, hair, makeup, etc. under the cut
Male: (salverin)  Geia, Soloriya peggyzone, Alesso Soldier
medium curly hair, Adonis retouched, lapiz lazuli, maid parting curly hair, wings hair, long hair for men, Braids - men (black hair),
Female: Skysims 328 retextured with twists(Black hair), entropysims secrect garden (Black Hair), mayu sims hair (black hair) 
(sims hairs retextures) Newsea’s YU143 Yesenia, Newsea’s J116 Sweet Slumber, Nightwish, Cloris, Titanium,
Wings ero808, Ifcasims MMsims hair dump,
unreal eyes,
Colonial dress, Medieval Queen dress, marie antoinette dress,
(Iridia sims)  Dress 01, Wedding dress 16, Dress 17, Wedding dress 13, Glorious dress wedding dress 12,
GOT dress 1, 2,  lolita blouse, skirt, peseant dress, peasent suit, maternity dress, 1930′s day wear, cross necklace dress, medieval dress, lolita dress, gulkland silk, pearl attaway dress, royal advisor outfit, dress and hat medieval dump 1
Tellu - lace cape, Blouse 1, 2
(Jooj) pj’s, 1760′s robe, pj’s for kids, Solardius outfit, winterhalter star dress , 1843 day dress, 1896 spring dress, katrina dress, Ballgown, elizabethian dress, ball gown 2, british soldier, Evening gown, fiorenza dress,
royal gold shirt for men, Tera High elf, black owl, satin suit, noblemans outfit, and 2, evil night armour, goku black set, lestat inspired outfit
danjaley is also great, plazasims - 1, 2,
 medieval Sword, Carnival mask, Bows, capes, armour, necklace, crowns and jewels, Thrones,
Make up: praline sims by cristolatex,
Gazebo, ring, Ryu Hayabusa - Outfit & Boots , Scars, Bodouir, bone scythe, wine and glass, swordfight mod, amoury, furniture,walls and deco, poses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, stones, witch draw, floor spells fight poses and knife, crystals, food and flowers, kingdom of kadonia,
there’s more but i’ll list it as I gameplay.
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rosepehtels · 2 months
main characters: [2 / 2] alyndra liarie
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iI was not prey any longer, i decided as i eased back against the window again. and this beautiful, wicked High Lord was not the one who was going to catch me." - feyre archeron
alyndra exudes grace, intelligence, and a deep passion for the history of the kingdom in epsomol. as the royal historian in epsomol, she holds a position of great importance within the court, tasked with preserving and chronicling the kingdom's rich tapestry of events, traditions and legends.
TRAITS intelligent, passion for history, elegant, warm, independent, curious
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE stands tall and graceful, her lithe figure moving with an effortless elegance that commands attention wherever she goes. her complexion is fair, with a delicate flush of color gracing her cheeks, hinting at a vitality that lies beneath the surface.
tag: #tos: alyndra
prince ayen
princess irma
prince royo
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Princessy details
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up-sideand-down · 1 year
2 and 79 for your mash up 😁
Rules: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story. 
2. A Royal AU
79. Anger Born of worry
I didn't see a ship so I get to pick for you: Zack/Cloud!
Zack is well-liked guard in a small kingdom. He rises very quickly through the ranks, reaching a commander status faster than most. He and his fellow commanders are given a dire task. The Crown Princess has gone missing, just without a trace. The royal family doesn't want her disappearance known (since she is engaged and that would make her husband-to-be very pissed off), but she must be found and returned as soon as possible. Zack dives into the task. He's never actually admitted it...but he's always had a massive crush on the princess.
At first he really goes nowhere. No one is willing to say much about the Princess. Then he suddenly realizes that's it! The people who are the most silent really know where she is. He is slightly angry when Kunsel, his own second in command, is found to be someone who helped her Majesty disappear.
"She asked me to," Kunsel says, "I cannot say more. She swore me to secrecy, but she is alive and well. I promise you." Zack is shocked at that. She wasn't taken. She's...running away. He thinks about it. Rufus of the ShinRa's isn't exactly his favorite person either. Perhaps this was her way of trying to get out of a terrible marriage. Zack just asks if Kunsel can say where Zack should go next. Kunsel tells him to find a soldier named Cloud.
2. Zack finds Cloud to be a very hostile man. Cloud refuses to say a word about Princess Claudia regardless of the threats and bribes Zack offers. So Zack decides the best way to get Claudia to reveal herself is to try and nullify her engagement himself, going against his orders. That finally seems to get Cloud to open up. Cloud demands, in his angry way to go with Zack. They leave at the dead of night.
Despite himself and his misconceptions about Cloud, Zack warms up quickly on their journey. Cloud isn't as cold and cruel as he makes himself seem. Despite keeping his hood and helmet up Zack feels a deep friendship forming with Cloud. They both love underdog stories and hate injustice in any form. Cloud actual seems to have a beautiful and noble heart.
"Why did her Majesty ask you for help?" Zack asked, "how did she know?" Cloud seems sad.
"I can't tell you that," he says, "I really would if I could." Zack lets it go.
3. The ShinRas are less than pleased to see Zack and Cloud at their doorstep and even less pleased to hear what they are trying to do. Zack offers anything to keep his home safe, even his own life. The ShinRas seem satisfied with that. Cloud suddenly goes berzerk with rage refusing to let them have Zack.
"Cloud its okay, let me do this. It's what she would want," Zack says.
"No its not!" Cloud snarls. He finally takes off his helmet and hood and Zack's jaw drops.
"I am Cloud--I mean Princess Claudia," he says, "and after seeing how you've treated my bodyguard there is no way in hell I am marrying anyone from this family!"
4. Rufus ShinRa actually listens and breaks the engagement then and there, making up something about not wanting to marry an unconventional woman, especially one who can use a sword so well. As well as accepting a massive bribe from Cloud behind closed doors.
Zack pulls the full story from Cloud as they go back. Cloud had never once in his life felt like a princess, or a girl for that matter. His family thought it a phase and got him engaged. So he ran. He had found a witch in the slums of the capitol and gotten a spell that finally made him a body that matched how he felt inside. Kunsel found him though and agreed to keep him secret and hide him in the army itself
"I didn't know they would actually look for me," Cloud said, "I didn't know I caused so much trouble."
"You're not that much trouble," Zack said, "I know I for one would be happy to serve a Crown Prince."
"But your so much more princely than me," Cloud said, "you tried to fix everything I ruined."
"It was fun," Zack said. That finally gets Cloud to laugh.
In the end, a lot of the people agreed that Zack would make a fine prince and king when the 2nd engagement announcement came out.
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Flirting with the Villain's Dad
Source: Tapas
Creators: via, dalseul
Synopsis: Ack! I'm trapped in this webnovel, "Brigitte Wants to be Happy!" No prob, I KNOW what's gonna happen so I'll just—wait. I'm not Brigitte? I'm her aunt, Princess Yerenika?! Uh-oh. I'm stuck 20 years before the main plot... and everyone in my generation ends up tragically dead! Her parents, dead. Me, dead. Villain's dad, King Euredian, dead. A-ha! That's the key. I just need to prevent the villain from being born... time to break out some seduction schemes and flirt like my life depends on it!
Status: On going (march '24)
My rating: 4 - 🍓🍓🍓🍓
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Images: Soleia (villain), Laurus (???) and Terry (priest)
Our FL, Yerenika, is reborn in a world she got to know about in a story she read in her past life; only she gets there twenty years before the story she read about begins. Her sister is currently pregnant with Brigitte, the future protagonist of that webnovel she liked and the girl who will be the one sided love of the future villain, the son of the King of Bellacourt and the dark mage Soleia. To save her new family, one of her favorite characters –Euredian King of Bellacourt– and herself from a tragic ending, she decides to take her sister's place in a nearby event that sets the horrible future into motion. Like that, Yerenika prepares to be kidnapped instead of her sister by the Euredian and be taken to Bellacourt as a hostage due to both Yerenika's father and Euredian having an unsolved political issue. Her plan? Use her time as a hostage to make Euredian, the future father of the original villain, fall in love with her and prevent the villain from being born.
I love this story for two reasons. Number one, Yerenika's character is very strong, and doesn't allow anyone to intimidate her. She's a woman on a mission to save the world, and she doesn't care how dense or annoying she has to be because there are more important matters at hand right now, people will die if she doesn't succeed. She's very determined and a little bit strategic, it's fun to see her try and try and try again without falling despirited to Euredian's cold heart, she's not after his love because she's enamored with him after all.
I will admit that later in the story there are things about the way she refers to others that I don't like as much, there are points where she becomes a little bit mean maybe. It doesn't happen as often so I just ignored those particular parts and kept going, but I thought maybe it would be necessary to point that out since I don't seem to be the only one who perceives it that way. I think it's part of her strong character, I just think it could have being approach differently.
The second thing that I really liked about this story is the two main character's dynamic. There is a third party in play, Soleia –who I really liked too–, Euredian's fiancee and the mother of the future villain. Soleia needs to marry Euredian as part of a plan of revenge against the empire, so of course when Yerenika comes around trying to steal his attention she has to be wary of her, but I personally never saw her as the main obstacle for Yerenika's and Euredian's relationship.
Euredian could be seen as the typical ML with a heart to defrost, but the reason he can't let his heart waver is because he takes his role as the king very seriously. Even when he comes to like this silly princess that is also very suspicious as to why she insists so much on marrying him, he can't just drop his responsibilities to his empire and its people, all the things he was taught since childhood, because of her. Not to mention that he's aware of the danger it would represent for her if he ever showed he cared for Yerenika. Euredian needs to marry Soleia as part of his responsibilities, and he's aware Soleia might harm the princess if he tried otherwise. So what makes the main obstacle for these two people to be together is how their stubborness and goals collide: Euredian wants to be a responsible and dedicated king, Yerenika needs him to to give that up to save the future. It's fun because the conflict that keeps their wills fighting it's presented in a way that feels genuine, and also because it eventually evolves in this dynamic where both are conscious that they like each other, but Euredian can't give everything up for the sake of love and they both begin to feel powerless about the situation.
I like Soleia as a villain. She has a story behind her that led her to a bad path, she made bad choices but she doesn't regret it, she's too filled with anger to regret anything. Laurus, a deity of this universe that comes into play later on, is someone I find very entertaining as this all powerful being that just wants to be left alone but suddenly cares too much about this random princess from another universe.
I would like to add that in this story in particular the fact that the FL comes from another world is important to the plot. Not only does her soul not completely align with her body, causing her to be sick most of the time, but it also comes to be a problem later on when her body starts to reject her, which was also very interesting to read about.
I like the story, the illustrations and the side characters. I didn't feel it was boring at any point. I will give it four strawberries. The story is still on going but I can feel it being close to the end (I'm about on chapter 140). I fully recommend it!
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twinkietwistz · 4 months
› Yargaza ‹
· Warning(s) - N/A
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"HAVE YOU GONE MAD?" Mesara questioned Yvette with a strong tone of disbelief and anger.
Mesara Yargaza, better known as the sister with the pure heart, stood before her sister with her sword in hand. She'd just gotten back from training. Yvette stood countering her with Astrophel by her side as he'd always been. Although standing a bit of a distance behind her, he was still set being her loyal companion, with her at every move.
"Killing father, letting the commoners burn his belongings and relish in his riches?" Mesara spoke while pointing an accusing finger at the barren room their father once slept in, "He may have been cruel, but this is far crueler than his actions have ever—"
Before she could say anything further, she stopped herself and let out a long sigh. Mesara looked at her sister with an almost disgusted expression to her face, "My sister," she began more softly, "I understand that—"
"Do not patronize me!" Yvette snapped loudly, cutting her off with a brutal interjection.
Her voice echoed through the palace with that simple sentence. It made the servants flinch. Not because it was unexpected, but rather because of the verbal abuse they endured while her father ruled over Eveena.
"You have no right, or authority to tell me what is cruel and what isn't involving that!"
"Authority?" Mesara scoffed, "Just because you are now empress, a forced one at that, doesn't mean we are any less sisters."
A glare was shot Mesara's way by Yvette, "Don't attempt to direct this elsewhere. We are sisters. And that means we support one another no matter what!"
"You murdered father!"
"And how many has he murdered?" Yvette retorted sharply. She barely let Mesara finish her quip.
Mesara could only sigh in disbelief as she stared at her sister. She tucked her sword back in its designated holder, not saying a word to retort back.
"Now you obtain the silence you should've had from the start? Now your mouth is shut?" Yvette stared Mesara down with a scowl painted on her face, "I am sick of you defending father with your entire being. I am sick of you reprimanding me for giving father the treatment he deserves! You said it yourself, you yearned for his death. You prayed and cried to the gods he'd die so we'd suffer less!" Her voice rose the more she spoke.
Mesara just stared at her as her voice rose with every sentence, "You're an evil... Vile daughter. If mother were here, she would be ashamed." Her voice shook as she looked at her sister.
"And what was he? A saint?" Yvette shook her head as she scoffed, "Mother isn't here to shame me because she is dead, and he murdered her!—"
"He did not kill her!" Mesara groveled loudly.
"He did!" Yvette's voice overpowered her in an instant, "He did it and you know it!"
Her words didn't stop like they would've did in their past arguments before she executed their father and took his crown, "Is it all you're good for? Kissing his feet, even when his headless corpse is being eaten by bugs in the forest!" Yvette's protests did not waver. Mesara couldn't drop her protection over their cruel, vindictive father. No matter how bad he would get—Mesara's first instinct is to defend him.
"You are absolutely unbelievable... You claim we are no less sisters than I am empress, yet here you are trying to ridicule me for what I've done!"
"No, sister. You are unbelievable." Mesara said quietly. The look of anger faded from her face, now just filled with disbelief and hurt at Yvette. Mesara was hurt especially by her sisters actions.
"I cannot stand by and witness you do this... He was our father. Our flesh and blood, and you're just throwing him away like this!" Mesara gestured back towards the barren room—messy with the aftermath of Yvette destroying it. Maids were in the process of taking out the rest of it as their empress' orders permitted them to do.
Yvette let out a sarcastic laugh, "Is that supposed to make me feel some sort of way?" She asked while putting a mocking hand to her heart, "Are your words of him being our blood supposed to disregard how he treated us like nothing?... My apologies... Stefani and I like nothing. Because he treated you like his daughter... Like his little princess..." Her voice grew quieter as her words of their mistreatment.
Yvette shook her head—her eyes glazing to the floor momentarily before she looked back at her sister. A flash of hatred in her eyes, "If you cannot stand to witness this... My new era of Eveene... Then you are free to go."
Another tense silence crossed the palace. Mesara just looked at her sister with a look of hurt.
She swallowed the lump forming in her throat before she spoke again, "If that's what you want," the quiet words were forced from her throat, "then it shall be given, empress." She added bitterly.
Mesara proceeded to storm off silently. The tension in the air was still palpable, even when they'd stopped arguing. The maids didn't stop cleaning, but it got rather silent. Not a sound. Not one.
Astrophel silently approached the empress from behind. He seemed to hesitate faintly to speak, but otherwise he did, "My empress." That deep voice vibrated in his throat like an awakening from hell.
"What?" Yvette responded with a sharp, yet dull whisper.
"It has been a long day." he began cautiously. He knew how she could get when she was like that. But that didn't stop him from feeling some type of way about her, "Perhaps a bath while the maids clean will set you at ease?"
It took a moment for Yvette to respond--calming herself down before she spoke to him again. She turned around to face the tall beast. Her eyes glazed up to look him in the eye. Astrophel was quite tall, especially given how he towered over everyone like a monster. Even then, Yvette didn't fear him. Especially not after a decade of him being brought into the imperial palace.
"Yes. That sounds... Needed." She sighed.
Astrophel could feel his heart struggle whenever he laid those honey eyes on her. He bit his tongue as he watched her walk away. His eyes traveled down her form subtly from behind before he caught himself and darted his eyes back elsewhere. He went back, or at least tried, to being the stoic monster everyone considered him as.
A shadow watched him from the corner, seething as he caught sight of the beastly man trying to keep himself composed. Even if no one noticed it, the soldier Xaro did. An angry grimace wrinkled his features. He looked away before he'd let himself get mad, however.
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The knight trudged through the imperial halls of the palace. His thick armor clanking on the floor made the other guards tense up harder into their positions. The air grew thick as he marched towards the War Room. The room they used for planning attacks, or planning expansion.
"A beast... Before me..." He grumbled to himself, anger rising by the minute, "That foul monster ruined what we had... My Yvette...."
He pushed open the door with a violent shove, making the others in the room flinch when he entered.
"Listen before me!" Xaro said firmly. The soldiers and one of the imperial doctors were there. They all stared at him, awaiting whatever words were going to be spoken.
"The beast. The one that sits by the empress' throne, Astrophel, that one!" He said in a stern, half-yell. The name ‘Astrophel’ spat out of his mouth like he was saying an ungodly slur. At least Xaro considered his name a slur to his tongue.
They all remained silent as the general soldier spoke with hate, and envy.
"He is a sinful, ugly, beast and I want him gone!" Xaro nearly shouted once more out of pure rage, and anguish. He slammed his hand down on the stone table holding the empires map. Their highness reigned over miles and miles of land--nearly taking over the entire north. There were only 4 more empires aside from Eveene. Ulessa, Targa, Ve'tmora and Llaoesy.
"He is nothing but a danger to the empire!... And the empress." He said in a snarl, "I want nothing more than to watch him die. Therefore, I am assigning an expedition to cause his demise..."
"...out of the empress' regards."
The other soldiers and the doctor listened intently to the generals planning. The murder of Astrophel. The beast, son of nothing, abandoned by the monsters that dared birth him.
A young boy, no more than seventeen, watched amongst the little group. His eyes were of a doe, a blonde haired boy with rosy tints, unfit for a soldier. His eyes were near black in color, yet his hair looked like the gold around the empress' neck. Theodore, was just a boy serving in the military.
He felt uneasy listening to the general ramble and talk away. He thought Xaro to be evil himself--but he wouldn't dare utter the thought out loud. Especially not to his face. Theodore seen general Xaro as a fierce lion. Scarred, strong, brooding. While he seen himself as the oryx calf he'd easily maul. Theodore was still a boy, and a bit scrawny at that.
The decrepit doctor seemed a bit hesitant to speak up after Xaro got done on his mini rampage, "General..." His old, weary voice just intensified the tension, "... I don't think we should—"
Then it came.
"You do not think!" Xaro snapped at the weary man, "You cannot even remember how many fingers you have on your hand! I'm shocked you're still an imperial doctor, you old, scornful..." There was a harsh scowl on his lips. Yet he let his words trail off with a grumble.
"Out!" Xaro snapped his fingers. They all went rushing out of the War Room. Except for the old man who tried his best.
Theodore seen this and gently guided the older man out of the room with his help. He held the old man's hand with a grasp as light as a dove's feather. It was as if he was afraid to hurt the old man.
"Thank you, young boy." The old man wobbled out. With the guidance of the kind boy, he made it out nicely. Except for the hard slam that rang behind them.
Theodore felt horrifically sick to his stomach. He felt the ill intention radiating off of his general. He felt this strong urge to run to the empress, but he knew Xaro would make it seem like he was lying. The punishments afterwards would be unbearable. So he bit his tongue and tried to go on like he didn't feel physically ill from the anxiousness.
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escapismsworld · 10 months
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Sintra, Portugal
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cookinguptales · 2 months
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I MEAN but wouldn't that be an incredible isekai series??
a modern princess whose job is basically just being a beautiful figurehead
grows bored with her vapid role in life and withdraws from society, riddled with ennui
only to fall into a fantasy realm where princesses have real political power
as well as important responsibilities that her subjects depend upon
and at first it's a comedy of errors as she realizes that none of her training prepared her for this
but then she grows as a person and applies herself to learning how to guide and guard this kingdom
and becomes the powerful and just princess she was always meant to be
...so I guess apparently my new favorite conspiracy theory is that kate's shoujo manga just underwent a MASSIVE genre switch.
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I’ll be using Castle of the Stars: Chateau d'Etoile from mod the sims as the base for my Anigozanthos Estate.
My characters are based off my own OC from a story I have yet to write.
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moodboard-d · 4 months
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inky-duchess · 6 months
Fantasy Guide to Royal Children - Heirs and Spares
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The lives of Princesses and Princes are of interest to most fantasy writers, it's where many of our heroes, side characters and antagonists hail from. But what is there life like? Is it always ballgrowns and servants? Or something more?
A Strict Order of Precedence
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The first thing to know about royal children and siblings is that there's a very strict precedence of importance. Is it fair? No. But this is a system, it doesn't have to be fair. The heir comes first without argument. They are the most important child, they are always greeted first, they are the one to stand next to the monarch or their parents at occasions, they literally go first - and this doesn't change with age, if the heir is the youngest, they still have precedence over their siblings. After the heir, order of predence goes by age and the order effects the life of the children. For example, the older sister will marry begore any of her sisters. This order of deference will be so engrained in your character's life that they will believe it the norm and rarely question it, it probably won't spark any in-fighting.
Accommodation & Staff
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Royal children are usually raised one of two ways. Either they are raised at court, in the same Palace as their parents or they are raised away from court under the care of trusted servants. Being raised away from their parents isn't a sign of remoteness or dislike or terrible parenting, it was a way of break a child into the constraints of royal life while giving them freedom of scrunity or danger. Usually these children are raised in the countryside for their health, as cities are usually cesspits for disease. Their parents would come to visit them or allow them to visit them at court. Children raised at court are raised with a higher level of scrunity and attention. They will be in the public eye.
Royal children will always be surrounded by staff. There will be nurses to wash and dress them, nannies to discipline and direct them, guards to protect them and usually, a guardian known as a governess to run their household and care for their needs. Staff are not allowed to hit royal children and must obey their commands. Some royal children were very close to their staff:
Kat Ashley and Elizabeth I
Baroness Lehzen and Queen Victoria
Klementy Grigorievich Nagorny and the Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich
Lala Bill and Prince John
However, some royal children faced neglect from their staff. George VI was abused by his nanny, who would pinch him during important occasions, openly favour his elder brother over him and deny him food, which many have been a cause of his speech impediment. After the Russian Revolution, another of the Tsarevich's nannies proved less loyal than the other. Andrei Yeremeyevich Derevenko abandoned his charge, but not before ordering the boy around and insulting him.
Day to Day Life
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Royal children would be educated withing their home by tutors. They would usually take lessons all together (the heir may take other lessons). A royal child would recieve an education in languages, arithmetic, geography, etiquette, dancing, music, sports such as riding and literature. Sometimes they would even share lessons with the children of trusted nobles or their cousins. Only the heir will be taught statecraft and how to reign. There is no rhyme nor reason a spare would learn how to rule.
Some royal children are taught the value of their position. Many royal children will be raised strictly to adhere to their social standing and their place in it. Some children may be raised in isolation, kept from mingling and raised to think of themselves as higher than those around them. Some royal families preferred to raise their children as "normal" as possible. The last Romanov children slept in camp beds, with no pillows and we're expected to tidy their own rooms and help the servants. They didn't even use their proper titles, they were called by their names and given a tight monthly allowance to spend. Alexandra of Denmark and her sisters used to make their own clothes. Some royal children could even be encouraged to play with the children of servants and staff as well as nobility (Kolya Derevenko and Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich, Winifred Thomas and Prince John). Companionship was a great honour for noble and common child alike as sometimes, they would be invited to live or be educated alongside by the royal children.
Royal children will not undertake royal duties until they are of age. Younger children be be present for large scale events such as jubilees but would not be expected to partake in any duties themselves. When they are of age, they will usually be granted an annual allowance, be invited to social events, invited to be patrons of charities and participate in royal duties.
Heir Vs Spare
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Heirs have more responsibility, all the prestige, more power but they have less freedom, less room to explore their own lives and be expected to always be the epitome of perfect. Heirs will be given responsibilities in government, sitting in on state meetings or undertaking state duties.
Spares have little in the way of real power but have the ability to live less regimental lives and gave more agency in their personal lives. Spares may act as ambassadors to other nations or undertake state visits on behalf of the monarchy or even take positions in the army. Spares are encouraged to find positions to support themselves outside the family, either in a marriage or undertaking some service to the country. Spares who stay in the country, tend to act as unofficial advisers to their sibling when they become monarch.
All Grown Up
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When royal children grow up, there are usually certain expectations and limitations.
Heirs will be married quickly, the lineage must be secure. Heirs will usually marry either as part of a political alliance or marry somebody suitable - from a good family, the right background, and able to fit into a certain mould (i.e malleable, amiable and loyal). They will be expected to focus on the country, it's needs and support the monarch at all times. Their social circles will be scruntised, their every move will be noted and remarked upon. Heirs will never gave to worry about funding their lifestyle, the Crown is their job and it supports them.
Spares can marry or remain single if they choose, (but if the monarch instructs them go marry they must). Spares can travel, they can be idle, they can even persue amusements not permitted for the heir. Spares can win glory on the battlefield and mix with all sorts of people. That isn't to say spares are useless, spares often occupy very important spaces in society and government. Spares will usually take these positions not for just status but also for the pay. This is why spares are granted royal titles such as dukedoms (they can make money off the lands, be able to build a dynasty for themselves and their heirs and gain status).
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Oh to be a princess in the 1700s
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krasytoonz · 8 months
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A buncha Wallies meeting Wally Darling
mob au by @clownsuu
fantasy au by @weevmo
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voidcomett01 · 3 months
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strict king Miguel and his flirty knight Peter
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how about that uhhhhh Fantasy Julie. she gets her sword <3 no one can take it from her <3
SIKE you get an extra, lower quality doodle
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SIKE AGAIN here's the rambles
yeah... i caved and gave her a tail... I'm Not Sorry! it's cute! i wanted to stick with her sorta flower motif - it's stronger in her princess look, since I imagine that when she was part of the royals she was very blatantly flower power based. it was her Thing!
but a Julie free of her noble shackles... she deserves her big sword. like yeah, she has flower magic, but who needs it when she has a Giant Blade??? on the royalty vein, and if we're classifying "rainbow monster" as a species, i feel like horn size/curve would be a status symbol of some kind. maybe Julie would have kept her horns filed short. but if she ran away from that life... longer horns! i like to imagine that they'll keep growing until she has a pair of Extra Weapons attached to her head! curved forward like mammoth tusks maybe!
i imagine that like Frank, she goes with minimal armor - range of movement over protection, yk? some scale mail over her front, a thick leather flower over her chest w/ scalloped leather pauldrons, wrist armor and metal knuckles! i'd think that the faux-suspenders include a back sheath for her sword... i wish i'd thought of that Before i finished the little ref! i don't feel like going back and editing!
i imagine that she was forced to cut her hair when it got caught in something (a gelatinous cube, mayhaps). it didn't look good! don't let anime and Mulan fool you! cutting your own hair with a blade will not look nice! but someone - Eddie, probably, he's good with scissors i'd assume - cleaned it up for her. and hey, it didn't look bad! plus, Julie probably liked being able to just tuck up her long strands into her hat when she's feeling a bit more like a Julius than a Julie!
it's been a fun challenge transforming their canon outfits into a similar variation with fantasy flavoring and twists! i want them to suit the setting but still maintain Themselves! Julie's was tough i gotta admit. i was messing around with the princess look and the fighter look side-by-side. it worked better when i sat back and thought "fighter Julie is Julie unrestrained. that version would be more aligned with her canon look"
i wanted her princess form to look Restrained! she has to be a ~delicate flower~, a noble woman, pristine and poised and very much a princess. soft colors, poofy clothing, bright white gloves that are not to be sullied. carefully bundled up hair! jewelry! that dress must be Heavy and hard to move in! her tail must be so cramped under there!
but Julie Unleashed? violent pinks! rose gold accents! short skirt so that she can sprint and Kick! fun boots that she can be active in and delight in watching them get dirty! her hair is free to whip in the wind and get caught in things! fun straps and Deadly Accessories! a sword that she stole from the royal armory on her way out the window! she has forearm wraps both to match Frank and to support her wrists!
#yessss this was mainly an excuse to draw jules with short hair and a tail. i do not apologize#i like to think that poppy has a bottomless bag that she's too scared to use herself#but everybody keeps things in there#julie keeps her hair-hiding-hat in there and some pants and a cape for that Julius Vibe#(yes i could have gone with julian. but julius makes me think of orange julius and. yum)#i've said in initial rambles that i think that julie has Mild plant magic#I TAKE THAT BACK SHE'S SO FUCKING POWERFUL#i think she could hold her own against wally here tbh!#she wouldn't win if home had the reins but yk! it would still be Close!#but why would she use boring magic when she can slash punch kick#she can definitely talk to all plants. like im carrying that over thats so cool#trees warning her of an ambush... trodden-on flowers pointing her in the direction of her quarry...#roots arching out of the ground to trip anyone about to beat her in a race#scribble salad#wh fantasy au#so in canon julie left The Cave#which. fuck is that supposed to be a reference to plato's cave? ok no now's not the time for speculation#so she left the cave to seek out a life of her own#so i imagine that she left the royal life for much the same reason! she didn't want to sit on a throne in a poofy dress and lead!#she wanted to Adventure! see the world! be unrestrained!#i imagine that her repeated sneaking out is how she met frank - then when she ran she went to him cause she knew he wanted to leave#and she went 'hey im ditching this joint wanna come' and Of Course the answer was yes!#adventuring duo that never regret it for a second!#also as im making refs im adding them to a Lineup. which i'll post when ive collected all the pokemon (neighbors). size refs!!!
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