#fair warning though
thatsprettylane · 6 days
For anyone who is interested in watching my favorite outlaws, almost all the episodes (minus the first one, which is summarized in the intro of each episode) are available on dailymotion in pretty good quality if you just search alias smith and jones s1e2 and so on for each episode.
Here’s episode 2!
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volchitsa-loh · 2 years
@rheawritesforfun Hi~
So I remembered some songs I used to have in my playlist and long story short, would you like to hear a love song from the 90s about Leo and Alba reading each other's minds? 👀
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autoraton · 1 year
Hey do you sell prints anywhere?? If not can I print your incredible Oaks art and send you some cash?
I don't sell prints at the moment, but if you'd like to print any of my art that's absolutely cool with me! And since I'm not doing any additional work there's no payment necessary haha, all I ask is that my signature's kept in 👍
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theredonexx · 2 years
Just be careful, he's probably going to be startled
He was a little bit, I think he hurt his head. He looks really different too, I can see his face now though! :)-🧸
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myshadesofwrong · 2 years
Thanks for being the voice of reason this morning! I was shocked to see so many people angry and already boycotting the season..like, what is happening? Over something that, in my opinion, is barely anything new. Same thing happened with the Netflix Turkey “leak” last week. All this drama was made and the information was so, so minor. This character that many probably now hate <for good reason if you don’t like that stuff>…they released photos of them, they wouldn’t do that if the character was going to play someone minor. They say that all press is good press? GT did nothing wrong but people were attacking them and others for sharing the article? It was insane. This is what networks literally want because it hypes up the show and you either tune in to lovewatch it or hatewatch it, but either way- you are tuning in. They know we are tuning in no matter what lol Today, I definitely realized just how strongly “dedicated” people are in this fandom. Not a bad thing, of course not, but some things I saw were so beyond unnecessary. The reactions were…something else. Saying how the cast were probably crying together and heartbroken, essentially “speaking” for them. Yikes! We know the team & cast are great, but this is how press for shows literally works. It won’t be the first nor last time this happens. Again, it was just insane this morning. I wonder if I was ever like that? lol
Thanks again! I am very excited to hear your s2 thoughts!
Thank you so much! I actually cried reading your message. It's been a shitty day at work and the feedback from what I posted this morning has been so extraordinary. I'm always nervous making my first post in a new fandom because I always feel like the outsider having come in so late but the response as been amazing!. I cannot tell you what it means to me!
That was exactly the reason I posted what I did. The info wasn't anything new and I couldn't understand why people were getting so upset over it. Another ask said it best, alot of fans are wanting six episodes of loving, sunshine and rainbow Wilmon but that's such a boring show, no one would watch it. Even the best romance media has some kind of drama for the couple to overcome. Why? Because it's normal and it makes the payoff so much sweeter. I want loving scenes with them, of course. But the drama and figuring crap out is what makes the romance stronger, if that makes sense.
But what really upset me was the babying the actors and creators and being so horrible to GT and the writers of that article. For me, it started with that story on IG from I think RydingBrasil about not sharing the pics and articles and I was like what? This is legit promo. Why wouldn't we share it? Not to mention, it was like you said, "speaking for the actors". This is a common problem across fandoms and one that drives me absolutely crazy. They are professionals, they know how this works. The reaction of thinking they were all crying together was...juvenile. It's like when a celebrity says they have anxiety and everyone seems to think they need to protect said celebrity from literally everything. I said it before, there is being respectful of things like that and then there's babying them. But yeah, this is how press literally works and the whole thinking it was a leak over a spoiler that was frankly inconsequential and wanting us not to share it would have hampered the show, the hype, and these actors we love.
And, as much as I hate to admit it, I was probably very much like that. (Maybe that's why I could recognize it for what it was! LOL)
And thank you again. I actually feel so welcomed in this fandom in a way I never have before so I'll definitely stick around and share my thoughts on s2. I'm so excited for it!
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teaboot · 1 year
Roll call, who wants to see the meanest thing I've ever seen on Etsy
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fatestayyuri · 1 year
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wis-art · 2 months
you should read fire punch and dorohedoro
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mcyt-cats · 8 months
Many of you might have already seen this, but Scar posted a video talking about Jellie. I may clip parts of this in the future, but I honestly just recommend you watch it. There are several photos and video clips of Jellie that haven't been posted before, along with some nice stories in memory of her. Jellie was such a special cat, and she's missed by all of us ❤️
Here are a few cute photos of baby/younger Jellie:
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and my favorite <3
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izzystizzys · 3 months
Ever since touching down on Triple Zero, both a military and quality marker for the planet in his mind, Marshall Commander Fox had become intimately acquainted with the biting pain of headaches and migraines.
This, however, feels like it’s going to make his skull cave inside out.
“I can hear voices, Thorn”, Fox hisses, wide-eyed, breathing harshly through his nose. His bucket sadly lolls around on the pavement from where he ripped it off in a panic, unable to breathe all of a sudden. But even exposure to the open air hasn’t helped much - now, Fox just feels like a fish drowning in water, desperately breathing in the air but unable to keep it in his lungs.
“I mean, we all hear voices, ori’vod, that’s really less concerning than if you couldn’t -“, Thorn begins, hands stretched out towards Fox like he’s trying to approach a rabid beast. “Voices, Thorn!”, Fox repeats, whisper-screaming over the strange sensation of all his blood pooling in his head and ears popping. “In my kriffing head!”
Thorn’s mouth opens to gape, then closes again immediately, countenance turning decidedly more alarmed than before. Fox crumbles to the ground, head clutched in his hands, moaning in painpainpainpain-
The only thing like this he’s felt before is after one of his private meetings with the Chancellor, the one he never lets anyone else have and Fox never remembers. It feels like there’s something else in his head, worming around his thoughts and bouncing off the insides of his skull-
“- is kriffing losing it, Thire, I don’t know what to do -“
“- keep position, help is -“
“- kriffing RED ALERT, what the -“
“- do you mean a karking Venator exploded over Coruscant?!”
“- call it the Zillo Beast - it caved in the side of the ship, apparently, and is making for the surface -“
The pressure inside Fox’s head increases, warmth dripping over his cheeks and from his noise, swelling until he thinks his head really will explode, and then - stops-
Fox looks up, gasping, at the shadow that has fallen across his and Thorn’s patrol, into two massive, glowing eyes. The thing tilts its head, and chirps. It sounds like a greeting.
Silence. Then -
“You’re right”, Fox says, in a daze, “we should kill the Chancellor.”
“WHAT”, Thorn screeches.
Fox wakes an indeterminate amount of time later to a gentle breeze and nebulous feeling in his head. This is strange for several reasons - one, Guard HQ are both insulated and airconditioned like ass, thus the temperature is always wrong and the air constantly stuffy, and two - he hasn’t woken up not in pain since touching down two years ago.
“Stabby gave you the good shit”, his own voice says, and yeah, that would explain that.
“Stabby is a little bitch”, Fox tries to say, which comes out more like a warbled gurgle. “You’re welcome”, a third voice replies, sarcastically. Fox pries open his eyes with great difficulty. Ah, yes, that’s Stabby looming across the room - and Stone, next to his bedside, lounging in a chair next to a passed-out Thorn, whose head is tilted across the back of his chair at an angle that will definitely put a crick in it.
And, behind them, where the medbay wall used to be, two gigantic, glowing green eyes, tilting along with the rest of the eldritch face floating next to Fox’s bed.
“Hgngndndnsndnfnfffhhh”, he vocalizes, and Stone shrugs. “Yeah, been there the whole time. Do you remember anything?” Fox frowns. Stabby snickers somewhere from his far corner, quietly bustling around and probably concocting something nefarious to make Fox sleep or “take a break”.
Stone’s eyebrows rise incrementally. “Really? Not even when you mounted the space monster, took a joyride through half of Coruscant, crashed through the Senate Dome and battled a lightning-launching Chancellor?”
Fox blinks. The Zillo Beast chirps cheerfully. “Huh.” A sense of strange, deep satisfaction spreads through Fox’s chest, raising goosebumps. “Did we bite his head off? I think we bit his head off.”
Stone chokes, and Stabby races over to thump him on his back, Fox watching warily for any sharp objects. You never know on that one - one second he’s checking your pupils for dilation, then you’ve got a needle sticking out of you and boom, ten hours gone. Or suddenly you’re spitting out decaf - ew - at five kriffing in the morning, being lectured about heart health and some other banthashit.
Something that feels strangely like a chuckle titters across Fox’s mind, and when he looks over, the Zillo Beast is blinking innocently at him.
“Yeah, your little friend did actually bite off the Chancellor’s head” Stone confirms, once he can breathe again. Thorn slowly stirs, until he jackknifes to awareness all at once, and then Fox has a lap full of hugging vod’ika.
“ - took twenty years off my kriffing life, goddamn, ori’vod, you’re giving me grey hair -“
“It’ll match your old man bones”, Stabby murmurs, making Thorn screech indignantly into the top of Fox’s head. The Zillo Beast trills mournfully, aiming a sad look at the medic, who shakes his head and brandishes a hypo at the thing. Fox wonders if he’ll have to intervene - he would try to hypo an eldritch space monster, the absolute lunatic. “Absolutely not - we talked about this, no scritchies until we can be sure it won’t bust more of Fox’s ribs!”
Fox’s mouth opens, and Thorn snickers mercilessly. Stone, far too dignified for it, buries a grin in a datapad. “It’s imprinted on you, Fox’ika”, he says instead, the traitor. “Tried to gte to you in the Jedi temple, but it wouldn’t fit - which is when we brought you here. The interior design was so butt-kriffing ugly it wouldn’t matter much to tear it out.”
“Imprinted?”, Fox asks, not even willing to touch on anything else that’s been said yet. An image flashes across the inside of his skull - him, tossing a space-tennis-ball into the air, and the Zillo Beast slithering off after it. In reality, it perks up and mrows hopefully at Fox God, he wishes he was still insensate. Thorn snickers again, and the desire increases tenfold.
“Yeah, like in that one holoshow, whatchacallit - with that one blonde chick, the Mother of Krayts - you know, the one that made Hound cry when they killed the loth wolves so we had to ban it in barracks?” Thorn’s eyes light up. “Wait, does that make you the mother of Zillos?!”
“Oooh, mummy Fox!”, Stabby screeches, the absolute traitor. Stone breaks out into barking laughter, and Thorn sounds like he’s actively asphyxiating. Fox hates them. Fox turns to the Zillo Beast.
“Please, please eat them.”
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How fast yall think I can speedrun getting kicked from the homophobic LU discord server
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asha-mage · 1 year
Here's what I'll say about Siuan for right now, since their are still a lot of unknowns floating in the air: I think her actions in this episode are largely in accord with her book characterization no matter which way the show breaks on certain details.
Siuan's central character flaw in the books, the thing that largely leads to her downfall, is her default response to most problems being to exert raw force and control. It was how she handled the Hall of the Tower which allowed opposition to coalesces around Eladia and Alviarain, it was how she handled Gawyn creating a resentment in him that would drive him to side against her during the coup, and how she forced Min to remain in the Tower against Min's wishes which was the catalyst for Eladia realizing she could strike against Siuan at all.
And it's what Siuan does in this episode when confronted with a problem she does not have another way to deal with. Moiraine is with holding information from her? Go to Cairhien herself and seize the tiller of events with her own hands. Rand is running wild, derelict in his duty? Take him captive and bring him to the Tower where at least he will be under her eye and safe from the Forsaken. Moiraine is attempting to abscond with him as a result? Cut off her avenue of escape by any means necessary, even if it means damaging her personal relationship with Moiraine, possibly forever.
And that's the other thing to keep in mind: Siuan, like Moiraine, fundamentally does not trust anyone except her partner in conspiracy. She can't. For twenty years she's been on a quest that will lead to her stilling and execution if it is ever discovered. She and Moiraine are each other's confidants and allies, their deepest and most important loves. But even in the books Moiraine is withholding information from Siuan out of a sense of greater good. The difference is that in the show Siuan becomes aware of it in the show and of course she begins to doubt and loose trust in Moiraine as a result.
In her mind she has gone almost at once from being a partner, one half of a team that trusted in and depended on each other, to being on her own against the storm. If Moiraine didn't tell her about being stilled, what else might she be holding back? And if she is stilled, then realistically, how much good can she do for their cause now? How can she keep Rand safe from himself and the Forsaken, prepare him for what's coming, when she might not live another year? And that agony- that pain that the person she trusts and loves most didn't just betray that trust but also might not be around long enough for Siuan to be mad even be mad at her- has to be put aside because the mission, the duty, is everything to Siuan, just like with Moiraine. The stakes are too high for anything else.
So she falls back on the safety net of the Tower's traditions and secret plans. Take Rand to the Tower, keep him safe, prepare him for what's coming and trust to the Light for the rest. Take away his agency for his own good and the good of the world (something it should be noted she's wistful for the ability to do in TSR when she wishes she could keep hiim from a learning a word of the Prophecies, which is the same scene where she outright admits to Min she intends to try and control him in), and bring him firmly under her thumb. And what does Moiraine do? Enlist the aid of one of the Forsaken to break Rand free and flee to Falme through a Waygate, which is at best an INSANELY risky and potentially very stupid play, and at worst tacit confirmation of her worst fear, that Moiraine has gone over to the Shadow, and everything is on the brink of being lost.
And where does that leave Siuan? Isolated and alone and with no other fallback by her same response: to keep exerting raw force, to pressing the spring down until it snaps.
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xagave · 5 months
I lied x2 electric boogaloo I'm back AGAIN last time promise but I really need more homestuck blogs to follow. If you post/rb a lot of hs like this post and I'll check out ur blog!!!!
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heteromerous-rhyming · 8 months
guys, can - can we stop saying that percy jackson is an unreliable narrator who thinks he's an idiot? bc like. rereading the books.
he's doesn't??? think he's an idiot????
like sure he'll say things like "echidna.... isn't that a type of anteater?" but he doesn't think that he's himself an idiot for that.
let me quote you the book: "Go ahead, call me an idiot for walking into a strange lady’s shop like that just because I was hungry, but I do impulsive stuff sometimes."
HE doesn't think he's an idiot, but he does assume that YOU, THE READER, will think that. and that's true to his life experience, true to his school experience, true to anyone with a learning disability like his.
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aroaessidhe · 2 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
Our Lady Of Mysterious Ailments & The Mystery at Dunvegan Castle
books 2 & 3 in the Edinburgh Nights series
paranormal mystery set in a climate-ravaged future Scotland, plagued by ghosts and magic
follows a 15yo Black girl who’s finally gotten an in to learn scientific magic properly - but it turns out to be an unpaid internship, so she has to take more jobs delivering ghost messages and investigating mysteries to take care of her gran and little sister
in book 2 she’s investigating a strange illness centred on a magic school for boys
and in book 3 she’s attending a global magician conference held in a creepy castle - when someone’s murdered, and they’re locked in until she figures out the culprit
Zimbabwean magic, friendship, disabled characters, no romance (so far)
#The Mystery at Dunvegan Castle#Our Lady Of Mysterious Ailments#Edinburgh Nights#T.L. Huchu#The Library of the Dead#really enjoy this series!#the worldbuilding is very interesting - kinda combo climate-ravaged future but also in some aspects societally it feels kinda 1800s#(especially with the vibe of the mystery/paranormal elements)#I saw that the author (who is from Zimbabwe) describe it as ‘if edinburgh was a third world city’ which actually makes a lot of sense#Also I have to make the wendell & wild x lockwood & co comp again#I felt like book 2 was a little all over the place? I slightly lost track of the other-realms stuff lol#I really loved book 3 though - definitely more direct plot-wise#I like how it explores her journey through learning that the magic society is just as corrupt and shitty as anything else and maybe she#doesn't want it after all. as well as how the stress of everything is getting to her is causing panic attacks#love the scottish accent in the audiobooks!#so many interesting different supernatural elements. yay for sidhe in book 3 (tho only briefly)#hold on. do the book covers reflect the colour of her locs. (ok not quite for book one which is usually blue but there is a green variant)#ok I did say no romance but also I can’t tell if I’m just imagining Something between ropa & priya bc in book 3……they had some moments.#I mean I enjoy them as platonic moments also but just noting here in case it DOES turn out to be intentional and something that happen??#also fair warning the promo for book four seems to spoil somehting that's not even in the blurb??#aroaessidhe 2024 reads
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let-them-fight · 9 months
y’all should watch interface btw
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y’all should watch Interface btw. Not Asking go watch it
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