#wow this answer got much longer than i intended
myshadesofwrong · 2 years
Thanks for being the voice of reason this morning! I was shocked to see so many people angry and already boycotting the season..like, what is happening? Over something that, in my opinion, is barely anything new. Same thing happened with the Netflix Turkey “leak” last week. All this drama was made and the information was so, so minor. This character that many probably now hate <for good reason if you don’t like that stuff>…they released photos of them, they wouldn’t do that if the character was going to play someone minor. They say that all press is good press? GT did nothing wrong but people were attacking them and others for sharing the article? It was insane. This is what networks literally want because it hypes up the show and you either tune in to lovewatch it or hatewatch it, but either way- you are tuning in. They know we are tuning in no matter what lol Today, I definitely realized just how strongly “dedicated” people are in this fandom. Not a bad thing, of course not, but some things I saw were so beyond unnecessary. The reactions were…something else. Saying how the cast were probably crying together and heartbroken, essentially “speaking” for them. Yikes! We know the team & cast are great, but this is how press for shows literally works. It won’t be the first nor last time this happens. Again, it was just insane this morning. I wonder if I was ever like that? lol
Thanks again! I am very excited to hear your s2 thoughts!
Thank you so much! I actually cried reading your message. It's been a shitty day at work and the feedback from what I posted this morning has been so extraordinary. I'm always nervous making my first post in a new fandom because I always feel like the outsider having come in so late but the response as been amazing!. I cannot tell you what it means to me!
That was exactly the reason I posted what I did. The info wasn't anything new and I couldn't understand why people were getting so upset over it. Another ask said it best, alot of fans are wanting six episodes of loving, sunshine and rainbow Wilmon but that's such a boring show, no one would watch it. Even the best romance media has some kind of drama for the couple to overcome. Why? Because it's normal and it makes the payoff so much sweeter. I want loving scenes with them, of course. But the drama and figuring crap out is what makes the romance stronger, if that makes sense.
But what really upset me was the babying the actors and creators and being so horrible to GT and the writers of that article. For me, it started with that story on IG from I think RydingBrasil about not sharing the pics and articles and I was like what? This is legit promo. Why wouldn't we share it? Not to mention, it was like you said, "speaking for the actors". This is a common problem across fandoms and one that drives me absolutely crazy. They are professionals, they know how this works. The reaction of thinking they were all crying together was...juvenile. It's like when a celebrity says they have anxiety and everyone seems to think they need to protect said celebrity from literally everything. I said it before, there is being respectful of things like that and then there's babying them. But yeah, this is how press literally works and the whole thinking it was a leak over a spoiler that was frankly inconsequential and wanting us not to share it would have hampered the show, the hype, and these actors we love.
And, as much as I hate to admit it, I was probably very much like that. (Maybe that's why I could recognize it for what it was! LOL)
And thank you again. I actually feel so welcomed in this fandom in a way I never have before so I'll definitely stick around and share my thoughts on s2. I'm so excited for it!
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faefictions · 1 year
Hospital Meet Cute
Eddie Munson x Reader
3.3k words
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“What are you in for?”
They were the first words that had been spoken directly to you for what felt like hours. The bright white of the room and the smell of cleaner was overwhelming enough, but you were nursing a headache that was beginning to really worry you. In all honesty, you probably should have been rushed back to be examined the second you arrived to the hospital, but it had been well over an hour wait now with no end in sight. 
You looked to your right, where the boy who had spoken was sitting and looking at you. He looked almost as bad as you, a bloody nose that you assumed was broken, a split lip, and a black eye just beginning to darken. You were almost too exhausted to answer him at all, but what you could muster came out much more rude than you had intended. 
“Can’t be sure until they actually get me checked out,” you sighed, checking the time on the wall yet again. Only 15 seconds had passed since the last time you glanced, it was still nearing midnight, your bad day hadn’t yet ended. 
“How long have you been here?” 
You really looked at him this time. He was young, maybe around your age, give or take a couple years. His eyes were brown and his hair was long and curly, much longer than the men in your hometown. He was calm, calmer than you would have been if you looked like him. Hell, for all you knew, you did look like him, and you had been fighting off tears the entire drive here. But this guy was sitting there like he was a regular in the waiting room, and you sat there clueless to what town you were even in. 
“I’m not sure when I got here, but its been more than an hour at least. Maybe two now.” 
“They’re really off their game tonight,” he said, almost under his breath as he sat up to look behind the desk. You were staring to think maybe you were right about him being a regular here. 
“I think you misunderstood my question though,” he smiled at you as he sat back down, “I’m looking for the dirt, the juicy stuff. The how more than the why.”
His smile was charming, but his happy go lucky demeanor was going to get old fast. You had a feeling that ignoring him wouldn’t do much though, and you could use a break from staring at the clock. 
“Well it’s nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about. Hurts like a bitch though. Your nose doing ok?”
“Yeah, probably not broken. It doesn’t hurt nearly as bad as last time I broke it, so we’re probably in the clear.” 
“Glad to hear it,” you chuckled. You had never seen someone in such a good mood with blood actively dripping down their face. 
“Aren’t you going to ask me what happened?”
“No, I usually respect the privacy of strangers that I met less than a minute ago.”
“I’m Eddie, now I’m not a stranger.”
“That’s not how that works,” you smiled incredulously. 
“Sure it is! And if you tell me your name, you won’t be a stranger to me. And it’s been more than a minute now, so I think that means we’re in the clear.” 
“You are ridiculous.” 
“I get that a lot, but I didn’t hear an introduction anywhere in that insult.” 
“I’m y/n.” 
He extended a hand, and you hesitated for a second before offering your opposite hand as a compromise. It took him a second to decipher why you raised the wrong hand, but when he look down to your left wrist, he could see the bruising. 
“So, you gonna ask now?”
“No,” you chuckled at his persistence. 
“Damn. Well I was just going to tell you not to worry your pretty little head about it anyway so I guess it all worked out.” 
“Wow. Are you always this charming?”
“You think I’m charming?” he smiled at you, and you half expected to find a missing tooth among his pearly whites, but his teeth seemed to remain one of the only parts of his body unscathed. 
“You’re a bit of an ass. That’s about it.”
“And you’re just a ray of sunshine.” 
“Well sorry for not being so chipper after…” you paused as you were about to reveal what your night had entailed, but shot a look at him before you could, “Damn, you almost got me.” 
“That was a close one,” he smiled mischievously. You couldn’t help but admit that you really liked this guy. He was nicer than the people in your hometown, and the way he dressed was a beacon for someone like you. 
You figured if you told him what had happened, it wouldn’t be as surprising to him as it would be to someone else. The kids in your town had been terrorizing you since kindergarten. The town freak since the ripe age of 5. Things had been getting progressively worse since your father died back in ’79. Now with no mother or father, you no longer had anything in common with the kids in your school. You thought the bullying would stop after high school, but you were wrong. You learned that leaving town altogether was your only hope. 
That is what you had been doing. Your car was packed to the brim with your belongings, and you were set on your way for a small town about an hour away. Far enough for a new beginning, but close enough to not terrify you. Halfway through the drive, you noticed the car behind you getting a little too close for comfort. The sun had just set, but you still recognized the car. It belonged to the boyfriend of a girl that had led the crusade against you in high school, the one person you were most thankful to get away from. You knew if he was driving behind you, she was in the passenger seat, and their friends were probably packed into the back. Whatever they had planned wasn’t going to be good and you were starting to get nervous. 
They started to tailgate you, and you did your best to keep your speed steady. If they rear ended you, that was their problem not yours. But your sentiment quickly changed when you realized that there was no one else on the road. If they forced you to stop, it would just be them against you, and you were worried that that was the plan all along. So you sped up. 
You rode for a couple miles with them on your ass, speeding almost 20 over the limit, hoping to come across some traffic and a well lit stop to get them to pass. But before you could reach your safe haven, they had pulled up beside you. The last thing you remembered was her smiling at you before running into the side of your car. 
They must have sped off, not even stopping to see if you were alive, because when you woke up you were alone on the road again. You could see the lights of a town maybe a mile up the road, and with your car now totaled, your only hope was to walk the rest of the way. 
You hadn’t told the ladies behind the desk about the severity of your situation. You just told them you got into a little accident. You were regretting that now, knowing that if you told them you were ran off the road and had to walk to the hospital after coming to in a totaled car, you probably would have been seen by now. 
“Do you want me to get you something cold for your arm? It looks like it’s staring to swell.”
You glanced down to your left arm again, and he was right. You still weren’t sure what was broken and what just ached. Your adrenaline was pumping during the walk here, but you didn’t feel an ounce of it anymore. 
“That would be lovely, but where are you going to get something cold in the waiting room.” 
“I know my way around,” he winked before getting up and leaving you for a moment. He returned a minute later with an ice cold can of soda.
“Come here often?” you chuckled as you took the can and rested against the tight skin on your wrist. 
“Yeah, actually. I’m on a first name basis with a majority of the staff at this point. Especially the ones who work the weekends.”
“What, are you more accident prone on a Saturday?”
“Oh, darlin, you really think I bruised myself up this good? Nah, not even I’m that talented.”
“You really want to tell me what happened, don’t you?” 
“Only so you’re trapped into telling me what happened to you. No offense, but you look like you’ve gone to Hell and back, and I would love for you to feed into my morbid curiosity.” 
“Then you can keep your secrets,” you smirked at him, and glanced back to the clock. Somehow, 10 minutes had passed. You had begun to convince yourself that you had entered purgatory before you starting speaking to Eddie. It felt like time was never going to progress, and you were going to be stuck waiting for medical attention for the rest of eternity. 
Eddie was about to speak up, but before he could open his smart ass mouth, the doors of the entrance slid open and he glanced behind him to see whose shoes were squeaking as they made their way to you. 
“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath. The smirk was wiped off your face when you turned to see a tall man in a police uniform approaching the two of you. 
“Hopper, to what do I owe the pleasure,” Eddie tried to joke. To you, he was clearly nervous, but you thought he hid it well. 
“I’m not here for you this time Munson. But better safe than sorry, you should stick around for a quick word after this,” The officer spoke gruffly, coming off like a disappointed father, “Are you y/n l/n?” 
Your heart dropped. You had never been good with authority figures. Whether it be teacher, principles, security guards, or cops. You were always on the butt end of a bad situation, and you learned from a young age that not even finding an adult could save you. No one was ever on your side. 
“Uhm, yeah,” you replied, barely above a whisper and unable to look back up at him. 
“Thank god,” you heard him grumble under his breath, “Are you aware that your car is on fire a mile up the road?”
“Oh, it just wouldn’t start when I left it.” 
Eddie was soaking up the conversation, looking between you and Hopper like it was a tennis match. It was the entertainment he had been hoping for to distract him from the third time he had been in a fight this month. This time he truly did have himself to blame, after saying something he really shouldn’t have to a man much bigger than him after a show at the Hideout. But as he began to piece the puzzle together, he was growing more concerned for you. 
“You mind telling me what happened to your car? Or how you got here?,” Hopper’s head quickly swiveled to Eddie, “Did you drive her?” 
Eddie just shook his head and glanced at you. He could see your eyes staring to water now, and something in him hated the sight. He reached out and grabbed your good hand, hoping to offer some kind of support or comfort, whichever you needed more. 
“I walked.” 
“And you were in the car when it flipped?”
Your head shot up, unable to believe what you were hearing.
“It flipped?” 
To the best of your recollection, you just swerved off the side of the road. Honestly, you weren’t thinking straight, because there was no reason for you passing out and totaling your car if you had simply swerved. 
“It did. There wasn’t anyone else in the car right?”
“No… Just everything I own.” you scoffed as the weight of the situation really sunk in. This brought a whole new meaning to your “new beginning” idea. There was no fresher start than one with nothing from your past. 
“How long have you been here?” 
You were too stuck in your own thoughts to process that another question had been asked, so Hopper looked to Eddie in hopes of an answer. 
“She was here when I got here an hour and a half ago, but she said she doesn’t know how long she’s been here.” 
“I’m going to go see if I can get someone to give her a once over. Keep her company.” 
Eddie nodded and turned his attention back to you. You were obviously zoned out, and Eddie didn’t blame you, but he needed to reel you back in. 
“So much for keeping your secrets,” he whispered, feigning maliciousness, as if he had personally asked Hopper to come down and tell him. 
You couldn’t help but laugh at him, even as your tears began to tip over your lower lids. 
“I think you have to tell me what happened to you now, if I recall the rules correctly.” 
“Oh, I just got beat up at a bar. Nothing near as exciting as what’s going on over here,” he chuckled as he gestured vaguely towards you. 
It wasn’t until now that you realized that his hand was holding yours, but you were glad to receive the kind attention. It wasn’t something you were used to. 
“So what were you running from?” he asked, the warmth and humor suddenly absent from his voice. 
“What do you mean?”
“You had all your belongings packed into the back of your car, and I am 90% sure you aren’t from around here. So I can naturally assume you were running from something. Honestly I have a feeling I know the answer, but you know, never judge a book by its cover.” 
“Maybe I want to hear your guess.”
“Town freak?”
“Excuse me?”
“Outcast? Pariah, reject, untouchable? I can go on for hours. I’m afraid I have an unfair advantage with all the synonyms.” 
“And why’s that?”
“I’ve been called them all, sweetheart. You are speaking with the resident Freak of Hawkins, Indiana,” he pretended to bow from his seat. 
“Guess it really does take one to know one, huh,” you offered a half hearted smile. 
“So what was it? Weird music? Everyone hate your dad? One person just decide to make it their lives mission to make everyone hate you?”
“If I knew what it was, I would have changed it years ago. I think it’s just genetic though. But your guesses aren’t bad.” 
You adored that Eddie could make you laugh even after something as terrible as this night. You almost didn’t want to get called back anymore, knowing that your time with him would likely come to an end, and you may never see him again. 
When Hopper returned to let you know that your wait was almost over, you were almost disappointed. 
“Y/n, I need to talk to you really quick though. Is that alright?” he asked, and he seemed much more gentle than he had when he arrived. You hated the pity, but it was much better than how you were used to being treated by the police. So you gave him a nod. 
“Eddie, can you give us a minute?”
“It’s ok if he stays,” you cut in quickly, subconsciously squeezing Eddie’s hand harder. 
“Ok, that’s fine with me,” Hopper gave you a smile before he pulled a chair closer to sit directly across from you. He pulled out a small notepad and a pen and leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. 
“Y/n, I need to know what you remember from before your car flipped. If you remember anything at all.” 
“There are… There are some marks on the drivers side of the car that suggest you were hit. I just want to put the pieces together before we start a man hunt, just in case I’m wrong in thinking someone ran you off the road.” 
“It’s ok, there’s no need to look for them. I don’t want to press charges or anything.” 
Your heart began to pick up thinking about the retaliation you might receive from bringing legal charges agains them. You were trying to get away, the last thing you needed was a case to tie you to them. 
Hopper’s head quirked in curiosity, and he squinted his eyes at you before asking, “Y/n, do you know who did this?” 
“Well, yeah, but like I said, it’s…It’s fine.” 
“Can we have a second Hop?” Eddie asked gently, and Hopper nodded before crossing the room to allow you two to speak. 
“The people you were running from, are they the ones that did this?” 
“Eddie, you don’t get it.” 
“No, I do, remember? I need you to take a deep breath, ok?” 
It took you a second to realize how hard you were squeezing his hand and how quickly your heart was beating. So you took his advice and took a few deep breaths before you looked for him to continue.
“I can tell you’re scared. But, y/n, this isn’t school yard bullying. They could have killed you. And it doesn’t sound like they stopped to see if you were alive. They deserve to be locked up for that, you know that right?” 
“But they won’t.”
“Cops don’t like you back home?”
You just shook your head.
“Well look, you met Hopper over there,” he gestured over his shoulder and waiting for you to nod before continuing, “Well he’s different. I promise. He will make sure those bastards burn for what they did. He doesn’t care if their daddy is mayor, he will make sure they do the time the deserve ok?” 
“How do you know it was more than one person?” 
“Those kind of people always travel in packs.” 
“If I tell him who it was…” you paused to organize your thoughts into a coherent sentence as your mind raced, “How do you know they won’t just find me and try again?” 
Eddie gently reached up grab your cheeks and got closer to your face, “I swear they won’t lay another finger on you. And if you decide to stick around Hawkins, I can assure you no one else will either.” 
“You offering to be my body guard?” 
“Maybe,” he chuckled. He could tell you were calming down already. 
“By the looks of you, I don’t think you’re cut out for that line of work.”
“Shush,” he laughed, “So what do you say, can I call Hop back over?” 
You nodded, and a minute later, Hopper was out the door and ready to bring justice to the people who had been making your existence unbearable for your whole life. It wasn’t much longer before a nurse rushed out and apologized for the long wait to both of you and called you both back. Your heart dropped when you realized you may not see Eddie again, and he could sense your reluctance to let his hand go. 
“Don’t worry, I already memorized your full name like the good freak I am, and I will be back to visit you later.” 
“Of course. The best thing about the hospital here in the lovely town of Hawkins, Indiana, is that our visiting hours are 24/7. I can come annoy you for as long as I want,” he smirked at you, “I just need to run home and grab my copy of Lord of the Rings after they check out my nose. I think you’ll really like it.” 
“With this headache, I don’t think I’m going to like reading anything.” 
“Oh don’t worry, I wasn’t going to let you lay a finger on it. I like doing the voices.” 
You both laughed, and continued to hold hands until it was absolutely necessary for you to part ways. 
“See you soon,” Eddie smiled down at you before following a different nurse to a room down the hall. 
“See you soon.”
@embrace-themagic​ @fanficparker​  @heartbeats-wildly​ @saturn-aka-six​ @calum-hoodwinked-me​ @peterplanet​ @mischiefmanaged49​ @nicotine-sunshine820​ @itsjusttor​ @emistrash​ @thenoddingbunny-blog​ @sovereignparker​ @raajali3​@eddielives1986​ @eddieswifu​ @chickpeadumpsterfire​ @fluffybunnyu​
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Another Sonic and Tails headcanon thingie: these two have their unique ways of greeting each other whenever they come home, whether they were gone for a day or only 20 minutes. One of them is what Tails tends to use since it’s his absolute favorite one, the infamous koala hug attack.
For this one, in story form!
Word count: ...idk I literally wrote this in my drafts on here so I have no idea other than it went longer than originally intended 🙃 😅
Sonic clutched the bags tightly in his arms as he felt his shoes skid hard against the ground as he got near the porch of the living quarters of the workshop, nearly losing his balance in the process. A fresh coat of slightly, wet dirt now covered the bottom of his sneakers from heel to toe as he walked up the steps.
He hastily wiped his feet on the mat in front of the door, already picturing the complaints he was going to receive about tracking dirt across the floorboards again if he didn't...again.
It's not like Tails wasn’t guilty of it either, he just got at him because he tends to do it the most. Though it didn’t mean that he himself wasn’t fed up with it.
Managing to open the door with his elbow, he shuffled into the living room and dropped the bags onto the kitchen island, quickly catching some of the cans that spilled out of the bag.
"Geez, I swear that bagger was just stuffing all this stuff in here." He grumbled out loud, stacking the cans in the cabinet and putting the rest of the groceries away in a few seconds.
He brushed off his hands and glanced around the room. "Tails? You here, bud?"
There wasn’t any sound of thudding footsteps coming closer to him, or a voice calling out in response, or just any answer at all. That wasn't much of a surprise since he tended to leave the workshop more and more recently to just take a walk and explore the area.
As long as he wasn’t cooped up in his lab all day, that was good enough for him.
He moved to speak into his wrist comm to check in with Tails when his ears perked and heard some shuffling coming from behind him. Turning around, he was mildly surprised to see that nothing was there.
It mildly surprised him due to the fact barely anything could sneak up on him due to the years of training exercises he carried out, though it didn't explain why he was still hearing the shuffling all around him.
Sonic paused and let out a groan. "Oh boy, I hope it isn't another mouse that snuck inside the lab again. That was another whole week of stress that I won't get back." He mumbled softly to himself, rubbing a hand over his face.
What he did hear next definitely surprised him, considering it had been a while since he's even heard it, a few short giggles broke through the silence causing him to freeze and look around the room confused.
"Uh, Tails?"
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a quick flash of yellow disappears from view near one of the rafters on the ceiling, with that same shuffling noise following suit before it went silent again.
He didn't acknowledge that he saw the kit being bad at hiding, but he knew full well who it was, and the little tradition that they haven't done in a couple of years.
Sonic smirked to himself. 'Oh wow. We're playing this game again, huh? It's definitely been a while. But if it's what the kid wants to do...'
He played along, placing his hands on his hips, and feigned a worried voice. "Oh dear, I wonder where my little buddy Tails is. I just can't seem to find him anywhere!"
Sonic walked around the room, looking around dramatically under the table, around the couch, and into the kitchen cabinets. He audibly let out a sigh and leaned against the kitchen island, placing the back of his hand on his forehead.
"Tails? Oh, where for art thou Tails? My brother? Mi amigo? My honorary pride and joy. Lost forever to where I can never follow him." He kept his voice light and teasing, grinning when it earned him more giggling.
He moseyed on over directly under the one rafter where he knew Tails was hiding and put his arms up in defeat. "Hmm, he doesn't seem to be in here. I guess I was just imagining hearing him this whole time."
A slight creak was heard above him as he waited and braced himself for the attack. "3, 2, 1...."
"Nooo!….not the...koala hug trap…the cuteness…it’s too much for my body to handle..." He fell to his knees and hunched over, wrapping an arm around Tails and purposely squeezing closer to him in the process.
"Koala attack!" Tails yelled and dropped down, flying right into Sonic and wrapping his arms and legs around his torso.
Both of his tails wagged as he nuzzled his head under Sonic’s chin. The hedgehog lets out a groan from the impact, both to add to the part and to that the kid was a bit heavier than he remembered. He decided to suck it up and take it like a man...er, hedgehog.
"I can feel...all my energy depleting....I think I see a light. Mom, is that you?" Sonic fell over on his side, Tails snickered as he continued to hang onto him. "Goodbye cruel world....I'll miss you."
He finishes by rolling over on his back, closing his eyes, and lolled his head to the side, finalizing his "ultimate death." He stayed silent for a moment before he felt Tails shift around on his chest and felt a finger poking at his cheek. He peeked an eye open and saw him beaming a wide smile at him.
"Well, hi to you too." He poked a finger to Tails' nose, switching to giving a scratch behind the kit's ear. "So, mind explaining why you decided to ambush me like a crazy maniac today?
Tails laid his head back down, deeply enjoying the ear scritches. "Nope."
Sonic chuckled. "OK then." He placed his head down in turn and stared up at the ceiling.
After a few moments, Sonic cleared his throat, making Tails look up at him. "You uh, gonna let me up anytime soon? I gotta get dinner started soon."
Tails shook his head, the playful gleam shining in his eyes. "You know the rule in order to escape the hug trap, Sonic, unless you wanna be stuck here forever you gotta pay the toll."
Sonic gave out a little hum. "Actually, I change my mind, I kinda want to be stuck here. The floor is pretty comfy."
"But what if you need to use the bathroom?"
"I'll just crawl on the floor and take you along with me."
He heard Tails give a snort in amusement. "Yeah sure, you barely go in there to take a shower."
Sonic gave a hard flick to his ear, "Says alot for the guy hugging me in a death grip right now."
"Shut up, I know my limits to your body odor and this is a mere exception. Besides, you still need to pay the release toll."
"Oh right, the toll," Sonic pauses, pretending to be clueless. "Uh, what was it again?"
"You already know what it is."
"Do I now?"
Tails sighed lightly, trying to sound like he was annoyed. "Yes!"
"I do? Huh, I don’t seem to recall what it is-."
"OK, Alright. One toll payment coming up." He sat up and wrapped his arms around Tails, resting his cheek on top of his head. The kit in turn squeezed his hug tighter, letting out a laugh as Sonic began to quickly rock their bodies side to side.
"Was that a good payment for ya?"
"Oh yeah, totally worth all those overdue bills you've been ignoring." Tails said lightly.
"Ah, speaking of which, I still have one more from this morning I haven't paid for. Better late than never!" He finishes by pulling him closer and wrapping him in a even tighter hug, a one where Tails could barely move his arms.
"Ow! Okay, you paid your debt! That's too tight!" Sonic released him and watched as Tails held his sides seemingly in pain.
Sonic got up and looked at him, slight panic rushing in upon seeing him. "You good?"
"I think you nearly broke my ribs." Tails croaked out.
"Sorry." He gave him a sheepish smile as he helped him up the floor, giving him quick, side hug, a gentle one this time and ruffling the fur on his head. "You wanna help me get dinner started?"
"Sure," Tails went to stand up, stopping midway and a deep frown suddenly masked his face. "...Sonic?"
Sonic flinched at his sudden change in tone. "Yeah?"
"You didn’t wipe your feet when you came in, didn't you?"
"Oh my gosh-, don't start with that again please." Sonic groaned as Tails began his annoying tangent. "I actually did it this time."
"I can see the tracks of water leading from the grass outside to here! I keep telling you, just wipe your feet at the doormat!"
"I was carrying the groceries in!"
"That's no excuse Sonic! You know how hard it is to mop up these floors!"
Sonic began to back away, holding his hands up. "Well I did, and just for the false accusation you're not getting the dessert I bought tonight."
Tails' eyes widened, his mouth open agape. "What?!? That's not fair!"
"Neither is falsly accusing your brother for a crime he didn’t commit."
"It's not false accusation if the proof is right in front of your dumb-dumb face." Tails deadpanned.
"Annnd, now that's no mint candy of any kind for a week."
"Do you want me to make it a full month?" He tried to have his "serious" face on while saying it but the sour look on Tails' face made it rather difficult and cracked up rather quickly. Tails stood there flabbergasted upon seeing him suddenly burst out laughing, a faint blushed warmed up his face once he realized what was going on. Typical Sonic, he should have seen that coming.
"You're the worst, you know that?"
"Love you too bro."
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jerzwriter · 1 year
A Different Fate... Part 4 - Glass Door
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Book: Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (past)
Featuring: Tobias Carrick, Sienna Trinh
Rating: Teen
Words: 2.4 k
Category: Short-Series/AU/Lost Love
Summary: Ethan's in New York, and he's got backup... but when he fails to heed their advice and follow his own path, what will the results be?
A/N: I said the next installment would be the last, didn't I? Well, I lied. lol But the next one TRULY is. I went in a different direction and decided to torture them a little longer. 😏 @choiceschallenge-may2023 | ex-lover, love @choicesflashfics Prompt in bold Series Masterlist Ethan/Kaycee Masterlist Full Masterlist
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“Well, look at you,” Tobias smirked as he sauntered toward the bar. “What brings you to New York City, young man?”
Ethan gazed wearily at his friend, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips.
“There’s nothing young about me,” he muttered. “And I think you know the answer to that question.”
Tobias shook his head as he claimed the barstool beside Ethan.
“I’d chastise you for being rude, but I’m sure you’re nervous, so I’ll give you a break this time, Tobias grinned. “Wow, I’ve been trying to talk you into this for years, but just one conversation with Sienna, and you’re booking a flight! Hats off to her… I’m duly impressed.”
“As you should be,” a small but powerful voice belted.
Tobias spun around, astonished to find the diminutive doctor walking toward them. “And what brings you here?” he teased.
“Him,” Sienna pointed to Ethan as she hopped on the last vacant stool. “Do you think I was about to leave him to his own devices after all this time?”
“Smart move,” Tobias agreed. “I’m sure he’d mess it up in less than ten minutes.”
“Thank you!” Ethan groused. “I feel so much better knowing how much faith the two of you have in me.”
“OK, then tell us your plan,” Sienna insisted, keeping Ethan’s gaze as he looked like a deer that had stepped into the headlights.
“Well… I uhm. I thought I’d… uh… In the morning, I could….”
“Exactly,” Sienna chirped.
“I could send her flowers!” He blurted.
“After all this time… I don’t think overwhelming her is the way to go. My advice? Be upfront and lowkey. Send her a text; let her know you’re in town and you’d love to see her. Offer to take her for coffee or lunch.”
“Alone?” Ethan asked.
“Is this really a conversation you want to have in front of me and Tobias?”
“Point taken.”  Ethan sighed, his forlorn expression adding years to his appearance.
“She mentioned a place,” Tobias said, snapping his fingers as he tried to recall the name. “The Perfect Pint! She said that she loved that place over dinner tonight. Take her there!”
“Over dinner tonight?” Ethan seethed. “You took her to dinner?”
“Relax, Romeo,” Tobias barked. “I’m not putting moves on your Juliet. Kaycee happens to be my old friend, too, and… I’ve missed her.”
“Yeah…” Ethan muttered, voice full of defeat. “Nowhere near as much as I have.”
“And we’re here to change that,” Sienna redirected. Dr. Ramsey was not bringing the mood down on her watch. She shot a look at Tobias. “Now, do you see why I came?”
“Oh,” he laughed. “I never had any doubt.”
The following morning, as Kaycee was on a subway platform heading to work, Ethan and Tobias stood over the breakfast buffet at their hotel. Tobias smiled approvingly when Ethan scooped up the remaining bacon in the chafing dish. 
“Eating crispy, delicious processed meats… I’m impressed!”
“Everything is fine in moderation,” Ethan clapped back. “Besides, this place is known for its bacon, and I don’t intend to miss out.”  
“That’s the attitude. Speaking of not missing out… I assume you’ve texted Kaycee?”
“No,” Ethan sighed as Sienna approached. “I haven’t.”
“Good morning, guys!” She chirped. “It’s such a beautiful day!”
“It could be,” Tobias snickered.
“Oh no!” Sienna grimaced. “They’re out of bacon. I heard it is to die for here.”
“I’m sure they’ll bring more out momentarily,” Ethan offered. 
But Tobias had a better idea. “Hey!” Ethan hollered as he plucked the bacon off his plate and placed it on Sienna’s. “What are you doing!?”
“You can have bacon when you text Kaycee. Until then, no treats for you! We’re going all Pavlovian here.”  
Sienna’s face visibly fell. “Ethan! You haven’t texted her?”
“No,” he replied, attempting to steal a strip of bacon from Sienna’s plate, but her reflexes were quick. “If either of you would let me finish! I had another idea. Dr. Choi and I have been in communication about a case he’s working on….”
“…and Dr. Choi happens to work at Langone,” Tobias inserted.
“Exactly,” Ethan stated as the trio sat at a corner booth. “So I made an appointment to see him today, and I thought that…. What?”
Sienna shook her head with a grimace. “Ethan… are you trying to ‘accidentally’ bump into her? So she can think she’s an afterthought? That you were in town and didn’t even bother to let her know? Just when I was going to give you some of my bacon!”
“But, Sienna,” Ethan sighed, emotion heavy in his voice. “What if she said no.”
The table went silent, and Sienna quietly placed that slice of bacon on Ethan’s plate. He smiled sadly, hoping this wouldn’t be his consolation prize.
“For what it’s worth, I don’t think she would.”
“But there are no guarantees… and… I don’t think I could handle that rejection again. I need to do this my way.”
“Hey, Buddy. It’s your call,” Tobias smiled. “Either way, we have your back.”
“I’m so glad you stopped in,” Dr. Choi beamed as he escorted Ethan down the hallway. “We should make it a point to do this more frequently.”
“I agree,” Ethan nodded. “Sometimes a thirty-minute conversation in person can yield better results than a dozen emails topped with a Zoom call.”
“I will always take human interaction over technology,” the elderly doctor agreed. “How about I come to Boston next time. I’ll never admit it around here, but I’m a bit of a Red Sox fan.”
“Definitely keep your voice down,” Ethan chuckled. “And it would be my pleasure to bring you to a game. Say, Dr. Choi… is Dr. MacClennan’s office on this floor?”
“It used to be, but she’s on the eighth floor now. Take this elevator and make two rights when you exit. That will get you to the nurses’ station, and they can direct you from there.”
“Thank you,” Ethan smiled. “I’ll be in touch.”
His heart was racing as the elevator doors shut. Before allowing himself time to think, he pressed eight and hoped for the best.
The eighth-floor nurses' station was especially quiet this morning. All heads turned in Kaycee’s direction when she placed a tray of cookies on the counter with a smile. A young nurse – who had forgotten to eat breakfast – perked up at once.
“Oh! What are these for?” She beamed.
“For going over and beyond with Mrs. Mitchell yesterday. I really appreciate all the hard work everyone put in.”
“It was a pleasure,” the nurse replied, with her mouth full. “And if I knew we’d get these....”
“My best friend makes them,” Kaycee smiled. “She ships me a box at least every few months, and this time, you all deserve them more than me.”  
Kaycee noticed a change in the nurse's expression.
“What? Don’t you like them?” Kaycee asked.
“No, they’re wonderful. It’s just…” the nurse leaned over and whispered into her ear. “Dr. Douglas is heading this way.”
“Ugh…” Kaycee shuddered. “Thanks for the heads up.”
But the warning came moments too late. As she went to take a step away, her escape was thwarted.
“Dr. MacClennan!” The dark-haired doctor with a smarmy smile shouted. “Fancy running into you here!”
“Is it?” She shrugged. “Considering we’re standing just feet from my office, I don’t think it should be all that surprising.”
“I guess you’re right,” he chuckled. “But what was surprising was seeing you at Gabriel’s last night!”
“At Gabriel's? I don’t recall seeing you there.”
“Well, you appeared engrossed, so I didn’t dare interrupt. The gentleman you were with… he looked familiar…”
“Well, any educated physician should know who Dr. Carrick is.”
“Ah, that’s who it was! I didn’t realize you two were so… well acquainted. Is he a friend?”
“Yes! A very dear, old friend…” she stalled as an idea popped into her mind. “Well, at least for now.”
“Oh?” Dr. Douglas asked with a raised brow.
“Did you ever see someone you were once close with after a long time had passed, and everything is just… so clear? That was me last night. I’m sure you saw the sparks flying between us… it had to be impossible to miss. Sometimes it just takes a bit of time and distance from someone to realize that you’ve wasted far too much time… that you were meant to be so much more… and you’d do anything to make it right.”
“And… that’s how you feel about Dr. Carrick?” he grumbled.
“Very much so,” Kaycee sang, with the brightest smile adorning her face. 
“Well then, I assume I’ll see the two of you at Dr. Rivera’s farewell reception tomorrow night. Being he’s in town and all….”
“Yes,” she swallowed. “I’m sure you will. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
Her face was aglow as she made her way to her office. She had been searching for a way to get Dr. Douglas off her back for longer than she cared to admit… and this might be what she needed. She grabbed her phone and began texting Tobias – so engrossed with her plan that she failed to see him.
A solitary, crestfallen figure who had walked in at the worst possible moment stood slackjawed in a dark, shadow-filled corner. Ethan looked around to ensure he hadn’t been seen, then quickly turned to return down the hallway.
He stepped into the elevator with a heavy heart. Perhaps Sienna’s idea was better all along. After all, if she had ignored him or rejected him via text, it would have been better. If he had followed her lead, he wouldn’t have seen her radiant smile again; he wouldn’t have been reminded how it could light up any room.   He wouldn’t have felt the butterflies in his stomach or the way his heart fluttered at the sound of her voice. It had been so long since he experienced it, but it was like greeting an old friend, warm and inviting, until it was replaced. He hadn’t experienced it in so long that he welcomed it like an old friend…then it was gone.
The elevator doors closed, and it may as well have been that night in Boston years before. He choked back a sob as his heart sank and a pit formed in his stomach. Eight years. It took him eight years to travel the two-hundred miles needed to bridge the distance between them, and in the end, it would be for naught.
He didn’t remember the three-city block walk to St. Vartan’s Park. Everything was a blur. The first thing he remembered was his back hitting the hard, weathered wood on the park bench. The sound of honking horns mingled with birds chirping and children playing soccer nearby… the sounds of the city began to pull him out of his fugue.
Tobias? He hissed.
Not for a second did he believe his friend was making a play for his former flame… the woman he was destined to love forever, but if Kaycee had feelings for Tobias, returned or not, then she couldn't possibly have any left for him.
He berated himself for allowing hope back into his heart. Eight years and a half dozen failed attempts of trying with someone new between them; he had kept tabs on her, so he knew she had tried to move on, too. She had gotten married, for Christ’s sake… and, no, it didn’t last. But why had he allowed himself to believe part of her had not never forgotten him.
His head was pounding, and he needed two things: his hotel room and a bottle of Scotch. It may not diminish the pain, but at least it would take off the edge. He took a deep breath and stood up, eager to get through the unfamiliar city to reach the solitude he desperately needed… then his phone rang.
He knew in his heart that his friend had nothing to do with this, but he still had no desire to speak to him. It wasn’t his fault that Kaycee was pining for him… but he sure as hell didn’t want to talk to the man who held her heart. He declined the call. But it rang again. And again. Finally, in a near fit, he answered.
“Hey,” Tobias replied, blissfully unaware of his friend’s state. “Are you still at Langone?”
“No. I’ve left.”
“Did… did you see her?”
“I did… but she didn’t see me, and we’re going to keep it that way. Tobias… I’m a goddamn fool. It was all a pipe dream, a foolish, foolish pipe dream. Kaycee’s moved on, and if I have any sense, that’s what I’ll do, too.”
“What gave you that idea?”
“Well,” Ethan laughed sardonically. “She appears to have feelings for someone else. In fact… that dinner last night may have been a bit too romantic, intentional or not, because the person she has feelings for… is you. I don’t know, Tobias. Maybe there’s another universe where we’d have the happy ending I always wanted. But it isn’t in this one.”
The call went silent, and it lingered for an uncomfortable length of time. Frustrated with the lack of response, Ethan blurt out.
“Ethan, you are a freaking idiot. Get back there now!”
“Why? I heard her myself.”
“What you heard was her getting some douchey doctor off her back. He was one of those creeps who wouldn’t take no for an answer from her, but he’d take it from a fake boyfriend hundreds of miles away. She texted me to ask me to play along…"
Ethan stopped in his tracks. He hadn't had a chance to touch that Scotch he was longing for; still, he felt hungover.
“I don’t know,” he muttered. “Maybe this was a bad idea.”
“Look!” Tobias insisted. “She’s getting out soon. Get back there now! You’re not going back to Boston without talking to her. Maybe you two can work things out, and maybe you can’t, but how many more years do you want to live with that question mark hanging over your head?”
“You know what, you’re right.”
“I usually am… now go.”
Ethan hung up the phone and ran back, pushing through crowds to return to the hospital. He was about to enter the glass doors when he heard it. The chaos and noise of the city were no match for it; he’d know her voice anywhere. His head flung in its direction, but all he could see was a tuft of blonde hair slipping into an awaiting cab.
“Kaycee,” he yelled, running toward the vehicle. “Kaycee! Wait!”
But the cab was already in motion, and, for once, there was no traffic on the city street. He watched in silence as the taillights of the car that held the one thing his heart desired most faded into the distance.
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starry-miki · 6 months
⭐️ Get to know the artist! ⭐️
(+Obey Me! Questionnaire)
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Here we are again… back again with another year down. Wow time really does fly by doesn’t it? My Anniversary for my tumblr was back in August but I was not really active until near the end of the year, (sorta) So I’ve decided to welcome the new year, with a ‘get to know artist’ post. I should’ve done this a while ago but I didn’t think of it till now. 😘
I will warn that this is much longer then intended, so maybe a 10 or 15 minute read, also warn of some profanity but mostly for phrases.
I will be answering basic art related questions and Obey Me! Questions near the bottom. (Which is the part that is much longer than I intended it to be)
Basic questions
Hello everyone, you may call me Miki, I’m a Obey Me! (Mostly a side characters) and OC artist. I don’t have a preferred pronounce so you may refer to be however you like!
Age: old enough to commit tax evasion. (Adult) 😘
Favorite color: good question I don’t actually have one I think lots of colors are pretty. 🥰
Birthday: April 5th (Aries?)
How long have I been drawing?
I’ve been drawing for about 3ish years, however the first year and half was on and off.
Would I be a good art moot?
If I’m being honest I’m more shy and people scary me, so if you would like to be friends you might need to approach first…. But I do have small surges of courage to message first sometimes! How my friends would describe my personality…
“The one with no care in the world that just tags along for the ride and accepts their fate” -Questionable TikTok post sent by my by friend.
To be honest I’m all over the place with my art….
I have been thinking about open commissions and I think I will some time this year, but I’m a bit of a noob with rendering so I will practice before then!
A Fun fact: I’m a cat in a human’s body and need at least 10 to 12 hours of sleep to feel full rested, this also causes my sleeping schedule to get messed up. :P
What type of crime would I get arrested for?
Arson, honestly fire is so pretty when it burns things…. Has a weird magical feeling when you watch it….
An art advice?
I’m honestly still an artist noob so take what I say with a grain of salt. But for those starting out drawing, don’t worry about finding your art style it will develop in time while you learn and improve as well when you discover your likes and dislikes. I know one of the common advices usually given to find an art style is to reference off your favorite artists, it can work for some but for many others this advice doesn’t work, sometimes it can create a perfection of wanting to copy someone else art style or getting frustrated that it doesn’t look similar to your favorite artist style. But I promise patience and practice will pay off, don’t be afraid to indulge a bit out of your comfort zone and explore different styles, besides you may find yourself surprised with what you discovered.
Obey Me! related questions!
What and when did you play obey me?
I start back in early April, I kept getting ads for it on my Instagram and at some point I got tired of seeing it (and thought somebody in the universe really want me to play the game) and decided to play it, I didn’t think much about it and it was mostly something to kill time and I could have deleted it later when I got bored.
Did I mention that would be almost 4 years ago? (April 3, 2020)
Which of the brothers and side characters would I get along the best?
If I’m being honest I feel like I would get along with the majority of the cast, there always seems to be something I have in common or could do with the characters, I’ll start with the brothers first and also keep it short.
Lucifer: listening to classical music together or attending classical music concerts.
Mammon: ??? (actually the least brother I have common with)
Levi: video games, discussion of franchises and theories, etc.
Satan: appreciate cats and learning new things and intake of knowledge.
Asmo: I’m a rat so I love me some gossip while also doing self care. 😘
Beel: late night food runs or sneaking in the kitchen late a night to eat something (I do that in RL anyway)
Belphie: honestly sleeping buddies and anti lucifer club but I luv luci but still would like to occasionally join in the pranks. 😘
Diavolo: I honestly wouldn’t hang around with Diavolo if I’m being honest… just not much in common and other factors but I’m not going to elaborate.
Barbatos: I love me some good tea, some delicious food, pastries and barbatos company. 🥰
Simeon: honestly reminds me of some type of nice coworker and would just see him occasionally. (Still a pretty boy tho)
Luke: I’m the second or first sweets tester, I’m eat up those pastries and protect the bby. 🥹
Solomon: It works and I won’t elaborate. But I will say I will be with Solomon and Barbatos on a hot summer day with the AC on full blast cause we can’t stand the heat. (I heat up so quickly and are much more prone to a heat exhaustion, so you probably guessed that summer isn’t my favorite season.) 😘
First character crush?
If I’m being honest I didn’t really had one? But I had a very light crush on mammon. If that counts for anything.
Current crushes?
This should be a no brainer but old man and surprisingly barbs. Which i feel like many wouldn’t know since I rarely draw him (exact a few times) or ever mention me having a little crush about him. 😗
Favorite obey me outfits or event?
I would say the chief/apron from the brothers and for event I think the vampire event is my favorite. 🤔
(I’ve already started running out of questions so I went to the B LOV questions to rizz you up lmao.)
B’s log question. From (2022) Devildom Homework
(I also skip some of the questions cause they have already been answered or I got no answer)
Link for the OM! Cast B’s Log (I recommend reading it, but not necessarily):
Things I like:
making sure I try to end conversations or interactions with people feeling happy or feeling positive. (Which definitely has drawn bad people but I have been more careful and selective) 😘
Favorite item: (like food???)
Homemade banana milkshake, fruits and pastries. 🥰
What you secretly think about the person you love:
how did that happen??? 😀
Your motto?
1. Sleep it off.
2. fuck around and find out until you find the solution (or create a new problem or make it worse). 😘
3. Everything is going to be okay, eat some sweets and try again. ☺️
Love Questionnaire.
Be the first one to confess love is what you will… do.
Be possessive is what you will?
“Won’t do, and don’t want to be possessive over either” -Solomon
Tbh same. 💀
Be jealous is what you will?
Do not. I find jealousy to be such an ugly emotion to feel and would like to avoid or completely eliminate the feeling when it rarely occurs.
A love with obstacles is….
honestly a pain in the ass but it honestly depends on the type of obstacle and if I love that person enough.
Days that you think about the person you love so much that you can’t fall asleep… do not exist.
Times when you can’t be honestly convey your feelings. Does not exist
Devildom borderline:
Devildom charm distribution chart (self assessment ver.)
Dead set in the middle just a little bit to the reliable.
Please explain your choice on the chart!
If I’m being honest I don’t really find myself cool, cute, spoiled nor reliable. I’m more neutral? I mean if group projects count I guess I would be a little reliable? I’ll do my part of the project but I don’t really ask others if they need help with their work load but I do with friends though.
Tell me! Your borderline!
Border line of “Horror”- which on is more scary?
(1) 24hr long lecture from lucifer
(2) bungee jump form the highest mountain in the Devildom without a cord.
(3) other. “When you are thinking about eating a certain food in the fridge and when you get to it, it’s already been eaten. My day is ruined” 😔
Borderline of "Don't wanna do" - Which one would you avoid?
1. Asmo's 1-day photograph assistant
2. Beel's 1-day cook
3. Others. “Hurting people’s feelings and stomping their happy mood, I prefer someone to discuss about rocket science if that’s what they are passionate about and not understanding what they are talking about. It’s rare to see people have pure passion in something and talk about it excitedly, I never wish for that passion or excitedness to die out.
Borderline of "Wanna try" - Which one would you prefer experiencing?
1. 1-day Demon King
2. 1-day Devildom Spy
3. Others. “I honestly want to walk around nature solo and in different landscapes, maybe walk in a flowery meadow in the evening with pretty pink and purple evening sky or walk through a dark cloudy evening forest with light snow gently falling.”
Borderline of "Blessed" - Which one makes you happier?
1. People surrounding are smiling.
2. Enjoying yourself from the bottom of your heart.
3. Others. “I would say all of above and possibly more, happiness is a fleeting feeling and can sometimes be difficult to feel in everyday life, any way to achieve even the smallest of happiness even if it’s from the most simplest things is good in my book.”
Borderline of "Cheating" - Absolutely, not allowed!
1. Holding hands
2. Meeting eyes
3. Others. “Depends on the circumstances” :P
What would you do once Obey Me! Reaches to the end?
Cry, that would be my thirteen reason why, I wouldn’t be able to handle it, AND ILL KEEP THE ANSWER SHORT TO NOT THINK ABOUT IT. 😔😭
Well I think that’s enough questions to answer! I hope the questionnaires give you a little insight about me. This year I do hope to be more active and post just a bit more the i have from last year. And for those who made this far let me know what your responses are for the B’s Log questionnaire! Happy New Year to everyone, and may you be blessed to a wonderful year! ☺️💕
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nescaveckwriter · 5 months
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Hurting Angel - Chapter One 🥰
Crowley x reader (also known as Bri)
Chapter One 🐞
A/N: Hey my bugsies, so this was requested by a beautiful anonymous bugsie, I sure do hope y'all are going to enjoy this series...🥰💓
Side Note: Let me know what y'all think, also thank you all for the support - also all my stories can be found on watpad aswell.🥹🤭
Warnings: Blood, thriller, horror, sarcasm, mentioning of guns, if there's anything else, let me know... Much love "Nesca" 🐞
Go on a blind date they said, it'll be fun they said. You need to get out more Bri, they said. " Remind me again why I agreed to download the stupid dating app, signing up for it in the first place was crazy, damn freaking nuts. "
Stirring the drink at the bar, not really feeling like drinking, but hey its a bar, its what your supposed to do right!
The bartender basically screaming over the loud music, 'you okay miss?'
"Yeah of course never been better, love getting stood up," her lips pursed
The barman didn't quite know how to answer that, so he just walked further down to the other end.
Irritated about the fact you got stood up and that it bothers you a tiny bit, you pull out your phone, texting the babysitter, asking if everything is still alright, with Lainey.
The text came through, "Little Lainey is watching my little pony and she already had her dinner, enjoy yourself a bit darling" Mrs Anderson is the only person she trusts with Lainey.  Biting her lip, maybe I should stay a little longer, just enjoy myself for awhile, unwind, the story about the biggest crime syndicate is really taking over my damn life, I'm this close, mimicking with her index finger and thumb, to uncovering the face behind the leader, his code name "The Devil" a crooked smile on her lips, its such a stupid nickname, like are the people supposed to be immediate, well like yeah, here comes the little red man, with his pointy tail and ears, with his little pitch fork, all I know for sure is his name is Crowley, and he goes by the devil, as for how he looks, I'll find that out very soon, well as soon as my source comes through anyway.
''Drinking alone and looking as beautiful as you, is just a crime'' the silvery voice says, breaking her out of her deep thoughts. Turning her head to the barstool next to hers. ''Oh really? last time I checked there's a lot worse crimes in this world'', sounding a little more snarky than she intended. The man with his neatly combed over blonde hair and blue eyes laughs, ''not in the mood for company?'' 
''In all honesty, not if your going to tell me cheesy pick up lines all night'' she sighed.
''Your safe, I promise, that was my last, you have my word'' he laughed
''Okay good! Then your more than welcome to join me,'' sounding inviting
The man, asks for the bartender to give them two more, of whatever she's having. After getting your drinks, the two of you talked, not really exchanging names, merely about how noisy it is, and the fact that, they both got stood up. Still laughing and having fun, some guy bumps into your chair, letting your handbag fall to the ground. ''Hey! Look where you going buddy'' she warned. The guy just gestures a sorry and keeps on stumbling further. 
''This place is getting to crowded, I'm going to head home, as soon as I finish the last few sips'', she expressed
''Leave now? We are just getting to know each other'', his silvery voice, sounded so smooth.
''Biting her lip, yes thank you for the nice chat'' getting up, to only fall back again, holding her head in her hand, "oh wow, how is it possible that I feel so lightheaded, I had two drinks," everything is spinning, my body feels so numb, so outside of myself. Fumbling through her handbag, trying to take her phone. Hearing the bartender say something, the man next to her, sounded so disembodied when he answered, looks like she had a bit to much to drink, I'll take her home, taking ahold of her arm, let's get you home!
Something is wrong, has she been drugged? Trying to get her arms to function to push him away, so that she can get out of his grip, but her body feels weak, her muscles is losing all functionality, as for her eyelids it feels as heavy as stone, she whispers a shaky "no" before everything goes. dark.
Her eyes starting to slightly open, "w..what happened", she mumble's. Glancing over the room, to see if she recognises anything, her view is hazy "where's the man that took her" hearing the dripping sound of water, "it's freezing" breathing heavily, excruciating pain shuttering throughout her body, feeling still slightly numb, tracing her fingers over her abdomen area, her hands trembling when she feels a long incision, and the thread of a wound being closed up, unknowingly tugs at the pointy strand, "what the hell" she gasped.
Forcing herself to see more clearly, glancing down, shaking uncontrollable, her eyes widening, her body is laying in a bathtub covered with ice, some crystal clear, others stained with red, most likely from the blood, still seeping through her left side. "My side its sliced open" she yelled, as if she only realized that what she felt previously was her own body.
Searching across the bathroom, for anything other than the dripping sound and the shaking of her own body, she grabs ahold of the bathtub, her fingers a discoloration of blueish-white, forcing her body over the edge, plumping to the ground, "dammit" she exclaims. Dragging herself across the floor, moaning and whimpering in pain.
Opening the wooden door slowly to peek through, to see if anyone is stil there keeping watch, sighing in relief, "the coast is clear. " Crawling to the edge of the bed, trying to get up, still shaking and weak, she forces herself up, rolling over, taking in a deep breath, her heart is beating rapidly, her throat dry, her voice sounding hoarse. "I need to get to a phone, hospital something"
Grabbing a blanket to wrap up her shaking body, that's only covered in a black sports bra and her black shorts, making her way to a shaky stance. Holding onto whatever she can find as she stumbles out of the room. The bright streetlights making her eyes burn, glaring down the stairs," really the least they could do is butcher me on ground level" irritation in her painstaking voice.
Dragging one foot across the other, down the steel staircase. Searching the parking lot for a vehicle or help of some sort. There in the corner, an old chevy Camaro, "almost there" she sighs.
Pulling the door, praying it isn't locked, "yes, its open" a half smile forming on her tired face. Hoping the keys are still inside, she gets in. "Dammit, no keys, why would it be easy, nothing is every easy" her voice low and weak.
Pulling the ignition with every last bit of strength she has, "need something to strip the plastic covered wires" peeking through the car, in the window hangs a beer opener, reaching for it, taking it to the wires, pulling it across the starter wire, striping the plastic about 1'3 inches back, then doing the same with the battery wire, touching the two ends together, something she learned when she was a teenager, "Come on baby, come, there you go, that's a girl" she whined.
Throwing it in drive, and stepping on the gas, she drives off, leaving a man in her rear view window chasing after her.
Looking at the street signs, trying to read it, but its all a blur, turning down the first left she can find, looks like a residential area, "maybe I can get some help here" she utters desperately.
Feeling the blood rolling down her side onto her thighs, her breathing more shallow and her eyes heavy, knowing she needs help quick! Real quick! Making her foot heavy on the gas, not taking the turn in consideration, she crashes into a wall,  making her head jolt to the steering wheel, glancing over the shattered windscreen, at two men with weapons, running towards her, she looses consciousness.
Chapter Two Here 🐞
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cyncerity · 1 year
Hi, I absolutely love your store shifter au and it gave me so much brainrot!! I’m borrowing a friend’s account for the moment because I can’t have a tumblr. Anyhow, I just wanted you to say that even if I can’t interact, I absolutely love all your ideas!!! If I understood the lore right, I would assume George is Sapnap’s younger brother and whatever traumatizing experience caused Sapnap to shift also took George away from Dream when they were young. Will Dream and George ever meet in person and if they met as tinies, would George realize it was Dream and what would he think of Dream having the pendant/braid? How would Tommy learn Dream was a shifter, and if one of them was tiny when that happened how would they deal with/would there be a language barrier? And how does Dream learn to shift back? This is much longer than intended, sorry. Feel free to answer parts of it or none of it, I just wanted you to know you’re wonderful!! And if this ask isn’t long enough, then here’s some writing prompts -a friendly admirer
“I can’t believe it.”
“My clothes. They just look so, so…”
“Yeah. Hard to believe we even fit that size, right?”
“It’s crazy.”
"Nothing... I'm just not used to
seeing you from this angle.”
"Yeah, I guess it's usually the
other way around.”
This is literally one of the most personal asks I’ve ever gotten solely for the fact that how you described being on tumblr is exactly how I was
I wasn’t allowed on tumblr, so i’d wait till everyone in my house was asleep and then pull out my middle school ipod as a burner device, look at g/t posts for an hour or so, then delete the google tabs i’d pulled them up on and fully shut down the ipod and hide it.
I lurked in this specific community for about a year, then lurked with an account so i could send asks for about another half year until i caved and got the app without parental permission lol (my dad had seen how tumblr was before the bad bots started to get banned so he honest to god thought this was one of those kinda sites but hes chill now)
suffice to say i completely know where you’re coming from and I love you for it 💖
Even if you can’t like my posts or have an account, just coming on here and saying you like my content is so awesome and it absolutely means the world to me 💕✨💖
As for you’re thoughts on the lore (and thank you for sending so many questions I love when this happens):
You’re getting close >:)
Sapnap doesn’t have any siblings, but as I’ve mentioned before (i think), Quackity does! And the event that sparked Sapnap’s shifting was similar to what got George taken in the first place (which could definitely be a reason that it was distressing enough to cause him to shift 👀), just on a larger scale and at different times. George was gone well before Sapnap became a shifter.
As for more on George, i’ll limit myself to what I can say cause there’s so much I want to write for him. At some point it’s my goal to write a story for him as a sort of interlude of the “dream shifted for the first time” story (there will be more parts! I’m working on them! Ngl this ask kinda made me realize how much I wanted to finish the second part of that) and have him fully explained there.
But I can tell you that Dream and George will meet in person! I can’t tell you if Dream will be tiny when they meet, cause you don’t even know for sure what species George is yet, but i promise the boys will meet! Will George know it’s Dream when they meet and vice versa? Who knows! That’s for me to know and you all to find out later >:)
Tommy won’t learn Dream is a shifter for a while, since Dream is stuck at the store. It also takes a bit of time for a new shifter to shift back to their normal size, since they’ve been repressing their capabilities for so long, their body has to stay at the opposite size to get used to it initially. Dream will be able to shift back at some point, but not without some help :)
And now that you mention it, there definitely could be a language barrier, and that could make things really interesting 👀 (im imagining Tommy seeing Dream tiny for the first time at a loss for words and Dream frantically trying to explain what he is but obviously Tommy already knows, so Tommy starts talking about being a shifter himself and he can’t hear Dream’s absolute shock and confusion at this information and can answer none of his questions)
And the writing prompts, YES, i am IN LOVE WITH THEM
If i don’t write specific things for them, they will be put into the next few stories for this au because they are such good ideas oh my word
and as a treat because i loved answering your questions and it made me really happy to get an ask that hit so close to my own experience here’s some miscellaneous Store Shifter drawings from my chorus class, just for you bestie 💖
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i have so many of these for so many aus you don’t even know the half of it
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elysian-drops · 11 months
Something I’ve wondered as I was reading Appetence, how is it that the cut on Harri’s hand healed but not the hickeys she got later? If Harri is self-healing herself subconsciously then does that mean that she wouldn’t heal the marks that she liked receiving..? Or didn’t perceive them as threatening to her health because they weren’t maliciously intended?
Wow, okay, I’m really happy you picked up on that detail because it’s one of those tiny world-building things that I don’t really have the time or space to explain in the actual story (but nonetheless have been really wanting to discuss 😂). 
You’re right in that Harri is healing subconsciously— though, it isn’t really herself doing it so much as it is the horcrux. This may be a bit of a long-winded answer, but bear with me 😂
In my world-building notes for Appetence, I initially framed the horcruxes as having varying levels of sentience depending on what percent of Voldemort’s original soul they contained (i.e. the Diary was the most sentient and the Diadem was the least). Sentience here is defined by, more or less, how much energy/magic they themselves, as objects, contain and can exert on the world or take in (like how the Diary could possess Ginny, talk with Harri, and bring them into its memories). For example, in order for the Diadem to be on the same level of activity as the Diary (i.e being able to possess a person and interact with its environment) it would need to take in a substantially larger amount of energy from its victim due to how little it was originally imbued with— and, in the process, probably kill them off quite fast. This is in comparison to the longer feeding time of the Diary: it drained Ginny rather slowly as it was, initially, only seeking to replace the energy it was spending via her possession (this is to say that it had enough of its original own energy that it didn’t /need/ to possess Ginny from the get-go in order to interact with its environment). So that’s the general horcrux system in place. 
Of course, the two biggest anomalies in this system are Nagini and Harri. As both belong to a ‘living’ vessel, their horcruxes (despite being the last ones made and therefore with the lowest percentages of the original soul) are far more active + contain more energy than their predecessors. I honestly love thinking of the horcruxes as parasites that require a host in order to become increasingly sentient 😂 Essentially then, both Harri and Nagini are ‘hosts’ who fuel their horcruxes by providing them with a steady energy source (i.e they never go dormant like the others do— aka the Diary who was awakened after Ginny wrote in it). Though in contrast to Nagini, Harri’s horcrux is by far the most active (and I would say the strongest out of all of V’s remaining ones, and, perhaps, even the Diary before it was destroyed). This is for namely two reasons: a) the presence of innate magic in Harri that the Scar-crux is continuously feeding from that Nagini lacks, and b) the original whole soul of Harri that it latched onto and made its own (which is the biggest difference as the others were attached to soul-less vessels and were therefore dependent on whatever percentage Voldemort could spare for them). I have a whole other post (which I’ll link here) that explains how Harri’s soul ended up forming around Voldemort’s, if you’re interested (I call it the Soul Jello theory 😂). But overall, this is to say that Harri’s horcrux is on a different level entirely (something that even V remarks on and doesn’t quite understand himself how it works).  
Now what does this have to do with Harri’s healing? Well, I’m glad you asked 😂 
So far, we’ve seen her horcrux become more and more active the longer its in Voldemort’s general proximity. Compared to earlier in the story, it now talks to her more frequently, influences her mood, her magic, has become keenly aware of its environment, and so forth— and this includes the state of her body and healing processes. As parasitic as it is, the horcrux’s goal is not to destroy its host, but rather prolong its usefulness: this means trying not to kill it outright lol. For Scar-crux, this manifests in trying to maintain a homeostasis within Harri so that she can keep feeding it— aka trying to avoid exposing her body to too much stress and having it potentially shut down. The horcrux heals things that would actively put her in danger of that stress  (i.e cuts, bleeding out), and it does so without her really even knowing about it (namely by hijacking her magic for its own use). Basically, Scar-crux is always running in the background and doing maintenance wherever it can 😂 Of course, it has limitations on what it can realistically achieve. Severe cuts or broken bones? Yeah, that’s going to take longer— and significantly more energy (which, keep in mind, it has to leach from Harri). Above all, I like to imagine that the Scar-crux is quite smart about it: it knows when it simply isn’t cost-efficient to heal her on its own (aka when it’ll just cause her body even more stress and therefore more damage). For instance, take her ongoing issue with malnutrition: it would’ve been an enormous energy expenditure to try to fix that through magic, so the Scar-crux limited itself to only the little things that would keep her near-ish stability (healing minor burns from the stove, smalls nicks and cuts, keeping down her fevers, etc). Hickeys? Same thing: they don’t pose an immediate danger to her health, so it didn’t bother fixing them. 
Of course, there are other limitations to this ability as well: the horcrux can’t, for example, heal wounds inflicted by Voldemort’s magic. Consider the bite wound from the beginning. When Severus goes to heal it, he remarks that “he felt some resistance to his magic” and “had seen a shimmer dance over the bite's surface”— the bite wasn’t just physical, but also was magical in nature due to V’s venom/parselmagic. I like to think of this limitation as trying to put out a fire with more fire, really— it just isn’t feasible.  
So, overall, you’re right that the healing is entirely subconscious and only done when it's perceived to threaten her health! And really, bless the Scar-crux for all its efforts to keep Harri going— I certainly wouldn’t want that job 😂 Though that being said, I really do like your thought on her not healing the marks she liked receiving 👀 That's also quite on-brand for her 😂
Thanks again for the question and for letting me ramble a bit about some of my headcanons for the Appetence universe! It’s always a treat whenever I get to do that 💕
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effervescentdragon · 8 months
Hi! I just wanted to say that this week I chose to read some of the fics you have up in AO3 ( and by some of them I mean a lot) and I'm obsessed with your Sebchal Old Guard AU.
I haven't watched the movie yet, but I've been tempted in the past and your writing was the last reason I needed to do it.
That scene when Sebastian has apparently died and Charles holds him while praying in Latin, and he is so devastated about losing Sebastian because immortality is only a gift if Charles gets to share it with him.
That was..WOW..Yeah. No words. Tens across the board.
Those dreams of Lewis and Nico. The ending in Suzuka when Charles is wearing red again. People choosing to spend immortality together just really gets to me, I guess.
That fic really did something for me, and I have to thank you for it.
PS: your Nico/Jenson Soulmate fic made me see why people ship those two.
PS 2:"Red Gods of Old" is so phenomenal. I had to keep pausing to look at the wall and think about every paragraph.
PS 3: I was blown away when I saw you posted again, and blown away again because I had already read the Piarles piece, but didn't realize it was part of a series. I loved your first chapter. So angsty, and I hated the fact that you made me relate to Lando, but also thank for that.
Thank your for sharing your writing, and I know sending this right now seems so convenient because of your post earlier, but I really enjoyed the reading sprint I had on your stuff and I wanted to say so. Sorry for writing so much this got a little bit longer than the single paragraph I had intended it to be. :)
anon this made me so happy. like so so so happy, insanely happy. the answer is gonna get long because i cant not ramble about all this, so, cut.
my sebchal old guard au is my favourite thing ive ever written and i love it so much and people dont often go for it, though i do have some wonderful asks in my inbox that im saving for a rainy day and i just. thank you for coming here to tell me this and i hope you watched the movie because its MASTERFUL. i put so much into that fic, for example i tried to figure out how to make two white boys be joe and nicky without being insensitive or appropriative about race, and how not to apply the fundamentality of joe's loveliness of being an arab man (gentle and kind and a poet in his soul) to this german dude. that one kept me up for a while, so i decided not to mirror it perfectly but to apply seb and charles' personalities into the context, except adapting the other way around. it was a challenge to write, because i wove so much little ideas and nods to other people in there, not the least lewis and nico as andy and quynh, and then in the end i just really wanted them to come a full circle and somehow tie it in with f1. i always do this in my au's, give a little nod to f1 somehow, just to show my love for it. anyways, thank you so much for reading it and just. i love that you liked it.
oh god the princess cake soulmate fic - i saw the prompt and i couldnt resist! it turned out to be a prompt by a tumblr friend so that worked out even better. i love nico and i love him with jenson and i need to get back to writing him some more soon tbh. he is such a complicated and interesting character and he has twists and turns and i just love him insanely much. (if you liked the soulmate fic, i refer to this fic as my princess cake master thesis, so you may like that one too, maybe.)
oh my fucking god. this part. this part had me stopping in the middle of my corridor when i saw it because like. nobody reads that fic? nobody knows it and its my first proper rpf that i wrote and i love it so much and i just. im just heart-eyeing you now, because that was me trying to figure out some things about seb and about ferrari and to make it work in my head so i know how to proceed, so, thank you for reading it, and especially mentioning it!
thank you also so much for reading my carlando, im very excited about it because i never wrote them and im a bit nervous about the characterisation but so far it seems like it has a positive reception. i made it angsty on purpose because lando is just a ball of anxiety and i rly tried to show it. im super hyped about the next chapter two, but please keep all your limbs crossed for my uni work, which i have to do tomrrow on penalty of death.
please, never think its inconvenient to read something as lovely as this ask, no matter if its because of a post i made or just because, it literally doesnt matter, because you took the time to come and tell me these lovely things anyway. it made me happy and it made me hyped up and thank you. and there's never ever too much rambling, i dont see this as rambling i see this as something lovely. thank you <333
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stephmcx · 2 years
Hi, I just recently started watching Hawaii 5-O and I wanted your thought on something. Even though I'm only on season 2, I do know that Steve gets with Catherine in the end. From what I can tell most people don't like her because she constantly lies and what not. Right now I find her a little on the boring side and her relationship with Steve a little bleh. I know that you are a Mcdanno shipper and ultimately would have like them to get together, which I totally respect that. But if Alex had gotten his way, because I read somewhere that Steve getting back with Catherine would be completely stupid. Who would you like to see Steve with if he couldn't be with Danny?
Hi Anon, thanks so much for your message and for asking my opinion! Wow, that's a tough question! And one with many layers at that! I'm trying to answer this without giving too much away, I don't want to spoil anything for you if you're stil in S2! Bear with me, this has gotten longer than is reasonable! :)
Let's start with Catherine. Yes, she's a very polarizing character in this fandom. Personally, I don't hate her. In fact, I like her just fine. I also like the friendship she and Steve have--or could have had. Her relationship with Steve changes several times throughout the series. At the beginning it's a purely friends-with-benefits thing and there's not much going on between them romantically. Maybe that's why it seems boring to you at the moment? It tends to get a bit unbalanced over time: Steve keeps asking favors from her (which aren't without risk for Cath's career if we're being honest) and he rarely ever reciprocates. He tends to stand her up on promised dinners and it's supposed to be funny I guess, but actually it's him not treating her well. Then throughout S3 and S4, Michelle Borth becomes a permanent cast member and Cath is around much more and she and Steve seem to slip into a more romantic relationship. Which is fine for a while (3x10 is an episode where McRollins works just fine for me, I've written about it here), but ultimately, the writers didn't put any effort into developing the relationship and it shows. Steve keeps taking her for granted, Cath starts lying to him and it becomes apparent that they're both not really great for each other--meanwhile the writers suddenly start to claim their relationship has been seriously romantic from the start. Then Michelle leaves the show and Cath leaves Steve. And she keeps leaving Steve everytime she comes back for a guest visit. As if Steve didn't already have enough abandonement issues.
What Alex said refers to that in the broader sense, I think (more specifically he refers to the fact that Steve intended to propose to Cath--which was such a stupid plot I won't get into it here and now, otherwise I'll never get to to the point of your question). Alex said that "McGarrett would be an idiot to take Catherine back" (x). And in another interview he said "Absolutely not. No f–king way, Catherine is not 'the one who got away' but 'the one who was not meant to be'." (x) But then, in the finale, they made Steve say the complete opposite thing, namely that Cath was the one who got away and that's why many fans got really angry when Cath suddenly appeared out of the blue in literally the last minute of the show. (You can read my personal take on Cath's appearance in the finale here.)
So having said all that, we don't see Steve in romantic situations much. We don't see him flirting much either, or even showing romantic interest (neither in women nor in men, except for Danny if you will). He's a blank slate, kind of, and that makes it really hard to answer your question. It's definitely not Cath for me. It's also not Lynn, who he starts dating in S6 and who we get to see maybe once a season before they break up in S9. Don't get me wrong, there are people I'm on board shipping with Steve (early seasons Cath; Kono; teenaged Steve having a crush on Chin; Steve's best friend and SEAL buddy Freddie who is KIA; later Junior on some level) but someone Steve ends up with happily ever after? There aren't many characters that would work for me.
I think it should be someone who either knows Steve really well OR who is at least able to understand Steve's history and the subsequent troubles that come along with being a SEAL and a cop. People who know Steve are rare, especially since the writers tend to kill off everyone from Steve's past. Among the few characters who'd understand him is profiler Alicia Brown, who we meet in S7 and who's got a great chemistry with Steve. She was never intended to be a love interest and maybe that's why her character is more fleshed out and her interactions with Steve give away much more than any scene between Steve and Lynn ever has. They could have been an interesting couple if they'd gone there. Then in S10 Danny makes Steve go on some dates (which he then crashes by calling and texting Steve) and from the two women we get to meet, I did like Emma, the vet, but it didn't pan out and then the show got cancelled anyway.
So this has been many words and not much of an answer. I'm sorry, Anon, if this wasn't what you were hoping for. Danny is Steve's person for me and even looking at it objectively and without shipping goggles, I have a hard time picturing Steve with anyone else.
But I'm curious: do you already have someone in mind for Steve? Who do you ship him with? Let me know if you like! :)
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linawritestwst · 2 years
Im a Savannaclaw's simper, i read the confession hcs/drabble from ur blog, & damn... Now im in love with ur writing... 😳👉👈 Mind if i req more with those boys? Just hcs, separately, & gn s/o 👀✨ Wanna see their reactions when s/o pulled them by their collar just to kiss them passionately ✨ U can change it to a small kiss if u feel uncomfortable tho! That's it, thx & have a nice day!! 😳
savanaclaw dorm members react to a passionate kiss headcanons (gn!reader)
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♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥
thank you for your request and i'm so happy to hear that you like my writing! i hope you enjoy!
leona kingscholar.
♡ you felt like leona didn't give you much attention lately. most of the time you either found him napping or ruggie told you that "it's better not to bother leona right now" oh, really? wow, you didn't know that your boyfriend was so hardworking and so busy all the time! so yeah, this whole situation and the way leona's been acting made you feel angry and.. kinda sad, even. you really did love him and sometimes you felt like you had to do something to make leona pay attention to you. do something to make leona pay attention to you, huh..
♡ and then one day, a miracle happened: you found your boyfriend and he wasn't asleep or "busy with something". now was your chance! you've ran to leona and called him by his name, trying to make him turn around and look at you. and he did, but his reaction was.. "ah, it's you. what do you want?"
♡ "what do you want?" WHAT DO YOU WANT?? this guy really treats you like this after ignoring you for so long?? oh, you knew what you want to do. and you were gonna do it right now. you walked to leona and grabbed him by his collar and just.. kissed him. and you kissed him as passionately as you could, so that he could feel just how much you missed his love and affection.
♡ after you were done, leona looked at you with the most shocked face you've ever seen him do. and you were proud of yourself for making him do this kind of face expression. "didn't expect that, did you?" yes, leona didn't expect that. but once he came back to his senses, he looked at you with that usual smug grin of his. "and you definitely didn't expect THIS from me." and right after he said those words, he pulled you in for another kiss, that was even longer than the first one.
ruggie bucchi.
♡ you loved ruggie, you really did. he was very fun to spend time with, you laughed at his jokes and he was just.. a very good boyfriend, you loved him so much! but sometimes his behavior really did annoy you a little. just a little. you wanted to get back at him for messing around and just being this mischievous little gremlin who liked to shock you with his pranks and jokes.
♡ and you've got an idea. ruggie knew your weaknesses, but you also knew his. and you quickly came up with your "revenge plan". so, on the next day, you've found ruggie and you walked to him. he noticed you as well. "wow, i didn't think you'd wake up so early today! oh, did you miss me so much that you wanted to see me as- wait, what are you doing?"
♡ you pulled ruggie by his collar and he didn't understand why you were doing this. did he say or do something wrong? now that he thinks about it, he did prank you especially often these days. okay, now he kinda gets why you're angry with him. he just needs to apologize and- WAIT, DID YOU JUST KISS HIM?
♡ you pulled ruggie in for a long and passionate kiss and you intended to make ruggie as flustered and red as possible. after you were finished, you stepped back and looked at what a blushing and stuttering mess your boyfriend has become. yay, mission accomplished! "yes, i missed you so much that i woke up earlier today." you answered his previous question. "did you miss me too?" no answer. he will need some time to process what just happened but trust me, he WILL get back at you after.
jack howl.
♡ jack was a good boyfriend and you loved him with all your heart. but you knew how bad jack is at expressing his feelings and emotions. you loved your tsundere wolf boy and you wanted to help him with that. and you thought "hey, if this guy doesn't react much to hand holding and stuff like that, you know what will TOTALLY make him show some kind of emotion?"
♡ so here you were, waiting for jack to arrive to your meeting spot. jack never came late and you were thankful to him for that. when you saw him, you waved at him and invited him to sit next to you. jack nodded and did just that. you two talked about different kinds of things and it was nice, but you wanted more.
♡ and right when jack was going to leave, you said "just one more thing." and pulled him by his collar. jack was surprised at your sudden strength and he didn't understand what you wanted from him and why you were doing this. he had no idea that you intended to pull him in for such a long kiss.
♡ when you were done, you looked at jack and.. yeah, the guy was shocked. his reaction was so cute, you tried really hard not to laugh. you smiled at him and said "you can go now! thanks for coming to chat with me today~" that.. that was it? jack cleared his throat, trying to calm down. "you're my s/o, so i couldn't miss a chance to spend time with you. but uh.. why did you do this?" you two definitely have kissed before, but this was the first time you've kissed jack so passionately. "because i love you! and i wanted to show just how much i love you, jack!" your reason is that simple?? "i.. i see. i love you too, y/n."
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aquanova99 · 2 years
Have you ever done this? Headcanons for Felix with a mate that is deathly afraid of him? I feel like even if they were another vampire, the fear could be there. If you haven’t, may I have some please? I love how you write for him. 🤍
Not you wanting to break his heart 😭😭 and therefore mine in the process. This question is too good and deep for me to not answer. God this is going to hurt, but if I’m sad I’m taking everybody with me
Edit: wow this was so much longer than I intended I should have just wrote a short fic at this point
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Someone tell me why it’s actually hard to write this 😭 damn I’m going to have to have some backstory
You were created shortly before the Romanian Coven was diminished. Your creator had been focused on making as many newborns as possible and was killed before the venoms effects had completely taken over.
You were found by a nomad who had had his coven destroyed for breaking the law, you were completely unaware of this but he instills that fear in purpose to make you a loyal coven member. This nomad is malicious in every way telling you he will send you to the volturi unless you do what he wants
So needless to say when they run across you on a mission you are TERRIFIED
You saw the black capes you had heard so many stories about and you immediately curl into yourself and try to hide as if they couldn’t find you
Unfortunately for the both of you, Felix saw you first and even though you both felt the mate bond you started whimpering at the sight of them, your creator fleeing as quick as he could. Felix tried to come close to you
“It’s alright little one—“
“Please I didn’t do anything…don’t hurt me.”
The sight of you recoiling literally shatters Felixs heart. SHATTERS IT.
Felix is about to let you go but Demetri tells him how difficult the mate pull will be for the both of you. Jane was beginning to get impatient because she had been ready to go home. She offered to get Chelsea, you’d heard about her too and all you could was shake your head
Felix’s growl at Jane surprised you, you didn’t understand why they would want you to come to Volterra anyway. Alec offers to stay with you while they go get Aro and Marcus.
You’ve heard all about them from the vampire you were living with so no matter what Alec says to try and calm you down you are frozen in place. It isn’t until Aro comes that they figure out why you’re so frightened
Yes you hold your hand out for Aro, you value your life thank you very much
Marcus for some reason is able to calm you down enough and takes you out of earshot to convince you to come to the castle
You go hesitantly because as curious as you are about Felix, you had been told about him. The only vampire to never lose a fight, no technical power yet still strong enough to maintain a position in the volturi. He was known as the executioner. You shouldn’t get near him. No matter how much you wanted to.
Felix has always more of a flirty nature he’s actually very charming but after your first encounter he makes sure to keep his distance. He also makes sure to not try and give off the impression that he would flirt with anyone when his interest is on you.
He still wants to try and win you over but he knows it’s going to take a while and he will take his time he couldn’t handle rejection a second time
But poor thing literally can’t even talk to you, which for whatever reason is really bothering you. You can’t be scared of someone who doesn’t talk to you that’s ridiculous.
Besides that your first friend in the castle was Heidi and she had nothing BUT good things to say about Felix, the she talked about him irked you, if only for a bit. She assured you he had no interest in her, which was crazy because she’s gorgeous. But it did make you feel better and you hated it.
Then one day Heidi got a bouquet of roses from someone on the tour “I hate when they do this.” She said “they never even ask what kinds of flowers I like.” You find yourself telling her you agree and that you would prefer something like sunflowers
Lucky for Felix he’s been trying to listen to everything about you, and this is where it gets good folks because the next morning you find a bouquet of some beautiful sunflowers in the morning, and he makes sure to replace them when needed to. You found out about it after asking Heidi who had no idea where they came from (yeah, okay)
Your curiosity almost got the better of you but before you could ask Felix Demetri and the twins were sent out on a mission, the longer you stayed with the volturi the more you understood why they did what they did. Which meant now you were terrified something might go wrong
And it did. The group was separated and Felix had been ambushed, one of the guys managing to break an arm and Felix was pissed. They had managed to still take everyone out but that’s as close to losing as Felix gets. He’s sullen when he gets back to the castle, Demetri and the twins tell Heidi what happened and you almost immediately burst into tears. Any more newborns and Felix could have been outnumbered
You find him laying down on the bed in his room. Another thing he thought of to make you comfortable, you realize. You know he knows it’s you but he doesn’t open his eyes. He just continues to rest on his bed.
You sit down next to him and rest your hand on his arm, you feel him stiffen at your touch and you start to wonder how you were ever scared of him. He looked so vulnerable like this. His reaction to your touch wracks you with guilt you didn’t know was possible to feel for a member of the volturi. You feel yourself start to get upset again and without thinking you just fall into him, resting your head on his chest.
Words really aren’t needed and this is kinda what he’s been waiting for. He slowly arms his arms around you and when you don’t move he squeezes you as hard as he can. You bury your head into his neck and just lay there as long as you can. Because while neither of you say anything you both need eachother right now.
You can’t help but tears fall from your face and you suddenly start apologizing for how badly you misjudged him, he shushes you and tries to calm you down because he’s glad you’ve changed his mind about him
From then on your relationship improves tremendously, all of your friendships with the volturi grow. Felix continues to go at whatever pace your comfortable with and will make you tell him when it’s okay for him to kiss you, etc.
This man is NOT risking losing you anytime soon
Which you appreciate but dammit you wish you had never listened to that nomad and found out about the volturi yourself
Your relationship becomes easy, you know Felix will always have a fear of you being afraid of him again just like he knows your afraid of him being hurt because of that one time. Still, because of that day the two of you find yourself being able to communicate with just a glance or look. This doesn’t mean
It doesn’t drives everyone in the castle sick honestly because you two are adorable. Always smirking at eachother with inside jokes and always and I mean always touching eachother outside of trials. Felix is not about to let you out of his sight if he can help it.
You don’t mind because he has to go on missions quite a bit and it drives your anxiety up the wall, you want to request to go out on missions with him but the kings don’t want Felix to be distracted, which, fair.
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crankynewt · 3 years
Life Could Be a Dream - Chapter 2
Live in Living Colour Series Masterlist
Summary: (Y/N) slowly begins to remember their life with “Pietro” before WestView as they move through the decades, but sometimes knowledge is a curse rather than a blessing.
Pairing: Pietro (Peter) Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warning: WandaVision Episode 6 spoilers! Read at your own risk!
Author’s Note: Here’s the highly requested second part to Be Okay! You don’t have to read it to understand this story, but it does fill in the gap during the 80s episode and give a little more context into the reader’s mind. Also, the reader’s powers and Halloween costume are highly based off of Starlight from the boys even though I did my best to make it gender neutral, but that’s what I kinda envisioned!
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(Not My Gif!)
Your hips swayed as you danced around the kitchen, the sound of The Chords’ “Life Could Be a Dream” filled the room from the record player in the corner your beloved vinyl was spinning on. Chopping pineapple for the jell-o in the bundt mold beside you, you hummed along to the familiar tune as your feet shuffled back and forth on the checkered floor.
A whooshing sound and light breeze behind you tore your attention away from the task at hand. Turning around quickly, you were met with the smiling face of your loving boyfriend, relaxing in a chair with his feet propped up against the kitchen table. His dark jeans were complimented by a letterman jacket adorning his shoulders, his shades of grey complimenting your own and those surrounding the both of you.
“My partner and their impeccable taste in music.” He smirked, arms crossed behind his head.
“My boyfriend and his faster-than-a-bullet superspeed.” You retorted, shuffling over to your man and giving him a playful smack on the leg. “Feet off the table! We’ve gotta eat here in a few hours!”
Pietro whooshed once again, this time with one hand in your waist while the other held yours, finally slowing down enough to gently rock you to the music. Life really could be a dream, and you were experiencing it first-hand.
“What is happening? Where did this come from?!” Agent Woo asked, watching the dancing couple sway as a hexagon framed the image and the words ‘Pietro(Y/N)’ shone across the screen.
“I don’t know! When Wanda recast Pietro an extra broadcast started from inside the hex and this is what the channel’s playing.” Darcy explained, taking a sip of her long awaited coffee as the end credits began to roll. “She must have somehow created another storyline for them.”
“But, wait… Didn’t somebody say that (Y/L/N) went missing before the blip?” Monica commented, pointing at your smiling face on the screen.
“Last I heard was that they got beamed up on that spaceship in New York with Spider-Man and Doctor Strange, but nobody’s seen them since.” Jimmy added, crossing his arms with a furrowed brow.
“Well wherever they were, they’re back in action.”
You woke up with a gasp, shooting straight up as a cold sweat adorned your body. Your nightmare had been something that you couldn’t believe your mind had imagined, it was so real, so dark… 
You had been on a strange planet surrounded by shades or orange and red, weirdly dressed people fighting all around you. At the centre of it all was this purple giant, a metallic glove adorning his hand as he fought the group of you away. 
Before you knew what you were doing you were rushing towards him, hand raised as a tingling feeling ran down your arm while golden light formed around your hand. But your attack was to no avail as with a clench of his fist the giant had opened a red hole in front of you and you began free falling.
“What? What is it?” Pietro grumbled, slowly waking up at your sudden outburst. He sat up as well, rubbing his hand on your lower back soothingly. 
“It was just a dream, babe.” You brushed it off, turning to face Pietro and leaning closer towards him. His eyes still held worry and a bit of disbelief as you played it off, but rather than argue, he just held you close as the two of you laid back down until sleep took it’s hold once more. 
“How much longer ‘till he calls?” Darcy whined, spinning in her chair as the boredom of watching reruns overtook her. You and Peter had just finished your ‘80s episode, meaning that the two of you had just reunited with Wanda and Vision.
“Don’t worry, he’ll call.” Monica replied, and as if on cue the name ‘Jimmy Woo’ was flashing upon her phone screen. She was quick to answer and eagerly pressed the device to her ear. “Woo? What’d your guy say?”
“Scott said that (Y/N) hasn’t been seen since they were on a planet called Titan fighting Thanos. Stark apparently told him that they got tossed in some hole he opened and they couldn’t get them back.” Jimmy explained, the sound of a car moving filling the background as he was already on his way back from talking to Lang.
“You don’t think that he sent her to wherever this new Pietro came from, do you?” Monica responded, Darcy shrugging her shoulders in response.
“I mean, it’s well within the realm of possibilities?” 
“What are you boys doing?” You called from the bottom of the stairs to where Pietro and the twins were playing some video game on the tv, laughing and shouting as they shot at each other. “Piet, why aren’t you in your costume?”
Your boyfriend finally turned to face you and your Halloween costume had his jaw quite literally dropping. You adorned a white costume with a golden star and accents on the front, meanwhile your cape was white with countless smaller stars decorating it’s entirety.
“Wow! Babe, you look… Wow!” He ogled, speeding over to you as his eyes took in your costumed appearance. He ignored your question, Wanda having to bug her brother once more for him to drag Tommy with him to make their matching Quicksilver costumes, their hair slicked up on the sides in an odd way.
Before you knew it the five of you were making your way down the street bustling with costumed kids. Pietro and Wanda were a couple steps ahead of you with the twins, you making the decision to take a minute to appreciate your domestic life while the siblings caught up.
“Unleash hell, demon spawn!” Pietro yelled as the twins went running off to fill their buckets with candy. You weren’t trying to eavesdrop, however you weren’t very far behind them and neither twin was making any effort to speak quietly.
“Do you remember when we were at the orphanage when mom and dad died?” She asked, the duo stopping to talk to each other in the middle of the busy road. While you didn’t intend to stop yourself, the sudden confusion that struck your mind left you no other choice.
Orphanage? Why would Peter have ever been in an orphanage when both his parents were still alive?  Wait, Peter? Where was all this coming from?
Suddenly your life was quite literally flashing before your eyes. Getting your powers, joining the Avengers, falling through the portal to another reality, meeting the X-Men… Oh, and Peter. Your relationship with Peter came back in moments, from your first meeting to the day he kissed you after you almost died on a mission. And how could you ever have forgotten your wedding day?! 
“Peter?” You asked out loud. Whether you were calling out to the man who you now remember to be your husband or questioning the memories that you had just regained you weren’t sure.
Your sudden comment caused Peter/Pietro to scoff in disbelief and furrow his brows, meanwhile Wanda’s expression darkened as her eyes glared daggers into your head. 
“Did you just call me Peter?” He asked incredulously, but his face quickly softened as he saw the fear in your eyes. You were utterly dumbfounded, How did you get back here? Last thing you remembered was being at the school, then all of a sudden you were living in some sit-com town.
“Why doesn’t he remember me? Wanda, what have you done?” Your voice wavered, your gaze shifting from Peter to Wanda, who would have already murdered you if looks could kill.
“I have no idea what you're talking about.” Her eyes flashed red, meanwhile Peter was standing there as if everything around him was completely normal.
“I think you do. Don’t make me do this, Wanda.” Your eyes began glowing as well. There was no way this would be ending well.
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remingtonisleithal · 3 years
Caught in the Storm
pairing: female!reader x Remington Leith
summary: two besties, being friends, sharing a bed because of a storm, definitely not going to lead to anything more.
warnings: smut, mentions of loneliness, no use of protection (don't be silly, wrap your willy), thigh riding? If you squint sub!remington
author note: if you like this please reblog! also, editing fics in the same room as family is bloody hard. Thank you @bidet-and-legolas for reading it first :)
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oh gosh, that smile. He told himself he'd never fall but the moment he spoke to you, it was too late. Remington had fallen for Y/N. Years later, no one knew, but he couldn't keep it to himself for much longer.
You'd just spent the last few hours on his make shift bed on the tour bus, watching movies together. After hours had pasted, he was laying on his back, you were lying on him, back against his chest, and he was wishing that he could just kiss your head, your mouth, all of you. If he was going to make a move, now would be the right time, the guys had gone out for drinks hours ago so you had the bus to yourselves. This way no one would witness the rejection. No, no, he can't think like that. He needs you in his life.
You rolled over to face him more and mumbled a little 'I'm so tired Remi.' You looked at the computer in front of you both and saw it was 11:30pm. The sound of rain thundered down on the bus, as a violent storm began. "Shit, that weather's sounding bad." You were worried to go out into the pouring night. Remington was thinking the same things and said, much more softly than he intended, "Stay?". He coughed a bit and you pushed away the thought that he cared about you more than just a friend. It's just an offer after all, he's not asking you to kiss him... no matter how much you wanted to.
It was then that you realised you were still staring into his beautiful eyes. You wriggled gently to get up, claiming that nature calls and then turning red and regretting saying it instantly. In the small bathroom you hid for a moment, and wondered what to do. Maybe another movie? But you were exhausted and needed to go to sleep. Maybe he wouldn't mind you going to sleep?
"hey Remi?" you asked
"what's up Y/N/N?"
"Do you mind if I have a nap or something? i didn't sleep last night an-"
"Sure, I mean you can stay over if you want. It doesn't look like this storm is leaving." He cut you off.
Moments later, you had stripped into your undies (because no way are you trying to sleep in skinny jeans. Nope) and put on a baggy top Remington handed you, and he had changed into some shorts. And you were squished into his bed, Remington against the wall, you against him, no mattress to spare. It was going to be a long, long night of false unrequited love.
By the 2 am mark, the guys were not back, thunder jolted you awake. A groan.
"I can't fucking sleep with this storm" He groaned, and you agreed.
A moment passed. Silence except the storm.
"So. How's life?" Remington asked with a playful smile and you giggled.
"To be honest? Pretty bad." For once you answered the question with truth. Remington tried to wiggle around onto his back, but it failed. You shuffled over so you were facing each other.
"What's wrong?" his eyes and voice portrayed equal concern
"Nothing is right. To quote a very handsome man, I'm so sick and tired of being alone." he let out a half laugh as you called him handsome. "There's this guy. I love him so much and he will never know. I can't tell him."
"Well that's just dumb. You should tell him, no matter what happens, you have to be honest with yourself." He mentally punched himself for his hypocrisy, but he couldn't think of any other advice. What would he say, 'that's rough buddy'?
"It's not that easy. It's all just so hard. You know my track record with guys and girls, I never pick the right ones, I always get hurt and not in the fun way."
"The fun way? Oh so you like that?" He teased you with a laugh, without realising just how he was teasing you.
"Fuck off Remi. I know you have no rights to judge. My point is no one ever loves me, or seems to know how."
"Are we talking physical or emotional?"
Conversations were always easy between you, and you saw no point in ignoring topics like sex.
You had both been looking away from each other for fear that the other might read their eyes and see the love in their souls. You were the first to look back.
"I just wish someone would kiss me. At this point, I'll take anyone! I'm just so fucking lonely. I know he'd never love me back, and-"
"Then he's a coward. He's not worthy for your love or of you if you feel you can't tell him this." He got so mad with jealousy, but overall he just felt horrible, as he believed he'd never be worthy of you. "You're perfect, do you know that?" He mumbled. He lent in, eyes pulling you closer, until the thunder boomed and you jolted apart.
You rolled over, scared, and there wasn't anywhere for Remington to put his arms besides around you. Slowly, you shuffled back into his warm arms and breathed a sigh. He moved around to get comfortable. You moved a little more, moving your hips a bit. You felt something hard against your butt and you let out a silent sigh. Neither of you were comfortable, and it was clear why when you moved your hips again and Remington couldn't hold it in. He let out the sexiest moan you'd ever heard.
"... Ah, Remi?"
"Shit, I'm sorry I didn't mean to I..." He rambled on, mortified and you moved your hips again. That made him shut up.
Turning around you looked into his eyes. They were pleading with you not to leave, not to freak. To just stay with him forever. Before he could stop himself, he lifted a hand to brush some hair away from your face, and, unable to form words, you let out a light whimper.
Neither of you could form coherent sentences, the conversation was held by your eyes. His, full of surprise, asking, 'do you like me?', biting your lip your eyes said yes. He smiled. Your hearts were beating so fast, but he moved slow towards you, gently placing an open mouthed kiss on your lips. A sea of emotions erupted in you as electricity flooded your body. He pulled away to look you in the eyes.
"Y/N, I have loved you since the moment I met you. I'm sorry I've been so scared to tell you, i can't handle the though of losing you."
"I- you- ah-" you couldn't form the words back, but you pulled him closer and kissed him with all the fire you felt in your heart. he responded with a groan and licked your lips, asking for entrance into your mouth.
You didn't hold back, and you explored each others mouths in a moment of excitement, bodies pressed against each other. You pulled away, needing oxygen, but he pulled you back, needing you more than air. Soon your were against each other, moaning, desperate for more.
"Take my shirt off?"
His response was immediate, tugging it off you, and claiming your mouth once again. Your hand wandered down his chest to his boxers. He released your mouth for a loud moan and you felt yourself instantly get wetter.
After muttering 'fuck' he kissed down your chest to your boobs, taking one nipple in his mouths and gently pinching the other, until your back was arched in pleasure. You nudged him back up, so you could reach down into his boxers.
He was painfully hard, and he was groaning in a mixture of pleasure and pain, as he had been hard for an hour trying to ignore your beauty.
"Please." he mumbled in your ear. Immediately, you moved your hand and put your leg in between his, starting to rub yourself onto his thigh as he did to yours. You were both a mess, sweaty and begging each other for more, more, more, until eventually you stopped humping him. You kissed down his chest but he stopped you.
"No. Please, I just need you now." So you both searched for a condom. You couldn't find one. He couldn't find one. You were dripping for him and he was painfully hard, you surrendered to your instincts.
You asked "are you good without?"
"I hope so."
You giggled a little but stopped when he took his undies off. He was perfect, enough to stretch you but not to hurt, and you felt your chest constrict without meaning to.
"How do you want me?" You asked
"However you want. I just need you." he said with a sigh
"Fuck" you moaned and climbed onto him.
You fell gently, both crying out in pleasure as you felt in all the way in you. You clenched and he moaned a high pitched moan that only turned you on more. Soon you were a mess, riding him, him thrusting into you in perfect timing, getting closer, closer, closer. Without saying a word he started to rub your clit gently. You screamed in pleasure and asked for him to go harder, faster. You cupped his balls and he groaned.
"I'm not gonna last much longer." he grunted into you, and you lay on top of him, boobs pressed to his chest, turning you on like nothing else. You ran a hand through his spiky, sweat-dampened hair and whispered:
"come into me, then"
You clenched and he was done, and seeing the face he made of pure ecstasy sent you over the edge, coming undone harder than ever before. Hands on your hips he helped you ride it out, and breathing heavy, you stayed like that for a long time.
"wow" was all Remington said and you laughed, rolling over. He climbed across you to find a wet wash cloth and clean you both up, taking time to kiss you softly and he cleaned you, only making you wet again.
"I love you Remington."
"I lov-" the doors to the bus suddenly opened, Sebastian screeched and shut it immediately, not wanting any more of a visual than he got. Neither of you realised the rain had stopped.
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alovesongshewrote · 3 years
Drink Me | Killian Jones
Plot:  You get super drunk and the infamous captain makes sure you don’t drown yourself by mistake [Killian Jones | Captain Hook x GenderNeutral!Reader]
Word Count: 972
Warnings: you’re really drunk, and you flirt with hook, and you really wanna go swimming in the ocean in the middle of the night
A/N:  wow, wtf is this, lovesong making more than one post in a day???  that hasn’t happened since they started this blog (i know, i know, i just got hit with motivation out of left frickin field and now we’re here)
Taglist: @blixeon
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“Okay!  Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, but consider-” you slurred, “Apparently, red wine is like, good for your heart or some shit, so like, ‘s better.  Wine is better.”
“It is not.  And where did you pull that little fact from, the interwebs?”
“It’s the internet, and yes, I did get that fact from the internet.  Fuckin’ love the internet.  I love her.  Maybe even more than wine.”
“Mhmmmmm!  And I frickin loveee wine.”
“I still believe that if there’s anything worth drinking, it’s rum.”
“Right. Totally.  Rum isssss totally so much better.  Totally.  Soooooooo, so- so, so, so, so, so, so, much better.”
Your companion only sighed, raising his hook and his hand as if to surrender at the sound of your drunken sarcasm.  You, however, would not let him off so easily.
It was his own fault, in a sense.  He had stumbled across you drinking and decided to join you for a round or two… or twelve.  You weren’t a lightweight by any means, but he was a pirate with a couple centuries of drinking behind him.  It was safe to say he could drink you under the table.  It wasn’t like you were keeping him there, either.  Killian Jones was free to leave at any time, but alas, he stuck by you and even managed to get you home safely.
You would owe him one, or twelve when you sobered up.  For now, though, you were a chaotic disaster and he, the tired pirate who’d decided to deal with you.  And that was one hell of a job.
“You know what would be so fun right now?”
“I’m afraid to ask, love.”
“Fuckinnnnnn night swimming.  IIIIIIIiiiii think I’m gonna go fuckin,,,, jump in the ocean, like, does that not sound like a good time?  That sounds like a good time.”
You stood up to go and… jump in the ocean, I guess when your pirate wrapped an arm around your waist to keep you from making several bad decisions, “As much as I would love to watch you jump into the ocean, I don’t think you’re in the best state to do it-”
“I’m in the best state to do you.”
If the infamous pirate captain had been drinking, he would have choked on it.  Instead, he choked on air, coughing harshly before speaking again, “I beg your pardon, love?”
“Then beg.”
Killian, still in a state of shock, took a second to respond, “Right, well, for one thing, you’ve used that line before.  And for another, I don’t beg.”
“Yeahhhh, sureee thing Jones.  Sure thing,” you rolled your eyes before making a tiny little squeaking noise and leaning so far back that you almost fell off your counter.  Once again, it was your captain to the rescue. 
“Okay, I think it’s time for you to sleep.”
“Is it though?  Or is it time for night swimming?”
“Aye- a- aye to the first one.  You are not going night swimming.”
“You’re no fun.”
“I assure you, one day, when you are sober, we can find out just how fun I can be, but for now, you are taking a nap.”
There was silence for a moment while you stared up at him, allowing yourself a much longer look than your sober self would have dared to try.  
“What is it?  Is there something-”
“You’re really pretty.”
Once again, the pirate was stunned to silence, this time, without choking.
“I’m sure you’ll think very differently when you wake up, love.”
“I doubt it.  Sober (Y/N) also thinks you’re pretty, they just don’t have the balls to say anything about it.”
“Really?  Well, I’ll have to ask Sober (Y/N) about that the next I see them.”
“Damnnnnn right,” and that was the last thing you said before you let yourself go limp in Killian’s arms.  It was just as well.  Getting you to walk to your room in your drunken state would have been a bit of a nightmare, so it seemed that carrying you to your room would have been the only viable option no matter what you did.
Your pirate, once you were in his arms, had no problem navigating his way to your room.  He placed you, gently, on your bed, and threw a blanket over you.  He was on his way out when he took a second look at you.  Your eyes were wide open when in the hallway, they’d been closed.
“You alright?”
“Do you think God lives in heaven because he fears what he’s created?”
For the third time that night, you caught Captain Hook way off guard.  For a few moments, he stared at you, blankly, before staring at the wall, pondering an answer.  You patted the space on the bed next to you, and he sat down, the bed dipping under his weight.  For another minute, there was silence before you pulled him down to lie next to you.  After that, you rolled over onto your side.
“Don’t think about it too hard, Jones.  It’s a quote from Spy Kids 2.  Goodnight!”
Four.  Four times in one night, you stunned that man to silence.  He took a look at your sleeping form before staring up at your ceiling and coming up with an answer to your question, one that would have shocked even you.  The decision that if there was a god, and if he lived in heaven, he was missing the best parts of the world he’d created.  Rum.  The ocean.  You.  All were good examples, and all were things that trapped him in his mind until he unintentionally fell asleep beside you.  
In the morning, you would have a massive hangover, one that Killian fully intended to laugh at you for, as he should.  For the night, though, you both slept and dreamt of each other and the sea.
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NSFW with Chuck Grant
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
 Charles Grant is a walking example of “acts like a badass, is actually a softie” bc BOY, IS HE HARD (lol) TO GET A READ ON. 
When you first start fucking, he doesn’t really have the instinct to stick around after and soak up the afterglow- mostly bc that’s not the dynamic that any of his previous relationships operated under, but also bc he’s like Lieb and doesn’t feel comfortable being vulnerable and potentially having you reject him. He only confidently leaves the first time, and then he judges whether to stay or not on how you look at him as he makes to get dressed after the second time you boink. If you want your space, he’ll go and be back the next day as long as you let him, but if you look even a little bit offended or hurt, he’s getting his ass back in that bed and doing whatever he can to get that sad look out of your eyes.
When he does stay, he’s down to give you whatever he can manage. 
He’s all for slowly kissing you while trailing his fingertips up and down your side, but if you just want to sleep beside him he is more than cool with it (he’ll probably still pet you a lil bit after you fall asleep bc he’s soft for you but shh shh shh don’t tell anyone). The only thing he isn’t very good at doing is pillow talk, especially right after sex. He’s too worried about saying the wrong thing and fucking up what he’s managed to establish with you. 
It isn’t until after he’s shot that he realizes how nice it feels to have someone else take care of him, and when you do so after sex it solidifies the fact that you don’t see him as a burden- you want him and you want to stay. Thank god, too. He doesn’t think he could recover without you (again, not that he’d ever tell you that)
 B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
 Your AhhhhhhHSSSSssssSSSSSs!!!!!!
Oh wow, look at you- owner of the cutest butt he’s ever seen. Can he put his hands on it? Can he squeeze it? Please please puh-lease can you let him watch it jiggle as he fucks you? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, then you’ve made each and every single one of his dreams come true. 
He doesn’t discriminate in his love for butts- he’s an equal-opportunity appreciator of the Majesty of the Female Ass™. If it changes size throughout your relationship, he’ll love it even more. Absolutely shameless.
On himself? He likes his legs- especially his thighs. 
He likes how strong they are, despite how much he hates Sobel for getting them to their current strength re: Currahee. But he gets over it quickly bc oh wow is he happy with their endurance while trying to keep up with you, both sexually and otherwise. The day he realized you could ride yourself to orgasm on them was the day he died and went to heaven and was sent back to sin again.
 C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
 He likes cumming on your pubic mound and then watching it slide down your pussy, thank you very much. If you guys are trying for kids or in a position where you don’t have to worry about not having kids, he’ll cum inside of you happily but oh wow he likes watching it slide down your lower lips. BONUS POINTS if he gets to catch it on his thumb and either stick it in your mouth OR circle your clit with it in order to get you off one more time.
Also, you asking him where he wants to cum on you gets him hot under the proverbial collar. 
 D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
 He’d do literally anything for you if you’d let him put his finger in your ass. He will genuinely kill an individual of your choice if you let him put his cock there instead. What a perv (jk it takes a lot of vulnerability for some people to convey their wants and desires to their partners plz remember that this has been a PSA).
The one thing he’ll never actually tell you about... EVER is that for a little while after meeting you for the first time in Georgia, he started hooking up with a girl who he didn’t realize (until much later) bore a striking resemblance to you. He’d had to end the relationship when he straight-up called out your name when he came (he was a lil drunk, just tipsy enough to slip up) and full-on booked it out of there bc not only had he pissed the girl off, but his shout had woken up her family- namely her very angry father- and barely escaped with his life.
 E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
 He’s had two lovers before you, but one of them was really experienced and patient and bless that woman. All he really has to do is learn what you like and he’ll commit it to memory. 
And you better be damn sure that he’ll use that knowledge against you/for his benefit. 
 F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
 Doggy style for all the reasons mentioned before. Or reverse cowgirl. Or normal cowgirl. His hands + your butt= dream combo.
 G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
 He can be goofy, but more than anything else he likes it when you’re goofy. Chuck can get a little too in his own head at times, which can lead to frustration/self-doubt- ESPECIALLY while recovering from his brain injury. You reminding him that sex is meant to be fun does him a huge favor, bc poor lamb will forget that every so often.
So please, nibble at his earlobe in that way that tickles him. Make a quip at the expense of one of your friends. Mock the silly sound of the moan you just let slip out.
 H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
 He’s not going to groom unless you tell him to, but he also doesn’t feel like you need to groom for him, either. Chuck’s not afraid to admit how much his personal hygiene has improved since meeting you. 
I can promise you that if you’re heavily invested in skin/hair care, he’ll probably be just as into building his own routine. 
 I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
 You always have Chuck’s full and undivided attention during sex, but he won’t necessarily show it unless he gets the guy feeling/you tell him that you want him to be. He’s going to whisper sexy things into your ear, call you a good girl (if not his good girl), and do everything in his power (at the time, at least (he can get a little distracted if you’re doing something particularly sexy)) to make sure you feel just how appreciated you are. He gets more and more confident in his PDA as your relationship progresses, but when it’s just you two? You’ll never meet a bigger sweetheart.
 J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
 Ok, so I’m deciding for you that mutual masturbation is a thing that you’re both into, m’kay? 
I'm also making the executive decision that you really enjoy watching him get himself off. You walked in on him one time, before you’d had sex, and were so stunned that you just watched in rapt attention until awkwardly backing out of the room and slamming the door shut. He’d nearly cum right then and there, and it got you extremely aroused. 
The next time you see each other, at some Georgia bar while on a pass, you offhandedly mention that you wish you hadn’t left and FROM THAT DAY ON he always lets you know when he’s feeling the urge and how you’re more than welcome to watch.
And when you do? It’s always a much shorter experience than he intends bc wow how hot are you?
 K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
 Frottage! Dry Humping! Grinding!
Allow me to explain:
In the months following D-Day, it was quickly understood that being on the frontlines meant having traditional forms of sex were no longer on the table (hehe) for you two. You’d experimented with rucking your trousers down your thighs, his thighs, both of your thighs, and each time it was a disaster (with one of the worst times ending up falling onto Tab after he’d inadvertently opened a door that Chuck had been fucking you against. Chuck had nearly thrown fists when Tab refused to look aware from your bare ass.)
So yall started grinding- quickly finding out that the bunches of fabric separating your bodies not only led to new forms of stimulation, but it also meant that you both started to utilize dirty talk. There’s something about your trembling lips at his ear, your warm whispers of ‘so good’ and ‘is this really all you need, Chuck? Me, writhing on you like this? What does that say about you, you desperate boy??’
Boy’s bought a one-way ticket to Boner City, USA.
PLUS! What a way to keep warm during Bastogne? Everyone is so jealous that they don’t have a super foxy megahot babe like you to grind upon.
 L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
 Hmm…..is saying anywhere a cop-out? Because he’s down for anywhere, he’ll follow your lead and rise to the occasion. Such a perv i s2g.
 M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You have this one eyebrow quirk you do when you’re in the mood, and it just so happens to be similar to the brow raise you give someone trying to outsmart you (which is another turn on for him- you putting some overly-confident sonofabitch back in their place after allowing them to mansplain at you for a little bit. First boner he ever got (since meeting you, obviously) came after witnessing you telling Joe Liebgott to stfu in cutting German after he’d made some off-color comment about your ass.) 
So, more often than not, he'll get a little turned on when you argue with people. Maybe even when you argue with him- who knows? not me. (i totally do, and he totally is)
 N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
 Any sort of pain play, on either of you. 
After being in genuine agony for so long while recovering from all of the surgeries, the idea of seeking any more pain out just doesn’t make sense. Chuck also doesn’t want to see you in pain- even if you’re asking him to make you feel it. You’d both suffered through the pain of hunger, frostbite, insect bites, sunburn, and just war in general (all of which had emotionally taken a toll on him bc he felt completely helpless and hated that he couldn’t do anything to take your hurt away). 
Sex and pain just doesn’t go together for him. Sorry not sorry 
 O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
 He loves having you go down on him, adores the way your eyes look up at him as if you’re challenging him to withstand your beautiful ministrations. 
He also is a big fan of going down on you, but PLEASE PLEASE PUH-LEASE ride his face. Good lord. 
He’s a sucker (teehee) for it- something about you using him like it’s all you keep him around for gets him hot. You also get this certain snarl on your lips when you are getting close that makes him lose his goddamn mind bc WOW YOU ARE SO ATTRACTIVE and HOLY SHIT YOU CHOSE HIM OF ALL PEOPLE? WOWOWOW.
 P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
 He’ll follow your lead/body language in terms of pace. Most sex sessions shift between both slow and deep as well as fast and hard anyway, so he is a fan of both. 
 Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
 A necessary evil, as far as Chuck is concerned. He’ll do them, and he’d be lying if he said that he didn’t enjoy the spontaneity of them, but he would prefer not to be rushed when he’s with you.
 R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
 He was riskier until that one time Tab caught you guys, after which he chilled out. Which you are thankful for, bc you’ve spoken with Lieb’s wife and BOY have those two gotten into some embarrassing situations bc of how risky that kid is. 
 S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
 The longest he's gone is 4 rounds (it was celebratory sex on VE day, with both of you in the best shape you'd ever been in and too high on relief to listen to your bodies. Ya'll were sore and dehydrated afterward but LORD was it worth it.
 T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
 He’d be very open to the idea of toys! On you, he’s automatically cool with it, but it does take him a little bit to get his head around the idea of using toys himself. Again, 40s/50s= somewhat repressed discussion about deviations from the traditional male sexuality- but Chuck is more willing and ready to challenge the societal norms than most. Very sexy of him.
 U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
 He always intends to tease you, but more often than not he gets so turned on that he can’t follow that intention through. You are aware of this and ABSOLUTELY weaponize this knowledge. Get it, fam. 
During day-to-day conversation, however, you both tease each other constantly. It’s been like that since you’ve met each other- always making innuendos and one-upping the other and for some reason that never even went away.
When Chuck woke up and the doctors brought you in to see him, the first thing he told you was that you looked terrible. When you’d replied with a sniff, a smile and a “guess the doc’s were full of shit when they said there was no change in your vision, huh?”- Chuck had smiled so hard it hurt.
 V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
 He’s a choked moan kind of guy. His face gets all scrunched up and his body shakes and he curses quietly under his breath (it’s vv cute and hot, FYI). he doesn’t even try and be quiet on purpose, he just seems to lose the ability to be vocal, tbh. If he’s drinking or if it’s been a hot minute since yall have gotten to do the do, he’ll probably be a bit louder. Like, maybe one loud cry of your name (see: the letter D)
It doesn’t bother him if you make sounds at all, just so you know. If anything, he likes that he’s a quiet cummer bc then he can hear any and all of your sounds.
 W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
 biting your ass while eating you out from behind is *bang* *bang* *bang* *click* *cash register noise*.
Especially if you squeal and smack at him after he does it.
 X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
 Average in all respects but OH MAN does he know how to work it to his advantage. Get ready for a wild ride, my dude. 
 Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
 Higher post-war, tbh. Chuck had had to be on bed rest for so long that he thought he may never get the chance to have sex again, so he totally makes a point to indulge in you every chance that he can get (but he’s cool if you say no, too).
But, as I mentioned in ‘risk’, he’s not going to be humping your leg in public or anything (ok but imagine if you were a dom to his sub and you made him do that holy fuck)
 Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
 He does not sleep very well, poor bb. He will be asleep but his mind will be working through all kinds of things ranging from PTSD to what shoes he wanted to wear to dinner with your parents that weekend. Good thing there’s a remedy to this ailment- your pussy sex with you!
While he can’t konk out immediately, he is able to relax. He will allow himself to get lost in the rhythm of your breathing, the weight of your hand on his arm or your arm wrapped around his middle. He will sometimes nuzzle into you as you’re drifting off to sleep, and when you press a kiss to his forehead he finally feels safe.
~ ~ ~
taglist: @sunsetmando​ @televisionboy​ @now-im-a-belieber​ @tvserie-s-world​ @holdingforgeneralhugs​ @mrseasycompany​ @itswormtrain​ @mrsalwayswrite​ @happyveday​ 
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