florece-en-gracia · 2 years
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inthemiddleofgrace · 4 years
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saritamian · 3 years
Well we often plan things, imagine things to go as per our plans and assume that we have complete control over our plans.
Do you really think we can control the every bit we plan?
There are times when life moves the way it wants to and not the way you wanted to and that is the point where you’ll feel something repelling, making you rebellious as a whole.
The very thought of some external thing taking in the charge of your plans will push you to an agitated and messed up state of mind.
Now amidst this process where you are just heading with these unidirectional thoughts that all your plans were the best ones and if they didn’t go as per your commands, everything would be a waste or more appropriately considering it a misfortune  for yourself.
Swirl a little and shake your mind to make it think beyond your fuss.
Nothing that goes against your plan is a waste.
You might visualize all the good but cannot forsee what bad can come along when things would have gone the way you had imagined them to. And yes we do not hold the ability too, to be that efficiently farsighted.
Things that appear to be ruining, falling apart, making you feel that life went real cruel and partial with you,
Your plans might be great but when He plans for you, they make you stand out!
You are not being ruined, your plans are not being obstructed , you are actually being projected for a grandeur!
Yes the whole new plan and path may look destructive, something that would appear beyond your capability.
Well the new plan is to push you into something where your wild tough spirit that has always been dormant and unseen, is stirred to roar.
We all have that wild tough spirit which we ourselves can never reach upto, so something outside us take that major control putting us on a path leading to great horizons.
Walk with a faith that it did not happen to you, It Happened For You and see the miracle ✨ 🔆
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amjustabookfreak · 4 years
A scared world, needs a fearless Church.
— A. W. Tozer
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wisdomfish · 4 years
Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13
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Faith Among Grief
Strange title? Yes, it probably is. Some would ask, how can you have faith when you are grieving over someone or something? I have my faith and I am grieving for someone right now. I am grieving for the loss of a life that was taken in a senseless act. I am grieving for the loss of a life that I have known for 12 years. I am grieving for his mother, his family, my daughter, because she was his friend. 
It comes in waves, but life is like an ocean. Up and down. We all have ups and downs in our lives. My own personal life has been a dang roller coaster. Who have I depended on the most during those down times? GOD. Of course I have friends I can talk to. I can talk and they listen. Sometimes GOD uses them to tell me what I need to hear.
We remember the good times we shared with him. He and Gracye were classmates since Kindergarten. It’s been fun watching these kids grow up together. Some have come and gone, but those that moved away, they were here for the funeral. You see, this young man made an impact on people. He was funny. He could agitate the mess out of you, but he could still make you love him. He had come to our house several times over the years.
There was one time, we were in my car coming back from a Chris Tomlin concert. It was late at night and we were on a small country road between Clara and Richton trying to get home at 2 in the morning. All the kids in the car were half asleep. I slowed down because something was trying to cross the road. When I got up on it, it was a dang horse! So the young man, from the back seat, yells out, “It’s a horse y’all,” and we busted out laughing.
You see, he was country. He had himself a good ‘ol country accent. He said it and laughed. It was funny as heck. I will never forget that. It’s a wonderful memory to have. Memories like that, that’s a part of a grieving process. We must hold on to memories like that when we grieve. Gracye had this video on her phone of him being silly. He was pretending to be in the middle of a hurricane. We still have the video. We won’t ever get rid of it.
Writing this, this is a way of grieving. Am I sad? Absolutely. He was way too young. I know I don’t get a say when it is his time to go home to be with the Lord. That is the Lord’s decision. Do I want to ask the Lord why? Of course I do! In the manner he was taken, I absolutely want to know why! We won’t talk about the circumstances. Just know that the young man was 17. He would’ve been 18 in April of next year.
He was full of life and it was obvious by his funeral today that he left an impact on a lot of people. I’ve known the pastor that did the funeral today for a very long time. He did a wonderful job. He said something that stuck with me. In actuality, a friend of mine said something similar to me the other day.
Mark 4 : 35-41
On the same day, when evening had come, He said to them, “Let us cross over to the other side.” Now when they had left the multitude, they took Him along in the boat as He was. And other little boats were also with Him. And a great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that it was already filing. But He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke Him and said to Him, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?” The He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. Be He said to them, “why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” And they feared exceedingly, and said to one another, “Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him!”
We must stay in the boat with Jesus. We mustn’t lose our faith, even amongst our grief. I know my sadness will pass. I know I will be sad about something else on another day. I do know as long as I stay in the boat with Jesus, I’m going to be okay. Jesus is my rock, my salvation, my savior, my everlasting life, my truth.
Please remember those that are grieving over lost loved ones this holiday season. The holidays are tougher on those who have lost loved ones during the holidays. Pray for this family even though out of respect I have not mentioned their names. God knows their names. He knows their needs right now. We must pray for one another. We must love one another.
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migrantmotherhood · 5 years
My fantastic dad left school at 16 to provide for my mum and I. He worked hard at the family firm, which unfortunately closed during the recession. 
He was always the first to help with church youth ministry and worship 
So he took a leap 10 years ago into retraining into ministry studying for three years whilst volunteering and helping build a youth ministry. 
He worked for free on and off, then half pay at the local church of england ministry.
in 2018 they finally scrabbled together the funds to offer him a nearly full time wage. He moved to take the job, the whole family worked for free to help the youth ministry.
This week he was made redundant. A few weeks before he was eligible for redundancy pay. 
I would be fuming and go on a rampage - but my dad made lemonade from lemons and has started a you tube channel.
hes new to the art form  and i get some people might not appreciate the faith message BUT to preach forgiveness when you are wronged by others should never be criticised .
Help me get his video a few views... He could do with a win x
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farmanmkhan · 4 years
Hello there,
God has a plan for you, The best of them all.
Have faith and believe.
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florece-en-gracia · 2 years
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djryefaith87 · 5 years
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Far ways we tend to look back in a glaze.
Keeping the mind hostage in its cave.
Looking for a release with good intentions.
Ignore my feed and turn off my mentions.
How come she couldnt show me how to dance?
She wanted someone who already knew in advance.
Cant help but think what was wrong with me.
What was the reason for my transaction and over draft fee?
Seems like karma pin pointed and found me.
I look in my eyes of where i see this motion.
I see in faith as i burn rubbing my skin in lotion.
Will it all be over when they are out of sight and mind.
Or is this the beginning of me being blind.
I m taking the notions of all signs.
The thunder is shaking my heart is racing.
My heart is taking lumps and the thoughts are left pounded.
Her life of sin and me forgiving has left me blinded.
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inthemiddleofgrace · 4 years
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amjustabookfreak · 4 years
If all reasoning is based upon certain basic assumptions about reality then faith and reason are always linked together. This is exactly the opposite of how most people see the relationship between them. They do not understand that faith actually precedes reason. Reason is not opposed to faithin itself.  Faith is not something we “leap” to after leaving reason behind.
Faith is not a leap but rather a foundation.
Faith is present prior to our thinking about any subject.  We all reason from the perspective of an established worldview. We begin with faith presuppositions and thenuse them to reason. Our faith assumptions are the foundation for all our reasoning.  There is not one subject area where conclusions do not involve primary assumptions held by faith. The fact that we all view the world according to some set of assumptions about reality means that we all have a faith-view. Presuppositions are at the heart of every worldview regardless of whether that worldview is religious or secular.
Faith with Reason.
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blackrosedapoetess · 5 years
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Normal I would post a poem. Today, I want to spill my thoughts about somethings in life. We get up each day because we're suppose to. That's life right? Yes that's right! Just because we're breathing doesn't mean we're alive. Just because people leave this Earth doesn't mean they're dead. I like to think that death is another life that awakens us. I've loss two people in the year 2011. It truly did something to my belief. I almost gave up hope and wanted to turned into something that's not of me. I was trying to define who I was in between my mother and big moma. What kind of person am I suppose to be. I can't hold my family together at that moment. I had my own personal things in my own world that I needed to help with. My underground world of darkness. I was trying to find my way through a light and constantly asking God as I pray let me be the light and to use me. Why did I ask God that? Too much darkness of my childhood. I needed to find me. I needed to be strong for my siblings. I couldn't. So I stray away from so many problems and create my own problems on top of it. I had wish that my mother never left this world. She was part of my world. My big moma was also part of my world. I felt at times I was in between worlds. Here I am finding my way still without them which lives in me. Some days I'm not here and some days I am. I'm awakening up from the dead. Seeing life more clearly no matter what I go through. If they was still here things might've would still came out to the same result of my life today. God is my light. God is my water, word and caffeine lol. God is the news of daily life. We must continue to a true awakening to understand why things happen the way they happen. We must accept LIFE 🖤🌹. If you ever lose someone in such way remember there is still a light and God will help you find your way 🖤🌹
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wisdomfish · 5 years
A day is coming when our faith will be turned to sight. We will see the Lord Jesus Christ in His glory. On that day there will be no sin on us and no sin around us.
Colin Smith
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