#falk islands wolf
ar-rc · 2 years
Dictionary of Roe
Modifying Grammar Noun -> Adjective Noun+i Ais (Ice) + i = Aisi (Icy) Ex: Aisibhir (Icy Ale)
Verb -> Noun(er) Verb+a Braen (Break) + a = Braena (Breaker) Ex: Aisbraena (Ice Breaker)
Verb -> Noun(ing) verb+n Floer (Lead) + n = Floern (Leading) Ex: Floernmann (Leading Man)
Spelling Rule Always remove doubled letter when combining a word that ends in the same letter the following word begins with. Rostn + Noez = Rostnoez (Rusty Walnut)
Words classified as both adjective and noun, including those under Minerals and Colors, will not change in structure when they are used as an adjective. For example Agat (amber) will NEVER become Agati.
Misc Jho……………… And Oebb…………… Above
Numbers Aerst…………… First Agynn………….. Beginning Helb……………. Half Jarr……………… Year ---- Eyn……………… One Does……………. Two Drys…………….. Three Foer……………. Four Pfym…………… Five Saes……………. Six Syvin…………… Seven Aht……………… Eight Nyun…………… Nine Zaen……………. Ten Eynli……………. Eleven Zwelf… ……….. Twelve Ahtza…………… Eighty
Colors Bloe……………. Blue Broen………….. Brown Fhil……………… Yellow Gryne………….. Green Hast/Hastal…… Hazel Keim…………….Violet, Purple Kest…………….. Chestnut Rhot……………. Red Swar……………. Black Thosin…………. Gray Wyzn…………… White
Animals Aent……………. Duck Ahl……………… Eel Ahr……………… Eagle Bhar……………. Bear Born……………. Boar Elak…………….. Elk Falk…………….. Falcon Farr…………….. Bull Fhis/Fhisk……. Fish Floh……………. Flea Fohc……………. Fox Folg…………….. Bird Frusk…………… Frog Gaez……………. Goat Hund/Hundr…..... Dog Hwab…………… Hawk Khra……………. Crane Kilb…………….. Calf Koel……………. Coeurl Lahz……………. Salmon Lorh……………. Rabbit Loug……………. Leech Mhar…………… Horse Mhol…………… Salamander, Eft Mhus…………… Mouse Rael…………….. Doe Ramm………….. Ram Skapf…………… Sheep Skrat……………. Goblin Spaer…………… Sparrow Thuv……………. Dove Troeg…………… Monster Urs……………… Auroch Uwil……………. Owl Wilf…………….. Wolf Wyrn…………… Snake
The Body Ahrm…………… Arm Baen……………. Bone Benn…………… Leg Broes…………… Chest Foet……………. Foot Fyst…………….. Fist Gara……………. Skin Gybal…………… Skull Haerz…………… Heart Hanth………….. Hand Harr…………….. Hair Krepf…………… Claw Maga…………… Stomach Mynd………….. Mouth Oeya…………… Eye Oura…………… Ear Pfyn……………. Finger Zagyl…………… Tail Zant……………. Tooth Zeh……………… Toe Zoeng………….. Tongue
Seasons Bryn……………. Spring Some/Soemr… Summer Hyrt…………….. Autumn Wint……………. Winter
Food/Nature Ahct………………………. River Ais………………………… Ice Bera………………………. Berry Berk………………………. Mountain Bhir……………………….. Ale Bhrat……………………… Meat Bluom……………………. Flower Blyss……………………… Blossom Brem……………………… Bramble Brot………………………. Bread Byrm……………………… Tree Cwaen…………………… Pine Cwin……………………… Wine Doen……………………… Thunder Dornn…………………….. Thorn Eyha………………………. Oak Eyhil……………………… Acorn Faeld…………………….. Field Fedar…………………….. Feather Frut……………………….. Fruit Fyr………………………… Fire Hana……………………… Hemp, Hempen Himal…………………….. Sky Hylt……………………….. Forest Isil…………………………. Island Kyrss……………………… Cherry Laent……………………… Land Loef……………………….. Leaf Merl………………………. Sea Myst………………………. Mistletoe Opyl………………………. Apple Orn……………………….. Maple Pfef……………………….. Pepper Noez……………………… Walnut Pfrym…………………….. Plum Roegan/Roega…………. Rain Saelb/Sylbei……………. Sage Saelz……………………… Salt Saem……………………… Seed Seik/Sfiek………………. Lake Snoe…. ………………….. Snow Swaen……………………. Mushroom Synt……………………….. Sand Tu………………………….. Dew Tyl…………………………. Valley Ulm……………………….. Elm Weitz…………………….. Wheat Wolk……………………… Cloud Wurt/Wurth……………. Herb Wyda……………………… Wilow Wyta……………………… Water Wyrst…………………….. Sausage Zedyr… ………………….. Cedar
Nouns Abyl……………. Rage Alyr…………….. Alder Anka…………… Anchor Ansa……………. Scythe Aren……………. Harvest Ask……………… Ash Bhaln…………… Plague Blaet…………… Blood Borg……………. Castle Brytt……………. Bridle Byrt…………….. Axe Ceig…………….. Sail Ceil…………….. Rope Dhem………….. Dusk Dorpf…………… Village Dyn…………….. People Dyrf…………….. Farm Eidin……………. Oath Ent……………… End Garr…………….. Choir Geim…………… Jewel Geiss/Geyss….. Ghost Glac…………….. Bell Graeb………….. Grave Hyll…………….. Hell Hyml…………… Heaven Hyr……………… Army Ingil/Inghil…… Angel Itar……………… Knight Gybet………….. Prayer Haemr…………. Hammer Halp……………. Side Khezl………….. Kettle Kirz…………….. Candle Klet…………….. Burdock Liht……………… Light Lleid……………. Pain Lora…………….. Laurel Mhas…………… Scar Moen………….. Moon Moht…………… Mind Murl……………. Wall Myna…………… Love Myrgan………… Morning Nagl……………. Nail Nahct………….. Night Nort……………. North Nyst……………. Nest Oefyr………….. Sacrifice Ost……………… East Pfrew………….. Joy Raen/Raen…… Circle Raet……………. Chariot Ronn…………… Current Ruht……………. Smoke Ryhhe………….. Empire Rymm…………. Frost Sald…………….. Luck Sath……………. Knife Satz…………….. Dance Skaet…………… Shadow Skoef………….. Poetry, Poet Skyf…………….. Ship Skylt…………… Shield Spyr….. ……….. Spear Stral……………. Arrow Stymm………… Voice Styr/Styrn……. Star Styrm………….. Storm Sund…………… South Sunn…………… Sun Sweig………….. Herd Swerd.. ……….. Sword Sygg……………. Victory Syng……………. Song Toum…………… Dream Trach…………… Dragon Twyr……………. Dwarf Tyrn……………. Tower Tyrb/Terbin….. Cyclone Und…………….. Wave Waek………….. Battle Waen/Waent… Wind Ward…………… Watch Warg…………… Truth Wein…………… Woad Wist……………. West Woerd…………. Word Wyrk…………… Work Zahr….. …………Tear
Titles/Professions Ahtyn…………………….. Judge Blyda……………………… Maker Broda…………………….. Brother Bryda…………………….. Bride Daeg……………………… Soldier Draga……………………… Carrier Fatyr………………………. Father Fian……………………….. Enemy Froe/Froa……………….. Lady Fryn………………………. Friend Germa……………………. Conjurer Goht………………………. God Gohta……………………. Goddess Klin/Klind………………. Child Koen……………………… King Koena/Koenyb………… Queen Kympf……………………. Champion Kynd………………………. Virgin Leita………………………. Bringer Lon/Lona………………… Gatherer Mann…………………….. Man Skal……………………….. Servant Smyd……………………… Smith Swys/Swysta…………… Sister Syn………………………… Son Thota… ………………….. Daughter Thuba…………………….. Mage Waht……………………… Guard Wyb………………………. Woman Wykra……………………. Worker Zwyn……………………… Twin
Adjectives Abar………………………. Lone, ALone Aerg………………………. Ambitious Aerm…………………….. Poor Ahld………………………. Old Awyr……………………… Absent Bara………………………. Bare, Naked Bhald…………………….. Bold, Brave Blei……………………….. Pale Blyn………………………. Blind Bylg………………………. Fertile Caer………………………. Sad Dani………………………. Narrow Denkyr…………………… Thinking Denn……………………… Thin Doer………………………. Dry Dyrst……………………… Thirsty, Thirst Eifa……………………….. Bitter Elil………………………… Exiled, Foreign Erna………………………. Earnest Ewan……………………… Even Eyri……………………….. Wandering Faez………………………. Fat Fhruh…………………….. Early Flaz……………………….. Flat Flekk……………………… Spotted Frae……………………….. Free Fyril……………………….. Lost Ganz………………………. Perfect Ghim……………………… Modest Greh………………………. Calm Grym……………………… Cruel Guht………………………. Good Guol………………………. Glorious Hael………………………. Healthy Haer………………………. Grand Hald………………………. Kind Herl……………………….. Elder Hezz………………………. Hot Hint……………………….. Behind Hirsk………………………. Agile Holas……………………… Bald Holl……………………….. Hollow Holsk……………………… Fast Horsk/Horsam…………. Obedient Kelt……………………….. Cold Khus………………………. Chaste Klyn……………………….. Small Kneh……………………… Near Kroem……………………. Bent Lamm…………………….. Lame, Injured Loet………………………. Loud Loetr……………………… Pure Loez………………………. Short Lyna………………………. Linen Lyng………………………. Long Maeti…………………….. Mighty Moeg…………………….. Able Nazz………………………. Damp, wet Nedyr…………………….. Low Niu………………………… New Nortyr……………………. Northern Ostyr……………………… Eastern Ofan………………………. Clear Pfar……………………….. Walking Phati……………………… Late Rhen……………………… Clean Rheti……………………… Straight, Lawful Rhit……………………….. Right Rhyl………………………. Plentiful Roeh……………………… Rough Rostn…………………….. Rusty Skaen…………………….. Beautiful Skarn……………………… Horrible Skoen…………………….. Shining Slae……………………….. Dull Slaf……………………….. Sleeping Slett………………………. Plain Solk……………………….. Blessed Stael……………………… Still Sterr………………………. Strong Sundyr…………………… Southern Swoz……………………… Sweet Swyg……………………… Silent Swyn……………………… Round Swyr………………………. Big Syhr………………………. Fearless Syk………………………… Sick Syngi……………………… Singing Syzn………………………. Sitting Thor………………………. Torn Toff……………………….. Deep Trachyn………………….. Dragon Tragg……………………… Slow Trahg……………………… Lazy Troe/Troeb……………… Confused Tymb……………………… Dumb Ubyl………………………. Evil Unsyn…………………….. Innocent Unta………………………. Other Usyn……………. …………Ashen Waem……………………. Warm Wakk……………………… Awake, Woken Wann…………………….. Empty Wast……………………… Sharp Whei……………………… Soft Wilt……………………….. Wild Winst…………………….. Left Wistyr……………………. Western Wunt……………………… Under Wuot……………………… Berserk Wyss……………………… Wise Ybolg……………………… Enraged Zaes………………………. Right Zoer………………………. Sour
Minerals (work as nouns and adjectives) Agat……………. Amber Blau……………. Lead Caepf………….. Slate Glaz…………….. Glass Grein…………… Bronze Guld……………. Gold Iyrn…………….. Iron Kryd……………. Chalk Kryst…………… Crystal Kupf……………. Copper Loh……………… Cloth, Clothes Lydir……………. Leather Marm………….. Marble Sthal……………. Steel Sylb…………….. Silver Webb………….. Silk Whaz…………… Wax Woll……………. Wool
Both noun and adjective Blan…………….. Darkness, Dark Fryd…………….. Peace, Peaceful Keten………….. Chain, Chained Knod…………… Knot, Knotty Lubb/Lubd……. Poison Myte…………… Middle Ryss…………….. Giant Thubyr………… Magic Toeg……………. Secret Zirn…………….. Fury, Furious
Verbs Braen………….. Break Byld…………….. Make Byrg……………. Protect Draeg………….. Carry Edz……………… Eat Fhet……………. Fight Firk……………… Explore Floeg…………… Fly Floer…………… Lead Gheb…………… Give Grina…………… Howl Gyft…………….. Sell Hwyz…………… Know Jaeg…………….. Hunt Khan……………. Laugh Lago……………. Lament Moer…………… Kill Ronth………….. Run Skrib……………. Write Sthan…………… Stand Sweig………….. Herd Syz……………… Sit Waeb………….. Weave Wall……………. Boil Wegg………….. Provoke Wezzn…………. Punishment Zent……………. Send
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columbointeriors · 3 years
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Long Island Iced Tea (Holding): Columbo Cries Wolf, 1990
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goda12 · 8 years
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What are some TV shows that you highly recommend? (I love The Monkees, but they don't have to be similar to it) Thanks!
Hhhoooo boyyyyyy. Ok I’m going in completely blind here so I will take the shotgun approach. (Bless you anon, I love recommending things.) 
Classic comedies -
The Dick Van Dyke Show: an absolute comedy classic, and Rose Marie and Mary Tyler Moore are main characters! Is great! Can get a little sexist at times but honestly not as bad as it could have been. It’s in black and white and, as a product of the time, Van Dyke will frequently kiss his young son on the mouth in greeting. It is NOT sexual AT ALL but if that makes you uncomfortable, be warned.
I Love Lucy: duh. I mean do I even have to describe this one? Watch it, it’s great!
The Carol Burnett Show: another very funny lady. Their sketch parody of “Gone With The Wind” had me laughing so hard I was not physically producing sound any more.
Get Smart: a spy comedy from the 60s, The Monkees reference it a few times. Has some ridiculously funny catchphrases.
Hogan’s Heroes: set in a WWII POW camp in Germany, is basically a funny version of the howling commandos from Captain America. Again, sexist as a product of their time, but funny none the less. One of the first major sitcoms to have a main black character, and has a lot of behind-the-scenes epicness. Obviously, because of the setting, the main antagonists are Nazis, but I feel it’s important to point out that they are made to look incompetent at ever turn. (A lot of the main/reoccurring cast are either Jewish or come from Jewish families, and the actor who plays LeBeau is actually a Holocaust survivor. Trust me when I say the Nazis never win.)
MASH: you probably see me post about this a lot here besides The Monkees, I love this show. It’s very long, 11 seasons, and transforms over the course of it’s run from a slapstick comedy to a short drama with witty jokes. It’s set in a mobile medical unit during the Korean War so it can get pretty bloody and does not shy away from gallows humor. Is sexist at the beginning but it gets better, same with period typical racism towards Asians. (The guy who plays BJ, a main character, was a guest on The Monkees and I LOST MY SHIT.)
Monty Python’s Flying Circus: a British sketch comedy show from the 70s. These are the same people who do “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” and “Life of Brian” so they are very funny. Unfortunately a lot of it was political satire at the time so it has the tendency to go completely over our heads now, but still great. Other British sketch comedies I love include A Bit of Fry and Laurie with Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie and Not The Nine O’Clock News that has Rowen Atkinson.
Classic dramas - 
Dragnet: I haven’t had a huge opportunity to watch a lot of this, but it’s an old police procedural that actually started as a radio drama. It’s a bit stiff, but it’s NOT as bad as Ben Casey so I’d give it a try.
Star Trek: classic 60s, you had to have seen this coming. Horrifically cheesy special effects, costumes, acting, and music, but man has it got heart. Please do also check out all of the other Star Treks.
Columbo: this is an epic police procedural that turns the typical formula on it’s head; the audience follows the murderer rather than the detective. Basically we watch the lead-up to the crime, usually the crime itself, and then we watch Detective Columbo come in and destroy the criminal piece by piece. It’s great and Peter Falk is a national treasure. Suffers from “black people don’t exists” 70s syndrome, but is basically about rich white people killing each other because they have too much time on their hands so like. Yeah.
More recent shows that are no longer running -
The West Wing: listen. This show is one of the only dramas to effectively work really good comedy writing into itself. It will also teach you about American politics and you won’t mind. I sat down to start this show thinking I would watch one episode to give it a try and then go to bed. I watched 3 in a row. Also Martin Sheen I mean come on.
Psych: very funny crime show about an adult child with daddy issues and his fiscally responsible best friend solving crimes by pretending to be psychic because the police wouldn’t believe he has hyperobservational skills. Has great character development and does not take itself seriously at all. Great show.
Leverage: do you like heists? Well this show does a heist an episode. Basically it’s a team of specialized criminals that work together to Robin Hood it up as they learn to love each other as family. What’s not to love.
Due South: again, I have had little opportunity to actually watch this, but it’s about a Canadian Mountie working with the Chicago PD. Hijinks ensue. Also apparently ghosts get involved later? Can’t wait.
Teen Wolf: ok so like. This is closer to brain candy than Really Great Writing but. The main cast is solid and it’s a fun supernatural drama. I did a rant post at one point about the super good background queer rep so you know. Also Dylan O’Brien.
Black Sails: a show combining fictional pirate characters from “Treasure Island” with real historical pirates while events that set up “Treasure Island” occur. It is extremely full on, expect nudity, violence, rape, flashbacks, and swearing. However it handles these issues well, and gets aggressively more queer as the show goes on. Also the ladies kick ass.
Scrubs: it didn’t age super well, and we don’t talk about the last season, but this is a very funny medical comedy that is sort of the inverse of The West Wing in terms of writing; this is a comedy that does dramatic writing really well. It’s in a hospital though so like, gross and sad things happen sometimes.
Shows that are currently airing -
Letterkenny: I post about this occasionally here, it’s a very funny Canadian comedy about a small rural town. The dialogue can be difficult to follow because it uses a lot of Canadian slang and is very quick fire, but it’s hilarious. Has the benefit of not only including Native characters, but actually casting Native actors in those roles. Has the most creative swearing I have ever witnessed and it is glorious to behold. Is getting progressively more queer. Also, while sexy fun times are talked about, thus far there is absolutely no PDA, not even kissing, on screen which, as an aroace, is nice.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: a cop comedy. Racially and sexually diverse, is still holding up after 5 seasons. Has the distinction of not going down hill after acting on romantic tension between main characters. Brilliantly satirical writing and will call absolutely anyone out.
BoJack Horseman: extremely dark Netflix animated comedy. It covers a lot of intense subjects like depression, substance abuse, emotional abuse, and self-loathing, but it explores them in a really well-written way. Has the distinction of making one of the main characters (Todd) realize he is ace over the course of the series, and it is the best damn ace rep I have ever seen. Suffers from a fanbase of dudebros who try to use the main character to excuse their actions, but literally called itself out for this in the latest season. Epic.
Archer: an animated comedy about a spy organization that is made up of people who cannot work together because they are awful and selfish. Is hysterically funny but quite raunchy and hints at larger issues, like alcoholism and emotional abuse. But again, dark comedy.
That’s all I’ve got anon, and if anyone has recommendations for me hmu!
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spoonhawk0-blog · 5 years
2019 North Charleston Arts Fest Judged Fine Art & Photography Competition Winners
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Credit: Gavin Shelton
By The Charleston Chronicle
Fine artists and amateur and professional photographers from across the state were invited to participate in the 2019 Judged Fine Art and Judged Photography Competitions & Exhibitions, organized annually by the City of North Charleston Cultural Arts Department and presented May 1-5 as a component of the 2019 North Charleston Arts Fest.  A total of 309 fine art entries were accepted in the categories of oil, acrylic, watercolor, drawing, printmaking, pastel, and 2D mixed media.  Cash awards totaling $6,350 were made at the sole discretion of the judge, Hannah Shepard. Shepard is a visual artist and has been the Executive Director of the 701 Center for Contemporary Art in Columbia, SC, since 2017. She received her Master of Fine Arts degree in Painting from  in 2017. Awarded magna cum laude from College of Charleston, her undergraduate degree was a double major in Arts Administration and Studio Art with a minor in Art History. She has exhibited her work throughout Charleston and Atlanta, while also working as an assistant gallery director and interning for museums and non-profit spaces.
A total of 212 entries were accepted in photography, which were split into the divisions of Professional/Advanced and Amateur and categorized as color or monochrome.  Cash awards totaling $1,450 were made at the sole discretion of the judge, photographer Jeffrey Rich. Rich’s work focuses on water issues ranging from recreation and sustainability to exploitation and abuse. He explores these subjects by using long-term photographic documentations of very specific regions of the United States. Jeff received his MFA in photography at the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, GA. His project Watershed: A Survey of The French Broad River was awarded the 2010 Critical Mass Book Award and was published as a monograph in 2012. His work has been exhibited across the US and internationally and is held in several public and private collections. In 2017, Watershed: The Tennessee River was published with Fall Line Press. Jeff also curates the weekly series Eyes on the South for Oxford American Magazine.
In addition to awards given by the judges, four pieces were selected for City of North Charleston Purchase Awards. These selections will be added to the City of North Charleston’s Permanent Public Art Collection, which is on display within North Charleston City Hall throughout most of the year.
Congratulations to the winners:
Best in Show – Fine Art: Sean Patrick, Revelation, mixed media (Goose Creek) Outstanding Merit – Fine Art: Trish Emery, Le Cormatin Red Dahlia, pastel (Moncks Corner) Best Oil: Brad Carroll, Uptown Social (Mt. Pleasant) Best Acrylic: Susanne Frenzel, At the End of the Day (Mt. Pleasant) Best Drawing: Bob Graham, Archie  (Mt. Pleasant) Best Pastel: Catherine Townsend, Dawn in the Swamp (Summerville) Best Watercolor: Bob Graham, Pals (Mt. Pleasant) Best 2D Mixed Media: Cheryl Baskins Butler, Rent in the Veil (Moncks Corner) Best Printmaking: Jamie Mular, Portrait of a Man (Charleston) Best Portrait: Cynthia Huston, Taylor II, oil (Mt. Pleasant) Best Landscape: John Meckley, Lowcountry March, oil (Summerville) Best Still Life: Susan Everitt, Some Gave All, drawing (Daniel Island) Best Animal: Rick Austin, Got My Eye on You, oil (Folly Beach) Best Abstract: Jan Kelley, Catch-22, mixed media (North Charleston) Mayor’s Choice: Vanessa Grebe, Storytime, oil (Mt. Pleasant) Honorable Mentions – Fine Art Suzanne Wolfe, Charleston Tea Dance Ladies, watercolor (Mt. Pleasant) Linda Wasiclewski, Distant Horizons, mixed media (Isle of Palms) Susan Irish Ellis, Ice Cream, acrylic (West Ashley) Tessa Pfeifer, Untitled, acrylic (Charleston) Shelia Thompson, Best Mom Under the Sun, oil (Charleston) Matt Cook, Looking for His Master, printmaking (Florence ) Kris Manning, North Charleston Skyline, drawing (Mount Pleasant) Sarah Michelle Harris, Weathered Elegance, oil (Hanahan) Gary Smith, Hummingbird Fractal, acrylic (Goose Creek) Becky Taylor, Faces of the Past, watercolor (Charleston)
City of North Charleston Purchase Awards Brad Carroll, Uptown Social, oil (Mt. Pleasant)
Kris Manning, North Charleston Skyline, drawing (Mount Pleasant)
Matt Cook, Looking for Master, printmaking (Florence)
Tracy Gansraw, The Dreamer, acrylic (Granite Falls)
Professional Photography – Color 1st place: Raymond Colin Murray, Sunrise On Capt. James and the Steel Mill (Charleston, SC) 2nd place: Justin Falk, Lightning on Folly (Charleston, SC) 3rd place: Larry Gayle, The Red Bridge (Mount Pleasant, SC) Honorable Mentions
Sean Hartman, Washed Out II (Summerville) Raymond Colin Murray, Precious and Vulnerable (Charleston) Richard Amble, Coal Plant (Summerville) Angie Bridges, The Samba (Summerville) Leah Sparks, I’m Available (Charleston)
Professional Photography – Monochrome 1st place: Sean Hartman, Reaching (Summerville) 2nd place: Gloria Welch, View of a View (Charleston) 3rd place: Christine Jones, Still Motion (Goose Creek)
Honorable Mentions
Nicole Robinson, Reflecting (Charleston) Raymond Colin Murray, Dauntless (Charleston) Marcie Daniels, Nature’s Prayer (Summerville)
Amateur Photography – Color 1st place: Jessica Ballard, Lowcountry Marsh (North Charleston) 2nd place: Guenter Weber, Dancing Great Egrets (Summerville) 3rd place: Michael Summer, Untitled (Delzel)
Honorable Mentions
Amber Dillo, Blacksmith’s Fire #1 (Charleston) Jess Greaux, Delicious Fruit (North Charleston) Roger Buengon, Untitled (Chapin) Jess Greaux, Life on Hold (North Charleston)
Amateur Photography – Monochrome 1st place: David Dial, Dock of the Lake (Columbia) 2nd place: Heike Helbig, Narcissa (Summerville) 3rd place: Atri Amin, Long Tree at the Point (Mount Pleasant)
For information about additional exhibition opportunities offered by the City of North Charleston Cultural Arts Department, call 843-740-5854, email [email protected], or the Arts & Culture section of northcharleston.org. For details on the North Charleston Arts Fest, visit NorthCharlestonArtsFest.com.
This article originally appeared in the Charleston Chronicle. 
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Source: https://www.blackpressusa.com/2019-north-charleston-arts-fest-judged-fine-art-photography-competition-winners/
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chamerionwrites · 7 years
Ooh, that list of prompts is excellent. There are so many that I would love to see you write, but I also feel like they're a bit "easy" in terms of how specifically they suggest a character or situation for you and Skyrim, haha. So... "submersion in cool water." :)
Legate Rikke bows to her when she steps through the door. It can hardly fail to escape her notice that Tullius does not.
“General,” Elisif says, and tries to keep the sharpness from her tone. Castle Dour is his territory, walls bannered inside with Imperial dragons even if the wolf of Haafingar flies from the tower. They might wear the same heraldic black-and-red, but she’s not naïve enough to think that the symbols mean the same thing.
Whatever some of her thanes may say.
Only Tullius was appointed by the Emperor. Only Tullius commands the army garrisoned in her city. And only Tullius has the power to refuse a jarl’s summons. She walked from the Blue Palace with only Falk to guard her, a simple fur robe and the cover of night as a cloak against city gossip. Like King Erling’s mistress, she thinks, and swallows a hot rush of anger. A queen is calm.
“Elisif,” he says, straightening from the map table with a frown of surprise. Good. “I’m very busy.”
“So you wrote in your letter,” she answers sweetly. “So I thought I would do you the courtesy of holding our meeting here.” Calm. Submerged in cool water.
When she is a girl two of her cousins dare her to swim to one of the islands in the Karth: upstream of the shipping channel, where the river is not yet reached its full broad-shouldered size and makes up for it with adolescent enthusiasm. She’s a strong swimmer; she almost makes it, before the midstream current captures her. Elisif strikes shore again almost a mile downriver, covered in the salt muck of a tidal marsh and sobbing with fury because Bjarni and Gunnar laugh at the mud in her hair. In relief more than mockery, she thinks later – but she can’t think it with the smithy-sound of her heart in her ears, still shaking with being seized and swept off by something beyond her control, the sense-memory of cold water closing over her head.
Falk shouts at his brothers with all the authority of the responsible eldest cousin and newly-minted Companion, Skyforge steel in his voice even if his beard is still coming in patchy. After, in the privacy of her room, Elisif’s mother shouts at her for making such a scene.
Three years later her parents send her to the Imperial City, as most Solitude merchants of rank do when their children reach sixteen summers. Elisif is dazzled, and frightened, and tries not to make a scene.
Even soot-stained with war the white marble walls are blinding. The markets are full of foreign food and the shops are stocked with beautiful foreign things: gowns weighted in the hem for a graceful glide, golden brooches worked like Niben lotuses, brandy and olives and tea brewed with orange rinds. Strange Hammerfell fruits that burn when they hit the tongue. Some of the boys compete over who can eat the most, but she doesn’t join in, because the Cyrods sniff at the rowdiness of Nords, and because Nibenese noblewomen are cool and contained and do not gobble hot peppers until sweat beads on their brows. She feels tall and awkward among them, overheated and overdressed in the southern sun. She wants to go home. She wants to meet everyone, and see everything. She wants to master the steps of the elegant Breton court waltzes. Lake Niben is murky and strange-smelling with the waste of the massive city, but it gleams invitingly on the surface, and when the clamor and current of a crowd catch at her she imagines swimming through it, cool and calm.
When she returns home she has a hundred plans. She’s going to eat bread with snowberry jam; she’s going to sleep comfortably under two layers of furs; she’s going to throw a snowball at her father. And yet Solitude is smaller than she remembers it. Mead tastes too sweet after drinking West Weald wines. Even court feels provincial and inelegant: drab dresses and winter-dark halls, nobles laughing too loudly at one another’s jokes. Her heart clenches when she sees the Khajiit caravans outside the city walls.
And then the prince looks at her from across the Blue Palace courtyard.
He knows Breton waltzes, and he believes it’s unfair to ban Khajiit from the cities, and he kisses her hand like a Colovian courtier.
“I’m afraid it will have to wait,” Tullius says. “The war—”
“Is consuming too many of Haafingar’s winter food stores!” The general cocks an eyebrow. Nordic temper, says his expression, and Elisif moderates her tone. Calm. “You cannot ignore my authority within the walls of my city.”
“With respect,” says Tullius, sounding merely impatient, “My authority derives from the Emperor. As does yours.” Falk shifts uneasily at her elbow. Across the room a frown flickers over the Legate’s face, so briefly Elisif can’t be sure it was even there.
Legate Rikke wears her heavy steel armor like summer robes, graceful as a shieldmaiden in a song. In another world, maybe Elisif would too. In another world she might have strapped a shield to her arm and dueled Ulfric Stormcloak herself: an oathbreaking murderer, a fool who thinks he’ll make peace by making war. A bitter old bear lashing out at anyone within reach, over a treaty signed before Torygg was even born.
(She wonders, sometimes, if they loved each other as well as she remembers. She thinks they did. But it all happened so fast, and they were so young, and already she feels much older. Older than Torygg ever was, though she won’t truly be for another four years yet.)
She’s not a fool. She knows that she hasn’t been mooted, is not technically yet a queen. She knows that this suits the Empire’s purposes perfectly: she is young, inexperienced, her claim to the throne resting only on right of marriage. Biddable, they assume. And if not, they could replace her with little fuss. Erikur is already gladhanding and spreading his gold around, along with rumors that poor little Elisif is in over her pretty head. Tullius has no such designs; he only ignores her, like a silly Nord girl asking questions she doesn’t understand.
Let him. She wants what Tullius wants – Ulfric’s head on a pike. Until the war is over, she can swim with the current.
Elisif takes a breath. “Very well, general,” she says, and feels Falk relax at her side. “We can discuss this matter at a later time.”
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pghbabesonbikes · 7 years
Frigid Bitch 2017 Results
The Frigid Bitch 2017 was epic. Not the same way 2016's Bitch was epic: no snowstorms, no ice, no subzero wind chills. This time, finally, the Frigid Bitch did not manage to fall on the coldest shittiest day of the year. February 11th 2017, while bookended by cold as fuck weekends, was a testament to the upswing in unseasonably warm weather, lending some cheeky volunteers to dub it the "Tepid Bitch." Nevertheless, the event smashed records if not with the temperature, with the crowds. Eighty-two women came out to race; exactly twice as many as last year, and a number that is surpassed in Pittsburgh's women's races only by the 1997 US Pro Women's Championship at the Thrift Drug Classic (a race that, perhaps relevantly, offered a $25,000 prize purse to the 100 women field).
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Local racers met at Spirit to register, chow on pizza brunch, and strategize their routes. Comin in hot from Philly was a car full of killer ladies, burning time stuck on the turnpike trying to make the start!
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Everyone else got their manifest at registration; the Philly babes got theirs via text message.
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    Crowds of exuberant ladies lined up on and took over 51st st in Lawrenceville, tucking their spoke cards into their wheels, picking their layers, talking route and generally havin' a good time.
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                           At 1pm the whistle blew and they were off! Aaand the light at the end of the street immediately turned red to give advantage to those willing to run it.
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    CHECK POINTS! The 9 total checkpoints were split into 4 open for the first hour of the race, 4 open for the second, and one open the whole time. The split in times for checkpoint locations essentially doubled the distance racers had to ride to hit every spot, and forced them to gamble on whether their speed got them to final checkpoints before they closed. Rialto Though one of the closest checkpoints from the start, as one of the 13 hills hundreds of riders race up every November for the agonizing Dirty Dozen LINK , Rialto was definitely the most intimidating chunk of this year's Bitch. Racers huffed it up the 27% grade…or took the sidewalk stairs.
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        Free Ride Pittsburgh's best DIY non profit bike work shop brought racers out to the edge of the East End.
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        The Cathedral of Learning Towering above Pitt campus and taking up a whole city block, the Cathedral is kinda hard to miss. Hardest part was probably finding the right entrance.
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    Schenley Oval A staple of the urban Pgh racing scene, racers sped down Washington Blvd to check themselves off at the barren mid-winter bike track. The Point When the fountain at Point State Park was used as a checkpoint at the very first "frozen fountain" themed Frigid Bitch, racers belted across a crackling frozen snowscape towards the popsicled volunteers in the distance. This year? Less snow, more step riding.
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    Penn Brewery It's the oldest brewery in Pittsburgh, people generally know where it is! Need we say more?
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        Phipps Conservatory A lot of racers decided to hit the Cathedral as the last of their first-half checkpoints and then immediately sail the very short distance over to Phipps, where volunteers were waiting. With smiles. And cookies.
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    Highland Park Reservoir Another staple loop for Pgh urban cyclists and checkpoint in the original Frozen Fountains Frigid Bitch, the HP Res was significantly less icy this year.
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    The Penitentiary Looming at the very end of the North Shore Trail, the Penitentiary stands as a portal to Riverview Park, the Mckees Rocks Bridge and Neville Island, home of Pgh's abandoned velodrome. Tho it was the furthest checkpoint from Spirit, over half the racers bolted up and down the trail setting Strava records to make it.
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THE FINISH Racers had to make it back to Spirit before the cut off, make it snappy with the bike locks and elbow their way through crowds to find ALK and get a time in.
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Ladies grabbed pizza, ordered drinks, and compared race strategies and routes during the hour it took to crunch the results. Three prize tables were set up next to the stage with a mountain of swag donated from all our amazing sponsors, enough for literally every single one of the 81 racing women to go home with multiple grabs.
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    They gabbed, they took stock of the goods, and they waited, until finally….
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ALK and Scott K prepare to announce... THE RESULTS! In first place, returning from a 4th place finish last year: #54 VICTORIA VERCELLOTI
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4 - Sarah Skelly #12 5 - Lydia Yoder #44 6 - Elise Rowe #10 7 - Josie Lacoe #15 8 - Acadia Klain #37 9 - Anna Biebersmorf #51 10 - Megan Sybeldon #24
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    11 - Danielle Millet #72 12 - Sarah Ralich #8 13 - Robyn Stewart #1 14 - Monica VanDieren #4 15 - Shanna Stojakovich #7 16 - Tricia Chicka #11 17 - Barbara Jensen #20 18 - Molly Moore #62 19 - Lucy Bender #71 20 - Maria Bajzek #49 21 - Taylor Kyuk-White #666 22 - Alex O.K. #63 23 - Chloe Newman #6 24 - Alyssa Crawford #50 25 - Laura SanBoeuf #57 26 - Sienna Cittadino #52 27 - Dani Erdos #30 28 - Ngani Ndimbie #70 ...Katy Popple #3 ...Franky Montenegro #22 31 - Paula Zamora #34 32 - Anne Sobol #78 33 - Kate Carney #32 34 - Lieu Wolf #53 35 - Elise Fanto #47 36 - Lauryn Stalter #55 ...Anita Arguello #79 38 - Lan Tram #59 39 - Lindsay Dill #67 40 - Stephanie Bercht #56 ...Allison Glick #17 42 - Ang Urban #39 43 - Lizzy Nolin #2 ...Alex Falk #9 ...Megan Hynes #13 ...Sarah Khalil #27 ...Hayes Vif #28 ...Maya Henry #38 ...Megan Andrews #41 ...Rachael Shockey #45 ...Lauren Renaud #58 ...Leah Nicolich #61 ...Tracy Yenchick #64 ...Kate Campbell #65 ...Stacy Grimes #69 ...Victoria Bleiweiss #75 ...Sarah Pearman #77 58 - Caitlin Woodson #16 ...Katie Walker #25 ...Cassandra Malis #26 ...Antonella Polito #29 ...Di-ay Battad #33 ...Gianna Fazioli #42 ...Laura Lythos #46 ...Megan Loftus #68 ...Qat Gregor #73 ...Angela Ryu #74 ...Naomi Anderson #76 ...Maggie Feinstein #80 ...Jenn Batterton #81 71 - Sarah Scherk #18 ...Rebecca Label #31 ...Lauren Delorenze #35 ...Erin Potts #36 ...Liz Reid #40 ...Katharine Jordan #82 77 - Lauren Attwood #14 ...Bridget Ward #19 ...Marie Knupp #21 ...Elana Szymkowiak #43 ...Sarah Mateskovich #60
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        MEGA THANKS to all of our sponsors, without which I doubt we'd have gotten 80+ women to show up and race! Thank you to all the dudes (and some ladies) who volunteer every year, usually having to lounge around in freezing temps for a few hours and always smiling. I can never thank our photographers enough, without yinz we wouldn't have the hundreds of killer photographs to turn into profile pics, instagram posts, and, crucially, race hype for next year! Thank you Spirit Pgh for hosting, Bike Pgh for lending the racks, Di-ay and Qat for helping screen the shirts and bandanas, Mattie Cannon for being a general day-of assistant, and Thomas Kempen for the AWESOME flyer image! If you loved reading about this race but wish it had been a rough snowy icy for-real FRIGID event, check out the results from Frigid Bitch 2016.
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                                                             See you next year!
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