#family bonding fr
daughterofyourdarklord · 11 months
"Foolish girl."
Her words cut through air like a dagger, despite that she still wears the marks of His infliction - of hers. Bellatrix's skin is marked by her own nails, four lines coming from just below her ear and down the side of her throat from one of her more sudden jolts of pain beneath Delphini's cruciatus curse. It was agony.
"You hesitated."
Still, it's not the worst she's had, for that she should be grateful.
"You didn't try hard enough."
She is not grateful.
"You didn't mean it."
She is disappointed.
"I have taught you better than that, have I not?" she asks, grey irises flitting over amber in silent demand for an answer, usually loving fingers coming to grip her chin almost too hard, "you do not hesitate, not with this curse." Words are hissed between grit teeth. "And most certainly not when your father demands it of you."
Even if it is to hurt her.
". . .Do you understand me?"
“You think I don’t understand!?” 
Delphini screeches, shaking her head violently to yank her jaw out of her mother’s grasp while taking a step backwards. “I understand perfectly!” Her voice is ringing with a resentment she had not intended on taking out on her mother.
“He knowingly put me in an impossible position! What if He demanded you turn your wand on Narcissa? On Draco? On your own father? On me? You think you’d find that so effortless?”
She should never be speaking of Him in such a way; should never be speaking to her mother in such a way. It doesn’t help that half of her anger is directed at herself. She failed him, she let her emotions get in the way of casting a truly effective cruciatus. He knows she can do better. He was testing her. 
“You think I don’t know exactly what game He’s playing at!?” Delphini has to run both her hands through her hair to stop herself, biting her lip so hard it draws blood. 
“There’s just no need… I would lay my life on the line for Him if he asked! Loyal to the point of my own detriment - to both of you! And that’s the issue isn’t it?” 
She has to remind herself to breathe for a moment, her lungs are on fire. Her heart is on fire, a crescendo of rage blooming inside her still. 
Why is He trying to make me choose? 
Delphini can’t bear to ask.  
“You know… I wish I inherited his glorious disposition to be so apathetic. What a gift it must be.” She nearly laughs. “How unfortunate for me I got your temper instead - and everything that comes with it!” She cements her statement with an open palm to her heart. 
Is it so horrible that she loves her mother too much to torture her? 
“You know just how eager I am to prove myself to Him! Give me a mudblood to rip apart, a traitor to push to the brink of insanity. As if I’d ever shy away from the blood and gore of it all. Please.” She scoffs. “I’ll relish in their screams - there is little in this world I look forward to more! I just can’t - It can’t.. Not you.”
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
Mikey and Leo episode centered around Mikey wanting to push Leo and Draxum together since Leo’s the most reluctant to give Draxum any grace (for good reason!) But, thinking on the spot, Leo says he’s gotta go do something for Hueso and “just can’t hang out right now 😔” (yes, he says the emoji out loud.)
Mikey calls his bluff and now the three of them (Mikey having grabbed a weary Draxum along) go to Hueso’s to find that yes, he actually does have a job for him. Said job asks for Leo to go with Hueso to deliver multiple pizzas to this giant yokai quite a distance away, and Hueso figured it would probably go better with Leo’s help (emphasis on probably.)
Well, Mikey decides that this would be a great bonding opportunity for them and basically invites he and Draxum along. Unfortunately for Leo, Hueso doesn’t care enough to wave away more help, though he does side-eye the wanted criminal Baron Draxum coming with them. But who is he to judge? (This choice has consequences.)
The journey goes about as terribly as you’d expect, but at least the pizzas get delivered on time.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt mikey#rottmnt leo#rottmnt draxum#rottmnt hueso#listen you don’t understand#imagine mikey trying to get leo to accept draxum as a father figure only for this to push leo to purposefully turn to Hueso instead#idk I love when this accidental flaw of Mikey’s is explored and I think it meshes well with Leo’s own AND fits nicely with their dynamic#100% this ends with Leo & Hueso bonding and Mikey & Draxum bonding and Mikey & Leo bonding and even Hueso & Mikey a bit#but notably only a little Draxum & Leo - because it’s important that Leo isn’t forced to accept him imo#Leo realizing during all his denials of Draxum that oh you know who he DOES think of as family? Hueso#Draxum is trying mainly for Mikey’s sake#Hueso is too tired to care about all this family drama but is reluctantly worried about Pepino#Mikey just wants one big happy family because - that’s just easier y’know?#he tries so hard to work with everyone’s emotions that he just wants things to be easy for once#he wants love and family to be easier than it is - than has BEEN lately#gimme that heart to heart Mikey & Leo moment in this regard#by the end Leo DOES raise Draxum up a bit from ‘complete distrust’ to ‘mild side-eye’#but it’s a long ways off if he ever gets pushed into the family tier#and also#SO MUCH SLAPSTICK COMEDY and sarcastic comedy in this episode fr#and if you’re wondering-#yes they DO fight the Yokai monster they’re delivering the pizzas to#but they get paid so it’s whatever#kinda wanna attempt to copy the style of the show and make fake screenshots of this ‘episode’ ngl
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chelsiegeorgia · 4 days
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goosecastle41 · 14 days
The fact that the Krew pretty much immediately accepted that Kremy just loves unicorns at the start of the campaign warms my little heart
Think about it. Everyone was just like “Oh! We didn’t know you loved unicorns Kremy! That’s so sweet!” and no one thought to stop and make fun of him for it. Like Gricko could have easily teased him or Frost could have made some dry yet cutting remark about it but no
They just got right on board with the fact that Kremy’s always had this deep seated love for unicorns and was too afraid to say anything until then
Kremy’s obviously embarrassed about his decelerations right at first but quickly starts saying he loves unicorns with his whole chest as they enter the Witchlight carnival like
In my headcanon, Kremy did indeed always have a love for unicorns deep down (cause even after they left the carnival, Kremy still loves unicorns) but wouldn’t ever say anything about it because god forbid he look soft or weak, but then his found family just immediately jumped on board with his love for the mythical creatures and he figured out “oh. This ain’t so bad. If they still respect me, then whatever else anyone thinks doesn’t matter” and happily declared it for anyone to hear
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"Gale says I never smile except in the woods." - Katniss, THG, Ch. 1.
I present to you: Instances of Katniss effortlessly smiling/laughing around/because of Peeta in the first book:
Peeta unexpectedly laughs. “He was drunk,” says Peeta. “He’s drunk every year.”  “Every day,” I add. I can’t help smirking a little. 
“Where is Haymitch, anyway? Isn’t he supposed to protect us from this sort of thing?” says Peeta.  “With all that alcohol in him, it’s probably not advisable to have him around an open flame,” I say.  And suddenly we’re both laughing. I guess we’re both so nervous about the Games and more pressingly, petrified of being turned into human torches, we’re not acting sensibly. 
When we finally escape to bed on the second night, Peeta mumbles, “Someone ought to get Haymitch a drink.”  I make a sound that is somewhere between a snort and a laugh. Then catch myself. It’s messing with my mind too much, trying to keep straight when we’re supposedly friends and when we’re not. 
“I hope that’s how people interpret the four I’ll probably get,” says Peeta. “If that. Really, is anything less impressive than watching a person pick up a heavy ball and throw it a couple of yards. One almost landed on my foot.”  I grin at him and realize that I’m starving. 
Peeta, it turns out, has never been a danger to me.  The thought makes me smile. 
“Lean down a minute first,” he says. “Need to tell you something.” I lean over and put my good ear to his lips, which tickle as he whispers. “Remember, we’re madly in love, so it’s all right to kiss me anytime you feel like it.”  I jerk my head back but end up laughing. “Thanks, I’ll keep it in mind.” 
“Katniss?” Peeta says. I meet his eyes, knowing my face must be some shade of green. He mouths the words.  “How about that kiss?”  I burst out laughing because the whole thing is so revolting I can’t stand it. 
Peeta’s struggling to get up when I reach the cave. “I woke up and you were gone,” he says. “I was worried about you.”  I have to laugh as I ease him back down. “You were worried about me? Have you taken a look at yourself lately?” 
“So that day, in music assembly, the teacher asked who knew the valley song. Your hand shot right up in the air. She stood you up on a stool and had you sing it for us. And I swear, every bird outside the windows fell silent,” Peeta says.  “Oh, please,” I say, laughing. 
“What’s the problem?” I say with a grin.  “The problem is we’re both still alive. Which only reinforces the idea in your mind that you did the right thing,” says Peeta. 
“Ah, that’ll be nice,” says Peeta, tightening his arms around me. “You and me and Haymitch. Very cozy. Picnics, birthdays, long winter nights around the fire retelling old Hunger Games’ tales.”  “I told you, he hates me!” I say, but I can’t help laughing at the image of Haymitch becoming my new pal. 
“Hey, Effie, watch this!” says Peeta. He tosses his fork over his shoulder and literally licks his plate clean with his tongue making loud, satisfied sounds. Then he blows a kiss out to her in general and calls, “We miss you, Effie!”  I cover his mouth with my hand, but I’m laughing. “Stop! Cato could be right outside our cave.” 
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mazojo · 1 year
“Is it like Korean thanksgiving?”
“Yes minus the genocide”
Yuri as my favorite character
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lai-mar · 6 months
the king and his advisor ♛
“How would you like to explore the dungeon with us?”… Yeah, that’s right. That’s how she was at first.
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I loveeeee how they’re like each other’s right hands and they compliment each other’s strengths when it comes to the dungeon, and then when Laios became king, he basically bailed Marcille out of jail. It’s crazy that I think they’ve known each other for like only two years but they have such a comfortable partnership forged from adventuring <3
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facelessanimator · 16 days
I have so many questions about your Guardian Angel AU
Like I would assume this was after Timmy loses his fairies?
Also what happened to him, like how did he became an angel? Why?
How did the council managed his appearance and what happened when he woke up?
Who assigns him his charges and how exactly his duty as a Guardian Angel works?
Also what happened with his previous life? Like I guess the 500 years coma was in Fairy World years, since he beccomes Hazel's Guardian so on Earth things kept going, what happened with his parents, his friends?
Hoo Boy this is a nice doozy! SO!!
1 and 2: This AU takes place when Timmy is only 17, just One year shy of losing his fairies forever. Unfortunately the combined stressors of: - Knowing He's gonna lose his Fairies. - His parent's neglect becoming worse after age 14 to the point he spends weeks alone. - Cosmo and Wanda talking out loud about properties in Fairyworld they're looking into once they leave. -Francis's bullying taking an even harsher turn to the point Timmy was put in the hospital a few times. - The thought of losing Peri, the only one who took his emotions into mind at all times. and a whole lot more, sadly caused him to become Pataint 0 of a brand new disease that effects mainly godkids.
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The Disease was named T.H.S [Timmy's Heart Syndrome], it shares similarities with BrokenHeart Syndrome but it mainly effects godkids who have been subjected to intense amounts of stress due to neglect or bullying. Timmy was affected with all the factors of it, at once, for the length of YEARS, so his death made the disease easier to contract as it sorta evolved.
After his death, Timmy was found, in pretty rough shape, at the rainbow bridge of Fairyworld by random civilians. He was quickly taken to the hospital where it was discovered his rough shape was due to his new wings growing in. Of course something of this magnitude has to be called in. Effectively putting the hospital on lockdown, none allowed to enter without explicit permission from the Council or Jorgen.
The death of a godkid was unheard of.
3: Once the Council learned of Timmy's fate, they basically locked the hospital he was at down TIGHT. Nobody outside was allowed to see him and any information of him was swiftly redacted from everywhere, even his Godkid file was sealed under the highest security. Timmy was basically wiped from everywhere in efforts to protect him from the eye of the public and media not even Cosmo, Wanda or Peri know he lives in Fairyworld, and he was put under strict 24/7 monitoring by none other than Jorgen, cause nobody wanna mess with him tbh.
But the news always spreads.
Waking up from his coma was a whole fiasco on its own.
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Its a tad bit terrifying going to "sleep" with immense chest pain in your room and suddenly waking back up in FairyWorld with a whole new look and some BIIIIG reserves of magic that you have no idea how to control. Its the main reason Timmy has a halo rather than a crown. The Council and Some very powerful fairies put so much magic into Timmy's halo in an attempt to curb or even completely halt his magic until hes able to control it himself.
Which sorta takes the next 500 years. COUGH
4: HIS CHARGESSS!! As before- with his new powers comes with new abilities- and in the beginning his ability led him to kids who were suffering T.H.S at stage 2. His abilities and the spread of the disease made it harder and harder to keep under wraps so the Council decided that a new wing was needed to both study and attempt to stop the spread of the disease. Thus The Guardian Wing of FairyWorld was born. The Council held reign over it for a while, splitting into 2 to lighten the load until a proper Commander could be assigned.
Jorgen and More Higher Ranked Fairies were assigned to train Timmy in how to control his powers, leading to a few unexpected explosions till he managed to get a handle on it.
Lets just say Timmy out of Mortal School was actually a very quick and advanced learner. Advancing through most of his trainings, within the 500 years it took, with efficiency and speed not many fairies possess. Wasn't long before he was advancing through the ranks. TLDR- Timmy is actually the Guardian Commander, most Guardians are actually assigned charges by HIM. Tho Guardians are assignment status is a totally different process If anyone's interested!
5: ......His previous life was......not so good. His parents came home from a 5 week vacay to notice the house was exactly how they left it. Barely realizing their son was gone until a few days passed. Only then did they realize something was wrong. Once they entered his room and found it a mess with some blood scattered around did they THEN call in the emergency...
unfortunately no body was found. Chester and AJ were devastated once Timmy's disappearance was announced in the school. They honestly though that he was finally taken on vacation by his parents.. They spent years grieving their friend and even meet up on his birthday to remember him. [Disclaimer: In this AU Fairyworld and Earth kinda run on different times, time in the Fae realm kinda goes faster than Earth.]
Trixie acted like a total attention hog, claiming how she was so endeared by Timmy's crush and acting like she lost the love of her life- [I had personal beef with her as a kid XD]
Hell even Crocker and Francis paused their antics for a while once it was announced. Francis eventually went back to his old ways but Crocker became quiet, a more introverted teacher until he retired.
Tootie took his kidnapping the hardest cause she's the only one who knows. She knows he passed on. She was on her way to visit when she spotted the ambulance and a strange family rushing out with Timmy in their arms. She found where he was buried....and every year, without fail, on his birthday, she left flowers at his grave. She never told anyone, in fear they may see Timmy's memory in negative light or use it for attention.
As Well as a Personal Favor to a Strange Pink Haired Woman.
Bonus: Tormented Creator
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unanimoustwins · 11 months
something something bagi n cellbit vs bagi n pac something the family u were looking for vs the family u found
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zehecatl · 26 days
Earthspark!Bumblebee is so cute. child soldier who's all grown up and discovering how to have a family :')
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fionnalovesanimeboys · 9 months
I think we can all agree that Mr. Henderson would be really fond of Bond and think he is very elegant dog
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spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
Yknow I think a common mischaracterisation of Harumi is literally that people think Garmadon actually adopted her and acted like a father figure to her. If anything it was more like the other way round.
Garmadon was the one guided by Harumi, he wasn’t really independent and she overall held the power until partway through the season.
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gallade-x-treme · 10 months
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for real tho how can anyone not be in awe of the fact that their classmate met the legendary sickle-and-chain barnaby
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eimikomii · 2 years
I saw a fanart of kamisato siblings fighting over who gets to be accompanied by Thoma and I used to hc that too but after a while I realized in canon it's different and more wholesome.
since Ayato is super busy and away from home most of the time, it's mostly Ayaka whom Thoma accompanies (or he just cleans the estate as always if both are not home) so whenever Ayato is indeed home, Thoma is ALWAYS by his side, takes care of him and accompanies him in wtr he wanna do (play board games, talk gossip, drink tea etc.)
I just think that's beautiful and why Ayato really trusts Thoma to be there for him. Even tho yes that's Thoma's job yata yata, you don't just casually have fun with your employer bcuz it's their day off 🤡💅✨.
And Ayaka too whenever she also has time. We gotta have that kamisato siblings bonding moment that hyv isn't giving me yet (like tf I want them to both go shopping in-game >:[ )
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tdlosk-confessions · 25 days
Uh uh sansSuke..in a date. In the park with their kid Miku just playing real
[Confession 561]
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yeonban · 11 months
*On Dan Heng's bond with Himeko & Welt.
One thing I have to say about this topic is that Dan Heng GENUINELY views Himeko and Welt as parental figures, even though he doesn't mention this to anyone (not even to them). He might not know what having parents is actually like since the vidyadhara are self-sustaining beings, but he's learned how a mother and a father should be and how they should make their child feel (safe, understood etc) over time as he's witnessed parents and children interacting on various planets, and to him? these two come closest to the meaning of "parents".
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They've lent him a helping hand by asking him to join the Express when he was at his lowest point (alone in the universe, hunted by Blade, loathed by the Xianzhou, formerly kidnapped, nearly died several times, so on so forth) and they gave him the choice to disembark it whenever he wants to instead of tricking or "caging" him into staying there forever; they're actively trying to protect him from anyone with even remotely hostile intentions towards him even though they don't have to (HE's their appointed guard, so they're not bound by anything to protect him other than the kindness of their hearts and their affection for him - which is something Dan Heng is beyond grateful for) and they've given + continue to give him understanding no matter what he does or says, plus they've never once scolded or berated him for any of his decisions (a thing he was familiar with on the Xianzhou, both as himself and in Dan Feng's memories).
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Out of the two I'd say Dan Heng is closer to Welt since they both have very logical personalities that try to think ahead on any potential thing that may go wrong and how to deal with said thing if it does go haywire, and they're also two introverted (and a bit awkward) nerds who love learning new bits of knowledge and enjoy sharing what they've learned with each other while sitting in silence in the same place reading or drinking tea; but Dan Heng does value Himeko greatly too - she was the first person to have ever extended him a helping hand and she asked for absolutely nothing in return, which to this day is baffling to Dan Heng (she's much kinder than himself, in his opinion, and he admires her for that). She continues to be openly gentle and caring with him all the while slowly pushing him towards the life he wants to live rather than the one that's been imposed on him, and all of that combined has earned her a very soft spot in Dan Heng's heart.
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Dan Heng was also the first "young person" to join the Express in a long time, and it's been quite some time since he joined and until March was found - so for a (presumably extended) while he truly was doted on by them every day, much like an only child. His thinking mirrors theirs in a lot of areas because of the time they've spent together closely and not only do they influence some of his beliefs, but he trusts them entirely. There's not a SHRED of doubt in his heart about either of them nor about their opinions/intentions/beliefs, and because of that he also trusts the conclusions they come to. Which is to say, in a lighter / funnier note, that if Himeko and/or Welt don't like you... you might as well say goodbye to the idea of ever successfully courting Dan Heng.
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