#family history mystery
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Family History Mysteries: Buried Past
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fhtess · 3 months
A deep dive in research mode...
Following on from my post last weekend, which detailed a lead I found via FindMyPast’s newspaper hints, I have spent much of my spare time over the last few days researching both the Bath Mineral Hospital and how someone from London would travel there in 1823: The amount of information I’m absorbing (or trying to) seems overwhelming at times. And, as always when researching topics from the 18th…
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gamebunny-advance · 24 days
Nintendo out there just casually (kinda) confirming the "descended from humans" and "the wraiths are involved in all of the spaceship crashes" theories.
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Okay, they're not really "confirmations" but more like they're officially addressing the different theories that people have about the true nature of PNF-404 and are telling you to keep on speculating on your own time.
Take these translations with a grain of salt since they're machine translations.
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National Indigenous History Month🖤❤️💛🤍
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Dr Joshua Strongbear Sweet, Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Little Creek, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
Kenai, Sitka and Denahi, Brother Bear
Michael Collins, the Proud Family
Tommy Tukyuk, Yvon of the Yukon
Sacagawea, Clone High
Ms. Hunter Wendell & Wild
Rowan, Ice Age
Song, Jaxon & Song’s Maple Mystery
What do u think? Know any other Indigneous characters in media? I’d love to know🖤❤️💛🤍
I got more examples from previous ones I did.
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So I just heard someone say that some promotional material for Layton confirms that Unwound Future takes place in 1963. If this is the case, I’ve attempted to do some math (as someone who never learned to count, quite difficult, and please grant me some room for error) and I think I have some numbers that are interesting.
He’s 34 in Last Specter. If we add four years for the events of the trilogies and say he’s 37 in '63.
Then if we add thirteen years to get him to 50 (how I got fifty for that number is a sidebar that involves Luke’s ages so I’m not going to get into it now) when he goes missing and we’re up to '76
Add eleven to account for the time he’s [redacted for spoiler purposes] and then that’s when Kat’s game occurs, and for the sake of simplicity, say Alfendi’s is set either concurrently or right around the same time, then Mystery Journey and Mystery Room take place in 1987.
Which gives us birth years for the Layton’s as Kat was born in '66, Alfendi was born in '58, and the professor was born in '26.
We can also use this math to do a really interesting thing which is place the flashback sections in Miracle Mask as '43, meaning that all of that happened smack dab in the middle of World War II.
So….. do with that what you will, I guess.
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lifewithaview · 1 month
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Romola Garai and Charlie Cox in Glorious 39 (2009)
Dir.Stephen Poliakoff
Glorious 1939 is set between present-day London and the idyllic British countryside in the time before the beginning of the Second World War. At a time of uncertainty and high tension, the story revolves around the formidable Keyes family, who are keen to uphold and preserve their very traditional way of life. The eldest sibling Anne is a budding young actress who is in love with Foreign Office official Lawrence, but her seemingly perfect life begins to dramatically unravel when she stumbles across secret recordings of the pro-appeasement movement. While trying to discover the origin of these recordings, dark secrets are revealed which lead to the death of a great friend. As war breaks out Anne discovers the truth and flees to London to try to confirm her suspicions, but she is caught and imprisoned and only then does she finally begin to discover how badly she has been betrayed.
*In the party scene, the children sing 'The Whistling Gypsy', a song written by Irish songwriter Leo Maguire and first recorded in 1952.
...Not so glorious!
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dootznbootz · 9 months
Trying to ask my grandma if she knows anything about Finnish folklore/mythology as I learned about it recently, and she loves talking about our family history but all she said was "...Does the Communism count?"
...Grandma 😅
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menphinaswhitemage · 7 months
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"....and that would be just about what you need to know kid....How do I get around on my own without people realizing what I am?"
"Nothing more then a simple glamour...and an oversized hat."
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Any of you ever find a book that is written excellently, but everything about it other than the expert use language is so terrible it annoys you? And I mean an abnormal amount of annoys you.
The building of suspense is done right, nothing is revealed too early, each word either builds or smooths tension at just the right moments, the worldbuilding is unique and fascinating, time is not wasted on describing how things look and is instead used to describe how things are experienced by the characters, there's clearly a political situation or twenty at hand and mysteries asking to be solved at every new location visited.....but the goddamn plot is entirely focused on a generic love triangle between a comparatively helpless, clueless female protagonist and two male villains who are both not just bad options but actually dangerous and impulsive and should not be allowed anywhere near the protagonist or any girl, woman, or other love interest, or maybe just people and things in general. And their names are in fucking english.
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watchinghallmark · 2 years
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JANEL PARRISH as SOPHIE MCCLAREN Family History Mysteries: Buried Past (2023)
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fandomfrenzy97 · 4 months
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Brand new Hogwarts adventure! - “The Lost Prophecy”. I helped Penny and Ben solve the mystery behind a mysterious scroll, which led us to a puzzle fanatic in the form of a 2nd year Ravenclaw student, Lenny Pindlebrook. Together, we discovered that the scroll was actually the history of the Trelawney family. What kinda confused me was when Lenny explained that Professor Trelawney was the great-great-granddaughter of Cassandra Trelawney, I swear on Merlin’s name, that it was Cassandra VABLATSKY, a renowned seer who was Professor Trelawney’s ancestor. Could she be the same person, just with a slightly different name or someone completely different altogether? Who knows? Either way, in the end, the mystery behind the scroll was solved and it was returned to its rightful owner. As a token of gratitude from Lenny for solving the scroll’s mystery, he gifted me with my very own crystal ball to remind me of our adventure together. I did not “foresee” that coming (bad Divination pun intended)😉🔮
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Starting Family History Mystery Buried Past. Does anyone else think Niall Matter is too old for Janel Parrish?
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fhtess · 4 months
Don't dismiss FindMyPast's newspaper hints...
On many genealogy discussion forums, I see members dismissing out of hand any of the hints delivered to them on the major genealogy sites, stating that they come only from others’ trees and that they’re almost always wrong. This attitude is the opposite of those who happily accept any hint and see working through hints as the easiest way to build their tree, regardless of the quality and…
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“Ohohooho I’m gonna create a fantasy storyline so fucked up and evil about magical powers that are evil and have betrayal!!! And torture!!” - writers of litterally every fantasy childrens show and book
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onbearfeet · 1 year
A puzzle for the Tumblr sleuths
So today (6/29/2023) I was handed this piece of paper and asked if I could read the penciled writing on the second page.
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I can't. And it turns out to be a bit of a mystery.
So, context. The ink handwriting belongs to my paternal grandfather, who developed a very specific hand as a finance officer for the US Army. I can read that easily enough. It seems to be the lyrics for a hymn (the "city four-square" is presumably heaven) ... but it's not any hymn I've ever heard, nor one my dad could find in his giant internet hymn index (yeah, that's a thing). Originally we thought he'd written down the lyrics so he could sing them in church, but now it's looking more like he ... wrote his own hymn? He wasn't known to write music, but he was a deeply religious man who taught Sunday School for decades, so maybe? Weird that none of us ever heard about it, though.
(And hey, hi, before you dunk on the guy for his religiosity, this is the grandfather who made sure, after his son married a half-Jewish woman, that his very Jewish-looking granddaughter knew all about the Holocaust and that Nazis are to be FUCKED UP AT THE FIRST OPPORTUNITY, do not pass go, do not collect 200 Nazi dollars, especiallyif they were going after Jews. He's why I started that riot in the third grade. He also considered participating in the desegregation of the Army to be one of the greatest honors of his life. The man wasn't perfect, but for a dude born in 1918, he was TRYING. I get religious trauma, I HAVE religious trauma, but Granddad generally tried to be one of the less shitty ones.)
More context. This piece of paper was found in a box of old family photos and documents that Dad's sister sent us with the explanation that "your baby pictures are in there". Some of the images Dad recognizes; some contain people and places that ring absolutely no bells. (It happens when you're an Army brat raised all over the world, 70-odd years ago. He doesn't have any particular memory problems, but nobody remembers everything after 70 years.)
The pencil handwriting is NOT Granddad's, nor Grandma's. Dysgraphia kinda runs in the family, though, so it could be a relative. The only candidate we could think of was Granddad's sister, Alice, from whom we have no handwriting samples, but Granddad and Alice didn't get along AT ALL and I don't know why she'd have been writing on his piece of paper. They were hardly ever in the same physical space after about 1940.
Additional context: Granddad was in the Army from 1940 to 1960 and moved around A LOT, so very few things got kept from pre-1960. Thus, either this paper is post-1960, or it was really important, or both. Granddad died in 2000, and his arthritis fucked up his handwriting before that, so I would estimate the ink text was created no later than 1990. Going by the color and condition of the paper, I would guess it's significantly older than that.
I don't know who put it in the box with the photos; it might have been my aunt, or Alice (who was close with my aunt), or literally anyone else. We're hoping the pencil text will explain the ink.
Oh. And Granddad was absolutely privy to some wild shit in the Army, so there is a slim but nonzero chance this is bizarro spy nonsense. I know he turned down one job offer from the CIA, but that story always had the air of "they already knew me from that thing that time". I very much doubt this is spy shit, but you never exactly know. Every few years I find out something new and insane about my grandparents.
So, uh ... anyone know how I might get some help reading this thing?
P.S. If you need something to call him other than Granddad, feel free to use JB or his Army nickname--Bear. Yeah, I know. But dude was a GIGANTIC BEARLIKE HUMAN. The name fit.
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 years
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