#fanbot high
toomanybrainrots · 11 months
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Optimus Prime, previous designation: Orion Pax, is the Autobot's fearless and brave leader, one chosen by Primus itself to be a Prime.
Of course, he's not all stoic and metal! Inside he has a heart — well, spark — of pure, earth gold! He would do anything for his team and the Autobots, even if it cost him his spark.
Elita's crew(?)
Hot Rod
Elita's crew(?)
Origins and Story
Before Optimus Prime was, well, a Prime. He was Orion Pax, a humble middle caste archivist that always longed for more in his mundane life. He was under Alpha Trion's command, and was usually seen wandering the halls or in the archives.
That was his life, the same usual and oh so boeing routine in the city of Iacon. He wished for more. And he got it when he heard of the new uprising gladiator, Megatronus he called himself, and his speeches.
He got it from a holovid, given by Ratchet, a well known party ambulance friend of his, to him. He couldn't help but resonate with Megatronus' words, feeling a sense of kindling within him as he watched his speech, all his focus on the gladiator.
From there, he continued to watch holovids of Megatronus' speeches, documenting everything in his own personal archive. Shockwave, a colorful and lively senator, often commented that he was like a little fanbot of Megatronus'("Geez, Orion. It's like you're his number one fanbot!").
He never thought he'd actually get to see one of Megatronus' speeches in person. That was, until his close friend Hot Rod, had found him watching one of his holovids. Orion hadn't noticed until Hot Rod had plopped down and taken a seat next to him. The speedster had told him he had been there the entire time("Oh, I've been here the entire time." "You WHAT?!")
Orion, understandably, had felt embarrassed. Hot Rod didn't humiliate Orion, thankfully. Instead, he offered Orion a front row seat to one of Megatronus' speeches. It didn't surprise Orion that Hot Rod was close with Megatronus, he was close with everyone.
Once he saw the gladiator's speech in bot. It felt like he had seen it for the first time, he felt it resonate within him like it did with the first speech he watched.
It was then that he decided to ask Hot Rod for Megatronus' comm number, and sent him a comm message(O: Your message has reached Iacon.)
And nearly got his frequency blocked by the gladiator.
However, with a lot of convincing from Hot Rod to Megatronus("Come on, megs! He's not so bad for a middle caste." "That's not rare coming from you." "Yeah, maybe. But we should let him in on this. He genuinely cares, megs. With the right teaching from a certain gladiator...he could help us." "...I will ponder on it."). The gladiator responded, though he was very passive aggressive.
Megatronus taught Orion everything he knew about Cybertron's corruption, from the pits of Kaon to the pollution of Tarn, to the negligence of Nyon, he thought him everything that was hidden away from him. They grew close, almost like brothers in a way. Orion helped Megatronus' influence in Iacon, and Megatronus helped Orion in return. It was symbiotic.
Then, they started to plan to confront the High Council about this. Hot Rod helped them, and Shockwave did aswell. With two mechs with great influence and strong ties from bots of the High Council and from bots everywhere on Cybertronian, Orion almost thought that they were prepared.
He didn't expect the proposition that Megatronus during their confrontation though.
The gladiator wanted to overthrow the High Council, and it almost sounded like he was demanding himself to be named Prime, atleast to Orion that is.
He didn't understand why his friend wanted to do that, and so he offered a different proposition. He offered negotiations, peaceful meetings instead of the force that Megatronus suggested.
The High Council seemed to like his proposition, enough to make him a Prime. He didn't want that. If anything, he wasn't worthy to be one, Megatronus was. But his friend stopped him. And Orion could tell he wasn't happy that he got named Prime, even if he said otherwise.
It went good for a while. Orion had weekly negotiations with the High Council, and everything seemed to be going good for Orion.
Until the Autobots were formed on the High Council's command.
The Autobots were made to stop any more riots and protests from happening. And they used force to do it. He remembered the first time he saw it happen, the amount of bots laying on the ground, either dead or unconscious, some of his allies mixed amongs the ones layed down or those that were apprehended.
Megatronus demanded that Orion take action, as he was now a Prime. Orion didn't, he wanted to wait, to play the long game. Megatronus was furious, and ended up going no contact for a while. ("How is...Megatronus? Is he doing well?" "He's alright." "Then, can you please tell him to comm me? I'm—" "He. Is. Fine.")
Then, when he finally heard of Megatronus. It was too late.
There were riots and attacks everywhere, killing innocents and destroying Iacon and cities. There were rampages, energon spilled, and so so much violence.
He pleaded with Megatronus to stop this. To stop this massacre. His friend did not listen, he continued. And he was forced to fight his old friend.
That was the start of the war, where many cities fell. And where he made his most regretted decision and mistake, right before he boarded the Ark, and crashed on Earth.
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irradiatedvulture · 5 months
🎨🎸‼️ for the fanbot ask game
you can answer them individually (one per bot) or for all of them, as you wish :]
Ohohohoh, i havent gotten to chat about my bots in a WHILE so here we go. I did have to search the base of my brain for lore. But, here we go! Answers under the cut.
🎸Do they play an instrument?
Bombshell: She cant play shit. Music is not her forte at ALL
Asmodeus: He can! He can play the bass and the drums. If he could start a robot punk band, he absolutely would.
Moth: He can play the piano, doesnt do it often but he does enjoy it when he has the opportunity to play.
🎨what are their hobbies?
Bombshell: She tinkers on electronics (and other bots, with permission), and woodworks
Asmodeus: Ngl bro sets stuff on fire. Please, take his lighter away. He will arson.
Moth: As see above, he plays piano when not delivering mail. He also enjoys reading high fantasy books.
‼️something about the fanbot you want everyone to know
Bombshell: she has two different cores! Her main core is made of Teal matter (an unstable and highly experimental mixture of Blue matter and Green matter. I can go into it further later if anyones interested). While her alternate core is Red Matter, she usually has Red when shes either highly damaged, or experiencing PSTD-like symptoms from previous trauma shes experienced. Ive also had her for a LONG time, she was originally made in i think 2014/2015ish, back when i was still in highschool.
Asmodeus: at this point hes just me but cooler, im ngl. Amd he smokes, i dont know how but he does, it just works, if it effects him, i have no clue.
Moth: hes one of my oldest ocs! I made him originally in 2013. Hes since got a redesign since then but has stayed fairly similar to his original design.
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asydicsydney · 19 hours
I haven't written any fanfic since April and guess who was on the chopping block?
It's the robot again, yeah, I'm not sorry
Anyway, this is "The Star Child", a fanfic about my SPG fanbot, Pluto, 1.8K words
Birthdays and remembrances fill the calendars in the manor. GG's birthday, Delilah Moreau's rememberence day, and even the anniversary of Walter Robotics zips by while Pluto is left puzzled, year after year. Sure, they plan the parties and attend with the most energy they can muster, but when it's Six's birthday, they're nowhere to be found. This caused quite a stir in the manor, since the current Peter Walter descendant's birthday is always a big deal for the band, and their event planner was M.I.A. Six assured the band he would be fine with a late celebration or even no celebration, that he was perfectly content with tinkering in the lab another night while the robots go on a search party for their youngest sibling. After some protesting as to the method of their search party, the band split up to cover as much ground of the manor as possible.
Hatchworth checked Pluto's room, their closet and balcony, even under the bed, but he couldn't find them.
Rabbit checked the gardens where Pluto would often stargaze, looking to the night sky like they were lost, but it was midday so they weren't there either.
The Spine checked the Hall of Wires, even though Pluto usually only went there to bug him. But sure enough, at the end of the hall, peeking out from the sides of The Spine's tall rolling chair were two tufts of electric blue hair. The Spine could hear frantic keyboard clacking as he walked closer. He came up behind the chair and peered slowly over.
"Ahem," he said, since he couldn't very well clear his throat as a human would. Pluto's hands stopped on the keyboard and mouse. They turned their head towards the interruption. Greeted by The Spine's stern face, they gave a meek wave.
The Spine grabbed the top of the chair and spun it around to face him. "What are you doing on my computer?"
Pluto crossed their arms, "I didn't know you owned the internet."
"I don't-" He sighed as he remembered why he needed to find them in the first place, "Do you know what day it is?"
How he hasn't combusted from the dumb answers his band has given him over the years is beyond him. "It's Six's birthday."
"So?" Pluto was getting more antsy as they held The Spine's sharp gaze.
"'So?' You're supposed to be the manager, the organizer, the planner! We've never missed a Walter's birthday and we might if you don't get your fancy shoes downstairs right now." He started to drum his long fingers on his hip.
Pluto tightened their expression. "I'll be down in a minute," they stated flatly as they turned the chair back towards the computer.
The Spine looked between Pluto and the computer stunned, how could they just blow off their responsibility like that? A Peter Walter's birthday is a celebration for all residents of Walter Manor. And those poor Walter Workers are probably scrambling together a party at that very moment without any guidance from their supervisor. He had to take matters into his own hands. Literally. The Spine picked up Pluto by their torso and hauled them over his shoulder.
"What the- I wasn't finished!" Pluto reached for the computer, using the same 'grabby hands' motion they use when they can't reach high shelves.
"No no, I think we're quite finished here," The Spine carried them out of the Hall of Wires like they're lighter than air. "What stole your attention anyway, little star?"
Pluto leaned their head on their hand, balancing their elbow on the closest spine protrusion. They mumbled into their hand, "My maker."
"Mime acre? Like a ranch for mimes?"
They shifted their hand so they could be heard clearly. "My maker," they overenunciated.
The Spine stopped at the top of the stairs and turned his head to look at, well, the back of Pluto's head. "You were researching Peter Walter IV on Peter Walter VI's birthday? Did you get your Roman numerals mixed up?"
Pluto kicked the back of The Spine's knee with the heel of their fancy shoe. He took that as a message to keep moving so he started descending from the attic. About half way down, Pluto piped back up from over The Spine's shoulder, "My maker. Not any of the Walter's. His name was Francis Kuiper."
The Spine's memory is jolted when he hears that name. "Oh yeah, Four told us about your original designer. That...Kuiper guy, wasn't he some famous astronomer?"
"That's what I was told," Pluto sighed, "Or at least what I was programmed to know. I was trying to find one of his papers to read. He must have had a paper or a book or something, but no database even knows his name!" They threw their hands up in frustration.
The Spine stopped again, at the bottom of the stairs this time. "That is strange. Scientific papers are usually well documented. I suppose we could try The Archive."
"The Archive?" Pluto didn't recognize this name. They did spend an awful lot of time in their room hard at work, so they can't be expected to know every room in the manor.
"It's right next to the vault Hatchworth lived in. You've never been?" The Spine forgot not all of the band members are as interested in history as him.
"Hatchworth lived in a vault?!" Pluto gaped, "This family is dysfunctional."
"I think you'll find we function just fine." He laughed and began to walk towards the next flight of stairs.
"You're still holding me like a sack of potatoes."
"Oh! I'm sorry." He placed them back on the ground before asking, "Did you want to go there? The others are probably still looking for you anyway."
The Spine pulled the string light to The Archive, since Pluto couldn't reach it, and guided them over to the filling cabinets labeled with band member's names. Some labels were blank and others had names Pluto didn't register. They grimaced seeing GG's cabinet was jammed with overflowing diagnostic papers. They had to run those twice a week, otherwise GG would fry her circuits. They always turned them into Six, they didn't know this is where they ended up. They wouldn't blame him for shredding them.
Pluto sees their cabinet at the bottom, conveniently placed for the shortest robot. They open it only to find their yearly diagnostic reports and nothing else. They picked themselves up off the ground and dust off their skirt.
"Let's just go to the party," they said, defeated. Of course, there wouldn't be anything of his here. They tried to close the cabinet with their heel but something jams it.
They started to walk out of the room until they overheard The Spine kneel onto the concrete floor and utter a small "Hmm..." They turned back, ready to drag The Spine upstairs themselves, but he's already reopened Pluto's cabinet.
"There was nothing in there. I thought we didn't have time for history dives?" They crossed their arms as they watched him pull out a manilla envelope that had a corner sticking out of the side of the cabinet door, causing it's jam. That wasn't there before, was it?
The Spine maneuvered his long legs to sit cross-legged on the cold floor, as he unwrapped the string that sealed the envelope. "I would never say no to a history dive."
Pluto despised the thought of their skirt getting dirty. Clearly no one has ever cleaned down here. But they made an exception because they need to know what's in that envelope. They seat themselves next to The Spine and watch enraptured as he pulls out two pieces of paper.
The first is burned into their mind. It was practically the lockscreen of their mainframe. It's Francis Kuiper's drawing of them. The Star Child schematic. It was both hardwired into their mental self-image, as well as a piece of their memory after booting up for the first time, seeing it set to the side of the operating table all those years ago. They had never seen it so close, so tangible. The centuries-old ink outlines the very same vest they wear today and their feet are tilted up like they're floating in midair. That's why Hatchworth gave them the Fancy Shoes, they were never drawn with any.
Then The Spine shuffled the papers to look at the second one. This paper Pluto had never seen. It was the front cover of a newspaper dated May 22nd, 1776. Many of the words were blocked out or changed by ink marks. The article's title reads, "Crossdresser Found Leaving for British Colonies." The article tries to address a Ms. Kuiper, but the ink changes each one to a Mr. The ink does not cover the immediate charge of execution or mass burning of scientific work. The last line reads, with a rewritten pronoun, "His deceived wife, Isabella Kuiper, refused to comment.
Pluto felt The Spine's weight rest against their shoulder. His voice is low when he finally speaks.
"You can go back to your room, if you'd like. We can handle the party. I'm sorry, Pluto."
But Pluto ignored everything he said as they grabbed the newspaper out of his hands.
"Look!" They pointed to the 'ou' in 'Found' at the top of the page. The letters are bolder than those around them, almost as if someone went over them in ink. They scanned the page and found more letters and words bolded this way. The Spine tried to keep up, documenting them all quickly in his mainframe until they arrived back at the end of the article. There's a dash in front of the bolded 'Isabella' and a tiny heart drawn right next to it.
The Spine read off his list, "Our love lies in the stars. -Isabella, heart." He also sent the written version to Pluto through the mainframe. He speaks with a soft fondness, "Well, Francis was an astronomer. I guess they both loved the stars."
The newspaper goes limp in Pluto's hands. They looked back at the schematic that's now in The Spine's lap on top of the manilla folder. 'The Star Child.' They knew they weren't always Pluto. Peter Walter IV named them that to celebrate the new planet and astronomical discovery as a whole. But before all that, they were just The Star Child.
'Our love lies in the stars.' They always thought of Francis Kuiper as their maker, their designer. But really, he was their father. A father who couldn't have children of his own, so he invented one. And Isabella, his wife, Pluto's mother, she kept the schematic safe from the flames that destroyed the rest of her husband's work. She protected their legacy, their child.
Pluto leaned their weight back into The Spine's torso. "Yeah, I think they did."
A new holiday was added to the Walter Manor's calendar. On May 22nd, the band stargazes in the garden. And when Pluto looks into the night sky above San Diego, all they see is home.
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jawsofpleasure · 8 months
Last night sitting alone in my bedroom high and painstakingly dusting one of my pricey figures of a fictional lover... got really caught up in the thought of like... "this is what Im made for, being an incel loser hiding away from the world with my plastic toys, jerking off nonstop to my degenerate fantasies of servicing them, reducing my life down to a pathetic fanbot shut in..."
I think the forcemasc stuff is getting to my brain. That or the people having sex with their plushes
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ask-the-becile-boys · 11 months
Ask Index 1
An index of everything in the 'Askbox Answers' tag!
Illustrated - Have You Ever Been So Far
Illustrated - Booty
Illustrated - (partially lost) Power Tools
Illustrated - The Jack's Bow
Illustrated - She Don't Mean Nothin' to Me
Illustrated - Hips
Illustrated - Hare's Eye
Illustrated (partially lost) - The Jack Got Out
Text - Updates
Mod - Official
Illustrated - Pet
Illustrated - Elvis
Illustrated - Hobbies
Illustrated - Locksmith
Text - Intimidating
Text - How High Can You Count
Text - Smoke Residue
Text - Malfunctioning Core
Text - Concealed Weapons
Text - Combo Answers 1
Mod - Cosplay
Mod - Other Ask Blogs
Mod - Fanfic Tips 1
Text - How Did You Get So Cool
Text - Wi-Fi
Mod - Playlist
Mod - The Jack's Comic
Illustrated - Introducing Riker
Mod - Non-Canon Characters 1
Illustrated - Strained Relationship
Mod - Backstory
Illustrated - Introducing Dee
Illustrated - The Jack's Fanart
Illustrated - Locksmith's Hatch
Illustrated - Whittling
Illustrated - The Straitjacket
Text - Asininia
Mod - NSFW
Illustrated - What Hare Thinks of Rabbit
Text - Buster Becile
Mod - Lore
Mod - Playlist
Illustrated - The Skull's Job
Text - Wisconsin
Illustrated - Haunted House
Text - Col. P. A. Walter
Illustrated - Ego
Text - Favorite SPG Song
Illustrated - Favorite Walter
Text - The Jack and Love
Illustrated - Who Works For You
Mod - Other Counterparts
Text - Riker's Fashion
Illustrated - Embarrassing Memory
Text - Oldest
Illustrated - Get Started with Knitting
Text- Knitting Buddies
Mod - Roleplay
Illustrated - Freddy Krueger
Text - Leader
Mod - Other Fanbot Stories
Text - Jealous
Illustrated - Burger King
Text - How Does Hare Speak
Illustrated - How's Jack?
Text - Holidays
Text - Ladies' Man
Illustrated - I Got You Yarn
Text - Blowing Smoke
Mod - Names (out of date)
Illustrated - Rabbit Asks...
Text - Other Past-times
Mod - Cross-overs
Text - Tips on Dating
Mod - Cosplaying at Conventions
Illustrated - Riker's Ma
Text - What Does The Skull Knit
Illustrated - Good Day
Text - Anti-bite Gloves
Text - Missing
Mod - Zer0 Equivalent
Illustrated - Heights
Mod - Fusions
Mod - Ghosts
Mod - Green Matter
Mod - Thanks!
Illustrated - De-stress
Text - Delilah
Illustrated - Riker is Autistic
Text - April Fool's
Text - Cursing
Text - Metal
Illustrated - Please Go Out With Me
Text - Is Riker Hare's Friend?
Text - Is Dee OK? Part 1
Illustrated - Is Dee OK? Part 2
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ifridiot · 6 years
OH i only remembered this cuz the song was on the radio, single fh!verse comic page of skull playing the george thorogood 'who do you love' and mumbling/graveling the lyrics and the bit with 'come on take a little walk with me baby/and tell me who do you love' is of course the panel with shi walking up looking consternated like he knows exactly what kind of narrative device he's being subjected too. Also, cuso being way too into karaoke'ing 'ain't no rest for the wicked' hand dancing and evrythg
Shi ain’t no fool, he knows e x a c t l y what kind of narrative device he’s being subjected to.
Also Skull WOULD have the perfect voice for George Thorogood BLEASE TELL ME HE’S PLAYED BAD TO THE BONE and even if he hasn’t Shi DEFINITELY jibes him with lyrics anyway.
Also Cuso hand dancing is excellent.
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fanbothigh · 7 years
Fic: Afterquake
Ok this is really bad and unpolished but I just, I wanted to try my hand again at writing for FH? Especially for Skully cuz I’ve never felt confident in writing any version of him, even this one, but I kinda wanted to tackle the other side of Neoma’s fics? I don’t know man I’m kind of riding the wave here, sorry if it conflicts with headcanons or he’s really out of character. orz
Once, when The Skull had been a childform, he had broken the hand of another robot that had pushed Hare into the mud. At the time, he had felt powerful, like a righteous protector, unconquerable when he chose to step in to the affairs of the world around him. That bloom of confidence was quickly stripped away when his father appeared on the scene. It’d be years before Skull understood how what he’d done left his father feeling humiliated, but the anger—the cold, sharp anger and the disapproval in his eyes—that nearly killed Skull then and there.
Ten years later, he got into a fist fight with Shi Carlton at school, and it was like no time had passed at all.
His father, being the vice principal, had sent him home immediately. “We’ll talk later.” Maybe Thadeus knew the waiting would hurt him more than any amount of yelling would. At the time, Skull hadn’t even considered going anywhere else. He just went home and sat in the living room, TV off, staring a dent in his arm plates and thinking I’m an idiot, I’m a goddamn idiot.
Thadeus got home half an hour before school should have let out, likely to cut off Hare and Jacky. He didn’t have to give the order; Skull simply got up and walked into his study, taking the spare seat while Thadeus leaned against the desk, staring him down over his folded arms.
“I’m not going to ask any questions,” Thadeus said quietly. “You’re going to explain to me what happened.”
“He swung first,” Skull muttered, staring at the carpet.
“So I’ve been told.”
“He didn’t give me a chance to explain.”
“Then explain it to me.”
Skull balled his fists on his knees. “I…it was misunder--…”
“I don’t even like him. I owe him for fixin’ 'Nessa. He’s an aft, but it’s not like he’s got any other fuckin’ friends, a'right?”
That’s what he’d said to Hare, over a week ago now. He just wouldn’t shut up, joking about Shi being his boyfriend. It rankled on so many levels; the fear, the abhorrence the thought of romance brought up in him, that sick dependence that made even brilliant people like their father turn mad; the suspicion that Shi did like him like that; the potential that that time-bomb would destroy the only friendship he had—
God, he was an idiot. He didn’t know how Carlton had heard what he’d said, maybe Hare had played his words back for him, but he knew that he’d caused this and he was an idiot and Dad knew it too.
Fate intervened, and they tried to ignore it. But Thadeus’ cell phone kept ringing, and on the third round he snatched up and hissed “What,” into the receiver. He paused, then mumbled, “What do you mean you’re in the driveway? I’ve shown you how to—his core?” Thadeus’ fist slammed against the desk’s edge and he swore, shoving the cell back into his pocket. “Walter brought Jack home. He’s having a fit. Stay. There.” And with that, he stormed out of the room.
Jack. In a bizarre twist, he felt a pang of almost-jealousy that even now, when Dad should have been wringing him out, Jack’s problems came first. But it was a chunk in an awful stew of emotions churning inside him, and for a moment Skull just dropped his forehead onto his palms and sat quietly.
Then he panicked.
He couldn’t tell Dad what he’d done. Not now. Even now oil was pulsing in the back of his optics and he couldn’t—would not—
Skull grabbed his car keys and ran for the garage. Vanessa, his precious Vanessa, was waiting for him; she seemed to spring to life as soon as he touched the key to her ignition. They torn backwards out of the drive—Dad was standing in the doorway, shouting something he couldn’t hear.
And he drove away.
No music, no radio, just no thinking, no nothing but driving aimlessly toward the edge of town.
This spot had a nice view. Part of a park or something. Skull pulled over, and leaving the keys in the ignition, got out of the Jeep and sat down next to it, staring out over the city and leaning his head against Vanessa’s chassis, listening to her rumble. It was calming. He was calm.
He wouldn’t cry.
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octahedral-chaos · 3 years
Here's the Tripodero inspired fanbot! Got no name ideas for them, so you guys can help. Also I didn't manage to make the botframe reinforced versions, so I might do that later.
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Extra information under the cut
Shoot - fires a pellet at an enemy, dealing damage.
Dash: Quickly runs away from an enemy. Cooldown: 5 seconds
Super Shot : Extends its telescopic legs to maximum height, and shoots multiple bullets, dealing lots of damage and stunning enemies caught in the crossfire for 4 seconds. Cooldown: 10 seconds
Stats (Started)
Power: 6
Health: 1000
Speed: 10
Attack: 56
DPS: 60
AI Tree
Ranged sight (A): Pellet range increased by 5%
Quick getaway (B): bot speed increased by 10%
Crossbow (A): Super shot's cooldown reduced by 5%
Fortune (B): Bot health increased by 20%
Sharp pellets (C): Gives Super shot a 10% critical chance (crit. Hits deal double damage)
Super dash (A): Dash slows down enemies for 3 seconds
Hard landing (B): When entering battle, this bot deals a small amount of damage to nearby bots.
Multishot (A): This bot now shoots three waves of pellets in Super shot, decreases Super shot's damage by 30% and stun duration to 2 seconds.
Ghost (B): Dash can now damage enemies if this bot dashs behind them. This also causes Super shot's stun duration to increase to 6 seconds
Upgrade Items
Started: Clear oil, Cold Battery, double cogs.
10+: Matte Coating
15+: Splasher explosives
20+: This bot’s (We don’t have a name for them as yet okay) essence
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naiad-dream-way · 3 years
Ok, I think I fix the timeline in TFA
So, my best bet is that Archa Seven came before Boot Camp
Sentinel was force to do Boot Camp as something to keep him busy while the High Command what the heck to do with the likes of him and Optimus. They could keep their optics on Sentinel this way most likely.
It make sense and why he was so...Sentinel.
Though, makes me wonder about Optimus and what he was doing.
Like there is that comic...which offers ideas for both the likes of Optimus and Rodimus
Goodness, is it wrong I want Optimus to have his own Boot Camp group and they all end up to be Optimus fanbots.
not to mention his group would end up like best of the best kind of bots while Sentinel's group was....well, 1/5? not sure how to count Longarm situation.
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inksmellsnice · 4 years
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Title: The Tour Guide Rating: General Audiences Words: 1577 Pairings: Bumblebee/Blades Summary: With Earth and Cybertron finally safe, Bumblebee officially joins the Rescue Bots Academy as a full-time mentor. Naturally, Blades overthinks everything except how much he may mean to his old friend.  External Reading: FFN , AO3  Author’s Notes: @secretsolenoid​ for @toraokami303​ !! So sorry it’s late. ;u; The prompt was Blades helping Bee unwind by taking him somewhere scenic on Griffin Rock. In the end, it ended up being more about how they got to going somewhere scenic than the actual scenic location, but I hope you enjoy it all the same! I also included a reference to one of the other prompts of Optimus relaxing, because I almost did that one instead. Yes, absolutely, Optimus needs a vacation. Let this mech rest.
“…And that’s the plan to get Bumblebee to stay at the Academy full-time when he comes to visit tomorrow!” Blades said with a flourish, gesturing once again to a map of Griffin Rock, pinned haphazardly to the wall of his quarters and absolutely slathered in sticky notes, looking to Cody for a reaction.
Blade’s map included the site of every daring adventure Rescue Team Sigma-17 had gone on (that Bumblebee hadn’t accompanied them for).  A variety of other dangerous locations were also noted, and Blades seemed a little too hopeful something bad would happen at one of them during the tour… not that there was any way said tour could really be completed in a day; it had taken the copter-bot all afternoon just to explain it. Cody smiled, concerned but amused. “I thought Bumblebee already agreed to teach full time?”
Blades straightened up and stammered. “W-Well, I mean, technically yes, but I need to show him just how exciting Griffin Rock is so he doesn’t even think of changing his mind!” 
Cody leaned forward in his seat on Blades’ berth. “But what happened to all of the things you said you wanted to do with him when you had time? You never got to sing karaoke together, or play video games, or just… take a walk and catch up without some disaster cutting you o-“
“Booooring.” Blades waved his hand dramatically. “I told you I wanted to do those things years ago¸ Cody! You were like… half your height!” He crossed his arms and took a dignified stance. “I’ll have you know you’re not the only one who has matured since then.”
“Uh huh.”
It only took Cody staring his old friend down for a moment for Blades to sink on his pedes. “…And, well… Bumblebee is a war hero now. I mean, he already was, and of course even before that he was my hero, but now he’s saved Earth and Cybertron twice! Which means his tour has to be twice as impressive! I still can’t believe he’s going to be coming here to teach with us when he could be signing autographs or going on late-night talk shows, or… or…”
Blades’ started pacing. Once again, Cody knew, Blades was overthinking things, but saying that would just make him overthink more. He frowned and tried to choose his words carefully. “It just doesn’t seem like you included much time to be yourself and spend time with your friend.” 
(And obvious crush, Cody thought, but he wasn’t going to open that can of worms when Blades already looked like a single additional atom of anxiety could make him shatter like glass. Now was not the time to meddle.)
“Whaaaaat, of course I did! I’ll be giving him the tour and being my whole, extremely cool and heroic self the entire time!” Blades looked at the map again, perplexed. “Was something in my pitch not clear? Do I need to go over it again?”
“N-No!” Cody shot up from his seat with placating hands. “No, I got it the first time, buddy, and I just remembered I have… a thing. In a place. Somewhere el-”
Cody was saved from thinking up an elaborate excuse by a knock at the door.
“Blades? You in there?”   
It was Bumblebee. 
Blades squeaked and looked at the wall clock. 6:30! Bumblebee arrived half an hour ago and he wasn’t there to welcome him! The medic scrambled to the door of his room, Cody all but forgotten, smashing the button to slide open the door. “B-Bumblebee! You’re here!”
“Is everything okay? Figured you’d be outside when I-”
“When you got here! Right! I meant to be and then I just…” Blades put his hands on his helm in a panic. “I am so sorry, I-!”
Bumblebee stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Blades, cutting his flailing friend off and chuckling. “Easy, pal. I was just worried is all.” 
“…Oh,” Blades responded meekly.  Bumblebee pat him on the back and Blades sunk into the reunion hug, returning the embrace with a tight, long squeeze before backing away. “Yeah, I was…uh…” He rubbed the back of his helm sheepishly. 
Cody smirked. “Blades was just telling me about the elaborate tour he was going to take you on, all over Griffin Rock, just the two of you.” 
(Okay, maybe now was the time to meddle just a little bit.) 
Blades’ fans clicked on and he glanced at Cody with equal parts betrayal and flusterment before turning his attention to the map that had looked brilliant up until the moment Bumblebee entered the room and now looked like the rambling mess of a crazed fanbot. But Bumblebee had seen it, no turning back now. “Right! Exactly!” Blades scrambled over to the map and gestured to it. “There’s so many places I wanted to show you and so many stories I haven’t told you yet! I figured tonight you’d get settled in, and then tomorrow we could start at Old Canyon Road. One time, Jerry was transporting a truck full of chattering teeth and uranium, and…”
Bumblebee stared at the map with a flat expression and drooped optics. 
“…You don’t look excited.” Blades frowned.
“Oh, uh, it looks awesome Blades,” he said with a forced smile, “and we should totally go check all of these things out, but…” Bumblebee chose his words carefully – Blades had clearly put a lot of effort into this, no matter how casual he tried to act about it now. As it was, he felt bad for not putting on a face for his friends’ sake sooner. “Was the plan to do all of this in one day?” 
“…Too much?”
Bumblebee smiled, amused, much like Cody had before. “Maybe a little.” The helicopter sighed and his shoulders slumped. “Hey,” Bumblebee put a hand on Blades’ shoulder. “I’m not shooting it down or anything, but what’s the rush? I’m here full time now, remember?”
“I know, but…” Blades looked away from Bumblebee, to Cody, who coaxed him to keep going. “Bumblebee, you’ve gone on so many amazing adventures and saves worlds and I’ve just… I can fit nearly everything I’ve done on this map. I just thought if I didn’t show you how exciting life with us can be right away, you might change your mind and go find something cooler to do.”
Bumblebee stared at Blades for a moment. He always knew Blades looked up to him, but how long had he been feeling this down on himself? “Blades,” Bumblebee closed the distance between them, smiling softly. “I didn’t agree to teach at the Academy because I thought every day would be some big adventure. Heck, if I’m honest, I’m kind of glad that I can finally relax a little, you know? Even Optimus has been taking it a little easier.”
Blades blinked at the idea of Optimus relaxing, momentarily distracted by the strange mental image of the idolized titan chilling out with a data pad in an oil bath with a cup of high-grade. In a less serious discussion, he wouldn’t have been able to keep a straight face, but they could talk about that later.
“None of us wanted to be fighting a war forever,” Bumblebee continued. “Besides, Griffin Rock is a nice place and all, but I didn’t come here for the island…”
Bumblebee took Blades’ hand in his with a gentle squeeze, and Blades’ optics instantly locked onto his incredibly soft ones.
“…I came here to spend more time with the people I care about.” 
Blades almost fainted right then and there, because when did the bot he admired more than anybody else come to care so strongly about him in return? “O-Oh… In that case… maybe tomorrow we could take a walk and catch up…?” Blades stared at their hands for a moment, and found himself emboldened to interlace their fingers, but once he had he didn’t have the nerve to look up at Bumblebee’s reaction.
(Cody smiled and quietly made his exit while the two bots were focused on each other. Now was definitely the time to meddle.)
But, after a moment that felt like an eternity, Bumblebee bent down into Blades’ field of vision, smiling.
“Why not now? You can’t tell me you don’t know a great place to watch the sunset around here. Then after, maybe we could finally get around to that karaoke session you always talk about?”
And with the way Bumblebee looked at him, the way he said that – his hushed voice and piercing optics - it almost sounded they were discussing a date. 
Or maybe Blades’ imagination was getting away from him. Either way, he knew his answer.
“That sounds perfect.”
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the-prince-of-pink · 4 years
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   Fellas, Meet my SPG fanbot, The Lamp (Lampy) built back in 1989. He’s extremely scared of most things around him, very concerned about other people’s well being (he also plays the accordion). His tail feathers are actually detachable guns, he runs on orange matter, electricity, oil and water and his voiceclaim is Dryeguy
He wasn’t exactly built for entertainment so he doesn’t have a singing voice, he just kinda picked up the accordion once he came to Walter manor cause why not. He’s also fluent in Indonesian cause why not.(did I mention he’s 7 ft tall?) 
his reason for having such intense fear and concern is having faulty vision so hallucinations and playbacks keep playing over his actual vision. He’ll see looming shadows or monsters over people which have been found out (through his internet connection, those with intranet connections he cannot see.) to be linked to their current emotional and mental state. He’s also surprisingly not that heavy, weighing only about the weight of a small child making him easy to carry and be cradled when his stress level is too high which he finds comforting.
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cagedseeker · 5 years
Anonymous asked: 👀 how did you meet Megatron? —
Oh it was a charmed encounter, I must admit. I was young, pretty, and so very stupid. I attended every match Megatron, then, Megatronus, fought. I was one of his biggest fanbots, along with several other seekers around my age. In an attempt to bring more customers into the arena, a drawing was advertised. The winner would have the chance to not only meet Megatronus, but to have dinner with him. Of course, we all entered and of course, I was the winner.
My trine wasn’t so sure I should get my hopes up, but Megatronus proved to be every bit as charming as I had ever imagined him to be. A true mech of the people. He was fierce and powerful, yet his words were profound and struck a cord with nearly everyone who had the pleasure of speaking with him.
I arrived at the agreed upon cafe. It was in a very public place in Kaon. Not too far from his home, in fact. I kept checking my reflection to make sure the sheen of my polishes were holding up and that I hadn’t suddenly become the most hideous being on all of Cybertron. All of those thoughts left me when he entered the room.
I was smitten the moment I saw him. I knew he was attractive and I had seen him after a few matches, when I was lucky enough to get close in the crowd. But this was different. The way he carried himself was cool, refined, almost regal. One of the few traits he has retained from then. He gazed down at me and I was immediately horrified to find that he already knew who I was. Or rather, how I had won this chance with him.
“So you are the one who stole the winning lot?” He asked me.
I was afraid he would turn me away, or worse, call security. But instead, he said to me, “A bit crude, but I like that drive for success. It’s that same ambition I feel during every match.” And he smiled… Megatronus smiled and it was meant for me! I couldn’t believe how lucky I was.
He treated me to energon goodies and seemed comfortable with speaking to me. In fact, I began to notice that it was mostly him speaking and I listening. It was an arrangement I was content with. I considered myself a lucky mech to hear him speak to me and me alone. No grand stadium of viewers or the lens of a camera.
That was when he suggested something that made my spark skip a beat.
“I grow weary of these optics on us. Why not go somewhere a bit more private?”
Perhaps it was the high grade I had been indulging in, but I was eager to agree. Eager to know more about him and so hungry for his attention. While leaving the cafe, he guided me along with him. I remember the energon rushing to my face as he placed a servo on my spinal strut, just below my wings. It was so… intimate.
His home was quite nice, but I knew this perceived freedom was imaginary. His victories had awarded him a few luxuries, but in the end, he was as much a slave to the arena as he was the king of it. I felt it must be harrowing to know if he ever lost, it may be the end for him.
I don’t believe I’ve ever acted as awkwardly in my life, as I did when he instructed me to have a seat on his couch. It still pains me to think about how I stumbled over nothing. I couldn’t even have the dignity of actually being able to place the blame on something other than my tipsy processor. Though it did provide me the chance to be held. Megatronus’ reflexes were swift for someone so large, in only a moment he had caught me mid-fall. And for a moment, he held me still. Seeing that I was embarrassed, he guided me down to the plush surface and seated me comfortably.
I know not if his intentions were less than noble, but he offered me another glass of high grade. I accepted, of course. He sat across from me, actually relaxing for the first time in my presence.
Our conversations turned quite personal. He asked me what my dreams were. It felt so pale in comparison, but I told him about my interest of becoming the best air commander in all of Vos. About how my trine and I were top notch aerial acrobats. He told me that I would succeed, that he could sense it about me. I was flattered and flustered, so I quickly turned the topic back to him. When I pressed the topic of his own dreams, he confided in me that he dreamed of a life outside the arena. He told of how he often feared his death would come too soon. How he so desperately wanted a moment to truly rest. A life where no bot would ever have to see the horrors he had, to never feel trapped in such a way.
To this day I cannot believe I had the ball bearings to do what I did. His face showed such sorrow and I so deeply wanted to take that away from him. He was staring into his glass of high grade and I leaned in close, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.
I’m not sure exactly when he took me into his arms, but by the time I realized it, I was already wrapping my arms around his neck. It would seem we were both quite eager for a more personal connection, at least for the night…
Of all the things I’ve done in my life, stealing that winning lot is the thing I regret the most. Perhaps in another time, I never met Megatron. Perhaps I am with my trine and we are content and comfortable with our lives. I may even be free.
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pearlsartblog2019 · 5 years
Monster Verse AU: Part Five
SPG  Monster Verse AU: Part Five 
Notes: Notes: Don’t own SPG… all of those lovelies belong to the bennetts and co. I just do strange things in stories with the characters for fun. 
Don’t own Sprocket  Or Dex they be long to the very awesome: https://spg-fanbot-cousins.tumblr.com/
Pearl is my own character and is used in this and several other stories. Time period note : This is the start of the part of the story which is set in modern times.. The year is about 2018-early 2019. Hope you like! Enjoy the show..
   Honestly.. The night had started out normal enough her new lil human Cousin Specter playing happily on his Pappa’s web. Somehow managing to not stick to the thing and spending time with her other Cousin Dex in his rolly polly wolf form. 
Nothing odd or sinister here at all.
But no.. she realized.. That wasn’t quite right. One of the quartet was missing. 
The batch of mischief makers that kept all the older members of the walter clan on their respective monstrous toes, Was nowhere to be found.  Indeed Sprocket realized she hadn't seen her younger sister in several days. SO either she was upset about something, or something else was wrong. 
She uncolied her long silver tail from its “arm chair” position and headed for the door. 
Both of her aunts were out in the hallway having a quiet conversation that she just barely caught the tail end of.
“No,” Aunt rabbit said, “he’s not seen her in days and Spine is worried to death.”
“So she’s hiding?” Aunt Upgrade asked, “did she and the other kids have a fight?”
Rabbit shook her head, “no the kids have been fine. Getting along great actually for a change. Spine think’s its something else.. Something worse. He’s afraid…”
“Of what?” Sprocket demanded of her two aunts, “What’s Dad afraid of and what’s it got to do with Pearl?”
The two older monster bots, A Kitsune and Succubus respectively got worried looks on their faces.
“Sprocket, honey, “ upgrade told her, “I think you might need to talk to your dad about it 
Kiddo. Something bad might be wrong with your sister. “
“What?” Sprocket demanded, “Wrong like how?” The lil naga snarled. 
“Wrong like she might be sick honey,” Her aunt continued, “Really sick you and yer dad need to find her as fast as you can."
Suddenly any good feelings were gone and the Naga girl turned and slithered away as fast as her tail could carry her. Away from the tv/ sitting room and in the direction of her little sister's room.
her baby sister Pearl was like their father. Truth is Sprocket was adopted, which is why a high level Vampire like the Spine had a naga child. But no differences had ever been made between the two lil girls. Pearl having been born after the dashing Vampire Lord saved the lil silver naga from the streets. 
Spine had gone away to help deal with a pack of monster hunters in the orient that were harassing some of his people. When the silver vampire lord had returned from the trip a year later.. it had been with his second daughter in his arms, and a heart broken by her mother having died. 
Now in their long lives the  younger daughter was starting to come of age and things were changing.. a lot.
Changes that The Spine had knew were coming but had not spoken to his older daughter about, because he hoped his own nature in Pearl would be enough to keep them from happening.  He honestly should have known, his lover's will and nature were as strong as his own. She changed them only for his love when she realized some of her ideas were wrong. Still, what she was couldn't be denied and now it was surfacing in Pearl, worrying Spine sick.
That is the shape his older daughter found him in as he hurried down the hall to get to Pearl's room.
"dad!!" sprocket called, "what's wrong!?"
Spine made a face, "your aunts have incredibly large mouths... you know that? I told them NOT to tell you."
The lil silver naga shrugged, "Nah they are evil geniuses .. they knew you'd need my help.. So what the hell is going on with pearl? Shes not been out of her room in three days."
Spine sighed, "I'll tell you everything but we need to get there as fast as possible. Maybe what i think happened has not. Maybe she's just in a bad mood. Let's make sure before we fly off the handle."
The pair of them got to the door of Pearl's room and knocked. Nothing for a full minute and a half. Usually the lil thing was prompt in her politeness and came right to the door. Tonight tho, and for several nights hence there had been nothing.
"Lets see if its locked," Sprocket told her father.
She tried the handle and the door swung inward on its hinges with no trouble whatsoever. The inside of the room was cold and dark and of her lil sis there was no sign.
"Is she even here?" Sprocket looked around, "Pearl doesn't hunt she usually gets hers from what you bring home for her right?"
Spine nodded and continued to look around.
"yes," he told her, "It was easier on her. She was a bit too young yet to learn how to hunt. Doing so without killing the human requires some skill and I didn't want her to have to deal with that. "
"Yah no i gots," Sprocket nodded and slid deeper into the room, "She's too sweet for that any how."
She peeped into the bed and found nothing. Stuck her head into the closet and again nothing.
"ok well if she's not hunting, and she's not out in the manor " She looked around, "Where is she?"
"I don't know," Spine told her worriedly, "Let me look at something."
He headed over to pearl's desk and found what he was looking for, a dorm size refrigerator. He cracked the door open and looked inside. Small containers of blood lined the inside of the cooling unit, it was almost full.
THAT made him stop. It was friday night. He always brought her blood back with him from his saturday night hunting expeditions. The cooling unit should have been almost empty by this point in the week. But he could see that it was still almost full.
"Oh no," He could feel the horror slide over his sliver face, "oh please no...."
"Dad..." Sprocket started.
She slightly backed away from Spine because she had never seen her father behave in such a manner. He looked utterly horrified, at himself. 
That was a look she never thought she'd see on her father's face. He had long ago reconciled his vampire lord status, vowing that even if he needed blood to live he'd never willingly kill someone to get it. Vowed to always be compassionate and gentle with the lil human females that Gave the Silver Lord what he and his precious daughter needed to live. 
now tho.. he looked completely disgusted with himself. 
Sprocket backed up more and her coils touched something that felt like solid ice. 
She twisted around to get a good look at what she had bumped into and screamed bloody murder. The cold thing she had touched was the limp, lifeless body of her lil sister.
"PEARL!!" the naga shrieked and dove for her lil sister, wrapping her warm tail around the ice like lil vampire. "Pearl! Pearl please wake up! Pearl!"
The other girl remained unconscious, not responding to her sister's tearful cries or shaking sobs.  all she could do was hold her sister tightly and rubbing the icy lil hand trying to get her to wake up.
"Dad!" Sprocket looked up, "Dad whats wrong with her! Why is she like this! Did someone come in here and hurt her!? What happened?"
The look on Spine's face told his older daughter that his heart was breaking for both her and her  younger sibling. Now the truth would come out and there wasn't one damned thing he could do to protect the two of them from it any more.
"I was afraid of this," He replied softly, " Here..." 
He removed two of the containers from the cooling unit and went over to his children.
"Can you hold her up for me Sprocket," He asked softly, "She needs blood, I have to see if I can get her to swallow this. I hope she's so out of it right now she won't realize what is going on."
"What? " The naga girl looked at her father as tho he had suddenly sprouted a second head but did as he asked and changed the way she was holding her sister. Propping her head up on her shoulder. 
Spine infinitely gentle as he sat down next to his little girls and opened one of the tops of the containers. 
"Come on lil one, " He told Pearl Softly, "You need to swallow this, even if you don't like it any more."
He held it up for her and she was out of it enough to operate on instinct and drink it. 
Sprocket held her sister until her father had gotten her to swallow both of the containers and then let the younger girl go from her coils as Spine carried his  younger daughter to her bed.
"What do you mean "She doesn't like it any more."? " Sprocket demanded, "She's a vampire. ... "
Spine sat pearl down on her pillows and pulled the blanket around her, "No sprocket.. She's not. "
"Say again, " The naga's eyes were now the size of silver dollars.
Spine sighed, "Pearl is a dhampir... A half breed. Her mother.....Was as human vampire hunter. "
spine got that look of utter self loathing on his face again and smoothed the hair off his younger daughters face, "And her mother's blood ... is finally starting to come out. "
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amuseoffirebane · 5 years
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driving home thinking to myself
“do we still stan thadeus becile?”
“yes. yes we still do. all of them”
“except pops, pops sucks”
[ID: four different AU versions of thadeus becile from steam powered giraffe lore. Fanbot High, Chibi, Becile Bots, and Canon. End ID]
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a-poisonous-gamble · 6 years
Animal Personality Quiz
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You are a Tiger
Tiger Characteristics:
Medium to large, Handsome, Discerning, Curious, Fashionable, Conceited
Tigers are handsome and powerful people with an innate self-confidence and elegance. There's a sense of immediacy and an aura of electricity that surrounds it, and when it walks into a room, something always seems about to happen. Once a tiger has found its groove, it focuses on its goal with a brightly burning intensity. Male tigers, when out of their element, are sometimes mistaken for beefcake, but when you see them in their offices wearing their power suits you realize that you're dealing with incisive, authoritarian individuals.
The Tiger Personality's Career
Tigers dislike small talk in the workplace and expect professionalism from coworkers, demanding the highest standards in their business dealings. With their killer instincts tigers could be excellent trial lawyers and have no hesitation in using aggression as an advantage. Acutely aware of their ability to intimidate, their single-mindedness enhances the tiger's reputation as a force to be reckoned with.
Because of their preference for solitude, however, tigers are not natural leaders. While perfectly capable of assuming the role of a CEO, they prefer the challenges inherent in self-employment. Tiger businesses are invariably successful and cover a wide range of industries, from engineering to retailing.
Tigers in the Wild
The tiger is a magnificent animal and with its splendid carriage and sinuous grace, it can grow to lengths of more than ten feet and weigh more than five hundred pounds. The tiger is an excellent swimmer but, unlike most members of the cat family, is a poor climber.
Male and female tigers come together only when the tigress is in heat for a period a few weeks. During this time the tiger will not tolerate the presence of other males and will fight to the death in order to control the female.
Adult tigers have no natural enemies except man, but they have an unusually high mortality rate from infected wounds caused by porcupine quills. Although largely protected from human hunting, pressure from civilization and development has kept the tiger population on the verge of extinction.
Love & Friendship
When single, tigers can be unsettled and promiscuous. But their emotional detachment should not be confused with a desire to avoid intimacy; for intimacy is the tiger's greatest sensual tool. By offering its lover its deeply held secrets it adds another dimension of eroticism to its lovemaking.
Marry it? Yes. Tame it? Never! It's hard to put one's finger on why the tiger struggles to settle down, but one theory has it that the tiger views marriage as a threat to its independence. However, those tigers that have been married for a while will tell you that matrimony can be quite agreeable. Perhaps then, it?s their impossible search for the perfect partner that keeps them on the prowl, although more than likely, we'll never understand the darker forces that frame its fearful symmetry.
It's not easy to resist the charms of a tiger personality and the moment you meet one, you'll want to be president of its fan club. But there's a price to pay for hanging around such a compelling beast -- for the tiger's wit is sharp and its appetite's monstrous.
Tagged by: @thezomblr
Tagging: @frankeinblue @spg-fanbot-cousins @zombfear @voiidling @d-e-lioncourt @karismatickitty
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g1g2-cc · 6 years
An Update
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It's been over a year since i last uploaded and that's due to me being in my last year in school which means i have a life changing official exams that will decide the route of my future and thankfully  i succeeded. Any way i have many creations i want to do but  for now i have a bunch of cc and mods that needed updating.
But before we talk about the updates i would like to let you know that as of now i have made a patreon where you can support me and my content feel free to join: https://www.patreon.com/G1g2
The Living Mannequin Mod 1.1: the mod is now updated to the latest patch (PC Mac1.44.88.1220) -the mannequin faces should no longer disappear -the trait was redone from scratch due to mod constructor being down -the cas items now have proper seasons tags -i reduced the size of the mod by using referencing and less texture
Revamped Plantsims mod 0.2.3: -the mod now is functional with the latest patch PC Mac -lights should no longer be turned off by default -fixed the sun motive icon
Seamless Fridges 1.1 : -updated to include city living and jungle adventures fridges.
fanbot head: -The head is now a hat rather than being a hair
wet suits swimwear: -Added seasons weather tags -Fixed the no legs bug -fixed the female wos version having strips
Athlete career clothes unlocked: -the clothes are no longer cloned but rather unlocked thus the file went from 17.43 MB to 500kb
custom content updated to support cats and dogs: -more romantic than you double bed -Lips of Loveseat ts3 to ts4 -Gothique Living set -The sims 4 high end loft -junkyard set -Sleek Plastic chair -Gothique Sleeping Room set -Modern Bed/Study Room -The Loudon Effluvia Pinnacle Grill -The Thorn Throne Toilet -valentine Day Pack
TVs updated to support in-game console videogames: -dixie flatscreen hologram -Never Mind the Milk Crates, Here's the Telly -generations wall tvs -Artscreen TV -the sims 3 tvs conversion set
Cas items updated to support seasons tags: -eminem t-shirts -Chloe price jeans & tatto -max caulfield top cloth -Thanks giving Hat -Iron Spider Armor -spider man costumes -Symbiotes spiderman -batman -Scarlet spiderman -Devilish Grim Reaper -Kids Suit up! -Toddler Suit Up! -Deadpool Costume -Deadpool hammer and katana -Jared Leto Joker -Captin America Costume -Batfleck Costume -Spider-women Costume -Spider-Man Civil War -digimon-Agumon costume -Star Wars hat no skin -Iron Man Mark 42 -Bigfoot
as always thank you  and follow for more :).
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