#fancypants jackstache
septic-dr-schneep · 7 years
Random Egos Hugging Headcanons
Someone on another site asked me how hard it would be to hug all of the Egos, which naturally got me thinking about their hugging styles! Have a hug headcanon dump! It made me feel warm and fuzzy :D Merry Christmas!
Septic Boys
Anti: Do not hug him. He’s massively averted to being touched. Jackieboy tried to hug him once when they were both young and foolish and he nearly lost one of his eyes. It was before Anti’s knife-throwing improved, so he missed, but the point still stands.
Jackieboy: He gives the best hugs out of the Septic Egos—the warm, full-body hugs that drain all of the tension out of your body once you relax into them. They’re the kind of hugs that can make you forget about your day and he’ll give them to just about anyone. He’s a gentle bear hugger and he’ll often give the recipient’s back a comforting rub or a pat. Sometimes he’ll tuck their head against his shoulder if they need a little more comfort.
Marvin: He’s not big on hugging because his mask tends to get knocked crooked because of them, so he’ll give a brisk, polite one-armed hug that’s incredibly light compared to the others. He reserves the better hugs for the other Egos; he’ll pull his mask off, take them by the shoulders and pull them snugly against his chest.
Schneep: He’s an excitable hugger who’ll run at you for a hug even if you don’t see it coming. He’ll scoop you up underneath the arms and around the small of your back before lifting you off your feet and squeezing tightly until your back pops. It’s like a Heimlich maneuver from the front, but he’ll only give it to someone he hasn’t seen in a while.
Chase: He’s a brotherly side-hugger who will wrap one of his arms around both of your shoulders and give them a warm squeeze. Sometimes if he’s feeling particularly affectionate, he’ll give your opposite shoulder an additional rub and a squeeze before pulling away. He loves hugging almost as much as Jackieboy does, so he’ll do it with anyone he considers a friend.
Robbie: He’s naturally the type to give a bone-crushing hug, simply because he doesn’t realize his own strength, but the others have instructed him to be gentler because his limbs have a tendency to fall off if he hugs too tightly. He’ll shuffle in for a hug and thump his friend’s back a few times very slowly and carefully before pulling away.
Jameson: He doesn’t hug others very often but he will if you’ve made him especially happy—if you’ve given him a unique gift or a nicely-worded compliment, something intentional and considerate. He’s a brisk, close hugger who’ll give the recipient a vigorous rub on the back, a cheerful word, and occasionally a playful bop on the side of their head with his own.
Dark: It’s extremely rare to witness and it’s practically an event in and of itself. He’s very methodical about how he hugs: he slides one arm underneath the recipient’s, wrapping around their lower waist, and one arm over the opposite shoulder to clasp the side or the back of their neck. It’s a binding hug and he holds them tightly enough that his fingers dig into them, letting them know they aren’t going anywhere until he decides to release them.
Wilford: He gives a hearty and overenthusiastic hug, as if he hasn’t seen you in years. More often than not, he’ll sneak-attack you from behind because he loves seeing the surprise and (usual) delight when he wraps around his target and lifts them off their feet. Sometimes he’ll set them back down immediately but if he’s feeling especially playful, he’ll give them a little shake or spin with them a few times before letting go.
The Host: He hugs almost as rarely as Dark, but when he does, he’ll give the “London Bridge” hug, the kind where he stays at a distance but leans in just enough to put his arms around the recipient’s shoulders. More often than not, his head is turned away from them because he doesn’t want to get blood in their hair. If he’s hugging someone he trusts, however, he’ll come closer, wrapping his arms around their upper shoulders or the back of their neck.
Dr. Iplier: The doctor gives the kind of sympathetic side-hug that doesn’t reach fully around your shoulders. More often than not, he’ll put his hand on their back, keeping it still and supportive. If they’re especially upset, he’ll pat or rub their back to comfort them but he doesn’t often like to act that familiar. It’s the hug he uses when he gives patients bad news and he’s gotten so accustomed to it that he even uses it with his friends, who don’t particularly like it.
Google: At the start, his hugs feel the most staged out of the lot, but they’re the kind of hugs you adapt and settle into after a few seconds of awkwardness. He pulls them in against his chest by sliding his arms under theirs and lifts just slightly so they’re on tiptoe and he’s leaning down, tucking their nearest shoulder underneath his chin. Usually he’ll rest his hands lightly on their shoulder blades or over their spine. He’ll only relax into it once they’ve relaxed first.
Bing: He’ll give you the friendly, lighthearted “buddy hug”, leaning against you with one arm underneath yours, patting you heartily on your back, or he’ll sling it around your neck and then roll you into a proper hug against him when you least expect it. He hugs very tightly and warmly—enough to make you wince good-naturedly but not actually leave you hurting after he lets you go.
Yandere: He’s the most intimate with his hugs out of the group; he’ll hug his target long and hard, sliding his arms up over their shoulders and crisscrossing them over the back of their neck, so they have nowhere to put their arms except around his chest or his waist. He tucks his face into their hair or against their neck and just breathes against them. It’s meant to be a relaxing hug, but it’s overly familiar and makes most people uncomfortable.
Bim: He only gives brief hugs, but they’re proper and comfortable. He slides his arms between yours, occasionally one over the other, and knits his fingers together behind your back, squeezing you warmly and firmly so that the hug lingers after you pull away. He usually gives hugs when he’s offering advice or support and it’s the perfect hug to accompany it, the kind to end a good talk and inspire determination.
Silver Shepherd: He would want nothing more than to give hugs to everyone, but he knows most people wouldn’t accept them, so he doesn’t do them unless someone is upset enough not to care. It’s a fatherly hug that lets the recipient press their face against his chest. He cradles them, with a lot of care and warmth and earnestness. It’s the type of hug that you can melt into without being judged; he lets you come or go as far as you’d like, patting your back all the while.
Edgar: He’ll offer the quick and easy one-armed hug that most people give when they’re saying goodbye, locking one arm around the back of your neck and pulling you in suddenly; he’s been known to bump heads with the person he’s hugging. It’s the kind of hug where you can tell he honestly wishes he could stay longer and hug you properly, but he just doesn’t have the time.
King of the Squirrels: He gives a hug that’s fit for a king—a big, snug embrace where he spreads out his furs and wraps them around his friend so they can share the warmth when they’re drawn against his chest. Most people never even think to approach him for a hug, but if someone actually seeks him out for a hug, he’ll do it without question. He does keep his head tilted back, though, so they won’t bump his crown or get smeared with peanut butter.
Jim and Jim: Every hug is a group hug because where one goes, the other follows. Jim and Jim don’t really have a proper technique for it yet, so they’ll just tangle their arms around each other’s shoulders and necks with their target sandwiched between them. Sometimes elbows will bump or they’ll hit each other—or their friend—in the face, but it’s the kind of hug that wants to be good and is just awkward enough to make it so. It’s the kind of hug you can laugh about.
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l05t1nth3v01d · 2 years
TW:mentions of Anti,suicide
Jameson Jackson
Tumblr media
(Picture from pinterest)
Other names:Dapper Jack,Jack Daniels,Chap,Jackson,William Dapper,Fancypants,Jackstache,JJ,Jamie
• Quirky,charming,loveable gentleman who seems to be mute,approaches each situation with vigor and loves to set a particular mood so others can have fun with him,has a great imagination,takes pride in every new idea,excepts the best results out of what he does,encourages creativity in others,when he makes a mistake we willingly owns up to it(even jokes about it)and does his best to make his next attempt even better,can be clumsy,tends to misplace tool he needs for his goals,sensitive smell,distaste for messiness(even if he chose a project that is messy),preserves until he finds the end he hoped for,accepting any help along the way
• Appears to have the power of creation(occasionally produces what he needs out if thin air)
• "The Jacksepticeye Power Hour-Jameson Jackson "
》likes to crave pumpkins,informs the viewers that "the pumpkin is dead and won't feel pain"
》after he is done he congratulates himself and begins to clean up.He accidentally cuts himself and begins to treat the wound
》Anti appears,telling the viewers that he's still watching and waiting and that Jameson is soon another one of his puppets
• Jack refuses to answer two questions in an akinator video
》if his character is a puppet
》if his character has killed
-said his character probably fights evil,meaning that him(Jackson) siding with Anti is up for debate
• October 31st 2019|"JJs Jolly Jaunts"
》performed a puppet show,the story:^a man goes missing and requests the assistance of Sherbert Holds to find the killer.The killer is unveiled as the detective himself,harboring two sides^
》halfway through the performance Jameson finds a string attached to one of his wrists but proceeds with the show like nothing is wrong
》shortly after the show ended,Jameson suddenly becomes possessed,his eyes roll back and constantly flicker,he acts like cutting his throat (possibly referring to "SAY GOODBYE"),he motions in sign language "help me",before losing full control,he stares into the camera before it fades to black
So I love this man sm I'm crying.Anyways I really like doing this.And I would really like YOU TO TELL ME MORE LETS GO PLS
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septic-dr-schneep · 7 years
Hey there....I've had kindof a bad day so do you have any headcannons about how the Egos cry? Sorry if its not okay I'm asking....
Oh, I’m sorry to hear that! I don’t know if these headcanons will helpyou feel any better, unless it makes you feel like you’re not alone. If that’sthe case, here you go; I hope it helps :(
Septic Boys
Anti: He scream-cries,doubled over, clutching at his throat and his shirt and his eyes as if they’reon fire, but it’s really just to stop the tears from coming. He screams andscreams until his voice starts to give out and it’s only when it breaks,mid-scream, that he stops. From there, he just hisses through his teeth, ashard as he can. As he calms down, his whole body fritzes and spits static as hesinks onto the floor, breathing raggedly, staring down at his hands.
Jackieboy:He never wants to be seen when he cries. He sits or lies down in his room inthe dark, staring meekly at the floor while his vision blurs but sniffling andscrubbing furiously whenever the tears spill over. He berates himself in hismind for being weak and childish but eventually there are more tears than hecan wipe away and he just pulls his mask down around his neck because there’sno use for it now. He pulls his hood further over his face and lets himself sobit all out.
Marvin: Herefuses to accept he’s even crying. He pulls off his mask right away because hedoesn’t want to get it wet and paces back and forth, muttering to himself.“Stop it, stop, you’re just being ridiculous. This is stupid…Why are you evendoing this right now? This isn’t even something to cry about, so just suck itup and…” He goes on until he thinks he’s composed and then as soon as he trailsoff, he just picks up the closest edge of his cape, buries his face in it anddissolves into a weepy mess.
Schneep: Hestays quiet as the tears first well up, but once he’s actually crying, he hideshis face as best he can against his hands or his sleeves. He whimpers andwhines brokenly, sometimes in English and sometimes in German, but he slursthem together so much that no one can understand. That turns into shudderycough-sobs that he just can’t stop, no matter how hard he tries. He usuallycries longer than the others do because he starts to hyperventilate, whichupsets him even more.
Chase: Hebursts into wrenching, hopeless sobs, right from the gut. All he wants whenhe’s crying is to have someone hug him but if no one is there, he’ll wrap hisown arms around himself as tightly as he can. He doesn’t know what to do withhimself; he’s rooted to the spot, wherever he may be, and whenever he tries tomove, tries to do anything, he just sobs harder, until it sounds like he’sabout to throw up. When he comes down from it, he’s completely exhausted andwill usually just fall asleep right there.
Robbie: Hewails with the same force as Anti, but he can’t keep it up nearly as long. Oncehe’s done howling, he always seems like he’s graduated from sad to angry. LikeChase, he has no clue what to do with everything he’s feeling, so he grits histeeth and swings his limbs around wildly at whatever’s closest. If he happensto knock something over, he stops up short, realizes what he just did, and startskeening like he’s in agony. That goes on until he runs out of breath.
Jameson: Hekeeps it as unobvious and composed as he can, blinking a lot and ducking hishead as he fiddles with his hat and his pocket watch, anything to make it seemlike he’s completely fine, but eventually his face just crumples and he triesto make himself as small as possible, snuffling and wiping his nose against hissleeve. He doesn’t bother with his handkerchief because most of the time, he doesn’treach the point where he needs it and if he does, he’s too choked up toremember to use it.
Dark: He’sthe quietest of the group. He’ll fold his hands and press his forehead againstthem, hunching his shoulders a little, and the most indication he’ll give thathe’s crying is that his breath gets harsher and shakier. Sometimes he’ll make ahalf-stifled noise low in his throat, something that could have been a sob butwas never fully formed. This never lasts long either, so most people never realizethat he was crying in the first place. He clears his throat a lot afterward.
Wilford: Helegitimately doesn’t realize he’s crying until the sobs start; he sounds almostlike he’s hiccupping and he tries, he tries sohard to smile because of how funny it sounds…Almost immediately they changeinto long, harsh cries as if he’s in physical pain. If he’s really hurting, theforce of them knocks him over. He’ll crouch or go down onto hands and knees,caterwauling all the while, as if someone’s slowly killing him.
The Host: Hestiffens, shudders, and rakes his hands through his hair, letting loose anunearthly howl that makes anyone in earshot freeze. That turns into uglysobbing. His blood-tears are such a dark red that they’re almost brown and theysoak through his bandages in a matter of minutes. By the time he stops, thebandages are dripping from the edges and he’s an absolute mess: blood in his nose and his mouth and his hair, on his face,hands, shirt…He looks like he’s been bled within an inch of his life.
Dr.Iplier: Like Dark, it isn’t very obvious that he’s crying. He breathesvery shallowly, swallows a lot, and slumps very low in his chair, pulling hishead mirror off and rubbing his hands up and down his arms to keep himself calm.Sometimes he’ll snuffle and gulp over and over because it’s the only way ofholding himself together. If he starts to lose containment, he’ll press hishands over his mouth and muffle the sobs as best he can.
Google: Hepanics because he hates showingweakness. His systems will start getting overtaxed: his fans start to buzz andhis G emblem will start flickering wildly between all sorts of colors.  He’ll stutter for words, try to explain itall away, and end up glitching himself to the point where he freezes. He stayscompletely still, his eyes glazing over and then welling up with coolant, andhe doesn’t make any sound except tiny, desperate little wheezes that no one canhear unless they get really close.
Bing: He takesoff his sunglasses and rubs at his eyes with a thumb and forefinger,half-laughing because he thinks he’s being ridiculous, that androids shouldn’tcry, that all of it will pass. He tries to make jokes to distract himself, butit never works. Then he tries to remind himself that he can’t be any moreridiculous than Google and finds the nearest chair, curling into it andpressing his forehead against his knees. He trembles, rattles, and whimpers, anddoes his best to be discreet about it, but it’s fairly obvious what’shappening.
Yandere: Hegets absolutely hysterical, beyond any chance of calming down. He acts like acombination of a toddler and a teenager, part of him wants comfort and anotherpart of him wants to run and slam his door. He does a lot with his hands whenhe’s crying, rubbing at his eyes, clutching at his uniform and his skirt andhis hair, reaching out for something to hold onto for balance or just wavingthem around uselessly. If he doesn’t sit in time, he’ll stumble blindly aroundlike he’s drunk and usually ends up falling.
Bim: Heswears a lot when he’s trying to hold it together, but the harsh front neverlasts long. He starts breathing a lot deeper and faster and blinks hard,fiddling almost frantically with his suit—jerking his jacket straight, pulling onhis tie, scuffing his shoes against the floor. Sooner or later his deepbreathing exercises turn into helpless, distressed kitten-mewls. He’ll leanagainst the nearest flat surface and hide his face against his forearm, cryingas softly as he can.
SilverShepherd: He bawls, abruptly and childishly, and hates himself for it, but hecan’t help it. As seen in his video, he’ll curl up in the nearest empty corner,sobbing brokenly and holding his hands over his aching chest. He cries with theforce of his entire body and it takes a lot out of him, but it doesn’t takelong for him to run out of tears. He stays where he is, shuddering andwhimpering occasionally until he can muster the strength to get back up.
Edgar: Allof his energy and enthusiasm gets sapped out. He sniffles and shifts his weightback and forth, fiddling with his suspenders, clearing his throat, and “coughing”a lot. He’ll mutter excuses for his sudden change in behavior and then leavethe room as quickly as he can. Once he finds some privacy, he’ll gasp and groanand hiss through his teeth as the tears spill, feeling like he’s humiliatinghimself. He usually forgets to take off his glasses beforehand, so they alwaysneed a thorough cleaning afterward.
King of theSquirrels: He chokes up incredibly quickly; he can’t speak coherently, so hejust whines instead, pulling his furs and cloak as tightly around himself aspossible. He completely withdraws, sinking into them for comfort and rubbinghis face against them, not even caring if he gets peanut butter on them, and assoon as he’s sure no one can see his face, he sobs as hard as he can. Thoughts keepplaying in his head that he’s a failure as a king, but he’s usually able totalk himself down. “The tears will make my subjects’ meal a bit saltier today.”
Jim andJim: The brothers cry very differently. Cameraman Jim is almost completelysilent; the only sounds are muffled sniffs or low, strangled whines because he getstoo choked up to even communicate what he’s feeling. Reporter Jim, on the otherhand, gets hysterical—long, wheezing gasps that lead to panicky, disjointed babblingwhich eventually just dissolve into broken, blubbery moans. Reporter Jim takesa lot longer to calm down than Cameraman Jim does, but once one starts, theother follows and it takes a whilebefore either of them can feel like themselves again.
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septic-dr-schneep · 7 years
how does each ego react to being flirted with?
Anti: When someone flirts with him, he does nothing but giggle and playwith his knife, sneering at them with all of his fangs bared. His eyes sputterbetween blue and black and his glitching intensifies greatly, so any noise hemakes comes in stops and starts. Because static obscures him, the flirter cannever tell if the expression on his face is one of triumph or hatred, but hecertainly doesn’t flirt back. He wants them to work for his affection while hebasks in the attention.
Jackieboy: He laughs at first, thinking that they’re just another heroworshipper, but when he realizes they’re serious, his face turns almost as redas his jumpsuit. He laughs again, gentler this time, and starts shifting hisweight back and forth. He offers a cute, crooked little smile that eventuallyturns into a full-on grin, letting the flirter know just how proud he is to bethe object of their affections. From there, he’ll probably throw his head back,square his shoulders and make a confident, flirty remark in return.
Marvin: He’s really, genuinely startled; he doesn’t understand whysomeone would want to flirt with him when there are clearly other versions of himwho are just as attractive. If the flirter persists, he cautiously starts toreciprocate until he thinks he can be comfortable with them. He doesn’t likethe in-your-face, obvious flirting, just kind, subtle remarks that make himsmile. Once he’s comfortable, he’ll become a little dreamy, setting his chin inhis hand and just taking in the sights as they flirt gently back and forth.
Schneep: He’s a pretty good flirter himself, but when his target actuallyreciprocates, it knocks him off hisfeet and he becomes a stammering mess. He fiddles with his hands a lot and doeshis best to respond, but if they openly, blatantly say he’s attractive, he’llforget how to speak coherently. He blushes an embarrassing bright pink, whichmakes him all the more flustered. Eventually he’ll hide his face in his hands,but the flirter can tell he’s smiling through his fingers. Once the flirtertones it down a little, he’s able to calm down and focus on answering properly.
Chase: He finds blatant flirting to be absolutely hilarious, but he’llplay along just to see the bystanders’ reactions. If he’s going to respondseriously, however, the flirting needs to be sincere and sweet. He’ll pause,looking the flirter up and down, his whole demeanor softening. He’ll duck hishead with just a hint of a smile, flushing, and shift closer in an interested,focused way. All of his attention is on the other person now and it stays that wayso he can respond with a coy little remark and a well-timed wink.
Robbie: Most people avoid talking to him at all and even if someone wereto flirt, he would be completely oblivious, just sort of nodding or shrugging inresponse to whatever they were saying. One of the others would inevitablynotice and have to explain it to him, but once they managed to get it across,his eyes would go as big as saucers. He’d get the biggest, dopiest smileimaginable and would start hyperventilating a little just because he’s so excited! Someone likes him! Someonethinks he’s cute! As soon as that processed, he’d march right up to the personwho flirted with him and pick them up in a big ol’ bear hug. He doesn’t knowhow to flirt back, but he knows how to say thank-you.
Jameson: He’d square his shoulders and tilt his head, eyebrows rising, moustache twitchingwith mingled curiosity and interest at the plucky nerve of this gentleperson. Ofcourse, in responding, he would be a complete gentleman, taking off his hat andholding it against his chest as a sign of respect and care. His eyes sparkle, he chuckles warmly andhis smile lights up his whole face as he offers them a bow and a kiss to thehand. He gets very expressive when he flirts back, poeticizing about theirbeauty and charm and kindness as he serves them tea – he’s already setting up their first date.
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septic-dr-schneep · 7 years
If you hc that Anti never uses the others' egos real names, imagine how much creepier it would be if he randomly did O.o
Eeeee…yeah…He would forego his nicknames for them and call them by name when they’re feeling vulnerable, just to have the satisfaction of watching them doubt themselves, watching fear overshadow the sadness in their faces…
“I h̕ȩa͞r͜d ͞a̕b͟o͟u͠t̕ ̡the ́p̡oor͞ ́p͢e̡de̡st͡ria̕n̷ ̸y̢ou co̸uld͠n’t save͡.̵.̧.Too ͡bu̴s̛y͘ ̕d̡e̡a͘l͡in͘g ͢with̛ the͘ h̀i̛j̢ac̡ke̕rs? ̛M͞y̷ sin͡cerè ćondolen̡c͜e҉s,Ja̸ck͞ìeboy̨.”
Jackieboy looks up sharply, his bloodshot eyes wide, his mask hiding none of his tears or his horror at hearing his name from the Glitch’s lips. He says “boy” in Jackie’s name with the same inflections he used in “favorite boy”…
“Once͢ ͝a͏gai͡n,̴ ̀y̵ou̵r͝ l̀i̢ttl͜e ҉pe͜r̛f͜ormánce͝ w͡as a ͞f̢ailu͜r̴è. I̵t's̢ ̴h̕a͏rd̷ ́no͡t ͏to͟ ge̕t ͏dis̴co̡u͟r̨age̷d,͢ ͞i̸s̷n'̨t̕ ̀i͞t͏, ̸M͠ár̛vin?”
Marvin’s breath stutters at the word and he hunches further into himself, shivering faintly as he stares down at the wand lying in his hands. Old doubts rise in his mind. Maybe he really should have given up.
“Yoư can͜'t̛ be͡ ͝èno͜u̶g̸h̢ f̧or̀ the͢m. N͜ot ͡t͘h͘e ͠ot́h̢ers͜, ͢n͟ǫt̢ y͘o̢ur̨ ͠f͡amily, ͏ce͜ŗţa͡i̡n̛l͏y͜ ̡no͡t fo̷r̴ ̵y̢ơu̕r dea͠r ̶J͡a͢c̀k. T͘h̨ere’s ̛no͠t͡h͢i͠n͜g ͝you͞ ͠c̕àn ̷d̛o t̶o ̡chan͜ge t͘hat̷, ͜H̀e̢n̷ri͜k.”
Schneep looks wildly around, his face ashen and sweaty, but he can’t see the Glitch anywhere. Maybe he imagined it…Maybe the voice was just in his head. Maybe…it was right…
“T͝h̢e̕r͜e͏ ̛w͡er͏e ̀p̕l͞e̛n͝ty of ͘reason̸s͟ to͜ ̨aban͏d̷oǹ ̶yo̧u, Chase. You͘ ẁe͘re ̕j́ust too͠ ca҉u̶ght ͡i͏n your͠ ̵l̸it͟t̷lé ̵w̨or͞ld̢ to s̷e͞e ͏them̵.”
Chase bites his lower lip to stifle a whimper, blinking hard, clenching his hands firmly between his knees to keep them from shaking. Had he abandoned his family first, traded them for the idea that everything was fine?
“L̴ook ̸at̀ y̴ǫurs͢e͘lf,̛ R͝obb͝i͞e͞. ͞Y̷o͞u’re ͝du̶mb̢, ́w͜ea͡k, a͜n̨d̨ y̕o͞u̢'̶re̷ jus͘t d͘ead͏ w͡e͜ig̡ht ͢o̷n̸ tḩe ҉o͡t̸h͟ers͢. Yo͝u'r̕e ͞n̡ot̶hin̷g b̛u̴t̨ a̕ bu̵r̛d҉en.”
Robbie’s whole face dims, but his eyes turn glassy with tears that eventually spill over. He doesn’t seem to notice. He’s known the words were true since the start. He was just too dumb to remember without someone saying it for him.
“Oh, ҉Ja͜meson.͡ ̡Àlr̢e̢ad̡y̴ ͠e҉v̀er̸y̸o͞ne d̛i̡s̸t͏rus̴ts̕ ̨y͢ou.̷ ̛Th̀ey thi̵nk͞ ͏yóu̡'͠re n͝ot̡hìng͡ ̛but anothe̡r̵ ̷p͡u͢pp͢et͡. That́’s ̸e͠xact̵ly͝ what you͜ ̀a͞r͘e.”
Jameson quivers, clutching his hat tightly against his chest, shaking his head violently. It can’t be…but he’s seen the way the fans whisper and theorize. He was just another tool for them to find Anti…He was just another puppet.
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septic-dr-schneep · 7 years
Idea: The egos actually having a peaceful day, no anti causing trouble, no arguments in the Bordy family, no casualties, just a quiet day where they can just relax and spend time together.
If any day is going to be peaceful in Egos Central, it’ll be New Year’s Day. Jackieboy is sitting on the couch, his legs propped up on the coffee table, with his arms around Schneep and Marvin on either side of him. Chase is on the floor, his kids giggling on either side of him as they play with the Operation game they borrowed from Schneep.
Jameson is entertaining Robbie by showing him how many tricks he can do with his hat! He can roll it down the length of his arm, catch it and flip it back onto his head, and Robbie’s enthralled! Of course it does help when Marvin is subtly waving a finger or two against the arm of the couch, keeping JJ steady. It’s like clockwork by now, so he glances at Jackieboy as he works.
“A lot’s changed this year, hasn’t it?” he muses, to which Jackieboy nods.
“We got Chase, we got Jameson…Jeez, it feels like so long ago now. And we got you back too, Henrik, safe and sound and mostly unscathed after that stunt Anti pulled in August.”
The doctor shivers a little at the memory, but Jackieboy’s quick to squeeze his shoulder and distract him. “And I made my triumphant return,” he goes on, leaning his head against the back of the couch and grinning. “And the fans loved me.”
“As if there was doubt,” Schneep scoffs. “We know they always will! The little fans need the hero – we all know him, we all love him! We – Jackie!” The rest of his words are cut off by frustrated grumbling as Jackieboy abruptly decides it’s the perfect opportunity to ruffle his hair, dislodging his surgical cap from his head.
“Whoa…I got my name this year,” Marvin recalls, seeming almost startled. “Almost a year to the day since Jack created me, he finally gave me my name.”
“And it is Magnificent, bro!” Chase quips, to which his son nods vigorously and then jumps at the harsh buzz the game board makes.
“Shut up, Peter!” Schneep hollers, sitting up straight and glowering warningly at his former accountant. “You are dead, you can zip the little lip! And you, Connor, you be more careful with Peter’s remains! Perhaps Brianna should handle the little phone bone!” 
Chase’s daughter giggles proudly and nods, playfully bickering with her brother over the tools while their adoring dad actually does the work.
“And of course none of it would be possible without Jack,” Jackieboy concludes, more pensively, to which the others murmur their agreements. “We can always count on him.”
“And he can count on us, can’t he?” Marvin adds. “We’re always hanging around to have our hands on his back and support ’im.” He pauses, the traces of magic disappearing from his fingers and dropping Jameson’s hat to the floor as he takes in the expression on Jackieboy’s face. “Hey, what is it? Something wrong?”
“Ah, Jackie, are you getting a sudden cry?” Schneep huffs affectionately, patting the hero on the back with sympathy. Jackieboy laughs a little, blinking and ducking his head.
“Yeah, it’s stupid. Just…I can’t imagine what it’d be like without any of you – all of you, the fans, Jack and Signe. I know my whole world is better because of you.”
A pause follows his words, during which Jackieboy wonders if he’s said too much. Jameson picks up his hat and tips it back on his head with one hand, finding Robbie’s shoulder with the other. The zombie looks up and around at all of them, his smile wide and lopsided. Marvin tilts his head, following Robbie’s example and looking around the room, taking it all in. Chase puts his arms around his kids, tugging them against his sides where they nestle their faces against his chest. Henrik huffs again, very softly, and pulls his legs up underneath him on the couch, settling more comfortably where he is.
“True, true,” is all he has to say. No one else wants to break the finality of the agreement, so they return to their business and Jackieboy can’t help but appreciate that. It isn’t often that he gets away without the others teasing him for his soft heart.
Before he knows it, despite Jack’s long-held motto that sleep is for the weak, all of the others have fallen asleep where they are for the night, even their lightest sleepers. Jackieboy would move to get off the couch and grab some blankets, but Marvin and Schneep are both curled up against his shoulders, effectively holding him hostage. 
They’re probably going to sleep through the midnight celebration, Jackieboy muses, but he has no time to be disappointed. Movement from the corner catches his attention and he perks up. Naturally Anti would arrive late to the party, when everyone else is open and vulnerable.
Anti steps over Jameson and Robbie into the hero’s line of sight, bending down and scooping up Jameson’s hat without making a sound. He studies it for a few seconds and then glances back at Jackieboy, who, for some reason, still feels a strange sense of calm. If he needs to, he can untangle himself from his brothers in less than a second to defend them, but in the meantime he lets them keep snoring softly, unaware of the Glitch’s gaze on them.
“I̷t͜ w̵as͢ ̴j̶u̢s͟t̷ ̕th̀e tw͠o of ̸us̛ o̵n͞c̢e͢,” Anti remarks in a low voice, running his fingers over Jameson’s hat, leaving scrapes from his nails in the velvet. “No̷w ͟t̀h͠ey̛'̵rę ͟h͜e̕r͏è.”
“They changed your life too,” Jackieboy voices the rest of Anti’s thought. His enemy’s grip on the hat tightens, bending the brim, and his voice is a shade harsher when he speaks again, though no louder than before.
“I̡ ̨n̶e̶v̷er̶ as͢k̵e҉d ͡the��m͞ ͏t̛o.”
“You didn’t have to. They change our lives whether we like it or not,” Jackieboy counters sternly. “I never asked for them either. I didn’t know I could have or even that I should have, but here they are.”
“B̵y t͜his̛ t̸i̕me n̕èx͢t̛ ͏year̀, th͞e͟y͞ mi̵gḩt͡ ̨noţ b͡e, h́er͜o͢. W͞h̛at'̶r͜e ͝y̛ou̡ ͏g̷oing ̡t͠o ̕d͏o ͡then̢?҉” Anti growls, flinging the hat at the farthest wall. At the dull thump close to his head, Chase stirs slightly, subconsciously curling his fingers further into his daughter’s hair. Jackieboy waits until the younger Ego goes still again before inhaling deeply.
“If it’s ever just the two of us again, it’ll break my heart,” he confesses, to which Anti smirks just a little. The smirk is wiped away by his next words: “But it won’t break my spirit. If it’s going to be me and you, it’ll be me and you. You don’t seem to realize just how much you need them, Anti. Maybe they will be gone this time next year – or maybe there’ll be more of them. Our lives may change, but you and I, who we are…that’ll stay the same. Count on that.”
Anti is quiet for a long series of seconds, aside from the buzz of static as his body glitches and twitches. “I͞ wi̛ll͡,” he swears grimly, the blackness in his eyes clearing, making way for blue. For a few solid seconds, the enemies’ eyes are similar, if not just the same, as they stare at each other. They both feel the weight of those words, whether or not they would admit it.
Some things never change. We never change. It’s the first resolution they make together and, knowing them, it will probably be the last.
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septic-dr-schneep · 7 years
JSE Fanfiction - Just Around The Corner
Summary:  Anti, just like the other Egos, always looks forward to the holiday season, especially Christmas. For him, the fun begins as soon as the clock strikes December 1st. For the rest of them, that's when they need to brace themselves for whatever the Glitch has planned to make them suffer.
Jackieboy noticed something wasn’t right as soon as December 1st rolled around. Whereas Anti would—should be prowling into the kitchen for his breakfast of bloody meat like any other day, today he strode into view with a spring in his step, one which set off several of Jackieboy’s internal alarms. The rest sounded the call as soon as the Glitch peered around at the other Egos, his fangs bared in a smile.
“H͞a̶pp̢y ̵holi͝day͜ ̷season̵,” he purred, his voice crackling and breaking with a much more noticeable amount of static than usual.
The older Egos didn’t answer him, of course. They could scarcely dare to wonder what he meant by those words; their minds were already racing for an explanation of his optimism, but they couldn’t help being distracted when Jameson made the mistake of tipping his hat in response to the “well-wishes”. Chase gave Jameson a warning look, but it was too late; the young gentleman’s gesture had caught Anti’s eye.
“At least so̸m͝eone͡ here has s҉ome͢ c͢ommon co̶urt̵e̴sy̷,” he remarked, his smile widening as his head tilted. A glitching half of his head stayed contorted, flickering against his shoulder even when he moved, flinging open the fridge and grabbing his meat plate, strolling casually back out to eat alone.
“JJ, Anti doesn’t deserve you being polite around him. You may not remember it, but he tried to attack you when you showed yourself to the fans. He’s evil,” Chase began in his firm “dad voice” to Jameson as Jackieboy glanced uneasily at Marvin.
“Okay, I know he glitches more and more as the holidays get closer, but that was worse than usual,” the magician announced what they were both thinking. “He shouldn’t be like that until…what, two weeks from now?”
“That’s how it was last year, but you know him. He likes to keep us guessing,” Jackieboy mused grimly, moving to sip his coffee and then hesitating when he noticed how Schneep’s cup was shaking between his hands. “Hey…” he murmured, reaching across toward him. “This doesn’t mean—”
“He did not need a holiday to attack me,” Schneep reminded them shakily. “Take me away from you for weeks ’till you find me…It was August. There was no reason, rhyme…What if it’s like that for one of you? Chase, last year—it was nothing for Anti to poison his eggnog, was it? He spent Christmas in hospital!” Looking a bit ill, he peeked down at his coffee and abruptly pushed it away. “And the year before that, he sabotaged my sled…I nearly break my neck, and I’ve heard of the year before, when he tried to strangle Marvin with the tinsel—”
Marvin winced at the memory, instinctively tugging on the knot to his cape, and Jackieboy growled, “That’s not going to happen again. We’re all gonna be safe because we’re gonna protect each other with everything we have.” Schneep didn’t look convinced, so Jackieboy softened his tone, explaining, “That’s the difference between then and now, Henrik: last year, the year before that, the year before that, not all of us were here. Now, I can’t think of a better group. We know what he’s capable of.” He looked around the table, meeting each pair of eyes and concluding emphatically, “Not even Anti is strong enough to take on all of us.”
Seeing as all of them had been rather unsettled by Anti’s “holiday cheer”, the next few days were spent on edge and their nights were spent sleeping very lightly. As such, it was no surprise that Jackieboy immediately lunged upright in bed, reeling back a preemptive fist, as staticky strains of “Silent Night” echoed through the halls.
Not so far away, Schneep stared with terrified eyes toward the door of his lab, his late-night reading falling through his fingers to land with a thump on his desk.
Chase, meanwhile, curled tightly into himself and covered his head with his blankets, not quite waking but sensing in his subconscious that something was wrong.
Marvin padded gingerly out of his room, his wand casting the dim hallway in an eerie green glow. Every shadow, any shadow, could very well be Anti, taunting him with a game of hide-and-seek. Who was seeking who? The music, hauntingly slow, continued looping as Marvin crept through the tunnel of darkness just outside the light’s reach. That was when he felt fingers brush the back of his arm. Yelping, he whirled around, already poised with a spell—only to slump in relief when he found the wide-eyed Jameson standing behind him.
“Oh, it’s you! Make some noise when you’re coming, why don’t you?!” he hissed. He knew JJ’s aura would have canceled out any noise the gentleman might have made, but at the moment he was too high-strung to care about semantics. Jameson didn’t object to it either; in fact, he didn’t mince any words, as he might have under any other circumstance. His sepia speech slide was bright in the darkness.
“Marvin, is this Antisepticeye?”
Marvin blinked at the question for a moment or two, startled by it. It was uncanny…He forgot about Jameson sometimes. Not the man himself, of course, but sometimes he forgot that Jameson was new at this. It was only now, with his hands wringing in front of him, moustache twitching nervously, tousled hair hanging in front of his eyes, that Jameson looked his age.
At last, with a sad smile falling onto his face, Marvin sighed, “Don’t you worry, JJ. You’ll learn to sense it. When it comes to things like this, it couldn’t be anyone else.”
Jameson looked as if he was about to reply, but a squeal of static stopped both him and the music. As soon as the last echoes of “Silent Night” faded away, Jameson looked back to Marvin with cautious anticipation.
“It’s stopped…” his slide stated the obvious.
“That doesn’t mean he’s done,” Marvin warned, moving to skirt past him but unprotesting when Jameson spun around and clutched at his arm, keeping pace with him. The pair of them scoured each room of Egos Central again and again until dawn broke, but they found nothing.
A few days later, Chase pried his eyes open with a struggle, wanting nothing more than to sleep for another few hours. A promise was a promise, however; he was going to spend this morning helping Marvin decorate. Jackieboy had left to patrol the city in the wee hours, he knew, and they were planning to surprise him with a Christmas message on the top of the roof, one he would instantly see when he flew home.
He would get to show Jameson how it was done, he realized, and that thought made him pick up the pace just that much more. As he flung open his door, however, he stopped up short just before tripping on something that had been left outside his door.
Bewildered, he crouched, picking up the beautiful white poinsettia and examining it from every angle. When he found the small golden card peeking through the leaves, he couldn’t help but wonder if his kids had insisted their mother send him a gift. That was something they would do. The calligraphy printed on the card did say, “With Love from Me to You”.
The signature underneath it was as sloppy as a child’s, but once Chase deciphered the first two letters, he dropped the card and the plant as if they had burned him. Leaping to his feet, he sprinted down the hall and round the corner, only to see Marvin standing motionless outside his door, an identical white poinsettia at his feet.
“Marv,” Chase gasped, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder. “Anti—”
“I know,” Marvin murmured, gesturing to his left with nothing less than revulsion. “Jackie got one too. I wouldn’t be surprised if—” The door to the lab slammed only a moment later and Marvin winced. “That’s what I was afraid of. Chase, check on Jameson; I’ll try and calm Schneep down until Jackieboy can take over. I’ll see if he can come home early; we need him.”
It wasn’t too surprising that they had all received the strange gifts, Chase discovered when Jameson met him halfway between their rooms, thrusting the plant out helplessly for him to examine.
They ended up surprising Jackieboy with quite a different message when he got home, but as much as they poked and prodded and pulled at them, there was nothing special about them as far as they could see. If Anti was giving them, there had to be a reason. What could he gain from this? Was it just to make them paranoid?
“What should we do with them?” Chase asked quietly as Jackieboy paced the length of the kitchen. “I…don’t think he’d appreciate it much if we threw them away.”
“Set them right where you found them,” Jackieboy ordered tersely. “He’s playing some sort of game and if we skip our turn, he’s bound to take it for us.”
Thus decided, they planted their gifts next to their doors and left them there—ignored, but certainly not forgotten. A light coating of dust fell over them and the cards that went with them ended up smudged and sticky on the floor as the Egos walked over them. Four days later, on December 11th, Chase stepped in another sticky substance. It was a dark puddle, one which he recoiled from immediately as he glanced wildly toward his poinsettia.
It was still white in some places, but others were now stained red—dripping red.
Chase bolted, leaving streaked, bloody shoeprints in his wake, but before he could even stretch out his hand to bang on Marvin’s door, he was shocked to find that both his and Jackieboy’s poinsettias were still purely white. When he looked further, toward the lab, Schneep’s was untouched too. Jameson’s was unstained as well.
Why him? Chase wondered frantically as he pommeled Marvin’s door in an effort to wake him. Why him? Why him?
Three days later, on December 15th, he was no longer alone. Schneep’s explosion of panicked German could be heard in every part of the house and for once, none of them had to wonder what he was saying.
On December 18th, it was Marvin’s turn.
December 21st, Jackieboy came unspeakably close to punching a wall when he found the same, and his red boots were stained an even darker red.
On Christmas Eve, Jameson was quivering where he sat on the couch between Schneep and Marvin, staring wordlessly at the sullied plant he had set on the coffee table. There was no explanation for it, no taunt, no attack…They had hardly seen Anti at all this month and during whatever fleeting glimpses they had gotten, he had been glitching and fizzing so violently that he was practically intangible.
All they had were bloody plants.
“I…I don’t know what we’re supposed to do about this,” Jackieboy admitted at last, his gritted teeth making it clear that he hated admitting his helplessness. “I can’t pound him into the ground if I don’t know where he is.”
A long silence followed these words, but eventually Chase ventured weakly, “T-Tomorrow’s Christmas. I know this isn’t like other years, but…he’s never hurt us on Christmas. All we can do, at this point, is try to salvage it, right?”
No sooner had he spoken those words did the first notes of “Silent Night” begin to play, very low and muffled, as if they were almost out of earshot. Bare seconds later, the noise faded back out, and the group shared a moment of sheer astonishment.
“Call me crazy,” Marvin breathed, “but I think he might’ve just agreed to that…”
Chase huffed a small laugh and Schneep quietly slid an arm around Jameson, who looked significantly more reassured, ducking his head in relief.
Jackieboy wasn’t about to buy that for a millisecond.
Christmas Day passed without incident. Jackieboy did his very best to enjoy it the way the others did; there were a few precious moments when he was able to keep his attention on them, smiling at their reactions to their gifts and accepting their hugs of gratitude, but it wasn’t where his attention ought to be and he knew it. The game wasn’t over. It was never over and they had taken their turn by enjoying their holiday. It was Anti’s move.
One by one, they made it through the stockings…the gifts…the dinner…the cleanup…and, at long last, their goodnights. Each of them wanted nothing more than to stay with the others and hold onto the lingering warmth and joy of Christmas Day, but eventually they all had to sleep.
None of them would, for each returned to his room and froze dead in his tracks when he saw that the stained white poinsettia had vanished—replaced by a big, beautiful red one. Jackieboy clenched his fists so tightly that his palms bled inside his gloves and he lifted his head slowly as his enemy assembled himself across from him.
“It’s al͜mo̡s͞t ͡t͝i͘me,” Anti chuckled, playing with his knife and shifting his weight back and forth. “Are you r̢ea̶dy̸ to rin̢g ̶in t҉h̨e New ͡Y͝ea͘r? I wonder what’s w̶ai̕tn҉g̸ just around t̴h͢e cor̢n͝er…especially for t͜͢h͏a͟t̢ J̛͘a̵m̡͜e̕͠͡ş̡o̴͡n.”
“I wonder,” Jackieboy agreed venomously. “What I do know is that if you come anywhere close to him, I’m going to hunt you down and it won’t matter if you try to glitch your way out. I’m not going to stop until I shove my fist down your throat so far and so fast that I cauterize that nice little slash of yours from the inside.”
Anti laughed again, sounding almost impressed with the threat, and then his form convulsed and dissolved into nothingness. He wasn’t gone; Jackieboy could still hear his static buzzing around the room, circling him, predatory, and the hiss that followed was mocking.
“No, ͟yoų ͝won’t, hero. ͡You'͘re j̧us̵ţ l͝i͘ke ̡th͞e҉m. You'͟l͏l jus̴t ͜wa̷tch̷.͟”
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septic-dr-schneep · 7 years
Daily dose of fluff with a hint of angst?
Jameson has a slight fear of the dark, one which has only gotten worse since Anti’s Christmas shenanigans, so at around three in the morning, he takes his fluffiest pillow and his warmest blanket off his bed. He pulls his nightcap low over his forehead, getting his “game face” on, and bolts out of his room down the hallway toward Chase’s. He’s hoping the vlogger will let him sleep on the floor, just so he knows he’s not alone.
Chase isn’t there, much to JJ’s dismay, so he tiptoes out of there and heads to Schneep’s room instead. It’s empty too, which isn’t very surprising, given Schneep’s tendency to work late, but JJ wishes desperately that he could have arrived on one of the off-nights. He skitters over to Marvin’s, trying to stifle his anxiety when he finds the bed empty. By the time he creeps into Jackieboy’s and finds nothing but blankets, he’s about to panic.
Did Anti get them? Is he small and alone, so soon into his life? He can’t bear the thought! He drags his blanket and pillow slowly out of Jackieboy’s room and drops to the floor in the hallway, curling up there and praying Anti doesn’t find him too. He doesn’t.
Robbie does. He’s wandering the halls at night as usual, but here he stops, looking down at the little Jameson bundle with confusion. Why is Ames here? he wonders. He should be with others. So he taps JJ on the head, scaring the crap out of him, and then as soon as he realizes it’s Robbie, the zombie scoops him up like he weighs nothing. Robbie carries him off, protesting and squirming all the way, and takes him to the living room, where JJ is ecstatic to see that all of the others are there, alive and well. They weren’t in their rooms because they stayed up late to watch a movie!
JJ spends the rest of the night sandwiched between Schneep and Marvin on the couch, bundled up in all of their blankets and hugging his pillow while he discovers the delicious wonder that is movie popcorn. 
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septic-dr-schneep · 7 years
So if you have a nick name now do you have headcanons about the Egos' nick names for each other? :D
Mwahahahaha, of course I do! I’m still working on my list for theMarkimoos, so at the moment you’ll only get the Septic Boys, but it’s enoughfor a solid post!
All of his nicknames are used scornfully and they need no explanation;they pretty much speak for themselves. He almost never uses their actual names.When he isn’t calling them “Puppets”…
He calls Jackieboy “Hero”
Marvin is “the Charmer” or “Cheapskate”
Schneep is called “Doctor”, “Faint Heart”, or “Daddy’s Little Helper”
He calls Chase “the Weakling” or “Boy”
Robbie is “Braindead”, “Dead Meat”, and “Pushover”
Jameson is “Muzzle-Mouth”, “Yapper”, “Sepia” or “Shabby”
Aside from using Anti’s name, he calls him “the Glitch”, “Freak”, and—whenhe’s feeling a little less antagonistic—his “blood brother”
When Marvin didn’t have a name, Jackieboy called him “Magic Man”, “SpeedStreak”, “Flicker”, “Mister Magic Master”, “Cat in the Hat”, or simply “the Magician.”Now he just calls him Marv or Marvin
He’s only called the doc “Schneep” once or twice; he didn’t feel like itsuited him. He’s the only one who can call him Henrik without making him feeluncomfortable, so that’s what he uses most
He’ll call Chase by his name, but if he’s teasing him, he’ll call him“Little Brody”, “Slugger”, or “my favorite sidekick” and it usually comes witha complimentary hair-ruffle
He’s always calling Robbie “Stripes” or “Rob the Zomb”, but wheneverRobbie is feeling down about something, he’ll call him “Robert” and it makeshim feel important
While he doesn’t use nicknames for Jameson very often, he doesoccasionally use the names that Chase has given him if he wants to get Jameson’sattention in a hurry (see Chase below)
He usually refuses to call Anti by his name; his favorite term for him is“Defect,” which Anti despises even more than being called a “Glitch”. Marvinknows this and uses it constantly
He always calls Jackieboy by his name or by “Jackie” if he wants to gethis attention in a serious situation
Schneep is and always will be called just that. When he’s particularlyworried about him, however, he’ll call him Henrik (against his wishes) or “YouIdiot”
Chase also receives “You Idiot” when Marvin’s worried about him, but mostof the time he calls him by his name or by “CB”
Robbie is “Robert”, “Bub”, or “Bertie”, but he knows it’s hard for Robbieto remember all of his nicknames, so he usually just uses his name
He calls Jameson “JJ” or “James”. He only uses Jameson’s full name inserious situations or sometimes he’ll use “Jacks” or “Jackson” if he’s angrywith him
Anti is always, always called either “the Glitch”, “Misfire”, “the Monster”,or “the Demon”
Just as Jackieboy calls him Henrik, Schneep drops the “boy” and calls himJackie. Occasionally he’ll call him “Hero”, but he says it with a lot morerespect than Anti does
He’ll call Marvin by his name most of the time but if he’s talkingquickly, he’ll use “Marv” or “Mage”. Sometimes he’ll formally use “theMagnificent”, if he’s talking about him with someone else
For Chase he uses “Buddy” or his full name, “Chase Brody”, the most. Ifhe’s angry with him, he’ll call him “the tiny little Chase brain”, which isbasically his version of “Idiot”
He often condenses Robbie’s full name into “Zobbie”, which Robbie loves,but otherwise he’ll call him “Hobs”, “Bertie”, or “Softy”
Jameson is usually “JJ” or “Jamie”, but if he’s feeling particularlyaffectionate with him, he’ll call him “the little one”
He’ll use Anti’s normal name because he’s afraid of him, but he alsoadopted “Defect” from Marvin, which he uses when he thinks Anti might not belistening. The rest of the time, Anti is simply “Him”
Jackieboy usually gets his regular name, but if the two of them arebantering Chase will call him “Bigshot”, “Fancy Feet”, “Flyboy”, or “Pajama-boyMan” to make fun of him
Marvin is constantly called “Marv” or “The Caped Crusader”, the second ofwhich he hates more than he can possibly say, but Chase uses it anyway
Schneep is “Bro”, “Doc”, “Pepto” or—if he’s trying to argue with him—“theStup”
Robbie is “Robs”, “Ro”, “Bertie”, “BB”, or “B-Boy”, but he acts as ifthey’re a secret and calls him by his normal name when the others are around,which naturally confuses Robbie to no end
Chase never uses Jameson’s full name, even when the others are present;instead, he’s constantly getting called “JJ”, “Jem”, “J2”, or “Jays”
Anti is “An”, “Ti”, or “Ati”. Sometimes he’ll call him “Itch”, meaning “Glitch”,simply because he’s heard the others say it so often
Jackieboy is either “Kie” or “Jacks”, and Jackieboy is rather proud of thelatter, given that it’s the same name Robbie uses for their creator
Marvin gets the most in the group: “Mar”, “Marm”, “Vin,” “Mags”, or even “Maim”!The last one naturally freaked the others out at first but eventually they gotused to it
Schneep gets as many rhyming variations as Robbie can think of: “Sheep”, “Neep”,and “Cheep” are the ones that have made the doc laugh the hardest, so Robbieuses them constantly
Like Marvin, he’ll call Chase “CB” from time to time, but his usualnickname for him is “Ace” and Chase loves it to pieces
Jameson is always either “JJ” or “Ames”
He doesn’t call any of them by nicknames, at least not yet. He tends tothink nicknames are impolite, so he’ll use their complete names every time hementions or addresses them—for example, he doesn’t even use the name “Anti”. Hetakes the time to say “Antisepticeye.” Other than that, he’ll call each of them “goodsir”, “ol’ chap”, or “my fine fellow”, but I’m sure he’ll learn very quicklythat he can’t escape from nicknames and he’ll adapt to them.
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septic-dr-schneep · 7 years
Random Ego Sleeping Headcanons
Don’t mind me, I should probably be asleep right now but I’m writing headcanons about how the Egos sleep instead, haha ^^
Septic Boys
Anti: He doesn’t. He just fizzles out into static during the nighttime, so it doesn’t really count as “sleeping”, more like “ghosting.” He haunts the halls...
Jackieboy: He sprawls out on his back with his arms under his head and stays that way for the whole night, but somehow his blankets always end up tangled and, to his dismay, his mask is usually down around his neck when he wakes up. How it does that, he has no idea! He snores pretty loudly and mumbles things if he’s having a vivid dream.
Marvin: He pushes his cat mask up onto his forehead and bundles himself in his cape with nothing but his head and arms free. He’s a fidgety/twitchy sleeper, so occasionally his fingers will catch some sparks of magic if he’s dreaming. He usually sleeps on his back so his mask won’t get crunched, but sometimes he’ll turn on his side without realizing. 
Schneep: He sleeps on his stomach, usually with an arm over the side of the bed and the blankets down around his waist. Thanks to his caffeine addiction, he’s a light sleeper, so if anyone tries to help him out and readjust the blankets for more warmth, he’ll just wake up all confused and groggy until they tell him to go back to sleep. When he’s comfortable, he snores very softly. 
Chase: He always sleeps on his side, with an arm and a leg thrown over a body pillow so he can pretend his wife is with him. Sadly he has the most nightmares out of the group -- not the scary kind, just the sad kind -- so sometimes he’ll wake himself up crying, but on the good nights, he’s a sound sleeper. He tends to drool.
Robbie: Like Anti, he doesn’t sleep and is really confused by it; he wanders around, poking through various rooms to find the others. If/when he does happen to find one of them, he watches them sleep for a little while, wondering if they’re actually dead, and then wanders off again. He’s always surprised when he sees them alive again in the morning!
Jameson Jackson: He usually sleeps on his side, curled up into a loose fetal position. If it’s a really cold night, he’ll bury himself in blankets until he’s barely visible. He often talks in his sleep, but because he’s mute, no one ever hears and they’re rarely coherent enough to appear on his speech slides.
Dark: He sleeps in his suit, though he does take off his shoes and occasionally his tie. He stays on his back with an arm over his eyes and the other over his chest. Even though Dark himself doesn’t move the whole night, his aura tends to get restless when he’s sleeping; smoke will spazz out of him and start creeping/swirling up the walls if he’s dreaming. Sometimes he’ll murmur or hum low in his throat, but it’s so quiet that most people can’t hear it.
Wilford: He puts his gun on one side of the bed, two knives on the other, throws five or six overstuffed pillows on top of them, and then throws himself on top of those. He’s a really restless sleeper, so he may end up burrowing under the pillow pile with his weapons bare inches from his face, and he snores loud.
The Host: He alternates between his stomach and his side, with the blankets covering everything but the top of his head. Sometimes his visions filter into his dreams, though, and that’s when he gets fidgety. He’ll toss and turn and mumble in his sleep until he wakes up normally or startles out of it. By that time his blankets will probably be wedged between the bed and the wall.
Dr. Iplier: He’s a stop-and-start sleeper, waking up randomly to make sure everything’s well. He usually sleeps on his stomach with his face against his arms, moving between his desk and his bed a few times through the night. He snores fairly loud, but it’s usually muffled by his arms, and he always keeps his blankets tight around his shoulders because he gets cold easily. 
Google: He usually stays sitting up when he’s powered down -- that or he’ll prop himself up a little with pillows. He stays on his back with his arms folded over his chest to protect his power core. He’ll whir, whine, or chirp occasionally if he’s on “sleep/hibernate”, but if he’s actually resting, he’ll vibrate or purr steadily.
Bing: He squirms into all kinds of weird, uncomfortable-looking positions and is always sort of rattle-purring, no matter how light or heavy his power-down is. Sometimes he may startle awake and find himself upside down on the bed or mere inches from falling off.
Yandere: He curls up into a tiny ball, sighing or humming lightly if he’s dreaming. He may bring one of his senpai’s belongings to bed with him and keeps it close to his face so he can breathe in its scent. He has a lot of blankets because he gets really cold in the night, but he always keeps one side open/folded back, as if he’s waiting for someone. He keeps his swords tucked underneath his knees.
Bim: He stretches out on his stomach with his arms tucked underneath him, without any blanket other than the thin top sheet, looking as if he just collapsed into bed without bothering to readjust at all. Like Dark, he usually sleeps in his suit, and he does snore, but not loud enough to be too annoying. 
Silver Shepherd: He usually sleeps on top of the blankets instead of underneath them, in case he gets called for a mission late at night. He tucks his cape close around his shoulders and waist and keeps his girlfriend’s hand between his, close to his chest. Occasionally he’ll murmur something under his breath, but otherwise he’s quiet.
Edgar: He takes up the whole bed, fidgeting and squirming for most of the night; he usually won’t get comfortable until it’s almost dawn. He always does his best to keep his hat and glasses on when he’s asleep, but by the time he wakes up his hat’s usually across the room and his glasses are lost somewhere in the blankets.
King of the Squirrels: He cleans off the peanut butter for once before going to bed because he doesn’t like the feeling of his face sticking to the pillow. He sleeps on his stomach and doesn’t have any blankets; all he needs are his kingly furs to keep him warm and he’s a really deep sleeper. It takes a lot to get him up in the morning.
Jim and Jim: The brothers curl up back to back. Cameraman Jim doesn’t move for the entire night unless Reporter Jim wakes him up by kicking/elbowing him or by rolling over/falling off the side of the bed. Reporter Jim will usually be wide awake after that and keep Cameraman Jim up too, excitedly telling him what all of his dreams were about.
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septic-dr-schneep · 7 years
The Egos According to Jack
I’ve discovered that Jack says a lot of things that are completely unrelated to his Egos but somehow still sum them up! :3
Anti: “Everybody runs faster with a knife!” -- SuperHOT VR  (Oculus Rift Virtual Reality)
Jackieboy: “What did you do? Did you do things over here? Are you gonna come back and kill me? Please don’t.” --  Super Mario Maker #12 
Marvin: “Okay, we were in the bad the last time, but I figure if we do it this time we’re gonna be good! It has to be good! Raise the roof, Gandalf! C’mon, break it down!” --  Sort The Court #4
Schneeplestein: “I don’t even need to listen to your chest! All I need to do is go up and start beatin’ you with the stethescope and you’re fine!” -- Hearts Medicine Hospital Heat
Chase: “I feel like I have that childlike wonder still about things, but I also feel like I could be firm when I need to be...like a big ol’ pineapple.” --  Would You Rather #15
Jameson: “Raise your hands! Put up your fisticuffs, young sir!” --  SuperHOT VR  (Oculus Rift Virtual Reality)
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septic-dr-schneep · 7 years
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Here come the doodles from my seven-hour car drive back from my vacation! Again, I didn’t have any internet so I didn’t have any references either. I think this Blushing Challenge turned out nicely! Sorry if it’s a little fuzzy, though; I had to resize the picture from being teeny-tiny.
FROM THE TOP! The Host, Darkiplier, Marvin the Magnificent / Silver Shepherd, Chase Brody, Jackieboy Man / Wilford Warfstache, Fancypants Jackstache (Dapper Jack), Dr. Schneeplestein / Bim Trimmer, Googleplier, and the King of the Squirrels (who is pretty embarrassed about missing his crown at the moment)!
Is it concerning that I can draw them all so well by heart? It might be concerning.
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septic-dr-schneep · 7 years
Sad HC: Anti falls asleep holding an old, matted and worn out toy. It's a traditional teddy bear, it's sewing coming undone, it's colors faded, and it's ears and eyes falling off. Anti curls around it because it's the only thing his 'parents' gave him. He's really possessive over it, not wanting anyone to destroy the poor toy. One day, Marvin finds it and causes Anti to lash out, nearly killing him. When the others yelled at Anti, he didn't care he protected what was his, that's all that matters
Oh, boy…
Anti snapping and snarling at the others, pressed back against the wall like a threatened animal, watching as all of them stand against him, taking Marvin’s side. After several tense seconds, the Glitch puts on a mocking front, as always, as he stares them all down.
“W̢ha̷t ̨ca͡n I ̨şay? T͢he ̛little ̡c͢h͟ąrme̡r ́s̸h̛ou̴ld'͞ve̢ ͜w̨a̕tch̴ed ͟h̨is̶ sţep!”
Jackieboy’s eyes burn with barely suppressed anger at the words and Chase lunges forward a step, only for Schneep to grab his arm and hold him back. Jameson clenches and unclenches his fists at his sides and his face is dark. Anti’s never seen him angry until now – and it’s for this? How dare he get angry now, as if it was righteous?
“Ìt̀ ̕was ̵min̷e͡!̛” Anti hisses at last, glitching and frizting as he shifts, stepping in front of his property, which lay on the floor with its fluffy innards scattered around it. Somewhere in his fight with Marvin, his toy…his Little Puppet…had become a casualty. Its head is across the room and deep in his chest, Anti aches when he sees it.
He can’t let it show. He isn’t that weak. 
“D̕o ̵yo͟u͏ rea̡l͘l͞y͜ ̧w͜a̵n̡t͏ ͜t͏o͏ ̴tes̡t̷ ̸me ov̵ęr͏ s͜om҉e͡t͞hi͏n҉g ̵so̵ ̡chi͜ldish̸?” he asks Jackieboy at last, sneering, the blue in his eyes swallowed in blackness.
“I’m not the child here,” Jackieboy growls back, dragging the others away…retreating, at least for now. Anti waits until they’re out of sight, ignoring the last death stare from the superhero, and then moves carefully toward his bear’s head. He picks it up and holds it in both hands, examining it.
“Ch̛iļd͡is̵ḩ,” he repeats to himself bitterly, wishing he didn’t feel like such a fool.
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septic-dr-schneep · 7 years
Sorry I reblogged something instead of asking! I was gonna ask what would the egos biggest fears be?
Ahhh, I love exploring rational and irrational fears, you have no idea!This should be interesting…
Septic Boys
Anti: There’s nothing Anti fears more than weakness and failure. He’dnever, ever, ever admit it, but somewhere in the back of his mind he fears theday that Jack and the fans might band together and truly defeat him. Apart fromthat, he has an extreme aversion to intimacyand being touched; anyone who tries is likely to get a part of their handstabbed or cut off.
Jackieboy: He’s afraid of thunderstorms—or at least of the lightning,because when he was a novice superhero and he was learning how to navigate thesky, he got struck by lightning and knocked out of the air. For a while he didn’tdare to fly until he realized that it was keeping him from fulfilling his duty.He’s also afraid of the dentist, as previously discussed, because he finds itreally invasive.
Marvin: He has a fear of dogs, which doesn’t often become a problemunless he runs into one on the street or someone with a service dog happens tocome to his magic show. Just the sight of the dog makes him tense up and getflustered and he’ll usually try to get as far away from it as possible, but it’shard for him to focus after he notices it’s there. If the dog is passing him onthe street, he’ll levitate over it as quickly as he can and just hope it doesn’tleap for him.
Schneep: After an unfortunate encounter with Marvin’s magic and the oven,he’s extremely claustrophobic and doesn’t cook very often anymore. He also hasa fear of public performance. In the lab or the operating room, he’s supremelyconfident, but outside he’ll make any excuse not to get up in front of everyoneand do something for them, especially alone. He’d much rather cheer the otherEgos on from the sidelines. Above all, however…he fears Anti.
Chase: He fears being alone. Even when he’s not vlogging, he hangs outwith his editors and cameraman just because he clings to their company. They’renot close friends or anything, but if the other Egos are busy, he needs someone else to be with him. LikeJack, he’s also afraid of heights; he did try to get over it once when viewers ofhis vlog were demanding a Heights Challenge, but he was paralyzed as soon as hegot up there and Jackieboy had to carry him down.
Robbie: He fears being forgotten or abandoned. Rationally, he knows theothers take good care of him and that most of the time they want to, but there’s a part of him thatwonders how far their loyalty and care really goes. He’s also afraid ofdeception, that they’ve been lying to him all this time or that nothing hebelieves is real…Whenever he starts to have an existential crisis, he finds thenearest Ego, glomps onto them and doesn’t let go, even if he starts to fallapart.
Jameson: He’s afraid of loud noises, even more so than the instinctivestartling that the others get, which is very unfortunate given the others’ tendencyto hoot and holler constantly. He gets really jittery, overwhelmed with anxiety,and has to excuse himself to a quiet place so he can calm down and listen tonothing but his own thoughts. He also has a milder fear of the dark, sowhenever he has to brave it at night, he keeps talking because his speechslides are a light source.
Dark: He has an aversion to sleeping because he knows that’s when he’smost vulnerable. Anything could happen, but most of the time he’s able to risk itand sleep lightly for about half the night. The other half he spends reading,planning, or spying on the others, assessing their weaknesses while they can’tstop him. For reasons that he can’t or won’trecall, he also fears possession—being possessed and seeing others possessed.
Wilford: He’s afraid of responsibility, which is why he’s so often causingchaos and then leaving it behind for other people to clean up. He’s usuallyable to blame his carelessness on some other factor in the situation, but whenhe can’t, he gets easily flustered and defensive. He withdraws as much as hecan from the situation, provided he won’t look like a coward while he does it. Healso fears vengeance from those he’s wronged.
The Host: He doesn’t fear heights, but he does have a fear of falling. It ties into his fear of beinglost. When he first lost his eyes, he was completely discombobulated and oftenhad no idea where he was, which inevitably led to him tripping over somethingand falling. It was humiliating and upsetting and now that he has practice andcontrol of himself, he never wants to do it again.
Dr. Iplier: He may have no problem telling others that they’re dying, buthe fears his own death. He dreads what might happen if he weren’t around totake care of the others, which is why he constantly checks to make sure the fansare still interested in him, keeping him alive and well. He also fears others’opinions. If someone were to tell him that he was a failure, it would devastatehim, but he would try not to show it because he wouldn’t want to prove themright.
Google: He fears frailty, change, and inadequacy. Any time his systemsoverheat in the sun or he malfunctions because of a glitch or doesn’tunderstand a nuance of what the humans do, it both infuriates and terrifies him.He wants the other Egos’ respect, particularly Dark and the Host, and he wantsto be good enough at what he does that they can consider him an ally. Thinkingthat he hasn’t reached that point yet is what gives him a lot of hisdetermination.
Bing: He has a fear of crowds and of being alone, mostly because of theincident when Google created his “brothers” to gang up on him. Whenever he’sone in a crowd, he gets incredibly antsy and anxious and tries to duck out asgracefully as possible. If that doesn’t work, he’ll just pick up his skateboardand run, no matter who gets in his way. He’s also afraid of his own success; ifhe were to replace Google as the main search engine, he wouldn’t know what todo.
Yandere: Predictably, he fears abandonment and rejection, but not justfrom his love. There are only a few other Egos he considers his friends and ifthey were to leave him behind, he would agonize over it. He’s overly clingy andneedy because of it, as a means of testing their loyalty, and any sign thatthey might be annoyed with him breaks his heart. He’ll become distant and moodytowards them until they show him proper attention again or until he can’t standbeing alone anymore.
Bim: He has a fear of dogs, which is why he avoids hanging out with Chicawhen none of the others are there to be mediators and keep her calm. Much worsethan that, however, is his fear of insects and reptiles. He panics as soon ashe sees a spider or a snake, even if it’s in the backyard, and he’ll screechfor one of the stronger Egos to come and get rid of it. Most of them can’tresist giving him a hard time for it, but he hasn’t gotten any better about itover time.
Silver Shepherd: Like Mark, he’s deathly afraid of water and drowning,but not just in the ocean. There have been plenty of times that he’s refused togo swimming with the others because he doesn’t want to imagine what mighthappen if he got caught underwater. (This largely has to do with Wilford ratherviolently dunking him, because Will has no concept of self-control.) He alsohas a fear of vulnerability; he always swallows his pride when the others makefun of him.
Edgar: He shares Bim’s nervousness around reptiles but not to such anextreme; he just takes some healthy steps back and is usually the one Bim sendsto get a braver Ego. He also has an unusual aversion to making phone calls andother kinds of advertising; he’d much rather be staring into a camera when hetalks because it feels less personal to him than actually addressing someoneone-on-one.
King of the Squirrels: He’s afraid of the sight and thought of blood,which is why he largely avoids Wilford, Dr. Iplier, and especially the Host. He used to have a fear of loneliness thathelped him associate with them anyway, but ever since they started ignoring/excludinghim from their various activities, he’s accepted that as a part of his life andkeeps to himself and his kingdom outside. Because of that, he has eco-anxiety:the fear of environmental destruction.
Jim and Jim: The brothers fear very little but what they do fear, theyfear immensely. After the incident in Markiplier Manor, both of them areincredibly paranoid about ghosts, demons, and zombies. Dark absolutelyterrifies them because they know he had something to do with the situation andhe already despises them because of their nosiness. Apart from that, ReporterJim is, quite randomly, afraid of going blind and Cameraman Jim is afraid of fire.
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septic-dr-schneep · 7 years
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“Jackieboy, is there anything you can’t do?” Chase asked in wonder, peering over the older Ego’s shoulder as he whisked egg yolks and hot milk in a large bowl. Jackieboy grinned, nearly elbowing Chase as he turned around and swept the bowl out proudly.
“Chase, you know that superheroes can’t reveal the limits of their powers!” he scolded good-naturedly before twirling back toward the counter, purposely blocking Chase’s view as he added a few other ingredients. Schneep cut off Chase’s complaints as he strode into the kitchen, juggling dozens of candy canes.
“Jackie’s eggnog is always -- mwah! No one can resist!” he exclaimed, miming a kiss as best he could with his hands full. “But he always forget the peppermint sticks for the glasses!”
“Sooner or later, we’re gonna convince you to actually call them ‘candy canes,’” Marvin warned, to which Schneep shook his head violently.
“They are peppermint, they are stick, they are peppermint sticks! Dr. Schneeple does not need cane!”
“Finished!” Jackieboy announced cheerfully, slopping his eggnog into several ready glasses and then adding the finishing touches on each: a dash of whiskey for Chase, a shot of espresso for Schneep, some butterscotch syrup for Marvin, whipped cream for Robbie, and a spoonful of nutella for Jameson, topping all of the above with nutmeg and a candy cane...peppermint stick. The rest he poured into some extra glasses in case someone wanted seconds; he wasn’t about to have them fighting over the last of his coveted brew on such a nice night!
Unfortunately, a fight started to look like a very real possibility when Jameson rose for his second glass and found nothing but a wet candy cane in its place. Spinning around on his heel, he doubled his fists at his sides, his speech slides taking over the nearby TV screen: “As I live and breathe! The nerve! Which one of you greedy guts has stolen my second drink?!”
All of them glanced around wildly, finding no sign of the culprit, and Jameson moved briskly to stand in front of them, planting his hands on his hips. “You rascals! If you’re playing some kind of joke on me because this is my first holiday season with you --” His slide froze suddenly as he looked over their heads, toward the back of the room, and his mouth fell open. The words on the slide filtered away into nothing, replaced by just one:
Day 11 of the 25 Days of Ego Christmas: Eggnog. Not even Anti can resist Jackieboy’s eggnog, and seeing as he likes gettin’ messy with things...he’s not the best of houseguests! I was giggling the whole time I was drawing this; I think it’s my favorite of all the Ego Christmas pics so far! XD
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septic-dr-schneep · 7 years
Headcanon: Anti loves Christmas. With all the events on the channel right now and all the hints at anti (plus the entire Christmas quiz was about murder). Anti may be stronger on Halloween but I think he genuinely adores Christmas. From gifts, to eggnog, to hiding a body in a snowman anti loves the entire holiday season.
I’ll bet he does! Because if the community’s recent reaction has been any indication, a lot of attention shifts to him and it only makes him stronger! He probably makes for a very, very creepy holiday season at Egos Central D:
- He becomes increasingly gleeful, unstable and glitches a lot more as the holiday gets closer and closer; during the second half of the month, the other Egos can barely understand him because his voice is so laced with static. 
- Schneep has to test every glass of eggnog Anti touches for poison; they learned that the hard way last year when poor Chase got a taste of Anti’s medicine and got put in the hospital. Which leads into my next headcanon…
- Anti targets each of the Egos depending on the year of their creation. Last year, Chase was the youngest in the house and became Anti’s person of interest. The year before that it was Schneep, before that it was Marvin, and before that, well…Jackieboy is the only one Anti hasn’t injured over the holiday season; when it was just the two of them, Anti didn’t want to take the chance of hurting him and drawing too much attention to himself before his biggest reveal in Say Goodbye. As such, Jackieboy gets insanely overprotective over the others around this time of year and he and Anti always have a yearly standoff, during which Jackie tells him in a very low and deadly tone exactly what he’ll do to Anti if their youngest is harmed. Anti always just sneers. “No, ͟ýoų ͝won't́, hero. ͡You'͘re j̧us̵ţ l͝i͘ke ̡th͞e҉m. Yoù'͟l͏l ̀jus̴t ͜wa̷tc̀h̷.͟”
- Silent Night, Anti’s favorite Christmas carol, will start playing at random, usually at night. Schneep looks up from his late night reading, the color draining from his face, and Jackieboy bolts awake, ready to fight something. Chase whines softly and covers his head with the blanket, not quite waking up but subconsciously knowing something is wrong. Marvin ventures slowly out of his room, his wand casting a glow down the dark hall, and nearly jumps out of his skin when Jameson touches his arm, wanting to hold onto him for protection. They can’t find anything, but stay up the whole night searching. (Overnight Watch, anyone?)
- He leaves white poinsettias outside each of the other Egos’ rooms as gifts. For the most part, they’re ignored because none of them know what it means, until December 11th, when Chase stops up short and notices that his is now different. His once-white poinsettia is now red – dripping red. On December 15th, so is Henrik’s. December 18th, Marvin’s. December 21st, Jackieboy’s. On Christmas Eve, it’s Jameson’s. They agonize over what it could mean, but they can’t figure it out. They have their Christmas undisturbed, but when they return to their rooms on Christmas night, they find the stained white ones have been replaced with beautiful, fresh, completely red ones. 
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