#blushing challenge
samwise1548 · 11 months
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The full spread. Cuz I did everything on one file.
[ID: various Magnus Archives characters drawn with blushing expressions. \End ID]
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enjoy-my-swearing · 6 months
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Day 3 of drawing Copia’s face until I get it right
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marty--party · 4 months
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yknow what i like you *valentinecores your public morals committee member*
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pdqsketch · 4 months
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Celebrating Valentines day by going back to my Deviantart roots.
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mabsart · 11 months
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[Star Wars Rebels: Kalluzeb]
Happy Lasat Ear Scratches for @/ayaitch!
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scholastic-dragon · 1 year
*slides in* Hey bitches
Guess who's back for the All 4-1 Prompts Challenge
Leo x Fem!reader
Sideline Secrets
Warnings: bits of insecure reader in the beginning, so much pining, spelling mistakes, seriously so much pining, some very steamy kisses and comments at the end *hair tuck*,
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You fought desperately against the tears blurring your vision. Walking far too fast for someone wearing high heels.
The wind bristled and howled around you, musing your styled hair and numbing your face.
What was supposed to be a fun Valentines day vacation was now going to be the same as every weekend: alone with chocolate and Netflix.
The guy you found on Tinder was supposed to be different than the others. He hadn't made any gross or sexual comments to you, being extremely compassionate and respectful.
You'd met in person twice for brunch and coffee, and video chatted several times. You knew this was definitely not love, but the attraction was certainly there.
You'd both agreed on needing a getaway and with it being so close to Valentine's day, you offered to rent out a gorgeous cabin and spend some time up in the woods.
It was a four-day vacation, starting today, Friday night where you both agreed to dress fancy and get dinner. Then after, you'd both drive up to the cabin and relax.
You weren't sure what happened. What was said or wasn't said. What had suddenly changed.
But you got stood up.
You'd waited over an hour for him at the restaurant and called him three times, only for it to go to voice-mail.
When you checked Tinder you'd also found out he blocked you. You scoffed, so much for being a gentleman.
Now you were rushing home in the cold, fighting hard against tears as you stormed up the stairs.
Opening and slamming your door, you threw your jacket onto the ground and ripped off your shoes.
As you stood, something moved in your apartment, you gasped, then felt another rush of tears.
Leo, your best friend and confidant, stood in your living room with open arms. You rushed forward, burying your head in his chest, sobbing as he gently rubbed your back and shushed you.
Unlike the other men in your life, Leo was always here. You weren't sure how, but he always knew. He knew when you were upset, he knew when things didn't go right and was always by your side.
"Are you alright?" He spoke softly into your hair, swaying back and forth softly.
You could only manage a weak whimper.
"I'm guessing he didn't show up?"
Fat tears rolled down your face, you sniffled loudly. "Why do they all do this? What's wrong with me?"
"Hey," He pulled away, running his hands from your shoulders to cup your cheeks, making you look him in the eyes, he spoke firmly. "There is nothing wrong with you. These guys are idiots, no one in their right mind would ever stand you up if they truly knew you. You are amazing,"
You chuckled softly, wiping at your tears, it was always like this with Leo, even when you first met all those years ago.
In your late high school years, your dad got into some bad business. When his "friends" came to collect some money, he urged you out into the alleyway by your apartment and into the sewers so you wouldn't get caught in the crossfire.
You rushed away, going through tunnel after tunnel until you ran headfirst into your soon to be best friends chest.
The four brothers took you in when your father got arrested, giving you your own room, helping you bring some of your belongings down there. Donnie even helped get you back into school and again in college.
They were family, but Leo had always been a little more. He was tall, smart, funny, loyal, and oh so handsome.
But by the time you realized you had a crush on Mr. Honor boy himself, he was already going out with a new rookie cop.
You swallowed your pride, knowing his happiness meant more than having him as a romantic partner.
Some time passed and your crush simmered away (lies) and the rookie cop moved away, breaking up with Leo over text which led you here.
"Thanks, Lee,"
He smiled, genuine and sweet, he opened his mouth to say something when your phone buzzed in your pocket.
Pulling it out, it wasn't your date but the realtor's website confirmation of the cabin. A fresh wave of tears flooded your vision.
"Is it him? What'd he say?" Leo's tone hardened, fists clenching at his sides.
"No," You wiped your nose. "It's the cabin I rented, I can't go back on it, you have to cancel 24 hours in advance at the latest, and I'm supposed to be there in an hour,"
"Why not go and just have the weekend to yourself? Get those expensive face masks in your drawers that you're always talking about and just treat yourself," Leo gestured to your master bathroom.
You sighed. "I didn't want to spend the weekend alone, tomorrow's Valentine's day for Pete's sake," You didn't want to sound whiney but you were upset, and rightfully so.
Then it hit you.
"Didn't Master Splinter give you boys the weekend off because he went on that inner piece trip with Mikey?" You point a finger at him.
He nods. "Well, yeah-"
"Come with me," You interrupt, stepping closer to him.
"What?" He gave an embarrassed laugh at your suggestion, surely you weren't-
"Let's go up to the cabin, lord knows you need a break too," You take his hands in yours, squeezing. "Please, come to the cabin with me,"
He looks to the floor with another laugh, licking his lips. "Alright, I'll go with you,"
The next thirty minutes went by in a blur. Leo left to go pack a bag and you double checked your own suitcase.
You decide to throw in your expensive skin care products that you always felt bad about using. Some bath bombs, face masks, and some soft brushes.
You went to your apartments garage, unlocking and getting in your car, putting your suitcase in the trunk. You drove down the road to Donnie's garage entrance in the abandoned part of town.
Leo had a suitcase in hand, wrapped up in a thick jacket and scarf and quickly got in the back seat (he couldn't fit in passenger).
He set his suitcase in with yours then rubbed his hands together to warm them. "Uber for Leo?" He joked, extending his legs to the next seat.
You laughed, driving off to the interstate. You chatted and laughed and listened to music, the cabin wasn't far but it was dark out now.
It was only 8:25 PM yet it felt like midnight.
Finally, right before 9, you were pulling into the cabin's driveway. You backed in, going right into the garage for Leo.
He brought both your suitcases inside and set them in the kitchen, looking around. Shutting off the car you did the same, gasping as you saw the beautiful interior.
"I see why you rented this place, it's nice," Leo wandered around, a wide smile on his face, turning on lights as he went.
You laughed, taking off your boots by the door and wandering around as well.
A few doors down from the dining hall you found the study, which was a large ship-laped room filled with bookshelves and had a large stone fireplace against the back wall.
"Hey, Lee!" You called. "You gotta see this fireplace!" You stepped into the room, mouth agape.
He appeared in the doorway, he whistled low. "That things huge,"
"Oh, and there's a fuzzy rug in front of it too! How on earth was this place not booked up until next year?"
"Do you want me to put your suitcase in the master bedroom?" He asked, pointing back out into the hall.
"Oh, I can do it, but you could help by getting dinner started," You waved your hand dismissively.
"Great, and when the place burns down we can blame the fireplace,"
You both made and ate dinner together, laughing and chatting the whole time.
Now it was much later and you were both siting on the floor in the study in front of the fireplace.
Leo lit it while you moved the coffee table out of the way, making room for the both of you on the rug.
Leo left for a moment then came back in with two large bags of mixed candy. You opened the bags and dug through them, eating and chatting.
"This is much better," You say around a snickers, licking your lips.
"The candy?" Leo murmurs.
"No, us," That makes Leo stop and look up at you, swallowing hard, the nutty candy scratching his throat.
"Us?" He repeats, mouth suddenly very dry.
"I'm glad you're here, I really didn't want to be alone after tonight," You look sadly off towards the fire.
Leo, scoots closer to you, placing a hand on your arm. You look up at him.
"He doesn't deserve you, none of those assholes who have left you on read or stood you up when you looked that divine aren't worth your time and energy,"
"You thought I looked divine?" You whisper softly, fingers fidgeting with a candy wrapper.
"You always do," You were sure what was different but there was something new in his eyes, something you'd never noticed before.
He swallowed hard, leaning forward. "Y/n, I-"
Your phone started to ring in your pocket, jumping you both, you pulled it out to shut it up. Stopping when you saw you dates ID. You sigh, you forgot he had your actual number.
Leo's hand slipped away from your arm, and even though you were in front of a fireplace it felt cold without him.
You knew Leo was giving you space to answer, but did you want to?
You denied the call, tossing your phone onto the couch behind you. Leo looked to you with shocked eyes.
"His loss," You shrugged, not breaking eye contact. "What were you going to say before?"
Leo then froze, looking at your phone then back to you, he licked his lips.
Then he was on you, hands cupping your face, pressing your lips to his. You squeaked but didn't pull away, his lips were soft and inviting.
He pulled away, moving his hands to your hair, massaging your scalp softly. You both panted, faces flushed.
"Leo, what....what was....why did you..?" You panted, the words not coherent in your brain.
“You’re gonna pretend like you have no idea how I’ve felt about you, since the first day we met?”
Your eyes widened. "You....you like me?" Whispering your voice quivers.
"No, I'm in love with you, Y/n, I have been for years," He moves his hands again, rustling your hair.
"What about-"
"I was only with her because I thought you liked Raph and I didn't want to make either of you mad," He finishes for you, laughing to himself.
"You thought I liked Raph?" You chuckle breathlessly.
"You guys were always working out together-"
"Yeah, cause I wanted to get fit not because I liked him," You interrupted, licking your lips. "I love you too, I thought it went away when you were with her, but it's always been there,"
You leaned forward, capturing his lips, running your hands up and down his arms.
He licks the seams of your lips, you open them, allowing his tounge to gently enter your mouth.
He was suddenly pushing you forward until your back hit the plush rug and he was hovering over you.
You pulled away for air and he trailed kisses down your jaw and onto your neck.
"Please tell me this means you'll be mine," He mumbles into your skin, breathing deeply.
"As long as I own your sexy ass," You laugh softly. He nips your neck making you squeal softly.
"Leo?" He raises up, meeting your eyes. "How did you know about tonight?"
He looks away, an embarrassed look on his face. "I may or may not have Donnie hack into street security cameras to check on you,"
You punch his side, instead of hurting him though, he laughs like it tickled. "Leonardo!"
"It's only because I wanted to make sure you didn't get kidnapped!"
You started to rapid fire pinch and poke him. He growled playfully, taking your hands in his and pinning them beside your head.
"Ooo, be careful there, this isn't exactly gentlemanly, Mr. Honor Boy," You tease, leaning up to rub your nose against his.
"If you let me, I'll show you exactly how a gentleman should treat a lady, such as yourself,"
Well, who were you to deny that?
tags: @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @post-apocalyptic-daydream @happymoonangel @sharpwindow @mysticboombox @tmnt-tychou @dilucsflame33 @leosgirl82 @strawberrycakeblog
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hellcatinnc · 6 months
2023 Otome Game Challenge
I decided to do this challenge before this year ends. I shared the picture as well as the writing too since people may not always know by the picture as well as the blank one for anyone who wants to do this challenge as well.... enjoy! u/misobuttercornramen
Radiant Tale
A Date With Death
Allan's Route - Cupid Parasite
Collar x Mallice
Hayato Ozaki - Nil Admirari No Tenbin
Nimh - Blush Blush
Vilio - Radiant Tale
Leo - Piofiore
Yuo Kasanagi - Kagami No Asobi
Dante Falzone - Sept 17th He is a virgo like me :D
Flirty/Sad Boys Like Ikki Amnesia
Kohana Aigasaki from Magic Kyun Rennissance
I wasn't able to do the special ones
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bishicat · 10 months
if you're still doing the art meme prompts....50. putting a hand over the other’s mouth to shut them up? i just adore how you draw these moments
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Some unlucky apartment intruders oh-so-rudely interrupted a steamy moment between our two lovebirds
{art meme here ♡}
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will0waesthetic · 1 year
Is this what writers see when they writes “doe eyes and pink cheeks “
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I know I do. 💀
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bl-astoise · 2 years
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@animangacreators challenge 03 ┃ alphabet challenge (01/26) ⤸ ᴀ - (ᴀ)ᴋᴀᴀsʜɪ ᴋᴇɪᴊɪ
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cressida-jayoungr · 9 months
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One Dress a Day Challenge
September: Bond Films
Never Say Never Again / Barbara Carrera as Fatima Blush
I don't quite know what to make of this outfit, but it's certainly something! It's all over the place and also over the top, from the extravagant and shapeless fur to the black leather pants and jacket. The almost masculine tailored shirt with the choker around the collar is so 1980s.
But it is true that the whole thing is elevated by a suitable hat; she loses about ten style points in my eyes as soon as she takes the hat off.
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caitlynmeow · 4 months
Daniela would 100% be the aunt who reenacts the opening of the Lion King and other silly scenes with her baby nieces giving everyone a heart-attack exept her and the babies who are having the time of their life.
this 100%
and Daniela is there to add to the noise. The babies will be squealing in delight, and Daniela is there to amp that to the next level because where is the fun in being quiet?
whenever the nieces are over (they're at the castle almost every day) there is just-- all sorts of loud laughter and joyful screaming led by Daniela who KNOWS how to rile the kids up!
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tuesdayinthedas · 3 months
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Yall making him really blush now
If you like my work consider leaving me a ko-fi
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rainymoodlet · 1 year
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[Episode Five] One Last Push!
I just realized I spelled Darol's name wrong in... all of these... so I suck. :| But he is an absolute angel, I tell you h'what! Dan enjoys talking to him so much, I can see it on his little pixel face! These two are both incredibly positive role models in their respective circles, and I think they really do bond over what they do and enjoying it for the help they both give to people. Daniel may have hated stardom, but he certainly didn't hate being the Dad of the "Garage", and he likes to think he knows when he can sus out people who are only interested in fame, and who's in it for the service they can provide!
[ Part 15/?? ] 🌹
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pasteilian · 1 year
Splinter 3B :3
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Splinter is so hard to draw bro 💀💀💀💀😭😭 he got no neck
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fizzytoo · 1 year
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making the most out of a monday
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