#in which i take a nice holiday like christmas and make it really creepy
soyouareandrewdobson · 9 months
Elf on the shelf and pedo on the net
Merry Christmas/Holidays, everyone!
So I think you know what this post is going to be about. The one comic, that has become a christmas tradition at hypocrisy's blog.
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Released mere days before Christmas of 2016 -which Dobson likely considered ruined, because it was Trumps first Christmas after he won the election 2016- the comic shows two male stripers, with one pondering that the reason he joined the profession, may be related to some rather “unsavoury” kinks he developed as a result of a Christmas tradition.
Now being from Europe, I myself didn’t even know of the “Elf on the Shelf” until I saw this comic. Though a quick google search made me realize, why that was: The entire idea of putting an elf doll on the shelf to “watch over the kid” wasn’t even a thing until a children book came out in 2004, that promoted the idea. The real take off of the Elf being around the first half of the 2010s and since then having managed to creep its way into the popcultural subconscious.
Yeah, if you can’t tell, I am not really a fan of that thing, based on the designs I saw. Also the idea of “surveilling” your children to see if they are naughty or nice feels rather creepy. And I grew up in a culture that accepts the idea of good old Saint Nicolas and his henchman Rudolph/Krampus putting the bad ones into their place via spanking or worse.
However, Dobson managed to make the concept even creepier by virtue of relating it to a masturbation punchline. Which in turn makes you just ponder, what the heck is wrong with Dobson?
So, let us just dissect this thing quick, before it sours any positive Christmas mood.
First, Dobson supposedly did the comic, because in his opinion the “Elf on the Shelf” sends a strange message to kids…
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And to be fair, a lot of kids seemingly hate the creepy little doll and “experts” have called it out at being psychologically damaging. Going so far as to say the toy “normalizes” the concept of constant surveillance and that it would be okay. Which personally I think is a bit of a stretch, but not entirely inaccurate also. So making fun of the concept of the doll, totally okay with me. Heck, Teen Titans Go did an entire episode mocking the thing.
But Dobson’s attempt of making fun of it, just crosses into genuine creeper territory, for one simple reason: Sexualization of minors.
Look, I don’t believe Dobson is a pedophile -though his poor choice of wordings on twitter posts and certain aspects of art pieces can give the impression- and the situation Dobson shows in the comic is not explicitly pornographic. After all, we don’t see the kid like buttass naked pumping the bike pump while the elf stares. I now give you five minutes to hopefully delete that mental image with enough eggnog at your disposal.
But it still turns “sexual”…
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An implication that is not very subtle for a couple of reasons.
First, the person asked and thinking back to the Christmas tradition is a male stripper. A job in the sex works. By the way, respect for people in that job (independent of the sex) for being able to work without feeling objectified (or too much) and managing to keep a decent body shape. Hope also for your safety out there.
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Which I am not just saying because Dobson incidentally tries to mock male strippers in the comic in my opinion. After all, we all know Dobson hates men. And when men aren’t some MRA morons or fat misanthropic nerds, they can’t be anything but dumb male himbos or potentially depraved homosexuals who got kinky by perverting a Christmas children tradition.
Yeah, I am stretching here a bit, but we are talking about Dobson. The guy was always more than open to the idea of making gay men the butt of some joke in Alex ze Pirate.
Am I really supposed to believe he changed that attitude?
But back to the comic. The second reason why obvious the entire thing has sexual undertones as punchline… just look at that face
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That is the face of someone masturbating under the blanket. The sultry eyes, the blush on his face, one hand under the cover while the other is above, bitting his lip… if that thing were animated, I bet the kid would be moaning and I could report Dobson to some authority.
And yeah, that is really what the entire creepiness of the comic boils down too. The face of the kid that leaves no other room for interpretation except “a sex pun, based on a “Christmas tradition” targeted at really small kids. With the final panel feeling like Dobson likely had a good laugh at his “joke”, thinking others would react the same.
Well, the reaction doesn’t seem to have been what Dobson hoped for, cause he would later release the following tweet.
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Two things to that: First, I think the reason people were “confused” Dobson (confused likely means here, asked him if he is a pedo), was that they kinda didn’t want to think you were going into that “sexualized” territory because that would raise more red flags than you obsessing over KorraSami. And would have also felt rather out of character for you, cause of how prudish you become at the subject of sexualization.
Second, accusing others of lacking imagination and that therefore little things like that comic stump them. Dobbitch, I have read every major comic you ever made, if anyone lacks imagination, it is you. Your mental capacity for imagining stuff is lower than of a braindead person in a coma. And the fact that a self declared “child friendly” webartist focuses most of the time on the punchline “character X is thirsty”…
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even if the character in question is underaged, makes me think you are enjoying Belgian porn on the sideline.
Overall, the comic is just creepy. But not in the way that it makes the doll itself creepy and therefore the butt of the joke. Rather it makes the artist behind the comic creepy, because he tries to imagine a scenario where that thing causes someone to spring their first boner.
The sad thing being, Dobson could have easily made the comic creepier and funnier at the same time, fi he just had put the focus of the comic on the puppet and not the kid. For example, of all the things in the world, I think Family Guy could make the joke of a creepy elf puppet work, if it played out like that: Lois puts an elf on the shelf for every kid in the house, including Chris.
Chris goes to bed, camera focuses on him, turning around, the puppet is cut off from you.
Chris says “good night”  to the elf.
Zoom out to show the shelf, now it is Herbert the creepy neighbour in an elf costume on the shelf saying “Night, Chris”
There. Now if you excuse me, I need to take a shower. Not necessarily from reviewing that comic, but because I actually wrote out a Family Guy joke.
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1038: First Day of the Christmas Month (SSBU X Kingdom Hearts)
Pit: Goooooooooood Morning, One in All!~
Sora: How are we doing on this fine day?~
Ren: Pretty good on my end
Mona: Same here.
Yoshi: Yep.
Pitto: Tired as all heck, but I'm fine I guess
Pit: Sweet! Cuz guess what day it is today?~
Yoshi: December 1st?
Sora: Yep! Which meeeeeeans?~
Pitto: Oh God here we go...
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Mona: Wait, you guys celebrate the first day of month?
Sora: Only when December comes around. It helps us get more excited for Christmas to come around in a few more days lol
Pit: And we figured what better way to start the day off than to wake our wonderful girlfriends up with the sweet sound of Mariah Carey!.....Which.... haven't really worked out for either of us in the end....
Ren: They caught you two red handed, didn't they?
Sora: Yeah....With iron grips
Pit: And creepy smiles to boot.....
Sora/Pit: (⊙_⊙) (⊙_⊙)
Pitto: Serve you dumbasses right lol
Pitto: No one wants their eardrums blasted by that dumb song all morning
Pit: We knoooow, but it's such a classic tho!
Sora: The slow, beautiful start up, the jingling bells, the upper instrumentals, the catchy lyric, what's not to love!
Pitto: How overrated it gotten
Pitto: I swear, I see people play it everywhere in the past two years!
Yoshi: Yeahhh the song's great and all, but even I gotten tired of it at some point.
Yoshi: I'm more of a Jingle Bell Rock person
Ren: This Christmas will always be one of my Top Holidays Jams
Yoshi: The orignal or the one made by CB?
Ren: Orignal. Although, I am starting to warm up to the newer versions of the song in particular
Morgana: I like Silent Night quite a lot
Morgana: More specifically, the Temptations version.
Pit: Yesssssss! Their take on the song was soooo good to listen too!
Pitto: Have u guys heard their version of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer?
Pitto: Smoothiest Christmas song I've ever heard in my life
Ren: Agree with you on that one, Angel Brotha
Yoshi: Yeah. Temptations always knows how to make their hits smooth. They even made a Garfield song the most catchy thing ever like wth!?
Mona: Seriously? What's it called?
Yoshi: Shake Your Paw. It plays once Jon starts busting moves on the dance floor, it's incredible
Sora: Ooooh I wouldn't mind seeing a video of that at one point
Pit: Yeah me too
Riku: (In the Kitchen Room) Guys! Breakfast is Ready!!
Sora/Pit: (Turns to the Kitchen Room Way While Sitting on the Living Room's Sofa with Kirby) 'Kay!
Viridi/Kairi: (In the Other Room) Coming!
Kirby: (Happily Raises his Hands Up in Rejoice) Poyo!~
Sora: Hey guys, my BF Riku has just finished cooking breakfast for us, the girls, and Kirby
Sora: Wanna dig in with us?
Ren: Sounds nice, but I can't
Ren: I'm already making breakfast of my own and for my Queen back home
Ren: Just a little somethin' the celebrate for completing the N.N.N. Challenge for the first time!
Pitto: Oh God, you seriously took part in that dumb challenge?I
Ren: Yep. Ryuji dared to me to it actually
Ren: Not the easiest challenge I've ever taken, but it wasn't too hard either
Sora: Wait. What's the No Nut .November. challenge again?
Pit: Yeah. Does it really involve not eating anything nuts related for a whole month?
Ren: Yeahhhh......
Ren: Something like that.....
Ren: Anyways, Makoto's waking up, so I gotta go now. Ciao.
Big Bro Ren Has Left the Chat.
Mona: Riiiight.....
Mona: But anyways, I gotta get going too. I promised Futuba I would help and Boss open up shop this morning.
Mona: Plus, I kinda need to think of a gift to give to Lavenza for our first year anniversary....
Sora: Awwwwwwww that's so sweeet!!~
Piyt: Do you want us to help you look for anything someday this week?
Mona: Sure! I could use all the help I could get really lol
Mona: Anyways, have a great rest of the morning and see you all later
Mona Has Now Left the Chat.
Pit: What about you and Yoshi, Pitto?
Pitto: That depends.
Pitto: How's good is his cooking?
Sora: Godly
Sora: His meals and craftsmanship are compared to that to many gods and powerful beings alike
Sora: My only wish in life I'd that my cooking skills will be close to being as good as his someday......... (˘_˘٥)
Pit: Oh my gosh, everything you said just now was beautiful and all inspiring!
Sora: Thanks. Bro. I only speak from heart and mind of a Keyblade Warrior
Pit: Preach, Spra, PREACH!
Pitto: Uh.....huh
Pitto: But yeah, I'll take you losers up on the invitation
Yoshi: Me too
Yoshi: And also......
Yoshi: I think I might have an idea of how we can all start the first day of December off.
Pit/Sora: You do!?
Dark Pit: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion at Yoshi While Sitting Next to Him on the Living Room Sofa) You do?
Yoshi: Yeah, I do. (Turns to See a Mistletoe Hanging Up From the Ceiling in the Distance Before Turning Back to DP) You'll.....probably won't like this one though.
Dark Pit: (Immediately Puts on a Deadpinned Look on his Face) What makes you think that exactly?
Yoshi: Welllllllllllll.........
To be Continued
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
The Snowman (1982) Review (Patreon Review for Emma Fici)
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It's one sleep till christmas everybody! And for this Christmas Eve since Emma asked me
We're talking the 1982 television special, The Snowman. It won a BAFTA and was nominated for an oscar and is based on a book by the same name, tweaked slightly to both fill out 22 minutes. It's a british holiday instiution that's played every year on Channel 4 and is loved dearly.. and I don't think i've ever seen it
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Yeah I have vauge memories of it so I MIGHT have but unlike say Yogi's Christmas Carol it wasn't something Cartoon Network played that often if they did, nor the other various networks I had as a kid, so I went into this pretty much blind, only knowing the ending.
That said.. it's VERY easy to see why this one is a christmas instiution. The Snowman is a simple but enchanting story about a child who goes out, has some fun, builds a snowman and there must have been some magic in that old hat he found because the snowman comes to life that evening. It's basically just 20 mintues of a boy and his new snow pal having adventures: taking a long ride on a motorbike, messing up the kitchen like a yeti, trying on his parents clothes, and then flying off into the distance with dozens of other snowmen to meet santa. You know typical kid stuff.
I don't have a ton of jokes for this one as honestly.. it wasn't one I could really riff on. There was a thing or two I could joke about sure.. but the special is just so dreamlike, so innocent, full of childlike wonder I can't find it in my heart to really make jokes at it's expense. It's 18 minutes of sweet dreams fuel. It feels like a child's dream, just simply getting into normal kid things, meeting santa, flying around… stuff any kid or grown person who used to be one can undrestand. It's more of a feeling than a film. It's simple.. but the simple joy of a boy and his golem he somehow brought to life is infectious.
The art helps: it's drawn like a storybook, likely like THE storybook it's based on, and is simply silent, letting the wondrefully sketchy and beautifully colored in animation do the heavy lifting. The soundtrack also helps, being nice and inviting while ambient and wintery when needed. There is a VERY creepy children's song that plays throughout, but it's one of the few things that really took me out of the film and after a while I just got used to it, as if the kid himself is singing it in his head. IT's just hard not to love the childlike wonder and whimsy of this film. Truly fun stuff. It just feels like a warm memory you had once deep in the back of your mind, a childhood adventure you'll treasure forever.
The only really down part. .is the tragic yet well done ending: the boy wakes up for more adventures.. only to find his friend melted. it's shockingly bleak, with the boy just slumping over, holding the scarf santa gave him last night as his friend lays dead. It's truly sad, a sign of how things just don't last in childhood.. but i'ts good you had them, bittersweet as it is
Finally the film turned out to have two openings: one in the uk with author raymond briggs where he just.. solemly walks in the snow and talks about a snowman and the US one. Now the Briggs intro was fine but since US Specails like this needed sponsors, they needed a bigger name. And that name folks.. was David Fucking Bowie.
I'm as shocked and delighted as you are. His intro is honestly slightly better as he just has a childrne's show type warmth to him. Granted i'm a huge bowie fan, so i'm biased, but it's also david bowie. He just has a nice gentle delivery. He's also wearing a sweater which just looks.. magic on him. Everything looks magic on him but still. This story is somehow even better if you imagine it's a young david bowie who just.. hung out with a snowman once. Because that honestly sounds like a normal day in his life. Just met a living snowman, went to space, fought the giant monkey man and saved the 9th dimension. Normal david bowie things. He'd go on to make a song for another Raymond Briggs film when the wind blows.. about nuclear war. Maybe i'll look at that osmetime.
So the Snowman is a simple, but heartwarming little special I recommend this christmas season or even just in winter> Christmas dosen't factor into it heavily.. but it just has the magic you expect of the season. It also has David Bowie in some versions so if you can't trust me, trust David Bowie to give you an excellent christmas present and watch the Snowman. It's free on PlutoTV right now if your curious. Thanks for reading and have a happy holiday.
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septic-dr-schneep · 7 years
JSE Fanfiction - Just Around The Corner
Summary:  Anti, just like the other Egos, always looks forward to the holiday season, especially Christmas. For him, the fun begins as soon as the clock strikes December 1st. For the rest of them, that's when they need to brace themselves for whatever the Glitch has planned to make them suffer.
Jackieboy noticed something wasn’t right as soon as December 1st rolled around. Whereas Anti would—should be prowling into the kitchen for his breakfast of bloody meat like any other day, today he strode into view with a spring in his step, one which set off several of Jackieboy’s internal alarms. The rest sounded the call as soon as the Glitch peered around at the other Egos, his fangs bared in a smile.
“H͞a̶pp̢y ̵holi͝day͜ ̷season̵,” he purred, his voice crackling and breaking with a much more noticeable amount of static than usual.
The older Egos didn’t answer him, of course. They could scarcely dare to wonder what he meant by those words; their minds were already racing for an explanation of his optimism, but they couldn’t help being distracted when Jameson made the mistake of tipping his hat in response to the “well-wishes”. Chase gave Jameson a warning look, but it was too late; the young gentleman’s gesture had caught Anti’s eye.
“At least so̸m͝eone͡ here has s҉ome͢ c͢ommon co̶urt̵e̴sy̷,” he remarked, his smile widening as his head tilted. A glitching half of his head stayed contorted, flickering against his shoulder even when he moved, flinging open the fridge and grabbing his meat plate, strolling casually back out to eat alone.
“JJ, Anti doesn’t deserve you being polite around him. You may not remember it, but he tried to attack you when you showed yourself to the fans. He’s evil,” Chase began in his firm “dad voice” to Jameson as Jackieboy glanced uneasily at Marvin.
“Okay, I know he glitches more and more as the holidays get closer, but that was worse than usual,” the magician announced what they were both thinking. “He shouldn’t be like that until…what, two weeks from now?”
“That’s how it was last year, but you know him. He likes to keep us guessing,” Jackieboy mused grimly, moving to sip his coffee and then hesitating when he noticed how Schneep’s cup was shaking between his hands. “Hey…” he murmured, reaching across toward him. “This doesn’t mean—”
“He did not need a holiday to attack me,” Schneep reminded them shakily. “Take me away from you for weeks ’till you find me…It was August. There was no reason, rhyme…What if it’s like that for one of you? Chase, last year—it was nothing for Anti to poison his eggnog, was it? He spent Christmas in hospital!” Looking a bit ill, he peeked down at his coffee and abruptly pushed it away. “And the year before that, he sabotaged my sled…I nearly break my neck, and I’ve heard of the year before, when he tried to strangle Marvin with the tinsel—”
Marvin winced at the memory, instinctively tugging on the knot to his cape, and Jackieboy growled, “That’s not going to happen again. We’re all gonna be safe because we’re gonna protect each other with everything we have.” Schneep didn’t look convinced, so Jackieboy softened his tone, explaining, “That’s the difference between then and now, Henrik: last year, the year before that, the year before that, not all of us were here. Now, I can’t think of a better group. We know what he’s capable of.” He looked around the table, meeting each pair of eyes and concluding emphatically, “Not even Anti is strong enough to take on all of us.”
Seeing as all of them had been rather unsettled by Anti’s “holiday cheer”, the next few days were spent on edge and their nights were spent sleeping very lightly. As such, it was no surprise that Jackieboy immediately lunged upright in bed, reeling back a preemptive fist, as staticky strains of “Silent Night” echoed through the halls.
Not so far away, Schneep stared with terrified eyes toward the door of his lab, his late-night reading falling through his fingers to land with a thump on his desk.
Chase, meanwhile, curled tightly into himself and covered his head with his blankets, not quite waking but sensing in his subconscious that something was wrong.
Marvin padded gingerly out of his room, his wand casting the dim hallway in an eerie green glow. Every shadow, any shadow, could very well be Anti, taunting him with a game of hide-and-seek. Who was seeking who? The music, hauntingly slow, continued looping as Marvin crept through the tunnel of darkness just outside the light’s reach. That was when he felt fingers brush the back of his arm. Yelping, he whirled around, already poised with a spell—only to slump in relief when he found the wide-eyed Jameson standing behind him.
“Oh, it’s you! Make some noise when you’re coming, why don’t you?!” he hissed. He knew JJ’s aura would have canceled out any noise the gentleman might have made, but at the moment he was too high-strung to care about semantics. Jameson didn’t object to it either; in fact, he didn’t mince any words, as he might have under any other circumstance. His sepia speech slide was bright in the darkness.
“Marvin, is this Antisepticeye?”
Marvin blinked at the question for a moment or two, startled by it. It was uncanny…He forgot about Jameson sometimes. Not the man himself, of course, but sometimes he forgot that Jameson was new at this. It was only now, with his hands wringing in front of him, moustache twitching nervously, tousled hair hanging in front of his eyes, that Jameson looked his age.
At last, with a sad smile falling onto his face, Marvin sighed, “Don’t you worry, JJ. You’ll learn to sense it. When it comes to things like this, it couldn’t be anyone else.”
Jameson looked as if he was about to reply, but a squeal of static stopped both him and the music. As soon as the last echoes of “Silent Night” faded away, Jameson looked back to Marvin with cautious anticipation.
“It’s stopped…” his slide stated the obvious.
“That doesn’t mean he’s done,” Marvin warned, moving to skirt past him but unprotesting when Jameson spun around and clutched at his arm, keeping pace with him. The pair of them scoured each room of Egos Central again and again until dawn broke, but they found nothing.
A few days later, Chase pried his eyes open with a struggle, wanting nothing more than to sleep for another few hours. A promise was a promise, however; he was going to spend this morning helping Marvin decorate. Jackieboy had left to patrol the city in the wee hours, he knew, and they were planning to surprise him with a Christmas message on the top of the roof, one he would instantly see when he flew home.
He would get to show Jameson how it was done, he realized, and that thought made him pick up the pace just that much more. As he flung open his door, however, he stopped up short just before tripping on something that had been left outside his door.
Bewildered, he crouched, picking up the beautiful white poinsettia and examining it from every angle. When he found the small golden card peeking through the leaves, he couldn’t help but wonder if his kids had insisted their mother send him a gift. That was something they would do. The calligraphy printed on the card did say, “With Love from Me to You”.
The signature underneath it was as sloppy as a child’s, but once Chase deciphered the first two letters, he dropped the card and the plant as if they had burned him. Leaping to his feet, he sprinted down the hall and round the corner, only to see Marvin standing motionless outside his door, an identical white poinsettia at his feet.
“Marv,” Chase gasped, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder. “Anti—”
“I know,” Marvin murmured, gesturing to his left with nothing less than revulsion. “Jackie got one too. I wouldn’t be surprised if—” The door to the lab slammed only a moment later and Marvin winced. “That’s what I was afraid of. Chase, check on Jameson; I’ll try and calm Schneep down until Jackieboy can take over. I’ll see if he can come home early; we need him.”
It wasn’t too surprising that they had all received the strange gifts, Chase discovered when Jameson met him halfway between their rooms, thrusting the plant out helplessly for him to examine.
They ended up surprising Jackieboy with quite a different message when he got home, but as much as they poked and prodded and pulled at them, there was nothing special about them as far as they could see. If Anti was giving them, there had to be a reason. What could he gain from this? Was it just to make them paranoid?
“What should we do with them?” Chase asked quietly as Jackieboy paced the length of the kitchen. “I…don’t think he’d appreciate it much if we threw them away.”
“Set them right where you found them,” Jackieboy ordered tersely. “He’s playing some sort of game and if we skip our turn, he’s bound to take it for us.”
Thus decided, they planted their gifts next to their doors and left them there—ignored, but certainly not forgotten. A light coating of dust fell over them and the cards that went with them ended up smudged and sticky on the floor as the Egos walked over them. Four days later, on December 11th, Chase stepped in another sticky substance. It was a dark puddle, one which he recoiled from immediately as he glanced wildly toward his poinsettia.
It was still white in some places, but others were now stained red—dripping red.
Chase bolted, leaving streaked, bloody shoeprints in his wake, but before he could even stretch out his hand to bang on Marvin’s door, he was shocked to find that both his and Jackieboy’s poinsettias were still purely white. When he looked further, toward the lab, Schneep’s was untouched too. Jameson’s was unstained as well.
Why him? Chase wondered frantically as he pommeled Marvin’s door in an effort to wake him. Why him? Why him?
Three days later, on December 15th, he was no longer alone. Schneep’s explosion of panicked German could be heard in every part of the house and for once, none of them had to wonder what he was saying.
On December 18th, it was Marvin’s turn.
December 21st, Jackieboy came unspeakably close to punching a wall when he found the same, and his red boots were stained an even darker red.
On Christmas Eve, Jameson was quivering where he sat on the couch between Schneep and Marvin, staring wordlessly at the sullied plant he had set on the coffee table. There was no explanation for it, no taunt, no attack…They had hardly seen Anti at all this month and during whatever fleeting glimpses they had gotten, he had been glitching and fizzing so violently that he was practically intangible.
All they had were bloody plants.
“I…I don’t know what we’re supposed to do about this,” Jackieboy admitted at last, his gritted teeth making it clear that he hated admitting his helplessness. “I can’t pound him into the ground if I don’t know where he is.”
A long silence followed these words, but eventually Chase ventured weakly, “T-Tomorrow’s Christmas. I know this isn’t like other years, but…he’s never hurt us on Christmas. All we can do, at this point, is try to salvage it, right?”
No sooner had he spoken those words did the first notes of “Silent Night” begin to play, very low and muffled, as if they were almost out of earshot. Bare seconds later, the noise faded back out, and the group shared a moment of sheer astonishment.
“Call me crazy,” Marvin breathed, “but I think he might’ve just agreed to that…”
Chase huffed a small laugh and Schneep quietly slid an arm around Jameson, who looked significantly more reassured, ducking his head in relief.
Jackieboy wasn’t about to buy that for a millisecond.
Christmas Day passed without incident. Jackieboy did his very best to enjoy it the way the others did; there were a few precious moments when he was able to keep his attention on them, smiling at their reactions to their gifts and accepting their hugs of gratitude, but it wasn’t where his attention ought to be and he knew it. The game wasn’t over. It was never over and they had taken their turn by enjoying their holiday. It was Anti’s move.
One by one, they made it through the stockings…the gifts…the dinner…the cleanup…and, at long last, their goodnights. Each of them wanted nothing more than to stay with the others and hold onto the lingering warmth and joy of Christmas Day, but eventually they all had to sleep.
None of them would, for each returned to his room and froze dead in his tracks when he saw that the stained white poinsettia had vanished—replaced by a big, beautiful red one. Jackieboy clenched his fists so tightly that his palms bled inside his gloves and he lifted his head slowly as his enemy assembled himself across from him.
“It’s al͜mo̡s͞t ͡t͝i͘me,” Anti chuckled, playing with his knife and shifting his weight back and forth. “Are you r̢ea̶dy̸ to rin̢g ̶in t҉h̨e New ͡Y͝ea͘r? I wonder what’s w̶ai̕tn҉g̸ just around t̴h͢e cor̢n͝er…especially for t͜͢h͏a͟t̢ J̛͘a̵m̡͜e̕͠͡ş̡o̴͡n.”
“I wonder,” Jackieboy agreed venomously. “What I do know is that if you come anywhere close to him, I’m going to hunt you down and it won’t matter if you try to glitch your way out. I’m not going to stop until I shove my fist down your throat so far and so fast that I cauterize that nice little slash of yours from the inside.”
Anti laughed again, sounding almost impressed with the threat, and then his form convulsed and dissolved into nothingness. He wasn’t gone; Jackieboy could still hear his static buzzing around the room, circling him, predatory, and the hiss that followed was mocking.
“No, ͟yoų ͝won’t, hero. ͡You'͘re j̧us̵ţ l͝i͘ke ̡th͞e҉m. You'͟l͏l jus̴t ͜wa̷tch̷.͟”
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yanxidarlings · 3 years
What would Finland be like as a Yandere in general?
(once again, thank you for giving me a finland request anon, just the day before i got this i was wondering what i was going to write for him for christmas, since he's santa and all. these might be a bit shitty since i'm generally not good at writing for the nordics, but hopefully they're okay. and sorry to any finnish readers if the finnish dish i mention isn't something you would eat for dinner, i just looked up finnish cuisine online RIP. and since this is being scheduled for christmas, happy holidays everyone! 🎄⛄🎅🎁)
• tino is an overprotective yandere, hands down, with possessive undertones, that only show through the surface if you're unfortunate enough to push him to that point. he's motherly and caring, at first his obsession starts out as an overwhelming desire to protect his darling, which would soon develop into something much darker.
• his possessive side will inevitably show through, he knows he shouldn't have these thoughts, he knows hpw devastated he would be if someone wanted to take him away from his family and friends. but whenever he see's his darling even looking at someone else, he can't help but want to chop their worthless heads off. it's quite the dilemma to be in.
• he can be a tad delusional at times as well, especially if his darling is especially nice towards him. there are moments when he'll be self aware, and realise that the way he acts towards his darling is wrong, but it won't take long for his mind to wander, his darling wants to be with him, they came to live with him of their own free will, but it won't be long before he has another moment of contemplation only for the cycle to repeat over and over again.
• tino has the potential to fall for his darling for a plethora of different reasons, but he isn't as easy to charm as america or france. he's like canada in the sense that he's likely to fall for a darling that knows about his culture, or even just knows about him, since he isn't exactly as worldwide known as said countries.
• another possibility is that his darling is someone who he see's as someone in need of a 'caretaker', if his obsession is platonic then they could be a younger country without a big brother or sister helping them out, or just an orphaned human. if it's romantic, then maybe they're just a weaker country, or whatever the human equivalent of that is.
• i can also see tino attaching himself to another person, or country who suffered a similar life under russia, doesn't matter if it was years before or after him, or at the same time as him, the minute he meets them he doesn't want to let them go.
• going off the previous point, he's another that can't fall in love at first sight, someone can peak his interest, but he doesn't fall that easily. it'll take maybe a few months for his obsession to develop, but the moment it does, he becomes completely enamoured in a fortnight or less, this is when his darling should start running.
• a part of tino knows it's creepy, but the other part of him reasons that he's just looking out for them, what if they got hurt of their way home?, there are far worse creeps out there than him, he has to protect them!.
• he's a mix of stalking and inserting himself into their life. tino will try his best to become an important person in his darlings life, which shouldn't be too hard depending on his darlings personality. but when he does stalk, you best bet his darling won't know they're being stalked unless tino wants them to know. he's stealthy, but more often then not reserves his skills for getting rid of his rivals one clean snipe at a time.
• well, tino really wants his darling to come of their own accord, it would make his life so much easier. he'll try to lure them over to his house, them force them to stay because of a snowstorm, and oh, the northern lights are coming up soon, they can't miss that, and he's making roiskeläppä for dinner tomorrow nignt, they should stay until then and christmas is coming up, who doesn't want to spend christmas with santa himself, oh would you look at that another snow storm-
• if all goes according to plan, either timo or one of the other nordics invite them over for one day and they just never leave. but he isn't opposed to kidnapping if it's what will keep the, safe and sound with him. he'll make sure not to kidnap them from his own country, so he can't be suspected, especially if they're a country, and them sneak them back to his house.
• finland would never kidnap his darling on am impulse, every single part of their kidnapping would be carefully planned. tino could spend months just planning his life with his darling amd fantasising about what it would be like once they're 'home'.
• it may or may not come as a surprise, but tino is one of the more dangerous yandere's, his darling should not cross him for the sake of their own sanity. whilst his motherly side compels him to be warm and caring, he's also incredibly controlling. he'll want his darling to integrate into family life as quickly as possible, if they're not the kind of person who's used to or wants that life, it can be very uncomfortable. he's also very physically affectionate, but isn't as pushy about it as denmark or south korea can be.
• tino won't realise it's him that makes his darling so upset, most of the time he won't realise his wrongdoings, so if they lash out at him, he's one to get quite mad. he'll scold and punish them for acting so rudely towards him, at this point his darlings only chance at salvation is probably sweden, whether or not he's willing to go against his 'wife' is another topic, however.
• finland's darling will be treated like a child, no matter the type of obsession he has over them, he won't be as patronising about it as england, who would use this treatment as a punishment, or ukraine who wouldn't let her darling make even the smallest decisions. but if you're his darling, being treated like a troubled teenager whenever you try to excercise minute free will would get frustrating.
• he doesn't exactly stand out in this sense, but it isn't a common archetype of yandere's to treat their darling like a child, whilst also expecting them to act as a parent to his actual children at the same time. this is more if he has an older, romantic darling, but either way they're going to be expected to be a big sibling figure at the least, or if they're platonic and especially young, a loving member of the family.
• on the flip side, he can be incredibly sadistic when it comes to his enemies or rivals, i mean, look up what lu zhi did to consort qi, ancient viking execution methods and scapism and you'll have an idea of how messed up finland can be if he's pushed there.
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potter-imagines · 4 years
Best-friends to Lovers (Fred Weasley x Reader)
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Request: can we get like... a lil fred weasley, you guys are good friends and you don’t usually go back for the holidays, and Fred invites you back to the Burrow to spend the break there and y’all like totally fall for each other 🥺
Warning: None (I switched it up just a tiny bit to where they’ve already developed some feelings but they finally admit them sooo hope you enjoy!)
Word Count: 4.5k
It was a flurry and cold winter night, the kind of night when every breath stings the lungs and every exhale chills the lips. The frigid air, the slippery ground and the sheet of white covering the once green grass. All signs winter was here and cold times were ahead. Even in the highlands of Scotland, the winters were ferosus and unforgiving. You despised the freezing temperature, but Fred was far too convincing and a midnight walk with him was something you couldn’t find the words to turn down.
For the first time in the five years you had spent at Hogwarts, and the five years you had been best friends, you had finally accepted the twins offer on spending Christmas at the Burrow with their family. It was a turn of events in your typical holiday plans which were mostly spent alone at the castle. Your first two years at school you had traveled home for Christmas. It wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t exactly a ‘jolly’ time either. Family time came few and far between. The sparse time you did spend around your family had grown… awkward. Being the only witch in your family didn’t help much either. As the years dragged on, you felt like a stranger in your own home. Your parents spent their entire year with your younger brother, so he had undoubtedly grown to be the favorite and the prized child. They still loved you of course, it just felt forced to engage with them at times.
So it came as a pleasant surprise when you walked into the Weasley’s home and were engulfed in a warmth you had never known. Molly Weasley was the first to greet you, popping out from the staircase with a shimmering grin. Before you could register what was happening, she pulled you into a bone crunching grip rambling on about how good it was to meet you. Arthur hugged you as well and teased about how much the twins would talk about you, especially Fred. Fred would turn bashful but he didn’t deny it.
Ginny showed you around the house, beating Fred and George to the chance. Molly set up a mattress on the floor next to the youngest Weasley’s bed, something Ginny was over the moon thrilled about. She had been longing for a sleepover with you for years now. Ever since her first term, she followed you around like a little puppy. So your first night at the home, Ginny coerced you into a slumber party immediately.
The twins, mainly Fred, weren’t too happy at this. They were the ones who invited you yet their little sister was stealing all your time. Fred was bitter when you hurried off from dinner to go join Ginny upstairs, not even bidding him a farewell.
George insisted his twin was being dramatic- they had an entire month for Merlin's sake! The feelings his brother developed for you, their best friend, was clear as crystals to George. They both shared a crush on you for the first year at Hogwarts but George’s feelings quickly shifted to a friendship, sister love. Fred on the other hand, well his crush only evolved further. George noticed it the second Fred started combing his hair before dinner and always placing himself the closest towards you. It was a topic they danced around for quite some time. He teased his twin for years until the idea came to him that Fred still felt this way towards you even after years. George had devoted his previous two summers to breaking Fred into admission. All he wanted was to hear his twin confirm his suspicions. Not that he needed that really, other people were beginning to notice as well.
One of them being your temporary roommate. Ginny was a top notch observer. During her second year, she started to catch on to the elephant that followed you and Fred into every room.
That first night, Ginny shed light on her theory by offhandedly making a rather large claim late that first night. While the two of you were chatting softly in the dark, the young girl declared out of the blue,
“I think my brother is in love with you.”
In an instant, your whole body froze over like water on a lake. You were thankful for the dark, it kept Ginny from seeing your wide eyed stare of shock.
It was now you could see her small frame adjusting in her bed. Even with the lack of light, you saw her sitting up on her bed, propping her weight on one elbow. It could be assumed she had a devilish smile as she probed on.
“Fred… pretty sure he’s in love with you.”
“Why, what makes you think that, Ginny?”
“Quite a laundry list of things, actually. First, he never shuts up about you. Second, he’s always trying to be around you. Third, he’s always staring at you… bit creepy. Fourth, he’s told our nanna about you! Lastly, and most obvious, I heard him telling George right before school started.”
Laying back down, you fixed your eyes on the ceiling taking in her words. Does your best friend really share the same feelings for you? It was too good to be true, it couldn’t be true, you thought. This kinda stuff only happened in the movies and your life definitely was not a film gracing the silver screen. The butterflies went rampant in your stomach, fluttering about wildly. For a moment, you had forgotten Ginny was there, or that you were in her room, until she spoke again.
“So, what do you think of him?” She asked innocently. Tugging the fluffy blue blanket closer to your chest you replied,
Ginny wasted no time and reached over to flicker the light switch on her bedside lamp. A bright light broke through the pitch black darkness of the bedroom. You groaned at the act but Ginny spoke over your sounds of protest.
“Are you in love with Fred?”
Running your hand over your face, you let out a sigh. It was getting too late to be thinking about such heavy topics. You had a great friendship with Ginny, you really did, but if you couldn’t even deal with these emotions on your own, you really didn’t want to throw your thoughts on her.
Turning over on the mattress, you rolled your eyes.
“Ginny, I’m not even dating Fred.”
“But you want to.” She confirmed stubbornly.
“I mean… I-I don’t know, Ginny. Can we talk about something else, please?” You wanted to hide under a blanket and avoid the question for all of eternity. She had caught you off guard and although the feelings you felt towards Fred were strong, it wasn’t something you felt ready to face yet. It wasn’t easy being in love with your best friend- there was so much risk, so much to lose if things went south. You settled on keeping Fred as a friend rather than gamble the option of rejection and a change in your relationship forever.
Ginny perked her brow, opened her mouth as if ready to rebuttal, then deciding against it. The corner of her tip twitched to a smirk as she replied,
“Hmm, okay.”
The topic was dropped for the rest of the night as Ginny went to bed shortly after, but it wasn’t completely over. From then on, you began noticing the constant little redhead attached to your coattails. You noticed each time Fred shooed his sister off and demanded she find something better to do. He was edging closer and closer to his point of eruption. This break was supposed to be time for him to spend alone with you and finally confess his feelings. Not Ginny being your shadow and George tagging along for every outing.
Now on your walk almost a week later, your mind hadn’t stopped wandering to that conversation. Ginny hadn’t brought it up again, at least not vocally. During breakfast the next morning after your talk while you're placed between Fred and George joking around with them, she’ll send you knowing looks, giggling to herself. Harry started to pick up on this as well and you noticed Ginny whispering to him afterwards. It didn’t help that Fred would take any opportunity he could to make you laugh and be in your presence.
Last night you found yourself sitting in front of the fireplace with George, Ginny, Ron, Harry and Fred. A steaming mug of hot cocoa was clutched in everyone’s hand. After about an hour of talking softly and sharing stories, Ginny, Ron and Harry decided to call it a night and trudged up the stairs together. You waved to them as they disappeared up the wooden steps, the sound off their feet turning quieter with every second.
As the three of you sat closely, it felt like you were back at Hogwarts in the common room. George was gushing about a Muggle film you had shown him earlier in the day and Fred was silently listening in, a small smile kissing his lips. You were sat at Fred’s side, your backs against the couch and his arm thrown casually around your shoulder. George was laid on the smaller couch across from the two of you, rambling on to himself. As his talking continued, Fred slowly worked to move your body closer to his and nearly in his lap. He did it so naturally you almost failed to notice. The loud, booming tone of George simmer out within minutes. His voice seemed to sooth him into a slumber as his harsh snores suddenly cut through the air, having talked himself to sleep. This caused the both of you to start laughing. Fred’s arm gripped you tighter as his body shook with chuckles. The sensation sent an odd shiver down your spine. It felt… nice, really really nice to be in his arms.
Fred wondered if now was the time. It was the first chance he had gotten alone with you for almost a week, so there was a good probability he wouldn’t get another for a while. He needed to make a move, something at least! Fred hated not having the bravery like the Gryffindor he was to fess up and spit out the words to describe how he felt about you. Closing his eyes, Fred took a deep breath then peeked his gaze open once more. The nerves had calmed and for the first time, he felt ready and he knew he had to act on it. But as he looked down at you, all the confidence had vanished with one glance. His throat dried as your eyes met and a faint precipitation budded in his palms. All the words he had been rehearsing for a year now simply slipped out the back door.
You took note of the ghost white paleness that took over and immediately sat up, removing yourself from his arms to ask,
“You alright, Freddie?” The concern dripped from your words as you examined the face of your best friend. His eyes were lowered, glued to the flickering flames of the crackling fire.
“Of course, love. I’m sorry, was just thinking.”
“Aw, Freddie, we talked about this. You know thinking is no good for you- you’re brain can’t handle it, darling!” Fred’s heart leaped at the adorning pet name. Only recently had you started calling him more loving names, and it drove him absolutely mad. No girl could ever get his heart racing with just one word like you could. He loved hearing such names coming from your mouth, and directed to him. There was only one name he would die to call you and that was his.
“Can I take you for a walk, love?” The request came abruptly, completely out of the blue. Your eyes widen at his question. Any other time you’d say yes without a second thought. Although, it was late and the land was not a territory you were familiar with like Hogwarts.
Your eyes fell on the window behind the couch. Large white snowflakes swirled from the sky and coated the grounds. The heavy black winter jacket you packed was hung up neatly by the door, not having been touched for at least a day.
Turning your attention back to Fred, you realized his eyes were already trained on your face. At your glance, a hopefully smile reached his cheeks.
“It’s nearly midnight I… actually, why not? Sure. But if we run into any wolves, I’m sacrificing you to them, Weasley.” He laughed at your response and quickly jumped up. You set your hands to your side, readying yourself to stand when suddenly, Fred’s large hands attached to your sides and lifted you up to your feet. You stumbled trying to gain balance but once again, Fred was right there to help you.
Unexpectedly, his left hand extended out and intertwined his fingers in yours. Just as you had predicted, his touch was warm, addicting in a way. It set off a pool of security and protection. Instead of fearing what may lie in the open land outside his house, you trusted Fred.
The tall boy walked you towards the door and pulled your long coat from the hook then threw it around your body. You slipped your arms into the fuzzy material as he yanked his heavy jacket on. Watching the never ending snowfall outside, you worked your hands into the black mittens you had stored in the coat pockets. You hoped it wasn’t as bone chilling outside as it looked.
“Here, I think you might need this, love. You can use my scarf too if you’d like. Don’t want you freezing to death, that’d be hard to explain to George and the rest of our friends.” Fred placed an extra winter hat of his on top of your head. Heat slapped your cheeks at his movements. Fred was commonly sweet towards you but lately, he had been extra sweet. Small gestures here and there were adding up and raising a bit of questions in your mind.
You knocked Fred jokingly on the shoulder and remarked,
“Reckon they’ll send you to Azkaban for that one. I’m a saint, everyone loves me, Fred.” You teased him playfully before accepting his offer with a thank you. Instead of handing you the maroon and gold striped scarf, Fred leaned forward and wrapped it snug around your neck. Once finished, his fingertip tapped against the tip of your nose, grinning to himself.
“You’re not wrong about that. We should get going though. The killer trolls will rise from the ground soon!”
“Knock it off!” You scolded him in a hushed tone, careful not to wake his sleeping family as you chased out of the house after him. Running down the steps, you saw Fred waiting near the car for you. There was an open path behind the car, a makeshift road but the kids used it for a walking guide.
He motioned you over waving exaggeratedly.
“C’mon, darling! You’re taking forever.” Fred moaned on dramatically as he waited for you to catch up to him.  
“It’s freezing out here, be patient.” You waddled over to his side and stood close to his frame, egar for warmth. Fred took in your shaking body and wrapped his arm around your shoulder and tugged you towards his side.
Snowflakes landed on your eyelashes, conflicting your view. Despite the coldness of the winter air, the landscape was beautiful. There were miles and miles of open plains on all ends of the Burrow. In a way, they were isolated, but the atmosphere was live with activity. It was impossible to be bored when the Weasley siblings were around. There was so much to do, in an exploring sense. You had never felt so free, so open before. It was refreshing to spend time at Weasley's home. As the two of you walked together in the crunchy snow, Fred pointed to a large field, a makeshift pitch if you had to guess.
“Charlie and Bill taught George and I how to play Quidditch over there the summer after our first year. Percy hated playing with us! We’d all gang up on him- even if he was on our team- and try to knock him off his broom. I don’t think he’s played with us since! You would’ve died of laughter seeing how angry he got.” You watched as Fred’s features scrunched in laughed at the memory. His contagious chuckles infected you as you laughed along. It was a recollection you could imagine perfectly, even if you weren’t there. Percy was an easy target but he had done it to himself so there wasn’t much room for blame.
Shrugging your shoulders you said,
“I would say poor Percy but he turned me in for being out past curfew so, I’m proud of you, Fred.”
“Sounds like him, just try being related to him. He runs to our parents for everything! Every. Little. Thing. It’s infuriating.” Your cheeks began to sting from smiling so much, but when you were around Fred, it was a given. He had an affect on you that no one else seemed to earn. Even when you were on the brim of tears, Fred always found a way to bring a grin to your face.
But still, you thought about Ginny’s words and the change in Fred throughout your years as friends. Nights were lost tossing and turning over the thought of that prankster redhead who had occupied all your notions.
Lifting your hand up slightly, you grabbed for Fred’s gloved hand. He gladly accepted your gesture and squeezed on your hand as you continued to walk further from the home. Fred’s attention soon dropped as his consciousness drifted once again. Pursing your lips you drew him out.
“Freddie, what’s on your mind? You’ve been different since we got here. I mean, it’s not a bad different. It’s just… something is different with you and you’re my best friend so I wanna know.”
Fred’s eyes snapped up at your concerning voice and the startled expression met yours. This was definitely not a common act for Fred. Your mind raced at the possibility of what it could be but luckily, Fred didn’t make you wait long for an answer.
His pace slowed, but his feet still dragged in the powdered flakes holding your hand. You wanted to hear him speak so bad although you respected the time he needed and waited in silence as you continued to walk. It didn’t take long for Fred to shatter the thin air,
“Can I ask you a serious question? Like one that could change everything.”
“You can ask me anything, Fred. You know this. It won’t change a thing.” You replied seriously. Fred could hear the truthfulness in your words and it calmed him, only a little though. The looming fear, and reality, of rejection was becoming all too real. Even worse than rejection, Fred had a feeling if he didn’t take his chance now, he might never have the opportunity again.
“Do you see me only as a best friend?” The nervousness in his voice broke the peace of the air. Your feet halted at the cavalier inquest. Fred had asked quite the offhand questions before but this, this was new. Mentally attempting to connect the pieces, you tilted your head in confusion.
“Freddie…” The mummer was faint, almost failing to register from your lips. The Burrow was still in near distance and the moonlight provided enough light to search Fred’s face. You weren’t sure what to make of the inquiry exactly, but your heart race excelled in anticipation.
Fred Weasley shifted in the crystalline snow. His hands were shoved deep in his coat pockets and his legs bounced in his stance. You knew him well enough to see the contemplation written across his features.
“Y/n I really really like you. I promise this isn’t a joke or some prank. If you don’t feel the same I can find a way to accept it but I don’t wanna lose you in my life. I just can’t hold it in anymore. It’s been five years of tortue now and… I just needed to get it out, love. I think I might be falling in love with you- if I haven’t already.” As Fred poured his heart out openly, the dripping snowfall ceased all together. It was magically in a sense. The loud slush was now quiet, almost like drizzling rain. His gingerbread eyes were studied upon you, waiting for any sort of reaction to surface. You just gazed up at him scavenging for the perfect words to spill your emotions.
“You’ve liked me for five years?” You asked, stunned. That was impossible. All this time you had spent crushing on Fred and admiring him, stuck in the friendzone, you could’ve just talked to him and been honest. Fred’s eyes darted back to his house then to you anxiously.
“Yeah. I’ve just been too scared to tell you. I don’t want it to ruin our friendship, that’s the last thing I could take.”
Your heart dropped at his words. It was funny in a way, he had the same fears as you. In the same way, you felt guilty for putting him through the same torture you had been going through the last few years as well.
With a surge of confidence, you snapped your head up to Fred and quickly remarked,
“Will it ruin our friendship if I think I’m in love with you too?”
The stillness in the air was unreadable at first. Your gazes trained intently on each other. The uplift gleamed in Fred when he took in your words. All his fears went away like the swish of a wand.
Half out of adrenaline, the other half out of want for years of desire, Fred took one step forward and closed the small gap of space between the two of you by pressing his lips tightly against yours. His hands rested on your face, and the small of your back to keep you steady. This you were thankful for this as his quick actions took you by shock nearly knocking you off your feet.
Your left hand drew up to his hair, finding a tight grip in his shoulder length locks, something you’d been dreaming about doing. The kiss intensified as you indulged in the lock and pressed closer to Fred. Your mouths moved together as if snogging was naturally with you two.
Your lungs demanded air after a few minutes and you slowly pulled away from Fred’s lips and leaned away to regain your composure. You could hear Fred panting at your side, also processing what just took place. Your hands never left each other’s and he suddenly squeezed yours to earn your attention. A genuine look crosses Fred’s face as he whispered into the cold air,
“Can I ask you to be my girlfriend now or do you want me to woo you over on a date first?” His sweet words nearly melted your heart. As easy as you were to please when it came to Fred, this heartwarming exchange felt like the perfect night to declare as a first outing.
“I think I’ll count this as our first date, it was quite romantic.”
Fred rolled his eyes with a smirk. It made him happy that you weren’t demanding or the snotty type. He loved that the small things made you glow with happiness. Even with this, he was still mentally planning a date to take you on before break ended. Although you still had yet to answer his big question.
“So does that mean you’ll be my girlfriend?” You had to swallow back a laugh as you realized you never officially answered Fred. Despite your kiss, he still looked worried you’d turn him away. Shaking your head with a smile you replied,
“Yes, I won’t make you beg anymore.”
Fred wasted no time snatching you by the waste and giving you a small twirl around the snow. A yelp sounded from your lips and you hoped it wasn’t loud enough to wake anyone sleeping at the Burrow. Fred chuckled at your protests and placed you down delicately. Placing his hands on either side of your face, the joyful Gryffindor snogged you lightly, but his passion still seeped through.
“Merlin’s beard, can’t believe it took my stupid arse five years to ask you out. I could’ve been kissing you years ago!”
“Guess we were both missing out. Feel dim for thinking I was going to ruin everything between us if I told you how I felt. But I’m so happy, Freddie.”
“Here, darling,” His gloved hand jerk back to the house, “We oughta head back, now. Mum will kill me if she finds out we were out this late! She thinks you’re an angel so you’ll be fine but I’ll be six feet under by dawn. I can’t wait for morning, though. I can finally brag to everyone that you’re mine, love.” His lips pressed against yours again, desperate to relive the spark and it did not disappoint. Kissing Fred felt natural, like you melted into the embrace. Your lips molded in sync, matching up like magnets. His tongue drew a line across your bottom lips as he kissed you deeper.
Coming back to earth you detached from Fred with a light ‘smack’ noise. Neither of you could wipe the childlike grins off your faces. His plump cheeks turned crimson in the night. Unable to shake off the excitement of the night’s events, you leaned into Fred’s body, giving him a tight hug. He returned the embrace instantly and left a long kiss to the top of your head.
Leaning away, you planted one last kiss to Fred’s cheek then held his hand as you two walked towards his home. The light at the top of the Burrow, assumingly Fred and George's room was turned on. Brightness shone from the window and you pointed up at the sight. The house was only feet away and you started to wonder what George would think of the news.
It could be assumed he wouldn’t be shocked. George spent the last year making comments to you here and there, prying in on you and Fred. Ginny of course wouldn’t be too blown away either, but what about Ron and Harry?
Fred already knew what their reactions would be. He knew without a doubt all of your friends would be thrilled, but no one would be too taken aback by your new relationship. It seemed the only two students who were oblivious to your shared feelings, were Fred and yourself.
“You think they’ll be surprised to hear we’re dating?” You wondered out loud. Fred swung your hand in a back and forth motion as you approached the front porch of the house. Your question obtained a chuckle from Fred as he shook his head,
“Not one bit, love.”
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forthegothicheroine · 3 years
A Jewish Lady Judges the Santas of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Rifftrax
I did not grow up with Santa Claus, though I did have a rather heartbreaking Passover once when I realized the Prophet Elijah wasn’t actually going to appear to drink his cup of wine. Anyway, while I am neither against nor in support of Santa Claus generally, MST3K and Rifftrax have featured a number of very bad movies featuring him, and I have opinions.
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians
I like this guy. He’s just a nice old man who wants to make people happy and indulge in his woodworking hobby.
Santa Claus
This one is bothersome in all sorts of ways. The dubbing is responsible for some of this, like his weirdly inflected voice (though not the facial expressions), but the mythology is a lot to take. He lives in the sky and has weirdly anthropomorphic spy equipment and Merlin gave him some magical artifacts and his is the ultimate judgement of the soul. This movie actually talks about Jesus, which I guess is good from a holiday standpoint, but Santa is the one with godly power. They also bring up the idea that a good girl who is poor might not get presents while rich kids do, but then they drop that and Santa gets her presents so we don’t have to worry. His voice is creepy but he does defeat the Devil, so I guess I have to give him that.
Santa’s Village of Madness
These shorts are at least partially footage from the above movie, but worse because there’s also unrelated theme park footage. Santa no longer seems like a minor deity but he does laugh senselessly at horrible-voiced animal labor disputes and I think that’s worse.
The Christmas That Almost Wasn’t
The dubbing on this one is much better and the actor is much less creepy, but his story seems to revolve around him having never interacted with children while they’re awake before, and to generally not be able to fit into human society, which is an odd choice. Usually movie Santas are gregarious partiers, not bankrupt recluses.
Santa Claus and the Ice Cream Bunny
I hate this man. Not really, because he’s not enough of a character to hate, but he has my ill-will. He just spends the whole movie singing off-tune, asking children and animals to move piles of sand and then immediately giving up, telling an unrelated fairy tale, and then getting rescued by a cryptid. I feel like holiday figures should be required to actually do something, even if it’s getting rescued. This is a man who sits around complaining until someone gives him a ride.
The Star Wars Holiday Special
I guess Han Solo is Santa in this one, but instead of presents he smuggles resistance fighters back to their families. That’s very practical of him, especially considering the grandpa wookie already got some kind of virtual reality sex console as a Life Day gift.
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christinesficrecs · 4 years
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A very long list of updated snowed in fic recs for @starsandmoony​ 💜
On my Way by Gia279 | 17.9K
Huge black paws smacked the window, followed by a fuzzy face smooshing up against it.
He scrambled over the gear shift, tipping into the passenger seat. Bear, he thought hysterically. It had to be a bear, a freaking bear.
A big pink tongue rolled out, lips pulling back as the creature panted.
I’ve got chills... They’re multiplying! by DropsOfAddiction | 12.3K | Explicit
Derek is literally wrapped around him, one heavy leg and one heavy arm pinning him tight to Derek‘s front.
Warm and steady breaths tickle the back of Stiles’ neck. He tries not to freak out and he wonders how he’s going to extract himself without waking Derek. He totally isn’t ready to face into this conversation.
Stiles stretches gently and Derek grumbles clutching him tighter in his sleep. Stiles tries not to yelp when Derek buries his face in the back of his neck.
Well fuck.
One Star Awake by zjofierose | 9.5K 
When Stiles gets stranded in the snow one dark and snowy night, he's in real danger. Fortunately, he gets rescued by a man on a horse.
Emergency Contact by bewarethesmirk | 1.2K
“Derek here hasn’t left your side,” the nurse coos, and Derek glares at her back. “You’re so lucky to have such an adoring husband.”
snow day by kellifer_fic | 8.3K
“It’s not a big deal. It just happens when I’m… cold,” Stiles offers, scratching gingerly at his head with a claw and then grimacing at it like it’s betraying him.
“Are you serious?”
“Hey, who are you to judge, wolfman?”
Your love warms me up by Smowkie | 1.2K
“At least it’s slowing down,” Stiles said, his lips slightly blue tinted and his teeth clacking.
“Yeah,” Derek said. Stiles had his arm hooked with Derek’s, and he was stumbling a little as they walked. “Come on, keep walking, keep warm.”
“Yeah, keep walking,” Stiles agreed.
Derek didn’t like how weak he sounded.
In the Dark Midwinter, Light by rhysiana | 3.7K | Mature
Really, Derek and Stiles being sent to an empty druid's cabin to fetch a book for Deaton and then getting snowed in could have gone so, so much worse.
it doesn't have to be a snowman by triggeringthehealing (froggydarren) | 4.9K
The Beacon Beans coffee shop is what Stiles would refer to as a lifesaver. They supply his dose of sugar whenever he needs it, they don't ask questions, and their hot chocolate is delicious.
And now they're running a snowman building competition where the grand prize would get him an entire year's worth of drinks. Really, all he needs is a partner to team up with. Only everyone else from the pack already seems to have paired up.
three words have never come easy by the_problem_with_stardust | 1.5K | Mature
If someone had told Derek five years ago that Stiles Stilinski would be the one living in a secluded cabin in the woods, Derek never would have believed them. Even now, he had a hard time reconciling his memories of Stiles as a high schooler with the young man who preferred the quiet found amongst the trees.
Whenever he’d inquired, Stiles had just smiled that enigmatic smile, so like Deaton or Morrell, and said something about being unable to think around the bustle of town.
“Don’t you dare throw that snowba-, goddammit!” by  jadore_hale | 2.3K
“I’m sorry,” Stiles sighed heavily, coming back down to earth, “But when you woke me up this morning and said that we needed to go out into the woods and find the evil Snow Witch that brought this shit here, I thought that was your emotionally stunted way of saying come build a snowman with me.”
In The Arms of A Werewolf by  literaryoblivion | 9.2K
“You have got to be kidding me.”
Stiles is flabbergasted. How is this even possible? Werewolves he can take. Poisonous lizard creatures, sure. Once dead, now living creepy werewolf uncles, bit of a stretch but he can roll with it. Sacrificing ancient druids that masquerade as teachers, okay fine. But this?
An honest to god abominable snowman? In Beacon Hills, California no less?
Winter Storm Stiles by  42hrb | 2K
Stiles isn’t looking forward to weathering his first snow storm on his own, then he meets a handsome stranger at the grocery store who might be able to help.
Find Me Sitting Fireside by  kaistrex (weishen) | 13.2K
With the news that an Alpha wants Beacon Hills for their own, Derek and Stiles are forced to attend a couples retreat at a ski resort to learn their enemy’s identity. However, the threat is the least of Derek’s problems when he’s expected to fake a relationship, share a bed and suffer through candlelit dinners with the man he’s secretly been in love with for the past four years.
Waiting for Winter by  Twice_Shy (notboldly) | 3.2K
Everyone had a soulmark, a special shape on their body that formed during childhood and was meant to lead each person to their soulmate.
Unfortunately, Derek’s soulmark is shaped like a snowflake, and that fact has been actively ruining his life since he was six years old.
world tilts by  wearing_tearing | 1.5K
The guy is gorgeous as hell, and Stiles kind of wishes he could stare at him forever.
He figures he deserves a treat after almost slipping to his death.
Wait, What? by  wangler | 5.3K
When a significant portion of the Beacon Hills Preserve ends up coated in three entire inches of snow, the pack looks into it. If by looking into it one means packing a bunch of garbage bags and huge Tupperware lids into the back of Stiles’ Jeep to go look for a decent sledding hill. Things go sideways, because of course they do.
A Very Sterek Christmas by  TobyRosetta | 13.5K
It’s actually snowing in Beacon Hills, and it’s got everyone out of whack. Out of the kindness of his own heart, Stiles decides to take some things up to the the old Hale Mansion for old Sourwolf himself. But when the storm kicks up and snows them both in, the night takes an interesting turn.
Blanketed by  got_the_bite | 3.3K
“Stiles, where are you?” Derek demands again. His voice is higher than usual Stiles notes.
“You would be such a nice tenor if you joined a choir,” Stiles thinks aloud.
But In Case I Stand One Little Chance by  mikkimouse | 8.6K
Stiles’s Jeep breaks down in the middle of the snowstorm. He’s rescued by his high school crush, and as the cherry on top, is trapped in a cabin with said crush until the roads clear.
Fuck his life.
Snow Flirting by thepsychicclam | 11,396
As Beacon Hills get pounded with foot after foot of snow, single dad Stiles can't quite keep up with his four year old, his job, and shoveling his driveway. Derek makes his teenage son shovel Stiles' walk, and that just leads to Derek helping Stiles out with a whole bunch of other tasks. That's okay with Derek, though, cause any chance to be with Stiles is okay with him.
Baby, It's Cold Outside by Jebiwonkenobi | 2,791
Beacon Hills has a snow storm. Totally-not-cuddling happens.
Come Fly With Me (Or Don't) by stilinskisparkles | 15,325
Stiles is overworked and stressed out when his flight home gets delayed due to copious amounts of snow. He finds entertainment with one Derek Hale, whom he hasn't seen since high school but really doesn't mind getting reacquainted with.
Especially when it turns out Derek is surprisingly hilarious and will reluctantly play snap with him. And can walk on his hands.
The Man in the Snow by mikkimouse | 15,894
Derek finds a young man injured in a ravine on the border of his ranch. That's strange enough, but the mystery only deepens when the young man wakes up without any memory of what he was doing out there.
Blizzard Boyfriend by literaryoblivion | 1,897
With a record-breaking snowstorm on the horizon, threatening a city shutdown for a few days, Stiles gets the bright idea to put an ad up on craigslist for someone to spend his snow days with that would be filled with cuddling, movies, alcohol, and potential makeouts or more.
It's a joke until someone responds.
and home before dark by verity | 3,175
The mystery of the absent Hale brother was hardly a mystery at all until he appeared at last, set on taking up residence out in the woods.
(In which Derek is a hedgewitch. With a cat.)
Let it snow! Let it snow! (but please let it stop eventually) by relenafanel | 19,123
Stiles grew up with his bedroom window overlooking Derek's bedroom, so when he returns home for the holidays he's surprised to find a stranger in his nerdy neighbour's bedroom.
Only, he's not much of a stranger.
It is Derek Hale, the guy who is going to be his new step brother, if the rumours are true.
Red Against the Snow by Ember | 34,219
Stiles is trapped for the holidays in the cabin of a strange man/hermit named Derek. A strangely friendly wolf befriends Stiles during his stay. It's up to the teenager to find out why Derek has secluded himself from society, what the feelings he's beginning to have means, and what the connection between the mysterious man and the mysterious black wolf is.
an exaltation of larks by llassah | 25,370
All Derek wants is to get through the lambing season with his body and spirit intact. He had thought that the blizzards would be the main danger, not a highborn omega with beautiful eyes and a stubborn streak.
The flamingo in the yard by Vendelin | 6,107
It isn't fair that Stiles needs to work Christmas, when his dad is on the other side of the country. Or that his really hot, next door neighbour is around for the holidays as well. Or that there's a power outage that makes things even worse. Or better.
(Fake) Winter Weather Brings Us Together by tylerfucklin (zimothy) | 10,535
So naked cuddling with Derek while suffering from hypothermia wasn't really on Stiles' to-do list for the week, but neither was that kiss--so who was Stiles to complain?
It's a Wild Pitch (But He's a Contact Hitter) by jettiebettie | 11,828
They're combating supernatural forces with blunt instruments now. Seems legit. As long as Stiles doesn't end up getting frostbite, he's willing to roll with it. Not that his friends have to worry about that. Fucking werewolves.
Abominable by Revenant | 20,277
Where Derek buys a secluded cabin halfway up a mountain, meets a yeti and falls in love with Stiles, but not necessarily in that order.
stilinski v. a. snowman | tumblr ficlet
This fic was inspired by this prompt: ‘we’re stuck in a log cabin overnight during a snowstorm bc of some stupid school team building exercise and it’s freEzing and I can’t sleep and you can hear me shivering in the next bed so you pick me up and dump in your bed and good grief you are hot in every sense of the word’ au
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In the Zeke gf au what happened when Mikasa finds herself under some mistletoe with Eren at the Yeager household?
OHOHOOO I don't know let's find out 😂😂 we'll see where my brain takes me lmao
Mikasa tried her best, she really did. It's not fair how it all ends, after going to such great lengths to avoid the disgusting Christmas menace, the literal parasite she's ducked and dodged all night, her arch nemesis: mistletoe.
She'd avoided it for a variety of reasons, mostly being she really didn't want to have to kiss Zeke, not on the lips, he was like her brother it would be weird. And if the Yeagers caught them under the mistleto well she has no doubt Carla would start a full on chant like at a basketball game caught on the kiss cam, 'Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!'
So, Mikasa had avoided the stuff like the plague. Of course it didn't help that Carla went rather crazy about Christmas, the entire massive mansion the Yeagers lived in was covered in christmas decorations from the beautiful lighting displays in the front yard all the way to the 4 different Christmas trees set up around the house. There was even a mini Christmas tree in the bathroom, it was a lot. But the mistletoe was by far the worst, it seemed like it was in every doorway, hallway or stairway she passed through. She'd taken to sprinting down the hall just in case someone were to see her and to never be in contact with one person for too long. She carefully planned her exit strategies everytime she left a room and always stayed far from other people when walking through hallways. Mikasa Ackerman would NOT be caught under the mistletoe, not this year, not ever.
But for some reason, all this important strategy seems to leave her brain whenever she sees Eren. It's not just because he's so goodlooking because there is that, he just frazzles her like no one ever has, makes her more nervous than she's ever been in her life. She doesn't know how to deal with the youngest Yeager, he reads her like a book and flirts with her so openly she doesn't know how to respond.
What is one to do when their fake boyfriend's younger brother compliments her ass in her leggings while they clean up for Christmas dinner? How is she supposed to deal with that?
He does it so seamlessly too it doesn't even come across as creepy, it's just unfairly attractive.
"You look nice tonight Mikasa." "Thanks," she mumbles awkwardly from where she's washing dishes as Eren dries and puts them away in the expansive kitchen, probably the only person who actually knows where everything goes.
She didn't think it was all that exciting it's just a pair of leather leggings and an ovesized knit green sweater, she looks cute, acceptable for holiday with her boyfriends family.
She puts another dish down on the drying rack, only to squeak as she feels a soft pinch to her butt, she turns to see Eren grinning at her lasciviously as he dances out of hitting range, "I like the leggings the most though, they make your ass look fantastic." She wants to throttle him, she settles for throwing her towel which Eren catches happily, still keeping out of range of her arms, he knows she's going to smack him. "Eren!"
"Mikasa," he replies, tone amused and she snags another towel, aiming to whip it at him.
"You can't do that, I'm dating your brother," she chastises as she gets closed, just enough to whip the damp towel at his thigh and he makes a little yelping sound as she hits with a rresounding 'SMACK'
He winces, before making his own move giving a thwack to her own thigh before dragging her into his arms, her back pressed to his chest, he leans into her ear, "For now."
She blushes bright red as she struggles from his grip.
"Forever," she gasps out as she rips away from him and Eren raises an eyebrow, "I don't think so."
"I think so." "No you don't." "I do to!" Mikasa is embarassed at how she stomps a little bit, glaring at him petulantly like an irritated child, he is SO infuriating.
"Then why haven't you told him about how me propositioning you yet?"
He has her there.
Mikasa fumbles with her lie, "I don't want to cause trouble." "Bullshit, you like it Mika."
She blushes at his nickname, so familiar, she's only known this man a week and a half and already he's got her so twisted up over him, it's crazy the effect he has on her. "I don't." "Liar." It's true, she does like all his attention, she's never had this much chemistry with a boy in her life.
But then she remembers Zeke, poor Zeke, her innocent best friend sitting in the living room just a few rooms over who's probably excitedly telling Grisha about his master's program and finally getting all the attention he deserves. She's not going to blow it up with stupid drama over a boy and a possible relationship that likely won't last.
Mikasa drops her towel, "I'm not lying, sorry Eren. We can't keep doing this, I'm with your brother, you need to accept that."
She turns towards the door to the kitchen, completely lost in her own thoughts, her own inner turmoil because yeah she really fucking likes this boy, and what if it's not a lost cause relationship, what if were to really work out. Eren is awesome, he's everything she never knew she wanted in a guy.
It sucks, but she's loyal and friends come first.
She's set, ready, doing the right thing for everyone, but she forgets, oh does she forget about the evil parasitic plant, the one hanging above the entrance to the kitchen, the large archway decorated with several lovely sprigs of the parasite.
She looks back just as Eren grabs her hand to stop her, just in the doorway, just perfectly underneath the fucking mistletoe. They both notice at the sametime, their eyes catching on the evil green plant and Eren's previously serious expression turns smug. "It's house rules Mikasa."
His hand is warm where he's clutching her wrist, big and wrapped entirely around it, tugging her just a little closer as she pulls away, her eyes dart up to his, pleading. "No one would know but you Eren."
"But I'd be breaking the rules." "You do it all the time I'm sure."
He grins, "Of course, but I happen to like this rule very much." "You don't have to tell," she says again, one last little plea, begging. "I'd tell, I'd definitely tell."
His pulls her closer by her wrist, tugging her into his arms and then large hands are cradling her cheeks, thumbs stroking at the soft skin below her eyes, forest green eyes looking right into her soul.
His lips find hers, soft, gentle and he tastes like mint and chocolate, and his lips are soft and warm.
Her eyes fall shut at the sensation, and one of Eren's hands falls to her waist to tug her in closer to him, deepening the kiss. His tongue traces the seam of her lips delicately and she can't help how she opens for him, how much she wants it. She moans a little as his tongue slips inside tangling with hers, and now he's really tugging her close, her body crushed against him and her arms wind around his neck to get closer.
This is the best kiss she's ever had in her life, fireworks going off behind her eyelids.
Their noses bump in their race to get closer, Eren pushing her back against the doorway, as close as she can get, she tangels fingers in his hair like she's wanted to do since the first time she saw him and it's just as soft as she imagined fun to tug.
When his lips leave hers she cries out in denial, but he succeeds, leaning his forehead against hers as they both breathe hard.
His emerald eyes are soft, contemplating as he observes her ruined lipstick and disheveled hair and Mikasa feels her heart beating overtime.
For a second they both breathe heavil, sharing each other's air and Eren drops a soft kiss to her nose before pulling away a bit and she whines at the loss of warmth.
She has to remember, she's not allowed to have him, he's not hers to want, this can't happen.
Eren watches her contemplatively as he pulls away, looking far more put together than she's sure she does, pulling his hair back into a proper bun. He reaches out a hand, grazing her cheek with a thumb, just observing her before he speaks, "Yeah after a kiss like that, you're not going to belong to my brother for very long Mika-baby, count on it."
He gives her cheek an affectionate pinch before turning his back on her to head back into the kitchen, "Go fix yourself up in the bathroom love, I'll finish up here."
Mikasa wanders to the nearest bathroom in a daze and she does indeed look like a mess, lipstick smudged, eyes wide and cheeks flushed red.
But despite it all Mikasa thinks she doesn't really hate mistletoe all that much anymore, not after a kiss like that.
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twstdreams · 4 years
I adored your mistletoe headcannons! could I plz request the same thing for Idia and Diasomnia plz? happy holidays!
Content warning: mistletoe kisses, Christmas
Recap: The boys finds out about the mistletoe kiss! How do they use this tradition to their advantage with their crush?
Idia Shroud
Idia is very torn about mistletoe traditions! Of course, he knows about it! It pops up in anime often, accompanying the romance of first snow, Christmas Eve dates, and festive strawberry shortcake.
But deciding how to enact the mistletoe kiss is quite the conundrum. He doesn't want to do it in a public setting, that’s so nerve-wracking! What if you say no? People will talk about it for weeks
Then again, having a mistletoe hanging right above the door to his room is too obvious and desperate!
So somehow, he needs to be alone with you in a public setting that is conveniently abandoned and make it not creepy at all. Ugh, it’s enough to make him want to crawl back into his room. But the thought of receiving a kiss from you is enough to make him try a little harder
The two of you end up at the library, which is practically empty given exams are over. Idia makes sure that the two of you are in a section that no one ever comes to, which is where he promises the book he needs is and you’re so nice to help him look for it
And there’s a mistletoe hanging! Idia is too nervous to point it out himself but his pink cheeks give you a clue. If you take the initiative and kiss Idia, his cheeks will be set ablaze but he leans into your touch
Malleus Draconia
Wow, humans certainly have some interesting traditions. Just standing under a specific plant during the holiday season is a reason for two individuals to kiss? It’s a little bizarre but what makes a blush creep on his cheeks is that your face is the first one that pops into his mind.
Malleus may conveniently hover around mistletoe when you’re nearby but he won’t force you to participate. He knows how intimidating others find him and the last thing Malleus wants to do is scare you off or force you into an uncomfortable situation
If you initiate a kiss with him under the mistletoe, he will be elated. He bends down and asks if you wish to participate in the mistletoe tradition and receives an answer in the form of a tender  kiss that lights up his heart like a string of Christmas lights
Congrats! You have managed to wipe the poised smirk off his face and caused a blush to bloom across the ruler of the Valley of Thorns! Why don’t you give him another kiss and see how his expression changes?
Lilia Vanrouge
It’s cute he supposes but it reminds him that humans can be silly and keep odd traditions. Lilia reminisces about different trends and traditions that he’s witnessed throughout the year. He notices you about to walk under a mistletoe and decides to strike while he has the chance!
Are you really underneath the mistletoe if Lilia is hovering above you? Well, he’s not worried about semantics when he places a quick kiss on your cheek
Your cheeks flood with warmth at the unexpected kiss and Lilia delights in the way you’re wide eyed with surprise
Go ahead and cup his cheek before planting a kiss on his lips and watch the way his face lights up with a grin that rivals light up tree toppers
Oh? They don’t have this back home in the Valley of Thorns. Silver is rather lukewarm about the whole thing. He isn’t really one to push it, and it floats to the back of his mind
For him, if it happens, it happens and if it doesn’t, then that’s okay too. He wasn’t really depending on mistletoe in his relationship with you.
Lilia may interfere and suddenly shove his son so Silver is underneath the mistletoe with you. He insists you don’t have to but is certainly grateful if you decide to grace him with a peck or two
You two share a soft kiss like freshly fallen snow
Sebek Zigvolt
WHAT?! That’s an outrageous tradition! What if someone takes advantage of it and tries to kiss Malleus-sama without permission? 
Lilia has to remind Sebek it’s improper to tear down every mistletoe because they’re not at home and it’s unfair to prevent the rest of the student population in partaking in this tradition
Sebek is so absorbed in no humans approaching Malleus that he doesn’t realize that he’s walzted right under a mistletoe with you. When he notices, Sebek starts blurting things left, right, and centre with his cheeks abalzed
He’s so loud, you might need to kiss him just to shut him up. It’s awkward, you nearly bumps noses, but the speechless shocked expression he wears after is a gift in it of itself. Sebek might cover his blushing cheeks, but his hand reaches for yours.
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pyreo · 3 years
deltarune megapost
I wanted to make a Deltarune post about the lore and the things that aren’t  obvious. And once I do that I wanna focus on why Mettaton is incredibly important to this setting
And also why he poses a problem
Why did Toriel and Asgore get divorced?
Without the setting of Undertale, Asgore and Toriel’s marriage still broke up after they had Asriel. There needs to be a reason though. In UT it was Asgore’s ‘worst of both worlds’ decision regarding killing anybody that fell from the human world, including children. We saw how close they were before this happened. Only something deep and serious caused that rift. In Deltarune, what on earth did Asgore do?
What happened to Dess?
Mentioned a handful of times by Noelle, Dess was her older sister and is mentioned In Undertale.... in that Xbox exclusing casino thing. The way Noelle talks about her, the conspicuous way Noelle gets locked out of her big house - it implies Dess is gone or deceased. Berdly recalls a spelling bee when he and Noelle were younger where she, despite being smarter than him, misspelled ‘December’, allowing him to win.
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In the two-player spelling puzzle, it also spells out ‘December’ as Noelle recalls the past and her silhouette regresses to a child while she does so. Being distracted by her sister’s disappearance, rather than pure shyness, could account for her misspelling her name on stage, and it clearly left a big psychological mark for her to have this visual regression in the Dark World.
However, there’s a graveyard in Hometown with no Dess. I heard another theory that she has been missing for years, because where each character’s personal room is made by Queen to reflect their tastes via their search results, Noelle has a calendar where every day is December 25th. This could imply that Noelle continually searches the internet for ‘December Holiday’, her sister’s name, to see if there are clues to her disappearance, but of course the only result you would get is the date of Christmas.
Who is the Knight?
It’s now implied to be Kris, who has been forcibly removing the player’s influence to act on their own. By all accounts the Knight is the game’s main antagonist. Spade King and Queen both mention the Knight as someone who influenced their position - they brought Spade King to absolute power, and showed Queen that creation of new worlds was possible.
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We’re led to believe that Kris was doing this, because they’ve been acting outside of the player’s control. Eating the entire pie between chapter 1 and 2 might have been a red herring to cover that they also went to the library and used that knife to slash open a dark fountain there.
However. This has issues. How would they even manage to shuffle slowly all the way to the library and get in the computer lab? The Knight is also the one creating the hidden bosses. They talked to Jevil until he realised he was in a game and he lost his mind; they ruined Spamton’s life by elevating him to success and then crushing him. Whatever the Knight is doing seems to be deliberately planned with key players in mind.
Kris opening the fountain at home at the end of ch.2 can be explained in that you just figured out in Cyber World that anyone determined enough can do this, and so, Kris decided to. So a better question might even be...
What does Kris want?
We have no idea. They are capable of removing the SOUL, ‘us’, temporarily, and putting things in motion we cannot influence. But they also keep putting us back in control afterward. This is hinted at right when ch.2 starts, where if you inspect the cage in Kris’s bedroom they threw us into, the description says it’s inescapable. Meaning Kris came back and took us out, willingly.
They allow us to pilot them through the game. Why? Because they cannot live without the SOUL for long for some reason? Because they’re bad at bullet hell? Why did they slash Toriel’s tyres before opening the fountain, making sure nobody could drive away?? Why did they specifically open the door?
You can find out details about Kris through the creepy way you interact with the townsfolk, who think you are Kris. They play the piano at the hospital waiting room - better than you. They used to go to church just to get the special church juice. It’s all normal, relatable things, not like someone who’s trying to plunge the world into darkness. Judging by their search history portrayed in their Queen’s castle room, they really want to see their brother again. However the castle has a room based on Asriel’s search history too, and Kris (not you) closes their eyes and won’t look at it.
What is Ralsei?
His name is an anagram of Asriel. Is he an extension of Asriel? The slightly flirtier dialogue in ch.2 would point to no. Is he an extension of Kris themselves, given the link between Kris’s childhood habit of wearing a headband with red horns on it, to pretend to be a monster like their family?
Ralsei knows exactly where the Dark World in the school is located, and unlike regular Darkners, knows the world is folded up inside the ‘real world’. There’s a certain whiplash to Ralsei telling you to hop out of his reality into yours and go down the hallway to retrieve all the board game items.
How does he jump from one Dark World to another, without assistance? How does he not get petrified like Lancer and Rouxls? Is this a power level thing because he’s a prince or something else? We definitely do not know enough about Ralsei.
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He also says this incredibly suspicious thing after you spare Spamton NEO. Susie was also curious but accepts that maybe it ‘didn’t mean anything’, which is a sure tell that these optional bosses do mean something.
Someone is orchestrating what’s happening, opening fountains, manipulating the rulers, and influencing NPCs to become the optional bosses. Why? I suspect Ralsei for both knowing too much, and pretending something doesn’t matter when it clearly does. Until Asriel actually comes home from college I’m going to suspect he’s involved in this too.
How much does Seam know?
Seam on the other hand knows a lot about what’s going on but is openly withholding information while helping you. He’s nihilistic. He says things like:
One day soon... You too, will begin to realize the futility of your actions. Ha ha ha... At that time, feel free to come back here. I'll make you tea... And we can toast... to the end of the world!
Either this ‘end of the world’ is a reference to The Roaring, where opening too many dark fountains dooms the Dark World and the real one... or, I can’t get out of my head the idea that Deltarune takes place in a fake, or weird reconstruction of Undertale where things don’t match up, and eventually it will have to disappear. After all, powers of determination and creating and manipulating universes are Undertale’s basic bread and butter. How can we look at an Alternate Universe containing the characters we already know and not suspect that? Seam also uses Gaster’s key words, ‘darker, yet darker’, seemingly to clue us in that he’s not off track here.
Why haven’t we seen Papyrus?
This is a bright neon flashing ‘something’s not right’ sign. It’s not like Papyrus’s voice actor was too busy or anything. His absence is noticable and for a reason. Nice of Sans to promise we could meet him despite being aware we’re piloting a child’s body around, though, even if he didn’t follow through.
What locations in town could be used for dark fountains in the next 4 chapters?
If the sequence continues, we have chapter 1 in the school games room, chapter 2 in a computer lab, and chapter 3 in front of Kris’s television, where the aesthetic of each setting influences the world, characters, and enemies in the Dark World created there. Future possibilities include the church, the hospital, sans’s grocery store, Noelle’s house, and the closed bunker.
What the hell’s in the closed bunker
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This one’s too obvious, honestly. I think it’ll open for no reason in chapter 7 and a little white dog will bounce out and steal one of your key items and nothing else happens.
Why does Asgore have these
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Unlike the bunker feeling like a joke teaser, I gotta believe this is foreshadowing something weird. For example, what does opening a dark fountain in here with the seven flowers do? Does it just take you into Undertale?
Each chapter will have a hidden boss with a ‘soul mode’ from Undertale
Chapter 1 let you stay red, but I think each subsequent chapter is going to change your soul mode to one of the seven colours and design the encounter around that. Purple, yellow, green and blue were used in Undertale, leaving the light blue and orange modes yet to be revealed.
How does Spamton emulate Mettaton Neo’s name, body, and incorporate his battle theme, and the ‘Dummy!’ theme, with no actual connection between them ingame?
This is a really fun one that’s explained over in this post here. Swatch is the Dark World creation from the paint program on the library computers, so he’s able to explain that a Lightner made the robot body decaying in the castle basement that way.
Mettaton went to the library and drew his ideal form, Mettaton NEO, in MS Paint, and the Dark World formed that into a puppet body which Spamton was able to hijack temporarily. So by doing that Spamton was able to channel Mettaton’s appearance, attacks, music, and SOUL mode for the fight.
This might mean that the future hidden bosses, each with their own SOUL mode, might be based on the associated character for that mode (Muffet, Undyne, and Sans or Papyrus), and the boss will take on some aspect of them from their world to leech their fight mechanics.
The Problem With Mettaton
We don’t exactly know what Deltarune is about. It’s an alternate universe where the characters from Undertale already live on the surface, have completely normal lives, but diverge from the storyline of Undertale and, crucially, have not lived through the changes Frisk brought to their lives.
Remember how Undertale had a dozen different ending routes depending on who you befriended? The constant reinforcement in Undertale was that your choices mattered. Through Frisk, you chose to bring Alphys closure about her mistakes, you chose to befriend papyrus instead of attacking him, you chose to help Alphys and Undyne realise their feelings for each other and it’s only doing that that leads to the golden ending and escape to the surface.
Deltarune is the opposite, your choices do not matter. The only thing you can do to force the route of the game to change is to force Noelle into a No Mercy run, which is indirect, and also, a total desperation to mess with an otherwise set course. This version of the characters have not been helped by Frisk - Undyne and Alphys are not together, Papyrus has no friends, Asgore cannot get over himself, and they’re clearly the worse for it, but potentially, you COULD still do these things. In fact it’s hinted that you already are.
But there’s Mettaton.
He’s still a ghost and does not leave his house. In Frisk’s world, Gaster deleted himself, promoting Alphys to royal scientist by bluffing with Mettaton, and she then build him his ideal body. In Kris’s world... Alphys is a school teacher. There’s no barrier to break, no reason to experiment on souls, no Flowey mistake, and no body for Mettaton.
It was sad in Ch.1, but now with the Spamton NEO fight in ch.2, it’s unmissable. Mettaton wants that body and he cannot get it. Alphys in this universe is not going to leave her teaching job and suddenly be able to build a robot. Mettaton is just... screwed out of his happy ending and cannot get it.
So what resolution could this have? If it wasn’t for Mettaton I might believe in the vaildity of Deltarune and Hometown. But. How can you doom this character? If Undertale was the only way Mettaton could be befriended, then Undertale is Primary Universe A and Seam is right - the world of Deltarune is doomed as some kind of aberration. It all relies on how this gets explained in the future, but the core mystery of Deltarune is how exactly this universe intersects with Undertale and whether one is an offshoot of the other. How the Dark World links into that is another complication. But even as we get more fun characters and neat stuff in the Dark Worlds, let’s not forget we have absolutely no idea why Undertale’s characters are living here with no mention of underground or why there are no other humans beside Kris.
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rightsockjin · 4 years
Timbs part 2
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Hello beautiful people! Merry Christmas and Happy holidays! Since this blog has grown so much even during the time of our temporary hiatus, and this story (Timbs from the dynamite series) continues to get attention, I thought that I'd listen and write a part two! Happy Christmas Y'all! Also, I do want to address some stuff that is in this pic. First off, as a group, the writers at right sock decided to give each member of BTS a permanent girlfriend. So basically, nicknames which will make it easier to refer to other girls. This is the first real place you will see that. Y/N is nicknamed Bunny in this. But Y/N is used as well. Just incase it confused you.
Anyway! On to what we all came here for!
Summary: After your last encounter with your best friend and the words exchanged, you aren't sure where you stand... but maybe you should focus on where you lay...
Rating: M! Big M!
Genre: Smut, angst, fluff. All the good stories are hehe.
word count: Drum roll please....7,378!
Warnings: Stalking, being eaten out, mentions of blowjobs, kink talk. someone walks in during the deed....kinda. Jealousy. General meanness. Naked people y'all. nipple stuff. I think that’s all??
Part one
Master list
He closed the door behind him. It thudded thickly in the small apartment of his that you frequented. It was in the same state as you had seen it the last time you had been over. Boxes were still packed, dust covered the old furniture, save for the couch that had been a combined gift from all of his friends as he was the last to move out, that had come with the appartnemnt appartment, and heaps of bubble wrap and packing peanuts littered the floor. You crossed your arms and rolled your eyes.
Your nose itched and you could feel a sneeze coming on. With a slight shake of your head, you looked over your shoulder and gave your best friend the look. Eyebrows slightly raised at the center, a light smile teased your nude, mint chapstick coated lips. A hint of incredulity mixed with “really?” and some other emotion that you tried to snuff out completely. Something akin to fondness perhaps?
Jungkook had his black shirt covered back to you. His hair was grazing his lower ears and lightly ruffled as he turned to look at you after checking that the door had indeed locked as he forgot to lock his door constantly which made no sense because it was an automatic lock, but somehow, he had already gotten people accidentally walking in on him in less than opportune moments. Namely, this girl who lived near by was always accidentally walking into his apartment thinking it was hers, but you surmised that she couldn’t possibly be that stupid and was coming in purly because she thought Jungkook was cute and single.
You knew this because one time, you had been over and she “accidentally” walked in while Jungkook was in the restroom with a cute little confused face on which fell as soon as she saw you lounging on the couch eating a particularly stringy mango. She stumbled through an awkward apology before quickly closing the door and going to her actual apartment.
But Jungkook was convinced that she was just very lost and very new to the building. You couldn’t bear to break it to him. Or maybe you didn’t want him to realize that she most likely had a crush on him. A creepy, stalkery crush… maybe you should tell him...
Jungkook’s mask sat slightly under his nose. His eyes widened when he noticed you staring, completely zoned out from your light flashback. He blinked in confusion, frozen for a second before he slowly crossed his arms and raised his own eyebrows at you.
You shook your head and scrunched your eyebrows at him then. Your hands held up in question. A stance that clearly said “what are you looking at me like that for? I’m the one judging you here.”
Again, with mirth in his eyes and his nose scrunched slightly, signaling that he was smiling under his face cover, he mimicked your stance. He leaned down slightly to get on your level. His mistake. You would think he’d learn by now.
You smacked the side of his head lightly enough that you were sure it didn’t hurt but also hard enough to get him out of this weird theater mirror exercise thing he was doing.
“Ow? What the fuck, Bunny,” he questioned, closing one eye tightly and rubbing the spot on his head you had tapped as if you had bruised him.
You rolled your eyes but reached up and patted his head lightly before giving his hair a small scratch that you knew he loved as an apology. Without fail, he smiled down at you with squinty eyes and a scrunched nose. The fondness in his eyes reached your own body. A sense of calmness. Your body relaxed.
You made to remove your hand from his hair, but he put his own hand over yours, begging you to keep it on his head for a second longer. You complied, only because you liked to mess with his hair almost as much as he liked for you to mess with it.
Jungkook ripped his mask off as you mused his hair gently. His breathing slowed and he let himself take yet another step closer to you. The scent of sweet pea flowers danced around him like a lullaby.
He was tired. He hadn’t realized he was tired until that very moment, since your outing hadn’t really been something to tire him out. He was usually fairly energetic around you and lunch was hardly an activity that would make him feel tired, but now, a nap was sounding really nice. He wondered if you would nap with him if he asked.
But then your hand was off his head and you were stepping away and the peace was lifted. He snapped his eyes open, a pretty pout decorated his pink lips which went ignored by you.
“You should really unpack all this stuff Kookie. The dust is really obnoxious.”
And then you rubbed the underside of your nose and sniffed aggressively. Jesus, how were you this...breathtaking? He felt the emotion building in his chest. It compressed into his ribs and pressed on all his organs. It grew bigger and bigger until it felt like he would explode. Almost like the weeks before when you had your head between his legs with your saliva dribbled down his cock and onto his-
Jungkook was nearly knocked off his feet with the force of his sneeze. Instantly, the pressure in his chest loosened a bit but not entirely. Not enough. He blinked down at his body, feeling betrayed.
He could already feel his nice slacks starting to squeeze around his middle. He could only stand there in shock as he watched blood flow to his third leg. He had really thought that he had gotten past the phase of his crush on you where every little thing you did turned him on.
But then again, sucking him off while he fingered you in a barely lit room wasn’t exactly a little thing. It was huge. And he wasn’t just talking about his dick.
If he was a braver man, he would have made something of that first encounter. Maybe asked you where you stood. Maybe confessed that as much as he thought you were beautiful in every physical way, he was highly attracted to you. Just you. The you that barged into his room whenever she felt like it. The you that texted him every morning with a synopsis of your crazy dream and used the word dick as a verb, a noun and an adjective at any given point.  The you that liked to bitch at him for every little thing he did because it was out of affection.
But no. You had left that day and neither you nor him had mentioned it once while you hadn’t rejected any of his date invitations, he couldn’t muster the courage to actually ask what your relationship was. Not even in passing. He was starting to wonder if it had actually even happened or if he had imagined it, but every time he goes for his laptop and sees the dent on the edge where it hit the floor, he is forced to recall the sweet scent of flowers and your dripping center.
He had to stop that. If he kept letting his head wonder this way…
Well, he wouldn’t do anything to make you uncomfortable, which is why he hadn’t brought it up. Or that’s what he told himself.
“Well bless you,” you said with a slight giggle, “That sounded like it hurt.”
Jungkook forced his awareness away from his crotch, realizing that if he wanted you to not see it, it would be best to not draw more awareness to it himself and the limb that was awkwardly sticking to his left leg.
“A-a little. Maybe you’re right. I really should sweep this place. I just haven’t had time since i’ve been spending so much time out with you.”
You scrunch your nose at him. His cheeks were a little red, though you assumed it was from the cold outside since the tip of his nose was also a bit red. Then, he pushed his hair out of his face, you noticed that so were his ears.
Weird. He only ever got rosy ears when he was embarrassed? Well he should be. His apartment was a mess. He probably shouldn’t have even moved out. You doubted that he knew how to clean his own ass let alone do his laundry. You were going to tell him exactly that, sass locked and loaded but something- maybe it was the way his pants fit or the way that his chest protruded through his shirt or the muscles in his arms- told you to look down.
His thighs were always your favorite part of him. So strong. Rideable. How could you not when he spent so much time making sure that they were solid as a rock. You could salivate, in fact you were salivating thinking of the last time you had your mouth anywhere near those legs and his dick deep in your throat.
If you really focused, you could fool yourself into thinking that he was hard in that instant. But no. Wait. Was it? Was he?
You snapped your eyes back to your friend. Your friend that you wanted to be more than that but you refused to say so, to see that he was looking around the apartment thoughtfully.
“Why don’t you go home for today, Y/N? I should get started on-,” he cleared his throat and visibly swallowed, hoping that if he got rid of you quickly enough, then you wouldn’t have a chance to notice the log that was in his pants.
You on the other hand weren’t sure what to do. His suggestion made you do a double take. Your boundary issues had not been resolved from last time. And this was evident in what you said next.
“Gonna beat it to the last time you got a real blow job instead of asking for one or what? Small dick energy.”
And who else could that have been than you? Your brain caught up to your mouth a second too late to take anything back. The words floated out in the open like an invitation. Well, wasn’t it? Isn’t that what you had meant? Probably. Your brain tended to go that direction when it came to Jeon Jungkook but had you really just offered him a blow job?
There was a second in which Jungkook’s face steadily turned the color of a cherry tomato and he began to sweat slightly. His eyes were wide and he was looking at you like he must have misunderstood. Were you speaking the same language?
His body tensed and blood pumped predominantly to his cheeks or his nether region. He felt a little faint even. Was the room spinning? It felt like it could be.
You watched him reel and try to compose himself. This was similar to the last time you guys had partaken in activities that weren’t usually shared by platonic friends. And like that instance, you felt the urge to run. To get out before he had a chance to don his other persona. The one that makes you weak in the knees and something of a brat.
“Is that like an offer or are you being an ass?” he asked, sass dripping from his tone. He pushed both hands into his pockets, the tips of his fingers grazed his hardened rod, already sensitive despite it not being entirely hard.
You crossed your arms, not sure if you wanted him to take you up on your invitation or if you wanted to retract it.
Jungkook took a step closer to you, waiting patiently for you to find your voice. He wasn’t going to pressure you. As much as he had enjoyed it last time, he couldn’t live with himself if you did something just for his sake.
You leaned against the back of his couch, the head rest was pushed slightly against your lower back, grounding you.
“No pressure, Y/N,” he assured, suddenly feeling like the playful tone that this activity had taken on the last time may seem a little pushy if you really didn’t want to partake once again.
But this solidified in your mind that as much as he seemed turned on, he clearly had enough respect for you to make sure you really were into the situation as much as he was. This was enough to push any feelings of unease aside and focus just on what was being given.
“I mean… honestly, don’t you kind of owe me for last time? I basically did all the work and you just sat there like a rock.”
Jungkook gaped at you, he put a hand over his heart and scooted slightly closer so that there was only a foot of distance between the both of you now.
“You were the one calling the shots babe. If you wanted me to do something more than just shake that,” Perfectly sculpted and hard work evident, “ass then you should have said something.”
His vibrato dropped for a second, his eyes met yours, “I’d do anything you ask of me, Bun.”
Your heart palpitated wildily in your chest. The words he had spoken to you that night came back to you then. You dreamed of those words. Hoped he would say them again in a different setting but never had even acknowledged that it had even happened, so you were left only with dreams and foggy memories of the way your name sounded on his sweet lips and the three words that you craved to hear.
He’d probably said it in the heat of the moment. The emotions were high and your climaxes had just...well climaxed so maybe it wasn’t that he L-worded you. It was that he L-worded what had just happened.
The issue then was that you did mean them. You meant when you said that you L-worded him so the blow of your relationship staying exactly the same as it had been before, nearly made you want to cut ties with him completely out of pure embarrassment. But you couldn’t. Because he didn’t let you. Any time you didn’t answer your phone, he was at your door. Any time you avoided set dates, he’d find you. The jerk wouldn’t let you leave, and you were too weak to let him go anyway.
But then there was that sparkle of...something, in his big eyes that made him seem so genuine and willing. Subconsciously, he licked his lips and you could only imagine those same lips on you. His head between your legs.
Could you take his offer? Did you have the courage to ask for what you wanted?
Junkook’s teeth made an appearance before he chuckled lowly, “Do I make you nervous? Is- is that’s what’s going on here?” He asked, gesturing between you two with one finger. Confidence poured out of every pore.
Instantly, you scoffed. Because no. Jungkook, baby boy, bunny teeth Jeon didn’t make you nervous in the slightest. But then why did your voice get stuck in your throat? Why did your mind go blank? Why were you fidgeting incessantly?
Jungkook hissed, a laugh chimed deep in his throat, “Who would have thought that the only thing I needed to do to get you to shut up was to offer to do you? Wish I would have known this years ago! I would have offered more often.”
He crossed his arms over his chest, the muscles flexed against his shirt. Your body thirsted at the sight. What would he look like on top of you? Pinning you down?
Your eyelid felt heavy. Lust coursed through your body. If you could just speak-
“So what will it be? Want me to eat you out? Fuck you? Spank you? Or are you more of an orgasm denial type of girl? You know, if this is going to work out, we should really talk about those kinks. Maybe think of a safe word? Or are you not that kinky? Cuz I’m pretty kinky so we should definitely talk hard limits as well-”
You watched him monologue in complete shock. Did he think that this was going to be a common occurrence? No. You didn’t usually sleep with guys just for the hell of it unless you were never going to see them again, and Jungkook clearly did not fit that criteria so no. You couldn’t just casually sleep with your best friend.
You opened your mouth to tell him this when you suddenly tuned back into the conversation.
“-and I mean… I know it might have been a bit fuzzy but I’ve had fun on our dates so far so I guess it’s natural that we take this to the next level? If- If that’s okay with you! Mama always told me that a gentleman never rushes his woman. Not that you’re mine! Or like that I own you or anything like that! No, no, I just mean that I like you and well you like me and like… the dates? So we’re like together? A couple? Should we have that conversation as well? I don’t know… what do you think, Y/N?”
You blinked at him in complete shock. Had you been dating Jungkook for the last couple of weeks and hadn’t noticed?
In hindsight, he had been paying for some of your meals and while he had done this on occasion, it had become more of a regular thing. He’d also been a lot more clingy than he had been. He’d even tried holding your hand  a couple of times only for you to panic and pull away.
All of this information seemed to hit you like a ton of bricks. Oh my God… You had been dating Jungkook! How the hell did you miss that??
When you didn’t answer, combined with the horrified expression on your face that he had no way of knowing wasn’t complete disgust at the idea of him touching you, Jungkook feel like a total idiot.
To him, it seemed clear that the last thing you wanted was for his nasty hands anywhere near you. Couldn’t he take a hint? Clearly not, because you hadn’t so much as tried to kiss him on the cheek and now here he was offering to eat you. Talk about jumping some steps.
He took a step back, trying to give you some room so as not to force himself on you but he could feel his heart constrict. He was not gonna cry. He was not gonna cry. He was not gonna- oh…
Tears pooled in his pretty eyes. They burned with emotion and he really wanted nothing more than for you to leave and never speak to him again while at the same time wanting to jump into your arms and be comforted.
Regardless of his feelings, he stayed rooted to the spot he was standing in, his hands folded neatly before him as he bowed his head in a small apology.
“Oh...I uh… I overstepped. I’m so sorry, Y/N… I didn’t mean to- to make you uncomfortable.”
He balled his hands into fists trying to distract himself from the emotional pain of the blow you had dealt.
You on the other hand, were struggling to come to terms with what was happening. How did you stop this from spiraling further? And.. was he crying? No! He couldn’t be crying! You had to stop this. He may be obnoxious and a baby but he was apparently… your… obnoxious baby!
Without thinking much, you closed the distance with one big step and wormed your arms around his torso. You shimmied your head under his chin. Jungkook seized for a second. Unsure what he should do.
But as the shock wore down, he let his body relax and wrapped his strong arms around your body as he was shocked with emotion. At the end of the day, you were his best friend and if he was going to be consoled after a girl broke his heart, it would be you who would do it, even if that girl who broke his heart… was you.
But then, why were you kissing his neck softly? Was he imagining it? No. Because in the next second, you were grabbing his chin with your thumb and forefinger- they were ice cold- and you were pulling his face to look up at you.
When your eyes connected, your heart shattered. The pools of tears turned to streams in the mountains of his cheeks then conjelled at the valley between his collarbones.
Of course, on top of his good looks, he was a pretty crier. That was so unfair. Almost as unfair as the beautiful fan of eyelashes that caught his sparkling tears. And the voice that could only belong to an angel that he possessed.
You couldn’t help the slight smile that crossed your chapstick lips and the fond scrunch of your nose before you closed the three inches or so of air that divided you. When your lips settled onto his, you felt rather than saw him freeze for the third time that day.
His lips were a little salty and a little minty. Vaguely, you remember him applying and reapplying his chapstick all day. Now you wondered if he had been doing it out of nervousness.
Then his hands were in your hair, pulling you closer, balled at the nape pleasantly. He was breathing hard. Like he’d run a marathon or danced a full concert.
His lips were pressed so firmly onto yours that you were sure they would swell and bruise after this. You let all semblance of control be taken from you. One of his hands slid down to the arch of your back tentatively. Like he was scared to break you or that you would tell him to get off.
You arched your back with his hand, pressing your high necked cotton shirt into his chest. You could feel his heartbeat through the fabric of his own shirt and the muscles that covered it.
With a sigh, you opened your mouth as he opened his lips and sandwiched your top one within his own.
You could feel that he was still crying, but you weren’t exactly sure why. You could ask later. Right now, all you wanted, all you knew he needed, was for you to kiss him and make it all better. To fix whatever it is you had done. You could piece him back together if you tried hard enough.
So when he began walking you backwards towards the couch, you didn’t fight. The hand on your back moved over to your hip. His lips were connected to yours, open wide, his tongue explored the wet cavern of your mouth. Teeth clashed awkwardly, the kiss was out of sync. You let him maneuver your head whichever way he wanted with the hand that was still firmly in your hair. He leaned over you. His body seemed to completely incompace yours. Your back was arched almost forty five degrees. It wasn’t painful at all. Instead, it pushed your hips flush against his.
His member, which had shrunk significantly only seconds before, was now growing again, filling with the erotic arousal that pulsed in his veins. A hulk in disguise was being pulled from the Bruce Banner you were so used to. And you were all too eager to let him show you this side of him.
Like a man on the brink of drowning, he pulled his mouth from yours. You couldn’t bring yourself to open your eyes. In a split second, he leaned down and picked you up from the knees. You wondered if he would carry you to his room or throw you over his shoulder, but he sat you down on the back of the couch before he placed a quick peck to your lips.
Then, like the sadist he was, he pulled away again, smiling up at you through red eyes. He wasn’t sure what this meant. If this was a sign that you too were too scared to bring up the relationship and the conversation that could change everything, but that could wait for another time. Right then, all he wanted was to show you, with his tongue, with his mouth, with whatever limb you let him, that he was falling for you. Hard.
Reluctantly, you opened your eyes. A sigh escaped your lips. If you opened your eyes, would it be over? Would he ask you to leave? Would it once again go back to how it was for the last couple of weeks?
Eventually, you did open your eyes. Jungkook could see the fear and unsteadiness in them. The red around the brown made you hurt deeply in your soul. A tender hand reached out to cup his cheek. The light scratch of your freshly done nails was pleasurable to his senses. Goosebumps. Then a strong shiver. And he felt himself melt for the girl he had known for so long. And you for the man whom you had watched grow from a frightened boy.
“Are you going to touch me or are you going to punish me for all the times I left you high and dry,” you laughed. Even in this tender moment, you couldn’t hold your tongue, but Jungkook didn’t mind. The engine of his brain was whirring and he could hear, all he could see and feel, was you...you...you. Nothing but you and the way your hair hung under your chest and covered your left eye. Nothing but your chest rising and falling and the smile on your kissible, bruised lips.
How could he help himself? The answer? Would always be you.
He kissed your nose, then your cheek. An eskimo kiss. You giggled. It was the most beautiful music to his ears.
“You want me to Bunbun?” Internally, he cringed at his overly affectionate name but you smiled brighter and the insecurity left as soon as it came.
“Is that my name now?”
“If you want it to be, or you could choose another one?”
You wrapped your arms around his neck, now that you were almost level with his eyes- though now you were a bit taller than him. You shrugged.
“I like it. Bunny, Bun, BunBun, any variation.”
“Yeah,” you confirmed.
“Who knew you were this cheesy, Y/N?”
You rolled your eyes at him playfully as you opened your legs so he could slot himself between them. You pulled him closer and wrapped your legs around his waist. A mischievous smirk crossed your lips.
“What’s with the face,” he asked, sniffling a little.
“What face,” you asked, feigning innocence.
“This face,” he countered, gesturing vaguely at your eyes.
“Oh this? Ah well you see,” and then without ending your thought, you let yourself fall backwards with your legs and arms wrapped tightly around his frame. He was much heavier than you and clearly more muscular but with the weight distribution you were able to pull him over the back of the couch and twist both yourself and him so you landed on the cushions. His body atop yours.
By the look on his face, he clearly had not expected you to pull him, nor did he expect for his center to land directly on yours, but the shock gave way to the joy and fun that tended to encompass your everyday encounters.
His high pitched giggle of a laugh made an appearance which caused a multitude of butterflies to flutter through your intestines and chest. He relaxed into you, laying his head cautiously onto your breasts, pushing his middle away from your heated core. (yes, he noticed)
He could hear your heart beating against the- hehe squishy- lump of fat on your chest. Instantly, he knew that he could spend eons on your bosom uninhibited and satisfied.
But the pulse of his confined member made his head swirl with thoughts less than innocent.
When your nails lightly scratched at his back and the smallest, lightest moan left your lips, he knew you must be on the same page. Or at least, he hoped. Spurred on by the heavenly shapes and your inquiry from a couple seconds before, Jungkook picked his head off your chest and hovered over your left breast.
There was a question in his eyes as he looked between your boob and your face. One which you couldn’t answer verbally as your heart rate picked up and the lust poisoned your veins.
With the slightest nod, he had everything he needed to lean down and lightly nip at the mound through the thin material of your beige shirt. The warmth of his breath traversed the stitches easily. It sent pleasant shivers through your body, settling in your core.
He nibbled softly around what he hoped was your nipple, before he kissed the center of the mound with tender lips. His eyes stayed looking up at yours, searching for any signs that he should stop. You bit your lips and took a deep breath, dropping his questioning gaze and letting him take the reigns once again.
Jungkook felt you relax into him. Relief flooded his chest. With a little more confidence, Jungkook looked with his mouth for the hardened bud of your breast and pulled it softly between his teeth. He was rewarded with a moan, only slightly louder than the one before and he realized, he wanted you screaming. He wanted you to moan his name. Hear your voice penetrate through the walls of his apartment and disturb the neighbors. This was his new goal.
“Y/N,” he said softly trying to get your attention. Instantly, you looked down from your position, your pupils were blown wide. A beautiful sight.
“Is it okay if I-” and then his confidence waned and so he gestured to your shirt with his eyes a couple of times. You smiled at him.
“Mhm, go for it Kookie.”
Was this what it felt like to be called a good boy? Because Jungkook loved it. He needed more. More. More.
Eagerly, Jungkook untucked your shirt from your pants and bunched  it up right under your boobs. The expanse of skin that he had exposed seemed like an oasis in a desert. He couldn’t help the pull of gravity that connected his lips to your stomach. They were not soft, nor gentle. They were fast and more pecks than anything. They tickled your skin as he tried to cover every single open spot with his love.
He worked his way up and nudged your shirt higher with his nose.
“Yes, Jungkook?” You asked exasperated.
“Can I take this off?”
You groaned, “Yes. Take it off. All of it, my shirt, my pants, my underwear. Whatever you want. You have my permission.”
Sheepishly, Jungkook obeyed. You raised your arms over your head and arched your back to make it easier for him to undress you.
He pulled it off swiftly, ruffling your hair in the process. He tossed the shirt aside, excited to see what he was unwrapping. He wasn’t disappointed. Had you known you would be undressing for someone today? Or did your undergarments always consist of lavish fabrics and sexy shapes?
Jungkook didn’t care. He just felt honored to be able to see it. The see through fabric held together by underwire did little to hide the prize behind the clothing. Your nipples stood pert and puckered under it all. Begging to be released. He wondered if your underwear matched.
It was weird. The things one noticed when something monumental was happening. Like the golden stiching that held the bra together, or the way that the underwire dug into your skin to hold your perfect breasts in place.
Then in a second, he was moving again, frantically unbuttoning your pants and ripping them off your body without hesitation. He must know. It was life or death for him   to know if your underwear matched.
He tossed the pants in the opposite direction of the discarded shirt. He watched it fly over a lamp and land on a box that he thought had his art supplies. With bated breath, he turned to look at you. It felt as if his whole life had been leading to this moment.
And yes. The answer was that you were wearing a set. His mouth salivated as the scent of your arousal hit his nose. He wanted nothing more than to bury his face in your folds and die.
But he slowed down and took in every inch of your body. He wanted to remember it. Every freckle, every curve. He wanted a picture to hang in his bathroom or to draw you on his ipad so he could use it to jerk off when you weren’t around because after this, he knew that no other image would do it for him. Not anymore
He watched your chest heave. He looked up at your face again, asking for permission even though you had already given it to him.
“Jungkook, if you don’t touch me in the next five seconds I’m gonna bite your dick off,” you growled.
Oof… that was not one of his kinks, thank you very much, but it was the last push he needed, because he slithered down your body and pulled your legs around his shoulders staring at the promise land between your legs.
He could already see a bit of your natural lubricant running down your lightly covered slits.
You watched him, entranced by how hypnotized he seemed by your entrance. A laugh gurgled at your throat.
“Wow, if I knew that all it would take to shut you up was for me to wrap my legs around your head, I would have done it sooner,” you teased.
But the laughter died on your lips as jungkook opened his mouth wide and licked a thick stripe from your entrance to your clit. Even with the fabric in between his tongue and your skin, it felt like heaven.
“Fuck, Jungkook…” your hand flew to his hair, tangling in the locks of deep noir that you loved to braid when you two sat together watching a movie.
He kissed up and down your lower lips lovingly, lickig his lips as if it was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted in his life.
He hummed, sending a long vibration to your core which clamped around thin air as if trying to stop it from leaving.
“I can’t wait to really taste you, Bunny… fuck you’re delicious…” Every word was like a strike to your center. Arousal gushed from your entrance that made jungkook’s eyes sparkle in earnest enthusiasm.
Without asking, he pulled your underwear to the side, and buried his face in your juices. A bit of self consciousness wormed its way into your brain. He could be lying about how it tastes. Did it smell okay?
But the devilish sounds of him slurping and sucking at your folds pushed the thoughts away. He held your ass up, pulling you closer and closer to his face. He never felt like he was quite close enough. His nose brushed continuously against your clit and when he noticed the way you screamed under your breath every time it happened, he made it his mission to continue to do just that as he laved at your pulsing hole.
You had been hiding all of this from him. The paradise between your legs. The treat at your center. He wouldn’t let you hide from him any longer. He’d rather perish than to go one more day without your center at his lips.
Short, consecutive moans fell from the petals of your lips. Your orgasm built slowly at first, not coming to a head- both literally and figuratively and he could tell. He pushed his tongue into your entrance. Your walls closed on it, trying to keep it inside. His name came from your lips like a prayer. But it wasn’t enough. He wanted you to scream his name. To never be able to think of another doing what he was doing to you in that moment, so when your eventual crash came, he was less than satisfied.
You were breathing heavily. Your legs twitched. Jungkook ripped his face from your core only because you pulled harshly at his hair. From his nose to his chin, he shone with your cum. If there was anything hotter than that you couldn't picture it.
But then he was standing, and he ripped his belt from the loops and began to undress.
Looking over his shoulder as he pulled his pants down he said, “Take off your bra and underwear. Are you on the pill?”
Shocked, you followed his demands, though they were given loosely. You shook your head no and he gave you one nod of confirmation.
“I have condoms. You’re not allergic or anything right?”
Again you negated his question with a shake of your head and he half smiled.
“We could stop if you want-”
“Don’t be a fucking tease, JK,” you rolled your eyes and spead your legs, hooking one on the head rest of the couch so he could see your abused lips which were dripping for him.
His eyes widened only for a second, but then he tore his shirt off and scrounged for his wallet where he kept a condom. He ripped it open with his bunny teeth and pulled his underwear off unceremoniously.
You watched in fixed fascination as his cock sprang free of its confines, so hard that it looked painful. It was bound to feel good.
He rolled the condom on carefully before he situated himself between your legs and wiped your juices from his face. He was partially on his knees and partially standing. It was easy to find your entrance with your legs spread so wide.
When his head pushed in, you let your head fall back. Maybe it was because you already had one orgasm under your belt or maybe Jungkook’s dick was just a good fit but pure pleasure filled your body. He watched your reaction, gritting his teeth as your walls clamped down  around him, resisting his entrance.
“Does it hurt?”
You gurgled something that you couldn’t make out but Jungkook seemed to understand because he nodded and pushed in farther, slowly. He bottomed out, his balls gently hit your ass and your vagina clenched, feeling every ridge of his member within you.
“Fuck… Y/N… I… I don’t know how long I can last…”
It was so sensitive. Every little twitch of his dick felt monumental. In all honesty, you weren’t sure if you could last either.
“Move,” you managed.
You didn’t have to tell him twice. He pulled out slowly then slammed back into you. Your skin clapped loudly in the mostly empty apartment. You whimpered. Your back arched. He pulled out again, then slammed back in. His pace was marked. Timed. It made your boobs jiggle as he grabbed your hips to help you meet his movements.
Cute little ‘ah’s filled his ears. They got higher pitched as you neared your end. Jungkook couldn’t believe his luck. You were so tight. So wet and the way your walls closed around him made him grow close to his end much quicker than he ever had by hand.
“Y/N… I’m gonna… I’mma…”
But you beat him to it. Your pussy clamped down and fluttered around him as your second orgasm crashed upon you.
You moaned his name as he continued to pound into you. Whines and pleas went unheard as he sped up. He needed you to know who you belonged to… in like a totally consensual way.
You were so sensitive, but the pain of over stimulation gave way to pleasure far too soon and a third orgasm consumed you.
In pure shock, Jungkook grunted and moaned, your vagina got even tighter around him. And he came violently, with his dick mid thrust and his name bouncing off the walls in the tone of your exhausted voice.
Spurt after spurt of white, hot cum spilled from his member and into the condom. He was so caught up in his pleasure that he didn’t notice nor hear the front door open.
Both of you heard a gasp and footsteps. Jungkook, mid orgasm, snapped his heavy head to the sound. To his complete surprise and embarrassment, there stood the aloof neighbor that was always walking into the wrong apartment.
At first, you were embarrassed, being naked was not something you did frequently in the presence of others, but then you were upset. Angry. How stupid could one girl be? Shouldn’t she learn that this was not her place after a billion and one mistakes?
For a second, all three of you were frozen. Jungkook’s orgasm finished and his cock quickly deflated. He jumped to action quickly, throwing his body over yours to cover you before he looked back at the neighbor and said, “this isn’t your apartment!”
Over Jungkook’s toned shoulder, you watched her eyes dart to his exposed ass before they filled with tears.
“Oppa…” she said under her breath, before the tears streamed and she turned on her heels and hurried out.
Your blood boiled. It seemed you were right. She wasn’t stupid at all. She had a crush on your… person? Whatever he was. He was yours- in a ‘I want to be yours and like it’s totally okay for you to say that’ kind of way, and you were not going to put up with some random girl who clearly didn’t have boundaries.
Jungkook looked down at you, his cheeks were red and you could tell he was extremely uncomfortable.
Carefully, he pulled his softened member from your core and made a show of removing the condom then disposing of it. You began to put your underwear and bra back on, watching him walk around his apartment butt naked. Would he say something? Or would you have to bring it up?
After minutes of silence, you decided you would have to be the one to break the awkwardness.
“So uh… do you know what her actual apartment is? Maybe we can put a note on your front door for her to remind her,” you half joked, standing to find your shirt and pants, but settling instead for the button up he was wearing before.
Jungkook pulled his shorts on, his back was to you. There was a tenseness in his muscles that wasn’t going away and something in the air struck fear in the pit of your stomach.
“She lives next door.”
Something about the way he said it made you feel like it was a confession of sorts. It made you want to run.  But instead, you sat in his shirt as he rifled in his boxes for a pair of more comfortable pants before you decided to drop it for now, knowing that whatever it was that was hanging in the air around you wasn’t something you were ready for.
“Jungkook, where's your broom?”
“Uh…,” there was a hint of a laugh in his voice and some of the pressure lifted from the atmosphere, “was I supposed to buy one?”
You rolled your eyes for the millionth time that day and berated him for not having bought the basic necessities for his home. Everything felt lighter, but still like you were trending on eggshells. It felt like instead of taking a step forward, you had taken six steps back. You were no more clear on what you were or what to do than you had been the last couple of weeks.
You helped him unpack that day, because you knew he wouldn’t do it on his own. He joked with you as if nothing had happened, and you sassed him all the same but something was off… and you didn’t know if it could be fixed without it first breaking you both.
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Christmas Courage | Elijah Mikaelson x reader
Seasonal Prompt List + Send one in with any one on THIS list :)
Requested by: anon
Prompts: (bolded)
23. “I can’t do another family Christmas alone…can you…will you come with me?” // to match the way Elijah would speak, I changed to --> “I can’t do another family Christmas alone…can you…will you do me the honor and accompany me?”
a/n: Hope you like it! xx
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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“Brother, why don’t you just ask her out instead of being creepy and staring from a distance?” Klaus asks his brother with a pat on the back. 
Elijah was seated at the bar in Rousseau’s next to his brother. He’d been in here every day since you began working at the restaurant. There were small conversations here and there between the two of you but he’d never had the courage to ask you out. 
You were standing on a chair hanging the garland and lights along the wall while Christmas music played softly in the background. The place wasn’t too busy this early in the evening. 
“You could finally bring a woman home for Christmas, Elijah!” Klaus teases. 
Elijah rolls his eyes at his brother’s teasing, “Yes, I for sure want to bring her to our Christmas gathering. Our gatherings always end in a blood bath.” 
“We promised our dearest sister we’d be on our best behavior this year. No blood baths, no fighting, just lovely family time. Like these boring humans do every year.” 
“It would be nice to have someone to spend the holiday’s with this year.” Elijah watches you for a moment longer before standing and slipping on his coat. He runs a hand over his hair and makes his way to you. 
“Hey Elijah.” You smile, putting your hands on your hips, “Whatcha think?” You motion to the garland and lights on the wall. 
“Looks very festive.” He holds his hand out to you to help you step down off the chair. 
“Thank you.” You push a piece of loose hair behind your ear, “Are you excited for the holidays?” 
He nods, “Yeah, you could say that. Will you go home to visit your family this year?” 
“Not until closer to Christmas.” 
Elijah glances over at Klaus who is mouthing ask her. Elijah turns his attention back to you, slipping a hand inside is pant pocket, “y/n?” 
“Yes?” You ask with a raise of an eyebrow and light laugh. 
He clears his throat, “I was wondering..” 
You try to hold back a smile at his awkwardness. Would he finally gather the courage to ask you out? He’d been into the restaurant almost everyday for a month. 
“I can’t do another family Christmas alone…can you…will you do me the honor and accompany me?”
“Accompany you to your family Christmas party?” 
“Well yes, but if you wouldn’t like to go, I understand. We’ve never been on a proper date yet, which is completely my fault-” 
You cut him off, “I never said no.” 
Elijah lets out a soft chuckle, “Right. So, that’s a yes then?” 
“It’s a yes, but under one condition.” 
“Are you bargaining with me?” He teases. 
You let out a laugh, “you have to take me on a date first. A proper date before I go meeting your family.”
“I think I can arrange that. How about tomorrow night? I pick you up at 6? We can have dinner in the city. I’ve heard there is a Christmas festival in town.” 
“Deal.” You agree with a smile, which Elijah returns. You motion to your tables, “I should really get back to work.” 
He nods, “Of course.” He watches you walk away and nods proudly to himself. 
“Oh she has you wrapped around her finger, dear brother.” Klaus pats his brother on the shoulder, “And there hasn’t even been a proper date yet.”   
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​ , @mggstyles  , @simonsbluee​ , @thewolf-and-thesheep​ , @obxrafejjwhore​ , @abbiesthings​ , @itstaskeen​
The Vampire Diaries / The Originals tag list: @thefandomplace​ , @taylordrunkonwhiskey , @somewhatasoftbaddie , @toomuchtv95​ , @losers-club6​ , @daddydobrockk  , @idkhaylijah​ , @harpersmariano​ , @dpaccione​ , @hellotvshowtrash​ , @akshi8278​
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jazminebrightxx · 4 years
Author: @jazminebrightxx
Pairing: Isaac lahey x fem! Reader
Warnings: curse words but mostly just fluff
Request: Oo could i please get an isaac lahey x reader fluffy one shot? Maybe it would be the readers first kiss or something and its with isaac and rly cute and all. Anything fluffy would be fine really! Thank you sm
Authors note: I wanted to get into the spirit with your requests I hope this is okay!! This is me clearing my drafts. I hope I did your request justice and sorry it’s late :(
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Halloween was Y/N’s favorite time of year, the atmosphere in the streets filled her with seretonin and nostalgia. Growing up in beacon hills had its perks, the wether was never usually bad so trick or treating was always a go as a kid.
Y/N had a small but strong group of friends, the six friends had been through a lot together, the supernatural had made itself known in beacon hills, kanimas, werewolves, banshees the whole lot...all real.
Y/N found it hard to believe at times and sometimes she wished she never had gotten involved with it. But if it wasn’t for the supernatural, she wouldn’t have met quite a few of her friends.
Holidays were a chance for the pack to relax, they loved to celebrate at any change they get, Christmas, thanksgiving and now Halloween. Which is why Y/N stood in Lydia martins bedroom in a cop costume.
“I feel ridiculous” she pulled at the leather pants Lydia had let her borrow, the strawberry blonde smiled, giving the other girl in the room a knowing look “you look hot”
“Besides, the flyer said it’s mandatory to dress up” Alison added, fixing her lipstick in the mirror, she had opted for the grease look, sandy to be precise, Scott matching with her and going as Danny “I know but...it’s so tight”
“Y/N, it fits you like a glove.” Lydia started again, slapping Y/N’s hand when she pulled at the fabric again “stop, you look amazing, Isaac won’t know what hit him”
“Lydia...” Y/N started sitting down on Lydia’s bed “don’t ‘Lydia’ me, we all have eyes Y/N, we can see the chemistry” Y/N smiled lightly, she’d been seeing Isaac in private for about two weeks now, well...they were a thing...yeah it’s complicated. Let’s just say, Y/N liked Isaac...a lot.
“Enough chit chat, are we ready?” Lydia fixed the hairband on her head. Her costume was a matching Fred and daphne look with Stiles. The three girls grabbed their stuff and headed to the car.
The drive to the haunted house was quick enough, a couple minutes and they were pulling into the parking lot of the ‘haunted mansion’ “holy crap...that’s a big house” Y/N stared at the spooky themed mansion infront of them, surrounded with teens and decorations.
“Anyone nervous yet..?” Lydia smirked, Y/N gulped at the clowns outside, shaking off a dark feeling, she’d been through worse “nope”
“Good, let’s meet the guys”
They were late...as usual. The three boys in question. Scott, Stiles and Isaac always had a tendency to be late, now was no different “they said they were on the way 30 minutes ago where the hell are they!?” Lydia huffed as she watched teens leave the house, some laughing or some with terrified looks on their faces.
Y/N stared at the clowns and big spiders, shivers sending down her spine, the more she thought about it the more she didn’t want to go into the house. Taking her out of her thoughts, a cold hand places itself on her shoulder, she jumps back in surprise, a gasp leaving her lips. Isaac stood behind her, an orange jumpsuit hanging from his body as he smirked
“Did I scare you” his voice is filled with amusement. Y/N fixed herself, shaking her head “no...your hands are cold” Isaac looks at his hands, only now feeling the pinch of cold. “Huh, never noticed, sorry”
Scott and Stiles made their way up, laughing at eachother “okay! Who’s ready to get scared” Scott’s over enthusiastic demeanor didn’t go unnoticed, Alison just laughed, linking her arm with him “come on Danny, let’s go before you burst someone’s eardrum”
Stiles walked off with Lydia, giving issac a knowing wink and a quick smile sent at Y/N, which she returned. Isaac cleared his throat. “Uh...shall we?” Y/N smiled, nodding her head and following after him. The two made their way to the line.
Isaac noticed the nervous look on her face, rubbing her back, gaining her attention “nervous?” Y/N sighed, knowing she had to be honest since he’d know if she was lying “honestly, yeah. I’ve a pretty bad fear of clowns” He noticed her heartbeat had quickened a bit. “Don’t worry, I’ll be here the entire time, I’ll protect you” he smirked at his last sentence, making the girl feel slightly better, she smiled greatfully “thanks, Isaac”
The line went pretty quickly, plenty of teens running out of the house as fast as they could, Y/N was still nervous but knowing her friends...and Isaac were there made her feel better. Now, it was their turn, the six teens made their way into a dark hall, a small neon light at the end guiding them.
The first half of the house was easy enough, a few jump scares and screams coming from the actors in the hallways. Adrenaline pumped inside her veins, the further she went into the house, the closer she inched to Isaac. Then the pack was split up, Isaac and Y/N entered a room, a very scary and dark room. The hairs stood on the back of Y/N’s neck.
Just when her nerves had started to die down a loud scream rang in her ears and a hand reached out from behind the curtain, she looked over her shoulder to see a creepy girl with her hand on Y/N’s shoulder, she jumps back into Isaac “nice, creepy lady...nice lady”
Isaac grabbed hold of her hand, pulling her out of the room, both laughing hysterically. “Nice lady, nice lady” Isaac mocked her sharp tone, sending them both into another round of laughs before another scream was heard, a creepy looking man with scars running at them. The two ran down the hall, hand in hand. Stopping when they cut a corner. Isaac rested his hand on his heart, panting lightly. “I think my heart stopped”
The two continued down the hallways, a few more jumps and scares later and they were at the last room. “Okay, pretty harmless...” a loud chainsaw rings in the pairs ears, a scary man with a mask holding the tool over his head and laughing maniacally. This time, Y/N was the one to grab Isaac’s hand, dragging him at the speed of light out of the room and into the open.
The fresh air hit her skin and felt like she hadn’t felt it in years, she smiled breathlessly as she watched her friends all chatting. She gave Isaac a look, both making their way to the pack. “I think I had about seven minor heart attacks in there” Stiles was breatheless as he spoke in his usual spastic manner.
The pack chatted for a little longer before deciding to head back to Scott’s house for food. All making their way to their respective cars, before Y/N could get into the car, Isaac makes himself known. “Can I talk to you for a second?”
Alison and Lydia gave Y/N a knowing look “we’ll wait here” they smiled at the girl who nodded, heading off with Isaac. He took her behind a tree, she smiled again “you gonna kill me, Lahey?”
“The opposite, actually...” he rubbed the back of his neck with a smile. “Listen, Y/N. I really like you, and I have for a while now so...” Y/N looked at Isaac surprised, never really thinking she’d hear those words drop from his mouth, she smiled, confidence suddenly filling her. She lifted her face towards his, quickly connecting their lips. The kiss was soft, a sigh escaped from Isaac as he lifted his hand to hold her cheek.
Once they pulled apart, Isaac rested his head on hers a soft smile on his face “you didn’t let me finish” Y/N smiled and chuckled “when have I ever?” Isaac laughed, wrapping an arm around her and hugging her. “So does this mean you’ll be my girlfriend?”
“Hmm, I’ll have to think about that one” Isaac rolled his eyes, shaking his head “of course, dummy”
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merlinfic · 4 years
❄️ Fic Lists for the Holidays! ❄️
Hi y’all! Happy holidays! We hope you all have a fantastic (and safe!) day today!
As a note: obviously, these lists are (and will be) in no way comprehensive of all the fics that the Merlin fandom has to offer, but we hope you enjoy! Be sure to keep a look out for one more list next week!
The fifth theme is of course: Christmas/Yule! Have a great holiday everyone! :D
And This Is How I See You by Emjayelle
Summary: For months now they've been casually meeting in the lobby of their building, and Merlin's been harbouring a (totally not creepy and perfectly normal and not at all pathetic) crush on his neighbour, Arthur. As luck would have it, they both suddenly find themselves on their own for Christmas, and well… They say there's nothing like a bit of holiday cheer to bring people together. (And pancakes. And toys. And no matter what Arthur says peppermint tea is a legitimate thing. Also cake.)
As Long As We Have We by lady_ragnell
Summary: Arthur thinks he's going to have to spend Christmas alone--at least until he somehow acquires a whole house full of strays.
Blue Christmas by SlantedKnitting
Summary: Arthur's alone on Christmas for the first time in his life and he almost can't cope until Merlin steps in to quietly take Arthur home to Ealdor for the holiday.
Fried Chicken For Christmas by BlueSimplicity
Summary: When Vivian makes a comment to their friends, insinuating that Arthur is not the most passionate of people, hurt and embarrassed, Arthur decides to make her a homemade Christmas feast to prove that he can be romantic. After he almost sets the building on fire three times, help comes to him in the form of his neighbour from 514, a tall lanky fellow named Merlin, with two of the worst behaved dogs Arthur has ever encountered, who offers to teach him how to cook.
Except, as their lessons progress, Arthur slowly comes to realise that Vivian may not be the one he really wants to cook for. But only if he has the courage to let go of all of his fears, and reach for the one thing he truly wants for Christmas.
WARNINGS – This story contains an exploded microwave, opaque blob, a blorp, and mentions of inappropriate sexual acts performed on turkeys. But also, a little bit of holiday cheer and a whole lot of love.
gold rush by acciomerlin
Summary: "Did you bring me flowers, Merlin?"
"Uh, no?”
Arthur gestured to a spot on the table behind him.
“What’s that, then?”
Merlin slowly twisted around to see what he was pointing at, dread curling in his gut. Primly placed on the tabletop was a bouquet of red roses.
“Er, someone else must have left them there. I have no idea where they came from,” Merlin lied awkwardly.
As if on cue, a rose fell out of his jacket pocket and Merlin's stomach dropped a thousand feet beneath the ground.
It's Yuletide, the newly appointed Court Sorcerer of Camelot is pining and his magic decides to do something about it.
In for keeps by Anonymous
Summary: Merlin and Prince Arthur have been in a relationship for a while, unbeknownst to others. Arthur is ready to take the next step and make them official, but Merlin isn’t yet. The restrictions on his life and the mere idea of the lack of privacy seem too much for him to bear.
Separated over Christmas, overworked and overwrought, an accident befalls Arthur.
Cue a worried Merlin racing overnight on a trouble-ridden trip to Scotland on Christmas Eve.
Well, the course of true love, never did run smooth...
Let Me Tell You a Story (and show you my heart) by Emrys MK (mk_malfoy)
Summary: Arthur, newly crowned King of Camelot, gets sick at Yule, his favorite holiday of the year. He is disappointed that he will miss the festivities, frustrated because Merlin is telling him what to do, and feels awful because every bone in his body aches. Through it all, Merlin, ever the faithful servant, takes very good care of Arthur.
Maybe this Christmas by Anonymous
Summary: It’s almost Christmas and all the flights at JFK airport in New York have been cancelled due to a storm. Stuck at the airport, Arthur, a young businessman on the verge of burnout, meets Merlin, a yoga teacher from Cardiff. Sparks fly and what starts out as a heated, head-over-heels Christmas romance has the potential to become more - much more.
If it weren’t for the baggage both of them bring with them…
Mistletoe by swiftonthedownside
Summary: At Yuletide celebrations, visitors from the north bring with them a treasured tradition—and with it, a whole heap of trouble.
Basically an AU where less stuff has gone wrong, Morgana isn’t evil, etc. Takes place the year Arthur was crowned Prince of Camelot.
Rarely Plain and Never Simple by Anonymous
Summary: For once, it would be nice if Merlin’s favourite winter festival could pass without having to fend off any deadly magical threats. But something about Yule just seems to bring out the absolute worst in people. Year after year, he enters the season full of hope for an enjoyable party, only for his hopes to be dashed by a deluge of disasters. Still, despite being waylaid by an overly perceptive knight, a curious prince, and a naughty baby dragon, he is cautiously optimistic that this year will be different... until a sorcerer arrives at the citadel who threatens to punch a hole in all his dreams…
To Make The Season Bright by ingberry
Summary: Merlin swaps houses with Morgana Pendragon over Christmas only to end up with a house guest that wasn't part of the deal.
Underneath the Mistletoe by tehfanglyfish
Summary: After Gwen tells Arthur about the custom of kissing under the mistletoe, all he can think about is how it would be a nice way to work up the courage to finally kiss Merlin. It's too bad that Merlin is pining after someone else. And to make matters worse, rogue mistletoe keeps appearing in Arthur's chambers.
Also known as the one where Arthur pines for Merlin, Gwen makes a move, Merlin's magic has a mind of its own, and Percival and Gwaine get a much-needed push.
warm and real and bright by ariadne_odair
Summary: “Did you miss me?” Arthur asks.
“Not in the slightest,” Merlin lies baldly, and laughs when Arthur digs him in the ribs. “Will sends his regards.”
Arthur snorts. “No, he doesn’t.”
“No, he doesn’t,” Merlin agrees. “He had several thoughts on me being courted by a Lord.”
“I just bet he did,” Arthur mutters. “I am more curious to know your thoughts on the matter.”
-In which: Lord Arthur Pendragon is courting one Merlin Emrys, Arthur is absolutely not pining whilst Merlin is away, and Gwaine gives advice that is (very) occasionally useful.
We Could Always Be This Way by idlestories
Summary: Merlin and Arthur are married, Camelot is flourishing, and it's the holidays. It's snowing, and Merlin owes Arthur a dance.
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
Gryffindor Extensive Dating Neville Headcanons:
A/N: Y’all keep finding and requesting the characters I’m so soft for. Here’s my baby Neville who is an absolute sweetheart of a character and should be appreciated more. Requested by @maybenotjellytot (and it’s not letting me tag you, curse you Tumblr)
You know the drill, this is super long and super cute
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You meet on the Hogwarts express. He’s stammering and clinging to Trevor for dear life
He’s so shy and blushing and tripping over his words that you can’t help but giggle and introduce yourself
“Neville. Me. I’m. Yes. Leville Nongbottom” You giggle again and he’s bright red.
“Nice to meet you Neville,” you smile brightly.
You sit together on the train ride and it’s sort of awkward but a good awkward. He starts to open up a bit about wanting to learn magic and that his Gran is expecting a lot from him.
You can sympathize with your overbearing well meaning pure blood grandfather
Then you’re both sorted into Gryffindor and it’s nice to have a friend. You find friends in the Golden Trio as well, but you’re always partial to Neville because he’s the first one who had the courage to say hello to you
Since you’re in the same house it means you have all of your classes together. Potions is rough for both of you and Snape just terrifies Neville—sure he was creepy but you didn’t really understand it. You still defended him though, even if it ended you in detention a lot
“You really don’t have to do this,” he stammers, meeting you after detention. “I don’t mind,” you smile and so does he.
You love Astronomy and he loves Herbology and you two are the biggest dorks. He knows everything about plants and you know everything about the stars
Soon you’re learning to ride brooms. It comes easy to you and Neville breaks his wrist. You take him to the infirmary flipping Malfoy off as you walk away sure Hooch took five points from Gryffindor for it but it felt good. The little prat
“There’s always one,” Pomfrey sighs and resets Neville’a wrist. You stay by his side all the while, reassuring him that he was amazing anyway.
“I can’t do anything,” he groans. “Some Gryffindor I am. I don’t belong here.” “Neville that’s not true,” you frown. “You belong in Gryffindor as much as Nifflers love gold.” You both blush at your sudden defense of him.
And honestly it’s nice to have a friend. When the weather turns colder and you’re freezing Neville gives you his gloves and tells you not to worry about it.
You study for exams together. It takes some time but Neville finally catches on to Potions when you (re)teach him the lessons. Snape doesn’t bother you like he does Neville you always want to ask him about it but never find the courage. Some Gryffindor you are, you think
The Christmas Holiday comes and you both hug each other goodbye, promising to write to another and his grandmother and your parents catch sight of the interaction and they tease you both about it all the time
“Mum he’s just a friend!” You whine. “Gran she’s just a friend! That’s all!” Neville dismays. Neither guardian is convinced.
You get Neville a Herbology book and spend time drawing a few of his favorite plants perfectly for Christmas and he gets you a monocle that works like a telescope and shows the night sky any time of day
You go to Quidditch games together and you both put in the same amount of effort into Gryffindor spirit but something is always slightly off to you about the house system that you don’t really tell anyone
You sneak up to the Astronomy tower most weekends and one time Neville catches you saying “you shouldn’t be here you’re going to get in trouble” you take his hand and pull him up the tower and let his hand go, marveling at the stars
“Aren’t they wonderful?” You sigh. “So many stories are written up there Nev, and every night they smile down on us,”
Neville doesn’t understand your passion for the stars but he loves the way you talk about them, like you knew each of the characters in the stories that the stars told
One night you find Harry and Hermione in the Astronomy tower and you’re surprised. Now thanks to Malfoy you all have detention.
In the Forbidden forest you’re paired with Neville and Hagrid and you both set off, terrified. Neville hated the dark and you hated not being able to see the stars. You hear a noise from behind you and jump into Neville arms.
You’re both blushing and awkward. As you apologize and he stammers something about not worrying. Gee some Gryffindors you two are
You’re the one who finds Neville after Hermione immobilizes him and after you undo the spell, you two go straight to McGonagall. Again, you take his hand and pull him through the halls on the way to McGonagall. When he explains what happened, you beam because of course he’s a Gryffindor how can he not see that?
At the End of Year Feast he’s awarded the ten points that causes Gryffindor to win and you hug him without a second thought and now you two are blushing and awkward again and everyone laughs at the two of you.
You write to him over the summer and it’s really nice to have him to talk to. He’s a bit more honest in his letters than he ever was actually talking and laments quite often about his grandmothers expectations and that he’s afraid of failing everyone—especially his parents.
That threw you off guard because you didn’t know anything about his parents and he clammed up about the matter whenever you brought it up so you dropped it a long time ago. You still didn’t ask because well, you figured he’d tell you when he was ready. You also tell him that he could never fail you
You send him a photo of the little garden you’ve started because maybe listening to him talk all those nights made something actually stick and you weren’t half bad at gardening and a bit of Moon Lace (a flower that only blooms under the full moon) for his birthday.
Boy does his grandmother ship you two so hard “Ask her out Neville! Be a man! Treat her with respect! I’d always knew you’d find some lovely girl,” “Gran we’re twelve,” “Nonsense dear boy. When you find a girl like that you don’t let her go,”
Now Neville’s worried about being around you because he feels pressured and maybe he does actually like you but he’s sure you only see him as a friend and he doesn’t want to lose you because his grandmother is right, he doesn’t want to let you go
You meet him on the Hogwarts Express again and you two sit together and all of those worries seem to fade because you weren’t just his friend you were his best friend and he wouldn’t trade that for anything
You’re also sitting with another girl—Luna Lovegood. A first year who has her head in the clouds who then gets sorted into Ravenclaw and you three become the “Silver Trio”
When every girl is enamored with Lockheart, you roll your eyes and scoff and Neville feels slightly satisfied at that.
Neville can tell that you’re saddened because you don’t have Astronomy this year, so he tries to cheer you up by sneaking you to the Astronomy Tower whenever he can manage
You spend those nights telling him stories about the ancient gods and heroes that the stars hold, and he gets lost in your words wondering what it would be like to live back then
When the Chamber of Secrets opens you’re a bit more scared than you let on. The only one who knows that is Neville.
When students start to get petrified, you’re hardly seen away from Neville because you don’t want to be next
Malfoy teases you about it and boy does Neville go off on him surprising everyone even you a bit because you knew he was brave but standing up to Malfoy was a different matter that bordered stupid and you’re a goner because if you doubted your feelings for him before you didn’t now
Neville isn’t the best with comforting people so he normally just ends up getting you plants/flowers. You have a small garden on your bedroom window filled with anything and everything and you care for and name each of them
Third year comes and this time you’re enamored with the new DADA teacher and Neville doesn’t get it and neither do you really. But there’s something about Professor Lupin that just draws you in. Of course you have no idea yet that he’s a werewolf and thereby connected to the moon and stars of which you adore
You love Lupin a little more when he teaches the Laughing Spell and makes a fool out of Professor Snape on Neville’a behalf
But now you’re sort of really worried because why in the world the thing Neville fears most Snape?
When your boggart turns into a mirror Neville worries too because what in the world is that supposed to mean?
It’s a late night in the Astronomy Tower that has you both blurting out “why is that your boggart?”
You both look down, scared to admit what’s deep inside. Neville gives in first and begins to explain.
“Snape was one of You Know Whos most trusted in the first war... my... my parents were—”
“Neville you don’t have to tell me if you’re not—” you quickly cut in
“No, I trust you. And... it’ll be nice to have someone understand,” You take hold of his hand and listen earnestly while he tells you about his parents and how they were driven to insanity by Death Eaters and that Snape reminds him of that every day because all he sees is bravery of his parents that he can never live up to and the one who forced it upon him
You pull him into a hug and just hold him close. You had no idea, but now that you did, it out the world into perspective for you a bit more.
“What about you?” He asked softly. “Why...?”
“The mirror,” you sighed. “I... I hate my reflection. It... it reminds me that I’m never enough. I’m not enough for my parents... or my grandparents... or other people. That I’m not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, brave enough...” you hug your knees. “Nobody wants someone who’s broken. No one wants a freak,”
“I do,” Neville’s words are sure and confident. “You’re more than enough for me. You’re... you’re perfect...”
There are tears in your eyes and you wrap your arms around him.
Now when you by the off chance catch your relflection in something, Neville is normally right beside you and all your fear and worries about not being enough fade over the next few years
The Fat Lady’s portrait gets attacked and you take Nevilles hand without thinking because it feels secure and safe. You side by side with Neville in the Great Hall that night and you’re thankful for the night sky that’s projected on the ceiling
You can’t sleep so you watch the faux stars. Neville sits up with you and asks you to tell a story because it calms him and you and now there are a bunch of students and some professors listening to your stories.
You’re absolutely outraged when Snape steps in to reach DADA but you quiet down when Neville shakes his head, silently pleading not to draw attention to yourselves. You sulk and dive into the lesson because it’s very close to the lore you’re used to reading.
Then you almost drop your quill because you realize why Snape has you reading up on werewolves. “Hey, what’s Professor Lupins first name?” You ask stammering. “Uh, Remus, I think,” Neville frowns. “You alright?”
You nod and rush out of the room as soon as the bell ring and Neville is chasing after you because you’re normally not this skiddish/flighty
You grab a book from your personal library—a book on classical mythology—and flip through the pages. “I knew it!” Then you hear a crash and a yelp. “Oh stars, Neville,” you realize because you know for a fact he’s forgotten that the girls dormitories are enchanted. You race down and find him sprawled out on the common room floor.
“I’ll tell you,” you help him up. “Tonight,” then you’re at war with yourself because you don’t know how safe it is to be out in a full moon but you trust Dumbledore and Professor Lupin enough that later you and Neville are up in the Astonomy Tower
“A werewolf? You think Professor Lupin is a werewolf?” Neville asks skepically. “Yes,” you confirm and you’re about to go into it again when Neville intervenes “No, no I trust you. I do... but what are we going to do about it?”
“Nothing,” you whisper. “It wasn’t his choice... and he hasn’t hurt anybody...” “shouldn’t we tell someone?” Neville asks. “And out him? It’s not exactly easy to be a werewolf Nev.” you two just sit looking at the stars. The Neville reminds you that you both have an essay due for DADA for Snape.
“Oh! That wretched Snape!” You jump up. “Merlin! He’s making the entire class write how to kill werewolves for Lupin to read when he gets back!” You are absolutely seething and Neville has to stop you before you go and hex the stars out of Snape but Merlin does he love you for it
You refuse to write the essay. Instead you copy down all your notes about Roman mythology and Romulus and Remus and the She-Wolf Lupa and how all great heroes of Roman mythology start under the care of the She-Wolf
Remus is about having a nervous break down when he gets to your paper and now he’s sobbing because he’s reading your paper about heroes and wolves
You get full marks on the essay and Lupins deepest respect
Neville stumbles through an invitation to Hogsmeade and again you laugh and accept and then before you know it it’s not just you two but an entire group of third years and you two can’t help but feel a bit disappointed
He followed you around the book shop as you pick up books and flip through them and you watch him marvel at the plants in a nearby shop. He goes back and buys you the book you were looking at and you buy him the vine plant. For Christmas. Obviously. As friends.
The holidays come and you’re both hesitant to say goodbye because of the fear lingering over Hogwarts but you part ways
You don’t spend a day without thinking of Neville is okay over the holidays and you send him letters constantly. He’s always worrying about you
When he visits his parents that Christmas he sits down and tells them about a girl he met who’s full of courage and stories and how kind she is and stubborn and brave and how they would adore her
His grandmother over hears and doesn’t tease Neville about it, but she has a deeper respect for you because you really have captured her grandsons heart
Malfoy is being Malfoy one day and you’re about to punch the git in the face but Neville grabs your arm. “It’s not worth it,” he whispers, “he can be wrong, but I know you and you’re not like him. Don’t stoop to his level.” and Merlin if you don’t melt on the spot and somber up
You figure out that Neville has the biggest sweet tooth after catching him in Honeydukes and you ask your (muggle) dad to send you Muggle candies and sweets for Neville to try. He always shares them with you and prefers sweets that don’t have an air of danger to them
You meet fourth gear on the train and your heart skips a beat because he’s grown about half a foot and his hair is shaggy and a mess and perfectly Neville and he still has Trevor and it makes you smile
He’s also freaking out internally because you’ve grown a lot over the summer and you’re in a muggle tshirt and jeans with an MP3 player and he’s just... wow. You two listen to music on the train ride this year and end up falling asleep on each other
At this point everyone including you is waiting for him to ask you out and become an official couple and every time you think he tries to ask you he stammers and freaks out and doesn’t because you’re just so perfect and pretty and popular and he’s not and he’s sure that you like someone else and he’s not much
He finally asks you to the Yule Ball... sort of.
“He’s been practicing dancing alone all month,” Rom jeers. “Must be some girl,” Neville is absolutely red and you can’t seem to look away from your dinner because you think he’s doing it for someone else because why wouldn’t he just ask you to practice dancing? You were best friends anyways, of course you would help him
You ask him who the girl is totally not jealous at all and he goes red and quiet again and you’re really worried now because you don’t want to lose him as a friend if he does like someone else
He finally admits that it is you that he wants to go to the ball with and you just stare at him not expecting that at all because you were convinced he liked someone else but no it’s you. Then it hits you. MERLIN HE LIKES YOU
He’s fumbling for an explanation and that it’s okay if you don’t want to go and a thousand other things and you just pull his tie and press your lips to his to shut him up. It’s awkward and uncoordinated but a perfect first kiss
You both can’t stop smiling the next few days because you’re finally together and there aren’t any walls between you anymore and it’s just nice to have your best friend back who is now also your boyfriend
Oh and you’re also going to the ball together. You smile about that too.
“It’s... it’s not much,” you flush looking down at your dress. “And it’s a bit muggle...” “You’re perfect,” Neville cuts you off and for once you believe the words and him practicing dancing really pays off because he’s bloody marvelous. You two spend the whole night laughing and dancing
Though everyone is staying on campus for the holidays because of the tournament Neville asks you if you want to come with him to visit his parents on the holiday. You smile softly and take his hand, nodding
You formally meet Neville’s Grandmother this time, not just passing by at a train station. She starts to scold Neville about doing something, but sees you clench your fist and take his hand and she pauses. 
You’re nervous and it’s written on your face and Neville thinks that it’s because of the entire situation and that his parents are well... but you quickly blurt out “What if they don’t like me?” Both Neville and his grandmother gape at you. His grandmother recovers first “a sweet brave witch like you? How can they not my dear?” 
You can see that Neville’s smile falls the father you walk into St. Mungo’s, so you take his hand and smile. He doesn’t smile but he doesn’t look so upset any longer. His gran leaves you two alone as you walk into the long room
“Mum? Dad? This is the girl I was telling you about,” And your heart just breaks for the one holding your hand. “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom,” You smile and introduce yourself. “You have a wonderful son, and should be very proud,” and you realize just how brave Neville is for the first time in knowing him and Neville realizes that he never wants anyone but you by his side because you make him feel the bravest
You do visit him this summer. He lives in a downtown flat in the outskirts of London with his Gran. He’s got a garden in the small space out back and it’s filled with the most beautiful plants the moonlace you sent him is in a window box outside his bedroom 
he’s got a jar of old candy wrappers sitting on his dresser and you give him a questioning look. “They’re from my mum,” He admits “I... I don’t want to toss them but I don’t know what to do with them,” “May I?” You ask and he nods, looking slightly worried. 
You take one of the wrappers and easily fold it into a tiny origami butterfly. “My dad showed me how... we used to fold our gum wrappers...” soon each wrapper is folded into a little butterfly and placed into the jar again. 
Fifth year seems like a total fiasco between Umbridge and the ministry but you and Neville both love DA
You know he loves it because he feels like he’s finally making his parents proud. “You do that just by being their son, I don’t care what your gran says,” You whisper one night, looking at the old photo of the Order of the Phoenix 
You and Neville both get very good at defense spells and though you can’t sneak away to the Astronomy Tower that year, you do go to the RoR on quiet nights by yourselves and it’s just a huge greenhouse with a glass roof and walls where you can sit and watch the stars and maybe have midnight picnics 
okay i’m calling bullshit on JKR again neville has a corporeal patronus
It’s a lion, let’s be honest
When he does cast the patronus you let out a yell of victory and so does he. Then you’re hugging and the charm falls but he doesn’t care. Your patronus might be a five foot butterfly but its fine and terrifying 
You steal his sweaters all the time even though you think they’re god-awful but they’re always warm and smell like him and soft and you like people including your reflection knowing that you’re his and he wants you and chose you
Neville only gets caught by the Inquisitorial Squad because Draco  throws you to the ground and Neville breaks his nose a-la-muggle then helps you up
At the Ministry you and Neville are a force to be reckoned with against Death Eaters and he saves you from Bellatrix because damn if he’s letting anyone else he loves get hurt by her
But you’re one step ahead and jump in front of Neville just as Bellatrix sends the Cruatius curse at him and furious, Neville sends one right back at Bellatrix before lifting you into his arms
You’re not awake but you’re breathing. “Stupid brave girl,” He cries, holding you, carrying you away from the fight as the rest of the Order shows up
He stays beside your hospital cot and refuses to be looked after himself by Pomfrey until you open your eyes. “Nev?” You rasp. “Stars! What were you thinking!? Running in front of me like that!?” He yells, pulling you into his arms. “Couldn’t let her hurt you too,” your voice is shaky and broken and he finds himself crying because he loves you. “I love you too Nev,” you whisper out
Then proceed to yell at him about refusing treatment and he laughs, wiping away your tears and pressing his lips to yours. It’s caked in dirt and blood, but it’s the best kiss and he refuses to let you out of his sight
That summer you go over every Sunday for family dinner and to just hang out with Neville. His gran hovers the first few weeks, but boy is she smitten with you because you remind her so much of Neville’s mother
He comes to your muggle and magic home and is amazed at the farm house that you live in in the middle of nowhere and finally understands where your love of stars comes from because out in the country he could see everything
He loves your cat Moxy and asks why you don’t bring her to school and you explain that she’s not a familiar, she’s just a normal house cat. And he swears that you and the cat have a language of your own and sees you two have full on conversations and arguments and just smiles because he loves you
Your parents love him so much and adopt him into the family on the spot. You show him some muggle flowers and plants that are your favorite (sunflowers, marigolds, loquat trees hydrangeas). You two spend forever binging Disney movies because he’s never seen any and you’re not having that and despite the war looming overhead, it’s a moment of peace
Sixth year when Neville gets the invitation for Slughorn’s lunch on the train you practically have to shove him out the door because “We always ride together, I can’t just leave you, I’m not going.” “Neville I swear to the gods go!” 
He comes back, slightly sulking and you ask. “Just wanted to know my for who my parents are,” You dislike Slughorn on the spot. “Or maybe he wants to know you because you’re a hero,” You brush his hair from his eyes. It’s not hard to get the smile back into his eyes and on his lips
Sixth year is relatively normal for you and Neville, despite all of the fear and rumors spreading about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. You are aware that the Golden Trio and the “chosen one” are up to something but for the moment you just want to go to Hogwarts, kiss your boyfriend, and pass your N.E.W.T.s 
And maybe you worry about Draco Malfoy a bit because you know he’s a prat but he just looks like death this year. Neville can’t deny that you’re right and aids your efforts to try and reach out to the Slytherin
Then Dumbledore dies and everything changes. Part of you regrets not doing something more, but part of you is grateful that you enjoyed the moments before, while you still could. 
Again you just want to punch Bellatrix in the face because at this point she’s frankly just annoying
You and Neville go to the funeral and you’re both stoic but gripping the other’s hand tightly. 
“It’s up to us now,” Neville whispers one night while visiting his parents, a common thing for you two recently. “Harry isn’t coming back next year.” You’re furious with Harry for skipping out on Hogwarts, but you know Neville is right, the school needs hope still
You two reopen DA and you start a support group on campus under Snape’s nose for the younger kids who need to feel safe and protected. The first years just break your heart because they’re so young and it’s just not fair that they have to go through their first year of Hogwarts like this
The Room of Requirement becomes a safe haven for anyone and everyone but especially you and Neville who really can’t seem to catch a break. You’re rarely apart when you can help it and have been sleeping curled up with another since the first week
You defend first years ruthlessly from the prats in Slytherin and still try to get through to them that it didn’t matter whose side they were on, this isn’t right and maybe Draco and a few others let you go a few times scot free
You and Neville still watch the stars whenever you can manage and story nights with you become a commonality amongst younger years who really just need a hero or fairytale to believe in and Merlin it does something to Neville when he sees first years curled up in your lap hanging on to your every word or fast asleep
You two are sort of honorary parents that year and all of the professors who still believe in the cause are on your side and giving you two anything you need to give to the younger kids
Patching each other up after “detentions” you decide somewhere along the way that if you ever make it out of this alive you want to do two things: marry Neville and become a Healer because you’ve got a knack for healing spells and potions
The Battle of Hogwarts finally comes and you both are more than ready for it. After helping the first years to safety you and Neville join the fight hand in hand. You’re terrified but you can’t help but smile at him because you remember a shy dorky kid from first year and now he’s a leader and everything you knew he could be
When Harry is pronounced dead Neville looks at you, despaired and kisses you. It’s desperate and fast then he kisses your forehead and runs out of the crowd to face Voldemort alone and you don’t know if you love or hate him in that moment
Luna catches you and boy is she string because you can’t shake her grip. “Watch,” She whispers softly. “He’ll be alright. He’s got a fighter’s spirit,” You want to argue and run out after him, but she’s right, he’s bloody brilliant on his own as you watch through tears
As soon as you realize that Harry isn’t dead you throw Luna off, call Neville’s wand to your hand and you’re back to back fighting off Death Eaters while scolding him about never doing that again “Yes dear,” He laughs. 
Then Nagani coils around your feet, making you fall  and scramble back, wandless. “Neville!” You scream, terrified. He looks around panicked for you and then at the ground. The Sorting Hat was inches from him, a silver handle with red rubies presented. 
He draws the sword and roars, killing the snake. You’re both panting and staring at each other. He helps you up and you pull him into another kiss before there’s an explosion behind you two. “We should...” “Yeah...” you chuckle and take his hand and dash off into the madness again.
The fighting seems to stop as Harry and Voldemort face each other down. You and Neville watch side by side, clinging to each other
As soon as Voldemort is gone you scream in victory and Neville takes you in his arms and you’re kissing again and for one moment everything is okay, because you’re both alive and free and it’s going to be okay. 
Then you quickly go around mending and healing those who need it, not stopping until Neville pulls you away from the infirmary and sets you down on a cot. 
“They need me,” You mumble into his shoulder as he takes a look at your wounds. “And they might appreciate it if you live long enough to help them,” There’s a soft smile on his lips as he patches you up and presses a soft kiss to each of your wounds.
There are too many funerals and too many tears and too many nightmares, but he’s always there beside you. And you’re beside him. You both expect to wake up in the room of requirement with Voldemort still alive, but it never happens.
You and Neville go and visit his parents again and together you tell them both what happens, together, because even if they’ll never understand the words spoken, it’s a reassurance to you and Neville that it happened and everything is over and that you’re alright
Neville still stammers through his proposal to you and you’re laughing and crying and saying yes because Merlin you love him to the moon and back 
You’re visiting his parents alone the day before the wedding and for a shining moment, his mother takes your hand and you see a light in them as she whispers “thank you,” then the light is gone and she’s back to her spaced out look
The wedding isn’t much, just school friends and professors and some family. Neville is in a sweater and you’re barefoot in your backyard with a bouquet of moonlace getting married under the stars
You speak on behalf of Draco at his trial and convince Harry and just about all of your friends as well, because Draco was a victim like the rest of you were
You decide that you want to open a place for all the kids at Hogwarts who need a summer/holiday home because it’s not safe at their homes or they don’t want to go home. Neville kisses you when you suggest it and starts looking into places to make your dream happen 
Harry offers Grimmauld Place and you cry and hug him because it’s perfect and soon all of the alumni from your year are working on fixing up a the place because they agree, there needs to be a safe haven for these kids
When he starts teaching at Hogwarts, you become a part of the staff as a therapist/Healer/on-hand mother figure to anyone and everyone. You don’t want kids like Draco or Neville or Harry to slip through the cracks, and though you can’t take down the house system, you can help kids while they grow up
You and Neville go out and see every new Disney movie in theaters, even before you have kids (and eventually you make your way to America to go to Disney World. It becomes an annual tradition)
You and Neville can’t have biological kids because of your injuries during the war so you adopt: first a little boy Perseus Frank Longbottom, then a little girl a few years later, Persephone Alice Longbottom. 
Every year on the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts, you and Neville stop classes that day and tell all of the students the story, hand in hand. Everyone gathers in the Great Hall as the Storyteller and her Hero paint a tale of love and loss and hope.
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