#fane creative corner
warrenwoodhouse · 6 years
Mentions: Portrait of Warren Woodhouse by Andrew Pearson
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Portrait of me by my friend Andrew Pearson while we were at FANE Creative Corner.
📃 A4 Art Book Plain
✏️ Fine Art Pencil
🗓 4th February 2019 at 8:52 am
📍 FANE Friends Action North East CIC, Ouseburn Farm, 1 Ouse Road, Ouseburn, Byker, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear, North East, England, United Kingdom.
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blow-me-a-kis · 2 years
I just think ofmd is a fandom that is gunna have a lengthy legacy, and I feel sorry for you if you are apart of the history of this fandom that is worthy of shame.
It's shameful to treat others poorly because you disagree with how they enjoy a character.
A character that, btw, is well loved among the cast and crew of Our Flag Means Death. Vico loves Izzy. Taika loves Izzy. David Fane loves Izzy. The writers love Izzy. No one on that entire team has suggested they feel anything but respect and appreciation for the effort Con has put into Izzy and Izzy's role as a foil.
If you are seeking an example of how we should treat one another as fans, you need look no further than the love and respect demonstrated among the cast and crew of this beloved show.
This show is rife with queerness and so many layers of the queer experience explored. David J even suggested fans pay attention to the love story happening between Izzy and Ed upon a second watch.
So I feel sorry for you that you choose not to be apart of that, if you choose to reduce your capacity for appreciating queer experience to just Stede and Ed's romance.
I feel sorry for you that your prejudice against Izzy puts you at a distance from enjoying this fandom and the show fully.
I feel sorry for you if your needless hatred of Izzy puts you at a distance from some of the best art and writing in the fandom, and may even undermine your own creativity, as judgmental attitudes often do.
I feel sorry for you if you are a person who has chosen to make other fan's experience harder based on your reduced capacity for the variety of queer experiences, especially when we turn off this show and must face a world that wants us as queer ppl dead.
I know the bad actors agree that their behavior is shameful, because they don't direct their cruelty at the highly visible cast and crew who celebrate Izzy. Just his fans, who, in their logic, do not matter.
It takes emotional maturity to change your mind when you no longer have a valid reason to stick to a belief. None of these characters are real, we don't have to hold them accountable to anything.
If you no longer believe you have a reason to hate Izzy and his fans, you are welcome to stop and move on to something else.
I dont think it makes you happy. I don't agree that ppl "love" to hate Izzy. Most ppl who hate Izzy seem demonstrably unhappy to me, and that feeling of unhappiness is what they tend to spread to others. Especially when their hypocritical bullying tendencies isolate them from one of the most accepting and non judgmental corners of the fandom.
I want you to know, you can always change your mind. You don't have to like Izzy, but you can let go of hating him, free yourself of all that needless anger. Even if you're not ready to let go of hating him, you can set boundaries with yourself about how you will engage with the fandom, to remain respectful and carry yourself with integrity.
You can distance yourself from other bad actors if they put pressure on you to engage in behaviors you know are shameful. If you want to have a different, more peaceful experience, you have the power to create it.
You can change your mind and reject being apart of the shameful side of this fandom's legacy.
Most of us will be happy to have you when you ready to be done.
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tangleweave · 10 months
9. Talk about one of your favorite world building you posted this year.
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[ My December / Accepting ]
When it comes to this particular year, I don't know if I've introduced any new worlds or lore which didn't previously exist. But I do have something to offer here... less world-building, but writerly construction is the primary element.
This blog is obviously dedicated to established Marvel characters; I have no OC's among them. But a trend I've noticed in my corner of the RPC is adapting muses into other fandoms. I'm all for this idea, since it allows me to flex my creative muscles and recreate these characters in a world that might not necessarily accommodate them as-is, but would with just the right tweaks here and there.
For some time now, I've been poking around on creating canons for each of my seven muses within the Star Wars universe. I've just been terribly shy about posting about them because there's always that fear of people not wanting to play with them. What's the best vector? Just jump into the Star Wars corner and say "Hey can I bring this Marvel character I really wanna port over?" Other people might be able to do that; I don't have that gregarious and daring a personality.
The vector for me appears to be... offering these rehashed muses to people who've already got OC's that exist in multiple universes. @brooklynislandgirl has been a true saint in this regard, acting as my sounding board, my foil, and my partner as I figure out how these muses fit into this world... and what worlds they fit best on.
So if you see names like Fane Ciudat, Pe-Tyr Kamen, or Phyl Kol-Senn on your dash, and wonder what the hell... it all happened a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
6, 42, 67 for anyone you'd like! :3
'Anyone' you say? Well, how about all three of my elves? >:D
Thank you so much for the ask! Let's gooooo! *jumps down the rabbit hole*
6. What is one word you would use to describe your OC’s appearances?
Fane - Ethereal.
This may come across as biased since he's my OC, but Fane is not your average looking elf. He's taller, taller than the Dalish, taller than Solas. He's built, but nowhere near built like Bull is. More like he's around what a Sentinel would possess. His facial features are a mix between what he observed from the Elvhen and what he once was, making most people do a double take when they happen to pass by him. Every part of him 'links up', creating a mystery of a man. Fane is an ethereal being because the means that he came about were just that--ethereal.
Mhairi - Serene.
Mhairi has a very, very approachable appearance. She has a bit of a 'natural' smile that, most times, matches how she feels. Her eyes, while very cool in hue, always carry its own smile, crinkling at the corners and sparkling like melting icicles. She tends to rock back and forth with her hands clasped behind her back, or swing her arms whilst doing on singular spin on her heel. She's also a bit of a craft maker, and what she makes, she wears. Pendants, bracelets, anklets, charms, hair accessories--you name it, she endeavors to wear it, and when she does, it makes her even more approachable because people want to know. Mhairi enjoys being open, warm and when people respond to that positively, she's at peace, helping her feel what she reflects.
Cyfrin - Dangerous
Now, this may seem odd. Or, maybe not since I haven't really showcased Cyfrin a whole lot. XD But, Cyfrin isn't just this mischievous, jovial, jester-like elf. He's dangerous because he knows how to use his appearance to his advantage. A smile's always plastered on his face--a mask to hide behind, a bit of strength to weather verbal blows he's all too familiar with from growing up in an alienage. His eyes are a molten, honey color, appearing friendly, open, warm, but in depths only Fane can discern, there's bitter, bitter resentment. Cyfrin's one of those people you would say, 'Their eyes don't match their smile' to, but only if you knew him like Fane or Mhairi does. But even then, it's hard to see the danger in amber. His hair, raven and always wavy, always just to his jawline, acts as both a pleasant feature and a hood. A tilt down, and Cyfrin can see everyone without anyone seeing him. He watches, he seethes, and lets the resentment slip through from behind black strands, eyes narrowing, smile going flat. That is, until someone approaches him and the mask slips right back on without a single hiccup. Dangerous--dangerous as a viper just about to strike is.
42. What makes your OC happy?
Fane - Crafting arms or armor or watching Solas paint or sketch. Fane's a creative creature at heart, and he's always been fascinated by Elvhen frescoes, even as a dragon. How they tell a story, how they can't be altered due to being bonded to the wall; it brings him peace.
Mhairi - Baking or crafting jewelry. Baking brings a sense of home to her, a memory of more innocent days before death came knocking. And it's the one thing she knows will bring a tiny smile to Fane's face. :3
Cyfrin - Playing musical instruments or wandering around in a market. Orlais wasn't all bad for Cyfrin. He used to traipse around Val Royeaux's rooftops, keeping a distance from humans, but content at watching them bustle, barter, and create. Sometimes a quiet refrain would reach his ears, a lute, a voice, a piano, and he'd start to hum to the melody without thinking. And it was what ultimately led Cyfrin to save up and buy a lute of his own. He taught himself how to play by listening to any number of songs he heard until it became as natural as breathing for him. :3
67. What is your OC’s favorite sweet?
Fane - All of them. But, if we're only going with one, then chocolate. Be it a cake, cookie, tart, Fane indulges without reservation. It's something he tries to hide, however because 'oh no! we can't let anyone know a dragon stuffs their face with mortal confections!' but where there's a will, there's a way, and Josephine conveniently finds out through a 'passing' comment from Solas. *smiles* Fane grumbles while continuing to stuff his face.
Mhairi - Danishes. Mainly, danishes filled with fruit. :3 Mhairi's not really into very rich, very indulgent treats like Fane is. She likes milder sweets, just a whisper of sugar to make her tongue tingle, and fruit wrapped with a soft, flaky dough does that for her.
Cyfrin - He's impartial to sweets, oddly enough. Occasionally he'll have a small pastry, swiping it from the kitchens in Skyhold first thing in the morning, but Cyfrin's more of a savory food guy. Meat and potatoes, gravy and bread, and most importantly, lots of it. That's the type of foodie Cyfrin is! :3
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fanesavin · 6 years
Devils in the Dark : Fane + Grace [Flashback]
Dear Boss, From Hell
Upcoming and also implied TW for most of this thread: Implied Murder, Mutilation, Death, Prostitution, Profiteering, Threats
September 29th 1888 : 10.15 PM
An acrid smoke riddled fog had crept over the chilled London streets, sinking between looming buildings and driving itself into every nook. Not even the tidier streets of Westminster could escape the choking fog but tonight, Stefan Savin wasn’t walking the streets of Westminster. Instead, it had been the long journey through the boroughs of The Strand and City of London before cutting up into the borough of Whitechapel.
September 29th 1888 : 11.45 PM
By now the factories near the slums of Whitechapel stood empty – the men, women and children who worked their furnaces and powered their machinery had long since poured out in streams, determined to return to their cramped homes. Not that the streets were abandoned, not half petty thieves and crooks just as willing to stab you in the gut for the chance of looting anything from your corpse hung about corners. Stefan Savin didn’t belong to these streets, a bachelor gravitating and rubbing elbows in the niche upper classes of Westminster and Kensington a scholar who more often than not mixed business and pleasure resulting in a curious and depraved reputation that repulsed and intrigued. He was, after all, of an age that he should have been wed and had children aplenty by now but instead he chased intellectual pursuits instead which bred its own set of rumours. But in a world such as this, everyone had their masque, the role they played to titillate and intrigue. To ultimately obscure the truths with half-truths and falsities, because in a world of backstabbing socialism no one was safe from those desperate to scale the elitist ladders.
Money. Gossip. Blackmail. Sex. Power. Influence. Knowing who would ally with who and those that would be willing to betray those who thought them loyal. Knowledge was the tool of the trade and weapon of mass destruction that most of the corseted and suited gentry wielded in the world he occupied by day where one wrong move could topple you like a pawn in the complex game of chess they played with each other’s livelihoods. By night though? Well, that was a remarkably different tale. Tonight Lord Stefan Savin had swapped silks and tailored suits for old faded and patched clothes, and a peaky cap angled low over his brow. The brighter gas-lit streets of Kingston switched for the dark winding streets of Whitechapel where masses stuffed themselves away in crooked buildings like sardines. Breaking off from the stream of people into a steep alley teeming with barrels, crates, and other movable goods, pigs, cows, and chickens (and their dung) underfoot everywhere, carousing groups of drunkards, and apparently the world's entire population of whores leaning from windows and giving potential customers an appreciative eyeful. Even with recent events, safety was all but a luxury in this end of town. The danger of trading pleasure for coin meant nothing if it ultimately meant starving to death instead. But Fane had no attention for any of them, his feet light over the cobblestones and his keen eye scanning the otherwise silent streets.
September 30th 1888 : 12.15 PM
His journey finally ended at a long, straight, hopeless street of cramped regularly-built brick houses. Littering the narrow path between yards crowds of figures squat around fires, attempting in vain to chase away the chill of winter setting in not that it bothered him. Carefully he picked his way through the dismal desperation, ears tuning out the sounds of pained groaning and muttering echoing from behind the gates he passes by avoiding puddles at all cost. A short while later he stopped, turning to lift the rough latch on a gate, allowing himself to slip through into a yard where more people huddled. Stepping over a sprawled man, possibly asleep, drunk or even dead, he continued, paying them no heed until he pushed through the back door of a stained brick building. He felt bad for ignoring their plight, but there were greater terrors plaguing these streets. One he had a foundling theory about.
Allowing the door to rattle shut behind him Fane glanced around, barely noticing the moderate increase in warmth the house offered. Instead, his head turned as a voice sounded from upstairs “get a move on Mr. Corbett” a haughty voice sounded “this is the story of a lifetime!”
“S’cuse me mister—Can I help you?” one of the aids, a young boy of around ten, stained with ink who had noticed Fane’s entrance asked, but no pleasantries could be spared tonight. Shaking his head mutely before brushing past and towards the staircase following the voice that continued to cajoul as it exited onto the street.
Following, Fane spotted the thickly moustached man in a bowler hat hurrying off down the street with another stumbling in tow attempting to carry an awkward amount of equipment including a wooden camera tripod. “Mister Holden,” Fane’s crisp voice cut through the quiet street not that it stopped the hurrying pair “I know you have more of the Ripper’s letters.”
Jeffrey Holden to his credit, barely looked back as Fane quickened his pace to catch up. “I told you t’stay away from me sir.”
A flare of irritation stirred in Fane as he kept pace “you know as well as I that won’t happen, you need to stop publishing his letters Holden.” Catching the reporter’s arm and yanking him to a stop “you’re turning an unknown miscreant into a legend. This is exactly what he’s after, press.” Infamy.
“’xactly, you seem to be missing the point of all this. What does news do to sales? News sells Savin. News pays my rent and keeps me fed.” Ever the entrepreneur it seemed.
And they call me a leech. “You’re plunging these streets into even more shadow and chaos. These women are people Holden! Don’t you have any morality?”
“Watch y’self sir, or news might just spread that a certain well-to-do gentleman skulking about these streets might just be more involved than meets the eye.” Holden sniffed, breaking out of Fane’s grip “anyhows last I checked they wasn’t nothin’ more than goodfurnothin’ whores. Who’s gunna miss’em? G’night sir, the print waits on nobody” With a tip of his bowler hat Holden was on his way and Fane tightened his hand into a fist tightly at his side. If he couldn’t get the letters handed over, well, he’d just have to get a little more creative…
September 30th 1888 : 12.30 PM
Fane had just been starting back down the street towards the Holden & Co. print shop when Naomi appeared out of the shadows causing a tingle to run up his spine as it often did when in the presence of one of his progeny. “I think we might finally have him, spotted moving towards Berner Street, off Commercial Road.”
A wash of cold urgency replaced the warm familiarity that came with the presence of the young woman, “he’s on the hunt— Show me.” With barely another word the two sped off, a blur of motion speeding through the street. They had to catch up to this killer before he could strike again and vanish into the ether once more and if not that, then certainly before whatever grotesque arrangement might be left behind was discovered.
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Orchards, a quartet based in Brighton that masterfully modulates between the primary colours of pop and malleable molecules of math rock. 
Each of their tracks contains a copious amount of cleverly executed hooks and progressive punctuation that’s subtle and subliminal, providing plenty of musical muscle that’s robustly relevant to the ears of musicians and the casual listener which is no easy feat. 
Its pleasant to see a band pull this off without it sounding like its a forced installation of ideas that are trying to swiftly suit the needs of the listener or cut creative corners to satisfy tasteless trends. 
Orchards do everything listed above and clearly convey a sense of fun whilst maintaining a serious approach to songwriting that’s meticulous and modern. 
I interviewed Orchards on their tour with Tiny Moving Parts back in summer after their recent signing to Big Scary Monsters. 
Losers/Lovers by Orchards
How did Orchards form and what were all of you musical intentions for how you wanted Orchards to sound and how has that changed from then to now ?
Sam: Orchards began with me and the original vocalist, we started to write a few songs together and then got Will (drums ) involved and then decided that we needed a bassist. I didn't actually know any specific bass players but I did know someone who owned bass which, was my housemate Dan Fane.
Dan: Me and Sam lived together and I was the owner of the bass guitar that we had in the flat. I came along to a few practices and starting writing with songs with the rest of the band so, I haven't formally been asked to join the band to this date.......
Sam: That's how we like to keep it, we like to keep him on his toes.
What inspired you to become musicians and become involved in music ?
Sam: My cousin took me to see The Red Hot Chilli Peppers when I was really really young which was a big moment for me, seeing John Frusciante play really opened up my mind to what was possible with the guitar. 
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After that I went home and sat with my acoustic and tried for hours to make my guitar sound like his which led me to buying my first electric guitar.
Dan: The first record that I bought was the best of Carlos Santana, my parents loved his music well, it was mainly my dad. My parents used to host a lot of parties in our house and Santana's music was always something that was present there. Seeing people dance and enjoy music in that setting made me want to learn how to play an instrument, I even went and bought one of Santana's signatures guitars as well.
What the bands, artists  and musicians shaped and formed the creative approach you take with your instrument ?
Sam: Again John Frusciante, not just what he did with The Red Hot Chilli Peppers but every aspect of his approach to playing and his solo stuff. I'm really into his other Ataxia as well.
Incubus was another important band that influenced  the way that I play in Orchards. Incubus is one the bands that we can all have as a collective influence. At The Drive and The Mars Volta really blew my mind and were really pushing a lot of musical boundaries so my approach was influenced by lots of different genres combined together.
Dan: It was mainly Biffy Clyro..............
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How are the songs are written in Orchards and how does the process work from A to B?
Dan: It's a really different process for all of us since we're all songwriters. Sometimes a song comes from a riff written by Sam or our drummer Will who's also an incredible guitar player as well.  It can be anything really anything from a chorus idea or a top line vocal melody. It's a great way to work and I like how we don't write to formula and have lots of different creative pools to draw from. Orchards sound definitely comes from the different styles and influences that we all have.
Sam: I'll usually have a plethora of ideas that can range from a single guitar part or a complete idea that we'll structure together as a band. Me and  Will will work on some ideas that he's come up for me to try out on guitar which gives me another creative avenue to explore. 
His guitar parts really push me out of my comfort zone which in turn makes me become a better musician.  He'll usually bring me a handful of riffs to try out which I'll change here and there. We'll continue to work on ideas as a full band and shape the songs in a rehearsal room.
Sometimes a song will just come together really easily, like when we wrote I Luv You 2.  
The core elements of the song came from a single guitar part and the whole song came together in the space in a three hour rehearsal. It  hasn't changed from the initial ideas that we came up with together in that one room.
Luv You 2-Orchards
Dan: Whereas songs like Darling which took about two years to write. We couldn't move past a certain point with it and keep hitting a creative wall so we just shelved it and put it to bed until we were ready to work on it again
Sam: When Lucy joined we started playing it at the end of a rehearsal, without the intention of even working on it so, it was all completely off the cuff when we came up with the rest of the song.
I can't remember if it was a different guitar part or bass line that me or Dan played but something happened which made Lucy add a load of new vocal parts and it all just came together.
How do you maintain a constant state of progression and ensure that you are proficient with your musicianship?
Dan: I don't practise as much as I should and the only time I feel that I seriously practice is when we are rehearsing together as a band. I'm not a bass player, I use a pick and just play it like a guitar so I'm approaching the role of a being a bassist from a totally different perspective than what its used for. 
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I mainly just work on writing new material on my Guild acoustic and experimenting with lots of different chords and vocal melodies.
Sam: I write more than I practice, I have a warm up that I play its a something that Tom Morrello uses which is a mixture of hammer ons though, I didn't do that before today's show.
I'll usually just run through songs if I actually need to warm up. The main rule I have is not to have more than two beers before I go on, that's a golden rule since we all got a bit plastered at a show before which doesn't help when you are playing music that's technical with lots of changes.
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Since you all write and bring ideas to the table, how important do you think it is to listen to everyone in the band and be honest when working on a song or specific idea, how important is honesty in a band when working together creatively even when it comes to your own ideas?
Dan: We've learned as a band to see an idea through to the end and try it out regardless whether you like it or not.
Its not always the best approach completely shun or dismiss and idea, even if you don't like it based on how it sounds. Getting past that first impression and seeing how it'll turn out in the end is a really factor  to consider in the writing process and something other bands should keep in mind.
There's always room to experiment with ideas, the end result will always be different to the first initial idea. We're always open to try an idea and see what happens.
Sam: We're all really good friends and that really helps, it allows everyone to trust  each others sense of musical judgement. Overall we have a great sense of  musical democracy between us, everyone gets to put their ideas forward and everyone's opinion is taken into account.
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Dan: Our live shows for us is the main element that we focus on when writing, playing something that you really don't enjoy live really comes across to the audience.  
What have you learned from playing in a band and knowledge can you pass on to other musicians?
Sam: I'd advise other musicians to only create music that you want to play, don't just follow or write music that fits a scene.
Once a trend dies then all of the music that went with it dies as well, you can't just jump on a scene if its gaining a following already. Just be yourself and focus on writing music that you love to play.
Dan: I remember watching an interview with Biffy Clyro and they were talking about the origins of the band.  Their agenda from the start was to only play the music that they had a collective passion for and that they wanted to create.
So like Sam I'd strongly agree with playing and writing music that you really enjoy, its one of the most crucial points of being in a band.
Do you think bands need to deliver more to an audience and that audiences expect more in this modern age?  
Sam: I like it when a band sounds completely different from their studio recording, that's how you can tell if a band is actually performing live.
I've never been a fan watching bands that play to  backing tracks or drummers just pressing play on some kind of sampler.
I saw Clean Clean Cut Kid live recently and they sounded completely different to their recorded albums. It just makes it more of a an interesting experience for the audience and the band playing since everything isn't running on a script.
Orchards - Live and Acoustic - BSM Popup Shop, Cardiff
Dan: I think its very easy to go overboard when you are in the studio and a song can really sound great with loads of additional overdubbed parts and different layers but, you are always going to find a problem playing it live if you go down that route since you don't have an abundance of extra  musicians playing everything you've recorded or  you have to play to a click so that everything lines up with a backing track, eliminating any elements of surprise.
Musicians naturally speed up, slow down, play more aggressively or quietly to cause tension in a live performance.
 You can't really do that if you are relying on a bunch of other elements to enhance your performance, if one thing goes down then your whole set can be ruined.
Sam: Its annoying when a band can't play a key element of they the song because its on a synth or something that can't be incorporated in a live setting. I prefer a live performance to be as natural as possible with everyone reacting as a band instead of relying on software to cue everything.
Our producer Thomas Lebeau Morley knows how to make the songs like they've been played together by a band in the same room even though we've recorded some additional parts and layers.  He mixes everything in a such a clever way and doesn't sound like a misinterpretation of what we sound like live.
There's a difference between both mediums but its not a drastic difference when we go between them.
What do you use in your rig?
Sam: I'm currently using a Mexican Fender Mustang and an American Telecaster going through a Fender Deluxe Hotrod and  a Fender Deville.
My pedal board is designed to fill out the space of only having one guitar in the band and  I'm playing a lot melodies instead of chords. Like Incubus and The Red Hot Chilli Peppers we've got three different instruments to work with  Lucy's vocals on top 
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I'm using a Line 6 DL4, two boss delays which are used for slap back delays and a Electro Harmonix Cathedral for reverb.
Next is a Poly Octave Generator from Electro Harmonix and a Digitech Whammy  which are used for pitch shifting and octaves.
I've started using more modulated effects which is where the Marshall Regenerator and  Rainbow Machine come into play. The Rainbow Machine is really a weird pedal that requires some fine tuning but I've found a way to integrate it in with everything else.
My last pedal is a Dunes Overdrive from Earthquaker  Devices that I competition from Juan Alderete during one of  their exhibitions. Its another weird pedal that's replaced my Boss DS1 and just gives me a really thick (GIRTH!) and heavy sound!
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A big shout out to the Yamaha ABC ( Automatic Bass Chord ) Keyboard, we've used that for every track we've put out. Its coming to the end of its life and is covered in duct tape.
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Unfortunately Yamaha have discontinued this model and they are quite hard to find online. I remember that I dislocated my shoulder and still had to play all of the parts when it was in that condition but we managed to get everything down, hopefully it doesn't croak before we put out our next release.
Lucy also uses a Boss VE20 for harmonies and doubling up her vocals. 
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What advice would you give yourself if you could go back in time and see yourself as a younger musician?
Dan: I'd advise myself to not use too much distortion, when I first started playing live I was always at the front playing guitar, using the stereotypical Line 6 Spider amplifier on the most metal sounding setting which sounded great on its own but doesn't give you any real definition of what you are actually playing in terms harmony or melody.
Sam: I'd invest in a good set of strings and avoid using the cheapest brand that I was using at the time and the correct gauge to suit my style of playing since I used to always snap strings when I was a younger musician.  I'd tell myself to get my guitar setup by a professional guitar tech, its not an expensive process and can really make a difference.
Sam Rushton was recently nominated by Total Guitar Magazine as one the best new guitarists of 2018. 
Give him your vote since he’s paving the way forward with modern guitar music and he’s a quality chap. 
Just follow the link below and VOTE!!!!!
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Please follow Orchards at the following links listed below 
( Photos by Dan Chase and Jessie Morgan )
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fraemd · 7 years
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Art, design and anything creative runs deeply in this couples’ blood and there are no limits to what and how they imagine the world and space around them. Suzette van Dam and James van der Velden, are known for their joint ability to transform an interesting space into something quite spectacular, and while doing so, never fail to include intriguing and sometimes unusual treasures of art and collectibles. Although their newly renovated apartment has already been sold onto the next lucky owner, we were fortunate enough to squeeze in some time with Suzette to see how they transformed what was once a dark garage in East Amsterdam, into a creative living cabinet of curiosity. With art of course, being the main focus.
Suzette studied design and styling at the Fashion Institute in Amsterdam. She always knew she would do something creative and her studies helped her take this first step. From there, it was concepts and brands that stole her heart and which ultimately lead her to opening up her own concept store and pop-up coffee shop. Working with local artists and designers to help give them a ‘foot-up’ is part of Suzette’s curatorial enjoyment. For her, a home or space decorated by art is what can help make it truly warm, personal and adored. And in Suzette’s most recent idea of creating a country house hotel close to Amsterdam, she knows that art and design will ultimately play a huge role in creating a cozy family home feel while still maintaining an experience of luxury and retreat.
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So what sort of art does this couple collect we wondered; especially with James being a seasoned interior decorator and owner of Bricks Studio. We soon learned from our conversation with Suzette that in their collection, there are no hard and fast rules and that the wild and unlikely combination of design elements in their home is what makes it so inviting. For Suzette, if something really grabs her attention then she will spontaneously buy it and if it doesn’t fit under her arm to take home that day, she will call an uber or make a plan. For James and for bigger more expensive pieces, they will discuss it first before biting the bullet. These pieces are usually the ‘statement’ pieces that can either become big investments and or be the focal point of an interior.
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Luckily though, the couple are generally on the same page with interior ideas. Although Suzette did remark at how their garage home had a particular ‘James flair’ of a more chaotic masculine, ‘man-cave’ feel. He likes to use a lot of colours and prints in combination with a modern but industrial feeling. And Suzette tends to organise this chaos with her softer lighter style. We think he may have taken advantage of Suzette being pregnant at the time of their renovation which meant more freedom to play with his ideas. Their next home though, we hear from Suzette, will be lighter softer and calmer but never without their joint cabinets of curiosity.
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Taking a walk through Suzette’s and James’s apartment is like a wild adventure. Our eyes were on stalks as we walked around every corner, door or structure. From a large contemporary poster framed in black and mounted in place of a toilet door, to dome glass jars filled with eggs and other interesting inanimate objects. In fact, the list goes on to taxidermy, tortoise shells, collectible cars and robotic sculptures. 
Of course the first thing we wanted to know was WHERE DOES ALL THIS STUFF COME FROM? Suzette told us that wherever they go, be it a flea market or art fair, their combined desire to surround themselves with beautiful aesthetics in whatever form that may come, is key to their collection. Some of their art and collectibles are created by James’s mother and sister who work together as contemporary sculptors (Bibimichele), some art is shipped from art fairs across the globe, some pieces are collected from markets and even from EBAY online, and some art (mainly photographs and posters) is created by the couple themselves. Their art and collectibles are carefully and deliberately grouped into mini installations on top of shelves, books and mounted onto walls… all set up for great stories and conversations with visitors. 
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Suzette’s fine art collection all started with the large canvas collage of ‘GABI’ which she bought ten years ago. It now hangs impressively in the middle of their apartment, around the corner from their more recent purchase of the blurry lady (untitled) from the Amsterdam Affordable art fair. Suzette wanted her so badly that she ordered an uber van to take it home with her and had to carry it up three flights of stairs to get it into her house. She hung it up that same night and it fitted perfectly. Buying art from up and coming artists is important to Suzette and next on her radar or ‘art bucket list’ is a Louise Bourgouis or something from David Hockney. 
With Suzette’s new luxury cottages and hotel concept in the making, art will no doubt be of great consideration in creating the cozy serene feeling that she imagines it to be. She tells us that there will be big statement pieces and a big sculpture outside, preferably from her mother and sister in law. And what excites us the most is that Suzette plans to work with new up and coming artists to create something especially for the hotel. We will watch this space!
Text by: Georgia Fane Hervey 
Photos by: Iris Haverkamp Begemann
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warrenwoodhouse · 7 years
Manhattan Bridge by Warren Woodhouse (Artwork)
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Original hand-drawn and hand-coloured artwork by @warrenwoodhouse. View of Manhattan Bridge at Dumbo - Manhattan Bridge View, 39-21 Washington Street in Dumbo, Brooklyn, Long Island, NY, United States of America. Made using a A4 plain paper and colouring pencils. Made during an art session with Friends Action North East CIC.
📃 A4 Plain Paper
✏️ H5 Pencil; Colouring Pencils
🗓 22nd August 2017 at 1:30 pm
💡 Artist Tip: Use a landmark for design ideas which you can use as a reference piece or for creating new pieces of art
📍 FANE Creative Corner, Ouseburn Farm, 1 Ouse Road, Ouseburn, Byker, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear, North East, England, United Kingdom.
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warrenwoodhouse · 6 years
Warren’s Experience with FANE - Blogs - Friends Action North East CIC (Testimonials) (Blogs) (FANE)
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Photo & Article by @warrenwoodhouse #warrenwoodhouse for Friends Action North East CIC
I used to struggle with travelling on my own to places, meeting people at specific times and remembering to call people to let them know that I turned up some where and that I'm safe.
FANE helped me meet some new friends, helped to build up my confidence in travelling independently on my own to places that would normally be out of my comfort zone, meeting friends at a set time and making sure that I call up my mum to let her know that I arrived at the destination safely on my own.
This has boosted my confidence and has made it easier to meet friends and have fun.
Me and my friends Shaun, Gary & Peter have our own little group, but we sometimes have fun with others too. I now go to Geek Retreat with my friends Andrew, James & Toby (Support Staff).
I have joined FANE's Creative Corner (Art Class & Photography Club) and I have enjoyed making awesome artwork, animations & photographs.
Original Post
Archived Post
Alternative Post
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warrenwoodhouse · 6 years
Warren’s Blog - Blogs - Friends Action North East CIC (Testimonials)
Article by @warrenwoodhouse
Also At: https://friendsaction.co.uk/blogs/warren
I used to struggle with travelling on my own to places, meeting people at specific times and remembering to call people to let them know that I turned up some where and that I'm safe.
FANE helped me meet some new friends, helped to build up my confidence in travelling independently on my own to places that would normally be out of my comfort zone, meeting friends at a set time and making sure that I call up my mum to let her know that I arrived at the destination safely on my own.
This has boosted my confidence and has made it easier to meet friends and have fun.
Me and my friends Shaun, Gary & Peter have our own little group, but we sometimes have fun with others too. I now go to Geek Retreat with my friends Andrew, James & Toby (Support Staff).
I have joined FANE's Creative Corner (Art Class & Photography Club) and I have enjoyed making awesome artwork, animations & photographs.
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warrenwoodhouse · 6 years
Doodle Art 1 by Warren Woodhouse (Artwork) (Panorama)
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Original hand-drawn and hand-coloured artwork by @warrenwoodhouse, FANE staff and Andrew Pearson. Mine are signed by me on the entire artwork and I’ve also turned it into a panorama photo too.
📃 A3 Plain + A3 Plain + A3 Plain
✏️ Felt-Tip Colouring Pens
🗓 21st September 2018 at 2:29 pm
📍 FANE Creative Corner, Ouseburn Farm, 1 Ouse Road, Ouseburn, Byker, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear, North East, England, United Kingdom.
📸 Apple iPhone 6s (Product Red)
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warrenwoodhouse · 8 years
Print Art 1 by Warren Woodhouse (Artwork)
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Original hand-drawn and hand-printed art by @warrenwoodhouse, made using acrylic paints scrapped onto an A3 plain paper using a print tool. Made during an art session with Friends Action North East CIC.
📃 A3 Plain Paper
✏️ Acrylic Paints
🗓 25th May 2016 at 2:15 pm
📍FANE Creative Corner, Ouseburn Farm, 1 Ouse Road, Ouseburn, Byker, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear, North East, England, United Kingdom.
0 notes
warrenwoodhouse · 7 years
Happy Hallowe’en Poster by Warren Woodhouse (Artwork)
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Original hand-drawn and hand-coloured A3 poster showcasing Hallowe’en. Made during an art session at FANE Creative Corner.
📃 A3 Plain
✏️ HB Pencil; Felt-Tip Colouring Pens
🗓 31st October 2017 at 1:30 pm
📍 FANE Creative Corner, Ouseburn Farm, 1 Ouse Road, Ouseburn, Byker, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear, North East, England, United Kingdom.
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warrenwoodhouse · 10 months
Warren Woodhouse Font Family
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Free for personal use only. If you want to use this family for commercial use, please CLICK HERE to seek permission.
CLICK HERE to see the entire font family library. The family includes the fonts of To Sharp Lingo Font, Warren Language Font, Warren Woodhouse Font, Consolidation Party Font and FANE Creative Corner Font. All of these make up the ancestry of the family, beginning as far back as the 18th June 2002 to present. To Sharp Lingo Font is my answer to my 2002 poster lettering and I decided to create a font based on my original hand-drawn poster lettering, which started off the family. Please enjoy this font family. Free for personal use only. For commercial use, please use the contact form by CLICKING HERE.
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warrenwoodhouse · 8 years
FANE CIC Creative Corner Logo by Warren Woodhouse (Artwork)
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Logo that I’ve made for the art class that me and the Friends Action North East CIC have set up. Also a potential upcoming font, stay tuned to this blog post for further updates next year.
Artwork by @warrenwoodhouse
✏️ Number 2 Pencil - Banner Brand
📃 A4
✋ Hand-Drawn
🗓 9th November 2016
💿 Warren Language Font
📍 Friends Action North East CIC, Ouseburn Farm, 1 Ouse Road, Ouseburn, Byker, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear, North East, England, United Kingdom.
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emerald-amidst-gold · 4 years
A Dragon’s Hope
Here’s a little fanfic that I wrote awhile back! I decided to go back and tweak a few parts as well as correct a few mistakes that I missed. This is just kind of an analytical piece on Fane that kind of delves into his interactions with Solas and how he sees the world of Thedas. Obviously, there are headcanons here, as well as creative liberties, but I hope anyone who reads this enjoys! I know I did say that Solas and Fane don’t really show affection for each other through physical actions that much, but sometimes they do. Especially when it’s late/near end game time. It’s still extremely rare and reserved though. Fane just likes to talk to big. He’s literally a puppy dragon. Anywhoooo..enjoy!
“That..dragon is quite attached to you, Inquisitor.”
The Inquisitor’s party was traveling back from the Emprise du Lion after successfully culling another wave of dragonlings and two mature dragons. The fact that there had been two mothers had made the grief for Fane all the more painful when he was forced to kill both within minutes of each other. There had been a third, but..well, his mind was not in the most stable of states after the first two, so the third female would have to wait for another day. Always another day, another tragedy, another loss. However, despite the fragile state of his decaying mind, something surprising and amazing had been found when he and Solas had investigated the nests of both dragons.  And that something was what was currently perched on his shoulder, snowy white tail draped over his shoulders as its serpentine head flitted left and right as it took in the surroundings. Fane watched with fondness as Solas reached up with his knuckles to allow the small dragon to nuzzle against them before he glanced over at Cassandra, hearing her hesitant statement. 
“He’s practically a newborn, Seeker. Baby dragons generally attach themselves to whatever they see upon hatching. For all intents and purposes, I’m literally his mother.”, Fane stated bluntly, barely flinching as the energetic newborn whipped around to his other shoulder to inspect the other side. 
Cassandra recoiled a bit as the dragon leaned in to investigate her. The display made the corner of Fane’s mouth quirk up into a shadow of a smirk. For all of her taciturn will, the Seeker was surprisingly easy to startle. Though, he supposed he understood why. After all, it wasn’t every day one came face to face with a dragon, even if the little one on his shoulders was no more ferocious than a kitten.  
“I understand that, Inquisitor, but..why is it so..lively?”, Cassandra fumbled for the right words as she hesitantly stretched a finger out to the emerald eyed dragon. 
The baby dragon cooed happily, infant scales bristling with a soft shudder as it shook its body from a cool gust of wind. The Seeker yelped slightly before turning away in embarrassment. Fane let out a quiet chuckle as he easily guided his young kin back to the other side.
“What? Is it that strange for a child to be energetic and curious? He’s just investigating, Seeker. He’s never seen people like us before. Over time, I’m sure he’ll become more reclusive and aloof, but for now, he’s like a small puppy in his actions.”, Fane explained without much thought, feeling the little dragon happily nuzzle at his pale cheek with a purr. 
Fane naturally nuzzled back with a small smile before catching Solas gazing at him fondly, blue eyes sparkling with quiet happiness. As the white baby dragon continued to nuzzle his cheek, a snowy eyebrow rose in question. There was that look of deep affection again. The look that Solas generally kept locked away unless the two of them were alone. Fane had to wonder what was so endearing to warrant a crack in Solas’s normally reserved mask. 
“What’s that look for, old man?”, Fane inquired with a fond tone, sighing in slight exasperation as the snowy dragon burrowed into the cowl of his jacket to investigate the material. 
Solas chuckled at the sight before shaking his head softly, reaching up once more to tap the small dragon’s long tail. Upon the touch, the newborn snapped up to attention, its small head darting back and forth for the source before its emerald gaze landed on Solas’s smiling face. It let out a happy, squeaky roar as it hopped over to the mage’s shoulders. Solas blinked in surprise before letting out a breathy laugh, tilting his head to the side as the dragon attempted to get more comfortable on its new perch. The elven mage stroked the small head with the back of a finger, the little creature bristling pleasantly. Fane felt his whole chest blossom with gentle warmth as he watched the whole display. Normally, he wasn’t one to wax words such as ‘cute’ or ‘adorable’, but right now, those were the only words he could use to describe such a sight.
“Well, aren’t you a friendly dragon, little one? My shoulders cannot be better than your original perch, but that is your opinion, I suppose.”, Solas almost cooed at the small dragon, his blue eyes sparkling with nostalgia and warmth. 
Fane smirked softly at the sight of his kin and his lover. This was what it was meant to be like. Dragons and other beings coexisting without fear of the other. Respect was what mattered for dragons. If you respected a dragon’s inherent nature, it would open its wings to you. However, if you feared its nature or were willfully blind to it, you risked its ire. It had happened that way for Solas and Fane. Solas had surprised the then dragon with his openness and understanding. And in turn, Fane had surprised the then young elven god with his loyalty and dedication. It had been the start of a deep bond. A bond that was now tempered with trauma and loss, but ultimately love and acceptance. He hoped his newborn kin would be free from the insanity that plagued Fane and the rest of their kind. However, he knew that it was an inevitable fate. For the time being, that was. He would fix it. He would atone. He would not allow more of his kind to suffer from a lack of action on his part.
“Never again. I will not turn away from those two toned eyes anymore.”, Fane thought with resolve, continuing to take in the sight of two very important things in his life. 
Fane continued to watch with uncommon fondness as the small dragon tried to stretch out its silvery wings, squeaking with effort. Solas looked up at him with a tender expression before motioning his head a bit towards the small creature. A snowy eyebrow raised in question before he saw Solas begin to mouth his words.
“Why don’t you assist him?”, Solas mouthed softly, motioning to the struggling dragon once again. 
Fane blinked in understanding before sighing softly. Well, what was the harm? It was just a simple matter, right? With a soft smile, Fane made a sound akin to what he would have made if he had the lungs of a dragon still, something between a growl and whistle, to draw the newborn’s attention back to him. The little dragon stopped what it was doing immediately, snowy serpentine head perking up like a meerkat’s before it whipped around for the source. Fane chuckled at the tiny confused noise his kin made before repeating the sound more loudly. He knew it sometimes took a few tries to draw a newborn’s attention, especially with how the world was now. This time, the snowy dragon whipped around to face him with joyful emerald gold eyes, letting out a triumphant screech before kicking off of Solas’s shoulders to return up to his own. He watched with amusement as Solas stumbled slightly from the forceful kick, holding a hand out easily to steady the elven man by placing it on his shoulder. Solas gave him a small, grateful smile before standing up straight once more. Fane smiled back with a small smile of his own before sighing in mild exasperation as the tiny dragonling circled around his shoulders like a pacing dog. Well, he never claimed his kin was patient. Very well. 
“Hey, cool it. You need to stretch your wings out, right?”, Fane asked gently, watching as the little dragon’s emerald eyes shone with understanding as its tail flicked in agreement, but squeaked to voice it more soundly, “Thought so. Start by arching your back.”, he instructed with a motion of his finger. 
The snowy dragon shifted on his shoulder before bunching up its body, its body resembling how a cat normally arched when it was threatened or scared. Fane chuckled softly as he gingerly tapped the spindly back legs of the little creature to spread him out a bit more.
“There. Now, slowly, and I mean slowly, let your wings spread open. Don’t force them. Just let them move how they’re intended to, and gravity will take its course.”, he continued to instruct, ignoring the look of pure shock from Cassandra as he watched his tiny kin try to listen to his instructions. 
Fane felt at ease for the first time in months as he watched the silvery wings of the little dragonling open up to their full width. Seeing his kin flourish as they were meant to, made Fane feel a deep pressure of pride in his chest. Even as children, dragons were splendid creatures. Beauty and power, all in one. The little dragonling screeched in happiness and relief as it succeeded in its efforts, emerald eyes looking down at Fane’s own. Fane smiled the largest smile he’d ever felt form on his face as he nodded at the small thing.
“Well done. Every part of your body, every sound you utter, is a part of what makes you a dragon. You’re nature incarnate. Powerful and dominating, but serene and proud. Never forget that. Never forget what you are. Got it?”, Fane said softly, but firmly, his gaze softening with utter fondness as the little dragon screeched again in proud understanding, “Oh? Is that so? Well, you better keep that promise.” 
Fane watched as the snowy dragon hopped around to face Solas with the same proud screech, gingerly moving its wings to show off. Solas merely smiled just as fondly as an elegant hand came up to delicately caress an infant wing. He continued to watch with growing warmth as the little baby screeched and cooed happily at Solas’s soft touches before he felt a light tap to his other shoulder. He glanced back to see the Seeker staring at him with a furrowed brow. He raised one snowy eyebrow in question before realizing he had just done all that with the Seeker present. Ah, shit. He hadn’t even thought about that! Solas was one thing, but the others? Shit. Why did his mind always blank out when he couldn’t afford it to!? 
“Yes, Seeker?”, Fane asked, trying to sound as calm as he could. 
Cassandra tilted her head to look at the little dragon, who was still fawning over Solas like a happy puppy. 
“How did you know to do that?”, Cassandra asked him curiously, pointing to the small dragon’s now gently ebbing wings. 
Fane’s mouth hardened into a thin line as he blew out a huff of air through his nose. How the hell was he supposed to explain this? It’s obvious that he had learned this through his own experience as a dragon, and at times, he had instructed others of his white kin to do the same. However, he couldn’t just divulge that information without preparation. The shock would be tremendous on his inner circle. He couldn’t just say, “Oh, didn’t you know? I was a dragon centuries ago.”. It wouldn’t pan out well. Not at all. So, Fane decided to do the next thing he knew; lie. Lie with a tiny pinch of truth mixed in the broth. He blamed Solas for that particular quirk to his nature. The elven mage was adept at twisting the truth just right, so as to placate another person. So, it went without saying that Fane would have eventually picked up the habit simply by observation. Which he had. Several centuries as an overly observant dragon would do that.
“Oh, that?”, he said, jerking his head towards the little dragon before shrugging gently, “Just a guess, honestly. I saw a diagram in one book that outlined dragon anatomy. It showed how dragon wings opened and folded. I figured it was kind of the same concept for newborns.”, Fane lied as well as he could. 
Cassandra stared at him hard, completely unconvinced with his story. Fane internally cursed the keenness of this woman. She was too observant! He wasn’t completely lying! Where he got the knowledge, yes. About the book? No. He had actually read a book on dragons! He had read many books, in fact, but that was only because he was eager to learn more about his forgotten heritage. However, the more Fane regained his memories, the more puzzled he would feel when reading those books. Many were surprisingly accurate, but others? Not so much. Fane remembered a time he had actually commanded Solas to burn a book with magic. Obviously, the mage had been confused by his shift in demeanor, since Fane had been contentedly reading, but once the dragon had shown him the book and its..’contents’, Solas had done what he asked without another word. Ugh, the thought of that book still sent shivers down his spine. ‘Natural, primal passions’.. Disgusting. Fane could feel Cassandra continuing to bore holes into his face with her suspicion, shaking his head a bit from his wandering thoughts. 
“Think, Fane. Think!”, he pleaded with his mind desperately for another lie.
With a quiet sigh, Fane continued to rack his brain for something more before he heard Solas clear his throat. His gaze glanced back down at the elven god, the little dragon curled up around Solas’s fur lined coat. He blinked softly, not realizing when the little dragon had moved, but smiling fondly at the sight of such comfort. The display of such warm peace in the little creature made Fane’s heart fill with quiet hope, so he couldn’t help but stray from throwing the Seeker off her course for the moment.
“He likes you.”, Fane murmured softly, reaching over to gingerly run a few fingers along whitened scales. 
Solas chuckled softly, stroking the little baby with his knuckles once more as the little dragon let out a small yawn. The mage’s hand moved just a bit to let the small creature shift into a more comfortable position before patting its round head gingerly. Fane’s heart nearly burst with affection at the sight. 
“He is quite the little ball of energy. Much like someone else I know.”, Solas whispered up at Fane softly, giving the mortal dragon a little smirk before turning his gaze back at the questioning Seeker, “The book the Inquisitor spoke about was one of my own, Seeker. I kept it since I thought it would be helpful against the dragon Corypheus possesses.”, Solas explained calmly, his entire demeanor radiating control, “The Inquisitor asked to read it since he had come to me with questions pertaining to that. Suffice it to say, he developed a bit of an obsession from that point on.”, Solas finished with a calm, small smile, body shifting as the little dragon nuzzled into the fur with a sleepily sigh. 
Fane watched as the Seeker stared hard at Solas, brown eyes seemingly searching for an answer to another question in her mind. 
“And where did you get such a book in the first place, Solas?”, Cassandra asked, her brow furrowing again. 
Fane glanced back down at Solas, the mage giving him a calm look before stormy eyes steadily landed back on the Seeker. He truly did hate how observant Cassandra could be. Then again, Fane supposed that’s what made the human a Seeker.
“The University of Orlais. They do extensive research on dragons, Seeker. I sent a list to them of books I wished to procure, and I had asked for one pertaining to dragons. The one Corypheus possesses is unlike any dragon ever seen or recorded, so I wished to verify its nature. That is all.”, Solas said with that same calm expression.
Cassandra and Solas stared at each other for several more moments before the Seeker sighed in defeat. Fane felt himself visibly relax as he had managed to get off scot free. This is why he loved this man. Well, it wasn’t the only reason he loved Solas, but the mage’s cleverness was on the top of the list. Fane would have to treat the elf to something as a way of saying thanks. Maybe he’ll look into those cakes that the mage liked.. He hummed in thought before shaking his head slightly to dislodge his haze before meeting Cassandra’s wary gaze once again. He furrowed his brows yet again. What now?
“Something else wrong, Seeker?”, he asked with mild exasperation.
“Are you sure it is wise to bring it back to Skyhold? Do we even know how large it will grow to be?”, Cassandra asked, looking past Fane to watch the little dragon sleep with a wary gaze. 
Fane’s brow furrowed as he stared at Cassandra. Was she honestly asking this? The dragonling was with them. He was nestled in Solas’s collar. He had travelled this far with them. Wasn’t the answer obvious? And as to the issue of the dragon’s growth..well, he supposed he could be truthful about that tidbit.
“He, not it. They have genders, you know.”, he corrected the Seeker firmly before sighing, “Anyways, he’s young, Seeker. He can do no more damage than a kitten. Obviously, as he grows more bold, we’ll have to find better outlets for instinctual habits, but it’ll be a long time before he grows past the size of a small calf.”, he explained calmly, glancing down on occasion to check on both Solas and the little dragon.
“Will he not grow to be destructive, however? Instinct would surely take its course at a certain age.”, Cassandra asked once more, glancing at the little dragon once again.
Fane’s face deadpanned as he felt familiar irritation rising in his body. Why was that always the thing people associated with this kin? Dragons, when not raging with madness, were the most controlled beings on this plane! They were reclusive back in the days of Arlathan! They only roamed and ravaged now because they had no other choice! They were terrified of this familiar yet strange world, just as he still was! Except Fane felt more anger and disgust when he looked upon the colorless portions of land. The abandoned ruins. The burnt fields. The leveled mountains. All of it was disgusting and corrupted. It was broken, wrong, bound! It was not what his kin were used to! Not what this little one was supposed to be brought into! He would do anything to usher in their world once again! Anything! He would kill anyone and anything! He would ravage crops and buildings! He would sunder the very heavens with a piercing roar! He would-!
Fane closed his eyes with a heavy sigh as he realized his mind was bordering on the edge of darkness.
“Look at me. I constantly say dragons are not savage creatures, and yet, I am voicing thoughts that scream such a trait. I cannot let this madness consume me. Not until I free them. I must endure. I must..”, he thought firmly, taking another steadying breath as he felt a cool hand come up to casually brush some snow from his shoulder.
Fane reopened his eyes to look down at Solas, who was gently retracting his hand to give him a small, sad smile before being nudged rather roughly by the sleeping dragonling. Solas let out a quiet grunt before chuckling warmly. 
“Hm. He is still quite active, even when asleep. Such interesting creatures, dragons are.”, Solas mused with fondness, carefully fluffing up some fur for the sleeping dragon. 
Fane felt his mind clear at the sight of such warmth as he let out a tender chuckle. He couldn’t lose himself. Not when there was still a sliver of hope along the horizon. Normally, Fane would not even entertain the concepts of fate, destiny, and hope, but Solas..constantly reaffirmed that those ideas existed even amidst tragedy and death. He truly would not be able to continue without his wolf. That was the hard truth. However, he would never have to learn what it was like to be without Solas. Not if he had any say in it. Which he did. He would stand firm before any foe that dared to harm him or Solas. There was no doubt about that. They would come out of this bloody, yes, but still alive. Always alive, always whole. They would save their respective people, even if the world despised them. Even if people painted Solas as a betrayer and monster. Even if people painted him as a savage and madman. They would both endure. For however long it would take. Fane wanted more moments like these. Where his kin and Solas’s could coexist without fear or madness. This was what he continued to fight for. As Fane continued to watch the two beings, he couldn’t help but feel calm and at ease despite all the pointed questions.
“We don’t have anything to worry about, Seeker. Dragons are not savages by nature. They are calm, controlled, and proud. It is their insanity that corrupts them from their natural order. How would you feel if you awoke in a world that was so different, yet so familiar? Where your entire race was nearly extinct?”, he asked without much thought, unable to hold in these emotions any longer as he continued to watch the small resting dragon, “Would you be able to sit by as confusion and fear consumed you? Would you accept that this was how the world was even as your heart cried out that it was wrong? Would you not wish to destroy it in its unfamiliarity, hoping it would smash the facade and potentially bring what you knew back?”, he continued, catching sight of Solas’s warning, but masked sorrowful expression, “This world is not the world of dragons. It is a prison to them. And I will not sit by and watch as they continuously suffer because of ignorance. This dragonling is the last of m- his specific breed, and I will not allow this corrupted world to infect him. Not when he has a chance. A chance that the others of his kin were barred from because of a lack of action.”, Fane finished quietly, but with determination.
Fane could feel Solas burning holes into the side of his face as the mortal dragon glanced down with apologetic grimace. He blew it, didn’t he? He hadn’t meant to go off like that, but the sight of his kin so at peace and happy struck a nerve within his draconic soul. Fane couldn’t continue to act as someone else while his people suffered right before his eyes! He understood that he had to reign it in until the right moment, but when would it be right? Every day, every month, more and more of his kin appear, and they were increasingly more insane than the last. It was heart wrenching and excruciating to watch! Maybe he should just come clean! Explain it all! These creatures claimed to be his ‘friends’, so they should understand! They should-! Another touch to his shoulder had Fane freezing for a moment until he realized that it was Solas touching him, glancing down warily to be met with concerned, but stern stormy eyes. Solas’s face was etched into a stone mask as he stared up at him. Fane let out a heavy sigh. He knew what that look was. Right. Relax. Don’t jump to conclusions. Another moment went by before Fane’s pointed ears twitched at yet another heavy sigh from the Seeker, turning his gaze back to her immediately with bated breath. 
“Very well. You are the Inquisitor, and you have the authority to keep whatever you wish, if you believe it to be for the best. You do not have to wax philosophies to sway me.”, Cassandra finished with a small smile, “I will admit, he is rather endearing.”, reaching over tentatively to lightly touch a single scale before recoiling at the little creature growling in protest.
Fane blinked in surprise before running a hand through his snowy hair, letting out a breathy laugh as he gazed up into the never ending sky. That was too close. Solas would definitely give him an earful later on, but what mattered now was that nothing had exploded in his face for once. Relief was a wonderful, wonderful feeling.
“Fuck my ass and every other hole that I own, I nearly blew it.”, Fane muttered in elvish as he rubbed at his face slowly. 
Solas let out a shocked sputter at his words, his stone mask falling away with indignance. Fane let his hand fall from his face before raising a snowy eyebrow at the shocked elf in a questioning fashion. What? Did he say something wrong? Solas knew for a fact that he didn’t have the most pure mouth, so him swearing wasn’t surprising, and yet, the mage looked mortified, or was it flustered? Fane could never tell, honestly.
“What’s your issue?”, Fane asked, genuinely puzzled by the expression on Solas’s face.
“Did you honestly have to phrase such a thing like that? You have a verbose vocabulary, vhenan! Must you squander it all the time?!”, Solas exclaimed with a faint blush dusting his cheeks, the little dragon around his neck only budging with a little sigh. 
Ohhh, so that’s what had the elf in such a tizzy? His lewd phrase? Of course it was. Fane wouldn’t call his lover a prude, but Solas tended to get downright modest about some of the things he would spew. Especially when the dragon would use elvish. It either seemed to strike a discordant cord in the mage or a pleasant one, depending on the day. And today, it seemed it was a mixture of both. Ohh, this would be fun for him! Fane snorted before smirking slightly, glancing down at the indignant elf with sparkling emerald eyes, the flecks of gold within them blazing amber with mirth.
“How else would you like me to say it? Should I phrase it like, “Fuck the Dread Wolf’s ass until he howls”? Because I think that one sounds just as good.”, he said slowly and deeply, his smirk growing. 
Solas’s eyes widened more before his glare sharpened to a razor sharp blue edge. Fane only smirked more as he watched the mage’s face steadily turn pink. Ohhh, how he loved getting the god riled up. It was entertaining to ruffle his cool exterior. The two merely stared holes into each other before pointed ears twitched at the sound of Cassandra clearing her throat, both he and Solas glancing over at the human woman.
“If you two are finished, we should make haste to the camp to prepare for the journey back. I will..attempt to explain, through letter, how we have recruited a dragon.”, Cassandra said with a heavy sigh before marching ahead of the two elves.
Fane hummed absently. Poor human. He wondered when she would realize the little one wasn’t the first dragon she had recruited. Then again, he had just panicked with the thought of his identity being revealed. Maybe it was for the best that they all kept believing he was an elf. At least for now. Fane watched the Seeker hurry down the bridge with a bored expression before grunting in surprise as he felt Solas yank him down by his collar to glare into his shimmering emerald eyes. Oh, well, it looked as if someone was unhappy. Guess that was his fault, huh?
“‘Fuck the Dread Wolf’s ass until he howls’? Honestly, Fane? Honestly?”, Solas growled out, tugging on the collar of his jacket at each word. 
Fane snorted with a smirk as he saw the faint blush that colored the mage’s pale cheeks, the color dusting the tips of his pointed ears as well. This was incredibly entertaining, and he wasn’t going to lie, a bit arousing. He was still trying to get used to that concept of desire and want, but the warmth in his body was pleasant enough that he didn’t feel too uneasy by it anymore. 
“Hey now, watch the language. The little one will hear you.”, Fane said innocently, jerking his chin towards the sleeping dragonling. 
Solas let out another quiet, frustrated growl before letting Fane go. He watched as the mage took a deep breath to calm himself before reaching up to cup Fane’s pale cheeks, leaning up to gaze into emerald pools. Fane blinked softly before his gaze softened considerably, the teasing smirk disappearing from his face to be replaced by a neutral, but warm expression. He could tell when Solas was asking him to be serious, and the look of tender concern and stern disapproval on the mage’s face had him shifting into that tone easily. He knew what was really going on.   
“You need to be more conscious of what you say, vhenan. At least until this is over. I do not want any harm to befall you before we are ready to face it.”, Solas murmured to him softly, the mage tilting his head a bit to nudge Fane’s cheek, “Guilt would eat away at me, even more than it already does, if something happened to you. So, please, reign it in. I know it pains you to continue to have to do this, but it is what you must do, just as I have to continue down the bloody path that I walk upon. It will have an end, my dragon. It will, but you must be patient and self aware. Do not let the blackness consume your nature as well.”, Solas pleaded with him in a hushed voice, continuing to delicately nudge his cheek. 
Fane sighed deeply before managing a tiny nod. He knew Solas was right. He knew that the mage’s little outburst there wasn’t just because of his crude words. Solas had warned him time and again to be more careful with what he revealed. He hadn’t meant to ramble like he did, but the words had just poured out along with his emotions. He was finding it harder and harder to keep silent as the more dragons cropped up, and the more ignorance that spilled from the other’s mouths. Even so, he would not jeopardize him or Solas with badly controlled emotions. There was a time and a place for such words, and that was when they were alone with each other. Fane rested his own gloved hands over Solas’s cool ones that were tenderly holding his face, his emerald eyes narrowing in a gaze of fondness.
“I know. I know..”, he said quietly before nudging back at Solas’s own cheek, nearly connecting their lips. 
Solas stilled his head with a firm grasp before carefully slotting their lips together. Fane froze for a moment before relaxing with a quiet sigh through his nose, tilting his head carefully to deepen their kiss. This aspect of their relationship was still new to Fane. Never once had he ever felt such love and desire course through his being, so as a dragon, he had never sought out physical contact with others. Even as an elf, Fane had never desired physical gratification. It wasn’t until he and Solas finally shared their first kiss that that spark had ignited within his core. Especially with how the two kissed. Their kisses were slow and careful, ebbing with affection and receding with tenderness. They were not rushed, or hurried. They were patient and soul deep, just as the two’s bond was. It was eternal and never ending. They had no need to rush when time stretched out before them like a vast desert, sand awaiting for them to mold it with their hands. Fane gingerly removed Solas’s hands from his face as he pressed in deeper, pinning the elf’s hands to his chest softly. Solas let out a soft hum as he allowed Fane to take the lead, matching his movements with ease. It was almost uncanny how the two of them seemed to mold to each other as if they had done this a thousand times before. Perhaps it was the bond, or Fane’s vow at work, but either way, they were practically one whole being that thought and moved in time with the other. Fane let his hands move from Solas’s, confident the man would leave them on his chest before he grasped the mage’s jaw tenderly, tilting his head back to lightly nip at his lips. The sound of approval from Solas had Fane letting out a deep growl as he pulled back a little, opening his emerald eyes just a bit to gaze into hazy blue. He truly could get lost in that stormy, deep sea if he stared too long. Honestly, Fane wouldn’t mind drowning if it led to more of those dazed looks from the elf. Especially when such a look stirred up heat within his core with the desire to claim. 
“Open for me.”, he commanded deeply and softly, lightly stroking Solas’s jawline with his thumbs. 
Solas’s face deepened in its hue, presumably at his words before the mage chuckled softly, gingerly reaching up to stroke under Fane’s chin with a few fingers. The action made Fane hum around a low growl, something akin to purr, as he pulled Solas even closer to his muscled frame. Oh, the man knew exactly where to touch him. It was almost infuriating, if it didn’t feel so nice. 
“Careful, you do not wish to corrupt the young one, do you?”, Solas echoed his words from before, continuing to stroke his fingers back and forth under Fane’s chin. 
Fane felt a harsh pull in his lower gut as a deep rumble sounded in his chest, pulling Solas’s face close to nip at the mage’s lips gingerly. Emerald eyes glanced at the peacefully resting dragon before diverting back to the calm blue orbs that he so dearly cherished. 
“You honestly have no idea how much I’m trying to hold back right now..”, Fane growled out deeply, gingerly flicking his tongue out to brush against the spot he nipped. 
Solas froze for a moment before the mage let out a shuddering sigh, face awash with a deep hue of pink as he seemed to shrink under Fane’s blazing gaze. The sight of such guarded submissiveness had Fane letting out another deep growl. 
“I think I may have a good idea.”, Solas murmured out with a small smirk before surging forward to connect their lips once more, still keeping the same languid pace, but putting more force behind it. 
Fane grunted in surprise, but ultimately responded easily, removing his hands from Solas’s face to wrap around the mage’s waist tightly. A soft, pleased sound from Solas had Fane responding boldly as he delicately slipped his tongue into the mage’s mouth. He felt Solas’s body freeze in momentary surprise before a gentle shudder ran from his shoulders to his lower back. Fane couldn’t help but smirk a little at that. He knew Solas always endeavored to be in control of any and every situation. It was just how the elf had always been. Back in Arlathan, the man had been a dominating force, hot headed and reckless at times, but Fane had seen past it with keen draconic eyes. Solas had always been but a breadth width away from potentially crumbling with the weight. The elf always took on more than he could handle, even as Fane had stood by his side. Solas had been tirelessly working to free every slave that he could. He had nearly exhausted himself with every spell that would take away the markings that branded a slave. He would return to Fane in the wee hours of the morning looking worn and frustrated as his words once again did not reach any of the other Evanuris. The then dragon had always wanted to ease that burden, but he had been powerless to do more than simply fight. Fane could do nothing about the silent anguish and deafening cries that the elf’s soul would scream out in the dead of night. He could only watch and listen. However, now, as he holds the elf he vowed to centuries ago, Fane realized he could do more. He no longer had to merely lay curled up on a stone floor, watching sorrowfully with golden emerald eyes as the wolf he had chosen to fight for soulfully screamed out his pain, his anguish, his mistake. No, now he could hold him, weather the storm with him, and allow his love to relinquish a measure of his tightly bound control. Fane would happily shoulder any burden, any sorrow, if it meant Solas would be that much more at ease. And the dragon knew, without a doubt, that Solas would do the same for him, without hesitation. So, even if it was something as simple as a mortal gesture, he would do it a thousand times, in a thousand different ways, if it brought Solas the release the man desperately needed. His wolf would never be alone in a muted world again. Never again. 
Fane’s brows furrowed with emotion as his thoughts began to intensify his desire, slowly working his tongue around Solas’s with a tad more insistence. A soft moan made his pointed ears twitch in satisfaction as Fane chipped away at the wall that was the mage’s control. He pressed in even deeper, an even louder, choked gasp sounding as he felt Solas literally melt into his arms, practically allowing Fane to claim everything that he had to give. Yes. That was what he wanted Solas to do. Give him everything. Give him his burdens, his love, his control, his pain, his everything. He wanted nothing more than to voice that the mage would never be alone again. Their plans could fail, could come back to slap them in the face, but they would never be alone again. They were kin, even if they were completely different in blood. Fane bore the body of the elven god’s kin, while Solas housed the fiery spirit of his draconic brethren. They were different, but wholly the same. 
Fane let out a deep growl as he practically drowned in the kiss, the pace quickening by a degree, but never going beyond what either could handle. One of his hands slowly shifted to the hem of Solas’s tunic once more, the mage twitching at the contact before redoubling his passion. 
“To think, I used to shun such actions. Foolish..”, he thought absently as he felt Solas nip at his bottom lip, eliciting a sharp growl from the depths of his chest. 
After several more moments of swirling tongues and harsh nips, Solas pulled away from him, his chest heaving with the want for air. Fane pulled back as well, panting just as harshly as his emerald eyes shone with gold, the irises flitting to take in every inch of the mage’s face. The sight of such a lack of control made Fane insistently nuzzle at the elf’s flushed cheek. He was shackled, but not with slavery or duty, but with love, with kindness, with understanding. It was a prison Fane would never mind. 
“We will never be apart again. Do you hear me?”, Fane whispered desperately, stopping his nuzzling to look into glassy, but slightly shimmering deep blue eyes.
Solas was still trying to regain his breath as he managed a tiny, warm smile. The elf’s hand came up to cover his blush as he fought to regain his composure before he managed a firm nod.
“Loud and clear, ma vhenan.”, Solas whispered back breathily, his blush slowly beginning to recede as the tiny smile grew into a fonder one, “Even if I wanted to part, my own heart would not allow it. You make me terrifyingly weak.”, he breathed out with a light chuckle.
Fane snorted quietly before rolling his eyes with a small smile. So dramatic, his elf was.
“And you think you don’t make me the same? You have me practically whipped. Disgusting.”, Fane grumbled out teasingly, nuzzling the elf’s now warm cheek. 
Solas actually let out a laugh at that. The softness laced in that laugh made Fane’s small smile grow even wider as he relished in the happy sound. Yes. He would do everything and more to continue to elicit those types of reactions. 
“Is that so?”, Solas asked, still laughing quietly at Fane’s comment.
“Mm-hm.”, the elven dragon responded as he delicately stroked one of Solas’s cheekbones. 
Solas leaned into his touch easily, deep stormy eyes swimming with unguarded happiness. Fane felt his own golden emerald eyes reflected the same emotion as he let out a fond huff. He may have said he was whipped as a joke, but it was the truth. He was irrevocably tied to this elf without any way out. He was devoted to Solas like the humans were devoted to their absent god. Could he be exaggerating a bit? Maybe. However, the fact still remained that he adored this mage with all his heart, impending insanity be damned. Fane felt the urge to close in for another kiss, and gingerly cupped Solas’s face with every intent to do so. Solas let him do whatever he wished without a fuss, closing his eyes softly. Just as Fane was about to connect their lips once more, his vision swam with white scales and curious golden emerald eyes. What..? Oh, for fuck’s sake! Really?! 
“Hello, little guy. Thought you were sound asleep.”, Fane said blandly, his own two toned eyes staring blankly at the intrusive little dragonling. 
The snowy dragon squeaked happily at being acknowledged, its serpentine head tilting side to side with utter curiosity. Solas, who was once again shaking with the effort to not laugh too loudly, shook his head in amused exasperation. 
“Come now, vhenan. Did you truly believe he would not awaken from such boldness?”, Solas said with a teasing glimmer in his deep eyes, reaching up to stroke the tiny dragon’s snowy head, “Do you not agree, little one? Utterly inappropriate for one so young.”, the mage cooed softly to the little dragon, who bristled happily with a soft chirp in agreement. 
Fane felt his own metaphorical scales bristle at the chiding and teasing before throwing a hand in the air in exasperation. The elf was the one who encouraged his actions! Those sounds and those shudders..! Ugh!
“Hmph. Says the one who started making such lewd noises.”, Fane bit back with his own teasing sneer, “You’re the bigger corrupting influence. To think, I let you around my only remaining snowy kin. Utterly disgusting.”
Solas shot him a glare from the corner of his eyes, continuing to stroke the dragonling as it began to nestle back into the mage’s furry collar.
“I do not make such sounds.”, Solas defended himself with a faint blush, beginning to walk along the bridge once more. 
Fane snorted before starting to follow beside his embarrassed elf, smirking slightly as he watched Solas’s face resort back to that stony mask he used when he was trying to conceal his embarrassment or nervousness. 
“I’m pretty sure the entire Fade heard you just then, love. Makes me wonder what other noises you can make.”, he teased relentlessly, smirking more when he saw the twitch in Solas’s eyebrow. 
Solas breathed a steadying breath through his nose as he picked up his gait, the little dragon jostling with the movement, but merely huffing sleepily. Fane barked out a single laugh at the increased pace before rolling his eyes in fond exasperation. What an utter fool this man could be. Everyone saw a straightlaced, calm, and calculating elf, but Fane knew what Soals really was. Solas was merely a person with emotions that had been concealed for far too long, had the weight of the world and his people on his shoulders, and undeniably one of the softest men you will ever meet. You just had to crack through his cold exterior to find those qualities. Or in Fane’s case, insistently tease and pester the old elf. 
“Oh, come on! Don���t you think it’s nice the Fade is gonna remember you moaning? I know I’ll love the memory.”, Fane continued his teasing, seeing another agitated twitch in the elf’s eyebrow. 
He’s getting close. Fane can feel it. Just a bit more. Solas stared pointedly ahead, still not acknowledging his remarks, but his Fane saw minor twitches in the man’s stony mask. 
“I can see it now; just you splayed out under me, just begging in that voice. Your face flushed, your chest heaving, sweat just dripping from our bodies. And I would sink my teeth in right-”, he started to say, gingerly swiping his index finger along Solas’s fluttering pulse point, the mage shuddering slightly, “-here. Then you’d really let out a cry.”, he finished around a deep purr. 
Solas stopped suddenly, head slowly turning to look up at the smirking dragon before his eyes hardened into a warning glare, but Fane could see the suppressed desire in them. Oh, yeah. Now, he knew Solas was feeling it. 
“Vhenan.”, Solas bit out around a clenched jaw before letting out a long sigh and smirking wolfishly.
Fane blinked a few times in surprise. Uh. Shit. He pushed too far, didn’t he? Oh, yeah. He did.
“Uh, yeah?”, he said all so elegantly, emerald eyes darting away and to the mage’s deep blue. 
Solas slowly strode up to him, looking up with his chin tilted in a show of control before laying a tender kiss right along Fane’s jawline. He shuddered slightly at the warm feeling that dropped to his gut.
“I do hope you live up to these expectations you are setting. I would hate to see such a proud dragon unable to..perform accordingly. The idea of you begging for me is quite..enticing, however.”, Solas murmured against his skin seductively before quickly pulling away with a serene smile, waving an elegant hand for him to follow, “Come. We should catch up before the Seeker begins to ask more questions.”
Fane stood in complete shock at Solas’s words before bracing himself against the stone bridge’s railing, letting his head droop down as he let out a shaky laugh. His whole body was shaking with want! This was not a feeling he was used to, but oh, how he wanted more of it! He heard Solas’s soft footsteps continue down the smooth bridge as Fane took a few breaths to try to wash most of the heat away before pushing himself off the stone with a grunt. 
“This dragon can perform exceptionally well, elf. Where I lack in experience, I have in instinct. I will wreck you.”, he growled out deeply to the air, knowing Solas couldn’t hear him from how far he was down the bridge. 
With a pleased smirk, Fane turned and began following after Solas, his long legs making it easy to catch up with the elven mage. When Fane finally came to walk beside him again, the intense wave of desire was mildly tamed as he felt a cool, gentle hand wrap around one of his own. And just like that, he was extinguished. What a power this elf had over him; to easily snuff out uncommon desire to a smoldering ember of affection. Truly, Fane would be shattered with madness without him. Emerald eyes looked down at the softly smiling expression of Solas as the mage kept his gaze forward, blue eyes swirling with many emotions. Fane huffed out a heavy, amused sigh before intertwining their fingers easily, feeling an echo within his chest from long ago as he gazed between the man he loved the little dragon nestled in his fur collar.
“Amidst these golden hues, I vow to you; Wherever you shall go, I shall also. Whenever you require my aid, I will hasten to your side. If you are ever in danger, I will act as your shield, your immovable wall. Through fire, through brimstone, through the corruption that makes this world decay, I will fight for you with unrelenting fury until dark insanity shatters this vow. No harm will come to you. No immutable force shall crush you. No sorrow will be shouldered alone as long as I am by your side to hold it. I am your dragon, Dread Wolf. For now and forever. Not even the passage of time will sever my bond with you. This is my vow to you made amidst golden hues, recognized with emerald pools, and cemented within snow covered flesh. The might of a dragon is yours. As well as its love. May we both coexist and fight together for ages to come.”, he whispered out tenderly, feeling the words of his sacred vow spilling forth from the wells of his soul.
Solas’s expression cracked into an pained, but heartwarming countenance as he heard the words pour from Fane’s lips, responding with a harsh, but tender squeeze to the dragon’s hand. Fane smiled lovingly at that before pulling the mage closer so they could walk even closer side by side, the little dragonling’s tail coming to wrap around the both of them.
Yes. This was how it should and it would be again. They would have their happy ending, even if all before it was tragedy and despair. There was light among darkness. There was hope among despair. There was an end. They were simply the beginning, and the little dragon who was the last of his snowy kin? It was the end. The end Fane’s heart yearned for. His kin would flourish, live, endure. They would endure until the world no longer had a sky they could fly in. However, until that time came, Fane would do all he could to make sure not only his dream, but the dream of his love, came true. No matter the cost, the two of them would find sanity amidst insanity. 
For Fane was the dragon of whitened snow with emerald eyes amidst golden vows. 
The dragon of the Dread Wolf.
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