#fanfic advent 2022
akumastrife · 2 years
I Didn’t Wish For Snow, But It’s Better With You {Les Mis: CourFerre  // Fic Advent: Day 21}
It was Sunday. Sundays were for meeting with the ABC for the cause of the season. This Sunday was thwarted by approximately two feet of cold, white bullshit.
{Part 4}
Courfeyrac pouted and slid lower in his chair.
All of it was so commonplace, Combeferre didn’t even bother to look up.
“E and R are having a movie night,” Courfeyrac said, thrusting his phone across the table for Combeferre’s perusal. “You said the weather was going to cancel the meeting.”
“Hence, they’re not having a meeting,” Combeferre said, flipping a page in his book.
“Ferre, I don’t think I can study anymore. Every time I read something it just spills out of my ears like spaghetti. I would like to watch movies.”
Combeferre sighed, but pushed his current book back a little and checked the time. Used Courfeyrac’s phone because it was still under his nose, and then took it rather abruptly.
It was… much later than he expected. 
He’d planned on getting there early, cramming as much as inhumanly possible, and then beat it out of the library before the storm hit in earnest and they were forced to make a bed and campfire from books (only the damaged ones, of course, headed for the bin anyway.)
Instead he’d spent the whole day at this tiny table in a cramped corner, surrounded by too many empty coffee cups, and Courfeyrac. The very sweet Courfeyrac who hadn’t complained once while sitting with him for six hours.
“Is that really the time? Gracious, Courf, I’m so sorry,” as he jumped up and began organizing his papers and books in earnest.
Courfeyrac’s fluttering fingers appeared under his nose, slowing his hands physically and helping. “Ferre, settle, it’s alright. Really. I needed it too. And I’m only mildly wasting away from starvation, really, easy enough to fix.”
Combeferre frowned, but when he looked up Courfeyrac was smiling at him, not a hint of malice, just fond exhaustion. He was owed that, Combeferre supposed.
“I’ll make it up to you.”
Courfeyrac smiled wider and winked at him, standing to gather his own possessions.
Predictably, Combeferre blushed, but that wasn’t new, either. “I just have to return these to the reference desk, and then we can go.”
There wasn’t anyone at the reference desk, so they just stacked their various tomes behind the lip on the counter.
There wasn’t… anyone anywhere, really. The halls were quiet, the computers all idly bouncing around the city logo screen-savers.
Descending the main, winding staircase found no one else. Not a giggle or shriek from the children’s area, not any sulking teens in the lounge, not even late afternoon stragglers in line at the coffee cart.
Ferre knew. It hit him all at once with a creeping sort of icy dread that matched the horror on his face reflected in a frost-coated window.
He pulled on the main doors. Once. Twice.
Several more times in quick, panicked succession.
“They’ve locked us in,” he whispered.
“We’re going to die in here,” Courfeyrac whimpered. “What are we supposed to do? Ferre? I don’t have any cash for the vending machines. Do we break a window—”
“-call the fire department? Go upstairs and see if they have any vintage porn on VHS?”
Combeferre yanked on one of his curls quickly. “All your ideas are terrible.”
“I don’t hear you coming up with any. This is your natural habitat.”
“Let me think.”
Courfeyrac quieted obediently, even if he pressed his face to the doors and whimpered to the outside world at large.
Even they did manage to get the doors unlocked, or find a particularly forgotten and unsecured window, the snow was already thigh high with no signs of stopping. They’d be lost in a winter wasteland before they made it to the main road.
“Well, I think there’s really only one thing for it.”
“We have to call the Mayor.”
Courfeyrac squawked.  
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justsomeclintasha · 2 years
Day 1- Temperature
“It’s cold in here.”
Natasha pulls another blanket on her lap, yarn sliding through her fingers as she works another row into a scarf. Clint raises his eyebrows.
“Are you sure you’re not getting sick?”
“I don’t get sick.”
“You were sick two months ago in Cairo.”
“Was not,” she replies stubbornly. He shrugs, the clink of her knitting needles filling the silence. “Can you make me some hot chocolate?”
By the time he returns to the living room, she’s fast asleep on the couch.
He nudges her awake a few hours later, offering a cup of hot soup.
“I don’t want that. I’m sweating. It’s hot in here.”
“It’s not. It’s the same temperature as before.”
“You’re wrong.”
There’s no use in arguing. She sits up and pushes aside the blankets. Her hair is damp against her forehead.
“Maybe we should try a shower to cool down.”
Back to bundled, she clutches the soup in her hands like a lifeline. He sits behind her, working a brush gently through the tangles in her hair.
“I’m freezing.”
“I know. The medicine should kick in soon.”
“The soup is too hot.”
“Give it a minute to cool down.”
“I hate this.”
He laughs softly, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
“You’re a pain in the butt when you’re sick, you know that?”
“I don’t get sick.”
“I know.”
She sets the empty bowl aside and curls into his side, tucking her fingers into the cuffs of the sweatshirt.
“Love you,” she mumbles.
“Love you too.”
“Hey there Sleeping Beauty.”
“What time is it?”
“Little after 8pm.”
“Shit, I slept the whole day.”
“It’s okay. You needed it.” She stretches, taking a moment to analyze things. Her muscles aren’t aching quite so much, and her head feels less like a balloon. “You hot? Cold?”
“Hmmm. No. I don’t think so. But maybe I could use some more of that soup. It was really good.”
“Coming right up, Princess.”
He laughs, ducking around the playful swat at his arm.
“Don’t call me Princess.”
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quietlyimplode · 2 years
Clintasha Advent.
Myths and Legends.
“It’s a myth,” Clint scoffs, kicking his legs out of the ledge.
“What is?” Maria asks, handing him a bottle of coke and sitting down next to him.
“The black widow, the program, the red room, all of it, it’s just stories to make the good little Russians behave.”
Maria shrugs, “then who do you think did the Souez assassination? Or the hospital fire?”
Clint takes a swig, “the KGB? The Cheka? The FSB? Take your pick. It’s not some babayaga program that teaches little girls to kill. How sick would that be?”
Maria stands.
“Maybe. I believe it, though.”
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dewitty1 · 7 months
The Wonder of You
Ladderofyears @ladderofyears
Chapters: 15/15 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Andromeda Black Tonks, Teddy Lupin, James Sirius Potter, Lily Luna Potter, Sirius Black, Original Hogwarts Professors, Quidditch Players (Harry Potter), Hogwarts Students Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - The Family Man Fusion, Second Chances, Domestic Fluff, Fatherhood, Angel Sirius Black, Lawyer Draco Malfoy, Quidditch Player Harry Potter, Professor Harry Potter, Established Relationship, breaking up, Alternate Universe, Kid Fic, Past Harry Potter/Original Male Character(s), Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Minor Astoria Greengrass/Blaise Zabini, Minor Dean Thomas/Neville Longbottom, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Hogwarts Express, Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, Hogsmeade, Appleby Arrows, Hogwarts, Teaching, family life, Explicit Sexual Content, Dubious Consent Due To Identity Issues, Falling In Love, Descriptions of Pain, Living With a Disability, Chronic Pain, Back Pain, Drinking, Pain Medication, Domestic arguments, Tempted Infidelity, Implied/Reference Parent Death, Implied/Referenced Past Canonical Child Abuse, Threats of Knife Violence, Embedded Images, Digital Art, Happy Ending, Brief Instance of Ableist Language,H/D Erised 2022 , POV Harry Potter, Past Relationship(s), Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Post-Second Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Draco Malfoy in Glasses, Pets, Crups (Harry Potter), Draco Malfoy Has Long Hair, Public Declaration, Playboy Harry Potter, Pursuit of Wealth and Fame, Selfishness, Character Arc, Self Growth
A Family Man AU. In the year 2000, Harry left Draco behind in London, intent on America and Quidditch fame and never looked back. Thirteen years later, Harry gets the opportunity to see what his life could have been like, had his life unravelled in a different way. Nothing in Harry’s world is the same, but Harry soon comes to realise that fatherhood, marriage and the biggest, laziest Crup in Hogsmeade add to up a life he enjoys more than he could ever have imagined.
“I have to go,” Harry said, checking his International Floo ticket for the hundredth time. Unbuttoning his satchel, he placed it inside, beside his passport and an envelope, emblazoned with Boston Basilisk insignia. “They want me to play. They want me up in the sky. You know that I can’t sit in the stands watching, Draco.”
Draco’s brow furrowed. This wasn’t the first time they’d had this conversion. They’d argued, deliberated and debated Harry’s Basilisk loan for weeks. “You could fly easily enough in England,” Draco answered. “There are a dozen teams who’d sign you. If they only knew you were willing.”
Setting his satchel on the floor, Harry moved in front of his boyfriend. Draco was perched on the edge of his bed, watching Harry pack up his last few belongings.
Bringing his hand up, Harry carded it through Draco’s impossibly silky hair, relishing how soft the stands were between his fingers.
Gently, Harry raised Draco’s chin. His lover’s eyes were red-rimmed yet defiantly tearless. They’d done their crying last night, wrapped in each other’s arms.
“They’d only let me fly because of the war,” Harry said, “because I was the Chosen One. They’d pick me for Seeker because they felt they ought to. You know I couldn't stand that. I have to prove myself and get to the top on my own terms. Make them forget the person I was.”
“They’ll never forget. You saved our sodding world. Those teams would be lucky to have you,” Draco answered, like he had a million times before. He glanced at the satchel. “But why America? It’s so bloody far away.” He brought his gaze back up to meet Harry’s. “Not to mention, it's for a whole year. We’ve only just found each other. Now you’re leaving.”
The same paroxysm of remorse that Harry always felt when Draco mentioned the length of his Basilisk contact made his stomach flip over.
He swallowed the sensation. A year wasn’t anything, not in the whole scheme of a lifetime.
“You’ll be so busy that you’ll hardly notice that I’ve gone,” Harry told Draco, voice certain. “You’ve hardly got a spare minute as it is. The apprenticeship in the Wizengamot Law Office will keep you hard at it. Then you’ve got Pansy, Theo, Blaise, and your mum demanding your time. A year is nothing. Besides,” Harry said, leaning over to press a kiss onto the crown of Draco’s head, “I’d still love you if I was away for a decade.”
“Don’t you dare,” Draco huffed, tipping his head back so that he was close enough for Harry to kiss. "I'd hunt you down. I'd bring you back home."
Draco’s lips were soft beneath his, pliable and welcoming, and Harry had to wrench himself away. Once they began to kiss, it was difficult to stop, and he had already nearly procrastinated their parting to the point of catastrophe.
As they broke their kiss, Draco seized his hand. “Stay,” he said. “Fly for the Wasps or even the sodding Magpies if you must. Just, please. Don’t take that Portkey, Harry. Don’t go.”
Harry knew that it took a lot for Draco to plead, but it really was too late. It was four pm now, and his Floo left in an hour. His clothes, his broomstick, and everything he’d need in the next twelve months had already been Reducio’d and sent ahead to Boston. Bradley Thorpe, Head Coach of the Basilisks, had already taken out the lease on an apartment for him to live in.
“Draco, love,” Harry began. “We’ve already been through this–"
“I know we have,” Draco answered, “and I know what you’re going to say. That playing Quidditch means the world to you, and that it’s all you’ve ever wanted to do. I’m not trying to stop you. Gods, I’d never do that. I love you too much. And yes, I know that the Basilisks are a great team, and that this is a wonderful opportunity.” He sighed, before pressing his face into the thin cotton tee-shirt where it covered Harry’s belly and dragging in a great lungful of breath. “I just have a horrible feeling. I can’t shake it. If you leave today, and take that Floo, I don’t think you’ll come back.”
That was quite the silliest thing that Harry thought he had ever heard. He knelt down on the thick pile of the carpet and pressed the span of his palms across Draco’s skinny thighs.
“I just so happen to love you too,” Harry said, raising his hand and gesturing to the space between them. “What we’ve got is once-in-a-lifetime. Do you think I’d leave, if I had even the slightest doubt about our future? When I come back, I’m going to tell the Prophet all about us. A big, five-page exposé. Then I’m going to marry you, in front of your mum and every single one of our friends.”
Making a noise that was half a sob and half a laugh, Draco shook his head. “I’ll believe you when the ring is on my finger.”
ε=(。♡ˇд ˇ♡。)
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No More Frozen
Fanfic Advent Calendar 2022 - Day 12
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Sherlock x Reader One-Shot
Read it on AO3!
Rating: E
Words: 791
Summary: Tis the season and reader wants to go do the Christmas shopping. However, Sherlock is too wrapped up in a case. But she knows just how to deal with that.
Prompt: "Do you wanna build a sno-" "Don't you dare finish that!" "Do you wanna build a snowman?" "NO MORE FROZEN!"
Warnings: unprotected sex, choking kink (mild), light dom/sub kink, Frozen
“Take a break, Sherlock,” (y/n) said, placing a steaming cup of cocoa next to him.
He said nothing.  Just picked up the mug and took a careful sip without looking away from one of several dozens of books currently scattered around the flat.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes.  “Sherlock, we have Christmas shopping to do tomorrow.  Enough with this ridiculous case! It’s just some kid not getting the attention they need at home. Those ‘riddles’ are hollow and meaningless and you bloody well know it.  It wouldn’t take you ten minutes of looking through forums to find the kid and the stolen decorations.”
He pretended not to hear her.  She was right, but he did not want to admit it.  Cases were surprisingly slow for this time of year.  He did not want to solve this one and be left with nothing to keep his mind distracted from the holiday merriment. 
Why must even crime be so boring?
Sherlock stole a glance at his girlfriend while her back was turned.  She would be good for alleviating his boredom.  But not now.  That would require him to admit that she was right and he refused to do so after being so stubborn about finishing this truly mundane case.  No, he would need to solve the case his way before caving into his desires for her.
But (y/n) was tired of waiting.  And playing nice.
Snatching up a wine bottle, she brought it to her lips like a microphone.  “Do you wanna build a snowman?”
Sherlock stiffened.  “No! Don’t you dare finish that!  I’ve had enough of that incessant film for ten Christmases!”
“Do you wanna build a snowman?” she sang again -- louder -- holding her hand out to him dramatically.
“NO MORE FROZEN!” he yelled, massaging his temples. 
(Y/N) dropped to her knees and threw her arms around him.  “It doesn’t have to be a snowman!”
He grabbed her wrists and pulled her on her back into his lap.
“Madam,” he growled as she giggled, “you’re breaking my concentration.”
She bit her lip with a grin.  “Yes…. Whatcha gonna do about it?”
His body language shifted at her words.  He knew what she wanted already.  This woman was never subtle when she wanted to fuck.  But this?  That glint in her eye.
The teasing. The challenge. 
Sherlock’s hand snaked over her body, her breasts, her throat.  He gripped it, not choking.  Just firm enough to assert his control and drive the little minx in his lap wild.  Her throat hummed against his fingers as she moaned and bit her bottom lip.
He claimed her lips.  His tongue found hers.  Her fingers locked in his curls.  His free hand gripped her thigh as he shifted them both to the floor and got between her legs.
But not once did he let go of her throat.
“Sherlock,” (y/n) moaned between kisses.  She quickly unzipped his trousers, pushing them and his boxers down just enough to free his hard cock.  “Take me, Sherlock!”
Lifting the skirt of her dress, he moved her panties aside and easily slid inside her dripping pussy.  He moaned at the combined feeling of her walls holding his length and her grip on his hair tightening when he brushed over her inner sensitive spot.
“Make me yours,” she begged as he began thrusting.
His grip on her throat tightened just enough to emphasize his words.  “You’re already mine, little minx.”
Their bodies writhed together in harmonized pleasure.  Chasing that high of ecstasy without rushing the adventure.  Kisses and nips found every reachable inch of skin.  Hands wandered, squeezed, and teased.
Except one.
She giggled when he traced his tongue around the hand on his throat.
“You like that?” he teased, damn well knowing the answer from the way her pussy fluttered and clenched on his cock. 
“Mmm yes!”
Feeling her orgasm rise, she wrapped her legs around his waist.  He sped up his pace. 
He buried his face in her neck, moaning in her ear.  She screamed his name, back arching off the floor.  A few more thrusts took them through their climaxes.
After a few moments, Sherlock pulled away and brought her back in his lap -- sitting up this time.
“Are you through singing awful kids’ music?” he asked, one eyebrow raised.
(Y/N) laughed.  “Are you done with this child’s play case?”
He looked down at her rumpled dress.  “Do I get more of this in exchange for closing the case?”
She draped her arms around his neck and leaned forward to whisper in his ear, “What do you think?”  She nipped at his earlobe before tracing kisses over his jaw to his lips.
He slammed his laptop shut as his cock hardened once more. “Done.”
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punkpoemprose · 2 years
Kristanna Advent 2022
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25 Days, 25 new Kristanna fanfics written for the season. A mixture of oneshots, continuations of  multi-chap fics, and more. Welcome to my yearly attempt to make it happen. Fics below the cut, updated daily December 1st- 25th
December 1st- A Convenient Arrangement Chapter 13
December 2nd- Siege of Arendelle Chapter 17
December 3rd- A Convenient Arrangement Chapter 14
December 4th- Virtual Chemistry Part 7
December 5th- Yule Shoot Your Eye Out [Oneshot Modern AU]
December 6th- Anything For You [Oneshot Modern AU]
December 7th- A Safe Place [Canonverse Oneshot]
December 8th- Hunter’s Daughter [Vampire AU/ Vampire Hunter AU]
December 9th- Virtual Chemistry Part 8
December 10th- The Patient [Modern AU/ Paramedic AU]
December 11th- Homemade Holiday [Canonverse Oneshot]
December 12th- The Best Gift [Canonverse]
December 13th- Happy Wife, Happy Life [Modern AU Oneshot]
December 14th- I’ll Be Home for Christmas [1940s AU]
December 15th- The Magic of Christmas [Modern AU Oneshot]
December 16th- Virtual Chemistry Part 9
December 17th- TBD
December 18th- TBD
December 19th- TBD
December 20th- TBD
December 21st- TBD
December 22nd- TBD
December 23rd- TBD
December 24th- TBD
December 25th- TBD
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cilil · 2 years
TSS2022 advent calendar [nsfw]
✮Treat Gift for Day 6 - Hotsprings✮
It was in moments like these that Mairon felt like the world around him disappeared. No longer did he hear water bubbling or steam hissing around them. The presence of Melkor's mighty spirit and the sensation of his touch upon his fëa and fána alike drowned out everything else and left him feeling heated, electrified, alive.
Pairing: Melkor/Mairon | Angbang Synopsis: Melkor surprises Mairon with a new addition to their volcanic garden. They decide to try it out. Featuring: Soft and fluffy Angbang, dork lords in love PWP/smut {minors DNI}
Also available on AO3
"I made something for you." 
There was a wide grin on Melkor's face, clearly proud of himself. 
"I can see that."
Mairon gave him a blank stare in response. 
"But would you, my dear husband, also be so kind to explain why there's water in our new volcano?"
"Of course, my love." 
Melkor tilted his head to the side, amused by the Maia's grumpy demeanor. 
"I found one of Ulmo's underground rivers nearby and... borrowed it for our volcanic garden. You see–" 
He scooped up some water in his hands to show it to his husband. Mairon wrinkled his nose instinctively, then noticed that it appeared to be rather hot, almost boiling, and smelled like minerals. 
"–the magma heats it up. I figured it would be nice to bathe in." 
To emphasize his point, Melkor swiftly took off his clothes and jumped into the water. Clear turquoise droplets splashed everywhere, and he resurfaced with a pleased expression, though his face was half covered by his unruly–and now wet–hair. 
"I call it a hot spring," he proclaimed proudly and looked up at the Maia, waiting for a reaction. 
Mairon sighed, though he couldn't help smiling at the display. No matter how he was feeling at any given moment, Melkor's excitement was simply infectious. 
"I suppose it is better than blowing up the mountaintop and leaving a giant crater," he commented dryly. 
It was how their "volcanic garden", as the Vala now called it, had come to be, and while he couldn't bring himself to be angry at his husband for too long, he also wasn't willing to let him forget about it so easily. 
Melkor seemed just a little sheepish, but he wasn't going to let that stop him. He rose from the water, deliberately showing off his naked fána, and Mairon caught himself staring at the brilliant droplets running down his toned chest and stomach. If he wasn't in love with this infernal creature already, he would certainly be tempted now.  
"Why don't you try it out with me?" Melkor suggested and held out his hand. His voice was quiet, yet it held such power and allure that Mairon found it impossible to resist; low and deep, sultry and passionate. Promising him all the sinful pleasure and indulgence he could ever want. 
"Fine," he said, trying and failing to hide his excitement, and disrobed as quickly as he could. Melkor regarded him with utmost attentiveness, his eyes following every movement as if he was seeing him undress for the first time. 
It felt good to be watched, to be admired, to mean something more to another Ainu than being just another Maia. Mairon was so busy losing himself in his husband's bright eyes that he nearly tripped over a rock and fell into the water, but was caught by a pair of strong arms as the Vala swiftly moved to intercept his fall. 
"Careful, little flame," he chuckled and lifted him to his chest before wading back into the spring. 
Mairon hid his face in his chest with a groan of embarrassment and wrapped his arms and legs around his strong fána. Truth to be told, he was more than happy to be carried; while he could swim in theory, he had never been too fond of water. It felt heavy, suffocating even to a spirit of fire like him. 
Sensing his nervousness, Melkor put an arm around his waist and kissed his parting, stroking his hair with his free hand. 
"Don't worry. I got you and I won't let go unless you want me to."
A smile graced Mairon's lips and he relaxed in his arms. The marriage bond connecting their fëar tingled, the warm reassurance of being close to the Vala causing his own spirit to light up. It felt like the flames of his innermost being were kindled with a strange, yet pure sensation of love and trust, and nothing could ever quench it; he was safe. 
The water was warm and surprisingly pleasant, just as Melkor had promised, and Mairon allowed himself to be carried into the spring until both of their shoulders dipped below the surface. The Vala's fëa brushed against his once again, making sure he was alright before gently tilting his chin up with his free hand to place a kiss on his lips.
It was in moments like these that Mairon felt like the world around him disappeared. No longer did he hear water bubbling or steam hissing around them. The presence of Melkor's mighty spirit and the sensation of his touch upon his fëa and fána alike drowned out everything else and left him feeling heated, electrified, alive. He kissed him back with unrestrained passion, long fingernails digging into his back as he held on to him as tightly as he could. 
Melkor smiled against his lips. 
Do you want me, little flame? he asked through their bond. 
What kind of question is that? Of course I do. Now, will my dearest husband not take what is his?
A quiet hiss at first, then a seductive whisper, like a flickering flame. Mairon felt his husband's hands traveling further down his back to squeeze his ass in response to his demand, and his lips curled into a triumphant smirk. He was going to get exactly what he wanted, and he knew it. 
He closed his eyes and threw his head back with an indulgent moan when he felt a finger entering him. His fána eagerly welcomed the penetration, his muscles relaxing in preparation for what was to come. Melkor's kisses were becoming rougher, more urgent; it wasn't in his nature to be patient or gentle, but he didn't want to hurt his beloved. 
I can take it, Mairon reassured him. In fact, the slight burn of being stretched by a second finger was more than welcome. He loved to feel so deliciously full, to take what his lord and husband gave him, to be pushed to his limits–and he couldn't wait to be penetrated by something bigger than fingers. 
I need you.
His fëa was consumed by this thought, this desire, practically screaming through their bond even though he hadn't intended to voice it. Burying his face in the crook of Melkor's neck, he tried moving his hips to increase friction.  
A low chuckle rumbled in the Vala's chest. 
Will you not ask for it properly?
Take me. Fuck me. Make me yours. 
I said properly, little flame.
Mairon knew exactly what he wanted to hear, but his need was greater than his patience, and he sank his teeth into Melkor's shoulder to express his excitement. A sharp hiss escaped him, followed by clawed hands digging into his flesh. 
Before Mairon could even complain about the fingers in his ass being withdrawn, he found himself impaled by his husband's huge cock and cried out in surprise and delight. Melkor wasted no time fulfilling his wish to be taken, holding him in an iron grip and fucking him fast and hard. The Maia's moans of delight were music to his ears. 
Waves rippled through the water in response to the two Ainur's vigorous coupling and Mairon felt his hair sticking to his back, damp and heavy from sweat and steam alike. Their fánar were heating up in excitement, causing more water to evaporate and shrouding the entire crater in heavy clouds. Soon all they could see was each other, the world around them forgotten. 
Faster than the eye could see, Melkor moved to a nearby rock, flipped the Maia around and pushed him against it so he could take him from behind, though even in his haste he made sure not to hurt him in the process. Long golden fingernails scraped against stone as Mairon attempted to dig his fingers into its porous surface, scrambling for something to hold on to while his fána was shaken by powerful thrusts. An arm wrapped around his waist once more to stabilize him, and he felt Melkor's chest against his back; a gesture of affection and a promise at the same time. 
He would never let him fall. 
It was all Mairon could think about while he enjoyed getting fucked in the middle of a hot spring, a gift to him by his beloved, warm water lapping at his fána with every thrust. Melkor pushed his hair aside for better access to his neck, kissing, licking and nibbling on sensitive skin to his heart's content until he had his husband trembling in his arms and moaning his name. Feeling that he was close, his free hand reached around to stroke him to completion. 
Mairon came with a soft moan, only to cry out in surprise when he felt the Vala biting down and sucking on the soft skin of his neck as he followed suit, spilling his seed inside him. 
Mine, his voice purred inside his mind. He had half a mind to scold his husband for the love bite, but he knew he deserved it after his earlier stunt. And deep down he loved showing it off, making it clear to everyone that he belonged to Melkor in more ways than one–and that Melkor belonged to him. 
"So? Do you think we should keep the hot spring?" the Vala asked after a few seconds of catching his breath, resting his chin on top of his head. 
Mairon didn't need to see his face to know he was smiling. 
"Yes, we should. It seems as though bathing in it can be rather..." 
He turned his head to look up at his beloved through long eyelashes, a suggestive smirk on his lips. 
"... pleasurable."
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darriness · 2 years
Klaine Advent 2022 - Day 6 - Type
Author: darriness Word Count: 282 Summary: Mimosas at night
AO3 Link
Mimosas on a random Tuesday night in December seemed like a good idea until…
Okay it never turned into a bad idea.
Kurt and Blaine are currently lying on their bed facing opposite directions. Blaine’s got his feet propped on the headboard, his head on Kurt’s left shoulder while Kurt stretches his legs out to the end of their bed with his head on Blaine’s left shoulder. They stare at the lights from the city playing across their ceiling, enjoying the floaty feeling, and asking each other random questions.
“Unfair question.” Blaine says in response to Kurt’s latest question.
Kurt hums, “Sometimes you gotta ask and answer the tough questions in life.”
Blaine licks his lips and squints at the ceiling. He’s giving real consideration to the question.
“Fine. Elf.” He says simply.
Kurt hums again but this time it’s in interest, “Really? I would have pegged you for a Santa man.”
Blaine chuckles, “Santa’s not really my type.”
Kurt finds himself humming again. He quite enjoys the feeling of the vibration, “I could totally get behind Santa.”
This time, Blaine’s laugh is more of a giggle and he turns slightly in order to bury his face under Kurt’s jaw. The older man laughs at the ceiling.
After a few moments, Blaine’s giggles subside and he turns back to look at the ceiling, “I much prefer elvin features.”
Kurt shifts his head on Blaine’s shoulder slightly away which causes Blaine to do the same. They end up looking at each other and Kurt’s smirk causes Blaine to lean forward for a slightly awkward and yet perfect kiss.
Mimosa flavoured kisses with your favourite person on a December 6th evening for the win.
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Invitation - Frank Iero x Reader
Prompt I: Invitation (A sudden invitation comes up! What’s it for? How do they react?)(from this list) Reader: can be read as any gender (no pronouns used) Word Count: 354 Warnings: alcohol and food mentions
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Frank shouting for you through the entire house distracted your focus on the book you were reading. Rolling your eyes, you angeled your head towards the direction he had shouted from.
“What is it,” you called back, waiting for an answer.
Instead you heard his footsteps and a moment later he burst through the door.
“Tucker and Lexie are inviting us over for dinner,” he excitedly told you, leaning over the backrest of the sofa you sat on.
“When,” you asked, putting the book aside, and leaning over in order to press a kiss to his jaw.
Frank had been friends with Tucker for many years, and you had quickly grown close to Lexie after having met the two of them the first time.
“Around seven,” Frank answered, waiting for you to tell him to confirm the invitation.
“Today,” you wondered, just to be sure. When Frank nodded, you furrowed your eyebrows. “We don’t have anything we can bring as a gift…”
“We can just bring a bottle of wine or some chocolates. That should do, don’t you think?”
“You are aware that we don’t have any chocolates left because you ate them all, right?” Teasingly you tapped the tip of his nose with your finger.
“Then the wine, or we drive past the shops on our way over,” he suggested. “Unless you don’t wanna go?”
“Of course I wanna go! I’m just a little tired.” Emphasising your words you stretched. “Maybe you can tell them we won’t stay so late?”
“Anything for you, sweetheart,” Frank grinned, leaning further over the backrest of the sofa and pressed a kiss to your lips before he leant back and stood up, immediately reaching for the phone in his pocket. On his way out of the room you already heard the quiet clicking of him typing the message into his phone’s keyboard.
You smiled to yourself before picking up the book again, Sometimes it was really easy to make Frank happy.
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@alexstyx​​​​ @jayloverthe3rd​​​​ @robinruns​​​​ @lookalivefrosty​​​​ @butterflycore​​​​  @omgsuperstarg​​​​ @fivelegance​​​​ @deadlovers​​​​ @casmustdiee​​​​​ @cmtryghoul​​​​​  
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akumastrife · 2 years
Pinholes In The Sky {AFTG, Andreil // Fic Advent: Day 15}
Neil didn’t look until Andrew was settled fully beside him. Inscrutable as always, but Neil wasn’t going to try. Not tonight.
Tonight was for breathing in air so cold it stung his lungs—the sting of being alive— and leaning back on his palms to look up at the endless sky.
Things looked a lot simpler up there. He wondered what it would be like, to be a star instead of a boy.
The lighter flickered beside him, Andrew’s inhale sharp in the silence.
Neil sighed in a cotton candy cloud of fog. Accepted the cigarette when Andrew offered it, holding it loosely and flicking the ash when it flared.
Andrew blew out smoke in perfect rings, and Neil glanced over just to glare at him.
“Show off.”
Andrew’s face didn’t change, but he looked smug as hell anyway.
Neil passed the cigarette back, and resumed looking up until his neck ached.
“You’re gonna catch a snowflake in your eye,”Andrew said. “I’m not listening to you whine.”
“I’m watching for falling stars,” Neil said. The idea of something so celestial dislodged and dragged down…
He wondered if stars ever got scared.
“It’s the longest night of the year, not a meteor shower, idiot.”
Neil snorted a laugh, closing his eyes for a moment before rolling his head over to watch Andrew. Andrew watched him out of the corner of his eye.
“But it’s dark—”
“And cold as shit.”
“—and clear. So…”
Andrew huffed, but took another drag and peered up at the sky with him for a moment.
“And I brought you hot chocolate.”
One of Andrew’s eyebrows went up.
“The good kind. Bee’s kind.”
The other eyebrow, reluctantly, rose.
Neil grabbed the thermos from his other side and unscrewed the lid. It took a few tries, when his hand was stiff and weak with the cold.
“Idiot,” Andrew said again, taking the thermos from him. “Three.”
Neil tilted his head, watching deft fingers pour out a stream of steaming, liquid chocolate, not understanding until he did.
He pouted.
Andrew rolled his eyes. “Hundred.”
“Oh,” Neil said softly, smiling up at the twinkling stars.
Andrew sipped from his cup, made an involuntary sound he immediately frowned about, before putting it aside and taking one of Neil’s hands. Held it between both of his, pressing the whole sandwich of them between his own knees. Slowly warmth leeched through them like a candle next to a windowpane.
High above, a star streaked across the sky.
Neil closed his eyes, twined their fingers together, and hoped.
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bitbybitwrites · 2 years
Klaine Advent fan fic - Sugar and Spice
OK. . . are we crazy?
Maybe a little. I convinced @madas-ahatters-world to work on the @klaineadvent prompts with me.
So we've started a little series and will be adding stories to it bit by bit (ha!) when we can. It is a bit crazy at our houses with the holidays and all.
Thanks as always to iris7124 for her amazing artwork!
I got the first prompt - so here ya go! Enjoy!
Day 1 - Team
Story info below the picture!
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Summary: A holiday cookie decorating contest at the Lima Mall brings sweet treats to the patrons, a competition amongst 4 schools and a chance meeting between two boys.
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Glee
Relationship: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Santana Lopez, Noah Puckerman, Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, Jeff (Glee), Nick the Warbler (Glee), Wes (Glee), The Warblers (Glee)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting
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justsomeclintasha · 2 years
Day 3- Late
“Clinton Francis Barton!”
He cringes at the use of his full name, turning to look at the angry redhead at his front door.
“Nat, why are you all… oh shit.”
“Shower. Now.”
He scrambles toward the bathroom, the sound of her heels clicking on the floor behind him. He picks up the pace.
“Three text messages I sent you and- going to be late- the last time you’ve shaved-“
Her voice cuts in and out over the sound of rushing water as he furiously scrubs shampoo into his hair. And now there’s soap in his eye. He doesn’t have time for soap in his eye. He doesn’t have time at all. She flings the shower curtain open and he stumbles back, throwing an arm across his body for modesty.
I can’t find your dress socks.”
“In the.. the… the nightstand drawer.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
She retreats, and he steps out, pulling on a pair of boxers she left on the vanity. He messes his hair with the towel in a futile attempt to dry it.
“In here.”
Piece by piece, he pulls on his suit as quick as he can. She pushes him back into the kitchen chair she’s dragged into his bedroom.
“Do we really need-?”
A raise of her eyebrows is all it takes to quiet him. He hates hair gel, but she insists on it. Her fingers work through the damp tangles, forming it into some sort of style.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbles.
“Let me help with your tie.” Her voice is much more gentle now, less hurried as she pats the knot by his throat. “There.”
“Let’s get going. Our ride is waiting outside.”
“Wait, one more thing.” Confused, she turns back. “You look beautiful, Natasha.”
He’s pleased to see a flush in her cheeks as he leans in, the kiss lasting just longer than a moment, and she’s trying not to smile as he steps away.
“You owe me a dance for this.”
“For you, anything.”
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quietlyimplode · 2 years
Clintasha Advent.
Secret Santa.
“Who did you get for secret Santa?” Clint asks, looking over to where Natasha is sitting.
“I don’t need to tell you?”
It’s more of a question than a statement, and Clint is torn between his curiosity of knowing who she got and being truthful.
“It’s Tony isn’t it?”
He opts for neither.
“No,” she says slowly, “and it’s not you in case that’s your next question.”
Clint slowly does the math.
If he has Steve, and Tony has Natasha, and Natasha has neither him or Tony; then Natasha has Bruce.
The others fall into place.
He laughs, triumphantly.
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askeataiho · 2 years
Blind Channel advent calendar
Day 10: “🐻 in the backyard“
While working on a new tiktok video alone on the couch of their LA house, Joel quickly became distracted by a message plopping up in the group chat:
Tommi-🐻:  There is a bear in the backyard
A bear? In their backyard in LA? Or in their backyard at home? What is that supposed to even mean? And how did Tommi even know this?. All those questions were going through Joel’s head, after reading the message from Tommi.
„Guys what does Tommi mean by „There is a bear in the backyard“?“ he called out into the house.
„A what?“ and „Tommi?“ were the anwers he got back.
„Yeah he wrote in the group chat: „There is a bear in the backyard“. And I don’t understand what that means“
Suddenly a lot of commotion started around the house and the only answer he got back was „Oh Joel…“ coming from what sounded like Allu, but he wasn’t too sure about that. It also sounded like the others were quickly going to the backyard door, and the next thing Joel heared were excited yells of „Tommi“ and „You are here“  coming from the others.
That’s when it clicked in Joel’s mind aswell. A BEAR IN THE BACKYARD, I am such an idiot he thought. While his cheeks heated up a bit in shame, because how could he not get the connection while all of the others did instantly it seemed, he still joined the others in the backyard quickly to go look at the bear that was out there.
And a bear he did find, the best of them all. „Tommi, what are you doing here?“ he asked excitedly, quickly joining the cuddle pile that had built on top of their beloved bear.
„Well“ Tommi began while laughing, quite relieved that his surprise was a success. „My truth or dare advent calendar told me to go spent time with the people I love the most so I had no choice but coming here“
„You came here because an advent calendar told you to?“ Olli asked confused.
„Actually no. I came here because I am clearly needed here it seems. With Niko’s message and those Tiktok’s I saw… I mean what even are those?“
Suddenly Joel got the perfect idea…For a new tiktok video…
- 🦋 wearing a santa hat
I hope you don't mind me leaving this with you. If you don't like it I can write another one for you aswell
Oh it's so cute! 🥺🥺🥺🥺
There's a 🐻 in the backyard! (and he's come to try to keep his beloved band in line. 💓)
Thank you 🦋
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ss4nni · 2 years
Blind Channel advent calendar
Day 11: „Sorry I stole your chocolate“
Olli was devastated. He knew there was a possibility for this to happen, and he actually worried about this happening the whole time since he had the idea, but it actually happening really fucking hurt. And to think that the other guys actually told him that Joonas liked him too…
You see Olli liked Joonas a lot, and for a really long time now. For so long now that he was sure it was more like love, and that he wasn’t actually sure anymore when his feelings for him changed from friendship to romantic love. There was no one who knew him better then Joonas did. There was no one who could make him feel as good as Joonas did. To make it short: There was just no one else like Joonas.
And now Olli just lost his Joonas it seemed. All because he couldn’t keep his feelings to himself anymore, and because he finally had enough hope for his feelings to be returned. And he had the perfect plan aswell.
Two nights ago before he left Joonas place he opened Joonas chocolate advent calendar, took the chocolate piece out, and replaced it with a note. A note that began with him apologizing for stealing the chocolate, and ended with him confessing his feelings for Joonas. If Joonas would have returned his feelings this would have been a great story to tell, but now he probably ruined not only his friendship with Joonas, but also Joonas sacred chocolate advent calendar tradition. There was just no other explanation for the silence coming from Joonas yesterday. They talked to each other everyday since Olli could remember. Even when one of them was on vacation without the other, or when one of them was sick.
Olli was suddenly brought out of his thoughts by the doorbell ringing. After contemplaining for a moment if he should just ignore it (which might have been a better idea because he probably looked as bad as he felt) he still decided to go open it. Because it could be important. Not that anything actually seemed important for him other than Joonas at the moment.
Olli opened the door and was surprised. There was no one standing out there. But there was something laying out there instead. Something that immediately made his heartbeat speed up, and hope bloom in his mind. He looked around if he could still spot the person placing the object there, but saw no one. So he carefully picked the object up and took it inside with him.
It was Joonas answer, that he was sure of. Joonas answer in form of his chocolate advent calendar. He looked at door number 11 full of nervousness. Because whatever was behind that door would decide over his future with Joonas. On one side he hoped that Joonas answering like this meant something good, on the other side he still had the time that Joonas answer took in mind, and he feared what that meant.
Well here goes nothing he thought, finally opening door number 11 after spending a long time just staring at it.
And he found a note, a note that put the biggest smile on Olli’s face and made all his worries disappear instantly.
Because Joonas returned his feelings…
- 🦋 wearing a santa hat
I actually just got done writing this when I read your ask. I hope you like this, if not I can write you another one
aww this is so cute I love this!😭💖 poor olli being so worried that he fucked up everything🥺 (luckilly he didn't🥹) thank you so much for writing this dear🦋
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gleefulpoppet · 2 years
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Arriving home from work, Kurt is hesitant about what he might find after getting some surly texts from his sixteen-year-old daughter about their upcoming move. He takes a deep breath, reaching for the knob, wishing Blaine was here to help him handle whatever he finds on the other side.
Written for Klaine Advent 2022. The story itself is finished. All the additional chapters will be the artwork that follows up this short story (with some minor dialogue added occasionally).
You can read on AO3 [Here].
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