#fanfiction is so weird why did i make a whole ass like movie in my brain and write a bit of it but still not consider it original
hoybero · 1 year
SHSJSHSH ive had the same fic idea in my brain for like a bit over a month now and ive "written" so much of it in my head that i hAD TO MAKE FANART WITH LYRICS TO AN MCR SONG OKAY!
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(pardon my not great art its 5 am)
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plantwithoutplot · 1 year
Hi you've mention before you had to study fanfiction in college and had to write two essays on Howl's Moving Castle, if it's not to personal, can you tell us what did you study in college?
Hey!! No problem at all, I loved my studies in university so it's always a pleasure to talk about it 👐
I have a Double Degree in French Modern Literature & English literature (+ culture/some history, but mostly focused on the UK and US), as well as a Master Degree in Fiction (studied most of its forms + how it is produced in an industrial world like ours, through creative and more theoretical classes, though my focus was more on literature/tv shows/movies/video games) (*´▽`*)❀
About the fan fiction thing, well, I've had three thesis to write during my last 3 years of college?
1) A 25 pages only thesis where I attempted to understand how Fan Fiction might be a renewal of the XIXth's Roman Feuilleton (serial literature that appeared thanks to the industrialization and that was published weekly/monthly in popular journals, think of Dickens, Victor Hugo, etc)
2) A 50 pages only thesis about Fan Fiction as an obscure genre in the literary world, where I question not why or who creates fan fictions (something that has already been studied for 30 years) but HOW. Whichs means questions how people write? How do they select what to write about? How do so many communities can identify a fic's content in one glance through its tags, even when they are quite obscure? What about the story structures of fan fictions? Why the repetitiveness? For what purpose? So... Yeah. 50 pages of picking literary analysis techniques we already have to study fan fiction as a genre, the same way we do we literally any other genre, with one less theorical part by analysis an actual fan fiction
3) A 50 pages only thesis about a creative project + 50 pages of presemtation of the project itself. I am... A huge horror fan, ok? SO as a creator who also loves fantastic and fantasy I wondered about something. Would it be possible to create AND make last a possible world based/centered around the horror genre? You know how in fantasy you explore a world where EVERYTHING is a consequence of the magic/fantasy elements? Ehat if we did that with horror? Where EVERYTHING, at its core, is a product of the horror genre? Where everything, everyone, every element of the universe is out to get you ― how do you survive? CAN you do more than just survive in such a world? Can it expand and keep growing through fan headcanons and ideas and grow more and more, like fantasy's possible worlds do??
Okay that was already a lot, congrats if you read so far 🫡🫡
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About Howl's Moving Castle!
During my 3rd year in university, I had a class about Gender Studies and we had to pick a Ghibli movie to study and analyze. I picked Howl's Moving Castle, and tried to explain how the movie reverses gender expectations through the use of stereotypical fairy tales tropes.
Then during my 5th year in university, I had a class on Road Movies. Don't ask me why but my high-off-of-allergy-meds ass had a weird af epiphany and picked this movie.
The first essay is in french but i recently summed its main points for @newbieineverything so I can share it if you want! And the second essay was in english so I do have the whole thing, or just the bullet points if you'd rather have a summed up version 🤔🤔
If you want more info on those, don't hesitate to say it in comments/reblogs/dm and I will share it on the post! ٩(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)و🪇
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keii · 11 months
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Okay so I watched these two One Piece movies over the past couple of nights and the different experiences that I have gone through with both of these movies... First of all... I had A LOT of fun watching both of them (tbh more fun than when I watched the One Piece: Red) and I want to watch it again just from recalling it. I won't go super in depth, this is just me going on a tangent about em.
One Piece Gold (left) was a lot of fun, I loved the premise where they entered this huge ass island/boat city of gold filled with entertainment and casinos (I'm like "ohhh they're on the strip! LOL). I liked the build up of the plot and backstory of the villain. Tbh I think this movie did a way better job at building up the villain in comparison to One Piece Red where it just... IMMEDIATELY went into action??? I enjoy being able to immerse myself in the specific plot and feel of a movie, and so I think this movie did better in that aspect. ALSO, THERE WERE SO MANY OUTFIT CHANGES IN THIS MOVIE!!! It's so cute that for a number of them, they're all matching??? Also... um... Zoro in the beginning of the movie where he just had the baseball cap and he's shirtless... uhhhhh he looked so good wtf... wished they had him in that for longer LOL I also thought Luffy looked SO CUTE in the all white outfit with the orange shades and cowboy hat. Really enjoyed the Sabo appearance in this, tho wished I saw him crush a guy's head!! LOOOL Anyway, really liked this movie.
One Piece movie 6: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island is what I watched last night after holding it off since FOREVER AND TBH I DON'T THINK I'LL LIKE A ONE PIECE MOVIE MORE THAN THIS ONE LOOOL. So the main reason why I wanted to watch this movie was primarily because of the ART STYLE. I LOVE HOW CUTE AND EXAGGERATED IT IS. The flat colors, lanky limbs, thin lines, angles, and expressiveness UGH EVERYTHING. I kept wondering why it felt so familiar and it's because the director of this movie is Mamoru Hosoda! And he directed movies like Mirai (my Goro projection movie), Summer Wars, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Wolf Children (I watched this movie when I was in a 3 hour life drawing class and was bawling), etc. ANYWAY-- his influence was STRONG in this movie because the thing I like about his style is the human INTERACTIONS he has between the characters and showing the closeness, with their touches, or expression, and even utilizing the awkward silences in the conversations. It was SO nice seeing the Straw Hats interact in this kind of way and I am just IN LOVE WITH HOW LUFFY LOOKED IN THIS MOVIE HE WAS SO CUTE I LOVE HIM!!! I also love how when Nami wanted Luffy's attention, she would just GRAB HIS FACE. So anyway, as I was looking more into who was involved in this movie, I saw that Masahiro Ito did the screenplay. I had to do a double take on that name. BITCH. OF COURSE HIS NAME WAS FAMILIAR BECAUSE THAT MAN IS THE ART DIRECTOR FOR TEAM SILENT? MR PYRAMID HEAD CREATOR MAN HIMSELF. WHAT IS HE DOING WRITING THE SCREENPLAY FOR THIS ONE PIECE MOVIE. The whole time I'm just thinking "Oh my god. This movie is going to get REALLY weird." And my god... for One Piece/shounen standards... yeah. There are scenes where I had to turn around to Hun while I was watching and go "... You seeing this." LOL LIKE... I KNOW THIS MOVIE WILL NOT BE EVERYONE'S CUP OF TEA BUT I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT??? It was like watching the weirdest collab One Piece fanfiction come to life. I just really appreciate the direction and vibe this movie had and seeing One Piece in this kind of style. Honestly would love if other anime directors wanted to take their own spin of One Piece and just make a movie. Yah well that's my tangent, I love One Piece LOL
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mamamittens · 3 months
Went to a friend's baby shower yesterday and it was kinda wild.
(lose the plot under the cut. Gets dark. TW: suicidal ideation, childhood SA, and assault/light attempted murder?)
(I'm rambling, tired, anxious, and it got weird... I feel better though. Maybe those journaling girlies were onto something)
Saw her a few months ago and she was the same as ever. Skinny little athletic goblin.
And now she's got this big watermelon under her shirt as she grows a whole as kid.
We've been friends since early elementary school, like, third grade maybe? And now we're almost thirty and she's having a kid... Really makes you a little introspective about where all that time went.
I'm not of the opinion I wasted anything. I've only ever done the best I could given what I've had on hand. But the timing is just so that I've been getting a little too in my head about the less than stellar parts of life. Behind me and ahead.
The kind of shit that makes me want to cry and throw up and I really should have gone to therapy for by now but the timing never seems right. And I'd be lying if I said I wanted to face the root of my issues.
Guess I've always been a coward like that.
Can't even hate myself for it cause being scared is the only reason I'm still alive--not in the sense that I kept alert to outside threats, though that did very likely save my ass from at least two SAs (technically just one since the second wound up being much more... Mild--what an ugly thing to say about the incident, it sits foul in my mouth as much as it still confuses me).
Just too scared to go through with it. Not enough reasons to stay but fear of the end.
I still feel that.
Still the fourteen year old girl somewhere inside me wondering if there's peace in any way that matters. Desperate to let go but whiteknuckle grip on the fear of regret. What right did I have to those emotions, I'm still not sure.
My life is not a great tragedy or even particularly interesting enough to warrant such feelings.
But I carry them all the same at the end of the day. No point denying it.
I wonder if that intense self loathing and desperation to throw myself into anything I could get my hands on is why I barely had any friends. Was it as unpleasant to know me as it was to be me?
I want to apologize to them all sometimes.
For putting up with me.
To the sad, desperate kid sitting in her room with nothing to do but rewatch old movies or, very soon, read fanfiction.
But it never really filled the space like we wanted, did it? Just another hole to hide ourselves in...
Did we ever really learn what it's like to be safe? To really, truly, feel safe and loved in our skin? I don't think we ever have--and I'm sorry for that. I wish we were any other way. I wish we were the wild child our mother expected. The confident, brilliant life in the room instead of the weirdo people expected to either shoot up the school or ourselves.
We didn't know how to try to be better, we just were as we are. Not even sure what 'better' would have been. We were not trusted. I don't think we were liked by more than a handful of people. A little too weird. Too... Something. Other, I suppose.
Other enough that no one commented when a 'friend' pulled the ends of your scarf (that you wore in the summer as you had every day for a few years now, not long after a grown man placed his teeth on your neck) and choked you for several seconds.
It felt like several minutes.
You stopped wearing the scarf, but you wore headphones around your neck whenever you could afterwards.
I'm sorry.
You didn't know what was wrong. And I don't think anything ever really was. We were--are--different. And not in a way that can be fixed.
And I am sorry for that.
There was so much more and...
We didn't deserve any of that. No one could.
Not even you. Us. We.
I think we were just tired. By then.
We just wanted to rest in the moment where nothing was overtly wrong.
I'm still tired.
I've been tired for so long.
But I'm learning to rest.
I'm learning how to meet my gaze in the mirror after so long not being able to.
How to love myself and what that even means. That it's not a word but action. Every day. A choice.
If I told you we were getting better, would you believe me? Would you believe me if I told you the stupid ass way I've been working on it? I guess it's more believable than hours of yoga but still...
Even back then, you were too afraid to offend to disagree so I think you'd find a way to believe it anyway.
I'm sorry believing is still so hard. Easier to remain uninvested than give your whole heart to something and realize the ugly parts of yourself.
It's going to be okay, kiwi.
Things have changed a lot but... Most of it is for the better.
You're still not good at a lot of stuff. Mostly people stuff. You're still spiteful and stubborn. You still hate being mad but love to complain. Can't stand crying or talking out loud about how you feel.
Still not sure if it was really cowardice that stayed our hand or not...
But... You're curious about tomorrow now.
You can almost bring yourself to invest in a new show (14 years old, this isn't a problem but you'll feel that rut in a few years yet, I assure you).
Romance is still confusing to you but it's not... TOTALLY a foreign concept now. Like, why you specifically.
I'm sorry it's taking so long, kiwi.
But if we're being honest?
You didn't expect to feel like this for long either. One way or another.
I think we're going to make it, kiwi.
Even if it's a long, confusing road. And you don't have to believe me, kiwi.
We'll just have to wait and see.
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alligatorjesie · 2 years
Well that's a take.
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wha- @watchingtheearthrise
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Are you… defending Antis, as the name implies people who are negatively against a thing, because they’re ‘not as privileged’ as... reylos?
For fucking real?
Do you think reylos are born with silver spoons in their mouths? Do you think we have some kind of societal leg up because we like a fucking ship?
It's not because we're overwhelmingly white that's for fucking sure, because I already covered that conversation
Twice now
with charts and everything
since some people here can't fucking read.
How, God fucking bless us all, do you type all that out with zero awareness?
Can you not put 2 and 2 together to figure out why people who passionately love things have more love in their lives as a whole? Is that wisdom lost to you?
Fortune and privilege have Absofuckinglutly Nothing to do with fandom and how passionately you as a individual interact with it.
You're so fucking close, I swear to fucking God. If I had a soul you'd be crushing it.
Here you are, taking Your sweet precious time, time You'll never get back in your life, time You'll look back on unfondly because you're about to get your ass chewed straight fucking through, time out of Your day to make this post defending people who passionately hate things and how they might have it worse than someone else, unaware the reason that group might have things worse is because they Actively Choose To Hate Things And Make It Other People's Problem.
Well I don't fucking know brah, maybe when you're not a fucking needless cockwaffle to people good things are more likely to happen to you?
And you know what? Yeah. Bad things do happen to good people. But shitty things happen to shitty people more. You can live your life being a fucking asshole because you'd mad about X or Y or whatever the fuck, or you can take all that energy you were going to spend on hating something and instead pick literally anything else to put it into. You seem like you like Finnrey? Have you perhaps considered taking all that time you spent being an anti reyo and instead putting it back into your own fandom? I assure you with every ounce of blood running through my slow beating reptilian heart,
The reylos will not fucking stop you.
If you’re disadvantaged because you hate a fucking ship, that’s on you mate.
Last time I checked it takes zero effort to not be a prick to people minding their own goddamn shit in their own fucking spaces and it’s you taking time out of your day to be mindless cunt to those people who had the misfortune of noticing a canon ship as loudly broadcasted as REYLO was in the new Star Wars movies as if The Last Jedi which might as well be called ‘Reylo, the goddamn movie’ isn't a whole ass movie in this trilogy.
Rey and Ben sit in a hut and talk about their feelings in front of each other then hold hands. Did she do that with Finn? No?
Well that sucks. Go draw some fanart and fix it. Go write some fanfiction where Kylo Ren's asshole explodes through his mouth and Rey and Finn fuck on his bloodied corpse. Whatever makes you fucking happy man. Why the fuck are you in the anti reylo tag about it? The antis ain't gonna help you with this problem that's for fucking sure. We get it. You don't like Ben, but you know something? If I had any anti-Finn content- Not that I do because I'm not a fucking asshole and actually like Finn as a character quite a bit, most reylos do or else he wouldn't so regularly be featured as a predominate character in most reylo fanfictions -I wouldn't post it to the anti-Finnrey tag. You know... I'll be honest I don't see reylos posting in anti-finnrey spaces, isn't that fucking weird to you? Is that even a thing? Gimme a second.
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Uhh no in fact all of the top posts are in fact anti reylos, the few reylos who do show up in the listing is me talking about how finnreys sure like to harass reylos and one other person who posted twice to the tag to comment on how they get harassed by finnreys a lot. Guys I'm fuckin' buggin' here.
No. I’m not going to consider the feelings of the group of people who this this kind of harassment is allfuckingright:
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All of these posts were gathered in only 2 days after that ghost guy dropped that bombshell that he *gasps!* liked reylo.
Not to mention that absolute plethora of antis who have been harassing members of this fandom constantly and consistently for the past 7 years.
I don't know much but I feel like that takes a lot of time and effort.
Like this one who has been at it since 2016.
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Or this one who has been harassing members of this fandom since 2018.
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Or this one who has an alarming 260 posts dedicated to being an anti reylo, someone who I can only assume has way more fucking time on their hands than I or you or anyone else in this fandom does that's for fucking sure and has been doing this horseshit since 20motherfucking17.
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Or this sock filled with crusted jizz who has been at it since 2018 and thinks it's alright to mock artist and likes to send death threats.
Real fuckin' classy.
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Speaking of death threats!
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I've never told anyone to go fucking die because they like a fictional ship.
That's very fucked up.
If anyone here has more time than they know what to fucking do it with it's antis who not only think it's perfectly normal to spend this amount of time and effort on something they hate but can't fucking help but insert themselves into a space they don't fucking belong in to start with.
And were the fuck do you get off?
Bitch, do you fucking think I sit on my ass 24/7 and dedicate all my increasingly little spare time to a fucking fandom? Do you think I have literally nothing better to do in my day than to dedicate it fandom shit? Goddamn do I fucking wish. Honestly in the making of this post I came to realize how little time I’m actually able to set aside for this one guilty pleasure but I can’t scroll through my own fucking tag for one single day without seeing one or two of you chucklefucks posting in a tag you don’t belong or even want to be in to ‘own the libs’ or whatever the fuck your aim here is.
Reylos come in all shapes and sizes and ages, most of us being around 20 which means the vast majority are in school AND working jobs WHILE ALSO writing fanfiction so fucking steamy it’d make a sailor blush on top of working their asses off to stay afloat in this capitalistic hellscape we all live in.
Antis who go to school and work jobs ain't fucking special mate. Do you think reylos don't do anything else all day but daydream about Ben Solo banging Rey? Bitch, we go to school just like everyone else. We got jobs like everyone else. We have families we spend our time with. We live our lives as completely and happily as we can just enjoying a ship/fandom and astoundingly we do it without being a hateful fuck to people in other fandoms, ain't that fuckin' wild?
All it takes is not interacting with the fandom you don't like.
It ain't that fucking hard.
My heart don’t fucking bleed over the anti who’s on hard times. You don’t have my fucking sympathy when you made the decision to be an asshole.
I know a lot of real people who have it a lot worse then the antis who are just mad their ship isn't fucking canon and those real people bitch a lot less.
Do you think the reylos were immune to the pandemic? Do you think we live on a fucking island far away from all the regular troubles of a normal world? We were affected by this shit too. Antis ain’t singularly suffering do to pandemic issues, we all are you daffy fuck.
Aww, you had to work during the pandemic? Well bitch, so did I. I've been working since I was 16. Some jobs I fucking hated and I left them for jobs I didn't hate so much.
Motherfucker, I work for a Dildo Company. Do you even fully understand just how busy shit got for us when lockdown started? All these horny people who were banging lots of people every week were suddenly Not and I can tell you right now they filled that void with dildos.
You've been busy the past 2 years? Congrats.
So has everyone else. The world is melting around us. Eggs cost 10 dollars a dozen. Rent in most places in the US is 1,000 dollars a month. Everything sucks and, you know, we try to make it suck a little less by not actively being assholes to strangers on the internet.
I know at least five reylos in my personal bubble who are married with children. How much goddamn time do you think they have to set aside for the hobby they love between raising kids during a pandemic while also working a full time job because we live in a world where a single person working can't afford rent, much less a house?
And wouldn't you fucking know it? They manage all of that without being absolute douche canoes to people in fandom because instead of hating shit they choose to love things.
Reylos out here doing God’s fucking work and dedicating what I can only assume is also minimal time into what is probably only one of their many hobbies while also managing to put their whole fucking pussies into the fandom they choose. These artists out here making fanfiction, fanart, metas, being betas for fic writers, commenting on fics they like, affirming fellow content creators, podcasts, merch, or doing as little as just talking about the fandom they love here on dumblr dot com in the fucking tag they belong in.
You don't need to spend money to enjoy fandom, you do understand that right? There is a plethora of way to enjoy fandom without spending a dime. You know what?
I'll show you real quick just how easy it is to be a active member of a fandom with minimal time and zero money.
This is a reylo fic by the writer secretreylotrash called 'The Trail Bride' It's a western/Oregon trail AU and the smut in it is just Top Fucking Tier.
God Fucking Bless This Author.
It's actually on my re-read list after I clear out a few other fics with shorter chapter counts.
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There. Took me 2 minutes, didn't cost a fucking thing, and I've already done more good for my fandom than you being an anti has ever fucking accomplished in the past 7 years of your life.
I am hardly fucking privileged. I work hard at my job to afford the thing I have and what I have is by no fucking means ‘nice and new’. Making dicks is fulfilling work (huehue) but not the highest paying work.
I am not a stranger to flee markets and secondhand stores.
I’ve never owned a new couch.
I grow a garden in the summer to keep food costs down. I forage around my neighborhood for free food (chickweed is fucking delicious. Last year we found a puffball growing in a neighbor’s yard and made puffball parmesan with it. Ate off that for 3 days.) and free shit in people’s trashcans.
The flooring in my house is currently wood particle board because we haven't been able to afford new flooring since we moved in 2 years ago. When shit breaks around here, I fucking fix it because I can’t afford to pay someone else to do it that’s for goddamn sure. I learned from youtube how to do plumbing because when we first moved into our house there was a horrible leak the last owner just never fucking bothered to fix so now I’m also going to have to learn a little carpentry to fix the damage it did. I have 2 cars and both of them are over 20 years old and I’m the person who keeps them running because I’ve been ripped off by different mechanics in this town one too many times and now I just don’t trust anyone but myself to work on them.
I work a full time job five days a week.
Not even 9 to 5, more often 9 to 6:30/7 if your time management is shit (mine is) as once you get a pour going you’re at the whims of the Silicone Gods because fun fact about silicone; The moment you add part B into liquid silicone you got about an hour to get that shit mixed, degassed, and poured into whatever dick shaped object you got planned or else you’re going to end up with 230 ounces of quickly hardening product that will soon become so unworkable you’ll have no choice but to throw it out, and platinum grade silicone ain’t fucking cheap. Once silicone is cured, that’s it. You can’t uncure it and start again. It can get nerve racking and it takes months to figure out how to pour it right, years to learn how to pour it well.
Some of the toys we offer, just the one dildo, is 8 pounds of material or more. Wet silicone has the consistency of room temp honey, it's not easy to mix and you have to mix it fully or it won't cure correctly.
And don't get me started on that math! We offer 3 types of firmness and all three requires a different math formula, not to mention the pigment math which is entirely different and very small and precise.
You need to understand at least basic color theory to do the pigments correctly in this job. It is a physically and mentally demanding job.
Another fun fact about silicone, it will destroy your clothes. If you get so much as a drop on clothing you can just enjoy your forever stain now because that shit ain’t ever coming out. You don’t know how many shirts and pants I’ve lost to the Silicone Gods.
Clothing I have to pay for.
But despite all that, I am very dedicated to my job. If I removed all my other numerous hobbies and just focused on the job that pays for my food, house, and transportation you would be fucking shocked by how much XP I’ve banked into it.
Here, lemme show you something I’m really proud of. Now I did have to crop it because I’m not going to lie, it’s a dick, but this is my job and this is what I do. And I’m fucking good at it.
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This was a commission by a customer based on this piece of delftware:
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This motherfucker took me Two Whole Goddamn Days to finish. And not regular 9 to 6:30 days either, I had to stay late to finish this beautiful little fuck so in reality those two days were more like 9 to 8.
Another fun fact, the mold I was painting into was almost this same exact shade of blue. This was a very hard project but goddamnit if the work don’t speak for itself. And this toy wouldn’t look this fucking good if it wasn’t for the incredible amount of time and effort I’ve put into learning how to do this shit.
Painting silicone is hard, so hard there isn’t many other creators out there who do it because your odds of fuckups (air bubbles, delamination, whatever you painted simply not curing, etc) is astronomically high Unless you know what you’re doing.
I’ve painted so many toys. One time I painted a double ended horse dick up with galaxies all over it, it was fucking stunning. I’ve done the Arizona tea can a few times now. Some years ago I did a ‘fruit set’ where I hand painted a bunch of different toys up like pineapples, kiwi, dragon fruit, watermelons, stawberries, just a whole bunch of them and they sold out instantly. These days every orca coming out of our shop is hand painted by me personally.
And that isn’t even to fucking say shit about my other hobbies.
My first love; art. I love to draw. I’ll draw anything that involves an alligator, memes, or reylo. I’ve been drawing since I was a child and while I’m by no means the best at it, I ain’t half bad. You can tell what I’m drawing is and that’s all we can ask for. Honestly being in the reylo community has helped my art out a ton. I mean look at this improvement from just 2018 to 2022!
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I know you don’t give a single fuck about reylo but this is a marked improvement over such a short period of time and I have this fandom to thank for that.
I will carry this improvement to other arts. Everything I learn at this cornerstone informs every single other skill I learn. If I didn't care about it so much I wouldn't work so hard to do better at it. Who the fuck are you to judge the media I choose to get there?
Now onto my second love; carving. I can carve anything. Bone, horn, wood, stone, glass, terricatta, ceramic, fuckit man you name it I can carve it. I’ve been doing this since I was a teenager using just the most absolute shit quality 50 dollar harbor freight flexshaft dremel that would get so fucking hot after an hour of use I had to wear mechanic gloves just to hold the hand bit. And that’s what I learned on, sitting out in a freezing garage in the dead of winter while my toes froze off and my hand burns to numb because I just wanted to put a few more hours into that fucking sweet raccoon skull I’ve been working on for the past 3 years.
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And my third passion; plants.
I have so many fucking plants that most of my evenings after work are spent dealing with all these verdant assholes. Allow me to show you just the very few I have in my collection:
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And this ain’t all of them. I have more outside and yet still more at work. My summer is so full of just taking care of plants that honestly it’s shocking I even find time for fandom. These adorable little fucks bring me so much joy though and the effort shows. They’re all so productive I’ve been able to make a little side money by buying cheapo bowls and pots from Goodwill, popping a few weep holes into them with the dremel, and selling them at the local farmer’s market. They’re cute as fuck yo.
I’m an avid knitter. I regularly knit on the way to and from work and give the hats and gloves away to family and friends as I finish them.
I love to braid these little glass vases that you can put a plant into and hang from your window, they’re a ton of fun to make, they reuse jars that would otherwise get thrown away, and they’re beautiful to boot.
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I can sew and regularly mend mine and other people’s clothing on my machine which was a hand-me-down from my mother. She kept the nice one.
I love to cook and bake treats for everyone at work to enjoy.
I can do embroidery, needle felting, woodworking, car maintenance, house maintenance, sculpting, fictional writing, and wouldn't you fucking know it?
I can do all of these things without being a heartless fuck to other people in fandoms.
And on top of all this shit that keeps my life so full, I have a loving partner who cares about all of these interests to the point he happily feeds into them. He genuinely loves me and I genuinely love him. I spend probably the most time out of my day with him since we work and live together. Either we’re hanging out at work or on the couch after we’ve finished dinner to watch a movie or youtube or chilling in the bedroom while he reads to me as I draw on him or we have sex sex.
Mmm, the sex.
He is patient and kind and I couldn’t ask for a better person to spend my days with and I hope beyond hope I'm able to spend many more with him.
And after that, only after all of that other shit along with a few extra hobbies I just didn't feel the need to add to this already lengthy post, does reylo take a priority in my life. So little of my time and effort is even spent on this one thing that brings me such intense joy that it makes me kinda sad I don’t have more free time to dedicate to it.
I am going to judge antis and do so very openly because if you feel like antis, people who harass and threaten other people for just being in a fucking fandom, have it tough?
I fucking hope they do.
I hope their lives are long and filled to the fucking brim with distress and heartache. I have so many hobbies and interests and loves in my life that someone dedicating the fleeting time they have in this wonderful world filled with things begging to be explored and loved chooses instead to make people feel bad for enjoying romance and community and art can just go live the worst fucking lives for all the fucks I don’t give.
Maybe if they spent a little less time being hateful fucks they wouldn’t have it so tough.
Karma is a bitch you know.
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Now get the fuck outta the tag.
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maiathebee · 2 years
Lots of the same complaints about Persuasion keep popping up (modern language, girl boss-ification) but it’s so much more than that so here are all my thoughts on the worst bits (I know all complaining does is generate buzz but what else am I gonna do with my Sunday night??):
Out of jealousy in the first like 2 minutes in Wentworth’s presence, Anne brings up (in front the musgroves and crofts and wentworth) that Charles wanted to marry her first.  This basically establishes her as just as self-centered and narcissistic as her sisters?? Making things worse for literally everyone?? By acting like a teenager?  Insane and embarrassing for the characters and hurtful to anyone who likes Anne Elliot.
Absolutely horrendous editing. In one scene she complains about something Wentworth said the night before, but he didn’t say it on film so it’s confusing as to if she’s misremembering?? In multiple scenes they’ve added dialogue over scenes where you can literally see their lips NOT moving, but they have spoken lines? (for instance, 35:49). It feels like a Hallmark film. Embarassing for the filmmakers.  I hate the idiotic conversation in which Anne is surprised to find Louisa thinks she’s not interested in Wentworth (despite constantly avoiding him), and then Louisa saying “you barely look at him” when they’ve been in the same place one time??? and Anne looked at him the WHOLE time??? Like did ANY single person check this film for continuity?? When Mary makes Anne leave Lyme so that Anne can care for the children? But then Anne doesn’t go in the house and she says she has to go to Bath? ??? What?
This film offers literally no breathing space at all.  There is no contemplation, tension, or think time. Conversations threat together at a breakneck pace.  They cut bits of the text that are funny and interesting and added totally weird and unnecessary scenes. I have to listen to Anne turn to the camera like a Love Island confessional? (Pro Tip: if your lead’s accent is passable at best, maybe don’t give them extended solo monologues throughout the film). Also, all the added Mary Being Annoying scenes? also that scene at the beach?? who wrote that??? a computer in the 90s?? A piece of barely sentient cardboard??
Louisa and Anne’s VERY weird relationship. They’ve turned Louisa into this weird antagonistic love rival? I hate it here. 
They constantly refer to the fact that Wentworth is without title or riches, but NEVER talk about how Lady Russell didn’t want Anne to marry a dude whose job could quickly widow her?? I get that they don’t want to go into the class dynamics of the baronetcy etc, but being a sailor = easy death shouldn’t be too intellectually complex?
The film has borrowed SO much visually from 2008 version.  So many scenes are framed almost exactly the same way.  This is not the beautiful big sweeping cinematic portrayal of this film I wanted. It’s just a made-for-tv movie :(
WHY would you make a British period drama and have everyone call each other by their first names?? NEVER bow in greeting??? Have Anne have hair that isn’t even MODERN but actually dated to about 2008?? Anne swimming alone at the beach? Men and women just alone in private all the time?
Dakota Johnson wearing thick ass mascara, glittery eye shadow and a beret.
The constant one-on-one conversations between Anne and Wentworth...... In the book when they’re in Bath and they finally have (somewhat) private conversations it’s like a WHOLE THING. Instead here they’ve just written expository fanfiction? Again, the scene at the beach honestly SO bad. “I didn’t know when I’d ever see you again, or if you’d know how much I cared.” “I think I always knew.  There’s no one quite like you.” That isn’t a conversation.  It also doesn’t follow any of the vibe we’ve had to that point.  Wentworth is already 100% down for Anne again? I’m sorry?  The people who wrote this movie missed the memo that the book is literally about struggling with the idea you don’t know what’s going on in another person’s mind.  It’s about tension. It’s about figuring out where people are coming from through their actions. It’s about REacquainting yourself with a person. Not just constantly word vomiting every single thought you have at every moment. “I genuinely hope you find love.” KILL ME “You want to know a secret?” “Always” I love this mature love story about two 90s grade schoolers.  The scene in the carriage where Wentworth goes on about him knowing Louisa was infatuated... I’m sorry but for a man who so readily and openly reflects on his wrongdoing and pride WHY did it take him 8 years to see Anne??? Make it make sense. “One can only imagine what our lives might have been” it’s like exposition that is incorrectly expositing... How does her getting injured get him out of their relationship>>>>????? this is a MAIN plot point of the story!!
Making Anne and him have conversations about his job and how she wants him to pursue a promotion. Imperialism :( Capitalism :( Girlboss :( “What would Anne do here?” “There I go, trying to protect you again” ............................................uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh
“You’re always best in an emergency” I love when movies tell me things instead of showing me things, thanks!
Anne constantly rejoicing in schadenfreude... weird! gross! There’s a lot of great schadenfreude in the text, but it’s not played out in the form of Anne like... rejoicing in her own family being embarrassed
The constant comedy piano in the background like a Hallmark film
The way this film spent almost nothing on set design, filming as much as possible outdoors.  Their house in Bath is in the crescent?? And they haven’ t even fancied it up, it looks straight up like a street in Bath in the 2020s. They don’t even properly film her going through the door! SIGH!
I knew they wouldn’t keep in Ms. Smith but I do maintain it’s not a Persuasion adaptation without her... like the way her character is ESSENTIAL to the class commentary/whole point of novel...
Imagine being literally unable to write an interesting yet smart woman. Our female character wants to insert an irreverent icebreaker?  How about her awkward octopus dream? And then we’ll make it into a sexual innuendo!! That way the teens will like our film probably
The scene with her breaking down in the bathtub is like a glimpse into the movie they thought they were making? “Anne Elliot who suffered cosmic loss but really held it together,” a film about someone who thinks they’re graceful and dignified but is actually a pathetic mess.  It’s such a filmy person interpretation. Like a movie person who read persuasion and was like... someone who dealt with grief by going inward? hmmm sounds like a drama queen lying to themselves!!!
Anne babbling “He’s quite charming” “He makes me laugh” with literally no prompting as if she’s the FL in a self-insert fanfic. Mr. Elliot flirting with Anne in front of Wentworth like the second lead of a self-insert fanfic. “I do hope you’ll be able to make it to the wedding” like a disney villain (I’m sorry but this film literally has never heard the word subtle, let alone ache pine yearn)(there is NO push, no pull, no moment where they HALF hope, no moment where they are half in agony)
Mr. Eliot inviting Wentworth to the concert and not Anne
Anne awkwardly waving to Wentworth in period gloves at the concert because no one bows in this movie (I’m sorry but like..................... this is so dumb)
Anne crying during the opera scene as if there was any fucking gravitas or pathos available from this film for me to care.  I have NEVER watched a Persuasion remake where this scene did not KILL me.  (A few minutes, though as few as possible, were inevitably consumed; and when her own mistress again, when able to turn and look as she had done before, she found herself accosted by Captain Wentworth, in a reserved yet hurried sort of farewell. "He must wish her good night; he was going; he should get home as fast as he could.""Is not this song worth staying for?" said Anne, suddenly struck by an idea which made her yet more anxious to be encouraging."No!" he replied impressively, "there is nothing worth my staying for;" and he was gone directly.Jealousy of Mr Elliot! It was the only intelligible motive. Captain Wentworth jealous of her affection! Could she have believed it a week ago; three hours ago! For a moment the gratification was exquisite. But, alas! there were very different thoughts to succeed. How was such jealousy to be quieted? How was the truth to reach him? How, in all the peculiar disadvantages of their respective situations, would he ever learn of her real sentiments? It was misery to think of Mr Elliot's attentions. Their evil was incalculable.) The way this movie has zoomed past all these emotions or stalled before reaching them at every turn. This scene is seriously just a copy of the 2008 version but it’s bad! No “There is nothing worth my staying for”
exchanging “when all hope is lost” for “when hope is gone” -- a truly minor yet truly offensive change. “Your love has not lasted as long as mine” “and I don’t think I ever will” ................. me reading the modern english translation of shakespeare in high school
Anne seeing Wentworth’s letter all the way across the room with her spidery senses
The theatre monologue recitation of the letter
The way the letter scene/running through Bath thing is almost exactly like the 2008 movie except I don’t care.... Anne could be hit by a carriage and I would barely notice a change of pace
Honestly we can just show the Mrs. Clay Mr. Elliot make out scene and be done with it and know this film is a farce. (I ran out of the inn searching for Mr. Wentworth when!!! I saw MR. ELLIOT locking TONGUES with the slut MrS. CLaY! In broad daylight in public on the street in the town where I also am!!! “Anne!” he yelped in surprise.  I could tell he was so sad I found him out!  :( He does love me. But what he doesn’t know is that I love Mr. Wentworth even more!) “I wish you both every happiness” *shrug* Me: SIGH
The way they built up to this climax with her running to him and then it was just ...long awkward pause before kiss... I don’t think most of the problems in this film are Dakota Johnson’s fault but she is not great at creating onscreen chemistry and I don’t understand why she is continually cast as romantic leads
This weird “some love is reeeeeeeally weird” voiceover over a marriage between Henry Golding’s character and the only fat person ever on screen in this film
Why does she wink at the end of the film? 
Things I liked:
Mary calling herself an Empath
When Louisa fell it felt so hard I literally gasped
Lady Russell actually being fun and likeable
Anne’s hat at the pastry shop in bath (all her other clothes are boring or suck)(it still looked dumb with her emo girl bangs and eyeliner)
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bi-bard · 3 years
Please Say That You're Joking (Pt.1) - Chuck Shurley Imagine (Supernatural)
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Title: Please Say You're Joking (Pt. 1) [You can read part 2 by clicking here!]
Pairing: Chuck Shurley X Winchester!Reader
Requested: Nope
Word Count: 2,930 words
Warning(s): mentions of sex, threats of violence
Summary: (Season 4; Season 11) (Y/n) had a single one-night stand while coping with loss in a not healthy way... if only they had a clue about the weight of their actions.
Author's Note: I was recently going back through some of the "lighter" episodes of Supernatural because I wanted to watch something I could chuckle at. That's where this came from.
This might be the most crackheaded thing I've written in a while.
Also, the amount of things I had to bullshit my way through this is actually ridiculous.
Hey! I did a rewrite of the ending of Supernatural. It took a really long time to complete, so it would mean a lot to me if you check it out. Here’s a link! (it’s on my personal account)
Sam, Dean, and I walked into the motel room. We were all confused and slightly scared.
We had gone to a comic book shop to do some work on a case. However, we were then called fans.
Fans of what?
Well, fans of a series of books about our lives.
I was the middle Winchester child. Two years younger than Dean, two years older than Sam. I was beyond confused when I saw some weird, romanticized version of me on the cover of a book.
"This is so weird," I mumbled, plopping onto one of the beds in the room.
Sam jumped onto his laptop and started researching. Dean was holding one of the books, reading through it. I didn't even want to touch it.
"I don't like how he describes (Y/n)," Dean commented. "It's weird. It's like he's in love. Listen to this..."
Dean dramatically clears his throat and starts to read in an even more dramatic voice, "'Even after a hard hunt, (Y/n) could easily be seen as the most beautiful of the siblings. They mimicked the beauty of their mother more than their brothers. There's no bruise or cut that could take the loveliness away from the natural curves of (Y/n)'s face. If only they could see how everyone else would stare-"
"Okay, ew," I muttered, walking to the table. "What'd you find?"
"Well, it seems like Carver Edlund is a pen name," Sam shrugged. "And the fans are intense."
"As in," Dean asked, closing the book and joining the two of us at the table.
"Well," Sam handed me the laptop so Dean and I could look at it, "there's fanfiction. About all of us."
"What's this, 'Sam/Dean'," I asked.
"It's... me and Dean... together."
"They just don't care that we're related," Dean asked. Sam nodded.
"God, this is so weird."
"So, how do we find this guy," I asked.
--time skip--
We managed to find the publisher of the novels and found her house.
"So, you published the 'Supernatural' books," I asked as we walked in.
"Yep," she nodded. "Yeah, gosh. These books... they never really got the attention that they deserved. All anybody wants to read anymore is that romance crap."
"Could not agree with you more," I said. "We're hoping that our article can shine a light on an underappreciated series."
"Yeah, because, you know, if we got a little bit of good press, then maybe we can start publishing again," she replied excitedly.
"No, no, no," Dean immediately shut her down. "I mean, why... why would you want to do that? It's such a complete series with Dean going to hell and all."
"Oh my god, that was one of my favorite ones," she rambled. "Dean was so strong and sad and brave. And Sam... I mean... the best ones are when they cry... like in 'Heart' when Sam had to kill Madison; the first woman since Jessica he'd really loved. When Dean had to call John in 'Home' and ask him for help. Or when (Y/n) went back to the motel room after getting kidnapped and just had to sit in their own head and had to truly process not only the death of their mother but now their father. The mixed feelings were amazing."
"You're a really big fan," I noted. She nodded.
"Gosh, if only real men were that open about their emotions."
"Real men," Dean asked.
"I mean, no offense," she replied. "How often do you cry like that?"
"Well, right now I'm crying on the inside," he muttered.
"Is that supposed to be funny?"
"Lady, this whole thing is funny."
"How am I supposed to know this is legit?"
"Oh, trust me," Dean mumbled. "We're legit."
"Well, I don't want some smart-ass article making fun of my boys," she snapped as she sat in her chair.
"Oh, never," I replied quickly. "We actually are big fans."
"You read the books?"
"Cover to cover," I promised.
"What's the year and model of the car?"
"1967 Chevy Impala," Dean smiled proudly.
"What's May 2nd?"
"That's my- uh... Sam's birthday," Sam replied.
"Sam's score on the LSAT?"
"Umm... 174," Sam said nervously.
"(Y/n)'s first hunt?"
"Vampire in Washington," I answered. "Dean was at the motel sick and (Y/n) almost chopped John's head off when he scared them."
"(Y/n)'s favorite memory that's not related to hunting?"
I smiled, "Helping Sam get ready for a date when he was a teenager because Sam didn't trust what Dean had told him."
"Dean's favorite song?"
"It's a tie," Dean replied. "Between Zep's 'Ramble On' and 'Traveling Riverside Blues.'"
She finally laughed and smiled again, "Okay, okay. What do you wanna know?"
"What's Carver Edlund's real name," Sam asked.
"Oh, no. I can't," she shook her head.
"We just wanna talk to him," Sam continued. "You know, get the 'Supernatural' story in his own words."
"He's very private," she shrugged. "Like Salinger."
"Please," Sam tried again. "Like I said, we're um... big fans."
Sam unbuttoned his shirt enough to show his anti-possession tattoo. Dean pulled his shirt to the side to do the same. I rolled my eyes and yanked the arm of my jacket down and pulled up the sleeve of my t-shirt. I don't wear as many layers as them and I had opted to put the tattoo on my upper arm because I thought it looked nicer.
"Awesome," the lady mumbled before standing up. "Y'know what?"
I looked away as she pulled her pants down.
"I got one too."
"Wow, you are a fan," I slapped Dean's arm. The lady fixed her clothing before grabbing a pen and paper.
"Okay," she said. "His name's Chuck Shurley-"
And I stopped listening after that. I knew that name... why did I know that name... oh... oh no. I'm gonna kill him. We're going to meet this man and I am going to end up killing him.
I followed Sam and Dean as they started walking out of the woman's house.
"Excuse me," she called as we reached the door. We looked back at her. "I'm sorry, but you look exactly like how I picture (Y/n) when I read the books."
I chuckled, "Thanks."
"He describes (Y/n) with so much detail," she smiled. "You could play them in a movie."
"Thank you," I waved as we walked out.
"'You could play them in a movie,'" Dean teased.
"I know who Chuck is," I said, ignoring him.
"What," he asked. I nodded. "How?"
I pointed to get into the car. I got in the back seat and Sam and Dean sat upfront. Dean started driving to the address the lady gave us before I started speaking.
"Okay, when you went to hell, Sam's not the only one who ran off," I explained. "I wasn't gone for four months... just two weeks. In those two weeks, I got involved in a single one-night stand. The name he gave me was Chuck Shurley."
"You screwed the man who wrote books about us," Dean asked, sounding angry.
"Do you think I knew he was writing books based on our lives?"
"He had to have known who you are," Sam added. "This isn't an accident. He has to get visions or something."
"Yeah, I know," I nodded. "He made money off of my name and then screwed me."
"Damn," Dean mumbled. "I missed a hell of a lot."
I rolled my eyes.
--time skip--
I knocked on the door loudly. Sam grabbed my arm, shaking his head at me. The door was opened and I smiled obnoxiously as Chuck. He was in a robe, his boxers, and an old white shirt. He looked tired and like he hadn't had a goodnight's sleep in days.
"Chuck Shurley," Dean asked.
"Chuck Shurley that wrote the Supernatural books," Sam added.
"Nice to meet you," I said. "This is Sam... Dean... and I'm (Y/n)... the ones you've written books about."
Chuck sighed and went to shut the door. I stepped in, stopping it with my foot.
"Listen, I appreciate the enthusiasm, I really do and I remember you," he motioned at me, awkwardly grinning before seeming to shake the memories out of his head. I almost slapped him right then. "But please... go get a life."
"You see," Dean followed me, helping to force our way inside. Sam made sure the door shut behind us. "We have a life... and you're selling books about it."
"Okay, this isn't funny," Chuck mumbled.
"You're right," I said. "We just wanna know how you're doing it?"
"I'm just a writer, I'm not doing anything."
"Then why do you know so much about demons and tulpas and changelings?"
"Is this some kind of 'Misery' thing? Ah, it is, isn't it? It's a 'Misery' thing!"
"No, it's not," I shook my head. "Believe me, we're not fans."
"What do you want then," he asked.
"I'm Sam... and that's Dean and (Y/n)," Sam tried again.
"Those are fictional characters," Chuck yelled. "They aren't real!"
Dean grabbed him and pulled him outside.
"Wait, wait-"
"We aren't kidnapping you, calm down," I rolled my eyes. Dean opened the hidden compartment in the impala's trunk.
"Are those real guns?"
"Yes," I nodded. "And real rock salt, real fake IDs."
Chuck let out a laugh at it, "Well, I gotta hand it to you guys. You really are my number-one fans. That... That's awesome. So, I-I think I've got some poster in the house."
"Chuck, stop," I rolled my eyes, grabbing his arm as he went to walk away.
"Please don't hurt me," he begged.
"How much do you know," Sam asked. "Do you know about the angels? Or Lilith breaking the seals?"
"How do you know about that?"
"Have you not been listening," I asked. "The real question is how do you?"
"Because I wrote it," he explained.
"You kept writing?"
"The books never came out because the publisher went bankrupt," he furrowed his eyebrows.
I stepped back, letting go of his arms.
"Okay, wait a minute," Chuck crossed his arms. "This is some kind of joke, right? Did Phil put you up to this?"
"Oh my god," I muttered, pinching the bridge of my nose. I grabbed his robe. "I'm sorry but I'm really tired. Nice to meet you. I'm (Y/n) Winchester, these are my brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester. You wrote and published books about us, probably knew who I was, and then you still slept with me."
He stared at me in shock.
"What," I asked.
"The last names were never in the books," he mumbled. "I never told anyone about that. I never even wrote that down."
"Then I guess we have a lot to talk about," I let go of his robe.
The three of us followed him inside.
--time skip--
"I got a visit from Cas," Dean explained as he walked in. "I've some important information."
After talking to Chuck and getting a draft of what was supposed to happen, we were all panicking. Dean told us to wait here. Lilith was going to come for Sam and we both thought it'd be harder if there was more than one of us here at all times.
Now, Dean was coming back from seeing Chuck.
"And that important information is...," Sam trailed off.
"He's a prophet of the lord," Dean said, smirking at me.
I shut my eyes, letting my head fall forward.
"Please say you're joking," I mumbled.
"Nope," Dean replied.
Sam looked over at me. He only started chuckling after his brother broke.
Dean was laughing his head off within seconds, "You screwed a prophet!"
"Shut up," I groaned. "I'm gonna kill him!"
"Archangel will kill you."
"I'll happily pay that price," I muttered. "I slept with a prophet."
"At least that means he didn't write himself to sleep with you," Sam tried to comfort me.
"Yeah, God just decided I was supposed to sleep with the guy publishing books about my life," I replied sarcastically. "That makes me feel so much better."
"Come on, it could be worst-"
"Sam, love you, but don't finish that sentence if you even kind of value your life," I muttered.
I was desperate for this conversation to just end.
--time skip--
After all was said and done, and Chuck accidentally helped us chase Lilith away for a while, we gave Chuck a lift back to his place.
I followed him up to his door, offering to look around and make sure that he's safe. He shook his head.
"I have an archangel protecting me," he reminded me. "Can't get any safer than that."
I nodded.
"I'm sorry, by the way," he said. "About us. I didn't recognize you until after... it all... and I didn't say anything because I didn't really know how to explain it. The whole event makes me feel all scummy."
"It's alright," I replied with a chuckle. "It's fine, I promise."
He offered me a nervous smile, "Y'know, in all of my visions, you're the most vivid thing."
With a grin, I leaned over and kissed his cheek gently. I stepped back and headed back toward the impala. I made sure to take note of his nervous and flustered face.
"See you around, Chuck!"
"You... You too," he called after me. I got in the backseat and got comfortable.
"So... screwing the prophet wasn't that bad," Dean asked.
I just rolled my eyes, waving through the window at Chuck as Dean pulled away from the curb. Leave it to a Winchester to end up in a situation like that.
--time skip (season 11)--
Sam and I followed Dean with our guns ready. Dean was following the amulet that he had owned for a long time without even knowing it could show us where God was.
Everyone had been infected by Amara only minutes ago but now it was okay and Dean's amulet was glowing.
"Holy shit," I mumbled, seeing who was walking over to us.
He was supposed to be dead. That's why Kevin's prophet powers had been activated.
"No way," Dean said.
"Hey," Chuck... or God said. "We need to talk."
Despite our understandable hesitation, Chuck reached forward, teleporting all of us back to the bunker. I stepped away from him, slightly overwhelmed.
"(Y/n)," Chuck walked over and tried to grab my arm. I instinctually slapped him. I was nothing but confusion and anger. "I deserved that. Just, please?"
I stepped away again.
From behind Chuck stepped Kevin's ghost. My breath caught in my throat. The poor boy had been through so much shit because of us.
Kevin told us about how we looked stressed and that we should listen to Chuck.
Then, Chuck waved his hand. Kevin turned into a ball of white and blue light before ascending beyond the bunker.
"Where'd he go," I asked.
"Heaven, where he deserves," Chuck promised. I nodded.
I listened to the rant about how Chuck had abandoned us all and how awful things were. Then, the conversation turned to the plan to stop Amara. The boys talked about needing Lucifer and Chuck got incredibly upset. In a fit, he went to leave. I stepped in front of him.
"No," I said bluntly. "Even if you want to avoid the subject of your estranged son, you can't just leave."
"Sam, Dean," I looked at them. "Give us a minute?"
They both nodded, glaring at Chuck on their way out. I tried to ignore the instincts that were telling me that Chuck was just selfish.
"(Y/n)," Chuck mumbled.
"Just answer my questions," I said. "Then we can discuss what to do with Amara without you storming away recklessly. Okay?"
He nodded.
"Have you been God the whole time," I asked.
He nodded.
"You wrote all of our stories?"
Another nod.
"Did you write that I was going to sleep with you?"
I felt manipulated and angry. I was desperate for an answer. I knew that this could've made me feel like dirt, but I needed to know.
"No," Chuck said. I clenched my jaw, ready to call him a liar. "I told you. I had been pretty much hands-off for a long time. Did I know who were? Absolutely. I'm sorry I lied to you about that. But I didn't plan anything between us. We weren't some divine plan."
I nodded, looking down.
"You know how Dean and Amara are connected," he asked. I nodded, looking back at him. "We're like them."
"And that's not a divine plan-"
"I'm not doing a good job explaining this," Chuck shook his head. "It feels like we're like them. Like there's this bond that just happened as soon as we met."
"You lied to me, for years," I said. "Saying we have some bond isn't gonna fix that."
"I know."
We both fell silent. Slowly, I started laughing. Chuck furrowed his eyebrows, "My only one-night stand... and it was God."
Chuck started laughing with me while I really processed what I had done.
I slowly stopped laughing.
I didn't notice until it was too late that Chuck had slowly gotten closer to me. As soon as his lips brushed mine, I pushed him back. Not hard, but enough to get him to step away.
"No," I mumbled. "Not that, no."
Chuck nodded, "Got it."
"Now," I sighed, "we need to actually plan to stop Amara, and if we need Luci-"
"We don't," he said bluntly. "We can do something else. We don't need him. Okay?"
I nodded. In my gut, I trusted him. Maybe that was me being an idiot but I did trust him. For now at least.
What I Write For
Request Guidelines
Musical Prompts
Small Moments With…
When Worlds Collide (Doctor Who Crossover Series) Masterlist
Some Original Characters
folklore/evermore Writing Challenge (and Masterlist)
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
haikyuu!! + things they were doing on the internet when they were like... 12
a/n: is this also a call-out post for myself and a way to make fun of things i did? yes
Hinata: playing those free to play weird-ass games on y8.com when he’s not fighting over the computer with his sister
Kageyama: watching ‘top ten best sets in volleyball games with slow-motion’ again and again until his sister taught him how to use youtube
Tsukishima: writing long essays that he posts on facebook about how much twilight sucks and how much he hates it. definitely had a twilight phase
Yamaguchi: secretly writing twilight fanfiction and posting them on wattpad. he got pretty famous for them but he’ll never talk about it
Ennoshita: played Feeding Frenzy a lot. like, a Lot. this man was a literal god
Tanaka: MAKING PUNK/EMO EDITS OF HIS FAVORITE CELEBRITIES. his masterpiece was punk harry styles feat. 6 earrings and a neck tattoo
Nishinoya: watching american ninja warrior compilations but the ones with ‘eye of the tiger’ edited over them to make them extra awesome
Daichi: coming up with his own inspirational quotes that are kind of terrible like ‘even though i’ve been beaten down, i’ll always get back up’ and posting them on facebook thinking that he’ll inspire people somehow
Sugawara: watching ‘Hetalia Ep. 25 VIETSUB|SPN|ENG subtitles pt. 2/28′ on youtube. either that or ouran high school host club idk this guy had a phase
Asahi: taking a whole bunch of those ‘what your fashion says about you’ quizzes until he eventually made one himself as well as a polyvore account
Oikawa: reading and writing doctor who fanfiction before eventually getting into sherlock and supernatural. yes, he shipped destiel. yes, the destiel canon thing on november ruined him
Iwaizumi: he was really into looking up random animal videos like ‘tarantula vs. scorpion fight’ and stuff like monster bug wars from animal planet and when oikawa made fun of his search history he figured out how to delete it
Hanamaki: vibing to the Phineas and Ferb songs playlist that he made on youtube (of course the aglet song is his favorite one)
Matsukawa: a true tumblr child and was there when this hellsite was first birthed. he remembers the tumblr wars between the fandom and the hipster blogs all too well
Ushijima: didn’t know what the internet was until tendou realized he didn’t have a skype so he made an account for him. until now, ushijima’s status still says ‘hi, wakatoshi here’
Tendou: watching a whole bunch of minecraft song parodies on youtube before eventually making them himself 
Semi: either learning guitar through youtube videos or looking up ‘how to play lucky by jason mraz EASY VERSION | NO BAR CHORDS’ 
Shirabu: he used only Google+ as his social media and wondered why he wasn’t getting any friends
Goshiki: this kid was blessed to be twelve years old when the lego movie came out so he most definitely just used the internet to listen to ‘everything is awesome’ again and again
Kuroo: definitely a fandom kid, one of those from the six major book fandoms (hp, pjo, hg). used to run a fricking roleplay group on tumblr and his oc’s always have a Dark Backstory
Kenma: youguysaregonnacomeformebut--- SONIC THE HEDGEHOG FANFICTION OKAY BYE
Yaku: playing Pet Society on facebook. is it such a coincidence to see him so decked out and rich now when his pet had the same lifestyle? nO
Lev: playing those papa louie games (papa’s pizzeria, papa’s burgeria, etc) and trying to force the game to crash by serving customers 500 chicken wings
Bokuto: as soon as he got a skype account, he’d pretty much voice call anyone and everyone he saw had an ‘active’ status on but his friends didn’t have the heart to switch their status to ‘inactive’
Akaashi: was the king of making ‘which ___ character would be into you (for girls and gays only!!!)’ quizzes that are very detailed. he’d even make a whole character profile with a ‘how you met them’ at the end
Atsumu: used to secretly watch episodes of ‘boys over flowers’ and ‘meteor garden’ on the computer when he was alone at home. eventually got into girl’s generation and super junior
Osamu: a master at playing poptropica and even had a whole gig making poptropica walkthroughs for other people. sometimes he’d play club penguin and get himself kicked out for swearing just for fun
Suna: looking up ‘demons by imagine dragons with lyrics’ on youtube and just playing it on loop. his desktop wallpaper says ‘don’t get too close, it’s dark inside’
Kita: didn’t know what the internet was until suna and aran took pity on him and helped him create a facebook account. until now, his profile pic is still a picture of his jersey number and he has 99+ unchecked notifications
Sakusa: his cousin introduced him to sims. except, sakusa doesn’t play ‘for fun’ but to vicariously live the average salaryman life through his virtual character (he named him steve)
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
taglist (check out my post for details on being part of my taglist):@montys-chaos​ @miyumtwins​ @strawberriimilkshake​ @pocubo​ @sugawara-sweetheart @akaashisbabydoll @laure-chan​ @therainroguefanfiction​ @atetiffdoesart @stephdaninja @oikaw-ugh​ @charliefredb​ @dramaqueenweeb1469 @tremblinghearts @applepienation @doodleniella @haikyuu-my-love @waitforitillwritemywayout @kattykurr @atsumusdomain​ @goodfoodxoxoxo​ @ah-kaashi​ @guardianangelswings @definitely-yours @amberalisa @whootwhoot​ @liz-multifandom-hotel @kac-chowsballs​ @procrastination-lady
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Hey i really love your blog!!! I just plucked the courage to actually send u an ask fhdjhd but GOSH i love your video edits and your gifs and your meta article posts, you're so articulate and you can explain/describe moments in a way that makes me go "oh wow, i cant believe i haven't seen it that way before!!" Haha ANYWAYS i'm just here to say that i completely agree with what all u said, Free creators might do a lil fanservice here and there for the 25 ships that exists within the fandom's circle, but rinharu's storyline is clearly the most romantic one! And i'd argue it's the one closest to being canon esp after part 1, i mean the fact that they put such an explosive emotional outburst right at the end of the second to the last movie means a lot. It's like reinforcing the fact that this series has always been about them, and everything that has happened only happened either because they met or they grew appart and miss eachother. I kinda feel like maybe.. juust maayyybe there's a chance KA wants to make the ship canon, since it's the last movie and they want to end it on a highnote maybe (bcs honestly i think the only reason they've been holding back is purely bcs of the merch sales, since they don't have a problem showing a wholesome lesbian love story in kobayashi maid dragon) butt i could be wrong, maybe i'm just overly optimistic and delusional, they could somehow ruin it and give an ending that panders to all the ships again 😅🥲, but at least there's a clear-cut guarantee that part 2 would dedicate a large portion of it fixing rin and haru's fight!!! Oohh how can i wait another 6 months now!!😭😭 (sorry for the long ask btw!! 🙏🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️)
OMG thank you so so much!! For watching my vids too! ❤️❤️❤️ It really means a lot to me! Ahhhh wow, thats the longest ask I've ever recieved! 😍 I'm trying to explain myself so hard lol I'm glad its appreciated, bc sometimes I'm like "I don't fucking know how to say this" xD
Well, you know me, I only care for one ship, which is the only one with confirmed info that they're both actually gay and have mutual feelings for each other. There are some other ships in free! I'm fine with (those do not include Rin or Haru in them xD), but I just mostly don't care, bc after reading all the stuff, you can see that in some of those to one the other one is actually like his second option, which I just do not like. Others I just don't even see, bc again to me who witnessed great close male friendships and having two sisters who I'm very close to, I just do not see anything romantic in that.
It's not just Free! tbh, it's like any sports anime these days. They see two guys walking together, it's a ship. And like no one cares if they're just bros. Like I'd get i they did some fanservice fanservice, but like I never saw anyone in Free! crossing the line the way rinharu do. I can without thinking much name you 10 rh moments that no matter how hard you think can't be explain as being bros, but can't name one when it comes to others. I just find some ppl shipping everyone with everyone weird sometimes. It's like western fans see like some eastern actors or singers slap each other ass lovingly and they're like "oh they're fucking" I'm like "yeah, ofc all 500 of them, you're absolutely right". And Free! doesn't do anything even like that, I just do not get sometimes like what moment even brought on some ships. I'm genuinely confused. Albert and Haru? You fucking fell from a sakura tree or smth? I'm...
I'm especially confused when it comes to guys, whose character type is who I call "I only want this one and if I can't have it, then I'm ok" xD. It just always surprised me, when they try to pair up them with someone else, it's like a complete ooc.
I'm also not into this whole "well, if there are gays in this anime, than everyone there is gay". I'm like... huh. It's like with KNB and MDZS I had same feeling. It's like you have already couples there who are canon/borderline canon, why do you need another 10 who don't even interact or just don't even go there? I'm always so confused in those situations. Or like wangxian is married and some are like "no, I actually don't like it, let me write a fic when they're with other ppl". Lan Zhan... being in love or having sex with someone else? Yeah, that's not Lan Zhan, dude, you're writing about someone else. Might as well change the name at this point.
But last time I went to twitter someone had a thread about how if they make s4 of Free! they should mainly explore there Momo's angst (and no, it wasn't a joke), so I'm already like, I'm just.. nothing will surprise me no more. But I'm forever gonna be confused.
Yeah, I eel you about "going there". I mean seeing part of it, it just kinda cemented my confusion, bc I do not get how it can be considered platonic. We were just discussing since yesterday with @freeseafirefly how I now even more perplexed and do not understand how they will resolve it without going into relationship territory. It's just our point here is that like... no one forced them to go there (I mean its not like this whole fandom has some wild expectations or anything already), we were waiting or our usual friendship and swimming and maybe tiny conflict about struggles of pro-careers and some usual rh implications (maybe all the rh gay in dramas as always). Not some pure fanfiction coming to life here haha.
Like why I'm laughing is bc I twice used in my "fics" bringing up him leaving Haru as a force to push the confession, bc there's no way if he adresses this it won't lead to this. And now we not only have this (bc Haru just basically layed it out there), but an actual scene of him playing on their feelings for each other and a literal image of Rin leaving and "taking Haru's heart with him" to the point when he's for the first time in his life openly crying on the ground. And it's not like this scene can be interpreted as anything else, the whole fandom talks same, bc the whole fight was just about them, what Haru said was just about them, there's a literal boom of his heart getting out of his chest, before he falls and now he's heartless.
So our question is like... why go there?
It's like some say that they might still resolve it with "they're special to each other" and swimming, but still like we already knew that, there was no reason to go that far is what I'm saying. And to think that it was planned since forever giving the clues is like... ???
The whole spoon theme also throw me on the loop because like, lets be honest, it's wedding themed. And that part of the interview about part 2 there also made me go...?????? Because I mean, huh?
This is just all in all very interesting turn of events to say the least. I do not see the point of all of this if its not what I think it is, esp after seeing tweets like "even I see a rh wedding and I'm mh T_T". It's just all very unsubtle, that's why we're confused.
Like who knows, maybe we'll really by some magic turn of events get lucky and they really decided that since its the ending, it's okay to go for it. But I also don't wanna to hype myself much, I'm already really happy with it, just bc again, this scene already proves all of my points.
And yeah, I'm sure they'll pander to everyone, bc it's the end and etc and we have to handle everything on the good note and there's a whole line of ppl who's obsessed with us, esp with Haru xD, but like bromance pandering and romance pandering are different things, you know *wiggles eyebrows* and u know who always gets the second one.
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awesomerextyphoon · 4 years
That was really something, huh Sebastian? Great fic!!
Age gap filth with Seb pls😩 innocent!reader and overstimulation
principesă ✪ s. stan
summary | you meet your idol, sebastian stan, outside of his hotel. when he realizes you’re just an innocent little doll, he decides to take you back with him.
warnings | innocent reader, virginity loss, unprotected sex, naivety, age gap (reader is 19), masturbation, vaginal sex, spanking, slapping, spitting, daddy kink, overstimulation, breeding kink, edging, hair pulling kink, choking kink, rough sex, absolute filth, + more?, SMUT, 18+
pairings | sebastian stan x innocent!reader
a/n | fan!innocent!reader x sebastian (this isn’t dark, seb just really cares for you)
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Sebastian ushered you into his hotel room, before following behind. He shut the door behind you and watched you adoringly. You looked around the lavish room in awe. “You can admire the place all you want, but I don’t want you to go home alone, alright? Stay the night, please?” He reasoned, taking you into his bedroom.
You naively followed him, trusting him completely. “But why? Why do you want me to stay safe?” You curiously pondered. “Because you’re my innocent principesă, and I don’t want anything to happen to you” he reasoned, his hand moving up towards your face.
His thumb lovingly stroked your cheek, and you felt tingly at your apex. Your brows furrowed together, confused as to why you were feeling that way. It wasn’t the first time. The first time was when you watch Sebastian fight as the Winter Soldier, and you felt tingly throughout the whole movie. Sometimes, after you watched his movies your panties would be wet, for some odd reason.
You looked around the room and found that there was only one bed, which was for Sebastian. He sensed your realization and caressed your hand with his other one. “We can share principesă, you can trust me” he smiled, feeling a bit guilty. He was almost taking advantage of your innocence, but at least it was him instead of some creep.
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna be rude and take up your bed” you questioned, rubbing your thighs together to try and alleviate the tingles. But they only grew stronger. Sebastian watched and cleared his throat, feeling a rush of blood flow down to his cock. “I’m sure principesă” he reassured.
His voice was husky, dominating, and it had you rubbing your thighs even harder. You couldn’t control yourself, and neither could Sebastian. He tilted your head up and pressed a kiss to your lips. He moved his lips against yours, and you tried to keep up with him. You had no idea what you were doing, but you were trying.
Sebastian’s hand moved between your legs and he rubbed your pussy through your panties. “What a naughty little girl, hmm? Wearing just her soaking panties under such a short dress” he teases, making you whimper. Your legs had a slight tremor to them as he touched you, and you felt weak in the knees. He laid you back into the bed and pulled away from the kiss. He wasn’t going to stop, even if you were begging him to.
His hand pulled the dress off your body, but in shreds. Your tits bounced out, making you shy away from embarrassment. He chuckled and leaned down to suck a pebbled nub into his mouth. Your back arched off the bed and you whimpered softly. “W-Why does it feel so good?” You asked, gripping the bed sheets tightly.
“Because your body loves me, my little principesă” he smirked up at you. You were only left in your panties, which were evidently soaking with your arousal. He moved down your body, leaving a trail of kisses behind. When he was facing his pussy you tried to shut your legs, embarrassed of the scenario you were in. It was seldom to all the fanfiction you had read about him that left you with tingles and butterflies.
You felt your heart clamour in your chest as he pressed kisses on your inner thigh. “I would go down on you, principesă, but tonight it seems like we’re both a bit too eager” he pulled down your panties and the feeling of his lips on your thighs lingered. There was no way you were going to forget about it. “Fuck, principesă, you’re soaked. All because of me, right?” He smirked as he looked up at you. You whimpered and nodded your head, looking away.
Eye contact was too intimate for this. “Daddy never said you could look away, principesă” he spoke with absolute dominance, which made you squirm slightly. You looked back at him and he no longer was the soft Romanian actor you adored. He pulled off his clothes and you watched him with no shame. You could see the bulge through his boxers, but you didn’t know what it was. “What’s that?” You innocently asked, pointing at his large erection.
He gave a sultry chuckle and slowly pulled down his boxers. His large cock was revealed, and you still were confused. “This is Daddy’s cock, and Daddy is gonna fill you up with it. You would like that, wouldn’t you, principesă? My little needy girl” he husked. You bit your lip at the size, how was something so large going to fit you?
He pushed your thighs all the way up to your chest, making you hold them in place. You watched as he stroked his cock a few times, his face frowning in pleasure. “Fuck, principesă, you’re all spread out for your Daddy, aren’t you? Say it.” He bemoans, and you watch him suck his bottom lip in. “I- I’m all spread o- out for my D- Daddy!” You sputter, feeling an overcome of excitement. Adrenaline courses through your veins, and Sebastian simply smirks.
He can see the neediness in your eyes. He trails a digit up and down your soaking, sensitive folds. His finger found your pearl of nerves, and you immediately jerked when he put pressure on it. “T- That feels weird” you admitted, but you still wanted more. “Call me Daddy, principesă” he growls, pushing down harder on your clit. You squeal and try to move away, the sensation was too much. He growled and pulled you back to him, this time rubbing your clit in hard ministrations. You moaned at the feeling, not at all embarrassed at how good it felt.
He stroked his cock faster, and his movements on your clit sped up. “Daddy! I feel like I need to use the washroom!” You whimpered. “No baby, you’re gonna cum. Don’t you wanna cum for Daddy?��� he cooes, and you feeling even more wetness drool out of your hole. He stroked his cock as he slowed down his digit on your clit. You whined as the pleasure got weaker, making him let out a sultry chuckle.
“You wanna know what Daddy really think/ of you, Pisoi? Well I'll tell you. You’re nothing more than a jucărie dracu that I can dispose of once I’m bored of you. The only thing you are to me is my own curvă personală. So, be glad that I’m giving you any of my spermă.” You didn’t understand, but when he sped up his finger on your clit — you mewled and nodded. “You’re gonna cum, aren’t you? Cum for Daddy” he growls, making your cunt spasm. You felt wetness gush out of your cunt, electricity running throughout your body. Your heart clamoured in your chest and you moaned continuously.
Sebastian moaned as white ropes of cum painted your pussy. The warm, foreign feeling made you moan. His finger scooped some up and he opened your jaw. “Say ‘ah’ principesă” he cooes. You opened wide and he stuck his finger into your mouth. “C’mon, suck Daddy’s finger clean” he demanded. You obediently did so, lapping up his cum from his finger. You didn’t know what you were doing, but his asserting nods made you grin like the Cheshire Cat. The musky, yet salty taste filled your mouth, and you didn’t know if you wanted more or not.
He pulled his finger out of your mouth and stroked your cheek. You smiled, but when he pulled his hand away your grin fell. He lightly slapped your cheek, making you whimper. “Such a good little slut” he muttered against your lips. He situated himself between your legs, his hands groping your gorgeous swells. He pinched your nipples and twirled them between his fingers, making your back arch off the bed. You pushed your chest towards Sebastian involuntarily, a way of begging for more.
“Patience, principesă” he pulled his fingers away and reach down his body. His cock was still impressively hard as he dragged it up and down your pussy. You jerked and tremors were sent through your body. “Daddy! Feels so good!” You mewled pathetically, hey still confused at your body’s reaction. You felt his large hand wrap around your throat, squeezing at the sides. You grabbed his wrist tightly, but you didn’t try to pry his hand off.
It was new, debauched, yet you didn’t mind. All the air in your lungs left as his cock filled you up with no warning. He pulled out all the way, before snapping his hips forward. He set a relentless pace, your grunts and moans filling the room along with the smell of sex. He fucked you hard, his cock poking at your cervix every now and then. “Fuck yes. You love getting fucked, huh? You love Daddy taking away your innocent” He grunted, squeezing your neck a little tighter.
You nodded your head at his words, your legs tightening around his waist. Black dots sported your vision, and you thought you were going to pass out under him. He pulled his hand away from your neck and slapped you on the face, making you squeal. Your cunt clenched around his thick cock, and he slapped you again. You shouted, “Daddy!”, and came all over his cock. Your release hit you like a truck, and it was almost painful. Your entire body shook, and you knew that the other guests in the hotel hated you both.
Sebastian continued to fuck you through your orgasm, making you overstimulated. You babbled absolute nonsense, making him chuckle. “Daddy, it’s too much!” You cried out as if you were in agony. “Be quiet, or else Daddy is gonna have to pull out and put you over my knee. I’ll spank your ass raw, do you understand?” He spoke, stopping his thrusts. You pouted and nodded.
“Good girl” he praised, before turning you onto your stomach. He pulled you onto your knees and watched your count clench around nothing. He filled you up in one motion, making you moan his name. His fist tangled itself in your hair whilst he fucked you hard. His balls slapped against your sensitive clit again and again. He tugged on your hair harshly, the feeling sending you over the edge. You gushed your release all over his cock, some of it getting on the sheets.
“You love my cock, don’t you?” He asked, pulling his hand out of your hair. His thrusts became more powers and you felt pleasure searing through your abdomen once again. “Yes! Yes Daddy!” You cry out, tears streaming down your face. The overstimulation melted your mind, and you came all over again. You squirted everywhere, on yourself, on the bed and on Sebastian.
“Fuck that’s so hot, you fucking squirted everywhere!” He shouted, his thrusts becoming more erratic. He slapped your ass a few times and watched it ripple back at him. He grapped you by the throat and pulled you up against his bare chest. Your back had the meanest arch and he began to slow down his thrusts, edging the both of you.
You whined loudly, craving another orgasm. He tilted your head back and spat on your face, before snapping his hips into you. You both came at the same time. You gushed around his cock as his warm cum painted your inner walls. You moaned at the sensation, savouring it before he pulled out. He laid you back on the bed, before laying down next to you. You felt his cum trickle out of your channel and onto your leg.
He pushed his cock back into you, plugging you up with his cum. “Can’t have any of it spilling out, or else I won’t be able to breed you properly” he smiled down at you. You grinned back up at him, admiring his steel blue eyes. “But we aren’t done for tonight, principesă”.
TAGLIST (tagging the people that really wanted to read this too!) — @okbuchanan @champangebucky @mariessecretfantasies @addikted-2-dopamine @sarcasmqueendominika @venus--babyy @sebbbystaaan @devilxanax666 @darcyglewis @spicylangdon @lollypop-lam @lousocean @parker-barnes-af @anxiousamandapanda @jianawoods @marvel-mania27 @xoxabs88xox @sillyqt @hv-chw3 @notyourtypicalrose @mushyjellybeans @littleprettykitten @rayche776 @royally-rogers @marvelsangels @grayxswan @livsheph @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @hoseokchild @evanssgi @babyboyjames
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
Nightmare (1)
Warnings: Angst/Fluff/Smut.
Suggestiveness, making out, eventual smut.
fake dating!au, college!au, roommates!au, best-friends to lovers!au.
(There are 13 parts to this fic, and they're all linked in my masterlist.)
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You’d known Lee Minho since the two of you were in kindergarten.
The story of how you met involves macaroni necklaces, messy finger paint and the teacher scolding you for getting Minho covered in glue and sequins...something which Minho took the blame for almost immediately.
Ever since then, you’d known Minho would always be there for you, the light in your life when everything else felt wrong or unsafe. He was there for you when you fell sick, sitting by your bed and reading you Harry Potter fanfiction. He was there for you when you had your first kiss with a guy named Matt who told the whole school you were a tramp...and he was there for you when your first boyfriend of eight months dumped you for a blonde with daddy issues.
He was the one constant in your life. The one thing you knew would never change, the one person you knew you could trust with your life.
Which is why right now, you almost wanted to throw up. Cause there he was, pressing a redhead against the wall, the two of them heavily making out. His hands were on her ass, hers were slung around his neck. The sounds of the partying college students around you became nothing more than a buzzing sound in your ear, as you tried to blink the tears back. So...this was why he had texted you to say he couldn’t make it for Movie Night.
It wasn’t quite the fact that your best friend was currently sticking his tongue down some random girl’s throat....no. It’s the fact that he’d blown you off to attend this sleazy frat party. Perhaps the Minho you thought you knew was just a figment of your imagination. Maybe this was what he had been all along.
You turn around, pushing through the crowd as you search for the exit. If you had to stay there for one more second, you would probably puke.
As you finally managed to get to your bicycle and get back to the apartment you shared with him, you sighed.
Minho had always had a lot of things in common with you. It was why your friendship worked so well. All throughout high school, he’d been the perfect best friend. The two of you were in your own little impenetrable bubble, spending time with only each other. Afternoons consisted of dance parties, sing-offs and Disney movies. Halfway through high school though, you started noticing the slight changes in his behavior. How he actually seemed to enjoy the girls ogling him when he was dancing in the practice room, even though he wouldn’t admit it. How he started attending parties, and how he liked being the center of attention. Afternoons now consisted of booze and getting ready for parties, where there would be more booze.
And that’s when you realized that you and Lee Minho had one fundamental difference, and that was his confidence.
He was so self-assured, unfazed by opinions. You on the other hand, succumbed to criticism a lot more easily.
Of course people started talking about you too when Minho got popular.
“Who’s that girl he hangs out with all the time? I don’t think I even know her name.”
“Do you think they’re dating?”
“Hah! He’s way out of her league. They’re childhood friends or some shit. But you girls don’t need to worry, she isn’t a threat or anything.”
“Yeah. He would never go for someone so...mundane.”
There was the word. Mundane. That’s what people thought you were. The truth is, you had a lot to offer...a lot to show the world. However, living in Minho’s shadow made that difficult.
And now, as you cycled along, the image of him making out with that girl played over and over in your head. When did it all go wrong? When did Minho turn from your loyal best friend to a popular fuckboy who only hung out with you for old times’ sake?
When college rolled around, you two decided to get an apartment together, since all the dorms were full and there was no one else you trusted enough to live with. And for a while, things felt like old times. Living with Minho...sharing a home? It all felt right somehow. And that...that’s probably when you realized you were in love with him.
In between all the partying and fucking that Minho did, he would spend time with you. You’d watch movies together, bake, he’d dance and you’d watch, you’d play guitar and he would listen intently, his eyes closed...unaware that every song you wrote was meant for him.
You’d been living with him for 2 years now. Approximately 730 days of knowing you were in love with your best friend, while being painfully aware of your unreciprocated feelings at the same time.
Could anyone blame you? Yes, he was handsome. The hordes of girls following him around proved that to be accurate. Yet none of them knew about his little quirks and habits- like the way he stayed up till 3 AM...meaning you had to kick him awake every morning. His habit of excessive blinking, his weird laugh and unhealthy obsession with anything feline...all of them did nothing but make you fall for him deeper.
You put your bike in the shed, making your way to the apartment.
You knew he was a little bit of a player ever since he hit puberty, but you’d never actually seen him with another girl. None of his sexual escapades took place in the apartment you shared with him. This place was yours and Minho’s only- no one else was allowed to encroach the space.
You unlocked the door, greeted with a sad, empty apartment. You removed your jacket, throwing it on the sofa and making your way to your room.
You wanted to take a shower, feeling filthy after all the things you’d witnessed at the party. So you stripped, and stepped under the scalding hot water...washing away the sweat and tears...and wishing you could wash away your feelings.
Once you were done, you went through your drawers to find an oversized shirt, only to see a big, black spider make an appearance.
The scream you let out was embarrassingly shrill, and you were glad no one was around to hear it. Minho was the one who usually took care of bugs, but he was, unfortunately, elsewhere.
You gathered the shirt, your underwear and your puppy plushie Gyu before quickly running out of your door and locking it. You leaned against the wall and tried to regain your breathing.
The only choice you had right now was to sleep on the sofa...but then you remembered how Minho’s room was currently unused.
Fuck it. By the looks of the way he was groping the girl back at the party, he was most definitely not coming back tonight.
You opened Minho’s bedroom door carefully, surprised at how clean it was. You lowered yourself onto his bed and wrapped yourself in the blankets, hugging Gyu close to you, imagining for a minute that it was your annoyingly charismatic best friend...and slapping yourself for that immediately.
Sleep overtook you quickly, your dreams plagued with him.
Meanwhile...a certain Lee Minho happened to recall his appointment with his best friend just as the redhead kneeling in front of him was about to unzip his jeans.
He stepped back just as she leaned forward, frowning.
“What the fuck are you doing?” She asked, eyes narrowed.
“I’m sorry, but I just remembered I have this other thing I really have to be at...uh, what’s your name again?”
“It’s Rina, asshole! And fuck you.”
Minho smirked, before opening the door and leaving. “Right back at you, sweetheart.”
Yes, he was aware that this was a total asshole move, but at the same time he knew how disappointed and hurt you would be if he left you hanging...and that’s something he didn’t want to deal with.
And that’s how he ended up back home, sighing as he found the front door unlocked. One of these days, your carelessness would probably be the reason for an untimely death.
He pushed open the door and locked it behind him, surprised to find the living room dark and empty. The sofa was illuminated by the faint moonlight streaming in through the window, a lone jacket resting on top of it. He groaned as he noted the stack of DVDs and untouched snacks laid across the coffee table.
Carefully he made his way to your room and knocked on it. As seconds of silence stretched by, he pushed the door open slowly, only to find it as empty as the living room. Weird. Were you not home?
Confused, Minho shrugged and turned around to go to his room. Maybe you’d gone out for an evening walk or something, and would be back soon.
Of course, when he opened his bedroom door, he quickly realized that wasn’t the case. Cause there you were, cuddled up in his blankets with your plushie, softly snoring. He wrinkled his nose.
Fuck, she’s cute.
He shook his head with a smile, turning around to pull his shirt off, his jeans following suit. He rummaged around in his drawers for sweatpants and pulled those on, choosing not to bother with a shirt.
He quietly got onto the bed, and carefully lifted the blankets back so he could get in too...however, nothing could have prepared him for what he saw.
You were wearing his shirt. That was the first thing he noticed. The second thing he noticed was how far up it had ridden, exposing your entire bottom half to him.
When he lifted that blanket, catching a glimpse of his best friend’s ass wasn’t what he had expected. It didn’t help that the panties you had on were exactly the kind he liked- grey and lacy, accentuating the curve of your butt perfectly.
Minho gulped. He tried reminding himself that this was his best friend, whom he wasn’t supposed to view in such a light...but he was a man, regardless. And there was a half-naked girl lying in his bed. The fact that he still had half a boner from his previous activities at the party only made things worse.
Fuck it.
Throwing all caution to the wind, Minho lowered himself so he was lying comfortably, wrapping the blanket around him as well. He wondered if he should keep his distance, but now that you were covered up he felt more at ease. He scooted closer to the warmth of your body and shifted you so that you were closer...his heart clenching when you snuggled up to him in your sleep, resting your head on his bare chest.
Minho was the kind of person who had no idea what he was feeling at any given time. Emotions were something that he had plenty of, but rarely acknowledged- and why would he? It was just unnecessary and only made him feel convoluted. Running through life without giving any fucks wasn’t probably a good idea in the wrong run, but it worked for now.
He sighed for about the millionth time that day. Everything was puzzling to him...and at this point, trying to unpackage all of the emotions he’d amassed and ignored over the years would be impossible. Being the kind of guy who fucked random nameless girls wasn’t what 10 year old Minho had thought he would grow up to be...but life had a way of surprising you.
He snapped out of his reverie when you nuzzled your face into his chest and let out a tiny whimper. Minho looked down at you, noticing that you were starting to shake. He knew you used to get nightmares frequently, so he stroked your hair, and you calmed down gradually, falling silent once again.
As he patted your back, he thought about how he could have been on top of that redhead by now, had he stayed. But it didn’t matter...cause one thing’s for sure, he would choose you over pussy any day.
He fell asleep with that thought etched securely into his mind.
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hansensgirl · 5 years
Age gap filth with Seb pls😩 innocent!reader and overstimulation
principesă ✪ s. stan
summary | you meet your idol, sebastian stan, outside of his hotel. when he realizes you’re just an innocent little doll, he decides to take you back with him.
warnings | innocent reader, virginity loss, unprotected sex, naivety, age gap (reader is 19), masturbation, vaginal sex, spanking, slapping, spitting, daddy kink, overstimulation, breeding kink, edging, hair pulling kink, choking kink, rough sex, absolute filth, + more?, SMUT, 18+
pairings | sebastian stan x innocent!reader
a/n | fan!innocent!reader x sebastian (this isn’t dark, seb just really cares for you)
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Sebastian ushered you into his hotel room, before following behind. He shut the door behind you and watched you adoringly. You looked around the lavish room in awe. “You can admire the place all you want, but I don’t want you to go home alone, alright? Stay the night, please?” He reasoned, taking you into his bedroom.
You naively followed him, trusting him completely. “But why? Why do you want me to stay safe?” You curiously pondered. “Because you’re my innocent principesă, and I don’t want anything to happen to you,” he reasoned, his hand moving up towards your face.
His thumb lovingly stroked your cheek, and you felt tingly at your apex. Your brows furrowed together, confused as to why you were feeling that way. It wasn’t the first time. The first time was when you watch Sebastian fight as the Winter Soldier, and you felt tingly throughout the whole movie. Sometimes, after you watched his movies your panties would be wet, for some odd reason.
You looked around the room and found that there was only one bed, which was for Sebastian. He sensed your realization and caressed your hand with his other one. “We can share principesă, you can trust me,” he smiled, feeling a bit guilty. He was almost taking advantage of your innocence, but at least it was him instead of some creep.
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna be rude and take up your bed,” you questioned, rubbing your thighs together to try and alleviate the tingles. But they only grew stronger. Sebastian watched and cleared his throat, feeling a rush of blood flow down to his cock. “I’m sure principesă,” he reassured.
His voice was husky, dominating, and it had you rubbing your thighs even harder. You couldn’t control yourself, and neither could Sebastian. He tilted your head up and pressed a kiss to your lips. He moved his lips against yours, and you tried to keep up with him. You had no idea what you were doing, but you were trying.
Sebastian’s hand moved between your legs and he rubbed your pussy through your panties. “What a naughty little girl, hmm? Wearing just her soaking panties under such a short dress,” he teases, making you whimper. Your legs had a slight tremor to them as he touched you, and you felt weak in the knees. He laid you back into the bed and pulled away from the kiss. He wasn’t going to stop, even if you were begging him to.
His hand pulled the dress off your body, but in shreds. Your tits bounced out, making you shy away from embarrassment. He chuckled and leaned down to suck a pebbled nub into his mouth. Your back arched off the bed and you whimpered softly. “W-Why does it feel so good?” You asked, gripping the bed sheets tightly.
“Because your body loves me, my little principesă,” he smirked up at you. You were only left in your panties, which were evidently soaking with your arousal. He moved down your body, leaving a trail of kisses behind. When he was facing his pussy you tried to shut your legs, embarrassed of the scenario you were in. It was seldom to all the fanfiction you had read about him that left you with tingles and butterflies.
You felt your heart clamour in your chest as he pressed kisses on your inner thigh. “I would go down on you, principesă, but tonight it seems like we’re both a bit too eager,” he pulled down your panties and the feeling of his lips on your thighs lingered. There was no way you were going to forget about it. “Fuck, principesă, you’re soaked. All because of me, right?” He smirked as he looked up at you. You whimpered and nodded your head, looking away.
Eye contact was too intimate for this. “Daddy never said you could look away, principesă” he spoke with absolute dominance, which made you squirm slightly. You looked back at him and he no longer was the soft Romanian actor you adored. He pulled off his clothes and you watched him with no shame. You could see the bulge through his boxers, but you didn’t know what it was. “What’s that?” You innocently asked, pointing at his large erection.
He gave a sultry chuckle and slowly pulled down his boxers. His large cock was revealed, and you still were confused. “This is Daddy’s cock, and Daddy is gonna fill you up with it. You would like that, wouldn’t you, principesă? My little needy girl,” he husked. You bit your lip at the size, how was something so large going to fit you?
He pushed your thighs all the way up to your chest, making you hold them in place. You watched as he stroked his cock a few times, his face frowning in pleasure. “Fuck, principesă, you love being all spread out for your Daddy, aren’t you? Say it,” he bemoans, and you watch him suck his bottom lip in. “I- I love being all spread o- out for my D- Daddy!” You sputter, feeling an overcome of excitement. Adrenaline courses through your veins, and Sebastian simply smirks.
He can see the neediness in your eyes. He trails a digit up and down your soaking, sensitive folds. His finger found your pearl of nerves, and you immediately jerked when he put pressure on it. “T- That feels weird,” you admitted, but you still wanted more. “Call me Daddy, principesă,” he growls, pushing down harder on your clit. You squeal and try to move away, the sensation was too much. He growled and pulled you back to him, this time rubbing your clit in hard ministrations. You moaned at the feeling, not at all embarrassed at how good it felt.
He stroked his cock faster, and his movements on your clit sped up. “Daddy! I feel like I need to use the washroom!” You whimpered. “No baby, you’re gonna cum. Don’t you wanna cum for Daddy?” he cooes, and you feeling even more wetness drool out of your hole. He stroked his cock as he slowed down his digit on your clit. You whined as the pleasure got weaker, making him let out a sultry chuckle.
“You wanna know what Daddy really think of you, Pisoi? Well I'll tell you. You’re nothing more than a jucărie dracu that I can dispose of once I’m bored of you. The only thing you are to me is my own curvă personală. So, be glad that I’m giving you any of my spermă.” You didn’t understand, but when he sped up his finger on your clit — you mewled and nodded. “You’re gonna cum, aren’t you? Cum for Daddy,” he growls, making your cunt spasm. You felt wetness gush out of your cunt, electricity running throughout your body. Your heart clamoured in your chest and you moaned continuously.
Sebastian moaned as white ropes of cum painted your pussy. The warm, foreign feeling made you moan. His finger scooped some up and he opened your jaw. “Say ‘ah’ principesă,” he cooes. You opened wide and he stuck his finger into your mouth. “C’mon, suck Daddy’s finger clean,” he demanded. You obediently did so, lapping up his cum from his finger. You didn’t know what you were doing, but his asserting nods made you grin like the Cheshire Cat. The musky, yet salty taste filled your mouth, and you didn’t know if you wanted more or not.
He pulled his finger out of your mouth and stroked your cheek. You smiled, but when he pulled his hand away your grin fell. He lightly slapped your cheek, making you whimper. “Such a good little slut,” he muttered against your lips. He situated himself between your legs, his hands groping your gorgeous swells. He pinched your nipples and twirled them between his fingers, making your back arch off the bed. You pushed your chest towards Sebastian involuntarily, a way of begging for more.
“Patience, principesă,” he pulled his fingers away and reach down his body. His cock was still impressively hard as he dragged it up and down your pussy. You jerked and tremors were sent through your body. “Daddy! Feels so good!” You mewled pathetically, hey still confused at your body’s reaction. You felt his large hand wrap around your throat, squeezing at the sides. You grabbed his wrist tightly, but you didn’t try to pry his hand off.
It was new, debauched, yet you didn’t mind. All the air in your lungs left as his cock filled you up with no warning. He pulled out all the way, before snapping his hips forward. He set a relentless pace, your grunts and moans filling the room along with the smell of sex. He fucked you hard, his cock poking at your cervix every now and then. “Fuck yes. You love getting fucked, huh? You love Daddy taking away your innocence,” He grunted, squeezing your neck a little tighter.
You nodded your head at his words, your legs tightening around his waist. Black dots sported your vision, and you thought you were going to pass out under him. He pulled his hand away from your neck and slapped you on the face, making you squeal. Your cunt clenched around his thick cock, and he slapped you again. You shouted “Daddy,” and came all over his cock. Your release hit you like a truck, and it was almost painful. Your entire body shook, and you knew that the other guests in the hotel hated you both.
Sebastian continued to fuck you through your orgasm, making you overstimulated. You babbled absolute nonsense, making him chuckle. “Daddy, it’s too much!” You cried out as if you were in agony. “Be quiet, or else Daddy is gonna have to pull out and put you over my knee. I’ll spank your ass raw, do you understand?” He spoke, stopping his thrusts. You pouted and nodded.
“Good girl,” he praised, before turning you onto your stomach. He pulled you onto your knees and watched your count clench around nothing. He filled you up in one motion, making you moan his name. His fist tangled itself in your hair whilst he fucked you hard. His balls slapped against your sensitive clit again and again. He tugged on your hair harshly, the feeling sending you over the edge. You gushed your release all over his cock, some of it getting on the sheets.
“You love my cock, don’t you?” He asked, pulling his hand out of your hair. His thrusts became more powers and you felt pleasure searing through your abdomen once again. “Yes! Yes Daddy!” You cry out, tears streaming down your face. The overstimulation melted your mind, and you came all over again. You squirted everywhere, on yourself, on the bed and on Sebastian.
“Fuck that’s so hot, you fucking squirted everywhere!” He shouted, his thrusts becoming more erratic. He slapped your ass a few times and watched it ripple back at him. He grapped you by the throat and pulled you up against his bare chest. Your back had the meanest arch and he began to slow down his thrusts, edging the both of you.
You whined loudly, craving another orgasm. He tilted your head back and spat on your face, before snapping his hips into you. You both came at the same time. You gushed around his cock as his warm cum painted your inner walls. You moaned at the sensation, savouring it before he pulled out. He laid you back on the bed, before laying down next to you. You felt his cum trickle out of your channel and onto your leg.
He pushed his cock back into you, plugging you up with his cum. “Can’t have any of it spilling out, or else I won’t be able to breed you properly,” he smiled down at you. You grinned back up at him, admiring his steel blue eyes. “But we aren’t done for tonight, principesă.”
TAGLIST (tagging the people that really wanted to read this too!) — @okbuchanan @champangebucky @mariessecretfantasies @addikted-2-dopamine @sarcasmqueendominika @venus--babyy @sebbbystaaan @devilxanax666 @darcyglewis @spicylangdon @lollypop-lam @lousocean @parker-barnes-af @anxiousamandapanda @jianawoods @marvel-mania27 @xoxabs88xox @sillyqt @hv-chw3 @notyourtypicalrose @mushyjellybeans @littleprettykitten @rayche776 @royally-rogers @marvelsangels @grayxswan @livsheph @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @hoseokchild @evanssgi @babyboyjames
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
Can we have more yandere cheater please?
I hope you don't mind if I present a new oc, I may not use her much, since I'm using her mostly for this one piece. Maybe in the future I can make a more appropriate introduction.
The Unloved fanfiction that I made didn't have any specific character description as it was mostly a concept, but for the sake of this fanfiction, I'll need a character so it doesn't take too much of my brain cells (I have none left ;-;). Also, it is low-key a different story from Unloved.
Also-also, I'm so sorry for taking such a long time to respond ;-;. I wanted to make a fanfiction rather than a headcanon.
The vixen walking around at night - [Yandere!Cheater x Reader - Fanfiction]:
How long have you been inside this room? How much time have you spent on crying your ass off and how long do you plan on continuing to do so?
You have locked yourself in your room and don't really plan to come out any time soon.
Your friends have called you, your parents have called you, even your pet has started giving you concerned looks!
How have things gone this way for you? Everything was going fine, everything was fine, at least you thought so! You started dating one year ago the most beautiful woman you have ever met!
It all started when a woman named Hayami went to the same club as your friend had obligated you to go with them. Yeah, you remember being a little of a shy wallflower, it was that night that you started interacting more with people.
And that change in character was because of her, Hayami. A asian woman with long black hair with white locks. A really fashionable person in your opinion, you remember seeing her from afar, dancing with a friend of hers, a chubby man with a more orange hair color.
Whoever saw them at that club would instantly be mesmerized by his cyan eyes and her pink ones, which were probably contact lenses, but you never actually asked her about it. You never seen her not wearing those, but oh well-
You didn't think you were staring at her as much as you were, you only realized it when she came and introduced herself to you. You were nervous of course, you thought she was going to be mad at you for being so weird around her, but she didn't really mind.
She was oddly playful with you, flirting with you and stuff. You weren't really there to attract anyone, you actually wanted to go home and relax since parting wasn't really your thing. She stopped flirting with ya and decided to be your company for that night.
You were talking and joking and it wasn't long until you started to feel like you were having fun. You were hypnotized by her stories, the way her life seemed so eventful and fun. She was extremely outgoing compared to you, but instead of feeling intimidated, you felt welcomed to relax and let yourself loose. A couple of drinks and some small talk wouldn't hurt anyone.
It was only when your friend called you out saying they wanted to go home that you realized it was already 5 in the morning. Before you and your friend have arrived at the club, you were already planning to go back home at midnight to be able to sleep a bit and go to work feeling not so exhausted.
The morning after was the worst Monday you ever had in years. But that Sunday night was honestly, kinda one of the best nights you ever had. So in a way, it was kinda like a win, right?
Some weeks after you have met with Hayami, you couldn't stop feeling a bit happy that you met her, her company that night really made you feel more welcome to changes in your routine. Your friend has told you that they always see her there, it seems like it's her favorite place to dance and to meet new people, as she always finds someone new to talk with.
Hayami didn't strike you as the common outgoing person, she was playful and flirty sure, but she had somewhat of a serious tone to her. Like a royale elegance on her voice and actions.
Okay, maybe you have fallen for her from your first meeting. Maybe you shouldn't have fallen in love with that sweet voice.
You met Hayami after that day a couple of times, which was a shocker to a couple of people, as she always disappears from anyone's sight after she gets out of the club. Not many people knew about her life outside of parties and dancing.
It seemed like you had an unbelievable amount of luck to find her so easily, she went to the same supermarket as you, she picked the same bus at the same hour. It probably wasn't just coincidence, but you didn't mind it at the time as you loved her company.
It almost felt like a perfect movie, ya know? Strangers to friends, and then friends to lovers. So magical. Everything seemed so perfect, right?
Although you were the only person that knew the most about Hayami than anyone else, you still didn't really get the whole picture of her. Your first year went by really fast, and even if you didn't know much about her, she seemed to know a lot about you. It didn't bother you to get to know her little by little, but to her, it bothered her how slow things went.
You think you two had different ideas of how your relationship was. You think that maybe she didn't consider you an actual partner. Or maybe she did, but wasn't being patient with you.
You didn't feel ready to have intimacy yet.
You wanted to feel a little more ready, a little more happy with yourself.
You think that's maybe why she lost her patience with you, why she didn't want anything to do with you.
You sometimes wonder what would happen if you were a little more brave, would you be able to be with her right now? Would you make her happy?
You only learned about your lover's "true identity" when it was too late. It was honestly kinda pathetic. After you found her having some of her nightly fun with someone else, you decided to call your friends and ask for help.
And so how, you only found out of her interesting habits after someone has told you so. Whenever she doesn't get what she wanted, she finds another way to get it.
It was so pathetic how someone else has to tell you something like that.
You broke up with Hayami the day later. No surprise on her voice, no shock on her face. It was another Thursday afternoon to her. It was what made you feel sick and disgusted.
Like you were carrying a disease. And people around you started acting like you did. Some of your "friends" had started acting as if you were abnormal, and have let you behind after insulting you.
They were jealous of you getting so close to someone like her, but they would never admit to such pity feelings, so you never knew why they have acted that way.
You can only guess, after all, a lot of people would act as if she was the nobel prize and try to put their hands on her. You never really thought about her that way, yes she was beautiful, but her intriguing personality really captivated you.
She was mysterious, yet you really loved learning more about her as time went on. But now, you kinda regret not learning about her favorite hobbies earlier.
It's been weeks and you're still wondering if it is your fault. The majority of your being screams yes, but that one part in the middle is telling you no. This internal arguing is hurting your body.
You don't want to get up from your bed. And why would you anyway? It's night time and you already did what you needed to do through the day. You should go to bed and sleep but something is making you stay awake.
Maybe it was the overbearing sadness and guilt inside you, but there was something off about your house. You didn't feel…. Safe.
Maybe you really are a weirdo. You're feeling things. It's probably your roommate that is trying to get in but is too exhausted to remember where the keys are.
Should you tell them? Maybe not… You're too tired for that.
See? Can you hear it? They're already in. No problem at all.
Now you can sleep, right?
Something isn't right. They would have screamed from the floor below "- I'M BACK [Y/N]!"
You can barely hear the footsteps. If it wasn't for the floor creaking you wouldn't even think that someone was in. Should you call them? See if they're okay? Your roommate sometimes disassociates with this realm of life, so maybe you should check on them to see if they're fine?
Even despite all your efforts, you can't help but feel nervous about calling them out. You shouldn't be so paranoid, but you can't help it. You hear the footsteps getting a bit louder, whoever is down there doesn't want to be discreet anymore.
You hear something that sounds like glass breaking, your instincts get the better of you and you jump off of your bed.
And the floor below your feet creaks. There is only an eerie silence that has taken control over the whole house.
"- [Y/N]?" A shake voice asks if you're there. They're frantic, out of breath, paranoid even.
You don't respond. It doesn't ask again.
It decided to come up the stairs.
But even though you wished that it was, no, it wasn't your roommate.
But even if you have recognized it, can you really say that it was your ex-girlfriend? Or is it a faint memory of her normally composed self that has been possessed by something more dangerous?
You don't know, you don't really care. You just hope you have locked the door tight.
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kurts-still-here · 3 years
What’s Love? Glee TOT Challenge FanFiction
@celery-elliry @useless-fanfictions @gleethisorthatchallenge
Hi everyone, this is my fourth fic for the Glee TOT Challenge and the prompt I choose was Platonic Love because I have way to many Kurt ships that I love but even if Kurt can't love all of them as a partner, he can love them as a friend :) Hope everyone enjoys and tells me what they thought of it etheir on here, A03 OR FanFiction.Net. Happy reading 🤗🤗😁😁
Archive Of Our Own
 “I’m gay,” Kurt admitted to Mercedes, tears in his eyes. She was the first person he had ever told and this was the first time he had ever admitted it out loud.
 “Why didn’t you just tell me?” Mercedes asked sympathetically.
 “Because I’ve... never told anyone actually,” Kurt shrugged.
 “You shouldn't be ashamed of who you are, Kurt,” She told him, shaking her head. “You should just tell people. Especially the kids in glee. The whole point of the club is about expressing what’s really inside you. Remember?”
 “I can’t,” Kurt said, ashamed of himself. “I’m just not that confident, I guess,”
 He started to walk away from her with his head held high but then he turned around to look at her again.
 “But I still love you Mercedes,” He told her, the tears streaming down his face. “You’re the first friend I’ve ever made as pathetic as that sounds. I just want you to know that,”
 “Of course boo,” Mercedes smiled. “I love you too, I guess just a little bit more than you love me. But I’ll get over it,”
 “I’m sorry,” Kurt apologized. “I shouldn't have lied to you. I’ve just had a lot of trouble… ya know… accepting it,”
 “You don’t have to explain yourself or apologize Kurt,” Mercedes assured him. “You are who you are and you like who you like and I’m not mad at you at all for that. I’m glad you felt like you could tell me. Thank you,”
 “Okay,” Kurt said quietly before turning around and walking away from her. 
 He had known he was different for a long time now and he had discovered he was gay not long after but he knew how the LGBT+ community was viewed in his community. It wasn’t approved of and he got enough harassment for his voice and choices of clothing, he couldn’t imagine what he would have to endure if he came out to the public. He just couldn’t do it yet. He was hoping that maybe one day people would be more accepting of gay people or that he would gather enough courage to not think of what they thought but he wasn’t there yet. He wasn’t necessarily ashamed of himself but he wasn’t proud either. He felt like a coward for hiding who he really was, especially from his dad. He was just scared of how his dad would react. He loved him so much and he didn’t want to ruin their relationship in the case that he wouldn’t accept him. He would do it eventually though because he didn’t want to hide the real him from the person he loved most in the world
Both boys were sitting in the basement on the couch watching a movie together. Finn had his arm wrapped around Kurt’s shoulder and they were snuggled close together. Finn’s behavior seemed a little weird to Kurt seeing that Finn usually avoided physical contact with him but he just brushed it off thinking that Finn was just trying to make up for the “faggy lamp incident”. Besides Kurt didn’t exactly hate the hug, it felt nice.
 The credits started rolling on the movie and Finn turned to face Kurt.
 “That was nice,” Finn said with a goofy smile on his face.
 “Yeah it was,” Kurt smiled back. “Do you want to watch another one?”
 “Sure,” Finn said, his expression changing to a pained look. “Wait though. Before we do I want to talk to you,”
 “Okay. What is it?” Kurt asked. “I hope it’s nothing bad,”
 “No no, nothing bad,” Finn said, getting nervous. At least I hope you don’t think it’s bad,”
 “Well just tell me Finn,” Kurt encouraged him. “Chances are I won’t judge you,”
 “Okay, here goes nothing,” Finn said. “I’m just going to come out and say this but… I think I’m gay,”
 “Oh,” Kurt said, his eyes widening. “That’s great Finn. I’m glad you told me. So who’s the lucky guy?”
 “Um… you?” Finn said, looking down at his hands.
 “Me?” Kurt breathed.
 “Yeah, I don’t know, it’s just I feel like I love anyone. Like I liked Quinn before the baygate thing because she was pretty and I like Rachel because she’s nice to me and because she’s pretty and then I like you because you’re really nice and you don’t think I’m stupid and you’re pretty cute but then I like Puck because he’s my bro and he has nice muscles and abs and… I don’t know… it’s frustrating,” Finn sighed, turning red.
 “It sounds like you’re bisexual,” Kurt told him. “It means you're attracted to both genders,”
 “Oh, so I’m not crazy,” Finn said to himself, making Kurt laugh. “I also like it when you laugh. I like it when you’re happy and I’m sorry about you’re lamp,”
 “Finn, you don’t have to apologize to me again. I know you’re sorry,” Kurt assured him, still blushing from Finn’s comment.
 “But I do,” Finn groaned, frustrated with himself. “I was a real douche and it wasn’t fair to you and I was just angry because I couldn’t accept myself like you can,”
 “Well you’re accepting yourself now,” Kurt told him. “By telling me,”
 “I guess so,” Finn shrugged. “But what do you think? About… me,”
 “Oh,” Kurt said, his face turning from pink to white. “Finn you know I love you but I think it’s just… as a friend or as a brother,”
 “Oh,” Finn said, tears coming to his eyes. “That’s fine,”
 “Finn it’s not you trust me,” Kurt said, placing his hand on Finn’s arm. “Any guy or girl would be lucky to have you, including me. It’s just that I’m not that lucky guy. You’ll find someone better,”
 “Nah I don’t think I will,” Finn said, quickly wiping his tears. “I mean I ruined things with Quinn and then with Rachel and I’m pretty sure Puck’s straight so you were kind of my last hope, not to make you feel bad. I think I should… I should just go,”
 “Finn please don’t do this,” Kurt begged him as Finn stood up. “Let’s just talk about this, I don’t want you to be mad at me,”
 “No I’m not mad Kurt,” Finn told him. “I just need some time to myself. But I’m sorry that I told you all of this. And I’m sorry you don’t love me back,”
 “Finn you don’t have to apologize, you have nothing to be sorry for,” Kurt said, wiping the tears that were now on his face too. “And I do love you, you’re my friend,”
 “You know what I mean Kurt,” Finn said with a sad smile. “But it’s fine really, don’t worry about it. And thanks for clearing the bi thing up for me, it means a lot to me,”
 “Your welcome,” Kurt whispered as Finn went up the stairs. He had just ruined a friendship that he really cherished but he would’ve ruined it even more if he told Finn that he loved him when he really didn’t. Sure there was the little crush that he had had on him a couple of months ago but it had faded and now he saw Finn as nothing more than a friend. He just didn’t know what love really felt like, what the difference between romantic love and platonic love really was. Yes he loved his dad and Carol and Mercdes and the rest of the glee club but as friends and family, not as partners. Love was complicated, it was messy and Kurt was still trying to come to terms with being gay and accepting himself, he wasn’t ready for a relationship yet.
The New Directions were over at the Hudmel house for a get together and Kurt was in the kitchen, gathering snacks for everyone when Puck walked with that smirk that he always wore on his face.
 “Hey babe,” He said, looking down at Kurt's ass. “You need any help?”
 “I’m good Noah,” Kurt said, annoyed. Was Puck so desperate now that he was flirting with boys? “And since when am I babe?”
 “Since this,” Puck said before walking up to Kurt, taking him by surprise and kissing him hard on the lips. Kurt didn’t know what to do since Puck had a strong grip on him so he just stayed leaned back with Puck’s lips on his until Noah came back up for some air.
 “So what did you think?” Puck asked, raising an eyebrow. “Did I blow you’re gay little mind?”
 “Um… no?” Kurt said in a questioning tone. “I just… are you gay?”
 “Yeah something like that,” Puck said, waving his hand in the air. “I think I like anything but I forget what it’s called,”
 “You mean your pan, pansexual?” Kurt asked. “You don’t care about gender or gender identity. It actually makes a lot of sense,”
 “Well anyway,” Puck interrupted, frowning. “Do you love me?”
 “Noah, I'm not doing this right now,” Kurt said, shaking his head. It was Finn and Mercedes all over again. “We’re friends and that’s probably all we’ll ever be. I guess I could say I love you but as a friend, not as a lover. I’m not ready for a relationship yet,”
 “But you had a crush on Finn?” Puck pointed out. “What gives?”
 “Like you said, it was a crush that went away. And unlike you Finn was nice to me but I doubt I ever had romantic feelings for him in any way. I’ve already had this conversation with him,” Kurt explained.
 “Wait so Finn’s gay too?” Puck asked. “I might have to tap that,”
 “Actually you should, he likes you.” Kurt said. “Something about your muscles and abs,”
 “But what do you think about my muscles and abs babe?” Puck asked with a mischievous smile. “Isn’t it hot?”
 “Sure,” Kurt said sarcastically. “But like I said Noah, I’m flattered, I really am but the answer is no,”
 “Fine then,” Puck huffed. “But trust me, I’m not going to give up so easily. One day you’ll be begging for me to take you and I’ll make you suffer and wait,”
 “God do you always have to be so cheesy?” Kurt asked. “It makes me sick,”
 “You know you love it Princess,” Puck yelled back at him as he walked back into the living room with everyone else.
 “Yeah right,” Kurt said under his breath as he gathered up all the trays of food and brought them out to the living room. This was the third time now and if he hadn’t loved Finn in that way then he definitely didn’t love Puck in that. He sighed as he placed everything out on the table before rubbing his face with his hands in exhaustion.
 “Are you okay Kurt?” Quinn asked him.
 “I’m fine,” Kurt said, smiling at the group. Then he saw Puck’s smirk again and decided that he needed some space. “I just… forgot something upstairs in my room. I’ll be back,”
 He left the room and walked upstairs before walking into his room and closing the door behind him, sinking down against the door. It shouldn’t bother him so much but it did. There were three people now that had “loved” and he didn’t love them back. It just made him wonder if he was ever going to find true love at all and if he was ever even going to know what love felt like.
“I love you,” Sam admitted and Kurt internally groaned. Not again.
 “Sam,” Kurt started to say but Sam interrupted him, taking Kurt’s hands in his.
 “Shh, don’t say anything and just let me explain,” Sam said but this time Kurt interpreted him.
 “Sam, you’re my friend, god I say that a lot,” He added sarcastically. “But I’m not ready for a relationship right now. I love you platonically and that’s that. Please don’t make me feel even worse than I already do by trying to persuade me into going out with you. I’ve been through this plenty of times before,”
 Sam looked down, ashamed and disappointed and now Kurt wished that he would say something instead of just looking defeated.
 “Hey don’t be upset Sam please,” Kurt begged him. “It’s not you, you’re perfect and I’m really flattered but I’m still figuring things out for myself and it wouldn’t be fair to you to be with me when I not sure of anything,”
 “No I get it,” Sam said, looking up at Kurt with tears in his eyes. God, why did they always have to cry?” “Really I do it’s just that you’re so nice and cute and I had the stupid idea that maybe you’d like me too but it’s stupid really. And I guess I’m not really sure about anything either. I don’t know what I am, if I’m bi or if I just like boys. It’s hard,”
 “I know it is,” Kurt assured him, rubbing Sam’s back. “Trust me, I knew I was gay since I was six years old and I’m still trying to fully accept myself. But you aren’t alone Sam. I’m here if you ever want to talk and Finn and Puck seem like they have whatever’s going on with them figured out so you can talk to them too. We’re all here for you,”
 “I know,” Sam said, smiling at Kurt and wiping his tears. “Thanks,”
 “You’ll find someone,” Kurt told him, giving Sam a hug. “But just remember you come first,”
 “Yeah, I will,” Sam told him, returning the hug.
 Kurt told himself that what he told Sam also applied to him. He was going to figure out what love really felt like and he was going to find someone that loved him and someone who loved him back. He had to, he wanted to know the feeling. Now just wasn’t the right time and once again, he had to put himself first.
“I love you,” Blaine said dreamily, staring at Kurt with his handsome eyes and making Kurt choke on his coffee a little. Why does this always happen to me?
 Blaine still had his eyes on Kurt and was waiting for Kurt to respond with an “I love you too,” so Kurt was relieved when Mercedes and Sam walked in with one another making Blaine turn around.
 “Oh hey, what are you guys doing here?” Blaine asked, having moved on from the previous discussion.
 “I’m just getting a coffee,” Sam said, swaying back and forth on his feet.
 “Yeah we ran into each other in the parking lot,” Mercedes added. ‘Hmm, sure you did,’ Kurt thought to himself he had noticed how smiley they were acting towards each other lately. They were in love and Kurt was happy for them, especially since they had both had a crush on him and now they had each other. At least Sam now knew that he was bi and they both had their love lives together. It was more than he could say for himself.
 Blaine started talking about his summer plans with them while Kurt tried to figure out what he was going to say about Blaine’s “I love you,” when Mercedes and Sam walked away and Blaine turned his focus back onto Kurt.
 “Hey cutie,” He smiled again.
 “Umm. hi,” Kurt said nervously. “I’m really sorry Blaine but I just remembered that I promised my dad that I would help him… at the garage so we’re going to have to cut this coffee date short,”
 “Oh yeah,” Blaine said, wearing a smile even though Kurt could tell he was disappointed. “That’s okay. A promise is a promise,”
 “Yeah,” Kurt said, standing up and grabbing his cup and bag. “See you later,”
 He then rushed out of the coffee shop and with his luck of course it was raining outside. He started crying. He liked Blaine, that’s why they were dating and he had spent so long pining after him and now he was going to ruin the good thing going on between them because he couldn’t say three simple words. I love you. Of course he could say them but he just didn’t want to lie. He didn’t want to say those words and then have it turn out that he didn’t love Blaine and ruin their friendship. He loved Blaine but… once again, maybe it was just platonic. And maybe he just wasn’t meant to love anyone.
“I love you,” Kurt found himself saying to Elliot once they reached his apartment. They had been really good friends for a while now and Elliot had just taken him out on their first date to a nice restaurant. 
 “Like as a friend or as more?” Elliot asked, obviously joking with a smile on his face. Elliot knew how Kurt had felt about love and partners in the past and had been patient with him even though he loved Kurt romantically.
 “I think… as more,” Kurt confessed. “I’m really nervous and have a weird feeling in my stomach, not like I’m sick or anything but...I think I love you Elliot. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before and for once...I think I honestly know exactly how I feel about someone,”
 They paused for a moment, Kurt with tears of joy in his eyes before Elliot leant in and kissed Kurt. And Kurt had only been kissed twice before, once by Puck and once by Blaine but when he kissed Elliot he felt a spark of energy between them and he knew he loved him, the feeling was confirmed.
 When they pulled away from each other, they held each other’s hands and Kurt had never been happier in his life before. He had spent a huge part of his life worrying that he would never find someone who felt the same way as he did, who he loved and here he was, he had finally found Elliot. It all felt amazing.
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh Ep 36 S4: Seto Joins Dragon Wife in Hell
So I dunno about you guys, but 2020 aged me like a lot in just these 8 months, so I figured it was time to embrace the feeling of being on death’s door and I decided to learn Mahjong. So I could truly embrace the ancients and vibe in their natural habitat.
Anyway, once I learned some Mahjong lore, some parts of Yugioh just open up. Namely--Seto’s dragons. Like a whole lot of stuff about early Seto Kaiba that confused me at the time just makes so much more sense now.
But unfortunately, he dies this episode, and he never pulled out his Blue Eyes White Dragons, and it’s just like...
...but my Mahjong deep cuts...
Like every episode I’m just rubbing my palms together in anticipation that someone will die, but like...I never get to talk about how in Mahjong, there’s only 4 white dragon tiles, but if you have 3, you can steal the fourth white dragon from another player’s discards, and that when you that, other stuff happens...I don’t get to talk about that because Seto’s hella dead.
So lets just get to the death. Dartz decides to make all of our soldier frenemies attack Pharaoh--because that’s all he needs to raise the Leviathan. Like Dartz doesn’t even really need to finish this game. He just needs Yami.
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Seto picks up that these friend (and Pegasus) soldiers that Yami refuses to kill are probably going to end the world very quickly so he decides to do something about it. If this were a blog where I talked about cards instead of Mahjong, then I’d dive into the intricacies of what that even was.
But, we’re not, so lets just talk about Pegasus.
(read more under the cut)
This guy harnesses some psychic energy he’s got leftover from S1 and communicates directly to Pharaoh’s mind.
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So, hey, what was that about Pegasus not having powers anymore? Like? He’s still doing this? He’s still psychic and he very clearly can still make blank cards so like...I guess you can take out the eyeball and make him nicer, but you can’t take out some of the effed up magic side-effects. (like there was a comment I didn’t respond to (which, sorry about that, been a little nuts over here in California), but apparently there was a movie in between seasons where Pegasus saved their lives--so he’s legit good now...there was a DLC where character arcs happened.)
Which kind makes you wonder about Marik, but we’ll probably never see him again so o well, save it for the fanfiction.
PS Yami is totally fixating on that eye we can’t see, right? Like...it never outright tells us, but does this spiritual Orichalcos manifestation of Pegasus still have the golden eye? A human eye? Or no eye at all? Just skin?
Not like it matters because Seto does some sort of card shenanigans that undo the whole friends that are soldiers thing like it never happened.
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MMMMM I don’t like these weird legs on Yugi. Don’t like the thighs it gave to Joey. No! I’m seeing like this skin-tight silhouette of half an ass right now and I really don’t like it.
Along with other card things I won’t go into that consumed most of this episode, Seto finally got hit by a...well, I mean you can clearly see it in the next cap.
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So, in Mahjong, there are 3 types of dragons: a white dragon, a red dragon, and a green dragon. I used to think it was really lazy that we’re just calling monsters straight up “white dragon” or “red dragon” in this show, but now it makes more sense because this whole time it was probably baby’s first Mahjong reference but I’m too Western to know that.
Anyway, the white dragon is funny looking because it’s a white tile--just a completely blank white tile. I thought it was a wild card at first but nah--it’s a white dragon in a snowfield--which is a very funny Dad joke from 200 years ago we’re still doing today. But, often, instead of a Dad joke, they’ll just make the white dragon tile a drawing of a blank card, like this:
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Kind of funny that the guy who’s shtick is white dragons, ended up with his soul in a blank card. Was that a mahjong reference? Probably not, but I noticed it.
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And mahjong aside, the show paid it’s respects to Seto dying and so he took his sweet time passing on. It’s still not that much respect. We aren’t gonna get that amazing Joey death sequence from S3 that took like half an episode of scene-shredding for our mains to recover from, but like...Seto was very determined to keep going, despite not having a soul.
He even finished his turn of cards, as if to just spite Joey Wheeler for that one time Joey hella died before killing Marik.
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Shippers rejoice, it’s a Yami and Seto Kaiba death sequence. If you squint really hard, it might even be an embrace. I mean they both have very sharp duel disks on, and if Yugi’s closes for whatever reason, it’ll snap Seto’s head clear off, but what other “hugs” do we really get on this show?
And as for Mokuba, he was quite tragic this episode. I mean it’s Yugioh, so it’s not like you’re gonna cry or anything, but Mokuba just doesn’t really have anything else going for him without his brother so it is legit like...man Mokuba gets a lot of crap thrown his way and even when he’s happy, he still has to live with Seto so just...Mokuba...
Again we get this bubble effect of other people trying to enter the Orichalcos which happens just a Hell of a lot this season. Like Dartz probably has never had a single person WANT to go in the green zone in 10,000 years and then these bizarre children happened and they just want to bounce off that thing like a jello pudding.
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I think it took over 5 minutes for Seto to die, and he was very, very, VERY angry the entire time. Just fueled by literally nothing but rage. Could probably go a couple more episodes if he had taken a nap in the KaibaCopter, but alas, even Seto Kaiba eventually runs out of fumes.
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Anyway, another Mahjong fun fact. The dragon tiles are considered an “honor tile” and how many times have we heard Seto--who is such a scumball--go off about his honor? It can be hard to use honors tiles because their rate of success is lower, so when Seto’s like “I have to live up to my dragon’s honor or I can’t keep these in my deck” could he be like...making a Mahjong pun as well as a literal reference to whatever he defines as honor?
...Again, just a Mahjong reference I noticed, but probably not what they intended at all. Which is Good Enough for this blog.
After he tragically passed on, and Yami delicately put his body on the ground, -- Dartz decided to make this moment very funny for me, instead.
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Not as good as Yami the both times his body was chucked casually across the screen this season--but a very good toss, nonetheless.
I have made so MANY clips of this season!
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Tristan and Tea kinda just stood there this entire episode while this was all going down and like...I know they can’t really do anything else at this point but like...can someone give Mokuba a hug???
I can’t believe Valon was the only guy in this entire show about friendship who knew how to hug people. He was in prison since he was 9, and then was raised by freakin Dartz, why is he the only hugger?
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PS, apparently Seto’s yummy soul was enough to make the Leviathan open a single eye-ball in curiosity.
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Mokuba out there flinging so many insults that he got everyone else banned from watching devil cards. It’s like sports competitions in Middle school with that one kid who won’t stop cussing. That one kid who is the reason everyone else has to sit through a boring ass assembly about sportsmanship? That’s Mokuba.
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Now that everyone is ‘passed out’, we can get to the juicy stuff only the olds talk about--which sounds a lot like I’m about to do another segway into talking about Mahjong again, but I’m actually all out of the Mahjong juice. Again, I’m ass at Mahjong.
(and like...the peanut gallery died in the original version, right? I know to never trust a “they’re just sleeping” line in Yugioh.)
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Dartz telling me he dragged that ass length blue hair across Egypt?
I would say that it must’ve really thrown people, but then again, their Pharaoh looked like...that.
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So Dartz ended up wandering the earth for 5000 years, cursed to live immortally, unable to revive the great Leviathan, wallowing in his failure. Sentenced to suffer the entire existence of humanity that he never wanted to see survive anyway, unable to die himself.
That’s an interesting plotline that I wish I saw more of. I really like the idea of a supervillian who is already past his prime, who’s already burnt out, who’s so far removed from what happened that he’s fully accepted his demise and is just wandering around out of habit. But, most importantly--that changes my math. That’s like...5000 years he wasn’t slurping no souls because he was too damn depressed. So I’ll append the Deathcount. One second.
OK so we can just subtract 7.3 million from what we had, leaving us with: 7,805,844,047. Barely even made a dent but...eh...when you got the current population of the Earth in there it’s really hard to make a dent in that thing.
PS I still have that google doc where I keep track of the deaths, we have 55 lines of entries, haha.
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Yugioh is interesting because you do have some racial stuff going on here where Yami is SO OLD that he doesn’t remember not only his own name--he doesn’t remember what he looks like. He’s even seen it a few times in hallucinations but like...Yami legit doesn’t know what it is to be an ancient Egyptian anymore. It’s been a hot minute, and he still sees himself as a pale skinned Yugi clone when he spiritually manifests in the show. Because the modern day, set in Japan, through Yugi’s eyes--that’s all he knows about life.
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Dartz was so impressed by Pharaoh’s magic powers that he knew--he just KNEW that this Pharaoh with the worst hair would be the yummy soul for the Leviathan tummy. But unfortunately...
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This is a show that has had so MANY overlapping apocalypses that I did have to sit back and kind of count off on my fingers which crazy person this would be about.
Honestly? Either Seto or Bakura...guessing Bakura because we haven’t finished his storyline yet and I know that he’s the big bad of S5. But man...Dartz was just like “oh...no thanks to that guy. I’ll just take a nap for 5000 years, BIG no thanks.” and it does make you wonder...
...oh...so that’s why you didn’t bother Bakura in this timeline.
It also helps make Bakura even more of a threat. Again, Bakura is great because he’s just constantly leaving nuggets of what a threat he is and then just...disappears for seasons on end. The Bakura we’ve made in our head is probably way more awful than what he may end up being.
But for now, it’s fun to just fill in the gaps instead.
anyway that was it for this episode, I’m off to pretend it’s Thanksgiving week and will look forward to drowning my anxiety in a 16 lb turkey shared between four people.
Anyway, I brought up the cat that falls asleep on metal rods so I have to do this:
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And for those that are new, this is a link to read these in chrono order: https://steve0discusses.tumblr.com/tagged/yugioh/chrono
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gemmassong · 3 years
So uh. It’s 4:17am and I know literally no one cares but I just finished watching Bo Burnham’s new special and like, holy shit. I have some Feelings. And this is my fucking tumblr so unfortunately anyone who follows me can and will be subjected to those Feelings. Apologies in advance. I blame my high school English teacher for this, who I had for freshmen, junior, and senior year, because that cunt made as analyze and pick apart not just books but documentaries, movies, and other pieces of media to such an extreme degree I still blame her for a lot of my academic burnout and inability to really engage with my college courses because what was the fucking point. If I could write the best paper in the class and still not get a full score when my classmates with less well written shit did because I ‘wasn’t reaching my full potential or putting in as much effort as required’ why should I bother. 
Off topic. I’ll put the rest under a cut to be vaguely courteous because this is going to be a lot of semi-organized rambling that I’m putting here mostly so I can stare at it in baffled, disgusted horror at ~2pm tomorrow when I go back and reread it. And then decide not to delete it anyway because hey, I don’t delete anything because I enjoy tormenting myself years down the road.
I grew up with Bo Burnham, yeah? I knew all the lyrics to New Math when I was in middle school and you can bet your ass I understood like, four verses at the time I first started singing it. And I remember the vivid pleasure of going through high school and hating math because I suck at it (ayooo failed out of Calc senior year first semester~ (they weren’t called semesters in hs they were some quarterly thing but I don’t fucking remember the right term)) and the absolute joy realizing how one of those verses were clever was brought me. Like, every time I understood a new verse in New Math it made my entire day so much better. 
And then the summer after my first year of college I, for some fucking reason I cannot fathom now, 20 year old me thought it was a brilliant idea to decide to watch What. with my parents while we ate dinner. I had seen What. before. I knew what the contents entailed. I was apparently 100% down to watch him pretend to jack off on stage while eating taco salad in the living room with both of my parents who were so closed mouthed about sex that I got literally my entire sexual education from fanfiction. 
And then my cat had a seizure literally right before that scene so fate helped me escape that hell for some reason, and yes, Siren was fine after a very scary night.
But like. Still. What the fuck, 20 year old me. Why did you set yourself up for the mortifying experience of watching a comedian mime jacking off while sitting next to your mother. Why. 
So anyway. Bo Burnham was peripherally a part of my life for a very long time. I’ve always really liked him. I wish he had made more vines while vine was still a thing because the ‘is there anything better than pussy’ one still cracks me tf up. 
I saw a post here at some point about how the new special made someone feel like they’d just watched his suicide note. And I didn’t take it seriously, because yeah, Make Happy got kinda serious and stressful there at the end but like? 
Maaaaan am I glad I watched Inside though, despite being vaguely concerned. I totally get where that person was coming from. It does kinda feel like that. At the same time though, I just have this feeling that Inside is going to be important. 
Here’s where I finally get to the actual fucking point of the post.
Collectively, entertainment media is desperately trying right now to figure out how the hell to handle the pandemic. Ignore it? Pretend all media now exists in a universe where the shitstorm of 2020 didn’t exist? Most of the ones that I’ve seen have gone down what I consider the absolute worst route, which is of course terrible fucking writing that kind of? addresses the pandemic and shit that went down, but like, with clunky dialogue and really bad jokes. I’m mostly talking about the Roseanne spinoff/sequel/whatever the fuck it’s considered, of which I watched half an episode of and then silently begged my fiance to let us leave his mother’s house because she was laughing at it and it was genuinely, horrifically painful. This is why I don’t watch tv anymore. 
ANYWAY. He never mentions it. Not once. There are plenty of really relevant things discussed and pointed out and I think one? mention of the actual year 2020 but beyond that. Nothing. And I feel like Inside might be one of the most genuine, visceral, real pieces of media portraying the pandemic that we, as an American society anyway, are going to come away from this all with. At least everyone in my own admittedly piss poor social circles has spent like last ~year and a half doing that social media thing where the more you post about how well you’re doing and great it all is, the more miserable and bad off you really are.
(Yes, that is how I judge my ‘friends’’ relationships on facebook. The more pictures/posts/tagged shit/social media demonstrations of how ~amazing~ and ~in love~ and ~perfect~ everything is, the worse I assume the reality is.)
But Inside strikes as very, very real. And I just feel like 20 30 40 50 years from now, when we’re talking about the 2020 pandemic and how it shaped and shifted and effected and destroyed people and society, it’s going to be a very important piece of media. Because so far, anyway, it’s the first one I’ve seen where you can actually see it all go down. The absolute fucking breakdown so many of us went through. Dealing with worsening mental problems that had previously been getting better, lost progress, ruined plans and dreams and missed opportunities and everything else. 
It’s the first one that strikes as real, I guess. As not manufactured. Not tailored to portray the ‘correct’ message. Not diminishing or exaggerating anything but just... showing. Existing within the reality of the year. And not being apologetic or ashamed about it. 
I’m glad he actually went through with putting it out into the world. That probably took a whole lot to do, and I hope good things get to him for going through with it all. For completing it and giving it to the world. It was visceral and raw to watch and my piss poor attention span that needs 20+ tabs open at all times actually sat there and watched it, in full, all the way through in one go. Without pausing to read a fic, watch something else, check facebook or tumblr, answer a roleplay, or skim through omegle to see if anyone good was online. That’s like, unheard of these days.
I just. I dunno. There’s a lot there to breakdown. A part of me wants to do it, take the time and write the analysis and the breakdowns and pick out what I think the important bits are. But I hate doing that now and I’m sure the desire will be gone come afternoon-morning, along with all these weird feelings about it. 
This has gotten long enough and it’s 4:47 now, so half an hour of word vomiting into a tumblr post is probably too much. So I guess I’ll call it quits and maybe maybe not delete this when I wake up. Night, anyone who actually suffered through reading this mess.
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