chuckyfanbitch · 2 years
Omg the cute mystery Kids 😭 I wish Glen and Glenda Was there, Mabel, Dipper, Coraline, is my fave❤️
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nightki11er · 1 year
Hey Night! I just wanted to pop in and say hi!!! I hope you’re doing amazing!!!
Hi, Fan! I'm very well, I hope it is the same with you too!
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mosshugs · 2 years
HEY MOSS!!!! I JUST WANTED TO SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS!! AND I HOPE YOU HAVE AN AMAZING AN HOLIDAY!!! You are amazing and your pop ins always make me smile!!! And I truly appreciate you! And I’d love you be your friend!!!! ❤️
Thank you so much!! You’re so sweet 💚💚💚 I hope your Christmas was wonderful! And I’m thrilled I can make you smile, you deserve it! I’d love to be friends if you wanted to be. Feel free to dm me or talk to me or swap discords whenever!
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amspams · 5 months
Protective father
A/N: After one accidental deletion, crying my heart out and having to rewrite the whole thing, I've finally finished another fanfic. :,)
TW: Swearing, violence, child abuse
Glenda had gotten herself into some trouble. She watched as one of the other girls she'd been playing with - Katy - wailed in front of her. Who knew a simple game of tag in the park would lead to this? If only that whiny bitch hadn't refused to be 'it' when Glenda had caught her, Glenda would not have shoved her. Now Katy was going to have to deal with her bloody, scraped knees, by herself.
And Glenda did not feel any remorse for her actions. In fact, she was amused by the little girl's sobbing. Glenda thought Katy was being way too dramatic over what happened. It was only a few scratches after all.
"Glenda, what did you do!?" Said a panicked voice from behind her. Glenda turned around to see her twin brother, Glen, staring at her with wide eyes. "Is she hurt?"
"No-" Glenda replied stoically, but was interrupted by Katy.
"Glenda pushed me!" She cried.
"I did not!" Glenda denied, and stomped towards her.
Glen tried to hold her back. "Glenda, stop! It's not worth it."
"She's lying! She hurt me for no reason!" Whined Katy.
"Shut up, you cunt!"
However, just as Glenda was about to kick the sobbing girl, someone grabbed her by her wrist and flung her back. Glenda landed on the ground with a thud. The force of the impact took her by surprise, and she felt tears welling up in her eyes. Glen quickly ran to his sister's side. "Oh no. Are you well?"
"Does it look like I'm-"
A man grabbed Glenda by her shirt and lifted her up, letting her feet dangle above the ground. "You little brat, what gave you the right to treat my daughter like that, huh!?"
The twins gasped, and Glenda frantically tried to wriggle her way out of the Katy's father's grip.
"Please don't hurt her, sir," Glen pleaded. "She didn't mean to-"
"Stay out of this, boy!" The man yelled before shifting his attention back to Glenda. "You little shit. Did your parents teach you nothing?"
"Let go of me, asshole!"
"Oh I'll let you go, alright," spat the man. "I'll let you go after you're hurting just as much as my Katy is!"
The man let Glenda fall back down before grabbing her by her shoulders and violently shaking her. "You think you can just walk off with no concequences? I'm gonna teach you a lesson your parents should've a long ago."
"DADDY!" Screamed Glenda. "Daddy, der Mann tut mir weh!" (Daddy, the man hurts me!)
The man clasped a hand over her mouth. "Stop screeching, girl. And speak english!"
Just when it seemed as if the man was about to strike her, he was violently shoved away by an infuriated Chucky. "And what the hell do ya think you're doin'?"
The man was taken aback, but quickly regained his composure. "I was just-"
"That was a rhetorical question, idiot," said Chucky, and punched the man in the face. A horrible cracking noise was heard when his fist made contact with the man's nose. Chucky had more than likely broke it. "I don't give a flying fuck about your excuse. You don't hit kids. Especially not my kids."
Glen covered his eyes whilst Glenda grinned from ear to ear at her father's display of aggression. Chucky forced the man down to the ground.
"Get off me, you freak!" The man demanded, and tried to push Chucky off of him. But he was no match for him. Chucky had been fighting his whole life. He grew up on the streets after all. Your average man stood no chance against him, and he was very well aware of that.
"Shut up," Said Chucky, and held him down.
"Ya know, if we weren't in public right now, I'd..."
Chucky trailed off when he saw two officers approaching.
"Please get off, sir. We'll take it from here."
Chucky did as he was told, but before he got up, he whispered into the man's ear loud enough for only him to hear. "Lock your door, dickhead. We're not done here."
Chucky then picked Glenda up and took Glen's hand before walking back to the car with them. "Lucky bastard," he muttered.
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marvelmaniac715 · 9 months
My own get to know you game:
Who was your first fictional crush?:
What’s the first colour you think of when I tell you to think of a colour?:
Which fanfiction emotionally scarred you and still makes you shudder to this day?:
I’m coming to your house for dinner, non-negotiable, what are you making me?:
Do you prefer lions or kangaroos?:
Which fictional villain do you brush past the glaringly obvious issues for because you really like them?:
What would accompany your picture in the Burn Book in Mean Girls?:
How many days would you last in the universe of your favourite fandom?:
Have you heard of Mischief Theatre?:
Do you feel sorry for Medusa?:
Which song makes you think of your OTP?:
Which song makes you disassociate and daydream the fastest?:
Tags: @weltato, @snarky-wallflower, @feathertru, @barclaysangel, @fanficwriter284, @silvershewolf247, @shadowbrightshine, @luxury-nightmare and anyone else who wants to have a go, feel free!
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fanficwriter284 · 26 days
Dear fanficwriter284
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rroaddkill · 7 months
I love how @fanficwriter284 draws chucky.. that is all.
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corpsegelic · 9 months
it’s done :33!
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askchuckandtiff · 2 years
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based on a fic @fanficwriter284 wrote!! it was super cute so i had to draw it
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youneverknowme028 · 1 year
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@fanficwriter284 @joemomma01 the truth is out... I might just do a storytime with details and more so it can make sense
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nightki11er · 1 year
Hey Night!!! I just wanted to thank you for checking in on me the other day!!! I hope you're doing amazing!!! And thank you for sending me some character asks they really make my day! ❤️
Hi Fan! Yes, I'm doing amazing and I hope you doing amazing too! Oh, and no problem, then I was just bored and want to send you some ask!
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mosshugs · 1 year
Thank you for the tag @bunnyboybosom!! I'm having fun doing these things
-Last song listened to: Time Spent - Deaf Center
-Currently Watching: Several things! Me, Riot, and Fox are working through Desperate Housewives, Soul Eater, and the Scream franchise, and with Dean we're watching Higurashi! With Abby I'm watching House M.D :) If you mean this exact second? The Dead Meat Kill Count for Midsommar
-Currently reading: It's been...many moons since I read a book, I'm afraid. I don't have time, energy, or health for it these days.
-Currently obsession: An even blend between DnD and Child's Play <3 I am very normal. I love our DnD party soooo so much I am abnormal about my little guy. And also supernaturally possessed murder dolls who are stupid.
Tagging: Hmmm I will tag @twyz, @minty-muse. @rainbowdelicsunshine, @enter-the-phantom, @fanficwriter284 and @peri !!
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amspams · 3 months
Teen chucky x reader headcannons for the story i’m writing pleased <3
I don't focus too heavily on his teenage years, but I suppose there are some stuff. Also, I dunno if you have, but check out @fanficwriter284, they are super creative with his childhood!
Now, I dunno enough about writing x reader stuff, as it really depends on what kind of personality you wanna give the reader, but here is some stuff that I think would match Chucky's persona as a teenager.
Right, so Chucky defo comes across as very aggressive in his adulthood, but during his teenage years, I actually view him as calmer, more calculative and manipulative instead of jumping head on first into danger.
He'd plan things through, as teenagers aren't as pshysically capable as say, an adult. If he wants to get back at someone for some shit they did, he'd go create a specific, thourough plan before doing it.
I've always thought of him as creative and intelligent. He does good in school, gets good grades, BUT he isn't very interested in making friends, and really doesn’t want to, either. As he is stated to be a psychopath, he would also be charismatic and a good liar, getting away with stuff by shifting the blame on someone else, or coming up with some pretty good excuses to explain why he did something. He isn't remorseful or regretful of his actions at all, not unless they directly affect him.
He doesn't experience love the normal, healthy way, but he does care to some extent, and might even show deep infatuation. He could find your reader very intriguing and therefore want to be with them. To write this you could give the reader some cool, interesting persona to match the storyline :>
I always imagined Charles Lee Ray and Eddie Caputo were friends since childhood, so consider giving him a best friend (or don't lol, it's totes up to you!)
Have fun writing and thank you for the ask!♡
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marvelmaniac715 · 7 months
do you have any tips for people getting started at writing fanfics?
I feel so honoured that you’ve asked me this, I’m not sure if I’m the most qualified person to offer advice on this because compared to some of my awesome mutuals I’ve been writing for a relatively short amount of time, but I would love to give you my top tips, because if I’m able to help you, even a little bit, I’d be thrilled - good luck:
Write often - I often publish one or two fics per month, mostly one shots which help to flex the creative muscles - this will help you to develop both a personal writing style and frequent readers whose feedback can then inspire you to keep going
Go with your gut - I got my start when I posted an unedited Chucky au fic here on Tumblr, and if I’d never done that I never would have kept writing and transitioned to Hatchetfield fanfiction - if an idea sounds awesome to you, don’t put yourself down and question if it’s good, write down what comes to you and the world will surely love it
Cross-promote your work - my most popular fic was spawned from a Tumblr post I made, and now I promote my new fics on Tumblr every time I upload just to make sure people know I’ve written a new fic - this will help you to develop a following and make friends with talented writers online who can give you great advice and help to beta your work
Don’t overthink it - most of my fics are the very first draft - I find that it interrupts the writing flow if I stop to question every second word choice, just have fun and then check for spelling errors once you’re done to ensure it’s readable
Have fun - this is the most important tip - write about what you love; your favourite character, your favourite ships, your favourite aus, write what you most want to read but hasn’t been published yet, take pride in what you write because your beautiful brain child is now out in the world for everyone to see, make yourself laugh, cry, smile, and never write out of obligation, you do your best work when you enjoy yourself
I hope these tips are along the lines of what you were looking for, but if you need anymore help I can recommend my fabulous mutuals to give you some more advice - once again, I wish you the best of luck with your fanfiction writing journey, and from the bottom of my heart, thank you for choosing me to be a part of your monumental debut into the fanfic community.
Some of my writer mutuals:
@snarky-wallflower, @shadowbrightshine, @cloth-moths, @fanficwriter284, @silvershewolf247, @feathertru
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loki104-uwu · 1 year
(@fanficwriter284) Hey Slap's another version of you already entered fatherhood
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animegirlspongebob · 1 year
hi so im still kind of getting over my initial shock and panic but it’s me Viper!!! somehow my other blog was deleted??? im still really upset about it :((
tagging mutuals that i remember
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