#fang cosplay
v4guelyv4mpiric · 10 months
the time of the year we are able to buy fangs in retail. and i've tried literally every brand of fangs that spirit halloween carries (and more), so this is my review and recommendations.
Scarecrow Fangs
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unpopular opinion, but i did not like these. They're way too expensive, imo and the molding solution sucks and is a nightmare to work with. the fangs themselves are alright.
price: 19.99 us
rating: 5/10
Spirit Halloween
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It's surprisingly good! i used these until i broke them - they use thermoplastic for molding, which i think should be the standard for fangs. It's far easier to work with. the plastic is cheaper than Scarecrow, but they feel solid and are a more realistic color (at least for me)
price: 4.99 us
rating: 8/10
Monster High
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Oh my ghoul, i love these. These fangs are a bit on the smaller size, which is useful if you're going for subtle. and of course, being monster high, i'm all for them. i mean, that case is adorable
again, these use thermoplastic. Though its imortant to note not to put the fangs themselves in hot water while you're molding them- i warped one by accident. regardless, they are so comfortable and resilient. my second favorites.
price: 9.99 us
rating 9/10
Special FX
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we've all seen that video of that girl using these in like 2008 and wanted to be her. at least i did... but im sad to report that these fangs dont work on my anatomy. they mold to your back molars with thermoplastic, and when you press on the bar, the fangs come down. these fit simular to a retainer as they just sit above your teeth.
i, however, am missing one of those molars and cannot line it up right to use them. (never beating the kentuckian stereotype)
price: 9.99
rating: 3/10
Now for the ones not sold at Spirit Halloween
Amazon cosplay fangs
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You've most likely seen these before. they're nothing special, but they get the job done. i do like the case they come in! very convenient. But the color is far too unrealistic for me. still, they do use thermoplastic! which is always a win. and theres four sizes, again convenient.
price: 7.99 us (give or take)
rating: 4/10
Dracula Fangs
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I had never heard of this brand before someone posted about these on tiktok. i bought them immediately (i am not immune to propaganda, and neither are you), and i gotta say... They're my favorite I've tried.
I got the large ones; and let me tell you, they're massive. definitely not for subtle vamp vibes. They're sharp, too! That's a plus for me, not for everyone, i assume. and they mold with thermoplastic! they come with way more than you need (which you can use to make more fangs if you desire)
they do come in smaller sizes as far as I've seen, but i haven't tried those yet.
price: 20.00 us (i know that's rather pricey)
rating 10/10
honorable(ish) mentions
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vampire condoms. only get them as a bit. a /j fang if you will.
price: 0.99 (i got mine at dave&busters for 25 tokens)
rating: i am wampire/10
Walmart Fangs
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i swore there were some in different packaging, but i can't find those now. these suck (not in the fun way). They're made of rubber, and i dont remember them having any molding agents. just skip these, okay?
price: 2.89 us
rating: 0/10
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vickiiix · 9 months
Thinking about how it was hinted that Chuuya was cosplaying as a vampire a few times in the manga
Like we can see his sclera (white outer part of the eye) here
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And his vampire marks were gone after chap 101
This is what Chuuya looked like before chap 101
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This what he looked like after chap 101
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Notice that the vampire marks under his eye are gone? It was god damn make up
The elevator was filled with water… and so it washed the makeup away…
Another thing is that his reaction after he shot Dazai
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I dont know how to explain this but why is he side eyeing Dazai like arent u still a mindless puppet rn why are u “…”-ing him
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nosferaboo · 22 days
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The Georgia Renaissance Festival was a success 🖤🦇✨
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danmeigirl · 2 months
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etrevil · 9 months
Imagine you're a worker in a Halloween party store and this short ginger with a fancy suit comes waltzing in and asks where the fake vampire fangs are, then leaves complaining about a stupid mackerel and how he can't believe he's still tolerating his flat ass.
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bowuigifire · 10 months
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lovinodrawz · 9 months
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Hello there, I just wanted to share my Trimax Livio cosplay with you
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visguard · 3 months
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Mind Fang’s Sword X2. Happened to get two commissions for the same thing at once was interesting batching out the props.
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realreadysetrose · 5 months
Mituna Cosplay!
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Finally finished my helmet and shit enough to test out the cosplay!
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bananasfosterparent · 2 months
Okay but imagine Tav/Durge trying to get used to the fact that they now have a slight lisp from growing fangs and Astarion teasing them cause he thinks it's cute
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fastandcute · 3 months
I need this ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅
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thefandomeffect-noah · 10 months
I realized that I never posted the full finished cosplay (ADHD moment) so here’s some pics I got at pride last month of me in the completed Fang cosplay!! (Taken by the lovely @megaawkwardhuman.)
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nosferaboo · 1 month
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“I confuse instinct for desire, isn’t bite also touch?”
Probably my favorite photo from this shoot
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dryderpunk · 8 months
Look at me go, didn't mess up my wee pose this time
Based on CelestialFang skittles
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rizzyun · 10 months
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I missed you~
Lightning by me Fang by my @rachasakawa Photo by Eckhardt Fotografia 
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lovinodrawz · 10 months
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I wanna be a cowboy, baby~!
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