najia-cooks · 11 months
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[ID: A greenish-brown soup with an herb garnish in a bowl surrounded by a halved lemon, green cardamom pods, and bay leaves, followed by a close-up of the same soup. End ID]
شوربة الفريكة / Shorabat al-frika (Green wheat soup)
Frika (فَرِيكَة or فَرِيك; also transliterated "freekeh," "frikeh," or "farik"‎) is durum wheat harvested in the early spring, while the grain is green, unripe, and tender. Durum wheat, or semolina, is a different species of wheat than that which is ground to produce all-purpose flour (common wheat, or bread wheat); it is used to make couscous (كُسْكُس), bulghur (بلغور), and many types of pasta, and is widely consumed in North Africa, the Levant, and the Arabian peninsula. After harvest, unripe durum is sun-dried and then set ablaze in piles to burn off the straw and leave just the heads of wheat, resulting in a nutty, smoky flavor; the heads are then vigorously rubbed, traditionally by hand, to remove the bran. Frika is named after this last process; the word comes from the verb "فَرَكَ" "faraka," "to rub."
A staple in Palestine, shorabat al-frika (with diacritics, Levantine pronunciation: شُورَبَة الفْرِيكَة) is often eaten as an appetizer with the fast-breaking meal during Ramadan. It may contain nothing more than an onion, olive oil, frika, and water, but sometimes contains meat (usually chicken, but also beef or lamb), green chili peppers, and spices including cardamom, black pepper, bay leaves, turmeric, cumin, and seb'a baharat; some people today like to add chickpeas. Shorabat al-frika is often prepared with the chicken broth obtained by boiling chicken to make musakhkhan (مُسَخَّن), and served alongside it. It is a warming, filling, and earthy soup, with a complexity of flavor imparted by the frika itself: a fresh tartness due to the unripe grain, and a roasted aroma due to its harvesting process.
Shorabat al-frika is in keeping with a Palestinian food ethos of using simple, local ingredients to their fullest potential. Frika itself is sometimes thought to symbolize adaptability and resilience, as it was often eaten in times of scarcity when other crops were not yet ready to be harvested. Legend holds that it was discovered in a time of similar necessity: when villagers in the eastern Mediterannean tried to salvage a field of wheat that had been burned by ambushing soldiers, they found that the grain was still edible beneath the blackened chaff, having been saved from the fire by its moisture.
Frika, due to its centuries as a staple in Palestine, has also come to symbolize acceptance, Palestinian history, and connection to the land and community. In the Palestinian diaspora and amongst internally displaced people in Palestine, food is conceived of as a form of connection to homeland across distance; continuing to make Palestinian food, and remembering or using baladi ("native," "from my country") varieties of grains, produce, and herbs, is a link to the land and an expression of the hope to return.
By the same token, though, frika has come to represent Palestinian displacement and "cultural obliteration," per Rana Abdulla. One of the ways in which Israel rhetorically justifies its existence is by claiming sole ownership of an old, organically arising culture rooted in the land: the easiest way to do this is, of course, to rebrand what was already there. Food connects and combines language (in terminology and pronunciation), culture, history, climate, and land into one web of discourses, and is therefore a prime site for colonial myth-making and ideological nation-building. Thus a construction such as "Israeli freekeh" is, in fact, an intensely political one.
Nevertheless, frika continues its life as a symbol of connection, community, and resistance during adversity in Palestine. Nasser Abufarha, of the Palestine Fair Trade Association, noted in 2015 that more and more Palestinians across the West Bank were harvesting some of their wheat early to make frika, rather than relying on cheaper, imported rice. As of October 23 2023, and in defiance of an Israeli air raid which destroyed their kitchen in 2014, Jamil Abu Assi and his cousins were using frika, alongside lentils and rice, as staples in distributing food to thousands of refugees per day in Bani Suhaila, near Khan Younis. Others in the community donated ingredients or volunteered to distribute meals.
Support Palestinian resistance by contributing to Palestine Action's bail fund or to Palestine Legal's defence fund, or by attending court or making a sign to support the Elbit Eight.
1 cup (170g) frika baladia (فريكة بلدية), Levantine frika
4 cups water, or vegetarian chicken stock from concentrate
1 large yellow onion, chopped
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 green chili pepper (فلفل أخضر حار), sliced (optional)
1/2 tsp ground black pepper (فلفل اسود)
5 cardamom pods (حب هال)
2 Mediterannean bay leaves (ورق غار)
250g chicken (or beef) substitute, torn or cubed (optional)
Salt, to taste
Parsley, to garnish
Halved lemon, to serve (optional)
I have kept the spices relatively simple, as most cooks do, to highlight the earthy end of the taste spectrum and to allow the flavor of the frika itself to come forward. Most people add at least cardamom and black pepper; many add bay leaves to this duo; turmeric is the next most common addition I have come across. I have seen a few people add cumin, coriander, or allspice.
Frika can be found in the grains section of your local halal grocery store (labelled "فريكة", “فريك" "freekeh" or "frikeh"). Look for something that specifies “roasted.”
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You may also be able to find frika at a speciality or health foods grocery store, but it might not have been fire-roasted as it is in the Levant. If your frika doesn't smell toasty, try roasting it in a dry pan on medium-heat for a few minutes until fragrant.
Frika may be found whole, cracked, or fine (نَاعِمَة‎ / na'ima). You may use any kind for this soup; most people use cracked or fine frika, because of its shorter cooking time. You can pulse whole frika a few times in a food processor or spice mill, until coarsely ground, if you prefer a fine texture but can't find fine frika.
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1. Heat olive oil in a large pot on medium. Add onion, a pinch of salt, cardamom pods, and bay leaves and fry, stirring occasionally, until the onion is golden brown.
2. Add the chili pepper and cook briefly until softened.
3. Add frika and black pepper and roast, stirring occasionally, for a few minutes until fragrant.
4. Add the water or stock and stir to combine. Bring to a fast simmer and cook, covered, about 50 minutes for whole frika and 20 minutes for ground, until fully cooked. Add additional water as necessary. The frika will still be chewy at the end of the cooking time.
5. Fry meat substitute of your choice in olive oil with salt, black pepper, and a optionally a pinch of Palestinian seven-spice, until browned. Add to soup and stir to combine. Taste the soup and add salt and more black pepper, if necessary.
6. Garnish with whole or chopped parsley and serve warm.
The meat is usually added to this soup just after the onions, and simmered along with the frika. You can do it this way if you like, but I have never found simmering to do the texture of meat substitutes any favors.
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estersky · 8 months
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ardethbayrulez · 1 year
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Farik and his wife
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lefiate-art · 2 years
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Started a Curse of Strahd campaign so it is now Nubeto time (‾◡◝)
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lunarthefrieschild · 2 years
-Conversation with lunar and y/n-
Y/n:Lunar! Come here! :D
Lunar:oh! Hey y/n!! How are you<3?
Y/n:I'm doing great thank you!
Lunar:that's great to hear:D
Flora:hey darling! You are here too?
Lunar:flora??Wow! I have no idea you guys are here too xD!
Farik:haha what a coincidence! Right Henry?:D
Henry:yeah I don't wanna met this garbage people-
Ofc except you y/n ;)
Y/n:oh thank u? :)
Lunar:where's Kimi and Zake anyway?
Flora:ohh! They just having some time together! Aren't that cute!? ❤
Lunar:yes ofc:0!
Y/n:btw lunar look at here!
One, two, three.. Smile! ~
Said cheese!
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Y/n:wow!! You look absolutely stunning<3!
Lunar:aww thank u dear!! 💞
Henry:I don't see any lights but I just see garbage here😒-
Lunar:shut up Henry.
-FULL PICTURE PHOTO! (second one Yess)-
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brattylikestoeat · 1 year
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vegehana-food · 2 years
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✿ フォーリコール | Fårikål ・ノルウェーの郷土料理。羊肉とキャベツを塩と黒コショウの味付けで煮込む家庭料理。日照時間も短くなり、気温も日中10度を少し越えるくらいのオスロではこれから体を温めるのに最適なお料理でもあります。 ・9月になるとどこの家庭でもラム肉を買い、Fårikålを作って、家族や友人とラムシチューを囲んで団らんします。また、レストランでも、Fårikålの郷土料理メニューが登場し、美味しいラムシチューに舌鼓をうちます。 ・9月の最終木曜日には、Fårikålの日もあるそうで、Fårikålを食べてお祝いするほど、Fårikålはノルウェー人にとって国民食となっております。
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stellarbit · 6 months
Tech's Calculations
This edges on NSFW, but only slightly. Lots of tension though 1.5k words
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You and Tech find yourselves alone on the Marauder. Little do you know Tech has been playing you like a fiddle.
I'm fixated on these men and probably going to be popping out little drabbles while I crawl out of my skin waiting for a new episode. Tech is my main man so he gets the first spotlight. Enjoyyyy
After the Batchers made a jealous fuss about your ties with the 501st legion, you honestly didn’t expect much to change. At most you’d continue to gradually get closer.
That was not the case.
Whatever illusion you had of their physical boundaries vanished within a rotation. How you overlooked their constant intrusion of each other’s personal space, you’d never know. Wrecker tended towards ‘love taps,’ if you could even call them that with how hard he hit. Hunter started herding you around with his hands whenever he deemed necessary. Crosshair maintained the most distance, but his getting in your space for teasing snide remarks was on the rise. Out of all of them, Echo changed the least.
You knew Echo the longest, credited to your shared history with the 501st, and were the most at ease with. He felt more brotherly than the others and made a habit of being the one to tend your wounds or adjust armor you couldn’t reach. 
The most changed with Tech. At least on your part. His straightforward approach to things had him moving on impulse. He always pushed you out of the way or reached over you to grab something or make adjustments, his focus more on the task at hand than personal space. On occasion he fully leaned over you, hand on one shoulder and draped over your other to move for you. It happened once when you failed to activate a safety device while piloting. Another time as you were tweaking your blaster in an ‘ill advised and inefficient manner’ as Tech put it. And, most often, as you played dejarik.
Generally, you managed to keep your cool when the boys got in your space. It proved more difficult with Tech. With his observational skills it didn’t go unnoticed.
Tech noticed changes. He was fixated from your initial, and colorful, reaction to his touch. He found himself instigating you, seeing what interactions elicited what physical reactions to you. While reaching over you to activate the Marauder’s safety device, he purposely pressed into you to see your behavioral and physiological reactions up close.
Tech took note of the absent blush, the momentary hitch in your breathing, and, most interestingly, the way your legs squeezed together. Each time, he found himself struggling to suppress the urge to use his hands to provoke even more reactions, torn between his growing attraction and his analytical restraint. 
Between missions, and especially when you were bunked directly across from him in the Marauder, he found himself replaying those little moments and wondering what was next to test.
The perfect opportunity came when a section of your armor’s thigh plate cracked off. Echo, Hunter, and Wrecker were off ship wrapping up your current mission. Leaving you and Tech to prep Marauder and prepare for any emergency pick ups.
Your thigh plate wasn’t just chipped; it had bent inwards and stubbornly refused release. As someone who had taken to armor begrudgingly after joining the Batch, you despised every moment spent in it. Being a Jedi trained in cloth, the weight and restriction of armor grated on your nerves.
“Dank farik!” You hissed as you lost purchase on the thigh plate once more.
Echo was nowhere to assist, allowing Tech his chance.
“At the angle it is bent, the anchoring device will need to be disassembled in order to remove your plate,” he stated matter-of-factly, wasting no time in gathering the necessary tools for the job. “An easy and swift task for me.” From the corner of his eye he caught you defeatedly drop your head
Perched on the lowest cot, you sat with your elbows resting on your knees, leaving just enough space for Tech to maneuver between them. As he slid into the gap, your legs instinctively attempted to close, inadvertently squeezing around Tech's torso. You let out a nervous laugh, "Didn’t mean to crush you there, sorry."
Recognizing the need for caution, Tech responded calmly, "Your thighs are not capable of exerting enough force to crush me. I am fine." He met your gaze, his expression conveying both reassurance and a hint of uncertainty. "Close contact is necessary for me to access the anchoring device. Please inform me if you feel uncomfortable, and I will cease immediately." Despite his eagerness to proceed, Tech prioritized your comfort above all else, silently hoping for your consent to continue.
You blinked at him once, then twice, before closing your eyes and letting your head fall back. “Do what you need to do. Just get this thing off of me.” Your nonchalant response took Tech by surprise, unexpected based on your previous reactions to him.
With your eyes still closed, you leaned back against the cot, almost as if basking in the sun. Tech cautiously slid his gloved hand up your thigh plate, keenly observing for any sign of discomfort or hesitation from you. His thumb grazed your inner thigh, a touch that unexpectedly jolted you back to attention. Tech quickly averted his gaze back to the task at hand, pretending not to notice your reaction.
Pressing his thumb into your thigh to gain better access to the jammed anchor, Tech meticulously worked on dismantling the piece. As his thumb smoothed over your thigh, gradually moving higher, you couldn't help but twitch involuntarily. Sensing your reaction, Tech glanced up, adjusting his thumb ever so slightly. “Are you alright?” he inquired, noting the pink splotches creeping up your throat.
You sat up a little more, really looking at Tech and taking in the sight of him between your legs. Between your legs with a finger inches from the apex of your thighs. Watching a second longer, a thought occurred to you. He knows exactly what he’s doing and he’s doing it on purpose.
Deciding to play along, you flashed him a reassuring smile. “Sure am.” You hummed, spreading your legs slightly wider. “All yours, Tech.” He didn’t continue immediately, but kept his eyes on you. You pushed a little more. “Unless you’re stuck on what to do next.”
Tech didn’t break eye contact as he lowered the spanner and pressed his thumb into your thigh once more. His action elicited a new reaction from you—you bit your lip. “I apologize if that is sensitive,” Tech said, his voice laced with more amusement than usual, as he continued his work.
Tech's gaze remained fixated on you, carefully noting every detail of the interaction. With a calculated ease, he maneuvered his hand between your thigh and the armor, deftly releasing the plate. As his hand flattened against your leg, he proceeded methodically, sliding his hand down inch by inch to slide the thigh plate off.
Even after the task was completed, Tech lingered, his hands remaining in place. There was a brief pause between you two until you brought your legs back together to close in on him.
"Is this how Echo typically removes your armor?" Tech inquired in a low breath.
You managed a breathy, "No."
In response, Tech adjusted his grip, his lower hand now circling to the back of your thigh while the other lightly gripped your inner thigh. A shiver ran through you, accompanied by a soft sound escaping your lips.
"Is this how you typically react to Echo touching you?" Tech's asked more confidently than before..
You leaned in closer, meeting his gaze. "What is your hypothesis?"
"I haven't observed you and Echo in such a position," Tech admitted. "Thus, I don't have enough factual data to accurately hypothesize. But my hope is that no, you do not. I think I'd like to be the only one you react to in this way."
An ache bloomed between your legs, just above his fingers. Your hips rock forward just enough that his teasing touch brushed onto your aching bits.
“Tech,” Hunter’s voice broke the silence but still neither of you moved. Tech’s hand remained in place. “Is the ship ready to go? We are inbound and ready to get off this force forsaken planet.
Before Tech moved his hand, you leaned forward to activate the comm for him and bring your face within inches of his.
“Everything is in order.” A subtle crack in Tech’s usually composed demeanor was evident as he responded, “Ready when you are.”
You released the comm at the same time Tech pressed his hand into you and you hissed at the sweet pressure. His eyes widened slightly and in an awe struck voice he said, “Fascinating.” With that he pulled away and stood, leaving you aching even more.
“It would not be ideal to be discovered in this position.” He extended a hand to help you stand. “Although, I look forward to finding myself in such a position in the near future.”
You accepted his hand, but as he assisted you to your feet, you couldn't resist pulling him closer. “All this time, I thought you were oblivious.”
Tech rolled his eyes, a hint of amusement dancing through them. “Obliviousness is not a characteristic I possess,” he countered, his gaze unwavering. “Every action I take is deliberate.”
“Noted.” You reached up and quickly pinched his cheek. “For the record, I too look forward to finding you in such a position in the near future.”
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lady-djarin · 1 year
yes sir
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din djarin x f!reader (drabble)
warnings: pure smut, semi-brat tamer din, outdoor sex, spanking, some degradation, teasing, p in v unprotected sex (wrap your willies!) 18+ minors dni GO CHILDREN GET OUT
word count: 1.8k
a/n: just a short drabble… tbh sometimes i hate writing the end of a smut story, i never know what to do lol. i just really wanted to write brat tamer shit with din, enjoy my lovelies!
* 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Three days. You had been hunting this quarry for three days, non-stop. you were tired, covered in sweat and dirt and not happy. The tropical landscape normally would have been your cup of tea, if you had a large cup of spotchka instead of chasing a madman through the forest. You and your Mandalorian companion were growing impatient with this hunt but the bounty was large enough to make it worth it. He was wanted for trying to blow up a government building on Coruscant and multiple accounts of aggravated assault; clearly a gnarly guy. You knew he was no match for the two of you.
You two worked like a well oiled machine, complimenting each other in perfect harmony. He was the big strong brute force and you were the sly and stealthy one. You were both smart that’s for sure and that’s why this case was particularly frustrating. On the third day, the sky decided to open up and pour down on you as if you didn’t have enough issues. You both groaned at the first droplet, knowing what was coming your way. Almost as soon as the first drop hit your head, the next thousand rained down all at once you both quickly ducked into a cave nearby, just deep enough to shelter both your bodies from the downpour.
“Dank Farik…” The large man slumped down on the wall of the cave, a small thunk from his helmet hitting the stone. You did the same on the opposite side, your legs touching in the small space. “We just can't catch a break.”
“Maybe if you stopped picking the hardest bounties we could actually get some of them done…,” you mumbled, only slightly to yourself.
“Me? You’re the one who suggested we follow behind and stay quiet instead of just jumping his ass in the first place!” You were both exhausted, and you knew it, but that didn't stop you both from getting in each other's faces. It's normally very civil between you both, some slight disagreements but nothing serious. You could recognise the anger bubbling up in your gut but didn't have the energy to stop yourself.
“Maker forbid I have any input! You're always the one deciding what we do and where we go next! Fuck, I’m so tired of it…” You got up and paced across the entrance to the cave, like a lothcat behind bars. Running your hands over your face you could tell the Mandalorian got up to meet you. He was on you in a second.
“If you’re complaining, I can leave you on this fucking planet for all I care!” Mando never curses, like ever. You knew he was pissed, especially the way his voice tore through the modulator and he was backing you against the stone wall.
“Maybe you should!” The air suddenly became wired, a tension running between you two. You were both breathing heavily, you could see it fogging his visor this close. The anger burned in your blood, so why was the only thing you could focus on the sudden need to have him touch you. Your body screamed for his hands to roam your skin, wishing his hand was around your neck. You were ashamed to say that this was actually turning you on.
“Don't try me, sweetheart,” his voice was a low rumble that you felt in your chest. Just as he went to turn away from you, you shook your head as you sarcastically rolled your eyes.
“Yes sir.”
He paused, his heart stopping as he smirks under his helmet. Sir? Why did he like hearing that so much from you? You had always been a little bit of a smart mouth but ‘Sir’? He never thought he would love one word so much.
“What?” He stepped even closer, pressed up against you entirely. “What did you say?”
“I said… ‘yes sir’,” you knew exactly what you did, but didn’t know if it would actually work, until now. He didn’t say anything for a moment, just tilted his helmet at you, pinning you down with his gaze. You started to worry that he might have taken it the wrong way but when his hand grazed up your arm, you knew you read him right. You had a feeling he felt the same as you but didn’t know for sure until now. Before you could even think, his large hand wrapped around your throat, just tight enough to make your head spin. Finally, the tension was broken and you smiled against his helmet.
“You're such a brat, you know that,” you smiled wider, knowing what was coming. “Am I going to have to teach you a lesson?” You felt your heart drum in your chest and your core clenched around nothing.
“Maybe…” The end of the word was strangled by his palm pressing on your vocal cords. The seams in the leather gloves were pressing deliciously into your delicate skin, somehow turning you on more.
Suddenly you were spun around, your hands flying out to keep you from colliding with the cave wall. His hands disappeared from your body for only a second before one returned to the back of your neck, and they were his bare hands.
“Unbutton your pants…now,” his voice was something you had never heard before, something almost scary. You did as he instructed, practically ripping the button and zipper off. Before you could push them down, Mando tore them down over your ass along with your underwear, the cold air causing you to jump. You thought that was as shocking as it would get but maker, were you wrong. Before your mind could register anything else, a loud crack split the air as his hand came down on your ass cheek. You shrieked in response, a sting left behind along with no doubt a large red mark in the shape of his hand. “You like that? Hmm? Like when I spank you for being a brat?”
Another slap. You were dripping, your slick coating your inner thighs as his hand came down on your ass another time. The hand around your neck was tightening with every spank. How could this man already read you like an open book, how could he know your every desire? Your brain was trying to think but all your body could focus on was the low grumble of his voice as he started to roam his hands over your soft skin, his fingers starting to trail up your inner thighs. Mando used his boot to kick open your legs, spreading them without having to ask. You moaned softly as he pushed on your upper back, bending you over as you were on full display for him.
“Mmm, look at you, so easy for me.” You were almost ashamed of yourself at how easily you followed his command, considering how much you fought him in every other aspect of your partnership. You were putty in his hands now, and he knew it. He reveled in the feeling of you relinquishing control to him, knowing that you were completely his in this moment. “You're so pretty when you listen, so obedient.” You were trying hard not to mewl at every word he said but for a man of few words, you wish he never stopped talking.
His fingers were grazing every part of you except where you wanted him most. You tried to rock against his hand when he got close to your clit, but never close enough to build any friction. You grew frustrated after not receiving enough attention on your clit, your legs already beginning to shake.
“M-Mando, please, just to-touch me,” you were trying not to sound too pathetic but the way he was teasing you, that was becoming harder.
“I like you begging for me.” Another loud smack on your ass earning a squeak from you. When all that came from you was a moan, his hand came down on your reddening skin again. “Do you want me to touch you?”
“Yes! Maker, please just– please, I need more,” you begged, begged for just one touch. Like magic, his fingers found your dripping center and circled your bundle of nerves. Your whole body sagged at the releaf, pleasure spreading in your veins like fire. He moaned, moaned, at seeing you respond to him and your slick on his bare fingers. He could tell that he was going to lose control soon, getting lost in the feeling of you. “Mmm, Man-Mando, more… I need more,” you whined again, hoping to get him to relent.
“Fuck– I can’t wait to be inside you,” you heard the sound of his zipper being opened and your whole body burned with excitement. You felt the large man shift behind you, his hands gripping your hips to keep you in place. “You want me so bad? Fine, I’ll give you what you want, but I want you to scream my name.”
“Yes Mando please, wha-whatever you want,” you were a stuttering mess, the only thing on your mind was finally feeling him inside you.
“No,” he stopped himself for a moment with his tip lined up with your entrance. “Din. My name is Din.”
His name. He gave you his name, his real name. You felt your head swim and your heart ache. Not only was he giving you your deepest desire but he was giving you a part of him.
“Din,” you liked the taste of his name. “I need you.”
A low grunt escaped his chest as he thrusted his hips forward, sheathing himself fully inside you. You both froze, the feeling so incredible and new, it felt like your world was turning on its axis. You had waited so long to know what he felt like, what he would fuck like. He was certainly not small, he was filling you up like you had never felt before. Once he adjusted to the feeling, he started moving his hips slowly before snapping them into your ass. The metal covering his thighs hit the back of yours and the cold bite of the feeling brought to your attention that he was still fully clothed and a helmet on his head. It felt almost wrong how much you loved it all; his roughness, the contrast in clothing and this all happening basically out in the open.
Your hands were barely holding you upright against the cave wall as he pounded into you. His length hit that perfect spot inside you every time he moved, causing the coil in your lower stomach to tighten again. Your knees began to shake, almost buckling under the pleasure of Din’s motions. As you started to slide down the wall, Din wrapped his arms around your body holding you tight to his chest, never ceasing to hammer into you.
“All this time… this is what you needed? Huh? This is all it took to get rid of that attitude? You fucking brat.”
You couldn’t even respond, you were done for.
“Use your words…”
“Y—yes…yes sir.”
You were sure that if anyone was in those woods, they heard both of your screams.
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 2 years
me every time I see Din doing his actual job: dank farik I got fooled by the cute baby again he's actually a villain
me when I see him with the baby again probably: awww
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anar-abasow · 8 months
Bəzən dünyanı dəyişmək üçün bir gülüş də kifayətdir
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yalnzardc · 10 months
Ahzab sr. : Medinede nazil olmuştur. 73 ayettir.
Handek savaşında birçok düşman grupları gelip müslümanlara karşı cephe almışlardı. O savaşa "Ahzab" savaşı denilmiştir. Bu mübarek süre de o gazveye ait âyetleri içine aldığı için buna "Ahzab Süresi" ünvanı verilmiştir.
9. Ey iman edenler!. Allah'ın üzerinize olan nimetini hatırlayınız. O vakit ki, size düşmanlarınız tarafından ordular gelmişti. Biz de onların üzerlerine hemen bir rüzgâr ve sizin görmediğiniz ordular göndermiştik. Ve Allah ne yapar olduğunuzu görüyordu.
9 - Ahzab denilen Kureyş. Gatfan kabilelerinden ve Kureyze ve Nadir Yahudilerinden meydana gelen on iki bin kadar düşman erleri Medine-i Münevvere civarına yaklaşmışlardı. Bundan haberdar olan Peygamber Efendimiz, Selmani Farisinin işareti üzerine Medine-i Münevvere'nin önünde büyük bir hendek kazdırmıştı ve üçbin kadar İslam mücahidi ile hendek muha- faza altına alınmıştı, düşman da hendek kenarına gelmişti. Bu sırada idi ki, büyük bir rüzgâr eserek düşman kuvvetlerini tarumar etti.
§ Hendek savaşı: Hicretin beşinci senesi meydana gelmiştir. Şöyle ki: Kureyş taifesi Yahudilerin teşvikiyle bir takım kabileleri ittifakları içine alarak onbin kişiden fazla bir kuvvetle Medine-i Münevvere'ye doğru hareket etmek istediler. Bundan haberdar olan Resûl-i Ekrem, Sallallahu Aleyhi Vesellem Efendimiz, Eshab-ı Kiramı ile istişarede bulundu, Selmanı Farisi Hazretlerinin tavsiyesi üzerine Medine-i Münevvere'nin düşmaların gelecekleri tarafına iki hafta içindebir hendek kazdılar, savunma vaziyeti aldılar. İşte bu esnada Yüce Peygamber Efendimiz ümmetinin birçok yerleri fethe muvaffak olacaklarını eshab-ı kiramına müjdelemişti.
Bu muhasara onbeş gün devam etmişti, sonra şiddetli bir fırtına çıkmış, artık düşman orduları perişan bir halde kalıp dağılmışlardı. Bu ordu birçok kabilelerden oluşmuştu. Necd bölgesindeki Gatían, Beni Süleym, Beni Esed ve Eşça' kabilleri, Beni Nadir ve Beni Kureyze Yahudileri de bu cümledendir.
§ Resül-i Ekrem'in ahirete irtihali zamanına kadar nikahı altında bulunan dokuz muhterem eşleri şunlardır:
(1): Hz. Aişe Binti Ebi Bekr.
(2): Hafza Binti Ömeril Farik.
(3): Ümmi Habibe Binti Ebi Selyan.
(4): Ümmü Selem Binti Ebi Ümeyye.
(5): Sevde Binti Zem'a.
(6): Zeynep Binti Cehş.
(7): Meymune Bintül' Haris.
(8): Cüveyre Bintü'l Haris.
(9): Vasfiyye Binti Huyey.
Resûl-i Ekrem'in ilk eşi olan Hz. Hatice ile Zeyneb binti Huzeyme adındaki muhterem diğer bir eşi ise Hz. Peygamber'in irtihalinden evvel vefat etmişlerdir. Allah onlardan razı olsun
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estersky · 5 months
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Farik in black
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ardethbayrulez · 1 year
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Sleeper Cell - S1 E2- TARGET
Oded Fehr as Farik
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lefiate-art · 2 years
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Wanted to draw some Halloween art of my girl!! I liked the greyscale version too much so I wanted to include it too with the gradient map version lol
The dress she’s wearing is this one!
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lunarthefrieschild · 2 years
How they met?
•The purple hair girl name is flora!
Her job is modelling, acting and being a vlogger!
She really loves fashion also loves her friend!
She likes a guy named Kyle (aka lunar step brother,kyle.xD)
She is still in a college.
She has a fanboy and fangirl.
Very famous girl yeah! (A billionaire ofc 😰)
Flora first met with lunar is when her teacher was choosing which dorm partner they going to be with and she got lunar! After that she became her close friend<3 (not the best explanation but I hope u understand!)
•The yellow hair girl name is Kimi!
She was lunar first female friend!!
Kimi is just an average girl.
But her life was really great she say!
She was really close with lunar!
She has a boyfriend named zake!they had a great relationship <3
Kimi first met with lunar is when lunar first came to that university and she ask lunar to become friends because she really thought she was cool<3💖
•The black hair boy name is Henry!
He was lunar VERY FIRST best friend!
Lunar know him since he was a child!
So they are a very close friend:3
Well but he really loves to scold lunar for everything she do and so does lunar now 😚
They relationship is like bestfrienemis (best friend but also enemies? 😂)
He was very confident with himself and he was not really interested in his old self he said he's past didn't have a great style.
He doesn't get along with flora he act like bestfrienemis to her too😀
He's first met with lunar is when she was a child playing in a dirt while it was raining!he was a rich kid okay?but he used his money just for important things! He's not a millionaire or smth but he just rich.when he see lunar playing in the puddle he thought that it was amazing! He really wanted to play it too! He's not acting like his grown up because when he was a child his kinda cheerful! And ofc lunar feels like someone staring at her so she thought like "he looks like a cool friend:0! " and she ask him to play with her too! He was at first nervous and thinks it awkward because he never did that!
But after that he still joining it tho and became her friends! A very close one<)
•The light blue hair guy name is farik!
He's a very nice, gentle and cheerful guy!
He was Henry assistant lol!
Why I say that? Because he literally agrees whatever Henry do even though if it's wrong! He was really close with Henry I said:)
Farik crush is flora!
He really thinks flora is so cooooool!
But whenever there's Henry around he going to agrees what Henry say that mean when Henry say flora looks ugly he agrees! But everyone knows he's lying! Look at that innocent guy no way he could say such a mean thing right!?
He's first met with lunar is when Henry introduced her to him and he get really close to her!
When he feels sad or something he would came crying to his dear friend! And that is henry and lunar he never cried to other people!
•)The dark blue haired guy name is zake!
He really loves kimi!
Kimi is his girlfriend:3
Zake really appreciate when someone help him so he would love to became their friends and get closed to them!
Zake first met with lunar is when Kimi introduced her to him!
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