#farm animals make wonderful presents obviously
mistriavalley · 9 days
Hayden has a crush on you
Gender neutral
TW: none
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I feel like he's the type of person who doesn't realize that he has a crush. For the longest time he simply thinks that he's really and deeply respecting you for your hard work
I mean who wouldn't? You're volunteering to rebuild a town you've never been to with people you've never met. You take on these difficult tasks as if they're nothing while taking care of your crops and animals. Oh and how wonderful you treat those chickens and cows. Hayden can't seem to shut up about it
He'd be sitting at the bar basically swooning over how kind and brave you are while Hemlock is trying his best to explain the obvious to him
"Of course I don't have feelings for the new farmer! I just wanted to suggest to them that we could have our animals spend time together while we watch them and drink tea."
"So like a date?"
"This does sound like a date."
And that's when he realizes that he desperately wants it to be a date too
Every single day afterwards Hayden seems to pay you a visit at the farm and offering his help with various things
"No, let me carry that for you!"
"Oh, I can help you deliver your crops to Holt!"
"Would it be alright for me to feed your chickens with you?"
And he never leaves his house without a present for you. Sometimes it's his own fresh produce and other times it's a hot cup of tea that he wants to share with you
Finally seeing and accepting his feelings for you flipped a switch inside this man. Now he has this strong urge to be with you at all times and make your responsibilities as easy for you as he possibly can
And this wonderful, tall snack of a man isn't one to hide his crush. He wants you to know almost immediately and isn't scared of rejection as long as you two can still stay good friends afterwards
So what he does is pay Celine a visit for advice. He wants to arrange a custom made bouquet with flowers handpicked by him, because HE IS JUST THAT AMAZING OKAY?! HE WANTS IT TO HAVE A SPECIAL MEANING
Hayden plans to hand it to you early in the morning, because he simply can't wait any longer, but he doesn't leave the farm without getting a peptalk from Henrietta
And there he stands at your door. A wide grin on his handsome face and a light blush around his cheeks
It takes everything in him not to shout his confession at you. That's how excited he is
If you reject him then he will take it cool. Obviously he will be very disappointed, but won't make a fuss about it. At least he tried!
But if you say yes...man oh man. The whole town will know by noon and he'd be so filled with excitement that he could run several laps around his farm
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shinsorokiri · 2 years
The Rockstar and The Farmer
Sam x Reader
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: language, spoilers for Jodi’s heart event, mutual pining, Sam being chaotically smooth
A/N: Yes I’m aware I said I’d hopefully have part two up by the end of the week, yes I am aware it is like three weeks later, everybody makes mistakes and I make big ones frequently. Part 3 will be out eventually, I promise. That being said, enjoy this very late posting of part 2! :)
part [1] 2 [3?]
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“Seb, Abigail, and I are gonna unload our gear, so I’ll see you in like… an hour? Or so?” You nod. “Yeah, see you then,” you say, getting up and off the bus. 
You walk back to your farm, being welcomed by your animals almost immediately. You go check up on them and make sure they’re all happy and okay before going inside your house to grab the fish you put on ice for Jodi. You check the clock and see that it took you a decent amount of time to check your animals and decide to start walking over now. You take your time, taking the scenic route and waving to Leah as you pass by her home. You check your watch, making sure
You knock on the door before letting yourself in. “Jodi?” you call out, and she dashes out from the kitchen. “Ah, I’m so glad you came, (Y/n)! And you brought the fish! Wonderful,” she exclaims, and you hurry over to her, handing her the fish. You begin to take it out of the cooler you brought it in while Jodi turns slightly towards the hallway that leads to her two sons’ rooms. “Sam! Could you come in here and help clean this fish?” You hear a pause before Sam’s voice responds, quieter than usual but loud enough for his mom to hear, though you don’t know if she picks up on the subtle annoyance in his tone. “Yes, ma’am.” You hear footsteps and the familiar creak of his bedroom door opening while you take the fish out of the cooler and hold it in your hands, presenting it to Jodi. “Wow, it looks wonderful… and it smells so fresh!” she takes it out of your hands and into hers before smiling at you, “Thanks so much for doing this, (Y/n).”
“No problem, I can help you with cleaning the fish, too, if you’d like,” you offer, and Sam’s eyes light up. “Yes!”
“No!” Jodi and Sam look at each other, and she sighs. “Sam… (Y/n) is our guest, we can’t make them help clean the food they came here to eat.” Sam frowns, disappointed that he’s going to have to gut and clean this fish with his mom instead of his crush best friend. You feel a tinge of disappointment as well, and before you even process, you’re speaking, you blurt out, “Oh no it’s fine! You were kind enough to invite me tonight so the least I can do is help you prepare the meal! Besides, I’ve gotten pretty good at gutting fish, I bet I could teach Sam here a thing or two.” Sam raises his eyebrow at you, obviously amused. “Who said I need someone to teach me?”
“Me, Sam. I know you, and you always need someone to teach you,” you tease, and he rolls his eyes, but the smile on his face gives him away. Jodi watches, her own smile spreading when she seemingly changes her mind. “Oh, fine. You two clean the fish, and I’ll get some sides and all the other ingredients ready, okay?”
“Okay, Jodi,” you say, as Sam takes this fish from his mom, and you follow him into the kitchen. “I have been gutting fish ever since we moved here, farmer, let me show you a thing or two,” he brags and you giggle, rolling your eyes. “Please, Sam. Show me everything I already know.”
“Hey now, did you know that you can do this?” Sam begins to cut into the fish when the knife slips and falls to the floor. You both jump out of the way, and Sam quickly wraps his arms around you, pulling you back to make sure you’d stay safe. You ignore the fuzzy feeling that spreads through your chest and giggle. “No, Sam, I actually didn’t know I could gut the floor while simultaneously gutting a fish,” you joke, and his face turns bright red. “My hands got all slimy from the fish!”
“Yeah. Mhm, okay,” you laugh, bending over to pick up the knife and walking over to the sink to wash it off. “I’m being serious I am so good at gutting these guys,” he whines as you walk over to him and the fish, drying the knife off. You grin at him. “I believe you, but… maybe I should hold the knife,” you tease, standing in front of the fish and getting ready to cut into it. He sighs. “Fine, but I can still show you my tips and tricks… here,” he says, wrapping his arms around you from the back and holding onto your hand with his. You’re grateful that you’re facing the opposite way from him so he can’t see your dopy grin, but Jodi sees it. You and Sam interacting had always put a smile on her face, but especially now. She was excited to see what might come from all this subtle flirting going on between the two of you. And she’d be lying if she said she didn’t find herself encouraging this subtle flirting. She never thought she’d enjoy watching her son gut a fish this much.
With your help, you and Sam managed to gut the largemouth bass in record time, and Jodi shooed the two of you out of the kitchen so she could cook. “Come on, I have a new song idea and want you to hear it, we should have enough time until the casserole is ready,” Sam says, grabbing your hand and pulling you to his room. You feel your face heat up as Sam’s hand effortlessly intertwines with yours, and smile because you’re about to hear a new Sam original. “Can’t wait to hear Goblin Destroyer perform this one at their next show, you grin, and he chuckles a bit. He let’s go of your hand and scratches his neck. “Well, actually, this is more of a song for me…” he lets you know, quickly turning around and inaudibly mumbling, “and someone else…” You take your seat on his bed, pulling your knees up to your chest and resting your face on your knees. You grin at him as he picks up his guitar and turns to you. He begins to strum his guitar and opens his mouth, getting ready to sing, when suddenly there’s a knock at his door. A tiny little knock. You and Sam glance at each other and he smiles apologetically. “Looks like I’ll have to show you the song after dinner, then,” he places the guitar back on it’s stand and opens the door. “(Y/N)!” Vince yells, running in and hopping up onto Sam’s bed and giving you a hug. You laugh and hug him back. “Hi, Vince!”
Sam stands by his door, leaning against the wall, observing the way you interact with his younger brother. He grins softly. He’d be lying if he said it didn’t warm his heart to know that Vincent loved you almost as much as him. Almost. He realizes that his eyes go from focusing on you and Vince to just you. He’d been trying to make more subtle moves to hint at his interest in you recently, and he’s really hoping that you’ve been picking up on it. But for some reason, it’s getting increasingly harder for him to not just straight up confess to you. In fact, he has a letter telling you to meet him at 8 in front of his house all written up and in his jeans pocket right now. Of course, he’s nervous about how you’ll react, but he really just wants to be able to wrap his arms around you all the time and keep you close to him. He wants to be able to refer to you as his partner with Sam and Abigail and actually mean it. He wants the rest of the people in Pelican Town to know that the farmer who moved here is a part of the community just as much as he is. He just wants you—
“Why are you staring at us like that?” Vince's little voice pulls Sam out of his trance and his eyes widen. “I wasn’t staring.”
“Yes, you were.”
“Was not.”
“Was too.”
“Was no—”
“OKAY! DINNER’S READY EVERYONE!” Jodi yells, cutting the brothers off. You chuckle, watching Vince immediately run out to get food. You look over at Sam, whose face is still red, by the way, and get up off his bed. You walk over to him and tug on the sleeve of his jean jacket. “Come on, rockstar. Let’s go eat.” He grins slightly and follows you out to eh kitchen, sitting next to you. Dinner tastes great, you immediately start asking Jodi a ton of questions about the recipe, which she happily answers and agrees to write it down for you. You already have your mind swimming with ideas to add ingredients that might add more flavor or give the dish a new spin. You almost feel like a part of the family. It ends too soon, though, and before you know it, you’re yawning up a storm. “Oh, (Y/n), you must be tired. You did a lot of running around today,” Jodi mentions, and you wave your hand, shaking your head. “I’m fine, I promise, but it is about time I should head out. I need to go make sure all the animals are all snug and safe,” you say, standing up. “Let me help you clean the table first,” you say, starting to grab your plates. “No, don’t be silly! I can handle that. Sam, why don’t you walk (Y/n) home?” Jodi suggests and Vince jumps up. “Can I go?!”
“No, Vinny, you’re staying here. It’s nearly your bedtime,” Jodi says, and Vince whines. You give him a goodbye hug and make your way to the front door, putting your shoes on. “I’ll see you tomorrow! Thank you so much for the delicious meal!” you yell as you walk out of the house, Sam closing the door behind the two of you. Although it’s summer, it’s a very chilly night. And silly you, you left our jacket at your farm. You shiver slightly, and Sam notices. “Here,” he shrugs his jean jacket off, wrapping it around your shoulders. “Oh, no, Sam I’ll be fine—”
“No, no, no, you’re cold, you’re wearing it,” he insists, and you smile softly to yourself. “Thanks.”
“No problem, (Y/n/n).” The two of you walk past Marnie’s ranch, and you watch as fireflies light up the night. “Today was fun,” you say, and Sam nods. “So fun. Thanks again for coming to my show… and for coming to dinner… and helping me gut that fish and not my foot,” he says, causing you to giggle. “Of course. You know I’ll always be at your gigs. Oh! Speaking of you didn’t play me that song!” you exclaim, halting and turning to him. He lets out a small laugh. “That’s okay. I’ll show you another time. You wake up at like 5 in the morning and it’s almost 10:30. I’d rather get you home and in bed,” he says, grabbing your arm and pulling you to walk again. “Aw, so thoughtful,” you tease, before yawning again. “Mhm, and you said you weren’t tired.”
“I’m just used to being tired, comes with the farm.”
“Maybe you should sleep in a little later? Take a nap during the day?”
“Can’t,” you shake your head, “if I’m not caring for the animals, I’m planting crops, and if I’m not planting crops, I’m in the mines, and if I’m not in the mines, I’m fishing, and if I’m not fishing—”
“You’re taking care of the animals… I know. I guess I just worry about you sometimes. You do a lot, you deserve a break,” he shrugs, and you sheepishly grin, looking down at your feet. He’s right, you do overexert yourself. But you have to fix up the Community Center before that idiot Lewis sells it to Joja. You know you have to move quick. “Well once I have the best farm in Pelican Town, I’ll rest,” you say, and Sam rolls his eyes. “(Y/n/n), you already have the best farm in Pelican Town. You’re the farm of Pelican Town,” he says, and you shrug. “Can always be better.”
“I swear one of these days I’m gonna force you to lay down and do nothing all day long. Mark my words.”
“Words marked. I’d like to see you try though,” you say, and he scoffs. “Oh, I won’t just try, I will succeed.” You giggle as you walk onto your land, passing by the little pond by your coop. “Mr. Quackers, if you don’t get inside the coop and stop swimming around so help me Yoba, I will only let you swim in a bucket,” you shout out to your duck, who quacks at you, but seemingly understands the threat. Sam laughs as he waddles into the coop, and you close the door that lets the birds out. None of your babies are getting eaten by anything tonight. Or ever, for that matter. “Mr. Quackers?”
“Yeah. He also responds shockingly well to just Quack. He knows I’m serious when I call him his legal name though,” you grin, and Sam shakes his head. “I can’t believe he actually listened to you.”
“I just have a way with my animals,” you brag, shutting the open barn door after seeing all your animals are safe and sound inside. You glance to where your stable is and see your horse asleep with your dog asleep next to her. “Well, looks like all my animals are accounted for. Thank you for walking me home, Sam,” you grin at him as you get to the front door of your little farmhouse. He grins back. “No problem. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, for sure… oh wait! Your jacket!” you start to shrug it off as he begins walking away. “Nah, it’s fine. I’ll see you tomorrow anyway. ‘Sides, it looks better on you,” he says, turning around and shooting a wink at you. You feel butterflies erupt in your stomach, and heat start spreading through your face all the way up to your ears. “I’ll get it to you tomorrow!”
“Or you can hold onto it for a bit, really, I don’t mind,” he insists, and you shake your head. But there’s no hiding the smile that breaks out across your face. “G’night, farmer!”
“Goodnight, rockstar,” you say, waving at him as he turns and begins walking home. You walk inside your home, your dog rushing past you when he hears the creaking of your door. You grin and lock your door for the night, slipping your shoes off. You’re about to take Sam’s jacket off when you stop. Maybe you’ll wear this to sleep in tonight. Just because you might as well get as much use out of it before returning it to him. Obviously. That’s a good reason to sleep in it. You change into your pajamas, before slipping the jacket back on and getting under your covers. You breathe in Sam’s cologne, noticing it’s more comforting than it usually is right now, and start drifting off. You don’t even hear your mailbox opening or notice your pup staring at the window for a moment before lying his head back down and falling asleep curled next to you. You fall asleep, with only one thought in your head. 
‘See you tomorrow, rockstar.’
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
i love your blog and everything you post! you are basically living my dream life, and i sometimes despair of ever achieving anything close to it myself. part of me wonders how you accomplished this feat of owning a small farm in the mountains and taking care of these animals (though you obviously don’t have to explain!) bc i’m not sure i’ll ever be in a position to buy property at all, much less enough land to live on in this way. anyway. my real question, if you’re willing to answer (or haven’t already somewhere i didn’t see!), is—does your farm produce? like, are you growing crops or maybe intend to sell llama fibre? or is it more of a hobby farm? (which is not a pejorative term, just in case anyone is unfamiliar with it! just means a farm that isn’t run for profit, essentially)
Hi, I’m glad you like this blog <3 I don’t mind questions, though I prefer to answer more personal ones privately (off-anon.) But as for your last question—I initially intended to use this land to start a small business, but unfortunately I moved here in mid-2019 and so I was planning on using my first year to get settled, look for local artisans etc. and then start construction work in the spring of 2020. Which turned out to be as we all know the ideal moment in history to embark on such an adventure. It was hard to get anything started in 2021 too, we were still having national lockdowns until almost halfway through the year and I couldn’t plan anything in advance as I didn’t know what the rest of the year would look like. Then this year with the Ukraine war and the huge increase in the price of just about everything + shortages of various materials it’s been difficult to plan for things / get things done as well (and I’ve had to revise my entire budget.)
So yeah I had exciting plans for this place (I even did a presentation at my region's Chamber of Commerce back in 2018, and had their support) but they got completely derailed by Current Events for the past three years, it's a bit discouraging. But we've all been having a hard time since 2020 haven't we, and I’m really lucky that I get to live here at all (and that I got to spend the lockdowns in a rural place.) I’m also glad I got my animals in my first year here; at least I have company as I wait to see how things will unfold ! Plus taking care of animals makes it hard to look at the past year and feel like you’ve accomplished nothing, because they would disagree.
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animebw · 1 year
Short Reflection: Vinland Saga Season 2
A sequel can do a lot of interesting things to the story it’s a part of. A great sequel can catapult an already good story into greatness. A bad sequel can squander whatever potential the first part was building up, or be so inconsequential that you can just pretend it doesn’t exist. But the hardest sequels to talk about are the ones that do an excellent job following up on what’s come before... yet still feel like a downgrade in ways so subtle you’re not quite sure if nostalgia is playing tricks on you or not. Did this series always have these flaws, you wonder, and you were just blind to them before? Or is something genuinely missing from this otherwise fantastic continuation that makes it feel less special than that initial entry? It’s a question I asked myself last year with the final season of Mob Psycho 100, a show that by any other metric would be a knockout success but couldn’t help but feel overshadowed by the seasons that came before. And now that same quandary presents itself to me with Vinland Saga, back after four years for another round of bloody historical viking combat and deep ruminations on the dangers of violence and hatred.
To make my position clear from the outset: I fucking love the first season of VInland Saga. It’s one of the best written, most achingly mature works of storytelling in anime, a beautiful exploration of the humanity behind violence, the people who perpetuate it and suffer it alike, and the complexities of people in a world far too willing to sort everyone into ally or enemy. It was potent, it was sincere, and it was achingly beautiful (at least when the production wasn’t driving itself into a ditch). It also had Askellad, one of my single favorite anime characters of all time for how beautifully he blurs the line between monster and hero. So perhaps that’s the reason why I don’t like season 2 as much; Askellad dies at the end of season 1 and only shows up here for a couple brief visions. My sweet baby gone too soon from this sinful world, we shall never see his like again.
I kid, I kid. Obviously, Askellad’s story ended exactly where it needed to, and any continuation to Vinland Saga- much like Thorfinn- would have to find a way forward without him. And that listless limbo of living between worlds is where we first meet Thorfinn as season 2 kicks off. Far from the ravenous warrior he was in season 1, Askellad’s death and the thwarting of his revenge has left him a shell of a man, barely able to function day by day. He’s ended up a slave on the farm of a seemingly kindly slavemaster named Ketil, his life reduced to following orders like an automaton as he wonders what the point of living even is now that his purpose has been taken away, leaving nothing but the memories of the countless lives he ripped apart in pursuit of it. But that begins to chance with the arrival of a new slave named Einar, a man who lost his home and family to Vikings much like the ones Thorfinn used to serve. As the two strike up an unlikely friendship, the shattered boy slowly begins to piece himself back together from nothing, facing the trauma he inflicted on others and himself and searching for new purpose unshackled from the bloodshed than once ruled his life. But it’s only a matter of time before bloodshed once again comes knocking at Thorfinn’s door, forcing him to come to terms with what kind of person he wants to be... and whether or not it’s possible to truly escape a world that seems to worship violence as the only true way.
It’s a radically different direction for the story to take, but it’s really the only way it could have gone. From the first episode, Vinland Saga has always been an interrogation of violence and its effect on people, a cry for peace in a world where that might as well be a foreign concept. And is season 1 was a full dive into the heart of that violence itself, season 2 is all about the escape from it, what it takes for a person who’s lived their whole life bathed in blood to seek a better way forward. Appropriately, most of what’s been dubbed “Farmland Saga” is spent on conversations and quiet moments, characters working out their issues and finding peace beyond the reach of a sword or ax. And whenever violence does show up, it’s always in short, brutal spurts of death where no one comes out happy, a far cry from the bombastic battles we used to have. And while that change no doubt rubs some fans the wrong way, it’s the only honest way Vinland Saga could continue to explore its themes. You can’t exactly tell a story of a man leaving violence behind and embracing peace if you’ve got limbs and heads flying at the same rate as season 1. Thorfinn’s growth from an emotionally stunted boy into a fully realized man, and the ways the rest of the inhabitants of Ketil’s farm react to the role of violence in their world, is Vinland Saga, and it’s still the same damn powerful story it was telling back when blood ran thicker and death same swifter.
So no, the relative absence of violence is not the reason that season 2 feels somewhat lacking in comparison to season 1. But then... what is the reason?
The obvious culprit to point at would be the change in studio. And yes, I’m as sick to death of the endless Wit vs Mappa debates as you are. So many stupid takes on every side, all ignoring the fundamental issue that both of these studios are infamous for treating their workers like shit and sacrificing healthy production times for the sake of pumping out more content for their shareholders to make money off of. Seriously, all your animation issues with shows from both of these studios come from the same source of corporate greed favorite quick profits over artistry, bond over that and fight your mutual enemy instead of turning it into a fandom dick measuring contest. That said, it’s not every day that you get to see two different studios put their own touches on multiple different anime in such clear terms. And between Attack on Titan and Vinland Saga, I definitely think there’s a conversation to be had on how Wit and Mappa’s approaches to anime differ... and what effect that has on the finished product.
To vastly, vastly oversimplify what I’ve observed, I’d say that Mappa tends to focus more on detailed animation, while Wit prioritizes cinematic direction. Whenever Mappa flexes its “budget” (yes I know that’s not really what it is I’m oversimplifying for time bear with me), it tends to be with intricate shots of richly detailed characters, every crease and line in their skin shaded and expressive. A single image or quick action cut, when given the time it needs, can feel so weighty and expressive, like you can actually reach out and touch it. Wit, meanwhile, tends to put its best foot forward with the way its camera brings its stories to life, sweeping CG-assisted tracking shots or gorgeous tableaus spilling out across the screen. They may sacrifice the finer details sometimes (and let’s be clear, there are moments where Vinland’s first season looks like aaaaaaass), but the visual imagination behind how they frame and present their anime captures that elusive feeling of cinema that few TV anime manage to achieve. Wit embraces anime not just as an animated medium, but a truly visual medium, one where every choice is make to sweep you up in the beauty this art form is capable of. And that’s a level of imagination, sadly, that Mappa doesn’t always measure up to.
In regards to Vinland specifically, the part of season 1 I always come back to is episode 14, which is framed almost entirely in claustrophobic, horrifying close-ups as we witness the slow-burn destruction our protagonists bring upon an innocent family. Everything is so close to your face, almost blotting out the frame, shoving your face in the horrors the story’s main characters are capable of committing and refusing to let you turn your gaze away. It’s one of the most gut-wrenching episodes of anime I’ve ever experienced, and it’s all thanks to how thoroughly Wit embraced the tools of this medium to drive home that horror. Moments like that are what made Vinland’s first season such a cinematic marvel, even when the production was clearly suffering from poor time management. By contrast, most of the big experimental moments from season 2- dreams, nightmares, near-death experiences, visions- are shot and framed rather conventionally. In fact, pretty much every scene in season 2 has the most basic “camerawork” imaginable. Mid shots and long shots and close-ups and detailed action cuts, all in their proper places, yes, but there are no moments like episode 14, no moments where the visual language rises to that same level of brilliance. It’s all individual moments of beautiful animation (and some rough patches as well because again, Mappa and Wit have the same problems with overwork affecting the final product) with nothing that truly takes flight and shows off the true power of the medium as an artistic form. Still achingly effective thanks to the strength of the writing, performances and soundtrack, but if anyone at Mappa has the same sense of cinematic joy and creativity as the folks at Wit, well, they were probably working on Chainsaw Man while Vinland season 2 was in production.
But technical differences can only explain so much. Attack on Titan also had a rough start switching to Mappa, and it still managed to be pretty much as electrifying and incredible as always. Which means we need to dig a little deeper in the writing of season 2 and figure out what isn’t clicking quite as well this time around. And thankfully, the answer is actually pretty obvious, so I’m gonna come right out with it: the dialogue in season 2 kinda sucks.
See, telling a slow-burn story that’s mostly conversation is a totally fine way to explore your themes, even if the actual plot remains fairly still for the sake of intricate character work. But there is an art to writing a slow burn without making audiences long for something faster-paced, and it is not an art that season 2 pulls off well. Almost every conversation boils down to characters talking explicitly about the show’s themes for minutes on end, repeated and re-repeating themselves as they endlessly ruminate on violence, peace, the nature of war, the nature of hatred, trauma, forgiveness, moving forward and choosing the hard way over the easy way until they all start bleeding together into the same indistinguishable soup. These conversations don’t feel like people engaging with heady ideas, they feel like the author was terrified of even a single audience member not getting the point. There are some really powerful themes season 2 is working with, but they start to feel less special when every episode is full to bursting with characters doing nothing but talking about those themes for the hundredth time.
And just to make sure, I re-watched an episode of season 1, and it didn’t have this problem! The dialogue in season 1 flows so much more naturally, characters seamlessly weaving between plot-relevant exposition and interpersonal relationship-building and interesting, quirky asides and heavy, climactic confrontations. Perhaps it helps that season 1 also has a lot more moving pieces, so it has countless ideas it can juggle throughout a single episode without getting bogged down in a single mode for too long. The occasional thematically explicit speech or monologue becomes a lot more powerful when used sparingly, interspersed with other story beats that advance the story and its themes through less direct methods. “Show, don’t tell” is a common piece of writing advice for a reason; most of us find stories’ ideas far more engaging when they’re revealed through characters actions rather than (or at least in addition to) their words. But with so few actions to “show” throughout season 2, pretty much all of its thematic weight relies on characters “telling” us what we should think about the experiences they’re going through. Thorfinn tells Einar about his trauma, Einar tells Thorfinn about his perspective on life, Canute tells his weird ghost dad head (which, I’m sorry, this thing just looks goofy) about his increasing moral rot and the weight of the king’s crown, and all of it really starts to drag when there’s nothing else to change things up. No wonder some fans grew tired and started to beg for a return to the bloody action.
Which I seriously want to drive home: Vinland Saga season 2 not being violent is not its problem. This show has always been a plea for peace, so exploring the aftereffects of escaping a violent life in a mostly peaceful environment for Thorfinn to find himself again is exactly the direction it should have gone in. And in the moments where stuff actually happens in season 2? Where the endless slow-burning conversations give way to action, violent or otherwise, on part of its characters? It’s just as heartbreaking and awe-inspiring as anything in season 1. The only reason I’ve gone so hard on critiquing this season is because I know just how fucking fantastic this show can be at its best, and when season 2 is at its best, it absolutely lives up to that high bar and more. Going peaceful isn’t the problem; the problem is that it just isn’t as good at being a peaceful story as it is a violent war story. Not bad at it, just not as good. Vinland Saga’s first season explored its themes so well by balancing so many different factors and making them all sing in harmony, delivering a propulsive tale of blood and swords that drove its ideas into you like knives while still being an entertaining story capable of effectively delivering those themes in the first place. Season 2, meanwhile, puts almost all of its eggs in a single basket, and suddenly it finds itself running into problems it can’t fix without betraying the core of its narrative. It’s like trying to build the same house twice but the second time you only have 10% of your toolbelt available; the fact it even ended up as great as it did is something of a minor miracle.
And make no mistake: Vinland Saga season 2 is still great. For as much as I’ve complained about it, it’s every bit the change in direction this story needed to carry forward. And while the execution wasn’t perfect, it was still able to lay me out on the floor like few shows even come close to. Vinland Saga is a colossus. Vinland Saga matters. It’s so rare we get stories this mature, this thoughtful, and this widely beloved in this crazy medium we call home. And if Mappa’s planning to stick with this one until the end like Attack on Titan, I hope, much like that show, future installments are able to find their footing and push it back to the top of the heap where it belongs. Until then, I give season a score of:
And so begins the Spring 2023 round-up. Look forward for more seasonal reflections to come!
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justicerikai · 2 years
Charisma House - Superhuman Sharehouse Story “Charisma” - #20 Xmas party
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Please read alongside listening to the drama track on Youtube.
TL note:
Hojoki is “An Account of My Hut or The Ten Foot Square Hut’’ and sometimes referred to as “Visions of a torn world”, a short work by Kamo no Choumei. Lots to say about it, but just know it’s classic Japanese literature, containing philosophy and Buddhist teachings. This book, according to wikipedia, is part of the Japanese school curriculum. Now imagine if someone were to give you classic English literature you read in highschool like Animal Farm or The Great Gatsby as a fun christmas gift. You can imagine why someone wouldn’t want this. It was kept as Hojoki in my translation due the official English title being too long compared to how short the line delivery is.
In Japan, Christmas has more the connotation of a romantic holiday where couples spend time together. Knowing this will make sense as to why a character brings up something later on.
Sarukawa: Aaah~ Whatta meal~~
Terra: I’m so full~~
Amahiko: The food was delicious, Iori-san. Thank you very much
Rikai: Wasn’t it a struggle to make this much?
Iori: It took me 48 hours to prepare all of it.
Rikai, Terra, Sarukawa & Amahiko: 48 hours!?
Amahiko: A-are you alright?
Iori: Absolutely not. I fainted like five times.
Amahiko: That definitely isn’t okay. Please don’t make any more food while you keep fainting.
Fumiya: Rikai
Rikai: Yes?
Fumiya: Where’s Ohse?
Rikai: Aah.. He didn’t come, huh. Even though I called out to him.
Amahiko: I had gone to his room earlier but he wasn’t there
Fumiya: I see
Terra: Well, can’t say he’s a fan of getting together like this, right? Not much we can do
Fumiya: Yeah
Rikai: Now then! Let us start the main event, the present exchange!
Terra, Fumiya, Iori, Sarukawa & Amahiko: Oooh~~
Terra: Nice~
Amahiko: How exciting
Iori: I wonder what I’ll get
Sarukawa: Ain’t doing it
Rikai, Terra, Iori & Amahiko: Hah?
Terra: There he goes again
Iori: Saru-chan…
Sarukawa: I ain’t gonna exchange presents with a bunch of giddy guys like you
Rikai: No, you’re doing it too
Sarukawa: Ain’t gonna
Rikai: You are. I know.
Sarukawa: Not gonna.
Rikai: You say so but you will. I already know since I found out. You’re only wasting our time like this so just be straightforward and admit to it, Saru
Sarukawa: I keep saying that I won’t!
Terra: Fine, then Sarukawa-kun will absolutely not be participating in the exchange with us, okay?
Sarukawa: OBVIOUSLY I’m gonna do it! Why the hell are you guys only leaving ME out! I’m gonna go fetch the present so just you wait! Merry Christmas!!!!
Rikai: It’s such a pain to do this every single time!!!! Why won’t he just say he will to begin with!!!
Fumiya: Sure sure sure
Amahiko: Isn’t it quite sexy though
Iori: Saru-chan stormed off but, how about we start the present exchange already?
Fumiya: Let’s do it
Amahiko: Who will go first?
Fumiya: Terra will
Terra: Eh, me?
Iori: Terra-san what kind of present did you bring? Can’t wait to see!
Terra: Eh? I didn’t bring anything
Iori, Rikai & Amahiko: Hah?
Rikai: Huh, what do you mean? You didn’t bring? A present?
Terra: Yup
Rikai: Why!? I told you that today everyone will be exchanging presents, didn’t I?
Terra: Yup. But that I won’t give anything and will only be receiving stuff instead, no?
Rikai: Excuse me?
Terra: Eh, isn’t this how Christmas is supposed to be? A day where you normies shower your beloved Terra-kun with tributes one by one
Rikai: That’s in your head! What kind of manservants party is that!
Iori: Just what kind of day did you think Christmas was?
Terra: Eeeh~ I was wrong~~ Then there’s probably no reason for me to stay here
Iori & Rikai: EEEH!?
Rikai: How self-centered can one be…
Sarukawa: Oi! Got the present
Amahiko: Sarukawa-kun!
Rikai: Nice, Saru! Everyone, let us continue the exchange!
Terra: Right. The mood got a bit spoiled but let’s liven things back up
Rikai: That’s not for you to say
Sarukawa: This is what I got for y’all
(Sarukawa places a box)
Rikai: Huh?
Terra: Eh?
Amahiko: What might this be
Sarukawa: Knuckle dusters, an iron pipe, metal bat, stun gun, jackknife, pepper spray, tomahawk, chain-sickle
Rikai: OI What’s with all these dangerous articles that look like they were confiscated from a criminal group’s hideout!
Terra: Don’t tell me these are the presents?
Sarukawa: Yeah. My gift’s buncha weapons
Rikai, Terra, Iori: WEAPONS!?
Iori: Eh, I don’t want this
Terra: Don’t want it either-
Sarukawa: Small fry like you guys are gonna need this. It’s for self-defense
Iori: Don’t need it
Terra: Don’t need it either
Terra: Why would anyone want to get weapons for Christmas
Rikai: Besides where have you been even obtaining these articles
Sarukawa: Haah? You can find them walking around these parts
Rikai: Don’t just take them home!
Iori: Where and what are you always up to?
Sarukawa: The hell how dare you only complain, even after I went out of my way to get all this stuff, so goddamn rude
Amahiko: I’ll take them
Rikai, Terra & Iori: He’s taking them!
Terra: Alright onto the next
Rikai: Let’s proceed
Fumiya: Iori, you’re next
Iori: Yes siiiir~ My present to you is this-!
Sarukawa: Haah? A collar?
Terra: One to wear?
Iori: No, no. I’ll be the one wearing it. This is what everyone will be using. A remote.
Rikai: A remote?
Iori: You see, this is a remote collar.
Rikai, Terra & Sarukawa: A remote collar?
Iori: I will be using this new collar from today on, so I ask everyone to please carry this remote around and press onto the button when you want to call me over.
Iori: By doing so it will send out super powerful electric shocks to the collar, then the pain will make me jump up, and I’d be able to instantly rush over to where everyone is
Rikai, Terra & Sarukawa: THAT’S FUCKED UP!
Terra: I am NOT using this!
Rikai: Doesn’t this make it some kind of torture device!
Iori: My present is a torture device.
Sarukawa: Why would anyone want to get a torture device for Christmas
Amahiko: Now then, it is my time to shine everyone!
Rikai, Terra, Iori &  Sarukawa: Hm?
Amahiko: For this year’s Christmas, Tendou Amahiko’s gift is none other than this-!
(Amahiko takes off his clothes)
Amahiko: Me
Amahiko: Hm? What’s wrong, everyone. What are your opinions?
Terra: Put on your clothes.
Iori: Why did you undress
Sarukawa: The hell’s that thing wrapped around your body
Amahiko: A ribbon, because I am the christmas gift here.
Amahiko: Now, everyone. Try it
Amahiko: Please do as you wish.
Amahiko: Why don’t we start a Christmas party for adults?
Amahiko: Ah ha ha ha, Merry Christmas
Terra: Put on your clothes!
Sarukawa: Fucking moron!
(Sarukawa kicks Amahiko away)
Rikai: Haah… good grief. There hasn’t been a decent present at all so far
Fumiya: What did you get, Rikai?
Rikai: I, obviously, have picked a proper present to bring, which is this.
Fumiya: Hm? Books?
Terra: What book is it?
Rikai: It’s Hojoki
Terra, Iori, Sarukawa: Hah!?
Rikai: Reading this would serve as an incredible enlightening experience. Everything you must know has been penned down. Please do read.
Terra: Eeh..you’re not joking?
Sarukawa: Ain’t this mental?
Iori: There’s people that would pick Hojoki as a present for Christmas?
Rikai: Let us read. Even reckless zoo animals like you people will be able to properly get a grasp on common sense.
Sarukawa: Yer the one that needs it the most here
Terra: Geez get to the last one already! Fumiya-kun!
Iori: Fumiya-san! Please give us a decent present!
Fumiya: Mine’s predictable but, since it’s Christmas I pretty much got some cakes
Terra & Iori: Cake!
Rikai, Terra & Iori: Ooooh!
Iori: Amazing!
Rikai: It has been worthless junk one after the other until now, I’m grateful!
Sarukawa: What kinda cakes ya got
Iori: I wanna see it
Fumiya: Strawberry shortcake
Rikai, Terra, Iori & Sarukawa: Ooooh!
Fumiya: Chocolate cake
Rikai, Terra, Iori & Sarukawa: Ooooooh!
Fumiya: Mont Blanc
Rikai, Terra, Iori & Sarukawa: Oooooooooh!
Fumiya: Tiramisu, cheesecake, brownies, gateau chocolat, millefeuille, lemon meringue pie
Terra: Isn’t that a lot?
Fumiya: Eclair, egg tart, fruit tart, choux cream, milk crêpes, baumkuchen, bûche de noël, florentin, chiffon cake, charlotte, ameowrous couple’s heart throbbing loving embrace cake.
Rikai, Terra, Iori & Sarukawa: THAT’S A LOT!
Iori: Did you get THAT much now!? There’s no way I’d be able to eat all of it!
Fumiya: It’d be strange if you couldn’t
Rikai: For you, you’re the one that really loves sweets here.
Fumiya: Rikai
Rikai: Hm?
Fumiya: I really love sweets
Rikai: That’s what I just said? Why did you repeat it
Iori: Well whatever, it’s a concerning amount but I’m happy there’s cake. Let’s dig in
Terra: Same here
Sarukawa: Oi, where you keeping these cakes
Fumiya: Eh? There’s none left
Rikai, Terra, Iori & Sarukawa: Hah?
Fumiya: I couldn’t hold back so I ate all of it
Fumiya: My bad
Rikai, Terra, Iori & Sarukawa: EEEEEEEH!!!!!!!!!?
Iori: Eh, that’s it? Did everyone get their turn?
Terra: Weapons, a torture device, a naked pervert, Hojoki and cake that someone already ate all of it. Geez! Do this PROPERLY!
Rikai: That’s not for you to say
Amahiko: Oh my? What might that be
Iori: What’s wrong?
Terra: What a relief, he put on clothes
Amahiko: Take a look outside
Terra: Woah! What is that!
Iori: Eeeh! How!?
Sarukawa: Amazing!
Rikai: Let’s have a closer look!
Terra: Uwaah, amazing!
Rikai: How splendid!
Amahiko: It’s sexy
Sarukawa: It’s a Christmas tree!
Terra: How though? Who did this?
Amahiko: No idea
Rikai: Ah, Ohse-kun!
Ohse: !
Rikai: Please wait! Why are you fleeing!
Fumiya: Ohse, did you make this?
Ohse: Yes, I’m sorry for acting for my own convenience, I was informed about the present exchange so…
Terra: It’s amazing! You really can make anything!
Amahiko: It’s sexy, Ohse-san
Rikai: It became more like Christmas with this.
Iori: Grrrrr
(Everyone is praising Ohse)
Iori: Grrrrrrr
Fumiya: Ohse, what’s this?
Ohse: Ah, those are extra decorations for the tree. Everyone can put on decorations, if sits well with all of you
Rikai: Let’s do it!
Terra: You too Iori-kun. Join us already
Iori: Grrrrrrrr
Terra: Don’t grrrrr me now
Iori: I’m the one that’s supposed to service everyone~
Terra: C’mon
Iori: I get it. Geez~
Rikai: Wait, Ohse-kun. Why are you heading back, let’s do it together
Ohse: No, if someone as shitty as me participates then surely I’d trample over everyone’s enjoyment
Amahiko: There’s no such thing as that. Please, stay with us
Sarukawa: Get your ass here already
Ohse: Uuh….
Terra: Out with it if you got something to say
Amahiko: Ohse-san
Ohse: Hnng…
Rikai: Ohse-kun. A single word will do.
Fumiya: Ohse
Iori: Ohse-san
Ohse: Hnngh…. then…
Ohse: It looks like everyone is enjoying Christmas night but,
Ohse: Doesn’t anyone here have a lover
Terra: Eh..?
Iori: Eh?
Rikai: Eh?
Sarukawa: Eh?
Amahiko: Eh?
Fumiya: Eh?
Ohse: I’m sorry, I’ll kill myself.
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symphonyofmalice · 6 months
Episode 2
Reactions to "...After the phantoms of your former self"
Knowing it's Armand adds some weight to the Marius line as well as the "I serve a god" line
I don't like the use of dead/farmed blood. It has the potential of weakening Lestat's 'death' scene later. And also ends up making the audience wonder why vampires would bother with the risk of live victims.
...Wait ok so they do keep the dead blood lore but farm blood is fine?? Though Lestat is appropriately blase about Louis dying.
It's probably impossible to portray the heightened senses of a vampire in a visual medium so I will forgive them, though I can't help but wonder if there was a better option than lens flares.
I will not forgive Lestat being able to telepathically communicate with Louis after turning him. It's not just an interchangeable bit of vampire lore. The emotional isolation between maker and fledgling is a constant theme and conflict of the whole series.
"You don't bite the blood, you suck it" is hilarious
Lestat looks so turned on when Louis throws him against a wall
"I should have taught you that" (re: the sun) yeah, no fucking shit, Lestat, you definitely still had a chance when he was walking out of the door, that was a deliberate choice
The dinner scene is interesting, but the fox looks obviously robotic
ok so Lestat CAN'T read Louis' mind, but CAN communicate with him telepathically??? It's all mind gift! It's not strictly inconsistent if they keep the lines drawn but jesus is it unnecessarily convoluted.
The "one of the good ones" style patronizing racism seems well-depicted to me
The little "I don't like sleeping angry" coffin talk is cute, It genuinely does feel like a glimpse of their dynamic, the petty arguments and clashes mixed with this devotional romance.
Curious to see what they make of the 'great conversion', seemingly setting up a present-day plot alongside the interview
❗"You have no twin". This line seems to be a direct contradiction of the book description of Louis as "the very twin of Nicolas". And I actually like it for that- making the distinction of Louis as a unique character.
Lestat is such a theater kid and it's so good
The little pinky touch. Lestat getting tearful about opera. it's all good.
Having the "kill them swiftly if you have to, but do it" argument with the tenor makes me wonder what the hell Louis has been doing to feed for the last 6 years. I'm fine with it being an opera singer rather than a prostitute. But it feels like it makes more sense recently after turning with a Louis who's been eating rats and other animals.
Tl;dr: I'm trying to approach the differences in setting the way I would in an AU. It's been a staple of fandom for ages. It is possible to completely change the circumstances of the characters- make them aliens or pirates or mortals in a coffee shop- and still preserve their essence. It can be a fascinating exercise to see what traits the writer preserves, or how certain powers or dynamics are transposed, like a melody, to fit a new setting. It does not matter that Louis and Lestat are now set in 1910s New Orleans and that Louis is now black. What I am looking for is whether the characters still feel like themselves. Lestat does. Louis I'm still not sure about.
0 notes
rebelmeg · 3 years
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Pepper stared at the newly unveiled paddock and accompanying resident unblinkingly. “A horse.  You bought our daughter a horse.”
“A miniature horse, Pepper, practically snack-size, and why is it that she’s our daughter when I’ve done something naughty, but my daughter when she’s done something naughty?”
Pepper sent him a look, trying to be stern, but it wasn’t working.  He could see her eyes twinkling. “You’re not as charming as you think you are.”
Tony beamed as he kissed her cheek, consequently losing the red foam clown nose he’d been wearing to match his party hat. “You’re right, I’m even more charming.  Hey, Goona!  Whatcha gonna name your puppy?”
“It’s a horse, Dad!  And I’m naming her Ginger.”
“After Mom?  Ow!  Because she’s cute!  So cute!  Cute strawberry-blonde Mom, cute redhead horse, they’re both ginger, it makes sense!” Tony couldn’t quite stop laughing as he tried to duck the paper party cups his wife was throwing at him.
She wasn’t about to let him get away so easily, and chased him across the yard, dodging guests, chairs, and balloons. “I am going to smash birthday cake all over your face, Anthony Edward Stark!”
Morgan was hot on her parents’ heels, shrieking as her party hat and flower crown blew right off her head, “NOT MY UNICORN CAKE!  I HAVEN’T BLOWN OUT MY CANDLES!”
Birthdays with the Stark family were never boring.
This moodboard and ficlet are brought to you courtesy of the @tonystarkbingo May Flash, for my square “miniature horse” on Card 04!
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floraltypes · 3 years
leroy jethro gibbs x reader
fluff, drinking, mentions of sex, death,
based on earlier seasons
AN: ahh my first NCIS little drabble! requests are open so request something!
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The moon was shining into the windows of the dimly lit bar. It defiantly wasn’t the nicest one you’d ever been in, but when a old friend insisted on bringing you, you gave in.
She had been babbling to you, for days, about the man who owns it and how they are sleeping around with each other. She continued to then beg for you to come and check it out, then maybe bring some of your coworkers so the guy she liked so much could have more customers.
“Come on Y/n!” Your friend, Elise, whined. She sat up from her position on the couch in your apartment, and locked her fingers around your wrist to get you to stand. “Let’s go! It’s a good place! Popular! Fun! Drinks are cheap,” She was very cheery and trying her hardest to convince you as well.
“Not now,” You groaned, trying to use your weight to stay on the couch. “Brandon is coming over and I had plans to have a nice dinner with him,” You told her, the girl giving up.
Brandon was your current boyfriend, for about two months. Both of you were always incredibly busy with your jobs, him a FBI agent, you a NCIS special agent. So, it made it very difficult to truly see each other and have fun.
✶ ✧ ✶ ✧ ✶ ✧ ✶ ✧ ✶ ✧ ✶ ✧ ✶ ✧ ✶ ✧
He was helping with the investigation due to the victim of the crime (at the time) being a old navy friend of his. They were going to meet up and try to regain a old friendship before the man was murdered. But Brandon decided to stay a bit and try to help with the case, to find his friends murderer, and to talk to you a bit more.
“A shame to see him go. Wish I’d have see him sooner,” Brandon admitted, rubbing his eyes a little while staring at the body bag.
“I’m sorry for your loss Agent Jordon,” You put a arm on his shoulder and he looked down at you with a small smile. “Trust us, we’ll find him,” You tried to reassure him.
“Thank you Agent L/n,” He nodded, turning fully around to face you now, while they lifted up the body bag to carry it into the van. “I would hope it will be okay if I join you with finding him,” He looked towards you for a answer.
“Oh! Well, uh, I-”
“Talk to your supervisor,” Gibbs interrupted, throwing a camera into your hand. “We still need to hear about your alibi. L/n, get to work on those photos. Todd!” He called out to the other female agent who was walking over with DiNozzo.
“Yeah, Gibbs,” She walked over, fixing the hat that was covering a bit too much of her face than she wanted.
The park was empty, they had found the body slumped up next to a tree with a cup of coffee in hand, which was going to be tested by the lovely Abby, along with everything else he had on him.
“You and DiNozzo go ahead and check out the areas around here, take another camera,” He commanded Todd and DiNozzo, who soon left. “L/n, pictures,” He snapped, now standing right next to you. You quickly nodded and left to go do the job by taking some more pictures of where the body formally was.
“Sir, I hope you’ll let me join you on this investigation. I was at my office, up until I got news of his murder, you can check with coworkers of mine and even my boss,” Brandon told Gibbs, hands now in his pockets and pulling out the FBI badge.
“I know what you are,” Gibbs sneered, motioning for him to put it away. “We don’t need FBI for this, it’s our job,”
“Just for a extra eye, nothing more, I just want to know I did all I could do to get justice for my friend,”
“Come on Gibbs,” You piped up, walking over with the camera in hand and zippering up your jacket with the other. “A extra hand, another person to boss around, and that person being a FBI agent. It kinda sounds like something you might want,” You joked, slowly lowering your voice as his intimidating gaze was put on you. “Or not?”
“I obviously don’t boss you around enough that you feel the need to bother me instead of doing your job,”
“I took the photos!” You lifted up the camera and pulled up a photo of something you found near the body. “Looks like boot marks on the grass, they were bigger and I measured, bigger than our victim. That can help narrow down the search, they were also heavier boots, something someone who’s in the navy might wear,” You handed him the camera and walked to stand across from him, next to Brandon.
“You’re good,” Brandon complimented, smiling down at you.
“It’s the bare minimum, let’s go,” Gibbs, once again, interrupted, and the three of you started walking to his car. “Y/n, up front with me,” He commanded and you quickly jumped in the seat.
“So, can I help?” Brandon asked after there were a few minutes of silence.
“As long as you don’t get in our way,”
Once you made it back to the iconic building, you were excited to show Brandon around a bit, DiNozzo and Todd already doing some research based on some things they found.
“Oh! The autopsy is where Ducky is working at the moment. You have to go and see down there, but Ducky is a talker, so be warned. Sometimes I go down there, on paperwork days, to learn more about anatomy,” You informed the Agent who was happily listening besides you.
“L/n, you are at work, during your work hours, where you get payed to do work. Also known as working on the case, not giving tours, he can figure it out himself,” Gibbs commented, dropping off a couple of files at your desk. You let out a little groan, and apologetic smile to Brandon and walked back to your desk. “Figure out his closest friends, got it, people he was closely working next to,”
“Yes sir,” You plopped yourself down and started to open a file when another chair was soon pulled up.
“Boss is in a extra bad mood today, huh?” DiNozzo laughed, grabbing one of the files near you.
“Big surprise,” You rolled your eyes, flipping to the next page.
“I’ve got a feeling he doesn’t like little FBI agent,”
“Well of course not, he is a FBI agent after all,”
“I’m thinking for another reason,” DiNozzo sent you one last smirk before rolling his chair back to the desk next to you.
“What’s tha-”
“Need help?” Brandon wondered, pulling up a extra chair and grabbing a file. The two of you chatted while going through it. Gibbs down checking in with Abby and then Ducky to see what more they could find out.
Soon, you were all able to find out who exactly killed the victim, leaving to go to the home the man was with another navy agent. You and Brandon took the front of the house, Gibbs and Dinozzo taking the back entrance of the farm house and land, going to check where some animals were located. Todd and Mcgee then headed to a shed that was also present on the land.
You looked back at Brandon, who nodded at you, signaling it was okay to open the door, and you turned the knob. Walking into the entrance and started to sweep the area with your gun in front of you. Brandon motioned you over to a door where he was hearing noises and soon swung it open.
“Liam Han! Put the gun down!” You yelled at him, then pressing your ear piece and letting the rest of the team know you had found the man. You watched the life drain out of the mans face, the first beam of sweat truly drip down, the way his eyes widened every so slightly, and his gun quickly moving to be aimed at Brandon.
You soon shot the mans arm while he shot Brandons leg, other agents soon rushing in and putting Liam into handcuffs and helping the petty officer, who was kidnapped, out of his seat.
“Agent Jordon,” You got on your knees besides him, looking at the wound which seemed to hit a bit below his knee. “Don’t worry medics are on their way, um, are you okay?”
“I might be FBI, but I tend to due more paperwork than field work,” He laughed a little, clutching the wounded leg.
“Why wouldn’t you inform us of that?” Gibbs asked him, same tone in his voice like always.
“It’s not like I’m never on the field, I know what to do,” He didn’t look at Gibbs at all just looking at you. “But hey, maybe this little wound will make it more convincing for you to let me take you out on a date,” He smiled widely, despite his bloody leg.
“Uh.” You looked at him in disbelief and Gibbs rolled his eyes.
“Might as well call of the medics,” Gibbs commented, moving towards the door.
“Wait! No! I still need them!” Brandon called out after.
“That’s something I’m gonna have to try,” DiNozzo mentioned.
“Yeah, ‘cause it would be real charming if you did it,” Todd added.
“Sure,” You told him, laughing a bit while the medics came in to truly address his leg.
✶ ✧ ✶ ✧ ✶ ✧ ✶ ✧ ✶ ✧ ✶ ✧ ✶ ✧ ✶ ✧
Two more dates, after the first one, he soon asked you to be his girlfriend and the two of you have been going strong for two months!
“I’m in town, please, do this one thing for me!” Elise continued to beg.
“And I never see Brandon,” You fired back. “I’ll think about it, but your flight is tomorrow, so you better go spend the last of that time with your boy toy and I’ll email you,” She quickly nodded and grabbed her stuff, saying a quick goodbye.
A few hours later Brandon arrived to your apartment, yet, not so thrilled to see you. He had a stressed look on his features and no bags in his hand, just a frown and a envelope.
“Brandon?” You got up from the couch you’d been waiting on for the past two hours and slowly walked over to him. “What’s wrong?”
“I think we should break up,” His eyes connected with yours, tears littering the edge of his eyes.
“I need to focus on my work, I’ve always wanted to be a unit chief and in order to gain that goal, I need to do better at my job, and that means cutting off any distractions,” He explained, placing the envelope on your kitchen counter.
“I don’t mean for it to come off in a rude way, but this is just the best for me, and now you can even focus on your work more and how to deal with a insane boss,” He lightly laughed, slowly walking to you a patting your shoulder. “I hope to see you soon,” He turned back to the door and left like he was never there.
✶ ✧ ✶ ✧ ✶ ✧ ✶ ✧ ✶ ✧ ✶ ✧ ✶ ✧ ✶ ✧
That’s how you found yourself in the crappy bar. Elise sure talked it up enough to make it sound decent, but in all reality is was one of the worse you’ve ever been too. But the drinks were kind of good and cheap, so staying a little longer didn’t seem so bad.
Later, when you indulged in a few more weeks, you realized it would be best to head back, yet Elise was off having fun with her boy and you came here with her, in her car.
“DiNozzo,” You spoke into the phone, coughing a bit afterwards. “Pick me up,”
“You’re drunk?” He asked into the phone. “Weird, I’ve only seen that a few times. Not pretty,” He laughed. “Would love to, we’ll not really, but I’m with this smoking hot blonde and she wants to do it in the shower, later,” He hung up, leaving you to dial another friend.
“Y/n?” Caitlins voiced echoed through the phone. “What’s up?”
“I’m drunk, and want to sleep, pick me up Cait, please?”
“I’m out with my family, maybe ask Abby?”
“At some weird rock concert,” You groaned. “I’m not even a crazy drunk, or that drunk, but I don’t feel comfortable driving and I just want to sleep,” You complained.
“I’ve got to go, good luck,” Caitlin then hung up, leaving you to let your forehead fall onto the bar counter.
“Ugh, I guess I have no choice,” You groaned, again, and dialed a number you were dreading to call.
“L/n? It’s late, what is it?”
“Gibbs, I need to call in a favor,” You quietly voiced into the phone.
“What’s this, favor?”
“Can you pick me up,”
“You sound twelve,”
“I can’t drive and everyone’s busy, come on, for me?”
“Tch, I was finally making some real progress on my boat, but now I have to go and save a dumb drunk coworker of mine,” He grumbled underneath his breath, which was still able to be heard through the phone. “Tell me the address,”
You soon told him and hung up. Paying the money you owed the bartender and getting your purse all ready for when the grey-haired man would show up.
“This place is a dump,” A familiar voice muttered, stepping through the door. “What the hell?”
“Gibbs!” You shot up and tumbled your way towards him. “I absolutely hate this place, and fuck-”
“Woah,” He caught your body which just about fell onto him. “You sure can talk normally but not walk normally,” He noted, swinging one of your arms to fall onto his shoulders and his to snake around your waist.
Since the place was about deserted it was easy to get a parking spot in the front and guide you to the car. Once Gibbs opened the passenger door you flopped down, and Gibbs leaned over to buckle your seatbelt, your eyes closed.
“Fell asleep, already, damn, I don’t know where you live,” He mumbled, getting into the drivers seat and pulling out of the nasty bar.
“Gibbs,” You whispered, stirring around in the chair and moving one of your hands to reach for his thigh, though his full attention was already on you, the red beaming onto your features.
“Y/n,” He spoke again, ignoring the hand that was rested on his more lower thigh. “I’m taking you to my place, I have a extra bedroom so it shouldn’t be a problem. And if it is, I don’t care because you’re the one who decided to get drunk,”
“Mmk,” You hummed. “Gibbs,”
“Yes?” He moved his attention back to the road, the color changing.
“You’re my favorite agent,” You laughed a little after, now the true side affects of when you were sleepy and drank too much, kicking in.
“Thanks, I guess,”
“Am I yours?”
“Good,” You closed your eyes again, letting a grin take over your features. “Gibbs,”
“Yes,” He said with a bit more irritation this time.
“I miss Brandon,”
“Weren’t you supposed to see him tonight?”
“He broke up with me, said I was a distraction. So he needs to cut me off and focus now. Am I a distraction to you?”
“Yeah,” He chuckled a little at the droppy tone of your words and the funny memories of you flashing through his mind at the question. “But sometimes distractions are a good thing. Like distracting you from the troubles that just can’t be fixed at the moment, that’s what you do for me, so it isn’t a horrible thing,”
“Brandon was a idiot anyway,”
“You’re just saying that ‘cause he was FBI,”
“Yeah, that’s true, but,” Gibbs stopped for a moment, thinking about the words he was about to mutter, contemplating if he was willing to take the risk or not. “He’s also a idiot for getting rid of a distraction like you,”
“You mean that? Gibbs I-” You stopped your sentence after feeling a pair of lips being pushed up against your own. You opened you eyes wide to look at the man who had connected his with yours. “Gibbs what about rule-”
“Who cares, I made the rules, therefore I can break them,” He smirked, grabbing the hand in his lap. “Let’s head to my house and get you to bed and some medicine in your stomach for the hangover you’re going to have tomorrow,”
“Oh, okay,”
“After I finish up on my boat,”
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emsartwork · 4 years
i forgot to add: how do design ????!?!??????
So I’m not expert but this is how I think of character design! (also sry if you were asking about clothing/outfit design thats a little different)
under the cut because this is long im so sorry
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So in my opinion there are three really important aspects for character design!
AESTHETIC: obviously everybody’s aesthetic is different, but this is more about what vibe the character has, what makes them THEM design wise. 
INTENTION: who is the character supposed to be? this can range from their personality, their back story, their occupation, or their role in the story, but the design need to fit that intention.
COHESION: does the design go well together? or do certain aspects clash too much? obviously you can have disjointed parts of a character design, and if those serve a purpose then thats fine, but if its so disjointed its distracting from the character as a whole you might need to tweak things. 
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AESTHETIC: the contrasting part of the design (white flowers in dark hair, dark trim on dress, and dark shoes) provide interest to the eye. The mixing of round and sharp shapes also keeps the design from feeling “boring” even though its relatively simple. 
INTENTION: so what role would this little doodle character have? according to her design elements, shes cute and friendly with her round shapes (bouncy balls, babies, etc), but could have a sharp/fast/active or even dangerous edge to her with the triangles (arrows, knives etc). of course the design doesn’t limit her possible roles. She could be a bubbly younger sister who teases the older protagonist, or maybe she’s the villain hiding in plain sight. the shape this character design doesn’t really have is squares(think bricks and rocks), which communicates that she might not be really strong, steady, or reliable. 
COHESION: repeating the curves across her whole design builds cohesion, it communicates that “yes, these are all part of the same character”, it also allows the eye to “rest” on a familiar shape or line. 
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(Boku no Hero Academia) so both of these characters are super heroes, but have vastly different design elements. so lets analyze them.
OCHAKO(the pink one) is all rounds, with a few pointed shapes in hair mostly, but a little on her costume as well. Her personality is cute, bubbly, and friendly which perfectly suits her soft and bouncy design. Howevre she also has a very slight edge to her, which is seen her determination and drive to improve herself over the course of the anime. 
KIRISHIMA(the red one) at first glance, seems to be super pointy!! shapes that are usually seen on villains or really dangerous characters, but while he IS sharp(literally sometimes) and sometimes aggressive, he is also made of squares, which perfectly suits his loyal “i gotchu bro” attitude towards most of the other characters in the anime.  
ISSUE AREAS: so the only problems i have with Ochako and Kirishima’s designs is that their costumes each have one area that clashes a little too much for my taste. With Ochako, the belt over the color blocking stripes down her crotch are......questionable taste wise. I think the design would be better if the pink chest ended above the belt in a shallow v. not only would this mirror the triangle aspects of her hair, it would fit the belt outline, and continue the trend her costume has of being “grounded” or “heavy”. Kirishima has those.... gears??? around his shoulders??? and while the gear teeth are technically squares, the gear shape itself is a circle, which is a shape that isn’t present anywhere else in his design. I think changing the gears to something similar to his boots or his mask/headgear would create a more cohesive design(also the gears just look hard to move in)
These two characters are presented as individuals so their costumes don’t have to match at all even though they are still seen as “connected” because of the art style for the face, hair, and body. 
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In a group giving the outfits cohesive motifs is an easy way to present a strong team image! In Yuki Yuna is a Hero, the girls all have colored lines(usually princess seam placement), armor or fabric hip accents, covered arms, and similar flower shapes in their hair. The Aesthetic of each girl is strong in a monochrome signature color, but not over whelming as the black+white connects them even in color so they aren’t out of place. 
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Speaking of color! if your characters are all similar looking (like same body for all of them) you can communicate their personality and aesthetic just with color! (only gonna talk about a few of the ponies) Pinkie Pie (the really pink one) is energetic and playful, so her color scheme is a variation of the primary colors(happy, child like), and have one of the more saturated colors(high energy, intense) of these characters in a large quantity. Apple Jack (the orange one) is a down to earth farm girl, and her color palette is accordingly, mostly earth tones, its also warm analogous colors, which makes her appear un-complicated and warm personality wise. the pop of red is a nice touch to add interest, but notice that its uses sparingly in her cutie mark and tail accessory. Rarity on the other hand is elegant and fussy, her high contrast scheme of white and dark blue/purples gives her more visual interest and is something that makes her appear more “complex” in addition to the gradient thats included in her hair. the colors are also all cool colors, bringing to mind cool glass or water which both have connotations of grace and beauty.
however all the characters here are unified by their colors being on the pastel side, which is also important for a cohesive cast.
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another, short, note on color; making the color/line/shading of your figure different from the background can help them stand out, this is used ESPECIALLY in children’s media, but can be applied to any illustration or animation as needed.
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Color can also help your characters “read” quickly on screen, the powerpuff girls are a prime example, of having a distinct color blocking and silhouette. even the color blobs at the top and my crappy hand silhouettes STILL read as the characters despite being broken down into abstract elements. I also really enjoy the thick outline in the powerpuff girls, it really makes the characters pop to the foreground even though they have pretty simple designs and are often in a colorful setting.
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Also, for a lot of animation, silhouette is INCREDIBLY important for your characters, some designers sketch silhouettes and then design the particulars its so important to nail the shape. These examples from Coraline are some of my favorites (though Laika wins in my heart every time no matter what lmao) because the simple shapes are SO CLEAR and indicative of the character, you literally don’t need to have watched the movie to know these are each different characters with different personalities and roles. 
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silhouette can also help tell the story. In Kubo and the two strings (another Laika film) the above three characters are sisters. One has chosen to leave her home in the heavens to live on earth, and the other two stay in their roles as “heavenly” warriors. This is even shown through their designs, the two sisters are weighted on top and their cloaks don’t even touch the ground, while the first woman has trailing, heavy sleeves, hair, and robes all grounding her and emphasizing her connection with the earth.
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another example of shape/silhouette reflecting the story, In The Croods, the family of cavemen are for the most part very top heavy, with large torsos and arms, usually in a more hunched over position, while the newcomer, Guy, is bottom heavy with thin arms and stands more upright. In the plot, the family represents the old ways, the strength and rules that have helped them survive, they look like very stereotypical “cavemen”, while Guy resembles the modern man, and appropriately is associated with new ideas and forward thinking.
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MORE SHAPES, in DC super hero girls each girl has a distinct personality emulated by her shape language. Zatana is dramatic curves and edges, Super girl is hard, straight edges against curves, giving her a solid muscular shape. Wonder Woman, though also strong, is taller and leaner, lending to a confident leader type. Green Lantern is slim, her lines all flow into each other giving her a go with the flow look. Bumble Bee is, of course, tiny, but her boots and gauntlets add weight and strength to her otherwise small frame. Batgirl is lanky and has a lot of pointed style lines, reminding the viewer of a skinny cat (ironic what with cat woman i know) or weasel which mirrors her preferred “sneaky” crime fighting style.  (also yes this was just an excuse for me to gush abt how much i love the dcshg designs shut up)
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so in my opinion, Cartoon Saloon’s The Secret of Kells is PERFECT in aesthetic, intention, and cohesion. Kells focuses very strongly on creating silhouette WITHIN the larger figure shape via color and line, most of the characters pictured here have no neck, the one who does, Brendan, is the main character and the use of negative space that cuts into his shape is used to draw attention to him. Kells is also very strongly inspired by Medieval Illuminated manuscripts (namely, the book of kells lmao). The characters still manage to stand out against outrageously detailed backgrounds via their simple shapes and strong color blocking. 
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Aisling, a secondary but very important character, is not human, and has a totally different shape language from the rest of the characters. She is thin and pointy, while most of the others are round or square. Aisling also has the most negative space making up her silhouette, compare the triangles made by her arms and legs in the above picture to the figures in the first image where everybody’s body is self contained with no negative space. She is also very different color wise, very pale and cool colored, as opposed to the warm saturated colors of the human characters. (yes this was another excuse to gush abt one of my fave pieces of media deal with it)
hopefully that wasn’t too rambley and actually helps? if yall have more specific design questions lemma know lol
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lovequartz · 4 years
gardenias & bloodroot
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₊˚. pairing: sailor!vernon x fairy!reader
₊˚. genre: fairy + post-dystopia au, fluff, angst
₊˚. warnings: self-mutulation, brief mentions of violence
₊˚. word count: 3.7k+
₊˚. we are both salt water mixed with air 
₊˚. notes: im so very excited to be posting here and i hope you all enjoy this little word souffle my tinie brain whipped up
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The first time Chwe Hansol lays eyes on you he’s staring more so at the peach in your hand than your face. He’d agreed to watch over Joshua’s peach stall while the latter ran off to run an errand. “I’ll be back soon, it’ll be like I never even left.” His friend promised him with that signature Joshua Hong twinkle in his eye. Vernon didn’t believe him, of course, he knew Joshua. He had zoned out and now realized that you were here to buy peaches, obviously. 
“Joshua isn’t here today?” Your voice is warm, like honey on just toasted bread. It takes him a moment to register your question and the tip of his ears burns as he gives you a delayed answer. “Joshua went to run an errand, he’ll be back soon if you want to wait for him?” You give him a sweet smile. “I see,” you set down the peach in your hand, “and..you are?” Vernon wipes his palms against the denim of his jeans, and offers his hand to you. “Vernon, friend of Joshua.” You let out a small laugh as you take his larger hand in your smaller one, shaking it. “It’s very nice to meet you Vernon, friend of Joshua.” Your eyes are teasing. 
He moves to take his hand out of yours but instead you turn it over, now both your hands are holding his one. You brush your thumb across his palm and suddenly he feels heat rush to his face. He’s not sure why but he feels as though he should be embarrassed. “What do you do for work? Farming like Joshua?” Your eyes leave his hand and meet his as you finish your question. “No,” Vernon pauses to center his thoughts, “I work on a ship. I’m a sailor.” You nod, seemingly happy to have your answer. You release his hand and put yours in the pockets of your dress. “You have a working man’s hands, I should’ve guessed sailor.” He opens his mouth to reply but Joshua appears behind you. 
The peach farmer pats your shoulders and you turn to give him a grin. “Good afternoon favorite customer.” He says cheerily, releasing you to stand behind his fruits with Vernon. “Hello Joshua,” you reply, “I think playing hooky is frowned upon in the business world.” Joshua rolls his eyes playfully and reaches down to grab something from behind the stall. He presents you with a bag. “5 of my best just for you.” You take the bag from him and open it to take a peek. They’re perfectly round and that beautiful red-yellow, just about ripe. “You spoil me.” 
You set the bag of peaches down to reach into the tote hanging on your shoulder, pulling out the amount you owe and a little bit extra. You’ve worn Joshua down into accepting the few more bills you always give him a long time ago and he knows not to argue with you. “Well I’ll be going then, can’t be taking up too much of your time.” You say as you tuck the peaches into your tote and slip it back on your shoulder. Your eyes flit to Vernon, who’s been silently watching your exchange with his friend. “It was very nice to meet you, again. Take care.” The sweet smile returns for a moment before you turn to walk away, disappearing into the crowd. 
“You don’t usually chat up people like that.” The twinkle is back in the older man’s eyes and Vernon can’t help but roll his. “Don’t roll your eyes at me, I”m serious! I saw the hand-holding Mr. Chwe.” “It wasn’t hand-holding.” Vernon replies, bumping Joshua’s shoulder with his own. “Well whatever it was it seemed pretty intimate to me.” The coy look on the strawberry blonde’s face is nothing short of irritating but Vernon just sighs and pulls the apron he’s wearing off. “Goodbye Joshua.” 
The next time Vernon sees you is on the docks, his ship just coming in from a long morning but a successful catch. Once they anchor and he ties the ship up the rest of the crew unloads, taking the morning’s haul to the market. “Good work today gentlemen.” The booming voice of his captain, Choi Seungcheol, exclaims. “Wonwoo, Mingyu, and Vernon, you’re free to go. Rest up, I’ll see you three next week.” The men exchange farewells, and as he turns to make his way back into town he sees you. You’re crouched enticing one of the dock kittens to play by waving your shoelaces at it, the small animal pounces back and forth trying to swat at them. Your tinkling laughter and the joy in your eyes pulls at his heartstrings. 
“What brings you here?” He manages to walk up to you without startling you or the kitten playing at your feet. Your eyes snap up to meet his, and a smile blooms on your face at the sight of him, he wants to live in that smile he thinks. “Hello yourself sailor Vernon.” You reply, patting the kitten on its small head before standing. “Spying on me now, are you?” He teases, taking in you in your striped shirt and patterned socks that aren’t quite a pair. “Wouldn’t you like to know,” you tease him right back, and he grins. “Actually, I was harvesting,” you continue, motioning to the purple flowers sticking out of your ever present tote, “but my curiosity got the best of me so here I am.” 
“Are you a florist?” Vernon asks, trying to match the flowers you’re carrying to a name. You shake your head, “I wish. I’m an herbalist, nothing as elegant as a florist.” He nods, “Well what did you manage to pick today? I don’t think I know what plant that is.” You pluck one of them out of your bag and lay it flat in your palms. “It’s sea lavender, I’m using it to treat this little girl. She gets terrible mouth ulcers, and I can’t get this where I live so I have to come down here.” Vernon drinks your words up like a man thirsty, he might truly be enamored with you. 
At some point in your conversation the two of you take a seat on the docks, kicking your feet above the surface water below. Vernon tells you about his ship crew, his captain Seungcheol is a fierce and compassionate leader. Second mate Wonwoo, a navigational specialist, can direct the correct path even in the most ruthless of sea storms. Mingyu, who can cook a mean meal, oversees the ship’s supplies and maintenance. 
“I think you’ve talked about just everyone on your crew except yourself. What’s your specialty, sailor Vernon?” Your eyes twinkle, and his ears redden at the nickname. “I wouldn’t say I have a specialty, but I’m in charge of the ropes and sails.” He says, his hand rubbing at the back of his neck. You listen intently as Vernon explains the details of his role, and he itches to hold your face in his hands. 
“I should probably get going.” You sigh as you glance at the sun and how far it has sunken in the sky. “Me too.” Vernon agrees, standing and holds his hands out for you to take. Your fingers wrap around his as he gently pulls you to your feet. Smiling, you give his hands a thankful squeeze before releasing them. “I-I could walk you home? If you want me to, that is.” His sincerity is enough to make you swoon. “Well, I don’t know if Joshua told you, but I actually live in the next town over. You can walk me to the trolley though, if you don’t mind.” Vernon nods eagerly at your suggestion which pulls a giggle out of you. He really was too cute for his own good. 
The trolley hasn’t left yet, thankfully. It seems you and Vernon had arrived just on time. “This is me,” You motion to the vehicle, “thanks for the wonderful conversation and everything that followed. You’re very kind, sailor Vernon.” He gives you a boyish grin. “You’re welcome. Stay safe on your way home.” 
There are dates with Vernon after that. He brings you to the ocean and splashes you with seawater, as if you’re two children without a care in the world. You take him to the forest, teaching him about plants and their healing abilities. There’s hand-holding and shy laughter. Cheek kisses and two people brimming with joy and fondness. 
“He has eyes like a doe, they’re so gentle and filled with kindness.” You practically coo to Jun, who merely listens as the two of you enjoy the sunlight on the stone steps of your small cottage home. “I’ve never heard you talk about anyone like this before.” Jun muses in response. You offer hima grinin response. “Vernon isn’t like anyone I’ve ever met before.” The man next to you shrugs. “Will you tell him?” The question makes a shiver go down your spine and you look away. “I don’t know.” “Well if you do decide to, just,” Jun pauses, “be careful. There are still people out there who would pay a pretty penny for fairy wings.” 
Jun’s words throb inside your head hours after your conversation with him. He’s right, of course, there could be disastrous not to mention dangerous consequences to telling Vernon the truth about yourself. You have to see your mother. 
The museum of fairy wings is a peculiar building, white with gothic style architecture. It sits on a hill and overlooks the sea. You take a seat on one of the small benches scattered throughout the building, facing the wall in which the wings are displayed. Your eyes search before finding the pair of wings you’re looking for.
The wings encased are rounded at the tips, orange fades into yellow, top to bottom. Their translucent shine brightens under the fluorescents and gardenias surround them half-circled. The little plaque under the glass frame reads ‘Gardenia’ etched into bronze. The smaller text is a name, Hong Jiyu, the procurer. 
Hong Jiyu is Joshua’s paternal grandmother, the procurer of the fairy wings behind the glass, the wings that were once attached to a wife and a mother. Your mother. 
The first time you saw Joshua hate rushed through you so red-hot you thought your skin was burning. You watched him for days, wondering how you would hurt him. How you’d cause his family the same pain and suffering they’d caused you. But Joshua wasn’t his grandmother. 
He was softhearted and good-natured. A farmer with broad shoulders and strawberry blonde hair. He knows everything there is to know about peaches and children revel in his presence. He has a smile that makes the butterflies in your stomach frenzy. 
So you forgave. Your mother wasn’t coming back, and hurting Joshua wouldn’t change that. You went to his stall in the market one day and bought a peach, took it home and sliced it up. You ate it outside, in the grass of your yard and cried like the day you were born. You never stopped buying peaches from Joshua after that. 
Vernon didn’t know why you wanted to meet him inside the museum. He also didn’t expect it to be a place you frequented. The only experience he had with it really was when Joshua’s grandma would take them when they were little, showing them her 'trophies’. He shudders at the memory. 
You were seated, on a bench, staring at the green-yellow wings Joshua’s grandma loved to show off. Her favorite. 
Vernon quietly made his way behind you, careful not to alert you of his presence. Hands slide in front of your eyes effectively obscuring your vision, and your lips curl into a smile. "Well hello to you too.” You say, your fingers hooking around his to pull them from your face. “Hi.”
He takes the spot next to you, hand taking yours to link your fingers. “One of your regular haunts?” You let out a chuckle. “Something like that.” The two of you sit in comfortable silence and Vernon’s thumb traces the back of your hand. 
“Why are you really here?” If Vernon is one thing it is observant. You sigh before training your eyes on your mother’s wings. “Do you ever think about the people these wings were attached to?” You shift your gaze to his face. “Were they mothers? Daughters? Brothers? Uncles? Did they like to dance or sing? Maybe their favorite color was blue because it matched the ocean in their lover’s eyes?" 
Vernon’s free hand comes up to cup your cheek and you lean into his touch. "Are you okay?” He asks, voice soft. You shake your head slightly. “I think I need some air." 
The air outside is cool and crisp, and your lungs breath it in gratefully. Vernon’s thumb is still rubbing circles on the back of your hand, keeping you grounded. "I’m alright.” You assure him when you see the unsure glaze his hazel eyes carry. “I promise, I’m okay.” He nods, squeezing your hand gently. His other hand reaches into his front pocket, fingers grazing the worn photo tucked there. “I was gonna wait a bit to give this to you, but I’m going to sea tomorrow. There’s an area Seungcheol wants to explore and it’s quite aways away. We’ll probably be gone for 10 days or more. So, I wanted you to have this.” He pulls the photo out, and presents it to you. 
You release his hand to take the photograph from him, turning it over in your hands gingerly. The subject of the picture is Vernon himself, and it was probably taken a few years ago. He looks a little younger, but there’s that same boyish grin of his. His black hair is in his eyes and the ocean sparkles behind him. The back reads 'Yours, for better or for worse - Vernon Chwe’ And tears brim in your eyes. 
“Wouldn’t want you to forget my face while I’m away.” He says with a chuckle. You don’t respond and instead wrap your arms around him, pressing your face into his neck. Vernon smiles as his arms encircle you, content to hold you. You pull away to look at him after a few moments, your eyes tracing his features. “As if I could ever forget a face like yours.” You say, holding his jaw in your hand, your thumb tracing it’s line. 
Vernon walks you down to the trolley, like he did all those weeks ago when the relationship between the two of you was just blooming.
“So I suppose I’ll see you when you get back, sailor Vernon.” You jest, your smile not really reaching your eyes. “You will.” He assures with a smile of his own. “Don’t go falling in love with any mermaids while you’re gone. They may be pretty at first glance, but they’re really quite ruthless.” Vernon laughs, and leans down to press a kiss against the smooth skin of your cheek. “I’ll try my very hardest.”
“We’re due west a little more.” Wonwoo says, staring at the pieces of parchment in his hands. He always hand drew his charts and maps, citing that they just helped him navigate better. Vernon complies with Wonwoo’s concern and shits the sails so the wind can catch them and steer the ship in the right direction. 
After a sufficient amount of sailing, six hours give or take, the crew was released. Dinner was still warm in his stomach while he got ready to sleep. Mingyu was brushing his teeth in the adjacent bathroom, the sound of the sink running filling the silence of the lower deck. Vernon is folding his pants when he finds it. Tucked in his back pocket is a photograph. At first he thinks you slipped the one he gave you back to him, not wanting to take it, but it’s you in the picture. Your pretty eyes and shy smile. On the back in crooked writing it says 'Keep this safe for me until you return’, a small heart is drawn just under the words. He imagines you drawing it, that sparkle in your eyes. 
Vernon has been gone for a few days, and you think now would be the perfect time. Jun usually helps you, but you’ve done it enough times alone as well. You shuffle through your kitchen, searching for one of your knives, the one with the knotted handle. Jun had sharpened it for you earlier that week, the sunlight filtering through your home makes the white blade gleam. Experience leads you quietly to the mirror hung on the wall of your living room. You had stuck the photo Vernon gave you between the frame and the glass, so you could see his grin before you left and when you arrived home. You wonder what he’d think if he could see you now as you shed your shirt. There are short stubs protruding out of your back where you once had full-grown fluttering wings. They used to be such a vibrant red-violet, now the short pieces were a dull maroon, the life had drained from them a long time ago. Every time seems to hurt less than the last. You remember the first time you cut them yourself, before you had Jun’s help. The pain was so excruciating, you felt like some had twisted a blade into your heart. You cried yourself to sleep that night and didn’t move at all in the days following. Now you feel like you’d gotten used to the pain, what used to be unbearable now felt like a mildly uncomfortable pinch. 
Not many people knew that a fairy’s wings grew back, like the skin of a wound. You kill the fairy, you kill the wings. You and Jun, and all the other fairies you knew had been cutting your wings off as a protective measure ever since your mother had died. Having no wings seemed to be a fair trade for living in peace. 
The blade slides cleanly between your wing stump and the skin of your back, and you grimace at the feeling of the hot blood sliding down your skin. The pain was bearable though, and you moved on to the other one, giving it the same treatment. Your eyes meet the photo of Vernon once again, and as your blood drips down to the wooden floor you feel a sick sense of relief. 
Your sunkissed sailor returns even more sunkissed than the last time you saw him. You’re awaiting his arrival when his ship anchors and the crew files off, chatter and laughter filling the air as the men set foot on the docks. Vernon’s grin widens as he spots you, and you can’t help but give him one in return. It’s much too crowded to offer him the affection you want to, so instead you take his hand and follow the path into town.
Convincing Vernon to ride the trolley with you back to your cottage takes no effort at all, he even seems a bit excited to be invited. He tells you all about the places he’d seen on the expedition and the beautiful coves the crew got to swim in when they weren’t on the job. “Sounds like it was more of a vacation than a work trip.” You tease, a bit envious. “I think that might’ve been Seungcheol’s plan from the beginning.” 
Getting Vernon acquainted to your small home is ridiculously easy. It’s like he belonged there in your living area, sitting comfortably on the bronze corduroy chair as he sipped on some of the cold tea you’d brewed earlier. 
“What did you occupy yourself with while I was away. Can’t imagine you’d be sitting still for long.” His eyes are curious and you shrug. “Jun kept me company and of course Joshua & I had pleasant conversation whenever I would see him at the market. I mostly worked, it’s getting closer to autumn so I’ve had a lot of people to treat.” You muse as you tap your fingers against your chin. “I was surprised to find this as I was getting ready to sleep my first night on the ship.” He pulls out the picture of yourself you’d slipped into his pocket that day you’d said goodbye to him. Your face flushes with heat. “Well I see you’ve held onto it.” “Just like you’ve held onto mine.” He teases, pointing at his own picture tucked in your mirror. 
As the afternoon winds on the desire to tell Vernon your true nature gnaws at you. You call his name softly and suck in a breath when his eyes meet yours. “I have to tell you something.” He raises his brows and offers you a look you can’t quite decipher. “Okay.” You move to sit next to him and take his hands in yours. “You remember that day you met me at the museum? And I was sitting in front of those wings with the gardenias, the yellow green ones?” He nods in response to your questions, not wanting to interrupt. “Those wings,” you pause collecting yourself, “they belonged to someone I knew. Someone who took care of me and loved me, my mother.” Your voice is shaky as you finish and your admission feels like a punch to the gut. Suddenly Vernon is overcome with a feeling of dread. “You mean- All this time-” He struggles to make a complete sentence but after a bit of silence he finally says; “Joshua’s grandma did that to your mom?” There’s sadness and guilt swimming in his eyes, and you can barely bring yourself to speak so you just shake your head in confirmation, hot tears staining your cheeks.
“I had them too,” you rasp, “wings. But we couldn’t have them anymore because people like Joshua’s grandma still wanted them.” You stand, sliding your hands from his grasp, and turn your back to him. Slowly, surely, you slide your top over your head. Jun had healed your open wounds with the bit of healing magic he knew, so they were closed up. “So, we do this.” You can’t see Vernon, but you can imagine the disgust on his face. You tense when you feel his presence behind you, and shiver when he lays his head against your neck. “I’m sorry,” his voice is shaky, “I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with this all alone.” His fingers brush the scarred skin delicately. “I’ll protect you.” His voice is more sure now and he presses a soft kiss to your nape. “I promise I’ll protect you.”
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₊˚. notes: thank you for making it here if you did! there was a lot of imagery in this as im working on my writing style and tweaking things here or there but if you enjoyed let me know and if you hated it also let me know !! my ask box is open
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shuadotcom · 4 years
Fall for You | MYG & JJK
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▸ Summary: Fall was always your favorite time of year and now you get to add two additional things you love to the list of reasons why: Yoongi and Jungkook. ▸ Pairing: Yoongi x Female!Reader x Jungkook ▸ Genre: Farm AU, fluff ▸ Word Count: 1.8k ▸ Rating: G ▸ Warnings: None ▸ A/N: Written for Bangtan HQ’s Bangtan Rodeo. Thank you to the anon that requested the prompts: “yoonkook/reader + barn + dialogue 9″!
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It was your favorite time of year again. The leaves on the farm were changing into beautiful oranges and yellows. The apples in the orchard were finally plump and ripe and ready to be picked. The air was getting colder, which meant long-sleeved shirts and jeans instead of shorts and tank tops. Your mother was running around like a madwoman trying to get ready for her annual fall party.
Every year since you were ten, your mother would invite all of your neighbors within a twenty-mile radius over on the first night of fall in celebration of the season. She’d clear the animals out of the barn and clean it up to make space for everyone. As you grew, you went from helping her wrangle the horses up to decorating when you were tall enough, then to baking the pies and preparing the snacks alongside her.
All your friends and their parents showed up, and even if your mother spent weeks beforehand stressing over it, and by extension making you stress, it always turned out to be a fun night for everyone. Last year you had even managed to get two boyfriends out of it, so you weren’t complaining that much.
“Well if it ain’t my favorite girl,” you heard his deep voice before you saw him, his thin arms wrapping around your waist and squeezing.
“Mornin’ Yoongi.” You turned your head to give him a quick kiss before redirecting your attention back to the fairy lights in your hand. You were doing your damndest to untangle them, but they were like Christmas lights.
“Need some help?” He offered, picking up the other end of the lights at your feet.
“Please. Mama just had to rush into town for more cake frosting. We have four cakes in the oven right now and only two jars.”
“She does know that the party is tomorrow night right? She still has plenty of time.”
You shushed him as if horses and goats didn’t only surround you. “Don’t say that so loud! She’ll sense that you’re not taking this seriously and make you work all night! Probably stick you in a tuxedo and make you serve cider, just to show you what’s what.”
Yoongi let out a laugh. “Your mama wouldn’t do that. She loves me, remember? I’m her favorite one of your boyfriends.” He wasn’t wrong. Your mother was surprisingly supportive of you dating two men, but Yoongi was the one you had grown up with so she favored him whether she wanted to admit it or not. She loved Jungkook as well, but as he had moved from the city only three years ago, at times he still wasn’t used to the country life, and you all could tell.
“Speaking of boyfriends, where is my other wonderful beau?”
“You called, little lady?” Both you and Yoongi turned at the sound Jungkook’s voice. You expected to see him bounding into the barn with his usual bright, bunny-toothed grin. Instead, Jungkook was seated atop his horse with a solemn expression. He wasn’t wearing his usual dark jeans and baggy t-shirt either. From head to toe, Jungkook looked like an old western cowboy, down to the chaps and spurs on his cowboy boots.
“Jungkook?” Yoongi asked first. You were still surprised to see your boyfriend decked out in the cliche’ attire.
“Well, howdy there, Yoongi. Y/n.” Jungkook stopped his horse just in front of you and jumped down. You noticed the bouquet of daisies in his hand. He picked one and presented it with a flourish to Yoongi, who accepted it with a broad smile and a bow. Jungkook turned to you next and got down on one knee, holding the rest of the bouquet out to you.
“Jungkook, what on Earth are you doing?” You giggled and took the flowers from him.
“Well, as you know, tomorrow is a special night on this here farm. I’d be mighty honored to escort ya to the hoedown, miss.” He held a straight face as he spoke with the old-timey Southern accent, which you couldn’t deny was incredibly cute.
“Koo, why are you talking like that? Besides, you do realize I’m going to the party with you and Yoongi anyway, right? Seeing how we’re dating and all. ”
He let out a frustrated sigh. “Come on, Y/n, don’t ruin the moment! I just wanted to court you,” he whined, a dramatic pout forming on his lips. You leaned down and kissed him until he was smiling.
“I’d be mighty pleased to accompany you to the hoedown tomorrow night, partner.” Jungkook let out an enthusiastic yeehaw in reply.
“You know, Koo, every day, I swear you do something that proves more and more that you’re from the city.” Yoongi laughed, tucking the daisy behind his ear.
“Yeah, but you still think I’m cute,” Jungkook said matter-of-factly. Before Yoongi could hit him with another snarky remark, Jungkook grabbed the front of his t-shirt and brought their lips together in a messy kiss. You saw Yoongi frown into the kiss, but you didn’t miss the way his hands latched onto Jungkook’s hips. You let them have their moment for a while longer before swatting at the two of them.
“Alright, that’s enough you lovebirds. Mama will be back soon, and I need y’all to work on these lights so I can go check on the cakes.” They separated with a final peck and Jungkook’s face lit up at the mention of cakes. “Cakes for tomorrow.” His pout was back, but you rolled your eyes at him this time, handing him the string of lights you had been working on.
You blew them both a kiss as you headed out of the barn, giving Jungkook’s horse a pat on the head on your way.
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The next night, you couldn’t help but stand and admire you and your mother’s hard work. The red barn next to your house was full of your neighbors conversing and enjoying the food the two of you had prepared. The bright glowing of the fairy lights your boyfriends had strung up could surely be seen acres away. Music filled the air from the powerful sound system inside that you prided yourself on setting up on your own, even if Yoongi had insisted that he had needed to help you.
Jungkook and Yoongi were standing on either side of you, outfitted in their best party attire, which for Yoongi meant a pair of fitted jeans that didn’t have dirt smudges on them and a brand new flannel. Jungkook on the other hand, still a city boy at heart, opted for dark, ripped jeans and a black, long-sleeved shirt. You were thankful that both of them were casual men. They never made you feel pressured to make yourself look any particular way for them. Your outfit was a simple, knee-length white sundress and your favorite cowboy boots.
“So, are we just going to stand out here and gape at the barn, or are we going to enjoy the party?” Jungkook spoke up first, clearly itching to go inside. You let him take your hand while Yoongi took the other as he practically dragged you both towards the crowd of neighbors.
You gave your obligatory greetings to everyone, each person giving you various compliments on the decorations or the food. After getting roped into about four different conversations, eventually, Jungkook had managed to get the three of you to a less crowded corner of the barn. He was looking around nervously as if checking to see who was watching you.
“Koo, what’s wrong? You seem worried,” Yoongi asked, placing a hand over Jungkook’s that was gripping the end of his t-shirt restlessly.
“I...I just wanted all three of us to be together right now.” You saw his eyes dart over to the sound system, and you listened as the current song ended. The last note of the song tapered off, and almost immediately, the beginning tones of the next song rolled in. You immediately noticed how familiar it sounded. It was a slow, romantic ballad.
Jungkook’s gaze bounced between you and Yoongi as a gentle smile spread across his face. “Don’t you recognize it? It’s the song that played this time last year when I told you both that I liked you. It’s our first anniversary…” he trailed off as his shyness got the best of him, and his cheeks turned a light pink color. 
In all honesty, you had gotten so absorbed in working to make sure tonight was perfect for the guests that it had slipped your mind that this was technically your one year anniversary with your boyfriends.
“Oh Jungkook,” you cooed, reaching out to him to sweep him into a hug. He practically melted as Yoongi hugged him from behind, effectively sandwiching him between you both. “I’m sorry, Koo. I was working so hard that it slipped my mind.”
“Yeah, and you know my memory is just plain terrible,” Yoongi admitted, earning a laugh from both you and Jungkook.
“Is that why you asked us to go with you tonight the way you did yesterday?”
Jungkook buried his face deeper into your neck. “Yes. I just wanted to do something funny and cute.” You and Yoongi both embraced him tighter, beginning to pepper his neck and the top of his head with kisses making the younger boy giggle.
You pulled back then and held your hand out to Jungkook. “I’d be mighty honored if you’d grant me the honor of dancing with you tonight, good sir.” Jungkook played along, bowing to you and delicately placing his hand in yours. Yoongi bowed to him as well and grasped Jungkook’s other hand.
The three of you went towards the middle of the barn where other couples held each other, swaying to the music. You and Yoongi surrounded Jungkook once again, both sets of arms holding him by the waist as his arms were draped around your neck. You all moved fluidly together to the slow beat of the song, enjoying being here with one another.
“Y/n, Yoongi,” Jungkook whispered, loud enough for you both to hear, but quiet enough that no one around you could. “I love you both. A lot.”
This was the first time any of you had said the ‘L-word.’ Your heartbeat sped up, and you could feel yourself grinning like an idiot. “I love you both too.”
“And I obviously love both you saps,” Yoongi said in a joking tone, but you could tell from the look on his face that he meant it. Jungkook pulled you in one at a time to place a kiss on both your lips before he turned in your hold so his arms were around Yoongi’s neck now.
You and Yoongi leaned over his head to share a kiss, lingering a little longer. “I love you. So much,” he murmured, barely pulling away.
“And I love you,” you hummed, eyes closing in bliss. You didn’t know how you had been so lucky to gain the love of two amazing men, but you were so thankful. Starting a new chapter of your life with them was another thing you could add to your list of favorite fall things; this taking the number one spot.
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prosopopeya · 4 years
New Year’s Meme
this survey has been a tradition among my friend group for YEARS, but i haven’t filled it out since 2015 apparently. i’m not entirely sure why except 2016 was the year a lot of stuff changed for me, namely in that i finally got out of school in some form and started a new job, but i also had a few health problems that kept plaguing me (thyroid medicine being off, vitamin d) and my anxiety was all over the place. so here we go i’m doing it again and feel free to do it too if you want!!
1. What did you do in 2020 that you’d never done before? tried on wedding dresses. taught virtually. dealt (poorly) with drunk teenagers. performed in a pep rally. wore face masks all the time. i’m going to lump in living with someone. jon moved in october 2019, but i don’t think i did this quiz last year so. taught ap.
2. Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions and will you make more for next year? i don’t really like resolutions. they put too much pressure on me and i am a fragile person when it comes to setting expectations and living up to them. i did want to try to read more this year, and i maintained that until the pandemic, and then just kind of gave up requiring myself to do anything but live.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? i don’t think so. a coworker did.
4. Did anyone close to you die? jon’s cousin committed suicide in march or april. the circumstances were pretty upsetting. um. andy died in february, very suddenly. andy was my high school boyfriend for four years with whom i had a very... he scarred me in a lot of ways when it comes to sex and consent. it’s taken me a long time to unpack all of that. and i struggle with how much any of that was his fault or just bc he was a stupid kid too. our mutual friends had nothing but nice things to say about him on fb. anyway. he would guilt me into saying he’d kill himself if we broke up, and jon’s cousin killed himself over his girlfriend. so that was a complex part of the year.
5. What countries did you visit? none. literally the week before the quarantine, we went to asheville to visit jon’s cousin.
6. What would you like to have in 2021 that you lacked in 2020? maybe a different job? or at least some peace at doing mine.
7. What date from 2020 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? march 13 we cancelled classes and had a technology training day; the 15th we had another one, and then we were virtual the rest of the term. it was such a sudden shift and while i so loved working from home tbh, it was such a relief after a supremely shitty january/february work-wise, i still had a lot of keyed-up, stressful days centered around transitioning to being the senior upper school spanish teacher. i hate it!
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? writing 50k in the month of november. i have literally never done that before and actively reject nano as being typically unhealthy for how my mind works, so it was nice to do it entirely by accident.
9. What was your biggest failure? mishandling the drunken teenagers on that field trip in january.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? i sit crosslegged in my virtual teaching chair and i did it so much that my ankle hurt for the entire summer.
11. What was the best thing you bought? we put a deposit on our elopement in ireland. jon’s wedding ring. (i didn’t buy my wedding dress.)
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? my best friend at work who keeps me sane and is represented by benny in my au, which other than the fact that he is not my sidepiece, is perfect he is crucial to my survival at work and i love him so much. (also he is gay and the french teacher so the benny parallels just keep coming). everyone who tore down a statue in virginia (and other places, but especially monument avenue). everyone putting their lives on the line during this pandemic.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? guess! but aside from all the obvious, i found out a friend of mine at work voted for trump. my work bff and i had been trying for years to sway his politics, but that had us both deciding to give up on him.
14. Where did most of your money go?  food, ALCOHOL. god., our savings account. i did a pretty excellent job saving this year, though a good deal of that is because jon moved in and makes more money than me, and also we split all the bills.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? my wedding dress but strangely only when i went to try it on after it came in bc after the purchase i was so sure i’d made every mistake possible. my wedding band. wellbutrin changing my whole life. and, last but certainly not least, the gay angel and the bi(lingual) hunter. i wouldn’t have survived nov-dec in school without that distraction. the election.
16. What song(s) will always remind you of 2020? the entirety of taylor swift’s oeuvre this year, maybe specifically “this is me trying”
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:  i. Happier or sadder? happier, i suppose, perhaps contrary to what should be the case, but wellbutrin is a hell of a drug. ii. Older or wiser? wiser. ii. Richer or poorer? richer.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of? reading. cleaning. exercising.
19. What do you wish you’d done less of? stressing. chaperoning.
20. How will you be spending Christmas? so, an update; last year was the first year i didn’t go to my mom’s for christmas. i was supposed to see her for thanksgiving last year, but she basically told us not to come bc she wasn’t feeling up to it (cool!), and we went to jon’s for christmas and my mom’s for new year’s. 
this year, obviously we couldn’t go to my mom’s. instead, we rented a little cabin by the lake. it was perfect; it was really really nice inside, the beds were SO SOFT, the pillows were the best things i have ever laid my head on, like i took off the pillowcases to try to find the brand. we had a little tiny christmas tree with tiny ornaments from walmart that we decorated. the 23rd, we went and picked up our wedding bands. we slept two nights in the (cold) back bedroom so i could wake up and look out at the lake. it snowed for christmas. :)
we opened presents on christmas eve, per jon’s family’s tradition. on christmas eve, we also went to his family farm and sat outside and hung out a little. every year his family does like a secret santa sort of thing and i got my first present in that exchange, which is notable bc jon and i are not yet officially married. i got a remote control car -- jon’s idea bc i couldn’t think of anything, and he was so delighted to hear that i loved playing with rc cars when we went to the beach as a kid.
christmas morning we facetimed my parents and opened some presents together. then jon and i marathoned mandalorian (after spending the previous few days watching several die hard movies), and then we watched wonder woman 1984 which was a bad movie.
21. How will you be spending New Year’s Eve? ok LAST year for new year’s, we were in a hotel room, so that was nice, bc it meant minimal stress with my parents. i had always wanted to go to this restaurant near us that has a special new year’s menu, so we did that. the night before or after i think we went to cheesecake factory, which was also amazing.
this year currently i’m tumbling and he’s playing pokemon, and in a bit we’ll try to time it so we finish schitt’s creek in time for the new year.
22. Did you fall in love in 2020? i re-fell in love with supernatural so that was nice.
23. How many one-night stands? 0. i submit we should randomly change question 23 each year to something more relevant to any of our life experiences.
24. What was your favorite TV program? what did i even watch this year. schitt’s creek. mandalorian. i mean obviously we know supernatural. the circle. are you the one (the queer season). pose. unsolved mysteries. we’re here! perry mason. watchmen. oh maybe that mcdonald’s monopoly fraud documentary. avenue 5. i’ll be gone in the dark. of those i think my favorite maybe is... pose or we’re here.
OKAY UM. on my 2014 version of this there were a bunch of questions about tv shows that i’m putting back in if only for the memories:
25. Which TV shows did you start watching in 2020? the haunting of bly manor, which we still need to finish. derry girls.
26. Which TV shows did you let go of in 2020? HERE’S WHY I WANTED TO RESURRECT THESE. here was my answer in 2015: “supernatural. goodbye, my sweet prince.” CAN YOU EVEN FUCKING BELIEVE
27. Which TV shows did you mean to get into but didn’t in 2020? Why? so far, queen’s gambit and that one on hulu with catherine the great. EVENTUALLY. 28. Which TV shows do you intend on checking out in 2020? fleabag. queen’s gambit. 29. Which TV show do you think you might let go of in 2020 unless things significantly improve? idk i drop things pretty regularly if they don’t entertain me 30. Which TV show impressed you least in 2020? GUYS HERE’S MY ORIGINAL 2015 ANSWER: “supernatural. :(”
anyway back to the rest of the quiz:
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? every person who refuses to listen to facts and information.
26. What was the best book you read? killers of the flower moon: the osage murders and the birth of the fbi, or the his dark materials series.
27. What was your greatest musical discovery? well i knew about tswift so i’m not going to count her albums. i will count this song that jon played for me once in the car that got stuck in my head for two weeks straight and led me down into a great related-songs spotify playlist: through the roof ‘n underground.
28. What did you want and get? a wedding dress and a very specific kind of wedding band. a gay angel. a christmas getaway. animal crossing.
29. What was your favorite film of this year? idk i don’t know how many films i saw this year. maybe mucho mucho amor: the legend of walter mercado
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? i was 32. we went to an escape room with a BUNCH of people -- work bff, my old work bff and his wife (old bc he quit and we’ve fallen out of touch :(), the cool new physics teacher and his fiancee, and the aforementioned trump voter and his wife, before we knew... we went out for brunch/lunch after. it was pretty great!
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? not having to chaperone that school trip in january. dean being bi in english as well as spanish. cas just ilke, appearing in 15x20. not having to physically go back to work this fall.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2020? no! real! pants!
34. What kept you sane? jon. supernatural (in a way?). animal crossing for a while. wellbutrin! i haven’t really been able to detail this yet, but finally i did something about tumblr and my therapist making me think about adhd. my doctor gave me wellbutrin (bc i lack any official diagnosis and was on anxiety meds anyway, and he was like let’s try this!) and it’s fucking. it’s a fucking godsend. surprisingly enough, my students. trying to provide them a safe space has been a calming thing for me.
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? jensen ackles’ silence. misha collins again, i guess.
36. What political issue stirred you the most? the summer was so fucking intense. i guess though it was me trying to exert my influence in a responsible way with my students without trying to try to make them feel uncomfortable but then one kid was a vocally upset trump supporter after the election and i had to try to defuse that situation.
37. Who did you miss? my old work bff. several old friends that i’ve fallen out of touch with bc i have no object permanence.
38. Who was the best new person you met? people i met through the spn resurgence!
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2020: if you manifest it in an au, it will come. no really though. maybe that expectations are only as important as i make them out to be.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year: usually i have a hard time coming up with anything for this and i default to looking at my most played songs of the year. my most played song of the year received each and every one of its plays within the month of november and you can guess why. anyway see if this works
I had all and then most of you Some and now none of you Take me back to the night we met I don't know what I'm supposed to do Haunted by the ghost of you Take me back to the night we met - the night we met, lord huron
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quietscient · 3 years
Creative Exercise 1
This write-up is basically me explaining my answers incoherently similar like random thoughts.
What Inspires You?
1. Art
I literally live for art. I can’t help but be gravitated to it everyday as I go through my social media accounts. I enjoy both traditional and digital art. There were countless times wherein when I see an artwork that is so gorgeous and amazing, I zoom in to see the details and spend minutes wondering how the art style was done. Art makes me feel so glad to be alive in this world. It also makes me feel envious of the people who are good at it but I always try my best to deviate from that negative feelings and instead be hopeful that I can be better with practice.
2. Music
Another thing I live for. I think I have a pretty diverse music taste. When I was around 15 years old, I listened to mostly video game soundtracks, indie pop and alternative rock. Recently, I rediscovered my really old playlists with the aforementioned genre and I fell in love with music all over again like I do everyday. Now, I still love to indie pop. What changed is that I also love to listen to hip-hop and metal thanks to my family and my boyfriend.
3. Films
This inspiration list has essentially become things I live for, and films are the third thing on my list. The first film that made me truly appreciative of the technicalities of film making was “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”. It wasn’t a particularly sad or moody movie but it made me bawl my eyes out because of how much I wanted to feel so free as the main character. I was so moved by how nature was so beautifully showcased in the film as well. With that, I discovered how I love Slice of Life films. However, my favorite film genre of all time is Horror, and I hope to follow through with a short horror film if possible!
What Interests You?
1. Cinematography
There are so many shots and angles in films I want to know how they were shot like that and actually recreate them with proper guidance. I really want to witness firsthand a BTS or the pre-production process in literally any film or even be part of the film crew.
2. Video Editing
When the pandemic started, I decided to discontinue my school duties for one year. I wanted to earn money on my own, so I decided to look for online jobs with my digital art and video editing skills. It took me around 4-5 months until I was accepted finally to be a freelance video editor under a company. I was struggling a bit at first because the job required me to do things I haven’t done yet but I was just so excited to be productive and work hard for my own money. Because of that, my love for video editing grew. It also made me want to pursue motion graphics and animation.
3. Video Games
Ever since I was a kid, I loved to play all sorts of video games - FPS, RPGs, Simulation, Puzzles, etc. Currently, there is one genre that has me hooked, namely Farming RPGs wherein the game play is farming and combat. Multiplayer games with friends are also fun as well.
What Are You Passionate About?
1. Emotions
There is such a vast range of emotions and it is so interesting to me.  Whether in real life or fiction, emotions are always present obviously. There are some feelings where I don’t even understand myself why I am feeling them and I think it’s cool how complex the mind works.
2. Feminism
I’m not the only one who thinks this but equality is evidently important in today’s world. I often wonder if a world that hasn’t experienced discrimination exists.
3. Art
This really goes without saying but art is my passion whether it’s in drawing or in media content. I can’t live without viewing and consuming art.
What Obsesses You?
1. Nature
It is so bizarre to live among nature and how nature doesn’t really ask anything from us in return. I often get a moment of existential crisis when I think too much about nature because then I think too much about life and its wonders. I promised to myself that for as long as I live, I will do my best to help take care of the earth we live in.
2. Dreams
May it be from sleeping or from actual goals, I spend a lot of time having dreams. Most of the time, my dreams from sleeping are so surreal that I would often wake up feeling feeling and have a sudden want to recreate those dreams into art house films. On the other hand, like any other person, I have so many dream goals in real life. I have a vague bucket list that I would love to achieve before I die.
3. Fashion
It is a guilty pleasure of mine when I’m stressed I look at online shops where I’ve been wanting to buy items for and simply scroll through their selection even though I’ve seen their catalogue before. I often fantasize of wearing those outfits even though I know I don’t need anymore clothes. In my tweens, I was so uncomfortable with my body and would often wear baggy clothes but now that I feel confident with my own body, my fashion sense has drastically changed. I particularly love casual body flattering dresses and crop tops!
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fan4196 · 4 years
Mother-in-law (Part 4)
Hey everyone! Here's (probably) the last part of this multi-chapter. I think about adding a fifth part, playing a little in the future, but I don't know yet. Tell me what you think.
Also thank you again to @angry-slytherin for beta reading.
For now, hope you like it! Enjoy!
"So answer my question, Princess. Why are you still hanging out with my family?" The atmosphere is way lighter now. They are laughing together, while Alex is still holding Jo's hands under his.
"Well four weeks after you left I found out that I was pregnant. I called you but you didn't pick up like all the other times before and the next number under your's was your moms. I saw her name in my contact list and just called her. I hadn't heard from you in four weeks and I wanted to know what was going on. But she told me that you had never been there. We talked, I cried, she comforted me and eventually I told her that I was pregnant. She was so happy and she wanted them in her life. And I wanted her in their lives; I wanted them to have a grandma and an aunt and uncles and cousins by blood. Even though I knew that they would have aunts and uncles at the hospital, I wanted them to have a real family. So I stayed in contact with your mom. I call her at least once a month and Amber too. Amber and I actually became really good friends, she was there when the twins were born-"
"When's their birthday?" Alex interrupts her with that question.
She grins at him. "Believe it or not but it's the 3rd of July." Jo's nodding softly while looking into his eyes, which look at her in disbelief but immediately soften.
"Wow. That's-"
"The day we met for the first time." She says softly and smiles.
"Wow, the universe is freaking cruel." He's looking at her with warm eyes.
"Trust me I cursed the world all the way to the OR. I actually asked Carina DeLuca if they could wait until midnight, but nope. Our babies got born on our anniversary." She replies with a laugh.
"I can imagine that. You know what I can't imagine. My sister in scrubs, trying to calm you down in the OR."
He's laughing too.
"She was anything but calm. I had to calm her down, while Carina tried to calm both of us down. Their birth was a mess." Jo's closing her eyes for a second, replaying the day of her babies birth.
"Tell me more about them." Alex is desperate to know more about his kids. He always wondered what his and Jo's kids would have been like and now that those kids really exist he wants to know everything.
"Alright, so- they are obviously twins. Emery is two and a half minutes older than Parker, her second name is actually Helen, after your mom, because she really was my rock during my pregnancy and because I knew that you wanted your daughter to have her grandma's name. Parkers second name is Joseph, after me, kind of. They were almost a month too early so they stayed in the NICU for a month and a half. They were really easy babies, thank God." Jo grinnes remembering her once tiny babies. "Their first word was actually 'Dada', which I was pretty pissed about. They love Pizza and their favorite sweets are donuts, but only the powdered sugar one. Parkers favorite color is green, Emery's is purple. Ahm- Parker wants to be either a bone surgeon or a ghost hunter, he's not quite sure yet. Emery wants to be a babies surgeon but only if she's allowed to wear her Tinkerbell wings over her lab coat. They are both really ambitious but they got the double dose of stubbornness." Alex has to laugh at that comment.
"They invented a new holiday 'Hallochristmas', which means they run around in costumes from Halloween until Christmas. If I hadn't talked them out of it they would still wear them. Their favorite bed time stories are when I tell them about cool surgeries or when I tell them about you." She whispers those last words, but Alex hears her clearly. He can't say anything because he's blown away and love struck. They are so perfect.
"Now tell me about your twins." Jo's trying to change the subject, while she's playing with his hand, which is now between her hands.
"Ok. They are eight now. They also both want to become doctors. They love our waffle sundays. They love animals, which we had way to many on that stupid farm. They are really good at school, they have amazing grades. Eli plays football and the trumpet. Alexis dances and plays the violin. And I have full custody for them but they visit Izzie once a month."
"What?" Jo didn't expect this kind of news.
"Yeah, ahm after Izzie tried to change every little thing about me I called it quit. We were always arguing so I moved out. I was still there every day, I just slept somewhere else. After a month or so Izzie got a new boyfriend. They went really fast and got married after only three months of knowing each other. I told her that I thought that they were moving way to fast but she wouldn't listen. One day I got a letter that her husband wants to adopt the twins and I had to give up my half of custody. I fought them in court and got full custody for the twins."
"Wow, what a bitch." This makes Alex laugh and Jo immediately gets infected by his laugh. But their laughter gets interrupt by someone opening the front door. A little head with curly, light brown hair pops out.
"Mommy, grandma told me to come get you because the food is ready."
Alex takes the blanket of them and offers Jo his hand to helps her up. Silently they walk towards the door where Emery is still waiting. Her daughter is about to run back to the kitchen when Jo calls after her.
"Emy wait a minute. I want you to meet someone."
While Jo gets rid of her coat and boots, Alex closes the door and also puts his jacket and shoes aside. Emery is watching the two adults, while she waits.
"Come here, Princess." She scoops her daughter up in her arms and walks closer to Alex.
"Emy, this is your daddy Alex." Jo introduces her daughter to Alex.
"Really?" The eyes of the three year old grow big, while she looks from her mother to Alex and back.
"Yes." Jo's nodding with a big smile.
"Can I hug you?" The little girl askes shyly. Alex answers with a big smile.
"Of course." He's taking her from Jo's arms into his and holds her close to his body. Emery puts her little arms around Alex's neck and kisses him on the cheek.
"I love you, daddy." She lays her head down on his shoulder and squeezes him a little tighter. The smile on Alex's face says it all. He couldn't be more happy right now. Jo watches them with the biggest smile on her face, also getting a little teary.
With his daughter still in his arms the three walk into the kitchen where everyone is already sitting at the big table. Alex and Jo take their seats and Emery lets go of her daddy's neck and takes the seat right next to him.
After they ate and talked, they make their way to the living room to finally open the presents. All of the kids are sitting on floor, while the adults are on the couches.
Jo is sitting next to Alex with a sleeping baby Evie on her chest. His right arm resting behind her on the couch. They are watching their kids playing together and laughing. Alex turns his view to the beautiful woman beside him and leans closer to her ear.
"Thank you for the best Christmas present I could have ever wished for."
Jo's looking confused at him, not quite understanding.
"Thank you for being here and thank you for those two amazing kids." She's answering with a smile and puts her head on his shoulder, while she keeps watching their playing kids.
"I think about moving back to Seattle. A few weeks ago Bailey called and made me a really good job offer and I consider taking it. Well- to be honest I know I will take it. Because the second I saw you made me realize what I want-" He puts a loose curl behind Jo's ear but before he can continue, she interrupts him.
"Alex, no. I can't do this, not with them." She grabs his hand out of her face and looks at him.
"I'm not only responsible for my own heart now but for their little hearts too and I can't let you break their hearts. I can't let you back into our life just like that. There are still things we have to talk about, so let's- let's start with being friends again, ok?"
"I promise you, I will do anything to not break your or their hearts. I've learned out of my mistakes. I won't repeat them. But I want to be in their lives. I want to be their dad and I want you. And I will do anything to get your trust back." He's talking calmly and he means every word.
"Let's start with hanging out and drinking beer again. And then we see what the future holds." She's smiling at him, while he's smiling back.
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Blood Red Heat prt 39
Lance was wild. How someone could operate semi-humanly while hacking his lungs up was going to be his omega’s new defining moment. Mornings had never been Lance’s best friend, nor Keith’s, but it seemed to be time they both woke up with the need to touch each other... Then, as Lance had improved, they’d done less touching and more “Lance dragging him from Red to go for a morning walk with Kosmo, despite the chill in the air leaving the omega coughing”. They had the same problem at night. Lance would want to sit up with the pack, but the cold air aggravated his lungs.
The pack had been really good with him. When Pidge started tinkering with her comms, she actually took the time to explain what she was doing to Lance. When Hunk needed to collect herbs, he invited Lance along, given their walks were never as far as Lance insisted on going in the mornings. Their first walk had been to Black, the closest of the five lions to Red. Lance could now make to Green before needing to rest, then Yellow. Yellow was the limit, the first time he’d had to support Lance back, because his omega didn’t want to be carried. Allura let Lance play with her hair, then Romelle asked him to do her hair too... Krolia was still a challenge, his mother trying to talk to Lance had ended up with Lance kind of squeaking, and apologising for being ill. When his mother hugged Lance, Lance turned red as he held his breath, Keith choosing not to save him immediately because with Lance being a permanent addition to their family, he had to learn to cope with Krolia sooner rather than later.
Shiro took a little longer to warm back up to. Lance wanted to be close to him, but sometimes he couldn’t find the right words, so would move closer to Keith for comfort. His brother seriously fearing Lance didn’t like him anymore, until Lance finally found the words to explain he sometimes got a bit overwhelmed and confused as he wasn’t used to having his omega talking to him. Keith getting jealous when their little sign for this would be Lance holding onto Shiro’s hand or leg. When they were alone, Lance could articulate most of what he wanted to say, but there were clear signs he’d forget or get muddled when he really tried to concentrate on anything for longer than a few minutes. Coran seemed to think it was all exhaustion and would work its self out slowly as Lance began being able to stay awake longer and longer.
Then Lance went and surprised him. Krolia had started teasing him over how lazy he’d become. When Keith had sent his boyfriend a pleading look, Lance had waved him off to train with his mother and Kosmo. His mother was mercilessly. Training felt good after being so stagnant, but every muscle throbbed as he dragged himself into Black to shower and change. Black laughing at his exhaustion, always his biggest supporter right there. Unintentionally he’d kind of fallen asleep on his bed, his bed so inviting after being made to run laps around all 5 lions... the lions were massive... and life wasn’t fair.
Panicking hard over falling asleep, he’d rushed outside to find the sun had set. Jogging into camp to find Lance and apologise his arse off for not being there for him, Hunk tricked him. Playing up that Lance needed alone time, he sent him running off to find Lance who’d “wandered away from camp and refused to come back”. Their friends were wankers. Lance had wandered away from camp, to set up a picnic for the pair of them. Sitting on the blanket with Kosmo, the space was lit with two emergency lights. Keith not knowing he was walking into a picnic until he’d come to the edge of the blanket
Staring up at the night sky, Lance shifted his gaze to him, smiling up in a way that went straight to Keith’s heart
“Hey, you”
“Hey, yourself. Been here long?”
“A little while. Come sit down next to me”
Sitting beside Lance, Lance moved the blankets he had around his shoulders to cover both their shoulders, Kosmo whining disinterestedly at his arrival. Lance didn’t seem overly sad. There was nothing in his scent that pointed to him being upset
“Hunk said you’d wandered off wanting to be alone”
“That’s because I asked him to. I’m sorry, you would have worried, but I wanted to do something nice for you. It’s not much in the way of dinner, and it’s cold now, I thought a picnic under the stars would be nice”
Keith couldn’t quite believe it
“You... organised something for me?”
“Yeah. The others helped, before you tell me off for pushing myself. I know caring for a person is hard and I wanted to show that I appreciate you”
Smiling at him so sincerely, Lance was the prettiest omega he’d ever met
“You didn’t have to”
“I wanted to. Hunk helped me cook. And I had a nap earlier while you were sleeping so I’d be awake enough to do this tonight”
“Babe... I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to crash out”
“You needed it. I saw how hard Krolia pushed you today”
His mother’s hard training now made sense
“Why am I now getting the feeling she was in on this?”
“Because she was. No big surprise, but it’s soup again. And some herbs that are meant to resemble a salad”
“No meat?”
Lance elbowed him softly in the side
“No. If there were chickens I could have cut and gutted one, but there wasn’t”
Keith was instantly in awe. Living on space whale he’d had to learn how to catch and kill animals to break the monotony of plant based dinners, Krolia had to teach him more than he’d ever wanted to know
“You know how to do that?”
“I come from a farming family. How do you think I knew how to milk a cow?”
“That’s... fair. You didn’t have to do anything special for me”
“I did and I do. Sick Lance is kind of an arsehole”
“Nah, not an arsehole. I will give you that you’re stubborn”
Lance sighed a sigh that Keith couldn’t quite place. Despite being happy, there was something there that tugged at him
“Sorry. I was thinking about home before you came. You didn’t... okay, my home was always super super busy. Even if you were sick, you still helped out. If your hands were free, you’d fill them. That kind of thing”
Oh. He didn’t know what to say to that. Lance had a loving family from the sounds of everything he’d said
“That sounds...”
“Hard? Yeah. It was. There was a time I was really mad at my parents, but I’m over that. Anyway, you should eat”
“What about you?”
“Don’t worry, I’m going to eat too. Hunk made me eat earlier, then Pidge let me nap against her...”
“Yeah. Romelle is totally becoming a bad arse too. Shiro was helping her and Allura train. Coran kept throwing in suggestions but they didn’t go well”
It sounded like Lance had had a good day without him. Keith feeling kind of lonely to have missed it, not that he’d say so. Lance needed his pack and they’d all finally stopped reapologising to each other
“So why under the stars?”
“I used to love watching the stars when I was a kid. My siblings and I would make up dumb stories, then my Mami would come yell at us all for being outside”
“Why do I feel like she had a lot to deal with?”
“She did. There was never a moment of peace at home in Cuba. Cousins and siblings and chores... and a son that didn’t confirm to the standards of being an omega”
“That’s not on you. That’s no more your fault than... well, anything”
Lance chuckled as he snuggled close
“You’ve gotten better with your words, but it’s reassuring that you’re still you under all that rugged and grizzled appearance”
“I didn’t ask to grow up”
“I know. I know that it would have been hard, even with a mission to preoccupy yourself with. We’ll throw it on the therapy pile how insecure I am about my looks when my alpha is smoking hot”
“Says you”
“Dude, literally, have you seen yourself in a mirror? Omegas and betas are going to be queuing up just to catch a glance of Voltron’s sexy leader”
“Leaders, babe”
Lance hummed his disagreement, Keith kissing his boyfriend’s hair, using Lance’s words against him
“You really do have shockingly little faith in yourself”
“I look like a walking skeleton”
“Because you nearly died. I don’t care if you never have curves or whatever it is omegas think they need. As long as you’re healthy”
“Can I take a pass on going there right now? I don’t want to start wallowing over myself again when I want to spend the night out here with you”
“Fine, but only because it’s you”
“Thanks, babe. Anyway, let’s eat”
The soup really was cold. The salad a game of picking the herbs that didn’t taste awful on their own. Kosmo trying something that he obviously hated the taste of, his wolf taking off back towards the main camp as if he’d been betrayed. Pushing the remains of their dinner down the other end of the blanket, the pair of them laid next to each other under the stars, hand in hand
“Babe, how many stars do you think we’ve actually seen up close?”
“Me or you?”
“Either, either”
That was hard. They’d seen a lot of space, and yet they’d seen so very little of it
“No where near all of them?”
Lance’s snort told him he’d gotten the answer right. This was actually kind of nice, like way back when space hadn’t been all of this. When there were still mysteries out there that were mysteries and not an alarming gap in their intel
“Yeah... yeah, that’s true. Keith... do you wonder if maybe we’re still in the game?”
Rolling to his side, Keith leaned in to kiss Lance softly
“No. I did for a bit, but not anymore”
“I’ve been wondering why I’m taking all of this so calmly. We all apologised again, and I think I’m okay with that, but after so long... this kind of feels like a dream”
Keith bit back pointing out Lance hadn’t been all that calm when he’d been sicker
“We’ve got our second dynamics back, and I don’t know about your omega, but my alpha has been pretty nonstop”
“I don’t... my head feels busy. It feels weird...”
“Good weird or bad weird?”
“Both. Sometimes I feel ok and others I feel so on edge that it feels like everything will break”
“Depression and anxiety will do that to you. Plus, you need to cut yourself a break. You presented really late”
“I know. Maybe that’s why I keep wondering if this is all a dream?”
“I promise you it’s all very real. We’re here together”
Nosing into Lance’s cheek, his omega’s scent filled him with warmth. Reminding Keith he had another question to ask
“I know this is a bit late, but do you mind when I call you “omega”?”
“At first it kind of... didn’t feel right, but I can hardly deny it after spending your rut and my heat together”
“I’m sorry it was such a huge burden on your body”
“It’s okay. And... honestly, it did get better. You’re a kind alpha”
“I’m not so sure about that. I did get... rather... passionate”
Lance snorted again, tilting his head to kiss Keith’s cheek just short of his lips
“I am. You... were very good to me”
Keith sighed as he forced himself to roll back. Lance was very very tempting, more so than Pike
“You’re going to wake my alpha up again if we keep talking about sex”
“Maybe I want to...”
This time Lance rolled to face him, his omega walking his fingers up Keith’s chest and bopping him lightly on the tip of his nose
“You... me... under the stars”
Keith wasn’t not interested, but he did wonder with all Lance’s questioning if this was a dream
“I thought you were recovering”
“I am. I also had a talk with Coran today too. He didn’t say rush into sex, but he did say that if I wanted to be intimate with you, that was my choice and it’s my body. He also went on and on about honour, and how you were a very honourable man... and how you reacted at the idea of me being knotted to save my life”
Keith had been furious and sick to his stomach at the thought that could be the only way
“I didn’t want to... not without your consent. You sound like you had a very busy day”
“I know. And kind of, but not really at the same time... I just... being in love with Allura was tiring. I couldn’t blame her for not loving me back, and I didn’t understand how... How I couldn’t be enough. On the other hand, you... These last few however long it’s been... it’s made me feel... infinity better. It’s... easy with you. I feel like... I’m waiting for your every word and to see what comes next for us. That makes me sound pretty pathetic”
Lifting their hands, Keith kissed the back of Lance’s
“I don’t think it does. I just honestly don’t want you to feel rushed or that I won’t be interested because we don’t have a super intense sex life. I want to do this right”
“I know you do... I hate the term “making love”... but I can’t think of how else to word it. I want to make love to you under all these stars before everything gets hectic again. I want to try to work harder on concentrate on making these small happy moments with you”
“I don’t want to aggravate your lungs...”
“Babe, my lungs will be a mess for a long time. Coran didn’t say it, but it could take months for everything to heal properly, if they ever do... If you treat me like glass every time I cough, I don’t think I can take it”
“I just... don’t want to lose you”
“Trust me, apparently I’m stubborn”
Keith kissed the back of Lance’s hand twice more
“You are very stubborn... I think I can be in the mood for a little romance”
“Mmm... why don’t you show me what you’ve got, samurai”
Laying Lance out under the stars, Keith wanted to do this right. Lance was a hopeless romantic. Absolutely hopeless and well known for his romantic heart. Lance smelt intoxicating, his natural musk mixing with his aroused hues. Kissing Lance’s inner thighs, the way the muscles jumped was adorable
“You okay, babe?”
“Yeah... just... very exposed”
Keith had stripped him down slowly, Lance’s shirt hadn’t made it easy, both of them smacking their foreheads against each other as the clumsily made their way through things. Kissing had lead to wandering hands, Lance making the sweetest little mews as Keith had slowly started to open him, as he hid his face against Keith’s shoulder
“I’m just as exposed, you know”
Covering his face, Lance mumbled into his hands. The emergency lights had been laid down to cut the amount of light, yet Keith knew if he could have seen it, Lance would be blushing
“But you’re so hot it’s not fair”
Smirking down at Lance, Keith teased him gently
“Oh, babe. You’ve got it bad for me, don’t you”
“Shut up”
Too cute. Lance was too cute. Did all alphas turn into such idiots when they found their omega?
The sex was slow, Keith tracing his hands over Lance soft skin, keeping his thrusts slow almost to the point of lazy, Lance’s scent grew sweeter and sweeter. It was nothing like sex with Pike, or the hard dirty sex they’d had when both their instincts were screaming to breed. Having marked Lance’s neck with plenty of possessive hickeys, his boyfriend smacked him when he started teasing his nipples. The tiny brow buds just the right size. Lance had fallen apart beneath him, the back of his hand against his mouth, though it didn’t stop the little moans and mews that Lance would give. Everything was so overwhelmingly intoxicating. The warm wetness of his boyfriend’s heat. The wet squelching noises each time be buried himself. The way Lance was so open and pliant for him. And the fact that other than him, and Darkstorm, no one else had laid hands on their beautiful omega. Lance’s ganglyness might turn other alphas away, but Keith knew how much work Lance put it into training. He knew he worked himself far more than anyone else, except for maybe him.
Moving his hand from his mouth to Keith’s shoulder, Lance whined softly
Keith stopping his thrust to leave himself buried deeply in his omega, so close to coming but wanting Lance to come first
“You want up?”
“I wanna cuddle”
“Okay, little omega”
Seating Lance in his lap, his omega cried out as he sank back down on Keith’s erection, Keith massaging Lance’s arse as he gave him a moment to adjust. With his arms wrapped around him, it was like they were only two beneath the blanket of stars above
“You okay, babe?”
“Mmm... I want it hard and fast”
So bossy...
Taking Lance by the hips, Keith let his control slip, moving Lance to meet each desperate thrust as his knot started forming
“Do you want my knot?”
“Please... alpha... I’m going crazy”
His pride swelled, his omega pleasured to the point of wanting his knot. Lance might not fall pregnant any time soon, but practicing was fun. Rolling his hips, they both moaned, Lance’s lips finding his, kisses clumsy as Keith thrust up over and over, knot flaring as Lance came with a heavy groan, his full weight driving Keith’s knot as deep as it’d go as his own orgasm painted his lovers insides with his seed. Biting on Lance’s shoulder, he’d very nearly bitten Lance’s neck, the amount of pleasure and joy he felt nearly forcing him to bond with his omega too soon.
Boneless and breathless, Lance nuzzled into his hair. Body shaking as Keith kept rutting through each slow burst of cum. Had Lance been able to fall pregnant, Keith was sure he’d pumped enough into knock him up. He’d never experienced anything like it a rut. Sure, he’d come a lot, but this was like a fucking volcanic eruption in comparison... and the way Lance rippled and squeezed... his body already trying for a pup of their own. Pups weren’t everything, and if the day came where Lance wanted a pup, Keith would do absolutely everything he could to make that dream happen.
With Lance firmly knotted, Keith hushed him as his knot jostled, the alpha reaching for a blanket to cover his loves cooling body. It’d do no good for Lance to catch a cold when he still had so far to go recovering. Kissing his hair, his omega hummed softly, a “thank you for the blanket” that he couldn’t find the words for
“Babe, are you okay?”
“My knot should go down soon... I’m sorry it puts so much strain on you”
His crotch was soaked from cum and slick, he’d probably regret it later, but that was for later Keith to deal with
“Mmm... ‘s ‘kay”
“You did so good, babe. So good for me”
“‘nly you”
“Yeah, babe. Only me”
They’d all apologised to each other, yet Keith still felt a burst of anger that their pack could think Lance would be sleeping around on diplomatic missions. It was the same kind of useless anger that he’d felt about leaving the team with Kuron. An anger he couldn’t do anything about, and an anger that would take a while to fade. Before they’d even been... close? Keith hadn’t thought Lance the type to sleep with just anyone, despite the “Nyma incident” and his omega’s chronic flirting. Lance was so damn faithful. He’d never do anything to risk negotiations or put their pack in danger. If Keith let himself think too much on it, he’d only grow angry at everything all over again.
Whining softly, Keith caught the hues of anger starting to bleed into his scent, upsetting Lance
“Shhh... it’s okay. My alphas just getting worked up at the idea of anyone daring to think they could hurt you”
Things were different for him. Lance had forgiven their pack, one by one, and as “Pike”. Yet his boyfriend had admitted he did feel moments of hurt and unsureness sometimes when he’d catch one of their pack out the corner of his eye. To Keith it was understandable. He wouldn’t have been mad with Lance if Lance hadn’t been able to accept the apology of their pack yet, yet Lance was so damn kind
“You won’t let ‘em”
“Nah, babe. They have to get through me first”
“Mmm... so damn dependable”
Tickling Lance’s side, the omega laughed tiredly, hissing when he tugged on Keith’s knot before settling his weight back against Keith
“Nooo... no tickling”
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it”
“I know... You’ve got a case of “Roman Hands” and “Russian Fingers””
The reference went straight over Keith’s head
“If you say so”
“I do...”
Lance sighed at him, Keith kissing his hair. He knew he had a lot to learn, but being this open only felt right because Lance had shown him he’d be there for him. Right now Lance just needed a little propping up, but soon the omega would be back to being his right hand man and his stability. What started as mess of jealousy and mutual lashing out, had grown slowly, piece by piece, and now it’d morphed into something completely new and breath taking. Far more breath taking than the stars above.
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themidnightfarmer · 4 years
Bringing in some colour || Morgan & Jared
Timing: Present
Location: Jareds greenhouse
Tagging: @mor-beck-more-problems & @themidnightfarmer
Description: Morgan and Jared do some mosaic for the greenhouse, and talk.
Triggers: none i think?
“Thank you for letting me help you with this. It’s been a hot minute since I’ve been able to do something nice with my hands. Or, nice and productive anyway,” Morgan said, her joke laughing behind her eyes. She spread the green glass panes around Jared’s kitchen table so they looked like a sharp-edged rendering of the sea. One by one she picked them up, careful not to let the panes trickle through her fingers or snap under her thumb. She pressed them into the window frame until she heard their quiet sigh of connection and sealed them in safe with a few dabs of her puddy knife. “Who’s the one who taught you how to do all this stuff anyway?” She asked. “Seems like a big job for one fae all on his own.”
Jared blinked over at Morgan owlishly before he caught on to her meaning. He snorted and was eternally grateful that his glamour covered any heat that might take over his cheeks in a blush. “Oh wow. Love isn’t dead I suppose.” he commented lightly with a small laugh. The variety of colours spread out across the only free bench in the greenhouse sparkled in the midday sunlight and he smiled as Morgan fit a full pane of their work into the frame ready to go up. “Google, google and youtube are wonderful teachers Mogan, and tuition fees are close to zero.” Jared joked. “But the farm stuff, I was born in town, this farm has been my family's farm since 3 years before that even. I grew up fixing stuff that broke and managing animals...although my idea of good cattle and my human families? Not quite the same.”
“You might even say it’s un-dead,” Morgan smirked, maybe too pleased with herself. “Romance everlasting.” She reached for one of the smaller pieces and fit it into the grid, trying to see it up close and far away at once. So many little pieces, amplified to so much more beauty by being brought together. “And that is seriously impressive. I mean, I did a lot of that too when I was hustling through the day back in Texas, but it was hard. And I wasn’t very good at it either. I need that personal touch, you know?” She smiled over at him again. “And I still think what you’re doing is more than worth being proud of. I’m not sure who else would even know how to take care of your critters like you do.” A thought came to her then, less bright than her last. “How...how was it in there, at the ring, with their animals? Do you know where any of them ran off to?”
“I find youtube a lot easier than being taught something. School was never my thing so I struggle to learn through being told. But everyone has it different. What were you trying to learn while you were ‘hustling’ in texas?” Jared asked curiously, his own fingers moving over the glass pieces to select one for the mosaic they were constructing. A few of the panes had fallen in on his greenhouse recently. And Jared had decided he wanted something to make him smile, and a little bit of colour would do wonders he was sure. The compliment took the sting out of bringing up the whole situation at the ring, but that didn’t mean the reminder didn’t sting a little anyway. “It wasn’t...very good in there. I tried to keep my focus, but there was a lot going on with everything. Being realistic isn’t easy sometimes. I just wish I could have done something for them all. But that’s not...you know realistic. I don’t blame anyone for protecting themselves, I...do blame the people who took the poor things captive. They deserved whatever they got.” He shot Morgan an uncomfortable look. “Not a popular opinion that one. By human standards I’m supposed to put ‘people’ first.”
“I was mostly learning to take care of myself online and from handbooks.” Morgan said. “But can I ask why? About school? I don’t mean like--I’ve become well aware how the common school systems and classroom set ups in this country underserve and in some cases sabotage growth in some students. I’m always up for finding new ways to accommodate and help my students and, well, you can’t help but think about it when you learn how many species there are and how many of us don’t get a handbook or a community for how to deal with...anything. I can’t imagine how hard it is for people like us to get by on a practical level sometimes. So I just...wondered. It’s good, though, that you found a way to make do for yourself. I’m happy for that.” She tried to busy herself with the next few pieces of the mosaic they were constructing together, but after the first one she had to stop. She looked at Jared with eyes that held only understanding for him. “We’re people too, Jared. And from what I understand from Remmy, they treat dogs at the pound better than they did some of these creatures. I don’t know how to...how to carry what I did there. But I don’t think it was wrong. Not the way other people would think it was wrong. And I don’t know what we could’ve done different, exactly. Those people didn’t...they didn’t see us, you know? They didn’t see any of the creatures they kept locked up as anything with a life of its own. They just let them die, horribly, night after night.” She shivered and wiped away a tear budding at the corner of her eye. “And I don’t believe in moral binaries anyway so, you know, fuck human standards.”
The nymph was lost at first, the man hadn’t ever really thought about why he hadn’t done well in school. It just had sort of been a reality for him, he was sure it hadn’t helped that he’d started skipping. Even fae kids could have a rebellious phase it seemed. But he’d not grown out of it quickly considering he knew he wasn’t even human. “I don’t know honestly, I guess I was distracted by a whole host of other things. I needed to learn to focus, my bones ache all the time, and my mind wanders to my kids. Just maybe didn’t have the discipline or the knowledge to block it out and keep up. My glamour used to be my main focus day to day when I was younger.” Jared shrugged and smiled at Morgan. “Probably not the answer you were looking for, but I had no one to teach me how to manage all those things, so I was a slow learner all around. Never graduated, so it’s not like I can say I HAVE learned to manage myself.” he laughed jovially, not bothered by this fact as much as he used to be. The reality of the ring was indeed a sad one. It moved him to know Morgan felt the same way. He hoped she was shedding a tear for the creatures like he had and not just the people who’d suffered. Although both parties were definitely deserving of the grief. “Human standards suck, always have, according to the very few fae I’ve met. But maybe we’re just the vindictive type?” He reached out to the woman and gave her an encouraging smile. “If it helps. I’ve wandered the woods these last few days and a few have found their way to me. There is hope. They’re glad to be free, and you did that. Not only are your friend Remmy and Nell free, but some of them are too.”
Morgan shrugged. “I don’t know, sounds like keeping up that glamour full time takes a decent amount of concentration and discipline. Maybe you would’ve had the headspace if it wasn’t for that, but letting your fae flag fly in public isn’t exactly practical. Or safe. I think you’ve managed pretty well on your own, though. You’ve got a handle on everything that matters most to you, and that’s the important thing, right?”
She went slowly back to her work, pressing each piece with care and dabbing away at the grout that rose between the pieces so it was squished just right. She wasn’t sure how she felt about the word vindictive. In that moment in the dark, freshly flung from the bear, hearing that woman have the gall to be upset with her, go for her like she was the one owed. She remembered her own rage, her own hurt… “Maybe we wouldn’t have to be if things were more fair. But I am glad, you know?” She sniffled and blinked back her way tinto some composure. “We have our friends back, and maybe there’s some critters who can live their life with a little more peace. I’m not, you know, a longtime fighter or worker for this sort of thing like you are, I didn’t even know half the species I’m aware of now existed until I moved here, but I am...I do think your animals deserve as much of a fair shot as they can get.”
“That is the important thing. Though I wish there was a fae flag. We definitely need a flag. But it’s got to be invisible and it’s got to steal your name when you look at it. Since I’m pretty sure those are the rules.” Jared joked. It was slow work, but the mosaic for the gaps in the greenhouse would brighten the place up, and they definitely needed it around the farm lately. “We do have them back, and you don’t need to be fighting for my kids like I do. No one does, I just really appreciate that you don’t think of them as lowly as you could. Everyone deserves a shot you know?” He paused and put the last few spots of colour into the pane of glass he was working on and held it up towards the window to let the light through it. “But hey, all we can do is our best, all anyone can do is their best. And it’s sometimes not what we want, not enough, or not what you need. But it’s the best you can do. And it’s okay...but in my humble opinion my mosaic skills are godlike and nothing I can create will ever be less than perfect.” he tacked on to make her smile. 
Morgan couldn’t help but snort along with Jared. “Promise binds you on the spot not to talk about it too I bet.” She fumbled with the pieces she was working with and laid the last few down along the section she was working on. “You really are a uniquely understanding person, Jared. I don’t know as much as you do, obviously, but I do believe that everyone should get a fair shot, yeah.” She sniggered again at his pride in his handiwork. “Excuse me! I am clearly a goddess for my contributions to this work of fine art,” Morgan quipped. “We should let it rest before we put it in, yeah? But I think it’s the most beautiful thing ever made by supernatural hands. You know if you need anything more substantial… I mean, you helped break my friends out from the ring and fixed my brain. If that doesn’t make us friends now, I’m not sure what else could.”
He smiled at her widely. “I do try, it’s hard to see things from the other side a lot of the time. But I’m trying to get better. Especially after all this stuff.” Jared shrugged and then admired her work as well as his own. He was really happy with how it was turning out. Asking for Morgan's help had definitely been the key to all this. It was kind of therapeutic as well. “Oh yeah definitely, absolutely. Only gods would be able to create something like this. We’re the highest of the high. No one can even see us anymore, we're so good.” The nymph shrugged. “You don’t need to offer anything to be friends. We can just be friends you know...no strings required.”
Morgan’s face turned sheepish. “Sorry. Old habit, I guess. I was raised to believe in equivalent exchange in all things, to keep my balance with the universe and maintain that balance with everything and everyone I encountered. At least as much as possible. But I think maybe when it comes to certain people, maybe when it comes to friends...balance can look different, or be different than how I was taught.” She ran her finger over the fine glass pieces. They didn’t feel like anything to her but they really were beautiful together, even in all their misfit shapes and humble offerings, they were enough. “Then we’re friends, Jared. No deals or offers or trades. Just friends.”
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