#fast hair growth tips for
ceyhanmedya · 2 years
Fast hair growth methods
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Fast hair growth methods
Some people’s hair grows very hard. There is not even a method that they did not do to extend it. In fact, diet, regular grooming and cutting have great effects on the growth of your hair.
watch what you eat
In order for your hair to grow fast, you should choose protein-based foods. Foods such as meat, milk, eggs will not only facilitate hair growth, but will also help in its nutrition. Also avoid caffeinated and alcoholic foods. Caffeine and alcohol cause damage to your hair.
Take care of your hair while in the shower
Do not wash your hair with very hot or cold water. Hot water does not activate your hair follicles. Therefore, choose to wash your hair with lukewarm water. Because warm water allows the cells in your scalp to activate.
give a massage
The massage we will apply to your scalp is also of great importance in the growth of your hair. Since you have stimulated your scalp with this massage, your hair follicles will be revitalized.
for water
Consuming plenty of water has a great role in hair growth. Water not only benefits your health, but also nourishes your hair and makes it grow faster.
Get your fractures removed regularly
In order for your hair to grow fast, you should cut the ends of the ends at regular intervals. Excessive hair breakage causes delayed growth.
It is important to use it correctly
One of the important tips to remember is that you should apply the shampoo to the bottom of your hair and the conditioner only to the ends of your hair.
Stay away from shapers
If you want your hair to grow a little faster, you should not use spray and gel stylers for a while. When these substances reach the roots of the hair, they will cause your hair follicles to become clogged, causing them to grow more slowly.
7 recipes for hair growth
Masks made in natural ways help healthy and fast hair growth as well as healthy nutrition. With these 7 formulas, it is possible for your hair to grow healthily!
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rayray-razorblade · 3 months
waht the fruck why camt my hair grow FASTERRRRR uuuuurrrhgghh SOBS...........
does any1 have any methods 2 help hair grow faster that. works for white people hair. plsesde help !!!
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pinkverge · 2 years
Best practices for hair growth
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A healthy scalp is the foundation of good hair. Boost your hair’s volume, thickness, and uniqueness by researching common approaches to hair improvement.
You can chip away at your hair’s prosperity, appearance, and surface by following these simple clues. When it comes to hair prosperity, there are a few direct options.
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philosophiehair · 1 year
PhiloSophie Hair GRO Moisturizing Hair Oil
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PhiloSophie Hair GRO was created to assist in promoting hair growth, strength and retaining moisture. Our GRO Moisturizing Hair Oil formulation has no chemicals, fragrances, or preservatives, and is produced in small batches to ensure freshness. In addition to restoring damaged hair, our Hair GRO Serum provides the nourishment your hair is craving, adding thickness and shine.  Additionally, GRO is gentle on the scalp – yet effective and safe for all hair types.
Shop Now - https://philosophiehair.com/shop-oil-for-hair-growth/
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thatcurlychic · 1 year
Regrow Hair Naturally For Fuller And Stronger Hair
Want Healthy, Fuller Hair? Try These Tips and Regrow Your Hair! The Causes of Hair Loss and How to Regrow Hair Regrow Hair Naturally – There are many factors that can lead to hair loss. Poor diet, stress, and hormonal changes are some of the most common causes. However, one of the most overlooked causes is dandruff, dry scalp, and hair breakage. A dry scalp can also lead to hair breakage and…
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zaineey · 2 years
✅😍Top 5 Best Hair Growth Vitamins [ 2023 Buyer's Guide ]
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oliviasmith-18 · 2 years
Hair loss is a very common problem among men and women. We all want the best treatment for hair loss, we can easily prevent hair fall if we know about proper hair care. Its Possible to Grow hair naturally to Follow some Formula. For Details Visit: https://www.userdigests.com/unique-hair-regrow-recipe
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arayurvedafitness · 2 years
6 Best hair growth tips in Hindi
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हर कोई लड़की चाहती है उसके बाल लम्बे घने और मजबूत हो उस के लिए अन्य उपचार देखती है अपने बालो को ग्रोथ बढ़ाने के लिए केमिकल से तैयार किए गए शेम्पू और तेल का इस्तेमाल करती है, या फिर बालो में ट्रीटमेंट करवाती है, क्योकि उसे अपने बाल अच्छे दिखाने है और उसे लगता है की उसके अभी के बाल अच्छे नहीं है। लेकिन ट्रीटमेंट के थोड़े समय बाद ही उनके बाल ख़राब हो जाते है और वो अपने बालो को पहले जैसा बनाने के लिए बहोत प्रयास करते है लेकिन ऐसा हो नहीं पाता है। इससे पैसो की बर्बादी होती है और बाल भी खराब हो जाते हैं।
बालो का झड़ना और बालो का ग्रोथ बढ़ाना आज कल की आम समस्या हो गई है। बालो के झड़ने की वजह से अधिक महिला अपने बालो को लेकर चिंतित हो जाती है और इसी वजह से वो अपने बालो का इलाज करवाने डॉक्टर के पास जाती हैं पर और ज्यादातर डॉक्टर तुरंत असर दिखाने के चक्कर में हाई डोझ वाली दवाई देते है जिससे बहोत ज्यादा नींद भी आती है और ऐसी दवाई हमारे स्वस्थ्य के लिए हानिकारक है ऐसी दवाई की शुरू शुरू में सही असर दिखा सकती है बालो के लिए लेकिन आगे चल कर ये भी बालो को नुकसान ही पहुँचती है। ये हमारे बालों के विकास को प्रभावित नहीं करते हैं। इसलिए इसके लिए हम प्राकृतिक और घरेलु उपचार का भी प्रयोग कर सकते है। यह हमारे स्वास्थ्य के लिए भी सही है और बालो का ग्रोथ बढ़ाने में और जड़ने से रोकने में मदद करता है।
यहाँ पर हम आपको कुछ घरेलु उपाय बताएँगे जिससे आप अपने बालो का ग्रोथ बढ़ा सकते हो और बालो को लम्बे, मजबूत और जड़ने से रोक सकते है। पर इसे पहले हम जान लेते है की हमारे बाल क्यों झड़ते हैं। बालों का झड़ना कई कारणों से हो सकता है जैसे की जब हमारी उम्र बढ़ जाती है तब बाल बढ़ना मुश्किल होता है, तनाव की वजह से, पर्याप्त पोषक तत्व नहीं लेते हैं, हार्मोनल परिवर्तन ,कोई गंभीर बीमारी जैसे की कैंसर, थाइरोइड आदि जिससे बाल जड़ते हैं। इसलिए निचे दिए गए घरेलु उपाय जो आपके बालो को झड़ने से रोकेगा और आपको चमकदार, रेशमी बाल और प्राकृतिक बालों का विकास करने में मदद करेंगा ।
1.प्याज का रस
रात को प्याज का रस निकाल कर नारियल के तेल के साथ इस्तमाल करना है। फिर सुबह को अपने बालों को धो लेना है, प्याज का रस अपने बालो में लगाने के अन्य फायदे है, जैसे की बाल बढ़ते है, जड़ते कम है, इससे ग्रोथ भी बढती और लम्बे होते है, बालो को सही पोषक तत्व मिलता है। प्याज का इस्तमाल करने से बाल सुन्दर और घने बनते है |
२. दही
दही के इस्तेमाल से हमारे बाल मजबूत और घने बनते हैं, दही में मौजूद लैक्टिक एसिड जो बालों को रूसी, सफेद बाल और बालो की ग्रोथ भी बढती है, बालो को टूटने से बचाता है। दही को स्कैल्प पर लगाने के बाद शैम्पू से धोने के बाद बाल सिल्की और हेअलथी बनते है।
ऐलोवेरा के साथ नारियल या प्याज के रस को मिलकर कर भी इस्तमाल कर सकते है। फिर उससे बालों को धो लेना है ऐलोवेरा का इस्तमाल करने से हमारे बाल सिल्की और हेअलथी बनते है और उससे बालो को पोषक तत्व मिलते है और इसका इस्तमाल करने से बालो की रुसी (dandruff) और बालो की खुजली भी दूर होती है | ऐलोवेरा बालो के साथ त्वचा के लिए भी इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। ऐलोवेरा से त्वचा में ग्लो बढ़ता है और त्वचा सुन्दर करने में भी मदद करता है। एलोवेरा को प्राचीन समय में दवाई के रूप में भी इस्तेमाल करते थे। इससे चमड़ी के कोई भी रोग एलेर्जी या फिर बालो के लिए बहोत ही सही माना जाता था। बहोत सारे लोग अभी भी इसका इस्तेमाल करते है।
4. अंडे
आप अनेक लोगो से सुनते ही होगा की अंडे से उनके बाल स्लिकी और चमकदार हो जाते है। अंडे में पाए गए विटामिन, कार्बोहायड्रेट और फाइबर जिसे हमारे बाल मजबूत और घने हो जाते है। पर अंडे का इस्तमाल करने से बदबू भी बहोत आती है। उसके लिए हेयर मास्क का भी इस्तमाल जरुर करे और फिर बालो को शेम्पू से धोए। बाल धोने के बाद मजबूत और सिल्की बन जाते है। अंडे का इस्तमाल करने से अन्य फायदे भी होते है जैसे की बालो की ग्रोथ बढ़ने में मदद करता है, गिरते हुए बालो को रोकता है, और बालो को स्लिकी और लम्बे बनते है।
५. अमला पाउडर
आवला पाउडर चुनिंदे आमला को सूखा कर उसका पाउडर बनाया जाता है। अमला में एंटी ऑक्सिडेंट, विटामिन, आयरन, फॉस्फोरस, फाइबर और कार्बोहाइड्रेट भरपुर मात्रा में पाया जाता है। अमला पाउडर का इस्तमाल करने से हमारे बाल झड़ने से रुक जाते है, बालो की रुसी (dandruff) कम होता है, बालो की ग्रोथ होती है, और सफ़ेद बालो को बढ़ने से भी रोकता है। अमला पाउडर बालो के साथ साथ स्किन को भी ग्लो करता है इसका पेस्ट इस्तमाल करने से त्वचा सुन्दर और चमकार बनती है। अमला पाउडर का इस्तेमाल करने से आखो की भी रौशनी बढती है।
५. शिकाकाई पाउडर
प्राचीन समय में लोग शिकाकाई पाउडर का इस्तमाल करते थे। जिसकी वजह से उनके बाल घने, मजबूत, काले और सिल्की होते थे। शिकाकाई पाउडर में एंटी-ऑक्सिडेंट्स, एंटी-बैक्टीरियल, एंटिफंगल, गुण और विटामिन A, विटामिन C, विटामिन K और विटामिन D जैसे पोषक तत्वों भरपूर मात्र पाए जाता है। शिकाकाई पाउडर का इस्तमाल करने से बाल बालो की ग्रोथ बढती है, बालो की रुसी (dandruff) कम होता है, पतले बालो को रोकता है, दो मुंहा बालो को भी बढ़ने से रोकते है।
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philosophiehair · 1 year
Boost Hair Growth Naturally with Our Best Hair Growth Oil
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Looking for a natural solution to enhance your hair growth? Look no further! Our best hair growth oil is a game-changer when it comes to promoting healthy and luscious locks. With its powerful blend of natural ingredients, it nourishes your scalp, strengthens your hair follicles, and stimulates hair growth from the root.
Our hair growth oil is carefully crafted to address common hair concerns such as thinning, breakage, and slow growth. The potent combination of essential oils and botanical extracts works synergistically to deliver remarkable results. Regular use of our oil can help improve hair density, increase hair thickness, and reduce hair fall.
Unlike synthetic products that may contain harsh chemicals, our hair growth oil is free from harmful additives, parabens, and sulfates. It is gentle on your scalp and suitable for all hair types. Whether you have dry, oily, or damaged hair, our oil will revitalize and nourish your locks, leaving them softer, shinier, and more manageable.
Don't let slow hair growth hold you back from achieving the hair of your dreams. Try our best hair growth oil today and witness the transformative power of nature. Visit our website (https://philosophiehair.com/) to learn more and make a purchase. Take the first step towards healthier, fuller hair with Philosophie Hair Care!
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oliviasmith-18 · 2 years
Hair Care Tips | Best 5 Tips to Prevent Female hair loss
Hair loss is a very common problem among men and women. We all want the best treatment for hair loss, we can easily prevent hair fall if we know about proper hair care. Its Possible to Grow hair naturally to Follow some Formula. For Details Visit: https://www.userdigests.com/unique-hair-regrow-recipe
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merbear25 · 3 months
Long awaited rest
The sheets had been rustled from your aggitated turning; their coolness long since faded under your body heat. As the moon changed its position in the sky, you refrained from checking the time—that would only make the sought after rest more unattainable. Lying on your back, you wondered how much longer it'd be until he joined you.
Sanji, Zoro, Corazon
CW: SFW, fluff, established relationship, gn!reader
Sanji: He'd been up late trying to perfect a new recipe he'd been on the brink of completing. After success had finally graced him, the clock taunted him with the amount hours of his life he'd spent. His eyes were droopy, dark circles were teasing his soft glow: the lack of sleep was catching up to him.
Stumbling into your shared room, his body practically gave way, letting itself flop down next to you. With him face down, his breaths were drawn out as his body was swallowed by the much needed comfort.
You curled up next to him, letting your finger tips trace up and down his back. He didn't stir: only a twitch at the side of his mouth indicated his knowledge of your gentleness. A hushed groan came from him as he rolled his body against your hand, unaware of how much he'd been desperate for your affection.
You rubbed his back being mindful not to massage too deeply and wake him. Leaving light kisses on his shoulder, cheek and forehead, your heart warmed at his dreamlike gratitude, affectionately murmuring about how much he loved you.
Snuggling up to him, you only kept a light hand on his arm, giving room for tosses or turns that may ensue. With him finding his way back to your side, your body was able to dose off, as well.
When the light of the new day shined into your room, its soft rays were casted on the both of you: curled up in each other's embrace and still fast asleep.
Zoro: Having come dangerously close to losing his previous battle, iradicating the imperfections that'd rusted his techniques was a must. Getting lost in his self-analyzation, losing track of time: consequences that were both small prices to pay for growth. However, his body was telling him that its limits had been reached and sleep was inevitable.
Exasperated from the unavoidable limitations, he let up for the night and shuffled off to bed. When opening the door, he noticed you were still awake, despite you not even turning to face him. There was a notable difference between the calmness of your sleeping person when compared to a simply relaxed state—the way your chest rose and fell was a dead giveaway.
Crawling in next to you, he asked why you were still awake. Turning over to face him, you admitted that some nights were just harder to fall alseep without him than others.
Taking a moment to think to himself, he scooched closer you. He patted his chest, signaling for you to lay your head upon it, to which of course you were more than happy to oblige.
Hearing his heartbeat soothed parts you didn't realize needed mending. The tranquility of your embrace offered its services, easing your tired bodies to sleep.
He was the first to wake the following morning: you were still sound asleep against his chest, your hair was ruffled ever so slightly. The peace shown on your face charmed him into placing a kiss on the top of your head.
Corazon: There was still so much to do, yet never enough time to do it. The stress and anxiety of the encounters to come weren't eating away at him though; he was resilient and determined to complete his purpose. That being said, even the heros who work within the shadows need their sleep.
Trying his best not to disturb you, he attempted to ease the door open. You were always sweet, but when you slept, you had a certain tenderness to you, one which alleviated all the woes weighing on his heart.
Getting into bed, he couldn't ignore his need to hold you. When you felt his arm drapping over you, you looked up at him and asked if everything was alright.
Kissing your temple, he assured you that everything was fine, while adding in an apology to having woken you up. Hearing this, you informed that you hadn't been able to sleep.
Cozying up closer to you, he ran his thumb over the top of your hand and asked the reason for it. Fearing you might add to his already worried mind, you simply answered that it was just one of those nights.
You stayed awake for a little while longer, talking to each other, barely above a whisper until you slipped into your dreams.
You were the first to wake up to the dawn of the new day. He had shifted onto his back and was still in a deep sleep. Wanting to enjoy the early morning by his side, you hung your arm over his and nuzzled into the crook of his neck, kissing the top of his shoulder.
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jordynbreeloa777 · 4 months
Can you tell me the things that you've manifested?
Take love 💖
Hi anon! Also im not FULLY DONE with all my “big” manifestations i have manifested a lot in my journey! LONG POST AHEAD👀
sharp jawline, high defined cheekbones, slim face, overall 0 face fat, and a L, V shaped jawline. I lovee that I manifested this one because people literally ask me if I do mewing, and how my jawline is so sharp I manifested this with subliminals, even though I kinda already had a defined face I definitely enhanced it to the max ✨
thicker, fuller, better shaped brows. I think I mentioned this in one of my last post but I also manifested this with subliminals & robotic affirmations, this is probably my biggest one since I manifest it in a day 😭 I swear before my eyebrows was so thin, didn’t fit my face, and was giving pencil. But now it’s so pretty and my mom always tells me “ you always look like you got your eyebrows done” and “ did you brush your brows today?” 💈🎀
smaller nostrils. Which also I used subliminals, there is a visible change in my nose as the nostrils go more /\ instead of () which I love and the tip is more rounded, im not really done with this though because I may manifest a desired nose shape instead of just smaller👀
lips, this one is kinda self explanatory but I manifested plumper lips, pinker, and pointy lip corners also by subliminals 👄
clear skin, which I love because my skin use to have tiny bumps, but it’s clear and even though I manifested this a while ago it still IS! my friend asked me for my skincare rountine which was literally a affirmation in the subliminal 🫣
hair. I’m not done with this, but my hair definitely got much thicker then it was before 💇🏽‍♀️
lashes. My lashes are thicker, but im not done with this eitherr because I want them to be a little longer so half succes story ig 🫶🏽
‘TEETH. I have braces, so I didn’t manifest teeth change, because obviously the braces is already fixing my teeth plus I love how they look on me, but I manifested white teeth 🦷
less neck lines, I got these because of fake necklaces and it made me not like it so I manifested it away💋
strong, defined, collar bones, I already had this but I enhanced it and it’s so much more noticeable!
arms. I manifested slimmer, toner, longer arms ( I already had long arms but again I enhanced them)
fingers & nails. This one is kinda big, but my nails are so long and strong even my toe nails 😭 But I cut them ofc and my fingernails break because of sports so I may manifest them to never break even though they grow SUPER fast💨
flat stomach, which I manifested using subliminals it’s literally like paper, but I may manifest for it to still be flat when I get bloated because your girl still likes to buss down food🤗
thicker thighs. My thighs don’t have a gap, and there a little toned which I lovee (also subs)✨
bigger booty meatt- this may be tmi but I had to add it. I may manifest it to be bigger but y’all… it be showing. literally my friends be harassing me everytime I wear dresses😒
🍒- I manifested for them to look pretty, there not to big, not to small there like C cup and I love themm, so mwah
taller height. I was at first like 5’4 and now im 5’6.. not to tall not to short but i love my height my Dad even asked me “are you having a growth spurt” plus my legs are so long now <3
i manifested good exam marks.. only A’s & B’s without even studying 📚
i manifested for my knees, elbows, and knuckles to all be the same color by affirming I have a even body skintone 🤞🏽
now this is probably all i manifested in the 4 years i been in the community! I’m still not “done” with all my “big manifestations” or my “journey” but I know it’s coming to an end 💝
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cannibalcaprine · 6 days
fun fact:
if you're looking for nutritional tips for a specific body part, but wanna avoid nonsense like dieting and fasting blogs, you can find an analog in an animal
for example
protein helps with hair and nail growth, since those are keratin. i learned this from a newsletter about taking care of horses, which notes that protein helps with hoof health
what are hooves if not giant fingernails
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