#does fast hair growth shampoo work
ceyhanmedya · 2 years
Fast hair growth methods
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Fast hair growth methods
Some people’s hair grows very hard. There is not even a method that they did not do to extend it. In fact, diet, regular grooming and cutting have great effects on the growth of your hair.
watch what you eat
In order for your hair to grow fast, you should choose protein-based foods. Foods such as meat, milk, eggs will not only facilitate hair growth, but will also help in its nutrition. Also avoid caffeinated and alcoholic foods. Caffeine and alcohol cause damage to your hair.
Take care of your hair while in the shower
Do not wash your hair with very hot or cold water. Hot water does not activate your hair follicles. Therefore, choose to wash your hair with lukewarm water. Because warm water allows the cells in your scalp to activate.
give a massage
The massage we will apply to your scalp is also of great importance in the growth of your hair. Since you have stimulated your scalp with this massage, your hair follicles will be revitalized.
for water
Consuming plenty of water has a great role in hair growth. Water not only benefits your health, but also nourishes your hair and makes it grow faster.
Get your fractures removed regularly
In order for your hair to grow fast, you should cut the ends of the ends at regular intervals. Excessive hair breakage causes delayed growth.
It is important to use it correctly
One of the important tips to remember is that you should apply the shampoo to the bottom of your hair and the conditioner only to the ends of your hair.
Stay away from shapers
If you want your hair to grow a little faster, you should not use spray and gel stylers for a while. When these substances reach the roots of the hair, they will cause your hair follicles to become clogged, causing them to grow more slowly.
7 recipes for hair growth
Masks made in natural ways help healthy and fast hair growth as well as healthy nutrition. With these 7 formulas, it is possible for your hair to grow healthily!
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jackdaniel69nice · 29 days
Another tokoyami bird traits post because I’m crazy
Birds have very little sense of smell so he’s got a very weak olfactory system.
Birds can’t taste capsaicin so they can’t taste spiciness. Tokoyami’s food is a bit bland to some because he never really adds any to it. On the other hand he’s one of the only people that can handle bakugo’s curry. I’m going to go out on a limb and say dark shadow can’t taste spice either.
Tokoyami has shown minor territorial traits when it comes to letting people in his room. This can be explained with him being shy but I’m going to take it a step further. I think his room is like a safe space for him and he is very paranoid about people stealing things. He HATES when things get moved around and panics if he loses something so he gets very aggressive if someone tries to touch his stuff. He also has problems with being vulnerable and having people see his things because it lets them know his interests and he hates that. Do not sit on his bed without permission. He also has food anxiety so do not touch his food in the fridge or you will die. Dark shadow is even worse about this but they keep all their stuff under the bed so as long as you stay out of there you’ll be fine.
To add onto this tokoyami also has nesting tendencies. Unfortunately Tokoyami’s mother discouraged this behavior and tried to keep him from doing it. When he was little he would make his nests under the bed because it was well protected and dark. Eventually he outgrew the bed space and moved it to the back of his closet. He still has anxiety about someone finding one of his nests so it’s very small (literally only one blanket) and he keeps his closet door locked. Dark shadow still has their nest under the bed. Tokoyami only allows himself to be in his nest if he’s having a breakdown and needs comfort. It’s sad that he denies himself basic needs because of how he was raised.
Alright this one’s a little crazy but I think it would be cool if he had two stomachs. The first stomach is pretty normal, maybe it has a gizzard component so he can digest bones. But the other one is a crop so he can carry extra food to digest later, this would make sense because of his fast metabolism and he wouldn’t need to stop to eat so much. This entire thing was inspired by joke in the light novels where they said tokoyami has a “second stomach” for anything apple related XD
Do not get me started on dark shadows digestive system I have no idea how that works. They drank in the light novels that’s all I know. I guess the stuff just disappears, unless they don’t want it too.
Tokoyami’s beak perpetually grows so he has to file it down, I’ve heard you can use certain bones to do that so that’s kinda badass B)
I’ve seen a lot of debate about whether or not tokoyami has feathers or hair and my pick is both. His feathers don’t have a hollow shaft like hawk’s does and continually grows out of his head like hair. They still have the general shape of a feather though and need to be taken care of in a similar manner. The shaft is stronger than normal hair so it sticks up when it’s shorter but it’s still flexible and won’t break. Dark shadow is responsible for all preening fumikage would be useless without them. New feather growth is still covered in a sheathing that needs to be removed. Since it grows continuously it needs to be cut and shaped, dark shadow does this with their beak. During training all kinds of dirt blood and sweat will get in his feathers so he uses a special shampoo hawks recommend to him (hawks is unfortunately on the front of the bright red bottle).
This last part is a bit sad and has some trigger warnings I guess (tw self harm, hair pulling, eating disorders). Birds don’t do well with stress and tokoyami has some bad habits because of that. He will pull his feathers and bite his nails down to the bed until they bleed. He also has trouble eating and simply won’t do it when he’s too stressed. If he did eat and has a panic attack it might come back up. He was very underweight growing up from constant stress and was malnourished because of it. He has been a lot better about these things since coming to UA and even tries to follow a strict eating schedule but he still has bad days where he may skip several meals a day. You can almost always convince him to eat an apple or white rice tho (safe foods my beloved~). He wears special nail polish to keep him from biting his nails. If all else fails dark shadow doesn’t particularly like when he hurts himself and usually tries to intervene (sometimes their state of mind is in even worse shape though).
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“But I want long hair (I take my biotin, vitamins etc.) so I am of two minds if I should get the brush or not.” Definitely get the brush. I have several. It’s all I use as well as an ion brush when I want to do a blow out. Also what can help with growth is to oil your scalp once a week an hour before you wash your hair. Since this takes time it’s better to do it on an off day or yours or a weekend. But here’s the thing and the trick about that. You have to use conditioner first to get the oil out of your scalp before you shampoo. Otherwise your hair will saturated. There’s lots of hair oils out there so just look up what’s best for your type of hair. And make sure you oil your scalp and the ends of your hair. I’ve been doing this for years and my hair has always grown super fast ever since. Your scalp needs love just like your skin does to stay healthy and get extra nutrients it needs. Also you don’t need a fancy scalp massager, your fingertips work just fine. Always massage your scalp for a bit while the oil is in and then again when you condition your hair. My friend just started doing this and is now seeing results 4 months later. So it’ll take time but it’s worth it.
For the hair anons...
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eryiss · 2 years
Do you have any "daily life" headcanon for Jet? Like food, way to sleep etc ...
Okay, so a lot of my Headcanons for Jet come from the fact he has a lot of energy all the time. His magic leaves him fizzing with excess energy,
So, sleep wise, he's a cuddler (either with a pillow or a partner) before he falls asleep but once he's gone, he'll splay out all over the place. He’s either a complete cover hog, or he manages to kick them off. Either way, when he's asleep he’s constantly moving. I think he’s also the type of person who wakes up early and can’t fall asleep again, even if he wants to. So there’s lots of instances where he wakes up at four am and just lies in bed for hours, refusing to get out of bed because it’s too early!
Food wise, I think he goes for the more lethargic food. Heavier stuff like thick tomato soups, turkey legs, stuff like that. He’s got so much energy and loves running he could basically eat anything and stay in shape. The heavier foods sap his energy for a while.
I’d say whenever he’s not on a job, he does a lot of exercise, mainly running of course. He seems to be the kind of guy who thrives of the endorphins of moving, and is in constant competition with himself. He’s always trying to complete laps of the town at a quicker pace, and he thrives off winning. He does other forms of exercise as well, but he doesn’t have the same love for things like weightlifting and muscle growth.
In his spare time, when he’s not working or exercising, he probably spends time at the guild. I don’t think he’s the biggest drinker, and he’s the type to enjoy watching other people get drunk and make idiots of themselves. I also think he’s the guy who helps get the drunk people home, and that’s how he and Gajeel started to get passed some of their issues. He’s helping Gajeel get home and isn’t happy about it, and Gajeel goes on a long drunk speech about how bad he feels, and how Jet and Droy should hit him and beat him up and make him feel shirty. The next morning Gajeel finds Jet and says he meant what he said, and they don’t talk about it for a while but it helps Jet a lot.
Also, whenever the guild is doing anything out of town, Jet is always called to help out with moving. If they go to the beach, for example, he’s taking the food to and from the guildhall because he does it the fastest.
And I feel like he doesn’t like showers, so he rushes through them as fast as he can and his hair care suffers because of it. Maybe someone like Freed is needed to convince him as the wonders of shampoo and conditioner.
Hope you like these. I’ve really grown to love this man.
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steamexperts · 4 months
Deep Steam Carpet Cleaning
Although vacuuming on a daily basis is important, your carpets still need a deep cleaning once in awhile. This will help sanitize and remove trapped dirt, dust, and allergens.
To begin, move any furniture out of the room to make sure you have an empty space. It is also important to work slowly. Moving too fast can cause moisture to remain which could lead to mold or mildew.
Cleans Deeper
Carpet has a hard time keeping its appearance. It gets trampled on all day, covered in food and drink spills and can quickly become grubby and unpleasant looking. Vacuuming does help, but it is not enough and regular deep steam carpet cleaning is needed to keep your carpets clean and fresh.
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Steam cleaning works by distributing super-heated water into the carpet, which breaks down dirt and grime. Then the water and any dirt is extracted and left behind a neutralizing agent that prevents new dirt and dust from sticking to the cleaned fibers of the carpet.
This makes it much harder for your carpets to get dirty again, so they stay cleaner longer than other carpet cleaning techniques. This can reduce your need to have them professionally cleaned and saves you money too! This is also a greener method of cleaning as it uses less energy and produces less waste. This is why so many people switch to steam carpet cleaning after trying other inferior methods.
Removes Allergens
Allergies play a big role in runny noses, itchy skin and breathing difficulties. Many of the allergens that trigger these symptoms come from your home, especially the carpet. Allergens enter the home through windows, on clothes, shoes and pet hair and become trapped deep down in the carpet fibres. Regular vacuuming removes some of these particles, but the rest remain unless you steam clean your carpets several times a year.
Steam cleaning penetrates deep carpet cleaning and eliminates dirt, dust mites, pollen, mildew, germs, and other pests that can cause allergy symptoms. In addition to steam cleaning, you should vacuum often and use a high-quality HEPA filter that traps microscopic allergens and prevents them from being redistributed into the air.
It’s also wise to pretreat heavy traffic areas and stains before you steam clean your carpets. The sanitising treatments break down the proteins and help your carpets dry faster, which can prevent mold or mildew growth.
Unlike other cleaning methods that use chemicals, steaming uses water as the main ingredient in its solution. This is a more natural and eco-friendly way to deodorize your carpeting and helps preserve its pristine appearance.
In addition, the high temperature of steam also kills germs and bacteria, which is good for a clean and hygienic environment. It also makes it hard for new dirt particles to stick to old ones and become tough to remove, so your carpets can stay cleaner longer.
If you do shampoo your carpet, make sure to use a bio-enzymatic pet stain and odor remover that breaks down tough odor molecules and does not leave any residue. A product like Bioesque, which is designed to be used as a pretreatment or in carpet and rug cleaning machines, works wonders. It has an easy to use concentrate formula and is safe for gray water or septic systems. This helps keep your carpets smelling fresh and is also safe for kids and pets.
Improves Indoor Air Quality
Regular vacuuming only removes dirt on the surface, but deep carpet cleaning Sydney reaches below the fibres and dislodges impurities that accumulate over time. This helps improve indoor air quality, especially for people with asthma and respiratory conditions.
Dirty carpets can trap allergens, like dust mites, pet dander and pollen, which over time can release into the air. These can trigger allergies and breathing problems in some people.
Professional steam cleaning helps to rid your home of these contaminants and leave your home with clean, healthy air.
Additionally, steam cleaning can also help restore your carpets to their natural lustre. Over time, traffic lanes and spills can cause your carpets to become dull and dark. A good carpet cleaner will use different treatments that remove set in stains, such as coffee spills, wine, bodily fluids and muddy paw prints, as well as bad odours. This is a great way to refresh the look of your carpet and can be done as part of your regular service.
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Onion Shampoo: The Ideal Hair Care Choice for Chemically Treated Hair
Hair loss (alopecia) can have various causes, including hormonal changes, heredity, and medical conditions, as well as unhealthy lifestyle choices, pollution, and stress. To combat this, onion shampoo has emerged as a valuable hair care product in today's fast-paced world. With its antioxidant, anti-diabetic, immunoprotective, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties, onion seed oil-enriched shampoo, especially one with plant keratin, is recommended for those with chemically treated hair. 
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If you have straightened your hair with heat or chemicals, you may experience split ends, frizz, dryness, and damage to strands. In such cases, it is crucial to select the best onion shampoo for your hair, as it can help revitalize your hair follicles, encourage hair growth, and prevent hair loss. In India, there are several onion shampoo brands available, including WOW Onion Shampoo, Mamaearth Onion Hair Fall Control Shampoo with Plant Keratin, Oriental Botanics Red Onion Shampoo, Khadi Natural Herbal Onion Shampoo, and more. However, when choosing a shampoo, it is essential to consider your hair type and color.
Benefits of Onion Shampoo for Chemically Treated Hair: 7 Ways It Can Improve Your Hair Health"
Onion shampoo is a natural hair care product that contains ingredients like wheat amino acids, soy amino acids, D-panthenol, onion oil, Aqua, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Sodium Methyl Cocoyl Taurate, Vitamin E, Potassium Sorbate, IFRA Certified Allergen-Free Fragrance, Glycerin, and more. It is a safe option for chemically treated or colored hair and can provide numerous benefits to improve your scalp health and hair's appearance. Here are seven ways onion shampoo can enhance your hair health:
Nourishes the Scalp:
Onion shampoo contains essential nutrients and antioxidants that help nourish the scalp, fight against scalp infections, irritation, and dandruff. The anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties of onions promote good blood circulation to hair roots and make them soft. The sulfur content in onion shampoo can also help achieve thick hair and stop hair loss.
Strengthens Hair:
Onion shampoo contains plant keratin, an alternative to animal keratin found in many keratin shampoos, which can naturally add strength, shine, and smoothness to your hair. It can also prevent hair from environmental damage.
Rebuilds Damaged Hair:
Using WOW onion shampoo can help combat damaged hair. The black seed oil and red onion extract work on the revitalization of weak and tired hair.
Promotes Keratin Production:
Onion shampoo can promote the production of keratin, a protein found in sulfur-rich onions that produces collagen for healthy hair growth. If you have colored hair, using keratin-enriched shampoo can help retain your hair treatment for longer.
Fights Scalp Infections:
Onion shampoo has antibacterial properties that can help deal with scalp infections caused by fungi and bacteria. Maintaining good hygiene and keeping your scalp clean and dry can also help treat scalp infections.
Provides Essential Nutrients:
The sulfur in onion shampoo is essential for the production of proteins and enzymes needed by the body. It can nourish hair follicles, promote faster hair growth, and prevent hair breakage and thinning.
Allergen-Free Fragrance:
Onion shampoo contains IFRA certified allergen-free fragrance, which makes it a safe option for people with sensitive skin and allergies.
How does Onion Shampoo Work for Treated Hair
Tips for Maintaining Chemically Treated Hair:
Choose the Right Shampoo and Conditioner
If you have undergone a keratin treatment, it is important to use a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner. If you dye your hair, opt for a shampoo with color preservatives to avoid fading.
Wash Your Hair Gently
To maintain healthy and glossy hair, you can use home remedies like applying olive oil or onion juice mixed with honey. Gently massage the shampoo onto your wet hair and then apply a conditioner and hair serum to lock in moisture.
Limit the Use of Heat Styling Tools
Excessive heat from straighteners, blow-dryers, and other styling tools can damage your hair. Instead, try using onion shampoo, which can cleanse your hair well and prevent dryness to achieve soft and supple hair.
Get Regular Hair Spa Treatments
Visit a hair stylist once a month for hair spas designed to nourish your hair and scalp. This can help heal dry and oily scalps, minimize itchiness and dandruff, and promote healthy hair growth.
Use Hair Masks
Using a hair mask regularly can nourish and strengthen your hair. You can make a hair mask at home using natural ingredients like avocado, honey, and coconut oil.
Protect Your Hair from the Sun
Sun exposure can damage your hair and cause it to become dry and brittle. Protect your hair from the sun by wearing a hat or using a hair sunscreen spray.
In conclusion, onions offer numerous benefits to enhance the condition of your hair. They can help nourish hair growth, reduce dandruff, and clarify blocked roots. If you have the time and interest, you can prepare DIY onion juice at home to experiment with. However, for those with busy schedules, using the best onion shampoo for chemically treated or straightened hair is a convenient and effective option.
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organic-products · 2 years
How to Grow Hair with Hair Growth oil
In this fast-paced world, we have little time to take care of our appearance. We are always so occupied with our work, studies and other activities that there is hardly any time left for us to think about how we can keep ourselves looking great. To help you get through this hectic phase, here is a quick hack on how you can grow your hair with hair growth oil. Now, if you want to know more about this topic and also find out the top 5 hair growth oils in detail, keep reading.
What is Hair Growth Oil?
Hair growth oil is a solution that is blended with herbal extracts and essential oils to help you grow your hair. Now, you might think that you can use any oil for this purpose, but there are certain types that are meant for this purpose. These oils are usually infused with herbal extracts and essential oils to enhance hair growth. A few examples of hair growth oils are coconut oil, castor oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, neem oil, rosemary oil, and sesame oil. These oils help in improving blood circulation, stimulate cell growth, nourish your hair, and promote the growth of hair.
How to Use Hair Growth Oil?
For best results, you can use hair growth oil twice a day - once in the morning and once before going to bed. Here’s how you can use this oil to grow your hair: - Take a few drops of hair growth oil in your palm and rub it on your scalp. - Leave the oil on your scalp for at least 30 minutes. - Wash your hair with mild shampoo to remove the oil. - Since your scalp is oily, it is recommended that you use a dry shampoo. - You can also apply hair oil to your hair after showering and leave it on for a few hours. If you want to use hair growth oil for long hair, you can apply the oil to your hair each time you wash your hair. You can also use it as a conditioner by mixing it with coconut or castor oil. If you want to use it as a moisturizer, you can mix it with almond or coconut oil.
Why Does Hair Grow Slowly?
You might be wondering why your hair doesn’t grow as fast as you would like it to. While it is normal for hair to grow at a rate of half an inch per month, some people have hair that grows even slower than that. There are a few reasons why your hair growth is slow. But before we get into that, it’s important to note that you shouldn’t worry too much if your hair doesn’t grow as fast as you’d like it to. It’s not abnormal, and there are several ways in which you can help it grow faster. Now, here are a few reasons why your hair growth might be slow: - Nutrient deficiency - If you don’t get enough nutrients from your diet, your hair won’t grow as fast as it should. This can be because of certain health conditions, certain medications and poor eating habits. Make sure to eat a balanced diet to get enough nutrients from it and help your hair grow. - Stressed scalp - If your scalp is continuously stressed, it won’t be able to produce enough oil to nourish your hair and promote hair growth. Stress, bad diet, and poor hygiene are some of the reasons for this. - Bad hair products - Using harsh, chemical-laden shampoos and hair products can be harmful for your hair. Try to go for herbal and organic products instead to prevent your hair from being damaged.
All in all, hair growth oil is a great way to help your hair grow faster. If you care for your hair and use the right products, it can grow up to 3 times as fast as normal. Now, the question is, where do you find the best hair growth oils? Well, we have shortlisted the top 5 hair growth oils in the article above. So, make sure to check them out and choose the one that suits your needs. For best results, it is important to use hair growth oil regularly. So, go ahead and use one to make your hair look great.
Article Submitted by Lakshmi Krishna Naturals
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kouhaiofcolor · 3 years
2020's finally over. Can we not go into 2021 pacifying texturism w "It's just hair" tho?
It was "just hair" until Black Women started exercising the freedom to discover the unique needs & maintenance beneficial to our hair. Then as soon as non black women got wind of it & the nerve to lurk on platforms the natural hair community was uprising thru, nowadays you've got all these non black women bandwagoning & hashtagging literally everything under the sun w/ this fake ass inclusiveness, advocacy, relatability & support for textured hair. Like all women have suffered oppression around wearing their real hair 😒. Like all races of women have been socially targeted in blatant discriminations against their hair texture, complexion, & how acceptable they are or are not together. I hate the "All Hair (Matters/Is Beautiful/Is 'Good Hair')" clout bc it talks over & totally overwrites the foundational issue around hair & toxic femininity that, at its misogynoir core, has always been that textured hair is unprofessional, unkempt, unmanageable, & ugly. Colorism also erases the initial creators of the movement — which were Monoracial Brown & Dark Skinned Black Women; put some respek onnat, period. Straight hair is not oppressed; wavy hair is not oppressed; all hair is not oppressed. Black hair is. This "all hair is good hair" bullshit is so monotonous & inconsiderate bc its almost like a passive aggressive refusal to acknowledge what antiblackness imposed on Black Women alone. None of you non black know what it's like in depth to be the descendants of a race of ppl who's features, traits & harmless existence have always been insulted, hated & envied by the whole world. Esp not all at once. That is something totally unique to us inflicted & imposed by everyone else since the beginning of time. So why be out here chasing clout under tags & movements & in spaces you are no real part of? Why wanna be a part of the Black Girl Experience that bad? Yall have identities in everything outside of us. Why vulture off of this like you even have reasons to be there? We were investing in ourselves & trying to teach generations of Monoracial Black People how to manage their hair texture & develop cathartic habits thru self care. Nb ppl ruined that.
Looser hair textures have omnipresent representation & acceptance all, over, the, world. There is no lack of being seen, romanticized or exemplified for having texture 1a-3b hair; esp on the prevalent basis around colorism we see regularly on social media & on tv. Yet what remains of the community as it stands is today the furthest thing from textured or Black at all. At this point we owe the decline (if not death) of the natural hair community to the parasitic latching of non black women, the infiltration of "pick me's" & antiblackness generally — but I still be feeling like even that's not direct enough. We're talking ab something authentic & wholesome for Monoracial Black Women created by us for us being straight up sabotaged by races of women the cause was totally irrelevant to & in regard of. Bc that's how cosmetic industries have been towards us for centuries. Bc we were always excluded & thought of least & last. By other women. By all other women; don't get it twisted. So we set out on figuring ourselves out. Doing research on our own. Incorporating self care & beneficial habits in our lives to nourish & feel better ab ourselves & disprove the racist shit non black cultures & ppl either ignorantly surmise, make up or project ab Black Girls. That includes Black Men too in case yall thought yall were safe. Yall are some of the most toxic & prevalent faces behind colorism, antiblackness & misogynoir among black ppl specifically.
But anyhow. At first a lot of the initiation of the vulturing in the nhc light skinned women were the face of. Esp w the clout around having 4c hair amongst the beige-est, most ambiguously or straight up non black individuals, good lord. Then it went mainstream for huwight ppl, whom enevitably invited themselves, & following were the masses of non black women looking to pillage for themselves while the community was being swallowed by the crowdedness & irrelevant content being put out there (specifically on YouTube, Twitter & Instagram) by "hair gurus" of the light skinned, biracial or non black texture 1a-3b variety. Hair gurus who literally may as well've fallen from the sky & met social media stardom overnight based on their hair texture & complexion alone they're so brand new. Hair gurus who aren't even in the community for legitimately informative reasons or purposes unionized in Blackness. They're whole natural hair niche be — as a favorite natural of mine put it — manipulating textured hair into a sort of submission to appear or behave like looser textures do. They'll swear by 'game changer' products they both mention & only use like once & insist you should invest in a $30 8oz. bottle of clarifying shampoo or a $35 cowash if you want your hair to behave & look like theirs. Again, mind you, these types of individuals casually claim having texture 4 hair when they're anything but, just for the attention it brings from both ppl who will gullibly follow their every word & who know what kind of scamming to look for & won't.
If it's "just hair", how come so many of you that are non black are riding the wave? If it's just hair, why have so many of you found refuge in using the hashtags & participating/contributing uninvited? How come so many ran to get a seat at the table w Black Women only to kick them to the side the more popular it became if its just hair? How come nobody was calling it natural hair before Black Women created the nhc & started growing their own? Why was there no natural hair community before Black Women coined it, reminder, for ourselves? If it's just hair, how come so many ran to youtube to begin w to start channels for their own non-textured journeys? If its just hair, why is the nhc so damn obsessed w defining curls & length than overall health & gradual growth? If its just hair, why are white girls anywhere near this? Yall are the most out of place of anyone, honestly. Even if you're curly. Why do light skinned girls get to both represent textured hair & "good hair"? How does that even make sense? Thats just putting monoracial black girls in isolated boxes they're not even allowed to be symbols of or in. If its just hair, why's it so unheard of to see the roles of Black female characters in just ab anything played by actual Black Women? If its just hair, why have so many non or partially Black women worked in ignorant succession to water down & essentially wash out the Monoracial Black Women vital to the community's relevance at all? I really do not get the involvement of non black women in this movement at all — esp when culturally you have no reason to call your hair natural. There are no & have never been prejudice notions around having or growing texture 1a-3b hair. There's nothing oppressive ab it, either. Yall have gotta stop w that. You've already made a mockery of something that was supposed to be beautiful by making yourselves comfortable in & hijacking our space itfp. Theres far too much misrepresentation of textured hair to keep up w now. This is why i say the nhc (as well as culture vulturing generally) has just become nbwoc copying white women copying light skinned women copying Black Women, bc the audacity is unreal.
Its not just hair tho. To those it applies to, yall proved that the minute Black Women started going public w their growth journeys. The minute conversations ab "shrinkage this & 4c that" broadened & went mainstream. Yall couldn't move all at once fast enough when you realized you weren't as special as you thought & had always been told — esp w melanin at its modern value. Now all yall either "natural", seeking black men for either casual sex or cultural infiltration via fetishised reproduction, certain you have texture 4 hair or know the best tips for a DIY silk press 🤭😂 yall can't sit w us. You don't belong here. I'm calling yall out on allll the bs around this "All Hair Matters" garbage, cus yall are now sputtering the same shit while literally wearing your own non black hair in black styles. Be consistent. Make some fucking sense. I don't wanna be part of this fake ass girl squad propaganda that says every other woman never looked at Black Women's hair like it was bottomest of the barrel, foh. We're not on the same team & yall know it.
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proof of patience ch2
Summary: In which Flynn grows a beard, and Yuri tries really hard to be a good boyfriend, even when he’s tired. Flynn tries... a little less hard.
Read it here, or check the notes for the link to AO3.
They go through periods where they don't get to see each other for a while. Yuri tries to spend a few days out of every month in Zaphias, and Flynn tries to swing through Dahngrest or Aurnion at least every two, but sometimes they can't make it work. Flynn's the Commandant, after all. There's plenty to keep him busy, politics and bureaucracy and training and fieldwork, even when he's not working himself into the grave. Yuri's work with Brave Vesperia isn't so constantly grinding, but there's waves of intensity. Sometimes it's just job after job after job. No chance for cross-continental travel when that happens.
Usually it's not as bad as when Flynn was climbing the ranks of the Knights, where Yuri wouldn't see him for six months at a time (and then they'd fight when he did), but—it gets close, this time. Four months. The first two, Yuri's visits to Zaphias are poorly timed, with Flynn caught up in political negotiations. Yuri has to leave again for Brave Vesperia's missions before he's done. The third month, Flynn sends his apologies that he won't be able to make it out to Dahngrest after all because of a corruption case in New Aspio. The fourth month finds Yuri on a whirlwind set of errands around the world with the guild, trying to track something down for a client with more money than sense. By the time they wrap it up, everyone is crabby and fatigued, and—with Karol's assurances that the guild treasury is currently bursting at the seams—ready for an extended break. The only reason they made it back to Dahngrest was because they had to to make the final delivery. Yuri would have been perfectly happy to crash at the nearest inn, otherwise, and he knows he's not the only one.
"Go see your man," Judy tells Yuri. She's trying to sound authoritative, but she's half-melted into the common room's couch and her words slur together with exhaustion. Patty and Karol staggered off to bed ages ago. They all need some rest. Yuri resents that he's got more traveling ahead of him if he wants to visit Flynn. "You're driving us all up the wall pining for him."
"I'm going to sleep first," Yuri says, too weary to protest her assessment. He is missing Flynn, and he knows he hasn't been doing a very good job of hiding it. Especially not as this last job dragged on and on. "I'll leave in the morning."
He'll sleep off the worst of this, and whenever he wakes up tomorrow, he'll drag himself across the stupid world again to find Flynn. Ugh. He hopes that asshole appreciates what Yuri goes through for him.
He fully intends to sleep as long as his body will let him, but instead he's woken in the early morning by the insistent chirping of birds directly outside his window. Right. Of course. The guild has been so busy that nobody was around to chase the damn things away before they set up their nests, and now Yuri has a window-box full of fledgelings instead of spring flowers. He drags himself down to the kitchen, where the others have already draped themselves around the table, looking equally miserable. Ah. They got everyone's windows, then. They all exchange commiserating nods. He pours himself a cup of coffee and slumps down at a seat, half-lying on the table. For several long minutes he does nothing. Karol makes a snuffling noise that Yuri suspects is half-snore. He wonders if they're all just going to fall asleep here, down where the damn birds aren't.
Someone knocks at the door. They all look up at it, then each other, in horror. For a moment, they're all too stupefied by the very idea of interacting with a client to do anything. Then the knock comes again. Yuri starts to push his upper body off the surface of the table.
"Brave Vesperia isn't taking any jobs today," Karol calls, obviously trying to inject some pep into his voice that he doesn't truly have the heart for. "Sorry! I'm afraid you'll have to—"
"That's alright," a familiar voice says. The door swings open. "I'm actually just here to visit. Is Yuri in?"
"Flynn!" Yuri jerks upright, shaking the table and almost knocking his stool over in his haste. The mugs of coffee slosh dangerously. Judy makes a sound of warning as she stabilizes hers. "You're..." He trails off, staring in disbelief. "Here...?"
Yuri would recognize Flynn's voice half-conscious, blindfolded, and delirious. There's no chance in hell that he's wrong that it's Flynn. But for a terrifying moment, he thinks he might be. The man in their doorway has the right hair and eyes, even the right nose, but the shape of his face is—well, Yuri can't tell if the shape of his face is wrong, because it's obscured by thick blond hair.
Flynn has a beard. Not an oops, I've been too busy to shave accident with a week or two's growth. No, this is a real, groomed facial hair feature. He's maintained it. It's an actual work in progress. It's long enough that he might've started it right after Yuri last saw him.
"That's. New," Yuri says, faintly. Shit. It is not a good look for him. Fuck. Oh, he hates it. He hates it so much. He's way too tired to be dealing with this right now.
"New," Judy says, dubiously. She is also staring at Flynn's face. So are Patty and Karol. They're all staring at Flynn's face, so at least Yuri is together with everyone else and not alone in this terrible moment. "Yes. It certainly is."
"I thought I'd grow it out," Flynn says, cheerfully, as he lets himself in. He kicks off his boots and leaves them on the shelf by the door, familiar with their household system. "For a change of pace. You know, after that conversation we had the last time we saw each other."
Three heads whip around to stare at Yuri instead. Yuri can't for the life of him conceive of an expression that will read as this is fine and I support what makes you happy to Flynn but I had nothing to do with this and I'm as horrified as you all are to the rest of his guild. He stays frozen, face a blank mask of neutrality.
"Well!" Patty says, loudly. "It is so nice to see you again, Flynn. We actually just got back last night. What great timing on your part! Except I think Yuri is too tired to have the big romantic reunion you two want in front of the rest of us, so maybe you should take him to his room."
Flynn's expression softens, which Yuri can only tell by his eyes, because he can barely see the twist of his mouth under the awful beard. "Oh, of course. Yuri, here—"
He offers Yuri his arm. Yuri takes it and is halfway-pulled out of his chair, stumbling against Flynn. He smells like Flynn, Flynn's bodywash and shampoo, and the grip of his hand is the same, and while he's looking at Flynn's eyes, all of the factors add up right for his brain to go yes, good, Flynn, kiss him hello. Then his gaze slides down to Flynn's mouth-area and his brain goes oh no. Maybe not.
"I'm sorry," Flynn is saying, as he guides Yuri back toward the stairs. He can feel three pairs of eyes boring into their backs as they start to ascend. The furious gossip about Flynn's new look is going to start the second they're out of earshot. It's why Patty kicked them out. "From your last letter, I thought you were expecting to get back earlier in the week. I didn't mean to ambush you while you were still wiped out from your job."
"It took longer than expected," Yuri says. Complaining about the job, at least, is solid ground. He knows how to have that conversation. He trudges up the stairs as fast as he can force his body to move. "You know how it is. There's always one last thing to take care of, right when you think it should be done."
"All wrapped up now, though?"
"Yeah, thank fuck."
"Everybody's alright?"
"Yeah. We're just tired." On cue, Yuri yawns. Flynn opens his bedroom door and they shuffle inside. "Repede's better off, I guess, but he wandered off to do Repede things last night. He's somewhere around town."
"That sounds about right."
They pause in the center of the room. Usually, at this point in their reunion, Yuri would be damn near tackling Flynn onto the bed, but this morning his body nearly aches with exhaustion. He's not convinced he would have the energy to mess around even if he wasn't repulsed by Flynn's new beard.
Yuri feels bad immediately after he thinks it, the past few minutes of internalized outrage beginning to fade as he wakes up more. Flynn's obviously been working on the beard for a while, so he must like it. Didn't Yuri tell him to do what he wanted? And apparently this is what he wants. Yuri's just going to have to suck it up.
Even though it's the worst look he's ever seen Flynn try to pull off.
"I missed you," he admits, after another beat where they just look at each other. Flynn smiles, his eyes crinkling up with it. See? That's the same. Same old Flynn. Yuri can do this.
"I didn't even have to say it first this time." Yuri narrows his eyes. Quickly, Flynn adds, "I missed you, too, of course."
"Well, good." Yuri drifts a few steps closer to him. He forces himself to take another solid look at the beard. "You, ah. You weren't joking about the beard last time, huh."
"Mm. Well. To be honest, I was at the time, but..." Flynn shrugs. "I skipped shaving again for a few weeks after that because I was so busy, and then I thought... why not? Why not at least try it?"
Yuri is looking right at the evidence for why not.
"Really, though. What do you think?" Flynn radiates nothing but perfect, wide-eyed sincerity as he reaches up to rub a hand over his beard. "Do you like it?"
"I—" Yuri considers his options. None of them are appealing. Eventually, carefully, he says, "Sure."
"Yeah." He doesn't, but he'll learn to, if the damn thing makes Flynn happy.
"Your expression when you saw me earlier, though..."
Ah, hell.
"I mean. Honestly, I didn't recognize you for a hot second. It's... different."
"Good different?"
Why must he insist on making Yuri say something positive about the atrocity on his face? "I... sure. I'll get there."
He didn't mean to say that last part out loud. Flynn's expression wavers. Yuri experiences a split-second of acute panic before Flynn bursts into full-throated laughter, and the relief is so sweet that Yuri almost forgets to be indignant.
"What are you laughing at?!"
"You," Flynn wheezes. He catches Yuri by the shoulders and topples them both over onto the bed. Yuri yelps as they hit the mattress. "Oh, Yuri. I love you so much, you know that?"
"Shut up," Yuri says automatically, flustered, scrambling to orient to their new position even as Flynn braces himself over Yuri on his knees and elbows. "What did I do? What did you do?"
"You're just—" Flynn laughs again, ducking down to kiss him. It's not the most sensual kiss in the world, both because Flynn keeps giggling into it and because Yuri almost flinches away when Flynn's whiskers brush his face. "You're trying so hard to be supportive."
"Wh—" Yuri can feel heat flare across his cheeks, leaving him red-faced. He's Flynn's boyfriend, it's his freaking job to be supportive, what is he talking about? "Am I not supposed to be?!"
"You hate it," Flynn adds, confidently. "Don't you?"
"I—I'll get used to it, I just—it's a big change, Flynn, I get to be a little weirded out at first!" Flynn laughs harder. Yuri grabs one of his shoulders and shakes him a little. "Knock it off already!"
"I thought for sure you were going to tell me to get rid of it on the spot when I showed up."
Yuri's brain short-circuits. "I get to do that?!"
Flynn collapses to the side of him on the bed, throwing his head back against the pillows to laugh some more. "I would, if I was you!"
"Wha—then why are you still growing the damn thing?!"
"For that look on your face," Flynn says, grinning broadly. He pats Yuri on the cheek. "Priceless."
Several things click into place for Yuri all at once. Here he is, bone-tired, trying to be a good boyfriend, and Flynn is— "Did you grow a beard for four fucking months just to prank me?!"
"Yes. And it was one hundred and ten percent worth it."
"Four months!"
"Well, it's not like I put any effort into growing the hair. And keeping it neat is less effort than shaving." He gives Yuri another whiskery kiss. Yuri forces himself to stay put, even though it's weird as hell. It's not how kissing Flynn usually feels. He wasn't lying when he told Flynn he would get used to it, if he had to, but he hopes he doesn't have to. It's somewhere between tickling and itching right now. "And incidentally, the aristocracy approves of it."
"I should tell you to shave it on that principle alone," Yuri mutters. "What do they approve of about it?"
"It makes me look more dignified, apparently."
"I have never respected your dignity less."
"I don't think that's true, but maybe that's just because of how low that bar goes." Flynn snickers again. Yuri smacks him lightly on the arm. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I really didn't expect you to try so hard to be supportive about it. Phew. Oh, geez."
"This is why I'm always a bastard to you," Yuri says. In that moment, it feels true. "Because this is what you do to me when I'm nice. For fuck's sake, Flynn."
Even as he starts to settle down, Flynn grins widely. "You make it so much fun."
"It's not even like I told you I would hate it."
"No, but you weren't exactly thrilled by the idea, either." Flynn stretches out a little, rolling over to throw an arm across Yuri's waist. Yuri begrudgingly allows it. "To tell you the truth... you remember when I lived with my aunt for a while, as a child?"
"Vaguely." It had been a brief blip in their history, and they had both been pretty young.
"She told me this story, once, about how my dad tried to grow facial hair when he was courting my mom and it looked absolutely terrible. My mom almost dumped him over it. I suppose she meant it as a cautionary tale, so I wouldn't try to grow facial hair when I grew up. So I was thinking about that when I made the joke, and I hadn't really considered that you didn't have that context until you treated it like a serious question. And then I couldn't help myself. I wanted to see the look on your face if it was really that bad."
"Just to be clear," Yuri says, exasperatedly. "Your aunt told you not to grow a beard, because your family's facial structure sucks for it and it would look so bad that you would run off your lover, so you decided to do it anyway specifically to spite your lover."
"It wasn't spite," Flynn protests. He tries to lean in to kiss Yuri on the cheek. Yuri shoves him back. "All in good fun."
"You're an enormous asshole."
"You did technically give me permission." Flynn gives him an imploring look. "I didn't expect you to try to pretend it looked good, I swear. It wasn't meant to be a test of love or anything. I really thought you would just tell me how much it sucked and I would shave it and we would move on."
"So you are going to get rid of it?"
"Of course."
Yuri drops his head back against the mattress and heaves out a relieved sigh, eyes closing. Flynn laughs again. This time, Yuri doesn't push him away when he feels Flynn shift beside him to lean in for a kiss.
"You really are a sweetheart," Flynn murmurs. Yuri keeps his eyes squeezed closed, feeling himself start to flush again. "Meant it when you said you weren't just dating me for my looks, huh?"
"Changed my mind now," Yuri grumbles. "Not a test of love, my ass."
"It wasn't! Why would I have any reason to believe you wouldn't just tell me? You always tell me when I do anything else you think is stupid."
"I'm going to take a nap," Yuri says, firmly, cracking his eyes back open to glare. "And if you want anything to happen after my nap, you'll use that time to shave, because I draw the line at beard burn."
"You're not gonna keep me company while I shave?" Flynn makes puppy eyes at him again. "It was nice having you around last time."
"Yeah, and look where that got me."
"In bed with your best beloved?"
"Try again."
"I'll go shave it right away if you tell me you love me," Flynn says, solemn tone belied by his smirk. And Yuri knows—Yuri knows, this time, that it really isn't a test of love, that if he doesn't say it Flynn will tease him for another minute or two and then get up to do it anyway. He knows Flynn expects him to huff, bop him with a pillow or something, and tell him to get lost. He almost certainly doesn't expect Yuri to do it. Yuri doesn't say it often, after all. That's the whole joke.
But he did miss the godsforsaken idiot, and he does desperately want the damn beard gone, so he props himself up on one elbow, leans down to kiss Flynn on the cheek, and says, "I love you. Go fucking shave."
Flynn gapes at him. Then he laughs, delighted, plants one last too-bushy kiss on Yuri's mouth, and hops out of bed. "Alright, alright. I'm going. Have a good nap."
"I will, knowing that monstrosity will be gone soon," Yuri says, rolling over to steal his warm spot. Flynn pauses in the doorway, watching him.
"I love you, too."
He smiles, sweetly, then ducks out of the room. Yuri burrows into the pillows as though he can hide his mortifyingly red cheeks from himself.
He'll be glad to see that smile again without the stupid beard in the way.
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lihikainanea · 3 years
You seem to have sooo much knowledge and advice about different beauty products! I was curious if you would be willing to share the kind of products you use for your hair? Shampoos, conditioners, etc? Or anything else you’d recommend? ☺️ Thank you!
omg YAS boo let’s talk haircare!
First of all, I have quite long, very, very curly hair. I don’t dye it, but I do straighten every day because it’s just...it’s a big poof.
I wax poetic about my weekly hair ritual of rosemary oil. I’m telling you, the oldest Italian trick in the book but it works--it’s good for hair growth, thickening, delaying onset of grays, everything. I use a rosemary essential oil that I get from a health food store (make sure it’s the actual oil and not like, an aromatherapy thing that you’re supposed to burn). Rosemary oil itself can be a bit of a skin irritant so I mix it with a touch of melted coconut oil. I rub it into my scalp over the course of a few minutes, I have a lot of hair so I can go for a pretty vigorous massage here to really get it in, then I put my hair in a bun and leave it for as long as possible. I usually do this on a Sunday when I’m home, and I leave it in allllllll day before washing it out at night. I do this every week.
I tend to try and stay natural with my shampoos and conditioners, and Lush is my go-to. My fave shampoos from there are Curly Wurly and Big--they’re pricey, yes, but honestly the big container lasts me all fucking year. For their shampoo bars, Honey I Washed My Hair is wonderful and smells fantastic. For conditioner, I have been using their Veganese religiously for like, 10 years now. Because I have curly hair naturally, and curly hair curls because it’s dry, I try not to wash my hair too much. Maybe twice a week. If I’m not planning on going anywhere, then once a week. But I can get away with letting the natural oils build up, because they don’t build up very fast.
My hair does have some heat damage though, because I punish it daily with a super hot straightening iron. I used to use Moroccan oil and run it through my damp hair before blow drying, but a really good hair stylist told me that wasn’t the best idea. It’s essentially still oil, and if there’s oil on your hair and then you sizzle it between two 450F plaques, guess what happens? It burns to hell and back. Now I use the Aveda Smooth Infusion styling creme--it’s also expensive, but I’ve had my bottle for a year and it’s only maybe half empty.
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4ctrichologygs · 4 years
Are You Looking For Natural Hair Growth Tips?
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Many people have an interest in growing longer locks. For some, it does not grow so fast. There are steps that you can do to decrease the time that it takes to grow. Here are some natural hair growth tips to consider.
Herbal Hair Growth Tips There many supplements that may help. You may need to experiment. Not all remedies will work with everyone. Apple cider vinegar may be used as a rinse. It is said to be good for the health of your scalp. Look for shampoos that contain horsetail. This is a very good conditioner. Another application is rosemary. You can mix it into shampoo. It is good for the scalp and may help to prevent the flaking of dandruff.
Coconut oil is said to have a positive effect on the scalp. You can gently massage it in to your scalp. You can apply this every day, if you wish. You may also use almond oil.
What you eat and drink The things that you eat and drink make a difference. It is very important to keep your body properly hydrated. You need to drink plenty of water. This means it must be all through your day. You cannot drink a large amount and forget about it. When you do this, the body takes what it needs and eliminates the rest.
Read More: Are You Looking For Natural Hair Growth Tips?
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HairFortin Review
HairFortin is a hair regrowth formula for those who are facing scalp problems and hair fall problems. This product is for all those men and women who are worried about their hair loss. This meant to solve all your hair problems and helps to regrowth of new hair. HairFortin is cost-effective and based on all-natural ingredients. It doesn’t contain any harmful ingredients and other chemicals. It is 100% safe to use. It comes with all-natural hair growth properties from the plant extracts and maximizes the hair growth.
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 There are many factors that function these conditions such as stress and foods. Stress is the main reason for losing hair in today’s environment and the modern world. The foods is another main reason particularly for those who are unhealthy and non-maintaining a proper diet. It is important to use the right product in order to get the best possible results. Fortunately, losing hair is not anymore a big issue because there are many ways and products to reduce hair falls problems.
 Creator of HairFortin:
HairFortin was invented by James Greens. This unique formula was used by himself and his wife to regrowth of hair. He experienced several experiments to find the best solutions for hair fall problems.
 How does HairFortin works?
HairFortin is the best product that comes with unbelievable health benefits, and it supports your body to grow back the head full of healthy hair. The formula prevents hair fall of your existing hair and helps re-growth of strong and healthy hair, this saves you from the further hair loss problems. It will give you shiny and thicker hair, and you feel more confident.
 HairFortin contains vitamin E & B, both of these compounds help to provide the hair development and they have to stay healthier. Vitamins for hair loss are utilized with higher frequency. Another best method is a message, likely perform yourself, and use the best hair oil. After applying the oil, massage well maximum for 10 minutes.  
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 HairFortin is a strong composition of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants which control hair falls containing the damage caused to hair cells and many other reasons. Also, it nourished the scalp and protects follicles from damage. This results in healthy and thick hair. Apart from hair health, this natural combination will support and renew body and skin cells, making you feel refresh and also prevent from age related problems.
 Ingredients of Hairfortin:
HairFortin results from a combination of 28 natural plants extracts. The key ingredient in this product is the royal plant- Andrographis Paniculata. The plant possesses antibacterial characteristics and works with vitamin E and antioxidants to further support the re-growth of the hair. Find the below details for the list of other ingredients that HairFortin contains:
 Biotin : Essential growth vitamin that helps in converting nutrients into energy. It assists and enhances the growth of healthy cells and boost hair follicle elasticity.
Vitamin A : Moisturizes the scalp by functioning the production of oily substance.
Vitamin E : Act as antioxidant which prevents the breakdown of follicle cells and lowers the stress.
Vitamin C :  Reduces the stress caused by free radicals, as well as helping the synthesis of collagen.
Calcium : It helps the muscle contract and relaxes.
Zinc :  Supports the development of healthy cells and improves the functioning of oil glands.
Copper :  It boosts the production of elastin and collagen.
Manganese : It boosts the speed at which hair grows and restore natural hair color.
All these ingredients are approved by FDA, collected from herbicide and synthetic-free field, and safe for consumption. For the best results, HairFortin reviews suggest that the pills should be taken regularly.
 Usage of Hairfortin:
Hairfortin capsules can be used into your daily life easily. Just take it as a routine, and there’s no need of expensive procedures or to change your diet. The capsules need to take with a lots of water, also you need to have a enough sleep so that they can work effectively. Shampooing your hair with the Hairfortin is a another best way of improving the hair growth.
 Side effects of Hairfortin:
James Greens believes that the safety of the product should always come first before anything else. HairFortin is safe because it’s made of nutrients naturally which is required by our bodies. Nutrients often found in the food we take in our daily routine.
 And the capsules are free from dangerous or toxins and are not addictive, this product will work effectively for all. Since this product was launched in the market, so there’s no side effects that has been identified till now. If you prefer, you can discuss with your doctor or physician before you start a new exercise or new diet, and that’s also true for HairFortin. Children and pregnant women are advised to consult the doctor before using
 Where you can buy HairFortin?
HairFortin capsules are available for purchase in 3 different packages, so that people can have the choice to pick up the package which meets their budget limit and their needs. Here are the 3 different packages:
Basic package : It contains only 1 bottle of HairFortin which costs $69.
Standard package: It contains 3 bottles of HairFortin which costs $177, and each cost $59.
Premium package: It contains 6 bottles of HairFortin which costs $294, and each cost $49.
Your purchase backed by the 60 days money-back guarantee if you are not happy with the product. And once you place the order you don’t need to pay extra for the shipping it’s completely free and additionally, you will also receive a bonus gift. This product is available on HairFortin official websites. On the sites, you can also review the customer’s comment and the promo codes.
The interesting thing is when you buy a bulk deal of 3 of bottle supplement, you will get one bottle of HairFortin AgePro. And, when you buy the 6 bottles of supplement, you will get 2 bottles of HairFortin AgePro completely free of cost.
 I think you are wondering what this HairFortin AgePro does. Well it’s a hair improvement product which prevents from hair aging and gives a softy glow on your hair. When you buy HairFortin AgePro separately, it costs $89. But you will get the Hairfortin Agepro bottle free if you purchase the 3 or 6 month’s package.
 Benefits of Hairfortin:
HairFortin is the best supplement to grow your lost hair back naturally, also improve the quality of hair by making them thick, long and strong.
It comes with all natural ingredients and other components which grows your hair effectively without any negative side effects.
You can buy this product on your budget limit by making a choice of the packages.
This product is clinically tested, so it is risk free and highly effective.
It comes with the money back guarantee to secure your investment if you are not satisfied with the product.
Result of this product can be expect within a few days of using. It is also known as fast acting product.
 Drawback of Hairfortin:
It can only be purchased through online.
If you are under meditation or pregnant, you must need to consult the doctor before using the supplement.
You can check the ingredients if it is suitable for you or not because the manufacturer do not guarantee that it’s work for all, that is why it is important to read the ingredients and the customer reviews.
If you are researching for the best solution for the hair fall problem, then HairFortin is the best supplement for regrowth of hair which doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals and there’s no side effects. Already more than 10,000 of peoples have used this product and it worked out amazingly to transform their hair growth and the body. By using this supplement without skipping, you can surely achieve the best improvement in just few days. This is the best natural product that you have never seen in your life.
 Also, you can avail 100% money back guarantee if you are not satisfied or not benefited by the product. So quickly grab the supplement now and enjoy it’s benefits before the offer ends. With 100% money back guarantee, the supplement worth a try. We highly recommend you to try this amazing supplement, so do not miss this chance order it now and get a amazing bonus.
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lookinggoodsalon · 4 years
Haircuts Salon
Using shampoo is the most typical manner of cleansing your hair. An efficient wash will take away dirts, oils and other substances that needs to be gotten rid of. If you want you hair to remain neat and healthy afterward, it is advisable to blow dry it. Listed below are a number of pointers to recollect - Wrap your hair in a towel very calmly and depart it there for a while. Then, take the towel off and separate your hair into sections. Begin blow drying your hair from the highest and work your strategy to the lower parts. Make certain to not set the blow dryer volume too high to avoid skin burn.
Did you know about Henna? It’s a powder that many people make the most of when coloring their hair and skin. It will also be used for hair conditioning if you know how to combine it with the precise ingredients. To take action, you’ll need to mix a half cup of the powder with one teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of olive oil. Now, let the combination soak for a while. Next, cautiously and evenly apply it to your hair then put on a bathe cap for at least one hour to allow it to relaxation and work its magic. Lastly, wash it out utilizing lukewarm water then shampoo and condition your hair like you often do.
Odds are, you’ve observed tiny, white stuff in your hair that looks like dry dead skin. Then you could have Dandruff. You’re not alone. Most individuals have it as well. It appears unattainable to get rid of, doesn’t it? No matter what you do, they only come again the following month. Don’t fear, it may be simply treated. The easiest approach of doing so is by using dandruff shampoo. As the title instructed, it was made especially for that purpose. Just purchase a bottle and wash your hair deeply with it. After a few use, it's going to get your hair dandruff free.
These days, having long hair in woman is what's portrait as most attractive. That’s not the only profit though. With longer hair, you’ll have extra selection of hair model and be extra artistic along with your looks. Quite than using a wig, you should take into account growing your hair by means of using a series of scalp massages. If executed right, it is very possible. The masseuse can do by this including some sesame oil on her fingers (will also be carried out with Coconut Oil).
Then, by using her fingertips, give the scalp a massage. It needs to start at the backside then slowly go up with the fingers whereas utilizing a circular and zig zag motions. Gently therapeutic massage the complete scalp that way. It will help increasing the blow movement of Hair Salon Atlanta your scalp which is able to ultimately make your hair grow. Repeat this process as often as attainable and do it for at the very least ten minutes every session. Additionally, don’t neglect to scrub and rinse your hair after the therapeutic massage to take away the oil.
Taking care of your hair could be an amazing challenge as you grow older. Years of exposure to each pure and chemical components may cause thinning, limping and dropping its shine and suppleness thereby ensuing into inglorious boring hair. All those years of utilizing shampoo, curling or straightening irons, blow dryer, and an unhealthy lifestyle can show to be debilitating to your tresses that by the age of forty five or extra, you might be left with nothing but a thinning, limp and dry patch of Rapunzel’s mane.
House Treatments Retaining moisture and oil may be hardest throughout the years. However you do not need to worry over your dry, limp, thinning and boring hair. There are still varied herbal parts that may help get back its normal luster and strength. Listed here are nice house remedies which you'll easily do by yourself to take care of the beauty of your crowning glory:
Hair Strengthening. Rejuvenate and strengthen your hair with natural treatments equivalent to rosemary, horsetail, grated ginger, coconut, avocado and olive oil. You possibly can simply mix one on your own use and luxuriate in extra efficiency than your traditional expensive hair treatments.
Hair Growth. Hair thinning could be embarrassing. A fast concoction of the Pygeum tree bark or ground noticed Palmetto, or ginkgo biloba extracts which can be present in bottled kind can help remedy the problem.
Convey Back The Shine. Oil massage utilizing olive oil, coconut or almond oil heated on low temperature each week will help deal with dry, boring boring hair. Egg yolks mixed with vegetable glycerin, apple cider vinegar and olive or wheat germ oil may also do wonders when treating dull hair. Essential oils in aromatherapy in addition to honey are additionally nice choices to deal with lifeless hair.
Hair Fashion Come on, simply because you’re forty-ish does not imply you will be all frumpy and have the standard coiffure sported by your local community of retirees. Age is nothing necessary until you are cheese (smile). Attempt to have enjoyable along with your hairstyle. Find an incredible salon nearby or search for an artistic hairstylist who can do wonders to your boring hair style. There may be at all times one in each beauty salon that can make any ladies appear and feel young whether or not sporting lengthy or short, pixie or dimensional, bob or layered , and so on. There are fairly a lot of trendy options nowadays that can make older women retain their youth and vibrancy.
Necessary Considerations No amount of herbal remedies and hair styling to your boring hair can replace a optimistic mindset. As one gets older, confidence level seem to dwindle. Look past your imperfections and embrace what you have. Beauty isn't at all times pores and skin-deep. There isn't any sense crying over dry limp hair. A fast go to to a close-by salon or a fast house service together with your favourite hairstylist is all it's worthwhile to update your look - and, perhaps, get updated with the newest gossip in town.
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cultofpretty · 6 years
how to make your hair grow faster
Long, lush hair (or simply longer hair after a too-short cut) is a common obsession. I still measure my hair with the golden goal of having it to the crook of my elbow … but I haven’t gotten there (yet!).
The average head of hair grows only 1/4 to 1/2 inches per month, so if you’re longing for length, here are some tips that just may help speed up the process:
1) Your hair suffers an immense amount of damage between hair styling, chemical styling, chlorine and so much more. So are you using the right conditioner? The ideal conditioner will seal lipids and proteins into the hair shaft which will help replenish your damaged hair, restore moisture and a healthy appearance. It’s also important to avoid certain ingredients that can potentially further damage your hair such as sulfates, silicone, parabens, phthalates, petroleum & triclosan. Generally you can buy conditioners that are formulated for chemically treated hair, dry hair, oily hair, hair that needs nourishment, curly hair, natural hair & damaged hair.
2) There is a right & wrong way to condition (who knew?!) You can apply conditioner every time your hair is wet. This means even if you didn’t wash it, conditioning after you go swimming or after spending time in the rain also counts. Use a brush for even application - on wet hair only! - as using your fingers alone doesn’t always evenly coat the hair. Apply your conditioner liberally and rinse your conditioner out with cold water. Intense hot water causes more damage, which negates some of the benefits from using the conditioner.
3) Now, lets talk shampoo. Most people (me included) shampoo their hair way too often. Try to reduce shampooing to a couple of times a week. Shampooing strips natural moisture, and doing it too often causes additional breakage.
4) Our diet also contributes to our hair growth. Consider eating foods high in protein and biotin to help support healthy hair. It has been proven that consuming higher amount of biotin can help support hair growth so why not add it into your daily diet?! Some options to look into are avocados which are a great source of vitamin E- which supports hair growth; eggs which are high in both protein, biotin and contain zinc as well as selenium; fish which has omega-3 fatty acids, which support hair growth, and spinach contains iron which combats hair loss.
5) Stress is def a contributing factors to hair loss/damage. Stress can literally cause you to lose hair (how I have ANY hair left, I don’t know…) So if you’re trying to grow that hair … #SELFCARE.
6) Heat styling, as you can imagine, is one of the biggest culprits of premature breakage as well as overall hair damage. Try to reduce the frequency that you use your blow-dryer, flat-iron, etc. Ideally, you shouldn’t be using these products more than twice a week. Also, make sure to use a heat protectant to minimize damage, work fast & don’t go over any spot more than once. The more time you spend using the heat, the more likely you are scorching that beautiful hair of yours!
Changing your hair care routine and habits as well as choosing the right products will set you on a course to longer & healthier hair. Good lucks (& locks)!
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Created in Partnership with MONAT <3
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Visit My Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/OrganicSkinClinic
There are many misconceptions, misinformation, and myths about the dangers of using Hydroquinone skin bleach: Causes Skin Cancer; Destroys Skin; Causes Skin Ochronosis...
Hydroquinone is safe for use on skin as an effective skin bleach and skin lightener. There are ZERO studies that prove hydroquinone {at anypercentage} causes ANY of the above skin diseases or damage. I have been using hydroquinone skin bleachfor years, just like many other people around the world. And we're ALL still alive,with beautiful healthy skin.
Hydroquinone is a byproduct of Alpha-Arbutin. Alpha-Arbutin is an 'anti-oxidant' found in certain fruit. All fruit contain anti-oxidants {but not all are the same name/type of anti-oxidant} and ALL anti-oxidants lighten skin.Byproduct: 'Something produced in the process of making something else'. Example: When plants produce carbohydrates via photosynthesis, Oxygen is released as a 'byproduct'. So when you eat fruit containing Alpha-Arubutin, the alpha-arbutin reacts with your stomach acids during breakdown and turns into hydroquinone...
That is why when you eat an abundance of fruit {especially those containinghigh amounts of Alpha-Arbutin} it lightens your skin. Not as significantly as bleaching creams, but this will even skin tone and lighten your skina few shades. {'Skin Lightening Foods' will be discussed in another blog posting} Hydroquinone has many uses. It is frequently used in professional photography, along with citric acid {derived from lemon juice} as a developing agent.
The only so-called studiesthat are out there {where an actual scientific experiment was performed} is one where scientistFED hydroquinone powder to lab rats. After months of this, they claim the rats died of cancer. Seriously, we 're all intelligent adults here, does that at all make any sense? Lotions& shampoos are safe for skin & hair, but if I drank an entire bottle of either. Well first, thepoison control center would need to be called, and then I would would be rushed to the hospital to keep me from dying. Eating processed foods over the years will give you colon cancer. Tap water, where do I start:Chlorine,Fluoride,Lithium. All poisonous but in small doses won't kill you, but will kill most bacteria {not including spores} which is why it is used to clean municipal water. And Again, hydroquinone = byproduct of Alpha-Arbutin found in fruit & veggies. I have no idea why these so-called 'scientist' feel the need to blow smoke up everyone's ass.
Well, in certain parts of the world. Skin bleaching is an epidemic. Scam merchants saw a way to exploit and take advantage of individuals who so desperately want lightskin, or 'white skin'. So they use cheap poisonous chemicals that shouldn't be used on human skin, to formulate these 'black market' skin bleaching creams and label them as "hydroquinone cream". Because of this, governments in several countries {UK and West-Africa} have banned hydroquinone skin lighteners all together.The most popular illegal ingredient Mercury. Very poisonous, muchcheaper than hydroquinone powder, lightens skin VERY fast, causes skin ochronosis, and a mess of other health problems. Using mercury based skin bleach causes irreparable skin damage, and sometimes death. If the person doesn't STOP.The other popular illegal ingredient is, steroids as the active ingredient. Steroids are not ment to be used as a skin lightening agent, ever.I will discuss steroids further in the next segment, there is much to explain about steroids. These mercury & steroid creams ruin skin, but the truly sad part is......There are people who are well aware of the dangers, but still purchase these creams because they so desperately want white skin. This is not the way!.
Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/AnxyeYOizT0 {FYI: In certain countries the slang term is just 'white' for light-skin or bleached-skin}
{SIDE BAR: I bleach too, but I do it safely. These ladies here boy...*smh* Seems like they would pour battery acid on their skin if they thought it would make their skin lighter. That one lady over there {@8:26}, is mixing up napalm or something just asfierce*lol*I mean that stuff is for bleaching & coloringhair, not skin!{then had the nerve to mix it with scissors, not knowing the metal is reacting with thechemicalsin that toxic batter}Peroxide 40!? That stuff burns like hell on the scalp, I can't imaginepurposelyputting that on my skin, and leaving on to fry and sizzle. Not to mention, chemical hair coloris poisonous. I remember years ago, hearing about a woman who mysteriously died. An autopsy revealed that 20 yrs of using chemical hair colorwas the cause of her death.}
Topical: Something that is applied externally to the body - in this case, the skin. Topical steroids are never to be used as a skin lightening agent. Topical steroids will almost completely destroy skin skin when used this way. Skin getting lighter or going'pale' in color, is a side-effect of using topical steroids. The skin lightening is only temporary.
Please understand the word 'steroid' isn't a dirty word. Steroids are very important to the medical community. There are manytypes, many strengths, and many usesfor them all.No matter the reason for use,topical steroids thin the skin.Meaning, it literally makes your skin thinner. When this happens stretch marks appear, the skin is easily broken{cracks and bleeds easily}, pimples and weird bumps appear, and the skin starts to darken horribly in patches, and some times has ashiny taunt look. It is extremely difficult to heal skin that has been traumatized by steroid skin lighteners. The first route of therapy is using Tretinoin Gel, it actually thickens the skin and improves texture. Damage to skin is so much more severe and happen quicker because , people using it as a skin lightener, use it several times a day everyday.
Doctors prescribe topical steroids in severe cases, buteven then the patient is under their close supervision and the doctor is monitoring the condition of their skin. AND it isn't applied several times a day nor over large areas. Said topical steroid is usually and only appliedin cases of a flareup, of whatever the the skin condition is. Just like pain killers {oxycontin,codeine, morphine, etc.}, long term use of topical steroids are not advised because your skin willbecome addicted to them. With topical steroids, it is your skin that becomes addicted,like a dope-fiend tocrack. And when you suddenly stop using a topical steroid, your skin goes through 'withdrawal' just like a dope fiend goes through withdrawals. Any physician worth his salt knows, people need to be graduallywinged off those topical steroids to prevent massive discomfort.
Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/Mgfnhb9M9YM
Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/qig2TNI9Xr0
The lady in the firstvideo used a topical steroids for hereczema, clobetasol ointment is a common corticosteroid prescribed for eczema.I deeply respect the medical community but these topical steroids are prescribed too often for skin issues. Eczema is a long term skin issue, whether it's temporary or for life. It doesn't just go way after a few weeks. So to prescribe something that shouldn't even be used for 6 months, is ridiculous. Again I deeply respect the medical community, but the truth is, medications of any sort do not heal disease, skin or otherwise. They only suppress symptoms. An Eczema sufferer needs herbal healing. Look at that woman's skin {1st video}, she's more inflamed now than before she started with the topical steroids. She should have been informed aboutGerman Chamomile {powerful herbal anti-inflammatory, very expensive but worth it}, Allantoin, Comfrey, organicpeppermint soap, goat milk & oatmeal baths, goat milk lotion, anti-inflammatory herbal baths, and light chemical peels. Anti-inflammatory foods, and to stay away from foods that cause inflammation exacerbating her eczema. These areonly few of the things that can heal inflammatory skin conditions eczema and psoriasis.
A steroid is a very stronganti-inflammatory medication. Plain & simple.The word or term 'steroids' are sometimes used out of context, incorrectly, or interchangeably with other similar medical terms. The steroids you hearabout athletes getting in trouble for, are synthetic injectable Testosterone. {Testosteroneis important for muscle production ,energy, healthy libido, and sperm productionin men. Testosterone isnaturally producedin thetesticles}. It's not a bad thing to take testosterone, but it should only be in a case of the 'man' being low in testosterone and other male issues, prescribed at the doctors discretion {issues that usually stem from 'male-menopause'}. Also, it's not good for a personto take the same hormone they already produce an abundance of{All humanshave both male & female hormones. Maleshave more testosterone than women, and females have more estrogen than males}. Thiswill cause major issues: Hair loss, mood swings, reproduction issues, mutated reproductive organs{penis shrinking, impotence,ovaries shrinking, infertility,etc},acne, aggressive behavior {rage}, erratic emotional behavior {brought to tears easily}, abnormal hair growth, hairloss, cancer of the reproductive/sex organs, and all types of other physiological problems. Males can take estrogen, and females can take testosterone, safely. But taking the same hormone, is not good. This is why trans-genders can safely go through hormone therapy. Males taking female hormone will completely feminize, and females taking male hormones will become verymasculine. Wow @ how nature works.
Kenalogis an injectable steroid used for skin conditions & severe allergies. Kenalog 10 is injected into keloids to shrink and remove them. Kenalog 40 is much stronger and is use for severe allergies, asthma, and several other health issues. Both can be used to shrink lipoma {benigntumorconsistingoffattissue} or to correct a botched fat-transfer surgery. These procedures need to be performedby a very skilled andexperienced dermatologist.
After reading the above, do you understand what would happen if you useda powerful topical anti-inflammatory {topical steroids} on your skin several times a day for skin-lightening? Listen: If you get a scratch or wound yourskin, the area turns red & swells up if infected or to prevent infection. This is a normal inflammatory response to trauma {or infection}, where white blood cells and lymph is released and crowds the area quarantines the area from the rest of your body. Stopping the bacteria/virus from spreading, and killing off thebacteria or virus. What do you think happens when you 'prevent' this from happening? Exactly. People who use topical steroids are more susceptible to skin infections.You have been thoroughly warned.
Hydroquinone is safe, #PERIOD. When used in high doses {10% and higher}you only need to gradually increase dosage before using it full-strength. And after achieving your desired skin tone, you only need maintenance applications {2-3 times weekly} to maintain that color. No withdrawal symptoms will occur if you suddenly stopped using hydroquinone skin bleach, because it's not a topical narcotic. Everyone has a different reason for using skin lighteners, either to rid themselves ofscars or blemishes, or to bleach themselves white. I do not know everyone's reason for using skin bleach, and I don't care. My only concern is educating people on the proper and safe way to lighten or bleach their skin. And to provide people with safe and efficacious skin whiteners.
Visit My Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/OrganicSkinClinic
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odinsravendutchess · 5 years
5 Things...
That’s what I’m naming this...
Tagged by the beautiful @car-karaoke Thank you lady! 🖤🖤🖤🖤
5 Things You’ll Find In My Bag:
Bath & Body Works Vanillamint Lip Gloss
Tūl Pens Black Ink
Dr. Bronners Magic Balm - Baby Unscented
Glass Nail File
Diabetes Supplies (technically more than one thing but sometimes it’s just one thing like my meds)
5 Things You’ll Find In My Bedroom:
Super soft and warm oversized charcoal blanket on the bed. It’s bigger than the king sized bed.
Blackout curtains. I work overnights.
Febreeze lavender plug in so it’s relaxing.
A fan because I need it somewhat cold to sleep.
Firm pillows because I’m picky like that.
5 Of My Favorite Things:
Tūl Pens - they are gel and they dry super fast so I can enjoy the smoothness but also not smudge my paperwork. They are my favorite pen!
1967 Shelby GT 500 is my favorite car.
DKNY is my favorite designer. She is Jewish and I tend to favor Jewish designers.
Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap Baby Unscented because it works magic on my skin! I don’t have to shave my legs every day either and as long as I use lotion, my skin is silky as hell!
Vida Hair Growth Shampoo and Conditioner. Cardi B posted on instagram that she used it so I ordered it. It’s all natural and my hair is growing more than it used to. My hair is picture perfect smooth! No hair products I have ever used have given me hair this awesome! It’s pricey but worth it! My husband doesn’t complain because my hair is so much softer and manageable! I love it!
5 Things I’m Currently Into:
AHA/ Ivar and Marco / Hvitty
Planning out my sleeve with my tattoo artist
Lip masks...Im doing one right now
5 Things On My To Do List:
Remember to take all my meds
Make chili
Find a physical therapist that does water therapy
Go get balloons for work
Get my nails did
Tagging those who would like to play along and I would like to get to know better:
@thefibrodiaries @disabilityhealth @shieldmaiden25 @thefeatherofhope @tephi101 @thisisparadisemylove @grungyblonde @ego-ann-16 @hazelbeewitched @lupy22
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