#fatal frontier
nattikay · 2 months
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Neynari's parents and Se'txelu/Rolukx's parents, respectively. I've sketched concepts for these characters before, but it's been two years and they were sorely in need of updates. So here's updated concepts!
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thirddoctor · 5 months
Here's how I'm counting them:
Pratt!Crispy - the OG
Beevers!Crispy in Keeper of Traken - obviously the same incarnation as Pratt, but is he a separate Crispy? My heart says yes
Ainley!Crispy in The Velvet Dark - I can't remember how he got fried but he is and that's what counts
Ainley!Crispy in A Town Called Eternity - separate instance of crispification caused by the events of Planet of Fire
Post-Ainley Beevers!Crispy - first appears in Dust Breeding after losing his Traken body
Post-Roberts Beevers!Crispy - don't remember how he happened but he exists
Delgado!Crispy in Legacy of the Daleks - got shot by Susan. Meant to be Pratt!Crispy but this story has since been contradicted by Big Finish
Delgado!Crispy in Doorway to Hell - he gets badly burned at the end of this comic and tries to regenerate
Other possibilities that I didn't count:
Pre-Crispy Beevers - he appears in The Two Masters, but I didn't include him because 1. he's obviously the same version as Pratt/Beevers and 2. he's not crispy
AU Beevers in the Warrior's reality - again, didn't count him because he's not crispy
If I'm missing any Crispies let me know!
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kittygamer2888 · 1 year
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Wait a second..
Oh well shi-
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climbdraws · 3 months
are you a buy every dlc kinda planet zoo guy or a buy only the dlc that looks interesting guy (im the former, tis my shameless indulgence)
haha I actually have them all except the deluxe? pack that comes with Komodo dragons & pgymy hippos which I kinda regret cause regular hippos are such a pain to build for
steam has sales pretty often so I usually wait until they come on sale to snag em. I think the quality of the DLC animals + the items are definitely worth it, especially since its a game I still enjoy playing regularly after 3 years. The Barnyard pack was fun but I feel a little underwhelmed that there's not more themed building / decor farm pieces included :/
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avengerscompound · 2 years
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Iron Man: Fatal Frontier Infinite Comic (2013)
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kayvsworld · 1 year
everything is terrible but on the bright side my 9th rewatch of fatws HAS introduced "steve actually did fuck off to the moon" into my brain as Acceptable Canon. idk what time travel is. he's on the moon doing fatal frontier shit just let him have a vacation
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the-faultofdaedalus · 2 years
oh there literally are already feral doombots just Around. thats canon. they are... already sapient as far as im aware (but like, sapient in that they have enough of victor's memories and personality to successfully pretend to be him and sometimes for them to not know they aren't him. also they can feel pain. questioning why victor has made ten thousand cannon-fodder robots with also his whole brain in them which also can fully feel pain is a different post) but yeah feral doombots my beloved
there’s like…. at least two i know of. the one with the fancy coat and the one calling himself vincent that actually looks like a human, i love them. i have so many thoughts about feral doombots just Around and Vibin and its not like victor gives a shit. he can make new ones. whatever.
but also ;-; that's So good, especially if its somehow pre-reveal for iron man being Known as anything other than like, a human in an armor so perhaps he meets a doombot somehow (maybe it's stealing replacement parts from SI and when IM realizes that its not... actually taking anything dangerous hes like. oh. oh. because he's smart enough to also know why he isnt just going to get repaired like normal) and it's just, this sense of Recognition that iron man cannot say anything else
i think it would be good if it was like. iron man offers to help fix the bot. oor just, helps him. no expectation of anything else. and the doombot is supicious because of course it is, it was programmed by Paranoid Bastard Supreme, and it's not like iron man can even tell it why he wants to help it so badly, because even if he doesn't think it's actively a danger that doesn't mean giving it the information that he isn't human like everyone assumes wouldn't be... an incredibly bad idea. it's still attached to a supervillan, after all
(also sidenote but i am frothing at the mouth about potential doomquest in this universe it would be SO funny,,,,,, king arthur sends a pretty lady to iron man's room for "companionship" and iron man is just like. ah. ok. i dont know what is expected of me right now. also doomquest is very good to me, specifically, because its one of the only early comics things where almost anyone has more respect for tony than for iron man, which i enjoy, i think it would be SO good for airon man au especially if iron man is like. in danger of just... running out of power. technicallyyyyy i think this should also be a problem in canon, i think doomquest happens during chestplate era, where hes largely not able to go more than about a day without Dramatic Wall Outlet Time and yet hes fine just vibin in camelot (famously deprived of wall outlets) for at least a couple of days, but YEAH SEND AIRON MAN TO CAMELOT i think hed be both freaked out and also. sad that tony couldn't experience it. i think the background radiation of iron man's life is just... sadness that tony cannot experience any of the cool things he does)
but like... him continuing too help this doombot. maybe the doombot also helps him out somehow, as well. maybe subtly interveening in some fights. maybe giving iron man some neat lil tech tips. maybe a;klsdjfasdf the doombot still wants like. Something To Do and not just sit idle all the time or something so iron man hooks 'em up with a fuckin. tech support job. or like, product testing, for SI. something where he can just fix shit thats been broken in the stupidest ways or, try to destroy other things. who knows i dont. but maybe theres an attack at SI and iron man deals with it but hes damaged, and normally he'd like. hide away and do a quick n dirty patch job just so theres not obvious holes into nothing, but. the doombot follows him. and finds him. and its just... looking at eachother. knowing "oh fuck we're the same" and also "oh fuck he knows"
i think they should help fix eachother up and be buddies anyways it'd be good
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tonyglowheart · 2 years
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hmmm.. okay but what if!
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saintbarou · 11 months
tags: written for @prettyboykatsuki in mind. reader is gn, and is a rouge with a thief/street urchin background. marriage and discussion of children. takes place in act 3, spoilers for wyll’s personal quest. discussion of marriage. fluff.
synopsis: you overhear wyll bragging to the children. at first you think nothing of it until you hear him say somethings you weren’t privy to.
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Wyll is good with children, a truth not doubted but known ever since you had met the fabled folk hero in the Emerald Grove. It’s something you hardly do not think of, if you don’t want to end up in some sort of frenzy of thoughts better left unsaid. At least for the chapter of life you two are currently in. Maybe, you think as you clutch the wishing acorn the love of your life had gifted you in the palm of your hand, maybe when all this is over you could discuss such things as a family with him. When Wyll is free of Mizora’s hands completely, when his father is safe from all plots and schemes and when the little friend in your head has been cast out - yes, you think, you would like to utter the words of a family to Wyll’s ever so kind ear.
Unlike you however, your intended is not as patient as you can hear him bragging to the tiefling children you have both met and saved in your travels to Baldur’s Gate. It makes you chuff, like a pleased tiger and shake your head oh so fondly as he utters tales of your adventures. As you draw near you can make out the words - he’s telling the tales of defeating the goblin camp leaders. The adventure feels like a lifetime ago but not the phantom ache of the knot on your head you sustained from Dror Ragzlin knocking you well and good on the head.
You hear one of the kids, Mattis with his shaggy dark hair and mischievous eyes that glitter like the gold he covets with his not-so-lucky rings.
“Looks like you don’t do much now, do you Blade of Frontiers?” Mattis mocks, snickering behind his red hand. Wyll laughs good-naturedly, letting the teasing roll off his back smoothly like water off a duck’s wing. It’s something you envy, how Wyll is never riled up by such empty words. Mattis pouts, petulant as he throws another half baked insult at the man.
“And what’s with you letting your allies take such a beating - first Karlach now this? Having a hard time picturing what good you are for Blade?” Wyll huffs a chuckle, a smug smile tugging at his full lips and you stare a little too deeply at how white his teeth are in the afternoon sun.
“Things are different now you see - I have another story for you…” Wyll continues on with the tale of where you fought off Roah Moonglow, a Zhentarim trader who stole all the gold in the common’s people’s coffers; there had been a fatal mistake that you had made and Wyll had saved you at the perfect time. Even had a second to spare to throw in a witty comeback and a brilliant smile your way before the fight continued. Mattis’s face scowled as even he had to admit that the story succeeded in making the Blade appear just as cool as you and Karlach.
If barely.
“So what’s different now? Did you finally know how to hold your own in a fight?” Mattis pouts, conceding that maybe the Blade of Frontiers was more cool than dorky. Wyll grins, brilliant teeth on display at the apple of his cheeks raised.
“I’m their husband now. No one can ever hurt them while I’m around.”
Scratch that. The Blade of Frontiers will forever be corny in the eyes of these tiefling children for as long as you and Karlach live - they even think that know-it-all wizard that hangs around you is cool by default. The children all gag, making their sounds of disgust with Mattis being the loudest of them all. They are quick to disperse, going off to do what children do best in the times they live in and you approach Wyll as they leave.
“Calling yourself my husband now are we? It’s been less than a tenday since you asked me to be yours. Unless we’ve had a ceremony within the same amount of time - I think it’s a little too soon to call you such a revered title.”
Wyll jumps at the sound of your voice, your quiet steps always managing to go under his senses. It makes you laugh a little, how the smallest testaments of your background manage to slip past the hero’s defenses. You watch with adoring eyes as Wyll flushes with a warmth that makes him shine in the daylight as he brings a hand to rub at the back of his neck from embarrassment.
“Please - don’t tell me you heard all of that?”
“Oh yes I did. Every word in fact.”
Wyll hisses in embarrassment, and even then he doesn’t hesitate to look back into your eyes when you gently run your hand on his arm.
“Do you mean that - that nothing can hurt me while you are with me?” You ask your voice soft with tentativeness. He softens, gaze going from embarrassment to an eager honesty simmered with so much affection you neve once thought you would be looked at with. Wyll is a smart man, perspective and he knows what it is you ask - the battles that you have yet to face but will have to as fate decrees; its golden thread dictating every action and word that is to be spoken.
Wyll takes the hand on his arm into his and gazes at you, the brown of his eyes turning golden under the warmth of his words.
“Yes, truly. I may be the Blade of Frontiers sworn to protect the Sword Coast but,” he pauses to lick his lips as if tasting the sweetness of his confession before uttering it to you, “I am first and foremost a blade sworn to you. So whenever our enemies are drawn near, don’t hesitate to point me their way.”
The devotion is heavy in each word spoken, something you had never been witness to - loyalty and devotion only gets you killed in the streets. So it takes you a moment to collect yourself, to pick yourself off the floor from the weight of the goodness Wyll holds for you. You swallow before speaking, your voice thick.
“You already asked me to marry you - you don’t need to lay it on thick.” You say, trying to deflect but Wyll only smiles, eyes fond and gently as he lets his thumb caress the top of your hand.
“I know, I can’t help but be sweet to you. And I swear to the Helm I’ll live up to my word everyday.”
You smile, lacing your fingers with his.
“I’ll hold it to you Lord Ravengard.”
“I hope to exceed all expectations.” His smile is smig but his words are warm - lovinging and truthful. Just as Wyll always is.
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thecampjuicebox · 9 months
Can I ask for how the Baldur's Gate 3 origin companions would react to Tav willingly taking a near fatal hit to save their life when they had only just recently met and then carrying on like they didn't just almost die to save the life a total stranger (even being confused why anyone would make a big deal about it if confronted)?
Yes absolutely! I'll keep these relatively short and sweet in the interest of time (and space). ✨
The vampire spawn would certainly be perplexed by the way Tav would so willingly take a hit for him. No one has ever done something nice for him on purpose, let alone out of the kindness of their heart. He'd feel like it was transactional. Maybe he should take a hit or two for them now. And their confusion at his question of "why" would perplex him even further. "You could have died, you idiot. What do you mean you're confused? You're a strange one."
I think Karlach's response would be very similar to when Wyll stuck his neck out for her to Mizora. Just purely grateful. She'd very willingly throw herself in front of an enemy to return the favor, or rush to Tav's side to smack some baddies if they needed the help. The Tiefling is so kind on her own, I just know she'd appreciate some kindness being shown to her, regardless of the circumstances. When Tav shows confusion toward Karlach asking why they'd get so close to death for her, Karlach would simply reply with a "Thank you, Soldier. It means a lot."
As the Blade of Frontiers, I know Wyll is used to taking the brunt of the fight head on. But when Tav jumps in front of him, phew. I think it would be quite a bit for him to process. The hero becomes the damsel, and suddenly, he doesn't know how to act. He'd be grateful, of course. Maybe even a little apologetic for making such a grave error during a fight. I don't think he'd ask why Tav did it because he fully understands the desire to help others, but he'd be sure to express his gratitude nonetheless.
Shadowheart is such a headstrong and secretive character with an underlying softness so her reaction to Tav putting themselves in immediate danger for her could cause a whole mix of reactions. Of course she'd be thankful, and probably react the same as when Tav saved her from the pod on the Nautiloid. However, mixed in there, I think would be a sense of guilt. Like Shar would be disappointed in her for some reason. And there would lie the dilemma of "Do I thank this person, or do I brush it off because I didn't ask for their help in the first place?" The question of "why" would absolutely cross her mind, but I think she'd avoid asking to preserve her pride.
I just know Lae'Zel would almost be annoyed that Tav would jump to protect her. There's no way an istik like Tav would want to help her, right? It would confuse her, for sure, as I don't think she'd initially think to do the same for Tav. Not that Lae'Zel isn't capable of caring for people, but in the beginning, she's definitely a self preservation type. She'd absolutely insult Tav for their recklessness and the fact that they got themselves THAT hurt in the first place.
Ah yes, Gale the loverboy. Tav throwing themselves in front of a blade for Gale would start the downhill spiral of Gale falling for them. He does mention at some point that he loves the way Tav looks in battle, and he's incredibly drawn to their musk and the blood on their clothes. So of course he'd be hella horny for Tav after they take a hit or two for him. And of course he'd do the same in return if it meant making Tav happy. He's the sweetest. Wouldn't even question why Tav helped him, but he'd give them a billion and one thanks for it.
Halsin's whole thing is helping people, so it would come to no surprise to him when Tav jumps to his rescue. Not that he expects it from people, but he hopes people would do for him what he'd do for them. He's another one that would start to fall for Tav for that exact reason. Their selflessness, their strength, their willingness to provide aid. He'd give so much thanks, mostly in the form of big bear hugs. Wouldn't question their intentions, would just appreciate the thought of him.
Minthara can be an absolute bully at first. She'd absolutely criticize Tav's approach to the situation. "Well if you didn't leave your left flank open, you wouldn't have gotten hit there." and things of that nature. She'd thank Tav purely to save time arguing the logistics of why it was stupid of them to come to her aid in the first place, when she CLEARLY had it under control (She absolutely did not). She'd have a very similar reaction to Astarion when questioning Tav about why they'd assist her, thinking Tav is an absolute idiot.
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blueiscoool · 2 months
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Ancient Egypt's 'Screaming' Mummy May Have Died in Agony
It is a startling image from ancient Egypt - a mummy discovered during a 1935 archaeological expedition at Deir el-Bahari near Luxor of a woman with her mouth wide open in what looks like an anguished shriek.
Scientists now have an explanation for the "Screaming Woman" mummy after using CT scans to perform a "virtual dissection." It turns out she may have died in agony and experienced a rare form of muscular stiffening, called a cadaveric spasm, that occurs at the moment of death.
The examination indicated that the woman was about 48 years old when she died, had lived with mild arthritis of the spine and had lost some teeth, said Cairo University radiology professor Sahar Saleem, who led the study published on Friday in the journal Frontiers in Medicine.
Her body was well-preserved, being embalmed roughly 3,500 years ago during ancient Egypt's glittering New Kingdom period using costly imported ingredients such as juniper oil and frankincense resin, Saleem added.
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The ancient Egyptians viewed preservation of the body after death as crucial to secure a worthy existence in the afterlife. It was customary during the mummification process to remove the internal organs, aside from the heart, but this had not occurred with this woman.
"In ancient Egypt, the embalmers took care of the dead body so it would look beautiful for the afterlife. That's why they were keen to close the mouth of the dead by tying the jaw to the head to prevent the normal postmortem jaw drop," Saleem said.
But the quality of the embalmment ingredients "ruled out that the mummification process had been careless and that the embalmers had simply neglected to close her mouth. In fact, they mummified her well and gave her expensive funerary apparels - two expensive rings made of gold and silver and a long haired-wig made from fibers from the date palm," Saleem added.
"This opened the way to other explanations of the widely opened mouth - that the woman died screaming from agony or pain and that the muscles of the face contracted to preserve this appearance at the time of death due to cadaveric spasm," Saleem said. "The true history or circumstances of the death of this woman are unknown, hence the cause of her screaming facial appearance cannot be established with certainty."
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Cadaveric spasm, a poorly understood condition, occurs after severe physical or emotional suffering, with the contracted muscles becoming rigid immediately following death, Saleem said.
"Unlike postmortem rigor mortis, cadaveric spasm affects only one group of muscles, not the entire body," Saleem added.
Asked whether the woman may have been embalmed while alive, Saleem added, "I don't believe that this is possible."
Saleem was unable to determine how the woman died, saying, "We frequently cannot determine the cause of death in a mummy unless there is CT evidence of fatal trauma." Saleem cited evidence of a fatal head injury, slit neck and heart disease in three royal mummies.
The "Screaming Woman" was found at the site of the ancient city of Thebes during excavation of the tomb of a high-ranking official named Senmut, the architect, overseer of royal works and reputed lover of queen Hatshepsut, who reigned from 1479-1458 BC.
The mummy was inside a wooden coffin in a burial chamber beneath Senmut's family tomb. Her identity has not been determined but her jewelry - the gold and silver rings with images of scarab beetles, a symbol of resurrection, made of the gemstone jasper - showed her socioeconomic status.
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Two scarab rings found in the coffin of the screaming woman.
"She was likely a close family member to be buried and share the family's eternal resting place," Saleem said.
The study revealed details of her wig. Its spiral braids were treated with the minerals quartz, magnetite and albite to harden them and provide the black color indicative of youth. Her natural hair had been dyed with henna and juniper oil.
A number of ancient mummies, in Egypt and the Americas, have been found with facial expressions resembling a scream - eerily similar to Norwegian painter Edvard Munch's "The Scream."
"I use this painting in my public lectures about the screaming mummies," Saleem said.
By Will Dunham.
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Francis Spufford’s “Cahokia Jazz”
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Tomorrow (December 5), I'm at Flyleaf Books in Chapel Hill, NC, with my new solarpunk novel The Lost Cause, which 350.org's Bill McKibben called "The first great YIMBY novel: perceptive, scientifically sound, and extraordinarily hopeful."
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Francis Spufford's Cahokia Jazz is a fucking banger: it's a taut, unguessable whuddunit, painted in ultrablack noir, set in an alternate Jazz Age in a world where indigenous people never ceded most the west to the USA. It's got gorgeously described jazz music, a richly realized modern indigenous society, and a spectacular romance. It's amazing:
Cahokia is the capital city of Deseret, a majority Catholic, majority indigenous state at the western frontier of the USA. It swirls with industry, wealth, and racial politics, serving as both a refuge from Jim Crow and a hive of Klan activity. Joe Barrow is new in town, a veteran who survived the trenches of WWI and moved to Cahokia with his army buddy, Phineas Drummond, where they both quickly rose through the police ranks to become detectives.
We meet Joe and Phin on a frigid government building rooftop in the predawn night, attending a grisly murder. Someone has laid out a man across a skylight, cut his throat, split his chest open, and excised his heart. This Aztec-inspired killing points at Cahokian indigenous independence gangs, some of whom embrace an apocryphal tale of being descended from Mesoamerican conquerors in the distant past. That makes this more than a mere ugly killing – it's a political flashpoint.
The Klan insists that Cahokia's system of communal land ownership is a form of communism (Russia never ceded Alaska in this world, so the USSR is now extending tendrils across the Bering Strait). They also insist that Cahokians' reverence for the Sun and the Moon – indigenous royals who have formally ceded power to elected leaders – makes them a threat to democracy. Finally, the Cahokians' fusion of Catholocism with traditional faith makes the spritually suspect. A rooftop blood-sacrifice could cause simmering political tension to boil over, and for ever white oligarch drooling at the thought of enclosing the shared land of Deseret, there are a thousand useful idiots in white hoods.
Joe and Phin now have to solve the murder – before the city explodes. But Phin seems more interested in pinning the case on an Indian – any Indian – than he is on solving the murder. And Joe – an indigenous orphan who has neither the language nor the culture that the Cahokians expect him to have – is reappraising his long habit of deferring to Phin.
This is the setup for a delicious whodunnit with a large helping of what if…? but Spufford doesn't stop there. Joe, you see, is a jazz pianist, and his old bandmates are back in town, and one thing leads to another and before you know it he's sitting in with them at a speakeasy. This gives Spufford a chance to roll out some of the most evocative, delicious descriptions of jazz since Doctorow's Ragtime (no relation):
It's not just the jazz. This is a book that fires on every cylinder: there's brilliant melee (and a major battle set-piece that's stunning), a love storyline, gunplay, and a murder mystery that kept me guessing right to the end. There's fakeouts and comeuppances, bravery and treachery, and above all, a sense of possibility.
Most of what I know about Cahokia – and the giant mounds it left behind near St Louis – I learned from David Graeber and David Wengrow's brilliant work of heterodox history, The Dawn of Everything:
Graeber and Wengrow's project is to make us reassess the blank spaces in our historical record, the ways of living that we have merely guessed at, based on fragments and suppositions. They point out that these inferences are vastly overdetermined, and that there are many other guesses that fit the facts equally well, or even better. This is a powerful message, one that insists that history – and thus the future – is contingent and up for grabs. We don't have to live the way we do, and we haven't always lived this way. We might live differently in the future.
In evoking a teeming, indigenous metropolis, conjured out of minor historical divergences, Spufford follows Graeber and Wengrow in cracking apart inevitability and letting all the captive possibility flow out. The fact that he does this in a first rate novel makes the accomplishment doubly impressive – and enjoyable.
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It's EFF's Power Up Your Donation Week: this week, donations to the Electronic Frontier Foundation are matched 1:1, meaning your money goes twice as far. I've worked with EFF for 22 years now and I have always been - and remain - a major donor, because I've seen firsthand how effective, responsible and brilliant this organization is. Please join me in helping EFF continue its work!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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100gayicons · 1 month
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A new documentary presents the case that Abraham Lincoln had intimate relationships with men throughout his life - “Lover of Men: The Untold History of Abraham Lincoln”. It’s directed by Shaun Peterson (release date September 6, 2024). That’s sure to trigger outrage from conservatives and Republicans.
The film will be in limited released and probably not be available to everyone. The Vanity Fair article at the link below provides a summary of the case for Presidential Homosexuality. The three most likely lovers were:
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William Greene:
In 1830, when Lincoln was 22, he moved to New Salem, Illinois (then considered a frontier town). He opened a general store and hired Billy Greene (then 19). They also shared a bed. In a letter Greene describe the situation:
“… slept on the same cott & when one turned over the other had to do likewise”
Greene later said of Lincoln:
"His thighs were as perfect as a human being could be."
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Joshua Speed:
In 1837, Lincoln met Joshua Speed in Springfield, Illinois where Speed owned a general store. Per Wikipedia: “Lincoln sublet Joshua's apartment above Speed's store, becoming his roommate, sharing a bed with him for four years, and becoming his lifelong best friend.”
Four years later Speed announced he was selling the store and moving back to Kentucky.
Lincoln became upset and soon became severely depressed. He would refer that date day as “the fatal first of January”. He wrote in a letter:
“I am now the most miserable man living. If what I feel were equally distributed to the whole human family, there would not be one cheerful face on the earth.”
The depression didn’t lift until Lincoln was able to visit Speed in Kentucky.
In Carl Sandburg’s 1926 biography of Lincoln, he described Lincoln’s friendship with Joshua Speed:
“streak of lavender, and spots soft as May violets.”
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David Derickson:
A third possible lover was Captain David Derickson. He served under Lincoln as a bodyguard and companion between September 1862 and April 1863. More than one sourced described the two men sharing a bed as:
“(Derickson) advanced so far in the president's confidence and esteem that in Mrs. Lincoln's absence he frequently spent the night at his cottage, sleeping in the same bed with him, and -- it is said -- making use of his Excellency's night shirt!"
And a friend of the Lincolns wrote in her diary:
“… there is a Bucktail soldier here devoted to the President, drives with him, and when Mrs. L. is not home, sleeps with him.’ What stuff!”
BTW, Lincoln's own stepmother, Sarah Bush Lincoln, once wrote:
“(He) never took much interest in the girls".
Of course this is all circumstantial. For historical figures before, it would be very unusual to find a smoking gun, especially considering it was common practice to destroy or burn any increminating letter that might besmirch someone memory after death. And the distinctions between gay or bisexual weren’t made before the modern era.
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avengerscompound · 2 years
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Tony Stark & James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes
Iron Man: Fatal Frontier Infinite Comic
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vgperson · 1 year
Vocaloid Highlights: June 2023
What if you, wanted to eat caramel, but Sacabambaspis said: Forbidden Highlights Archive
========== Stand-Outs ========== Over the Rainbow! Pure-Hearted Paparazzi Top Notch Snob Re-Newtons Wanna Eat Caramel Forbidden Exposure Glittering Ultra☆Galactic Girl Something Forgotten Absurdly Happy☆Dream Girl! Blast Off! Sacasacabambambaspispis It's Gravity Liar Dancer Roller Virtual Singer Agape Happy The Way I Hope Rallentando Necro Familia Smokescreen HERO oops Mud-Eater Any Event A Mystery
========== Worth Your Time ========== Cry Cry Cry Cutting Pie Happy Jade Promotion-san is Coming. Frogfr Reverberation Liar Syndrome Wild Pitch Embers of Dawning Night Incomplete Record Boiling Point Charlie Unchanging Metro Taxi Vanitas and Night Light Goodbye, New Humanity Noisegoto Glass Slipper Runner Starfish's Fatal Wound Scorching Heat Big City and Stella Blue Progression Bumble Rumble Meika Town My story Dark Night Get Over the Pixels Dyed in Blue You later (Yuurei-ter) Boundary Sputnik Rainbow Canon Happiness Painter!! Dream Riser Phoebe Bubble Summer Syrup You-Like Color Party Nyaight! Crescent Rally scent Glitter Sparkle Messy Flop Crow Crow Karen's Cleaning Auto Focus Heart Portrait Last Amethyst Poem Distoile BURAI (Villainy) New Discovery→Familiar Daydream Lament telo sewi Ugh, Just Let It Happen. Music Frontier Anoxia Secret (Full Verson) Common Carp Song of Stereotypical Spoiled Brat Who Wants Understanding and Approval Without Effort Yet Has Low-Detail View of Grown-Ups and Friends Fleeting Life Show Beat Infinite Nap and Rain Kudanshita Pandemic. Halo, Auvers. Embryo-Like Illusion Global Engineering How Many More Lonely Nights Nebula Flower Trick Drowning imitation Rainy Terrarium Secret Frend Martial Maximinker (Splatoon Remix) Peacock Round and Land Entrust via 39 About June 20th I'm Always Watching. 99% of the World is a Lie I Can't Die Because, Sea and Heat Haze Eye to Eye Don't Say Goodbye Flower of Talent Fuwa Fuwa Foo Love-Tying Ghost Don't Tease! French Cruller Primary Monster Z Bonfire Flower AB Test Lifeform X Analog Romance Breath Jenny Wearing a Snail Mr. SHADOW ATAVISM Huge Annoyance The Man Who Stole the Pirozhki Grudge Inversion You Have To Open Your Eyes! Never Having Shallow Dreams Don't Wanna Die, But Oh Well Brainwashing
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heist comic but it’s victor breaking into mephisto’s casino to fuck with him
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