jimiscribif · 9 months
It has not been 5 years since voltron ended what the fuck
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mole-supremacy · 2 years
Durry, Rufe, and Fatch -a polyamorous ‘what could have been’-
Brian Jacques’s The Bellmaker is an adventure story, staring a land under siege, brave rebels, bold rescuers, and a search party that face all the trials the ocean has to offer. Durry Quill and Rufe Brush are close friends who are members of this search party, who exchange many moments of emotional intimacy and physical contact. For many, this can be read as a romance. But alas, Durry Quill dies tragically, taken by the sea. Rufe Brush only survived because he had moved to save a shrew. This shrew, Fatch pledges to be his friend forever, and it is him that Rufe Brush leans upon in his time of grief. Interestingly this story could also be read as a romance. 
It is upon the discovery that Durry Quill has survived beyond all odds, that things begin heat up. One would think there might be some jealousy on the parts of either Durry or Fatch, Fatch of course being the second choice of sorts and Durry’s friendship having been so quickly forgotten in favor of Fatch, but this is not so. No, when Durry and Rufe are reunited, it is Fatch who is the most happy for them, and it is Fatch who manages to penetrate the twosome and make it a threesome. 
In this essay, I will....
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Day 3 of some of the worst asthma I've ever had in my life. Currently locked away in my room with two air purifiers and a humidifier around my bed. Its giving alien spaceship medbay vibes.
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finnickodaiir · 1 year
I'm sorry but sometimes people look until things that aren't there sksksk
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penisliker-moved · 2 years
Number one needle hater
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agentrouka-blog · 3 months
Do you think that the supposed "dragon egg''that Vermax hatched while in the Winterfell might be an actual reference to the Jace and Sara having a kid?
I mean it is not so far fatched when you think about it how Jace and Sara not only paralell Rhaegar and Lyanna but also the story of the Bael the Bard
GRRM: A "dragon" 😉 left some "eggs" 😉 in the Stark crypt (symbolic of their leaders and closest family) near the waters of the hotspring (symbolic of the living blood of Winterfell). 😉😉😉
Me: Ah, so it's another hint for Jon's parentage. Since Sara's child is never made relevant if it existed, it can only be a Jon Snow hint--
Also GRRM: A Targ-y prince married a Stark-y maiden without permission and his future child was supposed to be fostered at Winterfell and married to their Stark cousin. 😉😉😉 We'll call it the badass and memorable Pact of Ice and Fire even though it was never fullfilled and played no role in the Dance. 😉
Me: Okay, that's a bit more detail than strictly necessary for Jon's parentage--
Also GRRM: A brown-haired half-Targ bastard marries a Stark "bastard" maiden in the godswood in a scenario that matches Jon Snow's ideal romantic fantasy. 😉😉😉 That has also not been fulfilled yet. Ahem. 😉
Me: Okay....?
Also GRRM: Jon has nightmares about scary knowledge about himself in the crypts. What could it be? What could it lead to? 😉
Me: Indeed, I wonder what could be the point of the whole thing. 🧐
GRRM: The blood of Winterfell. Matching baby names. Winterfell built from Snow. Would you bed your sister. Jonnel. Would you like to marry your cousin. I could restore it. The castle was all that mattered. The key to the North. She could give me children. No one will ever marry me for love. The blood of Winterfell.
ME: Alright, alright, you are not being subtle.
GRRM: 😉😉😉
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starscourgc · 3 months
SOTE spoilers ahead
The difference between how Jerren and Freyja feel about Radahn having an honorable death is very neat, and I think they have these differing perspectives because they knew Radahn at different points in time.
Freyja talks about how an honorable death isn’t fitting for Radahn and that he needs endless war to “invigorate the soul”, hence she’s not mad about Miquella forcing his soul into a meat puppet. She knew Radahn when he was in his prime and unstoppable, back then Radahn coming to a point where he would need an honorable death or put out of his misery felt far-fatched. Freyja also didnt’t seem to know about the Radahn festival or at least the details of it either before the Tarnished and Ansbach tell her, so she hasn’t seen what Radahn became and how miserable he was to warrant a festival.
Meanwhile its canonical that Jerren and Radahn swore an oath of honorable death together (Jerren’s armor set), and this other perspective comes to that Jerren watched Radahn become a shell of himself for who knows how long. He organized the festival to fill his part of the oath, and thought that Radahn deserved to die with a semblance of honor.
I was really confused at first hearing Freyja’s dialogue, but yeah! It’s just a matter of perspective to when these two knew Radahn, and its a really fascinating look into his character.
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melishade · 8 months
I love how careless Marley is handling the literal blood of Satan when one wrong move means imminent death lol. Them mfs are going to be responsible for the fuckin' zombie/terrorcon apocalypse and the best excuse they can give at this point is "we did a lil oopsie". This is not even that far-fatched too when you remember how zombie like Berthold was before his death and take the episode "Thirst" into consideration. It also makes me wonder, is a human terrorcon possible? Like in theory it should be since it's just dark energon possessing a corpse. If Dark Energon can bring even Ratchet's broken tool and Skyquake's arm to life what's stopping it from doing that to alien lifeforms? An Outbreak AU with Megatron going "I TOLD YOU SO!" every 5 seconds would be fun to read lmao.
So...we're having a Zombie AU now? Okay, I guess.
I mean, it's highly possible for that to happen with how reckless Marley has been depicted to be in the show and how dangerous dark energon is. It did turn Cylas into a terrorcon, even though his circumstances were extremely different from a regular human. But he was still a human who had succumb to the effects of dark energon.
Not to mention Raf has nearly died from it, but we've never seen what would have happened if he had died from it. Would he have respawned as Unicron's minion? We'll never know.
As for the Zombie AU
TW Violence TW Death
Let's say during the skirmish of Bertholdt scumming to dark energon, instead of beating a scientist to death, he bites a scientist before he gets shot by Magath. The scientist starts feeling unwell and he's kept under quarantine to be checked over. A day later, the scientist gets worse before straight up dying. One of the scientists checks the bodies and the scientist's corpse respawns before biting into the neck of another scientist.
Basically it's an infection frenzy. But it becomes worse with Eldians. Because while non-Eldians fall victim within a day, Eldians fall victim in a matter of hours. So you can imagine just how fast shit hits the fan once Eldians start getting infected. Megatron starts feeling a weak pulse of dark energon, which gets stronger in a matter of hours. He informs Optimus and Hanji about it before going back to the mainland...and is literally met with everything being in shambles. Non-Eldians are slow walking zombies. Eldians unfortunately sprint.
So now just picture Megatron running in holoform away from the horde to get answers.
Megatron ends up finding some Warriors and Warrior Cadets, but it's not looking too good. The Warrior Cadets are screaming for their lives as some infected Marleyans and Eldians are trying to grab at them. Pieck is doing her best to fend them off but they are climbing all over her titan form. Megatron manages to grab the Warrior Cadets and pull them to safety, but Gabi ends up getting bit in the leg during the skirmish.
Megatron demands to know what the hell is going on. But the Warrior Cadets are in complete confusion. Megatron demands to know where the Warriors are, but they don't know. Porco speaks up hearing rumors about a titan ritual happening and says they might be in the science division. Megatron tells them all to stay outside of the science division as he ventures there alone to figure out what's going on. He somehow manages to find an unconscious Annie in her cell. No one even bothered to go in, and quickly makes a move to grab her and run. Whatever was happening, he wasn't going to let a titan shifter get infected. It looked like it was too late for the Cart Titan anyway.
Megatron then spotted all the Marleyan soldiers, including Calvi, huddled in a bunker and ignored them for the time being. He then finds Zeke and Magath gathering weapons and Reiner begging the both of them to go get Bertholdt out of here. Megatron ends up speaking in his regular voice demanding what the hell happened, causing Reiner to understandably freak out and for Magath to be on the defensive. Zeke has no choice but to explain what happened and Megatron can't help but chew all of them out for being so careless with dark energon in the first place. Megatron immediately hands Zeke Annie and goes to look for Bertholdt. Megatron sees patient zero spazzing out due to the dark energon. Megatron tries to kill him, but there's a cave in that causes him and Bertholdt to be separated from each other.
Megatron and the others realize that Pieck has completely succumbed to the infection and is wrecking the compound. Pieck ends up killing Zofia in the process and Megatron has no choice but to reveal his titan form and crush Pieck, killing her, and any other people who have become infected. He could feel the pull of dark energon in him but he refuses to utilize it. He refuses to succumb to its alluring call.
Megatron then tells them all he's taking them to the island. Some try to retort, but Megatron proclaims that the entire world is no doubt going to hell and the island is the safest option. He has to transport them two at a time, and as he's getting them to the island and having to explain what's going on. Gabi succumbs to her infection and starts going haywire. She starts attacking people, and ends up biting Jean's hand. Optimus in holoform quickly subdues him, and as she's thrashing in his grip, Optimus notices the really nasty bite mark on her legs. Optimus remembers the horror movies that the kids on Earth used to watch and quickly explains that infection spreads through bite marks or bodily fluids. Jean is staring at his bitten hand in horror, but Mikasa ends up thinking fast and cuts off his arm, causing him to scream in pain. Everyone's yelling in frustration at her but Hanji quickly gets to work to stop the bleeding.
Optimus and Megatron are arguing in holoform about Gabi's condition and Megatron is proclaiming they need to kill her. Optimus is trying to retort but Megatron reminds him that she's not coming back. Optimus tries to retort, but Gabi ends up biting Optimus and distorting the holoform arm. Gabi bolted for Megatron, but Megatron grabs Mikasa's sword and decapitates her. Reiner is obviously devastated, and now Optimus and Megatron are arguing in their bipedal mode about what Megatron just did. Because the conversation can go any further, Megatron's optics turn purple due to the amount of humans that got infected with dark energon, and the strength is starting to fuck with his head. On top of that, Megatron didn't check if Bertholdt was dead, so now there's a Colossal Titan infested with dark energon. So Megatron is kind of dealing with that.
So plot points for the Zombie AU:
-Bertholdt is undead. Has dark energon in his system. Colossal Titan with dark energon. But he still has some conscious thought. He ends up climbing out of the rubble of Liberio, but his mind is so warped that he thinks Paradis attacked and wants revenge.
-There's discussion about how to proceed with this information. Majority are suggesting that they bar themselves off from the rest of the world. Hanji is the one advocating that they fight to help the world and cure the populus. Because it could only be a matter of time before this infection comes to their shores. It almost did. And their complacency left them unprepared for the Colossal Titan attack. They need to find a solution.
-Megatron's optics are purple now due to the high rate of infection. Megatron hates it. Hanji has to consistently ask about Megatron's experience with dark energon in order to come up with a solution. They're trying to come up with a cure.
-Jean ends up dying due to the blood loss and the dark energon still in his system. So when Jean respawns, Mikasa is ready to kill him, but Hanji asks to keep Jean alive so they can study him. He could be help for a cure. Everyone else thinks its inhumane for obvious reasons, but Hanji reminds everyone that they could ultimately be facing trouble.
-There's a lot of drama between the Warriors Cadets, Warriors, Magath, and the island, but some are won over by Optimus and Hanji's integrity. However they hate Megatron for obvious reasons.
-Annie wakes up to a whole nightmare.
-Marleyan officers are still huddled underground. Haven't decided if they live or not. We'll see.
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seaofsunbeams · 6 months
Fourth Wing / Iron Flame SPOILERS ahead
I just read these 2 books within like 5 days so let us talk about some theories shall we?
Be ready for a long rant about multiple theories
So first of, I saw some people hating on book 2 for not following the hype of Fourth Wings???? I admit it took me 4 days to get through Iron Flame and like not even a day for Fourth Wings BUT I think thats because IF is more lore heavy. IF is just as good as the first one imo!
Now to some theories
The mystery of Violet Sorrengail's second signet.
So I was like 1/3 of the way through the book when I got some spoilers about Xaden having a second signet without diving further in what it is and then people being like "Hey I wonder what Violet's would be". So I started reading with some more purpose
I have 2 theories so far and no, I don't think Violet is a Distance Wielder. Yes that signet hasnt been seen in decades or even centuries and Adarna waited almost 700 years to hatch WHICH WOULD ADD UP! But I feel like it's a little too much on the nose.
At first I thought Violet might be able to dreamwalk. would it be useful in combat? No. But seeing as Violet thrives on knowing the facts and what is around her and it probably manifesting while Adarna was in the Dreamless Sleep (bit contradicting).. It would explain Violet being able to talk to Sage and actual being able to gather information from it. But we also do not know enough about Venin to know if this power comes from them.
My other guess on her signet, as more people are talking about, is her speaking to the dead. Now hear me out, yes I know it is a common thing in books and stuff that on the brink of madness and dehydration and yada yada.... people can hallucinate. Is it a possibility that this is also still the case? Sure, but why does Liam tell her things she doesn't know? Or contradict her? Speaking to the dead could also apply that she is Spiritualy gifted thanks to her mother being sick during pregnacy. MAYBE Lilith praying to Malek asking him to not take her child came with the cost of making her 'fragile' . And as we learned and keep hearing:
"At its core, magic demands balance"
Also interesting how she can talk to Liam.. maybe because not ALL his stuff was burned??? I think they must burn it to cut off the connection between the mortal world and the plane they go to after death. Is this a Riders custom? Possibly but maybe Malek is more hoovering over the people bonded by dragons.
Now that that ramble is done.. could all of these be far fatched, oh definitely but it's a fantasy world so we are allowed to be
Which is just me debunking the orange dragon theory. Why does everyone automatically assume Sgeayl doesnt trust Brennan because of his dragon?? Sure we know the orange dragons are unpredictable and their choice of rider mirrors that.. like look at both Jack and Varrish FUCKING UNHINGED if you ask me.
But why is no one going like "oh, it's because Brennan is the reason Tairn his last rider died" ?? Do we know if this almost killed Tairn, which FYI is Sgeayl's mate?? So she could still blame him for almost taking him from her. I'm not sure if we know if he almost died (its 2am and I needed this out my head to be able to sleep) after his riders death. But we do know that after the events took place Tairn was only ever spotted and distanced himself as far as we know, until he joined Adarna because even as a feathertail they couldnt keep her in check.
I also think Cam AKA Aaric will be WAY more important to the story like.. how will a third prince with pent up anger towards his father and the way he rules the kingdom not be able to siphon a powerfull signet
Well please enlighten me with you guys' thoughts because I'm obsessed and can't stop crying about Liam so distract me.
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r6shippingdelivery · 1 year
Assorted Glaz HCs time! This is a recollection of several ones I've talked about before, so if you've been following me for a while, you've probably seen some of these before:
When speaking English he's perfectly polite, but in Russian he swears like a sailor. So most ops think he is this quiet gentleman, while his comrades would laugh their assess off cause he's the most foul mouthed of the bunch.
When he first met Kap he thought he looked somewhat familiar. Later on, he'd learn Kap was on the Beslan siege, and Glaz would recognize him from seeing the news on the TV about the incident, and how that sparked his desire to join the military. Kap doesn't know how he feels about it.
He's pretty chill and easy-going most of the time, but if someone crosses him he can hold grudges like a champ. And he has the patience to serve revenge really, really cold.
People often confide their secrets to him. When they know him, it's due to how calm and collected he is, giving off an air of being dependable. When they don't know him well, it's nervous babble cuse he is quite intimidating, always observing people and drawing in his notebook.
His worst fear is to become blind, which is not a far-fatched scenario depending on what injuries one could sustain in the field. As a sniper and artist, he doesn't know who he'd be without his vision.
He's a really good cook and quite the mediocre baker. Still, he often gets too absorbed with work and painting in his free time to cook elaborate stuff, but when he does all his friends rejoice.
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myrxellabaratheon · 1 year
The Lannisters are the ASOIAF Borgias
Yes, I just realized it now!
HI everyone, it's your Italian girl obsessed with Italian Renaissance and History here!
This probably ig going to be messy and all the things are going to be quoted by heart because I'm lazy BUT I just had this epiphany so you will all bear with me.
Considering the title of this post it might be went unsaid but TW: incest applies to the entirety of this little things. So... Let's start.
Tywin is Rodrigo. I mean, it goes kind of unsaid, he's the head of the family, gets to the position he's in because of his meriths and his ability to use people. Overly ambitious, would do everything for the name of his family to the point where he fucks up his children completely. (There are also similities in their deaths -- more like what happens sort after but I'm not going to discuss it here, google what happens to Rodrigo Borgia's body shortly after his death if you are curious).
Jaime is Cesare. Both are their fathers' pride, the designed heirs to the family and both decide (while Cesare's wasn't technically 100% his decision) to take vows that will bring themselves to give up to their birthrights (again, "technically" if we speak about Cesare but honestly THAT part of history is more complex than ASOIAF lore). Eventually they both end up being commanders of their fathers' armies and end up in a siege which has them using more their wits than their soldiers' forces. And yes, there's the being in love with their sisters and the "maybe her kid isn't her husband's but her brother's" thing.
Cersei is Lucrezia. Their hands are basically sold to the better option on the table for political alliances all while their fathers don't really give a shit because they are women and so are only useful when they can marry them off. Actually try to love their husbands (I'm talking about Giovanni Sforza here for Lucrezia as I'm considering her first marriage) but NOOOPE out after their first night together. End up having tons of lovers because a girl has needs, ok?! Both can and will kill a man given the opportunity. End up having a lot of problems with the Church (or what passes for the Church) after their fathers die. Fall in love with their brothers at a very young age and did everything to keep them closer. (Works better for Cersei, but still)
Tyrion is Juan. End up being the heirs even if their fathers didn't want it. Have the fame of spending more time in a brothel than everywhere else. At some point are just "I'm done with this family and its utter bullshit so I'll just go away, it's been a pleasure" except that Juan does it keeping the title and the family name and continuing the dynasty while managing to die in Italy for some reasons cause he eventually comes back. (Honestly I know Tyrion is Juan is really a short paragraph and they didn't have many similarities but the rest of the parallelism worked too well and Rodrigo had more children than Cesare and Lucrezia and I wanted to let you know)
Also I watched Borgia: Faith and Fear and not The Borgias when historical TV series were still GOOD and in that series there are both Sam's and Jorah's actors so I wanted to inform you all about it. ++ Juan's actor would make an AMAZING young Robert and please chec that series out cause it's good and not too far-fatched when it comes to historic accuracy.
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mole-supremacy · 2 years
I can’t believe I did a queer reading of The Bellmaker, solely for the Durry/Rufe/Fatch feels, only to discover that they’re not that gay after all, and that it is not them, but Joseph/Finbarr that make the love story of the century. It was an interesting twist I’m not gonna lie
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sonic-wildfire · 1 year
don chu dahr inshoult oaur coultchah loik thaHt!!!! 😡🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
ah lease we hav helf cahe ih ouh con’reigh!!!
ah leas oi be lockey eanoof tou noh bea shtupaitch an geh shout boy a blodie gun, thas foh schore!!!!!! blody fatch obace amehrehcenz!!!!!! kaill yoh schelf!!!! 🇬🇧😡🔥🔪🍪<- (bischket) 🍟<- (chrishps) 🍆<- (aurbahgiane)
I am aware that my fellow Americans may have difficulty in reading this language. Allow me to translate:
don't you dare insult our culture like that!!!! 😡🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 at least we have health care in our country!!! at least i be lucky enough to not be stupid and get shot by a bloody gun, that's for sure!!!!!! bloody fat obese americans!!!!!! kill yourself!!!! 🇬🇧😡🔥🔪🍪<- (biscuit) 🍟<- (crisps) 🍆<- (aubergine)
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tinybookgirl · 2 years
Most Tragic Redwall Deaths Bracket
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Yes @captainmirefleck is running their villains bracket at the same time but I want to do one also so it’s time for tragic deaths. My poll results actually said heroes won but I had already started setting this one up so we’ll do that one next.
There are too many deaths to technically include every single one of them but I think I got all of the major ones. Polls will be 24 hours, and I’ll link them up here. All will be tagged ‘Redwall deaths bracket’.
Round One:
Lord Stonepaw vs. Laterose of Noonvale Winner: Laterose of Noonvale
Brinty vs. Mother Mellus Winner: Mother Mellus
Rillflag vs. Flandor Winner: Rillflag
Friar Skurpul vs. Methuselah Winner: Methuselah
Bragoon & Sarobando vs. Log-a-log (Mattimeo) Winner: Log-a-log (Mattimeo)
Sanya vs. Russa Nodrey Winner: Sanya
Hillgorse vs. Abbot Mortimer Winner: Abbot Mortimer
Veil Sixclaw vs. Luke Winner: Veil Sixclaw
Windred vs. Fatch Winner: Windred
Urthstripe vs. Cregga Rose Eyes Winner: Cregga Rose Eyes
Ranguvar Foeseeker vs. Finnbar Galedeep Winner: Finnbar Galedeep
Jukka the Sling & Fleetscut vs. Skarlath Winner: Skarlath
Mask vs. Felldoh Winner: Mask
Shogg vs. Piknim Winner: Piknim
Friar Hugo vs. Romsca Winner: Romsca
Warbeak vs. Thyme, Clary, & Pakatugg Winner: Warbeak
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Round Two:
Laterose of Noonvale vs. Mother Mellus Winner: Laterose of Noonvale
Rillflag vs. Methuselah Winner: Methuselah
Log-a-log (Mattimeo) vs. Sanya Winner: Sanya
Abbot Mortimer vs. Veil Sixclaw Winner: Veil Sixclaw
Windred vs. Cregga Rose Eyes TIE
Finnbar Galedeep vs. Skarlath Winner: Skarlath
Mask vs. Piknim Winner: Piknim
Romsca vs. Warbeak TIE
Special Tiebreaker Round:
Windred vs. Romsca Winner: Romsca
Cregga Rose Eyes vs. Warbeak Winner: Warbeak
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Round Three:
Laterose of Noonvale vs. Methuselah Winner: Laterose of Noonvale
Sanya vs. Veil Sixclaw Winner: Veil Sixclaw
Warbeak vs. Skarlath Winner: Warbeak
Piknim vs. Romsca Winner: Piknim
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Semi Finals:
Laterose of Noonvale vs. Veil Sixclaw Winner: Laterose of Noonvale
Warbeak vs. Piknim Winner: Warbeak
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Laterose of Noonvale vs. Warbeak
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paladin-n-cleric · 6 months
hi! im the anon asker and im here to tell you *drumroll*
i hope that all your wishes will come true (sending extra hope to the far fatched ones)
thank you!!! needed this!! ⭐️
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tim-hoe-wan · 1 year
I have never understood why Camille is booking all of these jobs. I’ve seen her irl and she’s very short and average looking… so maybe it’s not so far fatched to think that she has these jobs thanks to her connections?
Like I said, she's a surprisingly successful commercial model.
When we say connections, that's what people do? You can use your connections, but it's only gonna get you so far if you yourself have nothing to show or have no staying power. I'm not doubting she uses the fact she's friends with a lot of fashion girlies or she was an NYC fashion girlie to get some bookings. It's basically part of the model formula to get a job. Hustling and networking.
But it's clear that anon is implying that Camille solely dates for that purpose. I'm saying this as someone who followed mgmt, that connection isn't gonna give you any high fashion deals. To use your connections as leverage is normal. To imply someone is dating solely for that purpose, when someone who's into fashion knows some of those men would mean nothing, is pretty darn dumb implication. I think you also need to just see the tone of that anon to know they're not exactly coming from an unbias place.
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