#fate of arun
Armand does not know how to properly love or be loved by someone if it’s not him being a means of service to them. He is unable to fully understand what real companionship and love is.
He was molded by the grooming of Marius, who as we learned, doted on him and showed him ‘love’ but it was all a means for Marius to keep him as a sex object (of sorts I’m still reading Armands book but from my eyes, bro just straight up grooming a harem of boys) until he was turned. And then pimp him out to his friends. He was molded to be a thing for people. So that he could be ‘loved’
He was molded to hate humanity, and hate being what he was turned into by the children of darkness. He finds being a vampire a fate worse then death, he hates humanity until he meets Lestat.
Lestat comes in, fucks up all his ideals of what being a vampire is, destroyed the original coven, and Armand became obsessed with him, with serving him, even if it wasn’t really serving Lestat it was simply being…a means to an end for him. After Lestat learned what he could do as a vampire he fucked off. And Armand has been obsessed with him since because it’s how he was molded to love.
Then he meets Louis who comes in, no care for the new take on the laws, and lets Armand be a service, when he needs something, when he wants something, it becomes ‘Arun’ and ‘maître’ it becomes 70 years of trying to atone for the lies on lies he built and him trying to keep them all in place so Louis will stay with him. So he is needed.
Then Daniel comes in, and threatens it all, and succefully ruins the 77 year old lies Armand has built a shell with. The lies that kept Louis with him and while not happy, kept him sedated enough just thinking it was hurting who he thought killed Claudia.
Armand is molded by the need to be a service to others to be loved by others. He is incapable of thinking love is anything other then, being a service to someone. Be it him destroying everything and everyone in the way, burning his companions daughter alive, lying to make it seem he had no choice when he was the one who directed every second on that stage. It was still a fucked up ideal of ‘love’
“I love you so much I let you burn all things I had down, I let you kill my family of 200 years, I let you do as you please with others because I know they can not give you what I give you. Because you need me. And yes I played a big hand in killing your daughter, yes i lied over and over, but it’s forgiven, you said it was. Because you need me and I need you. I love you so much because without I am a shell, a void, no insides because you don’t tell me what I should be. How do I be of service to you. How do I fix it. How to I fix the decades of lies I used to protect me from you leaving.”
Armand built lie on lie on lie because he is a shell of a void of a boy once named Arun, who was taken by slavers, and sold to a brothel, to be used and molded into whatever a paying person wanted, a boy taken and renamed Amadeo, to be shaped into what Marius wanted, to be used and used again. To be taken by a cult, and used as a leader figure, to hate humanity, to be used as a teacher, to be used as a coven leader, to be used as an object of spite. Armand is a shell, a void. A hole. Because he never got to learn how to be anything else. In 514 years he never learned how to simply be Armand. To be whoever HE wants to be.
Because he doesn’t know what he wants to be.
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abigailnussbaum · 3 months
OK, but: Lestat's vampire origin is in kidnapping and (metaphorical) rape. Arun/Armand was kidnapped and sold into slavery as a child, pimped out by his owner (again, this was either literal or metaphorical sex work, possibly both), and then turned during an illness when he could neither consent nor refuse. Their relationship (such as it was; I think it's clear we haven't gotten the full story there) begins with Armand attacking and coercing Lestat, and engaging in psychic manipulation. Later Lestat will use the same tools on Louis in a months-long campaign of stalking and isolation, eventually cornering him in a church painted red with the blood of two priests - Louis's friends! - which means Louis's consent to be turned can only be taken in the context of the implicit threat of meeting the same fate.
Meanwhile, Claudia befriends Madeline while posing as a human, returns to her repeatedly on those terms and while maintaining healthy and normal boundaries, refrains from drinking from her even when sorely tempted, and ultimately saves her life. And it's only then that she reveals her vampire nature and makes the offer to turn Madeline, which she gets to discuss with two other vampires, both of whom give her fair warning about what vampire life, and life with Claudia, will be like, and plenty of opportunities to turn back.
And that's the relationship that vampire laws consider illegal and punishable by death, and which survives only a scant few months while these other toxic idiots have been making each other miserable for centuries.
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nightcolorz · 4 months
I have a big big feeling that Marius lied to Armand/Amadeo/Arun as a child and manipulated his trauma induced fractured memories by telling him that his parents sold him into slavery when in reality it happened more so as it did in the books (Armand was forcibly taken from his home and his father fought until he was riddled with arrows to try and fail to save armand from his fate and has spent his entire life since mourning the loss of his son) And Marius fabricated the illusion that Armand’s parents sold him so that he wouldn’t loose control and find himself the subject of Armand’s resentment for keeping him as a child catamite to be turned into a vampire instead of returning him to his home (which he could have easily done). Marius’s fatal flaw in relation to Armand is that he is terrified of armand becoming independent or free thinking enough to not be binded by Marius’s control, imo it seems like this would be smth he’d do to ensure that Armand stayed submissive to him. (and probably from marius’s justification make Armand’s preventable loss of his home, family, and culture feel less painful for him)
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oficariian · 3 months
closed starter for @vampireinterviews / daniel molloy.
it is a rarity that he himself acts as interviewee. there have been few times in his considerably long life when armand has willingly disclosed information about himself, even fewer times that he has been actively approached to do so. marius had taught him early on that every fact another knew about you can and would be held against you, in the near or distant future, friend or foe. and so armand kept to himself, even in this new and odd life he lead in london. the people he had confided his life's story in were either gone, not present or wanted nothing to do with him, and so armand was, once again, the only soul in the world that knew his story. that knew how arun became amadeo became armand.
but then there was the 'keeping up appearances' of it all and, following one of the great laws of not exposing vampire nature to mortals, he could not protest when a message popped up in his assitant's electronic mailbox asking for an interview. he could not decline, lest that raise suspicion. of course, nowadays he did not exclusively employ vampires in his theatre, but a good portion, and best not to put the whole endeavour at risk.
so much for laying low, though. not that armand had expected to remain completely unknown. there would always be a certain notoriety accompanying his chosen profession - effortlessly falling back into the role of director he confidently shrugs off his blazer outside the cafe and sits down, lazily toying with a cigarette between his fingers. waiting for the arrival of the young journalist.
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a sudden heavy feeling spread in his chest, a sense of impending doom, and armand straightened up until his back seemed unnaturally stiff. as if something was warning him. the air seemed to change, the clouds seemed to draw together, the sky seemed to darken and, when armand finally looked up he could feel his heart stop for a long moment. he stared, felt his eyes widen. like a mirage, like the hallucination of lestat louis had carried with him around paris, there he was - daniel molloy.
it seemed to grand of a coincidence, too cruel a trick of fate. a bright young reporter with a point of view, he looked barely a day older than when armand had first seen him. " you're here. ", is all he manages to get out after a long moment of staring.
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dumdaradumdaradum · 1 year
No you don't understand how much I love arulmozhi and vanathi! 😭 I read a long ass 5 part novel to see what happens to them in three days.. three days!! tHrEe dAYs!!!!
I am an absolute sucker for fated predicted romances with conflicts.. give me that uncertainty, give me the angst, give me stolen looks, give me the unending worry, give me the soft exchanges that only remain for a fleeting second, give me the subtle prioritisation, give me the i don't realise it yet but I'm in love, give me the yearning.. all of it and more!!
Most of all give me the i was wrong about you and I'm now smitten 😭❤️
Also AHEM SPOILERS :: but the scene where poonkuzhali snaps at arulmozhi because he basically gave vanathi the attention was like a finally having rain in a drought stricken land and then it was drought again 😭
Until the five book which I'm sooooooooo grateful for and sooooo mad at because wtf we deserved more of our idiots 😂
Can someone tell me whether is Arun or arul- mozhi because I've seen people use both and I'm confuseddddd 😬
Also can someone pls write something for arulmozhi and vanathi? Pretty pls? ❤️
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willkatfanfromasia · 1 year
Modern au NanDitha- financial consultant Nandini x War vet Aditya
A Night to Remember - 1
The dull bustle of the party slowly grated her nerves. The lights from the bungalow ensured her vicinity was well lit.
The glorious mansion behind her looked different now. No longer the intimidating figure of her childhood – sometimes a monster and other times a skyscraper she could never never hope to scale.
She'd developed a fondness for it in the last few months. It was sick but graciously held on, hoping for a better tomorrow, much like it’s owner. And lo! Now both had recovered and celebrating.
She sat on a bench in the vast estate grounds and mulled over the shock of seeing him again. Just as she considered cursing her fate, It began raining- forcing her to look for shelter. “The price of wanting some peace” she groaned. The whole mansion was clouded by loud party music and conversations. Even the restroom could offer only a muffled din instead of silence, making Nandini flee outside. A decision she was beginning to regret with every raindrop that fell on her.
A wooden cottage was visible, tucked away in the estate’s furthest corner. She remembered from her sordid past that they stored their gardening equipments there. “very rich people-sque” she rolled her eyes
Attached to the shed was a small sitting room for the inhabitants to enjoy an evening away from the mansion, while still hidden from the public
With each step forward her mind relentlessly presented on memory after another, keeping up with the faint party song tempo.
The hide and seek they played as kids. She truly did wish to disappear back then… and went into an abandoned room. He, the son of her dad’s boss cum landlord, followed her but didn’t enter, unsure if she was inside. He called her name and gently coaxed her out.
It seemed like the greatest comfort back then, but now she almost wishes she never fell for his sweet lies.
The rain’s pouring became more insistent, jolting her back to reality.
"Damn that man" she cursed; she was drenched by now.
Just as she entered the cottage, dripping over the mat, she realised it was the same room. Her hiding spot from years ago, except it was expanded, with some comfy looking furniture and a kitchenette.. it looked solitary enough, only the porch light was on. Unbothered about ruining her client’s upholstery, she sat herself in the ‘living room’ couch and sunk into the cushion with closed eyes.
His beautiful, brown eyes when he saw her.
Her body tensed as she remembered his eyes darkening. The glorious mansion and the people all faded.
The awareness that it was she who elicited this response made her shiver.
He'd stepped forward, making her feel exposed under his unceasing gaze.
The gentle gruffness of his voice made her erupt in goosebumps. His love and longing filled voice reverberated across her whole body.
He walked even closer, hands extended as if to hold her. She froze in fright, wondering if he knew the effect he had on her even after a decade. What would he do if he was aware?
He was the first born of a great aristocratic family. The maharaja-zamindari system maybe long abolished but their social prestige and wealth persisted. Them and their old money neighbors were all saccharine charm- till they felt threatened.
Aditya, Kundavai, Arun- the names were suspiciously archaic and common for the kids of the districts most influential man, she’d thought initially . It was a later realisation that quirky names screamed ‘nouveau riche’ and recycling classic names was hallmark of the nobility.
Awkward teen nandini spied a happy young boy hiding behind his sister’s zara skirt. The sister looked like her chin was welded facing upward – beautiful but proud. A boy stood a few metres behind them, his posture betraying cockiness beyond his years.
Who knew it also hid a heart of gold? One that loved selflessly
The tiredness of the last few months caught up with her mind and threw random memories.
A young Aditya was spotted behind a tree, her own young self sandwiched between her amorous lover and the rough bark. Her natural modesty made her protest, each refusal weaker and halfhearted, as he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her relentlessly.
He began innocently enough, pecking her forehead, before his lips brushed her sideburn, tracing her hairline till her neck. He took extra care as he nibbles the side of her neck. Her eyes closed, unable to bear the pleasure blooming in her chest. Satisfied with the deepening of her breath, he kissed along her clavicle, mouth edging dangerously close to her décolletage.
Nandini could scarcely believe what was happening to her. She knew she was not adventurous as her peers. She never once thought any boy would care for her pleasure anyway, though she dreamt of it.
The storm of emotions reflected in her ruddy cheeks. She was sure he could hear her thoughts and feel her heartbeat. He was so close! The baser instincts, which only ever appeared when she was alone, now raged for more. Aditya moved back, knowing he’d pushed her limits far enough for the day. He was immensely excited to see his normally composed beloved lose control.
Unbeknownst to them then, they’d been watched.
Nandini laughed dryly, back in the present, for it wasn’t that incident that spurred the chaos.
Aditha didn’t stop with plying her with sweet dreams or attempts at seducing her. Indeed, if that were the case she’d ruefully dismissed him as just another callous youth.
He was plucky and naïve enough to tell his family about his intentions to wed her once his training and deployment ended. All hell broke loose, kundavai horrified by this 'social blunder' as she termed it. His parents were more understanding, perhaps hoping his desire would fade with time or the girl indeed would prove worthy of their firstborn. His grandaunt’s deathly silence was the deciding factor. A girl of unknown caste, no dowry or connections will be a great problem she’d decided.
Nandini’s mouth curled sardonically, forcing herself to focus on the present.
The family’s old fashioned management of their estate combined with the changing economy prompted them to hire a professional firm. Ironically, it was kundavai who insisted her parents to seek help – ever eager to preserve her family legacy (read ‘fortune’) .
He’d returned too.
Both parties skirted politely during the project. The family being the ones in need of help and nandini as the top employee of her financial consultancy firm, expert in refurbishing failing businesses and loss making ventures. ‘Make over queen’ her boss and colleagues called her. “Huh, if they only knew how hard it was to give my life a make over”, she mused.
Her friends tried hard to set her up on dates. She always chickened out- none of them will ever be him.
The family’s opinion of her improved and her services seemed integral in modernizing their ancestral property into a money mint. A party was organised to mark the estate project's success. 'A true taste of zamindari hospitality' they said. She’d grown too comfortable brushing shoulders with figures of her past.
They hadn't warned her of his arrival.
Aditya’s longstanding desire to join the army was initially opposed by his family. The prestige of such a career and it’s family history was what convinced them. ‘It’ll be a nod to our noble forefathers’ he chirped.
Their dismissal of Nandini’s foster parents from their tenant home made Aditya’s hopes sink. Her dad’s job as a pandit was taken, afterall Aditya’s grandaunt was a temple executive committee member.
They let him join the training academy earlier than planned- hoping to curb his questions. A top ranking cadet, he was quickly commissioned and deployed to the Indo-Pak border in Kashmir.
Perhaps his services proved to be invaluable, he stayed there for 6 years! His visits home were rare and brief.
She heard of his return merely few seconds before their eyes met. “he intends to stay here for 4 months” voices whispered.
A rugged man, with an aura beyond his years- the confidence of a man who’d looked death in the eye, stood next to the bar. He seemed disinterested in his drink, the people, the party until he looked up.
His tired eyes looked at her in disbelief.
Nandini woke up shivering. Her drenched clothes formed a puddle on the couch fabric. Her wine sari wasn’t any better, it’s fabric damp and stuck to her skin.
She looked around to remedy her situation. Aha! A thick blanket was folded and places inside one of the almirahs. She wrapped it around herself and switched on the fan to dry the damage she’d inflicted.
The shock of seeing him had made her flee without partaking in the various delicacies on display. She sorely regretted it, the zamindar mansion’s food was one of its few attributes she’d missed.
The kitchenette seemed empty and unused. Her hunger addled brain opened and closed each unlocked cupboard hoping to find – yes! This would do ! she thought as she picked up a lone biscuit packet.
She munched into the biscuit, uncaring of how loudly she chewed, feeling comfortable in her fleece blanket. Just the comfort she needed after her tumult. Not that she had any right to rage- it WAS his home. Bad enough she was surprised by HIS arrival – at his own house.
She huffed in disappointment when she noticed there weren’t anymore biscuits. The rain thundered more violently than before but the power hadn’t gone off. She settled in for a disconcertingly quiet night. “I’ll leave in a few hours” she told herself.
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The Aabid Ruins were a maze, it was decided quite quickly. Massive bones of divine animals and beings towered over the land, growth, and vines curling all around. Pillars of stone and rock jut out from the ground, casting large shadows.
That, and the cultists swarming about.
From far off, the two sentinels watch as the group fight them off. Magic, arrows, knives, and swords are used against the cultists, making Sentinel Alivs hum.
She tilts her head. "Two Beyonders." The three eyes floating above her head blink. "The rest fron Espi."
Sentienal Cato's scorpion tail flicks. "Destined to return?"
"If they themselves allows it."
The sentinels continue to watch. The eyes of Cato flick off to one of the Beyonders — Root. His eyes blink a few times.
"Hm." He hums.
Alivs turns her head. "Hm?"
Cato nods. "Hm."
The two continue to stand by the large ribs of an ancient dragon. They watch as the group defeats the cultists, and makes their way to them.
"Hello, adventurers," they greet the group.
"Sentinels.." Hilde looks amazed.
"Were you watching us the whole time?" Lyon looked exasperated.
"Fate does not allow us to intervene when the threads are tied," Alivs answers, extending a paw down. The group all gets on, and the sentinel sets them down on a large rock.
"Sentinels, we need your help," Hilde speaks as she walks up. She's frowning. "We need to figure out what the cultists want and why the emperor wants them in the kingdom."
"So we can kick their asses!" Alexander adds.
The sentinels turn their heads to look at each other. The three eyes that each had slowly blink before Cato turns his head.
"They wish for the rise of the Mar and Kaiah," Cato answers. "They reside all over this continent."
"Why?!" Xavier frowns deeply. "They're already powerful enough!"
"You know we cannot say."
It's quiet before Root steps forward, placing a hand on her chest. "Sentinels.. Arun said that.. you know everything. Is that true?"
They nod, and Root inhales slowly before exhaling. She looks up at them with a serious look. "Do you know where Alexander and I came from?"
It was a question that had been haunting her for ages. It was something that was clawing at the back of her mind.
They nod, and she pushes forward.
"Is there.. any chance we go home?"
She doesn't know why she's asking this. Curiosity, maybe? Who knows.
She certainly doesn't.
"It depends on your decisions." Alivs finally answers after a few moments.
Root glances down.
Well, isn't that reassuring.
Plurality chews on the pen in her mouth, staring at the theory board. After a few moments, she takes it out of her mouth and crosses out the 'developer took them' theory. It just didn't make sense in the long run.
She stares at the board more before exhaling, closing her eyes. She pauses to think before frowning.
She wishes she could just ask Database to open her a portal there, but that would be an entirely different computer, and the developer's copy. The Code Manifestation knew it was probably possible, but very, very risky.
And right now, she couldn't risk anything.
Root taps the pen against her lips as she thinks. She remembers Lil Coding recounting how Ozymandias apparently didn't know where Root had went, and he was being surprisingly honest.
She wonders..
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nnmarudkar · 1 year
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First thing first, Jubilee shows you the realism of the Bombay talkies era with an interval by building huge and royal studios, cinema reels, crew chairs, hand painted posters, an ambitious producer with business acumen, smoking pipe, outfits, and so much more. The series in itself is quite symbolic for the purpose of depicting the golden era. Yes, I call it a golden era. I read the show is pretty much inspired by the life of Himanshu Rai and Devika Rani. Let’s kickstart.
Praise worthy angles from the entire series that are responsible for the story:
Blazing journeys of 5 characters Roy, Binod, Jay, Niloufer, Walia
The unparalleled fate of 2 studios Khanna studio and Roy studio
The transformations, transitions, and evolving cinema with a blend of crime, love, conspiracy and fame.
Beginning, Rise and Fall
It is commendable to see how the makers combined the most essential attributes of the black and white cinema - Dialogues, Music, Drama and great frames.
The 3 compelling dialogues that summarize Cinema which are crafted beautifully in the film with the scene,
'Power is within this weapon of cinema.'
'Cinema can raise a level by giving the audience a taste of poetry, photography, music and aspirations.'
'Cinema can empower people.'
Let us put the stars on the shoulders of the team. Vikramaditya Motawane, Atul Sabharwal and Soumik Sen are the names. I should say, a gorgeous job on the series by all the teams.
Supposedly it has to be one of the most expensive projects as it costs a fortune to build a city entirely. Especially a city which used to look a certain way but not any more. It is bound to attract criticism, comparisons and judgements. Hence applause for the art department.
Moving to the title, Jubilee. Good one. The word Jubilee was significant in the non-bollywood era. It marked a big success of the film if it reaches Jubilee unlike the crore club where films are less than 2 stars but box office is 200 cr.
Vikramaditya Motawane has created a web series that is uncommon among current subjects. Lots of makers tried to recreate the golden era but most of them went unnoticed. I am fond of Khoya Khoya Chand for the infamous vintage era. However, reaching everybody through OTT through Jubilee with a 10 episode series of 50 minutes is a master thought. That breathing space to judge the success with an olden times ‘interval’ but of a week is outstanding. However, such a big risk.
Mentioning positives of the show to move with. It has a decent Star cast that is not very glittering and glam. Subtle and real. When you cut on the star factor you can actually see through the show and its potential. So I liked the cast to portray that era. Apararshakti Khurana as one of the leads is huge. Names to mention: Wamiqa Gabbi and Prosenjit Chatterjee. I am all praises for Wamiqa Gabbi. Simply Wow. She is a complete package of dance, acting, nakharas, ada and reality. An actress who very clearly takes you to the era of queens like Waheeda Rehman, Mala Sinha, Nutan and the list goes on. She does not imitate anybody. Prosenjit Chatterjee, an innovative and ahead of his time producer who wants to make a mark but probably wishes to stick to what sells on screen with a traditional cinema perspective. The curiosity that both Roy and Niloufer go on building in their own way is really good. Sidhant Gupta’s energy matches the character’s but his acting felt an over-do at times. But when he walks as a star is one act you can’t miss but notice. It shows a mix of stardom and simplicity. Great work there. He is the Guru Dutt effect as a one man show with actor-director qualities. Aditi Rao Hydari is just being herself, a beauty. Ram Kapoor, Shweta Basu are names known for good acting just like that. All the supporting actors have done a celebrated job in their roles. Amazing to watch Arun Govil in a web series. The casting decisions are appreciable. The character Govil plays as a calm father is peaceful for the eyes and ears.
Music is magnificent. Thanks to Amit Trivedi for giving one more album that can be put on loop. The compositions of jubilee prove that even today a melody is possible with sensible ‘Hindi’ lyrics which are louder than the music and each word, chord and instrument is heard and worth a praise. Kudos to Amit Trivedi and Kausar Munir for creating songs that calm people like us can humm. My personal favourites are Voh Tere Mere Ishq, Dariyacha Raja, Na Koi Mera and Saare Ke Saare Akele. Rest you would not like to skip as well. It has the sound of the period it belongs to. The lyrics bear to our usual spoken Hindi language - simple and understood. I can’t put this more straight. Those days were about melody and dialogues that hit the audience.
Dialogues as expected are filled with drama and conviction.
Favourite frame from the series is Jay and Nilo sitting on the road drenched in the rain in front of a theatre under the poster of Baiju Awara. Splendid! You do not have to show intimacy by stripping down and making love. Sometimes it's just the way you sketch love on screen. Quite a romantic frame. Other Mesmerizing frames:
Binod first in front of the fire that also marks the end frame of Roy in front of fire.
Sumitra sitting in front of the mirror in the train.
Roy, sitting in his private screening theatre, calls the man to project the reel.
Jay Khanna in his own studio on the first day against the Taxi cut out.
The last shot of Roy studio with lights dimming symbolizing the fall.
Jay Khanna’s cabin with Taxi Driver Poster of Jay and Nilo.
And the favourite of many, the RK inspired Jay and Niloufer umbrella scene.
I am glad to see one series with no skin show, no kissing at every alternate shot and most importantly close to no violence. Every other show today is either lust or violence with litres of blood flowing. This series is like detox.
Some curiosity creeps in. Was Phone tapping really a thing? Would the show not be as captivating as it was if tapping was not a part of the show? Mysterious.
Coming to an end resembles a Guru Dutt film with a song like Dekhi Zamane ki Yaari. Saare ke Saare Akele went on flipping pages and how heartbreaking every page was!
Looking at Jubilee overall,
What’s remarkable is the tragic ending given to all the characters like most of the yesteryear actors saw. It is not a fictitious act of drama. We have heard stories where either people disappeared from the industry or their demise was not a very pleasant one or some love stories were not as happy as their film’s or their stardom just vanished with a flop. I admire the way fiction was weaved with the inside stories from the film industry. But across 10 episodes we saw a lot of screen time invested in long pauses. Not sure why the typical fame was not shown like ordinary fans gathering around Madan or crowds at the red carpets of premieres. No premieres at all actually. But the pre-independence period, partition and its effect on the cinema industry was precisely connected. The makers very smartly keep awards at bay as filmfare started in 1954 and this story wraps up by 1953. Also, the details that were very well shown were salaried crew, technicians and even actors associated with the studio, the refugee camps, international interventions and the editing on negatives of the reel. What is incredible to see is the grey shade every character gets with situations. It's meticulous writing.
All the characters had a closure but I wonder what happened to Shamsher Walia.
I was waiting for the last ‘The End’ or ‘समाप्त’ after we saw Interval post the 1st batch of 5 episodes. But that did not come. Another season in making? Giving benefit of doubt as the glorious era of cinema has just started in Jubilee. But I must say first is the only first. What follows is to piggyback on the popularity of last success. It loses its charm. I hope the makers continue the legacy if they plan seasons.
To end this I would say Jubilee gives you the pictorial version of the tales and accounts narrated by the legends and insiders. I will not deny that the series seems stretched or sluggish at times but I think establishing the actors and an entire past generation will take its own time.
Jubilee is a must watch for people who believe in the essence of cinema and Hindi film industry of yesterday. It is for obsessed film lovers who have not yet fallen prey to Bollywood’s faux stardom.
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yellowmagicalgirl · 7 months
Forgotten or Merely Parallel?
Celia, formerly known as Lynne, thinks back on what got her to the OIAR.
After episode 6, I was skeptical that the two Celia's were the same, and thought that it was a coincidence that they shared both a voice actress and a name (the latter easily explained by this being a podcast by Jonny Sims). And then episode 7 came out and inspired me to write this tripple drabble. Also, I feel simultaneously scared for John and also vindicated.
AO3 (archive-locked) | SquidgeWorld | FFN
It had been shockingly easy for Celia to create an identity for herself in this new world. Some part of her wondered if this was because she had lost the name of the woman she used to be before the prophets had rescued her. If she had no identity, then she was a blank slate molding herself to this world, instead of getting caught up on all the little details, all the little differences.
Perhaps there was a Celia in this world, too, or whatever her name was. Maybe if Celia remembered her original name, she could become the long-lost twin to this world's version of her. She had met versions of Arun and Laverne, but they didn't remember her or whatever alternate self she might have had.
Getting a job at the OIAR was easy enough, and Celia appreciated the minidoughnuts as well as the offers of biscuits and various warm beverages. She wondered if she had a greater appreciation for food in general after all the Ennui-branded coke bottles, or if her previous self had also been a foodie and Celia had merely forgotten. She was excited to start this job. No, excited wasn't the right word. Excited didn't cover how she was both desperate for a mundane life and unable to put what little she had of her past behind her. Perhaps that made her uniquely suited to this job, even if they weren't categorizing like the prophets.
But then there was John. John, who had known the prophets. John, who had been chased by tape recorders. John, whom Celia could imagine wrestling a manila folder - why did Celia say that? Why did she tempt fate?
John, who now spoke from the computer. Was this the one she had known, or was Chester merely this world's version?
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Shri Venkateshwara University hosted an oath ceremony to ensure 100% voting in the coming elections.
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Shri Venkateshwara University/Institute hosted an oath ceremony cum street play that strives to build a strong democratic government by ensuring 100% voting in the coming elections.
The ceremony encouraged all to cast their vote for the creation of a powerful nation with rich democratic values.
The Venkateshwara Group Founder President Dr Sudhir Giri, Pro Chancellor Dr Rajeev Tyagi, along with the VC Dr AK Shukla & the Registrar Dr Piyush Pandey inaugurated the event by lighting a lamp on the portrait of Mother India.
Through we are a democracy street play, the students inspired all for 100 percent voting during the elections.
The Venkateshwara Group Founder President, Dr Sudhir Giri, reiterated because of its strong democracy, India is one of the most powerful nations in the world. USA, Britain and the EU all acknowledge the strength of the Indian democracy.  
He appealed all to rise above caste, region, religion & with nationalist feeling ensure 100% voting for the creation of a strong democratic country.
The Pro Chancellor Dr Rajeev Tyagi affirmed your one vote will not only decide your fate but the future of the coming generations.
The Pro Chancellor Dr Rajeev Tyagi also addressed the oath ceremony for ensuring 100% voting in the coming elections.
Those present included the Chief Advisor Dr VPS Arora, CEO Mr. Ajay Shrivastava, Dr Rajesh Singh, Dr Yogeshwar Prasad Sharma, Dr Ashutosh Singh, Dr Om Prakash Gosai, Dr Rahul Kumar and Dr Ashwini Kumar Saxena.
Dr Ram Niwas Sharma, Dr Tejpal Singh, Dr Dinesh Kumar Gautam, Dr Anil Kumar Jaiswal, Dr Vishwanath Jha, Dr Ana Brown, Dr LS Rawat, Dr Mohit Sharma, Vishal Sharma were all present.
Also present were Arun Kumar Goswami, Maroof Chaudhary, & Manjari Rana.
The Meerut Campus Director Dr Pratap Singh was present & also present was the Media Incharge Mr. Vishwas Rana among others.
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arunganguly6 · 6 months
Unveiling The Truth Behind Arun Ganguly Scam
In the tumultuous landscape of modern business, controversies often surface, casting shadows of doubt and skepticism. The Arun Ganguly Scam is one such example, where claims have obfuscated the standing of a prominent figure. Notwithstanding, digging further into the matter uncovers a more nuanced story, testing the overarching account and revealing insight into urgent viewpoints that request consideration.
Here Are Some Key Points To Consider About Arun Ganguly Scam
Between all these rumors of Arun Ganguly fraud here are a few things seeking our attention. Read through the below pointers to understand it better.
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The Rise Of Arun Ganguly
Arun Ganguly's process is a demonstration of the force of entrepreneurial brilliance and immovable assurance. Rising up out of humble starting points, he left on an exceptional journey to cut out his specialty in the serious universe of business. Furnished with only a vision and sheer grit, Ganguly bravely outlined his course, exploring through the fierce waters of vulnerability and difficulty. With every snag experienced, he arose more grounded and more undaunted, declining to be discouraged by the overwhelming difficulties that lay ahead. Through his tenacious quest for greatness, Ganguly made progress as well as made a permanent imprint on the landscape of industry. His creative methodology and strong drives upset customary standards, introducing another time of conceivable outcomes. From weighty advancements to problematic plans of action, Ganguly's impact resounded across areas, changing enterprises and molding the fate of trade.
The Allegations Unveiled
As murmurs of trickery and fraud twirled around him, Arun Ganguly was unexpectedly pushed into the eye of a raging tempest of debate. Reports arose, spreading far and wide, alleging his involvement in a scandal that sent shockwaves through the actual foundation of the business world. Accusations mounted, painting a damning image of Ganguly as the mastermind behind a nefarious plan intended to trick and defraud. However, amidst the cacophony of accusations and sensational headlines, a nearer examination reveals an alternate story altogether. Rather than the calculated machinations of a malicious actor, the allegations against Ganguly appear to stem more from misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Strip back the layers of guess, and one finds a narrative overflowing with intricacies and nuances, where truth and discernment intertwine in a tangled trap of uncertainty.
A Man Of Integrity
Regardless of the discussion twirling around him, Arun Ganguly has stayed undaunted in his obligation to transparency and accountability. He has participated completely with examinations, certain that reality will win sooner or later.
The Impact On Trust
The fallout from the Arun Ganguly Scam has reverberated far beyond individual reputations, shaking the foundations of trust in the business community. In an era where trust is currency, rebuilding it requires concerted effort and a commitment to honesty and integrity.
Lessons Learned
As we reflect on the events surrounding the Arun Ganguly Scam, it is essential to glean valuable lessons from the experience. Communication, diligence, and a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths are paramount in safeguarding against similar controversies in the future.
Embracing Dialogue And Understanding
Pushing ahead, moving toward this issue with compassion and liberality is basic. As opposed to capitulating to sentimentality, let us participate in constructive discourse and look for figuring out, spanning partitions and encouraging a culture of trust and collaboration.
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pristine24 · 8 months
Despite a few shortcomings, ‘Captain Miller’ is a huge step up for Arun Matheswaran — whose style and socio-political takes need more praise — and is yet another feather to Dhanush’s much-adorned cap.
Dhanush the actor has come a long way; if his first decade in cinema personified him as the poster boy for the meandering youth who is found to be a menace even by his family, the previous decade is when he has gotten the space to truly spread his wings and build a portfolio to showcase the talent powerhouse he is. In a meta manner, it also happens to be his character arc in Arun Matheswaran’s Captain Miller, which happens to be the story of a small-town guy’s dreams of joining the British military of the pre-independence era, only to realise that the gun he has to wield must point at his own people.
Director Arun Matheswaran’s first two films, Rocky and Saani Kaayidham, might superficially look like gloriously-violent revenge flicks, but both the films question the so-called hierarchy with the latter not holding back on its portrayal of caste discrimination. In Captain Miller, despite action speaking louder than words, the underlying message it tries to convey is more pronounced and despite all the bloodshed, it’s also ironically Arun’s least violent film.
Over the last several decades, we have had hundreds of films set in the Independence movement, but almost all of them focused on the efforts of real and fictional revolutionary leaders against the colonialists. But in Captain Miller, our titular hero points out how his tribe had been stepped over by the privileged upper caste and how it’s worse than being governed by the British. In one of several brilliant scenes featuring a frazzled Analeesan (Dhanush), he talks of how the Savarnas never let his people slip on a pair of footwear but the British are giving him boots; how his own countrymen’s prejudice doesn’t allow him to enter a temple but the white folks are ready to share the table and break bread with him.
Akin to Arun Matheswaran’s previous protagonists, Analeesan’s road to success is a pathos-paved one that moulders him from the inside. If it was the loss of their family for Rocky and Ponni (Saani Kaayidham), it’s the blood of hundreds of his own people — including that of his kin and the husband of his unrequited love — which fuels Analeesan’s passion for retribution and lends a sense of poignancy to his bloody journey. In a world where he has to either become a British soldier to gain the respect every human is supposed to naturally get, or turn rebel and grab that respect in the form of fear, fate lets him do both. It’s the same fate that transforms a perplexed Analeesan into the rightfully obstinate Captain Miller.
Adding to the similarities from his previous works, Arun sticks to a non-linear narrative compartmentalised into chapters; it works wonderfully. It almost masks the otherwise straightforward story of a rebel and trades depth for convenient yet gratifying theatrical moments. Though the plot of Captain Miller is not as simple, and the underlying themes and lore (with a pinch of real events), are certainly interesting, it doesn’t take away the predictability of it. Amidst the blazing guns, charred bodies, splattered blood and the one-man army wreaking havoc, the story of a hidden secret — a MacGuffin for us, a sacrosanct remnant of a prejudiced past for Miller’s people — make for the most intriguing parts of the film and leaves us wishing that it was explored more. The fact that the film also doesn’t linger in its moments leads to us feeling distant from the happenings, and not perturbed by the unfolding melancholic events.
What would have otherwise turned into a one-dimensional role in the hands of an unseasoned artist, becomes a blank canvas for Dhanush to showcase his acting prowess and he delivers. As his character rises in the ranks from being a heartbroken youngster who turns into a dejected trooper, and then from a notorious bandit to a revolutionist, Dhanush aces every segment of Analeesan’s transformation. Add to it a fantastic supporting cast featuring Priyanka Arul Mohan, Sundeep Kishan, Elango Kumaravel and Nivedhithaa Sathish alongside Shiva Rajkumar exuding the same ‘mass’ he did with Jailer, and Captain Miller has one of the best actor ensembles we have seen in recent times. The film’s wonderful portrayal of its female characters gathers momentum as time progresses. Siddhartha Nuni’s brilliant cinematography and GV Prakash’s music, with which he retains his fantastic streak with Dhanush, add great value to Captain Miller; in fact, the visual treatment feels like Arun’s hat-tip to several pillars of world cinema.
Despite a few shortcomings, Captain Miller is a huge step up for its filmmaker — whose style and socio-political takes need more praise — and is yet another feather to Dhanush’s much-adorned cap.
- The Hindu
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aflyingcontradiction · 10 months
The Magnus Archives Relisten: Episode 190 - Scavengers
Laverne: Besides, you know that they sometimes go to a side tunnel for “private contemplation”. I think it’s sweet.
... is that what they call it these days?
Martin: Celia? Celia: Probably. The, um… place I was trapped in, they took my name. I never got it back. But I like Celia, so… yeah! Celia it is.
So Martin clearly knows Celia from before the apocalypse but I haven't even the slightest clue who she is supposed to be (having zero ability to recognise voices probably doesn't help with that). Somebody refresh my memory?
Jon: Well, that’s a fair point. I suppose, technically, ‘saviours’ would be the correct –
Jon is having way too much fun with the whole "cult" thing.
Georgie (angrily smashing tape recorders): I can do this all day!
You clearly cannot!
Georgie: There are seven with us now. It used to be more, a lot more. But… um, we got greedy, pulled too many out. We… attracted attention. And… well, now there are seven.
Have I mentioned how I love the way TMA evokes horror (or, in this case, tragedy) by circling around the actual events rather than actually describing them explicitly?
Jon: I promise… I promise that they’re not here for you. They’re here for me. And maybe a bit for Martin. They seem to like him.
Not getting Web!Martin was still a lost opportunity, tbh. There was SO MUCH SETUP.
Jon: I did wonder about the ‘Ennui’-brand coke bottles. Georgie: Yeah, it’s convenient, not subtle.
Okay, that one made me snigger.
Georgie: He’s, uh… he’s fine. I guess. He’s enjoying himself, at least. He wasn’t immune, not like me and Melanie. And he’s a predator, pampered piece of fluff that he is. Turns out, there’s a place full of cats. And their prey.
I know this is being played for tragedy here but Admiral-the-Avatar is just ... kinda funny. (Not if you're a mouse, I guess.) Also I suppose there's not really any other way Johnny could have gone with Admiral's fate in the apocalypse, given that he had already promised the cat would be fine!
Melanie: I’m actually one of the prophets chosen to walk the end times unscathed. (...) Martin: Oh, I’m the antichrist’s plus one.
The banter in this episode is deeply, deeply enjoyable.
Melanie: Well, we were, we were out, and we found this Spiral maze, uh, and who did we find inside but Laverne, my therapist.
Okay, that makes perfect sense - the therapist being the perfect fodder for the Spiral.
Melanie: Um, and she’s, and she’s far, far too good for me. And I, I only hope she doesn’t realise that while there’s an apocalypse on.
Yeah, I've been THERE (except replace apocalypse with more mundane crises. Obviously. Though those still feel pretty apocalyptic at times.)
Martin: Oh sorry! Didn’t mean to sit on the prophet’s throne.
What is it with Martin and CHAIRS? This is a whole THEME now!
Arun: I-I, I realise that you dislike that k-kind of thing, your humility is… humbling. - Melanie makes a squeak of distressed exasperation -
I just ... I love that noise. I can't quite describe it, but I love that noise.
Georgie: We generally err on the side of caution and sleep in.
Wise choice!
My impression of this episode
The tone of this episode is, obviously, a bit different from most - no statement, for one. A lot of banter but with an undertone of exhausted sadness. Not really what I came to TMA for, but definitely suitable for this point in the series, and I did really enjoy the moment of sort-of-but-not-quite-respite for the characters.
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blogynews · 11 months
"Cricket Clash: Unveiling the Fate of Australia vs Netherlands in the 2023 ODI World Cup – Weather, Pitch, and Untold Predictions Revealed!"
Australia will take on the Netherlands in Match 24 of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 on October 25 at the Arun Jaitley Stadium in New Delhi, India. The game will begin at 02:00 PM IST. The Australian cricket team had a rough start to their World Cup campaign, losing two consecutive matches against India and South Africa. However, they have managed to bounce back by defeating Sri Lanka and…
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blogynewz · 11 months
"Cricket Clash: Unveiling the Fate of Australia vs Netherlands in the 2023 ODI World Cup – Weather, Pitch, and Untold Predictions Revealed!"
Australia will take on the Netherlands in Match 24 of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 on October 25 at the Arun Jaitley Stadium in New Delhi, India. The game will begin at 02:00 PM IST. The Australian cricket team had a rough start to their World Cup campaign, losing two consecutive matches against India and South Africa. However, they have managed to bounce back by defeating Sri Lanka and…
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blogynewsz · 11 months
"Cricket Clash: Unveiling the Fate of Australia vs Netherlands in the 2023 ODI World Cup – Weather, Pitch, and Untold Predictions Revealed!"
Australia will take on the Netherlands in Match 24 of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 on October 25 at the Arun Jaitley Stadium in New Delhi, India. The game will begin at 02:00 PM IST. The Australian cricket team had a rough start to their World Cup campaign, losing two consecutive matches against India and South Africa. However, they have managed to bounce back by defeating Sri Lanka and…
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