#fate: character study
prosopagn0sis-a · 1 year
what color does your love feel like?
deep staining red ripped out confessions, warm velvety whispers and a heart like an open wound. your love flows out like dripping blood, beautiful, flawed and twisted. it's gut wrenching, the type of painfully dramatic feeling that makes you clutch your chest, picturing dramatic monologues about love and loving and big screen over the top scenes of sobbing into your pillow until you fall asleep. it rips out of you, clawing it's way up your throat more so than tumbling out. sticky words that just need to be let out, feelings so big they don't fit inside you. your love isn't easy, it's a true bloody mess, dripping and staining everything it touches in a desperate attempt to be seen, to be felt, to be loved back. and you, you love so hard, so deeply, so much for someone who carries all that pain. atlas holding up the world, how are you? is your love still flowing? is your heart still open? still pumping and bleeding and dripping with blood and tears? still painting your beautiful pictures and writing your love letters in deeply personal red ink? because i see them, i read them, i love them and you, you, you, you. clench your chest, scream your love, cry it out. spill your words of loving, keep your heart beating, keep your love coming and paint the entire world red with it. make it in your image, keep going, it's okay. maybe one day the whole world can be red and loved and beautiful just like you.
tagged by: @knightfeared hehe~ tagging: @kuinaoflight, @andromedagarcia (for andro and cass and the rest, if you wish!), @hinataxsunshine (for hinty and jordyn?), @cheshire-shuntaro, @hauntedreality (for leon and jill?), anyone! tag me back so i can see it, too.
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clowns0up-felix · 1 month
A question about your amazing reversal of fate AU! I saw you did Sonia, but I was wondering what type of relationship Link had with the others? Like Rauru, Mineru and even Ganondorf.
(Also, a bit off topic, but I’m also enjoying your modern AU too! :D)
REVERSAL OF FATE (totk au by clowns0up) [#reversal of fate clowns0up]
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Here’s what I kinda think the dynamics would be like,, it’s not a very deep dive and I’ll go into it further in the future, but I think it puts it pretty good
Thanks for the ask!!! (And I’m happy to hear you enjoy the modern au stuff!)
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threebea · 2 months
People say Obi-Wan and the Jedi by extention, stiffled Anakin's emotions and Anakin couldn't open up to him or anyone else. This is the reason why he explodes.
In the 2002 film Attack of the Clones our first scene with Anakin and Obi-Wan involve them discussing a traumatic dream. Obi-Wan asks if it concerns Anakin's mother which implies the two have discussed these dreams and Anakin confided in him about it. Obi-Wan tries to comfort him. Sometimes dreams are just dreams. It's not a callous disregard of Anakin's emotions. Obi-Wan is speaking as someone who has lived in a community of psychics that have visions. Anakin is nineteen in a time of heightened stress where he thinks he should be promoted. Anxiety dreams are more likely than visions, and even visions can be fickle as we see with Sifo Dyas building an army to defend the Jedi that ends up slaughtering them, and Anakin killing his wife when he was supposed to save her.
Anakin then changes the subject to talk about the woman he has had a crush on since he was nine, making a very direct statement about how he's rather dream of her. If he feared Obi-Wan's judgment of his amorous emotions he would have swallowed them down and not brought them up.
Although Obi-Wan reminds him of his commitment to the Jedi Order which cannot be easily broken he isn't exactly clutching his pearls, and Anakin pokes at Obi-Wan's suspicion of politicians.
Anakin begins to show dissatisfaction with Obi-Wan when he is being viewed by said woman he likes as a little kid compared to Obi-Wan's Jedi Master. He also feels because of his natural abilities he should be able to take his trial to be a Jedi. Obi-Wan disagrees because of the obvious arrogance Anakin shows about his powers.
Mace Windu known fanon Anakin hater suggests that Obi-Wan is being too clingy and he needs to let Anakin spread his wings and fly for a solo mission with Anakin's forever crush. Thanks for the hookup, Mace. Yoda who also gets a reputation as anti-anakin agrees, poking fun at Obi-Wan mentioning a lot of Jedi can be rather arrogant. Flashback to Pada-Wan Episode I for the most handsome twerp in space bullying Jar Jar Binks.
Yoda and Mace: he's at that age, but your smothering isn't going to help him grow.
Obi-Wan: As his primary teacher I don't think he's ready, but if you think he is then alright. (Spoiler Alert, he was not ready)
Anakin, because of dreams that involve his Mother but do not give him any specifics eventually takes unnecessary risk, tries to abandon the mission Obi-Wan said he wasn't ready for, then brings his mission to Hutt controlled Tatooine for what could still be an anxiety dream (he's on a mission with his crush!). He proceeds to watch his mother die (being right about the vision does not mean he did not put his feelings before his duty) and seeks horrible revenge killing an entire village of sand people, including woman and children who are implied to have not taken part in Shmi's torture.
Anakin, having just lost his mother and also knowing he did a horrible thing that the Jedi would not approve of blames everyone he can for his actions. He blames Obi-Wan for holding him back.
Anakin never blames Obi-Wan for not letting him find Shmi. He blames Obi-Wan for not knighting him (which as we saw in Phantom Menace it's actually up to the Council, although Obi-Wan putting a good word in would maybe help). Anakin is blaming Obi-Wan for not letting his use his full power potential by keeping him a Padawan, after the scene where Anakin uses his power without any restraint.
Padme (for some reason) reassures Anakin it's normal and human to be angry and the Jedi are forever misinterpreted as emotionless rather than having taught their students emotional regulation (so they don't slaughter a village, not that you need to be masters of your emotions to not slaughter a village or anything. Just saying.)
Like, Padme is talking him down and soothing his obvious emotional breakdown at the loss of his mother. There are a few theories on why she doesn't see him killing the Sand People as repulsive or at least indicating a red flag. (Star wars wants aliens to be seen as normal people but also wants movie monsters. Anakin kills a bunch of Geonosians too when he's the one sneaking onto their planet and he's being executed for espionage, not murder so...) whatever the intention for Padme is there, she ends up showing Anakin that she accepts his dark side (pun intended), although she might not really understand the extent of what he's trying to communicate.
Anakin never tells Obi-Wan about killing the sand people, and he also does not tell Obi-Wan he has married Padme.
Is this because he can't open up to Obi-Wan because Obi-Wan raised him to push all his emotions and fears down and never speak of them? No, we already have evidence they had spoke about the nightmares more than once and Obi-Wan was worried enough to bring it up.
Does he actually truly hate Obi-Wan for holding him back and resent him bitterly and blame Obi-Wan for his Mother's death? No he once again disregards orders with the smallest nudge from Padme to go and try to save him. A task that he does not accomplish, puts the woman he was supposed to guard in the hands of the people that want her dead, and has to fight in a gladiator arena. I'm starting to think he wasn't ready for this mission. And is overconfident in his abilities which allows him to justify actions he should not be taking especially as a Jedi...man Obi-Wan really knows him.
I can't remember if it's in the deleted scenes or RotS canon but Palpatine knows about the sand people slaughter. Anakin doesn't tell Palpatine this because he trusts him more than Obi-Wan, he tells Palpatine this because Palpatine will be sympathetic and say acting on his anger by going into a blood frenzy was natural.
Anakin couldn't tell Obi-Wan because first, the sand people slaughter would have meant he would be scrutinized. Would he get kicked out of the Jedi? Probably not actually. Like legally he's probably in the clear considering how Tatooine has been shown to work. Jedi wise we have storylines outside the moves that imply it would be the Jedi's responsibility to get him back on the right path especially if the law has no jurisdiction. Either way he wouldn't be knighted anytime soon. Second, he did not tell Obi-Wan about the marriage because as a Jedi who understands and adheres to the code Obi-Wan would believe in the real danger that kind of relationship could hold for Anakin and he would make him choose one. He already said as much when Padme falls out of the shop when they go after Dooku.
If you want to talk about bad moves on Obi-Wan's part it's the he convinces Anakin not to go after Padme (who is basically fine) because he can't take Dooku alone and (unintentionally imo) convinces Anakin through his attachments rather than through duty.
So Anakin doesn't tell him knowing he would have to pick because he believes he is powerful enough to be an exception to the rules. No Jedi should have a romantic relationship but he can because he is special and he can handle it (it's like there's a pattern). Meanwhile, Palpatine and Padme both reinforce the idea that Anakin is more 'human' than other Jedi.
Jedi teaching is: even if you're angry you should not let your anger control your actions and kill people. Palpatine's lesson is: give in to hate and bloodrage without thought and don't hold yourself back even if it hurts others and yourself.
This is not me being Anti-Anakin. I think he's a great tragic character. I think he does love Padme, I think he was devastated by losing his mother and that his trauma at being a slave and having to leave her so that he could have a better life all added to what came later.
But he was also arrogant because of his natural talent, and thought he was above the rules because he always thought he was powerful enough to be an exception.
When Obi-Wan tells him he's won because he has the high ground there are a number of things he could have done in that moment, but he jumps from the position of disadvantage because he thinks he is powerful enough to overcome it.
His fear is how he got manipulated, but his arrogance constantly led to his downfall and gave Palpatine ammunition.
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rexcaliburechoes · 9 months
does gale know that he's appreciated? does he know that he's loved? does he know that he's funny and witty and charming and worthwhile as a companion because of his simple existence? does he know that there is fulfillment in following the ambition to live? does he know? can he see the paths laid before him, the paths he is destined to walk, some that end in his death, others that continue on with his life, does he understand the ramifications of his choices, does he understand how his choices have affected the other companions' courses just by asking for a hand?
does he understand how the act of taking his hand grounds him in reality, towards a brighter future?
of course he doesn't; he's a fictional character and he only knows thst he sees in front of him and that is his death several feet ahead of him. he is entangled in the fabric of the universe like a moth in a spider's web, the strands of his ambitions and regrets clinging, gossamer thin yet sticky and strong, holding him fast to the paths that rip him in too many directions.
all he needs is a little push into the spider's maw or free to fly and live another day.
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attheendoftheline · 2 years
Something about the Fates serving both as themselves and as every active force against Orpheus and Eurydice (Eurydice especially). They are the wind. They are the storm. They are the rocks, stone and beasts that stand in the way. The judging eye and the - literal active controllers of fate and life.
Again one of my absolute favorite moments is when Eurydice is fighting the storm and they just pluck everything out of her hands with a smile. It’s both wonderful as a ‘wind so strong it feels someone grabbed it away from you’ and it feels personal. They’ve been following her her entire life and right as she gets a good thing it’s taken from her/the hope to stay is beaten out of her.
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It makes me wonder if at some point, in a retelling or perhaps the first time, one of them must have done something and the Fates have taken it personally ever since. No matter how many times it happens they ensure it ends the same. They are the voice in Hades ear, they are Orpheus’s doubt, Eurydice’s worry. Hermes just narrates but from the very beginning the fates manipulate and weave what they want to happen. In some versions they fell slighted because Orpheus actually gets them to cry, maybe that was it. Or maybe Eurydice turned against her path one to many times and fell in love over and over despite how they try to get her to move on. Who knows? But I love it.
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reincrnatedsoul · 7 months
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„It may be that, in this world, unknown entities are living among us. Might not the countless urban legends floating about be another name for them?“
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Nam Ji - Ah ⸻ is an aspiring, smart and confident producer at TVC Station. At the age of nine, she survived a car accident in which she was involved with her parents, who, as expected, survived. However, this turned out to be a mirage, because in reality her parents were two foxes who were intent on eating little Ji-Ah. But she was saved and although they tried to rob her of her memories of that day, she kept them and so she made it her mission to find out the whereabouts of her parents and to investigate the supernatural. She is also in possession of the fox bead and the reincarnation of Ah-eum. Her love for a nine-tailed fox meant her death and ultimately her reincarnation.
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girl4music · 2 months
“Behind the scenes, everyone that I spoke to believed they were in a romantic relationship. I had no one tell me otherwise. That’s how I saw them, so that’s how I wrote them. When their friendship evolved into love was debated - not had it evolved at all.” — Katherine Fugate (Writer of ‘When Fates Collide’, 1 of 2 fan-fiction writers commissioned to write for the show.)
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phantom-nisnow · 8 months
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expression studies but make it your skrunkly old man OC
references taken off of pinterest
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kateis-cakeis · 8 months
rewatching bbc merlin really has me like buzzing in my mind with so many thoughts. Like I'm kinda watching it backwards atm going from S5 to S4, I think I will jump around 3, 2, and 1 but just,,,, there is so much especially in S5 that makes me !!!!!!!
Honestly, I feel like this fandom has to give the writers more credit. Like they did a damn good job, and to me, it's such a good tragedy. Especially how S5 plays out, it takes everything and just tears you down, and down, and down. It's perfect, perfect with flaws! But still perfect
#bbc merlin#merlin#yeah idk on that note about the writers - this fandom is way too harsh#like i know we all have ideas on how it should have gone#but i think we lose how it's still a story that they planned from the start to end like that#they did their job they set up from the beginning and it is good as a tragedy imo as someone who has studied tragedies#hot take but the characterisations are consistent - i mean like as consistent as they get for a 5 series show#they did better than most and i dont feel like any characters get like their previous characterisation assassinated#that includes Arthur and Morgana btw they clearly have arcs that work well and where Arthur's is a slower progression - Morgana's is like a#lit match - slow at first but when it gets going it's going and then gone - it's wonderful#i mean look at s5 it literally starts by talking about Arthur's bane aka his fatal flaw aka his hamartia#which is himself and i dont think it's as much as the overdone hubris but rather Arthur's love and trust for others - but that like in many#tragedies can be debated#okay something else that can be debated is the peripeteia - i think a good example of it is the Disir episode because that's when Arthur's#fate becomes sealed anything after that point is fruitless because the Triple Goddess has decided he must die because of his rejection of#the Old Religion - it's a reversal of fortune in a sense that Mordred is alive to play his part in Arthur's death - as Merlin puts it. You#could see it more as Merlin's peripeteia rather than Arthur's but still#if we wanna debate it more Arthur's peripeteia would probablyyyy be when Mordred stabs him because that's when his death becomes imminent#it's a reversal of fortune because he's dying from that point forward rather than a strong king he is a man dying#the anagnorisis is another point to make. You could say for Arthur his anagnorisis is all of the finale - like this constant realisation of#Merlin and his magic and realising all that he missed all that he didnt see and now it's too late because he's dying#I'd say Merlin's anagnorisis comes with the whole Mordred and Kara ordeal and how he realises his mistake and how it's gonna cause the#downfall of not just himself but Arthur too#then catharsis - see i think it's the only part where the tragedy falters because do we get catharsis from Arthur's death and Merlin's#immortality - where he's still at the lake centuries later?#i think in some ways yes and in other ways no because I don't think BBC Merlin is following an Aristotle's tragedy#i think catharsis comes more from Morgana's half of the tragedy - seeing her die - and i think further catharsis comes from knowing it's no#over forever that there will be a second chance for redemption for both Merlin and Arthur#but it is a more difficult one for sure#anyway point is that S5 specifically has a tragedy storyline that is very well done and we should credit that more tbh
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prosopagn0sis-a · 1 year
what shape does your pain take?
glass cage you feel disconnected from the world around you. you can see everything, everyone can see you, but you're not really there. no one can really communicate with you, can they? you're isolated, even when you're around people you're alone. you want desperately to be close to someone, but you're afraid of what will happen if you shatter your glass prison. you don't want to let someone in, you don't want to leave, and it's a constant battle of your own will. it's easier to be alone, where no one can hurt you… isn't it?
tagged by: @iknowwhataradiois (thank you so much!!) tagging: @kuinaoflight, @airi-of-hearts, @andromedagarcia (all of the babies, or whichever you pick, although i'm super interested in cass' take!), @sainteinfirmiere, @hauntedreality (jill? and the babies i spammed you with?), @hinataxsunshine (and @thewildsorcerer), @fluffybrowncat, @daikichixkarube, @chuckyjigsaw, @your-sweet-cookie, you!
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ladderofyears · 1 year
Your fate is clear, Father says.
Marry a rich, respectable heiress after Hogwarts.
Build alliances for your family.
Influence the Ministry in our favour.
Sire a son. Live a life that makes your ancestors proud.
Draco listens and wants to weep. His cage is gilded, but it’s a prison, nevertheless.
Fifty words.
For @microficmay
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facesblind · 7 months
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         𝗹𝗲𝘁  𝗺𝗲  𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻  𝘆𝗼𝘂  𝗮𝗻  𝗮𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗰  𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱
in  italian,  dormiveglia  means  half  asleep;  it's  that  short  period  of  time  right  before  waking  up.  if  you  got  this  result,  i  feel  like  perhaps  you're  not  too  keen  on  belonging here.  is  there  a  world  you've  created  all  by  yourself,  where  you're  happier?  you're  a  professional  daydreamer,  head  full  of  fairytales  and  gaze  deeper  than  the  ocean.  you're  probably  into  reading,  into  finding  anything  that  would  help  your  mind  escape.  you  remind  me  so  much  of  a  cat  sleeping  on  a  windowsill,  undisturbed.  i  hope  you  find  your  place  in  this  world,  too.
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tagged  by:  stolen  from @yxkanna :> tagging: @buriedabove, @sp1ed, @inagent, @lickbatteries, @draconisa, @withinchains (morgana &&. kayn, please?), @witches-and-weirdos (all of your muses <3) @deadn30n (for eden &&. yone!!) and you!
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
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2023 reads // twitter thread
The Grimoire of Grave Fates
YA fantasy anthology of interconnected short stories
follows 18 students at a magic school, in the aftermath of the murder of a hated professor
as they all investigate or accidentally discover different clues to what’s going on
all sorts of interesting magic including necromancy, smoke, embroidery, song, dance, magical creatures
diverse cast of queer, trans, bipoc, & disabled characters
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attheendoftheline · 2 years
I scream and rave about the costume design all the time but one detail with the fates specifically is how they have vails. Funeral vails. They tug them down after Eurydice decides to take hades offer, they’re proud as they do. It’s noticeable as most of the time they have them up in their wraps(?) I like the detail that while the workers become uniform , the fates and Persephone are in funeral attire. (Persephone’s is much more related to her own arch but it still applies to how the more ‘free’ citizens are in mourning compared to dead).
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girl4music · 1 year
Possibly the greatest male character development that I’ve ever seen in any format of art/entertainment.
I still don’t believe that he needed a soul to be the man that he ended up being at his endgame. But that doesn’t negate the fact that him fighting for it is genuinely part of what makes that belief true for me.
They say he wasn’t capable of real true selfless love without a soul. But is there anything more representational of real true selfless love than the ability to give and sacrifice for the sake of others? Especially that of which you love? I don’t think so.
It’s ironic that what makes him worthy of his soul is the fact that he actually fought for it against all the odds when that is precisely why it wasn’t necessary. The irony of that is just something really quite bizarre. How else could you comprehend it but through fates’ intervention? Pulling you along the path you’re meant for by stripping you of the very reason you deserve it.
I’m not saying I wanted Spike to remain a soulless entity for forever. I just felt it didn’t really matter when the CHOICE to change was something he was capable of even when he was. That his NATURE never ruled him in quite the way it did with other soulless entities. I’m not saying it wasn’t difficult to defy his nature - his “baser instincts” as 5ft Geek put it - but if there was any demon possessing William, it clearly was not one that was evil. Or at least not evil to the level that Angelus was. Which is why I can’t understand why Spike is referred to as the anomaly in the lore instead of Angelus, who is the only significant vampire that initially appears to be two completely different entities when the soul is removed/restored and has no recollection of the events from either Angel or Angelus other than what the “curse” forces Angel and Angelus to remember about his involvement in those events.
And so I refuse to accept that it’s demon possession. With any significant vampire - not just Angelus or Spike. I can however accept it as demon corruption through reincarnation and rebirth. That the human died and is reborn as a half-breed demon. That makes sense given both what we are told and shown about vampires across both shows. Possession is something that doesn’t function the same way. If you’re talking about possession, you are talking about Ben/Glory. Two completely different entities sharing one body. That’s not what a vampire is. It’s not even what a demon is. A process of evolution through death cannot ever be a possession because it requires the human to be alive to possess in the first place. And unless the demon that possesses the human is purposefully taking over the body then it also requires amnesia. A complete mental wiping. And then a complete learning of that human’s entire consciousness/experience when it was alive so that it can effectively pass as that same identity/personality.
It is just so much easier to just say that the demon is the human that died and no possession ever happens. Because it doesn’t just insult Spike as a character, although he definitely gets the short end of the stick, but it insults any significant vampire. Including Angel. ‘Cause Angel’s redemption story does not work at all if all that’s ever happening to him is demon possession.
But back to Spike. I think the human informed him more than the demon or the man informed him more than the monster and that’s how he was capable of it. This didn’t mean that he wouldn’t slip up sometimes. It just meant that if he did, he’d find a way to resolve because he had the genuine passion in doing so. And regardless what Whedon or anyone else says - this choice to change wasn’t just all to do with Buffy. It was also because he felt a purpose in being helpful. And it didn’t matter which end of the spectrum he was on - good or evil - this was always what drove him. What gave him the ability to change was his knack for knowing people better than they knew themselves. Even if his words didn’t always come out quite right in communicating that knowingness to those people. But like he said, - he follows his blood. He always has.
'Self-destruction and self-sabotage are often just the start of the self-resurrection process.' - Oli Anderson
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vestaldestroyer · 4 days
i am once again thinking about Keanu Shadow
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