Monopaternal Pride Flag
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Monopaternity (solopaternity, unipaternity) or monofatherhood (monofathership/unifathership, unifatherhood, solofatherhood/solofathership): a form of monoparental (uniparental, soloparental) in which someone is parented by only one father; and/or the state of being a single-father.
Alternate adjectives: solopaternal, unipaternal.
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d-i-x-i-t · 1 year
What kind of man admits his failures, turns over his heavy stones, stands at the feet of grief and wanting does not turn away. What kind of man becomes a father. A lasting place. A steady ship inside a tireless storm. ― Kate Baer, What Kind of Woman: Poems
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Tres Leches Cake
Written for @ygorarepairweek!
YGO Rarepair Week 1 - Prompt is Sweets/Desserts - Fathershipping
~~~ Vetrix has always had an eye for baking, it’s always been there. Even when him and Faker were cooped up in that lab, he always baked nice little tea cakes, although he never accepted them, let alone his tea. He remembered it so clearly, to see the shards of the teacup splayed all about the ground. He detested Faker for the act, but he never let it show.
But now, he kind of missed it. He was so petite that he could barely reach the top of the kitchen counter, always having to drag over a stool or ask one of his kids to hold him up so he could get something.
He’d barely had time to bake as he used to. Oh, such a shame.
It was sad, really, to be reduced to such a pitiful thing. But it was okay, because Kazuma didn’t mind. When they’d reunited he had expected him to be disgusted, to wonder where the old him had been, to never speak to him again. Maybe he was just scared, because the moment Kazuma saw him again, it seemed he’d loved him even more than before.
It was almost like nothing changed.
He’s hesitant, however. It’s a maelstrom of ���Can I do this?” and “Is it wrong?”, to the point it makes his head spin. Because Kazuma is married, after all. Vetrix has met his wife multiple times, she’s a nice lady, this has to go against some type of rule.
But he doesn’t have the time to dwell on it. it’s the middle of the day, a quarter past 2 and not a second more, and their outside soaking up the sun. Kazuma went traveling with her again, bringing over a box of tres leche cake he’d picked up. Even though he never says it, it’s a gift! He assumes Vetrix would like it. It’s light and fluffy, just as Kazuma is whenever he holds him close.
His eyes are starting to wander again, noticing Kazuma's smile. "Who's got you smiling like that?" Vetrix asks, setting down his fork for a moment, "It's you, I think. You're always so cute when you eat, y'know."
"A-Am I now?" Those words alone make his cheeks flush. (Along with his galaxy eyes too, which is pleasantly pulsing with color)
"Yeah, you've got a.. what's it called?” He takes a moment to think. Oh, endearingly air-headed Kazuma, “A sweet tooth, yeah!"
“It always shows whenever you eat cake or stuff like that..”
"I suppose I do." The blonde stifles an awkward laugh, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket and wiping the runaway crumbs from the side of his lip.
But he doesn’t suppose so, he knows so. It wasn’t his fault that sweet things always tasted so amazing. Kazuma always has a way of making things better, this cake included. He’s never been fond of big extravagant cakes (like the one Mr. Heartland had at that big party for the World Duel Carnival finalists, which he was sure it tasted like nothing but chalky, tasteless fondant) as it was always the small ones he loved the most, much like this tres leches cake.
He doesn’t love it, (love is too strong a word to place on an inanimate object, and love denotes attachment. Vetrix is absolutely horrible with attachment) and he’s still not 100% sure if he hates it, but he continues to eat it while not being completely sure why.
Visiting Kazuma, or just having him come over always tended to be a little draining. Most times he couldn’t find the right words to say, or just wanted his intrusive thoughts to win, to pin him down to the ground and kiss him until the both of them forgot their own names. Vetrix could barely function, like a computer running on the the first version of Windows as it slowly rotted away. But it’s always a relief, because Kazuma does most of the talking, anyways.
Vetrix has never been chatty whenever he’s alone with Kazuma. No one’s here, just Vetrix and Kazuma and over 100 colorful flowers that sit in the the flowerbeds right next to the table. Hell, Kazuma helped him plant all of them as well.
“I like the sunflowers. They remind me of you.” He’s shifted in his chair just a bit. They always point towards the sun, as if it’s their own personal spotlight. But Vetrix isn’t confident enough to do any of that. “They’re pretty, like you.”
He doesn’t quite remember the last time he heard Kazuma call him pretty, it’s been so long that the memories almost escaped him. He remembered Kazuma holding him closed running his fingers through his hair when they slept in that tent together, “The stars are pretty tonight, almost as pretty as you.” But the moment was cut short due to the most obvious.
But, out of no where, he finally has it in him to speak.
“I like spending time with you,”
It’s not an “I love you”, or an “I need you”, or “I like you”, nothing to ever suggest it. But the feelings there.
“And uhm, thank you very much for the cake, you’re very sweet.” He squeaks, feeling a little tinier than he actually is. But he doesn’t even realize what he said, having to do a double take. “I mean the CAKE is very sweet!” He babbles out, yellow eyes darting about.
Kazumas smile doesn’t go away, seemingly unbothered. Vetrixs shoulders relaxed, cheeks covered in blush.  
“That wasn’t so hard, now was it?” He chuckles as he cuts himself a slice. Almost as if he knew. “I’ve barely gotten to try this stuff, let’s see if it’s as good as you make it look!”
He takes his first bite of cake and briefly closes his eyes in contentment. It’s pleasantly sweet and moist, and Vetrix can’t help but look on as his features fill with pleasure.
“And you’re welcome, really.”
And somehow, almost magically, the tension disappears.
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ratthivolt · 1 year
haha old man yaoi amirite
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yeag 👍
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shifuto · 1 year
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kinktober 2023 day 13 - size difference
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blazewatergem · 6 months
Everybody be afraid I have a game meant to increase productivity and I’M GONNA USE IT!
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necrothezma · 2 years
I feel like I have to apologize for reblogging from a random ass person but sometimes I go to people's to study them then I find content from a deactivated person and it's like fuck! I have no choice now
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brightwingedbat · 1 year
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Fun fact, originally Rytlock was gonna be Vita's sire. She still ended up with mom's height tho.
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that-bat · 2 years
“A curious couple and their unruly son” is something that can actually be so personal
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billherbert23 · 1 year
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Birthday trip to Auchmithie for (mussels for) lunch included a wee stroll on the beach, a trip to Arbroath Abbey (maistly fenced aff), and finally finding the extraordinary Hospitalfields mausoleum. (Includes memento mori image that inspired ‘Death Wullie’ (fae The Wreck of the Fathership).) - Mussels, mausolea, and memento mori - happy birthday tae me!
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if we don't get colin and lazslo scenes i will riot
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socksandbuttons · 24 days
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Speaking of Dadcode-
This originally was for a SOTW prompt in the TSBS server "What If?" but i was late so-
BUT I HAD TO FINISH IT CAUSE ITS A FUN CONCEPT. Basically Lunar doubling down on not leaving Moon alone. You can also interpret this as 'monty didn't mention beanbags'. Thus Lunar being under KC's thumb as well. However because I say so, KC also adopts Lunar. And you can BET Lunar has shit to say about Eclipse when KC claims also fathership there.
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Anyway enjoy the thought of these three having to share the same body and KC's just 'alright Lunar im gonna need the body for a moment-' 'But im playing Minecrafttt' 'You can do that here cant you' 'BUT MY FRIEND CANT JOIN IN MY HEAD' '....sighs moon-' 'dont look at me, Lunar can do what he wants' 'This isnt practical...'
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“It’ll take more than that to get rid of me” and “I’m not going anywhere.” For the writing ask, perhaps? I know you like Kazuma/Byron, so why not them
YUSSSS TY FOR THIS!!!! Old man yaoi my beloved…
a little short, but I think you’ll like! Meow :33
“Vetrix?” Kazuma calls, the door creaks open into the soundless room. It almost feels unreal, in a way. To hear his soft, yet so strong voice once more. It’s been years, 5, to be exact, but he still sounds so much the same. “K-Kazuma?”
His voice is shaking, it’s obvious. He’s nervous, he wants to throw up in his own mouth. Not out of disgust, but he can barely function with the man he adores in his presence. Kazuma never says anything.
“It’s good to see you! How the hell have you been?” Kazuma hugs him. How he missed his warm and welcoming embrace, his strong arms, the way he smiled. He’s tall, so tall. He isn’t sure if he’s just shorter than he truly realized or if Kazuma is just a giant. “I.. I’ve been fine.” It’s partially a lie, but his chest filled with warmness when Kazuma walked in, “You actually came..”
“Of course, It’s always good to see each other. Let’s.. catch up over here.” And not a moment later, they’re sitting on the fluffy comforter. “I’d love that! We have so much to catch up on!”
“I can tell.” He stifles a laugh. Kazuma is Next to him, we’re his shoulders always this defined? It’s handsome, in a way.
Vetrix sees Kazuma looking at the right side of his face, which is pleasantly pulsing with warm colors within the dark abyss. “I was, just, was a little surprised to see you, you know?” He sighs, playing with his ponytail.
“Vetrix, no- Byron. We’re friends, right?”
“It’ll take more than that to get rid of me, I swear.”
The way he says his name, no, his true name, is full of intimacy. Kazuma is holding his small hands in his large ones. “Really?”
“Of course, really.”
He remembered feeling tortured all that bit ago. Wanting to escape the prison of anguish he was kept in, to hope that Kazuma would come to him and what happened before they fell was not really his undoing. But in the end, he could escape whenever he wanted, because after all, the prison was his own heart. He’d forced himself to stay inside, while he sobbed and cried and wallowed in his own filth, his macabre, his very own sin.
“What’s wrong? You don’t seem like yourself.” It should be obvious, just by how he looks. “I.. When I last saw you, I was worried that I would never see you again,”
“..because if I didn’t, I would never get to tell you what was on my mind.” His voice is getting smaller, wavering. He swallows dryly.“What is it?”
There’s so much air in his throat, sickening silence fills him from head to toe. Can he even say this? It’s embarrassing, he can’t, he swears he can’t. And if he does, he’ll die of humiliation. It should be wrong, Kazuma is not his and he knows this, he’s known it well ever since they met. So why was he not over him? “Come on, you can tell me anything.”
”..I love you..”
And the phrase is almost unreal, to Vetrix, and to Kazuma as well. His eyes widen a little. “Really?” Kazuma finally utters, in pure disbelief, “You’re so cute.” And Vetrix doesn’t even know what to say.
And he say anything, or barely process it, because before he knows it, he’s being pushed down onto the bed by Kazumas strong hands. And with his hands, come his lips. Kazuma tastes sweet, sweeter than anything he could ever imagine. He doesn’t quite remember the last time he’s kissed anyone, and this is almost intoxicating. The blonde barely has time to process much, Kazumas almost suffocating, his tongue wrapping around his as Vetrix paws at his shoulder.
And far too early, Kazuma pulls away to catch his breath. The both of them are panting hard. “K-Kazuma..”
What he said earlier.. he really wasn’t going anywhere. Kazuma is here now, and all he craves is him, absolutely all of him, his body and his heart most. “Don’t stop, please.”
“Looks like you want this more than me.” He softly chuckles, “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”
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rottenpumpkin13 · 7 months
Can we hear about the day Lazard snapped from the firsts shenanigans?
The Day Lazard Finally Snapped
• It all starts when Angeal and Sephiroth are passing through the Skyview Hall when they spot Reeve with a baby in a holder strapped to his chest.
Angeal: Hey Reeve! I didn't know you had a child.
Reeve: I don't. This is my assistant's baby. I allow her to bring him in on occasion since childcare is hard to find. She asked me to watch him while she's in a meeting, but⏤
Sephiroth: What kind of mother abandons her child?
Reeve: ⏤but I have to meet with the editor of Architecture Weekly in ten minutes.
Sephiroth: What kind of mother abandons her child with a strange man who works for Shinra?
Angeal: I'm sorry to hear that, director.
Reeve: Wait, could you two watch him? It'll only be for an hour.
Angeal: I don't think⏤
*Reeve hands the child to Angeal, who is now sweating bullets*
Reeve: Great, thanks! By the way, I'm supposed to be locating some materia that went missing from the inventory this morning. Do you mind finding them for me? Here's the list.
*Reeve hands Angeal the list, Angeal hands the baby to Sephiroth, who holds it like a bomb with his arms outstretched*
Angeal: Reeve, I really don't think we⏤
Reeve: Great! See 'ya!
• Reeve literally sprints away. Angeal looks back at Sephiroth, who has now strapped the baby to the carrier on his chest. Angeal looks down at the list.
Angeal: Three Ifrit summons, sixteen fire materia, nine ice materia, thirty chocobo lures, four petrify materia, and seventeen lightning materia.
Sephiroth: The baby is crying because it wants its mother. I feel a strange kinship with this child.
Angeal: Why would someone need thirty chocobo lures??
Sephiroth: There, there. Don't cry because your mother abandoned you, rejoice because your father isn't Professor Hojo.
*Angeal grows exasperated and turns to Sephiroth*
Angeal: Seph, it's hungry. We need to feed it.
Sephiroth: Where will we find someone with functioning mammary glands on such short notice?
*The baby cries more, Sephiroth holds it closer to him*
Sephiroth: You're upsetting our child.
Angeal: IT'S NOT OUR⏤*Angeal takes a deep breath*⏤It's not our child, give it the baby formula, and let's go. We still need to find the culprit behind the stolen materia.
Sephiroth: Do you mind if we stop by Professor Hojo's lab first? I want to show him what competent fathership looks like.
Angeal: No. And you're acting insane. Here, give me the baby.
Sephiroth: I have only had this child for three minutes, but if anyone tries to hurt it or take it away I will kill everyone here.
Angeal: When this is all over, I'm signing you up for art therapy and getting you a cat.
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• Lazard is away on a business trip and has left Genesis in charge. He's supposed to be getting work done, but instead he's sitting in Lazard's office with his feet up, reading a romance novel.
Genesis: I don't understand why Lazard complains all the time. This is the easiest position in this company.
•There's a violent crash right outside the office, followed by Zack's voice going "Wow! I didn't know the ceiling was that easy to break."
*Genesis gets up at the speed of light. He runs out and sees Zack and Cloud with tennis rackets*
Genesis: What are you doing? I thought I sent you far away on a mission to Cosmo Canyon.
Zack: We got back early! And since Angeal's busy there's no point in training. Plus, my mission report can wait until Lazard's back.
Genesis: And what's Strife doing here? Last I recall this is the SOLDIER floor, not the Infantrymen Who Look Like Baby Chocobos floor.
Cloud: Could've fooled me. I saw you and thought this was the Sephiroth Is Better Than Me So I Take It Out On Bad Poetry floor.
Genesis: Listen here⏤
*Zack jumps between them*
Zack: We were just playing some tennis! Where's the harm in that?
Genesis: Zack where's the ceiling
*They look up and six ceiling panels are missing*
Zack: We're playing pro tennis.
Genesis: Goddess.
Cloud: But we lost all of our balls and now we can't play anymore.
Genesis: Hm. Have you tried substituting them with something else?
Cloud: Like what?
Genesis: Materia are round and large enough to work.
Zack: Good idea, but we don't have any to spare.
Genesis: I have some.
*Genesis pulls a key out of his pocket, walks across the hall, and unlocks a supply closet where he pulls out a crate full of materia*
Zack: Woah! How many do you have in there?
Genesis: Three Ifrit summons, sixteen fire materia, nine ice materia, thirty chocobo lures, four petrify materia, and seventeen lightning materia.
Cloud: Why does the box say Property Of Shinra Electric Power Company? Wait, did you steal this??
Genesis: There is no such thing as stealing if your victim stole it from the planet.
Zack: Why thirty chocobo lures??
Genesis: Do not presume to question my actions.
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• Sephiroth and Angeal have no leads on the missing materia, so they decide to go ask the turks for any information they have. They walk into a conference room where Tseng and Rufus are talking.
Tseng: WHY do you have a baby??
Sephiroth: Two men cannot raise a child without being criticized.
Angeal: We're babysitting.
Rufus: How may we help you?
Angeal: A crate of materia went missing from the inventory. Reeve asked us to locate it. Any chance you have an idea where it went?
Rufus: We were just going over the security footage, actually. A stunning, beautiful woman was seen entering and leaving with the stolen materia.
Tseng: Come take a look.
*They walk over and watch the security footage*
Angeal: That's GENESIS.
Tseng: Impossible. I had no idea Rhapsodos was a master of disguise.
Sephiroth: He's not even in disguise. He wore that dress to a Loveless performance yesterday. *said while he rocks the baby to sleep*
Rufus: Sephiroth, would you mind accompanying me to meet my father? I'd like to show him what adequate fathership looks like.
Sephiroth: Gladly.
Angeal: *exasperated* We'll get the materia back from Genesis, don't worry. There's no need to get involved, and we'll make him promise not to do it again.
Tseng: Actually, the issue is much more annoying. You see, the crate he stole contained faulty materia. We're not sure they even work, but if they do there might be some...explosive consequences.
Angeal: Don't worry, knowing Genesis, he's hording the materia somewhere until the search dies down and hasn't actually used it yet.
*The baby hasn't fallen asleep and is wide awake*
Sephiroth: Of course, how could I be so foolish? The baby needs to be tired out through playtime and proper enrichment first.
*Rufus takes a box of ammunition from his coat pocket and uses it as a rattle. The baby laughs*
Tseng: Sir, I don't think that's an appropriate toy for a baby.
Sephiroth: Nonsense. I had that toy when I was younger and I turned out fine.
Angeal: No the fuck you did not.
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• Zack and Cloud's tennis match with materia is going smoothly. Genesis has made himself the umpire and is officiating the match. They're in Lazard's office so no one catches them slacking off.
*Cloud hurles a fire materia toward Zack at top speed. Zack shrieks and ducks*
Genesis: Five love.
Zack: No fair! He's just aiming it right at me!
Cloud: Because you're my opponent. That's how tennis works.
*Cloud sends another chocobo lure Zack's way that hits him right in the face*
Genesis: Six love.
Genesis: ......
Cloud: I really need to get back and start getting ready for patrol tonight.
Zack: Nooo, come on! Just one more try! I'll beat you, you just watch.
• Cloud sighs and readies himself. Zack grabs a lightning materia and serves. Cloud hits the materia when it reaches him. Except this time it fuses with the tennis racket and starts hissing and billowing smoke. Cloud panics and lets the tennis racket drop. It starts glowing and vibrating.
• All of the littered materia on the office floor start emitting the same low whistle and vibrating, all at once.
• Genesis senses the incoming explosion. He grabs Zack and Cloud and dives under the desk.
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• Lazard comes back from his business trip early. He's in the elevator thinking about the decision to leave Genesis in charge. He had initially meant to bequeath Sephiroth the responsibility, but felt for Genesis. They're always placing him second next to Sephiroth, constantly berating and expecting the worst from him.
• He thinks it's unfair. Genesis is one of the most competent SOLDIERs in the program. He's hardworking, responsible and authoritive. There's no doubt in Lazard's mind that everything is running smoothly in his absence.
*Lazard opens his office door*
• The three Ifrit summons went off and are raging, smashing the walls and ceilin. The fire materia also went off and now everything is on fire. It's shooting fire balls and one of them burned the office door clean off, shattering the glass. The ice materia has caused a raging blizzard inside the office and everything that isn't on fire is freezing over. The lightning materia is causing firework-like explosions to go off.
• Lazard stands there for a good five minutes, petrified (literally) (the petrify materia hit him)
• Once the last blast of lightning goes off and things seem to have quieted down, Genesis, Zack and Cloud poke their heads up from under the desk.
Zack: Hey, director! We didn't expect you back so early!
Cloud: How was the business trip? Have fun?
Genesis: My, my, director, that suit makes you look dashing. Have you done something to your hair?
• It's a poor choice of words because half of Lazard's hair is on fire.
*Angeal runs in*
Angeal: Genesis, you crook. Did you use Lazard's access card to steal all that materia?? Do you know how mad he's going to be when he finds out? He's already in trouble with upper management because he left you in charge.
*Zack points to Lazard in the corner, Angeal turns around*
Angeal: Oh. Oh no.
• And then the chocobo lures go off. Thirty grown chocobos come speeding into the office, two of them knocking Lazard to the ground.
• And then, as if things couldn't possibly get any worse, Sephiroth runs in with the baby.
Sephiroth: Angeal, how dare you abandon me and our child??
Angeal: Oh my god.
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• The Firsts and Zack are sitting in the briefing room when Tseng walks in.
Tseng: Good morning. As you all know, Lazard has taken a medical leave. I'll be taking his place while he's away.
Genesis: How is he? I tried to visit him in the hospital yesterday, but apparently the mere mention of my name sent him into another cardiac arrest.
Tseng: He's sedated and fine. Don't feel discouraged. Two Seconds went in to visit him this morning, but all it took was one look at a SOLDIER uniform and he started screaming.
Angeal: If he quits, it's on Zack, Gen and Strife. Sephiroth and I were busy hunting materia and babysitting.
Sephiroth: No. You were looking for the materia. I was taking adequate care of the baby and giving it the attention its mother denied it.
Tseng: Sephiroth
Tseng: Sephiroth why do you still have the baby?
*They look over and sure enough, Sephiroth has the baby in a carrier strapped to his chest*
Sephiroth: I'm the most competent adult in its life.
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shifuto · 1 year
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kinktober 2023 extra prompts:
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this was based on @ratthivolt (feat @kanamori-kamper) old man yaoi post that I really wanted to give a try. Hope you enjoy!
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kokomyass · 9 months
JJK headcannons ☆ Characters as Dads
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JJK x Fem!Reader
Genre: ☁️
Trigger warnings ⚠️: none!!
featuring: Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Geto Suguru, Toji Fushiguro, Megumi Fushiguro, Yuji Itadori
synopsis: in which, the jjk men are given the real test of fathership
a/n: it seems that jjk won and we give the people what they want!
also, in this i’m just gonna do it so it is daughter because idk i just see them all having daughters yk?
i hope you guys enjoy, and happy new year too!! 💜🎵
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Gojo would be such an immature dad. He would basically be another baby in the household, but that is what makes your daughter love him so much. He seems to love your daughter to PIECES and is always playing with her but when it comes to ACTUAL parenting tasks you best believe he is sitting out…only because he is incapable…
On the good side, he seems to be the perfect company for your daughter and whenever you get overwhelmed he subtly tries to help you out. Coming around and giving you hugs from behind to comfort you. Even though he doesn’t say it you can tell he doesn’t want to see his baby grow up.
“Sooo…do you want cucumbers in this sandwich or..? Gojo asked looking down at his daughter who looked at him with a look of disappointment.
Gojo was currently making his daughter a peanut and jelly sandwich, something he hadn’t even heard of before. Yet here he was making it like a chef…or so he thought..
“Dad…are you okay in the head? Who puts that together?” your daughter said with her hands on her hips looking sassy.
“Why you..!” Gojo picked up your daughter and threw her up and down making her giggle.
You walk past chuckling to yourself, watching your husband and daughter play together.
“Satoru, are you sure you can take care of her?” you knew the answer was probably no, but you trusted it wouldn’t be too bad.
“Of courseeee! You know I can! Plus our sweet sweet daughter will help me out! Right?”
“Of course, Dad!! We will have so much fun!” your daughter wrapped her arms around Gojo’s neck smushing her face into his as he hugged her back.
“Well if anything goes wrong let me know!” you give your daughter a soft peck on the cheek and press a soft kiss on Gojo’s lips before leaving.
At least they would have fun together even if Gojo couldn’t do anything properly.
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Nanami is husband material and i think it is safe to assume he is also father material. This guy knows the ins and outs of parenting. If you saw how skillful he was changing your baby’s nappies…you would think he had done it a million times
Even though he may not be the most energetic dad his love for your daughter is evident…he lets her sleep on his chest while he is working, he makes her lunches, whenever you’re tired you don’t even have to ask because he can tell and he is already on it doing everything you would do. GET YOURSELVES A NANAMI!! 🙌🙌
“Dad!! Guess what?!” your daughter excitedly said jumping up and down by Nanami’s leg.
You had unfortunately fallen ill and even though you didn’t mention it once to Nanami, you knew he would notice so you took this time to nap on the chair in your living room.
“What is it,sweetheart?” Nanami smiled softly to his excited daughter as he cooked dinner whilst also making soup for you to drink later.
“In school today, the teacher asked what we liked about our dads! Can you guess what I said?” your daughter giggled as Nanami acted clueless as to what your daughter was saying
“I haven’t a clue…why don’t you tell me?”
“I said that you are the kindest, strongest, funnest dad ever and my dad is better than everyone else’s!” Nanami chuckled at his daughter’s words.
He paused his cooking to pick his daughter up.
“You really think all that about your me?” Nanami asked as your daughter played with his hair
“Of course Dad! I love you very very much!!” Your daughter gave Nanami a big kiss on his cheek as he smiled.
“I love you more, sweetheart.” Nanami said softly as he kissed her head.
Your heart melted as you couldn’t stop smiling at the scene in front of you.
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Geto would literally banter with your daughter. Like if there is a day where your daughter and Geto don’t argue over something then they aren’t your husband and daughter…and it’s very obvious to see which personality your child took.
Despite the consistent arguments that they have, Geto is clearly extremely close with his daughter, they act like they are life long besties that are starting to get fed up with each other. Geto doesn’t seem to notice all the times that you see him lurking in your daughter’s room to make sure she is okay hehe….
“Ugh! Dad! That was my chocolate!” you suddenly heard your daughter shout, but you didn’t pay any attention to it as you knew it was your daughter and Geto up to their squabbles again.
“Hey…it wasn’t named how was i meant to know it was yours?” Geto smirked as your 5 year old folded her arms and smirked back.
“Well, father, if you remember yesterday, when we went shopping you bought it for me after I asked.” your daughter sassed back
“I’ll buy you another one…” Geto said as he sat down by you on the couch throwing his arms behind you.
“No. Share that one with me Dad, or I will tell mum what you did in the car two days ago!” your daughter stepped closer as Geto smirked.
“Why you little…c’mere…” Geto gestured your daughter over as she giggled and run over sitting on his lap and snatching the chocolate out of his hands.
“Um honey what happened in the car?” you asked folding your arms raising an eyebrow.
“Don’t worry about it!” both your husband and daughter said in sync.
After some attacking, you smiled at your two favourite people as they continued to squabble….well you love them anyway…
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Toji would acc treat your daughter like a princess. You think he treats you like a princess? Wait till your daughter comes along and steals the throne.
There is not one thing he wouldn’t do for your daughter, and you are worried she will turn into a spoiled brat because she loves taking advantage of how Toji treats her and can carry her with ease. However you are grateful because you know whenever you can’t spend time with your daughter, Toji can shower her in loads of love instead.
You had gone to pick up your daughter from school with your husband, Toji.
“Dad!! Mom!!” you heard a cute and excited voice as you saw your daughter running up to you and Toji.
“My little princess, how was school today?” Toji picked up your daughter with ease as she hugged him tightly
“It was so fun!! Although that boy kept pulling my hair and it hurt..” your daughter said pointing to the boy
You could see Toji scowl, and you knew there was no stopping him.
“Honey make sure you don’t traumatise them too much okay?” you give him a kiss and kiss your daughter’s forehead.
“Don’t worry doll, won’t do much, just give a lil warning that’s all…” you sighed hoping that’s all it would be.
“Okay, i’ll wait in the car.”
Toji walked over to the mother, father and boy with your daughter still in hand.
“I heard your son here is pestering my daughter?”
“Our little Timmy would never!” the dad replied before looking up and being absolutely frightened by the tall built man in front of him.
“Yeah, well i don’t give a damn. Pester my darling daughter again and you are dead.” Toji said before walking off, leaving the family stunned and frightened.
“Dad you are so cool! You always protect me!”
“And I always will pumpkin, now let’s go see your mom.” Toji chuckled as he kissed your daughter’s head.
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Megumi would lowkey be jealous of your daughter when she gets more attention that him. Don’t get me wrong he would be in love with your daughter but sometimes if he ever sees you paying attention to your daughter and not giving him attention he would silently be sulking.
Luckily all he has to do is summon a demon dog to play with your daughter and she is occupied so he can spend time with you. Despite this slight jealously, Megumi showers your daughter in love, playing with her (even if it involves him role playing a princess) especially when you aren’t looking so you don’t call him soft.
“Ahhh, please save me knight in shining armour!” Megumi squealed the best he could in a girls voice.
Megumi had been forced by your daughter to play princess and knights as usual and Megumi thanked the Gods that you were in the bedroom getting ready for an outing.
“Dad!! You don’t sound girlish enough!” your daughter complained as Megumi sweat dropped.
“I’m trying my best honey…but okay…” Megumi was obviously worn out from this game but didn’t want to hurt your daughter’s feelings.
He began his feminine voice again but as soon as he heard your bedroom door open he shut up earning a shout from you.
Luckily your outfit distracted your daughter as she started squealing.
“Mom! You look like a princess! Your a much better princess than Dad!” you giggled as you were curious to see Princess Megumi.
You gave her a tight hug and peppered kisses around her face.
“Who bless me with such a sweet little girl”
Little did you know, Megumi was feeling jealous already.
“Hey sweetheart? Look it’s the demon dogs they want to play!” that quickly got your daughter’s attention as she began playing with them and having fun.
“Love you Dad!” your daughter shouted whilst being suffocated by the dogs.
“Love you too….have I told you how beautiful you look my dear?” Megumi smiled as he kissed you.
You smiled at Megumi’s jealousy but not complaining…
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Yuji definitely bought like 10 parenting books because he was so worried he would be a bad dad…but when your daughter arrived he didn’t need any of those books because he was a flawless dad.
Yuji would be fun and caring to your daughter and even if he didn’t know how to do something for her, he would find a way just to see her happy. It’s so cute and heartwarming seeing Yuji and your daughter together because their wholesomeness could make you melt.
“So you want pigtails?” Yuji was trying his best to do his daughter’s hair for the first day of school, despite not doing the style ever.
“Yeah Dad! You think you can do it?”
Yuji could hear the fear in his daughter’s voice. He knew how important this first day was for her and the least he could do was give her a good hairstyle to boost confidence.
“It will be the best pigtails hairstyle you have ever seen!” Yuji chuckled as you laughed and he got to work.
“Dad, I love them so much everyone will love me!” your daughter spun around, looking at herself in the mirror.
“I’m glad you like it sweetheart.” Yuji ruffled her hair just as you walked in.
“Hey honey, ready for school? Oooo i love the hair too!!” you asked pinching her nose.
“Thank you Mom! Dad did it! And yeah i am, i just wanna speak to Dad really quickly!” you raised your eyebrows as you nodded leaving and shutting the door behind you.
“Dad…I’m nervous…” Yuji’s eyes widened as he knelt down and laced his hands on your daughter’s shoulders.
“Honey, you are a bright, beautiful, kind, and outgoing girl. Be yourself and everyone will love you for who you are and if anyone pester you i will deal with them okay? You got this!” he suddenly felt his daughter wrap her arms around him.
“Thank you Dad…I love you!”
“I love you more!”
All you could do is soon from the sweet interaction between your amazing family.
a/n: hope you enjoyed! a bit of a struggle because i was writing on a shitty ipad so i’ll probably edit later
anyway, love you guys!💜🦄
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