#unicorn of war
ash-asteroid · 1 year
Watched Unicorn of War's season 6 rewrite and thought, "I should design causal outfits for season 6." So I did-
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gaaralover55 · 1 year
I have to just say it
Thomas Vaccaro aka Unicorn of War Winx club season 6 rewrite is AMAZING!
It's so much better then what the former blues clues writers could ever come up with. It so much more character driven, mature, feels that the stakes are high and it follows after Thomas Vaccaro winx club season 5 rewrite! Unlike in canon Winx Club. Where the writers went lazy and thought they could write anything. Because in their eyes kids are stupid.
So again.
Thank you Thomas ❤
For writing these amazing rewrite of Winx Club!
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teawinx · 1 year
I Rewrote Winx Club Season 6 (teaser) | First Episode
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Aisha’s NEXT
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thewickedmerman · 2 years
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I watched Unicorn of War's newest commentary of season 6 of Winx Club (This time episodes 11 and 12) and he mentioned how the Gardenia outfits are really cute (And they are) but the issue was that they all had the same color palette. I kept Bloom's the same because I really love this look on her, I did a similar look for Aisha in my own redesigns so I just used that coloring, I used purple for Stella to have her embracing her lunar side, I used the colors of Aisha's Linphea dress for Flora's look, I gave Tecna green with lime yellow accents, and I gave Musa orange with yellow accents because Musa looks great in orange and it helps show how close her and Aisha are (SONIC WAVE FOR LIFE).
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gorgojijijijito · 1 year
anyone else watched unicorn of war's preview for the s6 rewrite? cuz i did and im hyped as fuuuuck
THOMAS YOUR BRAIN IS SO BIG and im very happy with the hints of bloom and stella possibly having a special smth smth iykyk cuz thats literally my biggest otp
im just a lil worried abt how brandon will be handled bc i also really like him and stella, but like, it's thomas. they'll make me root for anything tbh
also im super excited to see more of the 3d modelled visuals in action, they did a very good job with them and (im sure you can tell by my fixation on bride of discord), i freaking love lil pictures to go along with vocal readings <3
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vicontheinternet · 2 years
Lisa ferval 🤝 unicorn of war
Being the best YouTube channels for winx club fans who also do retrospectives
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oddmediaforall101 · 11 months
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Just an excuse to mash all my bbgs into one picture🫶
Edit: I’m gonna make a whole post dedicated to all different types of priests (or at least attempt to-), so put your faithful bbg in the comments of this post of you have one
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warandpeas · 9 months
Last Unicorn
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View On WordPress
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INDIE Animation and other animated works I'm excited to hopefully see in 2023.
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ivelte · 1 year
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At first it was just a sketch but then i black out and end up with 4 finished comic pages. So uh enjoy this little comic with Azulin and Flippy (plus Gordi and Flaky at the end)
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pastelnwn04 · 1 year
ositos militares perturbados siii
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gaaralover55 · 2 years
Hey everyone in the Winx Clud fandom!
I hope all of you know the youtuber and instagramer Thomas Vaccaro aka Unicorn Of War.
If you are new and don't know this person. Thomas Vaccaro is well known for reviewing Winx Club, Rwby, Disney and much more. His rewrite of Winx Club season 5-soon with 6 and his own book "De Cineribus from the ashes.
He is currently reviewing the episodes from season 6 of Winx Club. And he is fair in his review by talking about the good elemwnts and the bad elements of each episodes.
Even taking up what could change and make the episode even better in character and story writing.
But Rainbow didn't like that!
Because the pepole at Rainbow can't take some critic! Because they are scared that they going to lay some work and real story for Winx Club! That they can not be lazy anymore and say that thia show is for children! So they blocked Thomas vaccaro's video but thankfully he has been able to release it again.
But if Rainbow keep with blocking Thomas videos on youtube. His Youtube channel can be erased from the site.
So please support his work and don't trust thoose on Rainbow!!
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teawinx · 1 year
How the Trix Stole Christmas! | Winx 5 Commentary, Episodes 9 & 10
When your favourite Youtuber uses one of your hot takes in a video at 8:26
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bloom-agreste-cheng · 2 years
Winx Club actor AU & Headcanons - Part One
Just a bunch of thoughts I have on an actor AU for the Winx Club. I went crazy for this. ENJOY! Time makes no sense here because AU.
Iginio Straffi and his team of producers; Mary, James, Jennifer and Steffani did their best to build the story of Winx Club. But they couldn’t quite get it off the ground until late 2002.
The producers looked at over 1000 girls to find the five main fairies. They were keen on getting their main five when they were building the show in 2003 so they could announce them as quick as possible.
Tecna got cast first which was a surprise. They needed a girl who could be rational to a fault but could also have emotions sitting in the background aching to forth. When This actress with a punk look Tania Garbarsky came through the doors, Iginio knew they had their fairy of technology.
Flora was next. They had all types of girls auditioning but none could get this character duality of shy but with an inner power she hadn’t totally grasped yet. Then Alice Ley came in and they loved her. She auditioned for Bloom, herself and Musa originally. They had her come back a couple of times until they were 1000% sure.
Esther Alfallo was more of a theatre and movie star so she wasn’t sure she wanted to commit to a TV show and really wasn’t sure of Winx. She had just finished a year doing a bluesy musical version of Much Ado About Nothing and needed a new project. So her manager found her something different to try out and she did. She nabbed the role of Stella, the sun and moon fairy because everyone just loved her vibrant sunny energy.
The main character was difficult to cast because no one actress really fit the bill. Or the producers were just wushu washy, changing their minds every five minute. Until they saw a certain redhead behind the open door, Caroline Cowen. This redhead was Bloom and she had auditioned for Stella. They had her come in for the MC and they admired the righteous and impulsive fire this girl brought to the role while remaining likeable. Bloom originally was bummed to not nabbing Stella but this character grew on her.
The fifth fairy was difficult to cast because her character wasn’t even completely ironed out yet. The producers knew they wanted artsy but tortured for the character and they were gonna name her Lisa. So they had a jumble of mismatched girls coming in for the role. Eventually this Chinese-Belgian green haired actress—Jia Meng Liang aka Melanie Dermont—comes in with her soulful eyes and a voice that can be sassy and heartbreaking at once. They really liked her so they kept bringing her back, while redesigning this character to fit this actress, Musa. She had just gotten off of School of Rock when she began with Winx.
After one chemistry test between the girls where they tested out the scene in 1x02 when the club is being named, (in what the girls remember as a pretty blue room) Iginio and the producers stood up and yelled “the Winx Club has been formed.”
When talks began about bringing in a sixth darker skinned fairy to the team, Beatrix Soverall (who plays Stormy) or Nathalie Stacy (Darcy) came to Steffani the producer (this story varies on who told it) and told her about this really cool actress named Delphine Maurice who they should consider. She’s more of a model and an athlete but she has done a few notable screen roles before. Yes, Delphine is a friend but she’s talented. A while later, Delphine was contacted to do a trial run, then a screen test with the girls to test for chemistry. It was palpable and everyone knew they had heir sixth fairy.
Darcy, Stormy, Jared from season 2, Musa and Aisha like to hang out a lot.
There was a major cast party when the newcomers for season 2 was cast. The Winx, Specialists, Trix, School staff, pixies and even Calvin Shuemacker (who plays Knut the Ogre) came.
Palladium, Griffin and Faragonda couldn’t make it unfortunately. And Darcy was real upset when Ediltrude and Zarathustra from Cloudtower mentioned they couldn’t come either. Apparently they are the life of the party even at their age.
Tony Beck (Timmy) likes to steal props from set. His favorite is his gun.
Isobel Gilbert (who plays Icy) is a natural blonde and she dies her white white and adds extensions to make her hair extra long to play Icy. So does Darcy. Stormy has a wig on since she has regular straight hair and it’s quick than spending hours frizzing her hair. They have a running joke about how none of them have real hair.
Francine the Water Fairy and Bloom met on casting day and are friends.
Mirta actually brought in her pumpkin t-shirt one day on set. Costume design loved it and had to incorporate it in her character look.
Darker is mostly CGI. His actor has to put on a green screen suit whenever he has a scene.
Brandon is a riot on set and everyone loves him. Everyone character has been shipped with him at least once so he’s started a rumour that he’s dated every character cause he has chemistry with everyone. Musa still gets red about it sometimes.
Riven actually is a pretty soft guy and cries easily in real life so he has a hard time being moody and unlikable in season 1. Bloom and Sky had to hug him after Bloom humiliated him in that episode.
The girls love their Enchantix forms but moving around with their new wings were a bit of a challenge at first.
Darcy auditioned for Flora back in the casting process. Because of this, she and Flora were always trying to convince the writers to do a body swap episode. They think it’d be hilarious to see Flora be mean and sneaky and have Darcy be softer and friendly.
Helia’s hair is mostly a wig which is a surprise to everyone.
Kiko is a trained rabbit that Bloom had really bonded with. She got to keep him after season 1 wrapped up.
Most of the show is filmed in green screens and made up sets. None of the Schools are real.
Sky has somehow landed in the hospital at least once per season. The guy is just really clumsy.
The girls all got really teary and emotional at the movie premiere of SotLK.
They did the countdown thing HP did for their final filming days. There are videos of everyone crying at least once in the BTS of the movie with the Winx giving one final speech before wrapping up.
They all did come back for season 4 and it was hugs all around.
People thought Roxy was just Tecna with longer hair when they first saw her picture but she easily dispelled that rumour. Many were outraged that they let Tecna let her grow that long.
Nabu ate a lot of food on set. He and Riven were known to grab handfuls of food and return to their trailers when they don’t have a scene.
Bloom and Stella like to playfully bully each other. The fandom loves shipping them.
People loved Valtor a lot, they brought the actor back to play Ogron.
Jared from season 2 cosplayed as Duman one Halloween.
Tecna is a big Voltron fan. She and Timmy binged every iteration of it and we’re quite excited for the Netflix adaptation.
Daphne is the same actress from Scooby Doo. She loves scaring people whenever she’s on set. People love her and Bloom together. She stole her mask from set. She’s a natural redhead but wore a blonde wig for season 5 and dyed it blonde for 6.
Icy, Lucy and Shilly (a witch from Cloudtower) have this podcast where they talk about their experiences on the show and it’s mainly a lot giggles and jokes from their days on set.
Tecna came out as nonbinary in season 3. Pronouns she/they.
Thomas “Unicorn of War” Vaccaro is a friend of Stella and under Griffin’s wing who was hired to write for seasons 5 and 6. Yes I’m putting him here. His is the only acceptable version of the Nick years of Winx Club.
Everyone has a crush on Brandon. I mean the man is pure sunshine, how can you not love him.
Musa, Darcy and Stormy are secret She Ra fans. Their queer hearts can’t take it.
Bloom highkey a nerd and she has a YouTube channel where she does reviews about media she’s consumed.
Flora and Helia give great massages to those that need it. People keep telling them to do something about it.
Sky was a foot model for sandals once and he regrets it to this day. Musa makes fun of him for it until Darcy reminds her that she was a hand model once.
Mike and Vanessa were adopted as everyone’s parents on set since they’re all mostly teenagers and young adults.
Griselda is the antithesis of her character. She loves to laugh with Stella and tells the most outrageous stories of her youth. She also causes a lot of bloopers.
The pixies are mostly CGIs of their actors’ heads and computer generated bodies.
Aisha, true to her character, loved the episodes revolving around water. Also to prepare for the episodes where she goes blind, she watched Charlie Cox as Daredevil/Matt Murdock.
Roxy might be seen as an industry nepotism baby, but the girl worked long hours to prove she belonged on Winx Club, including watching every single episode and movie to get ready for season 4.
Musa wrote many of the songs from season 4 and the specials. Bloom’s favorite is Heart of Fire from the Specials.
Icy, Darcy and Stormy were upset that they were not included in season four so they came to set as often as they could to cheer people on. They took “High School reunion” pics on those days.
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thewickedmerman · 2 years
I finally got back to doing these Winx Club recast videos. I really enjoy doing these, even if they aren’t getting much attention. But season 7 is definitely the WORST season of Winx Club. Yes, even worse than season 8 with the different art style, whitewashing, and ruining Valtor. Anyway, I hope you guys like it and comment letting me know what you think. You can also follow me on these social media accounts.
Credit for my character stills goes to my good friend, @gem-among-gems. If you would like some stills for yourself, she can make some for you and can do it in any style.
And here’s where you can check out Unicorn of War's AMAZING book. Buying it on Amazon, read the first 4 chapters to see how you like it (And why wouldn’t you like it?), and even a video where he summarizes what the book is about.
First 4 Chapters
Video Summary
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