#faust rambles
fauustic · 1 year
i love this version of miguel in the concept arts so much .. like he literally was so silly.. I hope we get to see more of his humor in BTSV :)
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literal cutie
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bamblrr · 1 year
You have reached a SLOUCH REMOVAL checkpoint. Do NOT resist.
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friends don't let friends develop back problems
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mintygreencake · 4 months
Yuurivoice boys are all lil freaks and their partners are too. They are the definition of "They match each other's freak"
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rosierabbitart · 1 month
Okay so we all know about the Faust hivemind from the new event, Fausts across the universe are sharing knowledge amongst each other and getting input on their actions through other Fausts.
...I think N Corp Faust isn't a part of the hivemind though.
She already seemed to be the most out there of the Fausts, having a completely manic personality in comparison to the other calm and collected Fausts. However there are some lines that seem to hint she's not a part of it, such as:
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Which seems to imply she might have previously been in the hivemind and split from it.
We also know from the event that our Faust has natural deductive skills that she never gets to use anymore because the hivemind is telling her all the information she needs to know. She never gets to think for herself.
However, N Corp Faust seems to be exhibiting her deductive skills all on her own.
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She seems to be entirely speaking to herself and concluding this on her own. She doesn't appear to be talking to any other Faust for this reasoning.
In conclusion, N Corp Faust either left the hivemind voluntarily, or was kicked out of it.
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your-mom-friend · 10 months
I feel like we, as a fandom, have only too easily glossed over the fact that while in the prison pits Arthur did in fact murder a man with his bare hands, pretty much without provocation, and then actually ate him and used his bones as tools in his escape. I feel like we don’t talk about that enough. I feel like we don’t mention the fact that John had to relive watching Arthur murder a man every time Arthur ate that man nearly enough. Why don’t we tak about that more. I’ll start. That shit fucked me up it’s like the first time I legitimately dropped something I was holding in shock and horror like it kept me up at night to think of the limits they’d been pushed to and the things they’d done
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suzyandthefox · 3 months
If I had a nickel for every videogame character that canonically vores yet has no vore content
I would have 3 nickels, which is too much for my liking tbh.
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madamemaximoff06 · 11 months
The 4 most attractive characters from the “Lords of Chaos” movie:
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And you can’t change my mind
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So we all know that Faust has a knife
(at least, her official plushie has ever since it came out, and it's been referenced plenty of times by the devs -)
But did Asra ever make her a knife?
Did that nonbinary menace to society wake up at 3 AM one fine foggy morning and go "my snake needs a knife ผ(•̀_•́ผ)" ??
Did they just. Did he just roll out of bed and hunt down an old switchblade and craft a Faust-friendly handle and what, hand it to her??? Like it was a good idea and nothing could go wrong????
(it was a good idea, and many things went delightfully wrong -)
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not-5-rats · 4 months
"Do you think we're together in every universe?" (Yuurivoice boys)
((these are long af, I didn't mean for them to be so long 😭)) ((Contains: Alphonse, Charlie, Auron & Faust))
They were in the shop, Al was stacking shelves as Boo sat on the counter. They had been out that day, had a little special day together. Chill morning in the house, went out for lunch, went on a long walk past the park and deep into the forest (they got quite lost) but ever since lunch Boo had been oddly quiet...like something was on their mind. Al however knew better than to question their silence, they did this sometimes and would tell him what was to when they needed to
Their voice was projected so that he could hear them (they were at opposite ends of the room) but it was still hushed, they were distracted
"Hm? You good over there Boo?"
"Yeah, just, do you think we'd be together in every universe?"
He looked over at them and smiled softly, putting down the boxes in his hands he made his way over to the counter and gently held their hand, giving them a soft kiss on their forehead
"Course we are Boo, you ain't escaping me in any universe"
Casper was sat on the couch with Charlie on the floor between their legs as they gently braided his hair, a film playing in the background (though neither of them were paying any attention) and an empty pizza box balancing on the arm of the couch. It had been...a long day, to put it simply, for both of them and they just wanted to rest for a few days so here they were. Neither of them were saying much, but every now and then one of them would blurt out some random shit before falling back into silence, until Cas remembered something they'd pocketed earlier
"Charlie, I've got a question"
They stopped braiding and moved their hands under his chin, tilting his face up so that their eyes met. Charlie made a noise to say that he was listening
"D'you think we're together in every universe?"
"Cas...if there's a universe where we ain't together then I feel bad for me...em..him? Charlie- of that world?"
Cas giggled and so did he, they ducked down and planted a kiss between his eyes before going back to braiding his hair
"I know what you mean my love, I know what you mean"
Rook had been working late...like super late. They had only left when Auron dragged them out (almost literally dragged), he had taken them back home and was gonna make them some dinner to make sure they ate. He was cooking and they were sat on a counter at the other end of the kitchen, half-awake as they yawned and rubbed their eyes.
To try and keep them awake Auron had been asking Rook about their day, what their morning had been like, what work they'd got done, etc anything really. Rook was exhausted, their mind tried to focus on whatever they were talking about but they were struggling and their mind began to wander. That's when they asked
"Auron...do you think we're together in every universe?"
He glances back at them before putting down the knife he was using, rinsing his hands and walking over to them. He cupped their face gently as he spoke
"Well Rookie that goes against the idea of infinite universes, so no not all of them"
He paused, they couldn't lie, they were kind of disappointed with his answer but he had more to say. He gripped their hands with his own free one before continuing
"But that just makes me appreciate you so much more, because I could have been born into any of the countless universes yet I was fortunate enough to be born into one where I found you and we do get to be together"
He kissed their hands then went back to cooking
They hadn't seen each other in person for such a long timeeee (it was like two weeks) Star had been sick and didn't want to risk infecting Faust, then they had to go visit family so they hadn't been able to see each other. It sucked, Star loved seeing Faust and yeah talking over face time and streaming together is fun but it's not the same. They missed him and had been thinking alot about him, how much he meant to them when an idea popped into their head.
They were finally in a room together, they were at Stars house in their room. Faust was sat on the edge of Stars bed with Star moving from their chair, to beside him, to behind him with their legs wrapped around him, repeat (hc that Star is a very fidgety/movey person). They were rambling about anything they could think of, asking Faust a bunch of questions (just cause they wanted to hear his voice lol), and just making sound cause of how happy they were. Faust complained about it but honestly he was just happy to see them about again and knew this was them showing that they were happy to see him.
"Sooooo do you think we're together in every universe?"
He rolled his eyes, crossed his arms and looked over at them
"What kind of question is that? You a philosopher now or something?"
They sat down beside him, gave him a pout and prodded his arm
"Shut up, just answer the question...please :3"
He sighed and leaned his head onto their shoulder, trying to hide the smile that was forming
"I don't know why I would choose to be with you in any universe...yet here I am...so sure I guess we might be"
((I'll do more if people want :3))
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plusvanity · 1 month
If Varg was a teenager today he would've had OnlyFans.
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That new Faust EGO...
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I am taken aback by her beauty... also how amazing and fascinating the Abnormality is, with how weighty the concept of time is, and how it matches up with her, but most of all... that dress...
She looks beautiful. "Everlasting" sounds beautiful, because that gives a certain certainty that such beauty will not slip between your fingers as time washes it away... that she will outlast you, but every moment you spend being with her is one to be cherished... a wise being who's entire demeanor can only be described as "like clockwork..."
God I am so normal about this woman. She has so many cruel tendencies with how calculating and objectivist her approach is to everything, and how that reflects The City itself... but I would like to imagine she could be like Binah perhaps... able to commit both breathtaking cruelty and kindness wherever she sees fit... we shall see with this mysterious woman... we shall see...
All I know is that I want her to enrapture me, and let me get lost in her mystery...
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fauustic · 1 year
i love writing miguel as a broken character, where underneath that stoic exterior he simply just yearns to find acceptance within his grief ... like yeah he can be a little flirty as a treat but in my perspective he's heavily guarding a soul that craves love. the moment he cracks, miguel crumbles like a fucking wet paper towel.. that genre of miguel who just collapses at genuine affection has me by the neck. he reminds me of a sopping wet cat born in a cardboard box i have so much love for him..
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weirdwriter69 · 6 months
Do you think that MC would be able to tell who is walking down the hallway in the castle because of how their footsteps echo?
I like to imagine that Charles has light, skip-like footsteps. Vlad’s footsteps sound lazy and dull, sluggish and without rhythmic. Faust would have heavy, sharp rhythmic footsteps like a relaxed soldier march.
(because of this, I also wondered if MC and/or Sebastian would be tell apart footsteps in the mansion but the carpet might mute their steps and with all the residents, some people might have really close sounding footsteps)
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bnuyartblogiguess · 1 year
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Anyway here are a bunch of lil' Guilty Gear chibis I've been doing on and off over the years since around somewhere when Strive was announced? In no particular order, I just sorta do them whenever I feel like it I guess.
Maybe I will do everyone eventually. Hope so.
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masked-and-doomed · 1 month
I feel like Faust having his birthday as unknown implies that he has not told anyone his birthday. And in turn. That he has not celebrated it. For a long while.
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patchworkfox01 · 8 months
So I was just thinking about this early image of Limbus' chapter select and how Faust's chapter is last which, don't get me wrong, does make sense. She seems to be the most important to the overall story.
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BUT. Something did hit me while thinking about it. In Faust's EGO, the room is white
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Like. Entirely white. We see in Canto 4 and Leviathan that N. Corp's buildings are ALSO almost entirely white. This got me thinking.
What if Faust's equivalent to a "Deal with the Devil" is a deal she made with N. Corp to gain the knowledge to make Mephistophiles, and Faust's chapter will involve us finding out what her side of the deal was, and perhaps even betraying us. This could perhaps even come with a reveal that Faust, and Limbus as a whole, doesn't have a way to bring Garnet back. Who knows how that may go.
I know this doesn't add much BUT
Both Lobotomy Corp and Library of Ruina [spoilers for those that haven't played] end with important characters betraying us. [Angela and Roland respectfully].
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