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PRIMA PAGINA La Sicilia di Oggi venerdì, 13 settembre 2024
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siciliatv · 4 months
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eletbacchi · 2 years
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#ElettronicaBacchi sponsor ufficiale di @A.S.D. Atletico Favara. #ElettronicaBacchiPerLoSport #Favara #sport (presso Elettronica Bacchi Service) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkjRAtmg2GF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hellos! Going thru Dad Bane fic and started to wonder how did Bane react to pregnancy news? Oksana gave the impression that he would choose the dead beat path as he wasnt to be tied down…but here we are four kids after and Irno on his side…
So I already wrote about the first time here and the other time here, so have the second baby!
23:55 <<🏆 Trophy Husband 🏆>> BE LANDING SOON. HOME BY 2 IF YOU WANT TO WAIT UP.
23:57 <<pays taxes like a chump>> [[reality_theBachelorCoruscant_Lilo_HappyDance.hgif]] yay <3 i'm bushed but i'll make a bowl for you risotto with mushrooms and nerf sausage just pop it in the oven for a minute
23:59 <<🏆 Trophy Husband 🏆>> LOVE THAT SHIT THANKS
00:08 <<pays taxes like a chump>> actually i'll wait up. i need to talk to you about something
00:12 <<pays taxes like a chump>> oh maker no. just have news >:( you can have vincenzo when you pry him from my cold dead freshly manicured fingers 
00:13 <<🏆 Trophy Husband 🏆>> 🔫🔫🔫 LIKE FUN TABLOID NEWS OR FAMILY NEWS
00:14 <<pays taxes like a chump>> family news kinda
Bane can't help but stare at you. "Yer serious."
You nod, mouth set in a line. "I got the blood test this morning," you say. "Roaring positive."
His stomach churns. His head feels fuzzy. His knees lock up and, fortunately, you give him a light shove onto the couch so he doesn't just stand there gawping like an idiot.
He sinks into the cushion, willing it to absorb him. He can't deal with this right now. And yet, based on the cross of your arms and the purse of your lips, he has to.
"So what're ya gonna do?" he mumbles.
You flop next to him. "I don't know," you say. “I wanted to talk to you first.” You give a dry smile. “It’s as much your fault as it is mine.”
Were he a softer man, the conflict on your face would be heartbreaking. He knows what's going through your mind -- you love kids. You love your kid. You love his kid. You'd love nothing more than to have another one running around.
And yet, you're not a fool. You're a criminal married to a crook. Another baby is another liability, another weak link in the chain. Not to mention the havoc it'd wreak on your body.
He's no fool either. The first time was hard enough. He doesn't know if he could handle another mouth to feed. Another diaper to change. Another heart running around outside his body. Another living, breathing creature to constantly worry about--
He glances up. A tiny shadow peeks around the corner, red eyes glowing. Speak of the Devil and she’ll appear, her blanket draped around her head and shoulders like a Jedi's robe.
He can't help but smile. He sits up from his slouch and leans forward. "Evenin', li'l miss," he says with a tip of his hat. "It's past yer bedtime."
"Heard talkin'." She yawns, her little needle teeth glinting in the light. She rubs her eyes with the heel of her palm. "Wanted to say hi."
He pats his knee. "Come say it, den."
She lets out a happy trill and toddles over, bare feet slapping against the tile. She hauls herself up into his lap and nestles right against his belly.
He lays a hand on her head, stroking his fingertips along her brow ridges. The purrs start immediately, sounding exactly like when Todo's rotor spins out.
You shift closer to him and lay your head on his shoulder. You've got that expression on his face that he still can't put words to. Serene? Motherly? Exhausted? He has no idea. But whenever she purrs, that's the look you get.
A few moments pass. Maybe more than a few. Long enough that the Little Lady falls back asleep and nearly pitches forward off of the sofa.
You swoop in like a mynock before she hits the ground, catching her with your nimble hands. The sudden jolt scares her, but your tone is gently jovial. "Silly girl," you chide as you stand. "Back to bed before you bump your head."
She keeps her eyes fixed on him as her lips curl into a sneer. "No."
Bane can't help but chuckle. She looks as ferocious as a loth-kitten. "Gotta get yer rest, girl."
Her sneer fades into a frown. "But... But you've been gone so long. I wanna sit with you."
Ow. Right in the heart. He knew she'd be a crack shot, but not like this.
"Daddy will still be here in the morning. Right?" You give him a pointed look, and he nods. "Let's get you tucked in."
The girl hesitates. Her eyes fall on Bane, and she reaches out her arm. "...Can Daddy tuck me in too?"
A golden warmth swells his chest. Plucking his hat from his head, he places it on the caf table as he stands. "'Course he can."
She chirrups happily and settles into your arms, her eyes drifting closed. You smile at her, then at him. "Talk after?" He nods, and you head for the stairs.
Another pair of feet pitter-pattering around. Another set of tiny clothes. Another little baby in his arms, small and sweet and chirping as it stares at its daddy. Not caring who he is or what he does.
His gut stops churning as he follows you up the stairs.
He still likes the name Winrel.
"Catch Us If You Can Masterpost" | To the Mastahpost | Tip Jar
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sciatu · 1 month
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In un mio precedente post (vecchio di alcuni anni fa) ho parlato dell’arte dei “diversi”, di chi aveva problemi psicologici o sociali e esprimeva nella sua arte una “vita parallela” alla “vita normale” che noi viviamo. Per questi artisti la loro arte descriveva quella “normalità” che vivevano dentro di loro, completamente assorbiti da essa tanto da descriverla in opere, che a noi cittadini ordinari, apparivano quanto meno “diverse”, “inquietanti” o “anomale”. Ora Farm Cultural Park di Favara, appare come una città di queste “vite parallele” in quanto la nostra “normalità” è ridiscussa, rielaborata, provocata e criticata. Un tipico paese siciliano, con le piccole case dei contadini, per lo più dirupate e abbandonate, rivive nella Cultural Park un “altra vita” quella senza le convenzioni, o le ipocrisie presenti vita ordinaria che vorrebbe il centro abbandonato del paese, come luogo da scartare, cancellare, dimenticare. Osservando tutte queste reali illusioni o rivisitazioni del Park, chiediamoci, prima di giudicare, con quali occhi lo stiamo giudichiamo. Quelli di un pollo di allevamento rinchiuso in una piccola gabbia di regole e obblighi o quelli di una colomba che vola altra sui roveti delle convenzioni ed i deserti del formalismo. Capire come guardi, ti farà capire in fondo come sei.
In a previous post of mine (a few years old) I talked about the art of the “different”, of those who had psychological or social problems and expressed in their art a “parallel life” to the “normal life” that we live. For these artists their art described that “normality” that they lived inside of them, completely absorbed by it so much so that they described it in works that to us ordinary citizens, appeared at least “different”, “disturbing” or “anomalous”. Now Farm Cultural Park of Favara, appears as a city of these “parallel lives” as our “normality” is re-discussed, reworked, provoked and criticized. A typical Sicilian village, with the small houses of the farmers, mostly ruined and abandoned, lives again in the Cultural Park an “other life” one without the conventions, or the hypocrisies present in ordinary life that would like the abandoned center of the village, as a place to discard, erase, forget. Looking at all these real illusions or revisitations of the Park, let's ask ourselves, before judging, with which eyes we are judging him. Those of a farm chicken locked in a small cage of rules and obligations or those of a dove that flies high above the brambles of conventions and the deserts of formalism. Understanding how you look, will make you understand deep down how you are.
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benissimamente · 21 days
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Farm Cultural Park sede di Favara. Palazzo Miccichè.
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Somos tus cerrajeros en todos los barrios de #valencia Cabañal, Cañamelar, Camí de Vera, Camí Fondo, Camí Real, Camins al Grau, Campanar, Castellar-Oliveral, Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, Ciutat Fallera, Ciutat Jardí, Ciutat Universitària, Ciutat Vella, El Botànic, El Grao, El Mercat, El Pilar, El Pla del Real, El Pla del Remei, Els Orriols, En Corts, Exposició. Extramurs, Faitanar, Favara, Fuente de San Luis, Horno de Alcedo, La Bega Baixa, La Carrasca, La Creu Coberta, La Creu del Grau, La Fuensanta, La Petxina, La Punta, La Raiosa, La Roqueta, La Saïdia, La Seu, La Torre, La Xerea, L'Amistat, Les Tendetes, L'Hort de Senabre, L'Illa Perduda, L'Olivereta #ciutatuniversitariavalencia #ciutatvellavalencia #elbotanicvalencia #elgraovalencia #elmercatvalencia #elpilarvalencia #elpladelrealvalencia Benifaraig, Beniferri, Benimaclet, Benimámet, Beteró, Borbotó #elpladelremeivalencia #elsorriolsvalencia #encortsvalencia #exposiciovalencia #extramursvalencia https://rapidtecnic.com #valencia #cerrajeros #persianeros #serrallers #locksmiths (en Cerrajeros Valencia 603 908 603 Persianas Metálicas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSNQGXosm6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Il 24 agosto alle 17 si svolgerà il funerale di un bambino sbarcato a Lampedusa dentro una bara bianca. Sconosciuto c'era scritto sul foglio appiccicato con nastro adesivo. " evento n. 5 - "del 5 /8/2023 - numero 2". Ma un nome il bimbo ce l'aveva ..... ...si chiamava Mohamed Junior Diomande, e viaggiava con la sua mamma. Era partito dalla Costa d'Avorio, aveva attraversato il deserto, era arrivato sul coste nordafricane ed aveva poi preso un barchino a Sfax in Tunisia. È annegato nel bel Mare Nostrum. Morto di confini, morto di indifferenza. È stato accolto con un picchetto d'onore dal prefetto, dal sindaco, tutti a rendere omaggio al piccolo. E così l'Europa dei vigliacchi accoglie con onore i morti ma lascia annegare i vivi, sigla accordi per bloccare all'inferno le persone ma vuole mantenere un anima pura, capace di "commuoversi" davanti all'orrore che causa ogni giorno. Mohamed verrà sepolto a Favara. Mohamed aveva 1 anno e mezzo, è annegato in mare perché nessuno ha voluto concedergli un viaggio sicuro, è morto in mare perché qualcuno ha deciso che lui non era un bambino come gli altri da proteggere ed accudire ....lui era solo un migrante !
dalla pagina fb di Simona Forlini
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1863-project · 1 year
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@brandybottle-fox submitted: Spotted in a bar in Sicily (Favara to be precise). That’s Bukowski under them.
THEM! Oh, this made my day! <3
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years
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Malo Spring Summer 2014 Women’s Collection
Photographer Gabriele Pizzuto, Assistant Alberto Favara, Stylist Caroline Christiansson
Malo, Campi Bisenzio 2013, 92 pagine,44 modelli, 17 x 22,9 cm
euro 35,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
Unique craftsmanship and contemporary sophistication meet in Malo's new women's collection, enhanced by the fine crafting and precious details that give new meaning to the timeless charm of cashmere and fine cotton yarns. In a chromatic rhythm touched by natural nuances and light hues, coral, pink and sage lend a fresh feel next to vibrant fleur-de-lis and ice and the intensity of royal blue, bright red and papaya, along with fluorescent yellow-lime.  The luxurious, ultra modern look especially infuses the "Twist" capsule collection, a line of extremely sophisticated clothing and accessories with intricate threading and cut-outs in which cotton, nappa leather and cashmere are trimmed with long, wavy fringes on dresses, boleros, miniskirts, generous day-to-night tote bags and belts inspired by the Navajo.  This refined, harmonious balance is emphasized by the unique crafting of the season's other capsule collection, "Saint Tropez", which not only reinterprets the legendary Malo bag, but plays on its iconic weave for a complete look that encompasses polos, tanks, T-shaped cardigans and jackets with three-quarter length sleeves. Cashmere, cotton and cashmere/silk create measured, form-fitting lines, contrasting with softer, deconstructed, asymmetrical volumes worn loosely and opening to reveal the layering of different shapes and unexpected mixes of materials, with a delicately romantic look in the floral prints and transparent silk or cotton daywear pieces. Combined with the floral patterns - featured alone or in the Jacquard sweaters - satin-finish metal studs, captivating color-blocking and see-through effects stand out, with raised stripes or crocheted textures to recreate the effect of couture lace on the longer, more sinuous silhouettes.
orders to:     [email protected]
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siciliatv · 5 months
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shadynightly · 2 years
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IT’S SPOOKY MONTH!!!!! I’m gonna draw all my ocs with horror elements for this month >:)  For the 1st it was my ttrpg character Bonnibel Favara :D
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telodogratis · 2 hours
#MobilitaPA - Lavori nelle vie Favara, Donizetti, Scarlatti e piazza Verdi. Ordinanza di limitazione temporanea della circolazione veicolare e pedonale
L’Ufficio Traffico e Mobilità ordinaria del Comune di Palermo ha emesso un’ordinanza di limitazione temporanea della circolazione veicolare e pedonale per l’occupazione del suolo pubblico al fine di consentire la sosta di una piattaforma aerea nelle vie Favara, Donizetti, Scarlatti e piazza Verdi – Palazzo del Provveditorato alle Opere Pubbliche.  ​Read More L’Ufficio Traffico e Mobilità…
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Not me missing Favara
Honestly girl? Me too.
Sorry for the lack of... well, anything for the past year. I just haven't been feeling the ✨zing✨ that she and Cad Bane and Star Wars in general used to have and I'm just
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stilouniverse · 29 days
Carmelo Sardo "L'arte della salvezza. Storia favolosa di Marck Art", recensione di Adriana Sardo
Zolfo Editore Prefazione di Gaetano Zavatteri Racconto di una sorprendente favola moderna, è un emblema di riscatto sul bullismo e su intollerabili ingiustizie, che coinvolge empaticamente il lettore, suscitando emozioni indelebili e profonde riflessioni. Marco Urso, nato sordo, cresce a Favara, paese dell’agrigentino, dove viene etichettato come “ritardato mentale” e diviene un bersaglio…
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benissimamente · 2 years
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La foresta dentro. Palazzo Miccichè. Farm Cultural Park. Favara.
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