#fe romcom
eleni-cherie · 2 months
a thief's origin✨ || bts • kth - chapter 0.8
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"you're afraid I won't wait." "I'm afraid you will."
a criminal and a doctor should be as different as the sun and the moon - but unexpected things happened every day. like him finding his safe haven in her.
© 2024 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburn, mutual pining, strangers to friends to lovers s2f2l
22nd February
Hanoi, Vietnam
"I might've found us a new job."
Curiously they looked at Jimin who had just entered and waved an envelope in his hands with a mischievious grin.
"Hard pass," Yoongi only countered, going back to grinding his sword, "Forgot I'll be gone for the next month?"
Jimin's smile faded, replaced by a musing expression. "Ah, right.. there was something.. So you really just gonna leave to meditate for a whole month? That wasn't a joke?"
Shaking his head, the older one offered him a small apologetic fold of his lips.
With a deep sigh, Jimin's hopeful glance was directed now at Taehyung, who only blinked back, with a lost expression in his brown eyes wide as he hadn't paid attention. Too occupied by the game he was playing on his phone. "Huh?"
Rolling his eyes, Jimin walked over to him. Holding the envelope right in front of his eyes and blocking his view on the display. It seemed like he had to spell it out for him. "Are-you-in-for-the-job?"
Annoyed, Taehyung shoved his hand away. "Depends," he shrugged then, going back to his mobile game, "What, where and when?"
He opened the envelope, sliding a photo out to wiggle in front of him. It showed a dragon made of jade. "Location: Montreal. The 'when' depends on how fast we'll work out a plan. Now that we're only gonna be à deux." Jimin couldn't miss side-eyeing Yoongi who only ignored him, pretending being oblivious to his scowl. He turned to Taehyung again, facing him with an innocent smirk then. "Unless of course we'd find a third person."
"And who would t-" before he could even finish his own question, Taehyung cut himself off when recalling Jimin could only head into one specific derection. Arabella. So he immediately shook his head. "No."
"Aw, c'mon."
"Jimin, no. Absolutely not."
Jimin began whining, scooting to him and falling to his knee, begging. "C'mon, Tae. Why not? She could -" 
Yoongi's sudden burst of laughter startled them and they looked at him confused. He only shot them a gummy grin. "Seriously, Jimin, you expect us to trust her for a job again after Cairo?" Taehyung nodded vigoriously, obviously agreeing with his older friend. And Jimin had to realise reaching a dead-end. Disappointedly, he got up and brushed off dust from his pants. 
"Fine, then I won't ask Bella for help and it's only gonna be the two of us. But I better not hear any complains about difficulties."
Taehyung folded his arms, his videogame laying forgotten on his lap. "Who says she'd even help us anyway?"
"She surely would have if I asked her nicely." And if he promised her shiny diamonds. 
However, seeing the steadfast glare in Taehyung's eyes, he admitted defeat.
Feeling the urgent need for a whiff of fresh ear and also annoyed with his friends, he stepped out into the balcony. The mild evening atmosphere greeting him.
He propped his hands on the railing and stared out when soon sensing Taehyung beside him.
They both remained silent for awhile, just staring over the sea of cement with specks of green in between.
It had rained not too long ago, evident by the puddles on the shiny asphalt and the smell of humidity in the air. It was almost March, but spring was still far away.
"Why.. why are you so into Arabella?"
Jimin dragged out a breath, getting slowly fed up with the same sarcastic comments and rhetoric questions about his, admittedly, weakness for the female spy and thief.
With a small groan, he threw his head back. "I get it, you guys don't like her and I understand why. I really do. But it's seriously getti-"
"No," Taehyung interrupted his rant with a quick shake of his head, "I mean it. How.. how are you so sure.. it's her? I get that she's all 'dangerous and hot' or whatever your reasons were but.. There has to be more, right? You're not constantly making a fool of yourself only 'cause she's hot." At least he hoped so.
Not having expected his friend to be genuinely curious about the relationship between him and Arabella, his lips parted taken aback. "Well.." Jimin slowly began then, glancing at him cautiously as his random, yet genuine sounding question triggered suspicion in him. 
His glance returned to the city then, trying to comprise in sentences the complicated emotions he felt for the mischievous woman. "She's more than just a gorgeous and intriguing woman who keeps me busy, you know." Taehyung noticed the fond smile in Jimin's eyes. Making him almost gag, but he successfully contained it and allowed him to continue. "Me and her.. we got history you don't know of. She's more than her habit of outwitting us."
"Oh, is she?" It was kind of hard to believe. Then again, he tried spending as little time as possible with her and only if absolutely necessary. Simply not trusting her an inch.
Jimin chucked at his disbelief and nodded. "Yeah. I know, hard to believe."
"A little bit."
Again, he understood where his friends' mistrust came from. He paused for dramatic effect as he glanced at Taehyung who was mindlessly resting his chin on the palm of his hand. Only to get impetiend and arch an inquiring brow at him.
"It's true though. Because at the end of the day, she's the only woman I trust and I can be myself with. She takes me for who I am. And when it's only the two of us, I can see the real Bella. The one no one but me knows. And that's why I love her."
"Even after Cairo?"
He grinned. "Maybe I don't trust her with the loot, but with my life. And isn't that more important? That's why I forgive her and let her get away with her stunts. It's nothing but a game between us. Don't forget, I'm also often the one tricking her."
He winked and Taehyung knew what he was referring to. 
It was true. There were times Jimin was the one fooling her, leaving Arabella handling interpol or without the jewels. It was indeed just a game between the two. A game only Jimin and Arabella understood and enjoyed and perhaps that was the secret to it all. Perhaps outsiders like Taehyung and Yoongi weren't supposed to understand it in the first place.
Taehyung only hummed and went silently back to staring out. Unable to contain his inner turmoil as his gaze became dull. Blankly staring into the cold grey.
If put like that, he understood it. He couldn't even nearly fathom how this was possible or applied to a person like Arabella Valentine, but he could at least comprehend a little more how his partner could be so in love with her.
"Say," Jimin said then, leaning at the railing with an intrigued smile, "How comes you're suddenly so invested in my love life? It doesn't happen to have anything to do with you and your doctor friend, does it?" He wiggled his brows and nudged his shoulder, interrupting Taehyung's train of thoughts.
The taller guy swallowed, avoiding his smug, knowing glance. He'd seen right through him, like he always did. Perhaps this time hadn't been so hard to do and yet, it bothered him how in front of Jimin, he'd be an open book just like everyone else.
"Ah!" Jimin felt like a lightbulb appearing above him, finally putting one and one together. And he fashed a lopsided smirk to his childhood friend. "So that's why you've been moping around for two months now."
The only response those accusations earned was a click from Taehyung's tongue and a scowl. Causing Jimin to dramatically sigh, averting his eyes from him since he knew very well he wouldn't get Taehyung to talk if he didn't want to. So he pushed himself off the railing instead.
"Perhaps it's hard to look past Bella's imperfections," he began than with a musing glance as he let his gaze wander over the concrete, "But at the end of the day, we all just want someone who knocks our breath away, don't we? Someone who understands and takes us for who we are. Someone we'd fight for. So if you ever find someone like this, consider yourself lucky. These people are rare." With a bright smile, he patted his sulky friend's shoulder and Taehyung coughed out by the sudden hit. 
He went back to observing the glistering streets then.
Jimin had a point, he supposed. People like these were indeed rare. At least he hadn't crossed paths with any or perhaps he'd never bothered paying much attention to any contrary to his friend who'd never say no to a pretty woman.
Until now, it seemed.
Because his guilt-ridden dreams and thoughts revolved around one person and one person only the past two months. And the kind of smile of hers he thought only he ever received and no one else. A withering look full of the sort of subtext someone could only get from a lot of conversations whispered after dark. Like the ones they always shared.
Sirens erupted suddenly and interrupted his wandering thoughts. Several black cars coming into view and parking in front of the building then, blocking the exit, Shortly after a familiar figure exiting one of them.
"Yah, Park Jimin! Long time no see!" Seokjin was waving at them with a triumphant grin when spotting them up there at the balcony of the third floor. His open palm closing then, with a pointing index finger directed at them. "Don't you dare move from there!"
Jimin laughed under his breath. "Of course, who else," he muttered before leaning over the railing then to yell back with more energy, "Never! You know how much I missed your handsome face!"
Taehyung couldn't help but stifle a laugh before glancing over his shoulder to see Yoongi having joined them to check out what all the ruckus was about.
"Pack your sword, Yoongs, pops is here. "
4th April
Barcelona, Spain
Cassandra was uncertain whether she liked birthdays or not. At this point, they were overrated anyway. She couldn't remember the last one she'd got to properly celebrate. It was probably in high school but her memory fadedthe more she tried to go back to the past.
It was the dawn of her 27th birthday and she didn't know how to feel or what to expect, besides calls and messages from relatives and friends. She was glad her parents couldn't visit her this time as they were currently somewhere in Central America, so she at least could save herself from another round of staged photos in front of a birthday cake for her mother's sake.
Once someone told her that birthdays and weddings were rather for the family than the actual celebrated person and there was some truth to it. You did it more for the people you loved, to make them happy by letting them celebrate you. This year, however, she wouldn't have been able to bring herself from going through this. Not even for her mother who she loved dearly.
"Stella, where are you? I brought the glucometer you requested for the patient," she called out at her colleague and friend. Frowning at the unusual darkness in the staffroom, she flipped on the light switch. Only to be greeted with loud cheers and applause. "What-"
"Happy birthday!"
Utterly perplexed, she took a step back and blinked. She never expected anyone to care enough to organise a small surprise party and even holding a cake with candles which they were now hurriedly lighting up so she could blow them.
Cassandra wasn't particularly close friends with most people there. She got along with everyone though - save for Pavlo the jerk - and was friends with Stella and maybe three other assistant doctors. She also joked with some of the nurses. This was her circle of friends there. A small but good one. So seeing those very same people now beaming at her while holding the cake close to her face and singing the birthday-song, was quite unexpected. And moving.
With an uncertain smile, she clapped along with them. Appreciating the gesture. It meant that perhaps she did belong somewhere after all. Or that her presence mattered in some way. Taking a deep breath then, she finally blew out the melting candles.
"Did you make a wish?" Stella, the one she'd describe as the closest one of her work-buddies, asked then as the rest hurried to cut the cake.
"Sure," she lied. Her artificial smile fading as soon as her colleague's attention turned to the cake.
What point was there to make a wish if she couldn't have the one thing she truly wanted.
Her night-shift ended a few hours later at 6am. Besides the small birthday gathering thankfully nothing else unexpected happened. Especially not with any of her patients.
Tired, both physically and mentally, she returned home. Trying her hardest to prevent her eyes from going to the space on the wall where the numerous postcards from around the world were hanging on strings. Mockingly staring at her while depicting far-away places she'd never see herself. With the latest addition grazing a new string on the bottom. A postcard from Montreal with a Renaissance-style domed basilica on it - the kind of old-fashioned buildings she liked.
What irritated her the most, however, were the two sentences written in the back.
"some films shot here:
the score, catch me if you can, lucky number slevin, red 2, john wick 2
That was all. 
Now, that was their usual thing. This inside joke between them. Him teasing her love for heist-films by writing some famous works shot or playing in the place he was sending the postcard from. And usually that would lighten her mood.
But considering the way they had parted ways on New Year's and the fact he'd stopped calling or texting her, she somehow expected more. Maybe even an apology for just disappearing after stealing a kiss from her like that.
Hah, she laughed bitterly, be glad he even sent a postcard again.
The past three months and four days had been a blur. Or at least that was what she tried to remember them as. Her thoughts did not revolve around that particular man, wondering where he was and what he was doing and if he'd ever have the courage to show himself in front of her again or if he'd just avoid her for the rest of their lives.
And they surely did not revolve around that heart-pulling, breath-taking, mind-dazzling, dream-like, passionate kiss they'd shared that night. A kiss so incomparable and mind-altering that she sometimes doubted it had ever really happened or if it had simply originated from a wild fever dream. From a straight up delirium state she had seen patients with 39°C fever or more in.
Then again, the fact she had never experienced something like this before, let her doubt her mind would've had the source material to create a moment like this on its own.
No, surely she wasn't wasting a single thought about that.
Tears blurred her vision for a second, heartache along with her overall exhaustion cumulating along with the crushing expectations of that very day. Her birthday.
Everything rising to the surface for a split second before she got a hold of herself again and swallowed everything but one single tear down.
It'd have been easier getting over such a disappointment if it was some random guy online she'd merely wasted a week talking to. But this wasn't a random guy from the internet. This was Taehyung.
Deciding not to dwell into self-pity, she blanked out all these negative emotions.
After eating the left-over cake she'd brought home, she decided to head for her bed when the doorbell rang. Something blue on the door mat catching her attention then. She squatted down and picked up the object, pushing the blue fancy paper aside. Only to reveal a flower pot of blue hydrangeas.
Her eyes widened. She always wanted blue hydrangeas but missed their season. Did her mother send her this?
She stood up and heaved it higher, turning it around to see if she could spot any clue about the sender when a small white card fell down and landed in front of her feet. 
"Happy birthday, Cas.
I know I was an idiot to you. I'm not the type to talk directly about my feelings. But it occurred to me that I could still talk about them through my actions."
Her heart dared to skip a beat at the handwriting and words. It was the same handwriting as on the countless postcards before. Taehyung's. With furrowed brows she flipped the card, seeing a another text written there.
Her eyes widened, intrigued by its arcane nature.
"Font Mágica de Montjuic - four columns / 5:55pm / ? "
It was late afternoon when Taehyung set foot in front of the four tall columns above the so-called 'magical' fountain. Having a perfect view over it. He pushed his sunglasses, which soon would become pointless, up the bridge of his nose and stifled a yawn as he leaned against the white marble. 
Their last job had ended over two days ago but after multiple layovers - not able taking the easy route as some angry millionairs were on their tails - he still hadn't adjusted to the time-difference.
He stretched his arm then, revealing the watch under the sleeve of the hoodie. Due to a delay he'd feared not making it, but thankfully he was on time. Five more minutes till the show began.
The threaneningly red evening sun would soon disappear behind the buildings but the temperature remained pleasant. It was nice to finally feel spring on his skin after being in the north for so long. 
His brown irises where fixated on the enormous fountain in front of him, although seemingly unspectacular right now due to the water jets currently kept low. For now.
Cassandra liked this place. The fountain with the view of the cascades and the art museum on the top in the background being one of her favourite places in the city, he remembered that. Of couse he did. He remembered everything she had ever told him. Every little insigificant detail because the sum of it made up her. 
He had to admit, however, he also liked that place a lot. It looked like straight from a fairytale, especially at night with all the lights illuminating it.
Now in the evening, the warm colours of the sunset sparkled on the water surface, adding an even bigger mystical almost eery atmosphere to it. It looked quite different from the last time he'd been there, with her. Fond memories creeping up his mind when remembering that day. The first day he'd waited outside of the hospital for her.
His gaze wandered over the greenery, wondering if Cassandra would even follow his invitation and appear. He couldn't blame her if she didn't, he knew he didn't treat her particularly fairly. This was why he wanted to redeem himself after all.
Taehyung felt guilty for disappearing on her for over three months. Sure, they'd got caught by Seokjin and his men, however, their custody stay only lasted a couple of days like it always did before they escaped. No, this hadn't been the reason, neither was it them having to lay low for some weeks or their time-consuming next coup. Or at least, these hadn't been his sole reasons for not visiting but also not contacting her.
Truth was, he was scared - terrified even - to face her again. Not only because of her reaction, but also because all those months he tried figuring out what he actually wanted and if he should even cave into it considering the life he lived. It hadn't been easy and he still wasn't sure if he made the right decision, but he knew he couldn't keep her waiting anymore - in case she even bothered to still waste a single thought on him and hadn't already completely crossed him out of her life. Again, he couldn't blame her if she had.
However, even if so, Cassandra wasn't just anybody to him and he owed her an explanation at least. Whether she despised him now or not.
There was a significantly lower amount of people at this time of the day. Now with the dim afternoon light lesser people strolling around the square.
From the corners of his eyes he caught someone nearing the colums then. Familiar long curls swaying over a plaid coat coming to a halt in front of the railing. And Taehyung's muscles instantly relaxed, only now realising how strained his whole body had been with nervousness and worry.
Of course he couldn't be sure it was her as the figure was standing further afar, and yet his heart had recognised her and pulsed faster.
With a deep inhale to calm his nerves, he pushed himself off the column and neared her with quick steps. Afraid she might change her mind after all and walk away at any second. 
He sensed Cassandra tense up when pausing beside her, not daring to move her head and meet his gaze. Her usual warm eyes rested instead on the illuminated blueish green water in the distance. She blinked once, twice. And Taehyung began getting nervous all over again as the seconds passed without her saying anything. Only staring blankly ahead. 
"Happy.. happy birthday."
Finally, her expression softened with a sigh. "Thank you."
"Uhm, I assume you got the flowers then."
"Y-yeah, I liked them." Of course she liked them. He'd even remembered that she preffered pots over cut flowers. "Thank you." Her voice was paper-thin, distant and almost sorrowful and it caused his own gaze to fall.
"I'm glad you did."
Cassandra nodded quietly. "Blue's my favourite colour.."
"I know. That's why I chose them." His lips curving into a weak smile. And it annoyed her, how well he knew her despite all the time apart. "Thank you for coming here," he began then with cautious, his voice almost a timid whisper not to scare her away in any way. It didn't take a genius to see that this time was different from the previous ones. Especially since Cassandra was always wearing her heart on her sleeve, no matter how hard she tried to conceal it. "Wasn't sure if you would or not."
"Got the night shift. Have to leave in a bit."
They grew quiet, gaze falling to the solemn water surface. Taehyung scratched his neck, uncertain how to proceed.
"You're probably wondering what I'm doing here," he eventually spoke up then, only seeing her shaking her head. Much to his surprise.
"Not really," she deadpanned and he wanted to laugh at this.
With a shrug she averted her eyes from the water jets to finally spare him a brief glance. "It's not the first time you disappear for months only to randomly show up again. I'm kinda used to it. It was just the first time you disappeared without any trace since the beginning." She would've cracked a sarcastic smile if she hadn't felt a rush of anger when recalling the past months.
It was so irrational. This was what she'd waited and hoped for all that time, for him to show up again. Then why did she feel so incredibly mad at him the second she saw his usually charming face? 
"Oh," was all he could muster up to say. He could clearly see that it was burdening her, just like he'd feared. "It's good that I came to put some things straight then," his voice gainining firmness, "I know last time we saw each other I left with.." He paused, carefully choosing his words. "I must've left you with lots of questions."
"You did," she plainly stated and he almost shuddered. 
So that was how it felt when Cassandra was mad. She was cold and distant, nothing like her kind and sweet self. It was probably what he deserved anyway.
He was about to speak up when the alarm on his watch went off and he remembered why he'd called her there in the first place. 
Her lips parted, but he stopped her from saying anything else with a bright smile. "Please wait a few more minues before telling me off, okay? Because the second part of your birthday gift starts now!"
She frowned, puzzled at his sudden excitement. "S-second?"
"Of course!" He sounded offended. "Did you think flowers were all you'd get?" The corners of his lips curled up in that adorably boyish manner that distinguished his grins from anyone else. Grabbing her by the shoulders and turning her to face the fountain again. 
And Cassandra saw what Taehyung meant, her eyes widening in awe.
The water jets began attaining height in different distances of time, first the big ones in the centre followed by the small ones all around, creating a beautiful choreography of lowering, highening and arching water streaks along with different coloured lights. Blue and pink specifically.
She knew of the fountain show once or twice a day, depending on the season. However, 6pm was not its usual time. At least not in early April when it was still too chilly and not a touristic season. 
She couldn't take her gaze from the performance against the darkening sky and pastel-coloured clouds. She was so stunned by it that she didn't pay attention to the music playing. Taking her a moment longer to recognise the melody over the noise of the dancing water. And when she did, her head immediatelly turned to search for his eyes, only to catch them already fondly staring at her. He'd anticipated her mesmerised expression, observing her this whole time without paying attention to the water show. 
"That's -"
He nodded. "You like it?"
She did. Of course she did. It was her absolut favourite movie soundtrack after all.
Her breathing got irregular, her head was spinning and she had to avert her gaze from his affectionte look. Returning to the impressive fountains.
No, she couldn't start misinterpreting things yet again. She'd already done that enough times in the past, she couldn't be fooled yet again. He had disappeared for months, clearly regretting the kiss and feeling guilty now for leading her on. She knew it, she knew it and it broke her heart and set anew tears in her heart. The only reason he made her such a wonderful gift was because he pitied her and felt sorry. And yet it also made all these locked away feelings resurface and it wasn't fair, how he gave her heart arrhythmia and her lungs dyspnoea all over again for all the wrong reasons.
He didn't have feelings for her. At least not any romantic ones. She had to finally accept that and she had. She really had until now, when her delusional hope and irrational expectations took over her senses as she watched water dancing to the 'Love Theme' from'The Godfather'. 
- What an irony, out of all songs.
And she felt the tears welling up at the corners of her eyes. She was touched by the thoughtful gift. Goosebumps spreading over her skin at the melancholic melody playing over the elaborate water show in the middle of the grand fountain. But she also choked up from her unrequited feelings and the false hope his lovely gesture gave her.
The song finished, the water jets lowered and everything fell silent.
There were some people gathered around the fountain now, spectators of the show. Cassandra closed her eyes for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "Taehyung -" 
"Wait, it's not over yet. Now my favourite movie soundtrack follows."
Her eyes fluttered open and before she could even ask, another melody began playing and water was being splashed up again. And she saw him smile softly while looking ahead.
She'd missed his voice. She'd missed his gentle yet stern eyes. She'd missed the curve of his nose and his smile. She'd missed the way his parted hair flowing over his forehead and eyes whenever he moved or got windblown.
Swallowing down the lump in her throat, she faced the fountain again. Standing there beside him and preoccupying herself by trying remembering the title of the familiar melody.
Of course, she eventually thought then when recalling the famous song and one of her favourite soundtracks, too. It was 'Strangers in the Night'.
However, Taehyung hadn't only picked it because it was his favouite soundtrack, the main reason was because it reminded him of Cassandra. He had never paid much attention to the lyrics before but for the first time, he could relate to them. And perhaps that's why it was his favouite one after all.
"You know Sinatra disliked that song," he stated then, making her perk up. She hummed, gaze returning to the performance. 
"He was an idiot then."
And Taehyung laughed, it was a genuine laugh. Causing Cassandra to purse her lips to prevent herself from laughing as well.
Instead she saw the colours of the lights intensifying the darker the sky became. And she couldn't help but think of the night she and Taehyung had first met when recalling the lyrics herself. The lump returning.
The song ended soon after. Now even more people having gathered down at the fountain and even up there at the platform. It was fairly crowded by now. And Taehyung realised this was probably not the best place to discuss. So he held his hand out for her, meeting her arched brow.
He exhaled frustrated, retriving it instantly. "Come, let's go somewhere quieter."
She seemingly contemplated it, looking over her shoulder then back at the beautiful fountain. With a deep sigh, she eventually stepped back and nodded. Following him up the stairs of the cascades and reaching the top in front of the palace-like building. With the broad panorama view of the glistening city and the four columns, the magical fountain visible behind them. Up there, there was little to no one at this time and day.
"So, why did you make me climb up all these stairs?" Cassandra whined in between of panting. Propping herself at the stone-railing when seeing Taehyung beside her, casually leaning against it. Both of them standing there with a respectable distance.
"It's quieter here, don't you think?"
"I suppose.."
Neither one knew what to say or where to begin. And Taehyung felt his cheeks blushing when seeing her there in the light of the illuminated water basin behind them. The soft and curious eyes, the dark curls that got longer over the months, swaying in the light breeze against her cuddly cheeks. He just wanted to hug her and hold her in his arms again. 
Cassandra straightened herself then, her sudden movement interrupting his silent gaping.
"Thank you for.. for this. The fountain show, I mean. How did you do it?"
He only gave her an ambigious smile. "Don't worry about that."
She hmphed at this but didn't persist as something else was more imprtant to her. "You asked me to let you explain yourself.. so go on. Explain why you kissed me in a way that knocked my breath away - something medically impossible by the way - only to disappear for months with nothing but a postcard as a sign of life."
He should've been astonished by her sudden straightforwardness, but he figured she was simply too fed up with him at this point. Still, he couldn't keep himself from biting back an unappropiate smirk that threatened to break onto his lips when hearing her description of the kiss. It flattered his ego as he agreed with her. "I didn't want to discuss it on the phone."
"Fair enough, then do it now."
His lips parted but his throat, however, felt dry and itchy. His mind an endless void, absent of all the words he wanted to say to her. All of the sudden, he felt like a deer caught in the headlights. And nothing came out. Lips pressing together again as he awkwardly looked away.
Cassandra's jaw clenched and she abrubtly checked the time on her phone. "If that's all, you've got to excuse me but I gotta head to work now and don't have time for this game."
He knew her night shift started at 10pm and they still had almost four hours to go, but he understood the cue and pushed himself off the railing.
"Didn't expect any less of someone as smart as you."
She only huffed at this. Her eyes wandered up to meet his. Something in the atmosphere shifting in that moment. She swallowed.
"You do realise songs and pretty flowers aren't enough, right?"
He nodded, taking a few steps closer to her. The light from the building's spotlights illuminating her face, bathing her in a warm almost etheral glow. "Of course I know."
She exhaled, looking away as she was unable to remain upset because at the end of the day, this was Taehyung. The only man that ever moved her.  And with a much gentler voice, she almost pleaded, "Just say it then. Say why you kissed me only to dip and disappear before.. before giving me the chance to properly react to it. Just cut the games and tell me."
"Why can't you admit it?" Her voice raised now and she almost stomped her foot out of frustration. Why couldn't he just admit he was regretting it? "Whatever it is, I deserve a proper explanation. Don't I?"
He breathed. "Of course you do." He could tell she was trying her best to keep herself together but the angry tears brimming in her eyes, threatening to roll down her cheeks, gave her away. Along with her cracking voice.
"Why are you such a coward then? I thought a thief would be much braver."
He softly grabbed her arms, causing her to look him in the eyes. "It's easier to break into a safe or hunt down a treasure than putting into words.. I simply can't express myself properly. But for you I'll try." His steady voice held certainty and a promise she wanted to believe. "You're far more stubborn than anyone I've ever encountered before, you know that?" he smiled then and a faint, tiny grin finally crossed her face. Finally managing to steal a small giggle from her.
Cassandra sniffed then, wiping under her eyes. "That's like the pot calling the kettle black." Her expression clouded then. "What do you want from me, Tae?" she whispered, a low thread of anguish flickering below the surface.
With a sigh, Taehyung took her cold hands in his warm ones and lowered his head, resting his forehead against hers. One of his hands heaved then, slender fingers brushing away a strand from her blushing cheek before tenderly touching her jaw. Cupping it with a pained expression on his features as his brows furrowed.
He didn't know what he was doing. That was not what he'd settled on. He knew he should stay away from her, he had decided on confessing his feelings but explain that it simply couldn't be. However, he didn't have the heart to do it anymore because, frankly, he didn't want to. His heart was betraying his mind in that moment and as much as he had argued with himself and chosen the rightful, the logical path, being there with her, getting lost in her fierce irises and holding her so close to him, made him weak.
And suddenly his lips were on hers, causing every synapse in her brain to short out for a moment before going to overdrive. Her whole body melted only to rebuild and float into the air.
The sensation of his lips gently pressing onto hers taking her back to the cold winter night months ago. And her lips instinctively moved against his.
Dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin.
She remembered them well, the chemical cocktail designed to make humans feel good and crave more. And indeed, it did. It did make her crave more. Just like that New Year's night back then. 
The first time she hadn't realised as it had been rushed and unexpected, but it was a terrifying thing, to let a thief kiss you like that. There was always the danger of him stealing more than just a kiss after all. And she feared that had already happened.
Taehyung held her closer. Trying telling her all the things he wasn't even sure what exactly they were with the press of his mouth on hers. Lips fueled by unknown desire. Not that it mattered, really. There was no way to hide it anymore. It was too overwhelming by now. He had never wanted anyone like this before. He'd had brief, sporadic flicker of interest here and there over the years, but nothing came even close to the way he felt when he was with her. And in that, he was certain.
She understood him, calmed him, laughed with him, saw what was underneath. The realest version of himself was the one he saw in her beautiful round eyes when being with her. He knew he could visit every country in the world, steal every treasure there was, but nothing would ever compare to that single moment when he kissed Cassandra.
Their lips parted. Dark eyes flickering over her smooth features then. He didn't know what angel he owed this chance to, he was simply going to make it count. And eventually he breathed out the only right answer.
"You, Cassandra. I only want you."
next chapter: 0.9 here
Don't forget to like, comment & leave feedback!♡ It motivates me to keep writing :)
taglist: @lilanyxta @naoolammao345 @memna234 @tetehion @myblacklilame
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koenki · 11 months
Hand Holding HCs - Reverie Audios
Part 1/2 cause apparently it's too long to put everyone in one post-
Kane: Don't know if he will be getting his own listener later or what the future holds but will keep this one a lil generic for now While large and imposing, Kane seems like the type to be gentle with what he cares about. The type that would take his (potential) partner's hand in his to lean down to kiss the back of it. Staying bowed like that a moment while his lips linger, he would look up to catch their gaze, a knowing smirk on his face when he see's their face flush and muscles tense. He knows exactly what he's doing to them, and loves every second of their flustered responses. Dion: I imagine anything formal he does know how to behave, gentlemanly behavior if it's what he's tasked to do; he could joke around and smile and imitate what Kane did but more impish and playful But when it's chill- where he is with his relationship with Bunny now I could imagine him dragging bunny around by the wrist as they're walking around, as they slow down it goes to holding Bunny's hand like cupped, and at some point, if Bunny is comfortable to it cause Bunny seems to go with the flow a lot so wouldn't push too much, they would be the one to lace their fingers together- Likely catching the flame demon off guard in a sweet moment before he holds on more securely. Desmond: The relationship with Love is very respectful to each other, slow pacing and gentle. There is a lot of asking permissions between them. Early on, Love was the one to initiate, at first it would be a touch to the wrist and pulling back with a soft apology before Des gives the okay. It becomes habit, not out of fear but sometimes words aren't needed, just a quiet sign asking for permission. As Desmond gets more comfy he'll be the one returning the gesture, and taking their hand securely in his, they'd give each other lil squeezes of assurances. The hold is never too tight either, easy for the other to be able to slip out of the others should they want/need to. Ellis: I can just picture them sitting together on a stormy afternoon at home with Gem; on the couch reading respective books under a blanket, kinda cuddled against each other, Eggs purring up a storm as he rests on one of their laps, probably Gem's. and at some point in the comfort and quiet they hold hands under the blanket. Maybe the first time it happens Gem looks to Ellis in surprise before grinning and going back to their book, but leaning against each other like this was cozy and warm. If Eggs sees this he's gonna meow and demand attention, so either one of them has to let go of the other to pet the floof, or a book has to be put down. Either of them are comfortable to initiate the touch. Gage: Sweet boy loves the physical contact more than anything, this is his love language; Can't get enough. If he and Bug are in the same room but aren't close enough to touch, something feels off and it has to be fixed. Hand holding is an every day thing and both will engage on it. From wake up kisses in the morning on the hands up to meeting their lips, to driving in the car with one hand on the wheel, one hand in the other's to drop Bug off at work on his way to his own. This man could have both hands in a cast and be like "Buuuuug, touch pinkies with me." While they literally would be cuddled up together on the couch. Law: This man much like Gage is not afraid of physical affection and will take Sweets hand in his so long as his hand isn't full with a rowdy 3-year-old already. With Nat sitting up on papa's shoulders, and Sweets hand in his as they walk through the park, it's a peace like no other- until said child wants to make a break and run free. He loves getting to hold them, starting with the hand and pull them closer, dancing in the living room to no music to whisper sweet nothings in their ear when they're alone. Maybe Law also wants to live out some romcom fantasies with the piano in place now, teaching Sweets a few songs by guiding their hands across the keys. Do they actually learn anything doing this? Probably not, doesn't mean it isn't fun.
Neo: Foxy-boy initiates. Not cause Darling won't or doesn't want to, but because they wanna encourage him to take lead if that's what he wants to do. First few times it was a lil shaky, gentle, but he does so confidently now, because every time he takes the lead for it, it makes Darling have that beautiful toothy grin of theirs that he loves. When it's late at night and Darling is behind him, arms wrapped around, he will put his hands over theirs, thumb rubbing over the back of them in small circles until they both fall asleep.
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livlepretre · 6 months
Once FE is done, you should consider writing some one shots from Klaus’s POV bc I love reading from his pov he is so unhinged and I think you’d do him justice. Plus I need to know his thoughts from some of the previous chapters!!!
I was actually just considering this as I answered that last ask! The thing is, Klaus is actually SIGNIFICANTLY more hung up on Elena than she is on him— THROUGHOUT THE FIC! it would be so much fun to revisit all the times Elena is like, he’s indifferent! he hates me! because. He isn’t. He doesn’t. He just absolutely does not.
And also Klaus is certifiably wildly unhinged and a lot of this would be like a romcom from his perspective, except for the parts which just very much so aren’t. (Well, nothing since 40ish has been a romcom for Klaus— but before that!)
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twilightmalachite · 10 months
2×2 - Grown-Up Situation 2
Author: Akira
Characters: Yuuta, Hinata
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Whaaa? Aniki, Anzu-san confessed her love to you?!"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Staff Dining Hall
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An hour later, at the ES Building’s staff dining hall…
Yuuta: Whaaa? Aniki, Anzu-san confessed her love to you?!
Hinata: Shhh, you’re too loud! You’re an idol too, Yuuta-kun, don’t talk about things that could lead to a scandal so loudly!
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Yuuta: But, I just… I didn’t see that coming at all, I was so surprised I couldn’t help but exclaim it.
I had no idea… Really, the straight-laced Anzu-san and Aniki of all people?
S-Since when have you and Anzu-san been like that? I’m your family, so I have the right to know, you know!?
Hinata: I’m saying, you’re misunderstanding… Either way, it’s not some romcom like you’re imagining, Yuuta-kun.
Yuuta: B-But, didn’t Anzu-san tell you that she liked you?
Maybe that alone may sound like it is, but it really doesn’t sound all that sexy.
Hinata: Well, at Chocolat Fes the other day, I believe… I received some chocolate from Anzu-san—
Yuuta: I knew it! It’s like that! Chocolat Fes is for Valentine’s Day, and if you receive chocolate from a girl then, that means—
Hinata: I told you, it’s different… You see, I never really told you, Yuuta-kun, but ever since last year’s Repayment Festival, I’ve been feeling kinda awkward around Anzu-san.
Yuuta: Ah, now that I think about it, you do act a bit reserved around her.
Even though back when we first met her, you were attached to her all innocently like I was.
Hinata: Yeah. But y’know, you may not want to think about it either, Yuuta-kun, but around the time of last year’s Repayment Fes, we were pretty unstable, weren’t we?
Yuuta: Ah~, yeah… Right. There was Setsubun Festival and all.
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Hinata: At about the time of the Repayment Fes, we were in high spirits, saying things like we had become “the strongest individual”! That if it’s the two of us, we can’t lose to anyone!, but…
I was also definitely anxious about a lot of things, so the stress that had built up exploded all at the worst possible time.
I said some pretty terrible things to Anzu-san during the Repayment Fes. Thinking back on it, it was something like an outburst of anger.
Anzu-san’s an earnest person, so it seems she’s been worrying about it seriously for a long time now.
And it wasn’t completely joking on my part either, but a pretty rare occasion where I felt like I revealed my true feelings…
So I can’t just brush it off now by saying that “it was all just a joke~☆” or something.
So things have managed to continue to stay awkward as it is. I haven’t been able to resolve this conflict for a long time ‘til this day.
As for Anzu-san, I feel she’s often cold towards the idols she's in charge of—But I think she just wants to avoid getting into a strange atmosphere with them.
The other day at Chocolat Fes, she told me she wanted to talk to me again as she handed me a piece of chocolate.
What Anzu-san told me there on the spot… Was that while I may not like it, or may not be able to be convinced of it; she really liked me.
That’s why she didn’t want to keep that strange distance between us.
Yuuta: Hyaah, so passionate~… It really is a confession of love!
Hinata: That might be what it sounds like, but it’s not like that. It’s not a “like” in the sense of going out or getting married or anything like that.
I feel she was just telling me I was important as an idol she’s in charge of, as a producer.
She probably says the same thing to other idols.
But that’s also exactly what I find to be so annoying—
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Yuuta: … …
Hinata: Ah, umm, that’s all. Really, it’s nothing.
I’d also been feeling kinda bad about my outburst at the Repayment Fes, so I felt glad that Anzu-san was trying to reach out to me—
I replied back that I didn’t hate Anzu-san either, I wasn’t keeping distance because I didn’t like her, I was just feeling awkward.
Yuuta: Y-You didn’t tell her that you liked her? Even though Anzu-san told you that she liked you?
Hinata: If someone says that they like you, do you feel like you have to answer that you like them back? Or if not, that you hate them? Is it only 0 or 100, I wonder—
I’m not even sure what that feels like, to be honest.
Of course, I like like love love Yuuta-kun.
Yuuta: Nobody asked that. I don’t need to ask to know that.
But, from what I’m hearing, it doesn’t seem like there’s anything going on with Anzu-san.
If anything, it feels like you were able to mend your strained relationship even if just a little.
So how come the Vice Prez, who never inquires about others' private matters, go through the lengths to ask us directly about our relationship with Anzu-san?
Hinata: That’s the mystery, isn’t it~… Apparently, Anzu-san directly approached the Vice Prez looking unusually desperate.
Yuuta: Right. The Vice Prez said that she told him she had something to say to 2wink, in a terribly fierce tone.
Maybe Anzu-san’s gotten angry with you because of your halfhearted attitude after all, Aniki.
That’s why you have to give her a hug and a kiss and respond with “I love you too, Anzu, mwah!”
Hinata: I told you, it’s not that sort of relationship.
…Maybe back when we had first met, I would have been able to do something like that jokingly.
But now, I don’t feel like joking around like that.
Yuuta: Ah, seems like things are pretty serious? Huuhh…
These things are pretty rare for you, huh, Aniki? Surprisingly.
It used to usually only be me who was serious about things, and you’d always just watch me and laugh.
[ ☆ ]
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earemoji · 1 year
url song tag game 🎵
rules: spell your url with song titles & then tag some friends
thanks for the tag: @death-s--bride @lavender-blush
Eugene- Arlo Parks
American Teenager- Ethel Cain
Romcom 2004- Soccer Mommy
Every Single Night- Fiona Apple
Moon Song- Phoebe Bridgers
Official- Charli XCX
Just for Me- Pink Pantheress
Ivy- Sales
no pressure tags: @fe-xi @lesser-bohemian @yellowpeach @elenacarey @melo-baby
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dyinglikenarcissus · 2 years
Valentine’s Day
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Steve Rogers x black female reader
Warnings: Mature content! 18+ only! Contains: masturbation, vibrators, vaginal sex, oral sex (on a male), unprotected sex, cream pie, squirting, mirror sex, set in a love hotel, no real kinks in this one. Just general Valentine’s Day fluff and smut. If that’s upsetting for you, feel free to skip this one ☺️
So this was inspired by this post. I thought it was such a freaking adorable concept so I had to write it for my comfort couple. Thanks for the inspo @angelltheninth!
4K words
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Master list
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You stand looking out over the city after watering your miniature jungle. Steve went a little overboard with this project. You smile to yourself before looking back at the plants in question.
Oh well. It kept him happy.
Then your mind wonders back to the reason he started this whole balcony orchard.
They were supposed to be leaving him alone. He was supposed to be retired. But he can never say no…
You let out a soft sigh lean heavily over the railing. Normally you wouldn’t care. But tomorrow is Valentine’s Day.
And in all of the years you’ve been together, you wouldn’t have cared. You’d never spent a Valentine’s Day together before anyway. He was always out, busy saving the world, protecting your freedom and all that good stuff.
But this year he promised he’d be home. Swore he’d be home. He made you make plans. He wanted to be surprised.
So you made plans and you were going to make the most of it. You decided to be silly and book a night a little boutique love hotel downtown. You preordered flowers and champagne for the room. You booked reservations at the jazz club you spent your first date at. You got waxed. You got plucked. You even got your nails done just to immediately stain them with coffee grounds but it was the thought that counts. It was going to be perfect.
Except you didn’t have a boyfriend to spend the evening with.
He got called away two days ago and he promised to be back in time. You never put too much on those promises. This was earth’s mightiest hero after all.
Didn’t mean you couldn’t still enjoy your plans. So you packed an overnight bag with a variety of vibrators, downloaded your favorite smutty comics and stories and the good tentacle stuff, and picked out a strappy white dress that you were saving for this evening to layer over some brand new lingerie. You were going to make the most of your Valentine’s Day, Steve or no Steve!
You still packed a duffle for him, just in case.
He may come home in time. You hope. You pray. You click your heels together three times before chanting “I want my boyfriend,” over and over until it was time to leave for your dinner reservation.
You let out a soft huff glancing at the clock on the microwave. “Fine! I’m going! I’m going to enjoy my day all by myself!” You grumble to the universe, pulling both duffle bags over your shoulders and stumbling down to your car in your bright red heels.
You make it to the restaurant just in time for your reservation and inform the hostess that it will just be for one. You watch all the couples dancing on the ground floor below, having a wonderful time together. This was a mistake. You could’ve stayed home and made yourself dinner and saved some money. You could be watching a feel good romcom on your couch in one of Steve’s sweaters and your fuzzy socks. Panic starts to rush over you just as the waitress drops off a fruity cocktail. What if he comes home and wonders where you are? These plans were meant to be a surprise! He has no idea what your plans are. He’ll be so worried!
You have to go back home!
Wait. Calm down. He tracks where you are on his phone. He can easily call you if he finds your apartment empty. Besides, he’d call if he was on his way home. He normally calls. You’re allowed to enjoy yourself without him. He’d want you to enjoy yourself.
But you aren’t enjoying yourself.
You ponder just canceling the hotel reservation while you eat your lobster. You’d be charged a late cancelation fee though…
You wouldn’t be able to get your money back for the flowers and champagne. And you still kind of wanted to check this place out! It was so popular and it was hard to get a Valentine’s night reservation. You let out a soft sigh while pushing your broccolini around the plate.
“How is everything?” Your waiter asks stepping up to the table.
“Oh, it delicious!” You force a smile up at him.
He glances at your plate and your vegetables that have been shaped to form a star then back at you. “Are you sure?”
You let out a sigh dropping the false bravado. “It really is amazing. I just have a lot on my mind,” you admit.
“Date cancel on you?” He asks, squatting at the side of the table to be able to hear you better over the music.
“Oh no,” you laugh. “He would never. He got called away for work last minute so I’m trying to make the most of it.”
“That’s good! It’s refreshing to see someone so independent. I hope he’s still paying.” You laugh at his comment and nod. “How are you feeling about dessert? It’s going on your man’s card,” he goads making you smile.
“Sure,” you agree attempting to remember the menu.
“Chef’s special for you. Do you like chocolate?”
“I love chocolate!”
“Alright. Hang tight.” You smile to yourself, feeling a little more confident in your solo night out, and finish your veggies. He returns to take your dinner plate and replaces it with a ball of chocolate covered in gold dust. You quickly snap photos of it before digging in. A chocolate shell with hazelnut ice cream and chocolate torte. You’re dying. You’re physically dead. This waiter earned his tip and then some. You hum happily as you lick the ice cream off of your spoon.
Steve and his sweet tooth are missing this.
Eventually you step into your suite for the night, dropping both duffle bags at your feet before taking a look at the room. It’s super clean. You even swipe a finger over the top of the tv and not a spec of dust. Impressive.
And it’s cute. It’s this American themed room that you thought you were being cheeky and cute by picking out. It’s a little over the top with the white and red striped wall paper and navy blue duvet covered in white stars but it’s super cute.
First step, out of this make up! Then that jacuzzi was calling your name. You take a quick shower to get off the dirt of the day before laying out your own bath mat and filling up the tub with powdered coconut milk and dried flowers. You don’t care how well they clean. You don’t trust it. You slip off your robe, tie up your hair, and grab your favorite vibe and your phone ready to enjoy your night.
You start off with your favorite cg comic about the sentient alien dildo who’s goal was to impregnate a sorority house to warm up. You should know better by now. You don’t need anything but this. You dread the day when you get bored of it. And this vibrator is so perfect. It’s just a simple clit stimulator but it’s so good! Steve got it for you after he caught you getting yourself off while he was out. It’s all you need. Steve can get to that deep spot inside you but he’s the only one you want there. It’s sacred. Stamped with a “SGR”. You explained that to him and he thought it was cute and he ask what he can do to help. The question just made you flustered before he fucked the embarrassment away. A week later, you found this little red rose shaped vibrator on your night stand waiting for you.
It’s been your regular companion ever since.
You let out a soft whine as you get closer to cumming. Your hips rock gently trying to get yourself there. You teeth graze your bottom lips as your insides pulse. The pulses get closer and tighter and higher and you’re so close you can almost taste your release…
Then there’s a knock at the door.
“Whaaa?” You whimper as you completely lose your focus and the knot inside you starts to loosen in an unsatisfying cramp. You eyes close in frustration. Wasn’t the whole point of this hotel privacy?
“Yes?” You call, dropping your phone on the tub’s rim before rubbing your hand over your eyes.
“House keeping,” a deep voice calls into the room.
“House keeping?” You mutter and pull yourself out of the jacuzzi. You wrap a towel around your waist and walk up to the door. You can’t reach the peep hole and you roll your eyes at the ridiculousness of the situation.
So you crack the door open with the chain lock still on and you almost scream.
You slam the door closed to take off the chain before leaping in a set of strong waiting arms
“Stevie!” You cry into his neck. “You made it! You’re here!”
“I told you I wouldn’t miss Valentine’s Day,” he laughs, holding you so tight. So perfect. Your towel fell away from the jump causing Steve to step into the room and lock the door behind him. You squeeze him tighter. He’s here. He’s really here. “Sorry I missed dinner,” he mutters into your neck but you shake your head smiling.
“Are you hungry? They have room service,” you ask pulling away to finally look into soft blue eyes. He looks like he’s been crawling through the mud but he’s here.
“We grabbed something on the way out of Morocco.”
“Morocco?” You ask watching his lips.
“I’ll tell you about it later. Right now, I want to spend time with my princess.” He presses his lips to yours. It’s just a peck. Then another and another and another until you’re making out in his arms. You have to pull away for air first but all you can do is smile breathlessly. “So, you know I hate to eavesdrop,”
“Sure,” you laugh knowing full well he loves overhearing you do things in private.
“I do! Honestly,” he grins. “I heard a bath and some weird vibrating noises,” he trails making you giggle.
“I was just enjoying the jacuzzi,” you smile. “You can, too, but I’m worried you’ll turn the water black.”
“Are you saying I’m dirty?” Steve asks faking a shocked face.
“You’re a very dirty boy,” you insist. “How about a shower first?”
“A shower sounds amazing.”
You slide down his body to the floor to work on his suit. “I brought your clothes and things,” you mutter while pulling his tactical belt open before freeing him from the rest of his clothes.
“Thank you, princess. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” He tucks a finger under your chin to direct your face back to his as he leans down for another kiss.
“You’d survive,” you insist as he pulls away.
You tug him toward the bathroom once he’s naked and aching for you.
The shower springs to life and you start to pull him inside.
“Wait! Baby, your hair,” he laments at your lack of headwear. Your braids were getting old anyway. You weren’t too worried about them.
“It’s fine,” you promise with a laugh. “Come on.”
He’s gorgeous. A work of art. You admire his porcelain skin as you scrub every inch of his body. You watch his muscles start to relax under your touch.
All his muscles but one.
A scrape starts to heal across his pec under your hand while you gaze up at him as he lets out a soft groan, completely oblivious to your admiration. Your fingers walk down his chiseled chest and toned stomach to tangle in the patch of hair there. That’s when his gaze meets yours, eyes dark and full of a familiar lust. You pull at your bottom lip with your teeth before wrapping your hand around his thick length. A soft ‘fuck’ escapes him as you grip him, pumping your hand just how you know he likes it.
“That good, baby?” You ask, pressing kisses to the center of his chest.
He answers in a soft moan making you smile. Your thumb rubs over his tip to feel a bead of precum leak out of him only to be rinsed away by the shower water.
You smile and squat down, reaching eye level with his leaking cock. You don’t let go as you continue to pump him and he braces a strong arm against the wall. Eyes closed and head tossed back against the warm water. Absolutely perfect.
Your plump lips wrap around his tip already filling your mouth with just that. That soft moan turns into groan as his big hand finds the back of your skull. Yeah, he likes this.
Your hands continue to work the rest of his length while your tongue swirls around his tip.
“Fuck, princess,” Steve sighs guiding your head gently. You look up to see the bliss covering his features. You know what he wants. It takes you a moment to build up to it, gathering saliva and relaxing your throat enough that when his tip bumps the back of your mouth it stops bothering you. Your eyes start to water as you take a deep breath though your nose and swallow him. Your nose buries in his pelvis as you take all of him. It’s never easy but you’ll do anything for him. You let him take over as he fucks your face rapidly. His soft moan are enough to have you dripping, clenching around nothing, as he reaches his peek.
You feel him expand slightly around your lips, swelling with his seed, and you prepare to take all of him. He forces your nose deep into his thick curly patch of hair as he cums directly down your throat. You try to swallow, to keep up with his load, but it’s so heavy and he’s so pent up. You press against his thigh and he immediately lets up, letting you pull away to cough as he continues to cum against your chest. You clear your throat and lick at his tip, catching the last spurt of cum on you mouth to properly taste him. That perfect mix of salt and musk that was Steve. You suck his tip clean before dealing with yourself. The water had washed away most of the snot and drool and tears but you still felt it sticking to your face as you wiped the back of your hand over your mouth.
“Eep!” You squeak as Steve lifts you abruptly to his level. His lips cover yours and you practically melt into his kiss. Such pillowy soft kissable lips. Then you let out another squeak of surprise when he doesn’t even put you down to flip you around, pressing you against the shower wall as he spreads your legs wide, tucking your knees over his elbows and entering you in one swift movement. You let out a soft gasp as you attempt to grip the smooth wall. Your cheek and aching tits are smooshed against the tile while he abuses your core. Steve sets a punishing pace but as he quickly finds that spot leaving you crying out for him.
“That good, princess?” He asks. You can hear the smile in his voice but you can’t even bother to respond. All you can produce is soft moans and whimpers.
Such a menace but you love him more than anything.
He rips through one orgasm, ignoring your spasming muscles and leaking core, just to go for a second one. “Please, Steve! Please, please, please!” You cry into the tile as you feel the pressure quickly building again.
“Gonna get you there, princess,” he assures you.
“Uh! Uh! Uh! Uhhuh! Huh! Ha!” You scream as your own cum squirts from you against the shower tile.
“One more?” He asks. You swear you’re still squirting when he asks. You can’t even comprehend one more but he’s already fucking you again at that same punishing pace. Tears stream from your eyes as you feel another knot forming. This one is just as tight as the last. You don’t even try to be cute. You can’t control your voice or your mouth as soft scream and cries escape you.
“Oh, God! Oh, Stevie! Pleash,” you slur, pressing back against the tile, your body can’t help but try to reach that high. His grunts fill your ears, drowning out your own voice as he stabs into that squishy spot inside of you. “Oh, God! Ohhh! Oh! Ahhh!” You cry cumming once more just as hard, feeling something empty from inside you only to feel Steve filling you back up just as quickly with his own release. He lets out a loud growl as he paints that spot, claiming it over and over until he empties himself once more.
The two of you are left gasping for air in the most awkward position while water continues to stream over you. It’s the most comfortable silence but you can feel your hips starting to cramp the longer he holds you open. You break the silence with a soft whine as you attempt to press yourself away from the wall. Steve quickly takes over, dropping one of your legs to support your chest and lower you to the floor. He doesn’t let go though. He keeps you close to his chest, holding you tight, covering you now full belly with both of his hands.
“You okay, princess?” Steve asks as feeling all of your weight against him. You just nod and hum contently. “Am I clean enough for you now?”
“Sparkling,” you mutter, cuddling against his chest.
The two of you don’t even dry before you step into the jacuzzi. You take your spot straddling his lap as he takes his deep inside you once more. This round is slower, calmer, more intimate, as you press kisses to his lips and jaw and nip just behind his ear while his fingers play with your nipples and grip your ass possessively. He definitely owns every part of you and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Once you’re filled once more and he’s satisfied for a moment, he finally hazards a look around the room.
“Is this an American themed room?” You giggle and nod. “Cheeky little thing,” he laughs. You press a kiss to his lips. “I love you.”
“I love you. Happy Valentine's Day.”
“Happy Valentine's Day,” he whispers and presses another kiss to your lips. You pour him a glass of champagne and refill your own glass before he finally opens up about his mission. You massage his shoulders and drink enough to make your head fill fuzzy while he talks, inputting your opinion at times but mostly smiling and nodding and pressing kisses to his skin. He just needs to vent and you’re always there to listen.
“Princess, you drank most of that bottle,” Steve finally notes when you go to refill your glass once more.
“You had a couple of glasses,” you giggle.
He only hums in amusement before pressing his lips to yours. “You ready for bed?” You let out a sigh not ready to leave the bubbly hot water but you know he’s probably exhausted. You stumble to your feet with Steve’s help and let him wrap a towel around you.
You get ready for bed and slip on a lacy night gown and follow Steve to bed. “There’s a mirror on the ceiling?” Steve observes with a smile as you crawl into bed.
“So we can see ourselves fuck,” you explain curling into his chest comfortably, the alcohol loosening you inhibitions.
“Is that right?” Steve yawns. He doesn’t even bother being coy as he runs his hand under your night gown to find your ass. “Why did we even bother getting dressed?” You just giggle as he pulls off the bit of silk and lace and drops it at the end of the bed just to pull you into his lap and grind you against his erection through his sweats. You let out a soft whine as you stimulate your clit against the friction of his pants. “Alright, little miss ‘so we can see ourselves fuck’,” Steve laughs as he pulls off his sweats. “Come ‘ere.” You crawl back over him, accepting soft kisses while you card your fingers through his hair. “Turn over.” You quickly obey, facing away from him on all fours. He slowly pulls you back onto his lap, filling you up once again with him. “There you go. Good girl,” he praises making you clench around him. Both his hands cup your breasts as he pulls you back to lay on top of him. “Shit,” Steve sighs watching you in the mirror above you. You see yourself spread out over his giant body, the contrast of skin tones, and the way he fills you so perfectly. The way you fit each other so perfectly. “I like seeing this angle.” You laugh softly before he tweaks your nipples and runs his hands down to your hips. You pull your damp braids to the side and let him press kisses to your neck and whisper soft nothings into your skin. “All mine, aren’t you? You gonna let me claim you one more time?” You nod, letting out a soft whimper as Steve finds your clit and rubs rough circles into it. “Good girl. So good for me.” His legs keep yours stretched wide as he thrusts up into you.
“Mmmmnngh, Stevie,” you moan as he finds that abused spot in you all over again and you struggle to close your legs but Steve is unrelenting.
“Sensitive?” You nod. “Good. You’ll cum harder.” You just whine at his response and reach up to tangle your fingers behind his head, exposing more of your body as he fucks you into submission. Your first orgasm is quick and hard just like he promised, spilling your cum across the bed for Steve to watch in awe. Then he draws out the second one. Going slow, playing with your breast and clit, whispering you praises and nipping at your ear. You feel so pent up. All of it building into a harsh crescendo. You cry out against the feeling as colors and stars flash against your eye lids while you cum and he fills you for the third time this evening. That super soldier serum never ceases to amaze you. You’re both panting as your highs rush over you, the after glow never having a chance to leave you as you keep basking in it.
“We need to put a mirror over our bed at home,” Steve breathes. You just giggle and turn your head to press a kiss to his lips. He unwillingly pulls out and arranges you comfortably on the bed before cleaning you up.
“I think Valentine's Day is my new favorite holiday,” Steve yawns as he crawls back over you in the bed.
“Is that right?” You mutter into the pillow, sore and exhausted but oh so satisfied.
“Let’s start planning for next year. Maybe we can go back to the cabin. Or to a resort or something?”
“Yeah. No clothes, no pressure, just sex.” You laugh at his explanation of the holiday. “Thank you for planning all of this.”
“My pleasure, handsome.” You press once last kiss to his lips before you’re positive you’ll pass out from any further movement. “I love you.”
“I love you. Happy Valentine's Day.” You just hum already half asleep in the love of your life’s arms, comfortable, full, protected.
The perfect Valentine's Day. 
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nick-cassidy · 2 years
this is old but like last year in like june or smth i had a dream with tonio and we were in class and it was like the last day of class and his hand was broken and not only we were best friend but he was also my neighbor so we walked together home and i woke up so happy and then i realized it was only a dream
also i had a dream with i think it was mitch and he was my boyfriend but it was super weird like the dream but i don’t remember what happened
HI MEL !!!!!
i actually have dreams of fe drivers a lot which is so funny to me . I love a good romcom with toni….. sorry abt the hand tho .
Mitch is my best friend , any dream from him is welcomed !!!!!!
Love .
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lilymelodies · 9 days
혜윤 언니 드디어 만났던 날 :)
aug 24, 2024
i flew to taipei from tokyo and planned a very, very quick trip because i have to be back for work as soon as possible. it's been more than a week since i knew i'll be going to the fanmeet, but because of my schedule i couldn't really wrap my head around the fact that finally, after five long years of being her fan, i'm finally about to see her.
i arrived a day before the show and coincidentally, landed in taipei around the same time as her! i couldn't wait for her arrival though because i was tired from the flight and had so much stuff with me. then it hit me. i am now under the same sky as her, breathing the same air. that alone had me choked up as i waited for the train.
was it in my senior year in college? i was a kid who attended school with one purpose. to graduate on time and land a job so i could help the family as the eldest. i didn't really have time to be a full-time fangirl like i wanted because there are just so many things on my plate, but here comes a silly romcom-fantasy show of a girl who thought she was the main character of a comic. right, extraordinary you. it was from then on. i liked how she's so passionate about acting, how she treats people around her, and just her overall personality and how she view things in life. seeing that unconsciously made me want to root for her and to see her get to places knowing how hard she works on her craft. i just had this thought one day that "ah, i wanna be there when she makes it even bigger." and now she's holding fan meetings overseas. she has become so loved, that she's now slowly meeting more fans. and today, i'm one of those fans. finally.
i flew here alone, so i didn't really expect to have lots of tourist moments considering this was also a very short trip. on the day of the fan meeting, i planned to go on a quick trip to the zoo but it was so hot and the boots i was wearing isn't really zoo-friendly, lol. i decided to just visit the venue earlier so i know where to find it later on. it was quite a walk from the station, and how i wish my outfit allowed me to rent one of the bikes parked nearby, haha. anyway, google maps confused me for a bit but i ended up finding the sports center after a while! i couldn't really ask around because most of them said they don't speak english. now my problem is how to get to the actual venue. the entire sports center is big and there were students too, so i was worried i might not be entertained if i ask someone to show me around. until i saw this car parked right beside the entrance, who seem to be from the university and could know where it is! they were unloading some flowers from the car and i wasn't really in the right head space to even wonder what those were for but yes, those were hyeyoon's stage props (screaming!!) that i only realized when i saw the stage setup few moments later. when i asked one of the guys who were by the car if they could speak english, they answered in korean so i was like, oh! much better then! and went to ask how to get to the venue. but maybe because it was pretty hectic for them as well, i don't think they understood me and just escorted me to the information desk. i'm starting to worry now, because what if i can't find it until later? there aren't signs that a fan meet is about to happen here either. no photos, no notices that the place is reserved for a show or something. just an ordinary-looking gym. i even saw a few athletes passing by. a lady, maybe in her 60s, overheard my conversation with the information desk and volunteered to show me the way. i was so thankful and relieved. after a while, i saw a big pink screen from outside the window and it had "hyeppiness" written on it so i was like, okay this is the place! i was about to turn to the lady to say thank you when she opened the door and pushed me inside lightly saying, "go, go!" i think i was a little too taken aback that i replied in korean saying no it's okay but it was too late. i was already a few steps inside the hall. the entrance was right behind the tech booth so thankfully i didn't bother them but when i turned to look at the pink screen again, i saw her, kim hyeyoon herself, standing onstage wearing an oversized white t-shirt and black shorts............i think she was rehearsing stage blocking. i honestly don't recall this moment that much because the next thing i knew, i wanted to run outside as soon as i can. i half walked, half ran towards the nearest bench and that's when i cried. reality hit me. i just saw the kim hyeyoon. well, for 3 seconds.
i think i cried more when i called my friends though. i was barely holding it in as i walked but when i heard their familiar voices that's when i broke down. ha... what more when i get to see her closer later?
i spent the remaining time till the fanmeet in a daze, there were lots of fan supports and most fans were wearing pink! it was such a shame that i'm really very shy in person that i didn't get to interact with hyeppyendings that much :(
anyway! fanmeet time, the place is pretty big! the stage is quite elevated too so we can see everything clearly.
then here she comes. i really am not trying to exaggerate or anything but she really does look like an angel T__T it's like the background is instantly in a blur and all you can see is her. she has this kind of energy where you can't seem to take your eyes off her, like you're just, simply drawn to her as if it's the most natural thing. she loves doing eye contact too! which i find really sweet actually.. at times when the host's ments are taking a while and the translator still has to translate it, she takes the chance to look fans in the eye and do cute gestures! she even mouths words like 'have you eaten' :(
the scent of yoon segment was fun although i already know most of her answers from previous fan meets, heh. maybe it was the way she was doing her best to share the scent of the perfume to us, or because of her adorable reactions, or just.. she felt so much like a friend.
seeing her at first will make you starstruck of course, but it's her personality that warms you up and eventually end up find comfort with the familiar feeling of someone's existence. like it isn't the first time at all. her overall aura was just so heartwarming. to the point that i'm sure i'll keep that feeling in me for a long, long time.
i'm really not the type to take lots of fancams, but seeing her made me want to document it somehow. however, i don't think cameras are doing her beauty justice. so i just took short clips to remind myself of certain moments but most of the time, i was absorbing everything with my eyes. she's waaaay prettier in them after all.
and... the moment i did not expect at all. when the fan project cue was up, the entire crowd read the slogan saying 'i hope our little love becomes the biggest happiness for actress hyeyoon' which made her cry. this is the first time she cried in her fanmeets this year, and i was there, among the crowd, crying with her. i didn't know why, but i just feel for her. all the feelings of overflowing pride, happiness and comfort she brings all combined into tears. we were approaching the end of the fanmeet and of course, the reality of having to go our separate ways anytime soon is kinda adding up to that as well, haha.
hi-bye session! i think she was just 2-3 meters away during hi-bye. so close, i can almost see her lashes... wah. she's so pretty. i can no longer count how many times i've said that during the entire show and now she's even closer and i have the chance to tell her other things than just that. so i told her, '언니 기특해요!' the loudest i could. she said thank you, with her eyes looking touched and with hands forming a heart. it was barely 5 seconds but it felt soooo satisfying to be able to tell her that face to face. i know that alone isn't enough, but i think it was the best i could tell her given the circumstances. i poured my heart in the letter i gave her after all. after the whole thing, i just waited for a new friend i made that day and we cried together on one of the benches in front of the venue. just like what i did earlier that day.
my tears were partly because something i looked forward to for the longest time was finally over, and mostly because it was overwhelming. i had to go to the airport in two hours so i didn't have enough time to process the day that just went by but all i know is that i was really, really, genuinely happy.
hyeyoon, being one of the many people who love and support you is such an honor. it was such an honor to see you grow from your very first lead role to the actress that you are now. you're such a big source of joy and strength to my very busy life, and keeping up with the things that you do, be it translating, forming silly theories about your projects, or just talking with other fans felt like a breath of fresh air. you are someone i know i'll be rooting for for as long as i'm able to, so i hope you comfortably do whatever makes you happy. you're someone who touches people's lives in the best way possible and i could only wish we could be of the same kind of comfort to you. you are so very dear to me, and i can't wait to get more chances to meet you. till then!
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icharchivist · 6 months
Hekate's FE continues to be hilarious, because she concludes that the reason we're not getting nasty with crew members constantly is because of our sheltered upbringing and the adults in the crew coddling us, so clearly, it's up to her to teach us
So she tries to seduce the MC by bending over so her boobs jut out, or accidentally falling on top of us and pinning us down. Just pure Anime romcom. Anyway, Danchou doesn't bite, they're too sweet
In the end, after some other stuff, she decides to seduce us the old fashioned way by taking us on dates and stuff
But her end goal is still to trap the MC in a dream of her own creation and then fuck them in that dream to slowly suck out their life force
she's a succub and she has to work twice as hard to try to reach her goal
god this is terrible. thank you for sharing.
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track-walk · 5 years
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gentleoverdrive · 5 years
While trying to write for "Celica Wants a Confession. Otherwise? No dice", this little ditty came out and honestly? I'm kinda surprised it came together so quick.
@dolleyantoinette , @seasaltmemories, @a-link-to-the-emblem, @iraprince, @an-aura-about-you a bunch of the inspiration for this was thanks to you! Appreciate it.
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yoga with adriene tells me to breathe love out into the universe, so here’s some random ideal home (2018) things i love, having watched it for the millionth time yesterday:
i think the title of this movie is so perfect re: how it works on levels. obviously it’s the title of erasmus’s show! it also speaks to the fact that their house is amazing but doesn’t really become 100% a home until bill is there! and then, of course, from bill’s point of view, it’s an ideal home after growing up from motel to motel with parents who suffer from addiction and cannot take care of him! but also, in many ways, it’s not an ideal home -- just ask melissa from child protective services -- so it’s rather ironic! then you’ve got paul insisting all throughout that nyc is his ideal home, until finally he realizes that it isn’t. i tell you: levels.
this movie has made santa fe a dream vacation destination for me (even after frankie bergstein described it as a place where you have to enjoy finding snakes in your purse and hair!), which, i’m curious to see how that works out. it just feels so enchanted!! but that might be, like, amazing cinematography, etc.
i was like “ha ha, why is erasmus always wearing this giant fur coat, new mexico must be WARM all the time!”, and then i checked the temperature on my weather app and discovered it was 18 degrees there last night. i stand corrected! my knowledge of geography and weather is very limited indeed!
I AM GOING TO MEOW WOLF, WHATEVER THAT IS. one day!!!! (god, i wonder how they’re doing in covid time. i don’t want to know! D:)
the whole conceit of erasmus being a celebrity chef and paul being a fancy food critic and them sharing this life full of travel and nonsense and opulence making this cheesy pretentious tv show is SO funny and so well-realized that it honestly breaks my heart a little bit that this is a one-off film and not a tv series. this premise has such LEGS! (but, like, i get that the actors are film actors. whateverrrrrrr!)
it is so fun to have a romcom movie about a couple who’ve been together for a decade, because i don’t think we have enough stories that explore staying in love as opposed to falling in love. like, love doesn’t stop being interesting when you become a committed couple! it doesn’t stop being a journey!
i am So Obsessed with their house in this movie, which i think is so essential because you need to fall in love with the house and kind of feel like it’s a bit fairy tale-y the way that bill does. like, it’s ridiculous but in such a golden, glowing, wonderful kind of way??
the fact that erasmus’s cookbook is called spicy! hot! erasmus! is very important to me.
i love how paul and erasmus just buy bill literally anything he wants with absolutely no hesitation, to the point where they give him a macbook at taco bell (because of course they went to taco bell for the christmas meal and smuggled some wine in; this is taco bell’s fault for not having a wine list). it’s just so heart-wrenching to think of this kid who had nothing suddenly getting totally, wonderfully spoiled.
i really like how this movie depicts a character with anxiety in paul.
i cannot believe this movie singlehandedly breathed life back into timeless bop “everybody dance now!”. (that bit where melissa the social worker is over for dinner and erasmus dances in with handfuls of wine bottles and paul gestures at him like “GET OUT OF HERE, WE LITERALLY HAVE CPS OVER RIGHT NOW” and then has to turn it into a sassy snapping dance when melissa notices him? peak comedy!)
that little scene where they’re getting ready to go to bill’s christmas pageant and paul walks into the closet and tickles erasmus as they cross paths and erasmus is kinda, like, swatting him away is peak realism in depicting cohabiting couple life.
the way paul and erasmus’ eyes are both SHINING with TEARS in the dark in the scene where paul says he’s gonna move to new york???????
the ‘for the widows in paradise’ montage remains the finest emotionally compromising cinema i’ve ever witnessed. some might call the montage a fundamentally lazy device, but not in this movie, man!!!! the STORYTELLING and EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT and HEARTBREAK achieved in the span of that one song! i almost feel like the movie should end on that final shot as the song ends because it just packs such a sweet punch to the heart, but also, obvs the emotional closure of knowing definitively that bill gets to stay with them is excellent. (and it’s so cute how they’re all dressed all fancy at the hearing! and obviously that final conversation in the car is Not To Be Missed.)
this is, okay, talking about something that is in that montage, but that shot of paul watching erasmus get smaller in the side view mirror and then it cutting back to paul just looking absolutely torn apart with despair?? while the SUFJAN STEVENS BANJO STRINGS A-PLUCK TENDERLY??????
speaking of: i love all the music in this movie! the sorta lowkey-twangy score music is so pretty and soothing and really helps to build the overall lovely and magical atmosphere! also, that david gray song that plays while erasmus and bill go on a wild grocery store shopping spree has been stuck in my head for the past 24 hours.
(having your movie’s soundtrack consist of david gray, sufjan stevens, and “everybody dance now” is frankly a recipe for success in my book!!)
i cannot believe it took me this many viewings to have this question, but: why do they have so many kevin costner magnets?? where do you even GET those? why would you have even one?
i genuinely cannot believe that this movie is only 90 minutes long, because it feels so dang full of goodness. how do all these great things happen in one tiny movie?
‘you’ve got all the flavors. ........ blue.’
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nissakii · 3 years
9 Romance Animes you should watch
Who doesn’t know the feeling when you have just finished a bunch of Shounen animes filled with action or maybe some sad movie you simply cannot get over with that easily,
and all of a sudden the thought comes up, “ah it’s about time to watch some romance again.”
For those of you who are searching for an anime to satisfy your maiden hearts, here are 9 romance animes you should probably watch when you are craving for those little candies in your life!
Kaguya love is war
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Let’s start with a different kind of romance anime: Kaguya love is war!.
While the anime as well as the manga had received a lot of recognition and fanbase, there are still a lot of people who only know it for the memes (Fujiwara).
Despite it being another romcom Anime the fact that it’s built up in an interesting and strategic way. It doesn’t feel like a romance anime sometimes and even makes you feel if there is even a hint of that sappy love-story you might be craving.
But I can assure you, that anime will stir all kinds of emotions going from sad and tragic backstories that might let you shed a tear to laughter where you have to repeat one scene or another.
Next to the variety of characters that all have flaws, flaws and… even more flaws despite their good image at school, which makes them much more relatable and twisted that you might feel, finally not another perfect protag who gets all the girls/boys.
Because on both sides the mind games are on a high stack, yes mind games that’s the cue because Kaguya love is war is not a simple love story that plays in the most important years of highschool.
It’s a game of who will give in first, who weakens to succumb to their own feelings and confess to the other person, with all kinds of tricks and traps to get their ways.
Let’s not forget about external factors like other characters who put the whole strategy planned ahead to no avail and the funny ways of ridiculing some typical anime cliches.
With a lot of romance, psychology, humor and a hint of drama watching Kaguya love is war will be your out-of-the-ordinary romance anime that you surely don’t want to miss out.
Tonari no kaibutsu-kun
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Tonari no kaibutsu-kun is an anime which might not be as known and especially the manga who was even better didn’t get as much recognition.
It’s not a new-generation anime but still one you might want to watch for a change of pace.
Another synonym for the anime is my little monster matching the male part of the main cast.
The two main characters are not your usual shy girl and popular guy, but a hard-working emotionless highschool girl with no friends due to the fact that she doesn’t care at all about her social life and enjoys studying to secure a big job later on.
On the other hand, we have the boy who is not shown at the beginning since he was suspended from the get-go getting into fights and being feared by others yet turns out to be a little bit socially-inept and misunderstood by those around him.
Due to a coincidence and some misunderstandings those two collide and it’s not like you think a super cute shoujo-anime moment, not at all rather the potrayment of social anxiety on the boy’s side and being dragged into a mess on the girl’s side.
To not tell you too much, the interesting thing about this anime is actually not the pairing (which of course is too but) the development of each character, even the side characters.
Because in this series everyone gets their deserved screen time and character development, showing big problems highschool girls and boys alike tend to have around their ages and the social stigma around f.e your typical popular girl or the sporty gets along with everyone guy from the class next door.
If you already watched this series, but haven't read the manga yet I can only recommend you to do so, the stories of each character are told in depth there and it goes beyond the anime revealing interesting facts and arcs that were not shown in the anime.
Kimi Ni Todoke
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If you are a slow-burn romance fan like me, then Kimi Ni Todoke might be your next series to watch.
The title means “From me to you”, depicting the life of a female highschooler who gets misunderstood frequently by her peers as she looks like Sadako from the horror movie “The Ring”. As she is actually a very kind and optimistic soul her classmates and the people around her get too scared to even talk to her and start rumors that she is able to curse others. 
While the story goes on the girl starts to develop more and more, getting to know much more feelings and experiences through her classmates and the guy she admires.
It’s a lighthearted cute story with a lot of relatable issues that some of you might already have overcome or in midst of it.
Like the title says, the story focuses much more on the depiction of thoughts and feelings, how different the thoughts one person holds and it can or cannot reach another. Showing us the many sides of communication and trying to understand other people not by only relying on only what one thinks is the way to communicate but also adapt to the way others try to communicate, f.e shy characters who cannot always get their thoughts across.
It also revolves around how one perceives other people they have never engaged with and the main role of rumors and prejudices taking place in our society as well.
For some people this series may be a bit too long for a romance anime, having two seasons and a total of twenty-four episodes, but it’s worthwhile if you are interested in a more pure kind of romance that establishes slowly and step by step.
Akkun to Kanojo
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Sometimes for a change of pace seeking something easy and quick to watch might help you to sweep that small moment of romance into your life.
Akkun to Kanojo is a short series consisting of 25 Episodes in total but each episode is 3 to 4 minutes long if you cut the opening out it’s even shorter.
Still the story that is told might make you smile from time to time, as you see the romance between a male tsundere and a cute childhood friend unfold.
The concept of the male being the tsundere is really funny and has a little twist as most animes, especially romance animes usually depict the woman/girl as a tsundere type of character in that cast.
The pure love the male part actually bears for the female one is very cute yet a bit frustrating at the same time just like he does feel when seen from his perspective.
Which makes it even cuter is that the female part knows him very well as she doesn’t really get bothered by his tsundere traits and just plays them off not minding him even insulting her since she knows he doesn’t mean it like that.
The guy on the other hand blames himself and even tells himself he cannot get near to such a pure and beautiful being, whenever she leaves right afterward.
A funny romance comedy that skips the drama and fills the day with smiles and cuteness.
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
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Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun, one of the anime that makes you wonder which shipping you like the most but at the end leaves you behind since the romance aspect is always overshadowed by comedy.
And that is not a bad thing.
While the manga goes past the story told in the anime and even has some more romantic moments as well as crucial realizations, the anime gives the viewer a lot of content when it comes to diverse characters, funny moments, frustrating interruptions and even more.
At some points a lot of misunderstandings come up which I personally found so frustrating and hoped to finally get resolved, yet at the same time they had their own charm in pushing the story into another direction.
It’s a slice of life anime in the end which makes the story not too flashy, but the flashy characters compensate with the fact.
If you are searching for a romance anime where the comedy genre is heavily emphasized then this might be your next choice, since the anime is much more for laughter and enjoying the flow of character interactions and relationships than the actual romance as the focus point.
Honobono log
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Another short series anime with only 12 Episodes this time and they are less than two minutes long. Still it’s a refreshing depiction of the many ways of love going from fighting couples to a heartbroken girl and a family.
The interesting style of art, the way how sounds and music are used, and the vibe in general just puts you at ease and let’s you enjoy the story with a light heart.
Especially after a hard day watching this short series feels like a wonderful way to slowly get into your deserved relaxation mood.
Ouran Highschool Host club
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A classical one that most of you probably already watched and if not, then this is one of the animes you should really add to your list.
Ouran highschool host club could be viewed as one of the older animes that just rushes your mind back into a nostalgic mood, and the original story behind it still influences a lot of people outside.
It’s about a girl who dresses as a boy, not to be admitted or because she feels that way, no because she doesn’t care at all how she looks and how people perceive her making others mistake her for a boy.
She does not really intentionally make people view her that way, and events of coincidences caused her to get the final blow as she destroys a vase and is forced to join the host club of her school to pay it off.
Of course the leader of the club thinks she is a boy until he realizes the Fe before the male part is very present but he was too dense to realize it.
A story with a lot of character development, building  relationships, finding yourself and many other important topics starts from here on.
The many characters that represent the host club is what makes the series so charming and with the female lead not being your typical female protag as well.
As she is a very independent, cold and goal-oriented character who doesn’t care about romance at all yet has a natural charisma of her own.
A slow-paced romance anime with a lot of stories and derives from your usual storyline, a must watch for those of you who haven’t yet.
Kaichou wa Maid-sama
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Another classic to add on your list with a feisty female lead and a funny teasing male lead who doesn’t seem to care for anything at all, beside teasing the student council president who is the female lead.
The student council president is known for being strict, not standing boys and doesn’t fear to speak her mind when she sees things going wrong at school, actively taking part that the school rules are being followed.
But her school is mostly filled with boys and undisciplined ones on top of that making her being feared for chewing each of them out with no remorse or hesitation.
There is a little problem though, when the handsome and cool male lead suddenly finds out that she is part-timing as a maid in a maid-cafe after school to support her family financially. And he doesn’t simply tell her secret, no it gets worse.
He visits her frequently, keeping the secret for himself and threatening her into hanging out with him or talking to him, even forcing her to be his maid at work.
An interesting development of storyline and plot, with two people coming from different backgrounds  and getting to know each other's real sides as they move forward towards a complex relationship.
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
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What is the best way to find love for an otaku? Fall in love with another otaku.
This romance comedy anime takes place in the world of work where the characters are all already older and mature than the usual highschool love setting.
As the female-lead switches workplaces in order to hide the fact she is a yaoi-fangirl and her secret passion for anime, she meets her handsome school friend again who is a video-game otaku.
Both of them go out for drinks and make fun of their situations being both different kinds of otakus, the sudden purpose of trying to date comes up and so a weird start of a relationship between two otakus takes place.
Additionally a lot of characters join the cast with different kinds of love stories of their own having one couple that constantly fights and doesn’t look like one at all, as well as side characters with their insecurities.
The everyday life of an otaku couple starts and we follow their story into the twists and fun of being in a relationship, as well as the insecurities and concerns that come with it.
A series for a different kind of romance that makes you wonder how different couples can be and the importance of accepting your true self.
Did you already watch any of this series?
Or do you think there is another must watch romance anime?
Drop it in the comments!
Well then let me now return to my lonely tea,
forever single Makii
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half-anidiot · 4 years
a summary of the notes on my phone:
a snippet i wrote on a prompt
another snippet
the order of the marvel movies
some random moods that i made with "aesthetic" words
another snippet
a collection of the character likes and dislikes for rf4
a halfway decent angst ridden poem
some basic words in korean, french, and japanese??
a list of things my friends had never experienced so i could make sure they did
a song i wrote for someone no longer in my life
a timestamp of where i was in the lego movie
a random character sheet for a dnd character that i never finished
an rp summary
the words "eat, garden, fish, sing, cook"
likes for fe: 3h
a list of my favorite series, novels, songs, and movies
an angsty halfway decent song
some old childhood shows to rewatch
a bunch of school info
the only song ive ever been pround of writing (its about graduating)
songs i need to listen to
a list of umbrella academy fics
a list of ferdibert fics
a list of marvel fics
a very gay somewhat cute song i wrote
another umbrella academy fic
two sentences of planning for a wip of mine
some instagram accounts
a recording of a song i wrote to see how it sounded when i sang it
a twitter link my friend sent me
a list of gifts i got my friends for christmas
a depressing song i wrote about myself when i felt like shit
a link for school
a possible lesbian wip title
this random teen romcom summary i wrote
food for after my braces are off
an address
a recording of a song i wrote
books/short stories to read
a poem i was quite proud of
more fics
a summary of me when i conaidered applying for an admin spot on an lgbt ig account
random description of a possible character
full summary of a wip and the mcs
half a song
the words "ghost lights"
four sentences that sound pretty together
shows to watch
half a song
description of how i was feeling
my hellhole 3.0 - aka where the spiral thoughts go
and everything from things i like to my height in cm to what kind of tomato i would be
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veroticker · 4 years
Hike hike, baby - Xavier Neal
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You can buy the book on Amazon.
Summary (from Amazon)
Pause, take a breath, and glisten...
That's the better way to phrase Yasmine Brown sweating to death on her first hike, which is, obviously her punishment for being too cheap or too stubborn to buy the outdoor-loving woman she calls her best friend a stupid gift.
Most people are willing to accept her famous baked desserts as the perfect present. After all, she is an internationally renowned pastry chef.
Unfortunately, that trick doesn't work when your best friend is also your employee.
One little trek to make the birthday brat happy won't kill her, right?
Halt, take a sip, oh no, she's slippin'...
One minute Sutton Thisleton is having a drink, and the next he's helping the most gorgeous woman he's ever crossed paths with out of the small hole she fell into.
Most people wouldn't see this as the right opportunity to grab a date. They also wouldn't wander from city to city because the wind seemed to shift them another direction one random afternoon.
Good thing he's never been most people.
One assisted hop back to the vixen's vehicle won't completely change his life, right?
What will happen when these two opposite worlds continuously collide?
Will they find a way to create a sweet, long lasting treat together, or will it end with one of them being told to take a permanent hike?
“I’m melting.
I’m literally fucking melting.
I’m literally fucking melting like an ice cream cake some dumbass left unattended on the picnic table on the hottest day of the year, in the hottest place on this whole goddamn planet.
With the puddle my dark chocolate skin seems to be creating at the tips of my red tennis shoes, I can easily say: that wicked witch bitch has nothing on me.
Another sweat droplet cascades down the side of my face causing me to sneer.
This shit is unacceptable outside of the kitchen, except for, I guess, sex, but I haven’t had the latter in far too long to recall if sweating is an accolade to your impressive stamina or negative assessment to your out of shape nature.
My head hangs forward as I try to appease my burning lungs with air.
Okay, so I’m not the most fit person on the planet, obviously, but I wouldn’t call myself out of shape. Hustling around a commercial kitchen is hard work, especially when you own and operate the business. No, it’s not like jogging a stupid marathon or going cross country for charity, but it’s still vigorous. I’m still on my feet every day sweating my tits off. I still do more than the ten thousand steps or whatever it is the smart watch I got as a gift from my youngest sister tells me I should be doing for my size. And I damn sure am moving twice, if not three, times as much as the skinny Minnie birthday girl who talked me into doing this bullshit to celebrate her “special day”.
Why couldn’t we have gone out for a nice steak dinner and glass of wine?
Or a cheap steak dinner and shots?
Maybe even a tacky nightclub and wine coolers?
Where’s the alcohol that should always accompany birthday accommodations?
“You comin’?” Eddie Shaw, Sienna’s husband, asks from the bottom of the path I hadn’t realized they had already made it down.
I force my face his direction.
That fe-fi-foxy giant of a man is just as at home as she is in this wilderness. 6’5 and built like the lumberjack who is not afraid to chop down any tree in the forest. From the stories his wife tells, tree trunks aren’t the only hardwood he’s capable of swinging.
While I want that, dear God do I want that, I’m on the verge of thirty-five and willing to simply settle for a…thick stick being thrown my general direction.
Desperation has a fun way of dropping a woman’s standards.
Not that I need a man in my life.
It’d just be nice to have someone to share experiences with.
Call to vent to when my best friends, who are also my employees, are frustrating the shit out of me.
Have crawl between my legs at night instead of the neon red BOB I upgraded myself to for Christmas.
Perhaps this year, I’ll get one of those models that comes with an earpiece so you can listen to a sexy male — who sounds like Idris Elba — talk dirty to you.
Swear on my favorite oven that if those exist, I will get one.
“I don’t think she heard me,” Eddie innocently states to his wife.
“She heard you.” Her swift correction is followed by her brushing a long strand of her brown hair away from her face. “She’s just not done mentally cursing me out for making her do this.”
I point her direction before promptly tapping the tip of my nose.
His deep laugh freely echoes across the lush foliage, and the love of his life can’t help but grin.
Ignoring the second pang of jealousy is hard.
It’s not like their marriage is perfect.
It’s not like neither have flaws.
Hell, on this hike alone, they’ve gotten into at least three arguments…only one of which I am convinced was in good spirits.
But they still have…each other.
They’ve still managed to find someone who compliments their souls…who they want involved in all aspects of their lives…whose bullshit they willingly tolerate…
It’s a beautiful relationship to have.
Unfortunately, for me, as the years tick on by, it’s becoming more and more apparent I’m the only person in my little world who has an open position no one is interested in filling. We’re not just talking about unwilling to grab an application. No. We’re talking cross to the other side of the street to avoid even making eye contact with the store.
Sometimes I get the feeling I’m gonna be married to my macaroons forever.”
(review under the cut)
(audiobook) In one word, delightful! It was funny, sweet, sexy, insightful, full of body positivity. The narrators were both excellent.
You get a black tall curvy girl who’s full of insecurity but lives her dreams with a pastry shop, and a blond demi-god who sees beauty in everything and can’t stay in one place forever because he wants to visit the world. And you get the beautiful story of how they find each other and they learn to compromise to make their relationship work.
It’s a mature story. The major problems they encounter come from themselves, and they just have to grow up and change their way of seeing things. All of that with a lot of humor and a touch of sexy.
I also enjoyed the author’s way with words--I read some words that I’m not used seeing in romance novels (or any novel, actually). It’s both witty and poetic. I really loved some of her sentences.
I waited a long time to hear/listen to this one, and I wasn’t disappointed.
Series: standalone
Hashtags: #romcom #opposites attract #interracial romance #curvy girl #instalove
Triggers: suggestion of underage sex (in the past)
Main couple: Yasmine Brown & Sutton Thistleton
Hotness: 5/5
Romance: 5/5
+ Sutton’s free spirit and his way of seeing the world
- some side characters were more annoying than interesting
Stalker mode
You can suscribe to Xavier Neal’s newsletter on her website.
You can also follow her on Facebook.
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emsartwork · 5 years
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ask dump! Separated loosely by topic 
Questions and Comments
1. is this a homestuck thing. this is a homestuck thing isnt it  2. lol i love doing both!!! i love world building but i also like trying my hand at redesigning the mess that is canon fashion. @theoretical-artist​ 3. thank you!!! oritel and marion are in this post! 4. ayyyyy inginio hit me up (thank you lol) 5. Thank you! 6. maybe? i’ll see if i get around to it, i still have a few characters to get to so the school fairies and the last two selkies might show up with them 7. probably not.... it would be super fun but unless it was a commission i don’t feel like i have time haha 8. I’ve seen their blog around!! i can’t remember if i follow or not but i know who ur talking about and they cool @winxy-writing @winxys-written-world
Character and Worlbuilding
1. My brilliant nerd daughter!!! She sometimes gets so into coding or a video game she forgets to eat or drink so the girls watch out for her. She’s prone to dissociating, especially if the situation is emotional. Her hair is really soft. she actually loves sappy romantic things but has trouble accepting them or vocalizing that she wants them because they’re impractical/illogical. she discovered romcoms when she got to alfea and they are her ultimate guilty pleasure(only flora knows abt this and is always slipping recs to her) 2. They’re weirdly one of my fav couples??? like maybe its because i relate to and have projected onto both of them lmao. but any ways. Daphne and Thoren actually met when they were kids, but didn’t spend much time together because it was at a formal event. Daphne is technically 20 years older than Thoren(only a few years older than Sky), but they’re the same physical age because Daphne spent so long as a spirit. They probably wouldn’t get married as quickly in my version, especially with Daphne’s trauma. Daphne will have nightmares sometimes and Thoren has a whole routine for comforting her and helping her feel safe and grounded. Thoren gets anxious easily, and Daphne will use her magic to subtly change the environment so he feels more comfortable. they like to watch reality tv together and yell at dramatic people. 3. omg yes. this was the most frustrating thing i was watching through winx with my dad like a month ago and every time bloom called her adoptive parents by their first names i yelled at her lol. she would call Vanessa mama and Mike daddy(if you make a kink joke i will eat your liver). She would call Marion and Oritel mom and dad.  4. Yeah kind of! part of her exhaustion in Dowlland was the fact that she had been in fairy mode for so long, hiking underground, and tossed around in a river like??? anybody would need a pick me up after that. She (and all solarians) do have to live where there’s a lot of natural light as they require a high amount of vitamin d(or the equivalent of it for solarians). short trips usually aren’t a problem, Stella is just hella unlucky in the second season lmao. @moonpeachblossom 5. the short answer as to why she’s a blond (scottish??? in one of the dubs???) in an asian inspired culture/planet is because racism (or not so short bcus its a lot to unpack honestly). the answer in my version however is a pretty simple fix. She bleaches her hair. she’s paler than musa but she aint white.  6. I haven’t really yet!! Helia is struggling with his two fairly opposed cultural influences, trying to figure what he wants and whats right for him. He was raised on Lynphea but had frequent trips to Vaonaa. Lynphea is very grounded, they’re slow and steady and stubborn. Vaonaa is much more flexible, they’re flighty and spontaneous and easily adaptable. Helia’s dads love eachother and helia very much but they are VERY different people and both want different things from Helia(they try not to pressure too much but the expectations are still there). Helia’s Vaonaaj dad wants him to pursue magic, specifically wind or air magic. Helia’s Lynphean dad wants him to become a warrior. Helia feels like he’s kind of a misfit in both Vaonaaj and Lynphean culture. It took a while, but he did finally confide his feelings in Flora and she encouraged him to talk with his dads about finding his niche.  7. oooooooh fun fun relationshipsssss Bloom and Sky: so bloom and sky aren’t the most stable couple, and in my version it would take bloom a little longer to be ok with dating a prince. Bloom is fairly insecure in her relationships because of self worth issues, and tend to run away from problems instead of dealing with them. Sky on the other hand is confident but doesn’t really know how to handle people’s feelings and tends to push confrontation. I do believe that with better writing Sky and bloom could be a dope couple but as is in canon they’re VERY problematic.  Stella and Brandon: babies. they love each other so much its the best omg. Stella finds her worth in her appearance but she always seems to take brandon’s complements in a less.... arrogant way? if that makes sense? like she truly appreciates them and wants his support. i wish we knew more about Brandon but he’s legit such a good boyfriend. I think they fight mostly when Stella is being a little selfish, or when Brandon is too busy to meet her emotional needs. Flora and Helia: MORE BABIES. so Helia is more of a drama queen in the comics but we’ll ignore that for right now lol. Flora and Helia are probably the least problematic couple in the entire show. They met. Flirted a little. Confessed. and started dating with out any major problems. if i can remember correctly they don’t even really fight??? unless icy has frozen helia’s heart or something lol. I think both Helia and Flora’s love language is quality time so they’re fairly low key and just like to be in the same space and each other.   Musa and Riven: boy oh boy. Ok so, ignoring the several times Riven was LITERALLY MIND CONTROLLED his character is still difficult to deal with. I think Musa and Riven are both very intense people, and while that can be super fun and develop into a good relationship, it can also lead to LOTS of problems. I think my major problem with how they broke up was that Musa didn’t support Riven’s training? like i understand being upset you can’t see ur person often, or if they’re really busy, but Riven supported Musa’s music several times in the previous seasons it just seemed weird Musa was so unfairly demanding of him? Tecna and Timmy: nerd babies. They’re super cute honestly. I think Timmy was probably the one to instigate the relationship and bonded with Tecna over technology since she wasn’t super emotionally available at first. They have issues when Tecna is unable to voice her emotions and timmy needs to know what she’s feeling mostly, but after the first few times they’ve both learned to give the other space to figure their stuff out. Aisha and Nabu: ugh perfect couple. minus the kind of sketchy beginning lol. Aisha and Nabu generally don’t fight once they get used to each other. Nabu is a focal point that aisha is kind of bungee corded to if that makes sense? like obvi not in a restricting way. its just Aisha is hella active and needs her own space to explore and grow, but Nabu is her solid ground that she relies on.  Aisha and Nex: i actually don’t hate nex as much as the rest of the fandom lol. so like i said Aisha is an active, independent woman, and if Nabu was a separate, stationary, focal point for her, I think Nex is related, moving, counter point. So like Nex can actually keep up with Aisha, and push her and challenge her. Which isn’t a bad thing in relationships so long as a mutual respect is there.   8. well. canon is a little..... messy. My version of the girls definitely retain their individualism. for other differences... they’re just a little more fleshed out? i guess? like Bloom’s moody behavior in the show i think is because of her insecurity issues, so that plays a part in how i draw her and think of her.  9. ok wow this is gonna be tough well here we go Sky: I think sky is an ESTJ he’s not super emotional(inf Fe) but can lean toward controlling(dom Te). he seems to like tradition and think social promises are important(Si). Brandon: ESFJ. Brandon is the mom friend of the boys ok. He goes along with sky’s crazy plans, tries to subtly set Riven up with musa(season 1 i think?), some how managed to land a social butterfly like Stella and seems to just navigate social situations REALLY easily(dom Fe). he also seems to hate being disrespected or taken for granted(Si) stella does this occasionally.  Timmy: ISFJ???? thats the vibe i get hear me out ok so in season 2 Timmy gets tecna the exact computer part she needs because 1. He knows they both like things to be practical(Si) 2. He knows and remembered the part she was talking about and filed it away in his brain(Ti) and 3. He and Tecna bonded over tech (Fe) Riven: honestly he’s a tough one.... Maybe a really stunted and angry ISFJ? (speaking from personal experience i am an ISFJ) i don’t have a real reason why but riven’s behavior is really confusing in the show so it makes typing tough..... possibly INTJ as well....... Helia: ISFP. Lmao I might be basing this entirely off of stereotypes but helia has a strong pacifist belief and can be moody(Fi, and more in the comics lol) is attuned to his surroundings(Se) seems pretty focused??(Ni) and i can’t think of his Te showing up be it is an inferior  Nabu: ISTJ weirdly a good fit with Aisha(ESTP) tho?? even though he’s an Si dom, he doesn’t go along with the arranged marriage because its not what he believes(Fi) and he’s stubborn about it(Te). Roy: ENFJ honestly just a cutie. He’s personable(Fe), focused for the most part(Ni), and is comfortable in his environment(Se).  Nex: ENTP? maybe?? He’s pretty impulsive and has that “work around” mentality I associate with ENTPs.... idk this one doesn’t seem to fit super well...  Thoren: Maybe INFJ?? i mean thoren honestly doesn’t have a lot of screen time but he’s attentive(Ni), and tries to take care of people(Fe). most of the infj’s i know are fun but weird lol, but i think thoren has anxiety so that could play into him being less “out there” in his behavior.  if any of yall have input on this feel free to let me know. 10. ooooooh good question. So I’m basing these on their parent’s name and the names of people from their planet. Bloom: Hestia or Enya, i also think she got sent to earth with an article of clothing or a blanket that had her name on it, which is why her name is the same lmao Stella: Stella is actually named pretty appropriately considering the other names we have are Luna, Radius, Nova, Chimera, and Casandra, all of those are fairly latin/roman based names.  but she could also be called Clara, Aura, Venus etc. Musa: Her mom and dad have very asian sounding names but the princess of melody is named Galatea, so honestly anything is on the table. Aulos, Hee-Young, Jia Li, Kaida, etc. Tecna: lol everybody on Zenith has ridiculous names so im just loosely basing them off of sciencey stuff. Nobelia, Xenon, Titania. Aisha: I actually really like Aisha’s name! Ayize, Sizani, Mehrbano would work tho. Flora: what even is the naming system of Lynphea i don’t understand it. Im gonna make them vaguely naturey and European-ish?? Calla, Terra, Rowan, Willow, I could go on and on there are so many plant names. 11. Hmmm yeah, so basically in my world a person with TOO MUCH magic gets overwhelmed and kinda goes a little crazy(the ancestral witches) the same thing happens with tritannus when he gets the emperor's throne power. He’s loyal to icy and she to him until he looses his ability to think clearly and turns on icy, icy gets freaked out and leaves with her sisters when they swoop in to rescue her. they don’t so much “break up” as they are “broken up” by the circumstances. In general Tritannus does really like Icy, hes attracted to her ambition and powerful personality. Icy started out just manipulating Tritannus but caught feelings oops 12. Yeah so, humans in general can withstand a lot of wild magic as their body “metabolizes” it quickly. Kalshara(the cat lady you don’t know the name of) used extremely concentrated samples, combined with other spells to keep the wild magic in her body permanently. If a human with out a properly developed magic biome (a lot of earthians only have a low functioning one) get exposed to a wild magic source they would probably gain some aspects of fairy animals, probably not like, fur, or anything but eye and hair color changes, maybe some patterns on the skin. but there’s also the chance that they would just.... die..... cus that happens with animals too lmao sry. @weirdghostly
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