#featuring lil rowan here
tallbluelady · 5 months
"Don't even try to get up" || "Watch me!" *stumbles and falls on the ground*
(this one is too funny not to send!)
"Rowan, lay back down, you're sick and need your rest," Papa scolded.
"I can stand up just fine!" She stood up on the bed, got woozy, then collapsed down into her pillows.
Papa sighed and brought a steaming mug over to her. "You need rest. Your mama is getting more medicine so you won't be so dizzy."
"Why does dizzy feel like it's in my ears?" Rowan grumbled.
"Because it is. Your humours are out of balance, and the kind in your ears are effected by the kind in your eyes and nose."
"That's gross!"
"That's life, little tree," Papa stroked her hair. "Try breathing in the steam through your nose."
Rowan did as she was bid and felt a little better. Enough that she wanted to stand and play again.
"Will you lie still if I tell you a secret about dragons?" Papa asked.
Eyes wide, Rowan grabbed her stuffed blue rabbit and nodded. Papa never liked to talk about his time as a dragoon, even if he did train her and Ellant how to use a spear.
"One of the main ways that we dealt with dragons was to make sure they couldn't fly. Sometimes that was slicing up their wings so they couldn't flap them, or their legs so they couldn't launch. Or -" he gave Rowan a conspiratorial look, "it was to affect their balance."
"How'd you do that?"
"Many times, a dragoon would strike at the base of their tails. It was safer to do that many times, but if you didn't get through the dragon's hide, it didn't do much," Papa said. "If you had a good archer, however, you could trust them to shoot at the dragon's ears and eyes."
"But those are small targets!" Rowan said, "And dragons move, don't they?"
Papa nodded gravely. "They move so much, little tree. But one good arrow in the eye or ear of a dragon could spell the end of them, if it didn't kill them outright."
"Because they were blind and dizzy?"
"Aye, even if it's just a dizzy dragon it makes it so much easier to slay. So that's why we want you to stay still and regain your balance, dear."
Rowan pouted. "But I'm not fighting dragons."
"No, you're not. And I pray you never do, but fate oft works against my wishes. But if you hurt your balance now and have to fight a dragon, I don't want you to die because you're dizzy, do you hear me?"
She nodded. "Aye, Papa."
"That's a good girl. You can read if you'd like, but you need to lie down for a while."
Rowan nodded again. "Can you get me a book?"
Papa smiled. "Is there one you'd particularly like to read, little tree?"
"Can you get me the one from Sharlyan?"
"Of course."
Thanks for the prompt!
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echoing--stars · 10 months
Hi Worm! Saw an ask challenge going around, so here you go:
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love 💕
I haven't been on tumblr much recently so it took a while to respond - sorry! Also not sure who's already done this oops ---
Hmm five fics.. It's hard to choose!
Spirit Cold has a special place as like a keystone for my Through Fire We Soar fic. Where we finally find out some of the secrets Warriors has been keeping and see his other form for the first time. For anyone not familiar with the series, it's a shapeshifting AU, and for the best experience, I recommend starting at the beginning. Even if some of the earlier ones are a little rough
Warm Your Weary Bones is another TFWS fic. Featuring Wild being a soft caretaker and a good friend. And this one is earlier than Spirit Cold, so there are some allusions to Warriors' secrets.
Wings on Fire is an interesting take on a wing au (imo). Wars' wings were injured in the war and are partially replaced by prosthetics. So some of the feathers and part of one wing are made of metal (it's fantasy, so it works XD he can't fly though). I'd love to return to this AU at some point
Sweet Tooth is one of my favorite fics featuring Rowan! Just a cute lil pre-relationship fic featuring cake/cookie decorating
Cutting Room Floor is an interesting one! I did a self-imposed challenge of writing a little ficlet every day for Warriors week on the LU server. I have a giant list of prompts for myself and picked them at random (by having people pick a number between 1 and ??) so it's a random little collection. It was a lot of fun though! (And bonus, my fic Leaves from the Vine was also from this challenge. I just thought it deserved it's own fic)
Thank you for the ask!
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mythleague · 10 months
Some old Boomer asks me about my Gender - Sinnoh Journey Begins
If you want to know the rules for this pokemon "challenge" check the pinned post here
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(Image Description: A trainer card featuring Platinum's female trainer avatar and the name Saga)
Fun fact, while I am old enough to have played Yellow, Gold, and Sapphire around the time they came out, I didn't actually get to play gen 4 until a couple years ago because my mom stopped buying us handheld consoles after the SP. This is my third time playing Platinum.
As has been customary since Pokemon Crystal, we start off with some old guy asking me about my Gender and Name. I pick the girl avatar and name myself Saga (my favorite online pseudonym). I could name my rival, but darnit if Barry just doesn't feel like the perfect name for the little blonde weirdo.
After succumbing to peer-pressure from blondie, Professor Rowan shows up to offer us our starter pokemon. I pick Turtwig so Barry will have type advantage, and I've already used PKHex to place my actual starter at the front of my party to ensure we start the first battle with him.
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(Image Description: Screenshot of a battle between a level 5 male Chimchar, and a level 5 Land Form Shaymin. The Battle text reads "What will Joringel do?")
At this level, little Joringel knows Defense Curl and Swift. Swift doesn't take out even half of Chimchar's hp, but for some reason, Barry only wants to use Leer for this battle so it's an easy win.
After a light scolding from my mother she finally gives me the running shoes (I'm so glad they did away with that gimmick in later gens) and I set off towards Sandgem, only to be stopped again by my hair brained bestie who peer pressures me once-again into trying to catch a legendary pokemon (man we are weak-willed in this game!) at the nearby lake.
Alas our little legendary-finding-adventure is derailed, first by a monologue from some random, wandering nihilist, and then by the fact that we, in fact, don't even have any pokeballs! Bestie decides we ought to go ask the professor for some and runs off before I can remind him that that was, in fact, where I was going anyway. *sigh* Well, at least the adventure can now officially begin.
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(Image description: Land Form Shaymin from summary page. It has a Luxury Ball, the name Joringel, and a level of 6.)
Don't worry lil' guy, I'd never replace you with some watery tart.
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singingangel · 2 years
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Welcome to Amanda's Shitty Cooking Show: Today was a good day, I'm down a few lbs from my weigh in at my physical today. So a quick trip to the mall for lunch was in order. Red Robin has their special menu running, featuring this lil guy, a brisket burger! It was just a hint of spicy with some good moist brisket. (Makes me wonder how a Rowan Senpai Father brisket burger would taste, maybe I'll find out one day.) The garlic fries stole my heart though. Crispy, vaguely cheesy, and with some nice actual garlic pieces, 10/10 will order bottomless again. Here's to progress! #ASCS (at Lowell, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfFt1wrMMIs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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manonblaqkbeak · 3 years
Fire and Ice
hello, hope you’re all doing well. i’m doing a double feature today since its the 20th here in aus. so todays fic is for day 19 and 20 (like, if u squint lol).
its a lil bit more angsty then i planned for it to be in the beginning, but its got some fluff at the end. (also, again, i borrowed the 10 month pregnancy plot from acotar)
1.9k words
The bathroom tiles were cool against Aelin's clammy skin as she slowed her breathing. As she willed herself to stop feeling so dizzy.
Four months into her first pregnancy and Aelin soon came to realise what the worst part of pregnancy; the morning sickness.
Or, as Aelin liked to call it, 'whenever it rutting happened' sickness. Morning, midnight, dawn, she often found herself running towards a bathroom, emptying her stomach loudly for the whole damned kingdom to hear.
She was aware of the rumours flying around, that there were friendly bets going throughout the city as to whether or not Terrasen was going to have a prince or princess (apparently, the majority were betting for a boy, but Aelin didn't care what she had, as long as they were healthy), but neither her or Rowan confirmed the pregnancy, and so the rumours stayed as gossip, until she and Rowan were comfortable enough to officially announce it.
Aelin wanted to wait because of how hard it was to conceive—it had taken her and Rowan over three years to be successful, and while she knew that three years wasn't that long, it was still hard when nothing happened—and was scared that if she said it out loud, then something horrible would happen. She hadn't even told her friends, although she knew that they knew; the rumours would have reached them. She appreciated that they hadn't asked either of them. Other than Rowan, the only other person that knew of her pregnancy was her personal healer, Magnolia. Other than Yrene, the demi-Fae was a healer than Aelin felt comfortable around, because even after a decade later, she still had nightmares about her time in Maeve and Cairn's cruel hands, the never ending chain of healers coming to fix her so she could be tortured again and again.
Rowan wanted to wait because of everything that happened to Lyria and their child. There were many nights when Aelin would wake up and find Rowan just watching her, his hand against her slowly growing stomach, and not only could she see the pain in his eyes as he thought back on what happened all those centuries ago, she could also feel it, like a living thing. Aelin knew that Rowan did his best to stop her from sensing his dread, but she wasn't a fool, and she would have known how he was feeling even if they didn't have the bond between them, even if she was miles away, she would know.
The bathroom door opened and Rowan was helping her up, his hands warm and gentle against her clammy skin.
Aelin was far too tired to ask if one of her handmaids called for Rowan after Aelin ran from their shared closest and into the bathroom, or if he felt her distress through the bond.
It was probably both. She would ask once her head stopped spinning.
Resting her head against her mate's chest, Aelin breathed in his scent, letting the pine-and-snow of him calm her senses. His strong arms wrapped around her, his tattooed hand running up and down the length of her spine as his right hand was a steady presence against her lower back.
How long they stayed like that, Aelin wasn't sure, but once her head stopped spinning, she rinsed her mouth out to get rid of the pungent vomit taste that was lingering. Once satisfied that the taste was gone, Aelin let Rowan lead her to bed—not the closest.
“Rowan—” she started to say, but her husband cut her off.
“That was a strong one, and Magnolia said that it's best to rest afterwards.” So he felt it through the bond, then. “I'll take over, and you can stay in and read that book you've been eyeing all week.”
She should say no, that she was fine, but a day of rest did sound nice and probably something she desperately needed without knowing it—and she really had been wanting to read the book that Dorian had sent her the other week (which she had to write a detailed review of when she sent it back. It was one of her favourite past times, especially if it was a book that Dorian loved, but she didn't particularly like, because his response to her review was always the most dramatic thing that always made her laugh).
“Fine,” Aelin said, “I'll rest and you can go deal with Head Teacher of the Academy.”
Rowan groaned at the mention. The Fae male that ruled the magic school was nice, but just so damned pedantic that he had a say about everything. And everything was falling apart, according to him, despite the fact that the school was built only five years ago. “I swear,” Rowan grumbled, “that if he complains to me that the school halls aren't the right shade of brown, I'll throw him out the window.”
Aelin laughed, because she had said the same thing when the male had come around complaining that the roof tiles were crooked last month and she had sent Rowan to check on said tiles (and what a surprise to absolutely no one that the tiles weren't at all crooked), but that wasn't enough for the Head Teacher, when he came back the next week, he wanted the tiles replaced.
If he wasn't so damned talented and good with children and running the school, she would have had him fired for being a nuisance. But unfortunately, neither she or Rowan couldn't just get rid of him because he was annoying.
“Make sure that your shirt is tucked in neatly, or you'll get the same speech about cleanliness like last time.”
Rowan flared his nostrils at that, but said nothing as he got up and changed his crumpled tunic for a fresh one—not at all tucked in—and began his fussing.
Truthfully, she was surprised that he lasted that long.
He left her a glass of water, and a pitcher full of the liquid on her nightstand, and the bowl of seasonal fruit next to it. Next was opening the balcony doors to let in the fresh air, and then the fluffing of pillows and straightening of the quilt and bed sheets—Aelin may have teased him a little by saying that the sheets were too tight, and then too loose, having to bite her lip to stop herself from laughing as he huffed at her ever-changing mind, until she decided that the sheets were just right after five minutes of readjusting.
Aelin watched it all with a small smile on her face, even as she grumbled about his fussing tendencies—but she knew he did it from a place of love, and that he wanted her and the baby to be comfortable.
He even went as far as to check her forehead, and gave her a wash cloth to freshen her up from her earlier sweating. At least she was already in a cotton nightgown and didn't have to get changed—although she knew that if she had too, Rowan would have brought the clothes over himself.
Once he was satisfied that Aelin was comfortable, he left with a kiss on the lips and a promise that he would see her once he was free, Aelin cracked open the book, but fell asleep thirty minutes later with an unexpected headache, a hand on her stomach.
It was a rare day when Rowan had an empty afternoon, there was always someone to see, something to do, someone to write back to, that when Rowan finished his meeting with the Lords and Ladies of Terrasen and there was no one waiting for him in the audience chamber, Rowan was the first to leave the meeting, needing to check on Aelin. He hated how pale she looked when he left, but when he spoke to Magnolia quickly, the skilled healer told him that it was perfectly normal, but she would check in on Aelin to make sure that everything was okay—and since he wasn't called for during any of his meetings, he took that as a sign that things were fine.
The fact that the bond was quiet also assured him. He had tugged on it during at some point when one of the Lords was rambling, and he got a tired tug back, effectively telling him that Aelin was sleeping. So he let her be, and he sat in his worried state alone.
Rowan was excited for the baby, to take this step with Aelin, but Gods, he'd also hadn't been this tense, this paranoid that something was going to happen in so long. Rowan didn't think he'd feel like himself until he held their child in his arms, but Aelin still had six months to go.
And sometimes...sometimes he found himself wondering about the child he lost with Lyria. What they would have looked liked, if they would have been tall and broad like him, or slim like her. He also wondered how long their child would have been safe before Maeve claimed the child, having them trained to be a warrior like Rowan, or if Maeve would have cast them aside like she had done to Lyria, who Maeve saw as nothing but a pawn to use and toss aside.
His thoughts kept spiralling, his mind going from one thing and another, but stopped when he heard the sloshing of water and a relived sigh once he got closer to his rooms. He made his way through the space and soon came to the bathroom where Aelin was resting against the porcelain tub. Her skin was a light pink from the hot water, but otherwise looked healthy.
Rowan just stood and watched her for a moment and let the contentment from the bond wash over him. The steam danced through the air, carrying Aelin's scent with it, and the indescribable scent of their child within her.
“Are you going to stand there all afternoon?” Aelin asked, her eyes still closed, “or are you going to join me?”
Rowan decided to join her, managing to hold back his wince as he made contact with the boiling water—how Aelin found the hot as hell water relaxing he would never know.
When he was comfortably behind her, Aelin leaned against his chest, and took his hands and placed them against her growing belly.
“Magnolia visited me a few hours ago,” she said. “She says that soon the nausea will pass.”
“Good,” he said, letting the words settle in him.
Rowan was about to lean back against the bath when Aelin's fire filled the air in thin ribbons, moving as smoothly as water as it flew past him. His own magic moved in response, and soon his ice and wind joined her fire, going around the room, filling it up with the differences in temperature. And from the tub, a water butterfly the size of Aelin's palm lifted into the air, its movements delicate but strong as it came towards him. Aelin turned to look at him, her brows furrowed lightly in concentration.
The butterfly came to rest on his nose, and then exploded in his face.
Aelin laughed at his incredulous expression. Rowan shot forward and flicked water in her face, and soon almost all of the bath water was on the floor as they splashed at each other back and forth.
Rowan's troubles melted away with his ice and Aelin forgot about all of her nausea and stress temporarily.
Aelin couldn't wait to meet her baby, and she knew that Rowan was the same.
Six months couldn't come soon enough.
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Have some Daddy ro, love? Dying over her
A/N: Here’s a lil surprise since it’s Father’s Day in the US today! ;) If you need a refresher, here’s the pregnancy reveal. If you’re new to daddy!Rowan, here’s my master list to catch up.
WARNINGS: absolute pure fluff
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Aelin was so tired. She couldn’t even begin to fathom the number of curse words that fell out of her mouth, the number of tears that rolled down her face, or the number of “I can’t do this”’s that ran through her head.
But she had kept pushing. Literally. Her and Rowan’s child didn’t seem at all eager to come out into the world, but after three hours of intense pushing, she made her arrival.
Tears started anew as Aelin heard her daughter’s small cries, a laugh of disbelief passing her lips as she opened her eyes and they landed on her husband. He had finally turned his attention away from her, and his intent gaze was now focused on the little bundle one of the nurses was bringing to Aelin’s side. She placed the newborn in Aelin’s arms and her whole world simultaneously fell apart and was remade.
The baby was so small and so warm in Aelin’s arms, her eyes closed and the quietest of whimpers escaping her tiny mouth. Aelin cooed softly, running a finger gently down the newborn’s cheek.
“What’s her name?” The nurse asked, presumably to know what to put on the paperwork for the birth certificate.
“Everly. Everly Sage Whitethorn,” Rowan told the nurse, Aelin barely paying attention because she couldn’t believe the miracle in her arms.
“Hi, my love,” she murmured, her finger tracing Everly’s features in awe.
A baby. She and Rowan had created the little creature in her arms. She could already see herself in Everly, the shock of blonde hair atop her head and the sloping nose. Rowan’s brows and strong chin were present as well. A perfect mix of parents.
Sleepy eyes slowly blinked open at the sound of Aelin’s voice, and she could’ve sworn she saw the glimpse of a small smile. As if Everly had recognized her voice, had known in that little soul that this was her mother.
“She’s perfect, love.”
Aelin looked up into Rowan’s green eyes, a smile erupting along her lips at the love and adoration and pure joy she saw on his face. She watched him look down at their child, watched as his face transformed into something softer and more vulnerable as he reached down to run the tip of his finger over Everly’s chin.
She wished she could capture this moment in time forever. Her and Rowan watching their baby, the love she felt threatening to take her breath away. She was a mother, and Rowan a father. Sometimes she couldn’t believe they were here, that the dominant man she’d met almost two years ago would be the man her soul had yearned for before she even knew it herself. The man that she would love until the day she died, and if there was an afterlife, she would love him then.
And now, this new part of their journey was about to begin.
@highqueenofelfhame @empire-of-wildfire @westofmoon @schmlip-scribble @werewolffprince @tacmc @anabelkay @shyvioletcat @legallyhermione @maastrash 
idk who else would wanna be tagged in daddy!Rowan lmao anyways enjoy xx
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bssaz97 · 4 years
I have to ask how did Qrow and Juanes family react to the kids in Missing for a Year
Missing For A Year Part 3
Ruby: “Miss Goodwitch, thank you so much!” *Large Anime Tears fall down her face*
Glynda: “You’re welcome Miss Rose, although I do recommend keeping a closer watch of your children while at events in the future.”
Both Ruby and Jaune nodded rapidly to her sound advice, who will make sure to take the advice to heart.
Ruby/Jaune: “We promise we will!”
Glynda: “Good. Now.” *lifts up her riding crop directly at the ice block*
The ice prison around the two newlyweds had been broken apart, freeing them so that the two can freely move again. Much to the joy of the two leaders and displeasure of a disgruntled ice queen.
Qrow: *approaching* “Well I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Does it kiddo.”
Ruby: “Uncle Qrow!” *petal bursts out of the ice cube and launches herself at him*
Qrow: “Oof!” *catches her while laughing* “Geez pipsqueak! I’m not as young as I use to be, you could be a little gentler...”
Ruby: “Sorry I’m just so excited to see you again!”
Qrow: *hugs her tightly* “Yeah me too.”
Ruby: “I’m sorry it took so long.” *hangs head in shame*
Qrow: “Hey none of that alright. What’s happened has happened, no use in crying over spilled milk. Just seeing that you’re alive and well is all I need.”
Ruby: “You too. I know we’ve been gone for awhile but we missed you all so very much and I wished we could’ve come back sooner to you all.”
Qrow: “Well maybe remember to stamp your letters next time.” *he jokes*
Ruby: “It was a honest mistake!”
Qrow: *laughs and ruffles her hair* “Whatever you say kiddo.”
Ruby: “Meanie...to think I almost named one of my children after you.”
Qrow: “Probably a good call that you didn’t. Don’t need to have a kid named after me until I’m at least in the grave.”
Ruby: “Oh ha-ha.”
Jaune finished swiping of all the ice residue on his person then rubs his hands together rapidly to warm them up. Being trapped in a large ice cube wasn’t very comfortable in the least. His mother helps her son by removing her scarf and wrapping it around his hands.
June: “Are you alright sweetie?”
Jaune: “Yeah just a bit frosty.”
Yang: “...Did he?”
Taiyang: “I think he just did.”
Jaune: “What? I can make puns too. You all didn’t originate them.”
Taiyang: “Ok fair enough.”
Jaune: “Oh yeah by the way...are we cool?” *gestures between himself and his father-in-law*
Taiyang: “Well considering that you pretty much married my daughter behind our family’s back, I should be furious. But since you’ve already made me a grandfather I can’t really stay mad at you.”
Jaune: “Really?”
Taiyang: “No.”
Jaune: “Figured.”
Taiyang: *laughs* “Relax kid, I’m just messing with you. Glad to have you in the family.”
Jaune: “Thanks.” *smiles*
June: “Speaking of grandchildren...YOINK!” *takes an infant Rowan/Summer from Taiyang and Yang*
Taiyang/Yang: “Hey!”
June: “Hello my little darlings~ I’m so happy to meet you two. Look at how big you two are already. I’m your Granny June and I love you both so much! Oh you’re both so cute~” *she coos as she cradled the two infants rocking them to and fro*
Jaune: “Uh mom, I know you’re excited about your new grandchildren but you should really-.”
June: “Oh come now Jaune I’ve raised eight kids including you so I think have this under-!”
Summer: *gurgling noises with her face turning green*
June: “...oh no.” *face paled*
What Jaune tried to warn his mother about was that Summer was unfortunately cursed with his inherited motion sickness. As such Summer did not like to be rocked otherwise it would lead to her spit up all over said person’s shirt.
June: “....oh dear.” *looks down at her ruined dress*
Ruby: *gasp!* “Mrs. Arc I’m so sorry!” *grabs a tissue and tries to clean it off*
Jaune: “I tried to warn you.”
June: “That’s ok, this isn’t something I haven’t gone through before. Although I would be more than grateful if you could take back these two while I get cleaned up.” *handing their babies back to them*
Ruby: “Are you sure you don’t want me to help? I feel really bad.”
June: “It’s alright dear. I’ve raised eight children after all, so there’s nothing to worry about. Jaune, be a dear and introduce your children to the rest of the family before your sisters complain about not seeing their new niece and nephew, ok?”
Jaune: “Sure.”
As June Arc was making her leave most, of not all of Jaune’s sisters swarmed them just as she said they would.
Rouge: “Oh my goodness look at you two!”
Saphron: “You’re so small and look so cute!”
Vert: “What’s their names little bro?”
Jaune: “Uh, This is Rowan and Summer.” *points at each of his children*
Bleu: “Do they have all their necessary shots?” *adjusts her glasses*
Jaune: “What? No, they’re barely three months old!”
Noir: “Why didn’t you tell us you two eloped?”
Blanc: “And how did you get pregnant so fast?”
Ruby: “W-Well we wanted to marry after the war so that’s what we did.”
Violet: “How can you tell which is a boy and girl?”
Arc Siblings/Ruby: .....
Violet: “What? It’s a legitimate question.” *shrinks in embarrassment*
Nicholas: “Girls.”
At the sound of his voice all the Arc women made way for the patriarch of their family. He walked towards the brand new couple/parents, his towering figure nearly encompassing them in shadow.
Nicholas: “Son.”
Jaune: “Hey Dad...long time no see. Heh”
Arc Sisters: *winces*
Terra: *facepalms*
Ruby: *whispering* “Really?”
Jaune: “Uhhh. So! ...How are you?”
Saphron: *mouthing ‘NO!’*
Jaune: “I mean. What I mean to say is-!”
Nicholas: “Stop.” *raises his palm*
Jaune: 0x0
Nicholas: “What’s done is done. There’s no use to bringing up the past.”
Jaune: “Right...”
Nicholas: “But I am very happy to see you alive.....and apparently with a wife and children.” *rests his raised hand on Jaune’s shoulder*
Jaune: “...Thanks Dad.”
Nicholas: *nods then removes his hand* “So if I heard correctly, this one is Rowan and this one is Summer right?” *gestures to the two infants*
Ruby: “Yessir. My tiny little blessings.”
Nicholas: “...heh. I see you’ve adopted June’s nicknaming habit.”
Ruby: “Yep.”
Nicholas: “Mm. Looks like you have a keeper my son.”
Jaune: “I’m lucky to have her.” *one arm hugged Ruby*
Ruby: *smiles*
Nicholas: “Good. Don’t do anything stupid to mess it up. You hear me boy.”
Jaune: “Wouldn’t dream of it sir.”
Rowan/Summer: “Ahh!” *make curious baby noises*
Nicholas looks down to see both Rowan and Summer then bends his knees, lowering his large frame to look into the little ones. They looked at the older Arc curiously, looking at his aged but still strong facial features and Summer was brave enough to reach out touch the older man’s beard. This caused Summer to giggle as the hair tickled her tiny fingers, causing Nicholas to laugh softly at the child’s pure laughter. Rowan followed soon after Summer and he giggled as well once he felt Nicholas’ beard.
Nicholas: “Hello little ones, I am your grandpa. I am pleased to meet you.” *he said with what could be called a genuine smile*
Ruby: “ohhhh” *she watches the display in amazement* <3
Qrow: “WOW Nicky, I think you just made a genuine smile on your face.”
Nicholas: “Qrow...”
Qrow: “Hey don’t scare the babies now! They’re impressionable.” *while smirking*
Ruby: “Qrow be nice.” *she chides her honorary uncle/mentor*
Qrow: *raises his hands in mock surrender*
Ruby: “Hey Rowan, look this my Uncle Qrow. Isn’t he cool?”
Rowan: *head tilts* “Ah?”
Ruby: “Yes he’s the coolest uncle ever. You want him to hold you?”
Qrow: “Uh Ruby I don’t-.”
Ruby: “Here you go.” *moves Rowan into his arms*
Qrow: “Wait Ruby don’t-! Ok here we go. Uh hey there kid. Nice to...meet you.”
Rowan: ....
Ruby: “It’s ok Qrow, he’s only a baby. He won’t bite.”
Qrow: “Right. Um, heh, You look a lot like your mom. Kinda surprised that your supposed to be the boy.”
Rowan: .... *hrk!* *BLEGH!*
Qrow eyes widen but it was already too late, all he could do was look down and see that Rowan had just spit up all over his new shirt. Both parents gave nervous looks but also tried not to laugh at Qrow’s expense. Taiyang, Yang, Nicholas, and the seven Arc sisters, however, did not follow their example, laughing their guts out.
Rowan: *giggles and points at Qrow*
Qrow: “Oh now you find me funny. Don’t ya, you lil’ gremlin.” *eye twitches*
Ruby: “Hey I’m sure he didn’t mean to do that!”
Yang: “Hahahaha! I don’t know Ruby, he seemed pretty determined to puke all over Qrow!” *covering her mouth*
Qrow: “Well at least I know you’re your Mother’s kid. You’re a brat through and through.”
Ruby: “Hey!”
June: “Ok I’m back what did I-...Oh dear. Apparently both children have motion sickness.”
Nicholas: “No dear, it’s just the boy knows how to get back at others.” *he smiles in pride of his progeny*
A/N: Boy did this one take me awhile to get done. I had a lot of ideas for how this were to go and tried to fit them all in so hope I met your expectations. Thanks again for your support! 😊
P.S. I did my best to make names for the remaining Arc sisters and I decided to simplify and translate the names of the girls in accordance to their color from the portrait we saw in Volume 6 in Saphron’s house. Also keep in mind I have no idea what the age difference is just know I did my best and this will be my head canon until proven otherwise.
Rouge = Eldest (Red w/ Short Hair)
Saphron = Second (Orange that was Upside down. Her name is closer to orange so yeah)
Vert = Third (Green)
Blanc/Noir = Twins (Ok so they had blue bows but the also look to be wearing black and white so I went with that to avoid confusion)
Bleu = Sixth (Blue w/ Glasses)
Violet = Neña (Violet, no brainer)
Jaune = Youngest (Yellow. Ok so he appears to be the youngest from the photo as most of the time the most recent child is at the center of most family pictures. But again I could be wrong but I stand by what I said until CRWBY says otherwise...probably)
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rosegoldannie · 4 years
Tell Me no Lies Chapter 17
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Hey y’all, this chapter gets a lil spicy towards the end..
previous chapter
Barely a second after the bell had ceased ringing, and the last of the teens had filed out of the classroom, Aelin burst through the door and threw herself onto her best friend.
Lysandra held her tight for several seconds, before throwing herself backwards. “Spill everything.”
She plopped into her friend’s desk chair, and pulled her knees up to her chin. Lys braced herself against the desk and waited, staring expectantly. Aelin took a deep breath, and began. “There wasn’t one point when I knew. It’s...It’s been building up for a while. I guess I finally realized it earlier.”
“What happened earlier?”
“We were getting pizza, and he was holding my hand, and...I realized how much it was going to hurt when he leaves, because Lys, do you remember how I felt about Sam?”
Her friend blinked, paling slightly. “Yes, of course.” She replied slowly.
“I feel the same way about Rowan, only more.” Her eyes began to water as her cheeks warmed. “And I barely survived losing Sam, so I have no clue what to do about Rowan.” Hot tears spilled down her cheeks as her nose grew stuffy.
Lysandra let out an, “Oh, honey.” and was instantly kneeling beside her, wrapping her in a warm hug and stroking her hair gently. “It’ll all be alright. We’ll figure this out.”
“We will?” She sniffed, swiping at her eyes.
“Yes, we will.” Her friend promised. “But you know what you need right now?”
“A girl’s night?”
Lysandra grinned, whipping out her phone.
And that was how Aelin found herself wrapped up in Rowan’s old sweats, Lysandra’s and Nesryn’s arms looped through hers, Elide flouncing an exorbitant amount as she gushed about her boyfriend while they all discussed what to get friends, family, boyfriends and roommates for Christmas.
Nesryn was murmuring something about buying a nice leather wallet for Sartaq, and dragged them into Men’s Wearhouse, slipping her arm from Aelin’s, and scampering off to the wallets along one polished, wooden wall. Lysandra trailed not far behind her, then wandered off to look at Timberland boots for Aedion.
That left Elide and Aelin.
She turned, grinning at her younger cousin. “Do you know what you want to get Lorcan for Christmas?” She grinned, conspiratorially nudging her.
Elide blushed, shoving her hands deeper into her hoodie pocket, a soft, secret smile on her lips. No, not both hands, Aelin observed. Only the left one, something small and hard and sharp pushing against the fabric of her pocket. Aelin grinned, happy silver lining her eyes. 
Then her eyes landed on a small shop across the way, and she instantly knew what she was going to get Rowan for Christmas. Murmuring a quick apology to Elide, who was now most definitely texting Lorcan, if the happy smile on her lips was any indication, and scurried over to the shop.
The woman behind the counter gave her a warm smile. “Would you like some help?” She offered kindly.
Aelin politely waved her off, and picked up a medium sized wooden pallet, and carefully brought it up to the counter.
The woman smiled again, and that smile only widened when Aelin showed her what was to go on the pallet. “He’ll love it,” She promised. Aelin could only grin, and pray to the gods that she was right. “Alright, it’ll be ready in about a week, so around the seventeenth. Though, we’ll keep it in the back for another two weeks.”
“Thank you,” Aelin told her, then scampered out to where her friends were waiting for her.
Elide was still tap-tap-tapping away on her phone, that happy smile turning her cheeks a rosy pink.
Nesryn and Lysandra were gushing over their respective fiances, and discussing wedding ideas, plans, and preparations. Something cold settled in her gut when she realized that of her best friends, she was the only one still single.
Slowly, they began to meander over towards the food court, and Aelin found herself next to Elide, still typing away, her left hand still buried deep in her pockets.
“So,” She began, unsure of why she felt so nervous, “how are you and Lorcan doing?”
At last, she put her phone away. And positively beamed, happiness radiating from every pore. “So good, I really love him.” She gushed, a dreamy look taking over her features. “Sometimes when I come home from work, I find that he’s already done all the cleaning, and made spaghetti for dinner.”
“Wow.” Aelin murmured, struggling to match the image of Lorcan she had with the one her cousin told her of.
Elide’s dreamy look dimmed slightly. “Sorry, I know you don’t like him very much.”
Oh. Oh. “No, no. That’s not it at all!” Aelin assured her, as they all approached a table, and dropped their bags. “I just didn’t know he could be so sweet is all.”
“Oh,” She whispered, some of that happy glow returning. “Well, in that case, I’ve got some news to share with you guys.” Lysandra and Nesryn turned towards them, interest shining in their keen eyes. Aelin leaned forward a tad more, as that happy, rosy smile only grew. Elide slowly withdrew her left hand from her hoodie. On that ring finger sat a simple, stunning, silver engagement ring.
“Oh my Gods!” Lysandra and Nesryn shrieked, launching around the table to throw their arms around the tiny woman. Aelin simply held her tightly, her eyes clenched shut yet still streaming tears as if a dam had broken, and murmured low congratulations.
When they all at last parted, they were little more than living, moving blobs of mascara and smudged eyeliner, giggling and cackling and laughing and crying.
“D’you know what this calls for?” Lysandra sniffed, rubbing at her eyes and only worsening the smudging of makeup.
Aelin, Elide and Nesryn shook their heads.
“A night at Rita’s, of course!” Their friend stated, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. 
With that, they allowed Lysandra to drag them all back to her house, which was mysteriously empty and silent, save for Hollin and Evangeline, curled up on the sofa, watching some romantic movie.
Lysandra called out something about not getting pregnant to her sister, and began sorting through her closet for something for each of her friends.
Elide picked out a daring, red dress, that while it looked innocent enough, given how it flared out at the waist and brushed just above her knees, all it took was one look at the lack of a back for everyone to know she was a vixen through and through.
Nesryn chose a short, black satin dress that hugged her curves and highlighted her dark hair and eyes. She paired it with thigh-high boots, and straightened her hair. With a dash of highlighter on her collarbones, cheekbones, and nose, if Aelin hadn’t known better, she would have thought her friend was an influencer.
Lysandra decided on a daring, skintight aquamarine dress that barely skimmed the tops of her thighs. The neckline barely reached her collarbone, and the sleeves reached down to her wrists. Sequins covered nearly every inch of the dress, and Aelin knew that if Aedion were here, he’d be positively drooling. 
For Aelin, though, choosing a dress was much harder. She hadn’t been out clubbing since before she’d met Chaol, and as such had no idea what to wear. All of the dresses she saw were either too long or too short. Too tight or too loose.
At last, she found a pine-green satin number in the very back of the closet, that pulled in perfectly at her hips and waist, then fell to just below her upper thighs. The neckline was low, without being desperate. She paired it with black ankle boots, a leather jacket, and a dark green smokey eye with bright red lipstick. Once Lysandra finished curling her hair into loose waves, she led her over to the floor-length mirror, and Aelin at last saw the final product.
As her eyes trailed from the toned calf muscle exposed by the boots, to the red pout of her lips, she found that she felt beautiful. No, more. She felt sexy for the first time in recent memory.
Turning to her best friend, tears pricked her eyes as she held her tightly. “Thank you, Lys.”
“Of course.”
When they at last parted, she quickly swiped at her eyes before the tears could smudge her makeup, and followed her friends out to the car. She only paused to glare at Hollin, and threaten the destruction of his most favorite part should he hurt Evangeline, then chased after her friends, and slipped into the back seat with Nesryn.
The drive to Rita’s was filled with laughter, giggling, god-awful singing on Aelin’s part, and loud music blasting from the speakers.
As they stepped out of the car, and made their way into the club, the first thing Aelin noticed was how loud the music was; she couldn’t just hear it. No, she could feel it reverberating through her bones. The next thing she noticed were the lights, constantly changing color and blinking and swirling.
Lysandra led them over to a booth in the corner near the bar, and slid in, followed by her friends. “Alright!” She shouted, once they were all settled in. “We’ve got a mission tonight, ladies.” A teasing smirk tugged at her best friend’s lips. “We’re going to get Aelin a man.”
She could only grin and shake her head, fighting the urge to say the only one she wanted was her silver haired roommate.
Her dark-haired cousin slipped out of the booth, and returned with several rounds of shots. 
Aelin took one, and gave her cousin a warm smile. “To Elide!”
“To Elide!” Her friends echoed as they all downed their drinks.
“Gah!” She coughed, swiping at her mouth as the liquid burned its way down her throat. “It’s been so long..” She muttered under her breath.
Next, they toasted to Lysandra, then Nesryn.
By that time, her thoughts had begun to get muddled, and her words slurred. So when she glanced up and saw a head of silver hair, and green eyes staring at her, she chalked it up to the alcohol. But when that silver-haired, green-eyed man slid in next to her, followed by Aedion clambering in next to Lysandra, then Sartaq and Lorcan and Fenrys, Dorian, Gavriel, Vaughan and Connall.
Rowan dropped an arm around the back of the booth, and it took everything in her not to lean into him.
“So, ladies.” Fenrys called, grinning like a fiend at each of them. “What are you all doing here?”
“Ladies’ night.” Lysandra called, then cast a warm, sisterly smile at Elide. “And…”
Lorcan and Elide were so absorbed in whatever hushed conversation they were having that they didn’t notice. The man which Aelin disliked with a burning passion was looking down on her cousin with such love, warmth and care that if she hadn’t already been over the moon for her cousin, she would have been then.
Fenrys followed Lysandra’s line of sight. “Ah. Then we’re here for the same reasons, then.”
“It would seem so.” Nesryn replied, leaning back into Sartaq.
Over the next half hour, the drinks kept flowing, and flowing, and flowing, and people slowly began to partner off and wander towards the dance floor, until all those who remained were Lorcan and Elide, and Aelin and Rowan.
Elide and Lorcan were still murmuring quietly to each other.
She glanced down, string her drink absently with her finger, then-
“They’re so in love.” A husky voice murmured in her ear. 
Glancing up, she found that Rowan had angled himself so that he was closer to her than she had realized. “Yeah, they are.” She agreed, finding it difficult to look at him.
Her roommate didn’t seem to notice, however, and carried on. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Lorcan so happy.”
Aelin took a deep gulp of her drink, nearly downing half of it at once. “Me neither.”
Suddenly, Lorcan stood, and pulled Elide towards the dance floor with a happy grin, laughing all the way there.
“Wow,” They both murmured at once. Instantly, they both glanced at each other, then burst into laughter. 
Rowan grinned down at her, sliding from the booth to offer her his hand. “Dance with me?”
She downed the rest of her drink, and took his hand, allowing him to lead her through the throngs of people to the middle of the dance floor.
The music was little more than heavy, booming bass with some slight music notes every few seconds, but Aelin still gripped Rowan’s hand, and bounced around, her free hand waving in the air as she danced around him. Rowan watched her with a warm smile, always only a few feet away, laughing.
As the minutes melted by, they drifted closer and closer together, and Rowan’s strong hands settled around her waist as her fingers played with the hair at the base of his neck, their friends dancing and grinding and bouncing around them.
They swayed back and forth with the music, him gazing so deep into her eyes that she thought he might have already discovered her eyery secret, and was now reading her very soul.
A warm buzzing began in her ears, and Aelin’s movements became looser, freer, more relaxed. The music began to speed up, and the dancing around them became harsher, hungrier. 
Aelin turned so that her back was pressed against him, and kept her hand behind his neck, deep in his unfairly silky hair. Rowan’s hands began a journey down her body, running over her stomach and waist and thighs, before coming to a stop, gripping her hips and holding her against him.
Her eyes fluttered closed as she allowed her head to fall back against his chest, her nose brushing his throat.
Rowan’s grip on her hips tightened, and he pulled her tighter against him, her behind now pressed against his hips. Though, his grip was loose enough that she could easily pull away. 
She didn’t, only pressed herself closer to him, and began to sway her hips to the beat. He let out a whimper, and a warm, heavy breath began on the side of her neck.
Angling her neck more to the side, that warm breath turned into hot, heavy kisses against her sweaty skin, trailing down to her collar bones and back up to her ears.
Lower lip clenched firmly between her teeth, she snapped herself back against him. He only chuckled, and pulled her behind further into him, and began grinding into her. 
She let out a sharp gasp as he began sucking on the junction of her neck, trailing alternating kisses and sucks up and down her neck and shoulder. Rowan let out a pained groan, and quickly turned her around, his hands resting on her waist, their chests and hips flush. Their hips moved together with the music, crushed together.
One of his hands moved up her back to bury itself in her hair, leaving a trail of heat in its wake. 
She did the same, keeping one hand on the base of his neck, the other deep in his silky hair.
Slowly, they each leaned forward so that their foreheads were pressed together, and Aelin found that she was panting, her neck throbbing and pulsing.
She met his eyes, both of their pupils blown wide.
Suddenly, he surged forward and captured her lips in his, pulling her completely flush against him.
Stunned, it took her a second to respond to his kiss, but when she did, her world turned to ash and flame.
His tongue brushed the seam of her lips, and she instantly opened for him with a groan, pushing her hips against his, and tugging at his hair.
Rowan laughed, warm and carefree. “Alright, alright, Fireheart.” He murmured, leading her back out through the crowds, and out towards a dark, semi-quiet part of the club.
Pressing her firmly against the wall, he set to work on her neck, sucking and kissing and licking, his hands trailing over every inch of her body.
When he found a particularly sensitive spot on her neck, she let out a sharp, loud moan, and clenched her thighs together. He pulled back for just a second, grinned wildly at her, then dove right back into that spot as if his life depended on it.
As the minutes passed, Aelin found herself coming closer and closer to that edge, whimpering and moaning and gasping each time he touched that one spot on her neck, until at last she crashed over it with a low whimper.
Rowan pulled back slightly, and Aelin discovered that sometime during the last several minutes, he had thrown one of her legs over his hip, and was using it to keep her pressed against the cool brick wall.
He followed her gaze, then slowly met her eyes, questioning.
She surged forward, seizing his lips, and pulling him back against her. He groaned, slipping his tongue into her mouth, pressing sweet kisses to her lips.
A strong hand slowly lifted her other leg, and she found herself pressed to the wall, a moaning mess, as her roommate ravished her.
His hips slowly, tortuously drove into hers, and Aelin thought she might just combust.
When he began to gently trail his thumb across her cheek, she thought she was dying.
Everything about what he was doing was driving her insane, bringing her back to that cliff a second time. Something hard was now pressing into her with each thrust he made, and each of his movements were becoming more and more desperate. His moans and whimpers became groans and grunts and hissed swears and murmurings of her name.
When he hit a particularly sensitive spot, she let out a sharp gasp of his name, and her hand flew down to hold him.
Rowan pulled back, searching her eyes. She only nodded, and resumed kissing him.
He reached down, moving her skirt up so that it bunched around her hips, and moved her underwear out of the way, his fingers teasingly bringing her closer and closer to that edge.
Her head was thrown back against the wall, panting and whimpering his name with every breath. Quicker than she would have expected, she was falling over that edge for the second time, and there was a slight crinkle, and she was full.
Completely and utterly full.
Her head rested against his as they moaned together, her lower lip caught between her teeth.
Rowan surged forward, beginning to thrust gently as he took her lip between his teeth, and tugged.
She was on fire, whimpering his name in time with his thrusts, pressing sloppy kisses down his neck, which quickly turned into biting and sucking.
He was grunting, groaning her name as he worked her, pressed as close to her as he could, his hips snapping into hers as they kissed, one hand going to stroke through her hair.
Their movements each became more and more despreate, hungry as they moved together, each struggling to find release.
As he approached that cliff, Rowan returned to that one spot on her neck, and bit down in time with his thrusts. They flew over that cliff together, each groaning the other’s name.
After several minutes, he pulled out and set her down gently on legs that were little more than jello.
Pulling her skirt down, she turned to find him smiling at her, utterly without guard. He reached forward, and began fixing her hair, his eyes trailing to the red marks across her neck that were already forming. Something like pride filled his eyes.
She studied his face as his fingers combed through her tangled hair, and found with some suprise that her lipstick was now smeared all over his face, and chin. Down his neck and below his collar. With slight disappointment, she reached up and wiped that red wax away with her thumb.
Her heart was completely full as he pulled back from her, and set about fixing himself up. She took that opportunity to comb through his hair with one hand, the other stroking his cheekbone.
Rowan grinned again, his eyes fluttering closed. “Mmm.” He murmured, leaning into her hand.
Aelin couldn’t help but laugh.
Those pine green eyes flew open, and he took her hand, beginning to lead her back towards the booth, taking care to go the long way around the dancefloor. “I love your laugh,” He mused, thumb stroking across the back of her palm, “if I could, I’d bottle it up and drink till drunk every night.”
Stunned again, her eyes burned, and she could only hold his gaze, and pray that she was conveying everything she was too scared to say.
As they approached the booth, he turned back to her. “Do you want me to get you a drink?”
She grinned. “Yes, please.”
Rowan grinned right back, and released her hand, moving effortlessly through the crowds of people towards the bar.
Sighing happily, she continued the rest of the way back to the booth, and slid in.
Lys, Aedion, Lorcan and Elide had returned as well, and were all murmuring in low conversation to each other. Her best friend glanced over her still-messed up hair, swollen lips, and bruised neck, and gave her a wicked grin.
Elide did the same, smiling kindly.
Lysandra took that opportunity to lean over and whisper in her ear, “Who was the lucky guy?”
She only smiled, and gave a conspiratorial wink.
Her friend chuckled, and shook her head. “My plan worked out marvelously, then.
Aelin blanched. “Your plan?!” She hissed.
Lysandra only grinned, and Aelin could only shake her head.
Quickly, she leaned over and murmured a quick thank you in her best friend’s ear.
Nearly twenty minutes went by, then a young man approached their booth, his black hair reflecting the greens and blues and purples of the light. “Excuse me,” He began, studying Aelin. “I was wondering if I might possibly be so forward as to ask for your number? My name is Nox.”
She only shook her head kindly. “I’m afraid not, I apologize. I’m already involved with someone at the moment.”
Several pairs of eyes shot to hers, varying levels of confusion.
Nox ducked his head slightly. “Alright, I understand.” He placed a small scrap of paper on the table before her. “Here’s my number if you change your mind, though.” With that, he excused himself and returned to the crowds.
 After several more minutes passed, Aelin glanced at her phone, and was surprised to find that her silver-haired companion had been gone for nearly twenty minutes.
“Pardon me.” She muttered, extracting herself from the booth. “I’m going to see what’s taking Rowan so long.”
Ignoring the smirks and chuckles coming from her friends, she wound through the crowds, slowly making her way towards the bar.
When she at last reached it, she glanced all around, eyes straining to spot that signature silver hair. At last, she spied that silver glinting near-blue in the pulsing light, and began making her way towards him.
However, the closer she got, the more her grin faded, as she saw that he was exceptionally close to a thin woman with cedar-colored hair. No, not exceptionally close. He was pressed against the bar, with her leaning against him.
Aelin stopped moving towards them, her stomach turning cold, eyes burning but utterly unable to look away. Rowan wasn’t smiling, but he wasn’t pushing the woman away, either.
It was only when she surged forward and began to kiss him that Aelin was able to tear her gaze away, and storm back to the booth, where her friends were waiting.
She only realized that she was crying when Lysandra launched up from the booth, and began to swipe those tears away.
“Can you, uh..can you drive me home please?” She stammered, unable to stand looking at either of her cousins.
“Of course,” Lysandra murmured, wrapping an arm around her.
“It wouldn’t be too much of a bother, would it?” She whispered.
Lorcan piped in. “Don’t worry about it, Aelin. I’ll make sure Elide gets home safely.” For once, his voice lacked the rough tone it always held.
Aedion added in, “And I’ll get a ride from someone. It’ll be fine. Go.”
Murmuring quick thank yous and goodbyes to everyone, she allowed Lysandra to whisk her out to the car, and peel out of the parking lot.
About halfway back to her apartment, Lydandra cleared her throat. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Aelin shook her head sharply. “No. Not in the slightest.”
Her friend only nodded. “Alright. I’m here for you if you change your mind.”
The remainder of the ride back home was silent.
When they parked in front of the building, Lysandra offered to walk her up, but she quickly refused, and bolted from the car before her friend could see the tears.
As soon as she was inside the apartment, she sprinted into her room, slammed the door and flopped over her bed. It was only then that she allowed herself to freely sob, heavy, wheezing and coughing. Distantly, she heard a cracking that sounded an awful lot like her heart shattering.
This is one of the last three chapters of TMNL!
Please send asks for prompts, and I will write them!
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the-jade-cross · 3 years
Knight of the Forest - Chapter IV
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“Absolutely not!” Lillia objected. “I will not be wearing a cinch or a corset of any kind!”
“But my lady,” the poor maid tried pleading with the 16-year-old girl who had not work a cinch or corset in her life. “King Joffrey has announced his new betrothal and his marriage coming up in a few months and people from all over Westeros will be attending the wedding. You know your parents would want you to look your best.”
Lillia’s shoulders slumped in sadness and the cherry color of her cheeks faded. “Father has been dead for almost five years Mary…and Mother… let’s just say she never held love for me… and I doubt she held love for Robin. She just fawned over him because he was a son… let’s just say she was disappointed that her son was girly, and her daughter was like a boy.”
Mary nodded sadly, knowing full well that it had only been a few weeks since Lillia had received word of her mother’s act of suicide and while it had inflicted pain and misery in the young girl, the pain was not as much as some would deem since the only motherly love Lillia ever felt in her life was from Mayaka Tyrell.
“My lady… it will be a good 5 months before the wedding. The houses of Marbrand, Rowan, Stokeworth, Martell, Redwyne and the Prince of the Red Flower Vale will be attending the wedding. If you do not wish to wear anything appropriate for the time being, please consider it for the wedding.” Mary pleaded. “Not for me but for yourself. If Cersei Lannister does not like what you are wearing, your stay here could be painful.”
“The only reason I haven’t been assaulted, attacked, thrown out or poisoned is because Tommen is my friend and Ser Jaime has taken on responsibilities of my guardian now that my parents are dead,” Lillia pointed out as she finally selected a simple cream dress with a silver ribbon around the waist with long sleeves and a white underdress to hide her lower arms and her ankles. “Did you hear anything about who Joffrey will be wed to?”
Mary shook her head, “I thought he was to be married to Lady Sansa Stark.”
Lillia shrugged, “That was how it was for a while, but Sansa wouldn’t be sitting in the garden grinning from ear to ear if that was the truth. I have a feeling Joffrey’s lustful, evil eye has landed upon another poor soul and he has discarded Sansa. Personally, I am glad because he would have destroyed what little life is left in Sansa… but now I feel bad for whoever will be occupying the other side of his bed.”
Mary giggled slightly as she helped Lillia slip into her dress and then proceeded to gather a few strands of Lillia’s long golden curls and pull them back to the back of her head. Lillia, despite the fact that she was still the type to climb trees and joust with Ser Jaime and Tommen, had decided to not cut her hair and now the long golden curls fell to her round backside and not only drew the attention of many of the men in the castle but also the annoyance of Cersei Lannister who already hated the fact that Sansa was a lovely girl in her own home and now with a second lovely girl (not to mention that previously Evelyn Stark walked the halls of Kings Landing).
“Well,” Lillia chirped, taking up the valerian necklace that Jaime had procured for her, she placed it around her neck so that it rested against her slightly tanned, freckled skin and decided to lose any other jewelry, “I am going on a walk and hopefully Sansa will be able to tell me who the lucky bastard is.”
When Lillia finally located Sansa, who had departed from the gardens and had climbed to stand upon the battlements, the girl was looking down upon the cavalry that was arriving but sadly, due to Sansa’s slightly taller height and Lillia’s lack thereof, Lillia was unable to tell whose calvary it was.
“So… I heard about Joffrey’s marriage,” Lillia said as she tried to stand on her tiptoes to see over the battlements but failed miserably. “But by the smile on your face and the color returning to your cheeks, I am guessing it is not to you.”
Sansa turned and beamed at the girl. She had not gotten to know Lillia incredibly well like Evelyn had when they visited Highgarden but in the past months that the two have been in Kings Landing, the two had found each other’s silent company very enjoyable.
“Renly Baratheon has died, and his wife is left a widow. They aided Joffrey in the War of Blackwater and as thanks for their involvement, Joffrey agreed to marry her,” Sansa replied, her shoulders relaxing in relief.
“And who are the poor souls?” Lillia inquired, grabbing at the battlement railing in the hopes of heaving herself high enough to make out a flag.
Sansa chuckled at the petite girl’s struggles. “Margaery Tyrell.”
Lillia had just succeeded in lifting herself almost all the way onto the top of the battlement when she dropped down, almost twisting her ankle but luckily saved herself before staring at Sansa with a gaping mouth, “Say that again?”
“Margaery Tyrell,” Sansa replied, confused. “She is the one to wed Joffrey. Why?”
When Sansa saw Lillia’s face go slightly pale and then a bright crimson, hope and excitement in her eyes, she caught on slightly, “Lillia? Do you know them?”
Lillia grinned widely and grabbed Sansa’s hands, “I grew up with them at Highgarden! I cannot believe it! I haven’t seen Margaery in years! And Willas and Garlan and….Loras…”
“I do not believe Willas and Garlan are here,” Sansa replied. “It was just Mace Tyrell, Margaery and Loras. Loras helped in the fight and when Joffrey asked him what he desired in payment, Loras requested Margaery wed Joffrey. I owe them everything! If they had not suggested it to Joffrey, I would be the one wedding him!”
Lillia’s face paled, “So…. Loras…. Is here…”
Sansa nodded before frowning, “Lillia… are you alright?”
The girl hastily reached down and grabbed the bottom of her skirt before heading off, “I’ll tell you later!”
Sansa had a hard time keeping up with the fast footed girl as they rushed to the Great Hall. When she finally caught up with Lillia, the girl was peeking around one of the large pillars, looking at the crowd of Tyrell men who were feasting and drinking after their long journey.
“Why are you hiding?” the red head inquired.
“I want to see Margaery but not Loras…. Let’s just say we parted on not so good terms a few years back.”
Sansa smiled in understanding before pointing out the youngest Tyrell girl, “There she is, with Joffrey.”
Lillia spied the girl and quickly made her way through the crowd, leaving Sansa to remain hidden behind the pillar, the red head not wanting to encounter the king.
When Lillia came upon Joffrey and Margaery, she had to stare in wonder at Margaery. There was a time with the girl had been the same height as Margaery who had a few years on her but now, Margaery was a good few inches taller with slightly shorter auburn hair than Lillia but had grown with matured features and a beautiful face and elegant posture.
“Margie?” Lillia said softly, not wanting to interrupt since Joffrey was boasting loudly to the girl who pretended to be listening.
Margaery turned her head and immediately her eyes widened in joy at the sight of the girl before she rushed over to her, drawing Lillia into a tight hug.
“LILS! I cannot believe it! It is you!” She cried, pulling away to get a good look at the girl. “I never forgave father for sending you and Maya away. Oh, it is so good to see you! You have grown up! And Maya, have you seen her? Do you know where she is?”
Lillia giggled at Margaery’s many questions, “I’m so happy to see you too! Out of the two of us you definitely grew up right. And yes, I have spoken with Maya. I have not been able to see her personally, but she promised she would visit soon and with you here and your marriage to King Joffrey, I am sure you will see her.”
As the two girls chatted like two hens, a pair of blue eyes watched them from afar. Loras had been drinking and laughing with some of the men when he had spied his sister having a joyful heart attack and almost run over a petite, blond haired girl before the two had entered that state of girl chatter that Loras often deemed dangerous and scary.
However, he found his eyes drawn to the girl. She was a petite thing and standing next to Margaery who was almost the same height as Loras, the girl only reached Margaery’s shoulder. Her long golden hair was curly and fell to her hips that swayed just right. Loras was never interested in girls and had found himself drawn to men but this girl… made him forget all of that in an instant.
From what he could see from his side view of her face was that she was rosy with a little more plumpness than Margaery who was perfectly slender and elegant. The blond girl wore a simple cream dress that accented her curvy hips and perfectly rounded chest and the paleness of the dress brought out the rose of her cheeks and the freckles upon her skin that was slightly darker than Margaery’s pale complexion.
Loras found himself striding over to the two and greeting his sister, only for the strange girl to freeze before slowly turning around, green eyes wide and Loras didn’t have to ask to know exactly who the girl was.
“Loras…” The girl whispered, almost shocked with her green eyes reflecting a feeling Loras couldn’t distinguish.
(The past couple of chapters have been set roughly in season 1-3. However, for the rest of Part 1, it will be set in season 4:))
Lillia’s eyes widened as round as the giant water lilacs that grew in the garden of Kings Landing when her eyes locked with the all too familiar and yet unfamiliar Loras Tyrell. It had been a good couple of years since she saw him and the last time she did, they had been nothing but children but now… the Loras standing before her was a man… a grown man with curly dirty blond locks that fell almost to his shoulders, thin quirked lips, straight nose, stormy grey eyes framed by dark, thick lashes and the just slightly cleft chin.
He wore a simple dark grey doublet over a dark green shirt, the high collar of the doublet accenting his sharp cheekbones. His eyes were trained on her and Lillia fought the deep urge to fidget with her blond curls so instead she gripped a pinch of her skirt in her hands discreetly and began to knead it between her thumb and pointer finger to keep from blushing or practically breaking down in tears.
“Loras…” the girl managed to choke out, not surprised at how soft and almost shy her voice sounded.
Lillia saw Loras’s deep, calculating orbs scan her up and down before observing each corner of her face as if trying to memorize every detail though she wondered why it took him so long since due to her “couple of goats too thick” figure according to Cersei Lannister, her face and figure did not require that much attention since she lacked the sharp features someone like Cersei would possess.
“It…” Loras said, smile still evident on his face and his tongue darting out to wet his lips. “its really great to see you again.”
Lillia beamed at him and Loras felt his heart flutter at the rosy way her cheeks flushed as she smiled.
“You too,” she said, voice still gentle but with a slight bubbly excitement edge.
Margaery smirked knowingly at her brother and best friend before speaking, “I was just telling Lillia that I hope we see Maya while we are here.”
Loras tore his eyes from the blond, “Oh, I almost forgot! You haven’t seen Maya since you’ve been here?” he immediately asked of Lillia, turning his attention back to her.
Lillia shook her head, gold curls bouncing, “No. I have not seen her since I left Highgarden.”
This wasn’t a lie since she had only been communicating with Maya via the pinnacle which was just their spirits talking, not actually seeing each other face to face and she was not about to reveal to Loras who, she knew for a fact was protective of his sisters and an avid swordsman, that his big sister was living in a brothel and Lillia could talk to her because of her strange ability to control earth and plants. It was crazy enough explaining it to Evelyn, Maya and Nanteza without showing them. She couldn’t even tell Jaime because she would then have to tell him everything including the fact that his wife was alive, in the wild and some dragon mother with fire powers.
“There you are Lills,” a familiar voice said and Lillia sighed at having been rescued before her heart exploded.
“Ser Jaime!” Lillia chirped joyfully, turning her eyes from Loras and over to Jaime who had a wickedly smug look on his face.
“Ser Jaime,” Margaery greeted, “lovely to make your acquaintance.”
Jaime bowed to the Tyrell, “My Lady. Ser Loras.” he greeted.
Loras bit back a growl when he saw Lillia inch closer to Jaime as if seeking out protection.
“You are wed to Evelyn stark is that correct?” Margaery inquired.
Jaime nodded, “That is so. I have not seen her in almost two years.”
Margaery gave him a sad smile, “I am sure Evelyn is well. I remember meeting her at my sister’s name day and if Eve is anything like she was then, she is safe and well.”
Jaime smiled gratefully at the kind and encouraging words from his soon to be in-law but Loras ground his teeth. He watched as Jaime lent down and whispered to Lillia just loud enough for the Tyrells to hear.
“Tommen wanted to know if you would dance with him tonight.”
Lillia chuckled and snorted in the process, making Margaery giggle and Loras and Jaime smile at her unladylike action.
“It seems I am doomed to be Tommen’s dance partner until he learns the steps. Fear not though, I coated my shoes with iron.”
Jaime chuckled and planted a fond kiss in the girl’s blond hair. Anyone could see that the love between the two was like father and daughter but to Loras, it was not like that but much more extreme.
“It must be difficult,” Loras said to Jaime, trying to keep his voice calm, “To have lived two years without the comforts of a wife.”
Jaime saw the way Loras’s eyes practically burned green with jealousy as they drifted back to Lilli and he caught on to the root of the boy’s comment. Pretending he hadn’t heard, Jaime spoke back.
“I heard that you remained in your sister’s cap while she was married to Stannis. I suppose you and your brother in law were close?”
Lillia’s jaw dropped, having heard the rumors that Stannis Baratheon’s wife had been left a virgin due to the king’s lust for a certain knight but she hadn’t realized it was…. Oh gosh, that explained many things!
Margaery pretended to be vastly intrigued by her wine and Loras’s jaw tensed as he and Jaime stared each other down. When Lillia touched Jaime’s arm to snap him out of it, Loras’s eyes turned to the girl and was shocked to find the light and color in her face gone, replaced by misery and pain.
“Will you excuse us?” Jaime asked, sensing Lillia’s desire to depart and when Loras made to speak to Lillia, a single scowl from Jaime shut him up.
Once Jaime had escorted Lillia to one side of the hall and fetched her a glass of water, Lillia collected herself.
“Why did you say those things to him?” She asked Jaime, “He has done nothing to you and yet you treated him like he was your childhood bully.”
Jaime sighed, “You love him Lills. I can see it as plainly as you have a nose upon your face. But he doesn’t see it because he is a foot, an idiot and most definitely interested in men. I will not have him treat you all friendly and sweet and lead you to believe he is in love with you, only for him to break your heart. You are too good to have to experience a broken heart.”
“I know!” Lillia snapped before her voice became soft, “I know he doesn’t love me and never will. That was made clear to me long ago.”
Jaime let out a breath before gathering the girl into a hug, well aware that Loras was glaring at him from across the room. If only the young fool knew that five months prior, Jaime had named Lillia his ward. Mostly to keep Cersei from forcing the girl into an evil marriage since if a girl is claimed as a ward, whoever her guardian is cannot lay sexual hands on her and is the only who can determine the ward’s husband.
“Lillia Arryn?” a girl’s voice squealed.
Lillia pulled away from Jaime and almost fainted when she recognized the tanned skin, big dark eyes, plump smooth lips, petite slender figure and brown hair immediately.
“Nanteza!?” The Dornish girl rushed into Lillia’s arms and began to ramble as a smiling Jaime left to give the two some privacy.
“I cannot believe I’m seeing you right now!” Nanteza squealed. “When uncle Oberyn told me we were coming to Kings Landing, I never thought I would actually get to see you!”
Lillia beamed, “You are definitely a sight for sore eyes!” the blond exclaimed. “Where is your uncle?”
Nanteza smirked mischievously, “He dropped by the brothel right when we landed, and you’ll never believe who he met!”
Lillia frowned before she realized the truth and her eyes rounded, “Maya!?”
Nanteza nodded, “OF course the dim wit didn’t recognize her, but I went with the guards to bring his trunks to the brothel and I saw her! She wears a mask and surprisingly modest brothel clothes. She keeps her hair covered but there is no mistaking those eyes.”
“Oh this is just getting better,” Lillia squealed before her face went serious, “But Nan… you do realize that this is the opportunity we have been hoping for. We need to get Maya out of that brothel as soon as we can and make up a reliable story to hide the truth about you know what.”
Nanteza nodded. This was going to be interesting.
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pintofteaforthesoul · 5 years
Stuck In My Head Part 3
So this is a lot and you’re all gonna hate me for it. But fear not!! For it is not the end. Lemme know if you wanna be tagged!!!
(EDIT: I did decide to split this into another part, so part 4 is coming soon since most of it is already written.)
Tagging: @lordlorcanlochan, @mis-lil-red, @lets-hufflepuff-this-shit, @1800-fight-me, @idaolsson11, @ofstarsanddreams, @10divergentmockingjays, @gently-say-aha
The fall semester was going by way too quickly for Elide’s taste. It was already Halloween weekend, she was stressed out of her mind, and had hardly left her dorm room except to shower, go to class, and eat. Commons food was already turning bland and Elide swore if she didn’t do something besides study, she would lose her god-damned MIND. So when Aelin strutted in fresh out of the shower in her cute robe with a full face of make-up, Elide asked, “Are you going somewhere special tonight?”
Aelin grinned, rummaging through her drawers until she pulled out a pair of black tights. “Yeah, my sorority is hosting a Halloween Bash at this club downtown.”
Elide glanced up from her place on her stomach on her top bunk. “You going with your boyfriend?”
Aelin flashed her an amused look. “Of course. Why, did you want to come?” She did her infamous eyebrow wiggle.
Elide blushed. “No,” she said unconvincingly, “I don’t have a costume or anything anyway.” She waved her hand, but Aelin’s knowing eyes were sharp.
“You and my best friend are close to the same size. She’s not bringing a date anyway, so you’re more than welcome to be her plus one. But… if you don’t want to…” Aelin turned back to the closet and Elide was practically falling out of the bed with desperation.
A quick call to Lysandra, 40 minutes of group hair and makeup, and an uber ride later, Elide was standing in the middle of a crowded club- the bass vibrating through her body as she danced in a little triangle with the other girls. Elide’s face hurt from smiling too much and she was having honestly the time of her life.
She’d been scandalized when Lysandra had showed up to the dorm holding the tiny dress she now wore, but now she was grateful as she burned under the colored lights. It was stereotypical witch costume with a short poufy skirt overlaid with emerald green tulle and a tight, bedazzled black corset top that had her struggling to breathe. There was tiny witch hat on a headband in her dark hair and fishnets up her legs. Elide had to admit she looked damn good, but compared to Aelin’s vampire and Lysandra’s nurse Elide still felt inadequate.
Pushing those feelings from her mind, Elide tried her best to focus on the music and keep her movements supple. She wasn’t graceful by any means and any jostle would send her to the floor. The three girls twirled together, giggling as they sipped from drinks they hadn’t paid for. Aelin’s boyfriend, Rowan she’d called him, hadn’t arrived yet- Aelin grumbled something about his friends slowing him down.
Elide had asked how his friends would get in, but Aelin had just laughed. They coaxed some poor sister into being their date. Lysandra hollered at that, obviously smug that she had not been one.
It was nearing eleven when Rowan finally showed, appearing behind Aelin like a shadow and making them all jump as he crushed Aelin to his chest. Aelin merely giggled at something Rowan whispered in her ear and Elide couldn’t explain why but seeing the two of them together made her blush.
“Where’s Fen and Lorcan?” Aelin shouted to be heard over the music. Elide froze, immediately getting bumped into from behind. No one noticed her change in body language.
Rowan certainly didn’t, only having eyes for Aelin as he took in her short skirt and low top. “They’re around here somewhere.” He didn’t even give a glance around, but Elide certainly did. Her shoulders were now chilled, dread blooming in her stomach making her nauseous. Lorcan was here. They’d avoided each other at all costs- well Elide had. Lorcan delighted in making sure she was called on in class, answering questions she had no reason to know. It was driving her more insane than studying, but she’d be damned if he caught her unaware like the first time.
Professor Ashryver had a reputation of never deviating from his precise schedule. 1 hour and fifteen minutes of lecture- no more and no less. That is, however, until mid-September when he announced, “I’m going to try something different, if you’ll bear with me.” The younger professor of 40 gazed out at the large class over his wire glasses. There were small bursts of panicked whispering that ceased the moment Lorcan stood up from his place in the first row.
Elide groaned, sinking in her seat, but his eyes still found hers. Easy to do when she sat in the same place every class- too much of a creature of habit to move. Lorcan grinned, a dark expression that filled her with foreboding.
But Professor Ashryver was speaking again. “I’ve been persuaded to allow twenty minutes at the end of my lecture one class a week for a discussion led by our TA, Lorcan Salvaterre.” There were sighs by some in the crowd and Elide rolled her eyes, fully aware that Lorcan’s attention was still on hers. He merely cocked his head to the side, his expression gloating. “You have the floor.” The older man said, stepping to the side and sitting in the chair behind the desk.
“Let’s begin.” Even Lorcan’s voice sent a thrum of female desire through the room.
Elide shook the memory off, cringing. Aelin was looking at her oddly as Lysandra was saying with an eye-roll, “They’ve probably already abandoned their dates.”
At that, Elide snorted. Figures. She’d seen Lorcan flirt with countless girls in class right in front of her and hadn’t batted an eye. Hypocrite. Rage burned low in Elide’s gut. The others had started talking again, but Elide shouted at them, “I’m getting another drink.” Lysandra waved her off with a wink.
Elide slowly made her way to the packed bar, self-conscious with how much of her cleavage was showing. Though she and Lysandra had a similar figure, Elide’s chest was- well bigger, so the corset had her breasts practically bulging. She’d noticed many gazes directed towards it and had tried her best to ignore them.
She leaned against the bar, but the bartenders were down the line. Elide huffed, a pout coming to her lips, when a voice came from behind her. “If I say you’ve bewitched me, does that help or hinder my chances of buying you a drink?”
Elide couldn’t help her snort, turning the face the owner of the voice. He was tall, broad, and golden. Dressed as a Spartan warrior, his chest was left bare and his blonde curly hair hidden under a gawdy helmet. She cocked her head at him. “And if I said it helped?”
The man grinned, broad wide teeth a spectacular white. He was absolutely gorgeous and the complete opposite to Lorcan’s brooding. “Then I am properly bewitched by you.”
Elide smiled back at him, amused despite herself. He was quite charming and it was actually refreshing. “I suppose you should buy me a drink then.”
The golden man winked and it sent a thrill through Elide’s body. “Yes, ma’am.” He moved closer to her, joining her beside the bar. With the packed space, Elide could feel the heat coming off of him. “What would you like?” His hot breath tickled her nose, closer to her height when he leaned against the counter.
“Anything is fine.” Elide murmured.
The man’s eyes sparkled. “And what name should I put it under?”
“Elide.” She breathed, eyes darting over his exquisite features. “Elide Lochan.”
Elide stuck her hand and Fenrys took it, but instead of shaking it, he brought her knuckles to his lips and kissed. Butterflies erupted in Elide’s stomach and she fought her nervous giggle at the heat in Fenrys’s eyes. “I’m Fenrys.”
Lorcan was seeing red. He hadn’t expected Elide to be here when he’d convinced the raven-haired sorority girl to bring to the Halloween Bash. And he certainly hadn’t expected her to be dressed like that- like a gods-damned goddess. Lorcan had watched her dance, hands twitching from the effort not to go over and put his hands on those tantalizing hips of hers.
He tried to tune back into the conversation the blonde had dragged him into. Lorcan gave a nod when it was necessary, tracking Elide’s movements in his periphery. It wasn’t that the girl in front of him wasn’t hot- she was. Her midnight hair looked almost purple against her pale skin, but she was no Elide.
A laugh sounded from across the bar and somehow Lorcan knew what he would see when he turned his head. Indeed- there was Fenrys at the bar… standing so close to Elide they might as well have been kissing. They were holding drinks Fenrys had obviously just bought and the smile on Elide’s face… damn.
Elide whispered something in Fen’s ear that made the man actually blush and it was a testament to Lorcan’s willpower that he didn’t shatter the glass in his hand. His entire body was tense, coiled so tight it might break. 
“So what are you supposed to be dressed as?” One of the girl’s friends asked him, placing a hand on his arm despite the girl- whatever her name was- giving her a death glare.
Lorcan glanced at her, a little bit of madness creeping into his eyes. “Death.” He said simply. Lorcan chose to be all in black, not really giving a shit about some costume. Fenrys had teased endlessly, but he was the one who enjoyed dressing up. Even Rowan had dressed up tonight though- to impress his hot new girlfriend, Aelin.
The girls around him giggled and Lorcan fought an eye roll. There really was nothing wrong with them. Three months ago he would’ve eagerly taken one home and showed her a good time before forgetting her the next day. But now he couldn’t seem to muster up the motivation to flirt, well unless it was in front of Elide and he got to see the furious jealousy blush her cheeks.
Lorcan drained his glass and grinned at them. “I need to go get another drink.” He made no promise of coming back. If things went his way he’d be buried balls deep in Elide by midnight, eager to sate the craving and hopefully be done with it. No, he couldn’t stand seeing Fenrys next to her any longer, chatting her up in his cavalier style that made every girl week in the knees.
Lorcan shoved his way through the crowd, murder in every line of his face. As if she could feel him, Elide looked up- and paled.
No, Elide’s mind screamed, but even as she thought the word Lorcan was getting closer to them. Now only a couple feet away, Lorcan called out with a fake grin on his face, “Elide.  Fancy meeting you here. I didn’t know you were a Phi Rho.”
Fenrys glanced at their new conversation partner while Elide gritted her teeth. “I’m not. I was invited.”
“How’s your date, Lorcan?” Fenrys murmured, clearly feeling the tension between the other two and happily picking Elide based on the undertone to his words.
Lorcan’s jaw tensed, a muscle jumping in his throat as he turned eyes to Fenrys. “How’s yours?”
“Wait,” Elide said, stepping a little away with narrowed eyes. “You two know each other?”
Fenrys grinned, going to clasp Elide’s hand and she was too in shock to drop it. Lorcan’s eyes fixated on it and he glowered. “We’re brothers, technically. Right, Lorcan?”
Lorcan’s eyes flicked back up. “Of course, but it seems one of us missed the lesson on not taking what doesn’t belong to you.”
A soft, dangerous laugh. “I at least got the lesson on not treating women like objects.” Fenrys pulled Elide closer as she scowled at Lorcan.
Lorcan’s eyes only narrowed to onyx slits, head tilted to the side. “Did you?”
Now Elide scoffed. “He’s treated me far better than you did.” She looked up at Fenrys, making sure her eyes were large and innocent. “Can we go?”
Fenrys set his drink down. “Of course, sweetheart. Where would you like to go?”
Elide faced him fully, running a finger down his sculpted chest. In a low purr that Lorcan could still hear, she said, “Anywhere with you.” Out of the corner of her eye she saw Lorcan go purple. Fenrys dipped in a short bow before looping their arms and starting off. Over her shoulder, Elide called, “Tell Aelin where I’m going, will you?”
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obliviatemick · 5 years
Ben Hardy Fanfiction | When I Kissed You p. 6 (SMUT ALERT)
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Chapter six: The Dream (SMUT ALERT!)
Playlist: Acquainted - The Weekend
Word count: 2202.
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elliebamber_ Taking this lil nugget to the airport 🐣 I miss you already, boo!
Liked by lilireinhart, lanacondor, madelame and 340,890 others
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madelame Good thing we celebrated earlier... you go girl! 💣
therealbarbxx @madelame I miss you already! x
_tonybel good riddance...
therealbarbxx @_tonybel delete yourself from internet 🔪
joekeery They grow up so fast...
loganlerman Congratulations, Barbs! x (Liked by lanacondor)
Jupiter Studios reveals lead actress for the upcoming series for Netflix, Fiber.
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After postponing the production of the series based on the novel with the same name for almost a year, Netflix has finally announced that they have come to agreements with Jupiter Studios, the production company responsible for bringing the story to the small screen and that the first season of the show will see the sunlight on November 9th this year!
"We wanted the cast to be perfect", expressed casting director Zach Yagamuchi on the long-winded delay of the production. "My team and I went over five thousand auditions before finding the perfect actors and actresses for the show, we are confident that audiences all over the globe will love their refreshing energy!"
And so we hope, Zach. So we hope.
Before going straight to the cast, an introduction to the world of Fiber is necessary: the cyberpunk novel of the same name hit the bookstores in January 2015 and instantly broke sales records around the world, surpassing the well-known ya novels that were also adapted to movies and television series. The story is set in the year 2058 and revolves around Farren, a girl who, after the tragic death of her mother, dedicates her life to leading the rebel movement against the fascist government that threatens to destroy entire cities around Earth in order to achieve a new world order.
From Jennifer Lawrence to Selena Gomez, many actresses were rumoured to be in talks with Jupiter Studios to get the role of heroin Farren, however they were quickly called off by a company's spokesman. Now, Netflix has stated that the role of Farren will be portrayed by latina Barbara Benavides.
"Benavides has an incredible presence, we fell in love with her energy and natural beauty and after revising her audition thoroughly, we concluded that no one could play Farren better than her."
The only mystery that remains now is who will play Farren's colleague and love interest, Rowan. Yamaguchi says that we should expect the official announcement tomorrow morning, before having the first table read with the whole cast.
Barbara's POV
I threw myself on the bed as soon as I entered the room.
"What am I gonna do now?" I thought as I checked the time. It was late in Madrid, but in LA it was almost 4 pm! Jetlag was something I hadn't taken in consideration before coming here.
I took my phone and searched for Ellie's contact; we video chatted for about an hour before I decided it was time to sleep. After all, I still had to take another plane to Amsterdam the next morning.
Before changing into my pj's and tucking myself in bed, I'd thought that it would be impossible to sleep at that time, but my body was drained of energy and once I placed my head on the pillow I fell into a deep sleep.
I looked up at the sky, both my arms rested on the railing, the sky was cloudless but even so watching the stars was hard work, the lights from the city were just too intense and too many. Ben appeared from my left side, I gave him a quick glance before returning my attention to the sky.
"Star gazing?", he questioned me. I nodded looking up at him.
"Tried to", my lips pursed as I tried to organize my thoughts. "There's just something special about seeing the stars and knowing they're out there, millions of kilometres away, looking down on us", his eyes looked away from me, gluing themselves on the starless sky. From my point of view, I couldn't help but notice how attractive his features were, my eyes moved from his jawline, to his pink lips and defined nose to lock once more on his eyes. The wind caressed his golden locks, untidying them. I felt as if that was the first time I saw him. He blinked twice before focusing on me.
"It makes me feel insignificant", I cocked my head. "The stars I mean, knowing that there's something greater than us makes me feel that whoever I turn out to be and whatever I do with my life will be for nothing", his eyes locked hard on mine. His gaze was intense and sultry, my heart skipped a beat at the sight.
"Maybe that's the whole point of living", I retorted earning me a raised eyebrow from Ben. "If whatever we do will be forgotten once we leave this world, why should we care about the future?", slowly I took his hand in mine as I spoke. "Maybe it's good to feel insignificant once in a while"
He shifted in his place, taking my free hand in his before intertwining his fingers with mine, "Then what is your suggestion? Living life like there's no tomorrow, seize the moment?", he smirked briefly before pulling me against him and pushing his lips onto mine. My hands ran up the sides of his neck and to the back of his head as I kissed him back, his roamed on the sides of my waist leaving a crimson trail after them.
Moments after, we were running through the dance floor, pushing bodies away and receiving a plethora of well-crafted insults as we left. We raced hand in hand through the lounge where we'd been with the guys before and into a narrow hallway with sets of doors on both walls, Ben tried a few doorknobs before one shot open. One of the walls of the room was replaced by a window pane that allowed the light coming from the adjacent buildings to illuminate it just enough so I could see him take off his jacket. We were probably in the room used by the staff but I didn't care. All I wanted was him, all I needed was him.
I locked my arms around his neck as he pushed me against the cold wall.
"Been wanting to do this all night", he whispered out of breath against my lips. I smirked before taking his lips in mine once more in a wet, hungry kiss. His hands went down to the hem of my dress to slide up on the back of my thighs and onto my butt where he squeezed hard. His sudden dominance made me squeak into his mouth, he chuckled softly before grabbing the thin fabric and pulling it over my head, leaving me only in my panties and exposing my boobs as I wasn't wearing a bra.
Ben didn't hesitate, he took one of my breasts in his hand before leaning down and sucking on my nipple.
"Fuck!" I moaned with my eyes closed and my fingers tangled in his locks. His tongue swirled around my sensitive nub as his free hand squeezed hard on my other breast. I pulled his hairs softly eliciting a "mmm" sound from him. He looked up at me, eyes hard, craving for my body. I let my tongue slide on my lips suggestively.
He then let go of my breasts to lift me abruptly in his arms to the center of the room where he threw me on the biggest couch there was. My hands flew to the buttons of his shirt, unbuttoning it and ripping it off his body, then sliding my fingers up and down his muscular chest, my body trembling in anticipation.
He leaned and placed a lonely peck on my lips then buried his head on the crook of my neck, biting and licking on my soft spots. My nails dug on his back as his tongue played with my ear lobe, making my back arch against his chest.
"Ben, please...", I mumbled against his neck. The desire was just too much at that point, my panties were soaking wet and I couldn't take it anymore.
He snickered and bit hard on my earlobe before commanding me to turn around on the couch. I complied, keeping my knees on the couch on doggy position. His hands worked their way up from my thighs to my butt, where he massaged sweetly before hooking his fingers on my panties and pulling them off in a quick motion. He let his hands roam on my skin for a second before lifting his hand up and spanking me with full force, I screamed loudly in response.
"Shhh", he shushed me. "I barely touched you, babe." He then leaned back to me and whispered in my ear, "You've been a bad girl, Barbara...", he spanked me again and I whimpered desperately, the pain he was inflicting in me turned me on even more. "What are you doing here, naked in front of a man you just met?"
I knew what was coming so I shut my eyes waiting for the impact. Instead, he slid two fingers inside my pussy, causing me to gasp for air and squirm under his touch. He started to slide them in slowly, almost sweetly and I reached for his head above me gripping on his hair as he continued working my entrance.
"You like that, don't you?", he demanded in a low tone, at that point his deep voice was enough to make me cum, but I needed him inside me. I responded with a little "Mhmm" as I bit my lip trying to hold in a loud moan. "Then behave, promise you'll be a good girl from now on."
His fingers were now moving at a faster pace, making me pant. "I-I promise", I managed to say in between breaths, he had me on the edge and he knew it. His fingers then shifted position to curl against my g-spot, "Fuuuuck", I weeped against the couch letting my hips rock against his fingers. Above me, I heard him catch his breath at the sight, I sped up just to tease him even more.
"Fuck...", he whispered still pounding on my g-spot, my moans echoed in the small room and little beads of sweat started forming on my forehead as I thrusted against his fingers harder and harder each time. "Fuck this...", Ben breathed as he snaked his arm around me to flip me onto my back once more.
Moments after, he was kneeling behind me, rubbing his cock against my entrance. Teasing me, going in a circular motion and then inserting just the tip of his length. I was a soaking mess, trembling under his touch.
"Shit, Ben! Stop teasing me...", I moaned, biting my lip. I heard him laugh softly before finally pushing himself inside me a bit deeper. "Fuuuuck, Ben. You're driving me crazy!", out of the blue, he pulled softly on my shoulders, making me arch my back against his chest and provoking him to go in further and instead of stopping, he started pounding himself inside my pussy in a steady but gentle pace. A soft scream left my throat.
"Honestly," he purred, lust mixed with amusement in his voice, "I'm so glad I met you, Barbs."
That made me grin, my hand reached for his hair to tug on it softly, earning me a moan from him, "Save it, Ben."
And like that, he started pounding harder in me, increasing the pace every time and me, letting out shaky moans with each thrust. His hands gripped on my hips, the sound of our skin slapping filled the stance.
"Fuck, Ben oh my god!", my grip tightened on his hair. I could feel myself reaching my high already. Hastily, he slipped a hand down to my clit and started rubbing me fast, I screamed his name.
"Mmmm, you like that, don't you?", Ben moaned against my neck.
"Fuck, yes! Don't stop, don't stop!"
I was so damn close.
"Come for me, baby", he purred, pounding and rubbing hard on me.
I screamed in utter ecstasy and then...
I sat up in bed abruptly!
My heart was pounding so hard I thought it would come out of my chest, my head spun as I scanned my surroundings: I was still in my hotel room, my alarm clock was going off loudly.
What the fuck was that? I thought. I reached for my privates and trembled, the zone was sensitive, my knickers with a wet patch on them.
I'd just had a wet dream.
A wet dream about Ben Hardy.
TAGLIST: @rrrogahtaylahhhh @valeriecarolinaw
As always: thank you guys SO SO much for reading!
Hope you enjoy this chapter, cuz I might need some holy water after writing it lol
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der--untermensch · 5 years
Thanks for the tag @cheap-wynos 😊😊
Favourite snack: at the moment, dried mango slices. All time? Cheese popcorn.
Favourite place to go on vacation: So far, Estonia :)
What song makes you dance immediately?: KC Roberts and the Live Revolution-Awshitimfeelinit
Tea or coffee? What kind?: Depends on the time of day, but I generally love my coffee. Not stuck on any specific brand.
Do you play an instrument?: A couple 🙃 Piano, sax, some drums, bassoon, I sing...
What’s your favourite type of personality?: Someone real, who isn't afraid to have a different opinion that's completely their own.
Favourite comedian: Hmm. Rowan Atkinson or Robin Williams
Gummy candy or chocolate: Gummies!!
What did you want to be when you grew up as a kid?: A dentist, then a veterinarian
What’s your favourite physical feature on yourself?: Hmm. My eyes?
When was the last time you watched a movie or TV show?: Two weeks ago, I think? Been a lot going on with travelling.
Unpopular opinion: Not sure if this really qualifies, but I just can't get aboard the Greta Van Fleet train no matter how hard I try.
Are you scared of bugs?: Disgusted by some more than scared.
Cats or dogs?: Dogs. But I really do love all animals.
Does the description of your star sign match your personality?: Pretty closely, yup
Favourite accent?: Aussie or Italian
Name the first song that pops in to your head: Lil Nas X-Old Town Road (people here are fucking crazy for it and it's on everywhere)
Sexiest person to you: @myeyesweredarktillyouwokeme wins here.
Cake or pie: Oof. Pie slightly more than cake
Last time you read a whole book: Couple of weeks ago?
Favourite junk food: DQ is where it's at.
Do you like your height: I'm ok with it. Generally it's a pretty typical height.
Apples or oranges?: Apples! Mutsu is a current fave
What song has made you cry?: Ewert and the Two Dragons-Burning Bush always gets me
What person inspires you the most?: There are so many!
Favourite personality trait in someone: Honesty is right up there.
Do you like salad?: Depends on the type, I have nothing against it.
I tag @myeyesweredarktillyouwokeme 😘 @palewonder-darkeyes @spacebabepeach @rebbadger @superjellyninja for now :)
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jchb32273 · 5 years
Cullen to the Rescue
This comes from Chapter 28 of Kylara’s Origins... and features lovely art by the super talented @ambellinaleander  <3
The Chapter... 
The Whole Story...
(Some minor personality tweaks and canon changes) Hope you enjoy!!
I poured and drank another, then sat back and sighed. Just then the shadows around me got darker.
“Lookee here, Rowan. Lil’ bird in ‘ere all by ‘er lonesome.”
“I see that, Vaughn. Think she might wanna play?”
I sat up as straight as I could, which wasn’t easy since the liquor was taking its toll on me. “Don’ fuck with me… I’ve ‘ad a shit day.”
“Ooh, lil’ bird ‘ere has a dirty lil’ mouth now, don’t she?” Vaughn leered at me.
“Ima powerful mage. I’ll turn ya both inna toads, ya mess wit’ me.”
Rowan’s eyes narrowed. “If’n you’re a mage, how’s it you ain’t in the Tower under lock an’ key like them other mages?”
“Jus’ leave me alone!” I hissed.
“She’s got some spirit, eh? I think I’d enjoy breakin’ her,” Rowan grinned maliciously.
“You’ll do nothing of the sort,” a third male voice spoke up. I couldn’t see his face as he was wearing a hooded cloak. “Now I suggest the two of you leave and do not return.”
“Who in t’void are you to come an’ spoil our fun?” Vaughn spat.
Quicker than I could process what happened next, the hooded stranger grabbed Vaughn’s arm, twisted it violently behind his back, and then slammed his head against the table. As Vaughn screeched in pain, Rowan took out a dagger, but Brock had also come up to intervene. He held a sword to Rowan’s throat.
“Thought I’d already told you both do not come in here! Not get outta my tavern!”
Felsi came up and took Rowan’s dagger from his limp hand.
“Fine. We’ll leave. But jus’ so you know, you serve piss for ale here,” Rowan spat.
The stranger let go of Vaughn and the two of them stumbled out.
“Has she a room?” I faintly heard the stranger ask.
“Room two, up the stairs,” Felsi said. “She put the key in her pack.”
“Thank you. Come on now, Kylara. Let’s get you up to your room.” He helped me to my feet, which wasn’t easy since my whole body felt like a limp noodle now. Felsi handed him the key to my room and then she followed behind him, carrying my pack and my staff.
I stumbled on the stairs. “Woah, easy there now,” I heard Felsi say. “Come on, that’s it. One foot in front of the other… there you go.”
The stranger put the key in the lock and opened the door to the room. There was a full-sized bed in there and a basin for washing. The chamber pot was in the far corner. The stranger put a sovereign into Felsi’s hand. “Can you get a fire going in the fireplace and bring up a tub for a bath for her?” She nodded and disappeared back downstairs.
I struggled against the stranger’s hold on me. “I don’ need helph. I wuz doin’ jus’ fine. Now lemme go.”
The stranger sighed and helped me sit on the edge of the bed. He then pulled off my boots.
Felsi brought up some firewood and quickly got a roaring fire going. Then she grabbed the metal tub that had been in the opposite corner of the room. After setting that up, she pulled out the privacy screen and a linen towel. She ran back down the stairs and a moment later came up with two large buckets of water. She tipped them into a larger cauldron and then swung that over the fire to heat the water. One more trip down and then back up she came with two more buckets. One she also dumped into the cauldron, the last she left cold.
Once the water was hot, she swung the cauldron back out, tipped the hot water into the tub and then added some cold to make it warm. Felsi then set the privacy screen in front of the tub and then left the two of us alone. The stranger shut the door.
“So now whadya want wif me?” I slurred out. “Ya save me from t’others, then ya bring me up here t’my room. Expectin’ me to let ya haf yer way wif me now?
“Ah… um, no.” The stranger cleared his throat nervously. “I just wanted to make sure you are safe.”
“Why d’ya care?” I glared at him, wobbling on the bed.
“Because you were… you are my friend.” He pulled the hood off of his head.
“Cullen…” I gasped before I suddenly blacked out.
I awoke a few moments later, a cool cloth on my forehead, and amber eyes looking at me with concern. I slowly sat up; my head spinning and throbbing. “Cullen,” I murmured. “What’re you doin’ here?”
He blushed deeply. “I… happened to overhear what happened between you and … Alistair.”
Tears immediately began pouring from my eyes. Cullen, clearly at a loss on how to help a blubbering female, just kept gently patting the cool cloth against my face. Unfortunately, I cried so hard that all of the sour liquor in my stomach suddenly decided to come back up in the most unpleasant manner. I quickly got up, ignoring the pounding in my skull, and just barely made it to the (thankfully) empty chamberpot.
When there was nothing left but dry heaves, I slowly stood up, grabbed the pitcher and a cup from the nearby dresser and poured myself some water. I drank it down quickly and then staggered back to where Cullen was sitting on the bed, worry etched on his face.
“I… I am sorry,” I mumbled, wobbling on my feet. He slowly stood and held me against him.
“Come on now,” he said softly. Why don’t you go ahead and take your bath before the water gets cold? I’ll leave the room.”
“Please don’ leave me alone…”
“But, ah… You really should have some privacy. Besides, I um…”
“There’s a screen.”
He gulped. “Well, okay… I’ll just turn around then.” He suited word to action and turned around to allow me privacy to undress.
I slowly unbuttoned my robe, took off the outer layer, slid out of the inner slip, then draped them both over the privacy screen. Standing there in only the leggings and my breast band, I spoke softly, “Cullen? Do you think I am pretty?”
He turned to face me and then quickly cried out, “Maker’s Breath!” His face beet red, he quickly turned his back to me again. “I-I’m sorry! I thought you still had your clothes on!”
“But you didn’ anser my question.” My voice was still a bit fuzzy.
Still not facing me, he quickly answered, “Y-yes. You are pretty. But you know I can’t…” He turned slightly back towards me only to notice I had now removed my breast band and leggings. His eyes goggled. “K-Kylara… please! Oh, Maker!” He tried to turn his head away again but seemed to have some difficulty.
I slowly walked towards him. As I advanced, he backed up until he bumped up against the door. He shut his eyes. “Why, if I am pretty as you say, why can’t you look at me?” I asked petulantly.
“Kylara… I-I took vows. You know this.” His Adam’s apple bobbed nervously. “Y-you’re drunk, you’re not thinking clearly.” He paused and then said, “Please don’t make me regret coming here to help you.”
That made me stop cold. I covered my breasts with my arms and hands. I backed up a few steps. I looked down at the floor. “I’m sorry, Cullen. It’s jus’ I feel so… unwanted now. I… though’ he loved me… that we truly had somethin’ special between us!” Tears began coming from my eyes again.
Cullen took a few steps forward and grabbed the linen towel off of the privacy screen. He wrapped it around my shoulders and then held me again, but not too close this time. “Come now, take your bath. I won’t leave the room, but please respect my vows, all right? Once you are done, we can talk about what happened, if you like.”
I nodded slowly and stepped behind the screen. I draped the towel back over the screen, then removed my smalls. I stepped into the warm water.
The tub was small and though the water only came up just over my hips, it still felt relaxing. I found a dry sponge hanging on the privacy screen and took it into my hands, wet it, and used it to wash.
All too soon the water was cold. “Cullen? You there?”
“Yes,” he replied from the other side of the screen.
“I should have a long nightshirt in my pack?”
“I’ll check.” A moment later, it was draped over the screen.
“Thank you.” I didn’t hear a reply, so I went ahead and got out of the tub. I pat myself dry, slipped on my smalls, and then thinking he’d be nervous if I didn’t have it on, slipped my breast band back on as well… even though I preferred to sleep without it. That thought, of course, brought on fresh tears again. No warm, loving Alibear to snuggle against anymore? I’d gotten so used to it, how would I sleep tonight?
I pulled the long nightshirt over my head and then stepped from behind the screen. Cullen seemed relieved to see me dressed and gave a faint smile, but when he saw the fresh tear tracks on my face – despite my recent bath – he grew concerned again.
“Do you feel well enough to talk about it now?” Cullen asked.
I sniffed a few times, trying to get my emotions under control. “I think so,” I replied softly. I was feeling a lot more clear-headed since I’d thrown up the majority of the alcohol I’d drunk (though I knew I’d still likely have a horrible headache come the morning…) We sat down on the edge of the bed together.
Cullen took one of my hands into his, which helped me stay calm. “So, how did the two of you meet?” 
I took a deep breath and began. “After Duncan recruited me into the Grey Wardens, and I left the Tower, we traveled together down to Ostagar where the darkspawn battle was expected to take place. Alastair was the junior Grey Warden. He was to help me and the other two recruits go through our joining ritual. However, only I survived it.”
“What happened to the other two recruits?”
“Daveth did not survive the process and Ser Jory tried to back out of the ritual which is not allowed.”
“I don’t understand. What do you mean he's not allowed to back out?”
I sighed. “I really cannot tell you that. The ritual is a secret and I promised Duncan I wouldn’t talk about that with anyone else.”
Cullen nodded. “I can respect that. Even our Templar Order has some secrets.”
“The point is that only Alistair and I were there at Ostagar to light the beacon while Duncan and the rest of the senior Grey Wardens we're fighting on the battlefront against the darkspawn.” I paused, then asked, “How much have you heard about what happened at Ostagar?”
“Not much to be honest,” Cullen replied. “All I remember is getting the news that everybody had died down there and Loghain was declaring himself Regent since Cailan was gone.”
“You didn’t think it suspicious that only Loghain and his troops survived?”
“A little, perhaps. Of course, you know what happened after that for The Circle and me. How that all quickly spiraled out of control.” Cullen closed his eyes and shuddered.
I gave his hand a small squeeze. “Since you are being so kind and helping me, I'm willing to listen, if you feel like talking about that…”
“Honestly I'm not sure if I can. At least not at this time. I'm still a little messed up over the whole situation.” He gave a faint smile. “Thank you for the offer though. Perhaps if our paths cross again in the future…”
“I understand. Anyways, as I told you earlier, because of Loghain’s betrayal, Alistair and I were ambushed by darkspawn at the top of the Tower of Ishal. We both nearly died. It was Morrigan's mother who saved us. After healing us, we left with Morrigan and journeyed up to Lothering. While there, we managed to evacuate the town from the oncoming darkspawn horde. As we then traveled west towards Redcliffe, I got the feeling that something was wrong at the Circle Tower. So we came up that way to investigate and that's when I found out about Uldred…”
“Please do not say that man's name!” Cullen pleaded.
I gave his hand another squeeze. “Sorry.” Cullen gave a brief nod. I continued, “So after we saved the Tower, we began our journey back to Redcliffe. During that time, Alastair admitted to having feelings towards me and we began a relationship. We've been together ever since.” Despite my trying to stay calm, new tears began to fall.
Cullen handed me a cloth to wipe my tears. “So then what happened? If you've been together this long, what suddenly caused you to split up?”
I took a deep breath, dabbed at my tears, and said, “Something happened recently while we were here. I had a vision that told me we needed to return to Ostagar. That was where Wynne, Morrigan, Alistair and I went a few days ago.”
“Why did you go back there?”
“We had to find King Cailan's body and put it to rest. We couldn’t just leave him there to rot amongst the darkspawn!”
“You mean Loghain didn’t send anyone down there to do that?” Cullen was aghast.
“No. Bastard has been sitting on our King’s throne and couldn’t be bothered,” I spat in anger.
“So you and Alistair took care of him?”
“Wynne and Morrigan were with us too… but yes, we found his remains and built a pyre to take care of them. We also found his armor and King Maric’s sword.”
“That’s good. But I still don’t understand how you and Alistair were together when you left, and when you returned… well…”
“Seeing what the darkspawn had done to our King – ” Cullen looked like he was about to ask about that, so I quickly cut him off by saying, “Trust me, you don’t want to know. It was… awful.” He nodded and then bade me continue. “Well, when Alistair saw they’d done to Cailan, he went completely berserk!”
“Cailan was a good man. I suppose I might have done the same…” Cullen began, but I shook my head.
“Not like that! No, this was far more… personal… for Alistair.”
Cullen frowned. “Care to explain, instead of only giving cryptic hints?”
I hesitated for a moment, wondering whether or not Alistair would want me to reveal his heritage to anyone outside of those that already knew. But I trusted Cullen, so I decided to tell him. “It affected Alistair more… because Alistair… is Cailan's brother.”
Cullen’s mouth dropped open for a moment, then he said, “Are you saying that Alistair is also King Maric's son? That we have an heir to the throne after all?”
I nodded. “Yes. Alastair is King Maric’s son. But because his mother was a serving girl at Redcliffe Castle, he was kept a secret… being a bastard.”
Cullen looked so excited by the prospect of us having a legitimate King again, I thought he was about to rush downstairs and shout out the news to anyone who’d listen.
I snapped my fingers in front of his face. “Cullen!”
“I am telling you this in confidence.”
“I don’t understand. Why keep it a secret?” he asked, slightly confused. “We should be telling all of Ferelden this great news!”
“No! Eamon plans to put him forward as heir at the upcoming Landsmeet in late spring, so please do me a favor and not say anything… to anyone for now. We don’t want Loghain to be aware of our plans.”
“Loghain and Maric were good friends… Don’t you think he’s aware of the possibility?”
“He may already suspect, but that’s not the point! I am trusting you with this secret. Will you keep it?”
Reluctantly, he nodded. “I will not betray your trust.”
I breathed out a sigh of relief.
“So is that what split you two up? Because he's going to be King?”
“Not exactly,” I replied, tears misting my eyes again. “What happened… was that after he saw what had happened to Cailan, Alistair was going to try and attack all of the darkspawn on his own. So I tried to stop him by casting a paralyze spell. It made him angry and he used Holy Smite on me.”
“He did what?!” Cullen was shocked. “That ability drains you of your mana!”
“I know. He left me there on the bridge and ran off. Fortunately, Morrigan and Wynne were there to help me.”
“I can't believe he did that to you!”
“He was upset over what the darkspawn had done to his brother, so I can sort of understand his anger… but it certainly did not excuse what he did to me! So when we returned from Ostagar, we had an argument and that's when he broke it off with me…” I had been holding them back for a while, but at that last statement, I started crying again. “I don't know what else to say now, Cullen, except that I love him! Love him more than words can say!” I sobbed and buried my face in his shirt. Muffled, I wailed out, “But it… hurts! Love is supposed to feel good, not hurt like this! I-I just want this pain to stop! I want to forget… but I can’t!”
“But what about him being King? Since you're a mage you wouldn't be able to be with him anyway, right? You don't have noble blood.”
I pulled myself back and stared at Cullen in anger. He flinched a bit at my glare. “I know that, all right! We were going to try and find a way to work it out! It could be that I would have stayed on his mistress or something like that!” My head drooped. “But now he doesn't want to be with me…” I collapsed against his chest again. “I don't know what I'm going to do! How can I work with him now to stop the Blight?!”
Cullen was at a bit of a loss as to what to say or do next. He sighed. I’ve no experience on how to handle this further, he thought. I’d hoped it would help her to talk about it… but it seems I might have made it worse. He pat me gently on my back and cleared his throat. “Um, look. I’m sure that maybe in a day or two, you both might – ”
I shook my head. “No. I’m afraid it’s over,” I responded bleakly. “I was a fool to think it would have worked.”
“Do you want me to try and talk with him about it?” Cullen asked.
“And say what exactly? He’s probably already gotten his ear chewed off by the whole group!” I nibbled my bottom lip and then said, “It’s not that I don’t appreciate the offer, but I don’t know what you could say that would be different from what my other friends may have already said to him.”
“Perhaps. But I could still try.”
“Really? You’d do that… for me?”
“Yes.” He then yawned. “Maker, I don’t know how late it is, but I should probably get back to Kinloch.” He stood up. “Let’s get you settled for the night…”
My eyes went wide and I stood up and grabbed Cullen’s hand. “Please! Don’t leave me all alone tonight! I don’t want to be here all by myself!”
“B-but there is only one bed here! You can’t expect me to…”
“I’m clothed, Cullen. You are as well. I won’t do anything, I promise!!” He still looked terrified at the prospect of being in the same bed as me. “Please, Cullen. I am begging you!”
He looked in my eyes and seeing my desperation, finally relented. “All right. I’ll stay.”
“Thank you.” I breathed a sigh of relief. I pulled back the covers and crawled into the bed. Then I scooted over to the far side of it. He covered me up and then propped up the other pillow against the headboard. Then he sat on the bed, leaning against the headboard. “Are you going to be comfortable like that?” I muttered sleepily.
“Not really.” Still, he gave me a faint smile. “But what are friends for?”
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willowxwispxrp-blog · 5 years
Paw in a Trap
She was not quite herself these days, but there was so much surrounding Rowan’s reappearance that Willow had no control over. He slept, he woke, he ate with gentle reminders on how to use utensils. He didn’t talk. He didn’t smile. Most painfully of all his eyes took her in but did not know her and it felt like a steel hunting trap kept snapping around her heart, clamping down with glinting teeth and not letting go. 
The call from The Hub came early in the morning, and Willow almost ignored it, curled up in bed unable to sleep but unable to will herself to get up. Reluctantly she answered with a sleepy “Heyyesitsme”
Swift plaintive words sounded from the other end. “Willow...sorry, sorry to bother you I know you’ve got stuff on your plate right now...but we’ve got a newcomer here that’s kind of a level 10 looking to stab everyone mess. I don’t know anyone else that might be able to calm her down....is she leaving?! Ronald she can’t just leave, what the fuck man she’s gonna get herself or someone else hurt!”
Willow’s feet were already out of bed, sliding her shoes on. “Which way is she heading?” she asked, a bleeding heart with a purpose, with a laser focus. She threw her coat on over her pajamas and headed out into the early morning air. There was no need for her to get details on the woman’s appearance, the power in those strides, the nervous canting of her head left and right, the tense way she seemed ready to pounce. This was who she was looking for. Willow approached slowly, the girl seeming like an animal with a paw caught in a trap, in need of help but all snarls and fearful snaps.
“Are you Lilian?” she called out, just for the sake of propriety even though she was certain of the answer. “My name’s Willow.” Closer, she was closer now, close enough to really see Lilian’s face. Her own features were empathetic, cautious and concerned and patient. “I get that this is a lot...kinda dizzying...they told me you got really upset when a vampire volunteer tried to talk with you. I am distinctly lacking in fangs, fur, and magical powers.” She adjusted her coat, noting that the sun wasn’t up for another hour or two and they should probably do this with the safety of a bit more company. “It’s not good to wander in small groups this time of night if you don’t know where to go. How about you and I go to this great diner and get some pancakes. I bet you haven’t eaten for a while. We can take our time, I’ll sit with you just you and me, and answer your questions to the best of my abilities.”
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The Worm Reads: Empire of Storms, Ch 21 - 22
Tumblr deleted the first draft of this so I had to redo all of it. Isn’t. That. Just. Great.
Last chapter ended with Dorian and Rowan meeting Rolfe in his office, and true to SJM’s nature, the next chapter immediately picks up where the last one left off. Cut out a lot of the padding and all of these scenes could easily fit into one chapter, but it wouldn’t be a shitty YA novel without padding.
A wry half smile tugged on Rolfe’s lips, the upper-left corner flecked with a small scar. Hopefully not from Aelin.
Because Rolf, a Pirate Lord involved in plenty of illegal activity and battling, couldn’t have possibly gotten a scar from anyone else but that one encounter with Aelin????
“A man who likes ink as much as I do,” Rolfe said with an appreciative nod. “I think you and I will get along just fine, Prince.” “Male,” Rowan corrected. “Fae males are not human men.”
Ungh this is beyond weird. I get that other humanoid species might use male/female as opposed to men/women, that’s not a huge issue, it’s just so weird that they insist on being addressed as males.... also does Rolfe have an ink kink or what.
Rowan gave Dorian a nod to sit. The flames on the candles burning throughout guttered as they passed, and claimed their seats.
The fuck is the meaning of that comma? Makes it sound like the candles are claiming the seats instead of R and D.
“According to the messengers who arrived yesterday,” Rolfe said, leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms. “Duke Perrington—or should I call him King Perrington now?—issued a decree, signed by the majority of Adarlan’s lords and ladies, naming you, Majesty, an enemy to your kingdom, and claiming that he liberated Rifthold from your claws after you and the Queen of Terrasen slaughtered so many innocents this spring.
Oh, shit. I don’t really care about Aelin but I feel pretty bad for Dorian.
Rolfe went on, perhaps a bit more gently, “Your brother has been named Perrington’s heir and Crown Prince.” Oh gods. Hollin was a child, but still … something had rotted in him, festered—
Oh no, not Hollin! Not the guy who.... has had little to no dialogue, appeared officially in like one scene, and was only mentioned about three times.....not that character!
[Dorian] wished Chaol were with him.
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Rolfe sat forward, resting his forearms on the desk. “You must be desperate indeed, then.” A glance at Rowan. “And is your queen equally desperate for my aid?” “My queen,” Rowan said, “is not a part of this discussion.”
Oh silly Rowan, don’t you know every chapter is required to have at least one Aelin splooge feast?
According to Rolfe’s hand map there’s some spooky beasts afoot that killed most of his crew some time ago.
Rolfe’s pale green eyes darkened. “Sea-wyverns. Witches rule the skies with their wyverns—but these waters are now ruled by beasts bred for naval battle, foul corruptions of an ancient template.
HELL YEAH SEA WYVERNS!! I have to give SJM credit by at least including different types of dragons. Sea wyverns are fucking awesome, I hope this concept actually goes somewhere.
Two golden-haired males appeared in the doorway.
Hooo boy, more Fae males. Just what I wanted......
Immediately after the two Fae show up, the chapter ends, and Chapter 22 once again picks off right where the previous chapter left off. Jesus tap dancing Christ. Doing this once or twice is fine but SJM does this with literally every chapter!!! Without this cliff hanger BS there’s be at least 10 less chapters in this book.
But the dark-eyed, bronze-skinned male—so handsome that Dorian blinked—smirked at the dagger shivering beside his head.
PFFFT. And SJM/the fandom continuously insist that Dorian is 100% straight. I’m laughing so hard I’m not even mad at SJM continuing to describe all of her good characters as drop dead gorgeous.
Fenrys—Gavriel. Dorian knew those names. Rowan had mentioned them during their journey here … Two members of Rowan’s cadre.
That em dash is so weirdly placed. Also, I predict lots of dick waving between Fenrys and Rowan once Aelin shows up.
Dorian released his magic into himself. It settled into his core like a bit of dropped ribbon.
??? I take back my compliment of magic being written interestingly ?????
Gavriel and Fenrys go to eat lunch and everyone goes with. Just explaining this because there’s a bunch of filler of them just sitting around and not doing anything of interest.
“Maeve’s armada sails for this continent.” Dorian was glad he didn’t have anything in his stomach.
Oh yeah, remember Maeve? Honestly, I find her pointless? We already have a main villain, is she really needed? Other than someone for Aelin to prove her superiority against IG.....
Eyllwe … Maeve had to know how dear the kingdom was to Aelin.
Oh my godddd forget the innocent people that may be killed, injured, or lose their homes if Maeve pillages their kingdom, nope, it’s all about poor wittle Aelin’s feefees.
At the mention of lover, Rowan gave Fenrys a lethal stare. The beautiful male—really, there was no way to describe him other than that—just shrugged.
Let me remind you again that this is from Dorian’s POV. He truly is a bicon. And it begs the question... if all of SJM’s characters are beautiful, is there, in fact, no beautiful people in this universe? Since everyone is beautiful, wouldn’t that cancel out actually being beautiful, since ‘ugly’ people apparently don’t exist? This is the most entertainment I’ve gotten from these chapters tbh.
Rowan flicked his eyes toward the stairs behind Rolfe. “You’re dismissed.” Fenrys choked on a dark laugh, but Gavriel straightened as Rolfe hissed, “I don’t care who you are and what power you wield. You don’t give me orders in my territory.”
Rolfe isn’t being unreasonable here?? It’s portrayed as “oh look how cool and badass Rowan is” but this isn’t Rowan’s territory?? He is in no position to give orders god I hate him so much
Rolfe throws them all out of his place because Rowan was being a bossy lil bitch. Gg Rowan.
Fenrys snorted, toying with a small curl of golden hair at his nape. “How you even manage to walk with that much steel on you, Whitethorn, has always been a mystery to me.” Rowan said smoothly, “How no one has ever cut out your tongue just to shut you up has always been a mystery to me as well.” An edged chuckle. “I’ve been told it’s my best feature. At least the women think so.”
So I’m finally reading the ACOTAR series also by SJM, and holy shit, this is literally the exact same character as Cassian. Way to be creative, SJM.
All of a sudden Rowan halts the story to give a huge info dump on Fenrys’ backstory? Yeah this is a sign of great writing; rather than weaving information in small chunks to the audience, Rowan just basically explains Fenrys’ backstory to himself for... reasons.
Fenrys has a twin brother who took the oath to Maeve, thus prompting Fenrys to also take an oath to free his brother. Admittedly that does endear Fenrys to me a bit more, since it shows that he clearly cares about his brother enough to sacrifice his own freedom for him, but I’d rather learn that slowly rather than read one big info dump about it, thank you.
Rowan pinned Fenrys with a look. The White Wolf of Doranelle smiled right back at him.
Wait a minute..... Fenrys is called The White Wolf.... but on Aedion’s wiki it says-
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Oh come the fuck on! You couldn’t think of another dangerous animal to symbolize your characters, SJM?
Fenrys and Gavriel are here to hunt Lorcan for his crimes, and this is portrayed as an earth shattering discovery....? I mean, I don’t give a shit about Lorcan. Or most of these characters, if I’m being honest.
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notcastillos · 6 years
( scotty and julie. )
@arrowtypes @lil-booty-wipe
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↠ Scotty and Julie are featured as side characters in Dylan Martinez’s “Heroin,” starring alongside Caleb Garcia, Starlie Holland, Eddie Turner and much more. They began to form a friendly relationship over their junior year, casual flirting here and there, since Scotty almost never showed up to the classes they had together; he was mostly with his best friend, Mason Phillips. Over the summer, Pyper Valentine moved into town and quickly befriended the both of them, often inviting them over to her pool along with Landon Rogers and Rowan Carrows. Julie’s helped Scotty mature over time, and eventually, he developed feelings for her that he barely admitted to his close friends, Landon and Eddie. It’s unknown if their fondness for each other will last or slowly diminish, being that Scotty still has not decided his college plans; it’s most likely he will attend community college along with many others.
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