#feel better bud!
0vergrowngraveyard · 7 months
the difference between sonic and tails sick fics is so funny to me
sonic is so gentle and so caring when tails is sick (or he’s panicking)
meanwhile tails is dragging his brother by the ear, throwing him onto the bed and shoving the entire thermometer down his throat
kid does not get paid enough
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manasurge · 3 months
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Just a bit of lore relevant vent art (with terrible proportions bc apparently I mess that up horribly when I'm tired ugh. Watch me regret posting this tomorrow. The head size is already driving me mad bc it's too big, and I can feel myself wanting to abort this mission already) of Mourynn just, lying down on top of one of those large elevated Pale Tree roots far above the Grove (and far away from everyone else), and during the time between the early years and before the Personal story. Caithe is gone (Destiny's Edge), Wynne is gone (bc well, y'know...), even Faolain is gone (bc of Caithe in DE), and she's just feeling miserable, lost, and alone. (Her hair is in between her sapling hair and the Zhaitan hair, so it's grown out a bit bc she's depressed, and she's meant to be in the new outfit she designed, but I'm in the process of redesigning it a bit, so I've made a few tentative changes for now. Her collar is now just an extension of her clavicle leaves which can be put up like a collar, or can be draped down over her shoulders or back)
#gw2#sylvari#artgallery#mourynn#mourynn art#I've just been so tired lately bc of work#also just going a bit stir crazy with the silence (lonely; but alas I unfortunately suck at starting convos bc I have nothing interesting t#talk about and work has been draining my social energy; making it even harder :( (I'd rather burn the social energy with friends yknow?)#it's getting a wee bit better; but I haven't had much time or energy to even game while we're in the midst of our busiest season :(#I miss hanging out and chatting with my buds; but the universe insists on keeping us apart :(#just miss having something to look forward to throughout my day. Been trying to fill it with other things; but the depresso is overriding i#Mostly just been me with my thoughts and that is just bad bc I got so many horrors in there lmao.#I wanna at the very least; draw more or game more to distract from it; but work is sapping all my time and energy from it.#but also it's very quiet on my end and it's kicking my overthinking into overdrive so I#Ive just been fighting with my mind lately lmao#hopefully this will all pass soon so I won't obsessively keep thinking about it loll#lol I'd post this in the servers but it's vent art so it feels a bit weird to do; so it's going straight to home video w/o a theater releas#hopefully once work calms down it'll help#(I have so many long shifts makes me so frustrated bc I hate them and I run out of steam half way through)#other than all that I'm doing fine lol. My brain's always been like this; But I usually only get like this during the winter season#(bc of the holidays making everything quiet and also the SAD) so it feels weird having this exact same feeling happen to me in July lol
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teeth--king · 4 months
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Made a messy shirt for my sweet boy William with the left over yarn I had from my blanket. I’ve been a bit sick and mentally checked out as of late so it’s not the nicest and I just free balled this, but it looks so cute on him so I can’t complain!
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bonefall · 10 months
the cats of the park is just frostpaw finally getting some therapy
tbh tho I feel like them being separate from clan life would help her immensely. They’re not so wrapped up in this culture of battle so they have a new and refreshing perspective (and also frost doesn’t have to worry about ulterior motives because they are STAYING AWAY from THAT trainwreck that is the clans)
RE: Nothing in BB!ASC is set in stone until the arc is done BUT
One excellent thing ASC has done with the Park cats that is commendable, is that they're treated as legitimate. Not inferior or malicious. They're just another culture that Frostpaw is going to learn from. The bar is UNDERGROUND but we've finally hopped over it.
So I'd want to keep and acknowledge that.
I think I might have an interesting idea for Frostpaw's journey. Also, side note... I'm thinking BB!ASC will rename every book because these titles are actually awful, im sorry. So I'd call this one ASC: The Source of the River
Gonna jot these down;
So, to begin with, Frostpaw calls the human. While being heavily sedated, she has her first vision of Riverstar.
She NEVER would. Screw that. Instead-- learning to connect to this vision of Riverstar, to her ancestors and their wisdom, is a SKILL she would learn.
Frame the journey less as Riverstar's Side Quest and more as Frostpaw chasing the Revelation she had while anesthetized.
So when she wakes up, she's thinking about how incomprehensibly VAST Riverstar was. She can't even imagine how there's enough space in the world to contain such a being.
Even the Lake itself... the lake is just a droplet, being suckled like a kit on the teat of the Southern Inlet river
For a second, her troubles seemed like a small flea on the nose of a great, cosmic being. But as she reconnects with the mortal plane after her dream, the flea becomes an infestation. She doesn't know where to begin, or how she can save her Clan.
She thinks back to Riverstar. The river that feeds the Lake. Was that what he was trying to tell her? That she has to follow it to the source?
The BB!Tribe is massively overhauled. The Tribe of Rushing Water defines themselves as three Wards (Cave, Mountain, River), connected by living on the same stretch of river.
From them, she learns about connections. They are simply able to call upon each other for all they need, there's no need to "appoint" someone to manage everything.
Families and friends hold each other accountable, networking and negotiating constantly. When the group must act as one, it casts stones.
Their Stoneteller is a religious leader, but all cats connect with their ancestors by personally interpreting omens, even without needing to go see him.
(Contrast to BB!Clans, whose Clerics are the KEEPERS of holy knowledge, and it is a sin to interpret StarClan's will on your own)
Yet, there are downsides. She can see ostracised cats who skirt at the edges of the Ward, especially the descendants of a particular group (called Flicks) that she learns once tried to invade the River Ward.
Though they welcome travellers and have a positive view of Clan cats as "family," she learns that they freeze out those who break taboo. Even for smaller offenses-- social faux pas and personal disputes have caused rifts within the Ward.
And the personal omen interpretation means that two cats can try and justify their feelings with religious commands, leveraging any "soothsayer" (particularly religious cats) connections they have like a social pissing match, unless they're both willing to get dragged to Stoneteller.
From all this, Frostpaw learns that she CAN connect to Riverstar and her ancestors, even if she can't speak to them... and that she must LISTEN. Not allow herself to twist her ancestor's words.
And all the Wards are connected, by the source of a river. Suddenly she answers her question.
"How could the world be big enough to contain a being like Riverstar?" Because water isn't all in one place. It's everywhere. It pools where it can and flows where it cannot.
And yet-- a single people is connected by its water. Three wards, one River. Five Clans, one Lake... three siblings, one belly.
Her heart aches thinking about Curlfeather.
She thinks of when quarreling Tribemates are brought to Stoneteller to arbitrate, and be taught the truth. Brought up the river, to its source at the waterfall.
That has to be it! The source, the BEGINNING.
Stop 2 would be WarriorClan as she heads south, but I'm not sure what they'd teach her yet lmao. Monkeystar says "Hi! Do you want to learn how to play a kazoo"
STOP 3... I'd want to rename the Park Cats. Maybe the New Park cats.
(evil brain: "Neopark. Make terrible petsite joke. Be reincarnated as a lotus flower)
There would also be a BIG recap of Ancient Park culture, and the River Kingdom. Frostpaw knows they had KINGS.
And a lot of aspects that modern Clan cats have-- ceremonial sparring, mentors and apprentices, the Law of the Deputy... those came out of the River Kingdom, before its collapse in the Code Era.
But these cats are NOTHING like the glorious tales of a Kingdom warrior. In fact... this is THE park!
THE park that was destroyed, which King Arc-of-Park lead his people away from. How could it have been ruined if it's still here?
(Reality: the Park was shrunk and landscaped. It was destroyed in that time to the perspective of cats. Maybe she'll have some visions of the past through meditation...)
But the survivors, and those who chose not to follow their King... they remained. And they continue to thrive.
Like canon, have them teach her the ability to meditate. Unlike Tribe cats, meditation is about SIGNS, not OMENS. Omens are physical. Signs are psychic.
(Also i like Bee so im probably gonna keep him as Frosty's yoga coach)
She sees Riverstar a few times, has details of Curlfeather's scheme revealed to her in enough chunks to piece together,
but is eventually bowled over when her best, most productive meditation yet... results in a black shadow.
He has a shining pearlstone adorning his head, and deep, wet pools for eyes. Very few other features can be made out, besides his paw, which is shockingly normal compared to his wraith-like body.
Somehow, Frostpaw understands she is looking at a Patron. But she doesn't know who he is until he tells her, he is King Arc-of-Park.
Though remembered, he is not invoked often. The details of his appearance are lost. All that remains of him is his paw-- carried on in a few expressions and the -paw suffix. The one which Frostpaw herself currently bears.
Since Riverstar, his beloved son, so rarely speaks in straightforward terms, he has come to give Frostpaw her answers.
But before she speaks, trembling with desire for finally FINALLY getting the truth, almost frozen by the sheer volume of things she needs to know, he stops and tells her,
"You have earned the truth, Frostpaw. Be not afraid to ask for what you are owed-- but we only have time for three questions, and I shall ask three in turn."
Question 1: "What did you need me to learn?"
"Many things. How to find your own answers. The perspective of the thousand eyes you've met. The wisdom that only a pilgrimage can bestow. I, too, was no leader before I brought my people up the river, and now you too must save RiverClan. Have you learned what we sought to teach?"
She feels unsure... "I don't think I can know if I have, until I go home."
Even though he has no mouth, she can hear his smile, "That is a yes, child."
Question 2: "What am I learning about RiverClan and its history, if these New Park cats are nothing like my Kingdom ancestors?"
He hums, "You have come to the source of the river, and are vexxed to not find the water that is already swirling downstream? No cat stands in the same river twice, for it is not the same river, and they are not the same cat. Are my people gone, Frostpaw, or do they live on?"
Stunned, her jaw hangs open ever so slightly. She thought she knew the answer right away, but his simple question becomes a riddle on her tongue.
He tells her not to worry. She does not need to answer his questions immediately, as they're running out of time. Ask your last.
Question 3: "...did my mom love me?"
IMMEDIATE, "she did. Child of my distant blood, she loved you like a king loves his prince. Ferociously, ambitiously... selfishly."
He cradles her face in his one, massive, silk-soft paw, like he's reaching out of the shadows, across time itself. His last question, "She put you in a terrible position, didn't she?"
A lifetime's worth of love and agony bubbles out of the kid, "SHE DID. She DID and I never did ANYTHING to deserve this, I did everything she told me, and I just wanted to make her happy, and... and i miss my mom."
When she returns from her trance, she's crying.
But her companions are here to help her unpack all of what she just learned.
Will probably end up letting her recruit a little DND party lmao... maybe one cat from each pit stop. Heartstar shouldn't be the only girlie who's allowed to get expansion packs.
Make a little found family here that Frostpaw returns home with.
RE: NOT. CONFIRMED YET. NONE of this is BB canon yet. Just thoughts I need to get down.
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utilitycaster · 5 months
perhaps unpopular but while I do agree the EXU interlude likely killed some of the momentum, I also...don't mind that the party didn't talk much this episode? I feel like the start of the episode created an opening that not everyone took, though we did have some good moments, but also, for all I adore episode 2x30 and 1x69 re: wake of a character's death, and i do think 3x92's first half was very strong, it feels very right and in-character that Ashton isn't ready to talk about it (and that Dorian isn't really talking yet either).
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Things were getting too wholesome, TIME TO PANIC-
Aka: the consequences of having a power so heavily dependent on the user’s feelings of trust and connection to their family. What happens when they no longer feel they belong?
Idk where this is in the timeline but it definitely takes place a few days/a week after this.
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otrtbs · 2 years
y’all are so weird. if you hate the way i characterized regulus in ahb! then,,, stop reading it? no one is forcing you to read it?? you can just put it down,,, you know that right???? who has the gun to your head making you click next chapter??? you can just stop reading it at any time. no really, trust me!
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kuromi-hoemie · 2 months
feel like I've genuinely spent at least a quarter of my day too horny to think. i was going to do some kind of art today but I've been thinking about the boy...
#for like the third day in a row#me: I've gotten so much hotter fr like i'm SO hot now and i was already hot i can't believe this#me when a friend who knew me from before says he thinks I'm hot: buddy what do you MEAN??¿?¿¿ 😵‍💫😵 really?? 👉🏾👈🏾#i enjoy his friendship and his company ♡⁠ and i don't want to make it weird so i needed to cool off for a couple hours (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)#i just kinda asked him if he wants anything more of me and what his boundaries are :3c and we can go frm there#i don't like to drive myself crazy wondering and letting a crush build. i nip it in the bud before it consumes me by just asking 😌#this isn't my first crush on him but i did keep the other ones to myself.. he's different 👉🏾👈🏾 but things r p different these days#and it's been a while since we've last seen each other. I've never been more attracted to him than i am now 😵‍💫😵‍💫#what happened.. wait no we have been getting closer i suppose. I remember always wanting to know him more in our#friend group back then and i feels rly nice to actually understand him more these days (❁´◡`❁) ♡ to be seen and understood myself.#it's a whole thing lol but basically i split off frm our old group then he kinda got kicked out and the group fell apart#but then we reconnected months later and we're better friends than we've ever been :3 i like him and appreciate him either way ♡⁠#😮‍💨 having a crush on someone is so exhilarating yet exhausting lmaoo. he's a good boy though i like himmm ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ#ougggh... waaaahh.... auhgggghhhhggggg........#i haven't had a crush on someone in a while (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠) I've been blissfully hanging w my bestie but he keeps getting me#god..
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ratbastarddotfuck · 29 days
the OCD demons have been suspiciously quiet the last few days, I should have known they were gearing up to launch a co-ordinated attack the moment I didn't have direct access to my bags LMFAO
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goodluckclove · 4 months
Finally fixed the name typos in Blind Trust. Which means in like three days if you buy my e-book or paperback, you'll get a version that doesn't accidentally call the character based on my therapist my therapist's actual name.
Which mean I'm pretty sure the e-book files you seven or so people have bought so far are collector's items. Only you know the true name of Clover Jean Gardener's therapist. Lucky you.
i'm kidding i swear i'll get beta readers for book two
i've never had people to read my writing before
turns out that's kind of important oops
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sarah-yyy · 1 year
actual honest to god thing i just heard in court this morning: 
“i apologise for having to say this, your honour, but my client has instructed me to advise the court that his priest is with him today, and before we start the trial, his priest would like to carry out a ritual in this courtroom so we will win this case”
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krysmcscience · 5 months
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Saw this prompt for incorrect OC quotes and couldn't resist with a bunch of my Breach goobers. Some of them would absolutely say these things word for word in canon if I gave them half the chance to, though. XD
They're in order of when they showed up in person - Qīng, Ghost, Red, Marisol, Shio, Cam, Daruk, Tawoos, and Alondra - as well as some important honorable mentions who have only been mentioned or gotten dialogue - Star, Blake, and Creation.
Star's design is a slight spoiler, I suppose, but it doesn't reveal if they're human or impostor, so it's all good. Creation's "design" also isn't a spoiler at all, because They can look however They want, LOL. As for Shio...some of you who have seen the body horror I've done of them may be wondering why they look so normal here, but I promise there are Reasons. :3c
In other news, will I be making a liar out of Shio in an upcoming Breach canon divergence? ..........Maybe~ >:3c
#original characters#breach#among us#(technically lol)#look i even revealed what their colors would be - as if it wasn't already patently obvious#aside from creation but - uh - ignore them (trust me it's better this way)#meanwhile qīng's color isn't even available which is a Damn Shame#there needs to be a sky blue already ffs#cyan ain't cutting it#if it were an actual lobby qīng would waffle so hard between blue and cyan and would miss his chance to pick either XD#the closest quote to canon is cam's because she REALLY wants a different job and she'll take yours in a fucking HEARTBEAT#meanwhile the closest quote to BECOMING canon is creation's and it is taking all of my willpower to resist their insistence that i allow it#the most incorrect quote of all is definitely blake's - he is so mad at me for drawing this and calling out how he feels about his old job#the biggest lie here is red's - he absolutely thinks about breaking rules and does it a lot more than he'd like to admit#someone give poor tawoos a fucking break - they didn't ask for this#i promise that marisol is more than The Bitchy Sunflower Girl - just give her some time - i promise#alondra has other aspects too but she would be weirdly offended if you tried to assure her that she's more than just Squeaky Mouse Girl#if daruk ever had to go to anger management he would accidentally incite a rage riot just like dan did in that episode of dan vs#ghost i'm sorry but your fashion sense is incomprehensible and i don't even know how i come up with half the stuff i put you in#did blake steal the jacket off of crinklytinfoil's pink/chase from the skeld? absolutely not - he borrowed it cuz those two would be BUDS#these tags are ridiculous#ok im done now
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butmakeitgayblog · 4 months
Hi I’m typing this piss-drunk after seeing a Limp Bizkit tribute band (don’t ask) but I read canon AU after a really shitty day last night and I CANNOT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT, like I know you were a bit nervous about it but you somehow managed to get them insanely accurate and in character whilst also conveying your own unique writing style and voice? I already think we need even more post-3x07 AUs but oh my God this was basically everything I wanted out of one and I’d 💜LOVE💜 to read more if you’re ever up for it! Keep doing what you’re doing (making me. ✨Cry✨)
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🤣🤣😭 you can't say limp bizkit tribute band and expect zero questions, mainly: wtf bruv 🥴
Anyway while you're sleeping whatever the hell that eas off lol, thank you! I'm really really glad you liked it and that it came across accurate to their characters and dynamics. Honestly, I was kinda fully prepared to fail on every front but that in particular, I wanted to get right. If nothing else I wanted it to at least somewhat feel like it was actually Clarke and Lexa from the show. So of I nailed that even a little bit, I'm really happy.
I do have thoughts for a follow up set further down the timeline after Arkadia/Pike falls, but tbh as of right now it's... it's honestly just smut 🥴 just an unmitigated excuse to write dramatic and emotional toppy/dommy-bottom Lexa in a post battle, blood splattered, chest-heaving haze of nerves, fear, and adrenaline needing to get absolutely wrecked in her war tent because she almost just lost Clarke on the battlefield.
So... that's about all I got for that so far
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darkhairedmenrule · 1 year
Comfort in Love
This is for my friend @dantesunbreaker who needs some extra comfort right now. It is technically gn reader but he asked for Dew and transmasc reader so that's what I had in mind while writing this. I hope you enjoy it, sorry if it's not what you wanted.
To say you were not having a good day was an understatement and a half. Sometimes you can wake up and feel somewhat ready to start the day, others less so, and then there are the days like today. Days like today, when you awake from your voidlike sleep cycle and find the world already pressing in on you. Days where getting out of bed feels demanding and unfair to even consider. Days that no matter what you seem to accomplish, you find that you have 2 more tasks to do in its place. These days are a constant uphill battle and even with supportive clergy members and friends, it seems to drain you faster than you can get your chores done. Days like these make you feel grateful to call the Abbey your home, a safe space where you are free to be yourself and surrounded by friends who care and want to help you in any way that they can. And even though you know that your friends want to help, there is only one person who can help you feel more yourself after a day like today.
So when you finally get the last of your chores done for the day, you head back to your shared room to find your love. Opening the door to your room you find that your partner has not returned from his chores of the day, so you take off your shoes and other accessories and head to the bathroom to get ready to relax. After an emotionally draining day, you just want to go to bed and Cuddle with your sweet Dew, but you want to feel at least a little cleaner before getting into your bed. After cleaning up and changing into more comfortable clothes, you head back into the bedroom and see your little stuffed friend watching you from the bed. Even though they can’t talk and offer verbal comfort, they can cuddle with you and keep you from feeling too alone with your thoughts. Cuddling with your little stuffed horse that you have sweetly named Dewdrop, you try and maintain some sort of calm. It is even harder on days where nothing feels like it has gone right but you do your best to breathe slower and deeper while you wait for Dew to get back. 
A little while later, when you are starting to feel the exhaustion take over the anxiety and stress, you hear the door to your room open. Looking over to the doorway you see Dew taking off his accessories and mumbling to himself. He’s talking too quietly for you to hear what he is saying, but that is not what you are focused on right now. Your love is finally done with his day and you feel like you could cry with relief at seeing him. As he looks up, he notices that you are in your bed cuddling little Dewdrop, and a tired smile tugs at his lips. “ Hello my love, how are you doing?” he asks as he finally heads over to you, crawling in bed and pulling you close to his chest. “ Not great, today was just awful. Nothing I seemed to get done was right or what was needed. Then my family was awful and I-” You cut yourself off, burying your head into the space between his neck and shoulder, letting out a frustrated sigh.
Dew brings a claw-tipped hand up to your head, gently petting your head and holding you close. “I'm sorry that your day has been unfair to you my love. I wish I could help more but I'm here if you want to vent or you  just want to cuddle and let your mind relax.” You let out a little sniffle as the tears that you have been holding in all day finally slid down your cheeks in hot streams. You tap his arm twice and snuggle further into him, letting his body and presence act like a balm to your tired mind and weary soul. “ Alright sweetheart, let's just relax for a little hmm?” You make a small hum in response and relish in his slow, sweet loving brushes of his hand on your head and back.“ I love you, sweet boy, I know today has been rough on you and you are feeling too much but I just want you to know that I'm here and that I love you. Always. Nothing anyone or anything else has said or done will change that.” You feel a small smile pull at your lips and you whisper into his neck a quiet “I love you Dew” while you relax further into him. You might not be able to relax like this for long and you might need to vent or cry or do something else to get these thoughts out of your head. But for right now, you have your beloved Dew, and he's not going to let anyone or anything make your day worse. He is going to be here for you and help in any way that he can, holding you and loving you while you find your peace. 
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raycatz · 7 months
now to crumple on the floor and hhhhhhh destress, breathe? aha...
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russilton · 1 year
Me most days: ignore people who say shitty things, don’t let it get to you, don’t give air to people who’s opinion doesn’t matter-
Tumblr: what if we put something on your dash so bad you’ll block 4 people and lie in bed feeling angry about it.
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