#feel free to ask questions about the reboot if you'd like
ask-edd · 9 months
I’m excited to see what you’ll do with a new start!
Ask-Edd has brought me much joy and the crossovers went hard
I’ll be sure to ask more here once January arrives
Thank you so much, that means a lot to hear <3
I'll take the time here to talk about it a bit, hope you don't mind
So things for the past few months or so have just been unpleasant to the point of sucking a whole lot, for me and for the people closest to me, so I've been thinking back on stuff that makes me happy, like how I'd literally spend all day, from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed, just doing stuff for this blog, and it was one of the happiest times of my life (not joking)
And while talking to CL today, she brings up the idea of a reboot button on here. At first it was just a little ha ha thought, but again, thinking of how happy this blog made me, I started really thinking
We back and forthed some ideas, and I actually got really excited, thinking of all the stuff I could do and all the fun I could have
I won't spoil the major changes, but I was thinking that like, for a blog called "ask-edd", we don't really ask Edd a lot. The roster is over 40 characters strong, which is impressive, but it's a lot of characters that were just kinda sitting there bc they weren't being asked things. Really it was just spread too thin, so I'd like to downsize (dw, plenty of characters are still askable, it'll just be different)
And it'll be a bit different in that it won't technically be just an ask blog, though the main focus will still be answering questions. It'll just leave room for things like original posts :)
I will say though, if you wanna see more of the blormas (Binyot, Jobel, Crusty, Manny, etc) they're moreso gonna be housed on my EW art blog @hoodies-n-cola, though I'm at least 80% sure I'll keep them here too. I just feel like they can have more focus over there since Edd is supposed to be the focus here
But ye I really look forward to the grand re-opening, I hope y'all enjoy it as much as I feel like I'm going to, and thank you all so much for your support over the past 3 (4 in March!) years <3 <3 <3
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aceantarctic · 9 months
The Pink Clawed Eclipse
You know, in all the storyshift takes, versions and whatnot, I NEVER see anything done with Mad Mew Mew, which is weird considering her direct connections to MTT and Blooky in canon, you'd think she'd have a more prominent role cause of that. This led me to havin' an idea for what MMM could be like in Storyshift, involving a small bit of reboot's lore and acknowledging some of her subtler connections in Undertale Mew Mew didn't have much to do in her free time, most of the time she just sat in waterfall, pondering and grieving... not like she had anyone to go back to, everyone was either dead or... well the one who was around had better people to talk to than her. They probably don't even remember her for the better honestly But, sometimes she'd venture on down to Snowdin, and at the very end of the forest, there was a door. And a "Overly loud rattling voice" behind it, but that wasn't so bad, not that she finally had someone to talk to... to accept her. And he enjoyed her too! They had so many conversations together Eventually, she noticed that he seemed, quieter than usual, so she asked what was wrong "TELL ME, HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT HUMANS?" ... this wasn't a question she was expecting. She wasn't exactly a fan of them but... she didn't hate them either. Human's couldn't of been that bad her cousins were able to befriend one... "Well, they're alright I guess, why you asking?" And so Papyrus explained the events that had transpired to the friend he trusted ...turns out, a group dubbing themselves the "Solar Warriors" had killed a human he'd adopted after they were moved to be with Sans to be protected She was appalled to hear this, someone had killed the princes child.. who CARES with they were human it... WHO DOES THAT?!? And was... No one going to object to their actions? To call them OUT for murder?!? Even if it was a human, surely breaking into the THRONE ROOM is against some sort of law, right? Just cause they're part of a little group shouldn't absolve them of any crimes... ...well, even if others are just willing to ignore that for "the sake of freedom", she isn't. She's getting answers. It didn't take long to find out who was involved or where they where situated (pretty easy to look up articles on the Undernet about what happened.. at least once you know it did) and soon enough, she confronted them at waterfall She was furious and god was she letting it be known, how AWFUL and REVOLTING they were When she asked the warriors why they killed a human despite the fact that both Royals had given her the a-okay to live, she was met with "IT'S FOR THE GOOD OF THE KINGDOM" "IT'S FOR OUR FREEDOM!" "WE'VE WAITED FOR SO LONG!" "IT'S WHAT THE GHOSTS WOULD'VE WANTED!" "YEAH, WE DID IT FOR THEM!" Hearing them say something so WRONG about both the royals AND her cousins... it sent her over the edge These... "warriors" weren't seeking justice or freedom, and this wasn't even about revenge. They just wanted a reason to kill humans, and were willing to use ANYTHING to excuse either actions ...even lying to someone's FACE about what their family would've wanted... And she. wasn't. having. it These people want to act like they're above consequences do they? Well two can play at that game... And she is MUCH better at it than they are Countless screams. Boundless dust. All washed away by the stream of murky water And yet. She couldn't care. Why should she care about a bunch of "no name" liers and murders? She could go back to doing...whatever it was she used to do... ...but what if it happened again? What if they tried to kill another innocent under these hallow excuses? Who would hold them accountable then? ... Guess she just found something else to do in her freetime... and something that'd finally let her atone for failing her family before...
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...and there's a certain human in Snowdin who very much does appreciate the "pink clawed eclipse"'s vigilantism.
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hostilecandle · 3 months
🍏 and 🍈 for the writer asks pls!
God I'm so sorry for this ramble 🙏😅
🍏 Is there something you overuse, whether it’s a certain phrase, trope, or piece of punctuation-
Religious Imagery 😅 lmaoooo. I overuse that shit SOOO much. It's in every single fic I've ever written. Doesn't matter fluff or smut or what fandom, I always find a way to work it into the main themes. Literally writing a long af Price x Reader and its title is taken from Psalms 😅😅 I grew up a gay man in a Catholic military family in the Midwest of the United States. Gotta funnel that experience somewhere, so fics it is :D
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics-
Okay this said free pass to ramble about blorbo so I will be taking that opportunity here lol, so my apologies i have many thoughts about this man. I'll use CoD bc it's the fandom I'm in rn so I gotta say John Price (Both the og and reboot though I'm just gonna refer to the reboot Price for this). This man does things to my brain that need to be studied under a microscope I swear 😵‍💫😵‍💫 I have a whole ass character study of him written that's several pages long and I'm still not done.
Headcannons for him (some I've written, some just vibes):
-This man SCREAMS a good ol future midwestern dad type in the making to me. He loves to hunt and fish. He loves the solitude and quiet of both activities, even if he doesn't get anything. Its just peaceful. There is always a beer in the fridge for when the game is on. When he's got a family/partner/retired (whatever you'd prefer), he's a yard guy (yall know the type). I just feel like he cannot sit still when he's home. He's gotta be doing something with himself after years of keeping busy. He's got all the fun toys like a riding mower that is so unnecessary for the yard size but makes him happy. He's always outside in the spring/summer doing something to the yard and god forbid the grass get too tall. He's also not big on socializing with neighbors, a very much a keep to himself and/or his family kinda guy, but he's always SO polite and the ladies in his neighborhood love him.
-From my own homelife experience but it just feels so Price, when he's home he's AWFUL about just leaving his firearm on the counter or coffee table or bed side. Just wherever he remembered to take it off and set down and it's just another thing to forget where he set it like his phone and wallet. Speaking of, he's terrible about losing his phone/keys/wallet/etc. He has a little dish by the entry that he swears he puts it all into but they're never there when he goes to leave and he has to scramble to find them every time
-He's a coffee drinker (black with just a little sugar) and unironically loves to read the paper whenever he gets the chance. He's a small talker and enjoys it, he talks about the weather, gas prices, taxes, and match scores. He gets bored easily when just waiting around and will chat with just about anyone
-He has horrific night terrors and carries a lot of guilt for things he's done in his job. He firmly believes it was all necessary and worth it for the greater good but he wrestles with himself a lot. I personally like to think when Gaz pushes him on it after the interrogation in MW, it actually rattled him a bit. Not because he felt any guilt necessarily for what had just happened (I don't think he felt any in that instance), but because that's one of the first times someone else has pressed him on his moral convictions. "You draw the line where you need it" is not a belief that comes from nowhere or from a man who hasn't wrestled with himself and asked himself the very same questions Gaz was throwing at him. He meant every word he said though and while I feel guilt will catch up to him in the late hours of the night some nights after years of living like this, he fully believes he's justified in everything he does and it's integral to his character and who John Price is as a person
-He's a staunch atheist. Baptized but never believed in a God really anyways but after the things he's seen, he can't find it in himself to even entertain the thought. That being said, in the bottom of his desk is one of those old fashioned crosses that's hollow that holds holy water and one's last will and testament. Obviously being in the military there's already the records of his will but keeps that in his desk regardless because on the off chance he's wrong about there not being a God, it doesn't hurt to be safe.
He's SUCH a Girl Dad™ in the making. He would THRIVE with having a daughter. I'm talking the tea parties, tiaras, letting her put makeup on him, his nails, all of it. He'd support her in any endeavors growing up and would do his damndest to be in the crowd any chance he can get. He'd be her biggest fan. Pictures of her on his desk, in his wallet. Always bragging about his daughter when he gets the chance because he'd be so proud of her
He's a salt of the earth kinda guy. Just has very classic masculinity. Like he's a Man™ and takes pride in it. But its in the, "I'm gonna take care of everything because this is how I care for what's important to me" way. He enjoys being the handyman around the house and who people come to because they respect him. He has a Project Car in the garage that he swears he'll get to and the back is littered with power tools and lumber
(Okay this parts not headcannon because he not old, he's only 37!!) He's actually very tech savvy and likes things to be as up to date as he can get so everything runs smooth.
He feels personally responsible for the wellbeing of the other main 3 of 141 but not in a fatherly way like people think, but these men are his brothers and he hand picked them, he has so much faith in their abilities. (However he unwittingly becomes a mentor figure to Soap very much against his knowledge and will lol)
He had to shave once for an Op and the boys ragged him so hard he refuses to ever shave again. Genuinely fucked him up a bit lol
He has a temper. He's got a good lid on it 99% of the time but its always simmering underneath
Has a wicked sense of humor. Most people don't know or recognize it but he's actually the funniest person in the 141. He's always cracking jokes to break the tension but he says it with such a straight face before breaking into smile to let you know he's joking.
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greetings-humans · 6 months
DC: the very basics
@athenov trust me there are a lot of dc comics and a lot of reading lists but the list i tagged you on seems to be pretty basic and decent afaik! i trust @lornahs's lists a lot!
now, originally this was just for athenov but tbh it ended up so long that it might as well be a generic intro to dc post! it's very basic and slightly oriented to damian wayne (the character that I'm trying to get athenov into)
so, I usually crossreference multiple reading lists to get somewhere, so try crossreferencing that damian wayne one with this. as a general rule of thumb, tumblr usually knows better, but sites like the one linked aren't too bad.
another thing: dc works in phases. every few decades they have an event they call "crisis" (i. e. crisis on infinite earths, infinite crisis, flashpoint, etc, etc) and after that, they essentially reboot most or all of dc.
they might recreate character's back stories, they might change them depending on the author's preferences, they also tend to disregard events from before the crisis. this is a double edged sword. yes they can disregard stupid plotlines. but they have also historically ignored character development, character relationships, etc.
they have literally transplanted one character (Roy Harper) from X dude's close friend to Y dude's best friend, with no reason whatsoever other than not wanting to debute someone new. and mind you in the process of that, Roy lost so much character development!!! and naturally this happened during the new 52 ugh
anyways-- these reboots have specific names that we use to know what period of DC comics we're talking about. a pretty detailed explanation is here.
for brevity, I'll give you the very basics here and a more in-depth explanation below the cut.
Golden Age (1938-1956)
Silver Age & Bronze Age (1956-1985)
Modern Age (1986-2011) (very good, imo) (damian intro was here!)
New 52 (2011-2016) (bad!!! this fucked over more than just roy!)
Rebirth (2016-2018) (better but only sometimes)
DC Infinite Frontier (2021-2023)
Dawn of DC (2023-today)
essentially, you just run away from n52 (or at least be mindful that it rll fucked up a lot of characters) and you'll be good. also dc wiki is your friend. feel free to ask me if you have any questions tho!! (and this stands not just for athenov! i consider myself relatively new to dc comics cause I've only been into comics for two or three years, after all, and some people are much more obsessed than I am. but I'll def try to help any of the new fans out as much as i can! even if that just means pointing you to another person that can answer your question)
so about the more detailed version of those periods!
we've got golden age, silver age, bronze age. these are old. golden age started during the 1940s. bronze age ended in 1985. I tend to not read anything before 1985 because they're all over the place usually. the themes are also weird cause the comics are old.
then crisis on infinite earths happened and rebooted everything to make things less ambiguous. (until this crisis, if you didn't like the way, say, superman handled things in this issue, you'd just ignore that and go against it and it'd be passed on like a superman from another earth than the other superman. the multiverse was very useful for dc of golden-silver-bronze era. continuity was a hit or miss, at best)
then we have modern age until 2011. this era is the one I usually operate on! many of my favorite characters got some very good runs during this time. damian wayne also debuted in this era with batman #655, which was issued in 2006, according to google.
anyways stan the modern age!
and now things get weird again. the problem with crisis on infinite earths is that it solved some problems but also created new ones. some other crisis events happened to try to fix them but it didn't exactly work out and then we got flashpoint to reboot dc again.
the next reboot is called "new 52" because dc canceled everything and started 52 new titles that could theoretically easily introduce people to these characters. unfortunately, they butchered a lot of characters during this arc, narratively and aesthetically. my own favs have suffered from the new 52. generally, it's not a good era for dc. it was only around for like 5ish years (2011-2016) before DC had to do another crisis and reboot so that tells you how bad things were. (considering the fact that modern age lasted 25 years, this is just sad yknow)
the new era is called rebirth (2016-2018). they basically picked up the stories from modern age and ignored new 52 for the most part, which is iconic. there was another brief era after this to clear up some confusions and restore some memories from modern age that the new 52 had disregarded but all in all things are decent, especially compared to the new 52. admittedly, I haven't read a lot of stuff from after modern age, so take this with a grain of salt.
a few other things happened, like infinite frontier. I don't know anything about it tbh. something weird happened with time and space. this era is a big crisis event essentially, from what i can tell? do we even count it as an era? idfk. I'd say no but the site I linked waayyy above considered it an era so I'll do the same so as to not confuse anyone.
and then there's the dawn of dc, which started like last year or sth, so I got nothing for you about it.
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Feel free to ignore, but-
Do you think it's wrong or hypocritical to be excited for the HP reboot? Like, I am beyond excited and really hopeful that it will turn out well since they can go in depth more for the books, but of course, JKR has kinda... gone off the deep end. again, I want to watch this show unironically, and I am so happy we get new content, but I hesitate to show excitement because of JKR and her opinions. IDK it's just something I've been thinking about a lot recently. I don't want to seem like I support her, because I don't, but at the same time the idea of a reboot fills me with a lot of joy and excitement.
Hello, anon, and thank you for your question! I have been thinking about it as well, and it's a discussion I've seen on Discord, here on Tumblr, and elsewhere in the world. To answer your question, I am going to give you a long-winded answer. I will provide you a short tl;dr of my opinion and then get into it below the cut.
The tl;dr: I don't think it's wrong or hypocritical to be excited about the reboot, as long as you're conscientious about the way you engage with new merchandise and media. I see it the same way as how we interact with most evils of the world. Is it cheaper/easier/faster to buy on Amazon? Oh yes. Does it line Jeff Bezos's pockets? Also yes. Is it avoidable? For most people, yes. Not for everyone, and not for everything. Ditto for Walmart in the USA. The key difference I see with the HP reboot is that it's associated with HBO Max and Warner Brothers, so there are these two entities involved, that, if you truly wanted to boycott and not support any finances going to JKR, you'd have to cut off these services. That being said, it can be done. No one needs HBO Max or WB to live. However, because it's part of this bundled service that provides other media/goods, it requires closer examination. Moreover, there is value to engaging critically and conscientiously with the intersection between institutions, cultural phenomena, and social justice. The world isn't morally black and white,* and our engagement with it shouldn't be black and white either.
And now for the essay, below the cut.
Have you ever seen The Good Place? It's one of my favorite shows. There's this one clip about the point system, meaning the way people go to The Good Place/The Bad Place, or a Heaven/Hell equivalent, and one of the issues is that no one has been good enough to get to The Good Place for hundreds of years. Why? The world is smaller and more complicated. This clip will show you what this means.
Why mention this? Well, it helps to explain what our role is, or could be, in a world in which cooperation with one entity or person necessarily means cooperation with more forces around us. Take HBO Max, whose parent company is HBO, whose parent company is Warner Media. WM also owns CNN, CartoonNetwork, DC, TNT, TBS, Warner Brothers, adult swim, etc. If you choose not to see the HP reboot and dissociate yourself completely from any entity that puts money in JKR's pockets, you need to avoid not only HBO, but anything Warner Media produces. I'm not saying you can't or shouldn't do this - it's up to the individual to determine what they deem acceptable and morally good.
We have to go further. Take CNN: their money goes to Warner Media, which helps to fund the HP reboot. Does this mean that any establishment that plays CNN in the background (hotel, restaurant, bar, etc.) should be avoided? If we're going to be very strict about this, then yes. CNN isn't a necessary good. You can get news from other sources, and you can stay in hotels, go to restaurants, etc., that don't play CNN, or just ask them to change the channel.
But then, where's CNN getting their money? We ought to look at their advertisers and see which companies we should boycott. Among such advertisers: Humira and GEICO. Now you can say - wait, Humira is an important medication for lots of people. GEICO you could do without, there are other insurance companies. I haven't even touched who the CEOs are for these companies and what money they're paying lobbyists, consultants, and other entities to keep their market share. Humira keeps getting new patents and indication uses on it so Abbvie can charge a premium and not give its formula away for generic production. They're making shitloads of money to keep the product patented.
Now you may say, Celeste, what does this have to do with trans rights? Abbvie makes money, pays money to advertise on CNN, CNN gives some of that money to Warner, Warner uses that money to make HP reboot. Money flows in and out. I will grant you this: it is very remote, but think about every entity that flows in and out of this cycle.
I ask my students about this all the time: is there any possible way to be completely free of ethical or moral complications in a world like this? The answer is obviously no. So the question becomes what can we do about it, other than retreating to the mountains and living as hermits (and by the way, that's actually a terrible decision, because if you subscribe to the belief that I do that we have a moral duty to help others, you're certainly not helping anyone by disengaging from the world and avoiding problems because they make you feel uncomfortable.)
So what is it that we can do? Let's think seriously about what it is we struggle with. We don't want money going to JKR, but as I just demonstrated, you'd have to go to various possible lengths to do this. It's possible, but let me ask another question: is the time, effort, and energy you're putting into this actually improving the lives of trans people? Is it actually improving the local laws and policies that put trans people's lives at risk? It's easier to pinpoint one person as our problem and the face of evil, but that gives too much power to one person. In fact, the power sits more with you than with her.
That doesn't mean it's a bad thing to feel uncomfortable. It doesn't mean it's a bad or even a pointless thing to avoid the HP reboot and all its associated entities at all costs. You are most welcome to do so; you are also welcome to watch the show with a very critical lens/eye on the world around you.**
I would ask, if you're of the inclination to avoid all the associated entities of the HP reboot (CNN, Humira, GEICO, and all its other associates), what would happen if you invested the same time and energy into local groups, charities, and organizations that support/help trans rights? it may seem smaller, but consider the impact you as an individual can have on a real-life human being in front of you, who needs help, rather than spiting someone else who lives an ocean or more away. You're welcome to spite and help the person in front of you. However, as a comment on human limitations, we all do have to decide our own most personal important issues.
For many of those on Tumblr and younger people on the internet, it can be trans rights. For others, it might be workers' rights. For yet others, nuclear disarmament and peace. Clean water. Clean energy. We all have our pet projects, and that doesn't mean we should neglect other issues, but if we take on everything so strongly, we will not be able to act.
This brings me back to The Good Place and the character of Chidi Anagonye, the moral philosophy professor who cannot act because of his anxiety. He ruins his life, and others', by his indecision over moral quandaries, which appear everywhere.
No, you're not going to be perfect. That's ok. As long as you are trying, in my opinion (which is based on years of studying morality, philosophy, and ethics), you are moving in the right direction.
My on-the-ground moral recommendations: it's OK to see the HP reboot if you're already subscribing to HBO Max or plan to for other things. I might also recommend doing on the ground, in person or monetary efforts to help trans people with basic human rights like housing, food, and personal safety. That, the personal connections and improvements we make, will be far more effective at making the world a safer place for trans people than continuing to center the argument on JKR. She is but one person, and so are you. You may not be as wealthy, but you have a voice, and using it in your own locality/context will do far more good.
You're most welcome to send questions or ask for clarifications.
*(I will add, as an aside and more of my own opinion, that the black and white thinking I find among people of all backgrounds is more or less a defense mechanism against having to critically reflect/think deeply about what makes us uncomfortable and navigating confrontations or things that challenge our worldviews. Human beings are really terrible with cognitive dissonance and we don't like looking at ourselves in a bad light, and I mean that in the way that white people can sometimes get uncomfortable with the concept of white privilege. It's not a slight against the individual white person but rather a phenomenon to sit with, reflect on, and pledge to improve.)
**I would also like to address the contrast between the HP reboot and Hogwarts Legacy. Unlike the HP reboot, HL is its own entity and far easier to avoid, because you have to buy the actual game. But again, if you want to avoid any/all money going from Hogwarts Legacy and its makers to JKR, you'd have to avoid gaming systems, stores that sell the game, and all those involved in creating it. That being said, HL and the reboot are QUITE different because one must be purchased as a separate entity while the HP reboot will presumably be available via streaming, which means it's bundled with other shows and services, which is what complicates this. If the HP reboot were only available as a DVD or online purchase, I would have further questions, and I think it wouldn't sell for that reason exactly, based on the backlash to HL.
Edits, a few hours after the original post:
After doing some discussion with valued fandom friends, I thought it important to add a few considerations.
First, an immediate consideration: deeply consider the way you and others are discussing the show. Though it might not seem like a big thing, enthusiastic support, without considering the ramifications the show has for people in the trans community, and/or trans allies, will distance those people in the fandom. One way to do this is to keep discourse private among friends, and/or to refrain from discussing it at all in public spaces. Think of the message it potentially sends to trans folks/trans allies to be enthusiastic without considering the underlying messages you are sending in support of JKR and her views.
Second, a longer term consideration: one way to curtail or curb the success of the show (though highly unlikely) is to wait to see it until it is cancelled or complete. That's a long wait, potentially, but it would reduce the immediate views and support for the show. That's not necessarily a perfect solution, but it might be the one that says "we're not going to give this our immediate attention, and we are willing to wait until it's not as profitable or important." This isn't necessarily a perfect solution, but it may be one of the most ethical ones if you're very interested in seeing the show.
Please do send questions and comments if you have them.
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cousticks · 1 year
Yo! I'm Cou, like in Acoustic! That's where the 'cousticks' comes from (mind blown, yet?) I'm a whole 21 years old, and would prefer they/it pronouns.
This account is my dumping ground for fandom posting, including analysis, aus (which you can find a list of here), writing, doodles, and more! You can find some of this writing on AO3, too.
I follow back from the url 'causticacoustic', as this is one sideblog of several. Please do not be alarmed by a purple Master Chief icon following you out of nowhere, or leaving asks, that's me!
Minors are welcome, but I'd prefer only my 18+ friends DM me. 18+ mutuals are welcome to my discord, too! Just send me a DM.
I encourage talking to me. Be it via asks (anon or not!), comments, reblogs, DMs, whatever, I love conversation, I'm just a little incapable of starting it, usually.
More blog info below!
This is mostly a BSD blog. In the future it may also contain other media. Vanitas no Carte is probably going to make an appearance eventually, who knows what'll come after that.
Other media interests I doubt I'll post about here include:
the Halo universe
FLCL (only the og. we don't talk about the reboots.)
Portal games
Dishonored games
bad action movies in general
and more!
I also have other non-media interests, but I won't clog this up with them. You should totally ask me about them though.
I don't post or reblog anything NSFW. This is 90% because I don't want to forget to tag something, 5% because I'm ace and don't really need that here, and 5% because I don't want to make this blog a place minors can't go.
Honestly, I'm not great at tagging upsetting content. If you need something specific tagged then leave me a DM or ask (anon or not) or something and I'll try my best to keep a running list of what needs tagged and how (I keep a Google Doc for myself for my tagging system and will happily add your needed tags to it). Chances are, you'd be seeing violence or blood. If you're in the BSD fanbase, I'm kind of making a blanket assumption that you're okay with that when you interact around here. If not? Good luck, I guess.
I give all characters their own individualized tags. I'm working on making them all short song lyrics. Please feel free to ask about any tags you see! Characters that haven't been given lyric tags yet are given the tag 'placeholder [character] tag.' If they're an au-specified character, such as from Beast, its specifically 'beast [Character] tag'. I have a handful of AU and/or concept emoji tags. If I ever see it relevant enough, I'll make a key for them.
Drawings are tagged #doodles. 'Personal' not really content posts are tagged #sticky note. More put-together posts I intend to actually circulate in the world are tagged with the fandom and relevant characters / novels, ex. #bsd dazai, #bsd fifteen, etc. People I interact with frequently might find themselves with their own tags as well! Mutuals, please don't think I suck for not giving you a tag or something pretty pretty please. My brain is very tired so I'm limiting it to those that appear often I promise I'm not slighting you personally on purpose.
I love getting asks. They can be actual questions on my thoughts, chain mail, insults, little gifts, whatever. I don't care. I love them and will treat them all with care. I have anon enabled and will always have it enabled. I'm also a big fan of ask games and have a ton of them tagged under #ask games. Those are all active all the time forever (though if its an older one you'd have to specify) I just like having things to talk about. Please talk to me.
This is very long and says absolutely nothing. Please direct all questions, comments, or complaints to the ask box.
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Hey! So, I’ve been a fan of csi since idk forever. I found ur tumblr a few months ago and I absolutely love it! Love your analysis on gsr! I’ve been reading ur meta and I can’t get enough of it 🥰 Do you ever think about continuing it with their relationship portrait on csi Vegas s1?
hi, anon!
thank you for your kind words! i'm so glad you enjoy my analysis.
i do have some "free-floating" csi: vegas s1-related meta that you can find in this tag, if you're interested.
you can also find posts on specific episodes of csi: vegas s1 by searching using the tag format #cv 01x[episode number]—so, for example, the posts related to csi: vegas episode 01x04 "long pig" would all be in the #cv 01x04 tag on my blog.
there will also be gifsets in those tags, so you may have to search a bit to find the meta posts.
as for me writing a more concentrated "gsr shipper's guide" to csi: vegas s1, at this point, i don't have plans to do so.
to me, the first season of the reboot ran really light on characterization and character development, to the point where i don't feel like i have much to say about grissom and sara there, aside from, "look at them being cute old-marrieds™!"
i am, of course, happy to answer specific questions if you have any, though—so if there's something particular you'd like me to ramble about, go ahead and send another ask my way, any time!
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if my body can just...chill, that'd be great. gonna try and publish two pieces by tomorrow. here's hoping i can do it!
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Ooh! Regarding the Jaguar tribe, I pick the AFAB one, please! —anonymous
ah alright, i can probably do that one first, maybe. just trying to be considerate to everyone possible!
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What age you became (or started) to became a Monsterfucker?and what triggred it for you?;for me it was when i was like 7-10 because of Ben 10 LMFAO.
I had a crush on XLR8,Ripjaws (i love me some shape of water looking monster),Heatblast and Big Chill (my fav Mothman),i also loved Upgrade but when they introducted Malware it was breaking point for me,like you are bringing this EVIL AND WELL WRITTEN VILLAIN VERSION OF UPGRADE AND EXPECT ME NOT TO SIMP???
Sorry if this was asked before and thank you! —anonymous
you're the first one who asked!!
but uhhhh, shoot, i think i was probablyyyyyy 6 or 7 with goliath from gargoyles from early 90s??? maybe??? not too positive tbh, it had been a very long time for me. i remembered having a bit of a crush on demona too…i think her name was? the kid me was shocked to see that yes, you can pair a human up with an inhuman character, but i didn't exactly fall in the monsterfucker genre too deep until probably the mid2010s. that genre just wasn't popular before then and the internet was sorta…pretty vanilla then too, at least in my usual internet hang-outs.
oh man, ben 10. i barely remembered half the shits about that show lol watched the kid era from the beginning to the end and missed out a few on the teen era (i missed gwen's sass ngl), but i definitely lost all interest when its creator passed and the jerkwads at cartoon network or whatever company it was rebooted it from scratch and completely disrespected the creator's wishes??? like why lmao and the new style was hideous, so i p much dropped out from ben10 since and don't keep up with it at all.
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Mars attacks??? Would you write for it????? —anonymous
er one by tim burton?? unless there are other ones i wasn't aware about (the title is super common with the older media iirc), i'd have to say no. the appearance of those aliens from that movie is not…something i'd be into. sorry!
that said, i certainly did write several alien pieces, including the classic martian aliens in ufo one if you're interested! the latter was very nondescript so you're welcome to imagine whatever alien appearance you'd prefer :)
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i envy how you're able to create such a specific and fascinating story —anonymous
daw thank you! <3 my writing def ain't perfect and i know im slow as heck, but it makes me happy that i have kind readers like you reading my pieces <3
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i like you —anonymous
i like you too nonnie!
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okay thats all the nonstory related asks i have atm. if there's a question i haven't answered, chances are, the hellsite might've eaten it :( if that's the case for you, then feel free to send in another one!
that said, ive been looking around for ask memes for my oc's like that classic nsfw abc's one to interact with yall and do something fun with my characters, but haven't a lot of luck finding any i liked. if you have any rec, hmu!
otherwise, <3 yall be good to one other and take care!
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kccarney · 2 months
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About me!!
* I'm 15
* I'm from texas
* I'm queer and genderfluid
* I use all pronouns but I usually prefer masc ones
* I'm planning on making a slenderverse web series with my friends soon!!
* I like:
- Texas chainsaw massacre movies (my favorites are the 1974 one, the sequel to that, and the 2006 reboot)
- supernatural
- horror in general
- nature/ exploring
-bone hunting and oddities
- musicals
- birds, especially Harpy eagles
- cry of fear
-drawing and art generally but mostly digital art
-probably more stuff im forgetting
* my dms are open, feel free to talk to me!! I'd rather you not if you're younger than 13 or 18+ though cuz as i mentioned I am 15
* I will mostly be posting about the art I make, my photography, my web series and updates on it once theres stuff worth updating yall about, and then some other random stuff occasionally :)
* also!! If you'd like to befriend me or just chat feel free to send me a friend request on any of my accounts
Tiktok: kc_carney
Discord: kc_xoxo
Snapchat: kccarney09
(I'll also be making a youtube channel eventually but the one I have currently im not active on)
Thats all I can think to add for now but if you have questions feel free to ask!!
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ninjago-calendar · 3 months
Ninjago Calendar FAQ
The sign-ups form doesn't ask for my Tumblr/Discord username and/or email. Where do I include this information?
You should be adding this information in the "contact" section of the sign ups form, when it asks for ways to contact you.
What if I messed up on my sign ups form and need to edit/change something?
You can dm a mod, drop an ask about it, or simply resubmit your application! We will always take the most recent application and discard any old ones.
Can we see some examples of what the calendar could potentially look like?
You can check out any of the previous year calendars from the masterpost!
What holidays can we include?
No explicit holidays will be allowed this year. Canon Ninjago holidays that have no real life equivalent are not counted as holidays. In fact, Day of the Departed counts as a "season" of Ninjago that can be chosen.
What seasons of Ninjago are included?
All seasons are included, up to any seasons that have been released, as well as any other canon content. This means this project is not spoiler free.
Some of the "seasons" that can be chosen so far (some of these shorter ones can also be combined). Note that not all the shorts have been included in this list, but are available:
Pilot Episodes
Season 1: Rise of the Snakes
Season 2: Legacy of the Green Ninja
Season 3: Rebooted
Season 4: Tournament of Elements
Season 5: Possession
Season 6: Skybound
Day of the Departed
Season 7: Hands of Time
The Lego Ninjago Movie
Season 8: Sons of Garmadon
Season 9: Hunted
Tales from the Monastery of Spinjitzu
Season 10: March of the Oni
Season 11 Part 1: Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu Fire
Season 11 Part 2: Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu Ice
Season 12: Prime Empire
Season 13: Master of the Mountain
Season 14 Part 1: The Island
Season 14 Part 2: Seabound
Season 15: Crystallized
Ninjago Dragons Rising Season 1
Ninjago Dragons Rising Season 2
Can I include OCs or unnamed characters that exist in canon (i.e. Wu and Garmadon's mother)?
Unnamed characters that exist in canon are allowed. OCs, on the other hand, are only allowed if they play very minor roles that don't affect the main characters majorly. For example, having an OC for the enemy in a fight scene, or an OC as a waiter at a restaurant the characters visit. If you are still unsure, feel free to ask one of the mods or in ⁠questions-and-suggestions!
Do we have to be partnered up/Will we always be partnered up?
All writers and artists will be partnered up to collaborate on one month. The only exceptions are: 1) You are the cover artist. The cover art does not have a fic accompanying it, and as such, the cover artist works solo. 2) We do not have enough contributors. This is unlikely to occur, but in the event that we are missing artists or writers, you may possibly not have a partner. This is usually for artists as we tend to fill up artist spots where possible since the main aspect of a calendar is the visual art.
What are the rules/guidelines for the cover art?
The cover art should include something stating "Ninjago Calendar [Year]", "Ninjago [Year] Fan-Calendar" or anything similar. You may check past calendars to see how they did it. There is no topic for the cover art. Instead, the cover art should be drawn like an overview image rather than a snapshot or still of an action scene (Once again, you may check out the past calendars to see how they did it).
Can I share my wips?
You may share your calendar wips with the server only. You can drop it into ⁠the feedback channel to share with the entire server, or just in the month channels if you only wish to show your partner/mods. For the cover artist, you may also drop it into ⁠the cover-art channel. In fact, if you'd like feedback for your wips, we encourage you to share with the server!
Can I post my final, finished work elsewhere?
You may post your fics/art anywhere else after the calendar has been officially released (to the tumblr blog, with the google drive folder and AO3 collection linked)
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inkyminx · 6 months
Inky's Anime (mostly), XianXia & Manhwa Asks Cause Why Not Right?
Favorite Anime, Xianxia & Manhwa/Manhua?
Least Favorite Anime, Xianxia & Manhwa/Manhua (WE ALL HAVE OPINIONS ITS OK)
Favorite OVA
Childhood Anime
What Show Got You Into Anime
Favorite Character
Least Favorite Character
Favorite/Best VA (Dubbed In Any Language)
Favorite Genre(s)
Favorite OP
Favorite ED
What Show Would You Recommend To Beginners From Your Own List
Anime Crush(es) / Who Are You The Biggest Simp For
Character You Relate To/Kin Without Question
A Show/OVA You Wish More People Knew
Earliest Memories You Have of Anime (doesn't have to be the show that hooked you or related to childhood. EX: Saw it on tv one time)
Name A Show/Fandom You Love
Name A Show/Fandom You Hate (Don't Bite, we got our own OPINIONS)
Underrated Show/Novel
Overrated Show/Novel
What Show Deserves More Attention
What Show Deserves A Reboot
Which Character Is The Most Compelling/Makes You Want To Learn More About Them
What Art Style Is Your Favorite (can be a specific show or company like Studio Trigger)
Favorite Ship (Ship Wars are not tolerated)
Favorite Character Design
Did Anime Influence You, & In What Way(s)
First Character You've Ever Cosplayed (or desired if not yet)
What Is Your Cosplay Wishlist/TBA
What Was Your First Danmei
First Danmei/Xianxia & Manhwa/Manhua You've Read
What Is Your 3X3 (Lets have fun)
Favorite/Best Meme
Hey Guys! Thought I'd make my own Ask List you'd sometimes see on here cause why not have some fun with it too.
Also feel free to use these asks for your own!
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writing ask game - 3, 23, 28, 29, and 30?
five might be excessive but these are all really good questions XD feel free to pick two or three if you'd rather!
I feel like Steve from old Blue's Clues, only asks are better than letters.
3 - How would I describe my own writing. Easy.
Chaotic good. Good intentions, questionable methods. Dice are almost certainly weighted.
23 - Dialogue or description and why the other is hard. True fact, I write dialogue better than description. Dialogue flows a lot better if you actually say what you're writing to yourself, because you can check the flow and cadence of your words. Does it sound realistic? Listening to yourself say something gives you the chance to be like... 'shit son, no one talks like that, what was I thinking?'
Description is hard because its very easy to get redundant, especially in longer or multi-chapter pieces. You want to keep things accessible for people jumping in, especially in multi-chaps, but to ease their way, you run the risk of repeating the same thing over and over. Especially with things like TCW, clones... well, they're clones. We can OC them and mod them all we want, but at the end of the day, they share a base template. You don't need to point out that they're ~6' tall, darker skinned, darker haired, built like soldiers... you need to point out the subtle differences to keep things interesting.
28 - Writing advice that works for me. Don't force it.
Words aren't coming? Mind stuck on something else, some plot bunny?
Either put your writing down, or open a new document and write your bunny.
Forcing words makes them stilted, and 99% of the time people can tell you're forcing them. Your plot tends to vanish, dialogue becomes pedantic and the flow becomes gross.
Don't put a measure on how much you have to write daily. 50 words are 50 words more than you had. If you're writing for anyone other than yourself, you're doing it wrong.
29 - The hardest thing about writing. Starting.
People, by nature, procrastinate. Just putting pen to paper is a huge challenge for some people. I have the attention span of a gnat, and focusing long enough to sit down can be a challenge, which is why its so impressive I have pics the length of some of the ones I have.
30 - Describe a fic that almost happened, but didn't. In the days of my youth, I nearly wrote a Babylon 5 (circa season 3 "Gray 17 is Missing") crossover with both Star Trek (TOS, this is well before the reboot existed) and Star Wars.
Saner minds prevailed.
I have, somewhere, 7 or 8 marble notebooks with drafts of this abomination.
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askagamedev · 5 years
Following up on the Bofuri question, you mentioned that the natural player response in MMOs would be to theorycraft and gank/KS and whatnot- do you have any advice about how you'd design an MMO where theorycrafting is fun and at the same time the game is still welcoming to newbies? I see a sentiment echoed that MMO PvP isn't fun because everyone is just minmaxing/grinding and they camp out all the new players. How would be a good way to alleviate this?
Here’s the thing - theorycrafters are primarily in it for solving the puzzle. Theorycrafting is about optimization. The sort of problems that theorycrafters tackle are about optimal build/loadout/etc. These are the best-in-slot items. That rotation is the highest theoretical throughput over time. The player goal here is to figure out the puzzle that is the system and solve it. That’s what theorycrafting is, and making theorycrafting more fun for theorycrafters is generally adding more variables and more formulas so that the theorycrafters have more challenging puzzles to solve. 
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If I wanted to make theorycrafting fun, I’d give new challenges that vary the formula significantly and make the theorycrafters have to solve lots of different puzzles. This makes things like scripted boss fights candy for theorycrafters, because each fight brings a new set of mechanics and rules that must be internalized, broken down, and solved. If I wanted to expand this to new players, I would start with reasonably forgiving puzzles to solve. They would have some strong rules so that the player wouldn’t be able to reuse the same solutions each time, but failure wouldn’t be severe to encourage experimentation and trying again. Then, as the game progressed and difficulty ramped up, I’d steadily tighten the requirements and raise the consequences for failure so that the players would have to steadily improve their strategy and problem-solving skills and abilities. 
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One excellent example of a franchise that makes theorycrafting fun (and does a pretty good job of ramping up new players into it) is Monster Hunter. Monster Hunter World, especially, does all of these things. Each monster you hunt has a variety of difficulty settings and follow a pretty decent progression. The earlier monsters are extremely forgiving, they telegraph their attacks well, and they provide a lot of clues and context to solve them as puzzles. Furthermore, there’s a broad variety of weapons for players to choose from, each supporting different favored playstyles for the player, and a broad selection of equipment and bonuses to choose from. Each monster at each difficulty is a puzzle to be solved, and there are a lot of variables to solve for (e.g. I need to break this part of this monster to obtain this material so I can craft this item), but the monster fights are on a well-tuned difficulty curve such that it doesn’t feel overwhelming. 
PS. Sorry for skipping the pvp part of the question, I didn’t really have the time or space in the blog post to address it properly. Feel free to ask that question again on its own and I’ll try to get to it.
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hyruviandoctor · 5 years
(zelda anon from earlier) I love to hear people talk about things they love, so make as long a post as you'd like 😊 is the series the same characters with different storylines and is there a timeline between games or are they separate? also ive been so curious. Hyrule is a place, right? for some reason i had it in my head that it was a person for a bit but im not sure if thats right?
Hello again!
So this is an analogy I never thought I would make, but you can sort of consider the Zelda games to be like Final Fantasy games; pretty much every game stands on its own, but a few have direct sequels. In Zelda’s case, however, there is a (somewhat) continuous timeline between all of the games, where they’re all tied together. It’s……….hotly debated is a nice way of putting it, since it’s kinda of nonsense at times, but I personally like it well enough. Breath of the Wild doesn’t really fit in it anywhere, and the fact that it’s set at LEAST 10,000 years after the last game and mixes the three branches of the timeline, it seems like Nintendo wanted a soft reboot (and I don’t blame them).
Not to bore with specifics of the timeline, because boy that gets convoluted, the games do have all the same main characters - but not technically. Each Link and Zelda is a reincarnation of the originals because they’re fated to forever fight the reincarnation of the original evil: Demise. Demise was introduced in Skyward Sword, which is the earliest game in the timeline and takes places millennia before the rest of the games. When Demise is defeated he resurrects as Ganondorf way down the line in Ocarina of Time, with some other evil baddies filling in for him before then. So Zelda is a reincarnation of that first Zelda, and Link is a reincarnation of that Link, but they’re not always direct descendants of their respective bloodlines (like in Wind Waker where Link isn’t related by blood to any of the other Links before him).
The thread that ties each of them together, aside from the whole destiny thing, is the Triforce. Each one holds one of the 3 pieces (as of Ocarina of Time), with Ganondorf having Power, Zelda having Wisdom, and Link having Courage. And these 3 pieces long to be together again, so it always pulls the 3 characters together. The supporting cast makes a return often as well, with the characters that were established as Sages in Ocarina being the main ones who reappear consistently (mostly Impa and Rauru/Gaebora).
To your question about Hyrule, yes! Hyrule is a place, and is the main setting of most of the Zelda games. It changes a lot between games, with long stretches of time passing between each iteration, but it always has at least a few constant features (like Death Mountain and Kakariko Village and Castle Town). There are other settings too, like how Majora’s Mask (Ocarina of Time’s direct sequel) takes place in Termina, or how Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass take place on The Great Sea. What may have gotten it in your head as it being a person is either that the people with pointed ears from Hyrule are called Hylians (there are humans too but no one cares about them LOL) or the fact that Skyward Sword introduced Hylia as a new goddess (which seems to be a soft reboot of the fact that there were 3 goddesses already, who now seem to have taken a back seat). 
Hylia, wait for it, is Zelda. Zelda is the reincarnation and personification of a goddess. Way way back before Skyward Sword, Hylia was the one fighting against Demise. She gathered up all of her people (the Hylians) and launched them on an island into the sky for their safekeeping, and then fought alongside the original Link to beat back Demise. The prequel comic, which is sort of non-canon, shows Link and Hylia basically falling in love and when that Link dies Hylia gifts his soul with reincarnation so he can continue to fight Demise until the evil is finally defeated for good. Hylia then gives up her divinity (mostly) and reincarnates as Zelda in Skyward Sword, where the two meet for the first time again.
I could probably talk about this stuff for a while, but this is a pretty lore-heavy info-dump and I want to make sure it isn’t too overwhelming hahaha. Feel free to ask me to elaborate on specifics or ask different questions or anything if you want! I hope this was interesting at least lol
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