thegardenerknight · 5 months
The Princess and the Swordsman.
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Just a little pic I did. I actually watched a Mark Crilley video on how to draw a kiss, so that helped a lot! Thanks, Mr. Crilley!
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indigowallbreaker · 2 years
Can I please have 23 and 74 for Feligard?
Hope you meant from the kiss list because here! This one is rated T, folks ;)
23: Exhausted parents kiss
74: Kisses Where One Person Is Sitting In The Other’s Lap
(Currently accepting rare ships! Click here for the info post!)
Edelgard opened the door as quietly as she could. Inside the royal nursery, the baby was fast asleep, motionless under the blanket his Aunt Bernie had knit for him. With a relieved sigh, Edelgard closed the door again. “He’s sleeping at last,” she reported. 
Felix, who had sat in an armchair by the window to take off his boots, groaned. “Finally.” He stretched his neck this way and that. “I swear, Hubert’s teaching him the art of staying up too late.”
“That’s absurd.” But Edelgard smiled as she spoke. The mental image of Hubert patiently instructing their teething 8-month-old was too amusing. 
“Then Hubert’s been feeding him coffee when we’re not looking.”
“That’s even more absurd.”
Humming in a way that told Edelgard he was unconvinced, Felix sagged into the chair and looked out the window. Night had fallen hours ago. They should be getting ready for bed themselves-- though Edelgard had shed the outer layers of her Emperor dress and Felix had removed his cape and boots, the pair were far from comfortable. 
But there were still a few things to take care of before bed. Even this sitting room held work left unfinished-- papers that Edelgard needed to sign and letters to be reviewed before being sent off-- and she knew she would regret leaving it all until morning.
Felix cleared his throat. Edelgard looked over to find him still sitting in the armchair, only now he held out an arm toward her.
“Come here.”
Felix rolled his eyes. “Because you look exhausted and I want you to come here.” 
Edelgard frowned. “You’re exhausted too.”
“Yeah but I don’t have to run a country on top of being exhausted.” His expression softened. “Come here,” he repeated, this time with the edge of a plea.
It was too tender to resist. Edelgard moved closer and took Felix’s hand, allowing him to pull her even closer. When he abruptly pulled her into his lap, she bit her lip to keep in a noise of surprise, not wanting to wake their son.
“Felix,” she hissed in reprimand as he wrapped his arms around her middle. 
He smirked up at her. “Yes, your majesty?”
“You know I don’t like that talk in our private rooms.”
“Sorry.” Felix kissed her shoulder. “I mean yes, my love?” She couldn’t surpress a shudder. Such terms of endearment were rare from Felix, even when it was only the two of them. 
Felix kissed up her neck before catching her mouth in a real kiss. Edelgard let herself fall into the familiar and comforting rhythm of kissing her husband, opening her mouth to his and letting her fingers tangle in his free hair. 
Pulling away a fraction, Felix murmured against her lips, “Didn’t you have something you wanted to say?”
Edelgard pressed her hips closer to his. “I don’t remember,” she lied, urging him into another kiss.
A pleased chuckle rumbled through Felix’s chest. Finding a sure grip under her thighs, Felix stood from the chair, holding Edelgard up. She hooked her legs around his waist, not letting their mouths separate as she held onto his shoulders.
“Last chance to tell me you have too much work tonight,” Felix said as he made his way to their bedroom door. 
Edelgard pressed a kiss to Felix’s jaw. “Would you let me tell you that?” She punctuated the question with a nibble to Felix’s earlobe. 
In answer, Felix picked up his pace and made it to the bedroom in record time.  
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saintgautier · 8 months
familiarity | feligard
It's been a couple of months since the war ended, and even though the Empire has won, nothing feels the same. Felix stares at the ceiling in his empty house in former Fraldarius territory, sighs to himself. This place used to be a home, he thinks as he glances over towards a painting on the wall, a painting he did as a child of himself, Glenn, Rodrigue and his mother. Now, it's just an empty, barren house – four walls and a roof.
There's a gentle knock on the door, and before Felix can sit up to go and answer it, the door swings open. One of the house's maids, Lenore enters the room, bowing her head. "Sorry to intrude, Master Fraldarius, but you have someone visiting."
"Did you ask who they were?" Felix asks coldly.
The maid shakes her head. "I... don't know who she is, but I think she's important. Imperial." Lenore steps out and walks down the hall, leaving Felix alone again. He sighs, running a hand through his long blue hair. He didn't even bother getting dressed today, still in his pyjamas.
Felix decides to make himself somewhat presentable, washing his face in the sink and finding some casual clothes. If Lenore said that this visitor was an Imperial type, Felix half-expects someone like Hubert or even Dorothea. Not that he wouldn't mind the latter's company right now.
When he finishes readying himself he leaves his room and walks down the stairs, Lenore waiting at the entryway standing next to the visitor. Felix rubs his tired eyes. "Well, isn't this shocking."
"That's not a way to treat your Emperor." Edelgard steps forward into the house, slipping off her shoes and setting them to the side. "Good morning to you too."
"What're you doing in my house?" Felix asks flatly.
"I'm just paying a visit," Edelgard explains. "Plus, you were one of our best leaders during the war. I wanted to give you something special." She walks through the house and situates herself in the living room, settling down on the sofa.
Felix, confused, follows. He has no memory of Edelgard ever visiting Fraldarius, but maybe he was always spending time with Sylvain back in their youth. Felix knows of Edelgard from childhood. This is the first time he's ever truly spoken to her in private.
Felix finds a comfortable sofa to situate on as well. "What did you want to give me?"
"Hubert had one of these magical daggers laying around," Edelgard explains, as she retrieves a sparking dagger from her dress pocket. "It looks a bit like a levin sword, but smaller. I figured you'd want it."
Felix takes the dagger. Huh, this feels familiar. He looks at it closely, sparks of electricity shooting from the blade. Felix knows a decent amount of reason, so he can handle a magical sword harnessed with the power of dark magic. "Thank you," his expression changes into a shy but relaxed smile.
"You're welcome. I also wanted to ask you," Edelgard glances down. "Do you know that Dimitri and I are... were related?"
"Kind of," Felix sets the dagger down on the table. "He didn't say much about you."
"I see..." the Emperor's expression changes as well, almost appearing hurt. "I wonder why that is."
Felix wants to change the subject. Just thinking about the dead makes him sick. He's already witnessed it too much, and has already caused the deaths of so many friends and even his own father. "We'll never know," Felix says flatly. "That goddamn boar is burning in hell is all I know."
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thegardenerknight · 2 years
"Care to dance?"
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thegardenerknight · 2 years
She took his hand.
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(To be honest, the way I drew it actually makes it look like he's taking hers. Oops.)
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indigowallbreaker · 2 years
hi hello you now have a third felix/edelgard anon hehe :]
how about a modern au for them?
(Felix/Edelgard Anon the Third! Good to have you!)
For their second date, Edelgard took Felix to a musical in the city. A quick look through his Spotify account had told her what kind he might enjoy. As soon as the curtain rose and the oveature began, Edelgard grinned at the expression on Felix's face-- she had chosen correctly, it was plain to see.
At intermission, Felix turned to her. "I had no idea the original cast was still performing," he said, a note of awe in his voice. "I've listened to everything Dorothea Arnault has ever recorded-- I didn't know she was still playing the lead."
Edelgard pulled out her phone. "We can meet up with her after the show, if you like. I'll introduce you."
"You know her?"
With a smug grin, Edelgard texted Dorothea to meet them at a nearby cafe when the show was over. That excited gleam in her boyfriend's eye just begged to be encouraged.
[Send me an FE ship and a setting/AU for a short scene!]
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indigowallbreaker · 2 years
I'm pretty sure there's two Felix/Edelgard anons here, one of them is me! Can I have El helping Fe adjust to his role as emperor consort?
(Two Felix/Edelgard anons! The Goddess blesses me! :D)
As soon as her office door shut behind them, Felix’s scowl slipped and he grumbled, “Sorry, I shouldn’t have embarrassed you during my first--”
Edelgard cut off him with a kiss, digging her fingers into the front of Felix’s new crimson jacket and thrilling at the little shudder he gave as he relaxed into the embrace.
When she pulled away, Edelgard stated firmly, "Don't apologize for arguing with the generals-- as Emperor Consort, you have every right to do so."
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indigowallbreaker · 2 years
Here I am again with Feligard! Ares/Aphrodite AU?
(Been playing Hades again so getting this prompt made me incredibly happy, thank you anon)
Since the God of Love drew comments and lustful stares regardless of what he wore, Felix had long since taken up the habit of not wearing anything at all-- whether he had business on Olympus with the pantheon or on earth with the mortals, Felix conducted himself with nothing but his ankle-length dark hair, using a small amount of influence to contort the hair as he saw fit.
The next time Felix ventured to earth, the Goddess of War, Edelgard, touched down beside him wearing her usual plate armor and wielding her ruby-edged axe, and said, “You worry me, walking around as exposed as you are.”
Felix reached out and carressed her cheek, making Edelgard’s breath catch and her hand loosen on the axe-- it took only a single kick to knock it from her grasp, and Felix did just that before he leaned in close and whispered, “And you worry me, letting your guard down as much as you do.”
[Send me an FE ship and a setting/AU for a 3 sentence story!]
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