#crimson flower au
ninadove · 1 year
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“When humanity stands strong, and people reach out for each other…
There’s no need for gods.”
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teapotteakettle · 1 month
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atla cross over ~ bloodbender!hua cheng
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strathbox · 3 months
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✨🍒Cherry Magic🍒✨
(Hualian au)
Wouldn’t it be greaaaat if someone wrote a cherry magic based fanfiction about hualian?!
Xie Lían is a normal employee at the office (secretly employed by Hua Cheng) and everyone kinda knows a bit about Xie Lían(poor guy has lost at least three jobs before this one)
Hua Cheng is his superior aka the guy who employed XL cause he recognized the nameee, he observes Xie Lían at work, but is scared of actually go and talk to him,
Hua Cheng observes Xie Lian’s kind actions towards his colleagues
So now, Xie Lian’s 30th birthday starts like every other day, except that he realizes he can now listen to everyone else’s thoughts, anyways he thinks he’s going crazyyyy
Hua cheng and Xie Lían happen to be in the same elevator one morning, and as it is too crowded Xie Lían accidentally brushes Hua Cheng s hand and can hear his thoigh
Hua Cheng’s thoughts are something like omgg I can’t believe I get to see him this early in the morning, or like, he looks so cute today
XL be like, oh? My boss has got a crush on someone ?? And then it be like
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crimsonmonsoon · 3 months
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How do we feel about a tgcf cowboy au….
I think I like Hua Cheng’s design the best but also Earth Master (male form). I enjoy. I will probably make more because I don’t have self control and I can’t stop.
I will… probably make more rendered pieces of these because *cough* I’m hyperfixated. I can’t not. It can’t be contained I gotta let the ideas out somewhere.
I’m interested in knowing what yall think would happen in the story for this. Like royalty probably ain’t there but maybe… maybe… Xie Lian has to be a crown prince somehow after all.
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HuaLian Ponyo!AU :D
(Ahem, this will also come as a postcard reward for my patrons)
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sidesketchestuff · 2 months
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Here are a few art lessons I learned while continuing my TGCF Gargoyles AU:
1.Always sketch and color at your own pace.
2.Concentration is the key to eye catching art.
3.Make sure Gray and Silver contrast well.
4.Gargoyle Talons are hard as heck to draw!
Hua Cheng:
Dude would deadass pull off the three clawed wingtips. Shout out to Brooklyn, Demona, Angela and Elisa Maza for pulling it off!
As of the Canon Gargoyles Comics, Brooklyn and Hua Cheng are officially Eyepatch bros.
I hope the silver coloring pencil manages to contrast Hua Cheng’s light grey skin.
Finally finished Hua Cheng all night! Now he matches Dianxia!
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somanyfandomsomfg · 1 month
Tgcf au where it has the usual "ghosts stay for unfinished business" and HC just disappears into nothingness when he confessed to XL
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chirpycloudyrobin · 2 months
top fun things i experience while writing for devil flute is making hua cheng lovingly bully wei ying like a good older brother 🥰
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no-one-says-hi · 1 year
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Warm nights with Hua Cheng ❤️
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brilcrist · 2 years
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"𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒓𝒊𝒎𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝑭𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓"
𝘼𝙘𝙩 𝙑𝙄𝙄𝙄: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘍𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘯 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘭 (1/4)
[Release Date: 23 Dec 2022 ]
‼️ CW // Blood, Suicide Attempt ‼️
#WordOfHonor #山河令 #WenZhou #温周
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weavingmemories · 1 year
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the war at tailtean
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plotted starter for @tosaveaforest
This story is not a fairy tale, so it should not start with "once a long time ago." Some say the events that happened are legends, others that are true and shaped the world. One thing is certain things that happened a few survivors lived to tell, proves popped up here and there. But in the center of this mystery were two boys. One remained and the other disappeared. Fate parted them. Xie Lian was left alone. Some say he spent the last five years searching for Hua Cheng. He refused to believe that his best friend was dead. There was no proof that he was dead no body no blood nothing. His house was not ransacked it was as if Hua Cheng just disappeared in thin air.
The stronger force was at work here, the force from another plane of existence. Once in a century this force would awake and search for compatible humans, to carry its mark, its power, or one could say its disease that will plunder among humans. This time force spotted the perfect victim. Hua Cheng. The boy was only eighteen years old, and easily captured. Held deep in darkness in the center of the force in the belly of the beast. For years, till his body and soul soaked up all the power..he was changed. No humanity was left in him, but the force was not counting on one thing. Hua Cheng never forgot who he was. Who he is. And where he lived or who his friends are.
Another failed experiment and the force that took him wanted him dead now, for he could not be manipulated or used. Hua Cheng fought back he didn't want to die. Somehow he managed to fight the darkness that held him captive, his silver scimitar killed his captor and Hua Cheng soaked his rest of powers.
A first immortal a first vampire. He was perfect, he was resistant to the sun, relentless, intelligent, alluring, fast, and agile. But there was one huge disadvantage blood lust the thirst was killing him. He was so new to this, and his mistakes cost humanity peaceful nights and safe evenings. Vampires that he sired were weaker yet strong enough to kill humans. They were restricted to darkness, silver and wooden stakes could kill them. Holly water and sun worked just as well. Silver crosses and garlic.
Hua Cheng was back in his hometown doubting that anyone would recognize him. He was an adult now with long black hair. With an eye patch over his right eye. The only thing that could kill him is fire and disposing of his ashes. Or killing a butterfly while he sleeps over the day, they say silver butterflies hold this vampire's soul....
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fleshing-out-fodlan · 9 months
Crimson Flower Lysithea Story
I think the Three Houses writing is really held back by 1. the lack of impact non lord characters have on the story post time skip and 2. the lack of in depth unique development for characters on different routes. I understand why this was done from a game play perspective (perma death and also giving every single character 3-4 unique story lines is a lot of work and just unrealistic) but from a story telling perspective it definitely isn't ideal. So I wanted to take a swing at giving a non lord a unique story on a route that isn't their own a way that makes sense from the perspective of the developers.
Crimson Flower Lysithea is probably the most obvious place to start, she was also experimented on by TSWITD so there's so much potential for where her story could go. In Crimson Flower, you are working with TWSITD, something that will stir up strong emotions in Lysithea, even if she knows the plan is for the alliance to be temporary. I think this can tie into Lysithea's need to rush everything. We all know Lysithea's life span is shortened, so maybe she's afraid she won't live to see TWISTD destroyed. TWISTD is what destroyed her family and if they're still so powerful when she dies, she has no way to ensure her family is safe from their torment. So, she comes up with all these plans to prematurely bring them down. We get a cutscene at some point of her talking to Hubert, saying she has to have a meeting with Edelgard and Hubert refusing to let her through because he believes it will be a waste of Edelgard's time so he instead tells Lysithea to just tell him whatever she wants to tell Edelgard and he'll pass the message along if it's worthy of her time. Lysithea tells Hubert her plans but he quickly shuts them down, pointing out some flaw that will hurt their team's chances at succeeding. Lysithea gets frustraed and starts hurling her immature insults at Hubert (I'm imagining similar vibes to her Ignatz support here) but Hubert hardly reacts, finding her more amusing than offensive, causing her to get angrier and just storm off. I imagine this cut scene happening after chapter 14 (so right before the battle where you meet Cordelia). After this, you get the explore dialogue for chapter 15. Lysithea's original dialogue here isn't that important in terms of character development (it doesn't really tell us anything new about her character, generally just that she wants to protect her family which is also established by the stuff I'm adding anyways). So, her explore dialogue will now involve her mumbling to herself about Hubert being an idiot and how she knows what she's doing. Then, she notices you listening and gets annoyed, commenting on how eavesdropping is a childish activity.
Then, we have the "Seige at Arianrhod" battle. If Lysithea and Linhardt are both on the field you'll be given an optional quest (kind of like in Remire where you have a quest to save all the villagers but can still win the battle if you fail that quest). The quest is to have Lysithea be the first on to attack Cornelia. If you don't do this quest, nothing else will happen in Lysithea's story. If you do this, it will trigger a mid battle cut scene showing Lysithea attacking Cornelia but Cornelia is much stronger than she initially thought. After putting up a good fight, Lysithea gets severely injured. Edelgard steps in and stops Cornelia from landing a fatal blow and calls Linhardt over and he then teleports away with Lysithea. You then go back to normal battling mode but you can no longer use Lysithea or Linhardt. There will be two options for what happens after the battle.
Option A. Linahrdt and Lysithea did not reach their A support: In this timeline, Linhardt is not able to save Lysithea. In a cutscene where the battle is being discussed, Edelgard asks Linhardt about Lysithea's status and he says that she died. In the midst of the mourning Edelgard makes a comment about how Lysithea didn't seem like herself, how she's usually so well calculated but in this moment seemed to be driven purely by her emotions. The camera zooms in on Hubert's face, showing one of his more contemplative profiles, as Edelgard announces that they can't dwell on the past and must get back to working hard to secure the future Lysithea was fighting for in honor of her memory. All the characters disperse except Byleth and Hubert. Byleth makes a remark about how Hubert seems like he's thinking about something and Hubert makes a comment about how Lysithea had mentioned a desire to take down TWISTD as soon as possible but that he had stopped her from talking to Edelgard. You're then given two dialogue options. You can either say he should've let her talk to Edelgard which will cause you two to lose support points and Hubert will say something about how Lysithea's actions today proved she was not worthy of Lady Edelgard's time. The second dialogue option is remarking on how Lysithea had so much potential. Hubert will respond to this by somberly agreeing and then the cut scene will end.
Option B. Linhardt and Lysithea did reach their A support: In this timeline, you will see a cut scene between Linhardt and Lysithea before seeing one with Edelgard and the Black Eagles recapping the battle. This scene takes place just after Linhardt finished healing her and Lysithea makes a comment about being so exhausted she's about to pass out. Linhardt then says something about how he's going to pass out too after seeing all the blood. Lysithea simple respond with a "..." and Linhardt realizes something is wrong. He makes a comment about how Lysithea's actions were stupid and how she was unnecessarily risking her life and asks what she was thinking (but he does it in his Linhardt way where he's not saying it angrily just very matter-of-factly). Lysithea talks about how she wants to see TWISTD destroyed in her lifetime to make sure they can't torment her family anymore. Linhardt makes a comment about how powerful groups can never be overthrown quickly (maybe he could make some reference to a similar event in Fodlan history but I'm not knowledgeable enough about the history to think of an example off the top of my head) and also says that her dying early to accomplish this goal would be counterproductive. She asks what he means and he explains how she's one of the best mages on the side and how Cornelia was only one person. Even if she succeeded in taking down Cornelia, there'd still be the rest of TWISTD and the black eagles would be at a major disadvantage without Lysithea. He says she may not live to see the end of TIWSTD, it's possible none of them will, but if she focuses on taking multiple, smaller steps, she can make a greater difference than if she just tries to make one giant, risky leap.
After this, you can now unlock the Lysithea Byleth A support. This support will stay pretty similar, I like how it discusses her feeling a need to rush things due to her shortened life span. The main change would be that now she would mention what had happened in the last battle and discuss it and how it ties into the her desire to rush things and how she's starting to make peace with the fact that she may not be able to accomplish everything she wants.
This is where I imagine Crimson Flower Lysithea's arc ending. There are only six post time skip Crimson Flower chapters I believe, so I didn't want to add too many new cut scenes, especially considering that Lysithea is a side character who isn't even native to this route. I wanted the story I wrote to be one that could realistically be added into the game while maintaining good pacing, so I left out some scenes I would've liked that narratively just didn't fit in as well. If anyone has any head cannons for their version of Crimson Flower Lysithea, whether that be a written out story or just small head cannons you like to imagine, I'd love to hear them either in a reblog or an ask!
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zeeohyi · 2 years
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you'd think that people would have had enough of silly love songs
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crimson-rites · 1 year
H.. Hello there Mister Boogeyman... W..would you mind me g..giving you this flowers...?
(sry about the low effort and ugly skecth of mine. Love your work keep going! :D)
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He doesn’t mind at all, in fact he quite likes them. Just please excuse his, eh…..lack of words.
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huagushi · 2 months
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⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ ❮ ic ❯ hua cheng ⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ ❮ inbox ❯ hua cheng ⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ ❮ inbox meme ❯ hua cheng ⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ ❮ study ❯ hua cheng ⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ ❮ headcanon ❯ hua cheng ⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ ❮ visage ❯ 血雨探花 crimson rain sought flower / hua cheng
⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ ❮ verse ❯ crimson rain pirates ( op! au ) / hua cheng
⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ ❮ verse ❯ nocturne a capella ( musician! au ) / hua cheng ⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ ❮ verse ❯ sign of misfortune ( childhood ) / hua cheng
⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ ❮ thread ❯ so spit it out! / hua cheng w/ duskmidnite
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