#felipe kroll
writing-for-life · 1 month
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Delirium—Felipe Kroll
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fyblackwomenart · 2 years
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Felipe Kroll
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windsweptinred · 1 year
The Endless by Felipe Kroll
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standupcomedyhistorian · 10 months
Hi, everyone!
With the WGA strike still going strong, I came across this fascinating Hollywood Reporter article about one form of expression that is BOOMING for writers—
Stand-up comedy! 🙌
Since stand-up doesn’t fall under the guild’s restrictions, a number of tv show and late-night writers have returned to the stage to brush up on their joke-writing skills as well as more famous writers like Mulaney, Armisen, and Silverman doing sets to supplement their lost income.
Here are some choice quotes:
Regulars (and WGA members) like Nick Kroll, John Mulaney, Brett Goldstein, Fred Armisen and Sarah Silverman have all been doing gigs during the strike, as well as stars who less frequently do live shows like Quinta Brunson, Seth Rogen, Jason Segel and Ted Lasso‘s Phil Dunster. Many late night TV writers also decided to pursue stand-up after their shows went dark starting May 2.
Adds Felipe Torres Medina, a writer on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert who is focusing on a one-man comedy show about immigration during the strike, “It’s a little bit of a way to do jokes, do comedy, perform and get out there and do what we love. If it’s supplemental income, that’s great, and if it is income [at all] that’s great. But I think it’s more of, at least for me, it’s a love-of-the-game situation rather than a career pivot.”
Adds Koff, “It’s good to be able to have a way to generate money and not have the studios get part of it, whether it’s like raking someone’s leaves or doing stand-up. It’s good to be able to do comedy and not have some CEO make money off of it.”
I’m SO thrilled that stand-up comedy is continuing to thrive while other forms of entertainment struggle. And I can’t wait to attend more shows this summer! ✌🏼
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tiefighters · 3 years
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Art by Felipe Kroll || IG
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herochan · 3 years
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Black Panther
Art by Felipe Kroll || IG
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yetibaba · 7 years
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Felipe Kroll ~ The Witch House via reberclark/HPLHS
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relevy · 4 years
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Gunslingers & Galaxies has a new cover! 
Read the book for free here
The art is by incredible Felipe Kroll 
Cash, the MC is a Black lesbian and her love interest, Boss, is the descendent of Indigenous Americans. In that vein, I would love to bring some attention to:
Black Immigrant Collective - The Black Immigrant Collective amplifies and makes visible the voices of Black immigrants in Minnesota. Donate Here.
Division of Indian Work - Their mission is to support and strengthen urban American Indian people through culturally-based education, traditional healing approaches, and leadership development. Their most relevant service right now is their food shelf. Donate Here.
[Image Description: An illustration of a Black woman in full cowboy regalia of hat, chaps, and duster, with a rifle across her back and a pistol in her hand, standing in front of a rust colored hover motorcycle with a sci-fi aesthetic. Behind her is an expanse of space with shooting stars and blue planets. The text reads: Gunsliners and Galaxies, R. E. Levy. End Image Description.]
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johnny-dynamo · 5 years
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Iron Man by Felipe Kroll
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milenaazevedome · 6 years
FIQ 2018 (o melhor!) - com e sem pudim no Mckean...
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Sabe aquele FIQ sem calor escaldante com o qual todos nós sonhávamos e pedíamos ao pessoal da organização que um dia acontecesse? Pois em 2018 virou realidade!
A 10ª edição do FIQ aconteceu entre os dias 30 de maio e 03 de junho, na famosa Serraria Souza Pinto, com clima extremamente agradável. Só fazia um friozinho no início da manhã e à noite.
Esse ano eu estava entre os convidados e foi uma delícia estar no mesmo hotel que Dave McKean (sim, tem a história que virou meme do FIQ, “pudim no Mckean”, que abaixo irei contar a versão real e a que tomou proporções estratosféricas), e logo no meu primeiro dia eu estava jantando no restaurante do hotel e ele estava lá, bem na minha frente (mas com o notebook ligado e rabiscando e eu fiquei com vergonha de importuná-lo, pois minha cara-de-pau tem limite). Sem contar os cafés-da-manhã, almoços e jantares mais divertidos que tive na vida, junto a amigos e colegas queridos.
Como eu estou no projeto Arte da Palavra, do SESC, não pude permanecer durante todo o evento em BH, pois sábado de manhã cedo precisei pegar o avião de volta a Natal, deixar a “ruma” de HQ comprada e ofertada, pegar meu material de trabalho e rumar para Rio do Sul, em Santa Catarina, na madrugada do sábado para o domingo. Foi uma correria só, mas aproveitei bastante cada segundo em BH.
Minha primeira participação no FIQ 2018 foi como integrante da mesa “Quadrinhos e Prosa literária”, junto a Lelis e Lu Cafaggi, mediada pelo Lucas Ed. Apesar de ser a segunda e última mesa da noite de abertura, o auditório estava com um público bom. Foi muito bacana o rumo que a conversa tomou... e mais massa o comentário da Germana Viana (porque na programação não aparecia meu sobrenome e algumas pessoas me abordaram, perguntando se aquela “Milena” era eu), que argumentou estar eu no patamar de Mônica e Cher, que não precisam de sobrenome para se fazerem representar. Agradeço o registro fotográfico da mesa ao amigo Liber Paz. Ah, após a mesa, algumas pessoas que estavam na plateia vieram falar comigo e também compraram o Amor em Quadrinhos. Uma delas foi o Guilherme Couto, doutorando em grego antigo, que me falou sobre seu projeto Medeia - uma tragédia em quadrinhos. Adorei conhecê-lo.
Na quinta, dia 31 de maio, tive sessão de autógrafos pela manhã.  
Como a Carol Pimentel não pode comparecer ao FIQ, acabei ficando na mesa da Germana Viana, vendendo os poucos exemplares do Amor em Quadrinhos que levei (a recepção do público foi ótima!), e dando aquela força pra Germanita, que até trouxe expositor pra colocar o Amor em Quadrinhos (é ou não é amor?). Por isso eu enfrentei as filas quase intermináveis do bebedouro para encher nossas garrafinhas de água. Sem falar que ela descobriu o rapaz que estava vendendo quentinhas vegetarianas e veganas (extremamente saborosas!) a um preço acessível, e que a mesa da Germana era o refúgio da homenageada do FIQ 2018, Érica Awano.
Eu também dava várias passadas nas mesas da delegação potiguar, com Leander e Cristal Moura, Jamal Singh e Wendell Cavalcanti, Jádson Pereira e Renato Medeiros, apresentando nossos quadrinhos para amigos e pro pessoal da imprensa especializada.
OBS: Aureliano estava por lá, mas no stand da Lote 42. E AnaLu Medeiros, apesar de não ter conseguido mesa, também foi ao FIQ.
E por falar em imprensa, ter encontrado o Daniel Lopes, a Flávia Gasi, a Belle Félix, o Paulo Floro e a Dandara, e conhecido pessoalmente (finalmente!) o Ramón Vitral (Vitralizado) e o Carlos Neto (Papo Zine) foi demais (sim, o Ramón me presenteou com toda a Série Postal do ano passado e desse ano - valeu!).
Bom demais rever amigos queridos, como Sidney Gusman, Fábio e Letícia (os Coala), Edgar Franco, Michelzinho Ramalho (que me deu uma notícia muito massa, que por enquanto é segredo), Crumbim e Eiko, Chairim, Ana Luiza Koehler, Cassius Medauar, Cadu Simões, Vitor e Lu Cafaggi, Mario Cau, Luciano Salles, Guilherme Kroll, Liber Paz, Maria Clara e Lielson, Pablo Casado, Brendda Lima, Shiko, Akira, Vinasz, Daniel Meireles, Igor “Bone”, Ivan Freitas (Bá e Moon também apareceram e dei um abraço neles)... a bagunça na van junto com o desenhista italiano Mario Alberti (Tex), que é super gente fina, gostou do Amor em Quadrinhos ao folhear e ganhou um exemplar de presente... ouvir do Daniel Lopes que após ler minha resenha de Tale of Sand, no Universo HQ, correu para negociar a publicação brasileira pela Editora Pipoca & Nanquim (que ficou belíssima, diga-se de passagem)... conhecer novos artistas, como a Sara, de Manaus (tão fã de Battlestar Galactica quanto eu), o Guilherme Infante (criador de O Capirotinho), as Senhoritas de Patins (elas vão desenhar minha história no Gibi de Menininha), a Roberta Cirne, o Dudu Torres, o Felipe Parucci, sem falar na alemã Claudia Ahlering (Ghetto Brother - Uma Lenda do Bronx) e na equatoriana Powerpaola (QP), ambas muito simpáticas, e a amiga do Twitter, Mariana Castro (e seu esposo Fernando), apoiadora do Amor em Quadrinhos, que é um doce de pessoa.
O Gibi de Menininha (coletânea organizada pela Germana Viana, da qual estou participando) teve uma notícia boa, e a Nathália, da editora italiana Shockdom, veio me procurar para conhecer meu trabalho. Espero do fundo do coração que venha coisa boa daí.
Fatos pitorescos
Na fila de autógrafos da Claudia Ahlering, um rapaz deu um pouco de cachaça para ela experimentar, ela achou forte. Foi presenteada com duas garrafinhas. A Claudia, aliás, batia altos papos com os fãs, e a fila não andava. Quando ela olhou pra frente, se assustou, e as conversas que duravam em torno de 20 min, começaram a ser mais breves. Quando chegou na minha vez (penúltima da fila), ela puxou conversa, querendo saber o que eu fazia e se conseguia viver de arte no Brasil.
Eu, no elevador do hotel, olho para o lado e quem estava ali? Marcelo D´Salete! Pude conhecê-lo pessoalmente e trocamos um dedo de prosa até a porta do elevador se abrir.
Festa do Catarse no segundo dia do FIQ: eu fui convencida a ir, junto com Sidney Gusman, Cassius Medauar, Guilherme Kroll, Flávia Gasi, Belle Félix e Andreia Bolseiro. Chegando lá, tudo estava lotado. Conseguimos uma mesa e protegemos nossas cadeiras como cachorro com seu osso. Pedimos 8 pizzas. Demora. Pessoal começou a bater na mesa, gritando: “fome!”, “fome!”. Sidney descobriu que o forno do lugar era pequeno e não dava conta de tanta gente faminta pedindo pizza. Quase uma hora e meia depois, as pizzas começaram a chegar. Vinham duas, depois mais duas... depois três... acabou que demorou tanto que a fome foi até passando. Aí, uma menina um tanto quanto bêbada me pediu um pedaço de pizza porque estava morrendo de fome. Olhei pra todos da mesa, todos olharam pra mim, e disse que ela podia pegar. A menina perguntou: “qual é o sabor?”, e eu disse: “abobrinha”. A menina: “eu adoro abobrinha!”. Pegou um pedaço graúdo e saiu feliz.
Pudim no Mckean
Eu não esperava por essa brincadeira, encabeçada pelo amigo Guilherme Kroll, e que praticamente virou um “meme” desse FIQ.
Tudo começou com um almoço massa, na companhia de Sidney Gusman, Cláudio Martini, Daniel Lopes e Guilherme Kroll. Eu pedi de sobremesa um cheesecake de chocolate com calda de maracujá. O garçom, por engano, trouxe um pudim. Informei ao garçom o equívoco e ele me trouxe a sobremesa correta. Nisso, Guilherme, que já estava tirando onda com os pratos da gente, principalmente com o salmão pedido pelo Daniel, começou a inventar uma história de eu ter ficado braba e jogado o pudim pela janela. Todos rimos e pensei que aquela brincadeira ficaria ali.
Quando eu retorno à Serraria Souza Pinto, descubro que a história estava circulando e, pior, sendo aumentada. Agora eu tinha jogado o pudim na cabeça do Dave McKean. À noite, a narrativa completa ficou assim:
“Milena pediu cheesecake de chocolate com calda de maracujá, mas o garçom trouxe um pudim. Ela se revoltou, disse que não era mulher de comer pudim, lutou kung-fu com os garçons do restaurante, abriu a janela e viu (do 25º andar) Dave McKean passando na rua, colocou o dedo pra fora da janela, calculou a velocidade do vento, e jogou o pudim para cair em cheio na cabeça do McKean. O pudim era tóxico e corroeu os cabelos do McKean, que ficou dois dias sumido, planejando uma vingança.”
Bom, cada um tinha uma versão da história e eu estava sendo abordada com perguntas: “você não gosta de pudim?”; “é verdade que você jogou pudim no Dave McKean?”; “ah, você é a Milena que jogou pudim na cabeça do McKean?”. Nisso, alguém propôs a criação da coletânea Pudim 50 (uma paródia com o MSP 50) , com 50 artistas ilustrando 50 versões do pudim no McKean. E, melhor, o próprio McKean faria a capa.
Valeu a brincadeira, Gui!
A falando sobre o Dave McKean, o  bate-papo com ele foi sensacional. Se eu já o admirava, agora virei super fã do artista multifacetado que ele é, de sua simpatia e bom humor.
Fiquei deveras triste por não ter conseguido a senha pra sessão de autógrafos dele, mas a Isaura conseguiu pegar autógrafo com sketch pra mim, no belo álbum Black Dog, lançamento da Editora Darkside. Isaura, meu anjo do FIQ!
Queria muito ter ficado o sábado e o domingo, mas o trabalho me chamou.
Muito obrigada, Afonso Andrade e toda a equipe do FIQ. Essa edição de 2018 foi inesquecível! Que o evento aconteça sempre entre maio e junho, pois o clima em BH é agradabilíssimo. Deixar o calor humano apenas nos abraços e sorrisos dos amigos, colegas e público.
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writing-for-life · 1 month
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Desire—Felipe Kroll
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esportenomundo · 3 years
Passagem pelo Rio, recuperações na Série B e desgaste no Bragantino: a trajetória de Felipe Conceição até o Cruzeiro
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Campanhas de destaque na curta carreira do treinador impulsionaram diretoria a fazer convite; problemas com elenco em São Paulo é ponto de atenção Depois de contratar Felipão, treinador pentacampeão mundial, o Cruzeiro voltou a apostar em um técnico com boas campanhas na Série B para tentar, enfim, colocar o time nos trilhos e de volta à elite nacional. Felipe Conceição foi o escolhido. O ge traz detalhes do que foi o caminho dele até chegar à Toca. + Notícias do Cruzeiro Apesar de ter apenas 41 anos, Felipe Conceição já trilha um caminho com diferentes experiências na carreira de treinador. Natural de Nova Friburgo, no Rio, iniciou a carreira no interior do estado, comandando o São Gonçalo, na Terceira Divisão do Carioca de 2012. Depois de passar pelas categorias de base do Botafogo, voltou a ter oportunidade como profissional dirigindo o Gonçalense, na Segunda Divisão do Rio, até retornar ao time da capital para trabalhar na comissão técnica. Foi efetivado como treinador em 2017. A primeira grande oportunidade foi rápida e sem sucesso. Durou apenas sete jogos. Eliminações para Aparecidense-GO, na Copa do Brasil, e Flamengo, na Taça Guanabara, o levaram à demissão. Saiu do clube com apenas duas vitórias e aproveitamento de 42,8%. Felipe Conceição trabalhou no Macaé em 2018 Milena Kroll Com a queda no Botafogo, seguiu no futebol carioca. Foi ele o comandante do Macaé no início da Série D. Saiu de lá para dar um passo atrás na carreira, voltando a ser auxiliar, mas no América-MG. Fazendo parte da comissão fixa, ele trabalhou com Ricardo Drubscky, Adilson Batista, Givanildo Oliveira e Maurício Barbieri. Com a demissão do último, em julho de 2019, foi novamente efetivado. Foi ali que a carreira do ex-atacante começou a decolar como treinador. Assumiu o América-MG na 9ª rodada da Série B, ocupando a vice-lanterna da competição, com apenas cinco pontos. Enfrentou um início difícil. A primeira vitória chegou apenas no quarto jogo. Mas com ela veio o início de uma arrancada que, por pouco, não se tornou histórica. No América, Conceição ficou a um ponto de conseguir acesso Daniel Hott / América Nos 26 jogos restantes, o time perdeu apenas três, chegando a engatar 12 rodadas de invencibilidade na competição. O América-MG chegou à última rodada dependendo apenas de si para subir à elite, mas perdeu em casa para o rebaixado São Bento e ficou na Série B. O bom trabalho credenciou Felipe a renovar para 2020. Mas a segunda temporada pelo Coelho durou pouco. O Bragantino, dono de um dos maiores aportes financeiros do futebol brasileiro na atualidade, apostou nele para o lugar de Antônio Carlos Zago, que havia conquistado a Série B pelo clube. Em Bragança, o baque. Fez boa campanha no Paulista, terminando a fase classificatória na liderança. Foi eliminado pelo Corinthians, nas quartas de final, e não decolou mais. Com problemas no campo e fora dele – por conta de atrito com parte do elenco –, Conceição foi demitido após 18 jogos e 57% de aproveitamento. No Bragantino, Conceição teve problemas de relacionamento com elenco Ari Ferreira/Red Bull Bragantino Ficou pouco mais de um mês sem trabalhar, acertando com o Guarani no início de outubro. Assim como no América-MG, assumiu o time na zona de rebaixamento, arrancou e chegou a brigar pelo acesso. Com um surto de Covid-19 no elenco, viu o rendimento cair na reta final, o que impossibilitou a disputa pelo G-4 até o fim. As campanhas no América-MG e no Guarani foram os principais motivadores da contratação de Conceição pelo Cruzeiro. Fica a expectativa, no entanto, para ver como será a relação como o grupo, que foi muito forte nos dois bons trabalhos, mas que o atrapalhou no Bragantino. O desafio do treinador, em BH, é transformar uma boa campanha em resultado final, que é o acesso.
Aceitar a missão – Quero ser Sócio 5 Estrelas do Cruzeirão Cabuloso
The post Passagem pelo Rio, recuperações na Série B e desgaste no Bragantino: a trajetória de Felipe Conceição até o Cruzeiro first appeared on Esporte no Mundo. from WordPress https://ift.tt/3cBIYVV via IFTTT
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hollywoodsmagazine · 4 years
Short Biography of Miss Universe 2019 Contestant, Facts, Schedule
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The 2019 Miss Universe 2019 Contestant will be on airs live from Atlanta, Ga., beginning at 7 p.m. this weekend. On FOX, ET / PT. But the whole week is going on the preliminary competition. Read on to find out how to watch the entire schedule online. There are 15 beautiful ladies below here, and they are ready to represent their country's name by winning the Miss Universe 2019 Crown.
1. Julia Horta – Represent the Brazil at the Miss Universe 2019 Contestant.
In 2019, Júlia represented Minas Gerais State at the National Beauty Pageant, Miss Brasil 2019, held at the Sao Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center in São Paulo, Brazil, on March 9, 2019. Julia was crowned by the outgoing titleholder Mayra Dias as Miss Brasil 2019 at the end of the event. Júlia will represent Brazil on the 2019 pageant of the Miss Universe. https://twitter.com/eujuliahorta/status/1106347987347877889 In beauty pageants, Júlia has a long history. She competed for' Miss World Minas Gerais' where she ultimately became the winner and represented her state on the national pageant ' Miss Mundo Brasil 2015,' which selects the Brazilian representative in Miss World, becoming the top 10 semifinalist. Nonetheless, Júlia inherited the fourth runner-up spot after the initial winner's resignation. In 2016, on the' Reinado Internacional del Café 2016 ' pageant, she represented Brazil and became the first runner-up. She then took part again in the' Miss Mundo Brasil ' pageant in 2017, representing the Zona da Mata region and becoming the second runner-up.
2. Kadejah Bodden – Represents the Cayman Islands at the Miss Universe 2019 Contestant.
On August 17, 2019, Bodden competed at Miss Cayman Islands in George Town, Cayman Islands, representing the Bodden Town district, where she won the title of Miss Universe Cayman Islands 2019. She was crowned by the 2018 Miss Cayman Islands, the outgoing title holder Caitlin Tyson. Short Wiki of Kadejah Bodden Kadejah Bodden was born and raised on the island of Grand Cayman on May 16, 1996 in the district of Bodden Town. Kdejah is a Caymanian model, 23 years old, with a height of 173 cm. Her main interests include biochemistry and followed by regenerative medicine to raise awareness of environmental and climate change problems. She holds a B.A. in Biochemistry and a M.A. in Regenerative Medicine from London's Queen Mary University. She also enjoys keeping up-to-date with current affairs, yoga, reading and paddling, and hopes to become more involved in our beloved islands ' development and progress. https://www.instagram.com/p/B1TLgRsgKs0/?hl=en She showed with incredible grace and courage despite being a newbie to pageantry, and proved her worth by performing extremely well, winning the heart of all with her excellence and beauty.  As the title winner, Kadejah will be representing the Cayman Islands on the 2019 pageant of Miss Universe.
3. Diana Hamed, Represents the Egypt at the Miss Universe 2019 Contestant.
Miss Egypt Universe 2019 was crowned by 24-year-old Diana Hamed in a national competition held at the Al Masa Hotel in Nasr City, Cairo on Sunday, October 20. The first and second runners-up were respectively Aya Abdelrazik and Merna Mekawe. In order to win the national beauty crown, Diana bested 19 other candidates. She succeeds Nariman Khaled, the titleholder of last year. 24-year-old, nineteen other contestants were out-shined by beauty to win the national crown. From Cairo, the newly crowned queen arrives at the Miss Universe 2019 pageant in the United States in December, the newly crowned beauty queen will represent her country. And there's no question that Egypt still has to win its first crown of the Miss Universe. https://www.instagram.com/p/B37DMmPl4ed/?hl=en Diana is a professional model that has had the opportunity to travel around the world with different cultures. On the international platform, she's a strong challenger.
4. Sissie Luo, Represents the Guam at the Miss Universe 2019 Contestant.
On 29 August 2019, Miss Universe Guam held its grand coronation night at the Sheraton Laguna Guam Resort where seven contestants competed for the national crown and Sissie Luo was crowned the new queen at the end of the final event. At the end of the event final, Athena McNinch crowned her successor and was crowned by Miss Universe Guam 2018. Short Wiki of Sissie Luo https://www.instagram.com/p/B5oZz21nrqI/ She is 22 and was born and raised in Tamuning village, Guam. She is of Chinese descent and is able to speak English and Mandarin. She's a recent Saint John's High School graduate. She also took home the best award in gown at night, best in swimsuit, and photogenic miss. During the final question and answer portion, Luo shares how she felt. "There were so many thoughts in my head that I was just trying to collect myself, so the way I responded was to stress the point that our island's people's hospitality and compassion will never leave. It will always be here because our island is something so unique, it will always be here, "she said. Luo says that she was born and raised in Guam, and that she is Chinese. Her first language she spoke was Mandarin. She's a recent high school graduate from St. John's. Luo encourages Guam girls to try a pageant after their wishes. Luo at Miss Universe 2019 Luo began her pageantry career on the Miss Universe Guam 2019 pageant representing Tamuning. Three special awards she won and took home; Best In Swimsuit, Best In Long Gown and Miss Photogenic. She replaced Athena McNinch, the former Miss Universe Guam in 2018.
5. Kelin Rivera Kroll- Represents the Peru at the Miss Universe 2019 Contestant.
During the final at the Gran Maracaná de Jesús María in Lima, Kelin Rivera Kroll was crowned the new Miss Peru. Short Wiki about Miss Peru kelin Rivera Kroll Kroll was born in Arequipa's department. She has always been involved in modeling since she was very young and at the age of 18 she moved to Lima to study International Business Administration at the University of La Molina, San Ignacio de Loyola. She is Model Sofía Rivera Kroll's younger sister, Miss Peru World 2014. https://www.instagram.com/p/B5mM03knOu0/ Arequipa's 26-year-old model will head on to represent the nation of South America at the December 2019 Miss Universe pageant in the USA. She is Sofía Rivera's sister of Miss Peru World 2014. In 2018, in Miss Peru 2018, Rivera finished second runner-up. She competed in the 2018 Egyptian pageant of Miss Eco International and named her first runner-up. How Miss Peru Kelin struggled to reach Miss Universe 2019 On 30 June 2012, Rivera represented Junín at the 2012 Miss Peru contest organized by Tito Paz in the Real Felipe del Callao Fortress, where she was 4th finalists and Cindy Mejía of the Lima Region was the winner of the contest. Tito Paz nominated Rivera to represent Peru at the 2013 Hispanoamericana Reina contest in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Rivera represented her country on 12 December 2013, where she participated without success and Alejandra López de Colombia was the winner. But she has won the award for Miss Elegance. Rivera was invited to the Miss University 2016 contest Rivera was invited to the Miss University 2016 contest, which took place on the night of 14 February 2016 at the Olympic Stadium in Beijing, China. Where there were a total of 80 invited candidates and at the end of the contest, Rivera was declared winner as she was at the San Ignacio de Loyola University in the Ninth Phase of the career in International Business Administration. Kelin Rivera represented the city of Arequipa, in the Miss Peru Universe 2018 national event that took place at the Lima Municipal Theater on the night of 30 October 2017. At the end of the contest, Rivera won 2nd Finalist, losing to Andrea Moberg de Loreto, who won 1st Finalist and Romina Lozano del Callao, as the contest's official winner. Miss Peru Organization's president, Jessica Newton The Miss Peru Organization's president, Jessica Newton, made a statement through the Organization's social networks, nominating Kelin Rivera as Peru's representative in the 2018 Miss Eco International as a debuting country. Rivera represented Peru at the event held in the city of Cairo, Egypt, on 27 April 2018. She managed to get an Eco-Dress Dress in Position 13, a dress that was designed based on old cans and CDs. She managed to get the 2nd Finalist position at the end of the competition. Samantha Batallanos has been crowned Miss Grand Peru 2020, along with Miss Peru's 2019 crowning, and Janick Maceta has been crowned Miss Supranational Peru 2019. At Miss Grand International 2020 and Miss Supranational 2019, both the ladies will represent Peru. In the coronation night, Jessamin Chaparro won the Miss Empowerment title while Lesly Reyna won the Miss Teoma trophy, two special awards were also given.
6. Stacy Michuki- Represents the Kenya at the Miss Universe 2019 Contestant.
Stacy Michuki was crowned the new queen at the grand coronation of Miss Universe Kenya 2019 on October 20 at the Panari Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya. Wabaiya Kariuki Miss Universe Kenya 2018 proclaimed her achievement.  Stacy emerged the winner over 13 other contestants including Akothee's daughter of famous Kenyan singer Aggrey Dion Okello aka Rue Baby, who closely followed up as the first runners. Stacy is John Machuki's grand daughter Stacy is John Machuki's grand daughter, a politician and businessman from Kenya. Earlier in 2017, she crowned Face of Nairobi Top Teen Model and was the first runner-up in Few's Next Face 2018, and has been modeling since she was very young. In the words of her own. https://www.instagram.com/p/B5rSpHyl8xI/ “Being a model has been the best thing that has happened to me. It allows me to be someone I am not every day,” Stacy was quited by SDE, “I’m so happy! I want to thank everyone who supports my journey and above all, I want to thank God because this battle was also fought on my knees!” The beauty has earned the right to represent Kenya on the 2019 pageant of Miss Universe after being crowned. Stacy was the youngest of all on this journey and it's definitely worth praising to win the title at a young age of 18.
7. Lina Ljungberg- Represents the Sweden at the Miss Universe 2019 Contestant.
Ljungberg Born on June 11, 1997 in Östergötland, Sweden. Lina Ljungberg, 22, 175 cm tall, was crowned Miss Universe Sweden 2019 in a national competition held last September 29 at the Café Opera in Stockholm. She succeeds Emma Strandberg, the winner of last year. This year at Miss Universe, Europe is coming to power with the crowning of another amazing beauty. Not new to the pageantry, Lina once competed in Miss International 2017 and won the title of Miss Bikini Sweden 2018 as well as the title of Miss Photogenique Sweden 2018 that she also won in 2017. Holding all this experience, Lina is definitely going on as a powerful crown contender. Miss Universe Model Sweden 2019 Paulina Kielczewska and Elvir Aljicevic, Miss Universe Model Sweden 2019, are also crowned in the same event. Yasmine Mindru was the first runner-up to be proclaimed. https://www.instagram.com/p/B5mKuvQHLI-/ The amazing Nordic beauty also has a lot of experience in the modeling industry that shows charming personality in her confident walk. The newly crowned queen took her official Instagram as she was crowned in a post captioned to reveal her emotions, "Truly grateful and honored with this opportunity! That's my dream, and it's my reality. I'm going to do all I can to try my best to make Sweden proud. Thank you, family, for this support, and thank you for being amazing to the organization. Thank you, family, for such support and thank you the organization for being amazing. Thank you so much everyone who’s sharing my photos and my Success as Miss Universe Sweden. I love you all.” With Hillevi Rombin in 1955, Margareta Arvidsson in 1966, and Yvonne Ryding in 1984, Sweden has won the Miss Universe crown three times. However, Miss International still has to win the country.
8. Anni Harjunpää Represents the Finland at the Miss Universe 2019 Contestant.
Ten gorgeous girls are competing in the 2019 Miss Finland competition for the brightest crown. One of them is Tampere's Anni Harjunpää, competing for number 5. The blonde, 23, admits she's really herself. https://www.instagram.com/p/B5lDky-BJZ6/ I don't try to please anyone. Black is a very professional and calm personality, but at the same time I can be fun. These will also balance in this race well with each other, he says. Relationship of Miss Finland Anni Harjunpää, Boyfriend! Miss Finland-finalists Anni Harjunpää was anxious to start a new life after high school. He moved to Cyprus, where he worked in a spa-in the ward and then in the clothing store-as a hotel clerk for 2.5 years. There was also a boyfriend from Greece in the country. “The family of my boyfriend welcomed me. They're beautiful, warm people, Anni is happy. I never had a Finnish boyfriend, but there is a lot of cultural overlap between Greek and Finnish ways, according to my dating experience. It's nice and fascinating. When my mother tongue is Finnish and my mother tongue is Russian and Greek, it has brought its own challenges. By consensus they have been resolved. - Our common language is English, and neither is our emotional language. We also sometimes think a little differently about things, but talking about it all works out. However, the disagreements have mostly been little things”, Anni says. Anni explains the elegance, compassion and consideration of her husband. There was a fast link between them. No consideration has been given to establishing a relationship with commitments. The pair, in fact, lived in a long-distance relationship.
9. Birta Abiba Þórhallsdóttir- Represents the Iceland at the Miss Universe 2019 Contestant.
Birta represented Geysir at the 2019 Miss Universe Iceland at Stapi Hall Hljómahöll in Njarðvík, held on 31 August 2019. She was one of the winners and was crowned in 2019 as Miss Universe Iceland, crowned by Katrín Lea Elenudóttir, the outgoing titleholder. Birta will represent Iceland at the 2019 Miss Universe competition as Miss Universe Iceland. At the national contest, 1.77 m high, Birta Abiba represented Geysir. The 19-year-old beauty gave an amazing performance at the 2019 Miss Universe crowning night earning the right to represent Iceland. Birta is definitely a beauty with brains with the dream of one day becoming a published author. She aims to help raise more schools in countries that are still struggling with high poverty rates and enlist proper education systems. Birta was also part of our top crown favorites. Short Fact about Birta Abiba https://www.instagram.com/p/B5mOJdOAAEe/ Birta Abiba, born in 1999, lives in the outskirts of Reykjavik in Mosfellsbær. She loves to read and write about her free time. She has written a full-length novel with the intention of becoming a popular published author. She has volunteered with the Red Cross International Study Assistance Program because she wants to encourage kids to read more. Her dream for the future is to help raise more schools and enlist adequate education systems in countries still struggling with high poverty rates.
10. Frederika Cull- Represents the Indonesia at the Miss Universe 2019 Contestant.
Princess Indonesia 2019 At the Miss Universe 2019, is ready to compete. From November 28 to the grand final in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, on December 8, 2019, she will undergo quarantine with 85 other finalists. Wiki of Princess Indonesia 2019 Frederika Alexis Cull https://www.instagram.com/p/B5larqdFvfm/ Frederika Alexis Cull was born on 5 October 1999 and is an Indonesian-Australian title holder who won the title of Puteri Indonesia 2019. She will be representing Indonesia on the 2019 pageant of Miss Universe. A lot of things had been prepared by Frederika Alexis Cull before the contest. Like a series of beautiful and elegant dresses that the famous beauty pageant will introduce to the world. Frederika Cull born and raised in Australia Cull was born to a British Australian father, Roy Cull (deceased) from Brisbane in Jakarta, Indonesia, and an Indonesian mother, Yuliati (now "Yulia Peers" by virtue of her second husband, from Lampung. She was born and raised in Australia, where she completed her basic education. She then moved to Jakarta to work as a model and stay in the country in the time needed to join Puteri Indonesia in 2019. From the upload on the Official Instagram account of Puteri Indonesia, the rows of dresses displayed by Frederika were seen. Call it Priyo Oktaviano's outfit, who launched a special collection on the theme "Bali of Arc" for the Indonesian Weaving Cita. The project is using the weaving of Klungkung, Bali. Cull will be representing Indonesia at the 68th edition of Miss Universe 2019 pageant at the end of 2019, where Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Elisa Magnayon Gray from the Philippines will be represented crown her successor at the end of the pageant.
11. Teresa Ruglio- Represents the Malta at the Miss Universe 2019 Contestant.
As the winner of Miss Universe Malta 2019, the stunning lady Teresa Ruglio was crowned. She's 23 and she's from Venezuela. She's going to represent Malta later this year at Miss Universe 2019 pageant. Francesca Mifsud crowned her as the new Miss Universe Malta. Nicola Grixti declared himself the first runner-up at the same event, while Nicole Mallia was declared the second runner-up. Malta never put the Miss Universe pageant in the final. Short wiki about Teresa https://www.instagram.com/p/B5l1D7qHDA8/ Ruglio was born to an Italo-Venezuelan family originally from Caposele in Caracas on January 4, 1996, and has three Malta, Italy and Venezuela citizenships. Ruglio is the youngest of eleven children, and when she was 13, her father Gelsomino died. Due to the turmoil in Venezuela and the kidnapping and assassination of her elder brother Bruno in Colombia, the family left Venezuela and immigrated to Malta in 2016. The family settled in Sliema after arriving in Malta and Ruglio began to learn English and Maltese. Facts about Teresa Ruglio At the LeoVegas App, Teresa Ruglio is a live host. Through her handles on social media, she spreads a lot of positivity and finds happiness in the simplest things like nature and is a true believer. Her beautiful face reflects her beautiful and optimistic personality. Teresa is going to give the other contestants a tough fight, and with her positivity she might just be able to conquer them. Ruglio represented Sliema's city at the 2019 Miss Universe Malta competition held on 12 July 2019 at the Hilton Malta in St. Julian's. She went on to win the competition and the outgoing titleholder Francesca Mifsud crowned Miss Universe Malta at the end of the event. During the competition, Ruglio wanted to raise awareness of the Venezuelan crisis and continue her work as a motivational speaker. She plans to use her tough past experiences to help people look at the world with optimism and create positive habits. Teresa, pageant titleholder of Venezuelan-Malta beauty who was crowned Miss Universe Malta in 2019. She is going to represent Malta in the Miss Universe competition.
12. Gunzaya Bat-Erdene--  Represents Mongolia in Miss Universe 2019 Contestant
Miss Universe Mongolia 2019 is Bat-Erdene Gunzaya! The 24-year-old pageant veteran from Ulanbataar at the 2019 Miss Universe competition bested 13 other candidates for the title and the right to represent the country. Short Wiki about Miss Mongolia Bat-Erdene Gunzaya was born on September 15, 1995 and comes from Mongolia's capital, Ulanbaatar. The city houses Bogd Khan's Winter Palace, the International Intellectual Museum, Gandan Khiid, Sükhbaatar Square, Tasgany Ovoo, Badma Ega Datsan, Shaman's Center for Eternal Holy Sophistication, Dashchoilon Khiid, and Chinggis Khan Waxworks. https://www.instagram.com/p/B2sJndCA7PM/?hl=en On September 20, 2019, at the UB Palace Concert Hall in Ulaanbaatar, Gunzaya was crowned Miss Universe Mongolia 2019 with 13 other candidates. She was succeeded by Miss Universe Mongolia 2018 Dolgion Delgarjav, 27, to her fellow Ulaanbaatar resident Miss Universe Mongolia 2019. In Miss Intercontinental 2014, Gunzaya had previously competed but was unplaced. In 2018, she finished in World Miss Tourism Ambassador with a thrid runner-up. Mongolian national news anchor Anh Bayar is Miss Universe Mongolia's regional director. The newly crowned Miss Universe Mongolia 2019 is all about dancing and sports and is 5'8′′ tall. At Miss Universe 2019, Gunzaya Bat-Erdene At Miss Universe 2019, Gunzaya Bat-Erdene, 24, will represent Mongolia. She is the second woman to represent the country on the Miss Universe Organization's global beauty pageant, currently owned by the WME / IMG talent agency.
13. Sharon Pieksma - Represents the Netherlands at the Miss Universe 2019 Contestant.
Miss Netherlands 2019 is Rotterdam's 24-year-old Sharon Pieksma. Sharon isn't a stranger in the Netherlands beauty world. She wanted to become the "next Topmodel of Holland" in 2013, but the judges felt she was too big to be a fashion model. Sharon also made the news in 2017 when she said in a TV interview that when she was just a 15-year-old model she had been sexually assaulted multiple times. https://www.instagram.com/tv/B3cSSPHpdUr/ On 30 June 2019, Pieksma was selected to represent Rotterdam at the 2019 procession of Miss Netherlands. She succeeded Rahima Ayla Dirkse van Rotterdam with her first album Fabiënne Davelaar. As Miss Netherlands, at the Miss Universe 2019 procession, Pieksma will represent the Netherlands. Short Wiki about Sharon Pieksma Pieksma was born in Rotterdam on 6 January 1995. As a freelance model, she works as a DJ. During a broadcast of the Crown Hunting program on RTL 4, Pieksma was selected as the winner. She has left behind nine other candidates. She took part in the 6th cycle of the Holland's Next Top Model in 2013, at the age of 18, where she became a finalist. In the race, she eventually placed the twelfth. Sharon is a Netherlands model and beauty queen crowned in 2019 by Miss Netherlands. She will be representing the Netherlands at the 2019 procession of Miss Universe.
14. Zozibini Tunzi- Represents the South Africa at the Miss Universe 2019 Contestant .
The competition of the Miss Universe is fast approaching, and while Miss South Africa Zozibini Tunzi looks forward to taking the global stage, she said her short reign was not a pleasant one. On Women's Day in August, the 25-year-old, who comes from Tsolo in the Eastern Cape, was crowned Miss South Africa. Short wiki about Zozibini Tunzi was born in Tsolo, Eastern Cape, on 18 September 1993 and raised in the nearby Sidwadweni village. Tunzi later moved to Cape Town, settling in the suburb of the Gardens, to attend the Technology University of Cape Peninsula, where she graduated in 2018 with a Bachelor of Public Relations and Image Management degree. https://twitter.com/HlubiMboya/status/1199328398964862977 Before winning Miss South Africa, Tunzi graduated from Cape Peninsula University of Technology with a Bachelor of Technology degree in Public Relations at the University of Technology and worked as a graduate intern in Ogilvy Cape Town's Public Relations Division. Pageant for Miss Universe 2019 Tunzi began her pageantry career in 2017 when she was accepted as one of Miss South Africa's top 26 semifinalists in 2017, despite not being picked as one of the twelve finalists. She went back to pageantry to compete in the 2019 competition for Miss South Africa. Of the initial applications, on June 26, 2019, Tunzi was selected to continue as one of the top 35 semi-finalists. Following further auditions, Tunzi was announced on July 11 as one of the 16 finalists. Tunzi will also represent South Africa at the 2019 competition for Miss Universe. Tunzi, women empowerment Tunzi said she would use the opportunity to campaign for women's empowerment and tackle gender-based violence internationally as the nation celebrated 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence. "The Miss Universe platform as well as the Miss South Africa platform are some of the few platforms that actually give women the ability to lead and the more we begin to look at it as a leadership position, the less controversial it is and the more women we will start moving forward," she said.
15. Cheslie Kryst- Represents the America at the Miss Universe 2019 Contestant.
Cheslie Kryst, a 27-year-old North Carolina lawyer representing a few free inmates, won the 2019 Miss USA title in a diverse field including teachers, nurses and military members. New Mexico's Alejandra Gonzalez was the first runner up, and the second runner up during the competition was Oklahoma's Triana Browne. https://www.instagram.com/p/B5nO5h-FBqW/ Following her own wins, Kaliegh Garris as Miss Teen USA 2019, and Nia Franklin as Miss America 2019, all three major American pageants have been won by African American women as the first year in American history. Career stats Kryst After graduating from Wake Forest University School of Law in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Kryst graduated in 2017 with a Juris Doctor and Master of Business Administration. After graduating from Wake Forest University School of Law in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Kryst became licensed as a lawyer in both North Carolina and South Carolina and began to work as a lawyer at Poyner Spruill LLP. Short Wiki about cheslie Kryst Kryst was born to a Polish American father and an African American mother in Charlotte, North Carolina, on April 28, 1991. She's got four brothers, Asa, Chandler, Jet, Brooklyn, and Page, a sister.  Her aunt, April Simpkins, was competing in pageantry and, when Kryst was a teen, was crowned Mrs. North Carolina US. Kryst grew up and attended Northwestern High School in Rock Hill, South Carolina. The family later moved to Fort Mill, South Carolina, and Kryst moved to Fort Mill High School, graduating in 2009; both cities are suburbs in the metropolitan area of Charlotte. Kryst moved to Columbia, South Carolina to attend South Carolina University after graduating from high school. She graduated with a degree in advertising and human resource management from the Darla Moore School of Business in 2013, where she was also a member of the honor society Alpha Lambda Delta, women's track and field team Gamecocks, and mock court. Pageant at Miss Universe 2019 As Miss USA, to fulfill her pageantry duties, Kryst took a one-year leave of absence from her law career. She will be representing the United States at the 2019 contest for Miss Universe. In October 2019, after serving as a special correspondent in September 2019, Kryst became a correspondent for Extra. Read the full article
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hectorlima · 6 years
TRAÇO LIVRE: estou no documentário do diretor Jun Sakuma
ficou pronto o documentário TRAÇO LIVRE – O QUADRINHO INDEPENDENTE NO BRASIL, do diretor Jun Sakuma pela sua produtora Bravo Cine. com narração do ator e roteirista Felipe Folgosi, captou entrevistas ao longo de 2017 pra fazer um retrato / recorte das Histórias em Quadrinhos no Brasil neste momento.
ele está disponível em plataformas digitais como vídeo sob demanda: iTunes (venda por R$ 14,90 e aluguel por R$ 3,90 a partir do dia 07/junho), Google Play (venda por R$ 14,90 e aluguel por R$ 3,90) e NOW (aluguel por R$ 3,90).
as pessoas entrevistadas: editores como Daniel Lopes, (Pipoca e Nanquim), Douglas Utescher (da loja / editora UgraPress), Guilherme Kroll (Balão Editorial), Klebs Junior (Instituto HQ), Raphael Fernandes (Draco), Rogério de Campos (Veneta) e Sidney Gusman (MSP). Brão, Caio Majado, Camila Torrano, Dalton Cara, Davi Calil, Eduardo Ferigato, Gidalti Jr, Julia Bax, Luciano Salles, Magenta King, Magno e Marcelo Costa, Marcatti, Petreca (desenhista), Rafael Coutinho, Wagner Willian (roteirista), Wata, Roberto Sadovski (jornalista), Alexandre Jubran (ilustrador), Gustavo Piqueira (designer gráfico), Lilian Mitsunaga (letrista), Matheus Lopes (colorista), Octavio da Costa (proprietário da loja Gibiteria), Felipe Cagno (roteirista), Omar Viñole (desenhista e arte-finalista) e eu.
houve um painel sobre o documentário na CCXP de 2017 em que alguns trechos foram exibidos – eu devia estar na minha mesa no Artists’ Alley e não pude comparecer, só consigo imaginar minha cara no telão do auditório falando alguma groselha. ainda não assisti mas estou curioso. gostei de participar principalmente por ser sobre o que está acontecendo agora, e não para relembrar algo do passado que não existe mais; por mais que eventualmente tudo um dia envelheça.
Originally published on Hector Lima
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johnny-dynamo · 7 years
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Pale Man by Felipe Kroll
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