#fem shep x garrus vakarian
lizardsexposed · 2 months
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jibberjibbsart · 2 years
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Garrus learning about human holiday traditions is so important to me
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redreart · 2 years
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Garrus and Shep for al_fletcher 🖤
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necroticroseqt · 11 months
N7 Month - Day 7 - Happy N7 Day!!!
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N7 Month Challenge 2023
Prompt List - @n7month
Happy N7 day everyone!!! Fingers crossed to get some big news from bioware today <3 For the month's challenge, today's theme was free choice so naturally, i had to draw these two. this one's for all you shakarian fans out there<3
these are my headcanon designs of both garrus & shep so they arent perfectly accurate to their og designs
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ageless-aislynn · 1 year
“Garrus and Shepard Tango - Perfectly Broken" by 211Shinobu
I’m still playing through Andomeda for the first time but I already know who my fem!Shep is romancing when I get to the OT trilogy... This is so beautiful, with great dialogue choices! If you enjoy, be sure to leave the vidder some love at Youtube! 💖
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mahiiimahiiii · 10 months
First night and last night- Garrus Vakarian x fem shep
here's a snippet from my recent fic!
“Commander.” Miranda appeared in the doorway “I’d just like to debrief on the mission. Chakwas said that Garrus should heal relatively ok- if that’s…” she paused “I know he’s your original crew so, Id certainly understand if you were nervous” Jason followed behind her stationing themselves at the opposite bench.
“at least the mission went well. We knocked out a lot of boss’s etcetera.” She sighed “thanks for the update’s you guys. I appreciate you being here for me.”
Miranda tentatively approached her and squeezed her arm. “It will be fine- “
“I think this would be the worst way to end a friendship, so I just feel… like I could’ve done more. After Kaiden I promised myself, I would never lose another man.”
“And you won’t” she insisted. “he’s going to make it. I promise you.”  Her gaze was more affirmative, in almost a threatening way. “I’ll see to it myself.”
“I trust you.” The commander softly uttered
The door flung open revealing the weathered turian, “anything I missed?” he kept his tone light. Miranda looked back at jane a slight knowing glow at the tinge of excitement in shepherds’ eyes.
The officer let go of the other’s hands and motioned them out. “you’re both dismissed.” She cleared her throat awkwardly, they nodded and left leaving the soldier and their angel alone.
They clasped hands, touching and pressing their palms to the others’ faces, determining if this was just a fabrication through feeling.
“I thought I lost you” Shepard croaked; her eye began to rapidly blink batting away anyway of showing any other emotion other than stoicism.
The larger laughed contentedly “I could say the same” both of their voices were barely above a whisper “you’re real- you’re whole- you’re warm. I can feel you- I’ve waited for you- for a while.” His mandibles clicked on emphasis. A contented warm purr emanating from his chest, he pressed the bridge of his nose to her neck, smelling the thick scent of emotion on her.
“I have a bed now Garrus- “the officer commented, though offhandedly “how did you find yourself on omega?”
“Well,” he sighed, “that’s a long story. I originally had gone to track down another turian who took out my whole team. I had thought- foolishly at that, I could track them as most roads leads to omega.”
Jane nodded slowly somewhat understanding “and you just…stayed.”
“I was kind of lost… without you. I didn’t not to go back to bureaucracy either. I would feel stifled.” He chittered softly. “Let’s see that bed you have, I think it would be, rather impolite to have…relations, in the comm room.”
find it here:
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pastafossa · 2 years
Tagged by @softasawhisper! Thanks for the tag! 🥰
last song i listened to: hyperfixating on Fall Out Boy in prep for the new album next week so playing as I type is
three ships: everyone knows my dd ships so I'll step outside it! Garrus Vakarian x Fem!Shep (Mass Effect), Stormpilot (SWs), Eowyn x Faramir (LOTR)
last movie i watched: MST3K, the one with the gila monster 😂
currently reading: Deadbeat by Jim Butcher, I've read that book more times than I can read 😅
craving: i really really really want to be able to use my shower on the second floor again 😭, but no good until monday at least. If talking food, i would kill for a churrooooooo
tagging: @wonderlandmind4 @your-not-invisible-to-me @shadeblade16 @letterfromvienna and anyone else who wants to!
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WIP Wednesday (on Thursday bc time is a construct)
Tagged by: @korblez
Fic: A Little Too Much Like Me (Fem!Shep x Garrus Vakarian, Avitus Rix x Castis Vakarian, Background Nihlus Kryik x Saren Arterius) Current Word Count: 786 Warnings: Self-indulgent no-reapers crack AU where all the council gets high and decides the best way to force C-Sec and the Spectres to get along is to make them do corporate-style teambuilding exercises. Spoiler alert: it doesn't end well. Sneak peek: Was that linked to being called? No. Avitus never usually bothered to call if he was forced to take off unexpectedly - doing so would imply far too much care, after all. And potentially risk revealing important information about just what he was doing on the council’s orders. And still, his omni-tool was bleating at him. He rolled over and groped on the headboard for it, then cursed his own lack of forethought as he realised that it must have been tossed across the room at some point during the night. Well, he was awake now anyway. After retrieving it from underneath a discarded sweatshirt, it nevertheless took him three attempts to actually accept the call and -ah. Garrus’ face swam into view. “Can I help you?” He asked in lieu of a proper greeting, knowing by the tension across his face that he was about to have to pretend to be awake enough to deal with a medium level outburst. “You can tell Rix to leave me the fuck alone.” His son snarled. Castis didn’t bother to disguise a yawn, contemplating his breakfast options instead of the conversation at hand. “As I told you after he signed you up for that asari porn magazine, he enjoys knowing it upsets you more than anything else. Be the better person, or block his comm address.”
“Hard to block him when I’ve just been told I’m fucking working with him.”
What? Oh.
Oh. He had payed a marginal amount of attention to the announcement that there was to be an inter-agency team building seminar. A human concept, apparently, to attempt to resolve tension between the warring departments since it had turned into a veritable turf war. Apparently, guns had been pulled on both sides over crime scene investigations and the ensuing arguments had caught the attention of the media sufficiently that someone had decided to resolve the issue.
Of course Garrus, with a mere six years experience to his name, would be expected to partake and… Avitus had whinged about having to hang out with ‘wet-bottomed fledgelings’ a few days ago, come to think of it.
“The team building event.” He surmised.
“Now you remember.” Really, the level of anger Garrus had attained was impressive considering what time in the morning it was. “Well we just got our assignments and apparently your fuck-buddy gets to order me around for the day.”
Actually, the idea had been to demystify spectre-work to the officers and remind the former that the latter were still people. But it probably would involve a fair amount of barked orders and in-fighting all the same. “Request a transfer due to personal conflicts.” He told him boredly, deciding he needed to laundry before much else happened today. “Your superiors will understand.”
Not as if they hadn’t already heard a great deal about Avitus’ transgressions from Garrus before now.
“Slight problem with that.” Garrus looked genuinely disgusted as none other than Avitus himself flung an arm around his shoulder and leaned in to appear in the call too. “They said no takebacks. And I sure didn’t make the assignment lists.”
“Avitus, get off him.” He wondered if he would ever hear the end of this. “Who set the teams?”
“We did, ostensibly.” Avitus did not remove his arm from around Garrus’ neck and Castis wondered how long he’d have until he ended up with a dislocated shoulder. “But some fuck hacked it and set a bunch of us up already. I mean I was planning on asking for kiddo here but I’m still going to take offence at someone taking that choice away from me.”
“So one of your grim buddies is in on this.” Garrus writhed in an attempt to get away from him, to no avail. “Great. That’s just great.”
“My money’s on Tela.” The spectre was glowering, even though he tightened his grip. “She’s been an especially sadistic piece of work recently.”
“Doing this sort of thing at the expense of innocent people isn’t funny.” His son was actually daring to sound petulant. “This wasn’t what I had planned.”
“Me neither, buddy.”
He wasn't even involved or present and this was being made his problem, how was that for unfair?
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Fandom: Mass Effect
Collection/Series: N/A
Pairing: Selene Shepard x Garrus Vakarian
Writer: @writings-of-a-hufflepuff​ aka @hufflepuffing-all-day-long​
Rating: T - Suggestive themes but nothing NSFW
Warnings: N/A? I think (if i’m wrong let me know!)
Summary: Selene’s a little confused about something Javik says to her, she naturally asks her Turian boyfriend about it. 
Notes: Based off this conversation with Javik. I’ve never actually written Shakarian stuff in all my years of loving the ship. But, with Mass Effect: LE taking over my life, why not? 
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“So...Javik said something really...weird when I went to see him earlier.” 
It had been a long day; finding out Cerberus was turning people at Sanctuary into husks, seeing Miranda again, stopping her father from killing Oriana...it had taken a toll and then to come back and have a really bizarre conversation with their Prothean teammate? Well, Selene Shepard was glad to be back in a pair of yoga pants and a large jumper. 
If Selene was completely honest with herself she was exhausted. The war was taking its toll on her, all the responsibility that lay on her shoulders only seemed to be lightened by the support of her team and most importantly, Garrus. Her cybernetics had been bright and bold across her skin as of late, a sure sign that she was running out of steam. Despite the exhaustion, Javik's words weighed on her mind, confusing, curious and just a reminder of how alien he really was. 
Garrus came out of her, no, their shower, towel around his cowl, visor, no longer obscuring his face for once. God, it is so utterly domestic between the two of them now and something in her aches with the awareness that this might all be cut short, that domestic might never be a long term option for them. She hopes it will, hopes silently that they’ll get to retire somewhere, have a couple of kids, a varren or two, and life out their days into old age. 
“Weird? Weird to humans or...just weird?” The dual tone of his voice rings with curiosity. It had taken her two whole years of missions with him for her to actually get a good grasp on his subharmonics and even now there were things her weak human ears couldn’t quite pick up on, or even hear at all. 
She thought for a moment as Garrus sat down next to her on the bed, nuzzling his face between her shoulder and neck like he always did. It was something she’d taken as a turian sign of affection, the way his plates scratched at her skin and mandibles fluttered across her shoulder, she could only compare it to a human placing kisses down. A nuzzling that he never failed to do, whether they were standing and he had to bend over or they were sitting or lying down. 
Leaning into him with her eyes closed, she traces a hand across the plates on the back of his neck. “I...think it's just weird? He said he could tell we were ‘joined’ because of my...pheromones…” 
Garrus froze in his nuzzling, pulling back with his face plates drawn together, mandibles fluttering in confusion. “Well, yeah? I scent you all the time, been doing it since you agreed to be a one turian kind of woman. I thought...I mean I smell like you too…?”
“Scenting? I what?” Selene was decidedly confused, Garrus didn’t smell like her at all. In fact, the little scent that he had was of the more metallic and engine grease kind from spending all his time tinkering with things or modifying his sniper rifle. She certainly didn’t smell like him, not to her nose anyway. 
She pressed her face into his cowl and took a big, over exaggerated sniff. Nothing. He didn’t even smell like her shampoo or the jasmine soap she’d managed to find on the Citadel. Just...Garrus. 
Garrus chuckled, three fingered hand cupping her cheek, filed down talons grazing carefully across her skin to smooth out the furrow between her eyebrows.  
“Oh, right, you humans and your terrible sense of smell. Cute.” His grin flared his mandibles out wide, sharp teeth on show in a display of good humour.
“Garrus!” He liked getting a rise out of her, enjoyed seeing the pale skin of her cheeks turn as red as a Palaven sunset, something Turians just could not do. It was always so distinctly human, glaringly alien, but adorable. Not that many people would describe the Commander Shepard as adorable, but most people weren’t in a committed relationship with her...or he hoped most people weren’t. 
“Honey, it’s normal. We sleep together, we make love,” She groaned a little at the word choice as he returned to nuzzling underneath her neck, talons moving up and down her back in soothing motions, “we shower together, we go on every mission together, we spar together…” Selene can’t help the little moan that leaves her mouth as his breath warms across her skin before that tongue of his, blue and ridiculously dexterous, carves a path over her shoulder and up her throat, lingering on a spot behind her jaw that he knows all too well. 
“And turians are kind of known for scenting their partners.” 
“What does that even mean? Scenting? Like a cat? Are you marking your territory?” She’s never taken Garrus for being possessive, in fact, he was decidedly cool under pressure whenever someone decided to try it on with her. Occasionally he’d shift in a way that told people to back off, pressing his chest to her back, but that was only in instances where the person didn‘t know when to quit. Usually an overzealous asari or persistent human. The idea of him marking his territory, or even seeing her that way was kind of out of character to her, he just wasn’t like that. They were equals in everything they did. He was her person and she was his, one of them wasn’t more dominant in the relationship, they were partners. 
“Yes and no. You're not my territory, honey, don’t get me wrong. I’m glad you're a one turian kind of woman, but I trust you and I know you can handle yourself. It’s a habit really, an instinct. I’m surprised you don’t know, you do it too.”
It’s a relief to hear him say that. While she finds Garrus ridiculously hot when he goes all bad boy vigilante turian on someone, the raw power he exudes is something else entirely, something different that starts a fire in her belly, she also doesn’t want to be seen as an object or possession. 
“I do?” They’ve gravitated, as they always do, towards each other. Selene finds herself curled up in Garrus’ lap, arms wrapped around his cowl and nose pressed to the junction of his neck, pressing light little kisses there had become a favourite pastime of hers. Calming, soothing. 
“Mmm...all the time, that little nuzzling thing you’re doing?” She pulls back, startled, eyebrows almost comically high and red still tinting her cheeks, “Yeah, I thought you were just a little possessive, but maybe this is one of those interspecies miscommunication things, huh?”  
“I...oh.” She curls back into his neck, bashful in a way no one else sees. Garrus enjoys seeing her like this, out of her element but trusting, seeking comfort in him even as he’s the source of her embarrassment. Their relationship is unconventional and with it has come embarrassment and nerves from both sides, but it’s the trust in him, and his trust in her that’s made it work, that makes it worthwhile. 
He runs his fingers through the red of her hair, the strands soft and silky, a sensation that he still finds fascinating all this time on and one that he knows she finds soothing. He can only compare it to how he feels when she caresses underneath his fringe. 
“So is that why that C-Sec officer stopped flirting with me every chance he got?” She thinks of the dark brown turian, bright orange markings across his face. Before she’d seen Garrus again, before they’d rekindled their relationship, he’d been determined to flirt with her, no matter how many times she politely turned him down. He’d since stopped, his tone always overly polite and formal, nervous even. She’d assumed Bailey had given him a dressing down, but...maybe not. 
“Mmm, probably.” His chest rumbles with the hum, soothing and deep, reverberations running through her, “Most turians aren’t going to flirt with a taken woman, ever seen two turians get into a proper fist fight? It’s more claws and teeth than anything else.” No turian wanted to get into a fight over someone they had a passing fancy for, that Garrus knew for a fact, best to leave someone alone if they were clearly in a relationship.
“Would you? If someone tried it on?” She’s curious, deeply so. Part of her wants to know he would, but part of her wants to know that he’d think about it, and take his time to decide if it was necessary. Garrus had always had a bit of a temper, quick and righteous and determined to put things right. But, he’d mellowed with age, with her nagging him and convincing him to spare people who’d wronged him and others. He was more calculating these days. 
“Depends.” A hand falls to her waist, circles being rubbed into the skin underneath her jumper, absent minded and soothing as his blue eyes look to the skylight above her bed, staring out at the stars. Contemplating his next words.
“On?” She leans up to press a kiss underneath his chin, the soft exposed skin tempting her.
“Do you want me to? How badly are they trying to get into your pants? Are you in danger? Do you need me to? Is it someone I know and despise?” His voice rumbles in his throat, she feels the vibrations against her lips and ringing through her ears. That was something about being with a turian that she loved, the subharmonics were soothing to her ear, the rumble that always seemed to roll through his body was comforting. She wouldn’t call it a purr, mostly because Garrus would fix her with that look, narrowed eyes, mandibles drawn tight against his face. He’d probably go back to calibrating the guns for a week or two straight. God, she hated that. 
“Are you telling me you wouldn’t fight for my honour?” She’s teasing him, but she can still feel him tense up. Her lack of subharmonics tended to confuse him whenever she joked and he couldn’t see her face. 
Taking pity on him Selene pulls back so he can see the amused little smirk that tugs at the corner of her mouth, freckles scrunching up across her cheeks and nose. 
“I...you’re messing with me aren’t you?” There’a a palpable sigh of relief from him as his shoulders relax and he rolls his neck before pinning her with a playful glare, huffing through his nose at her. He’s the only person she can truly be playful with and she knows he enjoys it, the closeness of their relationship isn’t lost on either of them. He makes her feel less tired, more alive, younger, even if it's for a brief moment before reality crashes back down again. 
“Yeah, just a little, big guy.” She tugs his face down gently by a scarred mandible, he follows easily, putting himself in reach so that she can press a kiss to his cheek, across the blue colony markings that are oh so familiar to her. Affection with Garrus is easy: “I love you, but I don’t need you tearing someone’s throat out for me...unless it’s Kai Leng, you can tear his throat out.” 
The assassin was a thorn in her side and she was close to snapping, her usual restraint and desire to talk things through was failing. She wouldn’t negotiate or talk with Kai Leng. If she finally got the chance...well, he probably wouldn’t be recognisable afterwards. 
“Oh, I'm tempted, believe me. There’s nothing I'd like more than to put every ounce of my anger and hatred into beating Kai Leng into a bloody pulp. Buuuut, I think you deserve the satisfaction yourself.”
“I love you, you know that right? Even if I'm walking around stinking like a turian vigilante.” She caresses the lengths of his crest and underneath, scratching short nails against the soft skin there and the purr, because it is a purr, that rumbles from his chest is almost as satisfying as the thought of finally getting revenge on Kai Leng.
“Reaper Advisor actually.” He brushes his cheek against hers, hard plates brushing against soft skin, gently, not hard enough to chafe or rub. “I love you too, even if I'm walking around stinking like a self-sacrificing human spectre.”
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elmha-art · 3 years
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they’re on a date 
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keepshepardsafe · 3 years
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I commissioned the wonderfully talented @savbakk for a soft hour piece of my Shepard and Garrus. I love it so much 😍
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dracoangel · 3 years
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Shepard’s back.
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wafflesrock16 · 3 years
Beyond the Blue
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Epilogue is now up! Hope everyone enjoyed this series, I know I loved writing it. =)
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missdesi · 3 years
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talking to my future husband
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nighttimepixels · 3 years
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Garrus is unimpressed with the mild interruption of his & his commander's shoreleave outing
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folly854 · 4 years
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I can’t believe I finished it in time! Happy N7 Day, everyone! 🌟♥️🚀
Art © Me
Commander Shepard and Garrus Vakarian © BioWare/EA
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