#selene shepard x garrus vakarian
wendeeesaucy · 1 year
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After Grunt's loyalty mission
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saucywendeee · 1 year
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Shakarian Wedding 💕
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Fandom: Mass Effect
Collection/Series: N/A
Pairing: Selene Shepard x Garrus Vakarian
Writer: @writings-of-a-hufflepuff​ aka @hufflepuffing-all-day-long​
Rating: T - Suggestive themes but nothing NSFW
Warnings: N/A? I think (if i’m wrong let me know!)
Summary: Selene’s a little confused about something Javik says to her, she naturally asks her Turian boyfriend about it. 
Notes: Based off this conversation with Javik. I’ve never actually written Shakarian stuff in all my years of loving the ship. But, with Mass Effect: LE taking over my life, why not? 
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“So...Javik said something really...weird when I went to see him earlier.” 
It had been a long day; finding out Cerberus was turning people at Sanctuary into husks, seeing Miranda again, stopping her father from killing Oriana...it had taken a toll and then to come back and have a really bizarre conversation with their Prothean teammate? Well, Selene Shepard was glad to be back in a pair of yoga pants and a large jumper. 
If Selene was completely honest with herself she was exhausted. The war was taking its toll on her, all the responsibility that lay on her shoulders only seemed to be lightened by the support of her team and most importantly, Garrus. Her cybernetics had been bright and bold across her skin as of late, a sure sign that she was running out of steam. Despite the exhaustion, Javik's words weighed on her mind, confusing, curious and just a reminder of how alien he really was. 
Garrus came out of her, no, their shower, towel around his cowl, visor, no longer obscuring his face for once. God, it is so utterly domestic between the two of them now and something in her aches with the awareness that this might all be cut short, that domestic might never be a long term option for them. She hopes it will, hopes silently that they’ll get to retire somewhere, have a couple of kids, a varren or two, and life out their days into old age. 
“Weird? Weird to humans or...just weird?” The dual tone of his voice rings with curiosity. It had taken her two whole years of missions with him for her to actually get a good grasp on his subharmonics and even now there were things her weak human ears couldn’t quite pick up on, or even hear at all. 
She thought for a moment as Garrus sat down next to her on the bed, nuzzling his face between her shoulder and neck like he always did. It was something she’d taken as a turian sign of affection, the way his plates scratched at her skin and mandibles fluttered across her shoulder, she could only compare it to a human placing kisses down. A nuzzling that he never failed to do, whether they were standing and he had to bend over or they were sitting or lying down. 
Leaning into him with her eyes closed, she traces a hand across the plates on the back of his neck. “I...think it's just weird? He said he could tell we were ‘joined’ because of my...pheromones…” 
Garrus froze in his nuzzling, pulling back with his face plates drawn together, mandibles fluttering in confusion. “Well, yeah? I scent you all the time, been doing it since you agreed to be a one turian kind of woman. I thought...I mean I smell like you too…?”
“Scenting? I what?” Selene was decidedly confused, Garrus didn’t smell like her at all. In fact, the little scent that he had was of the more metallic and engine grease kind from spending all his time tinkering with things or modifying his sniper rifle. She certainly didn’t smell like him, not to her nose anyway. 
She pressed her face into his cowl and took a big, over exaggerated sniff. Nothing. He didn’t even smell like her shampoo or the jasmine soap she’d managed to find on the Citadel. Just...Garrus. 
Garrus chuckled, three fingered hand cupping her cheek, filed down talons grazing carefully across her skin to smooth out the furrow between her eyebrows.  
“Oh, right, you humans and your terrible sense of smell. Cute.” His grin flared his mandibles out wide, sharp teeth on show in a display of good humour.
“Garrus!” He liked getting a rise out of her, enjoyed seeing the pale skin of her cheeks turn as red as a Palaven sunset, something Turians just could not do. It was always so distinctly human, glaringly alien, but adorable. Not that many people would describe the Commander Shepard as adorable, but most people weren’t in a committed relationship with her...or he hoped most people weren’t. 
“Honey, it’s normal. We sleep together, we make love,” She groaned a little at the word choice as he returned to nuzzling underneath her neck, talons moving up and down her back in soothing motions, “we shower together, we go on every mission together, we spar together…” Selene can’t help the little moan that leaves her mouth as his breath warms across her skin before that tongue of his, blue and ridiculously dexterous, carves a path over her shoulder and up her throat, lingering on a spot behind her jaw that he knows all too well. 
“And turians are kind of known for scenting their partners.” 
“What does that even mean? Scenting? Like a cat? Are you marking your territory?” She’s never taken Garrus for being possessive, in fact, he was decidedly cool under pressure whenever someone decided to try it on with her. Occasionally he’d shift in a way that told people to back off, pressing his chest to her back, but that was only in instances where the person didn‘t know when to quit. Usually an overzealous asari or persistent human. The idea of him marking his territory, or even seeing her that way was kind of out of character to her, he just wasn’t like that. They were equals in everything they did. He was her person and she was his, one of them wasn’t more dominant in the relationship, they were partners. 
“Yes and no. You're not my territory, honey, don’t get me wrong. I’m glad you're a one turian kind of woman, but I trust you and I know you can handle yourself. It’s a habit really, an instinct. I’m surprised you don’t know, you do it too.”
It’s a relief to hear him say that. While she finds Garrus ridiculously hot when he goes all bad boy vigilante turian on someone, the raw power he exudes is something else entirely, something different that starts a fire in her belly, she also doesn’t want to be seen as an object or possession. 
“I do?” They’ve gravitated, as they always do, towards each other. Selene finds herself curled up in Garrus’ lap, arms wrapped around his cowl and nose pressed to the junction of his neck, pressing light little kisses there had become a favourite pastime of hers. Calming, soothing. 
“Mmm...all the time, that little nuzzling thing you’re doing?” She pulls back, startled, eyebrows almost comically high and red still tinting her cheeks, “Yeah, I thought you were just a little possessive, but maybe this is one of those interspecies miscommunication things, huh?”  
“I...oh.” She curls back into his neck, bashful in a way no one else sees. Garrus enjoys seeing her like this, out of her element but trusting, seeking comfort in him even as he’s the source of her embarrassment. Their relationship is unconventional and with it has come embarrassment and nerves from both sides, but it’s the trust in him, and his trust in her that’s made it work, that makes it worthwhile. 
He runs his fingers through the red of her hair, the strands soft and silky, a sensation that he still finds fascinating all this time on and one that he knows she finds soothing. He can only compare it to how he feels when she caresses underneath his fringe. 
“So is that why that C-Sec officer stopped flirting with me every chance he got?” She thinks of the dark brown turian, bright orange markings across his face. Before she’d seen Garrus again, before they’d rekindled their relationship, he’d been determined to flirt with her, no matter how many times she politely turned him down. He’d since stopped, his tone always overly polite and formal, nervous even. She’d assumed Bailey had given him a dressing down, but...maybe not. 
“Mmm, probably.” His chest rumbles with the hum, soothing and deep, reverberations running through her, “Most turians aren’t going to flirt with a taken woman, ever seen two turians get into a proper fist fight? It’s more claws and teeth than anything else.” No turian wanted to get into a fight over someone they had a passing fancy for, that Garrus knew for a fact, best to leave someone alone if they were clearly in a relationship.
“Would you? If someone tried it on?” She’s curious, deeply so. Part of her wants to know he would, but part of her wants to know that he’d think about it, and take his time to decide if it was necessary. Garrus had always had a bit of a temper, quick and righteous and determined to put things right. But, he’d mellowed with age, with her nagging him and convincing him to spare people who’d wronged him and others. He was more calculating these days. 
“Depends.” A hand falls to her waist, circles being rubbed into the skin underneath her jumper, absent minded and soothing as his blue eyes look to the skylight above her bed, staring out at the stars. Contemplating his next words.
“On?” She leans up to press a kiss underneath his chin, the soft exposed skin tempting her.
“Do you want me to? How badly are they trying to get into your pants? Are you in danger? Do you need me to? Is it someone I know and despise?” His voice rumbles in his throat, she feels the vibrations against her lips and ringing through her ears. That was something about being with a turian that she loved, the subharmonics were soothing to her ear, the rumble that always seemed to roll through his body was comforting. She wouldn’t call it a purr, mostly because Garrus would fix her with that look, narrowed eyes, mandibles drawn tight against his face. He’d probably go back to calibrating the guns for a week or two straight. God, she hated that. 
“Are you telling me you wouldn’t fight for my honour?” She’s teasing him, but she can still feel him tense up. Her lack of subharmonics tended to confuse him whenever she joked and he couldn’t see her face. 
Taking pity on him Selene pulls back so he can see the amused little smirk that tugs at the corner of her mouth, freckles scrunching up across her cheeks and nose. 
“I...you’re messing with me aren’t you?” There’a a palpable sigh of relief from him as his shoulders relax and he rolls his neck before pinning her with a playful glare, huffing through his nose at her. He’s the only person she can truly be playful with and she knows he enjoys it, the closeness of their relationship isn’t lost on either of them. He makes her feel less tired, more alive, younger, even if it's for a brief moment before reality crashes back down again. 
“Yeah, just a little, big guy.” She tugs his face down gently by a scarred mandible, he follows easily, putting himself in reach so that she can press a kiss to his cheek, across the blue colony markings that are oh so familiar to her. Affection with Garrus is easy: “I love you, but I don’t need you tearing someone’s throat out for me...unless it’s Kai Leng, you can tear his throat out.” 
The assassin was a thorn in her side and she was close to snapping, her usual restraint and desire to talk things through was failing. She wouldn’t negotiate or talk with Kai Leng. If she finally got the chance...well, he probably wouldn’t be recognisable afterwards. 
“Oh, I'm tempted, believe me. There’s nothing I'd like more than to put every ounce of my anger and hatred into beating Kai Leng into a bloody pulp. Buuuut, I think you deserve the satisfaction yourself.”
“I love you, you know that right? Even if I'm walking around stinking like a turian vigilante.” She caresses the lengths of his crest and underneath, scratching short nails against the soft skin there and the purr, because it is a purr, that rumbles from his chest is almost as satisfying as the thought of finally getting revenge on Kai Leng.
“Reaper Advisor actually.” He brushes his cheek against hers, hard plates brushing against soft skin, gently, not hard enough to chafe or rub. “I love you too, even if I'm walking around stinking like a self-sacrificing human spectre.”
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             ‘Think a girl would fall for that?’ - Garrus Vakarian, code name Archangel,  all round turian bad boy and dispenser of justice in a unjust galaxy
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F/O List
(All depicted as 18+)
Romantic F/O’S
DC comics
- Wonder Woman Ship Name: The warriors fool (hint: i’m the fool)
- Black Canary Ship Name: Benary, my Canary, sing of my love
- Big Barda Ship Name: Benarda, Big heart for me
- Supergirl Ship Name: My superb girl
- Hippolyta Ship Name: Hibenyta, Benyta,
- Catwoman Ship Name: Benselina, Selen, clawed your way to my heart
- Starfire Ship Name: fire of my heart, your my star
- Batgirl Ship Name: my bat
- Harley Quinn Ship Name: Benarley, Benley, Harlen, mischievous romance
- Zatanna Ship Name: Zatannen, Bennana , Betanna, worked your magic on me
- Hawkgirl Ship Name: My darling Hawk
- Giganta Ship Name: Bengal, Giganen
- Huntress Ship Name: My huntress, hunted hearts
- Killer Frost Ship Name: pleasant chills in my heart
- Lady Shiva Ship Name: Beniva
- Talia al Ghul Ship Name: Talia all mine
- Vicki Vale Ship Name: tbb
- Lois Lane Ship Name: tbd
- Lady Blackhawk Ship Name: tbd
- Captain Marvel Ship Name: Captain of my heart, marvelous lovers
- She-Hulk Ship Name: she-mine
- Emma Frost Ship Name: Bemma, Benma
- X-23 Ship Name: BenX-23, Benura (Laura used here)
- Magick Ship Name: Under your spell, Benick
- Mystique Ship Name: Benstique, Mystien
- Black Widow Ship Name: Benidow
- Shuri Ship Name: shuri she is mine
- Gamora Ship Name: Gamoren, Benora
- Amora Ship Name: Amoren
- Scarlet Witch Ship Name: Scarlet kiss
- Spider-gwen Ship Name: She caught my heart
- Black Cat Ship Name: benlicia
- Rogue Ship Name: Benogue, Roben
- Storm Ship Name: brewin’ a storm in my heart
- Thor Ship Name: worthy to hold his hand, Lightning lover
- Valkyrie Ship Name: Benkyrie, Valken
- Sif Ship Name: sifen, Benif
- Hela Ship Name: Benla, Helen
- Silver Sable Ship Name: Benable
- Hawkeye Ship Name: caught my eye, prey to your love
- Captain America Ship Name: Captain of my love
- Captain Ameria 2099 Ship Name: tbd
- T'challa Ship Name: Benchalla T'benlla
- Psylocke Ship Name: tbd
- Jean Grey Ship Name: tbd
- Kitty Pryde Ship Name: tbd
- Abigail Brand Ship Name: tbd
- Maria Hill Ship Name: tbd
- Mockingbird Ship Name: tbd
- Astolfo Ship Name: Benolfo, Astbeno
- Saber Ship Name: Saben, Bener
- Saber Alter Ship Name: Alter bener
- Jeanne Ship Name: Benne,Jeaner
- Jalter Ship Name: Benter,Jalten
- Mordred Ship Name: Mordoren,Bendred
- Billy The Kid Ship Name: tbd
- Saber prototype Ship Name: proto Saben
- Nero Ship Name: tbd
- Link Ship Name: Benk, Linen
- Urbosa Ship Name: Urbosen,Benbosa
- Zelda Ship Name: Zelden, Benda
- Mipha Ship Name: Benpha, Miben
- Shiek Ship Name: Shien, Benek
- Midna Ship Name: Midnen, Bena
 Star Wars
- Ahsoka Tano Ship Name: Ahsoken, Bensoka
- Sabine Wren Ship Name: Sabene, Benine
- Hera Syndulla Ship Name: Heren, benra
- General Grievous Ship Name: four armed hug
- Aayla Secura Ship Name: Aaylen, secura in my heart
- Shaak Ti Ship Name: Shaen, Benti
- Obi-Wan Kenobi Ship Name: only one Kenobi
- Jaina Solo Ship Name: Janen
- Mara Jade Ship Name: Maren, Jaden
- Luke Skywalker Ship Name: Luken, Skyben
- Captain Phasma Ship Name: Bensma, Phaben, command my heart
- Padme Amidala Ship Name: Queen of my heart, Bename
- Mon Mothma Ship Name: Mon lovema , Mon lover
- Jyn Erso Ship Name: Jynen, Benyn
- Iden Versio Ship Name: Idenen
- Leia Organa Ship Name: Lenen, Benia
- Cassian Andor Ship Name: Cassien, Benian
- L3-37 Ship Name: L<3-<37
- Wilhuff Tarkin Ship Name: Wilhufen, Benhuff
- Shiro Ship Name: Shirnen, Henri, Beniro
- Allura Ship Name: Alluring Allura
- Pidge/Katie Ship Name: Katien, Benidge
- Axca Ship Name: Benca, Axen
- Krolia Ship Name: Krolien, Benrolia
- Tae Takemi Ship Name: Tae Taken my heart!
- Sae Niijima Ship Name: Seanen, Benae
- Sadayo Kawakami Ship Name: Sadayonen, Benyo
- Ann Takamaki Ship name: tbd
- Akira Kusuru Ship Name: tbd
- Daisy Ship Name: my flower, my delightful, Dainen
- Peach Ship Name: she’s a peach 💙
- Rosalina Ship Name: Rosalina is my rosey girl
- Pauline Ship Name: 1UP boy & 1UP girl
 Fire Emblem
- Lucina Ship Name: Lucinen,Benina
- Lyn Ship Name: Beyn, Lynen
- Male Robin & Female Robin Ship Name: Robins love
- Male & Female Grima Ship Name: Grimen, Benma
- Bayonetta Ship Name: Benyonetta, Babe-o-mine-o, She’s my bit-witch!
- Samus Ship Name: The Hunters Bounty
- Dark Samus Ship Name: Dark lovers, Benus, Samen
- 2B Ship Name: 2B URS
- A2 Ship Name: 2 lovers
- Yorha Commander Ship Name: YORmy Commander 💙, Commanded love
 Rainbow Six Siege
- Frost Ship Name: Operation: Loving you, Strategic loving
- Buck Ship Name: Buck of my heart, shoot your love my way
- Ash Ship Name: Ashen
- Thermite Ship Name: TherMINE
- Castle Ship Name: Guard my heartfelt
- Pulse Ship Name: my pulse
- Twitch Ship Name: benitch
- Montagne Ship Name: Benagne
- Rook Ship Name: Benook
- Doc Ship Name: Heal my heart
- Dokkaebi Ship Name: Benbi, Dokken
- Finka Ship Name: I Finka I love you
- Ela Ship Name: Elen, Benla
- Zofia Ship Name: Zofien, Benia
- IQ Ship Name: I think your Qute
- Jager Ship Name: Janer, Janen
- Caveira Ship Name: Caveiren, Benira
- Valkyrie Ship Name: Valkyrien, Benrie
- Vigil Ship Name: Vigilen, Vigilance
- Kaid Ship Name: Kaiden, Benid
- Nomad Ship Name: Nomaden, Benad
- Lion Ship Name: Lionen, Beion
- Hibana Ship Name: Hibena,Benana
- Ruby Rose Ship Name: Ruby lovers, my ruby rose
- Yang Xiao Long Ship Name: Gauntlet Love
- Blake Belladonna Ship Name: Belladonnen
- Weiss Schnee Ship Name: Weissen
- Pyrrha Nikos Ship Name: Pyrrhaen
- Roman Torchwick Ship Name: Romen, Benan
- Winter Schnee Ship Name: My eternal Winter
- Emerald Sustrai Ship Name: Emeralden
- Coco Adel Ship Name: Cocoen, Benco
- Velvet Scarlatina Ship Name: Velvet kisses
- Arslan Altan Ship Name: Arslen
- Nora Valkyrie Ship Name: Noranen
- Cinder Fall Ship Name: fallen for you
- Glynda Goodwitch Ship Name: Benda, Bewitched
 Metal Gear Solid
- The Boss/The Joy Ship Name: joy of mine
- Quiet Ship Name: hushed sweet nothings, Quieten, Benet
- Meryl Silverburgh Ship Name: Meren, Benyl
- Sniper Wolf Ship Name: TARGET: My heart
 Full Metal Alchemist
- Olivier Mira Armstrong Ship Name: Benvier, strong love
- Riza Hawkeye Ship Name: Risa caught my eye
- Izumi Curtis Ship Name: Izubenmi
- Lust Ship Name: lusting after you
- Greed Ship Name: greedy for your love
- Mercy Ship Name: Bency, Merben
- Pharah Ship Name: Pharen, Benarah
- D.VA Ship Name: D<3.va
- Widowmaker Ship Name: widow no longer, caught my heart
- Sombra Ship Name: Somben
- Ana Ship Name: Anaen, Bena
- Ashe Ship Name: outlawed love
- Mcree Ship Name: fastest heart stealer in the wild west 🔫
- Moira Ship Name: Moira O'mine
- Mei Ship Name: Mei cutie, Benei
- Zarya Ship Name: Zaren
- Reaper Ship Name: death’s embrace is sweet
- Baptiste Ship Name: tbd
 Kid Icarus
- Palutena Ship Name: Palunten, Goddess of my heart
 Legend of Korra
- Korra Ship Name: Koren
- Asami Ship Name: Asamien
- Ariel Ship Name: I wanna be part of your world
- Jasmine Ship Name: a whole new love
- Elsa Ship Name: Frozen Heart
- Sergeant Calhoun Ship Name: Lover’s duty
- Gogo Tomago Ship Name: tbd
 Harry Potter
- Hermione Ship Name: Benione, HerMINE
- Fleur Ship Name: my pretty Fleur
- Narcissa Ship Name: Narcissen
- Tonks Ship Name: Benks
- Arcee Ship Name: Acreen
- Optimus Prime Ship Name: Prime hearts
- Windblade Ship Name: Windenlade, Bende
- Shockwave Ship Name: Heart shocker!
- Soundwave Ship Name: your music to my ears
- Shatter Ship Name: don’t shatter my heart!
 Final Fantasy
- Lunafreya Ship Name: Oracle of Love
- Cindy Aurum Ship Name: Garage beauty, Cinen
- Aranea Highwind Ship Name: protector of mine
- Tifa Lockhart Ship Name: Fast, Furious and all mine
- Terra Branford Ship Name: Esper of my heart
- Fran Ship Name: tbd
- Lightning Farron Ship Name: tbd
- Celes Chere Ship Name: tbd
Mass Effect
- Jane Shepard Ship Name: Bane
- Tali'Zorah Ship Name: Zoran mine
- Vetra Nyx Ship Name: Vetranen, Benyx
- Liara T'soni Ship Name: Liaren, Benara
- Sara Ryder Ship Name: Ryder of mine
- Miranda Lawson Ship Name: Miranden, Lawnen
- Cora Harper Ship Name: tbd
- Garrus Vakarian Ship Name: tbd
League of Legends
- Akali Ship Name: Akalien
- Ahri Ship Name: Ahrien
- Katarina Ship Name: Kataben
- Sona Ship Name: Sonaben
 Doctor Who
- 13th Doctor Ship Name: 13th times the charm
- 10th Doctor Ship Name: intergalactic love
  Assassin’s Creed
- Kassandra Ship Name: fierce lover, tiger heart
- Evie Frye Ship Name: Sophisticated love
- Aya of Siwa Ship Name: Ayen
 My Hero Academia
- Rumi Usagiyama(Mirko) Ship Name: Usagiyen
- Nemuri Kayama(Midnight) Ship Name: kayaen
- Yu Takeyama(Mt. Lady) Ship Name: Takeyen
- Ryuko Tatsuma(Ryukyu) Ship Name: Ryukoen
- Maya Ship Name: Maya Girl, perfectly calculated love
- Lilith Ship Name: Lithen
- Mad Moxxi Ship Name: Madly in love
- Athena Ship Name: Athen
- Kelly 087 Ship Name: Kellen
- Linda 058 Ship Name:Linaben
- John 117 Ship Name: Johnen
- Cortana Ship Name: Cortanen
- Thel ‘Vadam Ship Name: tbd
- Dana Scully Ship Name: Not so mysterious love
 The Witcher
- Ciri Ship Name: Burning Emerald
- Yennefer Ship Name: raven haired beauty
- Triss Merigold Ship Name: My gold
 Red Dead Redemption
- Arthur Morgan Ship Name: Arthen, Morganen
- Sadie Adler Ship Name: Sadien
 Detroit Become Human
- Kara Ship Name: Karaen
- North Ship Name: Noren
- Connor Ship Name: Conen, Connoren
- Markus Ship Name: Markusen, Marken
 Resident Evil
- Ada Wong Ship Name: love in the red dress
- Claire Redfield Ship Name: Clairen, Benire
- Jill Valentine Ship Name: Jillen, my valentine (or sandwich)
- Leon S Kennedy Ship Name: not a rookie at love
- Rebecca Chambers Ship Name: healthy loving, refreshing love
 Kingdom Hearts
- Aqua Ship Name: Aquen, Benua
 Just Cause
- Rico Rodriguez Ship Name: Ricen, Chaos filled love
- Mira Morales Ship Name: Mien
- Gabriela Morales Ship Name: Gaben, Moralen
 Titanfall (including apex legends)
- Jack Cooper Ship Name: tbd
- Bangalore Ship Name: tbd
- Gibraltar Ship Name: tbd
- Mirage Ship Name: tbd
- Bloodhound Ship Name: tbd
- Caustic Ship Name: Tbd
Call of Duty
- Gideon (Advanced Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Ilona (Advanced Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Salen Kotch (Infinite Warfare) Ship Name: tbd
- Robert Zussman (COD WW2) Ship Name: tbd
- Joseph Turner (COD WW2) Ship Name:
- John “Soap” Mactavish (MW2/MW3) Ship Name: tbd
- Spectre (Black Ops 3) Ship Name: tbd
- Battery (Black Ops ¾) Ship Name: tbd
- Ruin (Black Ops ¾) Ship Name: tbd
 Red vs Blue
- Agent Carolina Ship Name: tbd
- Agent Texas Ship Name: tbd
Girls Frontline
- M16A1 Ship Name: tbd
- AUG Ship Name: tbd
- CZ-805 Ship Name: tbd
- Grizzly Mk V Ship Name: tbd
- KSG Ship Name: tbd
- AK-12 Ship Name: tbd
- M4A1 Ship Name: tbd
- M4 SOPMOD II Ship Name: tbd
- UMP40 Ship Name: tbd
- UMP45 Ship Name: tbd
- UMP9 Ship Name: tbd
- Python Ship Name: tbd
- TAC-50 Ship Name:  tbd
- Springfield Ship Name: tbd
- G36 Ship Name: tbd
-G36C Ship Name: tbd
- M2HB Ship Name: tbd
- M590 Ship Name: tbd
Azur Lane
- Brooklyn Ship Name: tbd
- Phoenix Ship Name: tbd
- Pennsylvania Ship Name: tbd
- North Carolina Ship Name: tbd
- Tennesse Ship Name: tbd
- Washington Ship Name: tbd
- Prince of Wales Ship Name: tbd
Warhammer 40K
- Saint Celestine Ship Name: tbd
The Dragon Prince
- Amaya Ship Name: tbd
- Sarai Ship Name: tbd
- Claudia Ship Name: tbd
- Cynthia Ship Name: tbd
Attack on Titan
- Annie leonhart Ship Name: cats and crystals
- Mikasa Ackerman Ship Name: benkasa
- Morgan Yu (male) Ship Name: tbd
- Morgan Yu (Female) Ship Name: tbd
 Street Fighter
- Chun-li Ship Name: tbd
- Rainbow Mika Ship Name: tbd
- Poison Ship Name: tbd
 Mortal Kombat
- Cassie Cage Ship Name: tbd
- Sonya Blade Ship Name: tbd
- Kitana Ship Name: tbd
- Mileena Ship Name: tbd
- Jade Ship Name: tbd
 The Walking Dead Game
- Molly Ship Name: tbd
 Original Character
- Aroar (ork warlord) Ship Name: tbd
- Shiara (created by theangelslittlecanary) Ship Name: The knight and her neko
 Magic The Gathering
- Knight of Sorrows Ship Name: tbd
- Doom Marine/Guy/slayer Ship Name: tbd
- Chell Ship Name: tbd
- Alyx Vance Ship Name: tbd
- GLaDOS Ship Name: tbd
- Mithrax the Forsaken Ship Name: tbd
- Mara Sov Ship Name: tbd
- Lord Shaxx Ship Name: tbd
 Parental & Platonic F/O’S
- Count Dooku (Star Wars) Relation: Father figure
- Kate Kane (DC Comics) Relation: Adopted mother
- Dick Grayson (DC Comics) Best Friend/Brother
- Damian Wayne (DC Comics) Brother/Friend/Step-dad
- Cassandra Cain (DC Comics) Brother/Friend/Step-dad
- Stephanie Brown (DC Comics) Friend
- Catherine Halsey (Halo) Mother Figure
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razieltwelve · 7 years
Negotiation: Part 1(Final Rose)
Claire took a moment to study the map of the Arendelle Empire in her office. It had always brought her a sense of contentment to know that the Empire had brought peace and prosperity to so many worlds. After this expedition, they’d have to expand it, and the thought brought a smile to her face.
However, her attention swiftly turned to the two people who entered her office. One was a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes. However, he lacked the towering height and broad, powerful build of a man from the Villiers branch of the family. Instead, he was only a few inches taller than Claire, and although he had the build of a man well used to fighting, it was leaner and more compact than would be expected of a Villiers.
Jihm Nabaat - also known as Jihm Jahde Yun-Farron - was a descendant of Diana Yun-Farron and Jahne Nabaat through the line of their second daughter, Jahde. His Semblance was similar to that of Jihl Naabat of Remnant. It was a form of mind control and telepathy. Of course, his loyalty was beyond question, not that she had anything to fear from him. Saviour was impervious to mental interference.
The other person was actually an inch or two shorter than Claire. He was the head scientist of the expedition, Heilos Dia-Farron. Like most of his kin, he was a fox Faunus, and he had the same red hair and blue eyes as Raine Dia-Farron of Remnant, who was one of his ancient ancestors. His war hamster, Professor Hugborough was peeking out of a pocket in his lab coat while munching on some food.
“All right,” Claire said without any further preamble. “Commander Shepard and her associates will be arriving soon. I hope you both understand what we’re trying to do here.”
Jihm chuckled. “Indeed I do. I even have orders from Averia about how she would like this to be handled. I trust you’ve read the message I sent you earlier.”
“I have. I think it’s a good course of action.” Claire paused. “And I trust you won’t resort to any… unsavoury methods.”
“As easy as it would be to simply take control of their minds, I’ve been instructed to handle this as… peacefully as possible. Even if we have enough firepower to crush them, there’s no point in ruling over a giant graveyard. The most beneficial course for the Empire is for the various groups in this galaxy to see us as powerful but benevolent group.”
“I’ve also informed Blake and her command staff of this. She and some of them will also be present at this meeting.”
“Of course.” Jihm nodded gracefully. “It will be nice to see Selene. She is so marvellously devious.”
Selene was one of Jihm’s favourite verbal sparring partners. She was a descendant of Winter Schnee and Blake Belladonna and one of the few people alive who could keep up with Jihm when he really started scheming. 
“Try not to make too much trouble,” Claire replied. Her gaze shifted to the Dia-Farron. “Do you have the presentation ready?”
Helios cackled evilly. “Oh, you bet I do. I’ve prepared it according to your specifications. It’ll get them right where we want them - afraid but hopeful of our intervention.” He paused. “Are you sure you don’t want me to have that simulation ready too?”
“What simulation?” Jihm asked.
“It’s one where I show footage of what I think will happen to most of their worlds if we don’t help. There’s lots of death, harvesting, people being turned into Reapers...”
“People being turned into Reapers?:” Jihm asked.
“Yep. We’ve been stripping data from the captured Reapers, and it’s what they do. They can turn people into robo-zombie things, or they can turn them into this goo that gets used to make those big Reaper ships.”
“I think they can do without seeing that,” Jihm said dryly. “I imagine they’re worried enough.”
“I don’t know. It’s a very detailed simulation. Gruesome too.”
“No.” Claire sighed. “Just have the presentation I talked to you about ready.” She glanced down. “It looks like Blake and some of her command staff just arrived, and Commander Shepard and her associates should be here momentarily too. We’ll greet them in one of the hangars and give them a tour.”
Jihm smirked. “Shock and awe?”
“Indeed.” Claire’s lips curled. “We’re here to help, but we need to make it very clear that messing with us would be an extremely bad idea.”
X     X     X
Commander Jane Shepard nodded to herself and then did her best to smile at the four she’d chosen to bring along. Miranda, Liara, Garrus, and Mordin were the best at what they did, and she valued any advice they could give her. Plus, Liara, Garrus, and Mordin, while not official representatives of their respective races, could at least give her some idea of what their factions might want out of the deal she would be making.
“Their shuttle has docked, commander,” Joker said over comms.
“All right.” Jane took a deep breath. “Here were go. Remember what we talked about. We need to put up a unified front. We want their help, but we need to offer them something in return. Let’s go.”
They made their way down to the airlock and waited for decontamination and other processes to run before the doors opened.
A group of towering figures in exoskeletal armour were there to greet them. One of them, in more elaborate armour than the others, stepped forward. The faceplate of the armour turned transparent, and they found themselves looking at the face of a middle-aged man.
“Good evening, commander. If you’ll just come aboard, we can get started.”
She nodded quickly. “Thank you.” She strode into the shuttle and then paused. There was a strange device in the middle of the chamber. It looked like a projector of some kind. “Is that a data projector?”
The soldier grinned. “It’s how you’ll be reaching the Fury. It’s a teleportation gateway.”
“Fascinating.” Mordin immediately moved toward the device. “Method of operation?”
The soldier took the question in stride. “I can’t give you the exact specifics, but they told me you might be curious. I am authorised to say that it uses a variant of quantum entanglement to essentially switch the acknowledged positions of particles - or in this case, people and objects. It hasn’t got the range of something like a wormhole portal, but it tends to be less energy consuming, not to mention easier on the stomach.”
If the soldier was bothered by Mordin’s questions, he didn’t show it. Instead, he gave a chuckle. “Oh, the Dia-Farron are going to love you.” He smiled. “Worm hole technology links two points in space using wormholes. Travel takes place through what is a sort of intermediary dimension. Not all life forms take such transitions well. Headaches and vomiting are not uncommon symptoms of wormhole travel, at least the first few times. Since this will be a diplomatic meeting, I’m sure you can understand why we’d try to avoid that.”
Jane could. Vomiting on the shoes of the people they were meeting wasn’t the least bit diplomatic. “Is it safe?”
“It sure is.” The soldier nodded at one of his fellows. A column of light shot up from the device and hung in the air. One of the soldiers walked through it without hesitation. “I wouldn’t ask you to do anything that I wouldn’t ask of myself or the soldiers under my command. Now, if you’re ready…”
“Of course.” Jane shrugged. “Let’s get on with it.”
Jane stepped forward into the column -
There was a split second of dislocation, of not knowing where or when -
And then she was standing in the middle of a vast hangar. It was lined with craft of various kinds, and there was a formation of hundreds of armoured soldiers waiting, all of them standing in perfect alignment and discipline. Shepard immediately straightened, surreptitiously checking that her uniform was in order, as the others stumbled through the gateway after her. As they all looked around in awe - the hangar was far, far larger than anything they’d ever seen on a ship, to say nothing of the craft it contained, and the other advanced technologies it hinted at - she saw Garrus give a nod of appreciation at the ranks of armoured soldiers waiting patiently in front of them. The Turian could appreciate the discipline it required.
There was movement from the back of the formation, and immediately, the whole group of soldiers parted ranks, seamlessly moving to form a path for three people and the small escort that travelled with them. Jane immediately recognised one of them. Claire was tall for a woman, and she moved with an economical grace that seemed almost machine-like. Her hair, a lush pink, was tied up into a bun, and her blue eyes seemed to take in the whole hangar at once. Alongside her were a blond man and a red-haired man with fox ears. Not for the first time, she wondered if the people with fox ears were a different species or perhaps an allied race.
“Good evening, commander.” Claire stopped in front of them, her gaze flicking to the others. “I hope the trip here was not uncomfortable.”
“It was… quick.” Jane settled for that. “It’s a pleasure to be here.” She nodded to the others in turn. “These are members of my crew. Dr Liara T’Soni, Garrus Vakarian, Miranda Lawson, and Mordin Solus.”
Claire acknowledged the introductions with a curt nod. “My associates, Jihm Nabaat and Professor Helios Dia-Farron.” She gestured with one. “Shall we proceed? We have a conference room prepared, as well as refreshments.” She smiled faintly. “We can take a little tour along the way too. I’m sure you must be curious.”
“That would be fine.”
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