#fergus acres
calikiwisims · 11 months
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Zoey: I've missed your cooking, Mom.
Fergus: Me too.
Cora: you were here for pancakes just this morning, Fergus.
Fergus: time is subjective, I think.
Cora: well, when you're back in Willow Creek after graduation Zo, I'll cook you dinner whenever you like.
Zoey: Thanks...I er.. well I wasn't sure if I'd come back after graduation. I was eyeing up some other worlds that might need a good lawyer...Evergreen Harbor seemed like it might need someone to support the environmentalists.
Kaden & Cora: *shocked silence*
Kaden: Well, nothing for it my love, come on.
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★ Roger's Audiobooks (A—D) ★
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UPDATED: May 23, 2023
Books are linked to the seller who has the lower price for individual downloads, usually that's Google Play. If you listen to a lot of audiobooks, Audible's or Barnes & Noble's all-you-can-eat option makes more sense.
Book series have been grouped together and they are alphabetized by their series' name.
If Audible isn't your thing, Roger's audiobooks can also be found at these other sites but availability varies from site to site:
Apple Books ☆ Audible ☆ Audiobooks.com ☆ AudioBooksNow.com ☆ AudiobookStore.com ☆ Barnes & Noble ☆ Binge Books ☆ Books-a-Million ☆ Chirp Books ☆ Downpour ☆ Everand ☆ Google Play ☆ Hoopla ☆ Libro.fm ☆ Overdrive + Libby ☆ Rakuten Kobo
Links to more of Roger's Audiobooks:
A-D ☆ E-H ☆ I-L ☆ M-P ☆ Q-T ☆ U-Z
• 'Young Man - You'll Never Die' by Merton Naydler
BOOK SERIES: "Ancient Wisdom For Modern Readers" by Obsopoeus, Fontaine, et al. • How to Drink: A Classical Guide to the Art of Imbibing by Vincent Obsopoeus, Michael Fontaine (editor, translator & introduction) • How to Grow Old: Ancient Wisdom for the Second Half of Life by Marcus Tullius Cicero, Philip Freeman (introduction & translation) • How to Tell a Joke: An Ancient Guide to the Art of Humor by Marcus Tullius Cicero, Michael Fontaine (translator)
BOOK SERIES: "The Antiheroes" by Jacob Peppers • The Antiheroes (Vol. #1) • Don't Feed the Trolls (Vol. #2) • Probably It's Prophecy (Vol. #3) • A Cult Classic (Vol. #4)
• Armed Struggle: The History of the IRA by Richard English
• Ascent into Hell by Fergus White
• Auschwitz and The Allies: A Devastating Account of How the Allies Responded to the News of Hitler's Mass Murder by Martin Gilbert
• Beasts of the Earth: A Novel by James Wade
• The Beasts They Turned Away by Ryan Dennis
• Billy The Kid by Ryan C. Coleman
BOOK SERIES: "Black Badge" by Rhett C. Bruno and Jaime Castle • Dead Acre (Vol. #0.5) • Cold as Hell (Vol. #1) • Vein Pursuits (Vol. #2)
• Blanketmen: An Untold Story of the H-Block Hunger Strike by Richard O’Rawe, Richard English (foreword)
• Blitzkrieg: From the Ground Up by Niklas Zetterling
• The Book of Enoch the Prophet by R.H. Charles, Introduction by R.A. Gilbert, Lon Milo DuQuette
• The Brain-Based Classroom: Accessing Every Child's Potential Through Educational Neuroscience by Keiran O'Mahony
• By Tank into Normandy by Stuart Hills, Lord Deedes - foreword
• C.S. Lewis: A Very Short Introduction by James Como
BOOK SERIES: "Constable Evans" by Rhys Bowen • Evans Above (Vol. #1) • Evan Help Us (Vol. #2) • Evanly Choirs (Vol. #3) • Evan and Elle (Vol. #4) • Evan Can Wait (Vol. #5) • Evans to Betsy (Vol. #6) • Evan Only Knows (Vol. #7) • Evan's Gate (Vol. #8) • Evan Blessed (Vol. #9) • Evanly Bodies (Vol. #10)
• Countdown to D-Day: The German Perspective by Peter Margaritis
• Crowe's Requiem by Mike McCormack
BOOK SERIES: "D.I. Tom Tyler" by Maureen Jennings • Season of Darkness (Vol. 1) [Not read by Roger] • Beware This Boy (Vol. 2) • No Known Grave (Vol. 3) • Dead Ground in Between (Vol. 4)
• Disaster!: A History of Earthquakes, Floods, Plagues, and Other Catastrophes by John Withington
• The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA by James D. Watson
• Drugged: The Science and Culture Behind Psychotropic Drugs by Richard J. Miller
··································⋆⋅⋆⋅☆⋅⋆⋅⋆·································· BOOK SERIES: "Dublin Homicides" by David Pearson • A Deadly Dividend: A Gripping Murder Mystery Set in Dublin (Vol. #1) • A Fatal Liaison (Vol. #2) • The China Chapter (Vol. #3)
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renee-writer · 2 years
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Loved Her First Chapter 52
A/N This lovely chapter is all @omgbarbiegurl !
Jamie paced in front of the bed as Claire sat at her vanity brushing out her wild hair.
“I canna believe it Sassenach, land. All this land. Granted, 500 is not a lot, but still!”
“I think that is about the size of Monaco.”
“Dinna ken what Monaco is.”
“You should, it’s a country between Italy and France.”
“Oh, that one. Aye, I know it. Sae we will have our own Monaco.”
Claire rises from her seat and looks in the cradles to check on the babies.
“More or less. Can I see?”
Jamie hands her the paper and she starts to read it over.
Her eyebrows raise about halfway through.
“Jamie, I think you misread this.”
“Because it's not 500 acres, it's 5000 acres.”
She hands it back and he reads over it as well. His face goes pale when he gets to the part she pointed out.
“Mo Dhia. Shit.”
“Aye.” Claire said in a teasing voice. “Slightly bigger than Monaco.”
Down in her Mama’s surgery, Faith is working hard over her experiment.
“And just a drop of wool dye, and…”
She stared at the concoction as she stirred. It was sticking to the spoon the way nail polish should, but she wasn’t sure.
“I need ummmm oh!”
She went over to the table and pulled out a small brush that her Mama used for sanitizing an area of the body. Faith dipped it into the bowl and very gently stroked it across her thumb nail.
She blew on it gently, waiting for it to set.
It took 10 minutes until it finally seemed dry, when she touched it. She turned her hand back and forth, grinning at her invention.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, I have invented Nail Polish!”
She jumped when the door banged open and Brianna appeared, her face red and tear streaked.
“Where is Mama?!”
Before Faith could answer, Bree groaned and grabbed her belly.
Faith’s eyes widened.
“Holy Shit! Are you in labor?”
Bree nodded. “My water just broke.”
“What?! Oh God, okay, you need to time your contractions, you should sit down. No, keep standing. Hold on, I will time your contractions. Hold on! Wait.”
Faith ran to her sister’s side as Bree groaned. “I am not ready, changed my mind, I am keeping this baby in until they are 4. That’s a good age.”
Faith smiled. “Yeah, that’s not how this works Bree.”
The rest of her words were cut off by another low groan and Faith jumped.
“Oh God! Are you having it now? We need Mama! HELP!”
Jamie frowned a little. “Did you hear that?”
Claire narrowed her eyes as another plaintive cry of ‘Help’ sounded.
The pair rushed downstairs to the Surgery where they found a panting Brianna and a panicking Faith.
Claire, ever the Doctor, took in the situation and smiled.
“Alright, well looks like a baby is coming. Faith, take a deep breath and go fetch Jeremiah. Jamie, you need to help me prepare her.”
Faith, grateful for a job, ran out the side door yelling for Jeremiah.
Jamie laughed and shook his head as he helped Bree lay down. She was just in a shift, so there was no need to change her.
“I am guessing Faith never had her sights on being a Doctor.”
Claire shook her head. “Nope, Teacher.”
Jamie laughed again and took his daughter’s hand as her Mama checked her.
He pressed a kiss to her sweaty forehead. “You will be fine Mo Ghruagach Ruadh.”
She nodded and clenched his hand tight.
Claire stood up and smiled. “Good news Bree, you are moving right along. About 5 centimeters already, halfway there.”
The door burst open and Faith reappeared.
“Jeremiah has gone hunting with Ian and Fergus. They should be back by Morning, that is what Marsali said anyway. I told her to send him along fast if he comes back early.”
Claire sighed. “We won’t have until morning. She is going to have this baby sooner rather than later.”
Faith’s face hardened.
“Well then we will be by her side.”
Jamie nodded. “Aye, we will flog him when he returns for being such an abominable fool.” He pressed another kiss to Brianna’s head.
“We will get you through this Lass.”
She nodded as Faith went to her other side and held her hand as another contraction hit.
Hours later, Faith and Jamie were holding Brianna up as she panted and moaned. Claire stood between her legs.
“Come on Brianna Ellen, one more BIG push and your baby will be here!”
Brianna shook her head, tears falling down her cheeks.
“I can’t, I really can’t.”
Jamie firmed his voice. “Ye can Lass, ye will.”
“Come on Bree, you're almost there.” Faith said just as tired as her sister.
Brianna took a breath and nodded.
“Okay once more and then that’s it.”
She took another breath and started pushing hard.
Screams and wails filled the small space, until a choked cry of a new baby was heard.
Claire pulled out the goopy little stranger and smiled.
“A boy.”
Brianna started to sob as her Mama laid the baby on her chest and she touched his little face gently before kissing him.
“Oh! Hello! I am your Mama. Hello!” The baby kept on wailing as he was cleaned up while on Brianna before her Da cut the cord.
“Oh don’t take him away!” She said as her Mama scooped him up.
Faith took her hand and kissed it lightly.
“She is just making sure he is healthy; she will give him right back.”
Brianna nodded and gripped her sister’s hand until her son was returned wrapped in a blanket.
She smiled at her parents and sister before kissing her little man’s head.
“I was going to name him something else, but I like what I picked better.”
She shifted the baby and kissed his head. “His name is Alexander Finlay Christopher MacKenzie.”
Claire was going to protest, but the look on Jamie’s face had her silenced.
She smiled and kissed her daughter’s cheek.
“That name is lovely Bree, just lovely.”
And truly, it was.  
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showmethemon3y · 18 days
At this year’s Edinburgh fringe festival I saw 26 shows across 5 venues ( including a cabaret I performed in one night, and a show I was part of the creative team for). Since my first fringe trip in 2008, where my weekend was mostly made up of blagging my way into parties and guest spots, I have collected more varied experiences at the fringe than most.
In Fergus Morgan’s recent piece for The Stage Why is the Edinburgh Fringe flooded with solo shows about awful experiences? he laments an overwhelm with what he experienced this year as a “ surfeit of solo shows about awful things” and calls it a problem for the festival. And while I think it’s a fair point that many artists don’t consider enough what they are asking their audience to experience, I think it’s deeply unfair to frame this as entirely an artist’s problem, particularly to point the finger at solo shows.
Since before the pandemic there has been a growing demand for confessional “authentic” and “vulnerable” content - across not just solo theatre, but comedy, television and of course social media. It may be this is now on the turn after the late stages of a pandemic. However we are still amidst a mental health and financial crisis, without getting into the many horrific personal and political situations currently in the state of the world.
To be clear I don’t disagree with Fergus necessarily as far as his concerns about heavy content. In 2019 (remember we all thought was the worst year ever and couldnt’ wait for 2020…) I remember how excited I was to come to Fringe as a punter, to see as much as I could. But 3 days in of a 4 day trip, I was emotionally drained, having seen days of back to back shows about loss, assault, suicide, addiction, discrimination, and terminal illnesses (and some of these were not theatre but comedy shows …)
This was a time before content warnings were the norm. Sometimes the content was in the blurb, sometimes it was a surprise at the 40 minutes mark. I remember one evening, sitting on my own in a corner of the Summerhall courtyard, having cried so much I didn’t know if I could cry anymore.
I remember running into an artist I knew and trying to explain what I felt, and my takeaway was, well. I had booked these shows. But I hadn’t booked the shows because of themes necessarily. I had booked the shows because I had heard exciting things about them, and/or had loved the artists previous work.
In some cases I found myself seriously concerned about the artist’s wellbeing. I was left feeling like the trauma they were sharing hadn’t been processed yet. I was left sincerely worried about what the daily revisiting of that trauma (in the often brutal experience of bringing work to fringe) was doing to their mental health.
At other times I struggled to know what to do with how shows left me feeling, particularly when I hadn’t emotionally recovered from a previous show, or shows. The fringe is short on quiet calm spaces, not ideal in the aftermath of seeing traumatic work.
But - there is still a lot of lighter, funnier, left field and playfully unhinged work at the festival. By seeing them against the heavier content, all can become more dynamic. I appreciate as someone who isn’t a reviewer I have more agency in what I see, but also believe as a reviewer it must be possible to build a range of content and tone into the decision making of the order of what you see.
In terms of representing the audience experience, even as a die hard theatre buff, I can’t see someone deciding to book a full day of heavy content! (and they are also far less likely in one day to see six shows!)
As many of the replies on twitter in response immediately jumped on the issue of solo work, I wanted to speak to that too. In Alistair Smith’s recent piece The Dominance of the EdFringe solo show poses a problem for the touring market he raises concern about the disconnect between the prevalence of solo shows in the festival, against programming for receiving venues across the country.
Smith rightly identifies that economics are the primary reason for this, and questions the role of support for the festival and U.K. funding as whole. On the fringe end, the rising costs of accommodation, financial risk of making box office (during an ongoing cost of living crisis), the tight get-in times, and increasingly inexperienced technical staff, all go against mid-scale ambitious work. But I would take this further and look not just at funding structures for the festival, but for the changing face of national touring support.
I know many artists who were solo makers, who have had ambitions for making ensemble work for years now. But even outside of Edinburgh, finding the funding to do so has only grown more challenging. As mid-career makers what I am hearing (and experiencing ) is that we have never felt more precarious as freelancers, and we were pretty precarious to start with. So if it is indeed an issue for the festival, and the wider arts econoomy, that is issue that I want to see the industry ( that is meant to support us )addressing.
Add to this that fringe when I first came was much more of a mix of work that was developing itself alongside polished tour ready work,and now on the theatre end, at least - is first and foremost a showcase. None of this incentivises creative or financial risk, and the more people involved in your production, the more you have of both.
But what I would say in defence of my peers making work that centres difficult and even traumatic experiences, is this year I have seen a positive development in consideration of artists wellbeing. Wellbeing support is not only becoming common practice for work with traumatic themes, it's increasingly being built into most projects, a positive consequence of a number of artists modelling and making noise about centering care in artistic practice and rising awareness about mental health.
Far more artists these days have a healthy relationship to and awareness of therapy. I see far better general approach to physical wellbeing at the festival from performers. Far less people are drinking away their anxieties about the run (as used to be very common!) .
This is all a positive development worthy or recognition. I would even call it a generational shift. following from that, the next challenge I’m interested in at the festival, is how to hold audiences better after these shows, with that same sense of care. My hope is this raised sense of concern around wellbeing in the performing of work, will be the catalyst to that
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rogerclarkaudiobooks · 9 months
★ Roger's Audiobooks (A—D) ★
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UPDATED: May 23, 2023
Books are linked to the seller who has the lower price for individual downloads, usually that's Google Play. If you listen to a lot of audiobooks, Audible's or Barnes & Noble's all-you-can-eat option makes more sense.
Book series have been grouped together and they are alphabetized by their series' name.
If Audible isn't your thing, Roger's audiobooks can also be found at these other sites but availability varies from site to site:
Audible ☆ Audiobooks.com ☆ AudioBooksNow.com ☆ AudiobookStore.com ☆ Barnes & Noble ☆ Binge Books ☆ Chirp Books ☆ Downpour ☆ Everand ☆ Google Play ☆ Hoopla ☆ Libro.fm ☆ Overdrive + Libby ☆ Rakuten Kobo ☆
Links to more of Roger's Audiobooks:
A-D ☆ E-H ☆ I-L ☆ M-P ☆ Q-T ☆ U-Z
• 'Young Man - You'll Never Die' by Merton Naydler
BOOK SERIES: "Ancient Wisdom For Modern Readers" by Obsopoeus, Fontaine, et al. • How to Drink: A Classical Guide to the Art of Imbibing by Vincent Obsopoeus, Michael Fontaine (editor, translator & introduction) • How to Grow Old: Ancient Wisdom for the Second Half of Life by Marcus Tullius Cicero, Philip Freeman (introduction & translation) • How to Tell a Joke: An Ancient Guide to the Art of Humor by Marcus Tullius Cicero, Michael Fontaine (translator)
BOOK SERIES: "The Antiheroes" by Jacob Peppers • The Antiheroes (Vol. #1) • Don't Feed the Trolls (Vol. #2) • Probably It's Prophecy (Vol. #3) • A Cult Classic (Vol. #4)
• Armed Struggle: The History of the IRA by Richard English
• Ascent into Hell by Fergus White
• Auschwitz and The Allies: A Devastating Account of How the Allies Responded to the News of Hitler's Mass Murder by Martin Gilbert
• Beasts of the Earth: A Novel by James Wade
• The Beasts They Turned Away by Ryan Dennis
BOOK SERIES: "Black Badge" by Rhett C. Bruno and Jaime Castle • Dead Acre (Vol. #0.5) • Cold as Hell (Vol. #1) • Vein Pursuits (Vol. #2)
• Blanketmen: An Untold Story of the H-Block Hunger Strike by Richard O’Rawe, Richard English (foreword)
• Blitzkrieg: From the Ground Up by Niklas Zetterling
• The Book of Enoch the Prophet by R.H. Charles, Introduction by R.A. Gilbert, Lon Milo DuQuette
• The Brain-Based Classroom: Accessing Every Child's Potential Through Educational Neuroscience by Keiran O'Mahony
• By Tank into Normandy by Stuart Hills, Lord Deedes - foreword
• C.S. Lewis: A Very Short Introduction by James Como
BOOK SERIES: "Constable Evans" by Rhys Bowen • Evans Above (Vol. #1) • Evan Help Us (Vol. #2) • Evanly Choirs (Vol. #3) • Evan and Elle (Vol. #4) • Evan Can Wait (Vol. #5) • Evans to Betsy (Vol. #6) • Evan Only Knows (Vol. #7) • Evan's Gate (Vol. #8) • Evan Blessed (Vol. #9) • Evanly Bodies (Vol. #10)
• Countdown to D-Day: The German Perspective by Peter Margaritis
• Crowe's Requiem by Mike McCormack
BOOK SERIES: "D.I. Tom Tyler" by Maureen Jennings • Season of Darkness (Vol. 1) [Not read by Roger] • Beware This Boy (Vol. 2) • No Known Grave (Vol. 3) • Dead Ground in Between (Vol. 4)
• Disaster!: A History of Earthquakes, Floods, Plagues, and Other Catastrophes by John Withington
• The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA by James D. Watson
• Drugged: The Science and Culture Behind Psychotropic Drugs by Richard J. Miller
BOOK SERIES: "Dublin Homicides" by David Pearson • A Deadly Dividend: A Gripping Murder Mystery Set in Dublin (Vol. #1) • A Fatal Liaison (Vol. #2) • The China Chapter (Vol. #3)
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petnews2day · 2 years
Cairn Terrier Fabulous Fergus .
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/oOn3J
Cairn Terrier Fabulous Fergus .
PLEASE PRESS LIKE. http://www.dogtrainers.co.uk http://www.a&bdogs.co.uk PROPER Dog Training and Boarding kennels fully licensed and insured, set in 13.5 acres of Worcestershire countryside open 365 days. Individually heated rooms. Close to M5, M40, M42 and M6 motorways. Fully Insured Dog training for all breeds: basic-obedience security and problem dogs. Collection and delivery service. Dog behaviourist consultations […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/oOn3J #CatCareVideos
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myhauntedsalem · 3 years
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Squire’s Castle is actually a modern ruin, classified as little more than a shell of the original building. Located not far from Cleveland it was built in the 1890s by Fergus Squire who hoped the home would serve as a gatehouse for a future larger estate he was constructing. The project was never completed beyond the initial gatehouse and was sold in the 1920s.
Legend has it that Squire’s wife fell and broke her neck in the gatehouse, dying on the property. Many believe the tragedy was the reason Squire halted his project, despite purchasing over 500 acres to build his estate. Her ghost is said to walk the barren halls of the small manner, though no reports of malevolent or intelligent hauntings have been reported. There are some who claim to have seen the light of a red lantern in the windows of Squire Castle and that the lantern is carried by the lonely ghost of Mrs. Squire. Anguished screams of a woman are heard at night. Apparitions have been seen wandering the grounds and orbs have been photographed just outside the castle and in the woods nearby.
Today, the building is open to the public and is a unique sight to see. While it has a roof, the windows and doors expose the interior to the elements, which is completely bare and unfurnished. It’s available for tours and is utilized by a local library each year for a history seminar but there are more mysterious tales surrounding the house to be told.
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murtaghsbeard · 4 years
Season 5 Ep 8 - famous last words
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Flashback to Roger teaching at Oxford. He takes the opportunity to humiliate a young student in horn-rimmed glasses. Today’s theme is “famous last words”.
Oh, it was Roger hanging from the tree after all. But it’s ok. He is alive, not yet asphyxiated. Claire fixes him up
Roger seems very cranky though. He doesn’t want to talk because his vocal chords are damaged. I guess being hanged wouldn’t be very pleasant. Claire and Bri discuss ptsd - war neurosis
Jocasta sings a nice song over Murtagh’s grave
The gang receives a letter from the mad, bad governor apologizing for stringing Roger up a tree. “A regrettable incident.” Twas! The governor gives Roger a bunch of land as part of his “my bad” apology tour. Brianna flips the table! She doesn’t give a figging fuck about the land. She wants to tell the Gov the stick it up his pheasant hole. She doesn’t want land, she wants her husband back, whose words were always regrettable even when he did speak and who has never been useful to anybody beyond his ability to get other academics to send him their research.
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Girl, don’t throw away 5000 acres. Learn how to optimize here! The governor isn’t going to be crying into his cereal 6 months from now thinking about how the Frasers boring daughter doesn’t forgive him. Get your young cousin Ian down from New York and give it to him. Give it to Fergus. Make it a retreat for itinerant basket weavers. Like do something with this free land.
Roger has more silent movie horror flashbacks
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John Grey is always so nice! He has brought an astrolabe for Brianna. He tells her to be patient. Can the Frasers just ask John to move in with them. I feel like that would help spice up this season.
Weird! We are treated to a doing laundry montage, which I am here for, but then they splice in part of the candle making sequence from just a few episodes ago. Feels strange to see recycled footage. Was there no B roll from the candle shoot?
Roger screams at the baby not to touch the hot kettle. Everyone is pleased to hear him flex his vocal chords. But Roger gets all cranky again and won’t speak another word.
A very fun game of hide and seek is ruined by a wild boar. We know from season 1 that those can be very dangerous. Jamie prepared to stab it but some mystery archer slays the beast with an arrow. It’s Ian!
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Hi, it’s me Ian. I heard you’ve got some land you aren’t planning on using. I’ve got a new haircut.
Claire and Jamie present Ian to Brianna and Roger. Brianna, the least you can do is run up and give Ian a hug. He sacrificed himself for your happiness! Roger trots up though to give a manly embrace. Roger’s stock gains a few points on the NASDAQ for this. He’s learned from the Scottish oath giving ceremony in the beginning of the season that it’s not good to leave a bro hanging.
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Ian seems a bit out of his element. He is giving Roger a run for his money in the tight lipped category. Jamie tries to bring him right back to the family fold, but Ian is not having it. Ian having bairn trouble?
Brianna tries a paper airplane as part of her Roger speaks campaign
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Claire discovers that some potentially lethal herbs are missing from her surgery. She suspects Roger. I’m sensing an olde switcheroo here and I swear if they kill off Ian with this, I will flip my own table.
Oh no.. Ian is missing from camp with all his articles nicely folded. I don’t like where this is headed. He is putting the root tea on to boil for a Socrates special. Luckily Roger turns up to kick the teapot to high heavens. Roger you’ve done something useful!
Ian calls Roger a right hypocrite, since Roger was just skipping along the edge of a cliff the day before. Ian is right, but Ian, you can be the Sully to our Dr Quinn Medicine woman. We need you on this show.
Ian has a big old heartache, the shape of which has not been fully surveyed. There is a woman at the center of it. Oh, and Roger croaks out a few phrases. Roger says that the old Roger is gone forever. I’m counting on it sir!
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themusicsweetly · 5 years
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Outlander Season 5 | TV Guide Cover Story
On the Scotland set of the Starz romance Outlander, Caitriona Balfe, as smart, outspoken surgeon Claire Fraser sits on the bed in an 18th-century cabin, lovingly tracing her finger across sketches of her family. When her strapping husband, Jamie (Sam Heughan), enters the room, she tries to hide a sentimental tear. He gently touches her hair and whispers, “Sassenach,” his nickname for the English woman, a former World War II nurse who fell through time to the Scottish Highlands and into his arms in the series’ 2014 premiere. They embrace and... sorry, fans, you will have to wait until Episode 9 of the new season for this tender scene — and what happens next. The good news for those missing that famous Fraser sexual chemistry: Exactly 10 minutes and 8 seconds into the drama’s February 16 return, they kiss.
“They might be the grandparents of the show now, but Claire and Jamie are still the sexiest couple — not Bree and Roger,” Heughan says with a laugh. The younger pair, Claire and Jamie’s daughter (Sophie Skelton) and her husband (Richard Rankin) — a 20th century engineer and academic, respectively — traveled back in time separately last season: she to to warn her parents that an archived obituary reports their impending death in a fire; he to find his love.
That friendly offscreen rivalry aside, the 12-episode fifth season, which picks up five months after we last saw everyone reunited in the colony of North Carolina, is all about family togetherness. Drawing from The Fiery Cross, the fifth book in Diana Gabaldon’s bestselling series of Outlander novels, it’s set mostly in the early 1770s against the simmering American Revolution. (As a treat for print fans, previously undramatized scenes from earlier books will be peppered in, returning us to the land of tartan and to 1960s Boston.)
We’ve tried to get back to the basics: emotional stories [that bring] great highs and gut-wrenching lows,” teases executive producer Matthew B. Roberts, “[Fans will have] both good cries and bad cries.”
The good cries begin straightaway with Brianna and Roger’s magical wedding at Fraser’s Ridge, Jamie’s 10,000-acre land grant in the backcountry courtesy of England’s King George III. Amid trees draped with Spanish moss and surrounded by the settlers who have joined them on the Ridge, the proud parents remember taking their own vows as the youngsters recite theirs. For the cast and crew, the cold three-day shoot, sometimes stretching till 4am, wasn’t always as blissful as it looks. “We must have said the vows about a hundred times,” Skelton recalls. “By the end, I was like, ‘Richard, I don’t want to marry Roger anymore. The romance is gone!’“
As the party continues, we see how all the show’s major couples spend the wedding night. Bree has a flash of PTSD remembering Stephen Bonnet (Ed Speleers), the psychopathic criminal who terrorized the family, raped her and may be the father of her infant. (Presumed dead after a jail explosion in Season 4, he actually survived.) “She’s trying to get through that trauma, be there for her baby and not let her past define her,” Skelton says. Roger, who has decided to raise the child as his own no matter what, comforts her — and their passion ignites.
Claire and Jamie, meanwhile, hump into bed too, although babysitting their grandson causes some interruptions. Jamie’s wealthy aunt Jocasta (Marie Doyle Kennedy) sneaks off for a roll in the hay with his godfather, Murtagh (Duncan Lacroix), a fugitive because of his involvement with early revolutionaries the Regulators who oppose Britain’s exorbitant taxes. And Jamie’s grown stepdaughter Marsali (Lauren Lyle) gives her husband, onetime Fraser ward Fergus (Cesar Domboy), the news that she’s pregnant again.
The Clan’s revelry is short-lived. Governor Tryon (Tim Downie) is still intent on catching Murtagh — and reminds Jamie that it’s his task to hunt and kill the wanted man. Tryon tells Jamie he must gather a militia and get the job done or risk the land he’s been granted by the crown. Mindful of both his loyalty to Murtagh and his responsibility to his tenants, Jamie is soon on the “search” with his men.
“For me, it’s the most fun and interesting storyline to see Jamie pitched against his godfather,” Heughan says. “Inside Jamie is still the Highland warrior — you see flashes of that — but he’s a military man now, so it’s a new style of fighting. There’s a cannon and muskets and pistols.”
By Jamie’s side is son-in-law Roger, undeniably out of his element as the action ramps up to combat the Regulators’ guerrilla warfare. “Roger is a captain of Jamie’s militia, a huge role, one he’s honored by but knows is beyond him,” explains Rankin, adding that Roger will receive marksmanship lessons from Bree. “He goes on an incredible journey, and in later episodes, he can handle himself.”
This being the 18th century, the women remain at home — at least initially. Claire keeps busy with her medical practice. Her new space is modeled after a modern hospital and includes an operating table, hand-blown glass beakers and tools like an amputation saw (eek!). She quickly has more patients than she can handle and trains seamstress Marsali to assist her.
The lengths Claire goes to in order to protect the health of her family and the community she loves will come back to haunt her, hints Balfe: “Claire sometimes forgets how superstitious and threatened certain people can be by a woman being so powerful or so assertive.”
Expect consequences of decisions Jamie has made to bring about another big turn of events by midseason. “Claire and Jamie have a lot of very scary moments,” Balfe says. “Their mortality, that notion of being separated by death, is very present and informs a lot of what they do. We’re going to see some really vulnerable moments.”
You never know when danger will arise. On set the next day, Bree and Roger are walking with Marsali and Fergus through thick woods when Skelton bumps her head on a branch and filming comes to an abrupt halt. The men gallantly pull out their knives and threaten the offending pine. “We were getting revenge on the tree for her,” Rankin jokes later. Her parents would approve.
(📷: SharonAcord on Twitter)
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calikiwisims · 10 months
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Robbie: Can I open just one ea--
Kaden: Knock knock!
Robbie: GRANDPA!
Carley: GRAMMY!
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sablelab · 5 years
Covert Operations - Chapter 104
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 SYNOPSIS: Given Fergus Claudel’s question about Murtagh, Geillis Duncan reflects on his reasons for being on the mission. Meanwhile Sun Yee Lok awaits the return of the triad members to his home. While in transit, Murtagh observes Claire and Jamie who both are in need of medical attention and the sooner they return to Section One the better.
THANK YOU for your responses to my writing of this story.  I very much appreciate you taking the time to read Covert Operations, like, reblog or leave a comment on what you have read.
The previous chapter can be found at  Chapter 103 and all other chapters at https://sablelab.tumblr.com/covertoperations
The rescue team leader Geillis Duncan had heard the worry in Fergus Claudel’s voice when he’d asked about his friend so she cast her eyes over to where Murtagh Fitzgibbons sat with his eyes closed catching some shut eye … or so she thought. As she observed him, he suddenly opened one eye then the other and looked her way. She felt a slight embarrassment at having been caught out staring at him, but Murtagh merely gave her a cheeky wink. Geillis gave a wry smile back at the older operative who had been instrumental in carrying out the retrieval mission with his explosives.  They communicated silently for a while before they broke eye contact when Murtagh cast his eyes over towards Jamie and Claire. She in turn surreptitiously studied the seasoned Section One operative and reflected on his reasons for being on the mission.
She liked Murtagh Fitzgibbons. He was a free spirit, and although cantankerous at times and rebellious at others, he was to be admired. He’d learned the art of survival in Section One and for any field operative that was not an easy feat. She could learn a lot from him and had been grateful that he was on her team for this mission. Having volunteered to come into the field to search for Jamie and Claire was testament to the obvious friendship Murtagh had with the couple. The wily old fox had managed to ingratiate himself onto the team in the ruse of being indispensable on this retrieval mission because of his expertise in Asian weaponry techniques. What humbug! She knew he and Fergus had been worried sick about Claire’s welfare and they had wanted to help Jamie. This way he could be in the thick of things if something had gone wrong rather than hear it second hand when the teams returned to Section. However, despite his age Murtagh had proved his mettle time and again and had certainly been invaluable to the mission’s success. Although he’d once been a field operative, it had been some time since his last foray into the field. But he had been superb. His knowledge of explosives and the destructive gadgets he’d created had been very useful in the end. If not for Murtagh Fitzgibbons ... things may have gone pear shape. Her eyes also cast one last look over at their wounded colleagues.
There wasn't much else that could be done about Jamie and Claire on the flight back to Section One other than to keep them both comfortable and try to prevent any further bleeding from Jamie’s wound. She returned to her debrief making a mental note to give Murtagh a special mention in her report. Fergus had said Operations would want it as soon as possible on her return and she had much to cover about this mission and how all the team members had performed. Meanwhile the triads are nearing their destination … The three triad members had gone over their recollection of events and were satisfied that they had done everything possible to bring closure for the Rising Dragons. James Fraser and Claire Beauchamp were dead and now there was nothing stopping the triad from regrouping and rising from the ashes stronger and more resilient than ever. Sun Yee Lok would be delighted. They had left nothing to chance and were prepared for whatever questions he may ask of them when they finally landed. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Situated on several secluded acres of pristine coastal land the aircraft neared the palatial home of their leader where his private residence was sheltered on the north and east side by a mountain range. Being very superstitious it was vital to Sun Yee Lok that the layout of his home was in line with the powerful chi for prosperity, wealth and longevity. It was important that visually the first impression was pleasing to the eye but more importantly that the energy flow in and around his home was as beneficial as possible. By creating an internal and external environment that welcomed an abundance of positive chi then Sun Yee Lok was able to enjoy its beneficial influence in his life. Thus, all the elements were aligned to make the most of every aspect of favourable Feng Shui and being situated near water was also very fortuitous and lucky as it carried good chi. Meeting at his home in this auspicious environment would put a positive spin on what had been a troublesome time for the Rising Dragons.
He was interested to hear what his daughter and the others had to say about what had happened on Lantau Island. He was positive that their meeting would be extremely constructive and looked forward to their accounts of events at the monastery and the future repercussions for the triad. Having placed his trust in Jonathon Randall and Wang Yu to carry out his orders in whatever way they deemed necessary to gain the success, he was also confident that the news he would hear from them would only bring good luck to the Rising Dragons from here on in.  As leader of the triad, he also needed to know how Karen had performed and would ask Wang for his candid impression of his daughter’s leadership capabilities. He had his reasons for wanting to know every detail of the part she’d played in turning the triad’s fortune around. However, a full account was not necessary this evening but first thing in the morning he expected to hear only good news about what had occurred at the monastery. When all three were rested and refreshed he would meet with them individually, but tonight was cause for great celebration. Tomorrow was time to make headway. Having put an end to all the mysteries and problems that had befallen the triad over the past few months meant that things could return to some normalcy. The Rising Dragons could now avoid a turf war with the Black Panthers which had been simmering ever since Jonathon Randall’s nightclub, The Triangle had been firebombed. Perhaps he could also mend fences with Samuel Li although he had his suspicions that still waters ran deep with the Black Panther’s leader.  Time would tell if he had his eyes on usurping his authority as supreme Dragon Head to seize control of turf in Hong Kong and destabilise the Rising Dragons’ stronghold.   Yet, he’d certainly contemplated the possibility that he may need to call for a gathering of the fractions first to negotiate the territory they would control in Hong Kong for this very reason. Keeping your enemy close was always the preferred option to keep his finger on the pulse.  He was willing to concede a small inconsequential district for the Black Panthers and Red Lanterns to control, but the majority of Hong Kong belonged to the Rising Dragons and would continue to do so. This was a time for the survival of the fittest. 
Sun Yee Lok smiled knowingly.
It was time for the triad to assert its dominance in Hong Kong and beyond once more and he intended that the Rising Dragons would be the one to triumph over all the smaller fractious groups. If Samuel Li or others thought it possible to overthrow his authority then they would have another thing coming.   The Rising Dragons took no prisoners. His triad was always ruthlessly aggressive and uncompromising in the pursuit of their objectives. Forceful and determined they had no compunction if they harmed anyone and James Fraser and Claire Beauchamp were testament to that scenario. Thus, any triad leader thinking they could overthrow him would feel the depth of his cunning and wrath.
To all who dare to take us on We will demonstrate forceful prowess You may try but you will never win Your failure only brings success ... to The Rising Dragon! But tonight ... there was much to celebrate.
With much to think about on his mind, Sun Yee Lok signalled to a staff member to ready the chilled champagne that awaited the trio’s successful return. On the Section One jet …
Although Murtagh observed both his friends as they settled in for the flight back to Section One, he made a closer appraisal of his Sugar, Claire Beauchamp.
She will be all right. Everything will be all right now that we have her back with us. Had Claire known how worried he and Fergus were after seeing the tape of her being tortured? Did she ever think that if there was anything he could do to get her back then he would do it?  Claire knew for certain that Jamie would always come after her but in her wildest dreams she would never think that he would be on the retrieval team. He was surprised that Operations had granted permission to go on the mission but who was he to look a gift horse in the mouth? Despite his ageing years he was still in top physical condition and the adrenalin rush had been euphoric. Not only had that, but the new explosive device he’d invented had been sensational. The impact of the blast was his best yet. Unaware of the thoughts careening through Murtagh’s mind as he intently looked over her way; Claire lifted her head and caught his eye. They looked at each other for a moment then Murtagh’s eyes crinkled up with his most lecherous smile hoping that he would get a reaction from his Sugar. She took the bait and nodded her head in reply with the smile that he loved … and mouthed the words “Thank you,” before closing her eyes once more. She will be all right, he thought, but he was still very worried about his Sugar.
Claire had lost the sparkle from her eyes, but in time he was confident that it would return ... all she needed was a little rest and recuperation. She needed to gain her strength back as well as come to terms with what she’d experienced at the hands of her captors. However long that took, didn’t matter for he would be there for her as would Fergus. Along with Jamie, they would see her get better and help her put those memories of incarceration from the recesses of her mind. His Sugar was a ray of sunshine in Section One and he wanted her to shine brightly once more. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Murtagh Fitzgibbons then turned his attention to James Fraser. Worriedly he took in his ashen features and the sweat beading on his brow. His breathing wasn’t right either ... it appeared to be laboured and shallow. He also noticed that Jamie’s chest rose and fell in an uneven staccato. That wasn’t good, but he was obviously covering up his own distress for Claire’s sake. This man had moved heaven and earth to find her. Jamie had come through as they knew he would and Murtagh was extremely grateful that he was the operative that he was. If anyone could have found her then ... James Fraser would have. When they’d first entered the aircraft, Jamie had ignored everyone in the transport plane until he had settled Claire down for the return flight. He didn’t want to watch but he’d been mesmerized by the tenderness that both covertly showed towards each other … but without drawing undue attention to one another. He’d watched as Jamie tenderly looked to Claire’s needs as she did to his. The cold Section One operative’s eyes were anything but cold, on the contrary they had gleamed with dark emotion as he’d gently cradled her against his body. He would know that look anywhere. He knew what it meant. Jamie’s actions spoke volumes. He’d glanced around wondering if others had noticed, but the other exhausted operatives were already asleep and Geillis Duncan was occupied with writing her report. Thankfully Jamie and Claire’s shared moment had not been witnessed by anyone else. Murtagh’s  eyes travelled over to Claire once more as she sat next to Jamie with her head resting on his good shoulder. Both appeared to be asleep. These two people had given their all for Section One but would Madeline and Operations be of the same view? They needed some well-earned downtime to get back on track but would they have the compassion to grant them some leave together? Surely Section’s leaders wouldn’t be that heartless to deny them some recovery time away from Section One? Could they show some empathy for their two best operatives who had done everything conceivably possible to carry out their mission but who had fallen foul of the ruthless triad’s torture and interrogation? When they actually saw them would Madeline and Operations have a change of heart?  
The roar of the engines brought Claire back to consciousness and her eyes opened briefly. He looked up to see her watching him through drowsy eyes. She smiled at him then nestled back into Jamie’s warmth. Murtagh Fitzgibbons smiled back at his Sugar with only one wish on his mind ... that the plane could go faster. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ As Claire nestled back into Jamie’s warmth she continued to glance over to where her friend sat in the transport plane.
He’d returned her faint smile with a reassuring one and she had picked up on his tacit clues ... they were safe at last and he was glad. However, she also saw the concentration that furrowed her friend’s brow. What was he thinking about? She wondered. He was probably wishing that they were already back at Section One and that the plane was travelling too slowly in his opinion. Well ... she thought the same thing too. Unconcerned about her own well being, Claire was more worried about Jamie.
Although he gave the impression that he was okay, she was convinced that this was not the case. The sooner he got medical attention the better. Not only that but she loathed the thought that Madeline and Operations would analyse every phase of this mission once they were recovered and before that if they thought it would be more advantageous. Nonetheless, she and Jamie would deal with their interrogation once they were better, but right now she couldn’t concentrate enough to think clearly about what was to come. She was much too drowsy and exhausted. Claire chanced another look at her friend.
He’d been the last person she would have thought would have been on the retrieval team. It was still hard to believe that he actually was here. If the truth be known, she was still recovering from the surprise of seeing his craggy face at finding her. Murtagh’s wrinkled yet concerned smile had been pure magic but as usual he’d tried to brush it off as nothing. But it wasn’t nothing … it meant everything to her. It must have taken a lot for him to volunteer for this mission. It was wonderful that her best friend had come to their rescue, and both she and Jamie were fortunate that Murtagh and the team had arrived when they did. Overcome with fatigue Claire finally closed her eyes unable to keep them open a moment longer. One word however, reverberated through her brain. Safe. They were all safe at long last. For a while there it had been touch and go. Nestling into the warmth of Jamie’s body, she was thankful that they were out of that situation once and for all. Being subjected to such horrific things at the hands of these particular triad members would not be forgotten. Jamie would not forgive or forget their actions and once he had recovered from his wounds there would be no stopping his mission to find them and bring them to justice. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Murtagh too was incapable of taking his eyes off of her. He sat in his seat and stared at Claire as she lay against Jamie fast asleep. Knowing that they were both safe was a great relief as these last couple of days had been the longest of his life. His emotions had certainly gone through the wringer as well. Not knowing where Claire was being held and not being able to contact Jamie had sent, he and Fergus off on a mission of their own. They’d done everything possible to contact the level 5 operative, while nothing would have stopped him from going on this mission to rescue his Sugar once they had finally found them.  Claire was like a daughter to him. Little did they know but they would also be rescuing her rescuer as well. Murtagh knew Jamie was a chameleon but he had witnessed his love for Claire when others were merely speculating as to their relationship.
James Fraser had moved heaven and earth to find Claire and had gone to hell and back for her. He had manipulated missions to protect her and had managed to save her from the wrath of Operations and Madeline on many an occasion and the Rising Dragons’ mission was no exception. Still waters ran deep with James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser but Claire Beauchamp was the one person who had been able to penetrate the barriers he had placed around himself.
Despite his condition Murtagh saw Jamie tighten his arm around her pulling Claire closer to his warmth even in sleep.
Those two were joined at the hip. They were Ying and Yang … one could not survive without the other. He sighed knowing that when they returned to Section One Jamie would be under the microscope for his actions on this rescue mission. The question was how would Operations and Madeline deal with their recalcitrant operative? His life in Section was always one test after another ... what would his report card be this time? The pressures placed on Jamie by Section’s leaders were great but his self-imposed pressures were at times far greater. Just keeping alive day after day was enough of a challenge but where Claire was concerned; Jamie always went that extra mile. He was her protector and Claire his … and despite all they had been through on this mission for Section One they still remained true to each other. Awww! … Young love. They may deny their feelings for one another and hide them from their superiors but he knew all the signs. Together they were formidable operatives … Section’s best … they deserved a break. Jamie and Claire were meant to be together but the consequences of their relationship still riled Operations and Madeline. The two operatives couldn’t take a trick, but maybe this time their superiors would relent and grant them some well-deserved downtime together to recover.
The weapons’ expert had nothing but admiration for James Fraser but the sound of a soft groan snapped him back to the present. He chanced a look at Section’s cold operative and found himself biting the inside of his lip with concern. Knowing that Jamie had finally found Claire was a welcome relief but they certainly were not expecting that he may have been captured. Jamie was in a sorry state too. Like Claire he’d been tortured as well … badly by the looks of him. Murtagh scrutinized the sallow and pain filled features of the young man. Jamie was obviously in greater distress than he was letting on. He was very worried about him, and he also noticed that Jamie’s wound had started to seep while Claire’s lethargy was a worry too. 
This trip back to Section was taking far too long for his liking. Both of them were in a bad way. They needed medical attention and the quicker the better.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Averting his eyes away from the sight of the two wounded Section operatives still protecting each other even in repose, Murtagh Fitzgibbons glanced from the sleeping couple over to Geillis Duncan when he heard her communicate with Fergus once more. With his curiosity peaked; he just couldn’t help eavesdropping on her conversation with him and when he heard her statement his admiration for the team leader increased tenfold.
Bravo! He uttered under his breath. “Tell Operations that they’re going to need some downtime when they return.” “I don’t think he’ll agree to that request,” Fergus stated despondently as his mind raced with visions of what had happened to Jamie and Claire. “He will when he sees the condition they are in. They’re badly injured, but alive.” ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Fergus Claudel had been living on tenterhooks ever since Claire’s tape had arrived at Section but he had also been worried about his good buddy Murtagh. Having volunteered to go on the retrieval mission had not really surprised him especially knowing the fondness that he held for Claire but he was very worried about him and hoped that Murtagh had come to no harm. Although he knew he was being repetitious, Fergus took the opportunity to ask about his buddy again while he had the chance. He wanted to make sure that what Geillis had said the first time was true ... and that she wasn’t just saying things to appease his worry. He hesitated ... he wanted to know, and yet he didn't. There was no point avoiding the issue. He bit the bullet and asked the question that was uppermost on his mind. “And Murtagh? How did he do? He’s okay, isn’t he?” There was a slight pause before Geillis replied. To Fergus it was an indescribable few seconds of torture not knowing the fate of his friend. Finally, she answered. “Like I said before ... He did good … He’s fine Fergus.” Releasing a sigh of relief, Fergus acknowledged her report before closing the channel thankful that nothing serious had happened to his best buddy. He ran his hands through his hair grateful that everyone was finally returning back to Section One. Removing his comm. unit, he sat back in his chair and stared into space marshalling the strength he knew he would need to face his superiors. A nervous tick suddenly started to throb in his head and Fergus felt a bead of sweat appear on his brow. He wondered how in heaven’s name he would be able to relay Geillis Duncan’s Intel and requests to Madeline and Operations. 
Perhaps if I wait a while longer, they would see for themselves and he wouldn’t need to say anything. His superiors would surely greet the team on their return to Section, Fergus thought. Nonetheless, finally, he got up from his terminal and took a deep breath. With that thought in his mind as the solution to his dilemma, he made his way towards the perch. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~ Geillis felt a pair of eyes trained on her as she spoke. Turning her head, she saw a wily grin plastered over Murtagh’s face. She stared back in a similar vein pointedly asking. “Well, what are you looking at?” Feigning ignorance he responded, “Oh ...Did you say something?” “You know what I mean … One of these days you're going to carry this cranky old man act a little too far Murtagh Fitzgibbons.” His brow rose at her teasing manner. “Really?” “Really ... If you want something from me, just come out and say it.” Geillis tried to hide the mirth from her voice. “I just wanted to say thanks for the good work.” Taken aback by his compliment, Geillis Duncan nodded her head in confirmation. “I don't need a pat on the back ... but thanks Murtagh ... coming from you that means a lot.” She gave him a warm smile, blinked then broke off their conversation before turning her attention to other matters. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~ Deciding to try and get some shuteye on the journey back to Section One Murtagh knew that when they returned, Madeline and Operations would want a thorough debrief from all team members ... himself included. He felt a slight smile tug at the corner of his mouth as he anticipated Fergus' reaction to Claire's return. He’ll be stoked. I can't wait to see his face! He reflected. Yet it was Geillis Duncan’s reaction to his flirting that put a genuine smile on his face. Fitzgibbons you old devil you! He chuckled. Well, well, well. All those years of … uh … experience ... still hold you in good stead. Geillis is eating out of your hand. He smiled to himself thinking that he hadn’t lost his touch with the ladies after all, then closing his eyes Murtagh too succumbed to weariness.
 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ to be continued on Tuesday 10th March
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by philthestone
When Claire looks back on the events leading up to the Rising, she will not think of the cold, or the hunger, or the metallic tang of blood and metal ever-present against the back of her tongue. She will not think about every tragedy she tries to prevent, or the taste of desperation swelling and sticking like silt in her throat, leaving its bloody, godforsaken fingers smeared there for years to come.
She will think of an embrace, delicate as a bird’s egg in its weighty carefulness, that took place just on her other side.
Words: 10709, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of then she'll be a true love of mine
Fandoms: Outlander (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Claire Beauchamp, Jamie Fraser, Fergus Fraser, Murtagh Fraser, minor/background characters, Jenny Fraser, Ian Murray, Mary Hawkins Randall
Relationships: Claire Beauchamp/Jamie Fraser, Claire Beauchamp & Murtagh Fraser, Jamie Fraser & Fergus Fraser, Claire Beauchamp & Fergus Fraser, Claire Beauchamp & Jenny Fraser
Additional Tags: non-explicit allusions to past sexual assault and past miscarriage, but very non-explicit! as you know ....... me, Season Two Timeline, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, but only for the last 2 scenes, this is a fic about hugs masquerading as a serious character study, very on brand for me i think, am i continuing my 1-woman crusade to pretend s3 never happened? maybe so, Blood and Injury
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renee-writer · 2 years
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Loved Her First Chapter 57
A/N @omgbarbiegurl, the incredible writer of this chapter offers her apologies for the delay. She was dealing with a sick cat. Doing better now. Off to their wedding night ❤️❤️❤️
Faith moved through the crowd, she smiled at people as she walked by, but all she wanted was Ian.
She had just moved through the last person when Brianna appeared at her side and took her hand.
“Come with me.”
Brianna said nothing as she tugged Faith up the hill towards the wood.
“Brianna, where are we going? I wanted to find my husband; you know it is my Wedding Night.”
“Just a bit longer, we have a surprise for you.”
“Who is we?”
“Me, Jeremiah, Fergus, Marsali, and Ian.”
Faith was very confused, everyone had been with her all day, when did they have time to put together any type of surprise?
They moved through the woods just behind Lallybroch and when they came to a small clearing, her breath stopped, and her heart started to pound.
Ian stood in front of a small cabin; his red hair shone in the setting sun.
She looked at Brianna who had a huge grin on her face. She pressed a kiss to her sister’s cheek, and ran to her husband.
He scooped her up into his arms and kissed her lips gently as he spun her around.
When they stopped spinning, he didn’t break the kiss; he just lifted her legs up bridal style, and carried her into the small cabin.
He set her down on her feet, finally broke the kiss, and she looked around.
A fire crackled in the hearth, there was a bed neatly made up in the corner, a clean shift spread across it.
“What in the world?” She asked Ian as he poured some wine that was sitting on the table.
“This used to be the Game Keeper’s Cabin while Uncle was at Ardsmuir. When he came back, he ran him off with a pitchfork.”
Faith started to giggle as she took the wine glass from his hand. “I don’t imagine Mr. Game Keeper came back.”
“He didna. I asked him if Jeremiah, Fergus, and I could turn it into a small place for us to have a Wedding Night. I wanted to take you to Inverness, ply you with wine, and then take you to bed. But I know we are saving coin for our trip to the Colonies, so I figured this would be a second-best option.”
Her eyes sparkled. “Is this what you were doing yesterday?”
“Aye, Jeremiah, Fergus and I. We have been steady working on it, it just needed a few finishing touches. Marsali sewed the curtains for us, and Bree set up the bed.”
She was surprised her sister managed to keep such a huge secret, she tended to be a blabbermouth.
“This is perfect Ian, wonderful. Would you want to stay here until we leave for the Colonies? I mean, I don’t mind staying in the house, but…”
He chuckled and tapped their glasses together. “I ken, it feels very grown up to be away from the family.”
She laughed and sipped her drink. He looked at her as she drank with such intensity it made her flush.
“So, before you kiss me again and I get distracted, I need to speak to you.”
“Lord Grey offered me land, adjacent to Da’s acres.”
“How much?”
“And you said…”
“I agreed, we still have to sign the papers I imagine, but I agreed. I hope that’s alright with you.”
“I would like to say that it should be me providing for you, but I imagine before I finished the sentence, you would rip my head off.”
“Ummm well considering it's our Wedding Night, I would probably go for another appendage.”
He winced even as he gulped his wine. He took her glass and set it on the table with his before taking her into his arms.
“I say that it is wonderful then, we will have something to build together.”
She nodded and was about to say more, but her words were cut off with a deep kiss.
She moaned softly, realizing that for the first time, they were truly alone.
And allowed to be together.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss, sliding her tongue against his lips.
He growled and tangled his fingers in her hair and pressed his own tongue into her mouth.
When the kiss finally broke, they were both gasping for breaths.
He cleared his throat and looked at her like a wolf.
A very hungry wolf.
She took a breath as her heart started to pound.
“Um well I can’t sleep in my Wedding dress. So, um…”
“Aye, I’ll help you with your laces and things.”
“Okay.” She turned so her back was to him so he could unlace the back. She had opted for back laces instead of front to make it easier to wear.
She trembled as his fingers skimmed across the back of her neck, trailing down her back to her hip where the laces started.
There was a swish of material as he undid them slowly.
Once it was loose enough, she shrugged slightly and let her dress slide off her shoulders and pool just above her breasts. She turned to face him, and he swallowed.  
“Canna I assume you are as bare as I am under that dress?”
“Well considering my shift is on the bed, I will say you are correct.”
“Sweet Jesus.”
She took a breath and before she could chicken out, she let the dress fall to pool at her feet.
Ian stared at her, and she fought the urge to cover herself with her hands; as she was standing before him in nothing but her Sapphire necklace, diamond earrings, and gold band on her left hand.
She swallowed hard, her cheeks pinking.
“Well, turnabout is fair play, take yours off as well.” She said softly.
He stared at her as he loosened the belt on his kilt and slid it off.
Then he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it aside.
Faith’s mouth went dry.
He was beautiful. He looked like he had been carved out of granite, sculpted by the very hands that crafted David.
His red hair all but sparkled in the fire light. His shoulders and arms showed he was a worker, as his muscles rippled as he moved.
His chest and stomach were toned and his…
Her cheeks flamed as she got a good look at his cock.
She knew about anatomy; males, and females. She had a Doctor for a Mother, and not to mention she was from an era where Women’s Lib was reigning supreme. And she was very well read; Judy Blume was at the height of popularity!
But she was still only 18 years old, knowing about something, and seeing it with her own eyes was something completely different. As was strongly resisting the urge to tell him if he thought he was coming ANYWHERE near her with that thing, he was sorely mistaken.
“Do ye ken how beautiful ye look?”
That snapped her out of her reverie.
“Aye. Yer loose hair, in the firelight, it catches the auburn so beautifully. Even sae dark, it shines with red. Your breasts, so plump. Yer nipples starin’ me in the eye, the size of cherries."
She flushed and he stepped closer again.
“And did ye ken, when you blush, it goes all over?”
“Uh n-no I-I didn’t.”
“Well, it does. And I have been aching to see if it did.”
He touched the apple of her cheek, down her neck, the swell of her breast, and then brushed his thumb against her nipple.
She gasps softly and he grins. “Nice to know where to concentrate my affections.”
“I can think of another place.”
“Patience wife, I am enjoying myself.”
“That makes one of us.”
He chuckles softly, letting his fingers glide down over her belly.
“I suppose I could be a gentleman and allow you some pleasure.”
His fingers moved lower and they both gasped.
“Christ, your sae wet.” His fingers started to move deeper, teasing her folds, and brushing against her clit.
She grabbed his wrist gently to stop his movements after a few seconds.
She meets his eyes; they are full of want. “Ian, let’s go to bed.”
They took the few steps to get to the bed, and Faith moved the shift to hang on a chair so the fire would warm it.
Though she doubted she would need it anytime soon.
Once they were in bed, they sat next to each other for a moment, neither sure how to begin.
Faith bit her lip for a moment, then slid her fingers into Ian’s hair, and pressed their lips together in a sweet gentle kiss.
Ian froze for a moment, clearly not sure what to do.
But, he started to kiss her back, his hand came up to cup the side of her face as the kisses grew more intense.
He flipped her over onto her back as she gave a very unladylike squeal.
Her head hit the pillow, and some of the headboard which made her yelp.
“Oh! Are you alright?”
“Yeah, it was just my head, though I think you knocked my brain around.”
They both start to laugh as Faith rubbed her head.
“When I was little and got hurt, my Mother always kissed the part that hurt.” Faith said.
“I’m glad I didna hit your feet.” Ian said shifting her around, so her head was actually on the pillow.
“I think my memory is returning, a miracle. You owe me a kiss.” Faith said before leaning up to claim his lips again.
He slides his hands behind her head, kissing her back.
He lays her back again, this time making sure she doesn’t hit her head, which makes her laugh around their kisses.
He breaks the kiss, and shifts their bodies a little, letting her thighs press against his hips, Instead of him being on top, they are on their sides facing each other.
Ian slides his fingers through Faith’s hair gently, brushing it back so he can see her properly.
“Are you nervous?” He asked softly.
She shakes her head. “No.”
He grinned at her and pressed their foreheads together.  
“Liar, you’re trembling as hard as I am.”
She huffed softly. “I am supposed to be a mature, sophisticated woman. I should be able to do this, easily. But I find myself not sure what to do.”  
Ian chuckled and shook his head. “Nor do I. But, I think we will learn together ye ken.”
She nodded, and he smiled at her as their fingers intertwined.
Faith brings their intertwined hands up and kisses one of Ian’s fingers three times.
She looks up at him and is silent for a second before she finally says, “Put your hands on me, Ian.”
He kisses her and she slides her leg over his hip pressing their bodies closer.
He breaks the kiss and looks at her, they are so close now. Just a thrust and they will be one.
“Are ye ready?”
She nodded and braced herself for pain.
But there was none.
There was a pinch, and then pressure, good pressure.
She dug her fingers into his shoulders as he pumped his hips.
She had never felt anything like this, the way their bodies connected, the way they moved together.
She didn’t know if they went on for hours, years or days. There was nothing else.
Nothing else but the two of them.
When she finally comes back to herself, she finds they are curled together like a pair of kittens.
She is sore, but that is to be expected.
It’s not every day you lose your virginity.
Ian is stroking her hair gently as she rests her head on his chest.
“Did ye…um…like it?”
She lifted her tousled head from his chest and looked at him confused.
“Did ye like it?”
She blinked her eyes and stared at him for a moment.
“Ian, we just enjoyed each other for…I am not sure how long. You made me scream myself hoarse with pleasure. Are you daft?”
She wanted him to smile, she wanted him to laugh, but he just frowned.
“You didn’t answer the question.”
“Yes, I liked it.”
His whole body relaxes and he finally, FINALLY smiles.
“Good. My Da said that sometimes women don’t like it.”
“Well, you can rest easy. I liked it, very, VERY much.”
“Enough to do it again?”
She grinned up at him. “Maybe…”
Before he could respond, she leaned up and captured his lips in a heated kiss again. 
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dopescotlandwarrior · 5 years
A Hero Among Us-Final Chapter
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Previous chapters on AO3           A special thanks to @statell​ for all your help
Chapter Eighteen
Jamie entered the house dripping from his bath in the lake and grabbed a towel on his way upstairs. He could hear Claire and Mary talking in the sitting room and hoped to catch a ten-minute nap before supper. His back and arms ached from planting fifty acres at Rupert’s vineyard on a very hot day. It was late July, after a brutal stretch of no rain followed by flooding on the valley floor. They had earned their harvest for the year and the berries grew fat and ready to burst.
Jamie worried he would not wake up for supper, but his body moved of its own accord toward the bed. He marveled at the comfort of the firm mattress and cool sheets. He smiled as his mind drifted into oblivion and his dreams came to claim him. As he always did with naps in the afternoon, he dreamed continuously.
“The Sheriff thinks it was a gang passing through, lookin for someone to rob because they ran out of money. They were askin about the productive vineyards at the saloon, like they were lookin for work. Only had a hand full of farmers that had grapes to sell and ours is by far the finest property, so it wasn’t hard to figure out. Sheriff suspects the two men sent earlier in the week intended to rob us right here in the house. The gang got much bolder when we killed their men. It’s alright Sassenach, it’s definitely over, no one will be comin to settle a score.”
In his dream he looked down at the face he loved before blackness and peace settled over his mind.
“Jamie? Jamie! You two fell asleep on the swing and you were both lost to your dreams,” she giggled. Let me take her before my breasts pop.” He heard the baby cry about losing her heat source until Claire sat down on the swing and offered her a comforting nipple. Jamie was slipping in and out of the scene in his dream. He reached out for the baby’s cheek and saw a dark purple grape in his hand. He was offering it to Faith, who was in his arms in the middle of the vineyard. She was a few months older and she made a face at the sour-tasting fruit. Jaime kissed her cheek and laughed at his funny baby girl. “It’s time to go home sweetheart, yer mam will be lookin for ye.”
Jamie turned around and the vineyard morphed into the kitchen with Misses Crook right in front of him. He was feeling weird about what he had to ask her. She looked up from her task and waited for him to spit it out.
“Ah…Misses Crook…what do ye make of my stomach ailment then?”
“Leave it be laddie, ye dinna want to ken what I think.”
“I saw ye count when ye dropped to the ground to help me, before we found Claire. What were ye countin for?”
Misses Crook regarded Jamie with a keen eye and decided he might as well know what she thought.
“Claire was unconscious when ye found her in the shed, so she wasna havin contractions for a time, ye ken? As soon as ye got some water down her throat her pains started again and yer’s stopped. I think by some miracle, you took over for her so she could rest and stall the birth until we found her.”
Misses Crook looked up at Jamie, blushing about her wild theory. “That is what it looked like Mister Fraser and I ken it’s not possible, but I’ll thank ye anyway, for takin on the pain.”
Jamie opened his mouth to insist she was wrong and felt his lover’s tongue in his mouth and a throbbing erection like a club between his legs. He wanted to devour her after waiting so long for her body to heal. He pulled away, breathing deeply and shaking his head. He had to slow down before he hurt her.
“Jamie darling, I cannot wait any longer.” Claire was flushed and panting, pulling his hand to her core and pushing his fingers into her warm, wet body. She arched her back when he moved his fingers inside of her and he watched with rapt attention.
“My Sassenach, I love ye so much, I dinna want to hurt ye.”
Claire climbed on top of him and pulled him to her, easing down on him slowly, letting her body open to him. It took a few minutes until her arousal demanded his immediate attention and Jamie stared at her like she was a goddess.
The dream faded into darkness and peace.
Jamie felt the saddle under him and saw Ben ahead, riding hard. They were searching for the native vineyards that were selling grapevines.
“Two more Jamie and we can head for home!”
They slept under the stars the night before and he was anxious to get home to Claire. He just wanted this trip to be over. Ben looked back at his face and slowed his horse to a trot until Jamie caught up.
“Listen, Jamie, I just don’t have it in me anymore. This much time in the saddle is too hard for an old man. Let’s head home after we visit this vineyard. We’ll be home late tonight. Okay?”
Jamie felt the freezing water around his feet and sucked in a breath. There was soap in his hand, and he bathed quickly, anxious to hold Claire and check on his baby daughter and Fergus.
“Jamie, darling,” he looked around for her and tried to answer but no sound came out.
Pulling a towel around his frozen body he climbed the stairs. “Jamie, darling.”
“Yes?” He could not make any sound come out of his mouth, but he heard Claire calling to him from somewhere and wanted to tell her he was home.
“Jamie?” He felt her arms reach under him as she kissed his neck.
“I’m here Sassenach.”
Jamie forced his eyes to open, feeling disoriented, and reaching for his wife.
He clutched her to him, struggling to wake up from his exhaustion.
“You poor, sweet, exhausted man. I’m so sorry but we have a dinner party this evening so you must get up.”
Claire watched Jamie struggle to wake up, slipping back to sleep and then jerking his head up to look for her. Sleep was winning so she tried to help him.
“You know, when I came in here to wake you, I pulled the covers away so I could look at you. I’m sorry, I could not resist because it is seldom I can stare at you for as long as I want.” Claire looked coyly at her husband. “Maybe I took it too far because I touched your warm skin,” she ran her hand lightly across his stomach. “I want you now, so much I put my face very close to you,” breathing hard, Claire dropped her mouth within an inch of his cock so he could feel her breath on his skin. “But we must dress for dinner so it will have to wait sweetheart.” She kissed him deeply and noticed he was fully awake now. “Can we come back to this later, outside, under the stars?”
Jamie was pulling her close as she was pulling away from him.
“In one minute, Misses Crook will come barreling through that door to dress my hair,” she whispered. Blankets and sheets were flying as Jamie bounded out of bed and pulled his pants and shirt on.
“Yes…ah, yes Sassenach, it’s a date.” Jamie shook his head “What is the occasion for the party again?”
“We have so much to celebrate, it’s hard to list everything. It is the pre-harvest, the birth of your darling daughter, Mary is with child, Ben’s birthday, Mcreaty’s marriage, planting the new, sorry, old vineyard. Shall I go on darling?”
“No, I think I have it now Sassenach.”
Jamie’s nose suddenly pulled him in the direction of the roasting pig and turkeys outside and his stomach gripped him and rumbled. He was feeling almost faint with hunger when he heard his wee daughter cry out from her nap. Hunger forgotten, he ran to the nursery to rescue her from her crib. He lifted her high above his head and gently lowered her to his face for kisses. Faith was so enamored with Jamie she cooed and smiled as she ran through the sounds she could make while giggling at her father’s antics. Claire smiled at the duo as they came back into the bedroom. Her heart melted, as it always did, the way they looked at each other. Jamie laid next to Faith on the bed and responded to Faith’s gibberish like he understood her. Misses Crook laughed at the two of them as she brushed Claire’s hair.
“Milord, must I wear the clothes I hate, to the party tonight?”
Jamie lifted his head to look at Fergus and felt the room was getting rather crowded.
“But why, milord?”
“Ye like the lass’s, aye?”
“Yes, milord!”
“Lots of lass’s here tonight and they dinna like scruffy clothing on a lad, so ye dress up to impress them.”
“I don’t actually like them that much, so can I…”
“No, wear what Misses Crook tells ye to or spend the evening in your room where no one can see ye.”
“Yes, milord,” was drawn out and plaintive as the boy left to dress.
Jamie went back to nuzzling Faith making her erupt in giggles followed by giggles from the women. Jamie placed Faith in her mother’s arms to fill her empty tummy before disappearing to the outside to check on the men. All of them were sunburned from three days of planting in the sun. They looked healthy and happy waiting for the women to arrive.
Jamie made his way to the barn to feed the horses. He stroked the silver stallion and then the mare and her foal who was occupying her own stall, fully weaned from her mother. Jamie brushed them while they gorged on their meal. Deep in his thoughts, he heard a whiny outside the barn and realized the guests were arriving before he cleaned up. He closed the stall door and dashed for the barn door running smack into a large creature like a solid brick wall. It knocked him down and the view from the ground was both terrifying and thrilling. An eighteen-hand horse, built like a stone barn, and known for an attitude of the equine criminally insane, stood over Jamie as he counted the minutes left in his life.
Jamie stood and smiled at his old friend, offering the treats that remained in his pocket. Donus dropped his head and let Jamie scratch and stroke him. His weight was the same as when he was fed twice a day, so he had not suffered on his own in the wilderness. His eyes followed Jamie’s every move.
“Thank ye for the visit Donus. I have worrit after ye and I see it was for naught.” He smiled and hugged the monster horse noticing he did not flinch or try to bite. That was unexpected. When Jamie turned to walk back to the house Donus followed on his heels, so close he could hear him breathing. Jamie turned around and looked in his eyes.
“What is it you want Donus? How can I help ye?”
Jamie walked backward toward the house and Donus kept his head inches from Jamie as he followed.
“Are ye wantin a rest for the evening then? Alright, it is my pleasure, aye?”
Jamie walked back to the barn and led Donus into the last remaining stall.
“I’m lockin ye in until after the party, then I’ll leave yer door open so ye can leave when yer ready.”
Donus dug into the meal Jamie provided, allowing his true master to return to the house to dress.
Claire greeted guests as they came, offering refreshments and bales of hay to sit on. The Highlanders paced and watched the newly repaired road for the lassies that would set their hearts to ramming all night. Claire was delighted that the more refined guests, like Mary, her parents, and Lester from the bank, seemed to find their comfort outside sitting on hay and enjoying the festive atmosphere. When the ladies started to arrive, Claire had never seen everyone so happy as they filled their plates with a variety of dishes from Cho’s garden, and roasted meats and fish from the men. She noticed Rupert jumping to fetch whatever was needed by sweet Mary or her parents. He was a wonderful husband.
Fergus pulled on Claire’s sleeve, “Faith is awake milady.” Claire held his cheek and kissed the other, thanking him for looking after her. When Faith was brought outside with a full belly she smiled and babbled at everyone, until she saw Jamie. Her feet found Claire’s lap and the baby stood up with straight legs and yelled at her father.
“Da da da da da. Da!” Her little hand was extended toward her Da as he swiftly pulled her into his arms and kissed her until she erupted in giggles. Jamie pulled her sleeves up to her elbows and sat her on his lap before offering her a bone to gnaw on. Faith dove into the bone like a rabid baby making the guests laugh. Claire watched the two, so in tune with each other and so funny. She would never have thought to offer her daughter a meaty bone at this age, but Faith clearly loved it.
Fergus was sitting next to Claire shoving food into his mouth as fast as possible when his head popped up and he listened for a moment. Somehow, over the noise of almost fifty people laughing and talking, he heard a familiar sound. With his plate forgotten he made his way to the barn and peeked in feeling his heart rate shoot up, and a smile spread across his face. He went to the horse and hugged him, telling every single incident that happened since he saw him last. Donus rubbed on the boy looking equally happy.
Jamie leaned against the open door of the barn and watched Fergus’s delight at seeing Donus again. Faith started babbling and holding her hand out to the huge black horse so Jamie walked her closer and watched Donus press his muzzle into her hand, gently, like she might break with too much pressure. Jamie was beaming at Donus, his daughter, and Fergus.
“Until later my friend when I let you out to your life in the trees.”
Fergus pressed his face into Donus’s neck and felt the change in him. “Why don’t you stay and be milord’s horse?” He kissed his nose and ran back to the house.
When the party was over and all the guests had gone home, full and happy, Claire climbed the stairs almost shaking with anticipation. Jamie came in from the porch where he set three low lamps and candles next to the outside bed. He looked at Claire with lusty eyes that made her squirm.
“I told Misses Crook I would not need her help tonight so she could attend to Faith,” her voice quivered, setting Jamie’s arousal on fire. “Now it seems I require assistance,” she tried to smile and breathe but only managed a deep blush.
Jamie guided her to her vanity where he pulled the pins from her hair slowly, pulling his fingers through each section he released. He pulled the brush through her hair and noticed she was staring at him with dark eyes that demanded attention. Jamie reached for her buttons, intent on the slow strip to heighten her need. Pulling her arm toward him, the buttons of her jacket were twisted open as she watched his fingers and squirmed. Jamie’s head shot up and he dropped her arm quite unexpectedly, apologizing that he forgot something before running out of the room.
Jamie ran to the barn and burst in surprising the silver horses who vocalized their discontent. He investigated Donus’s stall where a large black horse was snoring in his bedding, dead to the world. Jamie smiled at seeing him lay down for the first time. He opened his stall door quietly and wished his friend well before running full speed back to Claire.
She sat on her vanity chair, back straight, smiling like her breeding demanded and stood to offer her back when Jamie came rushing into the room. His fingers slipped into the laces, releasing her to breathe deeply. She pressed her back against him and sighed with relief as his hands came around to release her shift.
With his mouth to her ear, he told her a story about a princess that fell from her saddle when the evil men scared her horse. As the story continued, he ran his hands over her body, caressing her breasts and holding her to him. Claire was lost in their story feeling her arousal threaten to break her barriers and devour this man. Jamie walked her, naked, outside to the porch and pressed her into the mattress. When he continued the story, it became decidedly erotic and every sentence was punctuated with his tongue touching her somewhere she loved. Claire’s first release was not for the faint of heart and Jamie smiled at her inhibition and wanton cries for more. She was hungry and demanding, biting his lower lip and jaw, neck and nipples, pulling groans from deep within him. As the night wore on, they lost themselves in a stratosphere reserved for strong bodies that can survive the climb and the euphoric fall back to earth.
“Open yerself lass, let me in.”
Claire opened her legs wide and held herself open knowing it would steal Jamie’s sanity and restraint. He pulled her pelvis up and pounded into her, losing himself to his roaring need, knowing she found her own intense pleasure from his onslaught. When he felt her inner muscles tighten around him, he kissed her deeply and they shared an earth-shattering orgasm…quietly.
Jamie collapsed next to his steaming wife and panted as if to save his life. His hands gripped Claire until he could move and think again, then he pulled her close and buried his face into her hair. The night had been exquisite, and they would remember it until their last day.
“Jesus! Is that light from the sunrise, Jamie? I think I’ve kept you up all night, I’m so sorry.”
“Dinna fash Sassenach. Those lazy grapes will take another week to ripen. We have plenty of time to sleep.”
He growled into his wife’s hair and plotted to lure her back for a second helping, after morning chores which were less than an hour away.
Jamie stumbled out to the equipment barn and stood holding the hydrometer in the air, sound asleep. Fergus came in with a bright smile and abundant energy, bursting to tell Jamie Donus was still in his stall. He approached his master, wondering why he was inspecting the glass hydrometer when he heard a deep snore. Fergus rolled his eyes and pulled the huge man toward the door.
Come, milord, I have fed the horses and Donus did not leave so I fed him too. He looked up, expecting Jamie’s outburst of happiness but there was only silence, followed by another snore. Fergus exhaled loudly, shook his head, and kept pulling.
Jamie was waking up from the walk, but Fergus continued to push him to the white grapes on the valley floor. He pulled grapes as he pushed milord along and stopped to test the first bunch. Jamie fell forward and face planted the dirt while Fergus’s eyes went wide, and his face drained of color.
Fergus yelled for Jamie as he ran for the bell. His legs burned as he approached the cabins and he reached for the bell yanking it with all his strength. When the cabin doors flew open Fergus ran back to Jamie who was still unconscious with exhaustion.
Jamie lifted his head, spitting dirt out of his mouth and struggled to get off the ground. He was so relieved to stagger back to his bed but when he turned back to the house, thirty-five Highlanders were rushing him with their hook tools and bags, followed by thirty Chinese men. Jamie’s mouth fell open as he looked to heaven.
“Why today?”
It seemed like mere minutes before he heard the call for containers as the men ran back with their bags full. Jamie looked around trying to rally when an electric current went up his spine to inform the brain it was time move, NOW! Jamie ran top speed into the vines, bouncing three holding containers behind him. The race to pull the clusters had begun.
Ben’s laugh and barking orders to the men pulled Claire out of her sleep. She stretched languidly with a smile on her face, remembering the intensity of the night before. She was hot with all the blankets and started to kick the quilt off when her eyes slammed open with a gasp. She was on the porch bed with men yelling fifteen feet below her, and she was very naked. She sat up quickly and almost came eye to eye with the men below. Slamming her body back to the sheets she looked around for the best escape back into their bedroom. With no other option, she rolled onto the ground keeping her body against the boards of the porch floor, and kicking the door closed quickly once she was inside.
“Jesus Christ, that was close.”
Hearing Misses Crook with a crying baby at her door she dove for her robe and was flush and panting when they came into her bedroom. Claire reached for Faith as Misses Crook took notice of the late hour and Claire’s frantic demeanor. When the door closed again, Claire sat in the rocking chair and breathed a sigh of relief she wasn’t caught outside in her birthday suit. Faith pulled her hair into her fat fists and smiled up at her mother as she gulped her breakfast. It was the sweet reunion with the child she loved so dearly that brought her heart rate down and pulled her into the morning serenity.
Claire ran her fingers through the soft copper curls and smiled into large blue eyes. This tiny human took her breath away and her eyes burned with tears. Faith let go of her nipple and stared at her mother, concern washing over her face as she reached for Claire’s eyes.
“Happy tears my little darling.” She patted the baby’s back waiting for a burp. Faith was not satisfied and turned her head touching Claire’s cheek. Her mother’s smile was all she needed and pulled Claire’s hair into her fist brushing it back and forth under her nose while she nursed and fell asleep.
Dressed in her riding pants, boots, and hair pulled under her hat, Misses Crook rolled her eyes as Claire handed the baby back and slid down the banister to join the men outside. The older woman took a breath to admonish her mistress for acting like a common man, but Claire’s bright face and smile stopped her instantly. She could not ignore the obvious any longer. Claire was one hundred percent committed to this farm, the grapes, and most of all, her husband who made the sun rise in the morning and set at night. Misses Crook sighed deeply knowing Claire would never return to London and the privilege they enjoyed there. The Fraser’s were rich enough to travel the world but found their greatest joy in each other, their daughter, and living without limits in this uncivilized land.
Misses Crook looked down at the sleeping baby in her arms and knew there would be others coming, Every other year most likely. Mary would need her services, as will the mounting brides of the Highlanders. They would all depend on her to keep them safe and alive as they built strong families.
She put Faith into her crib and took stock of her life. She no longer managed the sumptuous houses of the London elite. These people lived on the edge of civility, willing to risk everything to pull a living out of the ground. They worked to exhaustion, protected each other, and loved intensely, clinging to each other when the world turned against them. Seeing her life woven into the tapestry of lives here made her take a deep breath and square her shoulders. Misses Crook closed the door quietly and made her way to the stairs. She would keep the men fed, push Claire into the shade, ease frayed nerves, and by God’s good grace a celebration would follow. She was the support at each stage, and it filled her with the deepest sense of family she had ever felt. She walked down the stairs and toward the kitchen, she had work to do.
Jamie ran toward the vines with additional containers and passed Claire running the other direction. He stopped her, both panting and covered in sweat. He held her to him and felt her heart banging in her chest.
When Jamie did not break away at a dead run, she held him close and then looked into his eyes.
“You are my hero, since the day I fell off my horse. I’ve never known a man stronger or braver than you, Jamie. I know you’re tired and hot, but we are almost done with the whites.”
“Thank you, Sassenach. He pressed into her forehead and took a deep breath before running to pull the full containers back to the house.
When the grape horses pulled the laden wagon to the road, Jamie jumped into the lake and dressed for Ben’s return from selling the fruit. Ben waved the pistol wearing men away as they followed the wagon. Security would not be needed this year, he would be fine.
As the sun set lower in the sky, Jamie paced the porch watching for Ben. He felt a terror in his gut, telling him that last year was just a huge mistake. Grapes could not command the price he got if they were the only grapes in the world. It was a belief that stayed in his head for the entire year. People would come to their senses and pay just enough to cover expenses for the year driving them into the poverty he was used to. Ben’s long absence was a harbinger of doom to their happy lives. What was taking so long?
Claire tried to coax Jamie into the house to have supper, but he could not eat with his anxious stomach, so he paced until it was dark, and the day was over. He sat hard into a chair and put his head into his hands. The sound of wheels pulling an empty cart rattled hard as it approached, and Jamie shot to his feet watching for Ben. Fergus ran to tie the grape horses and Ben patted the boy on the shoulder and tried to smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes. Jamie felt the utter defeat drain his energy and resolve.
Ben stood on the porch and looked at Jamie with compassion in his eyes. “Call Claire, Jamie, I have news.”
Jamie noticed his tired face lacked the excitement of last year’s harvest and he felt repentant for pushing this kind man too far.
“Sorry about the time it took me to sell the grapes. I’m sure you were worried, but it could not be helped. You see, I was set upon by representatives of the major wineries from Napa to Sonoma as soon as I hit the road this afternoon. They wouldn’t let me pass and offered twenty percent over any price offered. It took forever to figure it all out and before I knew it, there was a bidding war and I was held captive while the crazy bastards fought among themselves. I’ve never seen anything like it and frankly, didn’t know what to do.”
Ben pulled his hat off and ran his fingers through his sweaty hair.
“I’m sorry Jamie, I couldn’t stand it any longer and stopped the fighting by doubling the highest price I heard. I figured I would start again tomorrow and avoid the ridiculous posturing of these idiots. Maybe I’m too old for this line of work.”
Jamie stared at Ben, wanting to feel compassion for his troubled afternoon but failing due to his anxious need for the price of the fruit.
“I ended up selling the entire harvest again. The buyer was from a vineyard I’m not familiar with. He offered nine hundred for every acre minus the twenty we’re keeping… and I took it.”
With his hat in hand, Ben looked at Jamie’s face trying to gauge his reaction.
Jamie grabbed Claire’s hand, feeling like a crumbling clay statue blowing into the wind. The promise of riches to see them through the rest of their lives had vanished in a matter of minutes. He started calculating the cost of the growing season, the Highlanders he would have to send back to the city, the dashed hope of replanting Rupert’s vineyard. He was reeling and wanted desperately to hold onto something stationary.
“Yep, well there is more news,” Ben said quietly. I held back twenty acres so we would have the juice to make wine this year. I figured it couldn’t hurt and I promised you that in the beginning.”
Jamie looked at Ben and saw his frayed nerves and exhaustion. “It’s fine Ben,” was all he could muster.
Ben stood up and stretched. “You need to find a bigger bank tomorrow.”
Jamie looked up sharply with a withering look toward Ben. “For nine hundred dollars I think Lester has ample room, Ben.”
“Fine, say it’s a thousand, it will still fit in Lester’s bank.”
Ben cleared his throat, “nine hundred thousand dollars, Jamie. It could have been so much more, but that would take experience that I don’t have. I’m sorry son.”
Jamie heard Claire gasp, deep and loud, the likes of which he had never heard from her. She grabbed his hand again and stared, mouth agape, at Ben.
The happy exclamation did not suit the paltry price they made for a year of work, he thought. Claire knelt between his knees so he would look at her. He watched her mouth say nine-hundred thousand dollars. That was ridiculous, and he sharpened his gaze at her, willing her to understand. She held his face and asked him to hear her.
“Do you understand, love? Ben sold the grapes, the entire vineyard for nine-hundred thousand dollars. Jamie, focus!”
It echoed in his mind coming back around over and over again, nine-hundred thousand dollars. Jamie finally heard it, such a staggering amount of money they would never see, an immense sale Ben would never arrange. Jamie wondered what kind of game this was. His sweet Sassenach would be hurt when she knew the truth of their compensation. He glared at Ben, thinking he might be daft after his afternoon in the sun. Jamie stood from his chair to pull Ben away for a serious talk when nausea and dizziness forced him back to his seat.
The cold, wet towel pressed into his forehead and Jamie opened his eyes. Claire, Ben, and Misses Crook looked down at him with concern. He blushed with embarrassment and pushed himself up in the chair feeling his head throb.
“I’m sorry, I fear I am dehydrated from a long day in the sun.”
Misses Crook pressed a lemon aid into his hand, smiling like her face would break. “It’s the least I can do for the richest man I’ve ever known.”
Claire pulled Jamie to his feet and steered him to the door. “It’s been a long day for all of us and time for a rest. Ben, you look dead on your feet. Can you stay with us tonight and get some rest?”
“Thank you, Claire. The grape horses have earned a hearty meal and a rub down tonight. It got really tense on the road today. They wanted to bolt and that would have spilled your hard labor in the dirt to be trampled by a dozen horses.” Ben smiled at Claire, “I told them, steady boys, and felt them push into the yokes, but they didn’t run. Thank God.”
Claire’s hand covered her lips as she realized how close they came to losing the fruit.
“I will ride back with you Monsieur, you can rest and I will feed and rub their shoulders and back.” Fergus stood straight with an uncompromising face, “I am going back with you, I have much to thank the grape horses for.”
Jamie watched Fergus take command of his intent, letting his pride and support show on his face.
“I’m grateful to ye Fergus. Make sure Ben goes straight inside to rest.”
“Aye, milord.”
Fergus left to climb into the wagon and wait for Ben. Jamie was so proud of him and knew Ben would not last five minutes before running into his house to avoid the continuous talk from the lad.
He shook Ben’s hand and smiled, “you and the grape horses are the true heroes today. It’s time for all of us to sleep, fish, lay around, and get ready for the zinfandel harvest. A silver lining is I won’t be plagued with insomnia this year. Who cares if there’s a short harvest, right?”
Ben looked at Jamie and threw a worried look at Claire.
“Everything is perfectly fine. Jamie is due for a long rest, but we thank you Ben, for the miracle you did today.”
They all said goodnight and Claire continued to push Jamie to the stairs and up to their bedroom. She pulled his clothes off and pushed him into bed, sneaking downstairs for Misses Crook’s help with her laces, then running back to her husband. When she tried to speak of their huge gain today, Jamie looked at her with worried eyes and quietly explained that Ben got the scare of his life on the road and wasn’t thinking straight at the moment.” He spoke softly like he was guarding this secret about his best friend.
Claire stood gaping at her husband. It was time for a much needed come-to-Jesus meeting that would not end until he let go of his fear and started to listen.
Misses Crook felt deep concern for Jamie as his brain did not seem to be processing information now. She turned the lamps off as she made her way to her bedroom. When she reached the second floor, she heard the statement that set the world right again.
“Jesus Christ Claire, nine-hundred-thousand dollars!”
His booming voice shook the rafters, and the crib, as Faith was yanked out of sleep and started screaming for comfort. Misses Crook chuckled and pulled the infant to her with an exchange into her father’s arms.
Jamie held his daughter until Claire was ready to feed her. Her fist was so firmly stuck into her mouth it took Claire several minutes of soft talking to pull it out so she could fill her stomach with warm milk.
Jamie knelt on the floor at Claire’s feet, overwhelmed at being rich beyond his imagination. He laid his head on Claire’s lap and she stroked his hair as she fed the baby.
“You are the master of all you survey Jamie, forevermore, and no one is more deserving love.”
Jamie raised his head, eyes shiny from tears, “I must teach them, all of them, how to graft. We will restore the health of all the vineyards and donate third-year vines so they will survive waiting for the plants to produce fruit. We have to do this Sassenach.”
Claire looked at her incredible husband and smiled, “and you will, love.”
Jamie laid back with a warm sleeping baby on his naked chest. Claire knew he was exhausted and brushed the curls off his face with cool hands.
“Why did you push so hard to plant the fifty acres at Rupert’s? I ask because I want to understand more about what we do. Three days of scorching heat, digging into the hard ground with nearly all the men?”
“When we made the purchase, I didna expect them so soon, they were still in the ground, ye ken?” The vines won’t survive very long outside of the dirt, they had to be planted. I didna expect the ground to be so hard we couldna get a pick through it but It had to be done. I didna expect those lazy grapes on our shore to suddenly decide they were ready, right on the heels of those scorching three days and a long night of love with my lady.”
Jamie looked up at the Sassenach, still running her fingers through his hair. “Since we wed, there have been five nights that will be in my memory forever, last night is one of them. I kent it the moment we touched and would have bartered with the devil to see it through.”
Claire looked at him and blushed. “I am afraid I don’t know what you mean.”
“I’ll wager ye do, lass. Close your eyes and try to remember those five nights.”
Claire did as he asked, touching her fingers as she landed on each memory. She held her third finger for several minutes and smiled wide when she touched the fourth and fifth finger. Jamie watched as her awareness lit her from the inside. Her face became soft and serene in the memory and her eyes sparkled when she opened them.
“Yes. I remember five nights, that took us somewhere incredible, and changed us, I think. Did you say you can feel it ahead of time?”
“Aye, when we first touch, lass. Last night I kent I would dwell where your soul resides. It is beautiful, like ye, pure white, so lovely. I felt ye touch me and I was humbled, on my knees, at yer feet.”
Claire watched Jamie’s face, smiling, explaining a place so remarkable, so extraordinary.
“Will I ever see it like you do?”
“I ken ye will Sassenach.”
Claire bundled Faith in her blanket for the cold walk to the nursery finding the ever-watchful, Misses Crook, waiting for them. Faith never woke up and Claire returned to their bed and snuggled next to Jamie in the dark.
“Can you tell me more?”
“I dinna ken where the dimples come from, but his dark curly hair and golden-brown eyes are given by his mam. He’s a braw lad Sassenach.”
Jamie held her close and said goodnight, counting the minutes until the Sassenach erupted from the blankets. If she didn’t understand, she soon would when her breasts became tender and her waistline thickened. His exhaustion pulled him to surrender, just as delicate limbs kicked off the quilt and the bed bounced with her efforts to sit up.
“What? Jamie!”
Claire lunged for the lamp on her side table with far too much momentum that tumbled her over the side. Jamie turned the lamp up and looked over the edge at his stunned wife. He held a hand out and pulled her back to his side.
“Did you say…do you think…is this already…how do you…you said a lad…how could you?”
He stopped his stammering love, announcing he did not say a lad, making Claire confused like she misheard everything.
Jamie turned the lamp down and spooned his wife.
“I said, a braw lad, Sassenach.”
Jamie felt Claire counting her fingers, calculating when her second child would arrive, and he smiled in the dark. He had learned far more in that special moment of contact. Like instant knowledge, he saw the catastrophic collapse of the grape market when the European wine industry pushed back with a slanderous campaign to win their market share back. Jamie had heard rumblings of this several years ago, but it stopped when the blight ravaged the region. The Europeans pulled back to wait out the death of their competitors.
He would restore as many of the vineyards as possible and teach the grafting technique which would flood the market with California wines in three years. The European wine industry would wage war on California like a giant bully beating up a wee bairn, creating a glut of fruit that couldn’t be sold.
During the long hot day, Jamie pondered what the future held for California and decided it was something to be missed. Whatever the gain from this year’s harvest, he was taking his family to Scotland, to start over. The properties would be split between Rupert and Angus to profit as they will. His heart rate soared knowing they will see Lallybroch soon and his son would be born in his homeland.
What Jamie did not know was in 1889, California wines would win twenty-four out of thirty medals at the World’s Fair in Paris, and the region will revive like a Phoenix from the ashes.
He did not know they would return to California in 1905 where the four children would thrive and grow strong, learning from the vines, to the delight of their parents. Fergus, Thomas and Gordie will walk in Jamie’s footsteps and take their place in the wine industry.
Jamie would become a master vintner under Ben’s guidance, fermenting gallons of juice to be aged in French oak barrels that accumulate into the hundreds.
Faith will attach herself to Jamie and Ben learning the importance of tannic acid, aerobic and anaerobic fermentation, and temperature manipulation of the yeast. Her interest in chemistry will ignite, eventually taking her away to study in England.
The region would find a modicum of stability after the turn of the century bringing fresh immigrants to spin the wheel of fortune in the California grape business. New wineries spring up and the fiesta returns to celebrate the harvest. A large wood sign will be created to hang at the end of their road to be seen by all. Welcome to the Highland Brother’s Winery.
Jamie could not know that in January of 1920, prohibition would lay waste to the region and only a handful of vineyards remain. The legal sale of grapes and juice keep the growers from starving to death, barely. Most of the Highlanders return to Scotland, including Rupert’s family. Angus will move into the house on the other shore and live as a devout bachelor until a pretty widow bats her eyes at him and his heart pops out of his chest. Lost forever. Jamie and Angus continue growing grapes to be sold as juice, hoping for a repeal of the eighteenth amendment that will take thirteen years.
Jamie could not know all of these things as he cuddled his Sassenach, a very tired and very wealthy young man of twenty-eight. He could not see the troubled years ahead or how his fortune will save countless families from ruin, as he tries to breathe life back into the land he loves. He could not see Ben hand him a gift, a wine brick, in the darkest days of prohibition, and the last time he would see him alive. It will be his second and greatest fortune, this final gift from his beloved mentor.
But that is another story…
The end.
According to Wikipedia, the equivalent of $900,000.00 in 1883 is equal to $22,931,821.78… in other words, a wee bit shy of twenty-three million dollars.
I have mad love for the readers who keep me going with their enthusiasm and comments. Feeling creative and appreciated is such an extraordinary experience and I thank you all.
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[ HOLLIS FLYNN. 33. MALE. HE/HIM] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ 1 YEARS ] and are originally from [ FERGUS FALLS, MINNESOTA ]. They are a [ MAILMAN ] and in their downtime love [ WATCHING CLASSIC HOLLYWOOD FILMS ] and [ TINKERING WITH OLD WATCHES ]. They look a lot like [ OLIVER JACKSON-COHEN ] and live [ IN OASIS APTS ]. (ooc: mouse, 23, she/her, est)
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The skinny on Hollis...
- His parents (Janet and Peter) own a bed and breakfast off of a quaint little lake surrounded by too many wooden acres of land and are just about as Minnesotan as you can get.
- Thus, Hollis has a very… homey personality. He says things like “Oh, jeez” and put his hands on his hips a lot and thinks 40 degrees is swimsuit weather.
- He wasn’t the easiest child. Not because of his behavior, oh no, Hollis was a saint -- A quiet boy who liked to write stories of dragons and magic and pick flowers. But he had a myriad of health issues.
- He was born with Type 1 Diabetes and blindness in one eye and also just was so fucking accident prone he gave his parents heart attacks every other week due to his clumsiness. 
- You have to be gentle with him but that would have been necessary regardless, he’s quite the soft boy. Doesn’t do well with intimidation, makes him feel icky.
- In retrospect, he understands how lucky he was that his childhood had not been an absolute horror… You know, being that he lived in the woods which seems to be the set up for every scary movie ever. His mother couldn’t have more children after Hollis but that just meant he could tag along with his Dad and help chop wood or learn how to knit and feed the birds from his mother. He likes feeling useful and was always trying to lend a helping hand.
- This was probably what led him to delivering newspapers, his first job, and then the regular post. He liked that people waved at him. He liked his conversations with the old waitresses at the diner when he popped in in the morning. He liked the excitement on little kids faces when he gave them a letter. It was the little things.
- He met his high school sweetheart his senior year (an exchange student from California) and stayed with her through college and his twenties. They were on again off again sometimes but he was in love and thought he was going to marry her and they’d get past all the ups and downs.
- So when she wanted to move back to her home state of course he followed her. So he quit his job at the post, said goodbye to mom and pop and hopped on a plane with as much as he could fit into a suitcase. When Hollis loves he loves hard and that can get him into trouble.
- His time in California consists of three years:  in the first, he figured out his then fiancé was involved in some ~unseemly business~ leading to their separation, he struggled to find work, and then got into a car accident. Not good.; The second, he spent recovering — learning how to walk again, having to get help from a carer — land onely until he adopted his cat, Brian. Better.; The third, he moved to his apartment in Silver Lake set on starting over. He delivered mail in Minnesota and would deliver mail again damn it! He’s healed quite a bit now, and is ready to move on. Not bad at all.
- Overall Hollis is just making the best of things despite his myriad of problems, that’s what he’s always done. He’s a bit awkward but means well and is in desperate need of some friends as of late. 
- Maybe deep down he has this idea in his head that he’s kind of broken and that he’s just in people’s life as the side kick or the comedic relief. But those aren’t nice thoughts so he tries not to harp on them often. He doesn’t go out of his way to tell people about his various ~things~ mainly because he doesn’t want to make a big deal of them. And, honestly, they don’t get in his way.
- He always looks confused, it’s just his face, I promise.
About his Type 1 Diabetes…
- He can be prone to diabetic attacks and is on an insulin pump which at this point in his life he’s not… as self conscious about. He has to check his blood sugar: before meals and snacks, before and after exercise (because he walks a lot sometimes he’ll do this when he goes about his job), before bed, sometimes at night.
- He always carries lil candies with him.
About his blindness...
- He is blind in his left eye but it really doesn’t affect him much, he can still drive when he needs to and watch tv and read and everything
- If he bumps into something and blames it on his eye he’s probably just covering up the fact that he’s a klutz and does that shit all the time.
About his amputation...
- He has a below the knee prosthetic.
- He walks with a little limp but like if he didn’t have shorts on no one would be able to tell.
- He’s not like an athlete anyway, the thought of running makes him gag. But he can handle most sports and physical activity just… doesn’t. Someone please force him to go to the gym.
I have a bunch listed >here< for your perusing pleasure but I am always open to anything! Please do not hesitate to hit me up if you feel inspired to. I’ll get on replying to starters and messaging people soon! xo
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@reddiadem continued from Rescue
Indeed she had been. When she woke and there was no Infernum crawling in beside her, she was concerned. But when Fergus and his mate Enid came barging in as she was getting dressed to search her lover barking up a storm with worry she knew that something was afoot. Mind racing as she stretched out her awareness through the tree and then land beneath and around it. Trying to find where her sweet demon was.
As she did she gathered her bow to her among a few other things and called her other hunting dogs to her. The two Red setters and the her Lakeland Terriers. There was the scent of blood at her borders and across fern and grass from it. Her land telling her but not screaming out at her since it now was accustomed to her love. Keeva gave a fierce screech as she lept from the window and sailed off on her massive wings, Dogs running along on the ground below her. The acre’s between her and her destination eaten away in a manner of a few minutes in their haste. 
When they reached his resting place her dogs whined at Infernum’s growl, and parted before Keeva to let her into him.
“Shaaah, shahh~” she hushed, setting her bow to the side and taking the pack. “Ye got yerself intae quite the scuffle, didn’t ye me brave Beastie.” her wings sank back into her back and she was able to crawl her way in to him. She weaved balls of soft light to hang about their heads to give her better light. She petted his hair. and kissed his forehead. Trying to comfort him. 
“Here, eat this, it’ll get ye started on yer way tae bein set tae rights.” she plucked one of the berries that made up part of her wreath on her head and held it out for him. It might not him up and heal his wounds in a jiffy, but it’d help with the blood loss and deaden some of what pain he might be in. She gave a command to the dogs in Gaelic and all but Fergus and his mate scurried away on their errand.
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