#ferin quite well
bluequillss · 8 months
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JAY FERINNNNNN this haircut was relevant like 20 episodes ago when she got it pretend this isn't months late
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isabelopaque · 1 year
while riptide in general reads extremely well as a queer allegory jay in particular has ALWAYS read as a trans person to me. her entire arc is about being ‘undercover’ in a group she is unfamiliar with outside of the negative gossips spread by her old inner circles, as she slowly realizes with dread that she is just like them. her main climax to her story in episode 53 was her looking her father in the eyes and crying and saying this is who i am. i am exactly what you didnt want me to be. the response he gives is violent, and the last thing he says as he watches her leave is ‘you wont be a daughter to me anymore’ not family, not navy, specifically a daughter. and she leaves her family and its scary, its frightening, she has panic attacks reading letters from her mother and trying to call her grandma but she is away from the navy, this worlds vision of normalcy and going with the grain and working with the system that harms people and she views this life as *freedom*. she is asked what she gets out of being a pirate it is the way that she can be herself. in her redesign outfit (which i have my qualms with, separate post though) she is so extremely opposite to how she is originally described and it reads so well through the lens of being trans. she was straight laced with a laced shirt buttoned all the way to her neck, her hair is trimmed and kept in a nay style ponytail, she does not stray from the norm and she does not lose focus. until she does. she told her father who she is and she lets her hair down, quite literally in this case. she wears her long hair with pride like fire in battle and she wears jewelry and tinkering tools and tight fitting shirts that she would never allowed to have worn. she is using her and accepting of her femininity in a way that is directly against her family and the *worlds* idea of how she should be. how she should look. “you have always had the talent to be something more, so why chose a life that will put you in the way of harm? that will make you an enemy of your family, an enemy of the entire world.” “for the first time in my life, when i became a pirate i was able to feel free. this is my life, these are the people who ive chosen” idk man. points at her. jay ferin transwoman. also you should trust me because im a transfem person who named herself jay
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elliotthinkssometimes · 7 months
Ok so for chip I knew it was going to be red. Obviously. Like his whole design is red. And I have been so obsessed with red Gibson les Pauls at the moment and I just thought it fit him so well so I went looking for one with gold accents
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And I found this absolutely beautiful red and gold gibson les paul and god do I want my hands on that. This is such a chip guitar oh my god just the vibes are so him I don’t even know how to explain it. The red, black, and gold is so much like his swords as well
Now for Jay for a while I thinking an orange stratocaster would suit her and eventually I started looking at blue telecasters and I was very set in that for a while. I was originally leaning toward the telecaster because to me they just look very rigid and uniformed with the straight lines and I was thinking this kinda fit with the whole ex navy thing. However, since she obviously isn’t part of the navy anymore I found myself wanting something different but I wasn’t quite sure.
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Now I’ve never played a Yamaha or been very interested in them at all, but I saw a couple Yamaha sg-800s in Johnny Marr’s book and I just knew it fit Jay. Everything about it is perfect. The blue and the gold accents to match her eyes. The shape. If you can’t imagine Jay Ferin playing this guitar you are lying to me.
Last but not least: Gillion. Choosing a guitar for Gillion was something I had a very hard time with. There was so many possibilities for colour and type and for a while I was quite stuck. I thought about teal and blue and even white before I eventually landed on yellow, thinking it matched the gold accents on his new design.
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I’ve always been intrigued by jaguars and jazzmasters for their odd shape and I’ve always wanted to play one to see how it would feel. One day it just clicked for me that this yellow jazzmaster was the guitar for Gillion. The funky shape just feels so him. I was very torn on wether to pick a Jaguar or a jazzmaster as they look so similar, but I decided on a jazzmaster because of their whole thing with low notes and that just felt very Gillion to me.
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gh0stcav3 · 3 months
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jay ferin doodle i actually like quite a bit :3 still desperately need to do all the other things i told myself id draw and write but like. oh well
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wasyago · 1 year
to be fair, jay is 5'7" (170cm) in canon, gillion is either 5'1" or 5'9" (155cm or 175cm) based on if someone is looking at him or not. so jay COULD be quite a bit taller than him if no one is looking. I also simply adore jay ferin 6+ feet tall (183+ cm) because she deserves it <333
soooo true
my thought process for their heights was "well, gill is the shortest because he's a triton and he's already overpowered so he needs to be nerfed at least in height. jay's family consists of elite soldiers and her father is "built like an olimpian" so it makes sense for her to be tall as well. and i refuse to make chip the tallest, he doesn't have that kind of vibe and i can't imagine him physically looking down at people, only up."
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looking-at-the-bottom · 2 months
(The envelope seems to be aware of Arlin's situation, as it reads itself in a voice Arlin recognizes to be Drey's, even if it's not as clear as it might have been before reaching down here.)
Dear Arlin, I know I was a stupid and young pirate, I don't think I learned how to grow up. There's a part of me that hopes this gets to you. The part that's finally matured knows it's as likely as a meeting with Jayson ending well.
(Drey seems to sniffle a bit, as though he's tearing up. As he talks, his voice cracks in parts.)
I however got the chance to meet someone who cares about me, who cared for me after saving me from that sea. I've had some memory issues, and as it turned out, we are married. I got separated from him hard, but I refound him, and I don't think I'll let this one go, not like...you.
(There's a hiccupped sob, and a pause before it continues.)
I'm getting remarried to him, so I can remember that special day this time. I know you couldn't, but it would mean the world to me if somehow, if the goddesses for once could choose to not hate us, you could come. It's on the 31th, so in 4 days, reach out if you can just...I'm sorry.
(He starts to more openly cry.)
I'm sorry that I failed you, failed Chip, failed Rose. It feels like I could have done something different, that I could have fixed it. It...I'm sorry.
(Active sobs start happening. He chokes them back, just to get out a final line.)
If it means anything, thank you for being there, whether or not you can make it. Greatest regards from the failed Sureshot, Drey Ferin-Stain. (The paper stops reading.)
Arlin flinched when he first hears the voice of his old friend come through from the paper. It takes a moment to reel back in from hearing the first sound other than his own voice and the sound of crashing water in over 10 years but after he does he carefully listens to all the words Drey has to say. He can feel the emotions start to rise up inside him and feels what he thinks is tears start to fall down his cheeks.
why did he have to be stuck in this god forbidden place? Why did he have to miss all the important events in his loved ones lives? Gods he wished more than anything to be there at Drey’s wedding. He cursed whatever god decided that this is the way his life should go.
he tries to get the message to replay, to be able to hear Drey’s voice once more but with it being so dark he finds it quite difficult and gives up after a bit
… I am so sorry Drey. I’m the one that failed. I wish I could be there too, buddy.
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bizlybebo · 8 months
Sinking sun (you won't rise again)
little less than half of my unfinished jrwi waning crescent fic as requested by @s0lar-ch3ri
i don't know how to format these i don't usually post fics on tumblr. here's girls kissing
not proofread yet forgive any spelling mistakes </3
wordcount: 4k
tws: just some light violence (no mcd yet)
description/summary: 2 times lizzie lafayette kissed ava ferin and the 1 time she realized she’d never be able to again. (or: tragic lesbians. also rosewater. the two subjects of my brainrot)
“Cease, pirate!” screams Ava, pistol drawn and aimed taut as she gracefully sways back and forth, trying to keep her balance on the shingles of one of many rooftops throughout this little town.
On the other side of this roof-turned-stage, Lizzie wobbles for a second before she can stand up straight herself, reaching down and drawing her cutlass sword, rising up to her role for this audience. “Oh, a Ferin thinks she’s truly capable of catchin’ me?” she gloats, even adding a dramatic backwards lean and a flourish of her sword before stepping away in retreat and leaping over an alleyway, clinging onto a windowsill and using the momentum to fling herself up onto the next rooftop, a couple feet higher.
She’s actually unsure of where they stand in this performance yet, or if it’s even a performance at all.
It’s definitely a show, an exaggerated battle for the people— pirates and Navy alike— gathered in the town square, some of them yelling and baying for the blood of a ‘dirty thief’ while others shield their young from the gaze of soldiers.
Lizzie breaks into a run and races across clay-red bricks, the slightest of maniacal grins on her face as her heartbeat picks up, adjusting for the chase about to happen. This had happened a couple of times now; the two of them had built quite a rivalry for themselves, something that could be defined clear as night and day in the public eye, but...
something that Lizzie didn't think she could explain herself, not really.
It had happened a couple times before; one of them, usually Ava, would give chase to the other, usually Lizzie. Lizzie would get cornered and Ava would speak to her in rehearsed threats and vague words, staring at her just a little too intently, for a little too long, as she did so.
And then something would come up calling for Ava's time, and it would be urgent enough for Lizzie to be able to avoid arrest, with only a promise from the young Ferin that 'she would be back for her'.
And every time, she was back.
Lizzie takes a sharp turn to the right, hopping over the main street despite the way she knows she won't be able to actually make the full jump. Wind rushes through her teeth as she just barely improvises a move that involves grabbing onto a clothesline and using it to slow her fall, wincing apologetically when it snaps.
She hits the ground ducking and rolling before her head jolts up and she sets her sight on the beach, only a couple hundred feet away-- where she'd prefer to take this battle so that nobody else got in the crossfire or interfered with their personal vendettas against each other.
Staggering to her feet now, she smirks up at the silhouette of Ava on the rooftop, gaze darting from side to side as she seems to be trying to find a way to go after her, since Lizzie had (granted, accidentally) destroyed the quickest way of pursuit.
"Come on, show your fuckin' Navy what you're worth!" she taunts with one last brandish of her cutlass that makes villagers reel even back further in alarm. The blade gleams in the late afternoon sunlight, catching the rays in the same way the pin strung around the Ferin's neck does.
"I'll show you!" comes in response, and Lizzie takes it as her cue to begin actually running, because despite her actively haven chosen the terrain for them to run on, she actually doesn't fare well on flat ground-- she's much better at climbing and leaping across rooftops and rough surfaces.
Her heart pounds in her ears again, and her lungs begin to ache with the familiar freedom of boots skidding across sand and kicking up rocks.
After a few moments, Lizzie braves a little glance up to the rooftop again, squinting against the sun, and she doesn't see that familiar figure atop it anymore.
That could mean anything.
She runs along the outside border of this little seaside town, making her way towards a grassy hill that sticks out atop the boundless sands that make up the beach. She prays her theory's right, because she's seeing ocean water lap against the shore in waves that diminish on impact, but the current travels further up the land here, creating little indications of what Lizzie hopes is a cave. She knows there's plenty of little caves and ravines sparsed throughout this area, since the crew she runs with had actually been hiding out here for a few days now before Navy showed up.
Regardless, though, if there's a cave, it's still rather far away-- it's a matter of if she can be fast enough to disappear within it before Ava catches up to her, meaning she actually has very little time.
Adrenaline bursts through her bloodstream as she pants, gasping for salty ocean air and contemplating whether or not she can risk another peek behind her again, to see if her arrest is going to be public or not. Because gods know that if somehow, their push-and-pull ends today, she's not going down without a damn fight.
Seagulls cry above, soaring overhead like this is just a normal day, a normal occurrence, like several people aren't watching and holding their breath, entranced by the chase between a cut-and-dry hero and foe, ready to travel the news by word of mouth on the dirty crew of pirates and whether or not they get away this time.
Lizzie's heart skips a beat as she begins to hear pounding footsteps just over her shoulder, and she grunts with one last burst of speed as she finally reaches the hill she'd seen, whooping in joy as she finds just what she was hoping for: a little cave with plenty of crevices and rocks within it, small sand-colored stalagmites taking up the entire height of the thing.
With the one chance she gets to look back towards Ava, she gives a smug two-fingered salute before darting into the cave, disappearing into its mostly dark environment.
And immediately, she finds an opportune ledge on the side of the wall, a tiny crater that's hidden by one of the mentioned stalagmites. She swings up onto it with a proud smile, tucking herself into the hiding spot in wait, leaning slightly out to get full view of the cave below her.
Ava Ferin skids to a stop at the cave's mouth, pistol still drawn at her side as she quickly surveys her surroundings, making a noise of frustration when she can't find Lizzie immediately.
"By the goddess, where the hell did you go?!" she cries, carefully holding her weapon between her hands now as she stalks through the area slowly, checking around every corner. "Surrender yourself!"
The cave's rather small-- only twenty feet both ways at most, meaning that Lizzie has to use her hiding spot to its full advantage, either by disappearing from sight and remaining silent or utilizing the element of surprise it affords her.
And today, her choice is the latter.
Because she wants answers.
Ava finally finds herself at the end of the cave, whirling around in confusion at not having found Lizzie yet.
The moment comes to a pause as Lizzie takes in a quiet, shaky breath through her nose, hand over her mouth to preserve her stealth for as long as possible. She cautiously adjusts her grip on her cutlass, careful so as not to reflect any light and draw attention to herself. She slowly scoots over to the very edge of the little crater of rock she'd tucked herself away into, readying her boots so that she can jump off and out immediately.
Immediately, upon the second that Ava's back is turned, Lizzie leaps out, sword in hand, and brandishes it out at the captain.
She jumps in response, whirling around, and only giving herself further to Lizzie's plot, because the tip of the sword is pressed to her jugular, sharp edge a silent threat.
Ava's eyes widen, deep and blue just like the ocean Lizzie lives on. Her pistol still remains pressed between her palms, but since it hadn't been held ready, it's still pointed towards the ground, putting her at a disadvantage.
"Any sudden moves and I-- I'll fuckin' gut you," Lizzie huffs, watching alarm, indecision, and frustration wash over the captain's expression.
"You're despicable," she retorts, own voice strained as her chest heaves for air.
"You're trying to arrest me."
"For being a thief!" Ava bites out.
"Drop your pistol."
The Ferin's eyebrows press together as she seems to consider saying no, but Lizzie presses harder with her blade, and although her grip's a little shaky, it still forces Ava to tilt her head up to avoid being cut, looking down at the pirate through slits of eyes due to her height. The Ferin family were all rather tall, as far as Lizzie knew, and there was something satisfying in diminishing what would be a clear advantage in any other situation-- Ava was a head taller than her, but it meant nothing when such a threat was staring her in the eyes.
A silent moment passes between them, before an indescribable shift occurs in her gaze that Lizzie had never seen before, and a soft thud echoes throughout the little cave as the pistol hits the sand, clinking against it and creating a dent in it.
Ava Ferin splays her fingers out, displaying how her hands are empty as she raises them in surrender.
She sighs deeply through her nose, but does not hiss out any further threats or insults, only raising her eyebrows as Lizzie lets her sword drop the tiniest bit to let her breathe, yet still clearly not enough to fight back in any way.
"Well?" whispers the Navy captain, voice lower and softer, but not actually gentle.
She tilts her head back down again, and Lizzie has to consciously stay focused on the situation and not get distracted by the way her vibrant orange hair, fine and silky like the ocean's current, falls around her face and frames it perfectly.
Lizzie clears her throat before speaking. "What the hell is this?
”I’ve no clue what you mean by asking that.” Something glimmers in the Ferin’s eye, but it’s so inconsequential, Lizzie can’t tell if it’s real.
”You—“ She keeps her eyebrows pressed firmly together, expression remaining stoic so that Ava doesn’t see any gaps in her composure and reach in to tear at them. Tear her apart.
The way that she speaks her name, delicately yet firmly, is almost addictive for some reason, and it catches Lizzie entirely off guard. She has to swallow before she can even think of soeaking again, suddenly very aware of the breaths she takes and how they want to speed up in the presence of Ava— but not to run from her. 
“That’s your name, isn’t it?” asks Ava as she slowly lowers her arms from their surrendered position, until her hand, slim and strong, with a fingerless glove adorning it, rests upon Lizzie’s sword.
It’s an ask. A silent challenge.
Lower the sword.
Lizzie’s appalled when she finds herself considering such a thing. She consciously tightens her once-loosening grip around the cutlass’ handle, and watches as Ava Ferin raises her own eyebrows in surprise, and maybe even a little bit of amusement.
But her hand doesn’t fall from the sword’s blade.
”What—“ growls Lizzie through gritted teeth this time, “—is this?”
“I’m afraid you’ll need to clarify—“
“All of this?! You— you keep finding me! Hell d’you mean ‘clarify’?! It’s like you’re fucking obsessed with me, some shit like that! But— you’ve never arrested me, and maybe you’re just fuckin’ shit at what you do, but—“
Lizzie stands in wait after that, waiting for her outburst to spark a reply from the Ferin, to kindle an argument, set ablaze an equally intense response from the other.
Instead, Ava Ferin begins to push down on the blade yet again, and it quickly becomes a silent arm-wrestle of sorts. Ava refuses to look away the entire time as she does so, and though she’s growing antsy, Lizzie refuses to back down; hell, she’s angry that anybody thinks she would in the first place.
But having set things up in what she thought was an advantageous way, she never considered how much easier it would be to forcefully lower her cutlass if somebody simply stood taller than her. And of course, Lizzie could quickly usurp this by just— thrusting her sword up, letting it pierce right into the captain’s throat and watching rivulets of blood pour from her rival’s mouth.
But she could never do that. 
At this silent realization, and the way Lizzie eventually stops fighting, Ava appears extremely confused. “What is it, pirate?” she mutters, eyes falling towards the sword that’s now only held loosely in Lizzie’s palm. “Accepting defeat that easily? Finally quit evading arrest?” 
Staring down at the weapon she allowed to be lowered, somewhat dejectedly, Lizzie doesn’t reply at first. She’s still fucking pissed off by the pretentious prick of a Navy captain that Ava is, but—
Rough, slender fingers find their way towards the side of her chin and forcefully turn her attention back towards said prick.
And Lizzie’s heart catches in her throat and for a second, she really does think she may be dying. 
But instead, she’s staring her fate in the eyes— arrest, surely. Not death; something less intense but even more loathesome. She thinks that even a moment in a prison cell would send her spiraling, feeling lost and aimless without the ocean nearby at all times.
Speaking of oceans, Ava Ferin’s eyes are the same color as it; a shade caught between blue and green, like foamy waves crashing onto a shore and dissolving into nothing before surging back, twice as powerful.
“I—“ she finally stammers, before gritting her teeth her again, re-focusing herself after the way her mind had fogged (and admittedly, still was rather addled) by the way that Ava had gotten so close, close enough that they were sharing the same air in irritated breaths. “No.”
Ava tilts her head further downwards, just to ensure she’s truly gotten Lizzie’s attention. “‘No’?”
Lizzie’s hand snaps up, curling around the wrist that tilts her face up, sharp nails pressed to the side of her neck as though she hadn’t just been pressing a blade to the other’s throat moments ago. “No, you’re not fuckin’ arresting me.” 
“You speak as though you have a choice.”
Their two hands remain suspended; Lizzie’s fingers clamped around the Ferin’s forearm. 
“It is Elizabeth, correct?” 
“You’ve heard my fuckin’ name a thousand times over by now.”
”Don’t get too ahead of yourself, dear.” And with that, Ava slowly flexes her hand, until Lizzie grows lenient with the grip on her arm, too, letting Ava slide her wrist down until— 
oddly enough, the woman intertwines her fingers with Lizzie’s. 
Both their hands are roughened by their lifestyles, covered in calloused with scars stretching over the skin. However, where Lizzie wears rag-tag jewelry, mostly of copper and turquoise, upon her wrist and fingers, Ava Ferin only wears a few simple golden pieces. 
The moment is oddly silent, and Lizzie simply can’t help but be bewildered by such a sight.
Her sword, long forgotten when she had grabbed Ava’s arm, lays buried in the sand alongside the Navy captain’s pistol, weapons dropped in favor of a more personal battle, it seems.
She’s too shocked to take note of the way Ava reaches forward until her left hand snakes around her waist, pulling Lizzie in and pressing the two of them together in a nearly comical, waltz-like sort of sense. 
Her breaths freeze in her chest entirely, and for several long seconds, all she is aware of is the rushing of blood in her ears and the way her heart is thrumming against her ribcage, threatening to claw its way out.
And of course, she’s aware of the way Ava’s head perfectly fits between her shoulder and neck as she leans down, breath hot against the side of her neck for a too-long moment before—
“Elizabeth, you’re under arrest for multiple accounts of piracy and thievery, among other things such as threatening my life.”
And that’s what snaps her back entirely.
Lizzie can’t abandon the heat spreading throughout her face, and she knows she won’t be able to hide the way she’s turning a deep shade of red. But above all else, she knows damn well she won’t let things end like this.
Not with Ava Ferin getting the last word, the final laugh.
”Like hell I am,” she whispers, anticipation now joining the dissonant chorus of emotions swirling through her in the moment.
Because if Lizzie is anything, she’s a criminal— dirty pirate, thief, vagabond— whatever one could say. And she was serious when she decided she wouldn’t go down without a fight.
In one great motion, she untangles her hand still entwined with Ava’s, instead leading it to rest on the Navy captain’s shoulder, and taking her free one, which had previously been hanging in the air from the sheer shock going through her system, reached up for a firm grip on Ava’s cheek. 
And standing up on her top toes, Lizzie kisses Ava Ferin, the woman hellbent on (and yet, suspiciously unsuccessful with) arresting her. 
The kiss isn’t gentle— it’s a bruising thing, and Ava’s sharp teeth drag across her bottom lip, setting ablaze a dangerous fire, and Lizzie knows she should be stopping to ask herself what in the goddesses’ names she is doing, but for just a moment, everything’s slotted into place, it’s all perfectly even and everything makes sense, and it’s okay. 
And Lizzie wants more, she wants to stay like this forever, locked in this battle with Ava, but she’s pretty sure that trading everything for a second further of this euphoria would end up with her simply locked in a prison cell.
The hand around the back of her waist, which had tightened around Lizzie’s belt in shock when she had first leaned in to press her lips to Ava’s, loosens as Lizzie steps back— it seems purely subconscious, because the Ferin appears dazed by the advance, still processing it, and… hell, she almost looks upset that their kiss ended, too.
Lizzie’s face breaks into a sly grin at the realization that she’s crumbled the confident, postured façade of a Navy captain— and not just a Navy captain, but Ava Ferin of all people. She’s dissolved that hard, stone wall that’s usually put up by Ava, and for once, even though she’s running away again this time, she feels like she’s truly came out of this altercation as the winner. 
“Don’t be a stranger,” is all Lizzie huffs in a smug, breathless tone before suddenly ducking low to the ground, swooping to pick up the sand-covered pistol and press the thing between her palms the same way that Ava had done before. 
And just as she predicted, Ava jumps into a defensive position quickly, finally back to herself, but before she can make any moves to apprehend the pirate again, Lizzie dives between her legs, cocking the hammer on the pistol back as she snaps to her feet in less than a second, cold metal barrel aimed at the back of Ava Ferin’s skull.
And the two of them know: really, Lizzie wouldn't shoot.
But still, Ava surrenders a second time, chest still heaving from the previous kiss, and Lizzie is certain that her head is spinning the same way her own is. 
“Don’t— really think we can call ourselves… strangers, anymore,” breathes Ava as Lizzie slowly steps around her, a little sour at having to abandon her sword in this cave in favor of getting away, but at least she’ll have stolen a Ferin’s pistol, as well as a kiss from them, and lived to tell the story.
Of course the choice was selfish. And maybe it was something she’d thought about doing many times before. But nobody would have to know that except her. And nobody would truly believe Ava even if she wanted to share the story. 
“I’ll have to see you some other time, dear,” hisses Lizzie as she slowly retreats to the cave’s entrance, reprising the previous pet name that Ava had attempted to call her. 
“Fuck you,” bites Ava.
”Eat a dick!” Lizzie cries out, hearing it echoe off the walls of the small cave before she finally turns heel and runs, feet skidding across the beach sand once again as she catches sight of Shadowbeard’s once-docked ship, now apparently having left the harbor for a quick escape from Navy soldiers.
Standing at the back of the ship, is a familiar blue face whose exasperation is nearly palpable even from fifty or so feet away. 
Lizzie waves widely to Caspian, who vaults over the deck before descending into a graceful swan dive, ready to retrieve her and drag her onboard before she’s truly caught by Navy this time.
She breaks into a smile as the afternoon sun filters through a break into the clouds, before sprinting into the ocean’s carefree waves to try and meet Caspian halfway, despite the water genasi being, naturally, a much faster swimmer than her.
Even as she herself dives headfirst into the sea, Lizzie can’t extinguish the burning fire in her chest, the single match that had dropped in the kindling to allow a blazing inferno to set itself alight.
Don’t be a stranger.
The ocean sings a gentle lullaby to Lizzie as it rocks her back and forth on the deck of the ship, a delicate swaying motion from side to side as she lays on her back, an entire sky full of stars that glisten and shine above her.
And yet, there's something even more beautiful she's looking up at.
Ava's looking down at her with a fond fire burning behind her sea-green eyes-- Lizzie remembers being a kid, on the Black Rose, and having... Chip (she shoves down the wave of grief that comes with remembering that young boy she once knew) tell her that blue fire was safe to touch because it was the 'cold kind'. She'd learned an important lesson that day, that not only was blue fire actually the hottest, most dangerous kind, but that also, Shay was a terrifying woman when lecturing children who misbehaved, such as Chip. 
...Her thought process had gotten rather disorganized, but, regardless-- she knew that the fire in Ava's eyes was certainly a dangerous one. But it was also one she'd allow to burn her to death, burn her to her very core, because she was addicted to the heat of such a flame.
Ava's fingers gently traced lines over Lizzie's face as she cradled it in her lap, a little sly smile on her face every time Lizzie got flustered when she'd trail a fingertip under her chin, or over the exposed skin of her neck.
"Goddesses, I can't believe I really wanted you dead before," Ava murmurs gently as she leans down further, low enough that her silky auburn hair is practically in Lizzie's face, bathed in gentle moonlight that only makes her appear more stunning with each passing second.
"I can't believe you were shit enough not to kill me," Lizzie responds, teeth flashing as she smiles up at the Navy captain.
"Maybe I should still arrest you anyways." The joke is practically a running one between them at this point, something they reference every time they have their secret meetings-- something they'd been having for a little less than a year, now.
"Like to see you fuckin' try," smirks Lizzie, even though they both know-- she'd let it happen. She'd let it happen and she wouldn't as much as think about resisting it, because she was nothing if not hopeless when it came to love.
"Yeah, bet you would."
"Okay, I--"
Ava dissolves into gentle, wry laughter as Lizzie's face turns a deeper shade of red before she simply draws her hands up, covering her face sheepishly.
yeah thats. thats it. i plan on revealing ava as having wings after this because i am a winged ferin truther
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cosmic-dichotomy · 1 year
Necomancers hate them! Local half-orc has huge ass and even bigger heart
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The Stormbringers were a tribe of orcs that were, for centuries, feared. Their warhorses were said to bring a fear into your heart like you were facing a tempest.
The leader was a powerful wizard named Ferin. Her style of necromancer was particularly heinous: she drained the life of her victims, using them to fuel her own life, and then puppeted their bodies in battle. Those she drained were utterly destroyed, not merely killed. Their very souls fueled her.
It was into this tribe that Golnar was born. Its life was already storied, for its mother was a noblewoman, Zoreh Tilki, who had eloped with its father shortly before its birth. Its father was Ferin’s own son, Fregga.
A band of adventurers, led by the paladins Selna and Sturm marched on the Stormbringers to “liberate” the noblewoman Zoreh among others. Led by their own self-righteousness, they slaughtered almost the entire clan, sparing only the other elves and humans they believed had been kidnapped and bewitched by Ferin. Selna also refused to allow the young children to be killed, a choice that nearly brought her and Sturm to blows. Only Golnar and its infant brother Firouz survived the night.
During that night of death and justice, Death looked upon the child Golnar, and Loved them. While it has been maintained that Golnar was made to serve Death, it was on this night that, despite every warrior swearing that they kept their blade from the children, Golnar received a wound over their heart. This is Death’s mark upon them, for their heart beats despite the deep hole.
The orphans were raised by Selna, or at least were allowed to live in her house. When a sickness went through their community, Golnar became truly enshrined with Death. They began working as a healer at fourteen, learning at the shoulder of Selna. Even after the plague was gone, Golnar chose to heal. But their focus was on the elderly, the ill, the frail, the dying. As time went on, they began to dream of the gods of death, and became dedicated to them.
In its dreams, Golnar serves Death still. While it sleeps, its soul is transported to Death’s domain where it tend the souls of the recently deceased as a soul gardener, digging grave-plots for the souls to slumber until their next step. Over the years, it seems that Death became truly fond of Golnar, doting on it and favoring it with magic and gifts. When it dies, its soul will return to his domain for eternity, to serve him in death as it did in life.
As an aspiring Gravedigger Paladin, Golnar’s adventuring life is primarily that of a monster hunter. They target the undead and those who raise them, as well as those who cause great amounts of unnecessary death. These types of jobs are not very frequent, so functionally Golnar is a traveling healer. They tend to the sick and dying, but also ease the pains of birth and broken bone with holy magic, a gentle hand, and an even gentler manner. They never stay in one place for long, both due to their calling.
Unfortunately, the way it’s lived its life has led to Golnar being a recluse. It is so preoccupied with death that it’s lost sight of what makes death worth it all: the life you’ve lived. It has no friends, no close family, nothing to look forward to or care about besides the dead and dying, and see no value in its own soul except for what it’ll be when it dies.
Golnar is also a romantic, a devoted soul who has a great deal of love inside that has only ever been aimed towards the dead and dying. It has a strong sense of politeness and chivalry, and loves stories and song. It doesn’t remember its surname, but has taken the moniker “Strifeslayer” to remind itself what it aims for. Its heart and kindness are obvious to any who speak to Golnar, but said heart is guarded and uncertain. Though it has had quite a few flings and dalliances, the one intended long-term romantic entanglement Golnar allowed itself in its youth ended when its partner abandoned it and the community they had been defending to a grim fate. Golnar prevailed, but it never sought out its first love again. It fears that its purpose and dedication have left them with a heart incapable of experiencing deep lasting love.
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valeovalairs · 4 months
Hey i love your legends of the riptide pirates au!!! what's pheobe's (the ferin, pardon if ive gotten her name wrong) opinion on the undersea elders after learning about what happened to both gill and calypso? (Im assuming her opinion was at least neutral or just didnt know about them prior to this)
Oh my gosh hi, happy to hear you enjoy my au :D
As to answer your question, I hadn’t really considered her (you did get her name right) opinion on the Undersea elders yet.
I think she mainly had a neutral opinion of them personally, since politically and socially tensions between undersea and navy have eased, however those within the navy still don’t exactly love the undersea elders. So she would have always heard negative sentiments about them. But Phoebe doesn’t like her family and likes to think for herself and always thought, well they can’t be that bad. She doesn’t know that much about them, and really doesn’t think about them much at all until she meets Calypso.
once she does meet Cal and learns more about Gillion through Chip her opinion of them does sour quite a bit. She really doesn’t like them for what they put the two of them through (though I picture for Cal it wasn’t nearly as bad as what Gil had to endure, since she’s more symbolic and a figurehead. She’s not exactly a warrior, she’s trained but the elders know the truth and they know she’s not the real chosen one. She is trained to be a soldier but nearly as intensely as Gillion was- and not for as long either, both girls are younger than the crew is presently, around seventeen, eighteen I imagine). Phoebe would have a relatively negatively opinion of them at that point.
Thanks for the ask, I love answering questions about my au and the girlies :D
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howdytheresam · 8 months
Howdy there! Welcome to the Slenderverse Riptide au. For those from the Daily Jay you might’ve seen mod Kian make a few art posts about it. The mod is a collaboration between me and Kian and I’ll be providing a little bit of context into what the au is!
Much of this au takes inspiration primarily from Marble Hornets, but also some bits from Every Man Hybrid. This post is an overview of what the characters are in this au and what the general idea is. If people were genuinely interested I would be happy to dip my hands into an actual story and more art from me to go with it. :]
Set with the crew of Riptide in a regular world, three college kids create a youtube channel where they post random mixed content varying of the style of pranks, vlogs, and other little videos. Creator of the channel Chip is joined by his two friends Jay and Gillion as they set to create content they enjoy alongside friends and occasionally some family.
Their usually fun content shifts however, with a figure appearing in the back and some characters experiencing odd happenings. It doesn’t help old mysteries arise and new ones constantly fight against the three friends.
Despite it all the camera stays rolling. It can never be turned off. Who knows what could go undocumented.
Character descriptions:
Jay Ferin:
(Based on Jay Merrick and a little bit of Tim Wright from Marble Hornets.)
A twenty-one year old mechanical engineer student pressured for her choices by most of her family, Jay Ferin is the Riptide Youtube channel certified camera holder and editor. Having the steadiest hand among the group she’s usually the one standing behind the camera just so the other two don’t drop it. This makes her the primary character the viewers follow, but not every time is it her.
In general Jay handles most of their technological related projects and is almost always the editor of their videos. A skill she’s been building on since she was little and hopes to pursue more.
Jay is from the Ferin family, a rather well known family in the town of Featherbrook. The Ferin’s aren’t only known by name, they are also known for the unsolved mystery of the disappearance of Ava Ferin, Jay’s older sister, and the whispered disappearance of Drey Ferin many years ago. There have been times Jay has wanted answers for her sisters disappearance but she’s never been able to figure out where to start…
Since she was a child her best friend has been Kira who grew up close by. After the disappearance of her sister, Kira moved away and the two lost contact.
Although Jay is the cameraman of the group she later requests they don’t keep the camera on in showing sensitive information and personal moments. It’s both in respect to her and others who appear on the channel. This, however, does not turn the camera off.
(Based on Jay Merrick from Marble Hornets and Vinny from Every Man Hybrid)
Chip is a nineteen year old film student who intends to make it big one day starting with the totally hit and awesome youtube channel called Riptide. He is also the primary holder of the YouTube account and writes most of their planned script videos.
Having been orphaned most of his life Chip has gained quite the skill in thievery, in fact, their camera is stolen. He’s also good at lock picking and cheating on the occasional test. It’s a skill that helps save a little extra occasionally, but might just save his life.
One of his previous caretakers, Arlin James, went missing years ago in a never solved case. Chip secretly believes Arlin is out there, he just needs to be found. It’s the reason Chip is ever so slightly drawn into investigating Kuba Kenta.
It’s his belief that the camera must document everything that happens to them, even if maybe it would be best to turn it off. He’s the one, even when Jay leaves temporarily and refuses to record, Chip continues to record their findings. Investigating the unknown may just be the answer to finding the closest person he had to a father figure.
Other than that Chip has no family besides the closest being an adopted sister named Lizzie. The contact is off and on, and in recent times Chip hasn’t seen her in a while. If she comes back though she may make a great guest to the channel.
Gillion Tidestrider
(Based on Tim Wright and a mix of Every Man Hybrid characters) (warning of hospital mentions nothing in depth)
Gillion Tidestrider is newer to the town of Canella looking at his major options in college. Having lived a more isolated childhood he’s a little awkward around his peers but settles in with Chip and Jay.
Being more built out of the group he often helps with lugging around equipment. Gillion is also better known for being the improv of the group unintentionally.
Gillion’s childhood was one spent in and out of children’s hospitals. A lot of it is blocked from his memory, not until the figures in the woods begin to show up again.
Later in the story Gillion experiences something similar to Tim Wright with Masky, as a figure with a fish mask appears in some videos with Gillion not present. This figure is nicknamed Champion until later discovered its Gillion. Gillion himself is completely unaware of the things he does as Champion.
He doesn’t live by himself, living with his older sister Edyn. Much like the other two he shares a missing relative, his grandfather Finn. His memories of Finn aren’t much but sometimes he’s curious how they would have gotten along.
Kuba Kenta:
(Slenderman / the operator)(Mention of hallucinations without detail)
A strange figure in the background of the videos, complete with backwards hands, causes hallucinations and technology glitches. Kuba Kenta is this universes Slenderman, haunting behind the scenes. Nobody can get close enough to figure out what it is.
While Kuba Kenta is an antagonistic figure he is not the main threat the characters face. It just so happens he lends a hand in that and sets multiple things into motion. The characters believe that he is the reason for their suffering, and seek to find ways to terminate him.
Who knew all it took was setting the damned camera down and leaving things as they were?
Other major characters/canonized roles:
Kira, Lizzie, Alphonse, Gryffon, Ava, Edyn, May and Jayson Ferin, Niklaus Hendrix.
Minor characters/in the works:
Ollie, Queen, Ensa, Earl
Anyone not mentioned has no specific place yet and may be added as the au becomes more rounded out.
Annnd that’s the main au! There are plenty of unfinished and extra bits. Mainly just wanted to cover the main characters plus Kuba Kenta himself. Like most Slenderverse stories if this were to become a full fleshed plot line would be more focused on the humanity of the characters versus Kuba himself.
If there are questions feel free to ask! Open book story-teller here. I’ll be happy to answer anything from characters to general ideas. :]
(Shout out to daily Jays out there! Hope this adds context to some of the posts on there!)
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wings-of-flying · 1 year
has been brewing in my head for a little while, but i'm imagining race swapped riptide au where jay and chip are tritons and gillion's a human
gillion is a human and i'm not fully settled on what he looks like but i imagine he's got quite thick and curly dark hair. and freckles. he must have freckles. and maybe pretzel's a bird and apple is instead the frogtopus. so gill would be from the navy of this universe, a sort of apprentice who's shadowing the admirals or something. he's still the chosen one, but has more emphasis on aster this time. the navy have taken him in (forcibly) to try and create an unstoppable warrior. but in a peace meeting with the undersea (he isn't really supposed to be there) gillion attacks one of the leaders - the son of the elder - and gets himself banished from navy soil. somehow he ends up sinking into the sea (don't ask me how, this is a half-baked au) and gets 'picked up' by the big chipper, with chip and jay
picked up is in quotation marks because can you really be picked up by a shipwreck?
chip is a triton, sorta light turquoise skin with seaweed green hair, he's not really based off a specific type of fish, just a generic triton type design. he used to be part of a shoal known as the black roses, a group of various aquatic humanoids that lived under the protection of the leviathan they knew as captain rose (in this au we're following griff @/apple-the-bluebird's idea that leviathans can transform into humanoids, cause it makes it easier for me). until, however, a tragedy struck in the eastern sea and, well no one really knows what happened but the black roses and captain rose haven't been seen since. he swam with reuben price (whose design i think should be like an eel triton) until that went south and he decided to settle in an abandoned shipwreck that he dubbed the big chipper
jay is a triton/water genasi mix, with her mother being a triton and her father being a genasi, so she ends up with dark blue skin and more elven ears, her hair's suuuper long and it's white but seems to glow almost orange in dim light. she's also very tall. big fish lady. she's the granddaughter of the one and only elder, so has a lot of pressure on her, but after her sister's death she chooses to work in her mother's undersea equivalent of a tavern (not much changes here). chip, swimming out every so often from his shipwreck to gather supplies, bumps into her and convinces her to hide out with him and she for whatever reason agrees (suspects someone under the wing of an old leviathan may have killed her sister)
and then they find this just regular looking human guy who clearly needs help and they get him a way to breathe underwater and he decides to just stay with them
extra notes that i'm just adding on the end:
shipwreck blows up because chip doesn't tell gill about the gunpowder he found below deck, or that the silly creatures he's playing with are sea lemurs that very much breathe fire. this causes them to keep travelling. the albatross is just what they call every shipwreck they stay in
the navy and the elders are completely switched, so it's the ferins that run the undersea (with grandma faye as the one and only elder) and the elders are known as the admirals
gill is very much still oblivious, just it's to undersea culture this time
the islands are different reefs/areas they travel through
shoals are like the equivalent of pirate crews. the elder and the ferins very much disapprove of them because they travel around generally causing trouble
caspian, edyn and finn are also land dwellers in this (everyone is completely race swapped, so any land humanoids are aquatic and vice versa). i imagine caspian's an elf though rather than a human
niklaus is a leviathan - this is important to me
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withercrown · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @spicedrobot!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars. I wrote OFMD and some Tolkien but I don't often stray outside my main.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Curse of Hospitality, an OFMD Stede x Izzy fic about Stede taking care of Izzy while he's sick. I wrote it for the approximate one month I was into the show haha.
Found, a BobaDin fic where Boba is deaf. Actually one of the first fics I did for Star Wars!
Mand'alor Darasuum, a DinMaul longfic where Maul saves Grogu from Gideon instead of Luke. This is probably the fic I'm proudest of and enjoyed writing the most. :)
Stardust Legacies, a DinLuke fic that I'm always very close to deleting. I am glad I wrote it for a lot of reasons, but it needed way more work than it got and I don't have the energy nor desire to improve it. But hey, some people really like it.
Memories of Water, an ObiMaul longfic where they train Luke on Tatooine together. Super happy with this one.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond always. I just think it's good form. I'm also looking for community in the fandom, not just one-sided praise.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Fateful Absence, most likely. It's not really angsty? It's just not a happy ending. I'm not a whump person tbh.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Ferine Love Language! It's the sweetest ending more than the happiest I think, but it's the one that makes me happiest.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes, on DinLuke fics, from DinLuke fans. Outright flames, weird/entitled comments, pestering for updates or bitching about creative choices. I stopped being interested in the pairing once I discovered TCW thankfully, because honestly it just wasn't a nice community.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! But not often. I tend to write awkward sex. I think it's more fun to write about first times realistically.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not for a long time. In my former fandoms I had some stuff translated into Chinese but that's all I remember.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Again, a long time ago. I would absolutely love to collaborate on Star Wars fics sometime though. :)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Realistically, probably ObiMaul. But DarthFett is an extremely close second. They're both wonderful but in completely different ways.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
An ObiMaul (or) JangObi dating sim. I wrote/coded probably 70k of it and it was good, but dating sims are obviously a bit more likely to get litigated against, among other things. I'd really love to do something with it, given that we had some great art for it, but I'm not sure how that will pan out.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Long stories. I feel like I'm good at pacing a story and bringing together plot threads into a cohesive ending.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
SHORTER STORIES. I really struggle with oneshots. I've written quite a few but it always takes so much longer. I can sit on a oneshot for months and months before feeling like it's finished.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it can be done well, but don't just stick stuff into google translate and hope for the best. I think using Mando'a words for texture, for instance, can be really good.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Oh man. Silence of the Lambs, I think?
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Faith's Fetters. It's the only fic that I've really done a deep dive into the potential relationship between Vader and Maul. I think it's the most interesting fic I've written, too.
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bu-blegh-ost · 1 year
me again !! :> i do really hope kira gets to be riptide pirate as well i think she's super cool !! also drey ferin is the best uncle ever and we need more of him and finn imo !! jay ferin is my favourite but i love gillion!!
do you have any really big headcanons? :> cause i love to hear everyones different ones
Jay Ferin is such a good choice dear friend! She's fucking awesome! Tell you what, lemme give you all the Jay Ferin headcanons I can possibly think of just for you!
-You know that thing Jay does, when she's especially stressed, angry or flustered? The only thing I can describe it as is as if she was making an audible keysmash with her mouth cause no words could possibly describe the emotions she wishes to convey.
I headcanon that this is something Ava used to do and Jay kinda picked it up by proximity.
-As a kid Jay would be an insanely curious child. She'd run off to something and explore a lot, touch everything she sees and she'd be very interested in how things work, which is why she is an amazing artificer now. But not only that, I imagine her being quite stubborn, never asking her mum for anything more than minor pointers when it comes to magic. Then she'd lock herself in her room for hours and practice on her own until she gets it right, refusing to ask for help. She'd be the type of person that learns best on her own mistakes and so, she'd seek solitude when there is something she needs to figure out.
-Ava would be the absolute biggest hype person for Jay when growing up. Anytime Jay had an idea for something she'd immediately jump on that and be excited about it even more than Jay is.
-Jay isn't necessairly hard to wake up, but there is one pet peeve she shall never forgive. Once she is already in bed and then they call her for something five minutes after she already got cozy, she will not move for the life of her. She's is the "I already ended my day, this is where I lay" kind of person. If Jay says she's done, you better respect that she's done xD
-Jay isn't the best at casual improvisation. For example when she has to make an impromptu song or rhyme, or sketch, she immediately blanks out. On the other hand she is insanely good at working under pressure and can literally come up with the most elaborate ruse on the spot if it means safety of her friends or if she has a bit of preparation. She never lets it show but sometimes she likes to lay awake at night and come up with scams she could do with Chip if the opportunity arises. I like to think that it used to be Chip's thing alone, but she got super into it after a while.
-She has this thing that she can have entire conversations with Chip without words. They can literally convey information to each other by stares alone. With Gill, on the other hand she can do the same but with feelings. Somehow the two of them just always know what the other is feeling and can transfer the emotions to one another without ever fully conveying it with words. It doesn't always provide them with ways to confront one another, but there is always this extra layer of understanding and sympathy which is why they rarely fight.
-Sometimes Jay hides food away from the rest of the crew xD Chip swallows things too fast to risk it and there is literally no telling what Gillion decides to throw overboard this time so she took a habit of protecting her favourite snacks from them just in case. Everyone kinda notices that there were more things on the shelf last night, but no one could possibly expect that it would be Jay stealing it away. They'll never know, she'll make sure of that 😈
-Jay is ambidextrous and she has the most precision in her hands out of the group.
-Sometimes when she has some free time Jay creates small metal or wooden figures that reseamble the members of her crew. She has made a figurine of Mei, Ava and Kira as well, and a secret small figurine of her father hidden carefully somewhere.
That'll be all for the time being, I Hope it was fun to read <3
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Creator: @burning-sol
Links: au tag, animation
Riptide x Pokemon but *I* have the most based takes about it. Girl don't look at those other AUs, I have the best iteration.
Additional Propaganda
Okay so you can check the #jrwi poketide <- that tag if you wanna see shit. It's not fully developed but like here are some of my fav bits.
I have pokeball lore!!! It's actually pretty different to canon pokemon, so I just wanna shout it out. Jay Ferin has traditional pokeballs that grow and shrink and have the symbol of her family because they're custom made for the Ferins. Chip has older pokeballs he recieved as hand downs that do NOT work that good and don't adjust in size <- this is like a cheaper and more common pokeball, they're made from acorns. Gillion has undersea pokeballs that can hold multiple pokemon and are based on like shells? Which helps explain his much larger team of pokemon. And you should totally check out this underrated lil' video of mine that shows off how they look when used. (https://burning-sol.tumblr.com/post/695164166727663616) But yeah, basically they got some greater implications to themz.
ALSO FUCK STANDARD POKEMON TEAMZ. I don't wanna be rude but this is a bracket so I just wanna say, these bitches teams reflect something about them down to just how many pokemon they use. Jay has less pokemon because she's more rigid and deathly unsure about what she's meant to do with herself. Chip has a ragtag found family team, a lot of them very silly additions. Gillion has WAY too many pokemon, and he doesn't rlly follow the unspoken "6 pokemon battle" rule because he is a bad bitch!! Let Gillion have like 4 corsola btw, I think he's allowed to be high key obsessed with them and looking after them. (BTW pokemon fight alongside their trainers they arent separate battlez, just want you to know)
Pokemon highlights:
Jay and Eevee "Eevee was a pokemon she inhereted from her family. She was given a firestone to eventually evolve them into a Flareon but she hasn't done it on her journey yet. Jay thought that she was just procrastinating at first but as time goes on she's starting to realise she hasn't followed through because that's not what she wants for her Eevee or for her." And I have considered drawing a custom evolution for Eevee because that'd be so cool.
Chip and Bonsley "Chip stole this house plant. I mean house plant I mean house plant I mean house plant I mean-" He accidentally took a pokemon he mistook for a houseplant.
Chip and Sableye "Chip is so distressed that Gillion is throwing all their money away just wait until he realises his pokemon is eating it too. He genuinely has no fucking clue what this thing is."
Gillion and many magikarp "Gillion has a collection of Magikarp (all on the smaller side) he looks after so that one day they will evolve into big strong Gyarados. :) Jay and Chip did not understand why Gillion was collecting these Pokemon until one of them evolved on the journey with them and they're just, "WAIT THAT'S WHAT THEY EVOLVE INTO??" Gillion thought they knew."
...and Chip spinoff of above story "Funny side story, you remember Gillion and all those Magikarp? Well Gillion suggested that Chip help look after them and Chip found a Magikarp he fucking ADORED. He was feeding them! He was chatting with them! They were BESTIES!!! And then the Magikarp evolved but it didn't want to go back into the sea, they wanted to stay with Chip. Chip has a Gyarados because Gillion convinced him to look after a Magikarp and Chip decided they were the best Magikarp ever. I hope that makes you happy."
Gillion and Seadra "gillion has basically had kingdra since he was really really small, and it was regarded as one of the few times as a child where he really managed to step up and sort of embody what he's meant to be? but the kingdra actually was just a pokemon who looked at the tiny not very well treated child and adopted him. kingdra is older than gillion and i didnt quite realise HOW big kingdra was, but searching it up for drawing... kingdra is 5'11″ (180cm), which makes it even TALLER than gillion at his tallest. and that's a height i dont use so gillion is like 5'1" (154cm). kingdra rlly does just look like gillion's poke parent, its so silly." Seadra adopted gillion you guys.
Gillion and honedge "gillion STILL has a honedge when he joins the story, and they evolve into doublade episode 15 which coincicides with gillion's growth as he develops a better understanding of the world (also there was a sword fight like yeah its fitting). HOWEVER, to evolve into an aegislash you need a dusk stone. ... i propose that doublade evolves episode *73* in tandem with when gillion makes the oath of vengence... i feel like its such a noteworthy moment for gillion AND the magical effects charlie describes are as follows "..and you see as the sparkles around him- this funny, zanny, quirky pixie dust starts to turn into almost a charcoalish colour-" <- that seems like adequate dusk stone vibes to me."
also gillion has an Omanyte and Kabuto that he was given as a child that hate him because they think he's a disappointment i love when pokemon trauma <3
so that's a lot anyways MY pokemon au is the MOST fucking based PLEASE believe me
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okay literally nobody asked for this but i saw a post about the crews possible zodiac signs (that post can be found here) and went "man, i wonder if these guys have birthdays, even if its just a headcanon"
well guess what, i found nothing. no birthdays as far as im aware. so guess what i just spent the last 45 minutes doing?
thats right, using my finite knowledge of zodiac signs and that zodiac post i saw, i came up with birthdays for the riptide pirates (its like midnight girl help-)
so without further ado, i present to you...
the (very much not canon) birthdays of the riptide pirates!
lets start with chip, who was the easiest: april 20th
the post linked above puts him as a taurus, and having no reason to dispute this claim, i decide to just roll with it (pun intended.) i have a younger sister whos a taurus. i know this sign well.
(i feel its at this point that i should mention im not a professional and its very late.)
so now i have a date range, april 20th to may 20th. im looking around for anything that could help me close that gap, and then i discover decans. as far as im aware, decans are ten day periods within zodiacs that have slightly different traits to the overall zodiac. (these decans were very helpful with picking these dates!) well, upon closer inspection, i decide that chip is best described by the 1st decan of taurus, or however you word that, and as such, his birthday would fall between april 20th and april 29th. from there you know what i had to do (it was funny i promise)
lets move on to gillion tidestrider, who was slightly more difficult: december 10th
so at this point since im using chips assigned zodiac, i might as well stick with that theme and go with sagittarius for gill. that gives me a date range of november 22nd to december 21st. originally i was thinking to myself, "oh this man is such a winter solstice child," but upon further review (including decan research,) i settle on the 2nd decan. this shortens my date range to somewhere between december 3rd and december 11th, so winter solstice was out the window. so, completely on a whim, i decide to look up holidays in december. this is when i discover the festival for the souls of dead whales. its on december 10th. the rest is self explanatory.
finally, jay ferin, who i struggled quite a bit more with: june 21st
since im sticking with the zodiac post, jay is a gemini. this gives me a date range of may 21st to june 21st. i turn to the decans and realize that i dont actually know jay well enough to assign her decan. (i love her, dont get me wrong, but for some reason i struggled with this.) after a few minutes of reading over the traits and differences between the decans, i settle on the 3rd decan of gemini. this gives me a range of june 11th to june 21st. from here, i try to copy my strategy for gill and look up fun holidays that might give me a solid date, but i dont really find anything that catches my eye. then, i find out that the 21st of june is - you guessed it - a solstice! this unironically fits jay very well, which is very good for me.
and there you have it folks. i just spent an additional 45 minutes writing this post, and now im going to go to bed. tag me if i missed anything important, please-
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quek-a-sketch · 2 years
crown ascending wording implied the ferins still have a Lot of power so what do they have specifically in this world?
also seperate but how has chip been generally living in that area ?
Ok so!! The Ferins are from another kingdom and are a dukedom almost directly at the level of that country's royal family...
What isn't revealed until later (this aus episode 53) is that the family is almost completely made up of trained hitmen and assassins, safe to say that family is responsible for a lot of the dirty work of the kingdom but it's a tight lipped secret, so to avoid having them reveal anything the royal family and then have a deal of basically "it I don't see it it didn't happen" and the Ferins get away with a lotta shit and cover it up
They're obviously incredibly wealthy and have control over most of the military, which is renowned for how powerful it is! Then obviously they have their grimey little hands in a lot of trades and underground markets.
Jay is actually tactically placed in the path of chip, who's been claiming to be a lost heir for years and the thing is the ferins have evidence that he IS, and is set to kill him and Lizzie aswell preferably after getting close enough and getting enough intel for her family... She obviously doesn't in the end.
And ok so!!! Chip hung around the old castle mainly, the capital is HUGE and a new castle was built since the old one was inhabitable and the surrounding area fell onto hard times thanks to the corruption the seeped from the old castle, Chip refused to move out from there though.
He had stopped saying about his past as much because... Well he started to wonder if he had some false memories, he was quite young and when people say you're lying and you're wrong for YEARS you start to question yourself even if you know the truth, price parroting in his ear and the fact his memory of how he actually survived is foggy at best...
Yeah he just stayed on the south side of the capital where the old castle is with a lotta empty buildings, it's also where prices little group used to meet up at so he didn't see a point of trying even when Drey's return was announced.
Hope that makes sense!!! Thank you sm for asking I fuckin love answering asks bout any of my aus!!
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