bearfrosts · 7 months
ivypool is just so lesbian to me i cant even fathom her being with a tom. which is why im preemptively headcanoning fernsong as transfem before i even meet her in canon
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bowiestarzzz · 5 months
Just wanted to see some cute fernivy art so I searched their tag and wow. Some people hate fun and have never used their imagination once in their lives
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multifandomfern · 1 year
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Cats and explanations under the cut
Mother and Kit: Speckletail and Snowkit
They didn't get enough time. They both deserved so much better. Would've loved to see Brackenfur mentor Snowkit and Speckletail being a proud mother. I also would've loved to see Speckletail showing everyone that her kit could be a warrior. It would've been such an inspiring story where she constantly loved and supported Snowkit which gave him the help and confidence he needed to become a great warrior. There was so much potential with them but Snowkit had to be killed off :/
Father and Kit: Crowfeather and Breezepelt
I know they're the worst, but I really liked them in Crowfeather's Trial. I enjoyed them slowly understanding and getting closer with each other. They'll never have an amazing relationship, but I like the one they built. Also I find it funny when Crowfeather former edgy boy cringes at Breezepelt being an edgy boy. It's interesting and amusing to see Crowfeather realize that Breezepelt is like him.
Grandparent and Grandkit: Crookedstar, Featherkit and Stormkit
I love thinking about them. Poor Crookedstar already lost so much family then he lost Silverstream. That must've been so sad, I understand here he wanted his grandkits. I love imagining him playing and spoiling them. He learned from the past not to ignore them because he's scared and grieving. So he gives them so much love, and in return the kits adore him.
Siblings: Leafpool and Squirrelflight
They're so different, but they still care so much about each other. Squirrelflight keeping Leafpool's secret and Leafpool supporting Squirrelflight when Bramblerstar is a jerk. These two have so much love and care for each other, and I really enjoy it. Not much to say because my words really can't explain it well enough.
Friendship: Needlepaw and Alderpaw
So I considered doing the og trio Firestar, Graystripe and Ravenpaw, but I've been reading AVOS, so I did these two instead. Their friendship was the best thing in The Apprentice's Quest. I loved Needlepaw being annoying yet caring to Alderpaw. She was reckless and overconfident, but she still helped him. She even helped ease his anxiety sometimes. Then Alderpaw gave her care back and the inclusivity she wanted. They had such a fun friendship really sad how it turned out.
Mentor and Apprentice: Yellowfang and Cinderpelt
Honestly don't remember these two that much, but Yellowfang has always been a favorite of mine (at least alive Yellowfang, she becomes awful in Starclan) and I really love Cinderpelt too. I love energetic excitable Cinderpelt tiring old grumpy Yellowfang out. I love Yellowfang having to keep Cinderpelt calm or having to tire her out. I love them comforting each other. I love Yellowfang supporting Cinderpelt after her accident and then sharing an understanding. Yellowfang wasn't the kindest, but she definitely cared for Cinderpelt. Cinderpelt was more fast paced, but she definitely realized that Yellowfang did care.
♂️♂️ Ship: Ravenpaw and Barley
Of fucking course these two are my favorite!!! Ravenpaw was always a favorite of mine, I related to him and felt so bad for him. He deserves love and happiness and Barley is perfect for that. Barley living alone at his barn finally gets some company. He slowly gets more used to Ravenpaw, and they get more vulnerable with each other. Together they heal from past trauma and find peace in each other. They are the other's rock and comforter. They have such a sweet relationship where they help steady and improve the other.
♂️♀️Ship: Fernsong and Ivypool
They're really sweet together. I know Fernsong was only shown having that one line, but I still imagine him being the first nursery king. I love Ivypool enjoying patrols and hunts but always checking up on her mate and kits. Honestly I think a lot of my favs are more interesting in my head than the books but that's not stopping me from putting them on here. Anyways Ivypool and Fernsong are sweethearts who knows how to always support and soothe the other.
♀️♀️Ship: Feathertail and Tawnypelt
These two compliment each other well. Feathertail being more reserved while Tawnypelt is more outgoing. Feathertail being more gentle while Tawnypelt is more rough. Despite their differences they both are loyal and caring cats. They would have a good relationship, I'm sad we didn't get to see more of them together. I like to imagine that Tawnypelt fell for Feathertail when she helped her after the rats. Then maybe after Feathertail would start to fall in love too. Also they'd be over to bond over their trauma and heal together which I love.
If you read through all of that here's some 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
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sock-fool · 1 year
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i have had a sudden change of heart and have decided that ivypool is the best character ever and dovewing is a selfish mary sue who only thinkgs of herself! Ugh i hate her! fernivy is such an interesting ship amirghr? So #girlboss! my favorite scene with them was when fernsong said he would take care of the kits in the nursery after theyre nursed and then never did that visibly in the books.
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quiverpaw · 2 years
Opinion on ivypool and fernsong but it's an au where fernsong is an ex loner so they aren't related?
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getting rid of the incestuous part of it which was disgusting still doesn’t really change my opinion on it. fernsong is a drab, boring character who gets way too much credit and i don’t like ivypool sorry
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skrs-cats · 2 months
still holding out hope for a jayfeather/Lionblaze se or novella... my one dream
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braincloggedwithcats · 3 months
The Erins should stop pairing major relevant characters with random background characters
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gayleafpool · 2 years
nobody in warrior cats is a girlboss or a malewife
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troutfur · 1 year
19 for the fanfic asks!
19. What’s your favorite character headcanon?
Hmmmm, this one's hard because I don't have very many stable headcanons. My bread and butter is AU fic and I'm very liberal about shuffling around relationships and emphasizing or dowplaying elements of characterization at my convenience.
But if I had to pick... Oh! One I'm pretty fond of and that I want to explore in some form someday is that Fernsong had some kind of complex about living up to his dad growing up, particularly as his firstborn in a litter with only sisters. That one is very much foundational to all my Fernsong thoughts.
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official-darkforest · 1 month
May I ask, why BreezeIvy? They're very, very related, right? I mean, in the Warriors universe inc*st is inevitable most of the times, but it's one thing for the Erin's to pair up obviously related characters, and another thing for fans to pair up obviously related characters (especially if it's not non-canon) There is a whole prophecy about Ivypool being related to the three, who are half-siblings with Breezepelt, right? Unless this is an AU were they're not related? /lh No hate, I love your work, but I'm just curious!
they have no family members in common, actually, as far as blood relation goes. ivypool and breezepelt are in-laws at most, and even then leaf and crow are not together anymore. their trees do not cross over more than that, its reasonable for these two to not see one another as family even distantly
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i prefer to avoid pairing up characters that are explicitly cousins in some way that its important for them to be related plot-wise (which is why as much as i like the concept of fernivy i had to nuke it for my rewrite) but i dont think this is one of those instances. i'd call it a loophole but that sounds terrible LOL
i understand being iffy about it though, its a messy tree and all, so its not gonna be for everyone. honestly i dont ship it as much as the rest i drew, it was just a funny idea i saw someone else do and thought it had some silly potential
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wc-confessions · 4 months
i feel like this fandom is so strict about age gaps. like, obviously, there are relationships with terrible age gaps, but i think if both cats are adults (and both have been for a while if they've known each other) when they get together, it doesn't matter. they're two consenting adults.
the main issue with relationships in this series (aside from the weird incest that keeps happening) is the power dynamics. brambleclaw and squirrelstar have known each other for a while, ever since squirrelstar was a kit, and bramble has always been in a position of power over her. Always. so a ship like tawnysquirrel, despite having the same exact age gap, is automatically not as terrible because 1. both cats are like, over 10 years old at this point and 2. tawny hasn't been in a position of power over squirrelstar like bramble has.
or, say fernivy, the problem is not the age gap. it's odd, yeah, but both cats were consenting adults at the time they got together. the problem is that there is an entire prophecy that says they are related (kin of your kin yadda yadda.)
there's almost no way to avoid an age gap with most ships in this series. unless it's a seasoned warrior and a newly promoted warrior, i don't think it really matters as much as everyone thinks.
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yuridovewing · 6 months
“fernsong is cool bc hes vaguely gnc bc hes got a GIRL name and you hate gnc men if you dont like fernivy. see, wc doesnt have a problem with gender roles <3 they let the men OCCASIONALLY break them a little bit!!” wow thats cool. hey remember that scene in rgu where akio gets praised for baking a cake and everyone talks for a bit abt how hes better than his sister bc he bakes better food than a girl (her job) and hes so cool and awesome and brave for breaking gender roles, and then thats immediately juxtaposed with a scene where utena is yelled at by the school staff for not wearing a skirt and how shes a failure of a girl for not sticking to girls outfits
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vaugarde · 1 year
7 and 10 for warrior cats 💜
7. What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
I don't know if she counts because it's also the later canon that makes me dislike her now, but Ivypool. I'll admit that I'm just not capable of being unbiased about Dovewing, but it's also mostly because the fandom just. Could not praise Ivypool without shoving Dovewing into the ground. Even today, so much Ivypool content is so backhanded to Dovewing and seems so focused on blaming her for all of Ivypool's problems. Dovewing gets characterized as a ditz, an airheaded brat, a mean girl rubbing her problems into Ivypool's face, vain, judgemental, and while that's let up over the years and the Dovewing hate has died down, there's still so many amvs and such that push the idea that Dovewing was a terrible sister and Ivypool has to "give her a piece of her mind", like there are so many amvs where Ivypool just screams at Dovewing for being neglectful and horrible to her and you're meant to look at it like "YEAH!!!! TELL THAT BITCH!!!!!"
and all I can think of is like... Dovewing didn't ask for any of this. Dovewing was a child who was exploited for powers she didn't ask for. Dovewing was mocked and shamed for wanting to be friends with cats from other clans and was pushed to use her powers when they hurt her and was looked down on for being traumatized by the death she was witnessing. Dovewing protested her mentors using her sister as bait for the Dark Forest, she covered for Ivypool so she wouldn't get caught and scorned by her clanmates, she tried to be a comfort to Ivypool where she could. But she snaps one time because her sister antagonizes and mocks her so I guess that means it's totally okay for Ivypool to be controlling and nasty to her well into adulthood and it's actually a super epic girlboss moment when Ivypool beats up her sister's boyfriend for being like "hey can you not treat your sister like shit for two seconds and talk to her, she's really struggling and needs her sister right now".
And it sucks cause I don't want to seem like I hate Ivypool because "ew she should be totally nice to her sister all the time and she should never have been jealous EVER and she should have gotten over it immediately, CONFLICT IS BAD." In another series I would love Ivypool, hell I loved her when I was a kid before AVoS came out. I like characters who are spiteful and not "good" victims and who have complicated relationships with their families and who have trauma from being manipulated and used and are also edgy and have fucked up really badly and hurt other people. But the fandom doesn't see Ivypool that way, not really. To the fandom, Ivypool had her life ruined by her cunt sister who dared to have more attention when they were 12, and also it's said sister's fault she was taken advantage of by demons, so it's awesome and empowering when she screams at her sister (who is also being traumatized) and she has a malewife who materialized after her arc was over so she's actually a hashtag girlboss queen who is always right and can do whatever she wants and her sister should shut the fuck up and take it. It's the framing of it, yknow? Fanon doesn't really want you to see her as being cruel to her sister, they want you to think she's being good and empowering when she does it cause Dovewing Is Worst Girl or whatever.
10. Worst part of fanon
Uhhh... man it's hard to think of stuff at the top of my head. That sounds mean I know but it's true. To continue on my Ivypool tangent, the FernIvy girlboss/malewife epic feminist ship content bugs me. Both cause the ship itself is boring as hell and the reason it's "feminist" is just a throwaway line, and also cause the fandomification of girlboss/malewife ships is just really boring to me and that's only pushed more by the fact that so many people think that those ships are ultra feminist cause "the man does girl things and the woman does boy things!!!" and like... don't really go into them much further than that. Like okay yes it's gnc or whatever but like... do they have actual chemistry? Is there any value to the ship beyond the surface level feminism? (and it IS surface level in FernIvy's case cause the only "feminist" thing Fernsong does is... say he'll be a stay at home dad. something that doesn't actually happen and is just a throwaway line, Ivypool does all the "motherly" things like be a sahm. and I'm sorry but I personally just think it's weird that people are like "THIS MAN IS A FEMINIST!!!!" for... parenting his children. Like he should just... do that. And not expect constant fanfare for it. yknow?) Do the two have actual history you can play off of?
Also pretty much anything involving Crowfeather. That's not exactly the hottest take around but I feel like I'm living in a separate timeline as other people sometimes where they go "omg Crowfeather was actually a super attentive sweet daddy and husband and he was such a nice person and he would be suuuuuch a good father and husband to these other characters (his canon kids and wives dont deserve it cause they're cunts)"
Not QUITE fanon but also the crowd that hates on rewrites that don't sand off all the conflict and make their male blorbos nice and save all the characters that died. Like when Bonefall was getting shit for making characters like Bramblestar or Berrynose worse when like... what he did was play off of their canon flaws and go deeper into them, like giving Bramblestar a bad relationship with his kids or making Berrynose kinda sleazy for immediately going after his ex's sister for an ego boost. That's fine. That doesn't mean he's a hater or whatever and that he despises mean male characters. Conflict is good actually.
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conarcoin · 1 year
fernivy haters will not survive the winter they're literally one of the most normal and sweet canon pairings in the series
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the-owl-tree · 10 months
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
i feel so nothing about fernsong, it's kind of disappointing that ivypool gets slapped together with a cat we barely get to see her dynamic with. it's just....bland. she's such a popular and pivotal character, to be placed with a cat we a) barely know and b) has zero shared history with her just feels so shallow.
i also just find the whole "don't worry ivy i'll take care of the babies" thing and then we never actually see it to be so....shallow. it's the all talk no show syndrome of the "good father" in warriors. bleh. lots to dislike here.
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quiverpaw · 2 years
if you guys have to reduce a ship to ‘he loves his strong wife uwu!’ to like it you dont understand warriors ships at all. or shipping in general
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