#fester adams
wednesdaysgun · 1 year
snow is fallin, all around you (wednesday x tyler)
Tyler’s mother had loved Christmas, always forced his excitable young self and his grouchy father out into the snow to play for hours on end. One of the rare times he’d seen his father truly smile, playing with him and his mother as snowflakes fell. But now those memories washed over him like a bucket of ice water, drowning any warm feelings that he may have felt.  Christmas was a time of dread in the Galpin household, his father bought him presents that he would pretend to enjoy out of sympathy, which would then never be touched again after Boxing Day. They’d sit there in silence as ill-fitting Christmas music played over a shitty stereo, his father drinking as Tyler looked at the pictures on the wall for a way out.  Morticia and Gomez’ invitation to the Addam’s Estate for the winter came at the most excellent time. His father had been cold, excuse the pun, since the investigation was closed and he had been protected from the authorities. Maybe his son committing such atrocities, or even him having to go against his own law book, had been enough for him to somewhat disown Tyler in his mind. Let alone the sheriff’s distaste for a certain black-haired beauty that may or may not have been his new master.
So, he went to the Addams’. For a family so backwards in the most eccentric way, their celebration was truly wonderful. Seeing Wednesday’s parents under the mistletoe, watching Pugsley wrap fairy lights around Thing so hard he lost circulation on his index. Even Wednesday got into the spirit for her family.  “Christmas is the celebration of false religion and commercialism. Nothing says Happy Birthday to God like buying out the Christmas decoration section at Walmart, or making silly little gingerbread men you’re bound to decapitate. I’d simply rather cut out the middle man, the middle man being Jesus, and decapitate the Ginger bastards on my own time.” Wednesday ranted, pacing back and forth. Tyler simply watched this outcry occur, noting this may have been the most she had ever spoken at one interval. Enid would’ve piped up if she’d been there, stepping in to at least try and defend the Christmas Spirit that laid dormant in her until November. Tyler hoped it was Wednesday becoming comfortable around him, but he assumed she simply really hated the Holidays. Probably as she was destined to return home, without him. 
Then seeing him turn up after Lurch had vanished for a few hours, collecting him from Jericho and landing him on the doorstep like a present from Krampus himself. Wednesday refused the smile that begged to take her lips, simply grabbing him and pulling him into the house and into her arms. He looked beautiful, his face and skin tinged red from the cold. She smelt intoxicating, he thought to himself in her embrace, like gasoline and cinnamon. He’d pay for not telling her Morticia’s plan sooner, but right now she just wanted to bask in his presence without thinking of homicide.  Satan, he had changed her. She loved thinking of homicide at the holidays. Waking up in Wednesday’s coffin, he noticed the heat that radiated from her form. Curled up around him, like a black cat. Arms still crossed over her chest, like that would change regardless of her sleeping state. A soft grin formed over his face, bringing his digits to unplait her hair from the night before. He’d had much practise now with her iconic braids, how to gently untangle them so he could redo it soon after. Standing behind her as she watched him in the mirror, instructing him what part of hair needed to go where. He got the hang of it, a self-proclaimed quick learner when it came to her commands. Nothing got her more than watching him focusing so heavily on her hair, then seeing his head duck to her neck, nipping and biting in a way that makes her positively shudder. She wakes up at his fingers grazing her scalp, and as soon as her eyes open to meet his he is back at square one again. Even the Hyde is humming in content, his Master looking up at him. The Hyde felt protected, safe. All because of the small little human. 
“Morning, monster.” He said affectionately, voice still dripping with sleep. It was a low rumble in his chest, next to his love’s ear. Tyler felt her shift at the nickname, making him feel somewhat more secure. “Morning.” Wednesday replies curtly, still not breaking the eye contact. She still couldn’t bring herself to call him a nickname, blaming the PTSD from her parents. His hands run through her long hair, coming up to rest behind her nack and cradle her face. Giving her a soft kiss, both their hearts skip the same beat. Suddenly, the door to Wednesday’s childhood room breaks open. Uncle Fester and Pugsley run in, babbling excitedly as their heavy footsteps reverberate through the wood of the coffin. Tyler jumps. Wednesday hides a grin.  “Do you mind? Pugsley, if you forget your manners again when coming in here I will not hesitate to reteach you.” The little boy grinned at the thought. He’d missed their waterboarding sessions while she was away. “Excuse the intrusion, stormcloud!” Fester booms, “It’s snowing and the little blister wanted you and Tyler to play.” Play? Who does Pugsley think his sister is, defective? Before a word can come from her lips to send the two on their way, Tyler pipes up with a look Wednesday had not yet seen in his eyes. “It’s snowing?” He questions Pugsley, all but vibrating with excitement. Tyler jumps to his feet from the coffin, leaving Wednesday feeling suddenly cold, and runs to the windows. Her brother and her boyfriend rip either windows’ curtains apart, pulling a hiss from Wednesday at the sudden light in the room. So many distractions at the Addams’ house, she noted. The three boys are jumping in excitement, and Wednesday’s heart does melt. Only a small bit. Her uncle and brother run to find Gomez and Morticia, leaving the two in the room alone once more. “I never knew you liked the snow so much,” Wednesday questioned. “It makes sense.” He truly was a little golden retriever, it should have made her stomach churn. Standing up and slinking her way to his standing dorm, she watches his stance reduce to fit hers. His cheeks reddened in a way she adored, so sweetly. “Our family used to be really big on Christmas.” She didn’t need to know how deep the scar ran. “I missed it, is all.” Understatement of the year, and she can see it. Of course she can, she can feel it. Every-time he lies or tells a half-truth, she gets it out of him in record time. Wednesday chose not to pry for once, instead wrapping her arms around his waist and watching him fully sink into her form. Feeling his warmth once again.  “It just so happens that your new family is just as big on Christmas,” Tylers eyes lit up, “So you make me a coffee, we’ll get ready, and I’ll run you through the rules of the Addams Graveyard Snow Fight.” She instructed. He litters small pecks all over her face and she tries desperately not to let the skin flush. Her efforts are in vain.  “Yes Wednesday.” He smiles, eyes flashing a second of golden yellow at the command. And for a second, just a small one, Tyler feels at home again. In this strange house that creaks like its breathing, with his girlfriend who has slowly let the ice of her exterior melt for him. It’s not what he was used to, but god was it needed.
“Good boy.” The nickname awakes death moths in his stomach, clawing their way through the skin. Tyler smirks, simply scooping the smaller being into his arms and running through the house. Wednesday protests, hitting his chest and demanding to be let down, but he just laughs. Carrying her bridal style through the family home’s twisting halls, past her parents room. The elder couple do not say a word, sharing a look they know all too well. Their little storm cloud has found her thunder.
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crowbarbunni · 2 months
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This comic is shitty but I just wanted a “good ending” for the eraserhead baby
(Yes I know I spelled some shit wrong I made this at like 2 am over spring break)
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crimsonsorceresss · 7 months
Guess who...🥀
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beggars-opera · 6 months
This is still one of my favorite tv moments ever
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geekgirles · 1 year
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Wednesday (2022) plot in a nutshell
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mrbopst · 10 months
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ziracona · 1 year
Fester meeting Wednesday’s friends
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Hyde Tyler
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Wednesday at the Rave’N Dance
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Enid abt Wednesday
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Ajax mental process for asking out Enid
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Eugene during the pilgrim hell apocalypse
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Tyler and Wednesday @ each other for some insane reason abt being kidnapped and tortured on 0.5% evidence, and long conned about their entire relationship for over a month respectively.
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d0cshartens · 2 years
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the dots i’ve connected them
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crabnebuelar · 2 years
The time has come. Fester Friday
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crowbarbunni · 2 months
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Some sketches for the “Debbie AU” where Debbie comes back to life and joins the family. I don’t have the design for Fester yet but I promise he, Thing, and Lurch will all have a place in the AU
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shark-el · 1 year
One of my favorite things about Wednesday being so popular, is that people are finally open to the idea of watching the original Addam's family from the 60's .
It means I can share my love for this creepy, kooky, mysterious, spooky and all together ooky family with so many more people who never wold have watched this amazing sitcom previously due to its age.
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toy-of-me · 1 year
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My version of a modern Pugsley. Like why the hell does he still have the same outfit from the first TV show!
This is what I would have done for the new series. Also I gave him braces and ear muffs because he is sound sensitive
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roboyomo · 4 months
just saw a very pretty arbiter adam on twitter and i am no longer the same person i was before. dear lord i love this guy he has my mind wrapped around his finger at this point
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
HHSD Scarecrow is an Adam's Family fan. Simple like that. I refuse to believe that exist Elvira's fan's who wouldn't also simp for Morticía or at least stan the Adam's Family.
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monikanarnia · 1 year
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1.07 -   If You Don't Woe Me by Now
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ripleykat · 2 years
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Debbie <3 Fester
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