#feyre × 🍂
thesistersarcheron · 2 years
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She is his mate, his mate, his mate.
Feyre Archeron is the youngest member of the Fae nobility trapped in Amarantha’s court Under the Mountain. She has never known anything else; nineteen years ago, she was the last of three sisters born in the dark prison. She has never seen the stars, tasted fruit fresh from the vine, or set foot in her home court.
Now, dragged before the High Queen of Prythian and presented to her poisonous courtiers in her father’s last-bid attempt to settle his gambling debts by selling off his daughters’ hands in marriage, Feyre faces scrutiny from all sides:
The wicked queen herself, who takes a particular interest in securing an advantageous match for her fiery young charge;
The leaders of the rebellion against Amarantha, who already paid the bloody price of failure once;
And Amarantha’s third, the cruel High Lord of the Night Court, who seems to enjoy nothing more than tracking Feyre through shadowy corridors and dismantling the defenses she and her sisters have spent years building against monsters like him.
— Of the Archer and the Dark by miss_belivet
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dreamlandreader · 1 month
Hounds of Love
Part One
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Eris Vanserra x Fem!Reader
Summary: When Eris Vanserra storms through the woods in a rage, the last thing he expects to come across is a beautiful fae who is heading right into the path of his father. Eris knows he can’t just stand by and watch this oncoming storm, but in helping this gentle soul, he may have to sacrifice more than he bargained for.
Content Warning - Parental abuse, parental illness, off screen injury caused by a dog (very briefly mentioned).
A/N: Here it is - the piece that landed me with major writers block for weeks and weeks on end and then got stalled because life got in the way! Inspired by the song Hounds of Love by Kate Bush and Feyre’s encounter with the water wraith in ACOMAF✨
Part two will be out soon 💖 Hope you enjoy 💖
The hounds of love are hunting, I’ve always been a coward, and I don’t know what’s good for me … 
In the limited light of the quickly setting sun a furious male and his hounds stalked through the trees. 
The bronze leaves shivered in the wake of the Autumn Court heir, who bustled past in a burning rage. Embers of fire flickered at his fingertips as he watched his hounds run wild and free with a glint of jealousy burning in his warm eyes. 
Eris Vanserra was sick. Sick of his court which became more and more suffocating by the century. Sick of his title which kept him tethered to this land. Sick of his father, at whose hands he now bled. 
It had become a regular routine over the years, the way his father would manipulate and berate and twist the knife until Eris could bear it no longer and his calm exterior would shatter. Beron, unimpressed by his son’s outburst, would then beat him back into submission, and Eris would take it until his father got bored. Then he would slip out into the woods with his hounds, using the space to breathe, and to prevent himself from burning the whole damn court to the ground. 
As Eris stormed, the yowls of his hounds swirled around him, twigs snapping beneath their heavy paws as they ran and ran. Eris was all consumed plotting his father’s demise. He knew it was only a matter of time before one of them destroyed the other, and he would be damned if he gave up without a fight.
Lost in his own thoughts it took a few seconds for Eris to notice the sudden silence. The excitement of his hounds tapered off, and the only noise left was the ringing anger reverberating through his skull. A knot formed in his stomach, as he began to run in the direction of his dogs. Eris had spent centuries training his hounds, and they had a rhythm. They never once went silent unless he ordered them to. Not unless something terrible had happened to them. 
Burning orange trees blurred in Eris’s peripheral vision as he ran into a dusty clearing, the fire at his fingertips warmed his hands as he prepared for a fight, but he faltered when he saw the largest hound of the pack lay flat on his back with his soft stomach bared to the skies, a slender hand scratching away at his furry tummy. Glancing up in shock, Eris was greeted with gentle laughter as a joyful fae female watched his two youngest hounds prance around her, play fighting for her undivided attention. Eyes gazing back down once more Eris tutted as he watched the usually stoic leader of the pack bury her large head into the female’s lap, snuffling into her skirts and drawing another delightful giggle from her. 
“What well trained dogs I seem to have bred,” Eris spoke sharply, arms crossed and eyebrows raised. 
His hounds stiffened and stood to attention immediately upon hearing their masters sarcastic growl. You jumped to your feet in surprise, wiping your dusty hands on your dress, meeting Eris’s hard stare with a sheepish smile, crimson flooding your cheeks.  
“Oh, hello. I’m sorry, I didn’t realise they were out here with anyone. Your dogs are beautiful,” 
“My lady, you are lucky you still have your hands. My hounds do not usually take so kindly to strangers,” It was the truth, a few months ago a wandering merchant lost three fingers when he reached out to stroke the dogs without their permission. The fact that you stood before Eris not only whole but covered in fur from their loving affection was baffling to the Autumn Court heir. 
“These dogs?” You ask skeptically, holding back a laugh, reminding Eris of the position in which he had found them. 
“It appears they must have taken a liking to you my lady, a rare thing indeed,”
“I am not a lady,” you state gingerly. He should have noticed the lack of jewels, the plain dress, the absence of guards - but something about your sheer presence was so captivating that all of that had faded into the background. 
“I do apologise, you will have to pardon my ignorance,” It was Eris’s turn to blush then. He prided himself on his intuition. His innate ability to size up his opponents had served him well over the centuries, allowing him to swiftly understand a person and their motives in order to stay five steps ahead of them at all times. In your enchanting presence however, Eris’s usual instincts evaded him completely. 
“What may I call you then?”
“Oh right, my name is Y/N,” you reply, bashful as Eris takes your delicate hand and places a kiss upon it. 
“Whilst it truly is a pleasure to meet you Y/N, I am curious to what you are doing alone in the forest so close to nightfall. You are aware of what lurks within the trees once the sun goes down, no?” 
“I’m here to see the High Lord,” 
Eris stiffened, so many questions flying around his mind as something thick and painful settled itself deep in his chest. Why would such a seemingly gentle being want to be anywhere near his beast of a father? 
“Th-the High Lord?” was all Eris could stutter out.
“My family, we have a farm to the south, just above the border. Only for the past few years my father has been sick, and the crops have suffered greatly due to the droughts we’ve been experiencing,” 
Eris’s heart cracked for you, for the pain that swam in your eyes. There was no reason he should care, he had met you a matter of moments ago, and yet a part of him ached to fix your situation.  
“I would like to ask our High Lord for a reprieve on our tithe - just for six months. By then I hope and pray to the Mother to have our little farm back to the flourishing haven it once was,”  
You were dead. If you got to his father and begged him for anything then you might as well sign your own death warrant. Eris had witnessed too many times the tithes that ended in bloodshed. Beron was too clever to kill anyone in a public forum, he knew it would lead to rebellion, but his spies would soon catch up with anyone who was lacking in funds and they would all mysteriously vanish. He had to do something, he couldn’t let you wander innocently to your death. 
Oblivious to Eris’s internal struggle, you suddenly perked up, eyes widening, 
“Oh how rude of me, here I am prattling on and I haven’t even asked how I should address you? You are dressed so finely you must be a Lord, please forgive me,” you stated, sinking into yourself as you took in his perfect appearance.
The Lord’s pristine shoes alone likely cost more than your family could scrape together in a whole year. Embarrassment tainted your good mood as you pulled your cloak tighter around your body to hide your shabby clothing. 
Eris could sense the shame dripping off you, and unable to stop himself he placed a finger under your chin, and made sure your eyes met his.
“My name is Eris, but you needn’t concern yourself about formalities’ he told you “I am of little importance”. 
It wasn’t exactly a lie. Whilst his position in the Autumn Court provided him with the finest luxuries money could buy and any outsider could easily assume the heir had unlimited power and freedom, behind closed doors, under Beron’s harsh regime, Eris was nobody. He was liked by few and truly understood by none. 
 “Eris,” you say dreamily, tilting your head to truly take in the beautiful male before you. 
Under your gentle gaze Eris feels a glittering warmth spread across his body, a primal rush to protect you, and then a life altering snap.
“You’re-,” he stumbles, unable to finish his sentence before you begin your own.
“Anyway I best be going,” you rush out, realising the passing time and lifting your skirts to turn. “It was terribly nice to meet you, but I really must be on my way,”
“Please don’t!” Eris blurts, gently grabbing your hand, sending a shiver down your spine. You turn to him, confusion taking over your face as he explains softly.
“The highlord, he isn’t a good male. He won’t hesitate to hurt you. If you approach him with any vulnerability he will do anything he can to manipulate you into making a deal you can’t keep, and if that doesn’t work he will just kill you,” he said, stroking a surprisingly calloused thumb down the back of your hand.
“But, maybe if I can just explain my situation to him then-”
 “He won’t care, Y/N. You will die,” Eris’s eyes go dark and you know in your very soul he is telling the truth. “I just- I need you to believe me,”
“I do, it’s just-,” You faulter, breathing deeply before you continue.
“I can’t go home without this six months reprieve. We have nothing more to give. Surely if I turn up to the tithe next week empty handed he’ll just kill me anyway?”
Eris looks down at the wealth that drips from his body, and suddenly recalled the scandal that Tamlin’s ex-human had caused at the last Spring tithe. Rumours swirled far and wide of the Cursebreaker’s controversial gift to a poor wraith, and without a second thought Eris followed suit, pulling off the gold rings which covered his fingers.
“Here,” he says, shoving the pieces into your hands before he began to unclasp his cuff links.
“What, no! Eris, I can’t take this,”
“Yes, you can,” Eris insisted, moving on to his many earrings. “I will not let that beast touch you. I’m not in a position to offer you safety, but please let me give you some help,”
You nodded, frozen in shock, and watched as Eris filled your hands with rubies, opals and orange sapphires all set in the finest metals money could buy. Finally he takes out a fine leather pouch filled with gold coins and helps you to gently stuff the rest of his riches inside. Once the pouch is fit for bursting he removes his fur lined cloak and tells you to swap it for your own threadbare one.
Looking you once over, Eris swallowed down his instinct to press his lips against yours, knowing his relentless father would never allow for his eldest child, his heir, to be mated to a peasant.
Collecting himself, Eris let out a sharp whistle, making you jump as the leader of his pack came to his heel.
“I want you to take Hallie,” he said, his throat thick with emotion as he took your shaking hand into his own.
“Eris, I’m not taking your dog!” You argued, giving him an incredulous look.
“These woods are unsafe at the best of times, if you walk them with gold lining your pockets it is asking for trouble. She is a good hound. She will keep your safe,”
“I- I have no way to repay you for your kindness,” you breathed, silver lining your eyes, unable to fully comprehend the events of the last half hour.
“Stay safe, my lady, that’s all I ask,” he said, before kissing your hand one final time, petting his beloved Hallie on the head and then bidding you both goodbye as he disappeared between the trees, the sad howling of his remaining hounds in tow.
The walk back to the manor passed quickly in a mess of emotions, and even as Eris dragged himself to bed, accompanied by a glass of strong whisky, he tossed and turned all night, unable to forget the beautiful fae he left in the woods and the piece of his soul she had taken with her.
Hope you enjoyed reading!
✨Let me know if you would like to be added to my general taglist ✨
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I fell for you. (Final part).
Azriel x f!Reader
Summary; based on this request.
Warnings; angst
Part one , Part two
Azriel was the winner of the two polls; poll 1 , poll 2 So here it is!
One day as you were sitting on a bench with Lady Autumn enjoying the view of the garden she said;
“You know… I would love if you and Eris ended up together, you’re so sweet and kind, my son would be lucky to have you.” She smiled and you almost choked on air. You and Eris… you had thought about that, but you weren’t sure if he had this type of feelings towards you. Lust wasn’t enough for someone to get married. And what would happen if Azriel found out?
One month later.
Your days were the same making you feel way too bored, Lady Autumn was nice company but after a while you didn’t have anything to talk about. Eris was spending most of his time in his office and barely came out for dinner. You went for walks with Lucien a few times, but always excused yourself when Elain joined you.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 🍁 🍂 ☁️˙✧˖°
After breakfast you decided to walk around the palace, maybe you could find something interesting to spend your time. As you were walking down a big corridor Elain approached you. You turned the other way and pretended that you were looking at the paintings.
“I know you’re avoiding me y/n. Please I need to speak to you.” She exclaimed and grabbed your arm. You shot her a warning look and she shook her head. “Please” “Okay… speak.” You shrugged.
“Listen… Azriel..” you scoffed and she lifted one finger to shush you. “Azriel helped me adjust in this world, we spent way too much time together and this created some feelings. It wasn’t love though at least not in a romantic way. We cared for each other because everything we went through together bonded us. We were both alone, and we had needs, this is what it was, lust. Azriel couldn’t understand his feelings for you, he couldn’t see the way his face lit when he talked about you. He thought he loved you as a friend. Your absence destroyed him. He couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep… he completely broke down. I tried to approach him as a friend, but he didn’t want to see me again, he hurt himself as a punishment for not understanding the type of feelings he had for you. What I’m trying to say is that he was always in love with you, he just didn’t know.” Her voice was soft yet steady as she spoke, a sign she was telling the truth. “Okay” you shrugged not wanting to show any emotion. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Follow me” she said and hurried off, your curiosity took the best of you, and you quickly followed her. She entered her room and opened her closet, taking out something from the back.
“The night before you left, I saw a dream… a vision, and I asked Feyre to go through my mind and paint what I saw. When I came here, I took it with me because I didn’t want Azriel to see it. I’m afraid that if I show anyone their future, I might somehow destroy it.” She explained and dropped the sheet that covered the painting. Your jaw dropped.
It was a painting of you standing next to Azriel, it was probably Starfall because at the background the sky was bright with starlight and dust. What shocked you the most was the young boy Azriel held between you. The boy looked around three years old, his hazel eyes wide, his small wings wide behind him and his cheeks painted with stardust. He looked so much like Azriel, but you could see a little bit of you in there too.
“If you’re afraid of destroying the future when you show it to someone, why did you show me?” You asked after the initial shock.
“Because I can’t see it anymore… because I only see Azriel alone in a room… dying” her eyes watered. You took a sharp breath and stared at her. “It is my duty to inform you about this, Rhysand is coming here today to have a meeting with Eris... Cassian and Azriel will probably accompany him. I wanted you to have all the facts before facing him”.
“I’m sorry for being such a bitch to you. I would like to blame the stupid bond, but it will only sound as an excuse. You are so nice Elain, never change that.” You hugged her and she smiled. “No I get it, I’m sorry for causing all this trouble, I should have stayed away from Azriel.” She lowered her gaze.
“You went through enough, you deserved to have something you for once desired. Don’t feel guilty” you smiled and winked before leaving her room.
You hurried into Eris’ office not bothering to knock. “What is it little fox?” he murmured not lifting his head from the papers he was reading. “Rhysand is visiting today.” You spoke.
“I’m aware” Eris replied.
“Is Azriel coming too?” you asked and finally got his attention. He glanced at you.
“Missing him?” he quirked a brow.
“I would like to have a talk with him” you replied, and he hummed.
“Why are you here?” he asked and you sent him a questioning look. “Do you want to know if he is coming or if I will stop you from going back to him?”
You blushed.
“I won’t stop you. He is your mate… you are meant to be together.” He sighed and nodded “he is coming just please let me know if I need to request another healer from Helion”.
“I don’t know yet… I just want to talk to him.” You shrugged.
“Okay, better change clothes. I don’t want the shadowsinger to destroy my whole palace when he sees you in my court’s colors”.
You snorted at that and then approached him, taking one of his hands in your own. “Thank you Eris… for everything”.
“You’re welcome little fox, I’m here if you ever need to piss shadow boy off.” He smirked and returned to the papers.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 🍁 🍂 ☁️˙✧˖°
You changed into a black long dress that showed just enough cleavage and hugged your curves in all the right spots. You wanted to make Azriel drool and also honor your previous High Lord. You took a deep breath and walked down the hall reaching the big doors of Eris’ office. You could feel Rhysand’s power flowing around the palace making everything look darker. You let the bond resurface and Azriel pulled it instantly, making your heart break. He was still waiting for you. You opened the door and entered. Everyone’s head snapped into your direction and their jaws dropped.
“Y/n” Azriel whispered.
The rumors were right, the shadowsinger was thinner, his eyes were red and empty. He looked like he hadn’t slept for a year, and you could tell that he was just the same on the inside.
“Hello” you smiled, and your eyes fell on Rhysand. He stood up and hugged you.
“We missed you sweetheart” he whispered into your hair. “I missed you too, so much” you murmured.
Cassian approached when Rhysand let go of you and picked you up.
“You look good little one” he boomed, you hadn’t heard this nickname for awhile and it made you tear up.
When Cassian let go of you, Azriel took a deep breath and came closer.
“Can we talk?” he asked, and you glanced at Eris who nodded with a smile.
You walked out, Azriel following you without a word. You both entered your room and he shut the door.
“How are you?” he asked and kept his eyes on the floor.
“Fine. How about you?”
He shrugged and pushed a hand through his hair.
“I messed up.” He stated.
“I know” you replied and suppressed the need to hug him.
“I love you Y/n, I love you so much that I can’t breathe. I’m such an idiot for not realizing it before the bond snapped. I always thought that I loved you as a friend, that I needed to protect you because you were a part of my family. I thought that it was the loneliness that made me feel lust for you and made me dream of starting a family with you. I didn’t dare to tell you, I was so afraid that I would ruin our friendship. I don’t even know how to explain everything. I can’t explain what I feel for you… what I felt for you before the bond. You have every right to kick me out and never speak to me again, I will respect it even though the thought is killing me. But please believe me when I say that I have always loved you, you are the greatest thing that has happened to me, and I will spend the rest of my life punishing myself for losing you.” He was crying, sobs shaking his body as he waited for your response. You could feel everything down the bond, and you were sure that he wasn’t lying.
“I don’t know what to say Az. I’m willing to come back to the night court and give you a chance but I can’t promise anything. If you mess it up, I will leave you for good.” You said and cupped his jaw, wiping the tears away with your thumb. He leaned into your touch and sighed. “I promise I won’t let you down.” He whispered and you felt the burn of a tattoo on your neck.
The next day you left for the night court, you didn’t miss the nod Elain gave you, her eyes moving to the covered painting in her arms. You smiled as you remembered the little boy and leaned further into Azriel before he shot up to the sky.
Azriel kept his promise, he showed you how much he loved you every day, he treated you like his queen, and everything changed for the best. After a year you accepted the bond and later found out that when Nesta changed herself and Feyre making them able to give birth to Illyrian babies she changed you too. You remembered that day, when a shooting pain sent you on the ground. You had felt like your insides were rearranging themselves.
A few years later you gave birth to a sweet baby boy, he looked exactly like the painting as he grew up, the only difference were the shadows flowing around him and whispering in his ear just like his father's.
You watched as Azriel flew around with your son, throwing stardust on his cheeks and laughing. They landed next to you and Azriel wrapped one arm around your shoulders, holding Damien with the other, as you all watched the beautiful spectacle of Starfall and the small tattoo on your neck disappeared.
He didn’t let you down.
Requests are open but delayed!
@sagskylar01 , @kalulakunundrum , @amysangel , @i-love-morally-gray-characters
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lucienarcheron · 10 months
↠ SJM Masterlist
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Below you will find all my SJM fanfics/creations linked. You can also find my fanfics here.
All my writing belongs to me with a disclaimer that any character that isn't an original character belongs to their authors. Do not copy or claim my work as your own. Do not feed my work into AI or third-party platforms. Do not translate my writing without my permission. I do not consent for my work to be reposted anywhere.
Thanks for reading and enjoy :)
Creations/Moodboards; this is across all ships.
Headcanons ; across all ships
🌹 A Court of Thorns and Roses 🦊🌸 Elain Archeron x Lucien Vanserra [ Elucien ]
Bouquet Full of Loathing Rated SFW | Fluff & Humor Flower Shop Modern AU - Person A owns a flower shop and person B comes storming in one day, slaps 20 bucks on the counter, and says, “How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?”  
Bouquet Full of Love Rated SFW | Fluff & Humor Elain visits Lucien at work, new bouquet in hand.
The Sun Rated SFW | Fluff/Angst Elain has a nightmare and turns to her mate for soothing.
No Place I'd Rather Be Rated SFW |  Fluff with a smidge of angst. Elain's visions giving her nightmares that can only be soothed by one person.
 A Light Against the Darkness   Rated SFW | Angst/fluff Lucien battles his own nightmares with Elain there to soothe him.
Forget Me Not Rated SFW | Fluff Drunk Elain and her shenanigans.
Boys Night Out Rated SFW | Humor & fluff Drunk Lucien and his shenanigans. – companion to Forget Me Not. 
Sleeping Beauty Rated NSFW-ish | Fluff ‘Wake me up’ kisses because foxboy and flower girl can't help themselves.
A Fox and a Flower Crown Rated NSFW-ish | Fluff + Humor Elain has a vision and it, uh, has her feeling all types of ways.
Tales of the Fox & the Fawn A series of short snippets to fill my Elucien heart.
Around the World - Part 1 | Part 2 | Bonus Rated NSFW |  Prostitute/Client AU for laughs.
An Unexpected Visit Rated SFW | Fluff Drunk Lucien visits Elain at an inappropriate hour.
Quiet Thunder - Part 1 | Part 2 Rated SFW | Angst | Lucien expresses his frustrations to Elain. Elain follows up.
Morning Pranks Rated SFW | Fluff.
First Kisses Rated SFW | Fluff.
Instincts - Part 1 | Part 2 Rated SFW Lucien follows his instincts when it comes to Elain. It's the start of something new.
Frenzy Rated NSFW | Elain and Lucien like to spend their yearly mating anniversary fully wrapped in each other, sinking into a frenzy.
A Simple Request Rated NSFW-ish. A still shy Elain finds a different way to tell her mate what she wants.
Inspiration Rated NSFW | Modern AU Aspiring writer Elain Archeron is looking for some inspiration for her new novel when she happens to meet the perfect man for the job.
Oh, What a Night (Elucien + Nessian) Rated SFW | Fluff Nesta and Elain’s first Starfall, the two celebrating it in different ways.
Unexpected Surprises Rated SFW | Lucien has been trying to plan the perfect proposal for his mate for months. Things do not go as expected.
A Bouquet of Good Intentions Rated SFW | This little drabble was inspired by my Elucien Modern AU - Bouquet Full of Feelings series
A New Year with You Rated SFW | Celebrating NYE together
This Time, I'm Ready Rated SFW | Elain has a vision and it has her running.
That Single Thread of Gold Rated SFW| Inspired by eospaint's elucien piece
Heading Straight to You Rated SFW | Inspired by this post here and giving a bridgerton-inspired moment!
🍂 Eris Vanserra
Spirit Meets the Bones Rated M | Eris x Iris (OC) | Drama & Romance An arranged marriage brought them together and beneath all the hate, the two are more alike than they’d like to be.
✨🖌Feyre Archeron x Rhysand [ Feysand ]
Big Baby Rated SFW | Humor & fluff | Modern AU Rhys gets drunk at the bar and calls Feyre to rant about how much he loves her. 
All It Takes is A Wingman Rated SFW | Humor & Fluff | Modern AU ‘Hey I’m sorry to bother you but I’m trying to convince my friends I’m a sex god so can you please write a fake number on this napkin for me real quick’
Do the Do Rated SFW | Fluff & Humor Rhysand taking care of Feyre's ridiculously drunk self.
⚔️🔥 Nesta Archeron x Cassian [ Nessian ]
Bouquet Full of Lust (ft. Elucien) Rated SFW | Fluff & Humor Nesta gets a little taste of sisterly revenge. | Read after Bouquet Full of Love and Bouquet Full of Love
Oh, What a Night (Nessian + Elucien) Rated SFW | Fluff Nesta and Elain’s first Starfall, the two celebrating it in different ways.
Banned by the Boss Rated SFW | Fluff & Humor  Nesta pulls a mama bear move and bans both mating bonds of her sisters.  
Till the Darkness Dies Rated SFW | Angst and fluff Nesta’s battle against her inner demons.
Butter My Muffin Rated SFW | Fluff Nesta being a very soft girlfriend in private with Cassian combined with how I picture Drunk!Nesta.
Protect & Serve Rated SFW | Fluff Nesta has a nightmare and just wants to make sure Cassian is okay.
My Remedy Rated SFW | Fluff Cassian helps Nesta overcome her fear of the bathtub.
Change of Pace Rated Steamy | Modern AU “I chickened out of sex ages ago and you haven’t brought it up since but now I really want it, but I'm terrible at communication, so let me just strip shirtless/model lingerie for you until you snap”
Weakness Rated SFW | Steamy fluff Cassian does love his mate.
My Curse to Bear Rated SFW | Steamy fluff | Modern AU Based on the prompt “Matching couple shirts that say “bearer of the curse” on one of them and, “the curse” on the other”
⚫️ Gwynriel
Choices - [ Gwynriel ] Rated NSFW-ish. Gwyn makes choices for her happiness.
👑 Throne of Glass
Boner for You - Elide & Lorcan [ Elorcan ] Rated SFW | Humor & fluff  Fake Dating AU where Lorcan just wants Elide to be his girlfriend for a party and Elide wants to pretend she isn’t thrilled about it.
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zenkindoflove · 3 months
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Here you can find the complete list of my SJM fanfictions, moodboards, and playlists. I mostly write Elucien, Satharion, and Eris x OC.
Multichapter Fics
Summer Heat (E) - Elain x Lucien, Eris x Alexius (OC)
Complete, 114,890 words, 18/18 chapters
Summary: Summer Court is hosting the Summer Solstice Summit and the Night Court is sending their best emissaries to attend. It will be Elain's first time mingling in another court, and it's a good thing she has an expert guiding her: the mate she's been ignoring for the last two years. Meanwhile, Eris has been sent to the summit to spy on Summer's developments. What he doesn't anticipate is entangling in a steamy, forbidden romance
Eris x Alexius moodboard Ch 7
Eris x Alexius moodboard Ch 12
Eris x Alexius moodboard Ch 16
Eris x Alexius moodboard by @animezinglife
Eris x Alexius moodboard by @teddyhoneybear
Burn Forever With Me (E) - Elain x Lucien
Complete, ~69,000 words
Summary: End of ACOSF. After Feyre's traumatic birth, Elain writes to Lucien seeking comfort and company. She soon realizes that opening up to him in letters is much easier without her family's constant presence. But how long can she keep falling for Lucien a secret?
NSFW art of Ch 13 by @works-of-heart
Dear Lucien, Dear Elain: An Epistolary Fic (M) - Elain x Lucien, collab with @crazy-ache
Complete, 13/13 chapters, ~28,000 words
Summary: Epistolary (adj., of a literary work) in the form of letters. After the winter solstice in ACOSF, Elain and Lucien exchange letters as a means to get to know each other away from prying eyes. This fic is a collection of those letters.
Pull Me in Deeper (E) Eris x Alexius (OC)
WIP, 5/?? chapters posted
Summary: Needing more alliances, Eris strikes a deal with Helion: go to the continent and find out information for him, and Day Court will support him usurping Beron. What he didn’t account for is the beautiful Day Court emissary accompanying him that makes his heart race while being such a thorn in his side.
Eris x Alexius commissioned fanart 🍂☀️
Short Fics
Kneel Before Me (E) - Elain x Lucien
One-shot, ~11,000 words
Summary: Lucien arrives at the House of Wind, only to be drawn into a sparring match with none other than the Inner Circle's own Shadowsinger. Things get out of hand and Azriel discovers whether he really can defeat Lucien easily.
I Think I Saw You in My Sleep (E) - Elain x Lucien
One-shot, ~10,000 words
Summary: The dreams of him come from the mating bond, but Elain wants them to stay.
Our Hearts Still Beat the Same (E) - Elain x Lucien
Two-shot, ~17,000 words
Summary: "She stood on the bridge for a few minutes, hoping that the rain might wash away the seething anger and bottomless anguish that crackled under her skin. More, more, more, repeated again and again to a steady beat. His heart beat." Part One is Cozy Tension. Part Two is all smut.
The Art of Seducing Your Merman Husband (E) - Sathia Flynn x Tharion Ketos
Two-shot, ~7,000 words
Summary: When Sathia realizes that Tharion is purposely ignoring all of her attempts at seduction, she decides on Valentine's Day that the only way to finally get her husband in her bed is to make a gesture so obvious, that even a merman with one brain cell would figure it out.
Embrace (M) - Elain x Lucien
One-shot, ~2,800 words
Summary: Elain is on a journey of embracing her Faeness. When studying Lucien's pierced ears, an idea forms in her head that she can't shake.
Lone (T) - Andras x Clare Beddor
One-shot, ~4,300 words
Summary: Clare Beddor is dead, and she haunts the woods of The Middle. A skinless wolf shows up one day, he has a story to tell, and it reeks of revenge.
Taste of You (E) - Eris x Alexius (OC)
One-shot, 2,200 words
Summary: Eris and his mate Alexius are on a tour of Autumn. Alexius is feeling cooped up in the carriage and Eris has an idea of how to release some tension. PWP
Ficlets Masterlist - Mix of Elucien, Satharion, and Eris x OC.
Marry Me: a Satharion playlist
Elucien 1980s clinch cover fanart
You can find all of my SJM fanfiction as well as other fandoms on AO3.
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moononastring · 1 year
↠ SJM Fanfic Masterlist
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Below you will find all my SJM fanfic linked! Thanks for reading and enjoy :) | PLEASE NOTE: All fanfic has been updated and uploaded to @lucienarcheron my main blog!
🌹 A Court of Thorns and Roses
🦊🌸 Elain Archeron x Lucien Vanserra [ Elucien ]
Bouquet Full of Loathing Rated SFW | Fluff & Humor Flower Shop Modern AU - Person A owns a flower shop and person B comes storming in one day, slaps 20 bucks on the counter and says, “How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?” | 
Bouquet Full of Love Rated SFW | Fluff & Humor Elain visits Lucien at work, new bouquet in hand.
The Sun Rated SFW | Fluff/Angst Elain has a nightmare and turns to her mate for soothing.
No Place I'd Rather Be Rated SFW |  Fluff with a smidge of angst. Elain's visions giving her nightmares that can only be soothed by one person.
 A Light Against the Darkness   Rated SFW | Angst/fluff Lucien battles his own nightmares with Elain there to soothe him.
Forget Me Not Rated SFW | Fluff Drunk Elain and her shenanigans.
Boys Night Out Rated SFW | Humor & fluff Drunk Lucien and his shenanigans. – companion to Forget Me Not. 
Sleeping Beauty Rated NSFW-ish | Fluff ‘Wake me up’ kisses because foxboy and flower girl can't help themselves.
A Fox and a Flower Crown Rated NSFW-ish | Fluff + Humor Elain has a vision and it, uh, has her feeling all types of ways.
Tales of the Fox & the Fawn A series of short snippets to fill my Elucien heart.
Around the World - Part 1 | Part 2 | Bonus Rated NSFW |  Prostitute/Client AU for laughs.
An Unexpected Visit Rated SFW | Fluff Drunk Lucien visits Elain at an inappropriate hour.
Quiet Thunder - Part 1 | Part 2 Rated SFW | Angst | Lucien expresses his frustrations to Elain. Elain follows up.
Morning Pranks Rated SFW | Fluff.
First Kisses Rated SFW | Fluff.
Instincts - Part 1 | Part 2 Rated SFW Lucien follows his instincts when it comes to Elain. It's the start of something new.
Frenzy Rated NSFW Elain and Lucien like to spend their yearly mating anniversary fully wrapped in each other, sinking into a frenzy.
A Simple Request Rated NSFW-ish. A still shy Elain finds a different way to tell her mate what she wants.
Inspiration Rated NSFW | Modern AU Aspiring writer Elain Archeron is looking for some inspiration for her new novel when she happens to meet the perfect man for the job.
Oh, What a Night (Elucien + Nessian)Rated SFW | Fluff Nesta and Elain’s first Starfall, the two celebrating it in different ways.
🍂 Eris Vanserra
Spirit Meets the Bones Rated M | Eris x Iris (OC) | Drama & Romance An arranged marriage brought them together and beneath all the hate, the two are more alike than they’d like to be.
✨🖌Feyre Archeron x Rhysand [ Feysand ]
Big Baby Rated SFW | Humor & fluff | Modern AU Rhys gets drunk at the bar and calls Feyre to rant about how much he loves her. 
All It Takes is A Wingman Rated SFW | Humor & Fluff | Modern AU ‘Hey I’m sorry to bother you but I’m trying to convince my friends I’m a sex god so can you please write a fake number on this napkin for me real quick’
Do the Do Rated SFW | Rhysand x Reader (but really it’s Feyre) | Fluff & Humor Rhysand taking care of your ridiculously drunk self.
⚔️🔥 Nesta Archeron x Cassian [ Nessian ]
Bouquet Full of Lust (ft. Elucien) Rated SFW | Fluff & Humor Nesta gets a little taste of sisterly revenge. | Read after Bouquet Full of Love and Bouquet Full of Love
Oh, What a Night (Nessian + Elucien) Rated SFW | Fluff Nesta and Elain’s first Starfall, the two celebrating it in different ways.
Banned by the Boss Rated SFW | Fluff & Humor  Nesta pulls a mama bear move and bans both mating bonds of her sisters.  
Till the Darkness Dies Rated SFW | Angst and fluff Nesta’s battle against her inner demons.
Butter My Muffin Rated SFW | Fluff Nesta being a very soft girlfriend in private with Cassian combined with how I picture Drunk!Nesta.
Protect & Serve Rated SFW | Fluff Nesta has a nightmare and just wants to make sure Cassian is okay.
My Remedy Rated SFW | Fluff Cassian helps Nesta overcome her fear of the bathtub.
Change of Pace Rated Steamy | Modern AU “I chickened out of sex ages ago and you haven’t brought it up since but now I really want it, but I'm terrible at communication, so let me just strip shirtless/model lingerie for you until you snap”
Weakness Rated SFW | Steamy fluff Cassian does love his mate.
My Curse to Bear Rated SFW | Steamy fluff | Modern AU Based on the prompt “Matching couple shirts that say “bearer of the curse” on one of them and, “the curse” on the other”
⚫️ Azriel
Choices - [ Gwynriel ] Rated NSFW-ish. Gwyn makes choices for her happiness.
An Ember Among the Shadows Rated PG-13/M | Azriel x Lucy (OC)  | Drama and romance  A sibling reunion, new friendships forged, and a possible attempt at finding love. A story about our favorite Shadowsinger. | DISCONTINUED.
A Not So Secret Affair Rated SFW | Azriel x Reader | Azriel slipping up about his not-so-secret love.
💥Crackship: Feyrhycien (Feyre x Rhys x Lucien)
 Ice Cream Delights Rated: SFW | Modern AU “God damnit, now all I can think about right now is you licking my cock like it’s that ice cream cone.”
 Barbie & Her Two Kens Rated SFW | Modern AU Bored/Drunk Feyre bothering her boys 
👑 Throne of Glass
Boner for You - Elide & Lorcan [ Elorcan ] Rated SFW | Humor & fluff  Fake Dating AU where Lorcan just wants Elide to be his girlfriend for a party and Elide wants to pretend she isn’t thrilled about it.
✨ Tumblr Prompts ( ACOTAR & TOG )
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spore-loser · 10 days
ACOTAR Ask Game:
Thanks for tagging, @sunbrightheart 😁
Who is your favourite ACOTAR character?
Lucien for fav male and Nesta for fav female.
Who is your least favourite character?
Readers hate Nesta for things she said, but Amren is wildly worse. SJM’s writing of her in ACOSF makes no sense to me. She told Cassisn to keep reaching out his hand but did nothing herself except demean Nesta. Also, she showed that she ultimately only sees the Archeron sisters as pawns for the IC, talking about how they could make Rhysand high king - something he didn’t even want.
Say something nice about your least favourite character?
No. 😐
Ok, just kidding. She made a sacrifice to save everyone.
Who is your favourite high lord?
Tarquin for his convictions and ambition to make a difference. 
Tamlin for his coming through several times in ACOWAR, saving Feyre and co. at the camp and then dragging in Beron against Hybern.
Favourite minor character?
Gwyn for her optimism and determination. Emerie for her fortitude and resilience in a culture that demands her subservience. Eris for his actual moral grey-ness that Rhys stans wish he has.
Favourite ship?
For canon: Book One Feylin
For fanon: Neris
For upcoming: Elucian
Favourite court?
Autumn has the scenery of my fav season and very much intrigued me with its huge royal family and Eris’ plotting against Beron. SJM not giving the Lady of Autumn a name (and so many besides) is just 😑
Make up a brand new court - No prep, just vibes!
An undersea court? 🐡🐙🦑 With merfolk and other oceanic aquatic beings.
What relationship would you have liked to see more of in the books?
The Archerons! Wish there were sister bonding moments instead of what we got 💀 If we don't see Lucien and Eris *Vanserra Bros* moments in an upcoming book I will be so annoyed.
What is your unpopular opinion?
For Pro-Nesta spaces: that she verbally abused Feyre in their cabin days. (I know they were described as at each other’s throats but we weren’t shown Nesta internalizing things the way Feyre did.)
For Pro-IC spaces: basically everything. I don’t think of Azriel except for his relation with others (Gwyn or Eris). Cassian was rude to Nesta first, became a stalker who ignored her boundaries, then became a horrible partner. I don’t consider Elain IC because she is infantilized and kept out of everything they do. Feyre’s character post-Book One completely changed. Mor is inconsistently written and was out of line with how she treated Nesta because of Cassian. Rhys is neither a ~feminist king~ or morally grey, he is an unintentional walking red flag 🚩 on SJM’s part that had intended softboi moments which were only cringe to me.
What is your favourite headcanon?
That “Sellyn Drake” is Helion’s pen name. ✍️🏾
If you were swept away to Prythian, what’s one thing you would want to do?
See what an Autumn Equinox celebration is like. 🍁🍂🍺
If you could have one faerie ability seen in the books, what would it be?
Winnowing for instant travel is the best to me but Tamlin’s shapeshifting is a close second. It would be so cool to fly as a bird 🦅 and swim as a fish 🐠 and all that.
Tagging: @blueinkn, @ennawrite, @gwandas, @jon-snows-man-bun, @msbrownwithacrown, @washmchineheart, @wingsdippedingold
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batboyrhyrhy · 2 months
In honour on Tay dropping ttpd in a matter of hours here are some acotar-swiftie polls🤪
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jeannineee · 9 months
Amber and maple? 🍂
Amber: hmmm not sure how unpopular this opinion is, but it’s crazy to me how much hate Feyre gets. Not saying she’s perfect by any means, but that girl has been through so much?? And people have the audacity to say she shouldn’t be High Lady, she shouldn’t be in a position of power, etc. Prythian would be in shambles without her.
Maple: I would’ve loved to try painting/drawing. I try but I’m terrible at it. Writing is my art form lol.
Ask game found here
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nikethestatue · 2 years
I know she said she wants to tell Elain’s story but I don’t think she’s ever mentioned that the series is about the sisters. But if I’m wrong, it can be like in ToG, the story was about Aelin but Chaol got his own book. I’m only using Chaol as an example that as a secondary character, he got his own book and his romantic interest was a tertiary character. I know him and Az are totally different so I’m not comparing the likes of them, just that they are male characters with books. Again, if I completely missed when she said the story was about the sisters, I think Az can get his own book and then end the series with Elain’s book 🌸🍂
No, it was actually billed as the Archeron sisters books in Entertainment Weekly and SJM mentioned that she wanted to tell Nesta’s and Elain’s stories and that she sold the post-trilogy books that would center on them.
She never mentioned that any of the LIs will get books.
I know people love bringing in Chaol but firstly, Chaol’s story was going to be a novella, but once the added all the Nesryn and Satraq bits it blew up and turned into a novel. The story was less about Chaol actually and more about Yrene and she was there from the beginning. If you took everything but them out of it, it would’ve been a novella.
ACOTAR, they are not multi POV books. It’s Feyre. It’s Nesta. It will be Elain. Acofas was the connector, between Feyre and her sisters’ books.
Why would Azriel suddenly get a book? When Elain hasn’t had one and neither did Rhysand, whom SJM loves above all else? And even if he did, and played a big part in it, it would still be with Elain.
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witchcastors · 9 months
Maple, harvest & orchard for the autumnal asks. 🎃🍁 I hope you have a magical & memorable autumn! 🍂🕯️🪵
✨ maple - is there a hobby / skill that you’ve always wanted to try but never did? ✨
Quite a few, actually! I really wish I knew how to play an instrument, or knew how to sew or knit. I also wish I was a better baker, but I digress lol
✨ harvest - what fictional character do you most identify with? Why? ✨
Oh, gods, I have no idea. I really like Feyre, from ACOTAR (probably a very big basic bitch answer), Crowley (GO), I also find myself identifying with Wanda Maximoff & Steve Rogers (Marvel), Sailor Jupiter.... Reasoning is that I believe in goodness and kindness but I'm also incredibly stubborn, loyal, unhinged, ya know, that kinda thing (Sorry, couldn't pick one)
✨ orchard - share one thing that you’d like to happen this autumn.✨
Going to my family farm! I love going with my girlies and picking out our pumpkins, using the pumpkin launcher, seeing the animals, all that good stuff. I look forward to it every year
Thank you so much, angelface!! I hope you have an amazing autumn, as well!!! May it be beautiful and prosperous for you.
🍂 Autumnal Asks 🍂
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koishua · 3 years
I'm not bang chan but is there anyway I can help? I'll always here to listen of you'd like!
that's so sweet of you thank you ;-;-;-;
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danyx26 · 3 years
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LUCIEN VANSERRA ( corte de espinhos e rosas) fanart 🥀
Lucien Vanserra é um Grão-Feérico e amigo próximo de Tamlin, o Grão-Senhor da Corte Primaveril. Ele é oficialmente o único filho de Helion, o Grão-Senhor da Corte Diurna com a Senhora da Corte Outonal🍂
Enquanto a sua aparência, a pele de Lucien é bronzeada, visivelmente mais escura do que seus meios-irmãos, embora ainda clara o suficiente para ter passado por filho de Beron por séculos. Ele tem cabelo ruivo carmesim. Seu rosto tem uma cicatriz brutal da testa ao queixo, um ferimento causado por Amarantha. Seu olho direito está inteiro e castanho-avermelhado; o olho esquerdo foi arrancado por Amarantha e foi substituído por um olho mecânico artificial feito de ouro (criado por uma talentosa alquimista da Corte Diurna). Seus traços são descritos como nítidos, elegantes e etereamente bonitos, apesar da extensão das cicatrizes em seu rosto
Se eu oferecer a você a lua em um barbante, vai me dar um beijo também?
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bookishlilcorner · 2 years
Ask game ✨
Question 3 🌼🌼🌼 & Question 7 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼
3🌼Are there any fictional characters you relate to/identify with?
Gwyn Berdara: Her resilience and her determination to not let her trauma ruin her life and stop her from living the life she wants.
Elizabeth Bennet: Sarcasm. Seeing foolish men be foolish and dumb and trying to resist the urge to make fun of them. Also stubborn.
Feyre Archeron: The selflessness, wanting to protect those she loves.
Hermione Granger: It’s the bookworm, smart-ass and loving knowledge.
Elain Archeron: Trying to see the good in everyone. Always being invisible and unnoticeable. I surprisingly relate to Elain the most out of the three sisters.
7🌼Describe your aesthetic in emojis.
🌺 🌿🌹🍃🍂🥮🍄🍁 & 🤎🧕🏛🎻🕰🏹☕️🍜
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ofthornsandfury · 3 years
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Like and/or comment below for a starter from one (or more) of the following....
🌸 Roisin (Adopted daughter of Tamlin; mate of Lucien) 🦇 Ava (Daughter of Nesta Acheron and Cassian) ✨ Lyra (Daughter of Feyre Archeron and Rhysand) 🍂 Sienna (Daughter of Roisin and Lucien) 🔮 Cassandra (Daughter of Elaine Archeron and Azriel) 🔥 Taisiya (Daughter of Vassa and Jurian)
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atardisnameddesire · 3 years
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Finished this book late Saturday night. Wow. What a whirlwind. A Court of Wings and Ruin picks up right where A Court of Mist and Fury leaves off. War is coming to Prythian and it’s up to Feyre and the Court of Dreams to rally the other courts to protect both the fae and human realms from total destruction. I loved getting to see the High Lords from all of the courts together. That was fascinating. I hope to see more of the other courts going forward especially the Day and Winter Courts! The final battle was nerve wracking and emotional. I’m excited to see where the story goes from here! I want a prequel series about Miryam and Drakon! 🌙🌞🌅❄️🍂☀️🌹⚔️🛡#acourtofwingsandruin #acourtofthornsandroses #sarahjmaas #feyrearcheron #rhysand #rhysandfeyre #nightcourt #courtofdreams #nestaandcassian #miryamanddrakon #daycourt #dawncourt #wintercourt #autumncourt #summercourt #springcourt #read #reading #books #bookstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CVLyCSyLMCF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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