#ff puppet au
janer055 · 5 months
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lavender-wiitch · 7 months
If honura is a wiling avatar of the web then she coerced madoka into unknowingly becoming an avatar of the extinction, in this essay you already have
(for those who aren't aware this is further exploration on something i wrote based on a @wouldtheybecomeafearavatar poll where some people are categorically incorrect in labeling homura as an extinction avatar rather than a web one)
i began thinking further on what you said, and 1) the nature of madoka's powers, 2) her goals and 3) what would feed an entity through her — makes it particularly tricky to pintpoint which fear she'd serve. i was making an entire essay here exploring the possibilities (mainly through an extinction, end, eye and desolation lens) and my brain hurt.
we know that one of homura's main goals is for madoka to NOT engage with the horrors™ much less become a part of them, but her rewinds inadvertently make madoka more and more powerful each loop, which could translate into madoka being marked by a fear more intensely each time. a fear strongly characterized by inevitability, which is what homura is trying to prevent.
madoka's powers as a god are very intrinsically related to the dichotomies of death and rebirth, hope and despair. the way she finds to prevent magical girls from becoming witches is to welcome them to their end before they get the chance to transform. she absorbs their despair, which could mean feeding off of fear and torment, even if it means taking it away from others and placing the burden on her. paradoxically, since she is also a magical girl, that means she'd have to absorb her own misery, which is what prompts the reinvention of reality. magical girls themselves aren't erased, but witches are technically replaced by wraiths as the beings magical girls must fight. they are distortions of madoka's cause and effect of her wish.
what we also know is that fear entities do not give a rat's ass about bringing the peace madoka wishes for humanity. in one way or another, her wish could be warped for the sake of spreading fear. perhaps, in a TMA world, no matter what entity she'd serve, the implications of madoka's wish are even more tragic (as if PMMM wasn't tragic enough!). her unwilling transformation into an avatar inplies the loss/corruption of her humanity and of the very compassion that she feels for the world and its denizens. her hope, which is something so embedded in her core, could get corrupted into something worse (perhaps an extinction interpretation would imply worse consequences for her actions and what magical girls could end up becoming; and a desolation interpretation would reinforce the law of cycles — creating more hope means creating greater grief to absorb and feed on). maybe it would prompt her to seek out more misery, despair and grief to feed on, even if she doesn't want to be an agent of pain, at least not initially. jon didn't want to become someone who takes pleasure and nourishment from violating people's privacy. maybe becoming a concept means a near total loss of what used to make her human, and her motivations would merely become twisted echoes of what they used to be.
imagine the guilt and pain homura would feel. damn all of this would make an awesome AU.
from this point on we can ask a few questions: what her motivations and struggles are (i.e. granting people hope, comfort and release from further eternal misery in life / feeling powerless to stop the horrors™ from dooming the magical girls' fate) and which fear would she cause or feed off of through her motivation and powers, which would have to be warped in some way for them to work for the main purpose of an entity: spreading fear.
an extinction approach would lean more on the rebirth themes and the aspect of replacing witches with wraiths, whether their creation was intentional or not from madoka's part. a terminus route would touch on her new role as this cosmic magical girl grim reaper/psychopomp of sorts, the comfort she offers being twisted somehow into something horrible. a desolation approach would have plenty of dramatic irony, as it highlights how madokami absorbs despair and grief and would feed on the exact feelings of devastation and loss that magical girls are doomed to feel as a consequence of the hope deposited in their wishes. her self-sacrificial nature becomes her downfall as she carries this burden, burns for the sake of others and becomes the most powerful witch (source of despair and torment) of all.
all of these aspects of her powers could be warped into something in favor of these fears and that could corrupt or destroy her as we know her. the thing would be knowing which one would claim her against her will.
what i'm certain of is that the story that would come out of TMA madohomu would be absolutely DEVASTATING and i am HERE for it.
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umbrarkzoo · 2 years
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i could write paragraphs of lore about an au i really should not have spent so much time writing about 😭
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"Open to Interpretation" by kazoosandfannypacks
Chapter 5/16: Perks of Being a VIP Pairing: CaptainSwan Rating: General Word Count: (1.8K/24K) Summary: Emma Swan is appalled at works by modern artist Killian Jones- until a handsome stranger convinces her otherwise- and after introducing himself as the artist in question, he invites her out on a date. As their relationship develops, they find that they might not be as different from each other as originally thought. Chapter Summary: Emma and Killian arrive at the dinner and mingle with some of the guests Tags: au, fluff, captain swan, modern au Author's notes: A lot of my fics are third person limited perspective, and my chapters often jump back and forth between whose limited perspective we're looking at in each section. As you read this fic, you may notice that my chapters themselves take turns with the perspective- Emma's perspective in chapter 1, Killian's in chapter 2, Emma's in chapter 3, ext. This was an intentional decision and challenge on my part, and I thought it felt a little more polished that way- but it also means that I've often spread spans of a few hours in the fic across multiple chapters. Taglist: @zahara @kmomof4 @jonesfandomfanatic @booksteaandtoomuchtv @jrob64 @tiganasummertree @anmylica @teamhook @undercaffinatednightmare @gingerchangeling @lonelyspectator @caught-in-the-filter @ultraluckycatnd @cs-rylie @pirateprincessofpizza [if you'd like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
Also on Ao3!
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 "Let me get the door for you," Killian said as he parked the car outside the museum.
 "He doesn't have to do that," Emma thought, though she wasn't about to stop him.
 Her door opened, and he held out a hand to help her out of the car.
 "This is certainly a better parking spot than I got the other day," Emma took his hand and got out of the car.
 "Perks of being a V.I.P.," Killian said, holding up his lanyard badge. He then stuck his elbow out to her, and she tucked her arm around it and entered the museum on his arm.
 "Now remember," he leaned towards her and said, "a lot of the people here are gonna be pretentious little snobs- and most of them won't take a shine to your criticism like I did."
 "I'll be diplomatic," Emma nodded.
 "I'd appreciate that," he said.
 They walked down brightly lit hallways to the museum's reception hall, Killian once or twice pointing out some painting they passed by and some bit of trivia he knew about the art, or about its artist or the story behind the piece.
 "Do they have you as a tour guide as well in your spare time?" Emma teased.
 "Sometimes when I need inspiration I roam the hallways looking for it," Killian said, "hoping that something I'll see will inspire me- and it is part of the job to be a bit familiar with the rest of the pieces in the museum as well."
 Emma nodded, "What else does an artist in residence even do?"
 "Promote different events the museum is hosting," he said, "hang out around the galleries in my free time- something about the chance to meet the artist often draws people in. And, most notably, I'm to work on a mural for the museum."
 "And what do you get out of that deal?" "They pay for room and board," he said, "not to mention a few extra grand a month for other expenses, access to whatever supplies I find myself needing for their commissioned painting- and, of course, an extra boost in publicity and the chance to add 'artist in residence' to my portfolio and resume."
 "So let me get this straight," Emma asked, "you get paid to do what you love and the museum gets publicity because they're letting you freeload?"
 He nodded and smiled, "an artist's life is one to love."
 "Imagine what I could do with a setup like that," Emma thought. Though she loved art, she seldom had the time and energy to sit down and paint something while still working forty hours a week and keeping up with housework and her other hobbies. Sure, she didn't ever consider going professional with her art, but she wouldn't mind getting paid to sit around painting whenever the muse struck her. As it stood, she'd scarcely had time to make headway on the painting she'd started a few days ago.
 Once they got to the reception hall, Emma noticed that quite a few people had already arrived, and Killian began introducing himself and Emma to each of them, following a pretty simple formula: introducing themselves, mentioning how great it was to meet them, and some comments about the other's line of work peppered with dry humor, before an "excuse me, I need to go welcome this person over here."
 Emma met more self-proclaimed "important" people in twenty five minutes than she'd ever met in her life. Mayor Mills was there, along with her business tycoon mother (who Emma was pretty sure helped buy her her votes,) and the elder Mills daughter who was working hard to learn to fill her mother's shoes. Multi-millionaire Adam Gold was also in attendance, along with his associates, Madame Deville and her husband. Among the snobbery as well were a few prestigious doctors, a couple different artists, many of whom Killian seemed to know well, and a few other notable creative minds. Of course, in attendance as well was the curators of the museum, Mr. and Mrs. Nolan- a rather charming couple.
 "You're quite the natural," Killian whispered to Emma as they walked away from their twelfth snobbish conversation, this time with Emma interjecting a few clever but tasteful comments of her own.
 "I'm learning from the best," Emma smiled.
 "Well, don't worry," Killian said, "the next people I introduce you to will be much more charming- Mr. Booth is one of few individuals who make fundraisers like these bearable."
 He introduced Emma next to a couple that seemed a bit younger than most of the other attendees, much closer in age to Emma and Killian.
 "Mr. Booth," Killian held his hand out to the other man.
 "Always a pleasure to see you, Mr. Jones."
 Both men seemed to hold a secret in their eyes, a secret which then turned into a sparkle, then a smile, then a laugh.
 "August and I go way back," Killian explained to Emma.
 "August Booth?" Emma asked, "as in, the author August Booth?" "You're familiar with my works?" he asked.
 "Indeed," Emma said, "I deeply enjoyed your Revolutionary Fairy Tales  series."
 "I'm flattered." August said, "and you are?"
 "Emma Swan," she shook his hand, "pleasure to meet someone interesting for a change."
 August smiled and addressed Killian, "I like her boldness."
 "As do I," Killian said, looking down at Emma and smiling, "we met in my wing of the gallery a couple days ago. Miss Swan was in the middle of insulting some of my masterpieces. I believe the exact words she used were…."
 "'If absurdism and modern art had a child in a soulless void?'" Emma offered.
 "Ah yes," Killian smiled, "and then something about being tasteless with nothing to communicate."
 "But then someone happened along and showed me a new way to look at it," Emma smiled and nudged Killian a little.
 "And I figured if there was anyone I could trust to keep me awake through another one of these dinners, it would be her."
 "How lovely," the woman standing next to August said.
 "Where are my manners?" August asked, "Emma, this is my fiancee, Belle."
 "It's a pleasure to meet you," Emma said.
 "And you as well," Belle said, "I take it this is your first date together?'
 "Yeah," Emma smiled.
 "And you brought her here?" August asked Killian, seeming almost appalled, "do you want to lose her that quickly?"
 "It's a stroke of genius, really," Killian said, "we start with the worst date I can imagine, and then her expectations are so low that the next date seems eight times better."
 "And a second chance dinner's on him next week if tonight goes terribly," Emma smiled, "though so far- especially by the graces of present company- it seems to be going pretty well."
 "Well, I hope we don't change your mind," August said.
 August paused, then turned to Killian, "Unless you're rooting on it going terribly, so you can get a guaranteed second date," he faked a gasp and pretended to be offended, "is that why you introduced her to us? Hoping our raging intellectualism would bore her to death?"
 "Quite the opposite," Killian said, "I was hoping your charming personality and clever wit would make up where mine lack."
 "Some pretty big shoes to fill there," August said, "but I think we can make it work."
 Killian motioned to a nearby table. Each table setting had a name card at it, and Emma quickly noticed Killian's, her own name set next to that, followed by August's, then Belle's.
 "V.I.P. table," Killian said, "it pays to be the artist in residence- and friends."
 He pulled out Emma's seat for her, and she blushed a little as she sat down and he pushed her chair back in. August did the same for Belle.
 "What makes the V.I.P. table better than the others?" Emma asked.
 "Closest to the stage," August said, as he sat down.
 "And closest to the kitchen," Belle peeked around August at Emma, "so they bring our food out sooner."
 "I'm down for that," Emma said.
 "Best part of the evening," August said.
 "Ah yes," Killian said, leaning on the back of his chair, "because the donations to the Humbert Cardiovascular Fund don't matter nearly as much as if our dinner is brought to us three minutes before anyone else's."
 August didn't respond, and neither did Emma, or Belle, or even Killian.
 After a brief moment, Killian excused himself. Soon, the lighting in the room dimmed a little, and the rest of the seats at the table were soon filled- Mr. and Mrs. Nolan took the seats next to Killian's, and Doctor Whale and his wife next to them.
 "I wonder where Killian went," Emma thought, noting that everyone else was already in their seats and things were about to begin, "this benefit dinner seemed to be pretty important to him."
 She then noticed someone stepping onto the stage, and after a moment realized it was Killian, who took a microphone off a nearby stand.
 "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," he said, "I want to thank all of you for coming out here tonight. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Killian Jones, current artist in residence here at the Nolan Blanchard. For those of you who do know me, I'm terribly sorry."
 Everyone laughed, even Emma, who was still trying to piece together what was going on.
 "After dinner's been served," Killian said, "the curators and I will give a brief word about the Humbert fund that the proceeds from tonight are going to. Until then, allow me to introduce to you tonight's entertainment- Leroy and the Lucky Seven."
 Everyone clapped as Killian stepped down from the stage and the band entered from the side wings. Emma didn't take her eyes off Killian though, even noting how he tripped a little as he stepped off the stage.
 Once he took his seat next to Emma, she placed her hand on his shoulder, then spoke into his ear in a hushed tone.
 "You didn't tell me you were hosting this event."
 He turned a little to whisper in her ear. "Hosting, promoting, it's all the same, really."
 "You also didn't tell me you were promoting it."
 "I didn't think it was 'relevant to the discussion.'" he teased, then twisted away from her a little so he could look her in the eyes, "had I realized it would bother you…."
 The band started playing as their eyes met again, something simple and dramatic in both, like the start of falling in love.
 "It doesn't." Emma smiled, "I like a little mystery."
 "Alright then, Sherlock," he said, playfully tapping her nose.
 She smiled and rolled her eyes, then moved her hand off his shoulder, reminding herself where they were, that she was helping him represent the museum tonight, and they couldn't do that if they just sat there ogling over each other all evening. They needed to act professional and maintain some dignified conversation with someone other than each other.
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Factory Files Vol. 1: Five Nights Before Dawn . . . Pt. 1
Illustration Time of Pt’s 1-5: 14hrs 4min
Characters Featured (Within Story): Luna Jacobs, Christian Anderson, Wen Elijah, Michael Afton, William Afton, Henry Emily, Jeremy Fitzgerald, Fritz Smith, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, The Puppet, Golden Freddy, Spring Trap, Nightmares . . .
Fandom: Five Nights at Freddy’s
Fanfic Title: “FF Vol.1: Five Nights Before Dawn”
Coming Soon . . .
[ This is a FNaF’s / PoppyPlaytime / My Friendly Neiborhood / Indigo Park AU, in no way is this canon to any of the OG storylines. ]
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takeurexam · 10 days
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dynasty || XI
non idol au, time travel, romance, rivals to allies to friends to lovers, crown prince to emperor taehyun, reader gets appointed as an concubine
non idol!taehyun x reader
(warning, this does not reflect the REAL idols personality, and no smut will be written to respect the idol, and i am not comfortable as well, and the taehyun in this ff is not the actual taehyun)
in which you, an excellent law student about to graduate collage suddenly gets dragged into the past, meeting the famous-fawned over emperor of the kang's dynansty. but you getting dragged into this mess was beyond a mystery, and it seems like you have something deep to discover. meddling with the past is a risky decision after all.
>dynasty masterlist
11. Anticipate
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The sound of the crunch of the soil comes from your shoes as you hold your skirt up to your knees to avoid dragging it through the dirt, while you and your maiden make your way back to your chamber.
"Woah! The sunset looks cool." You notice an orange hue shine through your eyes, which you immediately cover, but you soon realize it was the shine of the astonishing sunset right infront of your eyes.
You continue walking, the fading orange light shining towards the shadow of the two of you while heading towards your chamber.
A thought suddenly crosses your mind, as you swiftly look at Hong-Yeon, as she jumps, taken aback. "Hong-Yeon, how is the Imperial Crown Prince treated usually by the royal court?" She holds her chest, clearly startled. She breathes deeply, calming down.
She thinks for a while, "He's treated with respect." Something lacked in her answer, and you knew it. "Hong-Yeon, answer me honestly." You cross your arms, as the two of you are brought to a halt.
"He's usually treated as an puppet, with the impression that he will become like his father. I used to serve the Crown Prince once, and he seems very different from the Emperor, and he is very intellegent." She squeaks out all of it in detail, remembering her moments where she served the boy himself.
"Does the Emperor know of his talents?" You scratch your hair, mind full of new information. Hong-Yeon hums, before answering. "For now, I dont think so. He's been hiding it to prevent any conflict from families or avoiding to be used." She nods.
"Woah. Kang Taehyun might be smarter than I think, or he's just pure stupid sometimes." You laugh, as the young maiden prays inside her mind she wont be beheaded soon, because of your innapropriate words about the Prince.
Noticing the dark night roaming around the palace, you think about how dangerous it is for a concubine to walk around at night, with no eunuchs or court ladies.
"Aren't concubines supposed to be by their chambers by now? How cruel would it be if something were to happen to the concubine favored by the Empress." A chuckle erupts behind you, as you widen your eyes, thinking it was someone unfamilliar.
You take a breath, before throwing your fist at the person behind you. "Take this!" You scream, confidently as the punch fails immediately.
The man catches your fist with his palm, as he chuckles. "Is it so dark that my bright face cant even provide light to you, or is it that you're so blind?" Speak of the devil, Kang Taehyun. You scoff, pulling your fist back towards you.
"Your Imperial Highness!" Hong-Yeon bows, as you just stare at her with a brow raised. She pushes your back down, making you bow at the Prince. "Ow!" You escape Hong-Yeon's grip, underestimating the girl's strength.
"I thought it was a creep... you kinda sound like an old man, to be honest." You step back, crossing your arms and glaring at the man before you. He scoffs, rolling his eyes.
"Im quite hurt, after our long history of interactions." He smirks, obviously teasing you. You roll your eyes, with your glare still around him.
He maintains his smirk, "Well, how about I escort you back to your chambers? Its not safe for a concubine like you to walk back after being publicly announced to be favored by the Empress?" You curse under your breath, hoping the worst for this man. But he was right- something could have happened if he had not arrived, because the awfully quiet and empty palace was suspicious.
Thinking about it, you would not want to risk your life either. Along with your maiden's. Its either making rumours or getting hurt.
"Okay, fine. Since you insist anyways, and I would not like to be hurt in any way." He laughs at your answer, as you just scoff at him and walk into the right direction, with Hong-Yeon trailing over you.
"Hey, wait!" He catches up, tagging along your journey.
"So, care to tell me why you're representing the Choi family? Have you put them in a daze?" He laughs at his own joke, while you roll your eyes. "Its a long story. If not for Beomgyu, I would've been eating fice soup all day." You swear you almost drool thinking about the delicious broth.
He merely chuckles, putting his arms behind his back, maintaining posture. "Well, I was suprised when someone like you would enter the palace."
Now that you think about it, entering the palace was a pretty bad move. Yet it would be the only way to enjoying your life once everything goes well. "Im aware, yet its pretty much a part of my goal." You respond, his words engraved in your mind.
"You have goals?" He laughs, his stomach hurting until he couldn't breathe anymore. "I hope you choke!" You furrow your brows.
"Well, we're already here anyway. Dont wish for something that bad, it hurts me." He smirks, presenting the chambers you resided in. "Have a good night, My Lady." He grabs your hand to tease you, but you pull it back, wiping his print off.
"You're gross." You feel the need to slap him, but you hold back. You dont wanna cause a problem and get you beheaded any time sooner.
Atleast you got back safely.
"The sky looks so nice today!" You smile, yawning from the long rest you just had a few minutes ago. A nice morning walk was the first agenda to do this morning. The palace's wind was cold, as if you were in a tall mountain. But the beautiful sunrise saved the trip, as you thanked the sun for rising and giving you a new tomorrow.
"I wonder whats the next test." You rest your arms into a stone balcony, where you can absorb all the cold winds. "It must be challenging for some stupid people."
Honestly, you were slowly getting used to life in another time. Some things may be missing that were present in the modern times, but that wasn't something to worry too much about.
"Rebirth..." A word that can describe your situation, as if giving you a whole new life. "There must be a purpose."
"Well, Hong-Yeon and Court Lady Choi might go crazy once I dissapear so I should go back before they send a whole army." You put your coat into your figure, covering you.
You walk back to the path you took, which was easy to identify due to the close distance between the balcony and your chambers.
"I see." You hear a voice on the wall beside you, as you quickly hide into a corner as they both marched towards the path. They stop in the middle, which they seemed to be discussing something.
"Must we really sabotoge a poor woman?" The aristrocat in richer clothing spoke, meanwhile the one in less flamboyant clothing nodded. "The Governor is paying a lot for it, we must do the job." They tried whispering to each other, which was horrible because you could still hear them.
"Heres the thing," The richer one puts his hands on his hips. "The test will start, and one of the concubine's will be delayed and come late. My Lord did not say who, but it is someone. The Empress removes points from concubines who do not follow the time, and sometimes result into a low chance of becoming a royal."
You listen in, as a concubine. "I cant be the one sabatoged!" You shake your head, bringing your nails to your mouth, biting them. "How cruel can people be."
"And what are you doing?" A voice reaches out to you, as you turn your head into the direction you had no sight on. Suprised, you see the Crown Prince right beside you, in training clothing.
It brings deja vu from the time you both also met at a time like this. "Shh!" You shut his mouth up by covering his mouth, taking him aback. You have your hands all over him, as he feels himself being suprised.
The aristrocats pause, obviously hearing commotion somewhere. The possiblity of someone listening in would probably be possible, so they shut their mouths.
"Get out, get out!" You push his butt out of the area, and into another corner. Just in time, the two checked the area, but no one was to be found.
Your hand still covered on the prince's mouth, Taehyun scoffs and pulls it off as hard as you pulled away your arm last night. "Its quite disrespectful to place your hand so easily on the Crown Prince."
"You were so noisy. I was listening into a conversation." You roll your eyes, letting go of him. He raises a brow, "And what made you listen in?"
You double check every side, making sure no one could see you both. You lean into his ear, whispering. "A Governor is paying out some aristrocats to sabatoge a concubine for the next test, I heard that whoever comes late has a low chance of passing, so they plan to delay some concubines."
"How awful." He comments, then he realizes something. He smirks, "You're afraid to be that concubine, aren't you?" He laughs, catching a glimpse of your angered expression.
"Fuck yo-" Something clicks in your head, before you even finish cursing at him. "Hey!" You shake his shoulder, "You're a genius!" You jump around, shaking his shoulder as he wobbled, confused.
"What?" He asks, while you giggle.
"Are you absolutely sure you're not putting yourself into more danger from this?" The man asks, as he fixes his armed clothing. "Walking with me means enraging my fan club."
"You have a fan club?" You laugh in disbelief. "Even you guys have fanclubs here, how insane." General Beomgyu clears his throat, waiting for you.
Well, to explain, the plan which clicked in your brain was to bring someone who would guarantee a safe and undisturbed trip. Since General Beomgyu is a respected person in the palace, even a mere aristrocat would not dare to go near him.
You explained the thing you overheard to Beomgyu, in which he completely agreed, because he didn't also want to risk anything.
"Lets go!" You walk along side him, with your maiden's and eunuch's trailing behind you both. It was the perfect plan to successfully arrive on time at the royal court.
"This morning, I noticed you and His Imperial Highness engaged into a conversation. Have you discussed this matter with him?" Beomgyu asks, as you nod. "He accidentally saw me listening in and caused me some problems, so I had no choice but to share it. Maybe he could do something anyway."
After a conversation with Beomgyu, mainly the main topic being the Crown Prince, you both finally arrive at the royal court, safely with no bother.
"Thanks, Gyu!" You wave goodbye, as he merely nods and walks away. You and the maiden's walk inside to reveal only one concubine inside the court, along with her servants.
"Shes probably either first or her father paid them to do the dirty work." You think, observing the lady. She was quite demanding and picky. Something you would call a brat.
After a while, the Empress finally arrives with only five concubines present. She obviously assumed what was going on, and decided to continue on with her duty.
You prayed that every single piece of stock knowledge would enter your mind and guide you throughout this test.
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>next chapter
<previous chapter
@stormy1408 @eclipse-777
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monocle-teacup · 7 months
Thinking more about the Emberstone in relation to my AU. After the Healing Ray, it becomes dormant from using so much energy. It needs to recharge but how would it go about getting the energy needed? Using Mo and Robby as batteries is out of the question, not because they're kids, but because they're the perfect puppets. So the stone/Quintus decide that Mandroid's FF would be the perfect way to get the energy needed since he can siphon it using his hands. Of course Mandroid has no idea about any of this. The only thing he knows is that when he runs low on energon, he becomes irritable and then eventually borderline feral. This is by design via the Emberstone so that Mandroid is forced to do its bidding.
@sveene I thought you'd be interested in this.
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crossroadsdimension · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
snatches from @marypsue because why not
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently I'm sitting on 49! I fully expect that number to go up within the next year.
2. What’s your total word count?
According to AO3's statistics -- 3,934,249 words and counting. I fully expect to breach 4mil sometime next year.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, Tales of Arise, and I've got a Trigun/FFVII crossover in the works. Also finally getting to some FFXIV projects because I've been playing that game for the last two years and I haven't written much for it yet. 12 of my fics are attached to Gravity Falls, making it my most-written fandom. Otherwise, my list of fandoms is...fairly long. 39 total as of this posting.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
Arise Again (Tales of Arise, 425 kudos); Mental Link (FFVII AU, 368 kudos); Mental Bonds: Midgar (sequel to Mental Link, 276 kudos); No Longer Hollow (FFVIIR one-shot, 223 kudos); From One Support to Another (Log Horizon/Rising of Shield Hero one-shot, 170 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Usually! If I only get one or two-word comments I'm far less likely to put any thought into my responses, though.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
...probably Puppet AU. That Gravity Falls fic pretty much got all of my college angst crammed into it. But I managed to turn it around in the sequel!
Or Multiverse Patrols, that was a pretty decent cliffhanger considering I was writing with less experience and with an OC as the protagonist. I didn't do a very good job with the tension or foreshadowing at the time, I don't think. Might be good to revisit that someday.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hm, that is a question. Well, maybe Puppet AU: Recovery, considering how the previous one went.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Probably the only time I've gotten hate would be on Ghoulish Falls and Puppet AU, two of my Gravity Falls fics. I had a reader complain on both about Cipher not succeeding in his plots and being defeated by the protagonists. I deleted those comments on Puppet AU -- mostly because I didn't like the all-caps shrieking and the fact that they were demanding I let Cipher win (they went so far as to try and invoke the Axolotl for "revenge," which...okay. Sure). I did leave the one up on Ghoulish Falls, but only because another reader responded with a "what's your problem" sort of remark that made me laugh enough that I left it up.
9. Do you write smut?
Nope, absolutely not. Not that kind of writer. I have hinted at things of a sexual nature happening in Puppet AU, but I never want to put those words onto a page. It's a squick for me.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Crossovers were my bread and butter for years when I was in school. And they continue to be!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
If it has happened, I have not been made aware of it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Once, yeah. It was years ago, but I got a request on my FF account for one of my stories. I forget which one, and into what language, though. I'd have to go digging through my emails again.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A few times! Only one's actually been published though. The Pokemon section of Multiverse Patrols was co-written with another writer on FF, named SabaraOne. I've also got a few projects that @howtotrainyournana and I have started to work on, but life and shifting inspirations have kept us from going back to them. I'm sure we'll cycle back to them eventually, but I'm in no rush.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I've got...a lot of favorites, honestly. I keep an armada of fairly canon-compliant ships because I happen to like them...except for one. I haven't written a lot for it yet, but I've got a soft spot for a ship between my OC Maria and the kitsune-transformed Ford Pines from my Puppet AU.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I have...so many WIPs that would fit under this -- none of them published, so don't go wondering if any of my AO3 projects are technically "on hiatus" or not. My one-shot collections don't count, and while I could technically count my collabs with Nana under here as well, I'm not going to do that. We'll get to them. Eventually.
Otherwise, I've got..probably the Danny Phantom AU where all ghosts are djinn, instead of just the one wish-granter. I got the idea in college (I gushed to Nana about it on the way back to our dorms, I remember), but I haven't done much with it other than write some initial scenes and do a little world-building. Could be fun to work on if I ever get inspiration for it again.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Character, tension, plot, action scenes. I have been told I am a master at holding onto tension and releasing it before it stresses my readers too much.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Setting and character description have fallen to the wayside. I need to get back on that if I ever want to do well with something more original.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
It's happened once in a blue moon -- I've had Maria speak German a couple times early on (like, actual, I reached into my high school memories of language classes for Deutsch), but I think if I ever do that again in the future I'm just going to make it clear with formatting that someone speaking a language that isn't English. I don't want to lean on Google Translate too much for anything.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Pokemon! Khrista Chronicles: I Choose You! is actually a rewritten draft of that original idea. But Khrista isn't the OC I originally paired with the story. The character was much more self-insert based originally, and it ended up turning into a massive crossover where the OC turned into a shape-shifter who had access to all the abilities of whomever she changed into. Some of that plot was scrapped and used for Maria and Khrista respectively, but I'm not inclined to forget Shifter just yet. Just need to figure out where I can use her again.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
It fluctuates depending on what my fandom focus is at the time. I'm fond of my whole series for Maria because that's what I've put the most work into, but watching Arise Again gain so much attention of late has sent it skyrocketing into a favored spot. And then there are the works that I'm currently working on and am planning on publishing!
Now, who to tag, who to tag.... @konfizry @ladyazzyscoffeecorner @howtotrainyournana and whoever else wants to take a crack at it!
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salazzzle · 1 year
I have another idea for a different AU. Anti is a demon or elder god in this AU and is trying to start a harem/cult to grant him more power in the world. He first targets Chase as a computer virus and start hypnotizing him into muttering praise and prayers to Anti. Over time Anti gets strong enough that he takes over Chase’s VR headset and deepens the mind control, and allowing him to take over Chase as his physical form. While this was going on, Anti also set his sights on JJ, a local clockmaker/fixer. With Chase’s body, Anti visits JJ’s shop and asks him to repair a pocket watch for him. Unbeknownst to the shopkeeper, the watch is enchanted to hypnotize him while he works on it, and when Anti returns he picks up his repaired watch and a new puppet.
ooo ff. ... imagine jj holding up the pocketwatch to examine it when i starts to sway slightly because of the sudden "breeze" that came in through the window (which jj thought he closed a while ago).
he watches the pocketwatch sway back and forth. it is a VERY pretty watch... hes sure chase wouldnt mind jj taking a break just to admire how pretty and ... relaxing his pocketwatch is. the ticks of the clock seem to echo in his mind as he watches the watch go back and forth... back and forth...
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masterepicure · 6 years
...Will you write about Nier-verse Zebul?
asgfhgfUGSDIHFGDSHFGHDG– I’m glad you like Zebul enough to want some Nier verse for him HAHA– Nier: Automata spoilers ahead!!!!
You know, Zebul is a lot like… Adam in Eve’s body LMFAO…. considering his fascination with humans and his enjoyment in absorbing knowledge about them. Making him a machine lifeform also fits well with him being a Fallen Angel, aka the antagonist species of the game. B-52 is a machine in this AU too, but… it’s kinda like comparing Adam with Pascal LOL….
Of course, Zebul is probably more suited to be an extra boss than having anything to do with the “main story” as it were. He generally doesn’t get involved in all of the chaos that’s going on? Unless of course he gets interested, but he’s more likely to watch from the sidelines with popcorn than anything.
If he were to generally be an existence similar to Adam, though, then I guess he would maintain the network… But considering his values, he would absolutely find it more compelling to let machines think on their own and develop their own egos rather than simply follow the hivemind so to speak. This probably allows for more Food Souls than B-52 to take the form of machines rather than androids in the verse, though I don’t know what criteria I’d use to categorize them as one or the other.
Actually, it’d be kind of cool if each of the enhanced Fallen Angels were like… administrators of the network? They all exert influence in their own “territories” which determines the machines’ appearances and behaviors. It would also prompt more/different “kingdoms” of machines, like the Forest Kingdom and the Amusement Park. Of course, most of the machine lifeforms are controlled by Uke Mochi, who is essentially the biggest player in the Machine War on the side of the machines. The other Fallen show variances, but are ultimately also anti-android so they basically help out, at least within their own geographic territories.
The machines under Zebul’s administration however… they’re the ones showing the super aberrant behavior, like Jean-Pierre and the machines having existential crises. Not hostile until attacked; interestingly I think B-52 and the community he belongs to might have been under Zebul’s administration too before they cut themselves off the network.
There isn’t really any particular reason to fight Zebul then, besides being an asshole LMAO… and the general machine racism thing going on. He’s probably frustrating to fight anyway– he likes to play around with EM blasts and disrupt all of your systems while dodging here and there. End of the fight he doesn’t even die he like leaves once he’s at half health like lol that was fun bye cute android!!!
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janer055 · 4 months
Tumblr media
[sad whale sounds]
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kit-scrolls · 2 years
genshin brainrot/hcs bc i’ve been thinking about this wayyy too much
- i want to see keqing and zhongli interact so bad you don’t even understand i want to see keqing fangirl abt rex lapis while zhongli just stands there and goes “hmm... interesting... oh really? huh...”
- on the same vein, keqing and sara?? keqing sara and barbara?? power trio omg
- i feel like zhongli’s a bit more judgmental n aggressive than most people make him out to be. i mean looking back at the story quest, his lines abt ningguang n keqing... not zhongli slander btw i just have been thinking about him always
- more kaeya and venti content i’m literally begging you
- i want scaramouche to just bust into tenshukaku one day in the middle of one of those peace talks unannounced n just go about his business bc he and ei have already reconciled but no one else knows this
- @ ff authors consider present day kaeya n diluc time traveling back to before crepus died just to fuck with 1. their past versions 2. the rest of mond wondering wtf happened
- albedo’s skin is clearer than your mirror and reflects light like one too. he has white freckles and also his blood is liquid gold and his flesh is chalk thank you for your time
- the blood thing applies to raiden and scara as well i want raiden and albedo and/or albedo and scara to interact SO BAD
- can you tell i’ve been thinking about inazuma and archons a lot
- i want archons to have like. intermediary forms. i want raiden to have a puppet form with all the puppet joints and just like. kinda pop apart if you drop her from too high. she’s okay she just needs to lego her limbs back on
- i want venti to not have a face sometimes its just a straight up black void like in the manga. also, i want him to have a mask like the ones from sky cotl where its jsut all black w/ two little glowing yellow eye holes
- half dragon zhongli where he simply does not have legs. he is dragon. with horns. n teeth. also scars
- qilins fuck do we ever talk about that? why are there so many qilin hybrids otherwise huh? we got zhongli ganyu and yanfei the only explanation is that they fuck
- i want raiden venti and zhongli to sit down and have a conversation n i want raiden and venti to argue and then i want zhongli to tell them to shut the fuck up bc celestia’s watching
- gonna be honest dunno how accurate this is to her character and also haven’t done the latest archon quest so this can be a psuedo-au, but consider: raiden initiated the sakoku decree to keep inazuma’s development stagnant so it doesn’t end up like khaenri’ah, where its extreme advancements lead to its extermination
- more childe & his family content i want to see childe awkwardly navigate family meet ups i want to see supportive family i want to see not so supportive family i want to see childe go to “parent”-teacher conferences i want to see teucer join the fatui (same song and dance on ao3 i recommend its unfinished i believe but) i want to see teucer i want to see teucer i want to see-
okay that’s it i’ll reblog if i collect more/anyone wants to send me more if anyone wants to make any of this into actual content literally please @ me i am starving and in need
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charlieslowartsies · 2 years
17, 22, 25, 29 for the Weird Questions for Writers
Thank you for asking these aaaa
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
We do not have time for the lore that is the FNAF timeline. I don’t even have time for it all in the KGA, hilariously enough. I’ve had to cherry pick and beat my sandcastles into a passable attempt at a coherent storyline and the sand gets wetter with each new FNAF related thing that is released. I hope its working. I don’t think my tower is up to code, but it’s a pretty tower.
However I am pretty proud of the upcoming plot stuff in terms of the characters getting either their comeuppance or much needed closure. I’ve set up almost all the hints by now for the major secret—well, I think it’s the most important one! It’s been my favorite to work on. There’s obviously other mysteries going on inside the Pizza Plex. I’ll try and answer them all, and hope the DLC doesn’t have to be entirely ignored if I want to write more KGA stuff. (It already looks like it will but…fuck it. This is why I call it an au. The second Mike stepped into Fazbear’s Fright with the Fazgang that storyline rocketed down its own path, and I’ve had to accept that.)
One thing I settled on early—I liked Vanessa’s character/presence. I like what she added to SB, although I wish we had better endings and perhaps more things to find that fleshed her out. She’s one of the few people Mike meets that he thinks Freddy Fazbear will approve of and even respect. That doesn’t happen often. I did not want her to be ‘the bitch’ and I did not want her to be a villain for evil’s sake either. I want her to be as complex as Max was when he first entered Last Shift. I mentioned before I’m mashing two or three endings of SB together for Lies Within. I still am, and she is included in the ending. I also did not want romance, either, between her and Mike. She needs help, yes, but help comes in a lot of different ways and I do not like ‘we spent 6 hours together and decided it was love.’ That’s not a message I think is realistic and I don’t want to focus on it, especially not when we have Mike’s previous relationships right behind him pretty constantly. *glances at a certain overprotective Puppet*
There’s a very jarring scene I’m trying to reconcile with. I want it to happen, it CAN work into the storyline, it DOES makes sense. But it hurts.  A lot. It depends on far I want to go when I reference Devil’s Spine. If it does end up happening, I promise I’ll do it justice.
Plenty of things aren’t making the final cut to Lies Within. I unfortunately had this brilliant idea for an opening plotline that came to me around chapter 5. 8T There’s no way to salvage the concept either, because it would have hit better as the opening ‘act’ for Lies Within. I had this idea that Marion erased Mike’s memories to protect them from Glitchtrap’s clutches and he sent them to the Pizza Plex to work while he and the gang tried to recover lost ground. Goldy had gotten so damaged during an unseen fight with Glitchtrap too, so Mike was powerless. Max had his memory, and was there to keep an eye on their reckless night guard. Sunny and Moon were also in on the trick, and they had taken a liking to Mike too.
Another thing was Springtrap was going to be in this fic. I decided that didn’t really match the whole “Spring/Afton are dead and gone” point I made in Last Shift. (After all, we were told he was gone in FF, and Afton got back into Springtrap. Why would now be any different? Nah. I don’t wanna contradict my writing if I can avoid it.) Even if the characters are assuming differently, which is part of the fun of a mystery. What’s real and what’s not? Especially when we know things the characters don’t ;)
AFN 2 is nearly ready for its release. Lies Within is getting dark fast, and back when I was writing Ghost Strings I came up with the idea to explore the world using those episodic adventures. I’m solving the whole ‘I miss Springtrap’ thing by giving him his missing scenes that never made into FF. (I like the time jump I did, but it def left me hanging in some parts.)
One of the main themes for Mari’s plotline was and still is: “Just because someone is different doesn’t make them bad” but he’s also getting some more development in answering for his own past transgressions, such as how hard he’s been on Michael Afton.
I’m still working on the details for Max’s ending in this series. I think I have a good idea, and while it will be a happy one, it will also be melancholy one too. I don’t like using Loss for unneeded drama, if I make a character suffer I want them to learn from it, teach another character, or work to get what they lost back. Sometimes they have to earn it; sometimes we do get what we want even when we think we won’t. and sometimes, like perhaps in this zombie’s case, he’s learned enough and just deserves Something Nice for once.
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
I started this process with London Bridge and kept it going until Lies Within. (As well as every other fic around that time in various fandoms, with a few exceptions. For example, my TF fic Resonance is written entirely in ONE document bc I wrote it in two weeks.)
I have a single word doc called ‘fic title NOTES.’ And in that doc is everything from the title ideas, there’s usually 5-6 of them until I pick one I like. There’s the summary, as well as all the necessary quotes.
Then I make a rough estimate of chapter titles. This is usually wrong, but I try. LB had 8 chapters and I actually kept the fic in that first guess. LS was supposed to be 12 and ended up being 24.
Then I name chapter titles that I think sound cool or interesting.
Then I just start writing in a new document. I don’t really plan. I go back and rewrite into the Notes Doc what happened after the chapter is finished and ready to be posted. Sometimes if I go ‘okay next chapter I need this scene to happen’ I will do that. But mostly I write down conflict to resolution across the chapter list. For ex:
LS chapter X: Freddy and the gang shut down by Henry/Marion. Resolves in chapter X because of: and a short note why/how so I don’t forget something.
Sometimes shit resolves in that same chapter, such as Max almost biting it in chapter 10 of LW. Sometimes it don’t, and sometimes, like in Finding Freddy, the conflict sets up for the following story, (Springtrap being Possessed again and escaping) so I make note of that.
I do work backwards. I don’t know why. I just write for fun but when working with a mystery/thriller, I recognize I need some level of organization to get my ducks in a row in time for curtain close.
 25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
Mike Schmidt is half Mexican. Mostly because I am too, so he’s got my skin tone (well the one I get in the summer.) Representation matters, kids. He also has the running joke as me, his wife and my girlfriend are pasty white and they learned Spanish better than he/I did lmao. Entirely immaterial but a fun detail!
A second, maybe not as useless to know but kind of: When Mike is bonded with Golden Freddy, he cannot swim. A computer’s response is to short circuit and turn off, so that’s what poor Fredbear does, and Mike sinks like a stone lmao. Obviously he avoids pools/lakes but he can still shower fine. Baths make him secondhand nervous though.
 29. Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?
Music, and reading mostly. I can also keep my writing juju-bees going by drawing or illustration a scene I’m having trouble describing. It’s mostly why there’s so much art for Make Believe and the KGA! When the well runs dry, I usually just need to take a break and I switch to doodles or read a new book. Horror is preferred. Lately my favorite author is Riley Sager, The Last Time I Lied is def a recommend.
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ladyorlandodream · 3 years
Lady Dimitrescu-tag FanFiction List PART 4
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7
(I’m very behind with the FF update, I’m sorry but I’m busy)
641) Belas Love (Chapters in progress)
642) Into the "Village" (Chapters in progress)
643) Heisenberg's Monster #66139043 (Chapters in progress)
644) Betrothed (Chapters in progress)
645) Dead Man's Party (Chapters in progress)
646) Sacrament (short story)
647) Alternate Fate (short story)
648) Under The Table (short story)
649) 【生化危机8/all卡尔·海森伯格】Story back on(PWP)(short story in 中文-普通话 國語)
650) A Debt Repaid (short story)
651) the beast may try to hug you (short story)
652) The only one left (short story)
653) song of storms (short story)
654) Resident Evil 8 Village But Ethan Has A Brain And Uses It (Chapters in progress)
655) The cogs of fate (Chapters in progress)
656) The All Seeing Eye and The Fourth Lord (Chapters in progress)
657) Perennial (short story)
658) Unhinge (Completed)
659) Rallentando (short story)
660) The Chosen (short story)
661) Transactional (short story)
662) The fifth lord (Chapters in progress)
663) The Hunger (Chapters in progress)
664) The Four Lord's Grace (Completed)
665) i know the end (Chapters in progress)
666) Merely A Taste (short story)
667) Reawakend (short story)
668) The Traveler and his necklace (short story)
669) Resident Evil: Village of Friendship (AU) (Chapters in progress)
670) Don't Go Far Off (Chapters in progress)
675) look me in the eyes (short story)
676) Let's See How Special I Am (Chapters in progress)
677) Resurrection (Chapters in progress)
678) how i wish to dream again (Chapters in progress)
679) || Metamorphosis || (Chapters in progress)
680) The Bird Cage (Chapters in progress)
681) knifepoint (short story)
682) Dangerous Games (short story)
683) Safe With Me (short story)
684) The End of Winter(s) (short story)
685) A night to remember (Chapters in progress)
686) The Lady's Hospitality (Chapters in progress)
687) A Machine or A Man? (Chapters in progress)
688) Take A Break (Chapters in progress)
689) Mouth (Chapters in progress)
690) The Green-eyed Monster (Chapters in progress)
691) I'll Give You This Song (short story)
692) Just Let Me Adore You (short story)
693) Alexandra (short story)
694) Entertaining Company Intermission (short story)
695) Come Back To Me (short story)
696) melting fire (short story)
697) Mamă (short story)
698) Thicker than blood (Chapters in progress)
699) Secrets Don't Always Belong in the Dark (Chapters in progress)
700) It All Depends On You (Chapters in progress)
701) Karl Heosenberg sfw/nsfw headcanons (Chapters in progress)
702) Lady Dimitrescu Tells a Bedtime Story (short story)
703) I Don't Mind (short story)
704) I can’t change her (short story)
705) Family, Made Whole (short story)
706) Splitting Hairs (short story)
707) In The Glow of the Morning Sun (short story)
708) Big Sis (short story)
709) sacrifice is something quite other (short story)
710) Red Lipstick (short story)
711) Hope Awakens (Chapters in progress)
712) Anonymity (Chapters, Completed)
713) House of Dimitrescu (Chapters in progress)
714) The Family (Chapters in progress)
715) Finders Keepers (short story)
716) Chase The Night Away (short story)
717) Metal Rebel Soul (short story)
718) How Did It Come To This? (short story)
719) Decency (Chapters in progress)
720) A Wolf in Shepherd's Clothing (Chapters, Completed)
721) Only Heaven I'll Be Sent To (short story)
722) Five times Ethan Winters temporarily lost his hand (and one time a swamp monster gave it back uwu) (Chapters, Completed)
723) Birds of a Feather (Chapters in progress)
724) lick your wounds (Chapters in progress)
725) Care of Her Cold Embrace (Chapters, Completed)
726) Draga Mea (Chapters, Completed)
727) not with a bang, (short story)
728) beat me up, beat me down. (Chapters in progress)
729) Spores of Affection (Chapters in progress)
730) The Rise of Mars (Chapters in progress)
731) Mine (short story)
732) All in the Family (Chapters in progress)
733) Stick to the shadows (Chapters in progress)
734) Little Hiker in Red and the Big Bad Wolf of the Factory (Chapters in progress)
735) Metal Moon (Chapters, Completed)
736) Somewhere in Europe (Chapters in progress)
737) Blood and Winter (Chapters in progress)
738) A Maid's Devotion (Chapters, Completed)
739) The Handmaiden (Chapters in progress)
740) Lost|Karl Heisenberg x Reader (Chapters in progress)
741) Village of Blood and Death (Chapters in progress)
742) Sing Me A Lullaby (short story)
743) Coping with res 8 found family (short story)
744) What do you see? (short story)
745) Those Were The Days (Chapters in progress)
746) Fatherhood (short story)
747) A Spark In The Snow (Chapters in progress)
748) The Losing Game (Chapters in progress)
749) Gatecrasher (Chapters in progress)
750) The Feel Of Something Different (short story)
751) Lady Dimitrescu x FTM reader (short story)
752) Take Your Heart in Your Teeth (Chapters in progress)
753) FAITH, LOST (Chapters in progress)
754) One of Those Days (short story)
755) Taking Care Of You (short story)
756) Draw me like one of your French girls (short story)
757) So the wind was a friend after all (short story)
758) Oil and Water (Chapters in progress)
759) We are Nuclear Funeral!! (Chapters in progress)
760) I'll Take My Chances (Chapters in progress)
761) Family Pet (short story)
762) The Doll Makers Best Friend (short story)
763) Her Persephone (Chapters in progress)
764) Saccharine Sweet (Chapters in progress)
765) Lost Control (Chapters in progress)
766) Home Is With You (short story)
767) To Feel Beautiful (Chapters, Completed)
768) Festering Affection (Chapters in progress)
769) Who wouldn’t love you? (Chapters in progress)
770) Mourning (short story)
771) it only takes one spark for two to fall apart (Chapters, Completed)
772) (One-shots series) Village of Shadows... (Female Reader x Various Resident Evil Village Characters) (Chapters in progress)
773) Operation HeisenTrescu (Chapters in progress)
774) Tough As Iron (Chapters in progress)
775) Into The Fold (Chapters in progress)
776) You seem so stressed (short story)
777) The Smallest Mistake (Chapters in progress)
778) A Quiet Morning (short story)
779) OP. 51, no. 6 (short story)
780) I saw the world ending when you didn’t (Chapters in progress)
781) Deep in the Woods (Chapters in progress)
782) It Was An Accident (short story)
783) A flower crown for a queen (short story)
784) Back Burner (Chapters in progress)
785) My Maid (Chapters in progress)
786) Anomaly (Chapters in progress)
787) Good girls are usually rewarded (short story)
788) touch me yeah, I want you to touch me there. (short story)
789) Just a painting (Chapters in progress)
790) The Wolf Pack (short story)
791) Embryology (Chapters in progress)
792) Entertaining Travelers (Chapters, Completed)
793) Gilded Cage (short story)
794) Dark Shadows - Resident Evil Village [Leon Kennedy x Reader] 
795) Rose Shampoo (short story)
796) The village (Chapters, Completed)
797) The Kink Haus (Chapters, Completed)
798) The Things We Hide (Chapters in progress)
799) Agent 7 (Chapters in progress)
800) From The Pits of Hell Rose An Angel (Chapters in progress)
801) Freedom has its Price (Chapters in progress)
802) A Home by Your Side (Chapters in progress)
803) "You Remind Me" Karl Heisenberg/Original Female Character (Chapters in progress)
804) Nimble Fingers (short story)
805) No time to die (Chapters in progress)
806) Ethan Commits Identity Fraud (Chapters, Completed)
807) with this unruly heart of mine (short story)
808) The emptiness within (short story)
809) A child of the four houses (Chapters in progress)
810) Old Addictions Die Hard (Chapters in progress)
811) Village of shadows, souls of light (Chapters in progress)
812) yard jerky? awooga!!! (short story)
813) Six bottles in twenty minutes (Chapters in progress)
814) Witch’s Pet (Chapters in progress)
815) 聖殤 (short story)
816) Beautiful Monster (Chapters in progress)
817) Transmutation (Chapters in progress)
818) Showtime (Chapters in progress)
819) Good Girl (Chapters, Completed)
820) Wherein Lady Alcina Dimitrescu Builds a 5G Tower on the Castle Because Her Pet is Bored (Chapters, Completed)
821) Claw Problem (short story)
822) Resident Evil Village But No One is a Fucking Idiot (short story)
823) Deal (Chapters in progress)
824) I'm in love with a fairytale (Chapters in progress)
825) Winter in the Vineyard (Chapters in progress)
826) Darling~ (Chapters in progress)
827) a little unconventional, i know (but Mama i'm home) (Chapters in progress)
828) Shame (short story)
829) Alcina and you (Chapters in progress)
830) The Man of Shadows (Chapters in progress)
831) Headcanons And Other Such Rubbish~ (Chapters, Completed)
832) you're a pain in my ass (Chapters in progress)
833) Wings, Claws, and Steel (Chapters in progress)
834) The Scent of Scarlet (Chapters, Completed)
835) A Wound Time Could Not Heal (Chapters in progress)
836) Fractions (Chapters in progress)
837) Inhuman Urges (Chapters in progress)
838) The castle in the mountains (Chapters in progress)
839) Sibling Shenanigans (short story)
840) Solace (Chapters in progress)
841) The Longest Winter (Chapters in progress)
842) The Great Importance of Expendable Goods (Chapters in progress)
843) A puppet’s poem (Chapters in progress)
844) Darling. (short story)
845) Painting the Roses Red (Chapters in progress)
846) Three times, three ‘I love you’s. (Chapters in progress)
847) to possess and to hold (short story)
848) Sanguis, mommy (short story)
849) Kinaiya (Chapters in progress)
850) Restless (short story)
851) The Bride of Frankenstein (Chapters in progress)
852) Wolf's Cry (Chapters in progress)
853) i live in a fifth one (Chapters in progress)
854) More than a carnal pleasure (Chapters, Completed)
855) Runed Path (Chapters in progress)
856) The Scent of Smoke and Roses (short story)
857) tall teddy bear (short story)
858) Headcanons | Resident Evil Village's characters (short story)
859) Your Obedient Servant (Chapters in progress)
860) Fragments of Cadou (Chapters in progress)
861) Beauty and Her Beast (Chapters, Completed)
862) Pack War's (Chapters in progress)
863) Era by Era I Fall Again (Chapters in progress)
864) Magnetism (Chapters in progress)
865) Blood and Scrap (Chapters in progress)
866) Metal Stages (Chapters, Completed)
867) Untitled (Chapters in progress)
868) Be My Angel (short story)
869) Resident Evil Imagines and One-shots (Chapters in progress)
870) A red field sways in a winters breeze. (Chapters in progress)
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Factory Files Vol. 4 - Puppets & Parlors . . . Pt. 4
Illustration Time of Pt’s 1-5: 14hrs 4min
Characters Featured (Within Story): Sandra Muller, Violet Delaney, Lucky, Wen Elijah, Gordon O’Brian, Ricky, Pearl, Arnold, Goblette, Normal, Lilliana, Junebug, Leonard, George, Ray, Hand, Randy, Pig, Curtain Call, and the remainder of the MFN crew.
Fandom: My Friendly Neighborhood
Fanfic Title: “FF Vol. 4 - Puppets & Parlors”
Coming Soon . . .
[ This is a FNaF’s / PoppyPlaytime / My Friendly Neiborhood AU, in no way is this canon to any of the OG storylines. ]
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takeurexam · 2 months
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dynasty || VII
non idol au, time travel, romance, rivals to allies to friends to lovers, crown prince to emperor taehyun, reader gets appointed as an concubine
taehyun x fem! reader
(warning, this does not reflect the REAL idols personality, and no smut will be written to respect the idol, and i am not comfortable as well, and the taehyun in this ff is not the actual taehyun)
in which you, an excellent law student about to graduate collage suddenly gets dragged into the past, meeting the famous-fawned over emperor of the kang's dynansty. but you getting dragged into this mess was beyond a mystery, and it seems like you have something deep to discover. meddling with the past is a risky decision after all.
dynasty masterlist
7. Selected
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"Your Imperial Highness, we must go."
The Prince nods as he looks at the sunrise for one last time for his stay at Daedo. Today was the day he needed to go back to the palace, and word says his father was heavily ill.
It could only mean one thing. He would become the emperor soon.
He feels terrified, honestly. Being emperor is not a simple task- it is like being a puppet. Having free will yet being controlled by the Queen Dowager and the Grand Councilor is not for the weak like him.
"Once your father dies," The Queen Dowager blows out the candle beside her as Taehyun watches in anticipation, "You will become Emperor of this country." She watches the burned out candle's smoke fly around.
"I hope you dont dissapoint me, child." Her words stuck to his mind ever since then. He started reading more about reading- he could even read more than his father at such a young age. He started training for swordsmanship, archery and anything to train his body.
It felt as if he was carrying the whole nation behind his back. A simple mistake can make him slip, which could make the whole nation could collapse once he falls down.
Thats why he needs to be wise and controlled. Being shadowed by his father's stupidity, he is thought to be like him. But he is not, and he never will be.
"Are you ready to take your leave, Your Imperial Highness?" General Beomgyu snaps him back into reality, as he "Lets go." He answers.
"Okay, Hobak." You almost slip as Hobak keeps his hands on your eyes, "What are you plotting?! Are you gonna kill me?!" You shout out as Hobak shushes you, "Shut up! I look like a crazy bitch!" He hesitates to put his hand over your mouth, but in the end he dosen't.
"Im telling you to Soobin!" You try to find your way as Hobak holds you from behind to prevent you from tripping. "He knows! So shut up and cooperate. Its a suprise."
You pause, "Dude. You could've told me it was a suprise. I thought you were going to kidnap me or something." You calm down a little as Hobak sighs behind you. "Paranoid."
"Anyways- pamparapam!" He removes his hands from your eyes to reveal a few stone stairs ahead and a gate, "Where are we?"
"You'll see once we go in!" He grabs your arm and basically drags you up to the gate, "Tadaa!"
It was a beautiful house- rich to plants and flowers surrounding the whole house, with several storage rooms around the area and a lot of rooms. It was an aristocrat's house or in simple terms, a noble rich man.
"Who's house is this?" You turn to Hobak as he smirked, "Soobin's family home!"
"SOOBIN??" You accidentally shout out in shock, "As in the Soobin?! The herb collector Soobin??" You shake Hobak's shoulders as he screams along with you.
"He's rich? Born from a silver spoon?!" You continue shouting to Hobak, "A what?" You let go of Hobak this time, "He's from a noble family??"
"Yes, I am." Soobin's voice startles you as he chuckled as he stood there. "The Choi Family." He drops a whole bombshell at you.
An idea suddenly clicks in your mind. "Yes! I work for a noble's son, I can get rich! I just need to be presentable and friendly to the family! Then, I can be with them and be the key to my success!" You almost drop to the floor in joy as you find a new goal for now.
"Why are we here tho?" You ask, quite confused.
"Me and Hobak always stay at my family home for the year. Hobak is treated like a Choi at my household, so were basically siblings to my mother." Soobin sighs as Hobak puts his hands to his hips, confidently smirking.
You nod, as Soobin continues, "Since you're a new friend of mine, you might be the future Hobak." Soobin laughs.
"Well, lead the way!" You chirp as you three walk along the beautiful path filled with flowers, with lanterns and a wood bridge for the little lake surrounding the area.
"Soobin, since I dont really remember anything, could you tell me about your families history?" You blink with as you look at him with puppy eyes.
"Since you're desprate, sure." He smiles, "The Choi family is a close family friend of the Kang family, the current people leading the country." You gasp. "The Choi family, used to also be in the palace- my great grandfather used to be the Grand Councilor, but my family left the palace to ensure a safer life, but we still have connections around the palace."
"Well, my father is currently a governor for this town. Choi Minhyuk." He has his fingers under his thumb as he thinks.
You gasp at every detail he spills about his family. He told you about their times in the palace and his father's achievements. It was suprising how you thought a simple man who was a herb collector turned out to be the son of one of the most successful families in the Kang Dynasty.
"I also have a brother who is a governor. He's-" Soobin gets cut off by a woman shouting, "Soobin!! My son!" Which was Soobin's mother, standing in the doorstep of their house, which she wasn't anymore- because she was running to her son.
"Mother." He smiles as he bows to her, "Hobak!" His mother also welcomes the dramatic boy beside you, "Mrs. Choi." He smiles back, and her eyes finally lay on you. "I've had my fair share of mothers. I can do this."
"Hello." You bow your head as you feel her gaze on you, she goes silent for a while before grinning widely, "Soobin, is this your wife?" She chirps.
Hobak bursts out laughing as Soobin panics and tries to tell his mom that you were just merely a friend he was going to introduce. You stood their laughing along with Hobak as Soobin struggled and stumbled with his words.
"Ah well, shes really pretty." Soobin's mother walks over closer to you as she squishes your cheeks, "We must feed her! Lets go inside, come on!" She grabs your hand and drags you inside the house, with Soobin sighing and with Hobak dying from laughter.
You then get dragged inside to reveal the beautiful house, well, it was shining! It was filled with golden vases and decorations- with the smell of rich people houses. The flowers displayed all around with paintings around the house.
"Well, you must meet Minhyuk! Im sure he would be happy to see another friend of Soobin's." She giggles as the four of you head on over to the dining room. The dining room was no different from the lobby- it was shining as well with a big circular long table with some fancy chairs having some smooth cloth over it.
"Poor girl. Victim of Mrs. Choi." Hobak snickers as him and Soobin watch you in unison accompanied with pity introducing yourself to Soobin's father with his mother giggling all around the place.
"I think she likes whenever I introduce women to her. Its terrifying." Soobin murmurs as him and Hobak take a seat.
You sat beside Mrs. Choi as she sat on your left, Soobin on your right, and Hobak on the other side facing Mrs. Choi with Mr. Choi sitting on the main seat.
"Oh? Someones missing." Miss Choi looks around, "Is he not coming home yet?" She mumbles.
"He might arrive later on." Soobin answers his mother as she nods. You had no idea who they were talking about but you assume it was another family member. You didn't really care as you ate the delicious food.
The food tasted spectacular. Rich people really do have good chefs that provide them a good feast. Even though they didn't really provide a feast, it felt like one as it was a normal thing for them because they were nobles.
You currently excused yourself to the washroom to wash up your hands, well it was true but you needed a breather from all the noble stuff you were experiancing.
Once you step out and set your way on the dinner room, you bump into something hard, something like armor as you grab your head feeling pain.
"Ow... what the heck?" You look up to see a familiar figure.
"General Beomgyu?"
Shaking off the pain from the bump, you look up once again to see if you weren't really dreaming. You weren't. It truly was the General you were with a few days ago. He looked suprised as your mouth shaped into an 'o' as he cleared his throat.
"Oh! Beomgyu!" You heard Mrs. Choi shout, "Have you eaten yet?" You can hear her from across the dinner hall to the large lobby. How did she know he was here?
You eye him suspiciously as you ignore him and make your way back to the dinner table, with Beomgyu trailing after you.
"Son!" You swear you almost choke on your saliva once you hear Mr. Choi call out the boy beside you. "Dont fucking tell me."
"Father." Beomgyu walks past you with an evident smirk on his lips as he gives you a short glance. You glare at him whilist he bows to his father before taking a seat beside Hobak.
You return to your seat beside Soobin as he hums and remember what he forgot to tell you, "Ah, I forgot to tell you earlier." Soobin looks at you, "This is Choi Beomgyu. My brother, which you already know but I suppose you dont know he's my brother."
You swear, you almost shout out of terror from all the shocks you've gotten today.
"So, dear," Mrs. Choi looks at you, "Where are you from?" She asks, "Well, I lost my memory, and Soobin and Hobak are currently trying to find a way to get them back." You nod as the older Choi's looked at you with pity.
General Beomgyu had a fair share of suprises at his house today. Your confession made him suprised too, this was the first time he ever heard this.
"You never told me that." Everyone turns to Beomgyu mumbling, as Mrs. Choi looked fazed. "I never found the time to...? I think the five of you are the only people who know." You break the awkward stares between you two.
"Hm, alright." He continues eating his food as the four other people stared at the two of you back and fourth.
Everyone finishes eating dinner as they called in for the servants to clean up as everyone left the dining room to assemble at the lobby.
"Hobak mentioned we're staying here, do we sleep together?" You whisper to Soobin as he stood beside you. He chuckled, "We sleep seperately. Well, the rooms are beside each other but we dont sleep beside each other."
"Ahh, okay." You nod. "Dont worry, just ask a servant for your room and they'll prepare it for you right away." Soobin reassures you as you feel a little bit relaxed. Your eyes roam around the room as you spot someone staring.
You notice General Beomgyu glancing over at you suspiciously, "What the heck does he want?" You raise a brow as you walk over to him.
"You've been looking like you want to tell me something." You cross your arms as he looks around for anyone nearby as he whispers, "Can we make a deal?"
"A deal?" You raise a brow. "Yes, General you genius! You are one of my keys to success!" You almost drool while daydreaming as he looks at you thinking you're weird.
He speaks, "I'm the governor of Daedo. Im sure Soobin forgot to tell you this." You gasp, "Really?!" You resist laughing like crazy out of happiness. He continues, "Since the Emperor can die any time, governors will present a concubine for the new emperor."
"I have to select one, but in the Choi family, there are barely women from my other uncles or other family members. My father already selected my female cousin, and I have no options left." You get where he's going as you sigh.
You reply, "So, its me?"
You dont even think twice, "Sure." You shrug. He was a little startled by your sudden decision but it seemed as if he was desprate to find someone, so he didn't think much of it. "You'll be moving into the palace in a few days time. Enjoy your life here before you move into the palace." He warns, "You lose your freedom once you step into the palace."
"That is a disadvantage, but I need to. I dont have anything better to do anyways. I do wanna spend time with my companions for while. This is for success! I can escape anyways." You grin widely, "Im in."
You do notice Soobin in the side shaking his head in disapproval as he overheard your conversation. You definetely needed to talk to him and Hobak about this.
"You do know its dangerous." Soobin warns you, "Im not stopping you, but with someone like you with no sort of memory left, you might struggle." He crosses his arms. You three went upstairs to Soobin's room to discuss the matter at hand.
"Im pretty aware, but maybe this can be my new life. I know its a dangerous thing to do- but you've seen this country. Its terrible! Its dog shit!" You express. Hobak nods his head as Soobin thinks a little more.
"Plus, you guys can just visit me! And if you need some herbs in the palace..." Soobin's head perks up at your words, "Okay, I approve." He immediately approves as you laugh with his eyes sparkling.
Hobak was a little unusually quiet, "Bro, you okay?" You look at him as he stares at you with a blank face, before erupting into sobs.
"Who am I going to spill 'tea' with?! Who's going to be dramatic with me!?" He sobs as he shakes your shoulder which makes you wobble.
"Hey, you can just visit me." You laugh, "Plus, i'll make sure to have some tea to spill from the palace for you. Specially brewed." You and him giggle like maniacs with Soobin sighing once again for the hundredth time.
"Just make sure to visit!" You scrowl as Hobak nods while wiping his tears, as Soobin nods.
What a sudden suprise.
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