An Eager Keeper
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A/N: here’s a story with a supporting character from my untitled sci-fi slice of life-ish concept, which isn’t a wip yet. also featuring a not-so ordinary creature too.^^
Word Count: 674
TW: None
If there's a manual for how to keep a pet calm, she'd buy a copy of it. It can save her from unpleasant situations.
Such as now. . . for bring dragged into an impromptu race.
Ducking her head, Rebrie lets a hover-boarder pass, and she continues on leading her pet to their usual hang-out place. Quaint Brews Cafe is where Rebrie spends most of her downtime at. If she isn't busy with . Some of her appliances had to be repaired, and she hired repair people for it. She had to get out of her house though, because they can't afford any distraction.
So, she took out her pet, Darlie, who's a round furry creature resembling a kitten, for a walk.
Little did she knew it wasn't going to be just a walk.
Her puffball pulled the leash, moving towards another side of the pavement. She let out a startled noise, shuffling her feet while trying to find her footing.
"Whoa! Slow down!" Rebrie's steps increase with Darli's quick pace. "Hey, this isn't a marathon!"
Darli leads her to a familiar direction, which blurs of how fast she's running.
Her foot catches on a welcome mat as a wall hits her forehead. She groans, shaking her head, and pressing a palm over it. She opens a door, entering. A warm smell enters her nose, close to letting her almost drop onto a nearest chair.
At least, she managed to get here, so it's not all bad.
"Hey, what's going on?" Teanne asks, sounding concerned.
Rebrie grimaces, taking a seat on an empty booth.
"It's just my pet," Rebrie explains with a sigh. "She can be so hyper, which can be cute and a problem at once. I had to do a long run, because she wanted to chase a delivery guy. Who was minding his own business, sending supplies to a restaurant. One of these days, she has to realize they aren't bad guys."
"Ouch, that sounds stressful. Are you alright?" Teanne's voice turns high-pitched.
"Just a little dizzy, but I'm doing fine."
"Aren't puffballs supposed to be. . . domesticated? I'm aware it's not the case for everyone, I'm just slightly surprised."
"Darli can go. . . out of control, sometimes."
"It sounds stressful, Reb."
Loosening her hold on the leash, she lets her puffball float.
"Nah, it's not too much. If she doesn't hurt herself, it's alright."
"Okay, I see." Teanne smiles, adjusting her apron. "I gotta get back to kitchen duties, so I'll see you later."
Rebrie scrunches her face before waving at her.
She looks at Darli, whose wagging her tail slowly, and staring up at a danging decoration.
All puffballs had potential to transform into a different animal. In Darli's case, she'll grow into a cat once she's three years old, which is a year later.
Strangely enough, she inherited most characteristics of a golden retriever. Friendliness, eagerness, affectionate, and hyper. If she gets tired, she'll plop down at her sleeping spot. If she's full of energy. . . well, she's bound to do whatever she wants. Like a cat, she's also demanding, hard-headed, and slightly causes more annoyance than an actual dog.
Yeah, it gets rough for Rebrie, but she can handle one puffball. And it's less of a hassle than a bird or hamster.
Here at LeGloss Sivena, it's hard to adopt an actual non-hybrid animal. Because they're a rare species and there's an abundance of animals with DNA, which lets them turn into another one. Since more aliens and different creatures traveled here, it caused a major change, which impacted Earth.
At first, she hesitated on adopting a hybrid until she found Darli. In an animal shelter, looking for a home. So, she started to raise her and treat her as her own pet. A companion to hang-out with, and it's all fun despite how wild it gets.
What could be way better than having a furry friend? Especially a playful, loyal friend, who has her back. They make great companions and roommates than most humans, in Rebrie's humble opinion. No doubt about it.
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sweetcatmintea · 5 years
Lizard predicament
Hello hello! Flash fiction Friday again :D I had a lot of fun with this one haha~ Both with the narration style and getting into Echo’s head before all the trauma quiets her down. I hope you have fun seeing the world through her eyes for a morning! Feedback is super appreciated 💜
Flash fiction Friday is organised by the lovely @flashfictionfridayofficial 
Prompt: Furry Friend Words: 1033 Character(s): Echo
It’s a beautiful morning. The sky is clear, the grass is dewy, birds are singing, and you are terrorising the local lizard population. Of course, in your young mind ‘terrorising’ isn’t the word you would use. You’re not even entirely sure you know what it means. If you were asked, you would claim you and the lizards are engaged in a mutually enjoyable game of hide and seek, in not so many words, of course.
You crouch low to the ground, ears perked while you ready yourself to pounce. Creeping closer and closer, you hold your breath as you near an unsuspecting playmate. You wiggle your butt. You’re not sure that it helps, but all the real cats do it, so child see, child do. It’s so close, you can make out the pale stripes running down its smooth brown body and light musky odour as it basks in the early sun. Mud clings to your overalls bit you don’t care. You leap! It darts for the clover. You make a messy grab, the swipe sending it rolling over your open palm. It scurries again but you’re not about to give up! You make a last-ditch effort, cupping your hands where you think it will run. Everything is still. Dirt sticks to your cheeks and leaves poke out of your messy black hair. There’s a tapping and a scrambling against your cupped fingers. You got him! You jump to your feet, bouncing and trilling at your victory.
Your delight is cut short as soon as you peak into his confinement. Oh no! You broke him. In your hands, a lizard hunkers against your skin in wait for an opportunity to flee while beside him, a tail wiggles. An uncomfortable knot turns your tummy. Oh no oh no! You didn’t mean for this to happen! You only wanted to play, honest! You wonder if maybe you can stick it back on, but the lizard won’t hold still long enough to try. You can’t even let him go now since he’s all messed up.
Tears begin to sting your eyes as you take the lizard to find someone who can help. Unfortunately, both of your brothers are in lessons And you have been explicitly told not to bring any more animals into the building. You think it’s rather rude of your brothers to not be currently available. What could possibly be more important than a Lizard Emergency? You don’t think you should ask the crows either. You’re quite cross with them at the moment. The last time you followed their advice, you ended up in a lot of trouble! (And, if you’re honest, which you usually are, you aren’t really sure if you are allowed outside at the moment, so you don’t want to make more of a reason for the Keepers to get mad at you.) You really, really, want to cry right now. Poor, poor, Mr Lizard. You didn’t mean to break his tail off.
You wander the front gardens aimlessly, completely befuddled at what you should do. The lizard is growing restless and has taken to trying to pry his way between your fingers. The tail is not wiggling any more. A friendly greeting is a welcome reprieve from your fretting. Louie, a neighbourhood cat, is reclined on the ornate wooden seat. He must have been watching for some time since you didn’t hear him hop up there. He is one of the nicer animals you’ve met and you consider him a friend. He told you once that he brings the rain on his paws and you have no reason to doubt him so you consider briefly whether there will be showers later.
{Hello Echo!} He purrs to you. {What are you doing romping around? There are more than enough sunbeams for a cat nap y’know.}
{Louie! Something bad happened! I was playing with the lizards, and I broke one and I don’t know how to fix it!} Your tears break free, dribbling down your reddening cheeks.
He cocks his head to the side, tail curling. {They’re supposed to break. It makes it easier to eat them.} His pink tongue rasps over his muzzle. {It’s a crunchy snack.}
{I don’t wanna eat him!} You whine, {I was gonna let him go but his tail fell off and now he’s all broken. How do I put him back together?}
Louie sits up, beckoning you closer. {Let me see.}
You open your hands a crack, ensuring the lizard’s continued confinement while the grey cat peers in. He squints his eyes in amusement.
{That lizard isn’t broken. It’s fine.}
You don’t believe him. Not because you think he’s a liar, but more so that you very much have two pieces of a reptile where prior, you had one. {But his tail!}
Louie dismisses your concerns with a flick of his whiskers. {Lizard tails fall of all the time. It’s a bonus prize. If you don’t eat them, it grows back.}
Your eyes widen. {Really?! No way!}
Louie nods, then yawns and settles back down to sleep. {Well, if you’re not going to eat it, you might as well go put it back.}
{I will! Thank you, Louie!!} You dart back the way you came, overcome with relief that Mr Lizard will be okay.
You release the lizard back into the clover. He’s gone in an instant. Maybe he didn’t appreciate your worrying over him for so long. That’s okay! You don’t mind. Now it’s just you, the accumulated mud and leaves stuck to you, and a sizable lizard tail in your grasp. It seems like a waste to just leave it on the ground. It was a prize after all, a treasure to collect like feathers and pretty pebbles. You make up your mind quickly. Surely someone else would become very happy if you gave them your treasure. You’ll put it on Storm’s pillow so he has a nice surprise when he finishes his lesson. You should probably find something else cool to give Chris so he doesn’t feel left out. Yes, you think, that sounds like a wonderful idea.
It is a beautiful day and you are a small feral child doing your best.
Tag List
@snobbysnekboi, @inkovert, @kainablue, @i-rove-rock-n-roll, and @goblin-writer
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meteor-writes · 5 years
#FFF39 Furry Friend
Good morning, this idea hit me on the bus yesterday and it was so hard not to react - I felt like the saboteur from trapped!! 👄
Thanks again for the prompt @flashfictionfridayofficial! For me, it could only be cats~
Little King - 994 words
Cats, ultimately, are regal creatures. It is not my humble opinion, it is fact. Simply looking at my life you’d know. Example one; I have my own personal round-the-clock seat warmer. Two: my sense of hygiene. What’s cleaner to bathe yourself with than the tongue of the godlike creature that is I? And, though I doubt I need it, a third example, to really drive the point home. Have you seen a cat walk?
It is as my mother said, never touch the floor with ones heel. It is not only a matter of balance, it is to lift your chin high, give yourself an elegance with which to look down on all other creatures. Maintain a certain level of class. A dog? Now he would rub himself over any surface. But I? I refuse to touch the surface a mere human has trod. Lord knows the atrocities they’ve walked through with those  humongous rubber feet of theirs. One shudders at the thought.
I must confess though, I do possess a certain softness for one. Jamie. A fine young lad. When I first accepted him for position, I admit, I was a little apprehensive. He tickled the top fur of my head, scratched along the black silk of my back and I thought; this may be the one. But then he continued, sliding all the way down to the white puff of my tail and I was stunned. Such a bold lack of disregard! I nearly bit him there and then. But, here’s the thing about Jamie. He looked taken aback, genuine alarm in his eyes. I dismissed it as an act, flicked my head back to the nurse, decided I would stay in the shelter another week. But then...
‘Oh! My bad! I didn’t mean to offend you cat, I’m sorry! Please come back. I’ll tickle your head again. You liked that yeah?’
I had. The nurse never quite got the back of my ear, seemed to always aim for the white patch on my forehead - a rookie mistake. But this guy? I walked back, remembering my mothers advice of maintaining dignity. And he smiled. Widely, like he hadn’t done it for a while. Like he’d done it for me.
‘You’re a little king aren’t you?’ He said. And well, how could I not hire him after that?
So, Jamie and I settled into his flat - it made most sense, him bringing in the money and all. Plus it had the loveliest sunny spot on the porch that I could laze in all day. It had been perfect. Jamie was a top notch servant.
Until she arrived.
Beth. She sits in the centre of the sofa - the one I breathed life into. That thing had been nothing more than a pit of blue before I arrived. Now it was decorated with beautiful pin stripes. And the texture! You could rub your cheek on it all day and still, the balance between fluff and scratch would be perfect.
Beth however, doesn’t approve of my interior design. No taste. As soon as she glimpsed me making my move to improvements, she scolded me. And Jamie just went along with it! “Bad cat” he’d said. Like I wasn’t his employer!?
I flick my tail, watching Beth from behind the kitchen door. Jamie has gone to answer the door, leaving her sipping tea and plotting her next move. She’s never liked me. Beth. Always kicks me out of Jamie’s bedroom when I’m ready to sleep. I’ve never understood why - the pillow next to Jamie’s is clearly mine. Her body is far too big to fit on it. Mine however, is slender and snug, you hardly notice me.
Like now. Beth hasn’t noticed me. If she had, she wouldn’t have put her cup on the arm rest. But that’s good, because it fits my plan. With her guard down, I’m going to dash onto the sofa, knock the mug down and disappear in a flash. Jamie likes his crockery. It would be such a shame if Beth broke it.
I hop out. But before I can launch into a run, I realise we’re not alone. Jamie has returned. Though somethings off. He’s not moving.
His voice croaked. Like it did when he had a cold, only I haven’t seen him sipping honey and lemon recently. Slowly, I lower my foot, watching. He still hasn’t moved from the doorway.
It’s Beth.
‘What’s wrong?’
Jamie rubs his hand over his face. There doesn’t seem to be much colour in his skin.
‘That was my sister.’ He says, taking a deep breath. ‘My pops, he died last night.’
‘Oh Jamie.’
Beth is at his side in an instant, scooping him into her arms. I feel a sharp stab in my stomach. Beth. With her arms and her legs and her perfectly fitting with Jamie.
‘You alright?’
Jamie nods, sniffing sharply as he untucks himself from her shoulder.
‘Just- I don’t know...’
Beth pulls her lips tight, and something in her eyes makes me slump.
‘Let’s sit down, yeah?’
Beth takes Jamie’s hand and leads him to the sofa. She sits beside him, tangles their arms together, draws her thumb over his. And I turn away.
The sky is overcast. And the grass is still dewy from the morning rain. I don’t feel like going out. But still, my paw draws forward.
My ear twitches. Despite myself I turn around and stop short. Jamie has his arms out, face shiny. And without another thought I run over.
‘Arty.’ He breathes, scooping me into his arms and burying his nose in my fur. It’s warm. I return the favour, lifting my chin and rubbing my face against the damp stubble of his cheek until my chest begins to vibrate.
‘Love you.’ He says, and I feel a kiss press into my neck, stretching into a curve that makes me mew.
‘Love you,’ I hum back.
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fields-of-ink · 5 years
FFF39: Furry Friend
Here we are again, a big thanks to @flashfictionfridayofficial! Once again, a wonderful prompt. I’m working on a new project, and I wanted to “take advantage” of this week’s prompt to explore the main characters a little bit! Curiously, the prompt is basically perfect. Title: The Capital in the Sky (587 words). Warnings: no warnings.
“And then, once I’ll reach the capital in the sky, I’ll open my own alchemy shop!”
Her eyes gleamed under the light of her dreams, looking up at the clear summer sky. Clouds rolled by, undisturbed, a light breeze touched the world, making the leaves dance.
“That sounds marvelous, darling”, said her mother, kneeling down to check an acorn on the ground. “And how are you going to reach the capital?”
The little girl pouted: “By flying, of course. Duh.”
“And how?”
She stared at her mother, who paid her no heed, focusing her gaze on a flower.
“I… huh. Can’t we fly using magic, mom?”
“I’m afraid not, my dear”, she laughed, looking at her. “You’ll need a flying companion.”
“What’s that?”
“An animal willing to carry you, my dear.”
Her face wrinkled in disgust: “Do I have to? Really?”
“Of course. All magicians in training in Farengel need a flying companion exactly for that reason.”
“Did you have one too, mom?”
Her mother smiled, looking away. The young girl felt her heart plunging deep, regret clawing her heart. Her mother didn’t seem to recall fond memories.
“I did. But it was a very long time ago.”
She looked at her mother, her head forcing more questions, her heart making them die in the depths of her mind. In that moment, the world seemed a bit darker.
One day, years later from that summer’s day, she was talking down a busy city road, overflowing with life and voices, merchants selling their wares and kids playing on the street.
She made her way in a secondary road, hidden to the sun by towering buildings, when she stopped in front of little shop.
“And, this is where I’d have opened my alchemy shop”, she said. “If I hadn’t changed my mind, of course.”
She turned to her right, where a gryphon sat down, looking at the windows. His white plumage was like a beacon of light in the shadows, his blue eyes as deep and clear as the summer sky of that day.
Her flying companion turned towards her, nodding slightly.
“Well, although I guess I did reach the capital in the sky… so the dream is half fulfilled. Don’t you think?”
“That seems right to me. And what’s the next one?”
The girl pondered, looking down at the cobbles on the road. “I’m not sure. Complete my training? Avenge my mother?”
The gryphon furrowed his brow: “...your mother isn’t dead.”
“She isn’t, but she seems to hold some grudge to this place. I wonder what happened. You could say I want to avenge her memories?”
“That sounds cheesy.”
The girl pouted: “And this is why I soo wanted to avoid having an animal companion. I thought you’d be on my side, always.”
“You could have chosen yours more carefully.”
“You literally fell from the sky when you were an egg! And you know how fate works.”
“More like convenience. It was the day before your examination, and you still didn’t have an animal companion.”
“Yeah yeah, you were my last resort. You don’t have to remind me. Now let’s go, we have much to do.”
The gryphon turned away, leading the way out of the darkened hallway. The girl followed for a few steps, before turning to the little empty shop.
“I wonder… what could have it been. How would my life be now?”
“You wouldn’t even be here, without me”, answered the gryphon, not stopping on his tracks.
“You didn’t have to remind me!”
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onceuponanaromantic · 5 years
(My response to both @flashfictionfridayofficial​‘s prompt ‘A Furry Friend’ and to a separate prompt)  
Seeing a black cat on Friday the 13th should probably have been their sign that they should just cancel their meeting for the day.
           They didn’t, of course, but they really should have. It would have prevented everything that happened next on that day. But 3C was, after all, a science class that just happened to also be taking literature, and that leads to some very obvious impulses.
             “Has anyone seen where Ethan went?” Yixin asked casually, sitting cross-legged and chomping on a Subway cookie.
             “He went to get KOI for Xin Yee and never came back.”  One of the people playing bridge responded. The Bridge Squad was in the middle of another game and whoever it was had just placed down a new card, which then proceeded to cause a lot of cursing.
             The sky was grey, which was to be expected because it was March and more importantly, rainy. The smell of petrichor permeated the small space on the roof that 3C was having their class outing-and-picnic on. It was a Friday afternoon, and it was surprisingly deserted for a shopping mall.
             Perhaps not so surprisingly, actually, given that most people were staying home because of Covid’19. The only reason why 3C didn’t have school and could afford to have a picnic that day was because someone in the secondary side of their JC had come down with the infection and they had been all been told to take the day off while deep cleaning ensued.
             They didn’t pay attention to the black cat who took one look at them where it was lazing under a ladder on the roof and then stretched itself. The black cat purred, and then walked off.
             They didn’t see where the black cat went.
             “Should we try calling Ethan?” Jay Roon suggested, picking up another piece of sushi from the takeaway box on the ground.
             “He should be at KOI right? Anyone else want KOI can go down to buy and see if he’s still there.”
             There was a mass shrugging and a call went around for anyone who wanted bubble tea. In the end, Dorothea and Xin Yee decided to go, holding the piece of paper with all their orders.
             It began to rain and there was some grumbling as 3C moved closer to the glass doors. There were shadows being cast across the wooden floorboards. Kenneth was still trying to get the piece of fish roe out from between the floorboards when lightning struck.
             There was a scream, and everyone flinched. The playing card Kenneth had been using burst into flames, and Kenneth yelped.
             It shouldn’t have happened; the lightning shouldn’t have struck so close in the first place. The building they were in was supposed to have a lightning rod.
             More importantly, it was supposed to be covered. Kenneth dropped the card, forgetting that the floorboards were made of wood, and stood up to go inside and get tissue and water. Someone took out their water bottle to try and pour it over the fire, which had started to glow purple.
             “Should we call Ethan now?” Ming Rong asked, pulling out his phone cautiously. Someone muttered about going inside to call because of electrical conductivity and lightning or something, so Ming Rong did go in.
             (Somewhere inside, a black cat would transform into human form, take one look at the boy hiding in the toilet, clutching the damp bundle of tissue paper, and laugh. How long would they take to realise what exactly was going on? The shadows slowly lengthened under the fluorescent lights of the shopping mall toilet, creeping closer and closer.)
             The rain starts to pour in earnest, and someone, some may later say it was Madhu or maybe Alyssa, suggests they move inside the building. The glass doors have clouded over, but maybe, just maybe, it’s just condensation from the temperature difference?
             Lightning strikes again and that’s when someone thinks to check if Kenneth is okay.
             The rest of the class decides to go into the building.
             It’s darker than they expect for a shopping mall that’s supposed to be in the heart of the city. They don’t recall it being so dark when they first arrived, but then, they did come at 11am in the morning after their attempt to fly a kite had failed for lack of a kite. It is 3pm now after all.
             (Yixin would be baffled about her watch and wonder if there’s something wrong when her watch just shows a straight line of zeroes instead of the time. It’s a blue plastic, digital one she just got shipped from China, how is it already malfunctioning?)
             They decide to walk down the escalators to KOI and see if their remaining classmates are still there.
             They might have gotten lost on the way to get the bubble tea after all, that’s not completely impossible.
             Behind them, on the roof, a very innocuous looking black cat purrs a little, licking its tiny, sharp fangs. If anyone was looking, they would have seen the eyes of the cat glint with malicious intelligence
Taglist: @a-blue-hoodie​
The Other Prompt:
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Furry Friend
She fell silent. Her body dropped to the steps below.
The beast let out a low growl before walking back its master. Master smiled. When Master was happy, so was the beast.
It rolled out from her cold hands, what she had been so fiercely protecting. Master approached. The beast watched with a certain vigor.
A prison to some, and safety to others. Master lifted the ball before opening it silently.
The creature that emerged was pathetic.
The beast stood with brown fur and fierce red eyes, and the creature lurked with black fur and sharp yellow eyes instead. The beast was a large, foreboding figure that was easily feared, standing on its two hind legs, and the creature stood on a meager three where there had ought to be four perhaps in another time.
Master grimaced. When Master was angry, so was the beast.
Master barked a command, and the beast lifted its head away from thoughts, fur bristled on its back. It nodded. When Master gave an order, the beast followed.
It approached the creature with little hint of mercy in its eyes.
Another shout.
The beast whipped around. It was the boy. The boy was Master's favorite, moreso than the girl, it always seemed.
Master glared at the boy. The boy shouted, pushing past the beast and running to the creature.
Master hesitated.
When Master hesitated, so did the beast.
It calmed. They spoke nothing that beast understood, nor did it need to understand. What goes on with Master need not be its business unless Master said.
Master sighed, and approached. A gentle hand on the beast's back for a moment as he passed. A sign to stand down. The beast took a step back.
Master took the ball he had and returned the creature, whispering something to the boy.
The boy ran. The beast knew what it meant. And what it had to do.
After all, when Master was to have mercy for the creature, so was the beast.
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gianhovn · 8 years
Bí ẩn quanh những kim tự tháp của Pharaoh
Cẩm nang du lịch DU LỊCH THẾ GIỚI Châu Phi Bí ẩn quanh những kim tự tháp của Pharaoh
Các kim tự tháp nổi tiếng nhất Ai Cập là bằng chứng cho quyền uy của các Pharaoh, khơi dậy sự tò mò và tranh luận giữa giới khảo cổ học, đặc biệt là kim tự tháp của vua Kheops.
Bí ẩn quanh những kim tự tháp của Pharaoh
Tại các khu lăng mộ thường bao gồm một kim tự tháp lớn và nằm bao quanh là một số kim tự tháp nhỏ hơn (kim tự tháp nữ hoàng). Theo những hình ảnh mà Jean Pierre Baron và Gilles Dormion thu được từ radar xuyên đất năm 2000, những kim tự tháp này có thể sở hữu hành lang dẫn tới một căn phòng khác. Ảnh: muha.
Các ống thông gió trong kim tự tháp Kheops là chủ đề bàn tán của các nhà khảo cổ. Họ nghĩ rằng đây là thứ tượng trưng để linh hồn của nhà vua dễ dàng sang với thế giới bên kia. Ảnh: mik38.
Nằm cách mặt đất hơn 30 m trong tự tháp Kheops, căn phòng dưới đất này vẫn còn là ẩn số với các nhà khảo cổ. Nhiều giả định cho rằng căn phòng này có thể liên quan đến tín ngưỡng cổ đại. Ảnh: mik38.
Gần đây, các nhà khoa học bắt đầu nghiên cứu những vết tích bên ngoài kim tự tháp. Họ đo được mỗi cạnh đáy kim tự tháp dài 230 m. Tuy nhiên, sau khi sử dụng phương pháp hồi quy tuyến tính, họ phát hiện kích thước các cạnh đáy có thể thay đổi chút ít, nhất là mặt quay về phía đông thiếu khoảng 14 cm. Ảnh: pius99.
Các nhà khoa học rất quan tâm đến tượng nhân sư, kết cấu xây dựng chính xác và đối xứng đến mức họ không tin rằng bàn tay con người đã xây dựng nên công trình này. Ảnh: pius99.
Tuy người Ai Cập thời đó chỉ mới sử dụng chùy gỗ nhưng họ đã xây dựng thành công những kim tự tháp lớn nhất, chính xác từ bốn điểm đã xác định. Quá trình xây dựng kim tự tháp đến nay vẫn là một ẩn số. Ảnh: Sophie McAulay.
Dựa vào những nét trang trí, các nhà khảo cổ cho rằng đây là phòng của nhà vua. Căn phòng trống trơn khi được phát hiện với trần nhà đã nứt. Trên nóc của nó còn có năm phòng nhỏ xây chồng lên nhau. Ảnh: rook76.
Các kim tự tháp được xây dựng từ những điểm xác định sẵn. Kích thước và bề mặt của kim tự tháp đều dựa vào tính toán trên tọa độ địa lý và đường kính của trái đất. Các nhà khoa học vẫn đang tìm hiểu tại sao người Ai Cập có thể xây dựng những công trình kiên cố như vậy mà không dùng tới bất cứ thiết bị cần thiết nào như hiện nay. Ảnh: fff39.
Theo Vnexpress
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Enchant’s FFF Drabbles Masterlist
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[ID: Teal water color banner with orange text that reads "Enchant’s FFF Drabbles Masterlist" /finish ID]
Time for another masterlist because I’m extra. Here’s all the stories, poems, and ficlets I posted with the following prompts. I am shookth I wrote this much, tbh. Ranges from ships to character studies to little tales, this list has a lot. I’m hoping to be an avid participator because the prompts gives me the inspo and guts. Heed the TW in the A/N section, thanks. Basically, an organized list for me because tags aren’t helpful.
Note: I’ll reblog the list when I post something new.
Side-note: Ignore the fanfic, if you want to read original things. All fandoms are listed for easier navigation.
#FFF01 - Gimme Fluff - The Warm Relief (The Flash ficlet)
#FFF02 - Auch My Heart - Passionate Longing (Captain America ficlet)
#FFF06 - Fight Me! - Rising Against Unfairness (Lines of a Script to Ignore Tale)
#FFF08 - Bittersweet Beginnings - A Rocky Development (Original Story)
#FFF11 - Bruised Sky - The Resilient Spirit  (Captain America ficlet)
#FFF12 - Into the Wild - The Surreal Trip (Legends of Tomorrow ficlet)
#FFF15 - Midnight Drive - The Meandering Roads (OC Study)
#FFF18 - Jumping Fences - Thin Barriers (Legends of Tomorrow or The Flash ficlet)
#FFF19 - House of Stars - The Radiant Glimpse (Semi-Legends of Tomorrow ficlet)
#FFF21 - We Are Not Alone - Untamed Sentience (Blasted Scorn Story)
#FFF23 - Shelf Life - The Restive Obstacle (OC Study)
#FFF24 - On the House - The Uncanny Manor (Legends of Tomorrow ficlet)
#FFF29 - Golden Rings - A Crestfallen Wish (Original Story)
#FFF30 - Lethal Flowers - The Effective Solution (Original Story)
#FFF31 - Deep End - The Drenched Nightmare  (Legends of Tomorrow ficlet)
#FFF34 - Weeds and Ruins - Collapsed Forest (Poem)
#FFF35 - Locked In - Ploying to Escape (Original Story)
#FFF37 - Strange Lands - Peculiar Sight (Poem)
#FFF38 - Forbidden Knowledge - Concealed Information (Poem)
#FFF39 - Furry Friend - An Eager Keeper (Original Story)
#FFF40 - Mysterious Masquerade - Masked Celebration (Captain America ficlet)
#FFF41 - Blooming Blossom - Neither One Prepared (Semi-Legends of Tomorrow ficlet)
#FFF44 - Hollow Walls - The Vacant Disturbance (Legends of Tomorrow ficlet)
#FFF45 - Familiar Melody - Dear Euphony (OC Study)
#FFF47 - Don’t Take My Heart - Sudden Realizations (Semi Black Panther ficlet)
#FFF48 - Cold Object - Glacial Contemplation (Black Widow ficlet)
#FFF50 1 - Smoke and Mirrors - The Haunted Beast (OC Study)
#FFF50 2 - Unusual Concoction - The Nifty Elixir (Original Story)
#FFF50 4 - Shattered Sunshine - The Clear Brilliance (Legends of Tomorrow ficlet)
#FFF51 - Summer Storms - The Overwhelming Capability (The Flash ficlet)
#FFF52 - Child’s Play - Title with the same prompt name (Constantine ficlet)
#FFF53 - Come Back - Fleeting Encounter (True Devotion that Remains Constant Tale)
#FFF54 - Rainbow Kisses - Drizzles of Love (Captain America ficlet)
#FFF55 - Twisted Dreams - The Night Terrors (Captain America ficlet)
#FFF56 - Dress to Impress - Sense of Style (Black Panther ficlet)
#FFF57 - Crystalline Waters - Minerals Under the Sea (Original Story)
#FFF59 - I Beg You - Fulfilling Necessities (The Sims 2 ficlet through the POV of the player a.k.a me)
#FFF60 - Soft Bones - Brittle Bones (Poem)
#FFF61 - Wild and Free - Unleashing the Grand Treasure (Blasted Scorn Story)
#FFF63 - Creeping Magic - The Mystical Journey (Legends of Tomorrow ficlet)
#FFF64 - Made From Stardust - Celestial Spectacles (Poem)
#FFF65 - Better Than This - The Reclaimed Individuality (Black Lightning ficlet)
#FFF66 - Golden Decay - The Languid Flow (Original Story)
#FFF68 - We Meet At Midnight - The Peculiar Introduction (Doom Patrol and Constantine ficlet)
#FFF69 - Blood on My Name - The Arduous Task (Lines of A Script to Ignore Tale)
#FFF72 - Hidden at the Shadows - Cautionary Narratives for the Inexperienced (Blasted Scorn Story)
#FFF74 - Drifting in the Wind - Through the Seasons (Poem)
#FFF75 - Dreams of Tomorrow - To the Dreamer (Poem)
#FFF80 - Comfort in the Cold - The Cozy Shelter (Black Lightning ficlet)
#FFF83 - Everyday Hero - The Earnest Fight (Black Lightning ficlet)
#FFF89 - Dipped in Silver - Severe Uncertainty (True Devotion that Remains Constant Tale)
#FFF90 - Mirror Image - The Plaintive Reflection (Doom Patrol ficlet)
#FFF92 - Sweet Surprise - A Sudden Treat (Original Story)
#FFF94 - Riveting Revival - The Clear Reappearance (Original Story)
#FFF95 - Dance the Night Away - Chance for the Night (Original Story)
#FFF97 - Cleansing of the Soul - Solace in Rain (Poem)
#FFF99 - Undiscovered Colors - A Vivid Display (Lines of A Script to Ignore Tale)
#FFF100 1 - A New Dawn - Early Check-In (Blasted Scorn Story)
#FFF100 3 - The Sweetest Blood - An Aggravating Issue (Original Story)
#FFF100 4 - Hidden Path - Not Known Track (Original Story)
#FFF100 5 - Stay With Me - The Expressive Tending (Black Lightning ficlet)
#FFF101 - Broken Scars - Bordered City (The Falcon and the Winter Soldier ficlet)
#FFF102 - Fairy Lights - The Soulful Ache (True Devotion that Remains Constant Tale)
#FFF103 - Burn It Down - Invisible Constrained Rage (Original Story)
#FFF104 - Stronger Together - Rigid Compromises (Blasted Scorn Story)
#FFF105 - Ruined and Destroyed - Brink of Destruction (Original Story)
#FFF108 - Starlight Paths - Across the Unknown (Original Story)
#FFF109 - Littered Souls - A Vital Job (Original Story)
#FFF110 - Moon Magic - Moonlight Charms (Poem)
#FFF112 - Sunny Delights - Sunlight Rapture (Poem)
#FFF113 - Hold Me Closer - Watch It Unfold (Lines of A Script to Ignore Tale)
#FFF120 - A Greater Horror - What’s Lurking From Far (Original Story)
#FFF125 - Think Twice - Trying to Pick (Original Story)
#FFF127 - Green with Envy - Warranted Ire (Original Story)
#FFF129 - Under the Moonlight - A Discreet Moment (Original Story)
#FFF130 - Drowned Thoughts - Locking Up Crushed Hopes (Original Story)
#FFF132 - A Taste of Blue - The Chilly Outlook (Original Story)
#FFF141 - Chaos Unfurling - Break-Out Brawls (Blasted Scorn Tale)
#FFF143 - As Good as There - Searching for a Muse (Poem)
#FFF144 - Foul Play - Inane Issues and Other Non-sense (Original Story)
#FFF147 - The Sound of Light - In A Passage (Original Story)
#FFF148 - The Big City - A New Start (Original Story)
#FFF155 - Out of Containment - Surrounded by Buffoons (Original Story)
#FFF159 - Pride Before the Fall - Price for Unwise Actions (Original Story)
#FFF160 - The Dazzling Screen - Delay in Pursuits (Lines of a Script to Ignore Tale)
#FFF161 - Storms and Thorns - Awakened Forces (Poem)
#FFF162 - The Letter - Heeding Wise Words (Original Story)
#FFF163 - Splash of Waves - The Fiery Temperature (Original Story)
#FFF164 - A False Confession - Feeble Diversion (Original Story)
#FFF166 - Count the Ways - Done with Pride (Original Story)
#FFF168 - Sleepless Nights - A Secret Retreat (Original Story)
#FFF170 - Eager for Details - An Upscale Composition - (Original Story)
#FFF172 - A Ghost from the Past - Dare to Examine (Poem)
#FFF173 - No Rest for the Wicked - Causing an Uproar (Original Story)
#FFF174 - Monster Mash - Crash a Bash (Original Story)
#FFF175 - Gloomy Daze - The Genuine Repose (True Devotion that Remains Constant Tale)
#FFF179 - Dance, Dance Revolution - On the Set (Original Story)
#FFF181 - Crystallized - Gain a Result (Original Story)
#FFF183 - Late Night Train - Getting a Transit (Original Story)
#FFF184 - Set the Stage - Behind the Curtains (Lines of a Script to Ignore Tale)
#FFF186 - Fine By Me - Bustling Tasks (Original Story)
#FFF190 - Trapped in the Dark - Confined in Nowhere (Poem)
#FFF192 - Sea and Sun - Near the Shore (Original Story)
#FFF195 - Filled with Clarity -  Refined Craft (True Devotion that Remains Constant Tale)
#FFF196 - Against the Flow - Altering a Tide (Original Story)
#FFF199 - Didn’t Mean It - Afflicted By Deciet (Original Story)
#FFF201 - Comedian’s Night - Intermission for Eluding (Original Story)
#FFF205 - Where the Flowers Grow - Spots of Growth (Poem)
#FFF206 - Sink or Swim - Those Rueful Woes (Original Story)
#FFF215 - Mall at Night - Ensuring an Outlook (Original Story)
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onceuponanaromantic · 5 years
00:00 (a little update)
 (so this version isn’t within the 1000 word limit of fff but it’s based of the prompt Furry Friend and on my class so :>)
           3C is not superstitious, but perhaps this once, they should have been. Perhaps, if they had turned back upon seeing the black cat sitting, licking its paws on the rooftop they intended to have their class picnic on, things might not have turned out quite the way they did.
             In another world, they did turn back. In another world, someone mentioned that maybe seeing a black cat on Friday the 13th sitting at the very place they intended to use was a bad idea, and maybe they should just postpone their picnic to another day. It had already been a bad day for a meeting, really, given that their original plans to fly a kite had been derailed by the impending rain and also lack of a kite.
             In this world, they did not turn back, and the black cat hopped up and didn’t look back as it walked off.
             (Zunnur would wonder later that day why the class chat was so eerily quiet. But by the time he came out from his Friday prayers, it would already be too late.)
             “Has anyone seen where Ethan went?” Yixin asked casually, sitting cross-legged and chomping on a Subway cookie. The scent of petrichor fills the air, mingling with the food they brought, and the wood-like scent of the floorboards.
             “He went to get KOI for Xin Yee and never came back.”  One of the people playing bridge responded. The Bridge Squad was in the middle of another game and whoever it was had just placed down a new card, which then proceeded to cause a lot of cursing.
             The sky being grey was not something particularly surprising, given that this was March and it was raining in some other part of Singapore. The lack of people in this shopping mall was something slightly surprising, but then, most people were staying home because of the epidemic. 3C was only able to have this meeting in the first place because school had been cancelled after news came out that a student in the secondary section of their Junior College had caught Covid’19. They would have to go back to school on Monday, but while they were doing deep cleaning of the school, there were to be no students around.
             None of the 3C students paid attention to the black cat which stretched and purred off to the side. They were a Science class that took Lit, which meant that certain impulses were to be expected. The black cat straightened up and walked into the building, past the glass doors.
             “Should we try calling Ethan?” Jay Roon suggested, picking up another piece of sushi from the takeaway box on the ground. The sushi was surprisingly good, all fresh salmon with mayonnaise and tobiko on top.
             “He should be at KOI right? He’s probably just waiting for the KOI.” Someone turned on his phone to check, but there were no new messages in the class chat. “Anyone else want KOI?”
             There was a mass shrugging, and a piece of paper was passed around for people to write down their orders from KOI. In the end, Dorothea and Xin Yee took the paper and went down to KOI: Xin Yee because she felt bad for Ethan and Dorothea to accompany Xin Yee.
             It began to rain and there was some grumbling as 3C moved closer to the glass doors. There were shadows cast across the floorboards, and Kenneth was still trying to get the piece of fish roe out from between the floorboards when lightning struck.
             The playing card that Kenneth had been using to fish it out caught on fire, and Kenneth yelped.
             The lightning shouldn’t have made it that far in. There was a lightning rod on the building. But more importantly, the place they were in was covered.
             Kenneth dropped the card, forgetting of course that wood was flammable. A small section of the floorboards started to burn. Someone took out their waterbottle to try and pour something over the fire, hoping that the flames would subside. None of them wanted to get accused of vandalism, after all.
             Kenneth stood up, cursing, and went inside to get water and toilet tissue. The fire had started to glow purple, casting an eerie light on the ground.
             “Should we call Ethan now?” Ming Rong asked, pulling out his phone. Someone said something about going inside because of electrical conductivity and lightning, so Ming Rong stood up, leaving his bag on the ground, and went inside the building.
             (Somewhere inside, a black cat would transform into human form, take one look at the boy hiding in the toilet, clutching the damp bundle of tissue paper, and laugh. How long would they take to realise what exactly was going on? The shadows slowly lengthened under the fluorescent lights of the shopping mall toilet, creeping closer and closer.)
             The rain started to pour in earnest. Someone, Madhu or Alyssa or someone else, would suggest they all move inside. The glass doors have clouded over so they can’t see what’s inside but that might just be condensation from the temperature difference.
             Lightning struck again and 3C finally started to grab peoples’ bags and go inside the building.
             It’s darker than it should be for 3pm in the afternoon. The shopping mall is in the heart of the city, and they don’t remember it being this dark when they first came at 11am. But then, the difference might just be that it’s raining now when it wasn’t earlier, and also 3pm is the afternoon after all.
             (Yixin was baffled when she looked down at her watch and only saw a straight string of zeroes, instead of the time. The blue plastic digital watch she had been using had literally just been delivered from China the previous day and shouldn’t have been malfunctioning already.)
             The class decided to walk down the escalators which have apparently stopped. Someone suggests using the elevators, but when they press the buttons, the lifts appear to be stuck in the basement. KOI was in the basement, and it was more trouble than it was worth.
             Someone idly asked if Ming Rong and Kenneth know where they’re going. Someone else said they’ll text the class chat, so Ming Rong and Kenneth know where they’re going. Ethan, Dora and Xin Yee haven’t responded yet with the bubble tea.
             (If Yixin had lifted her hand to her nose, she might have smelt the burnt lithium smell coming out of it and wondered why. But she didn’t.)
             Axel asked if Kenneth remembered to grab his phone. No one can find the phone, including Mervyn who’s holding Kenneth’s bag, so he probably did.
             If any of 3C had turned back, they might have seen a black cat sitting on the roof behind them, licking its paws and purring a little. It runs a long tongue over tiny, sharp fangs, and if any of them had looked at its eyes, they might have seen an intelligent, malicious gaze looking back.
@andiwriteunderthemoon (if ur interested in it hehe)
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