#ffffffuck yeah
tidetfs · 2 months
"Babe, are you sure you want this?" Gabe stared lovingly at his perfect boyfriend, Will's green eyes sparkling with affection. "Are you sure you want to do this for me? Will, you know I like you just the way you are."
Gabe took a hand in his boyfriend's, rubbing his skinny, pale arm with the other.
"Yeah, I- I do." Will smiled, trying to summon confidence as he started at the blue candy on the table. "Become your partner's ultimate fantasy!" it read.
"Babe, I don't know if I can do this." Gabe said solemnly. Will was perfectly attractive as-is, why would he want to risk messing that up?
"You know-" Will began. "You never know. We could end up enjoying ourselves."
"Yeah, maybe." Gabe's eyes lingered over Will's cute button nose, his nerdy disposition buried in a book being what drove the happy couple together so many years ago. "If this is what you want...I know we will." Gabe stated shakily.
"And I want to do this for you." In a rare show of confidence, Will leaned over and kissed his boyfriend softly on the lips. He reached down and picked up the candy, unwrapping it and holding it to his mouth.
"Not quite." Gabe's hands wrapped around Will's head, pulling him closer as their lips pressed together. Will opened his mouth, letting his tongue mingle with Gabe's as the two embraced. The taller boy felt a hand wrap around his shoulder, another grabbing his leg, squeezing firmly. Gabe pulled away.
"Alright, go ahead." He breathed.
Will closed his eyes, and popped the candy in his mouth. It tasted like strawberry.
"Oh god."
Gabe stared intently as his boyfriend's eyes began to roll back.
"Are you okay babe?"
"Yeah...just." Will panted. "Oh fuck, oh fffuck." His face went beet red.
"What is it babe?" Gabe asked.
"Ffffffuck." Will's whole body shook.
"It's really working isn't it?" Gabe asked, staring in amazement. Will's body was already changing. His lips were getting thicker, plumper. His nose shrank, and his hair began to lighten, his freckles disappearing. The muscles in his face contorted, his cheekbones becoming higher and sharper, his chin narrower.
"It feels so good." Will whispered. His body trembled. "FUCK." His voice deepened as his Adam's apple expanded. "It's changing me."
"Will.." Gabe was astonished. "You're..beautiful."
Will's face was almost unrecognizable now. His hair had become blonde, his once cute features having matured into those of a supermodel. He was even more handsome than before. Gabe felt himself getting hard, staring at his boyfriend's new, stunning face.
"Oh god. Oh GOD." Will cried out, his body writhing.
"Will, are you okay?"
Will's hair began to lengthen, becoming curly and unkempt as his eyes shifted from green into a sparkling blue. He gasped, his chest heaving, his formerly flat pecs starting to swell up inside his shirt.
"Gabe...it's too much." His voice was still deep, but now more sultry and seductive.
"What do you mean, Will?"
Will's face turned red, his breathing labored.
"It's changing..my cock."
Gabe could feel his own member throbbing in his pants.
"I can feel it swelling...growing bigger and bigger."
Will's cock pulsed, stretching out his shorts.
"Fuck, I'm huge. My balls are getting bigger too. It feels amazing. Fuck, fuck, FUCK!"
Will's bulge expanded, his shorts stretching further and further as his new cock grew to obscene proportions. Gabe watched with awe, his hand unconsciously reaching into his pants and stroking his member, a wet spot forming on the front.
"FUCK, it's so big." Will whined.
"Oh god."
Will's chest continued to expand, his pecs swelling up larger and larger as they grew into massive man tits. His shirt struggled to hold them in as a stunning set of washboard abs formed underneath, his body now chiseled and toned, a light dusting of blond hair spreading across his chest.
"Oh fuck, my ass." Will cried.
His ass swelled up, growing bigger and rounder, his once slim and perky ass now a huge bubble butt that looked like it was made for sex. Gabe's hand jerked faster, precum leaking down his leg.
"Gabe...I'm so horny."
Will's hands traveled across his body, squeezing his pecs and abs, feeling his ass and his huge package.
"Oh fuck...Gabe, I'm so horny." He repeated, his new body driving him wild. He reached down and undid his shorts, his gigantic cock bursting free.
"Holy shit."
"I'm so horny, Gabe."
Will's arms began to thicken, his biceps and triceps expanding as his chest and abs flexed, his cock twitching with each pump of his heart. His back muscles rippled as he stood up, his new 8-pack abs shining, his asscheeks clapping.
"Will." Gabe panted.
Will could only moan in response as his thighs swelled, his calves tightening as his new musculature became apparent. His huge cock dangled between his legs, his massive balls swinging below. His feet grew larger, his toes extending. His face was unrecognizable, his jawline chiseled and defined. His lips were full, his blue eyes piercing and lustful. His hair was disheveled and wild, his body a monument of manliness and strength.
"I-I...I love you." Will stammered, grabbing Gabe's face and pulling him in for a passionate kiss. The shorter boy's body trembled as their tongues wrestled, their cocks pressed against each other.
Pulling away, Gabe moved to speak but was stopped by a deep moan.
"Fuck, you really like 'em dumb, huh?" Will chuckled, as he felt the waves of pleasure from his cock begin to reach his brain. "You really want a dumb muscle stud to suck your cock?"
"Say it."
"I...want a dumb muscle stud to suck my cock."
Will dropped to his knees.
"You really want to make a muscle bitch out of your boyfriend, huh?"
"Please, Will. Please suck my cock."
Will looked up at his boyfriend.
"Call me Nico."
Nico leaned forward, taking the tip of Gabe's dick in his mouth, his hands squeezing his ass.
Gabe threw his head back, the warmth of his boyfriend's new, hot mouth enveloping his shaft.
"Oohhhh, yessss."
Nico's lips slid up and down the shaft, his tongue circling around the head.
"Oh god, I can't take it anymore."
"Do it, babe. Cum for me."
Gabe's eyes rolled back as he erupted, ropes of cum filling Nico's mouth. He moaned as he felt his lover's throat swallow every last drop, the light in his once sparkling eyes fading, the color becoming a washed-out blue befitting the new himbo.
"Thank you." Gabe whispered, the world going dark.
Nico stood up, wiping his mouth.
"That was sick, babe."
He picked his new boyfriend up and placed him on the bed, laying down beside him.
"I can't wait to see what you've got planned for me next." Nico grinned, looking both stupid and adorable. He kissed Gabe on the forehead and pulled him close, falling asleep with a smile on his face.
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evilminji · 2 days
I see the Clockwork so Khronos HC and I raise you Vortex is Zues
Immediate thought? "Why go to therapy, when you, a God, can LITERALLY rip out the Problematic Parts of yourself and just kill um! There, honey! Problem solved! :D this can in no way EVER come back to bite me in the ass!"
Cause I mean... killing your problems worked against his DAD. And most OTHER problems he's had. Why not? When you are a hammer etc etc...
So... yeah. Technically! He IS part of Zeus! The ASSHOLE part that Hera was threatening to divorce FOR REAL this time. The HAS No Chill, part. The THROW STORMS AT EVERYTHING 5EVA RAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Part.
Kronos did the same thing but in reverse. Killed off his Calm n Reasonable self who just wanted to be a mischievous Time Dude. Cause THAT does not a King Of God's make. Didn't turn out well for Kronos.
N Clockwork got stuck with THAT assholes reputation.
It's like making a twin brother out of yourself only to kill um. Vortex has eternal beef with Zeus. He was a GOD. An INFANT. Born only to IMMEDIATELY be butchered. Yeah, he was an angry God. Made to be the wrath to Zeus' peace. An Angry Sky to his Tranquil Sky.
But that did NOT give Zeus the right to MURDER HIM in cold blood for the crime of being INCONVENIENT.
He didn't even get a NAME.
Had too, IN DEATH, Name HIMSELF.
Ffffffuck his Father/Brother! Zeus is gonna get what's coming to him! Infant murdering BASTARD!
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
just to flip the age kink thing, i've got a suggestion for how they'd have hob as the younger one. hob's getting to the point where he needs to start his next life and he decides that he wants to keep teaching but wants to change up the subject this time. there's a grad program he's really interested in so he figures he'll do that and then teach the subject, he starts crafting his next identity, and dream's so interested in the process since he hasn't seen hob doing this before. he sees the age hob's going for and offers some help -- he could make everyone perceive hob as younger, so he'd be able to get longer out of this identity.
hob, of course, is thrilled. he starts off as young as he can, of course, but it's been centuries since hob's even tried to pass himself off as 22. he could pull it off when people lived harder, but it just doesn't work anymore. dream makes a couple more suggestions -- hob's used June 7th as his birthday before, it sort of is in a way. now tgat he and dream use it as their anniversary he would have picked a different date but hey, if that's the date dream thinks he should go with, no big deal.
so hob goes off back to school, he's having a great time, he's sort of loving pretending to be in his 20s again. his friends do give him odd looks when they see him with dream, though. that's fine -- dream is, frankly, odd. it's probably nothing. until he starts seeing how dream's presenting himself to others and... yeah, the first time hob sees the dusting of silver hair at dream's temples, he drops to his knees to suck dream's cock in the stacks of the uni library. it's fine. he has very normal feelings about it. it's fine.
he's not totally clear on the specifics of the game dream's playing until the end of his first year, though, when dream mentions, in careful earshot of a few of hob's more gossipy classmates, that he'll plan something nice for hob's birthday. it's their anniversary, after all, and five years is a number worth celebrating. hob doesn't realize until later that dream just made sure all hob's classmates know that he got together with his significantly older and significantly wealthy boyfriend on his 18th birthday. and that dream's been supplying most of hob's wardrobe again. and giving him jewellery. and keeping hob at his side any time they're in public together. and that maybe there's a reason he keeps getting carefully worded questions about his relationship, because dream has very intentionally made him look like a pretty young thing being taken advantage of by an older man. hob needs dream to fuck him about this immediately, actually.
(it also occurs to hob, once dream's fucked him through the mattress while calling him little one and darling boy and pet, that this is. probably how gods and fey and other immortals actually do see a relationship between dream of the endless and a human. and gets turned on about it all over again.)
This is literally what I look like right now. Oh my fucking gOD
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I don't. I don't know how to add to this? Hnnngg. Dream with grey in his hair, treating Hob like his little plaything, making Hob’s friends somewhere between concerned and jealous. It's making my mouth go dry.
I think you might have finally bit the "horny overload" switch in my brain, my darling.
I'm just thinking about Dream renting a fancy apartment for Hob to live in while he's studying. He comes home from the dreaming every day, and Hob’s friends skedaddle from what ever study club they've been doing (they're a little intimidated by Dream, although hes nothing but polite). Dream gets to have Hob all to himself for the evening, gets to relearn Hob’s body as it hasn't been for a very long time. Being physically 22 has a lot of advantages when it comes to joint flexibility and sexual stamina, and Dream wants to enjoy them to the fullest. Hob is very much immersed in the fantasy of being Dream’s kept boy, and he likes the attention, he likes it when Dream showers him in gifts. He keeps Dream updated on his grades and soaks up all the praise and sweet talk Dream lavishes on him. They go to the opera together, or to fancy restaurants where Dream publicly shows Hob off to absolutely everyone. And the sex afterwards is just insane. Hob rides Dream’s cock in the limo on the way home, or sucks him off in the dressing rooms of fancy boutiques.
They have literally all the time in the world to be horny and stupid and I, for one, want to see it.
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1nf3ct3d-x3 · 26 days
Hey uh just wanna let you know that uh rent's due tomorrow so uh yeah
- Landlord ann
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flame-shadow · 11 months
Finally got around to playing more of the Pale Court mod
My progress and thoughts under the cut:
Isma. ffffffuck the adds. holy shit. She herself is fine. I can read her, dodge her, and hit her with little issue. BUT THE FUCKING GULKAS !!!!!!!
I am not good at parsing events where there are many moving pieces. I do not do well in bullet hell scenarios. Never have. Too much visual information, might give me a headache.
So Isma's fight was r o u g h for me. I managed it!!! But it took a few hours. And I got Very frustrated at one point. I took a break once I recognized this, but it does ruin some of the fun to be frustrated for something that I can only be so consistent at. Hegemol took me an hour or two to beat, and he definitely challenged me too, but I enjoyed his fight. Unfortunately, I did not enjoy Isma's fight thanks to the gulkas. The fool eaters were obnoxious but significantly less awful than the gulkas.
But I beat her. I don't wanna fight her again, though. Not unless the adds are gone.
She was the final knight for me to beat!
So then, I went to the Abyss and did that whole thing. Took me a little over half an hour. A fun challenge! It wasn't easy, but it wasn't crazy difficult. I like how the Abyssal Bloom looks, but I do not like its effect when equipped. Kinda hurts my eyes to flash to the shade only for nail swings.
Then, I remembered seeing mentions of Tiso, so I figured whatever trigger for him would be in Kingdom's Edge. I checked his corpse first, then I went through all three Trials at the Colosseum. Then I dramatically complained to a couple friends about not being able to find him. ... then I realized that he's probably in Godhome.
And yeah, there he was XD
I engaged him a couple times, and he's killed me each time. I like what I've heard of his music, and so far his gun attack has managed to damage me a lot, less due to being difficult to dodge and more due to the fact that I keep laughing when I see it. Ah, Tiso. :)
I stopped after that, though. Gotta take a break. I still plan on doing some drawings for Xero vs. each of the challenges I've faced, since I'm using the skin of him.
Fun mod! I didn't expect it to be easy, and it sure isn't haha. I gotta find a list somewhere of all the things in this mod, cuz I will probably miss something otherwise. I wouldn't have even thought to check the Abyss for a trial or try searching for Tiso if I hadn't seen people mention it on tumblr or discord. That could be that I missed some hint, but maybe it's something that had to be spread from insider knowledge first. idk. good mod, though. great job, y'all, if any of the developers or other involved parties reads this
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askholycouncillor · 9 months
how to find out if you're gay: number one
you like kissing bois
yeah you
No I ffffffucking don't. You anons and your assumptions..
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🔥Loki, Lord of Chaos (WEBTOON)
"oh the art for this actually looks-ph it's gonna force me to look through a webtoons sanctioned anthology to read it? Yeah ffffffuck no"
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the-arcade-doctor · 1 year
Announcer: An enemy spy has entered the flag room!
[ DF Tapes: The Spy ]
Soldier: So, you'd think he would've stolen it by now.
Scout: Well... it's still there.
Soldier: I can see that.
*the door to the flag room is slammed open*
Soldier: There you are. What took you that long?
Engineer: I would have gotten here sooner because I was worried that snake sapped my sentry, but I had to fight off the Pyrotechnician first.
Scout: Understandable. Did he actually sap your buildings?
Engineer: Well, no, but he sprayed this weird Lambda symbol next to them.
Soldier: Odd.
Engineer: Anyways, are any of your backs getting itchy?
Scout: Yeah, actually. You mind scratching it for- AUGH
Soldier: Oh my god! The Engineer is a- HURK
*the "engineer" decloaks*
Spy: Alright. Now I just need to sneak back to my battlements and I'll be good as golden.
Spy: You are a british god of mischief amongst brain-dead patriotic fighters. You got in, you'll get out. Easy as tha-
*whizz* *pew*
Spy: Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fffFFFUCK-
Spy: Oh Zeus, my bones feel heavy-
Pyro: Thanks for bringing the flag, pal! I'll capture it for you, though.
Spy: ... god fucking dammit.
[ End Tape ]
"Well, off to visit your mother!" /ref
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transandor · 1 year
Sometimes I think about the bullshit triforce thing they Attempted (<key word) and how I cannot even remember the other two besides “love” for Mianite
ffffffuck me. i literally forgot about that. oh my god yeah it was so bad they kept insisting it wasn't color based bc the boys were AUTOMATICALLY like "oh yeah this is this and this is yours and"
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arashi-no-saxlphone · 2 months
favorite pokemon(s)?
Ohhhhh ffffffUCK YEAH thank you for asking me this. Easy top 3 are Absol, Chimecho, and Gallade. I really like Altaria, Empoleon, Glaceon, and Honchkrow as well to name a few more. I actually had a serious plushie problem for a few years cause I was addicted to and very good at those little crane games - when we moved I donated pretty much all of them (I'm talkingnan actual attic's worth) and I was like "Ah, good, it's over" and then my friend introduced me to Pokemon Center's Sitting Cuties line of plushes...
I uh, have relapsed. The only reason I stopped buying more is I ran out of room on my desk haha.
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whispering-kavka · 4 months
your wish is my demand lets go anděl páně watchparty!!!!!!
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confused-robot-cat · 1 year
Americans: In this country we live by Christian values! Don’t like it, get out!
The Lord Almighty, God of the Christian Faith 2000 years ago: ‘S up fam. Listen. Remember all that stuff I said about stoning the gays and not eating fish on certain days and being racist to lobsters or whatever? Yeah forget all that. I’ve decided all you need to do is basically don’t be a dick (no lying, coveting, stealing, murdering, that kinda shit), and don’t worship false idols or graven images. Okay? And I’m gonna jot that down on stone so you know those are the rules, and nothing else I might have said before counts anymore. Bless all ye faithful. Ta-ta!
Americans: Pledge allegiance to that flag right now! And you better make sure there’s a crucifix depicting Jesus’ murder at the hands of man hanging on the wall! And if you don’t idolise the right celebrities and football players you’re gay and therefore an affront to God and I’ll have to beat you! Be thankful you’re not living in one of those Arab countries where they make laws based on their religion! Speaking of which, I think it’s about time we go murder some of them and steal their oil. God damn this is one holy ass country. America is God’s country. We’re. We’re. We’re so ffffffucking going to heaven, man. 
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transmechanicus · 3 years
Rip to literally all media now that Space Sweepers exists as the capstone of all art ever.
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
back on my bullshit and also hating the tumblr search/tag system cause i cant find shit with it :’)
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four-for-fidelity · 3 years
lmao y’all i tried putting my hawke cosplay on for the first time in 4 years for a halloween thing and uh. i did not realize that testosterone made my arms grow over an inch in circumference. guess i am Not doing that
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zilbea · 5 years
I think my main “project” over uni break will be to make a cool FAHC video/trailer type thing. I’ve got a lot of audio/video collection to do yet, but I’ve been hoarding different music tracks I think would fit wonderfully. I also used to do a lot of video editing a few years ago, I think it would be fun to give it a shot again!
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