teddybeartoji · 4 months
HEHEEHEHSHSH licking and kissing his dick through his sweats :333 just straight up making out with it :333
I– 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴AND YOU KNOWWW HE'D BE SO FUCKING INTO THAT. he's leaning against the kitchen counter or smth as you drop down to your knees, eyes blown wide as you kiss the tip through the material🥴🥴🥴 he's staring at you so fucking intently that you think he might actually burn you alive. so you don't stop – you palm his balls and lick a stripe up his shaft and he's already bucking his hips into your face. and he loves it if you're being extra dirty – just rubbing your face against his bulge gets him so fuxkibg hard fuuuuckkkkk he's gonna fuck your throat so good he won't be able to hold backk<333333
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levyfiles · 5 years
Catch me crying in the club for the rest of this summer then.
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sunagitsunee · 4 years
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Ramshackle Prefect - Evan Monroe
Evan is my out of pocket TWST MC or YUUSONA btw,
these are things he would say while or after the overblots, or just dealing with people in general, he is helpful and kinda respectful but a really mean kid ight-
A 10 year old stuck in NRC? are they alright? How did they make friends with such people? From what they've done they seem like a good person.
"magicians? fucking magic? what kind of fever dream...am I dead?"
"Damn you need a hug, go get it from someone else"
"I respected you until you had a dAMN HISSYFIT WORSE THAN A 3YO-"
"you did w h a t"
"I give up, Grim set me on fire"
"People here are so damn tall I'm gonna snap my neck one day"
"No Crewel-sensei I do not know this cat please call animal control"
"what the ffffUUUUUCKKKK"
"No I will not watch my language who are you my parent? well jokes on you I DONT REMEMBER THEM DIPSHIT-"
"Guess I'll die"
"Keep that up Grim I'll switch you for Lucius or Ortho, I'm not picky"
"I still don't understand magic what is going on"
"Floyd-senpai I don't care what mood you're in put me down or I'll kick you knee inwards-"
"No I realized who Hornton/Tsuntaro was before Winter break, I was hoping he would smite me from something I said soon, I was wrong"
"I hate it here I'm going to bed"
"suffer in silence"
"Headmage with all due respect, Is it really taking that long for me to return home i just saw talking cabbages and people flying on brooms, wHAT DO YOU MEAN THATS BASIC??"
"Grim I care for you more than anyone here but I fUCKING SWEAR-"
"Kalim-senpai I respect you for being the most positive here but that was a shit decision"
"this is a prestigious magical school yet you all cant work through your damn emotions let alone trauma"
"why would you leave this to a 10 year old exactly?"
"My haircut pisses Vil-senpai off so much I'm not cutting it, yes I know it needs to be professionally cut but too bad"
"Azul-senpai take the tweels before I grill and feed them to Grim, I dealt with your overblot I will find a way"
"I wish a merry go to hell for half of the people attending this school"
"how yall try to intimidate a child with a cat that literally tripped you down your dorm stairs yesterday"
"oh great not only am I stuck in an edgy fantasy school they have a goody two shoes counterpart they lose to I want to go home"
"Jade-senpai its either you give Grim the mushrooms or eat them yourself, I am not trying to enter another fever dream"
"Great I have a mouse in my mirror, why does he look familiar I don't like this"
"well shit"
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coffeeb013 · 3 years
Ffffuuuuuckkkk I feel extremely out of myself today, not as if the other days I don't feel like this but today it's reaching some high level, i feel like a parasite inside of a body and just watching everyone around me, like as if I'm a reality show camera
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cadmium-ores · 5 years
ffffUUUUUCKKKK a video autoplayed and I may or may not have freaked out
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technogunblade · 7 years
  -Begin message-
  hiii, roxyyy….its jade
  weve got a bit of a problem going on here?  its nothing for you to pack up and immediately act on, but its certainly something you should be aware of like right now
  its about dave
  he just got back from a job from what im certain is one of the more dangerous worlds and im not even absolutely sure it was because he wont tell me but
  roxy you know how much i like to be right, right?  
  well it fucking sucks right now because i think karkat and i are RIGHT about him, and yes it does have to do with what i asked you to talk to him about
  he came back with something hanging over him!!  this dark, creepy looking silhouette that hung over him and seemed to originate from his shadow!! it was big, transparent, and had these really creepy wings
  i couldnt see a lot of detail other that but
  somethings up, and weve got to deal with it when you get back!!  dirk and i havent exactly been all that honest with you and were really sorry about that - at least, i am and i have no idea if dirk even is but
  im not asking you to leave wasteland!!  you guys kind of have to be there right now!!  im just letting you know in case you have SOME suggestions as to what to do!
  yeah thats all i had to say, i dont want dave finding out i called you
  kind of afraid he might blow up at me with how VOLATILE hes been lately
  talk to you later, roxy!
  -End of message-
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Roxy let her hand fall limply on her lap, the hold on her phone loose as it quietly recited the voice mail options. She stared off into the long-ruined metro storage room she snuck away to, trying to process all that Jade just laid on her.
The description of the... thing that Dave had with him brought back adrenaline-fuzzy, trauma-muddled memories from years ago. The fall of the Circle, Dirk beaten-- dying --and trapped by Noir, her having to fight off that horrific Guardian of his in order to save her best friend’s life, the suffocating darkness that followed her sacrifice.
She shook her head quickly, refusing to let those thoughts fester again.
Dave had a Guardian.
Only humanoid heartless are capable of having one, and even then it takes an extreme negative dark influence to condone it’s creation. It’s extremely rare, even rarer than an humanoid heartless.
Numbly she saved the message, forcing herself to breathe properly again, having to settle for shaky at best, near-hyperventilation at worst.
No one had told her that Dave might be a heartless, only that he’d been acting strangely and using dark affiliated magic more freely. She had even seen it herself when they sparred for fun that one weekend.
She had a feeling this might’ve been the case, and had hoped she was terribly wrong. It could’ve just been the affiliation being stronger now, the stress of a falling world waking it-- it was a stupid excuse of a wish, in retrospect, it couldn’t explain everything and she knew that.
Optimism and denial went hand in hand and had fucking clotheslined her. Again.
But she couldn’t do anything about that yet, not until they got home. God fucking dammit.
...What did Jade mean by her and Dirk not being honest? What had they kept from her now? They had already tried to keep the surgery from her, only finding out thanks to Hal ratting them out.
It had taken Dirk a month to recover fully and return home, and he came back an absolute zombie of himself. No patient should come home that exhausted unless they did more than healing, went outside of standard doctor’s orders to do Gods know what else. Whatever they did secretly was during that time, Roxy was sure of it.
And “you guys kind of have to be there right now”? The hell does she mean by that? They had come here for fun! ...Hadn’t they?
Now that she stopped to think on it, it was weird that Dirk easily accepted her request all of a sudden, and so soon after recovering, too. He seemed eager, which was hardly synonymous with his normal reaction to Wasteland.
He... Oh Gods, he got along with “Tony” and “Lara”, was fine talking to them, traveling and joking around with them. He hated interacting with strangers normally, shut down and put walls up around people he didn’t know, especially people as dangerous as Wastelanders. But he’s been laughing and chatting it up, leaving himself open to them as far as he could with their cover story, friendly as he can get.
...Her-- his --phone has been missing since December, around the time he had started leaving the castle more, going to the Islands only a little while later for his eyes.
Dirk took back his old phone. Dirk must know who Tony and Lara really are, if he’s acting like this, and has probably known far longer than Roxy has.
Dirk remembers Jake and Jane.
Jade knows that, too, if that cryptic comment says anything.
For fuck’s sake, Jade had even yelled about them during New Year’s, and Dirk didn’t even react! Those two have known this entire time, have been hiding it from her this entire time, have lied this entire time. White lies are still lies, half-truths are still lies.
They must be here for Jake and Jane, that’s why Dirk was eager to come and that’s what that weird comment of Jade’s must mean. The timing of the sugery, and the long recovery time, the exhaustion--
Roxy... couldn’t get mad at them for any of that, honestly. At least not too mad right now.
There were more important things to worry about: getting Jake and Jane the hell out of here and somewhere safe, and helping Dave as soon as that’s done.
Letting out another shaky breath, the distressed waver of it leaving her feeling absolutely pitiful, she tried to calm down, tried to press back the wall of emotion that threatened to leave her eyes in tears and mouth in curses.
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Well that failed.
Roxy bit back against everything, even as stray drops fell onto her lap, her body shaking in the effort not to let it out. She couldn’t, not right now, not yet. They were still in Wasteland, she had no proper explanation if they found her breaking down, no cover to take that’d keep away their worries and questions.
She’d have to talk with Dirk later, when they were alone. About Dave, of course, and without the help of the voicemail. Not out of pettiness(alright, maybe a bit), but because of the cryptic confession in it. She... didn’t know how to approach that topic, her guilt over keeping something like that from him making her too scared to even try, winning over her anger by a landslide. She’d leave it to him or Jake and Jane to bring it up, if they even could tell it was them between Jake’s worsened sight and Jane’s amnesia.
Gods, this was a fucking mess.
Longing for nothing more than a bath and Eridan’s pile, Roxy pulled herself together again, wiping away at her eyes and pocketing her phone. She stayed there a few minutes longer, getting her breathing to settle and her face to cool, making sure they’d have no clue she nearly broke down in a post-apocalyptic closet of all places.
She gathered up her things, grabbed the supplies she used as an excuse to come here, and put on a brave face(you don’t grow up as a Strilalonde and not learn something like that). Skipping out of the storage room as if she wasn’t carrying the dual baggage she was, Roxy called out about her finds proudly, nearly tripping over an old ghoul cadaver in the process.
“Hey, check out what I got--!”
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“SHIT, FUCK-- ...I’m fine!”
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force-india · 7 years
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fortykillz · 8 years
I cut my finger pretty bad cutting up brisket at work and had to go to the ER I dont mind the pain but today's our busiest day of the week my boss is stressed af now i had to get sent home and im afraid im gonna get fired
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damnedtreasure · 9 years
Sooooo someone with a credit card wanna buy me one of the last two tickets for the London Ontario lazerteam show? Pretty please? I can make you a plushie?
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my brother thinks sexual orientation is a choice which part of him should i kick first
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viciousdoughnut · 11 years
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