#questions answered huhuhu
candycryptids · 8 months
Hide and map for the oc meme! Dealers choice for character v-v)/
This took me an embarrassing long time to get to despite being so zazzed for the ask (sending you flowers btw) (under a cut for length) (We’re gonna dive into Chuu and Mochiie, two of my Final Fantasy Oc’s ;w;)
“Hide; what does your OC hide, why do they hide it?”
In the case of Chuu, she hides quite a bit; her origins, her projects, her workshop… Largely because her projects border illegal-unethical and being uh. An ex-engineer for Garlemald prior to the Calamity doesn’t look Great when you’ve skipped country and moved into one of the several countries that were harassed by Garlemald lmao. The FC she fell in line with isn’t exactly on full legal lines either, which is why it’s perfect (they’re not inclined to turn her in even if they find out because they’ll all go down with her, but more likely than turning her in, they’d probably Get It.
She also hid the Questionable Project of Cloning herself, until it was nearly done. Or, rather, she Built Tuesday, meant to be ‘her, but if she was a boy and just a little uglier’ because she has ego and she has to be The Prettiest. (Besides her girlfriend, Talia) and you might think ‘that’s not that unethical’ and you’d be kinda right except they took the concept of Anima (from the Relic Weapon Questline. Where you imbue a weapon with a soul.) and then. Reworked it to fit into her Pet Project. To clean and cook. And. To go to places she could not for Legal and Safety reasons. Fun thing she doesn’t hide is her Inability To Read Common. She just can’t. She could learn to, she’s very smart, but she refuses. Instead she invented her own writing system and makes someone else read her letters to her and dictates anything she wants to mail (to Tuesday, usually, if he’s home. Otherwise she just Calls via linkpearl, because she has No phone-call anxiety unlike me)
(I’m guessing Map was an autocorrect on Mask cos I couldn’t find map anywhere in there >w>;;) “Does your OC wear a mask, literally or Figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets so see who they are under the mask?”
Mochi dons a figurative mask of being Brave and Heroic and Resourceful as the Warrior Of Light as time goes on. At first it wasn’t a mask, because things were challenging and hard but he had support and he felt Capable. But then the Massacre of the Waking Sands happens and he breaks down hard. (I have screenshots! I might add a link to them later, but they’re in his tag 💖) It sets that shift from being a hero is fun and adrenaline pumping to, everything feeling very. Real. And lethally dangerous. (As if being Kidnapped and fighting a false God isn’t dangerous while the people who were captured with you got tempered and then subsequently put to sword… but they weren’t people he KNEW.) So he starts putting up the front of being Unshakeable, a Paladin, the Sword and Shield of Hope, the Unbreakable Fists of Freedom. Etc. The Hero (not Man) who will take down the Empire and any Primals that threaten the peace and safety of This Star’s peoples. Which becomes a heavy weight to carry- especially when he gets to grappling with… not everyone with the potential to be, to do, good, can be swayed to pursue that potential (Zenos). Not everyone can be saved etc.
So Zenos gets to peek under that mask- an angry, and terrified Au’ra with the edges of control issues when things don’t work like he believes they should (You CAN do good you just won’t) and Zenos relishes in this because that’s always when their clashes are the most fierce (When Mochi stops putting on bravado and face and starts fighting without etiquette or restraints.) (it’s complicated. I haven’t gotten this far with Mochi yet but it’s what I imagine it’s going to shake out like ~v~)
And, someone who he actually cares about (someone who he’s not at odds with) that sees under the mask is probably Thancred and Urianger? They know the kinds of burdens Mochi carries and even if Mochi doesn’t let the mask slip around Thancred I feel like he’s sharp. He can. Tell. So if he perhaps invites Mochi to spar somewhere far from everyone where there’s enough room to cut loose and go until everything burns and he collapses with a dagger or a gunblade pointed at his chest it’s. A nice reprieve. (Alternatively. He just invites Mochi to have a drink or 15 at the Rising Stones.. it’s not healthy, but at least Mochi can blame his tears on the bottle.)
Urianger is good at getting Mochi to open up just by Being there, either quietly researching in the same secluded room as him or sipping coffee (black, he doesn’t need cream and sugars, the man’s drinking this for the caffeine Only) while Mochi sits there writing correspondences to the Tribes or to his Squadron until he just starts talking out loud. He asks rhetoricals and complains and mourns and Urianger listens quietly and doesn’t comment when Mochi moves to sit next to him with his tail wrapped around his ankle :/ (he’s a guy that employs casual touch frequently)
Uhhh…. Anyways that’s what I got Big Kisses if you read this mwah mwah
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kowaindar0u · 1 month
"Can't you tell they love you?" (To Taikyuu)
[ Questions/Comments to be sent anonymously! ]
"...Of course I can."
... Logically, he knows that here, at home, at their honmaru, he shares the space with so many other touken danshi who love him. And he loves them too, in his own way.
The Shinsengumi swords in particular, have been welcoming to him-- he's one of them, after all. His brother is someone he doesn't think he could go without. They support each other, and Yasu feels a special soft spot for him, even if he doesn't like to show it.
He's been more intimate with Souza than he has with anyone else, ever. He has a patience for him, a way about him that tends to temper his moods, and in the back of his mind he likes that about Souza, as it brings him a peace he doesn't know how to give himself.
Even those he isn't particularly close to... If he took any touken danshi aside, asked to speak with them about something on his mind... they would probably listen to him, at the very least. Some might even try to console him, or help him through it in any way they could.
He's not... without anyone who loves and cares about him. And he doesn't really feel like it, either.
It's all... him. He doesn't know how to ask for help, or an ear to listen to, or--heavens forbid-- a shoulder to cry on. He barely knows how to let himself feel these things without pushing them away, only readily accepting them once his mind has put them in a blender and funneled them out through anger, frustration, and resentment.
He is tough, he is strong, he is fierce, and his pride in being those things makes needing anyone else's love or consideration feel like rolling over and admitting defeat.
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umbranstilettos · 2 years
"What was I supposed to say? That I never would??" (To Ann. And yeah, I know that ref. I follow guides so I never have to experience the heartbreak of broken S. Links myself lol) @katsu-at-the-bottom
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“It’s that I—“, She stuttered as a wave of humiliation came through strongly irking for her to find the right words. “I didn’t expect from someone that has a following to tell things like that, what did you expect me to say ‘I bet you say that to all your fangirls’ “
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tomicscomics · 6 months
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Judas bein' kinda... ඞ
(As usual, no cartoon on next week on Good Friday. Tomics will be back on Easter Sunday!)
JOKE-OGRAPHY: In the Bible, Judas decides to betray God (been there, amirite?) and leads a group of Jewish soldiers to arrest Jesus.  He proposes they lie in wait for the right moment, when he -- Judas -- kisses Jesus in the garden to show them Who to arrest.  The kiss is perfectly ironic, because it's a wholesome symbol of friendship being used as the signal for betrayal.  CLASSIC!  In this cartoon, however, we see the planning phase of Judas's big moment.  Maybe it didn't seem as smooth and Shakespearian to the guards who just wanted to get it over with.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Huhuhu.  You thought you'd get through Lent without one more "Tomics Resurrection" (where I take an old comic from my first few years of Tomics and reinvigorate it with MODERN TECHNIQUE and CUTTING EDGE STYLE)?  Of course you did, FOOL that you are.  Gaze upon the evidence of your FOOLISHNESS, Fool.  Hmm?  A question?  Then speak, Fool, if you can.  Hmm?!  You ask, "In the original, Judas had a full beard, so where did that go in the update?"  Well, I read somewhere in my ancient youth that Eastern icons are split on depicting Judas as one of the younger or older apostles, and so I gave him a patchy pseudo-beard to place him between his bearded and beardless friends in my comics.  Hmm??!  Another question, you say?  You ask, "What about those Roman soldiers?  Where did they go in the update?"  HA!  Simple.  They were all TURNED INTO JEWS BY A WITCH to be more accurate to the modern scholarly consensus that it was probably just Jewish soldiers that arrested Jesus in the garden.  Any more FOOLISH questions, FOOL?!  One more?  Proceed.  Hmm?!?!  You DARE ask, "How are you today?"  FOOL!  Now your FOOLISHNESS is surely at its zenith.  You DARE to fool with ME?  FOOL!!!  I shall only entertain such impudence out of PITY and answer... "'S'all cool, fool."
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lemonvic · 2 months
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Helloo everyone! Me just back from this 3 effort (maybe) Y/N's costume i made huhuhu.. (QvQ), so.. i hope you enjoy my art!
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1st costume (+Gingerbrave), this one is inspired by the one i saw on the pinterest called : @/twntyxxms (nabiee🦋) https://pin.it/2GbfzFvBu
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2nd costume, it's giving.. Mafia vibes (=.=) idk my mind just said like 'let's make something like mafia reference huehuehue' (but ngl, i like the pose tho)
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3rd costume, this is actually one of my favorite one :D
(Now.. I kinda have a question, what is the perfect name will be for this3 costume? Well you can comment to answer! ^^)
That's all from me today (there will be more in the future, but later hehe). I hope you all like it and have a great day everyone! (OvO*)
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yappaccinocookie · 4 months
"would you still love me if I was a jelly worm?" shenanigans.
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ft. several cookies!
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"How would that even happen?" — uses logic to deflate your silly question, it would take long to get an answer out of them because every time you answer their question they will ask more.
Espresso, Black Pearl, Chili Pepper, Dark Choco, Prune Juice, Seafairy, White Lily
"Stop being ridiculous." — party poopers. would definitely say no, don't take it to heart though. they don't hate you, they hate jelly worms.
Black Pearl, Frost Queen, Affogato, Licorice, Pomegranate, Chili Pepper.
"Of course, I'd love you either way." — sweet hearts. even though this question is a joke, they would answer seriously. this cookie would ramble about how cute and tiny you would be, and how they would make you a small little worm house. they're just so inlove huhuhu.
Pure Vanilla, Parfait, Herb, Moonlight, White Lily.
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spacexseven · 2 years
tuna tuna tuna I was suddenly struck with an idea: subordinate au au (au-ception, if you will) where subordinate turns out to be a government plant ala ango, and was much stronger than they let on. like imagine dazai and chuuya getting fucking WASHED by the nobody subordinate they got off on tormenting. sweet karmic justice. maybe they're also an extremely loyal and dutiful would-cut-off-own-arms-if-asked type subordinate to a higher government official as well, just to really add insult to injury.
I feel like chuuya would be more revenge-oriented to cover up the underlying hurt whereas dazai, depending on what level of delusion he has entered, will either 1) consider this a fun new challenge 2) be completely heartbroken or 3) convince himself that subordinate is being manipulated away from him (their one true love, obviously) and this is just all the more reason to ditch the mafia and drag them underground with him until things blow over.
- 🩹
huhuhu there's been a big demand for subordinate reader getting their revenge/becoming stronger in my inbox so i thought it'd be the right time to answer this as well :>
cw: yandere themes
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dazai should have picked up on the signs earlier.
had he become too comfortable with the thought of you being under him? for someone so self-assured in his position, he had not even a hint of suspicion that you might be more than you were letting on. had he become too used to the sight of crushing people under his foot? he almost didn't want to believe that it was you standing in front of him, casually talking to ango like you hadn't just shattered his entire perception of you within moments.
it only took minutes for you to straighten up in the middle of what he thought was a perfectly regular mission, and then you ignored his questions, beginning to walk away right as the warehouse was filled with blinding lights and loud noises. when dazai reached out to grab your arm and demand an explanation, instead of the usual wide-eyed rush of words he was expecting, you glared at him, so coldly that he was left speechless. even the way you twisted his arm to get him off didn't hurt as much as your glare.
it seemed like a whole other person had taken over your body, using your face and your voice to report calmly to ango about the targets and infiltration. ango...dazai felt anger rising in his chest—he ruined everything. you don't even spare him a glance when you walk past him, and he's so crushed by the betrayal that he doesn't even try to get out of the situation.
it's chuuya who's sent to get him back.
and it's chuuya who, unlike dazai, is thirsting for blood. he's so furious, yet so silent—it would have scared dazai, if he wasn't so fixated on replaying your cold expression in his mind. chuuya's scowl seems like a permanent addition to his face, but dazai doesn't even have the energy to make conversation or ask him about you. how easily he had been fooled—and by the looks of everyone back in base, he wasn't the only one who had been cheated.
while chuuya is hunting down ango, you and everyone else in on the investigation so he can ignore the painful sting of betrayal, dazai spirals into his current state. he's convinced, at first, that you had been forced into it. that ango had threatened your life and that was why you showed up at the pm all those days ago, trembling in the rain. he couldn't believe that everything was a lie. all the times you cried, was all of that an act, too? nothing he ever did truly got to you, did it? and here he was, broken over an espionage attempt.
his denial then turns to something resembling anger, and then he's decided the only way to get the answers he wants is directly from you, and not the fake persona you've been hiding behind. he's sure he'll grow to love whoever it is you really are, but first, he's got to get you out of ango's hands and back with him. for that, he's ready to take you down with him—even if it means destroying the remaining traces of the pm, and his only chance at saving himself.
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I'm Osamu Dazai~! You may refer to me as Dazai~ I'm wayyyy better than the short ginger who likes fancy hats in the Port Mafia! Don't get on my bad side~ you'll regret it~
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I will be answering your questions! Please make it interesting so I don't get bored.... huhuhu....
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anons!!: 🎀
ooc under cut
hello! a chaotic pansexual runs this blog, i am behind on bsd at the moment so bear with me please. mod and character uses he/they pronouns. refrain from overly nsfw asks please. this blog is run and modded by @idonoiyo this blog is paired with @baguette-person-disorder (my husband <3 /p)
the mod headcanons dazai as trans so the character is trans in this rp!
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manor-tea-time · 18 days
do you ever wonder about your life? Hm… What’s a moment you cherish?
— 🦋
AAAA This was a really fun one! I enjoyed thinking about their thoughts on life in a more philosipal lens! Thank you Butterfly! :D
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Wayne -(-⊕ ζ ⊕-)< :
Wayne blinked, processing the question for a moment before speaking. "I do often reflect on many aspects of my life... mainly how unlucky I seem to be with my choices in the long run." The lampsmith made a long sigh, running a hand through his hair. Hesitance more than evident on his face and in his voice as he spoke. "Specifics are often hard in that regard for me. Apologies."
"As for what I cherish, I suppose the close bonds I have with others. I find it something that brings a warm glimmer of comfort to me... even in the most bleak of moments."
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Ivy ξ(❁) ⊕) ξ:
"What a interesting question for such a dainty creature to ask. Although, I'd imagine thats qutie ironic coming from me, Huhuhu!" The Costume Maker held up a hand to her face as she giggled. "To answer your query, I often question how my life might have led if certain things weren't scarred for good so to speak. I suppose a good example is if my mentor was actually here - or even alive for me to speak to."
"Its all listless dreaming on my part. Nothing quite ment to be held all too seriously I assure you." She shrugged, waving a hand dissmissively. "As for what I cherish, I'd have to say its my positive memories. They tend to make me stronger when I have to face a negitive one."
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LeRoy 🗝️>(⊖▼⊗´)•ζ :
"Often when I take walks in the mornings. The quiet mornings out there coupled with your thoughts tends to allow them to wander a bit." He chuckled. "Its quite nice sometimes. Although, in the terms of your question, I suppose it may be a little more sad as my thoughts often drift to escaping this place. I'm unsure if it would even be possible to return to life as I knew it... Its a little discouraging."
"Ah! However, I do have many of my prized possessions here with me. I find it quite hard for a memory of someone to die if you have something that reminds you of them." He grinned. "Watches, rings, scrapbooks of photos, I cherish those memories and people greatly."
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Delilah Ⴑ(‘❁◡❁’)Ⴑ:
"Well, yeah. Of course I do - who doesn't is a better question." Delilah lightly teased. "I've had many questions to myself as I've been stuck here. I sometimes wonder if I should have tried to do things like reconsile with my family before this all happened. Would that have helped my case here in any way? Would it have made it worse? I don't think I'll get to know."
"On the brighter note of cherishings, I do appreciate being able to continue my art here regardless of the circumstance. I also appreciate the uh - community this place has. I certainly don't feel insane for any paranormal encounters I have. Most of the time people have seen worse!"
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Pip (◼⊗_⊗’)/* :
"Yeah." Pip mumbled, picking at a loose thread on his cloak. He'd need to fix that later. "Sometimes I wonder if I'd cause less trouble if I liked the subjects my parents deemed impressive or smart. Not that that matters much now, but it would be nice to know if they could be happy together again."
"I enjoy what I create and share with others. Storytelling is just so much more fun with company to react to the good parts with you."
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Miss Manni (,◡ _ ◡,):
"Oh, dear what an interesting question." Miss Manni tilted her hand into her palm, taking a moment to think. "I do. I'm often meloncolic about my life in the past, what could have been, and simply what is now. Its always quite the debocle to figure out why my fate led itself to here."
"Although, I must say, I do treasure the many faces I've gotten to meet over my new chance at life. The additional freedoms from certain societal standards has been quite the needed vacation for myself as well in a way. Its strange to think of a place like this in that light though, isn't it huhuhu!"
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Eleanor (´⬬_⬬`)< :
"I think of a lot of things. I often have time to reflect." Eleanor said, pausing for a moment as they set their pet rat down before they continued. "People's motivations, forgotten contexts hidden in memories, and much more. I wish to know how they'd change my views on my past."
"I appreciate the stage along with the new friends I have aqquired here."
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The Shadowed Man /++ ◡ ++\:
"Hrmmmm... why yes, little butterfly. I do." A layered laugh echoed from the shadow as they tapped their hand upon their cane. "Although, I'm afraid I've existed far too long for such reflections to particularly make a interesting impact on me like the one you'd like."
"As for cherishings, I quite enjoy when humans have someting uniqe they bring to my interactions with them. Not only will it entertains us both, but it makes their pitiful existence so much more memorible."
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leonscape · 1 month
im sorry for the confusion huhuhu 🥹
anyways ill answer your questions :
looks like we are soulmates (platonically) were same but different.
and as you can see I BRO ZONED EVERY IKEPRI SUITOR because i don't imagine myself being on a romantic nor sexual relationship with any of them...it feels...weird..and odd at the same time.
of course that doesn't mean i won't stop simping nor having a crush nor fangirl over them, especially towards leon 👀 (besides most of them are jokes and is satire, i didn't mean most of the words i said-).
also despite me liking both men and women, AND SUPRISINGLY IM ACTUALLY NOT BISEXUAL- im in the ace spectrum just like you 😊🫶🏼, and my sexuality can be a bit confusing...so anyways, im actually aego aroace (in closet) just search it in google 😅.
actually my faves are LEON and CHEVALIER, the faction leaders eifnekdmedkw.
as for jin, i used to like him at first impression then he became meh to me but then slowly i liked him back now, dang i feel moody to my liking of jin-.
i liked jin a bit because his name is jin (i have a thing for fictional characters that are named jin), he is leon's bro, best big brother figure, likes women, mantiddies, caring for his younger brothers 🥺, handsome to me (idc about his haircut), a sweet tooth like me 🫶🏼, etc. (suprisingly he's one of my least faves, doesn't mean i disliked him tho).
about the pig emoji, it just suits me...i love pink, im a foodie, likes getting dirty (not THAT kind), im average looking, i can be fun and enthusiastic, im a bit fat, etc.
well that's a lot of yapping...please let me know if you want me to stop, i don't wanna bother you lots you know 😔.
anyways take care of yourself, alright? 💟
im sincerely sorry...(im not og keith i swear-).
hmm perhaps we are platonic soulmates. i also don’t see myself and any of the suitors in a romantic/sexual relationship. well except for leon of course he confuses me a lot. i just thought you’re some kind of bi because you said you’re into women as well. but i think i understand, you just like the idea or seeing romantic/sexual relationships? i am curious to know what your journey was like when you found the aro/ace spec because i think mine is kinda funny.
i don’t trust people that like chevalier and leon tho it’s suspicious to me 🤨 how are you gonna like someone that threatened you over a book but also like someone that would save you and dust off the book? as for liking jin, i’ve always felt like you either like him or you don’t so i can see how you’re going back and forth on it 😹 i actually don’t mind his haircut too i think it has a certain boyish charm. it’s much cleaner than leon’s mullet bc leon seems to have hair going everywhere💀
i also like food too. i like regular meals but i prefer baking dessert over cooking.
you’re not a bother, i don’t mind 😸👍 take care of yourself as well!!
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zombiebastian · 2 months
Beavis and Butthead in Saw II
Read the very first one here
Warnings: uhh well its based on Saw, Saw is very violent so if you don't like violence and gore please leave or read with caution, also since this is from B&BH's point of view some of the descriptions of events from Saw 2 are weird but hopefully not too bad
It had been 6 months since Beavis and Butthead had been forced to play one of Jigsaw's games, of course Beavis ended up cutting off his own foot to escape, leaving Butthead behind.
Luckily for them both, 2 amazing things happened. One, their TV was perfectly fine, and two, Butthead was somehow rescued by.... Uhhh... Since I'm lazy, Jotaro Kujo I guess.
Unfortunately their school was not blown up and Stuart was not killed like what Jigsaw said on the tape but getting their TV back was worth it all. The 2 had continued to live their life as normal, watching TV, dreaming of scoring with hot chicks, eating nachos, bothering their teachers, you name it.
John 'Jigsaw' Kramer was not happy that they hadn't learnt their lesson from playing his game, its clear they needed to be put through another test to see how much they valued life, so, almost exactly 6 months after the bathroom game, they had awoken in a room alongside 8 other people.
"Uuuhhhh... Where are we Beavis?" Asked Butthead whom had just awoke a few seconds ago, Beavis was still asleep. Butthead realised Beavis was not responding so he decided to kick his sleeping friend "Wake up, dumbass, we're like... Not on the couch like we were when we last slept,"
"Aah!" Beavis yells as Butthead kicks him and he wakes up "Wait a minute, wheres the TV?"
The 2 looked around to notice that there were 8 other people in the room, a few of them still unconscious "Woah, huhuhu... Cool," Butthead says "We're at a party, and there's chicks here too, we've never been to a party before,"
One of the women, Laura, pointed out a camera in the top corner of the room "Hey Beavis, we're on TV, we're gonna be famous," Butthead stated, Beavis replying with a loud happy "Yes! Chicks love famous dudes!"
The 7 conscious other people were silently judging Beavis and Butthead, but the 2 were a bit stupid to realise this. Eventually the final person finally awoke, a woman named Amanda.
It seemed when Amanda had realised she had woken up in an unrecognisable place, she began to panic and look around the room, when questioned by one of the others she answered something along the lines of "He wants us to play his game! Damnit why?! I already beat your game so why are you testing me again?!"
Beavis and Butthead, as well as the 7 others were confused, what was she talking about? While looking around she pulled the bricks off of some sort of fire place.
While Amanda was searching thats when Beavis and Butthead both realised 2 different things. Beavis realised that this woman was Amanda Young, more than 10 months ago he saw her on the news, as she was one of the only known victims to have survived the Jigsaw killers traps.
Butthead, meanwhile, noticed there was a giant safe in the middle of the room, he wondered how much money was in there.
Eventually Amanda found a tape, a key and a piece of paper in the fire place "Hey Butthead, I think we've been kidnapped by that Jigsaw guy again," Beavis explains, Butthead replies "Really? If our TV is in danger again I'm gonna kick his ass, when I saw him last time he was really old so I bet I could do that easily,"
Amanda began to play the tape.
"Greetings and welcome. I trust that you are all wondering where you are. I can assure you that while your location is not important, what these walls offer you is important, salvation, if you earn it. 3 hours from now, the door to this house will open. Unfortunately, you only have 2 hours to live. Right now, you are breathing in a deadly nerve agent. You've been breathing it since you arrived here. Those of you familiar with the Tokyo subway attacks will know its devastating effects on the human body. The only way to overcome it and walk out that door is to find an antidote. Several are hidden around this house. One is inside the safe in front of you. You all possess the combination to the safe. Think hard. The numbers are in the back of your mind. The clue to their order can be found over the rainbow. Once you realize what you all have in common, you will gain a better understanding of why you're here. X marks the spot for that clue, so look carefully. Let the game begin,"
"Deadly gas? Beavis did you cut the cheese again?" Butthead asks, Beavis answering "No, I don't think so, hehehe,"
Pretty much everyone in the room apart from Beavis, Butthead and some buff guy named Xavier were in a state of panic and dread. Xavier read the piece of paper that came with it reading "Don't use the key on the door,"
Xavier and some other guy named Gus quite obviously disagreed with the message on the paper, as they decided to take the key to the locked door and begin trying to open it, Amanda pleaded with them not to, and even Beavis and Butthead admited that it was a bit stupid of them not to listen considering she had already been in one of these traps and knew how this Jigsaw guy worked.
Xavier bent down and began unlocking the door while Gus peeped through the eyehole, after a few moments there was a loud bang.
Gus then slowly collapsed, revealing a massive injury to his eye, in fact his eye was nowhere in sight and he was bleeding everywhere. Most people in the room began screaming and panicking, Gus had just been killed, meanwhile Beavis and Butthead...
"Woah, he just died," Butthead said, not really concerned. The 2 then began to headbang as they loudly hummed a heavy metal song.
One of the others, Jonas (one of the only reasonable people in this trap to be fair) approached them
"You think thats funny?!"
Butthead replied "Uhhh... No, we think its cool,"
Jonas said "That man just died! You think its cool?"
Beavis answers "Uhhh... Yeah, hehehe,"
Jonas didn't say anything after that, but he approached Amanda and demanded to know how she knew where the tape, key and paper was, she began to explain Jigsaws games, how she put in the reverse beartap for doing drugs and how she had to fish for a key in her "dead" cellmates stomach, but she survived.
"Hey Beavis, check this out," Butthead whispered to Beavis before approaching Amanda "Uhhhh, hey babeh. I see you were put in a Jigsaw trap, I was put in a Jigsaw trap too,"
Beavis interrupted "Oh yeah yeah! I was with him too! I cut my foot off! Hehehe"
Amanda ignored these two because she already knew this information. Daniel, a kid around Beavis and Butthead's age whom had been sitting quietly in the corner the whole time, took Gus's jacket and used it to cover the dead mans face, not wanting to see that horrific sight.
While everyone else was searching a way out the room, the door just randomly opened by itself. Everyone quickly exited the room and saw there was a magnum gun behind the keyhole, that must've shot Gus and killed him.
Everyone began looking around the house
"This place is weird," Beavis states "Its all like... Greenish yellowish, it smells like pee, the chicks here are pretty hot though, know what I'm sayin'? Hehehe"
Butthead replies with a stern "Agreed."
At the front of the house there was a door with a big "EXIT" written on it, it of course would not open until the 3 hours had passed.
Most of the doors in the house are locked, but they eventually find one that opens, one that leads them all to the basement, also Xavier had a lamp with him for some reason.
They all slowly entered the basement to find a large room, and down there was a hooded figure sitting at a table facing away from everyone.
Xavier approached the figure with the lamp, prepared to kill them if they made a wrong move, Jonas approached behind Xavier and pulled the hood of the figure, making both of them flinch
"AHH! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?! ITS SO CREEPY!" Yelled Beavis when he saw it.
The figure was in fact just a dummy, a very creepy looking one that gave everyone uncanney valley vibes, on the chest of the dummy was a piece of paper with one word written
Xavier questions what the hell "OBI" meant, "Oh I know!" Beavis said "Its like, Obi Wan Kenobi!"
Butthead slapped Beavis "No way, dork, there's no way Jigsaw is a Star Wars fan, and even if he was why would he reference it here?"
"Actually, my name is Obi (pronounced Ah-bi)," said one of the others in the group, of course his name was Obi
"Butthead! Look! The real Obi Wan Kenobi is here with us! He'll save us and kick Jigsaw's ass for sure, though he does look a little different to what he's like in the movie..." Beavis exclaimed.
At this point everyone ignored whatever Beavis and Butthead said and didn't even try to correct them, they had figured they were both just really mentally challenged idiots.
Near the dummy was a tape so Xavier decided to play it.
"Hello Obi. I want to play a game. For years, you've burned those around you with your lies, cons, and deceits. Now you'll have to redeem yourself, for the games you've played with others, by playing one of mine. Inside the device in front of you are 2 antidotes for the poison coursing through your veins. One is my gift to you for helping me kidnap the others. The second is yours to donate. However, one of them will come with a price. Remember, Obi, once you are in Hell, only the Devil can help you out,"
"Wait a minute, what does that mean, kidnap the others?" Asked Jonas, Obi replied "How would I know?"
"He's the one who put us here," said Laura who was sitting near the shelves on the other side of the room "The car... It was you, I knew I recognised you, you were the last person I saw before I woke up here,"
Thats when Beavis and Butthead realised that this guy had also brought them here, they thought back to the last thing that happened before they woke up in this house.
"Woah, he also brought us here, he was like hiding behind our couch and stuff, and while we were watching Baywatch he came up behind us and put this thing on our face and it made us fall asleep," Butthead explains.
Everyone glared at Obi after Laura and Butthead had told them all about what happened, most of them also starting remember seeing him before they woke up in this mysterious house.
"Are you sure its him? You better be sure," Jonas says, Laura replies "I'm sure,"
Obi looked at Jonas and said "You would've done the same if you new what I had to do,"
Xavier was obviously not happy hearing this, he grabs a nearby knife and says "You've got 5 seconds to get us out of here!!"
Obi answers "I don't know the way out,"
"Bullshit!" Yelled Laura
Beavis and Butthead approach Laura, Beavis saying "Exactly, I bet he's like, Jigsaws brother something,"
While Xavier was threatening Obi at knifepoint, Butthead attempted to flirt with Laura "Don't worry babeh, I'll like, find a way out of here," Laura wasn't really in the mood so she didn't reply.
Before Xavier was about to attack Obi, one of the others, Addison, broke them up
"Hey listen to me!" She yelled "We've got two antidotes in the back of that oven, we're waisting time here!"
Beavis and Butthead was ignoring all of the conflict going on "Hey Beavis, the chicks here are hot, maybe if I can get the antidote in the oven they'll want to score with me," Butthead said, Beavis replies "Yeah they are hot, but next trap let me get the antidotes okay, I wanna score too,"
Butthead approaches the conflict and says "Hey everyone, I volunteer to get the antidotes in the oven, make sure to watch me closely, ladies,"
However, Xavier, who was now holding the knife to Obi's neck, would not let Butthead into the furnace
"No way, this guy got us in here so he's gonna help us out, he has 10 seconds to get in that furnace or else he's a dead man,"
Thats when Daniel interrupted and asked "So if there's only 2 antidotes in there, which 2 of us gets to use them?" With Xavier yelling back "We'll figure that out later!"
Xavier pushes the knife even closer to Obi's neck "Right now you're going in there, or I'll kill you where you stand!"
Obi then said in a surprisingly serious voice "Guess I'm going in there to get those needles, but I get one, got it?"
Obi then crawled into the furnace, 2 needles hanged from the cieling, Obi grabbed one of them "This one is for me," he said before pulling it down. He then looked at the other one which was hanging from a chain "And you guys can fight over who gets this one,"
"Hurry up!" Yelled Xavier.
Obi then grabbed the one hanging from a chain, which of course pulled the chain, and as that happened the door to the furnace closed which made everyone (apart from of course Beavis and Butthead) panic.
"Oh god! Oh shit!"
"Open the door!"
People yelled, as fire started to amit from the furnace, this excited Beavis.
"Fire! Fire! Fire!" He yelled full of joy, not realising that Obi was about to meet a firey grave.
"Open the door! Open the door!" Obi commanded as he started to notice the fire was getting closer to where he was.
Everyone scurried around trying to open the door but it wouldn't budge, Obi tried lowering his leg above the fire to kick the door open but nothing worked, he crawled all the way to the back of the furnace to avoid the fire as much as possible.
Thats when he noticed that there was some sort of valve with a drawing of some devil pointing at this, this was what Jigsaw meant when he said "Once you are in hell, only the devil can get you out,". Unfortunately for Obi, it was too late as there was too much fire in front to reach the valve to turn the gas off, he didn't want to get burned so he didn't want too and just prayed someone else got him out of there.
Everyone was still trying to open the door but at this point the fire inside was making the metal heat up, burning peoples hands when they tried to pull it.
"Use your coat! Use your fucking coat!" Yelled Addison at Jonas, who of course, took his coat off and used it to cover his hand to try and open the door but it still didn't work.
Laura was cowering in the corner shivering and repeating the phrase "Stop it,"
"Hey guys there's a window over here!" Yelled Daniel, everyone ran to the back of the furnace where there was indeed a window, they saw that Obi was nearly fully engulfed in flames.
"Fire! Fire! Fire!" Beavis continues to cheer out as he saw the fire within.
"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" Laura began to now scream in the corner of the room.
"Don't worry, we're gonna get you out of there!" Assured Jonas before Obi's hand pushed up against the glass trying to break open the window.
Xavier then found a bat with nails stuck in it "Everyone stand back!" He shouted.
"Woah, that Xavier guy is pretty cool, Beavis," Butthead said, neither him nor Beavis were expressing the seriousness of the situation, as Beavis also continued to cheer out the word "Fire!"
Xavier broke open the window and Obi's hand and head stuck out but the window was too small for him to escape, he was bleeding, covered in burns and visibly in a lot of pain, luckily he eventually died less than a minute after the window was broken.
Everyone just stared at the dead body in shock for a while, before Xavier checked Obi's hand "The antidote!" He yelled angrily as he saw Obi didn't even hand them the antidote
"The fucking antidote is melting in there!"
"Yeah, what a dickweed, he could've at least handed us the needle, he deserved to die. Oh well at least there'll be less antidotes to give now that he's gone," Butthead stated, trying to seem cool in front of Xavier.
Butthead was also relieved that no one let him go in the furnace when he was trying to impress the girls, he probably would've met the same end as Obi.
Amanda then took what looked like to be some sort of cleaber and went back upstairs away from the basement before anyone else.
Soon everyone followed and began looking around to see if they could find more rooms with antidotes. Amanda and Daniel were having a conversation on how they ended up here, majority of the people who woke up in this house had went to jail for a serious crime at some point in time, apart from Daniel, Beavis and Butthead.
Amanda was telling Daniel about how she had dealt with drugs which is how she ended up in her first test, the reverse beartrap, but after that she began self harm to cope with the traumatic experience which is probably how she ended up here.
Meanwhile Beavis and Butthead were having a conversation of their own
"Hey Beavis, did you notice that like, everyone here apart from us and Amanda has a number on the back of their neck?" Butthead asks,
Beavis replies "Huh? Oh yeah, cool, maybe this means Amanda is like, our soulmate or something,"
"She should be the first chick we score with when we get out of here," Butthead suggests.
Beavis then points to a table next to them "Hey look, a pen, maybe you can draw a number on the back of my neck, Butthead,"
Butthead says "Yeah, good idea, Beavis,"
Butthead takes the pen and draws a number on the back of Beavis's neck.
Suddenly Jonas came back and let everyone know they found another door that could possibly have their next challenge.
Everyone followed him to the door, to find it wasn't really opening but Xavier was trying to force it open
"Xavier rules," Butthead states.
Soon the door opens to what looks like a childrens bedroom, well a very abandoned one at least. There were dusty and broken toys on the floor and in the middle of the room was a bed with no mattress.
Behind that was a metal door with a 4 minute countdown going off, and on the bed was a tape, Xavier decides to play the tape as everyone gathered around.
"Hello, Xavier. I want to play a game. The game I want to play is very similar to the one that you've been playing as a drug dealer. The game of offering hope to the desperate, for a price. I think we can agree that your situation is desperate. So I offer you hope. The price that you pay is that you must crawl into the same pit of squalor you force your customers into. By entering this room, a timer has been started. When the timer expires, the door in front of you will be locked forever. Only in finding the key before the timer runs out can you unlock and retrieve the antidote inside. I will give you just one hint as to where that key is: it will be like finding a needle in a haystack. Let the game begin,"
Xavier then pulls the bed away to reveal that beneath it is a hole filled with needles that have probably been used.
"There's no way I'm going in there," Xavier states before looking at Amanda, he approaches her
"Hey what are you doing?" She asks before he grabs her
"Hey wait! No don't do this!" Xavier says back to her "Sorry but I ain't digging through those needles,"
He then picks her up as she begs him not to make her do this, then he throws her into the pit, she yells and screams in pain as everyone watches feeling bad for her but also relieved Xavier didn't decide to throw them in.
"Uhhh, Beavis you need to go in there too," Butthead says as Amanda begins to dig through the needles, multiple of them sticking in her arms
"What?! Why?!" Exclaims Beavis
"Because, dumbass," Butthead replies "If you impress Amanda and the other chicks here, you will score,"
"But, don't you want to score?" Beavis asks nervously, Butthead answering "Yes, but I'll wait until there's a less painful trap to impress all the chicks, now go!"
Butthead then pushes Beavis into the trap alongside Amanda, Beavis also yelling in pain but not really doing much to help find the key unlike Amanda.
"You can do it brother Beavis! I believe in you!" Butthead cheers his friend on, Xavier approached behind him "What, you want to join your friend in there too?" He asks.
Butthead replies "Uhhhhh, no,"
Xavier ignores him, and ends up picking Butthead up and throwing him into the needle pit alongside Amanda and Beavis. All 3 of them looked like pin cushions with needles sticking out all over them.
"Hurry the hell up in there!" Xavier yells as the timer on the door ticks down.
Soon the timer is around 30 seconds and Beavis and Butthead didn't really do much to help out, but Amanda was able to find the key, she tosses it out the pit as she cries.
Xavier grabs the key and runs towards the door, at 10 seconds, but he ends up dropping the key while trying to put it in, he reaches down to pick it up and tries to put it in again but the timer runs out and the door shuts before he can unlock it.
"No! No! No!" Yelled Xavier, frustrated that he had literally sent 3 people into the needle pit to find the key for him yet he still wasn't able to unlock the door in time.
"Well, uhhh, its your own fault for having butter fingers," Butthead said as he peeked his head out the pit. Xavier gave him an angry glare but thankfully didn't do anything.
Daniel helped Amanda climb out the pit and pull all of the needles out of her arms and body. Meanwhile Beavis and Butthead were still stuck in the pit.
"Butthead, I don't feel too good," Beavis said, not even in much pain anymore as he had grown numb to all the needles sticking out of him, he was just mostly tired.
"Me neither," they both lay down in the needles staring up at everyone else.
"I don't think that Xavier guy is as cool as we thought," Beavis said, making sure Xavier didn't hear him
"Agreed, I can take a beating but throwing me into a pit of needles is crossing the line, we should just stick to idolising Todd from now on,"
Eventually Beavis and Butthead were able to climb out the pit as well, making sure to stay away from Xavier. Luckily for them Xavier decided to go back downstairs while the 2 followed Amanda, Addison, Daniel and Laura around the house, Jonas went off and searched on his own or something.
Laura wasn't doing too good, the toxic gas was starting to take effect on everyone but especially Laura, she could barely stand and was going in and out of consciousness.
At this point everyone was turning pale and coughing up blood. At one point Butthead slapped Beavis for coughing up blood on him.
At some point they were all in the corner of a hallway while Amanda held Laura, who seemed very close to death. They were all talking about how they were gonna get out of there or any clues they had found.
"Damnit Beavis stop holding onto me like that," Butthead said, clearly annoyed, Beavis let go of him "Sorry Butthead, I just don't feel too good, I think those needles did something to me,"
"X..." Mumbled Laura, Amanda asked her "What did you say?"
"X... Marks the spot," she repeated as she pointed at a frame on the wall with an X scratched onto it. Since Addison was the one standing most near to it she took it off the wall and behind it was a piece of paper that said.
"Father and son"
Addison turned the paper around to show a picture of Daniel and a man she knew quite well.
"Uhhhh, who's that guy with you Daniel?" Butthead asks when he saw the picture "He looks stupid, huhuhuhu,"
"Is that your Dad?!" Addison asks as she showed the picture to Daniel, Amanda and Laura recognised him too. Daniel didn't really answer seeming quite shocked not knowing what to say.
"Thats the man who framed me and put me away! I went to jail because of him, thats Eric Matthews," she said, Beavis and Butthead had no idea who this guy was, they had never seen him before unlike everyone else.
Before anyone could say anyone else Laura began shaking and coughing up blood even more than before, she was having a seizure.
"Uhhh, I think she's been electrocuted, you might wanna step away from the power outlet," Butthead said, not really understandimg what a seizure was or what was going on.
Soon Laura died in Amanda's arms and after Addison stormed off, ranting about how she couldn't trust anyone in this house.
"Uhhhh, Beavis, what should we do now?" Butthead asks, Beavis replying "At least we now know Amanda is our true soulmate, Laura is dead and Addison ditched us, but Amanda will always be hear for us. We need to find another antidote Butthead, or else we will die virgins,"
Butthead silently nodded and the 2 split up to go and find another antidote room. Butthead heard some commotion going on downstairs in the room they had woke up in, he decided to see what was going on so he stood at the door and watched as Xavier and Jonas were fighting.
Butthead didn't say anything he just watched in silence because he found this entertaining, eventually Xavier used that nailed bat he found in the basement while trying to save Obi and hit Jonas in the back of the head, killing him in seconds.
Xavier then looked at Butthead, noticing he was watching, Butthead then realised Xavier is probably planning to do that to him too, so he ran to go and find Beavis or Amanda or Daniel.
The reason Xavier had killed Jonas was because he had looked at the dead body of Gus, the man who had been shot in the eye earlier and saw there was a number on the back of his neck, a 2 that was the colour red.
The combination to the antidote in the safe was on the back everyones necks and the order was in the order of the rainbow, since the gas had lingering for a while Xavier was going a bit insane so he decided to go on a killing spree to find everyone elses numbers to open the safe.
Meanwhile with Beavis he was wondering around the hallways trying to get a few doors open, when he hears Addison calling for help, he decided to see what was going on so he followed her voice and found the room she was in.
Hanging from the cieling of the room was a glass box with a now spilled antidote in it, at the bottom of the box were 2 holes with razor blades around it, Addison's arms were stuck in the holes as she was trying to get the antidote inside.
"Oh thank god! Can you please get me out of here?!" She cried. Beavis looked at the box and Addison, he realised that if he saves her, she might want to score with him after they escape, he smiles deviously and replies "Of course, uhhhh..."
He walks closer to her, feeling his heart pump faster and saw the blades her arms were stuck in "Oh okay, I know how to get you out," he said before sticking his rather small hand into the hole and pushing the blades upwards so she can pull her arm out without basically skinning herself.
She then reaches into the hole her other arm was stuck in and did the same for that "Thank you Beavis," she said, still in tears because she had been bleeding a lot due to the razors.
Beavis thought to himself "Ha! Take that Butthead, you said I was too much of a buttmonkey to score with a chick and that you'd score and I wouldn't, but now I'm gonna score before you do! Haha,"
Beavis then looked at the spilled antidote in the box and continues to think "But I can't score if I die, unless she's into that necrophilia type stuff, so I'm gonna need an antidote real quick,"
He walks behind the box and sees a lock with a key in it "Damn this Jigsaw guy made this trap too easy, I guess that chick was just really stupid or something but thats fine, I'm sure it'll balance well with my genuis.
Beavis then reached up and unlocked the top of the box, since he was quite short and couldn't reach the top, he grabbed the bottom of the box and began to pour the spilled liquid antidote into his mouth.
"I know the antidote is supposed to be injected into you but I suppose it doesn't matter which way it goes in," he thought to himself.
After drinking the antidote, he began to shake rapidly and made weird noises, before he eventually pulled his shirt over his head.
Due to the nerve gas, the chemicals in the antidote and all of the germs in the needle pit, Beavis had now become his alter ego Cornholio.
Addison watched him, extremely freaked out as to what was going on, which distracted her from Xavier sneaking up behind her and then hitting her in the head with the nailed bat.
Xavier lifted her hair and saw her number before looking at Cornholio making weird noises and stomping around.
"Sorry kid, nothing personal," he said, Cornholio turned to him and yelled "ARE YOU THREATENING ME?! HOW DARE YOU THREATEN THE GREAT CORNHOLIO!"
Cornholio then ran past him, Xavier yelled "Hey! Get back here!" As he chased after him. Cornholio soon met up with Amanda, Daniel and Butthead, but this meant Xavier had found them too.
Xavier was also angrier than ever at Daniel because he had found the picture of him and his father, Eric Matthews.
"Damnit Beavis, why'd you have to lead that maniac towards us?" Butthead said, slapping Cornholio.
Butthead saw Xavier approaching and grabbed Cornholio, realising there was no time to waste. They both ran behind Amanda and Daniel and they lead them to the room they had woken up in.
"Get in there Beavis," Butthead pushed Cornholio into the room as he was standing in his way. Amanda slammed the door shut but Xavier tried to pry it open.
Butthead watched and Cornholio ran around the room yelling as Amanda and Daniel tried to hold the door shut
"Help us!" Yelled Daniel, Butthead replied "Ehh, no,"
Meanwhile Daniel noticed that Xavier had left the nail bat in the room, so he went and picked it up and used it to jam the door shut, Amanda also noticed something beneath the safe that held one of the antidotes, she went and pushed it off.
So much commotion was going on, Xavier trying to force the door open, Cornholio ranting and stomping around the room, Butthead refusing to help, Amanda trying to push the safe off of the thing she noticed, it was all chaos.
Eventually Amanda pushed the safe away and found there was a secret door beneath it, she knew this could be their escape so she opened it and signalled everyone to go inside.
Daniel went in first, but Butthead didn't really get the message "Uhh, is that the basement?" He asked. As Amanda was trying to convince Butthead to go into the secret door, he kept asking stupid questions and not listening to anyone.
The door then flung open revealing Xavier "Damnit Beavis you let that crazy guy in here, I get it now, we need to go to the basement," Butthead then grabbed Cornholio and attempted to drag him into the secret door.
"Get in Beavis!" Butthead then pushed Cornholio into the secret door before jumping in himself and running down the long hallways, he heard as Xavier jumped down and ran behind them, Cornholio was nowhere in sight now, Butthead realised he probably didn't understand what was happening and how this crazy guy was going to kill them.
"Damnit Beavis you're an absolute buttmonkey, that guys gonna kill you, whatever at least I'm the only one who gets to score with Amanda now," Butthead thought to himself as he ran.
Eventually they came to some sort of weird door, Amanda pushed it open to reveal the bathroom that Beavis and Butthead had awoken in 6 months ago.
"Uhhh, why's Beavis's foot on the floor?" Butthead asked "Oh and that's the guy Beavis killed back when we were locked in that bathroom, uhhhh..."
Butthead then looked over and noticed Daniel was dead
"Uhhh," he then also noticed that Xavier had entered the room "Crap,".
Xavier and Amanda talked for a little bit about the numbers, Butthead wasn't really paying attention, but then he saw Cornholio walk up behind Xavier.
"You can do it brother Beavis! You kick his ass!" Butthead cheered Cornholio on as he noticed him.
Xavier of course turned around and saw Cornholio, Cornholio asked "WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE MY BUNGHOLE?"
"Damnit I'll kill you, kid," Xavier said before charging at Cornholio, the 2 began to fight, Xavier smashed his head against the hard bathroom wall and saw his number was "69"
Thats when Cornholio pulled out the nail bat he had been hiding in his pants and smashed it across Xavier's face. Xavier collapsed, his face covered in blood he began gasping for air before eventually dying.
"Woah, you're pretty cool Beavis," Butthead said, before Cornholio replied "HE THREATENED THE ALL MIGHTY BUNGHOLE, HE HAD TO DIE, HEHEHE,"
Thats when Cornholio transitioned back to Beavis "Uhhh, Butthead whats going on here? I remember saving that Addison chick from a box and then- AAAAAHHHHH!!!!"
Beavis screams as he sees his own foot on the floor, the one he had sawn off 6 months ago, he approached it "I wondered where my other shoe was!" He took the shoe off his dismembered foot and held it.
"Uhhh, Daniel died, Beavis," Butthead told Beavis, Beavis replied "Uhhh, that sucks, anyways at least we get to score with Amanda now,"
"Actually I was just pretending to be dead," Daniel said as he got up from the floor.
"Aww damnit!" Beavis exclaimed "Now we're gonna have to have a foursome, better than nothing anyways. Uhhh, speaking of Amanda where is she?"
Butthead answered "Uhhh, I dunno," suddenly a figure approached behind them both and injected them with some sort of needle, they then passed out.
Everything was black, until they both woke up in a tight space. "Uhhh, Beavis, where are we?" Butthead asked "And why are you hugging me?"
"I'm not hugging you idiot!" Beavis exclaimed
"Then stop wrapping your arms around me!" Commanded Butthead, Beavis couldn't though "I cant we're like, stuck in some box, is this another test from Jigsaw? And why do we have these plastic thingies on our noses and mouth?"
The 2 boys had a ventilator on their face, they began squirming and trying to push away from each other which only resulted in them basically beating each other up.
"Settle down Beavis you're crushing my rib cage or something," Butthead said as he slapped Beavis.
Suddenly the door to the box opened, they were in a safe place. Relieved, they both crawled out and saw a woman (for those of you who are familiar with Saw, the woman is Detective Allison Kerry) and a few other police looking people looking at them in shock.
"Hey babeh, we just like, escaped a death game," Butthead attempted to flirt with the detective. They then noticed another safe to their right so they walked towards it to look inside.
"Woah check it out Butthead, its Daniel!" Beavis exclaimed, Daniel was indeed inside the other safe, also with a ventilator on his face, except he was in a lot more distress then Beavis and Butthead were.
"Where's Amanda though?" Butthead asked, they both looked around again "Aw damnit I think we've been ditched!" Yelled Beavis, angry that once again he was unable to score.
"Well we could try to score with this lovely detective chick, Beavis," Butthead reassured him
"Yeah yeah, good idea,"
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feelo-fick · 1 year
PHIOOOOOOO you should tell me about yor littol shadow guy........I think they r silly....and purrhaps my oc Castaway and him share a few characteristics.....
feelo... first off they use any pronouns! second of all, theyre a very shy type — theyve lived in the woods away from society for very long, until the moomin-crew discovers them
they actually play the flute!! cause im not sure if youve seen the post about my ancient flute alarm but its the only thing that can wake me up, so i decided to include it into his character HAHAHA if castaway plays anything, maybe theyd play together huhu
he doesnt speak much at first (or maybe doesnt speak at all? im unsure), but i have lots of arc ideas for the future if i ever make comics for him!! if you look back at my og post there were a few comic panels showing him lowering the scarf around his neck and her hoodie, with the episode title "Under the Hood" — it signifies a core part of her arc that i have no time to explain JABSHABD
some more fun facts, at some point she sets up shop (well, more like a tiny vendor stall) in the woods where she sells little trinkets and advice for a few cents or a cool rock HAHAHA they store their things in their little bucket for safe keeping and pulls them out when necessary (e.g. they grab a minnow out of it and just start eating it as a snack)
going back to them speaking, if they do end up not speaking, id like to imagine they speak through drawings in a notebook, so its just a game of pictionary whenever theyre around HABSAHHA itd be funny to see people try to piece together what theyre saying as they grow more and more annoyed and the drawings get messier
anyways thats all! id love to hear about your little guy 👀👀 we can ask eachother questions and take turns! (and if you rp... ive been waiting to do a moomins rp for a while huhuhu)
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tearsasmascara · 2 years
omg quinn this is so cute.. can i req something 😭😭😭 no pressure to do it ok!!!! i think this is a rly sweet idea thank u for doing this for others :,)
i’d love a thoma x sick!reader with fluff if thats okay 😭 am currently feeling super under the weather bc its my that time of the month so anything to do with sick characters and fluff would be greatly appreciated huhuhu 🥲
as always no pressure to get this done okay!! i hope i did this right :,)
YING!! i’m so glad to see you requesting ahhh <3 so here’s the thing i don’t know thoma well so i tried my hardest to write him in character i hope he is!! this one took a while bc just as i started I GOT SICK WGDKDHS so i just got to writing it a bit ago. i’m really not proud of this at all so if you have any feedback i would love it so much !! thank you <33 and take care of yourself :3 also tell me if there’s any mistakes ahhh
btw!! this is a small thing but i think it could be a trigger warning, it’s mentioned the reader has tears in their eyes after taking pills, so if you have trouble with pills it can be taken that way but if that’s personal and you don’t like it, think of it as you coughed wayyyy too much shdkhd it’s up to your imagination!! again i hope you like this ying !!
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a groan left your lips as you shifted in your seat, the words in front of you dancing and twirling. the burning in your chest built up and you lifted your arm to cough into it for the nth time.
crap. you were definitely sick.
you also had to finish this last piece of work up, and a part of your mind itched at you to finish it before you rest. your fingers typed frantically as your eyes squinted at the glaring screen, a pathetic attempt to shield yourself.
a soft click sounded from the front of your room, the sound blending in with the symphony of your keys clacking. light footsteps pulled a creak out of the tired floorboards, the sound snapping you out of your funk.
“thoma?” hope stumbled out of your lips in the form of your lovers name, and it was satiated as thoma stepped into the room, a small smile gracing his face.
“hello dear.” a pause followed as thoma’s eyes searched your face, his smile slowly giving way to a frown saturated in worry.
“you look,, unwell.”
fuzziness creeped out from the corners of your eyes as you peeked up at him, the temperature of your fever affecting you in ways you didn’t think was possible.
“stay here darling.” thoma said before he left, as if your muscles would listen to you if you even attempted to move. not even a minute later, thoma returns, a small thermometer dangling from his fingers. his fingers tapped at your chin, a smile painted with sympathy forming.
“open up, let me check your temperature.” your tongue pressed down on the cool plastic, and a small whimper left your throat at the unwanted intrusion. thomas’s hand moved to your cheek, his fingers slightly rubbing your cheekbone as he waited, his actions showing more love then any words could at this moment.
a loud beep interrupted the momentary silence, and the device was fished out of your mouth gently. thomas eyes squinted as he peered at the numbers on the screen, the corners of his mouth turning down slightly.
“you’re running a bad fever. have you eaten?” his question was answered as your stomach made a noise pitifully in response.
“i guess not. let’s get some food and meds in you, and then you can rest. i don’t want you feeling worse.” thoma set the thermometer gently aside, and you could see his brain mentally making a small list containing all the things to clean and tidy.
you shook your head groggily, your body saying thing and your words another.
“i have to finish. this one um.” you pointed vaguely at your work, hoping he’d get the picture.
his eyebrow raised, the action speaking a question his lips didn’t. a deep sigh left your chest as you just weakly shook your head.
“i can’t.”
thoma looked down at you, a small smile spreading over his face as he moved closer.
“i’ll just have to,” he paused, his arms wrapping around you as he lifted you, your hands immediately flying to his neck for support, “aid you in your decision making.”
a complaining whine left your body as you rested your face in the crook of his neck.
“my decision making process is perfectly fine.” you mumbled into him. his laugh vibrated throughout your body’s as he shifted you in his hold.
“right, and i have black hair darling.” a small chuckle left him at his own joke and your own frown was replaced by a giggle.
gentle hands eased you onto the bed, thoma’s embrace being replaced by the embrace of the soft bed. your eyes closed automatically, you just realized how utterly exhausted you were. soft shuffling was picked up by your ears, and you reluctantly opened your eyes to see thoma leaving the room gracefully, his actions quick and smooth. you rested your head against the headboard, but was promptly picked it up again as another coughing fit overtook your body. you sighed, your eyes closing again as you let sleep overtake you, a time pass as you waited for your lover.
“love.” a thumb brushed over your cheek as your eyes opened slightly, trying to register what was happening.
thoma stood in front of you, a bowl of hot soup and a small container of pills sitting on your beside table. time passed slowly as thoma helped you eat, soft praises filling the air as the bowl slowly emptied. shapes were rubbed into your back as you choked down your pills, gentle hands wiping the tears from your eyes.
“you did so well dear.” thomas eyes crinkled he looked at you, a soft kiss being placed to your forehead, as he sat in a chair beside your bed, one of his hands smoothing your hair, the other resting on top of your hand.
“now my love. you work so hard. i’m so proud of you, and that won’t lessen just because you’re resting. in fact i’ll be even more proud.” he winked at you, sending your heart into a flurry.
a kiss was pressed into your temple, another to your cheek.
“sleep well darling.”
and with that, you drifted off into a world created by your imagination.
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hi !! thank you for reading this! if you did please rb (tags make me so happy but no pressure) and i hope you liked it!
taglist; @calyxcore, @ireallylikehamsters (send an ask to be removed or added)
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wildartsstuff · 1 year
Sweetie don't hate me...What do you think about Fifi (Sophia) specially her paper in the endings (the one What speaks about her "relationship" with P) and the fame in general and How she appears in your art (🥲still pls don't hate me...)
I don’t understand why I should hate you, you asked me basic questions lol
This answer has spoilers so scroll away if you are not interested!
About the paper you talk about I do not really remember about it. Maybe I was not really paying attention because I literally rushed 3 final bosses in a row and my adrenaline was pumping in my veins almost it was a situation of life and death.
But for views : I see Sophia and P as brother and sister/mother and son relationship because in the original book they are like family and tbh I do not like that people are shipping them. But lmfao who am I to stop them.
The frame of P ( Carlo ) as a child tbh was something I expected to happen so I was not really surprised to see it. It was nice to see how Carlo looked like as a counterpart to Pinocchio. So yeah it was nice.
Sophia is a nice character and I love her to death. She was a victim of Simon abuse and how the whole meaning of the scene where we find her missing the bottom part of her body is a whole metaphor to SA. It was disgusting to know what she went through but it was glad to give her peace. Glad that she came back as a puppet and now she is around Krat healing the petrification disease and stopping the puppet frenzy. What is so funny is how P giving back the butterfly to Sophia is an exchange of favour and how it can be seen and P giving life to Sophia like a father to a daughter. I have been recently thinking about P having to take care about a little Sophia like a daughter ( ofc papa Wick is there too huhuhu )
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kigozula · 1 year
Happy 300th! Wow congratulations! So many words! Such a beautiful story!
My question is, Is Toph in love with Sokka?
I know it was mentioned that she has a rocky relationship with Jet. (No pun intended… huhuhu) And that she loves Sokka very much. But would you say it’s a brotherly love? Or a romantic love? Kind of like it was implied in the show ATLA. Though it seemed more like a crush there. I’m very curious!
thank you for all your hard work! xoxo
Hey:D I‘m pretty sure Toph is not in love.=)) But @seyaryminamoto will answer this questions
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shining-gem34 · 1 year
6. What is your favorite thing about writing your current muse? (Any of them!)
Munday Questions || Accepted @etherealguard
Dan Heng/ Imbibitor Lunae
I personally like writing their monologues (actually I like writing all of my muses monologues). I do imagine during their downtime, they tend to think a lot, and they tend to overthink it when it comes to their emotions.
Dan Heng, when not focused on his archive duties, tries to process his emotions as rationally as he can. This is very noticeable whenever he's overwhelmed and needs time to sort out what he's feeling. Though, whatever conclusion he came up with tends to be logical and in the correct path that is best for everyone including himself.
Others might say he is running away.
In the case of Imbibitor Lunae...
It's a bit more complicated, because he was reborn every few centuries to lead his people and strive to uphold the Xianzhou ideology by eliminating the Plague Author remnants. He has to put the needs of others before his own; raised to become the perfect High Elder just like his predecessors were.
Yes, IL has his rebellious moments of spurning the Preceptors away and does as he wishes out of spite.
So what does IL think about?
He thinks about the world outside of the four walls of his office, of his room, and of his garden fences. A world so vast that IL longs to see it once instead of reading stories about it.
But he is an High Elder, his duty is to the Luofu and not some wild adventurer.
Yet it all changes when he meets his friends and later they became known as the High Cloud Quintet.
A constant conflict between his own needs and the needs of his people. Whatever his own desire is, even by the inquiry of his friends (and lovers), he tends to answer what is best for everyone and not himself.
But the one time he was selfish, not as the High Elder, but as an individual, it nearly destroyed his homeworld.
IL has no regrets though.
Ah yes, the brat.
My favorite part of writing Scaramouche/Wanderer in general is that they are a menace to everyone he knows. Next after that, I just like writing scenarios wherever he's traveling, he's completely chill with it. But whenever he meets someone, or is running an errand, he will be the bitchest person in the room. Like absolutely moody af, but he still does the job.
Next after that, I do love writing the complications of Wanderer character where he's struggling to come to terms with his past. The truth he discovered will never erase his crimes, he accepted that after attempting to erase himself from history. He's not sure if he wants to face Ei, Yae Miko, or any other of the Inazumans especially the descendants that are closely entwined with his past.
But, Wanderer is aware and accepted the fact that eventually he'll have to face them even if they don't know the true history. After all, he is not looking to redeem himself, but he wants to accept retribution when it comes to him.
After he kills Dottore of course.
For Scaramouche specifically, not currently writing but hopefully in the future, I want to explore his role as the Sixth Fatui Harbinger (seen as the least favorite commander amongst the Fatui Harbingers) but also!!! I am interested in exploring how Scaramouche explores the Abyss for the Tsaritsa and his daily visits to Dottore just to be experimented on.
And that leaves him in a bad mood later on that he does take it out on his subordinates if they test his patience. Huhuhu.
Rook/Mallory (My OCs')
They are not my first OC's, but they are my favorite up to now!
Rook (who has a multiverse)- I just love writing how he doesn't give a damn about anything, but he definitely cares ALOT and he's willing to go so far for his friends! Also his horrible fashion sense like ew who wears that bright ass green jacket or that a magenta sweater that is blinding someone eye just by looking at it.
Mallory- Angst where the God of Misfortune can never be with anyone and he brings nothing but disasters to everyone and everything around him. But also I like writing myths/superstitions that came to be cause of Mallory intervention or people started making shit up. :DDD He does have some funny moments but he's usually doom and gloom and wants to be alone despite longing for company. Yet he knows it cannot happen no matter what (if he does fall in love with you, you're kind of screwed. You got a 50/50 chance that he learns not to be possessive/jealous/suffocating, or he does all three.)
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