#ffxiv ask meme answer
chysgoda · 1 year
🧡 kissing in bed / lazy kiss / cuddling
*Sets this down, walks away whistling innocently for a few steps before running like hell*
(itty bitty content warning for brief discussion of kinky sex)
Art'imis hummed and wriggled closer to the warm chest at her back. A rumbling chuckle made her ribs shiver pleasantly and a kiss was laid on her shoulder as prelude to amused words, "You're not a big time gladiator anymore lass. Got to get up with the sun like the rest of us working folk."
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"I'm still recovering," the raen woman said mulishly. She pushed closer to his chest and pulled the linen sheet over her head. "Healers' orders Ilberd."
"Recovering from Vishap or last night?" Ilberd's rumbling chuckle became a basso laugh. He pulled the sheet away from her and smirked at his bedmate's surprised yelp. He caught one of her flailing hands so he could examine the skin of her wrist. "I don't recall you caring much about healer's orders while I was in you balls deep and had you trussed up so pretty."
Art'imis laughed and turned her head to kiss his cheek. "just another half bell love and then we can go back to responsibilities."
"How about I get that tea of your brewed and I can hold you while you suffer through it." Ilberd turned his head to catch her mouth for a proper kiss. 
"That's the best I'll get isn't it?" Art'imis pouted when she leaned back from the kiss. The big Ala Mhigan man chuckled again and tugged on a lock of her hair before he slid out of the bed. Art'imis pulled up the sheet and blanket when her source of heat left the bed. Her eyes fell half closed in a light doze as she watched her lover. 
"Friends tell me that the new viceroy in Ala Mhigo is a demon that makes van Baelsar look like a god of compassion." 
Art'imis bit back a groan. She couldn't really blame him for that thread of bitterness in his voice. After all the scions had interceded in Ishgard's favor, why not Ala Mhigo? But they'd talked about this so many times, the Eorzean alliance simply couldn't face down a legion with the full support of the Garlean empire. She took a deep breath and released it slowly. "Love, I swear Ala Mhigo's time will come, but right now all that would happen is the Empire would gain three new provinces to bleed dry."
 Ilberd walked back to the bed and handed her the mug of tea, "we'll discuss it tomorrow if you've survived all the politics of a state banquet."
Art'imis glared down into the contraceptive tea, her brows furrowing into the patch of scales at the center of her forehead. She let Ilberd pull her back against his chest and relaxed into the heat he radiated. She took a large swallow and gagged. For a crowded second she wasn't sure if she was going to choke or spit up the foul liquid. When she was finally able to swallow she started coughing. "Why do I let you make this? You always over steep it."
Ilberd kissed her horn and chuckled at the shiver that ran down her back and arms, "finish your tea.  We have a few extra minutes to enjoy ourselves since Yda is taking Bel to breakfast and then shopping."
"I can't believe I let you talk me into that either," Art'imis grumbled and then forced down the rest of the tea. Ilberd laughed again and put the mug on the night stand. The small woman joined his laugh when he rolled them so his weight pressed her down into the mattress and they enjoyed each other's company. 
…. ….
Minfillia caught Art'imis's elbow when the smaller woman swayed as they were walking out of the Rising Stones. They both frowned deeply, "You haven't been following the healer's orders have you?"
The paladin grimaced, "I think the battles with Nabrieales and Vishap took more out of me than I thought."
"And you do not do what the healers tell you to. Bel is better than you for Light's sake."
Art'imis waved a hand dismissively, "it will pass."
The junior sicons shook their heads listening to Minfillia's concerned nagging. It wouldn't be the last time the Warrior of Light pushed her limits to far. 
…. ….
"How long will the drug work for?"
"She is no longer protected by the mother crystal's blessing, if she drank all of it she will be weakened enough for your purposes for the next sennight."
"And in return for keeping her out of your plans you'll give me what I need to make the Garleans pay."
"I have always kept my word Captain."
"You'd better Ascian, I know how to end you now."
(I'm having a time so Art gets to take the brunt. I promise I'll write you something happy next)
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sae-mian · 4 months
symbol — for the single-word drive!
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eemamminy-art · 2 months
hc + 🚗 for a transportation headcanon pls!
Since there are cars in garlemald there's a non-zero chance that Zenos had a driver's license and I want to think he was so exacting and terrifying with his instructors. They'd all be afraid to fail him because he's the crown prince and also pretty well-known for being a living weapon masterful swordsman since childhood so each instructor he's given tries to just pass him through without any criticism.
... Failing to realize Zenos is also kind of a turbo nerd. They pass him and he's like "Wrong. That maneuver violated four different laws. Now, the real question at hand is whether you are incompetent, lazy, or intentionally trying to sabotage my lessons?" and then the instructor mysteriously disappears and he gets a new one.
For a maybe more lighthearted headcanon, I loved how in FFXVI Clive had a specific chocobo (Ambrosia my beloved) and I like to imagine people in Eorzea have bonds they develop with their chocobos too! Like imagine if Haurchefant's black chocobos he raised all had names, or like he knew the names of all the chocobos he raised who were given to various Lords in Ishgard? 🥺 it would be so cute... I know the player can do that for their wol, name their chocobo and imagine a relationship between their character and their steed, but it's so fun to imagine it for the NPCs too!!
Thematic headcanon ask meme
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ainyan · 5 months
B1 for the Size difference poses!
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~*~ Welcome Home ~*~
A Difference of Size makes no difference at all
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alixennial · 1 day
A love headcanon 💕
Indie really doesn't get ✨Love At First Sight✨
She can appreciate attractiveness - Aymeric, Adalberta of the Miner's Guild, that Goth Roe adventurer she's passed a number of times in Ishgard that she's never caught the name of, the pink Viera that complimented her hat one time in the South Shroud - they're all beautiful, but that alone doesn't awaken anything in her.
She doesn't experience sexual attraction to muscles, a nice pair of eyes, a laugh or they way they smell, though they are all things that become attractive to her once a connection is made.
Emotional intimacy is essential to Indie. She knows communication and openness is important to a relationship, but more than that, she needs that bond to experience sexual attraction. Tell me about your dreams and fears, that's hot. I'm now just describing her demisexuality, so onto the headcanons...
This is not to say all romances will be slow burn friends-to-lovers style. She connected with Haurchefant almost immediately (well, within weeks rather than months).
He was always open with his feelings and shared his hopes and vulnerabilities. He was also extremely positive and kind, Indie admired him very much.
Though he initiated most of their exchanges, Indie visited and stayed at Camp Dragonhead more often than work called for. Yeah they had a thing going on.
Then there's Thancred LOL.
He's not particularly open and honest with his feelings and has barriers up pretty much all of the time. Indie loves him, he's one of her closest friends, but they don't have that strong emotional connection (yet).
I'm so sure Thancred is a little bit in love with her, but until I see a glimmer of them sharing a moment in canon (give me just a little bit more to go on, game!), they'll remain bros... that flirt (Indie unwittingly). Honestly I'm excited to see where their relationship goes, I have no idea at this point XD
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(I can't get to pics of Indie at the moment so here's a cute picrew instead)
Thank you for the ask!
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nyarumi-nyan · 4 months
🤫 - what’s the silliest secret they have?
Hewwo @mimble-sparklepudding ⸜( ´ ꒳ ` )⸝ ♡
I actually had to think a bit about this ask, because I wasn't sure which one would fit into 'silliest' ones!
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For Satien I think the one that comes to mind is when he was traveling with his childhood friend Arya and they went to Gridania around the time of Starlight Celebration.
As someone who grew up in the East Shroud, Satien knew quite well what this festival was about, but didn't think much further than that. Because he had never celebrated it to begin with, nor did he think much about the traditions. They walked around due to a job they were taking care of and Arya spotted the odd looking twigs hanging from a few spots, so Satien explained that those were Mistletoes.
Not thinking much further than that as he was busy with planning the next steps that needed to be taken care of for the job... In the end she asked what they were about and Satien innocently mentioned that if you like someone you give them a kiss... while standing under them.
Well, let's say he didn't think this through, nor did he mention that it was meant for lovers.
So Satien found himself receiving a peck on his cheek.
Obviously, knowing how shy he is and how he thinks of her as a sibling, he instantly stepped back, blushing profusely and was utterly shook and flabbergasted. He lifted his hands and tried his best to... correct his explanation.
Needless to say, he doesn't speak about it and keeps it a secret.
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dearestcherry · 2 months
Magnai is looking at your muse in the eyes and, after a short hesitation, asks them if they’re his Nhaama. How do they answer?
for dreisseaux - magnai is not at all out of their type range. his strong personality and loving heart is certainly a good match for them. their shared caring for karakuls/lambs would probably be their biggest potential. dreisseaux is also beautiful, graceful, and their starry freckles may give the feeling of the night he searches for. unfortunately, his attitude is not entirely what they'd like. holding the powerful position he does, they already escaped the weight of their noble responsibilities once, and magnai reminds them of exactly that. had they both been in slightly different situations i could see them fitting well together. they'd be painfully polite about their rejection, and probably beat around the bush more than they should. they're all, "ah, that is such a wonderful question!" and "what a kind consideration!" until they have to finally say no. for cerise - no, just absolutely not. cerise and magnai are too similar when it comes to "dominant" personalities. they'd have a relationship similar to something like him and sadu. cerise could play into his cutesy role and put a big smile on his face, "i'm afraid not!" or he might go the complete opposite way and tell the actual truth. laugh at him, poke his chest mockingly and reject him very bluntly.
thank you so much, this was a joy to think about.
main scenario-related asks.
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sylaurin · 19 hours
Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them?
Hi, baby <3
Kabniel is not a huge fan of puzzles. She'll typically leave it up to the brainier people in the group like Alisaie or Kali.
thank you for the ask!
oc asks that reveal more than you think
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abyssalmermaiden · 1 year
☀️ (see them dressed for a heatwave or a hot country)
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How to survive desert afternoons- loose linen garments
thank you!!
screenshot meme
bonus shot because I love this area and the color scheme
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musesofawolf · 30 days
Your OC has their fortune read and the portents are distinctly ominous… (for Bryn)
Bryn sat there, across from the oracle, his expression stony as the old crone gave him a concerned look, her fingers tapping the cards that she had just read, a fortune of pain, suffering, and death. For a long moment, he sat there, staring at the cards, before he rose swiftly. She was startled by his quick movement, and he raised a hand as she too almost rose, and he motioned for her to stay seated, meeting her gaze with a cold stare.
"My life has already had its fill of misfortune," he growled out. "I was forced from my home, as a refugee, and thrown into the world as a child." His hands balled into fists against the table he leaned on, voice hard and calm. "But even as I faced impossible odds, even as I should have died, I pushed on. I survived. I lived."
He pointed to the Reaper card, to Death, and shook his head. "I am far too used to Death. Both in my life, and around me. Death and I are an old friend, yet he has not yet claimed me. And he won't." His finger shifted, to the Ten Swords, and he snorted. "Suffering? Really? Do you think a man who walks with Death has not had suffering in his life? No, suffering is a blanket, a friend, a constant state. You are telling me nothing new." Finally, his finger slid to the Tower, and he lifted his silver eyes slowly to hers. "I was there, the day Dalamud fell from the sky. The day I lost so many friends. That was the end of the man I was, the collapse of the world I knew."
He turned, away from the table, and looked over his shoulder, his eyes holding the fortune reader's gaze one last time. "Had your fortune proven good, I would have gladly accepted it. It would have been a nice change of pace. But this...this fortune, it means nothing to me. Because the truth is, and what you will never tell your customers, is we make our own fortunes."
And with that, he stepped from the tent, striding back into the crowds and festivities, refusing to let the fortune affect his mood as he blended into the crowd as he went to make his own fate.
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marshalforgotten · 2 months
tag drop, blog edition!
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chysgoda · 2 years
(@driftward) Ship meme, for Art’imis...
Aymeric. I am curious about how that dynamic would shake out.
Or Yugiri. What's that shape in the mirror.
Bel laid on her stomach reading the book uncle Artoriel had given her. Her mother sat on the bed next to her and stared at the wardrobe. Bel craned her head back to see how her mother’s lips pulled into a thin line and her eyebrows scrunched into the patch of ivory scales at the center of her forehead. Bel twitched her purple tail to the side to lay it alongside her mother’s sender ivory one. The young miqo’te girl placed the ribbon bookmark and closed her book. “He’s not like Ilberd.”
Art’imis expelled a breath somewhere between a huff and a laugh. “No, he’s not.”
Bel scowled when she noticed that her mom was picking at the scales on the back of her hands. She wriggled to get her knees under her and knelt up. She grasped one of her mom’s hands and pulled it towards her so that Art’imis couldn’t keep picking at herself. The paladin stared down at the hand Bel had claimed for a moment and then blew out a breath. She kissed the crown of Bel’s head and then rubbed the side of her horn against her daughter’s cheek.
They let the silence settle, soft and still between them. Eventually Art’imis sighed, “Well I know that you like him.”
“Mom!” Bel drew out the vowel into a whine, “I was ten!”
“Sorry darling,” Art’imis laughed and threw her arm around Bel’s shoulders, “seriously though, What do you think?”
Bel fussed with the end of her tail until her mother laid a hand over hers. “I think he’s kind. He never chuckles with the other nobles to keep face when someone makes a joke”- Bel raised her hands to make air quotes so aggressive she almost threw Art’imis’s arm off her shoulders - “about your scales or my ears. I know he can’t go with you when you have to be the Warrior Of Light, but he’d understand it and what it does to you.”
Art’imis hummed in thought and rested her chin on Bel’s head until the thirteen year old wriggled to get her to move. “Help me pick something out to wear?”
“Only if you never bring up that crush again.”
“Hmmmmmm, no promises.”
(The only person that doesn’t drag Bel about her school girl crush on Aymeric is Aymeric.)
Aymeric probably would have been who I shipped Art with ultimately except for one problem, I find Aymeric really really hard to write. Like to a stupid extent and I’m not sure why. On a character level though I think he would be patient and compassionate enough to wait for and help Art deal with her trauma (and Bel’s trauma) regarding the relationship with Ilberd. (Because I was evidently the only person who did NOT see that coming and I have inflicted that on Art’imis) Art was seriously messed up after the bloody banquet and it took her until 5.1 to get her feet back under her so she could trust a relationship again. With Aymeric I’d have to poke at it to get a feel for if that process would have sped up with him in a more romantically inclined role than a platonic one. As a couple I can see them working fairly well together. I can also see Edmont playing matchmaker just a bit because then he knows at least two of his kids are in a stable relationship. Also Aymeric as Bel’s adopted dad would be hilarious and adorable.
And now have some AU photos where Art’imis de Borel takes her husband to see the home of the twelve. (She’s pretty sure that there won’t be any trials while they’re there. Mostly sure. Well reasonably sure… okay she told him to bring the damn bow for a reason)
And here in particular she points out how you can see the tower that SOMEONE used to drag the scions to the first.
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sae-mian · 14 days
💤 eepy Hana pleaseeee
okay so MAYBE i underestimated how long it would take to respond to these with actual art, but-- OH WELL--
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your honour he is EEPY.
[OC outfit doodle asks]
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eemamminy-art · 3 months
Extremely difficult top 5: Top 5 butches
I've sat on this for a long time because I wasn't sure how I wanted to approach it! Do I pick real life butches, butches that are expressly called as such in their medias, or characters that I interpret as butch?
Ultimately, I opted for the last option, because I think that will be the most fun in terms of me trying to argue my case lol
Faris Scherwiz — Final Fantasy V
"James Kidd" / Mary Read — Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Agrias Oaks — Final Fantasy Tactics
Vi — Arcane
Zero — Final Fantasy XIV
Further rambling and pictures under the read more cut because oh my goodness this is. Long.
Faris Scherwiz — Final Fantasy V
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This character awoke things in a young me, playing a fan translated ROM of FFV. Faris is this pirate captain, initially presented as a beautiful man, later revealed to be the lost princess who made a new life for herself after being lost at sea.
She thinks of herself in masculine terms, and has an honor among thieves sort of outlook. She does put herself, her crew, and her friends first, but she's not so cowardly as to run away when she sees the world is at stake and there is a higher calling for her as a warrior of light. She's very loyal and brave, but lacks the chivalry of a knight.
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She's fearful to go back to the life she had before as a princess, because she loves the person she is now. The only thing that really gives her pause is that her sister very deeply wants a relationship with her, and she has reservations about growing close to her and thus to the life she left behind.
"James Kidd" / Mary Read — Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
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I know Mary Read was a real person but stick with me here. We all know AC plays fast and loose with portrayals of real life figures so I'll be proceeding as if talking about the fictional character, not the real life pirate.
When in her persona as James Kidd, he is as smarmy as can be on the outside, but hints that there is a deeper complexity to him. He's deeply enigmatic and flirtatious. He's clever, and drips juuust enough temptation to guide Edward onto the path of the assassins.
When she reveals herself to be a woman, she keeps the same demeanor as always. It's a secret she keeps close to her chest, and reveals it only to use her body to her advantage to create a distraction. Her dedication to her friends and to her freedom matters far more to her than her presentation.
I'm grateful that even despite the era in which this game came out, there's not a total personality switch after the reveal. She's still so much herself, regardless of how she physically appears or which names or pronouns she uses. She makes it clear that she considers herself a woman, in spite of how she normally presents, and she's just bursting with so much confidence. Goals, honestly. She's a hugely inspirational character to me.
Plus I mean. Oh my gosh. She has this rumbling, sultry voice with a Yorkshire accent. Swoon.
Agrias Oaks — Final Fantasy Tactics
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I want to first preface with an anecdote, that the lesbian subtext between Agrias and Ovelia is so overt that while growing up, my brother's best friend refused to believe Agrias was a woman and headcanoned her as a male knight to justify it in his head (he also headcanoned Ramza as being a woman to justify the gay subtext between him and Delita.. 😂 lmao FFT is extremely gay please play it)
But onto Agrias herself: she is really the textbook definition of a knight. She would give everything for her kingdom and her princess. She is lawful good to a fault, which is not an easy feat in the world of Ivalice. Chivalrous, devoted, stern but kind when it comes to Her Highness... 🥺
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So normal about them... they are like THE yuri ship in final fantasy, but not a lot of people played FFT!! 😭
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They even mention it in FFXIV in Orbonne Monastery... love wins......
Vi — Arcane
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Going to first say I don't play league of legends, mobas give me hives lol but Vi was phenomenal in Arcane. I am missing a lot of context for the character because of that though, so my take on her is purely based on her portrayal in Arcane.
She's headstrong, she lets her emotions get the better of her, she gets into fights, she's scrappy as hell, she's protective and devoted. What stands out sooo much is that, these are traits you might find in a male protagonist in other media, but the way Vi goes about it is just so in touch with her womanhood. Just a more masculine womanhood.
All of the characters in Arcane are written so well, but I found it very very refreshing for there to be so many well written women with all sorts of personalities and archetypes, and not just the usual tropes you see for female characters.
Zero — Final Fantasy XIV
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I waffled a little bit on this pick, because the butch identity is very much about demeanor as much as it is appearance-- if not more so.
Zero is a little bit of an odd duck in that way. She has some very vulnerable, sensitive moments. She's sometimes downright meek. Overall she is cool, confident, business-like, and has her own sense of morality forged by her losses, her time spent bound in contract as a voidsent, and the harsh world of the Thirteenth.
I admit, I initially found her softer moments a little off-putting. Putting it into perspective though, butches do have these moments of vulnerability and softness. It's something really key in the dynamic of butch and femme, that where butches are strong and protective, they need stability and soothing from femmes. A feminine strength to heal the damage that the world has inflicted on the butch while she stands as a shield to herself and other women.
I don't think it was the writers' intentions for her to read that way, I'm pretty sure this is me seeing what I want to see lol. But I think it's still nice! I only didn't notice at first because I play as a gay male wol so her being vulnerable with him activated my fight or flight response. But outside the context of my own OC as the warrior of light, in the context of maybe a female wol (or better yet an experienced and no-nonsense femme like Y'shtola 👀) it's really nice to think about. I think also the pacing of the Endwalker patches didn't do her many favors, but when given time to reflect on her character arc, I think there's a lot of room there, especially when interpreting her in the context of a butch/femme relationship.
She is also pretty new to the whole human thing. She's like a baby butch, still very soft. She can bite and hit hard, but when things break through her shell, they cut deep. Which makes her worthwhile adding to this list, in contrast to the others who are much more experienced and able to protect themselves and others.
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ainyan · 19 hours
1- Does Kali sleep with a stuffed animal/s? If so, which is her favorite?
Kali makes plushes; they're her very special hobby, and she prefers to make plushes of the people and creatures she's met. So it should be no surprise that she has made plushes of Thancred in all of his various incarnations - and that she sleeps with the original one she made, of a handsome, if irritating, silver-haired rogue from Ul'dah.
He may be a bit threadworn and much mended, but it's the only plush that graces her bed; the rest are scattered around her house on every surface available.
Thank you for the ask!
Curious what Kali might reveal? Ask away!
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alixennial · 4 months
for the oc asks: 14. Who was your OC's first love? How do they remember that person now?
Indie's First Romantic Love was the man she later married. Christos was an Imperial Officer who led the small unit occupying her homeland, a little island off the coast of Gyr Abania. A location such as this didn't call for a strong military presence, and was ideal for a Commander with an agenda contrary to his orders.
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Indie admired his ideals and respected the way he afforded dignity to her community. They became closer following the death of Indie's parents and eventually married - a very small intimate ceremony during which Christos gifted Indie her title.
Christos' military misconduct was uncovered just a few years into their marriage and he was made an example of; a warning shot to similar factions working in opposition to the Empire. Following his execution, it was a couple of years before Indie found the strength to kickstart her new life, which is when she travelled to Ul'dah to begin her 'adventuring' career.
Survivors guilt weighed heavily on Indie, believing she could have done more to prevent her husbands execution. But while she still has dark days, she's found ways of accepting her loss, spending time with her sadness, and remembering him. She often writes letters to him, to let him know that none of his efforts were in vain and to thank him for all his teachings. He will always be a part of her life, which is why she holds onto her title even now.
Thank you for the ask! I've messed around in the past trying to give Him a face so this was a nice opportunity to commit to his look. Finally XD
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