#ffxiv automaton queen
irwinxiv · 2 years
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A little fun in the firmament
Other shots under the cut ahha, I really like how poppy the yellows are.
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tonkilinux · 2 years
Ffxiv automaton queen
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8m: Wildfire → GCD → Barrel Stabilizer + Hypercharge.
6m: Wildfire → GCD → Barrel Stabilizer + Hypercharge.
4m: Wildfire → GCD → Barrel Stabilizer + Hypercharge.
2m: Wildfire + Hypercharge → GCD → Barrel Stabilizer.
Wildfire and Barrel Stabilizer setups with 3rd GCD Wildfire go as follows (2.50 GCD): However, it requires a 3rd or 4th GCD Wildfire in the opener to allow for the drifting without delaying Drills and Air Anchors and will miss out on some raid buff gains, so if no extra Hypercharge is gained it can turn out to be a loss. Drifting Wildfire, Early Barrel Stabilizerīy drifting Wildfire casts on purpose and changing the Wildfire setup depending on heat, it’s possible to get a faster Hypercharge without saving heat for the next Wildfire at specific kill times around 6:20-8:20. However, the first GCD shouldn’t be delayed just for the sake of getting the extra 100 potency. Example battery plans below:įlamethrower can be used during downtime to fish for a tick before re-engaging.
If the party does not have 60s or 180s buff windows to take advantage of, the first summon in the loop can be done at 50-70 battery in order to save 90-100 battery for a bigger burst at the next 120s window. 90-100 battery → Summon before Reassembled Drill.70-80 battery → Summon after Reassembled Drill.50-60 battery → Summon 1 GCDs after Reassembled Drill.The summoning timing needs to be adjusted slightly based on battery because Queen’s uptime varies with battery gauge: Since most raid buffs have either 120s or 180s cooldown, the easiest way to target both and avoid overcapping is to pair Queen with Reassemble every 60s. This means Queen needs to be summoned at least twice to avoid overcapping. The 120s rotation generates 150-160 battery depending on if we’re using 3 or 4 Hypercharges within that loop. The damage scales linearly with the battery gauge so it should be used to target favorable raid buff windows since Queen mirrors any buffs we are affected by, except Dragon Sight. If we’re anywhere between 65 and 100 heat at that point, we must Hypercharge to avoid overcapping.Īutomaton Queen (AQ) is another flexible burst ability. This means that unless we have at least 65 heat saved when Wildfire’s cooldown hits ~33s, the 4th Hypercharge must be skipped and heat saved for Wildfire to use it on cooldown. Generating 50 heat takes 10 heated shots and along with two Drills and one Anchor cast it takes a total of ~32.5s to accomplish. The heat allows 3-4 Hypercharge casts each loop but occasionally the 4th Hypercharge has to be skipped and heat saved for the upcoming Wildfire. Unfortunately the heat count doesn’t divide evenly with Hypercharge costs and results in some awkward alignments. Without any Hypercharges added, the 120s rotation would generate 195 heat from the Heated Shots with an additional 50 heat from Barrel Stabilizer for a total heat budget of 245 heat. It should not be used when Drill or Air Anchor cooldown is lower than 8 seconds to avoid delaying them.Įach cast costs 50 heat to use and 15 heat to execute because of the replaced Heated Shots for a total cost of 65 heat. Hypercharge (HC) should always be followed by 5 Heat Blasts that replace a segment of 3 combo GCDs. However, Wildfire cannot Critical or Direct Hit and gains nothing from raid buffs boosting those chances so it’s best to target multipliers such as Trick Attack or Embolden.Īs pointed out in the opener section, the position of Wildfire in the rotation can be modified to fit the encounter and party composition: The third option allows the best raid buff multiplier snapshot in the opener. The second option allows an earlier Wildfire in opener and certain Barrel Stabilizer setups. The first option is the most lenient timing wise (~0.25s longer error margin). Hypercharge → 1 Heat Blast → Wildfire → 4 Heat Blast → 2 GCD.Wildfire → 1 GCD → Hypercharge → 5 Heat Blast.Wildfire + Hypercharge → 5 Heat Blast → 1 GCD.There are three possible setups to achieve the 6 GCDs: However, buffs and debuffs are snapshot on application, not on explosion. Wildfire registers GCDs only when the damage is resolved on the target, so Drill and Air Anchor should be avoided as the last GCD in the sequence because their damage registers slower than other GCDs. To get the most out of Wildfire (WF), it needs to be paired with Hypercharge and fit 6 total GCDs.
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mythandral · 8 months
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I think Myth deserves a calm crafting break after ShB
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catnipfarm · 6 months
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winter wol/stephanivien collection
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xivartref · 1 year
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Automaton Queen
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just-pug-things · 1 year
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esteem🤝automaton queen
confusing FFXIV players
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dragons-bones · 18 days
FFXIV Write Entry #3: Levinstrike
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Prompt: tempest || Master Post || On AO3 (coming in October)
A/N: Spoilers through the beginning of zone five. Mentions of someone throwing up, but said mention is non-graphic.
*stares contemplatively at this prompt fill* ...yeah, I'm gonna run cover.
*runs for cover*
There were a lot of reasons for why Rereha was finding herself very much not liking Yyasulani.
First and foremost, of course, was the giant purple dome of fucking doom that had engulfed the region, spat out murderous magitek automatons led by an equally murderous patricide with a chip on his shoulder, and resulted in the heartbreak and misery of a multitude of Turali, including her darling new not-so-little sister, Lamaty’i. (Lamaty’i had dibs on Zoraal Ja’s head, but Rereha would gladly do a live retelling of how she’d killed Zenos at the edge of the universe with her bow, using that warmongering asshole as her “assistant.”)
Second was the fact that Erenville, normally a bastion of cool-headedness and acerbic wit that rode herd on them all better than even Heron, Queen of the ‘I’m Not Mad Just Disappointed’ Face, was currently a spooked, jumpy, and generally upset young man. With every step they took, Erenville grew tenser and tenser, until he was practically vibrating with it, and unable to mask just how shaken he was to see his home so strangely aged and decrepit. Rereha did not like to see her friends (even the ones who refused to acknowledge they were, actually, friends) upset. Someone needed to be made miserable for this. (Probably Zoraal Ja.)
Third was all the gods-forsaken levin within the confines of the dome. Static snapped and crackled and popped (hah, that had a nice ring to it, actually) across all of them, and across every surface, and the only reason they likely weren’t shocking themselves was the sheer amount of levin aether soaking into everything, even making it difficult to breathe. Synnove had summoned Ipomoea, and the unaspected carbuncle was carefully perched on her person’s shoulder while maintaining a light shield around their group to lessen the pressure of so much fucking levin on them.
Fourth, and newest on the list, was the fact that little Roksana—not quite so little as she had once been like a bitty squishy Heavensturn mochi, the steady infusions of aether over the years ensuring she and her sister were now two-thirds the size of Galette—had just spontaneously manifested at Synnove’s feet.
That is, by herself.
No Amandina.
Which had never, ever happened before.
Synnove’s face was doing the kind of journey between expressions that would likely result in a pulled muscle and would, under any other circumstance, be funny to witness, but right now just made Rereha feel ill.
Mommy, Roksana warbled, eyes huge and teary, something’s wrong with Amandina.
“Oh, fuck this place in the ear,” Rereha said under her breath as the party dissolved into chaos.
They had hurriedly backtracked to Yyasulani Station and holed up in one of the decaying buildings. Synnove had folded herself onto the floor cross-legged, her bracelet of carbuncle foci cupped in her hands, and had spent a full bell coaxing Amandina into manifesting.
The black pearl carbuncle looked terrible as Synnove gently cuddled her. Her ears and tails were drooping, the aetheric glow of her coat was dim and dusty with no sign of the pretty purple among the black strands of her fur, and her eyes and nose were gummy and crusty and just gross. The poor baby looked like how Rereha felt after one of those stupid parties she used to attend as a dumbass socialite fuckwit in Ul’dah, and she resisted the urge to swipe at her own nose.
Mommy, I [have a tummy ache.]
Amandina’s harmonic had warped and rippled, ringing with multiple tones of trying to translate an untranslatable concept. Now Rereha wanted to reach into her own brain and scratch frantically to relieve the itchiness hearing that had left in her grey matter.
“What,” Lamaty’i whispered, arm raised up to rub her temple across the leather embossing on her collar as her ears twitched at high speed, “the fuck.”
“Your mind essentially force-translated Amandina’s aetheric harmonic into words you can understand,” Krile said, blinking rapidly and reaching up to rub at her eyes.
“At least into the closest approximation,” G’raha said, scritching frantically at the back of his neck until Alisaie swatted his hand away.
Amadina groaned, turning in Synnove’s arms and pulling herself up so she could burrow her face into her mama’s neck. Synnove carefully adjusted her grip on the carbunclet, one hand supporting her butt and the other stroking her head and ears, while Roksana, who had been draped atop Synnove’s head like a weird hat, practically oozed down on top of her twin. Ipomoea, perched on Synnove’s knee, wore an unfocused expression that meant she was still in the middle of running a full diagnostic scan.
“It’s all this fucking levin,” Synnove growled. “Her aspect means she’s already highly sensitive to levin aether, sure, but none of the carbuncles have ever been somewhere where they’ve been exposed to such dangerous levels of their respective aspected aethers.”
“Not even in Eureka?” G’raha said, ears perking. “I would have thought Anemos and Pyros would have posed some danger to Galette and Ivar.”
Synnove shook her head.
“The density of elemental aether was unprecedented at the concentrations encountered on Val,” Krile said, “but it does not compare to what has happened to Yyasulani. Despite each region of the island being warped to reflect their elemental aspects, they were also balancing one another, which allowed such diversity in wildlife to continue thriving. The amount of levin here has essentially rendered Yyasulani…”
“…ecologically dead,” Erenville finished, voice flat and eyes shuttered, even as a shudder briefly shook his frame. Lamaty’i pulled him into a one-armed hug and for once, Erenville didn’t fight it.
(Rere wondered if Lamaty’i was adding items to her mental tally of crimes for which to hold Zoraal Ja responsible. Rere certainly was.)
[Suggestion: Mistress Synnove,] Ipomoea said, her harmonic oddly distant as she continued her scan of Amandina, [a temporary ward on Junior Construct Amandina’s aetheric input sub-array may provide relief of symptoms. Estimation: effectiveness currently calculated at fifty-three point six five seven percent.]
“We’ll get started on mapping that once you’ve finished your diagnostic,” Synnove said, continuing to stroke Amandina’s ears down along her spine. “Amandina, do you want to de-manifest?”
Noooooooo, Amandina whined. Mommy cuddles feel good.
[Observation: physical contact has decreased hazardous levels of levin in Junior Construct Amandina by three point eight percent.]
“Hmm, might be actually be siphoning it off,” Synnove muttered, then sighed. “Carrying Amandina isn’t ideal as we’re reconning, but perhaps—”
Static SNAPPED through the room, causing them all to jump. Amandina whimpered.
Mommy, I think I’m gonna throw up.
There was a flurry of movement as Roksana scrambled off her sister and jumped into Rereha’s outstretched arms, Ipomoea leaped backwards, and Synnove scrambled to her knees, pulling Amandina off her shoulder as Heron dove forward with a pot yanked off Erenville’s gleaner pack. Heron got the pot beneath Amandina’s face just in time, and the poor carbunclet made an awful HRRK noise as levin aether so concentrated it was a liquid poured from her mouth.
Synnove twitched, jerking her head up to the stare at the ceiling even as she kept petting Amandina and making soothing noises in her throat. Heron had gone grey, and Rereha distantly noted similar expressions on Alakhai, Alisaie, and G’raha.
Who was she kidding, she was wearing it, too. Good to know she wasn’t the only one fighting back a bad flashback to certain events on the First.
Seriously, fuck this place in the ear. With something hard and sandpapery.
…I kinda feel a little better. Amandina’s harmonic very softly drifted through Rere’s mind. The carbunclet’s upper body was still mostly in the pot, until Synnove carefully picked her up and set to cleaning her face.
“Mages, on me,” Synnove snapped. Krile, G’raha, and Alisaie darted into motion, with Alisaie digging into Synnove’s pack and emerging with chalk, graphite sticks, and scrap paper as Krile and G’raha began clearing a spot on the floor. Synnove walked forward on her knees, then sat again with Amandina curling into a miserable, sniffling ball in her lap at the edge of the new workspace. “We’re making that ward now, and I’ve even got an idea on how to adapt it for non-aetheric individuals like ourselves to make this shithole less awful for us. Sorry, Erenville.”
“No, you’re right,” the Shetona said, forcing himself into motion to begin setting up a temporary camp for them all. “This is a shithole now.”
“I’ll give Zoraal Ja an extra punch for you,” Lamaty’i said solemnly.
“I actually appreciate that,” Erenville said wrily. “Rereha, could you dispose of the pot? I’ve got another and I’d rather not try to salvage that one.”
“Can do,” Rere said, tucking Roksana under her arm and darting forward to grab the ruined pot by the handle. “Come on, kiddo, let’s go dig a hole.”
Oooooh, digging, yay!
Awww, the sound of Amandina’s grumbling followed them out the door. Being sick stinks.
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missiodei · 6 months
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Hello I'm offering YCH chibis for FFXIV characters. These start at $45 USD for lined flat colors, and $60 USD for lined rendered chibis.
You MAY ALSO order these for ocs and characters not related to FFXIV. You will still need to specify which posing you would like, and provide references of your character and their weapon(s).
Please click below to learn more.
If interested or if you have questions please contact me via Tumblr dms, my email @ [email protected] or discord if you have me added. You may also put in a request via Vgen, which will help me to get verified there.
Payment will be processed via Vgen if you place an order there. For all else, Paypal will be used.
A chibi of your character and their weapon of choice, lined and with flat colors. (Starting at $45.)
A chibi of your character and their weapon of choice, lined and rendered. (Starting at $60.)
You will receive the full-sized .png with a transparent background.
Slight modifications/alterations to the base pose may occur if the weapon would obscure too much of the body or face.
BLM includes the thunderball shown in the sample image free of charge.
More complex designs may incur additional fees.
Additional effects (flames, sparks, flowers etc.) will incur additional fees.
Vanilla Carbuncle/Egi/Fairy summons for SMN/SCH are an additional $5.
Bahamut/Phoenix summons, as well as modded summons (ie. Nald'Thal, Hades, etc.) will be counted as a second character and charged/calculated as such (ie. Bahamut/Phoenix will be $45 or $60. Hades/Nald'Thal summons will be the base of $45 or $60, plus extra for how complex they are.)
Vanilla MCH Automaton Queen will be treated and charged as an additional character.
Vanilla RPR avatar is an additional $5. Any modded avatars, depending on how complex, may incur additional fees or be charged as an additional character.
Fray or any modded Living Shadow will be charged and treated as an additional character for DRK.
I could mix and match poses (ie draw a caster with the drg/sam pose), though this may incur additional fees if it requires me to redraw much of the base.
All transactions/Communication are via PayPal/Tumblr DMs/Email/Vgen.
I will draw all FFXIV races.
I will draw NPCs.
I will draw modded characters.
I don't mind topless characters including those with breasts, but I will not draw genitals. The vanilla look for the Emperor's New Breeches is what I will draw for bottoms if you want them near-nude.
I will not draw sexual content.
Please view my ToS here.
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no one asked but here are all of WxS's ffxiv jobs in my mind btw (based solely on vibes and what i know of the jobs, not party comp):
Tsukasa Tenma: Bard
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Rui Kamishiro: Machinist (Robo-Nene is Automaton Queen and she tanks btw)
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Nene Kusanagi: Sage
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Emu Otori: Pictomancer
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(this one doesn't have a transparent lol)
this is niche as fuck and i'd love to discuss if there is literally anyone else at all who plays both pjsk and ffxiv lol. hope u see the vision
also not WxS but honami is an astrologian
(now with pictures)
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kc5rings · 10 months
you've probably been told this before but the machinist job in ffxiv has an ability that summons an automaton queen that fights with a pile bunker
because it is a lvl 80 ability there is no lore reason for her existence other than "the player character made it up"
Oh I’m very familiar with the Automaton Queen and got super excited when they introduced it and I saw a pilebunker. Machinist was my first max level class and I still have a lot of affection for it, even if other classes kits actually work better for me
Also thanks for giving me an excuse to show off my girl Jagged’s gun nun glam, which I’m still very proud of
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May The Fury have mercy
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Because I will not.
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lifesver · 8 months
wasted so much time assigning the tcsm friend group/my friends' muses as ffxiv classes:
leland - paladin boy i shan't lie. just some guy with a sword and shield that is very devoted. he's your offtank that stands beside u and puts cover on the main tank or the healer or dps to take the hit and is like [coughing up blood with 8 vuln stacks] im good (: also bc standing in front of the squad w paladin protective light wings goes crazy. paladins aren't always the best main tanks but they are great support offtanks and have a ton of healing/shielding abilities like intervention. can take the heat off you by redirecting damage that u would have taken straight onto himself. tank stance called iron will (: he could also be a gunbreaker bc thancred sexy dumbass gnb energies but i just dont think we should let him have a gun.
connie - machinist or summoner - i just think that connie should get to have a gun that she built herself and also automaton queen to defend her who she also built herself. machinists are specialist dps that are not very tanky bc they're phys ranged but they do big numbers. they're versatile and mobile and also she gets a flamethrower and poison? also ability called wildfire teehees. mch whole thing is just rebelling against the lame people who dont want u to invent new shit but u do it anyway. i think she could also be a summoner bc she gets a lil carbuncle bestie. and yeah the weapon is a book but she can summon the primals like a big phoenix nbd. also a lot of party utility in that she can buff the team's attack and healing, resurrect people, and heal.
danny - dark knight - danny (renee's danny TO BE CLEAR) is a tank be so for real. the whole dark knight thing is no matter what i will always be with you protecting you. not to call him out but you have to be Inherently Going Through it to even be a dark knight. it's also like, the rebel tank class compared to the more royal guard types... their tank stance is also called 'grit'. their visual theming is all shadowy but in the most 'i love u i am ur tank' way. u can summon fray who is like shadow u to fight with u. u can put the blackest night on ur teammates to protect them. also ur invuln ability? it's called living dead and you straight up have to die to activate it and if the timer runs out without u getting healed u fuckin Die for real. but if you do enough dps to heal urself/ur healers care u you come back to life with even more dps
maria - white mage - white mage is a nature magic healer, who can channel elements and light, and is the strongest pure healer in the game. earliest whm quests are about going around healing dark places in nature and being in tune w the natural world. also got some holy energies bc ur abilities turn to bright light at a later level. uses light magic angel wings to protect their team and can summon a big flower that heals everyone. uses lilies to heal teammates, which powers up the b l o o d l i l y bar so u can cast afflatus misery and nuke an enemy after you do a certain amount of healing. whm rly like The Most Healer but also every whm i know including me goes a bit sadistic sometimes bc we do super big dps for a healer- anyway
donnie - gunbreaker - wait the truth is donnie is the sexy foolish thancred energy required to be a gunbreaker. ur weapon? a gun that's also a sword that shoots magic rounds that come from ur own aether/life force bro. gnbs have a lot of utility and are more dps-y thank some other tanks are. all the gnb mains i know are chaotic tbh. idk their abilities also go sicko mode w the names. demon edge? demon slaughter? no mercy? brutal shell? heart of light/heart of stone/heart of corundum? also superbolide is their invulnerability and u know what u do? u shoot urself with ur own gun go down to 1hp and are invincible for a time. gunbreakers are like bodyguards for hire in their story they are kind of doing their own thing and sticking to loyalty to their homies which feels donnie. to be fair i can also see bard bc musician moment but i also see dragoon bc chaotic melee player vibes. dragoons are called floor tanks for a reason bc they are tanking the floor dead-
johnny - warrior bc warriors pull up with their giant battle axe are feral and unkillable and then they hit that rage mode (inner release/infuriate etc) where their eyes go red and their dps skyrockets. they have literally so many mitigations that heal both themselves and their teammates that usually scale in healing by how much damage they do to an enemy. like mmm blood. delicious. im so for real tho when im healing a warrior in a dungeon they pull wall to wall enemies and i barely have to heal them if they're good. their abilities are called shit like shake it off, bloodwhetting, onslaught, berserk, primal rend, decimate, thrill of battle, overpower, u see what im getting at bro. also their tank stance is called defiance. ur just going sicko mode but also ur protecting ur homies.
ana - monk or warrior - i know that ana is A Tank but i don't know if any of them are truly The Vision. but melee dps are basically tanks and have the highest aggro so like. if the tanks die the boss immediately turns around to beat ur ass-- no but monks are very versatile. they are tanky martial artists who also provide team utility and have a lot of ways of healing/protecting themselves. all the monk players i know will be surviving shit they never should have survived i will tell u that. anyway i think she could also be a warrior bc warriors never die they have 50435345245 mitigations and they can also protect their their team. pain is nothing bitch-
sonny - scholar - sonny is giving 'tired but dedicated shield healer' energy so sincerely. scholars weapon is a book, their intellect, and a fairy summon that heals the team. scholar is a technical class with a lot of versatility and utility, can buff the team, can make em run super fast to escape boss mechs, can put down giga shields, can clutch save ur dumbass tanks life. can cover a lot of areas, do a bit of everything. i also think it's so cute to think of sonny w his little fairy eos/selene.
julie - dancer - julie is fr sure dancer bc everyone wants to be dance-partnered by her bc being dance partner means she gives you special buffs. and also she's hot. dancer is also super team utility focused, they do less damage overall in exchange for buffing her teammates, being able to heal and shield as well. very mobile, uses funky chakrams for weapons. playing dancer is hilarious sometimes im like [dancing and crying while my teammates are dying around me]
if danny gaines was here he would probably be machinist tbh as you can see i put effort in here-
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desertleviathan · 2 years
FFXIV players. What combos of jobs on a team fulfill your cravings for conceptual synergy? I'm not talking about mechanical compatibility necessarily. I mean like, what combos when you zone into a duty make you go "Oh nice, this team fits [pattern]?"
Some examples:
Team Heavensward - Tank: Dark Knight - DPS 1: Dragoon - DPS 2: Machinist - Healer: Astrologian (The idea being that three classes were introduced in that expansion and have class stories heavily tied to it, and the fourth was the sort of mascot class for that expansion, which the Meteor Survivor used in the HW trailer.)
Team DARKNESS - Tank: Dark Knight - DPS 1: Black Mage - DPS 2: Reaper - Healer: Astrologian (Everyone here is in some way empowered by Darkness and/or Night. A ninja would be an acceptable substitute for either DPS, owing to the use of shadow clones and stealth, but Black Mage and Reaper are the more obvious choices.) Team GUN - Tank: Gunbreaker - DPS 1: Machinist - DPS 2: (any - or another Machinist I guess) - Healer: Sage (Pew pew pew! Blam! Zzzap! Kapow! BOOM!!!) Team Gyr Abania - Tank: Warrior - DPS 1: Monk - DPS 2: Red Mage - Healer: (any) (A regional team based on jobs either native to Ala Mhigo or to the Hellsguard clans in the neighboring mountains.)
Team Rainbow Mage - Tank: (any - or a Blue Mage in Tank configuration, if you're willing to accept the associated duty limitations) - DPS 1: Black Mage - DPS 2: Red Mage - Healer: White Mage (If your name is (color) Mage, welcome to the company.)
Team Original Scions Tank: Paladin DPS 1: Monk DPS 2: Black Mage Healer: White Mage (To reflect Thancred, Yda, Papalymo, and Y'shtola, of course! I know, I know, Thancred swapped from weird dagger-Gladiator to Rogue as soon as he had a chance. Also, a DPS or Healer can be substituted for a Summoner or Scholar respectively, representing how like half the Scions lineup was Arcanists at one point.) Team Draconic Power Sources - Tank: (any) - DPS 1: Summoner - DPS 2: Dragoon - Healer: (any) (For optimal value, this combo must occur during the dungeon Paglth'an, so Tiamat can give you both wicked side-eye.)
Team Bonus Teammates - Tank: Dark Knight - DPS 1: Summoner - DPS 2: Machinist - Healer: Scholar (Your objective here is to have Fray, Bahamut/Phoenix, the Automaton Queen, and the Big Fairy all deployed at once. No /petsize all small, go big or go home!)
Team New Kids - Tank: Gunbreaker - DPS 1: Dancer - DPS 2: Reaper - Healer: Sage (Only classes from the last two expansions, please and thank you.)
Team Graduated From Limsa Lominsa - Tank: Warrior - DPS 1: Ninja - DPS 2: Summoner - Healer: Scholar (Everyone here started their careers at the Arcanists, Marauders, or Rogues guilds obviously. The only starting city whose base classes can cover a full Light Party, since Gridania lacks Tanks and Ul'dah lacks Healers.) Team Full Armor Coverage - Tank: (any) - DPS 1: Dragoon or Reaper - DPS 2: Monk or Samurai - DPS 3: Ninja - DPS 4: Bard, Dancer, or Machinist - DPS 5: Black Mage, Red Mage, or Summoner - Healer 1: (any - optional, Astrologian or White Mage) - Healer 2: (any - optional, Sage or Scholar) (For Alliance Raids only. Your goal here is to cover all seven types of Armor - Fending, Maiming, Striking, Scouting, Aiming, Casting, and Healing. And for bonus points, having a "Pure" Healer and a "Shield" Healer if you want maximum diversity.)
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havocpioneer · 2 years
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Friend's WoL machinist
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mythandral · 2 months
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lots of new tech upgrades to think about!
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catnipfarm · 1 year
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i did this for father's day LOL.... robot children
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xivartref · 1 year
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Automaton Queen
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