#fic: supernatural au
ghostlynimbus 1 month
Woke up today filled with supernatural creatures au motivation so mayhaps ch 2 will be out this weekend after all
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ghostlynimbus 2 months
I've been struggling with writing the last few days and my tummy is upset so I'm going to watch twilight and call it research for my supernatural creatures au
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ghostlynimbus 2 months
Trying to get into the right headspace to work on the next vote (From Ashes) so im listening to the AU playlist again
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ghostlynimbus 2 months
My general playlist for my Supernatural Creatures AU (including the fic From Ashes)
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ghostlynimbus 5 months
im gonna try and work on some art of fairy steve from my supernatural au
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ghostlynimbus 9 months
I voted for supernatural AU but it was by a razor thin margin over wings AU just fyi
Thank you for letting me know, it's helpful to know people's second choices too! If I could I would let people pick more than one option for polls, because it can be so hard to decide on just one sometimes.
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ghostlynimbus 10 months
馃槨which fic did the characters control the most (like you wrote a whole ass plan AND THEY DECIDED TO FUCK IT UP)?
Thank you for the ask!
I know I haven't posted much of it yet, but probably my supernatural au.
This thing was supposed to just be a quick/silly Twilight AU and now it's actually probably my biggest folder despite having only written one and a half chapters so far (i have so so many notes about the timeline and the backstories and the rules of the magic and all that).
All because the characters decided to say "but wouldn't it be fun if..." and then the bastards were right.
The Ask Game
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ghostlynimbus 1 year
Supernatural AU Poll
Sorry this is long, I suck at being concise.
I am planning this thing to be a series of interconnected fics (of varying lengths), the different fics in the series will focus on different characters and different parts of the overall story.
I have not been working on these fics in chronological order, and that is unlikely to change.
So with regards to posting these fics would y'all prefer I post them as I work on them (knowing that reading some of the chronologically later fics may spoil things about the chronologically earlier fics) or would y'all prefer I post them in chronological order to the best of my ability (i can't guarantee that i wont at a later date decide to add more prequels)?
So for example,
If going in a more chronological order we'd start with a Billy-centric Harringrove fic that starts when Billy and Max move to Hawkins. After we're well into that (and possibly others), we'd eventually get to a Hellcheer fic focusing more on Eddie and Chrissy. However I already have part of that eddissy fic written, so if we're okay with going out of order and getting a bit of spoilers for earlier stuff the first chapter of that could be posted as soon as it's finished (possibly before the first chapter of the billy centric one, definitely before the timeline lines up)
I might not follow the results of this poll but I am curious to know how others feel about it.
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ghostlynimbus 1 year
I think I'm going to work on my supernatural au today
AU Hub
music inspo for the day
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ghostlynimbus 1 year
When I get to the photoset that includes Steve, do I fancast his parents or just give them placeholders?
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ghostlynimbus 1 year
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The Witches of Hawkins
Witches are an excellent source for all manner of magical curio, including (but certainly not limited to) magical trinkets that allow vampires to safely be exposed to sunlight, and potions that help werewolves maintain control through full moons.
Ghost's Supernatural AU Masterpost
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ghostlynimbus 1 year
Ghost's ST Supernatural AU Masterpost
Since I've been posting photosets it seemed like a good time to make one of these so things are easier to find.
I'm hoping to write some fic in this AU eventually, and if anyone else wants to do anything please feel free (just please credit as appropriate and send me a link so I can add your stuff to the masterpost).
Also please feel free to send me asks about this. I would love to ramble about it.
Mr Harrington, Mrs Harrington, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley
Vampires: The Eleven Clan
El Hopper, Jim Hopper, Joyce Byers, Jonathan Byers, Will Byers, Nancy Wheeler, Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair, Erica Sinclair, Dustin Henderson
Vampires: The Kali Clan
Kali Prasad, Axel, Funshine, Mick, Dottie
Benny Hammond, Eddie Munson, Wayne Munson
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ghostlynimbus 1 year
so i know i said i didnt want to spoil too much with my supernatural au just the other day but what if i made photosets spoiling what kinda monsters everyone is?
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ghostlynimbus 1 year
Been doing some worldbuilding for my supernatural au and I wanna share it but I also don't wanna spoil anything in case I ever actually get around to writing and posting things.
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ghostlynimbus 2 years
i just realized i havent figured out what Murray and Alexei should be in my supernatural AU.
hmm... any thoughts/suggestions?
I think I want to have Murray be someone who started off as human. Whether he gets turned into something else before the start of the story or during the course of the story or maybe even not at all I'm not sure about but I think I do want him to be someone who at some point was 100% human.
So that means any strictly hereditary conditions/species are out but anything he could be turned into could be considered. (Vampires, Witches, and Werewolves are the three main types of supernaturals in this AU, but there are others and im open to murray being something more uncommon.)
Alexei could be whatever, might dig around in russian lore for some ideas.
Oh and Argyle! I still havent decided what he's gonna be...
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ghostlynimbus 2 years
Might have asked this before but any thoughts on what eras Steve (fae) and Dustin (vampire) should be from?
Steve needs to be from before 1845 (for plot reasons). As for Dustin...
I was thinking somewhere between 1960-1990? I'm open to earlier but probably not later (bc he's older than robin in this au and she's from the 90s)
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